#in relation to my hormone cycle
nordfjording · 1 year
hi, I've read a systematic review and it concluded there wasn't any effect of menstruation on exercise. If one has pains that might hinder, but there's nothing else that causes that. if you don't believe me look for systemic reviews/research papers and stuff. Remember that there are single studies that say the earth is flat, you want to read systemic reviews
I can only speak for my own extremely anecdotal experience that things like pain during menstruation sure but also the sometimes mildly extreme energy fluctuations between follicular (cocaine-addled lab rat pushing an electic stim button over and over on 3hrs of sleep) and luteal (recovery position staring at my bedroom wall too tired to turn over and check the clock which is just as well because the alternative would be to get up and drown myself in the fjord) has some effect on my workout regime.
And I understand that me not seeing this connection vs thinking it was all in my own head and I needed to just kick my lazy ass into gear doesn't mean it's a systemic failure of communication. I just think it would have been nice to have been given some clues earlier in life, rather than the effect of my hormone cycle on physical output being reduced to continuous harping that your uterus wringing itself of blood and mucus is no excuse to skip a workout. And I get bitter sometimes.
I'm sorry if my previous post suggested I was talking about something else.
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seilon · 1 month
I wish I could tell every young person with a uterus (especially with bad cramps and/or dysphoria and/or depression, etc) that there is a decent chance they just straight up don’t need to live with that. don’t let the stigma surrounding contraceptives and the expectation that you should just ride it out and suffer win. for the love of god if there’s a chance you can lighten or even stop your period and it’s symptoms all-together, unless there’s a legit health concern, your doctor should at least make you aware of that option. I want every young person to know that “birth control” is not just for birth control and it has the potential to make your life infinitely easier to live. do not give in to anti-pill propaganda im serious
#kibumblabs#I remember being in late high school and my doctor suggesting it because of how terrible my dysphoria/related depressive episodes related to#menstrual cycle shit is. and like. im not saying it was a flawless transition but good god im serious it changed my fucking life#not to the extent testosterone would but it was still like. a Big Deal#because I was like. what the fuck. I’ve been suffering through this shit for years. and no one told me this was a thing? we’re all just#expected to suffer? because it’s ‘Normal’????#this whole time I could just. turn the bleeding off. or at least Down. turn off the debilitating breast soreness and swelling. etc.#anyway im not sure why im thinking about this but#i guess every time i hear someone (without any known health issues that’d interfere) like ah time for my monthly Week Of Pain And Misery#i want to shake them by the shoulders like. YOU DONT NEED TO LIVE LIKE THIS. PLEASE I JUST WANT YOU TO BE AWARE OF THIS.#and yes i know it doesn’t work for everyone or sometimes there’s side effects that make it not worth it or what have you#but for a huge huge huge amount of people. they just don’t know it’s an option. because it’s labelled Birth Control. and because there’s#this long-standing quiet fear mongering about it that makes it seem more dangerous and sinister and promiscuous than it is#similar in a lot of ways to other stigmatized hormone treatments. like. well. you know#doesn’t help that when you first get your prescription it comes with the worlds biggest list of Potential Issues (most of which are either#minor temporary or unlikely)#grahhghhhhhhhhh anyway. on a seperate but related note shout out to my fellow tboys who either didn’t have their periods totally stop on t#or (like in my case) they came back after like Years for whatever reason and that had to be dealt with via supplementary contraceptives#cw menstruation
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wild-at-mind · 1 year
(this is about trans stuff)
Probably need to get counselling about the fact that I’m so scared that my hormone balance is my personality.
#the cycle#so like i tend to associate my feelings with the Cycle position (menstral) that i happen to be in#so i feel strong and confiden and vivacious? upswing towards ovulation#sad and delicate? downswing towards menstruation#just being biologically essentialist or whatever some people say#thing is a lot of stuff about the effect of trans related HRT can read a little :/ if you're not feeling it#so the obvious example is gendercritical assholes saying trans women talking about feeling more emotional after starting hrt is misogyny#i actually think being emotional is not a bad thing tbh so they are tipping their own hands there#and also actually a lot of trans women seem to associate this change with positive things#but i'm talking about the way people talk about testosterone#a lot of people talk about the effects like it totally changed their personality tbh even if they don't realise it#it's scary like are our personalities our hormones????#someone on this ftm group i'm on said they were having difficulty forming romantic connections with people after a couple of years on T#and people were like 'well you're just aromantic it's fine! oh you weren't before HRT? well this is what your true#authentic self is then don't worry about it!'#like to be clear it was unclear from the post whether this guy needed reassurance that being aromantic is normal#or if he was bothered by it and wanted to change it#if first then the responses are fine#but if 2nd then .....wtf are the implications of this? is our sexuality and romantic inclination ALSO our hormones???#i don't think i'm wrong or crazy to feel weird about the idea of my personality changing and that my hormomes might be effecting it#kind of like how my personality is always shaped by depression and/or medication i'm taking for it#but it's scary like i only just got to know this brain i can't change it i'm FREAKING OUT#i feel like other trans people wouldn't want to talk to me about this because it sounds like i'm saying transphobic talking points. :(#but i really am scared of my personality changing.#if i go on t that is#can anyone talk to me about this on here?
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 years
can't wait to once again bring my uterus plushy (nicknamed plinius the uterus which is a play on my guy pliny the elder) to the hospital when i get my iud replaced
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graceofagodswrath · 1 year
Menstrual Cycles and Aliens
“I apologize, but Williams is doing what?”
Kate sighed, brown eyes rolling at Ka’oolai’s stiff confusion. “Bleeding Niagara Falls out of her uterus. She’s gonna need a couple days.”
“Katy.” Jasmine hissed. “That is not how you explain this shit to people.”
Kate’s lips thinned in exasperation. “It makes them listen! God knows how many times I had to describe it so graphically to get all the men in my family to understand that you can’t just ‘suck it up!’”
The three sat in the dining lounge, a room on the transport ship meant for relaxation for workers on their breaks. Ka’looai, the ship’s second-in-command, had inquired about Pilot William’s ask for absence. Kate Blanche, the engineer and second roommate to De’maya, had answered in her usually blunt way. Luckily, The third roommate and Quartermaster of the ship, Jasmine Lativos, had been there to cushion Ka’looai’s immediate confusion.
Ka’looai held up their four hands to the two humans, insectoid limbs the notable deep, iridescent purple of their native race, Yamogai. They resembled a mix of a beetle and praying mantis, tall with hard, spiny exoskeletons. They displayed a variety of colors like humans (tho more vibrant), but the most common was purple.
“I apologize… I do not understand. Does Pilot Williams have an open wound? Do they need to go to the medibay?” Ka’looai’s voice sounded like the vibrating of beating wings, so they had to pronunciate other languages precisely in order to be understood. So they spoke slowly and with a deliberate concentration. This voice also gave way to an accent that made them pronounce certain letters like ‘v’s. There was a running joke with humans that Yamogai were related to Germans, as their accents were similar when speaking English.
