#czech lgbt community
Hello, got a couple user box requests (also hope you're having a good day!)
"this user's first language is czech" with a czech flag
"this user uses mirror pronouns" in pastel blue
"this user uses contradictory labels" in bright pink
"this user is aroallo" in any pastel colour (with the aroallo flag)
"this user is christian" (if you're comfortable doing that.)
You can ad your twist to any of them, if you want.
hi, here u go, i hope these are ok !!! :)
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feel free to reblog/download and use on your profile but keep my username visible ty! :)
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thefandommess · 1 year
Hope Mr. @neil-gaiman would approve of my Prague Pride sign
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djuvlipen · 2 months
When my father found out I am gay, he beat me brutally, but today I help other LGBT+ Romani people
Patrik Kotlár's coming out was not easy, encumbered as it was by discrimination and his own family's incomprehension. Instead of giving up, though, he decided to overcome those obstacles and use his experience to aid others.
He established the nonprofit organization Romany Art Workshop 13 years ago, offering arts workshops, educational programs to develop community activism and leadership, and sports activities in Tanvald, Czech Republic. He also collaborates with the ARA ART organization.
In November 2023 the two organizations opened a community club in Jablonec nad Nisou and will open another in Frýdlant. These clubs will become places for members of the LGBT+ minority to meet each other and give each other support, as well as places for Romani people from excluded localities to gather.
Patrik (36) is inspiring to those who want to overcome such obstacles themselves and become the voices of change. “As a schoolchild I myself was not aware of my sexual orientation. My schoolmates told me what they thought, though,” he starts his story.
The insults he endured were unpleasant and he believed his friends were absolutely crazy. He did not begin to realize what his sexual orientation was until the age of 16, as a high school student studying social work.
He did not decide to come out until two years later, when he began his first partner relationship. He met his then-boyfriend on a train.
It never even occurred to him that anybody around him might take a negative view of his being gay. “While I had been raised my whole life in the Christian spirit of a man belonging to a woman, I never worried about that for myself. I accepted my orientation as a fact and I never thought that it was supposed to be wrong,” he admits.
He began visiting a gay bar in Liberec after fully realizing and admitting his orientation. He and his friends enjoyed going to the disco there.
One day, however, a group of Romani people who knew his father saw Patrik leaving that bar and immediately informed his father. “Dad was unable to stomach it and he beat me brutally for it,” Patrik says, adding that it is still difficult for him to talk about what happened.
Being outed to his father by others was the beginning of the end for him, and he found himself in total isolation, cut off from contact with most of his family and former friends. The suddenness of the situation also had a negative impact on his studies because he was forced to drop out just before graduation.
“I was afraid my father might even kill me unless I left Liberec,” he says. He was on the run from his father’s aggression for more than a year, hiding in various locations all over the country, but his father always managed to track him down.
“Whether I hid in Plzeň, Brno, Pardubice or the capital, my father always found out where I was at the time. It was exhausting, I lived in constant fear that he would find me and harm me. In his eyes I had caused the entire family unreal shame. However, nobody else in my family reproached me for my orientation and accepted me without any problems,” he said.
A childhood without a mother
When Patrik speaks of his family, he does not mean his mother, because he got no support from her as he was growing up. His mother abandoned the family when he was nine.
Patrik says his mother was an alcoholic and, after disagreements with his father, who wanted her to stop drinking, she always left the family for some time before eventually returning. She never gave up drinking.
One day she left for good and the family never saw her alive again. “My childhood was sad without my mother, to this day I say I basically never had a childhood,” Patrik recalls.
“Dad was older when we were born, and he raised us with a strict hand. As children we were never allowed to go anywhere besides school and music lessons, we had no personal space,” he reminisces.
Patrik never managed to re-establish contact with his mother. He heard from acquaintances more than once that she was homeless in Košice, Slovakia, and another time that she was in Bratislava, but when he and his sister went there, they were unable to find her.
One day an older sibling who had long since flown the nest let them know they needed to meet in Brno and immediately head for Slovakia because their mother was dying and wanted to see everybody one last time. They did not hesitate and set off after her at once.
Patrik’s father’s health was also not the best. Since they had last been in contact he had developed symptoms of Alzheimer’s and other diseases.