Jasmine shook her head. “No. She’s experiencing a part of her menstrual cycle, the human female reproductive cycle.” Ka’looai cocked their head, so Jasmine continued. “Every month, we expel the inside lining of our uterus, the organ that develops a human fetus if the female is pregnant. If a female isn’t pregnant, our uterus removes the old lining of tissue and blood and gets rid of it from our body to create a new lining in case she does become pregnant. It’s the same muscle contractions as childbirth, though at a smaller fraction. This process can be extremely painful for some, if not most people, and De’maya is one of them. So she just needs some time off to deal with and recover from this experience.”
Ka’looai stared for a moment, mantis-like eyes seeming to stare through the humans souls. “I… see. I will inform the captain, then. Is there anything else we must know about this… event? I assume you two experience it as well as you said every human female does?”
Kate shrugged, long brown braid shifting in her shoulders. “Mine isn’t so bad usually. I’m one of the lucky ones. I get irritable and the occasional back pains, but I don’t need time off recuperate necessarily.”
Jasmine smiled, more of grimace for those experienced in reading human expressions. “Annoyed. Aggressive. The process increases the amount of estrogen and testosterone in our bodies, hormones that can heavily influence our emotional states. So we can be a bit…” Jasmine paused to think. “Intense.”
“Ah.” Ka’looai’s antennae twitched emphatically. “That is why I sensed the rise in strange pheromones. So this increase of chemicals affects you physically, emotionally, and mentally. I see why Pilot Williams asked for an absence then. Will the two of you require the same?”
Jasmine made an expression that Ka’looai could not understands. She bared her teeth while narrowing here eyes and scrunching her nose, dark skin wrinkling. Her hands rolled synchronously back and forth, a gesture the Yamogai recognized as a sign for uncertainty. “My cycle is more chaotic. Many factors can influence the way it is, and I tend to be influenced heavily by those.” She gestured at the other human. “Whereas Kate’s average is light and less painful, and De’maya’s average is heavy and extreme pain, mine can be either depending on my situation. If I’m stressed and haven’t taken care of myself, it’s usually pretty painful. If the opposite, I can usually function pain free. It depends.”
“What do you mean by light and heavy?”
“That refers to the amount of blood and tissue we expel. Light is very little, medium is a bit more, heavy means a lot. Some people have more lining than others. The heavier the flow can also increase the amount of pain.”
“Is this process different for every human?”
Both women nodded.
“And you still work through such obstacles?”
“Pretty much.” Jasmine confirmed.
“Interesting.” Ka’looai hummed, the sound vibrating the air rhythmically. “So human females expel a large amount of their own blood and tissue every month simply for not reproducing. And it is incredibly painful, yet some of you still function through it. No wonder females are in higher demand than males. You are a hardy species.” Their laugh sounded like the erratic buzzing of fly multiplied by ten. “Is there anything else I need to know?”
“Oh, there’s a shit ton if you wanna properly educate yourself on human reproduction.” Kate waved a scarred, oil darkened hand. “But Jaz gave you the basics. Hah, you may know and understand it better than the average human male.” Kate chuckled dryly and Jasmine huffed. “But that’s a debate hole that can be saved for another time.”
“If you want to learn more, read some human biology books, and we can answer any questions you have.” Said Jasmine. “Make sure they’re recent ones tho, the outdated ones are full of a lot of misinformation.”
“I see. I will do so. Human biology continues to fascinate. I have always found learning about other races to be rather intriguing, and humans never disappoint.”
“Yeup.” Kate leaned back and threw her arms behind her head. “Just don’t start making jokes about us leaving puddles and shit everywhere, or not being trusted behind the wheel.” Her eyes narrowed and she bared her teeth in a not-friendly-smile. “I will commit some “transgressions,” if so.”
Ka’looai’s antennae twitched. “Understood.”
I’m currently going through this month’s rounds, and felt like distracting myself. Finally had the motivation to write and of course it was during a shitty time of my life. Needed me some alien feels that understand my woes better than my own family. I know this prompt has been done a lot, but I wanted to give my own take on it.
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fandomsandfeminism · 2 years
"Romeo and Juliets romance is just so unrealistic! It's not what a romance is like in MY experience!"
Oh? Oh really? You, adult living in 2022, you never went to a fancy Venetian masquerade in the 1590s and met a mysterious stranger and then your first conversation spontaneously forms a perfect sonnet? That's not a totally relatable experience for you?
Is Macbeth unrealistic because of the witches? Is Midsummer unrealistic because of the love potion?
Like, there's no explicit magic in Romeo and Juliet, but it still exists in a heightened reality, and overlooking the role that language plays within the text itself kneecaps your analysis of the intent.
When we hear of Romeo, his dad and friends are discussing his recent sad mood- he's upset because the girl he likes has no interest in him. His friends try to distract him from it with a party, but dont really seem to...connect with or fully empathize with his sadness. When we first hear of Juliet, her father and Paris are planning her marriage (without her input.) They are both talked about but not really listened to. The way they are spoken about isolates them from others.
Then they meet, and with no knowledge of each other, not even their names, they click into perfect rhythm. They finish each other rhymes. They form perfect ABAB quatrains in conversation, their sentences form a rhyming *couplet* at the end.
You know the song Ana sings with Hans in Frozen? Love is an open door? We finish each others- Sandwiches? Yeah- it's riffing on this. The idea that you meet someone perfect and right away your souls can make poetry together. The immediate intimacy of being so in sync that your introduction is a love poem.
I don't know, yall. Romeo and Juliet isn't a gritty hyper-realistic Oscar nominated docu-drama. It teters on the edge of fairy tale and myth, it leans on its language to convey deeper emotional truths that a 5 act play doesn't have the time to develop as deeply as we, in our world of movie montages and long form TV, are more accustomed to. This isn't a slow burn, pining, enemies to friends to lovers. It's soul mates love at first sight, and when you accept that, the play can get on with the business of saying what it wants to say about hate and the cycle of violence and social rules and decorum and how grudges and blood fueds can destroy the magic in the world if we let it.
"It doesn't matter if they are really in love. They should be allowed to be stupid hormonal teenagers without dying" I see many people say, and while I think that sentiment is true, I DO think it matters that they are in love. I think it matters that their meeting sparks a sonnet, and that poetry is snuffed out by the violence around them.
I think it matters that what they had wasn't an arranged marriage or a "good match" made by approving friends- that it was spontaneous and instant and inexplicable, but that the world couldn't let that be because it defied all the rules. Because it wasn't set up by parents and wasn't politically convenient, because it wasn't part of a proper, prolonged courtship with chaperones and social approval- it was love and poetry that defied all of that and so it was snuffed out. That they are pushed to such extremes not just by the killings, but by Juliets impending engagement to Paris, they have to act now because their love doesnt fit into the proper pattern set out by society- I think that matters.