“He asked my sister to send a message to me to come home and that he wouldn’t do anything bad to me. I obeyed and our relationship actually improved. It took a while for him to reconcile himself to my orientation and get used to my boyfriend at the time, but he didn’t shout abuse at either of us or attempt to harm us in any way. Ultimately my sister, my then-boyfriend and I took care of my father in his most difficult moments. He died nine years ago today,” he says.
Aiding others is the priority
His personal experience of discrimination in his family led Patrik to establish the Romany Art Workshop nonprofit organization 13 years ago. The organization concentrates on aiding adults and children grappling with social exclusion.
The NGO prepares primary school pupils to apply to high school, offers recreational activities and summer camps, and holds arts workshops which will be transformed this year into an academy for talented youth. The academy will concentrate on the arts and music and its instruction will be comparable to that of an arts school at the primary level.
The main aim of the NGO, however, is to lead local Romani people to emancipate themselves with the aid of community activism and leadership training. Patrik is convinced it is important to show Romani youth the opportunities that exist to engage in public affairs and to create new activities in the places where they live.
Patrik says he believes individuals can contribute to the better integration of Roma into society through such engagement. He himself is an example.
Before establishing the nonprofit, Patrik led Bengale Manusha, a professional, three-generational ensemble, for two years. On the sidelines, his NGO is working with the LGBT+ minority in the Liberec Region, the members of which are turning to them more and more often.
The decision to fully dedicate the organization to the subject was made after Patrik learned of a tragic event – one such 17-year-old Romani youth took his own life because nobody understood him. “I realized that even though we have personal experience with this, we lack deeper expertise,” he admits.
For that reason, he decided to collaborate with the ARA ART organization, which has long concentrated on the LGBT+ subject. Thanks to their collaboration, they were able to open a community club in Jablonec nad Nisou in November, where their volunteers had previously been working.
People from neighboring towns like Tanvald or Železný Brod seek out their services. Soon a club will also open in Frýdlant.
As in Jablonec, that club will provide expert counselling to LGBT+ Romani people. A psychotherapist is also available there to aid clients not just with coming out, but to also answer parents’ questions when they want to learn more about the LGBT+ minority.
The organizations currently have 200 clients, 50 of whom are LGBT+. “The community center is not intended just for LGBT+ people, but also for Romani people from socially disadvantaged environments. We provide various recreational activities and because they come here regularly, we believe they like it here,” Patrik boasts, adding that in addition they are endeavoring to build up mutual dialogue in a natural format about overcoming obstacles and creating a safe space for all.
“I am surprised by how the times are gradually changing and how the Roma are more open to same-sex couples or to people who are transitioning from male to female and vice versa. What has contributed to this are the different reality shows with gay people as the main protagonists, and we know figures like Jan Bendig. He speaks absolutely openly about his orientation and thousands of Roma from all generations follow him,” Kotlár believes.
Nevertheless, he does perceive differences between the various towns. In Jablonec nad Nisou, which is approximately 14 km from Liberec, Romani people are not disturbed to see two men dancing together during a social event.
In Liberec, on the other hand, there are many gay people who are still in the closet because they have the feeling that those around them are not open toward them. “We will do our best to change that for the better, step by step,” Patrik concludes optimistically.
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not disagreeing with you, just want to know how exactly is the bruins cabin the healthiest or what has chara done so revolutionary
Chara has banned the word "rookie" from the locker room because he believes that everyone on the roster is a part of the team in the same exact way, no matter whether someone has played hundreds of games with the Bruins and is going to be a hall of Famer with a retired jersey or is yet to experience his debut in the league and the team. Because of that, they have also banned the rookie lap tradition.
He has also made all the European guys, who don't have English as their first language, talk in English in both the locker room and on the ice so everyone would understand each other and there wouldn't be any language barrier or fragmentation among the guys, saying that they can talk in their native languages with their countrymen when hanging out with each other, but not when it comes to matters that involve the entire team - mind you, Chara himself comes from Europe, he is Slovakian, so this wasn't a case of an American being annoyed by the guys speaking Swedish, Czech, and so on around him.
To make the foreign guys feel welcome, he has also learned how to greet each player individually in their native language - a small gesture, but one that definitely is heart-warming in your eyes if you come to the NHL without confidence in your English language skills and homesick, hundreds of miles away from where you come from.
Back in 2021, Bergeron made the entire team sit down and watch the 25-minute TSN interview with Kyle Beach, saying that while it was hard for everyone, it was crucial to go through it together as a team to showcase that there is a safe space in Boston to come out with this sort of stuff and ask for help or counseling if anything similar happens to anyone of the team.
Brad Marchand has come forward on numerous occasions, standing up for and supporting the LGBT community:
"I want to stand up for what I believe in, and I don't think it's right when people say things or bash people because of their sexual orientation. I have friends who are in gay relationships, and I don't think it's right for people to be against that. Everyone is allowed to find love whatever way that is."
When he was asked if the Bruins would accept a player that has come out, he responded:
"Guys would accept that, no question. We're a team in the [dressing] room and a family. It doesn't matter what different beliefs guys have, or where they come from, or whatever the case may be. Guys would accept it. Again, in the room, we're a family."
Charlie McAvoy has also been vocally supporting the matter, even attending the Pride Parades in Boston, despite all the backlash many fans sent his way after seeing the photos.
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You can hate Boston for how they sometimes act on the ice and how their fans act on social media, I don't deny that Brad is a bloody rat more than often, whom I would have detested wholeheartedly if he wasn't on my team, but you have to admit that Bruins have the healthiest environment in the cabin and the most mature and considerate core in the league.
Plus they play good hockey too and Boston as a city is gorgeous, so if I found myself being a professional hockey player in another life, the Bruins would definitely be my dream destination.
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Hey, I saw that the Jakub Jankto did an interview in Czech on his story, I think you also mentioned it here. But when I searched about it in English, it’s just some very limited stories like how relief he feels after coming out, finally living his life the way it is, how he came out to his family first, then best friend nearly 2 years ago and his teammates few months ago, on how there will be homophobia in the next game but he won’t react; that’s it. Are there any other important things he mentioned? Did he give any more insights? And better, can you translate the whole interview? It’s ok if you don’t do it though, only the important part is oke. This coming out is a big deal for this sport so I’m hoping to hear his story, because some homophobic comments he received really makes me uneasy, so I hope he feels safe 🥹
Heyyy, I will definitely try to translate the whole thing but only on Monday as I'm going away for the weekend. I listened to it yesterday, and the most important takeout was that he felt like he needed to "let it out" and be done with it, but he doesn't plan to be "the face of the LGBT community" (in the Czech republic). Basically he spoke about how everyone around him was very respectful and helpful, and that he discussed this decision with the manager and the sporting director at his club, but that it was his decision, nobody was pushing him to do it nor trying to talk him out of it. Also, he has a very "it Is what it is" attitude to homophobia, saying that he cannot get rid of homophobic comments but he tries to ignore them and not react.
he seems to be very private and level-headed, i think he kinda just wanted to say "hey there are indeed gay players, look, I'm gay, but now let's get back to football". Like, to not make it a huge deal. I can't see him wearing a pride flag or something, he said he's a professional and will always be, and that football is his profession and you don't really share your privacy at work that much anyway, since it's nobody's business.
I'll try to post the whole proper thing later on :)))
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marcysbear · 2 years
this is my first post. I'm terrified and excited but i'll give a tiny description of myself. I'm a fellow potterhead, wednesday, a dsmp, and heartstopper/solitare fan i have so many i love but yea.
my heritage is german, itailian, norwegian and scottish.