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
I came across some videos of bf and gf trying period pains simulator at the same time and the difference between how the guys react and the girls react are almost funny. Like, the guys are there fighting for their lives and the girls are like yeah that's pretty accurate. I know Lance's arc is the one this relates the most to, but it actually got me imagining Pierre and Charles doing something like this. Or should I say their gf making them try at the same time as them to gauge their reactions. They'd have new level of empathy for their girls after this, I'm sure!
Cw: periods (pain, blood, medications), curse words
Note: I'm currently on my cycle, so the increase of empathy for these things is very much relevant
"Well, you're always wondering how they feel, so I got this machine thingy that apparently simulates period cramps", you added as Charles sat next to you on the sofa, "how do I know you're not bullshitting me?", he mused, "this can gave two people at the same time, so I'll also be feeling like you feel", you explained.
Grabbing the small stickers, you put them in your lower abdomen before doing the same to Charles, "now you're just feeling me up", he teased, "it's nice, can you blame me?", you smirked, making sure it was properly sticked on.
"Ready?", you questioned before turning it up, starting lightly, "Oh, are you sure they are this bad?", Charles groaned, holding his stomach and curling around himself, "That's not even the worst, Charles!", you offered.
"Okay, give me the worst, I'm ready!", Charles psyched himself before nodding, Ready to accept whatever pain went through him, loudly yelling when you turned it up, "Argh! Stop stop stop!", he pleaded as you turned off the machine, "how can you be so calm?".
"I'm used to it, amour. I've had my period since I was 11, and they were only pain-free for about a year or so", you offered, shrugging your shoulders, "and you didn't even experience it for a long time, with blood and changes and accidents", you said as you removed the sticker pads.
"Everything you need, amour, in that time of the month, you let me know and we'll do just that", he pulled you in to have a cuddle, kissing your forehead multiple times, "your body goes through a lot monthly, amour, so many hormones and medications. I mean, can you even take anything that completely takes the pain away?".
"Sometimes, it isn't that bad all the time. I've tried the pill, but it made me feel weird because of the hormones and I stopped", you reasoned, "it was just finding what worked for me and working with it", you shrugged your shoulders. It was truly something you knew you had to deal with, so you made peace with it pretty early on.
"I love you, Y/N. You're the best", he said, kissing your forehead repeatedly and rubbing your tummy, "you're the best".
(Thank you for your submission ✨️)
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WIBTA for using my status as an agender person to get a surgery I want although I do not want it for gender-related issues ?
TW : talk of uterus, menstrual cycles and menstrual blood
I'll start by saying this is not the US so please don't make your judgement based on that. I'll describe how things are in my country.
So I (X24) want my uterus removed. The main reason is that I want to be sterilised to stop having so much anxiety about becoming pregnant, which would be a nightmare for me, and I never ever want this to happen again.
But I can't get any other form of sterilisation as then I would keep my uterus, so I would keep my period, and without hormonal treatment it's just not liveable. To give you an idea, my natural cycles are 21 days instead of 28, I get my period for 7 days instead of 5 and it can be hemorrhagic for up to 4 days of these 7. (I used to get post-op medication because of the hemorrhagia before I was under contraception.) And of course I get through excruciating pain every time, beside having iron deficiency among other things. I'm currently trying another hormonal contraception, it's still not going well. There is always something wrong. My first pill just stopped working, the next ones made me gain 20kg, I'm currently trying hormonal IUD and although I don't bleed as much, I bleed for so long and there is so much pain that no available painkillers can block. I'm so tired. I can't imagine going through that for another 15 to 25 years.
In my country, it is written in law that you are allowed to be sterilised using various methods, all of which keep the uterus. Nothing is said for hysterectomy as a sterilisation method. And although many refuse to sterilise you at all, if you find the right surgeon you can be no matter your age. The procedure is also fully reimbursed. Nothing is said in law about hysterectomy.
This means that the vast majority of surgeons won't remove your uterus. Except if you have a pathology related to it or if you're trans (coming back to that later).
So what I described above does look like a uterus with a pathology, right? It certainly looks like endometriosis at least. I went to a surgeon known for doing the other kinds of sterilisation and tried to convince him to just remove my uterus. He refused, not without an asserted pathology. To his credit, he looked for it. He had me take an MRI. Well, they found nothing.
Which means that, although I have a pretty dysfunctional uterus that I never want to use and just keeps causing me problems, he won't remove it. Because they can't find the cause. Even though I feel completely alienated from my body because of that damn organ that keeps trying to make me bear children and will have me bleed out and in pain when I won't allow it.
Then there is the other solution. I said above you could get surgery if you are trans. It's actually a bit more complicated that that. In order to get HRT and gender affirming surgery, you first need to get diagnosed with body dysphoria by a psychiatrist. And then you get a special status in our health system that allows you to get free access to all kinds of things in the medical field (like surgery and HRT) and beyond (like laser depilation).
As I said, I'm agender. They give this status to nonbinary people so my specific flavour of gender (or lack thereof) is not the issue. But I don't have body dysphoria, only social dysphoria. People misgendering me to my face will make me feel horrible but I don't see my body as gendered. My breasts and specifically my uterus are not something that I see as gendered, so they're not something that causes me distress in terms of gender-related issues. Which means as psychiatrist is never going to diagnose me with gender dysphoria as is, and I won't have access to hysterectomy through trans care.
Except if I fake it.
Now, I have no idea if it could even work. If I could even fool someone. But I've been considering trying because I really, really want to get rid of that damn uterus. And technically, I wouldn't be faking my gender identity. Just expanding on my dysphoria. Still, it feels wrong. I wouldn't transition in any other way except removing the uterus. This path doesn't feel like it's mine to take. I feel it would be disrespectful towards actual, dysphoric trans people.
So, what do you say Tumblr ? WIBTA if I tried it anyway ?
What are these acronyms?
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5eraphim · 27 days
Would you ever write something about Scout as a rabbit hybrid thingy? This question was inspired from your “Puppy Eyes” fic that I’m in love with
In my head writing this, Scout is meant to be a hybrid, but still goes through transformations cycles like a werewolf would, and isn't exactly in a fully human form when not a werewolf.
Content Warnings: rabbit hybrid, yandere, exophilia, taboo fantasies/roleplay (CNC, cop/prisoner, cop/serial killer, incest, abuse of power, revenge sex), reader is kept gender neutral
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Highly prone to "puppy love," which makes him feel paradoxical guilt for lusting after you so intensely, and he genuinely struggles to work up the courage to ask you out. Partly because, despite his narcissistic personality, the idea of getting rejected terrifies him more than anything imaginable, and he can't help but choke up in the moment.