I'm learning czech, russian and ukrainian. [ and asl and relearning italilian. and im learning spainish
my rules
no homophobia or slander against the lgbt community
no racism
no hate against disabled people [ you would be offending and hateing on me cause i'm hard of hearing]
don't bring attention to hate
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Show your support for the LGBTQ+ community with our Free Mom Hugs Rainbow Sunflower Spare Tire Cover. A durable and meaningful accessory for allies! Show Your Support with Our Free Mom Hugs Tire Cover Show Your Support with Free Mom Hugs Spread love and acceptance with the Free Mom Hugs LGBT Rainbow Sunflower Spare Tire Cover. This vibrant accessory features a rainbow sunflower design, symbolizing support for the LGBTQ+ community and the unconditional love of a mother. By displaying this tire cover on your vehicle, you become a visible ally, promoting inclusivity and spreading the message of "Free Mom Hugs" to all who see it. Join the movement and make a positive impact on the world, one hug at a time. A Durable Accessory for Everyday Use Crafted from high-quality materials, the Free Mom Hugs Spare Tire Cover is designed to withstand the elements while protecting your spare tire from dirt and damage. Its durable construction ensures that the vibrant colors and meaningful design remain intact, making it a long-lasting addition to your vehicle. Easy to install and remove, this tire cover combines functionality with a heartfelt message, making it an essential accessory for anyone passionate about supporting the LGBTQ+ community. A Thoughtful Gift for Allies and Supporters Looking for a meaningful gift for a loved one who supports the LGBTQ+ community? The Free Mom Hugs LGBT Rainbow Sunflower Spare Tire Cover is an ideal choice. This thoughtful gift not only provides practical use but also serves as a daily reminder of the importance of love, acceptance, and support. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or any occasion, this tire cover is a wonderful way to show you care and to encourage conversations about inclusivity and acceptance. Product Detail For Free Mom Hugs Spare Tire Cover, LGBT Rainbow Sunflower rproof PVC leather material, this cover is both functional and stylish, with unique sublimation printing on the surface for a personalized touch. With a soft, non-scratch backing and easy-to-clean surface, this tire cover is perfect for use on Jeeps, trailers, RVs, SUVs, trucks, or any other tire with the corresponding size. Note Please note that due to varying monitor and light effects, the actual color of the item may slightly differ from the images displayed. Printing technology DIGISOFT™ and Dye-sublimation Style Spare Tire Cover Gender Adult, Youth Color Printed with different colors Size Types: No Camera Hole, With Camera Hole Available in a range of sizes, including 27 inches, 28 inches, 29 inches, 30 inches, 32 inches, and 34 inches, our PVC Leather Spare Tire Cover is designed to fit most spare tires with ease. Brand Sparetiredepot.com – Premium Printed Brand Shipping from United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, HongKong and China An African Victory Menelik II Battle Of Adwa Spare Tire Cover, Rav4 Spare Tire Cover Key features: Our covers are UV-stabilized and water-resistant, ensuring they can withstand tough weather conditions, and each one is custom made just for you. Plus, our simple slip-on design makes installation a breeze, so you can protect your spare tire from sun damage, bird droppings, rust, and dirt in just seconds. Feedback Us: Should you find dissatisfaction with your acquisition, we sincerely urge you to get in touch with us so we can rectify the issue at hand. On the other hand, if you find your purchase satisfactory, we kindly ask that you consider leaving us a positive review. Your feedback not only aids us in maintaining the quality of our products but also assists potential customers in making informed choices. Our ultimate aim is to ensure absolute satisfaction for each and every customer we serve.
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pan-pushkin · 9 months
When logo designers will lose their jobs
Quick answer: not so soon.
I've tried to create a nice logo for our Czech LGBT community. I don't have much experience still. And my AI started to give me a hard time. Apart from that, I was experimenting with some prompts for at least creating an idea of a logo. Well. Let's see how it works.
a colorful and whimsical logo for the LGBT community, a tilted rainbow umbrella, symbolizing diversity and unity. include the word 'Vmeste' in an elegant font, white background
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a colorful and whimsical logo for the LGBT community, a tilted rainbow umbrella, symbolizing diversity and unity. include the word 'Vmeste' in an elegant font, white background
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a colorful and whimsical logo for the LGBT community, a tilted stretched rainbow umbrella, symbolizing diversity and unity. include the word 'Vmeste' in an elegant font, white background, a minimalistic, abstract graphic
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*AI broked several times in the process. Spend around an hour to make it work again*
a colorful logo for the LGBT community, a tilted stretched rainbow umbrella, symbolizing diversity and unity, include letter 'V' and letter 'M' in an elegant font, white background, a minimalistic, abstract graphic, clean composition
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a colorful simple linear logo design for the LGBT community, a tilted stretched rainbow umbrella, symbolizing diversity and unity, white background, a minimalistic, abstract graphic, clean composition
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And now it is totally broken. I'm frustrated. And you say that AI art is simple and requires no effort. For a start, try to do smth yourself and then tell me about simplicity
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bobtheskeleton · 2 years
queer literally means weird and deviant, why would i or any other normal gay person wanna be called that? my being homosexual doesn't make me a freak or unusual or different, im normal. there's nothing abnormal about being gay? we're like everyone else. if you guys see yourselves as quirky and odd and identify as queer then fine, do what you want but most lgbt people (especially old lgbt people) would rather you don't call them a word that implies they're deviants because they're gay. it is a slur and reclaiming it doesn't hurt homophobic cishet people, since they'd call us that anyway. it only hurts the lgbt community because you're basically agreeing with homophobic cishets that being gay is indeed weird and abnormal.