Because of this, he'll be looking for any excuse to get his hands on you as soon as you give them the green light. The brutal truth here is for your first week or so of hooking up, Scout is horny out of his mind but, unfortunately, unperceptive of your needs. Scout has too much pent-up frustration to give much pleasure on your behalf and can't stop bursting pretty early. It's a learning curve for both of you to get this right, but he's eager to please. (Once he can figure out how, that is.) He's got to do a lot of learning on the fly here because even if it's evident to you that he's pretty out of his league, he refuses to admit it.
He thinks it's cute that you assumed he would be 100% sub, someone you could order around and easily control, but Scout's pretty versatile and prioritizes variety above all else. (Blame his hyper-active imagination for this, as well as a shameful amount of time jerking off and daydreaming about sleeping with you.)
Unsurprisingly, Scout is extraordinarily needy behind closed doors. (He's a very hands-on person in public, too, but there's more desperation when other people aren't watching.) Scout is prone to nightmares about losing you if the two of you are apart for too long.
Gets embarrassingly aroused when you wear anything with a bunny logo on it. The Playboy logo is like crack to him.
When he goes fully cum-brained he'll have some of the most deranged taboo fantasies of the two of you, often gross, or sometimes just flat out weird.
You're a rookie detective agent given the assignment of a lifetime set to assist in the investigation of a serial killer targeting citizens like you alone at night in your hometown. Because you're so new and don't have much experience in the field, you try to catch him all by yourself and are given a grim reality check.
You're a prisoner, and he's a cop in charge of supervising your cell. You were put in solitary confinement for bad behavior, failure to follow the rules, and fighting with other prisoners. You're too far away from the others to call for help, and Scout knows that. At the end of the day, it'll be his word against yours. 
The two of you are step-siblings sharing a bedroom with overprotective parents. He's muffling you with his sweaty palm while using his other hand to keep your thighs apart while he thrusts inside.
He's a jilted lover who's holding you hostage, determined to babytrap you so you'll never have the option of abandoning him freely ever again.
Scout gets really nippy when he first transforms. No matter how many times he goes through all this, the rabbit teeth will hurt when they grow back in, and he goes through a semi-second mini-teething phase to get used to them. They usually won't hurt so long as you don't try to resist too much.
The transformation cycle fucks with his brain chemistry and hormones like crazy. Unfortunately, the main reason behind his intense neediness and proclivity for jealousy is due to factors largely out of his control. 
Related to the insane sexual fantasies he has for you, expect Scout to ask you some strange questions about the relationship, such as,
Would you be mad at me forever if I killed both your parents?
Would you still wanna date me if you found out we were cousins?
Would the two of us have been friends as kids? 
Is there any chance we would've dated in high school?
Would you still want to be in a relationship with me if you were the monster and I were the human?
The very first transformation of his into a rabbit as your partner would be the most painful and intense one of his entire life. At last he finally has met his own mate, someone to help keep his bed warm at night, to protect with his life, and to Scout you are synonymous with the future in life itself. But still, he was scared to death thinking about laying a hand on you in such a state. Despite what you might expect, he would put you and your safety first, at least for the first two or three months. His horniness simply cannot entirely surmount the hypothetical guilt of accidentally killing you or ruining his chance to get intimate in the future.
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dyke-pollinator · 5 months
why do you strongly recommend injections over other options? i started with (and am still on) pills because I can't handle needles very well, especially using one on myself
I just want to start off by saying that you can get great results and have great hormone levels using administration methods other than injections, and as with everything HRT related, your mileage may vary, ect.
That being said, I strongly recommend doing injections over any other method for a number of reasons:
First it is, generally, much more convenient. I take my injections once every 5-7 days and it is really nice to have one alarm / notification in my phone to take my shots and not have to think about it every other day.
Injections are also much more effective at getting you a consistent dosage of Estrogen. Although I have not experienced it myself, I know that a number of trans women I have spoken to and know have talked about and lamented the sometimes extreme valleys and peaks that you can get every day as your E levels drop off through oral administration. The half life curve of injectable Estrogen is a smoother drop off. When I was doing a 7 day injection cycle, I did sometimes feel the low E levels towards day 6, but after switching to a 5 day cycle, I pretty much never experience the mood swings and effects of low E.
Now this is a strictly personal example, but holy fuck switching to injections completely changed my experience on HRT. I struggled to get my T levels below "normal" ranges for my first 10 months on E, using primarily patches, but pills as well for a short while. 1 month after finally getting swapped to injections, my T levels were immediately suppressed and have been ever since, and I could immediately tell. From what I can tell, from strictly anecdotal experience, injections seem to provide the best and most stable benefits from feminizing HRT. This is likely due to injectable forms of Estradiol having nearly 100% bioavailability compared to oral Estradiol's 5%.
There are of course a number of draw backs: it can be harder to get it prescribed to you, it may be more expensive or not covered by your insurance, aversion to needles, potential supply shortages (especially if you are on anything other than Estradiol Valerate). But I think it is seriously worth it if you can make it work.
And just in case you're curious about my levels over the course of my HRT experience <3
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
I know you aren’t a doctor, but is there anything else that, to your knowledge, tends to get diagnosed by alt-doctors as CIRS?
So this is probably going to piss some people off, but I genuinely believe that CIRS (which as I've talked about before as being... questionable as a diagnosis) is more likely to be a mast cell disorder.
The science and reasoning around CIRS and the obsession with "toxins" and mold is just too vague, and I say that as someone who was at one point diagnosed as CIRS and went through the whole process only to be met with HEAVY resistance from my alt doctors when I wanted to know WHY something was "toxic" and why I wasn't improving despite doing what they recommended.
They couldn't explain it. Thing Just Bad. And if I wasn't improving, it was my fault for not removing enough "toxins" from my environment.
Well, turns out some of those things weren't universally "toxic," I just have an immune disorder (MCAS) that makes them toxic to me, where my body thinks harmless things are a threat-- including my own hormonal cycle!
There was mold killing me, though, that was indeed making my mast cells unstable and sending me into anaphylaxis on a regular basis and causing all kinds of neurological problems. Mast cell stabilizers and removing the mold from my home did more good for me than any of the CIRS treatments.
(Important note: not everyone with MCAS experiences anaphylaxis as a symptom, and it is not a requisite of diagnosis.)
MCAS is not the only form of mast cell dysfunction either. There's also mastocytosis and Hereditary Alpha tryptasemia. You can read more about them at The Mast Cell Disease Society. (There are also different types of MCAS for anyone interested.)
Other things I've seen alt-doctors misdiagnose as CIRS over the years include:
Dysautonimia (high rates of comorbidity with MCAS)
Fibromyalgia (some recent research suggests that mast cells play a role in the onset of fibromyalgia)
ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome)
Celiac Disease
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Disorder (which I also think is mast cell related, tbh.)
Pernicious Anemia (the other thing that was killing, because my untreated MCAS was stopping me from absorbing nutrients from my food)
Chronic migraines.