Old LGBT people are against the "Queer is a slur"...
Also, that post, that I assume you came from, is about someone identifing queer IN SPITE OF people like you that think that queer is a slur. And sure, cishet people will call us queer, but it won't hold any power, if we reclaim a slur, like gay or fag, for example, then they can't use it against us. Like in Czech the equivalent of fag is 'teplý' literally meaning hot, and (at least IMO) it has been reclaimed and the homophobic remarks on me being a fag I just shoot down by saying, 'Yeah, I'm a fag, so what?' and their whole argument just falls down.
And being gay is indeed abnormal, it does deviate from the socially constructed norm.
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briamichellewrites · 2 years
2001. Elliot had grown up over the past year. She had donated her Barbies to a children’s hospital after growing out of them. They were thrilled to have them! She still had her friend, Joey, who visited her occasionally but she was beginning to become interested in dating. After worrying and stressing over her sexuality and gender for months, she chose to come out as agender with female pronouns and bisexual. Brad asked her what agender was.
“It’s for people who don’t want to label themselves as male or female or who don’t identify as male or female. It’s being without gender.”
“What do you want me to call you?”
“She/her. Just keep referring to me with female pronouns. I know it’s confusing...”
“Uh, yeah. As long as I know what to call you, I’m fine.”
“Elliot, Ellie, El. Whatever you come up with.”
Mike and Anna also kept their promises and supported her. She didn’t want to label herself as male or female. They could tell that she had been thinking about the LGBT community for a long time. Having her meet Jason helped her a lot. At fourteen, she finally had a hold on who she was. They looked up what agender was after she came out to them. People who identified as agender used they/them pronouns, but they also used he/them and she/them pronouns.
No, they/them is too complicated and confusing because it goes against the rules of the English language. They/them refers to more than one person. As a way of not confusing my dad more than he already is (lol), I’m choosing to identify as she/her. I swear to god, he is adorable! I told him and he was wtf lol. – Elliot
At fourteen, she had a stronger voice as it had become deeper and a bigger vocabulary. Instead of talking like a child, she was beginning to sound like an adult.
She was also more aware of the world around her and that there was more than just her neighborhood. They spent time in Budapest, Hungary; Tököl, Hungary; Oxfordshire, England; Ouarzazate, Morocco; London, England; Hertfordshire, England; Surrey, England; Beruit, Lebanon; Vancouver, Canada; Burnaby, Canada; Berlin, Germany; Haifa, Israel; the Czech Republic; Georgetown, Washington DC; and Hong Kong, China.
She picked up workbooks to learn French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Mandarin Chinese. That was enough languages for her to learn. Brad didn’t want her to overwhelm herself or force herself to learn all of the languages in the world. The ones she picked were common ones that were spoken in multiple countries, even the United States.
After September eleventh, the world changed. They had been in France with George when they got the news. They were at a loss and it took a moment for them to understand what happened. Terrorists had hijacked planes and crashed them into targets across the United States. Only one didn’t make it to its destination due to brave passengers taking over the terrorists. Their plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, saving a lot of innocent lives.
George and Brad had the difficult task of explaining everything to Elliot. How could they tell her when they didn’t know what the hell was happening? The world they thought they knew was gone. The twin towers in New York were gone. There was a giant hole in the pentagon wall. Thousands, if not millions of innocent people died. This wasn’t an accident. It was intentional.
They had to tell her as much as they knew. She cried because she was scared. As were they. Were there going to be more hijackers? What if they set off bombs next? Who was going to be targeted? Why did this happen? They had millions of questions and not enough answers. That’s what frustrated them the most. They had to protect her. How could they do that if they didn’t have answers? George had no idea what the hell they should do. Planes around the world were grounded to prevent further attacks.
The country cried with New York and Richmond, Virginia. They cried for the firefighters and police officers, who died trying to rescue survivors. Volunteers went to New York to help search for survivors trapped underneath the rubble. They came from all over and worked all night. Some survivors were found but a lot were still missing and presumed dead.