SIBO (which can lead to secondary MCAS)
Various different mood disorders
Interstitial Cystitis (also a common symptom of various mast cell disorders)
And I'm sure a couple more I'm just forgetting right now.
Basically, there are a lot of things CIRS could actually turn out to be. But my money is on some form of mast cell fuckery.
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ghouljams · 3 months
Ghoul maybe it’s bc I’m acespec but I’ve always related the most to betas and have always felt that they should be the rarest and not alphas or omegas (I also hate the idea of rare meaning that people may only know like one, 1% of a million is still 10,000)
You're totally valid in this my love, I am saying that right out of the gate. I love when acespec folks weigh in on kink and fic tropes like this because y'all provide such an interesting perspective that I (as an allo person) don't have.
I think this is one of my issues with traditional a/b/o as well. The way that betas are treated and categorized feels very much not only as a cultural other, but also as sexless. Which is great for acespec folks, but also makes me wonder about ace omegas or ace alphas.
I am firmly against any endotype being considered "rare" simply because again I view it as a sliding scale.
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Lets say this is the Alpha-Omega scale with Alphas as yellow and Omega as blue. A "true" beta would be that nice green in the middle, but really anyone could be anywhere on this scale. Betas would range from high spectrum(leaning alpha) to low spectrum (leaning omega) and similarly omegas and alphas could be "low spectrum" meaning they lean more towards beta. It's just the amount of each hormone you have in your body.
I don't think sexuality is tied to any one endotype the same way I don't think sexual proclivities are. Omegas aren't all bottoms, alphas aren't all tops. Everyone has a heat/rut cycle it's just how strong it is, and just like in normal humans it's a miserable hormone addled experience for some, and a breeze for others. There's no reason an omega or alpha couldn't be ace, heat/rut doesn't turn you into a sex crazed animal, it's just the point of time when you're most fertile. It's ovulation, or a period, or idk what it would be for amab folks. The time of your cycle when you're moody and just want to lay down for a week.
Back to my issue with betas in traditional omegaverse fic. They've always felt like just... the other ones, the normal humans. It always felt to me like an exclusionary designation, and that just doesn't sit right for me. It's saying "well you're not a top or a bottom so I guess you don't matter." AND AGAIN it reduces a whole subset of people to a stereotype. I fucking hate that, let people be people, let the human experience be varied and beautiful!
I don't see why any endotype can't be any thing. Alpha/Beta/Omega, whatever you are you're still a person with your own thoughts, feelings, sexuality, and gender. No endotype can be defined by any one thing, there may be expectations, but there are expectations on us now and we still define ourselves by more than that.
Ace Omegas who spend their heats with their friend because they need someone to remind them to eat and take their pills while they're laying face down on the floor with cramps. Who sit on the couch during their friend's rut and hold their hair back as they lay over the arm of the couch and try not to vomit because the hormones make their head spin.
Ace Alphas that get anxious about their roommate's heat because there aren't not enough blankets in the apartment and- no- you stay right there, I'm going to get you some soup. Ace Alphas that spend their rut crying at videos of kittens learning to walk and stealing their qpf's pillows because they're fluffier than the ones in their room.
Ace Betas that get side eyed when they sniffle during a movie because betas are supposed to be the unflappable ones, the ones that don't get emotional over nothing. Ace Betas that build nests. Ace Betas that spray their friend with scent neutralizer after a heat because they fucking STINK, shoving their friend in the bathroom to shower while they figure out cleaning up the house.
Idk. do you get what I'm saying?
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This post contains content related to sex, sexuality, and mental health; specifically my experience of hypersexuality as an asexual. Skip this post if you are uncomfortable reading about that.
This post is for educational purposes and to spread awareness around topics concerning the asexual community and my personal experiences.
The point of this post is to destigmatize hypersexuality, especially in asexuals, to share my personal experience, and to spread confort to those who may be going through the same issues discussed.
A little background about me before we get started:
I am an asexual man, I’d say I lie towards the border of sex-negative and sex-neutral. I feel no sexual attraction towards women nor towards men nor any other gender presentation. I feel uncomfortable concerning sexual topics, porn, and sex itself, yet I can stand it to a certain degree. I have no desire to have sex with another person nor do I feel much if any sexual attraction at all.
But, despite this I am hypersexual. I began having an increased libido in my late teens. I masturbate often and have the extreme urge to masturbate on a regular basis, yet I still consider myself asexual. Personally, I feel no connection between sex and masturbation apart from the fact that I use pornography as a visual aid (despite the fact it makes me uncomfortable, I use it to stimulate the release of these urges).
Background information regarding hypersexuality:
Hypersexuality is most commonly understood as a disorder characterized by compulsive masturbation and excessive participation in sexual activities. It affects 3-6% of people and can affect any person of any demographic, including asexuals like myself.
Hypersexuality is common with many mental disorders including and certainly not limited to bipolar, ADHD, trauma, depression, and personality disorders. It should not be stigmatized and I will repeat this over and over again, it is not a bearing on your sexuality.
Hypersexuality can also be triggered by other factors such as boredom and loneliness as orgasm releases chemicals that can temporarily mitigate them.
My experience:
I feel as though my sexual urges are not indicative of my sexual attraction, nor should they be. Many asexuals have high libidos and no desire to have sexual relationships, including myself.
For me, masturbation is a bodily urge to be fulfilled and not an inherently sexual act. Like I stated earlier, it is completely disparate from sex to me. Not only that, it is an action that releases addictive endorphins that can mitigate negative feelings for a brief period.
In my experience, my hypersexuality is a symptom of my bipolar. It’s caused by hormonal imbalances and is an impulse spawned from that. It is also a very hard cycle to break due to the endorphins being so addictive, especially to someone who has mood regulation issues like myself as they can boost mood.
That’s all my hypersexuality is, it’s a disorder that coexists with my sexuality. It has no bearing on my sexuality nor should it.
Despite what I laid out in this post, hypersexuality does cause me shame. I dislike sex and sexual topics, yet I force myself to engage with them to fulfill an urge. And that I do expect, I am forcing myself to engage in content that feels invalidating to my experience on the asexuality spectrum. Yet, like previously stated and will go stated multiple times again; it has no bearing on sexuality!
It is nothing to be ashamed of for anyone nor is it an invalidation of your identity if you are asexual. Many people, including myself struggle with it and you are not alone.
Asexuality and homosexuality can and do exist in tandem!
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bookish-whore · 2 years
Azriel x Reader
Based on this request <3
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: light angst, postpartum feelings, sprinkled with fluff
A/N: I love domestic dad Azriel, this is my first time writing for Az but I definitely have more ideas for him. As always requests are open hope y'all enjoy this!
You didn’t know you could love someone so much.
Growing up you never thought that you would have children, you didn’t think you had the temperament thanks in part to your own fractured relationship with your mother. You had never thought that you would meet someone that you would love enough to even think about procreating with. Until you met him. Azriel came into your life and completely turned your world upside down; with him, you wanted a simple life, you wanted a future and everything that entailed.
Initially, you had thought it was some kind of flu or some kind of hormonal thing related to your cycle that kept you up at all hours of the night. That made you vomit at the mere smell of food, that made you so irritable that you were either a being of pure rage, or a puddle of tears. Azriel, always wanting you to be in control suggested that you should see Madja, that maybe she could give you something that would help or could tell you what was wrong with you. Even though he had sensed the subtle change in scent a few days ago and knew that you were expecting.
It was a complete shock to you; you had grown up knowing that it was notoriously difficult for fae to conceive. Even though you were only half high fae you figured that it would be a long time before you had children, before you even had a discussion about when to have children. but that didn’t stop you from smiling, looking at your stomach in anticipation, thinking that Az would make the best dad, and being completely ecstatic.
You returned from your appointment nervous to tell Az, what if he wasn’t as happy as you were, what if he didn’t want this. You were so enthralled with your own thoughts you didn’t even notice he was already in your shared bedroom pacing in front of the window waiting for you to return.
You see, while you were at your appointment, he had flown all over Velaris trying to decide what to get you, the mother of his child, his mate, this amazing woman who was going to give him this priceless gift, this once in a lifetime opportunity. He had decided on a beautiful handstitched blanket, on one side it was a deep black with swirls of purple and blue sprinkled with stars. He knew you loved the night sky, oftentimes he would fly you both far outside the city to a field of flowers, or up to a hill to just lay on your backs and watch the stars appear. The other side of the blanket was a deep cobalt blue, the same color as his siphons. He had gotten home before you and hidden the gift away in a pocket of his shadows and paced the room waiting for you to return.
You entered the bedroom and he softly spoke your name, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Azriel I-” you began “I don’t know how to tell you this” It was like you couldn’t speak; the words just becoming stuck in your throat “I’m-” you looked at the floor, unable to meet his intense gaze.
“Sweetheart, I know” he spoke, crossing the room to take your hands in his. “You’re pregnant”
“And how do you feel about it” you hesitantly ask.
He doesn’t immediately answer, a swirl of shadows appearing and revealing a box with a bow. You take it from them and gently open the box. At the sight what is inside, you break down into tears. Az pulls you into his chest resting his chin on your head, rubbing soothing circles on your back.
“I can’t wait to do this with you” he said “I couldn’t be happier, and I flew everywhere in Velaris looking for something that could express what I feel, and I saw this and just thought of us taking our child to gaze at the stars with us, showing them the things we love. Giving them a future”
“It’s perfect Az” I whisper against his chest
----- 8 Months Later -----
He was in awe. It had been 26 hours; and he knew you were strong, but this was something else and he was so proud of you. He held a cloth to your forehead whispering words of encouragement as you continued to push.
“I can’t Az-” you cried “I- I’m so tired” you took a shaky breath “I can’t do this” you lean your head back to look at him.
“I know baby, I know” he says pressing a soft kiss to your forehead “but five more minutes okay? Five more minutes for a lifetime of happiness”
At his encouragement, you take a deep breath and continue to push.
“Almost there y/n, just one more big push alright” Madja says.
You brace your hands on the back of your knees and put all of your strength into this one final push. Azriel offering support with one hand on your back and the other bracing your knee as he watches his child come into the world.
A piercing cry sounds in the room.
“it’s a boy!” Madja said wrapping your son in a blanket and placing the small bundle on your chest.
You look down at him, at your son, and up to Azriel who has tears in his eyes. You didn’t know you could love anything as much as you love these two.
“We can’t name him Seraphina, can we?” I laugh. We were both convinced he would be a girl and hadn’t even thought of boy names.
“I suppose we’ll have to think of something else” Azriel said pressing a kiss to your forehead and to the forehead of your son.
“How about Jace?” I ask
----- Present -----
It had been a week and you had not spent a moment away from Jace since Madja placed him into your arms. The only other person allowed to touch him being Az.
A few hours after the birth, the others had come to get a glimpse of the new addition. Which was understandable, Jace was the only other child born into the IC after Nyx. However, at the sight of Azriel handing Jace to Rhys you burst into tears and demanded the baby be returned to you. The others didn’t protest remembering how long it took Feyre to trust anyone with Nyx and gave their congratulations and promptly left you two alone to bond with your son.
Azriel had labelled that interaction as normal, that you were a brand-new mom, and your hormones were all over the place, and you were just being protective but day after day you just became more isolated. You started skipping meals, you would hold Jace constantly or demand that Azriel hold him not wanting to leave him alone or set him down. You wouldn’t accept visitors and you wouldn’t sleep for more than 20 minutes without waking up in a panicked state and immediately looking for the baby needing visual confirmation that he was alright. Azriel was beyond worried at this point and knew he needed to do something to soothe your anxieties.
Deciding that today was the day Azriel brought you a tray of toast and eggs with a glass of orange juice setting the tray on your bed in front of you. He gently took the baby from your arms, holding him against his bare chest because he read somewhere that skin to skin contact was a great way for dads to bond and he sat in the chair in the corner gently patting Jace’s back as he was lulled back to sleep. He noticed how you only drank the juice and took small bites from the toast before pushing the tray of food away, looking down at your hands and not saying anything.
“Honey, you need to eat” he softly said
“I’m not that hungry right now” you reply
“You should sleep then” he could compromise he thought
“I’m not tired” you say, not even believing the words as they come out of your mouth. The dark circles under your eyes evidence enough that you are lying.
“It’s been a week y/n, and you are exhausted. You haven’t been sleeping, you’re hardly eating, and I am worried about you.” Az pleaded “I know your scared, but nothing is going to happen to Jace he is completely safe. You are a wonderful mother already, and I know that you love him so much, but you need to take care of yourself sweetheart.”
“I am his mother, the only thing I need is to take care of him, I know him, and I know what he needs” you say, your voice wavering as you continue “and what if- if- I miss something or he does something, or something happens to him and I’m not here. I won’t risk it Az. I just won’t. He needs me.” You wipe the tears that had begun to fall “Az, it’s time for his feeding” you say and Azriel gently gets up placing Jace back in your arms. He has an idea.
Azriel winnowed to the river house and decided to ask Feyre to try and coax you into giving the baby to someone. If anyone other than himself could help you it had to be her, she knew what you were experiencing. He was hoping that by seeing how the others would care for your child that you’ll overcome this fear that something will happen to the baby if he isn’t in your arms. After all the fiercest warriors in all Prythian were all their family. He would almost feel sorry for the person who decided to lay a hand on one of the babes.
The High Lady immediately agrees when Azriel burst into tears and begged on the floor for someone to help you because he didn’t know what to do. He returned home later that day, finally convincing you to bathe by holding Jace in the room with you while you took what he can only describe as the fastest bath in the history of the universe. Quickly drying yourself, brushing your hair and throwing it into a simple braid before taking Jace back into your arms. Hopefully tomorrow would be a breakthrough for you Azriel thought settling into bed for the night watching you feed and rock your son to sleep.