Slowly, the country began to rebuild. Mike knew what was going to happen because it happened before. Japanese Americans were targeted after Pearl Harbor. They were shipped to internment camps because of where they or their relatives were from. They had nothing to do with the attacks and were profiled just for being Japanese. He knew that Muslim Americans were going to be targeted because of their religion. They were not going to be shipped to camps, but they were at risk of physical violence.
His father’s grandfather’s family was one of the families sent to camps during the war. He knew what it was like, so he had compassion for Muslims who had done nothing wrong.
Finally, George, Brad, and Elliot were allowed to leave France. Elliot had an emergency appointment with her therapist, so she could talk about what happened. Over time, she learned that what happened was the fault of the terrorists. She donated some money to a firefighters’ fund. That was all she could do as a child. She wasn’t old enough to donate blood and she couldn’t fly to New York to help look for survivors. Brad let her know how much her donation would mean to the firefighters.
Every little bit helped. He let her cry and express whatever emotions she needed to. It took three months before she could be her usual goofy self. Mike and Anna also helped her by listening and talking to her.
“Bonjour, je m'appelle Elliot. J'ai quatorze ans.”
“That was French”, Brad said.
“Nǐ hǎo, wǒ de míngzì shì ài lüè tè. Wǒ shì shísì suì.”
“Yes. Kon'nichiwa, watashinonamaeha eriottodesu. Watashi wa 14-saidesu.”
“I know that’s Japanese.”
“Hallo, mein Name ist Elliot. Ich bin 14 Jahre alt.”
“Ciao, mi chiamo Elliot. Ho quattordici anni.”
“Hola, mi nombre es Elliot. Tengo catorce años.”
He had six out of six correct! Did she just say the same thing in different languages? Oui. He and George laughed. What language did she learn first? Japanese. She had been studying that since she was ten years old, so about four years.
Why was she wanting to learn Chinese, Italian, German and French? She just loved languages and she thought that it would help her in the long run, especially if she had a job that required her to travel to different countries. That was a great idea! Brad laughed.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @jovichic-bonjovi4ever @borhap-au @beneathashadytree @duffs-shot-glass @geo-winchester @lokolokong-manunulat
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myvalzpival · 4 years
Otevřená odpověď na článek Petra Machovského (Trikolora)
(upozorňuji na dlouhý příspěvek)
Zrovna včera jsem se velice rozezlil nad rozhovorem s Václavem Klausem mladším, který otevřeně přiznává, že ve svých předvolebních řečičkách schválně přehání, aby na sebe strhnul pozornost. Na tom by nebylo nic špatného, dělá to každý politik a jako taktika mu to evidentně vychází. Problém ovšem přichází ve chvíli, kdy si uvědomíme, že tímto způsobem přehání o minoritách a vůbec skupinách, které další hejtění v tuhle chvíli fakt nepotřebujou. 160 pohlaví? Co jsem vám kdy udělal, pane Klausi? Proč používáte mne a mou komunitu jako živý štít? A vůbec, proč si nás vůbec berete do pusy, když nás tak nenávidíte?
Dneska ráno se objevila zpráva, že Trikolora v Jaroměřicích vyvěsila plakáty s fotkou Schwarzenberga s Hashimem Thacim a nápisem „Vrah a jeho poskok“. Nesnažím se nikoho bránit, politika je černá jak bota až do morku kostí skrz naskrz, ale asi se shodneme na tom, že takhle by kampaň vypadat úplně neměla. Jasně, Klaus junior se sice ohrazuje tím, že to není stranou schválená akce, že s tím nemaj nic společnýho a že „není strategií Trikolóry útočit na někoho jiného a očerňovat ostatní politiky“ ( Zdroj) , ale když vám to říká někdo, kdo si dělá srandu ze sto šedesáti pohlaví a navíc při poslední volbě prezidenta nadával Schwarzenbergovi do cizáků… No. Důvěra až ke stropu, žeáno.