The next day Feyre and Rhys were going to come over to stage an intervention. Azriel felt conflicted about just springing this on you but decided that if it helped you, it would all be worth it, you couldn’t continue like this, it wasn’t healthy.
Rhys and Feyre arrive precisely at the time they had set yesterday and had brought your favorite blueberry scones from your favorite bakery in Velaris. Azriel welcomed them into the sitting room where you sat with a sleeping Jace in your arms.
“Y/N look who came to pay us a visit” Azriel says.
“Hey guys, what are you doing here?” you question looking between the three of them.
“Well…” Feyre began “we were just in the neighborhood and thought we would see how you’re adjusting to parenthood. I know the first weeks with Nyx were amazing but isolating. We wanted to make sure you know we are here to support you and offer to take the baby for you, you know if you two need a night to yourselves.” Rhys smiled and continued where Feyre had left off “and… we want to get to know our nephew because I’ll be damned if Cassian is his favorite uncle” I couldn’t help but laugh. I stood handing Jace to Azriel and faced the high lord and lady who took up seats opposite Azriel and I.
“Can I get you two anything? Coffee or Tea for the scones” you ask
“That would be lovely, let me help you” Feyre says as she follows me into the kitchen.
I make my way to the sink, filling the kettle and placing it on the stove. I then move to lean against the counter now facing Feyre. “So, Azriel put you up to this right?” I ask
“He did, but to be fair he is worried about you”
“I can’t imagine why; I am just trying to take care of Jace. I just need to make sure he’s okay.”
“I’m going to tell you something y/n” Feyre starts “You remember how difficult the birth was, with Nyx…”
I nodded as the high lady continues “well after, once everyone had left and I was finally alone with my son. I was terrified. I had never known as much fear as I did through the birth and I could feel Rhys’ panic through the bond when Nyx wasn’t breathing, I felt his anguish when I could feel myself slipping away. So, when it was over after Nesta saved us. I was just waiting for something awful to happen. I was completely convinced that this wasn’t real, and it would all be taken from me.”
“How did you move past it?” I asked
“Well, it was you actually and Azriel, and Cassian, and Nesta, and Mor, and Amren” I waited for her to continue “being able to see Nyx with his family and knowing that all of you would sacrifice everything for him in a heartbeat made me see he was safe, and he was so loved, and I once I knew that it was like I could finally breathe.” She let out a small chuckle “To be fair it did take a while, but you helped me. So please, let us help you.”
The kettle began whistling and Feyre and I moved in tandem adding cups and spoons, sugar, and cream onto the tray to take to the sitting room. Azriel and Rhys went quiet as we entered.
I walked directly to Azriel and took Jace from his arms, walking over to Rhys “Would you like to hold him?” I asked, Azriel’s eyes widened at my offer “I would love too” the high lord replied smiling as I settled his nephew into his arms.
After Rhys held Jace for a while Feyre delicately demanded time with the baby, which I obliged watching carefully as Rhys transferred Jace into his aunt’s awaiting arms. Satisfied that he was alright I began clearing away the remnants of teatime walking into the kitchen. Azriel followed suit giving Rhys and Feyre time to enjoy their nephew without the watchful eyes of his parents.
“I’m proud of you” Azriel said gently coming up behind me lacing his arms around my torso and pressing a chaste kiss to my shoulder.
I turned around to face him wrapping my arms around his neck “thank you” I said to him pressing a soft kiss against his lips.
“For what sweetheart?” he says.
“For knowing when to ask for help, for giving me exactly what I need, for knowing me better than I sometimes know myself. For being such a good dad to Jace.” I say tears welling up in my eyes “I didn’t realize I could love you more than I already did but you staged this whole thing to make sure I was okay to make sure we were okay” I press another kiss to his lips. "so just, thank you"
“So, we are definitely going to take them up on their offer to keep Jace for the night, right?” Az teases wanting to lighten the mood.
“Baby steps shadowsinger, I think the two of them holding him unsupervised is all I can handle today” I reply
“Whatever you want darling” he says as we return to the sitting room.
I look around the sitting room at the three of them all doting on my son, and like Feyre said I feel this weight finally lifting. Like I can finally breathe. Gods damn her for being right I think to myself
Maybe I’ll invite Cassian and Nesta over tomorrow.
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agro-carnist · 5 months
You have had a hell of a day dealing with people that don't understand that period symptoms are largely caused by hormone levels and suprise surprised when people get hormone therapy that mimics those hormone levels and cycles they can experience many of the same things people who naturally have those hormone cycles experience. It's really not as complicated as the people who seem to be insulted by what your saying seem to want it to be, periods are not some mystical thing we don't understand the cause of its caused by hormones pretty much exclusively
Like do they really think literally everything that happens during a period is directly related to the uterus?? Nobody is here saying "trans women bleed from their nonexistent uterus," We're talking about mood swings, nausea, diarrhea, breast tenderness, all shit that doesn't require a uterus. They are so dishonest oh my god.
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helioshellion · 1 year
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hi im bucky and welcome to my long list of kiryu and majima headcanons mostly revolving around health related stuff bc that interests me. ive talked about it before but ive been wanting to reveal my mastermind plans for them. ive vaguely alluded to these all in my fics like friday night and phanto. anyways heres a list. may range from mildly nsfw but in a more medical way not a sexual manner since idc about that sort of thing
So for Kiryu he is a trans man who forgets his t injections every day of his life. every time he gets out of prison he has to restart on it and every time he has to go through all the initial stages once again like an evil cycle of hormones.
He has extreme nerve damage in his hands/fingertips due to severe hypothermia suffered at the end of Yakuza 5, and therefore cannot feel in his hands anymore.
Also suffers from a migraine disorder.
He deals with a very prominent compartmentalization problem stirred by his ever-changing life stages. A sort of out-of-sight-out-of-mind mentality born out of his fear of losing absolute control over his life. This goes hand-in-hand with general low empathy.
This also results in an extremely flippant attitude towards both sex and romance. He is not committal at all and does not imagine himself settling down. He is a reserved person, but he doesn’t shy away from sex. He lives in Kamurocho, after all. He’s just mostly desensitized and is mostly neutral towards it as he gets older.
 Yes hes bisexual love wins. But he has a low opinion of the men in his life thinking them callous and more difficult than he wants to deal with. This increases with his age and the worse the villains get. He almost has a mentality of needing to Win and Be Won in regards to romance. He must Prove Himself, or someone else must prove themself to Him.
Oh yeah and TMJ sorry to his jaw.
His life is in constant disarray and his self-contained environments reflect this. His living spaces are messes. Ashtrays filled with countless stamped cigarettes and shelves lined with half-eaten food and beer cans. He doesn’t want to be regarded as sloppy but theres something in his brain that makes him struggle with Cleaning his own spaces. There’s something about his mind that likes the control he has TO mess up his own space.
He has several single-tooth partial dentures mostly in his molar area. he has one prosthetic canine tooth.
He is no-op in regards to his transition. T has shrunk his chest enough that it sags loosely. If you’re curious, he’s dry as a desert down there. sorry.
He doesn’t exactly have a circadian rhythm. He sleeps and wakes up whenever he wants, and his brain does not register Night/Day. Meaning he could sleep through an entire day and his brain will not register sunlight. This results in getting him up to be extremely. Extremely difficult.
Big one, he lives with something like CTE. (Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (double parantheses because this condition cannot usually be diagnosed while someone is alive)) Which exemplifies his already present suicidal ideation and depression. Out of anyone in the series Kiryu has taken some of the Worst bodily trauma over a LONG period of time. It has taken a toll on his body and mind.
Oh boy!
Majima has a hormone imbalance ever since the hole. if you remember in my fic Phanto I alluded to him being completely impotent and sterile due to a castration in the hole. He has gynecomastia and hypothyroidism but has no qualms about it. He’s not dysphoric about it at all, and tries to stay extremely vigilant about his testosterone intake (tgel, needles scare him).
Because of the above he has little to no sex drive, not to mention the extreme trauma relations to it. He has complexes on top of complexes about it. So he just doesn’t do it.
He has a weak right knee, which is the one he uses to kick/attack as he’s able to use his stronger leg as support. His arms and legs are longer than his torso, and he has an extreme slouch, which presents itself as a very permanent slouch crease on his stomach fold.
He has a distrust of men, mostly older than him, and is not a cis man, although he doesn’t have the language to describe himself or his sexuality. He’s old and doesn’t feel the need to.
Blatantly, not even just a Me headcanon, but Majima does have a mentality of needing to be beaten in order to fall in line. In relation to pretty much everything in his life. It’s much stronger the younger he is, and weakens as he gets older, aided by his improving mental state. By 7′s time, and he is an emotionally healthy person. Hiccups are to be expected, but they’re nothing to shame or be ashamed for.
In Dead Souls he discusses needing to keep his hair cut at an exact measurement. He is a massive micromanager in regards to Anything at any given moment. His living arrangements are extremely empty and uncreative.
The younger him was extremely flippant about caring for his eye, which resulted in several infections and close calls. It’s one of the reasons he decides to get his eye exenterated when he’s older. Somewhat of a symbolic thing as he works through his trauma, letting go of this thing that has clung to him, Literally an Infection. He changes things up, and lives happier for it. He wouldn’t have been alive it hadn’t been for Nishida.
He is one of the most intelligent people in the. Yakuza Team or whatever. Regardless of his deteriorating memory issues, he reads like a motherfucker and can beat anyone in almost any mind-game.
This is a byproduct of not considering the Kiwamis (majima everywhere and majima construction) as canon, but my Majima is very heavily inspired by 1, 2, and the movie iterations of Majima. Meaning, he is not a generally “nice” person. He is extremely empathetic, and reads people very well, but he tends to hold these qualities over peoples heads when he’s younger. As he gets older, these qualities shift to more. Altruistic purposes. He isn’t nice, but he is an understanding person.
I also shift the timeline around to place his marriage with Mirei before the events of 0 to allow better, smoother story progression. And I’m not going to handwave away anything he did because oh yeah did he fuck up.
Speaking of relationships, if Majima were to ever, he would be Very Attached. He is monogamous by heart, and is more about mental connections over inherently sexual or romantic. He is a One-and-Done person. He isn’t flippant like Kiryu, and holds an extreme amount of value in loyalty and love. He is not one for more monetary romantic gestures. He values touching a lot more, but discourages touching HIM. He’s stone. He feels love in being the one to touch, and for his partner to Be touched By Him. And I’m not talking about sexual practices or anything. But if that did progress to that, expect similar results.
However, adding to that, he is not going to try to “make things work” in any way. He will walk away if requested, and he will walk away at the inclination of things Just not working out. He jumps to conclusions quickly, but it is for good reason. Knowing when to bow out keeps him alive.
Back to body stuff. He has dentures along his entire bottom jaw. His top teeth are very discolored from smoking, resulting in a visible difference between his top and bottom teeth.
And whatever here’s Kazumaji bullshit too because I am predictable.
They’re more friends than lovers, if that makes sense. Regardless of the amount of love shared between them, their lives are a long string of boats passing by. Their loyalty for each other is extremely strong, and underlying love does carry this, but they can’t exactly settle down anytime soon. Majima talks to him as a confidant, not as a lover, and Kiryu speaks to him the same. It’s almost more intimate in a way. Neither of them put up fronts when they’re alone. They are both private together, speaking to each other ways they’d never speak to anyone else.
If we’re on a scale, Kiryu is the more romantically affectionate one. He’s the one who thinks of dates, who thinks of kissing, who thinks of whatever else. Majima doesn’t initiate any of this due to his before-said complexes on top of complexes.
Yet, on the flip side, Majima is the one who could most easily fall into domesticity. It’s something he’s fantasized for himself ever since he was a boy, and something he cast aside immediately following the hole. He imagined a family impossible for him, and has attempted to cast aside that part of himself. But there’s no destroying Who you Are. He wants to be a tender person. Once Saejima, his strongest familial relationship, returns, he lets that side of himself regain a foothold in his brain.
This is both supported and contradicted by canon depending on the game, but I’ll settle on one. Despite Majima’s reservations and trauma, he is more trusting than Kiryu in a lot of situations. (In Yakuza 2: “There’s nothing wrong with putting your trust in a guy...”) Kiryu will tend to be cynical and have to be “won” in order for him to put his trust in you. Majima, however, will put his trust if he feels he can, but is very liberal with rescinding it.
Kiryu goes through a phase in his romantic relationship with Majima where he feels unwanted due to Majima’s low intimacy drive. The only way that’s resolved is by talking. There’s a lot of things they cannot get out of their relationship with each other, and that’s absolutely fine. They find other things to make it work.
On the flip side....... Kiryu’s revolving-door life results in Majima feeling cast aside again and again. It’s not that Kiryu thinks of hurting Majima, but his idea of romance is very different to Majima’s. He thinks he can just put on a new skin and live out an entirely different life as a different person. This is what causes their relationship to fizzle out time and time again. Their relationship is a very, very unstable wave. It’ll be strong, weak, whatever. The bottom line is that they’re never going to be able to reach that Perfect Meeting Point.
BUT this is all from Yakuza 1-6....Post 7, and I have no idea! Maybe they can try again and see themselves more successful due to their Very different life circumstances. Without the clan to hold either of them back, maybe they can make things work. However, I can’t imagine them ever making anything “”official”” as in calling each other boyfriend Or getting married. Their relationship is strange and tumultuous but they genuinely. wholeheartedly Love each other.
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