Dneska tedy na tyto výlevy navazuji článkem jednoho z členů Klausovic Trikolory – Petra Machovského, mimo jiné „absolventa Vysoké školy ekonomické, manažera se zkušenostmi v českých i nadnárodních firmách, od roku 2012 podnikatele v ICT a ekonomickém poradenství, odborného garanta komise pro Průmysl a obchod hnutí Trikolora a místopředsedu pražské organizace“. Neboli, člověka, který ví o LGBTI+ komunitě plus mínus prd, a proto se o ní rozhodl napsat článek. A my si ho rozebereme hezky odstavec po odstavci, protože když mám trpět já, zvu všech 160 pohlaví, aby trpělo se mnou. Předesílám, že všechny úryvky jsou brány z blogu pana Machovského, machovsky.blog.idnes.cz (potažmo z webovek Trikolory), ze článku „Prague Pride 2020: Buďme fér i hrdí a nechme manželství muži a ženě“.
„O čem jiném má člověk psát svůj blog v týdnu, kdy probíhá Prague Pride? A tak i já přispěji svou troškou do mlýna. Nedá se nic dělat. :-)“
Dá se dělat spousta věcí. Třeba nedělat nic. Nepsat o věcech, kterým nerozumím. Nešířit nenávistné řeči zahalené do roušky „ale já to přece dělám pro vaše dobro!“ řečí.
Pan Machovský hned zezačátku článku tvrdí, že teda sice jako nemá mezi homosexuály kamarády, protože to dělaj jen populistický levičáci (yeehaw), ale že jich za život spoustu potkal a nikomu z nich nevoněl pochod na Prague Pride.
„Jejich argument byl dost podobný: Proč bych měl veřejně vyjadřovat hrdost nad svou sexualitou? To je přece věc, kterou nemohu ovlivnit. Vy heterosexuálové to snad děláte? Pochodujete ulicemi a dáváte na obdiv své sexuální preference? Zároveň nechápali (ne všichni, samozřejmě), jak a proč by někdo měl bojovat za jejich práva tímto způsobem? Obzvlášť, když se necítili na svých právech nijak kráceni. A to je, myslím, důležitá poznámka.“
Tak si to vezměme od začátku. Zaprvé, tahle rétorika je i z úst člověka spadajícího do LGBTI+ komunity zcestná. Rozumím jí, ale je zcestná. Jasně, peníze by se daly využít jinak, do vzdělávacích akcí a kdo ví čeho ještě. Jenže Prague Pride a její průvod není o bojování, nýbrž o zviditelnění a vzpomínce na první americké veřejné nepokoje ve jménu LGBTI+ komunity. Bohužel, tyhle vzpomínky se z českého prostředí vytrácí. Práva leseb a gayů se tu jaksi vynořila odnikud a najednou tu byla, nepředcházely jim tahanice a úmorné nepokoje, kterými nám vydláždil cestu západ. Ačkoliv se průvod může zdát být jen snahou vyprovokovat nácky, fašouny a nábožensky smýšlející nácky a fašouny, je to skvělý nástroj, jak politickým orgánům ukázat, že tu pořád jsme, ačkoliv se na nás neustále zapomíná. Ano, mluví se o nás, a to většinou negativně, jupí jou, ale kde jsou legislativy, za které bojujeme? Kde jsou společenské změny, za které bojujeme? Ty naše vláda neustále odkládá. A to, že si přátelé pana Machovského nepřipadají kr��ceni na právech? Inu, podívejme se, kdo pan Machovský je. S největší pravděpodobností jsou jeho homosexuální známí zazobaní Pražáci, kterým věru nic moc nechybí. Ale jak k tomu přijde zaskříňovaný Jarda z Rokytné?
To, že heterosexuálové veřejně nevyjadřují svou orientaci je taky naprostá blbost. Heteráci se drží na ulici za ruce. Kluci a holky se ošahávaj na autobusových zastávkách. Manželé se v restauracích normálně líbají. Každé tříleté holčičce, která si ve školce našla kamaráda, rodiče žertovně vtloukají do hlavy, že by se měla začít chystat svatba, protože se určitě jednou vezmou. Rád bych vyzval pana Machovského, aby se vzal za ruku třeba s Klausem juniorem a prošli si spolu několikrát Václavák nahoru a dolů. A třeba aj tu hubičku si můžou dát. A uvidíme, jak by se z pohledů kolemjdoucích cítili.
Machovský pak, samozřejmě, jako správný politik, omílá dokola politicky korektní srance o tom, jak mu homosexuálové nevadí, že si každej má dělat, co chce, že nám právo na to, dělat si, co chceme, nehledě na sexuální orientaci, dává samotná ústava. No, a pak klasicky dodává – nechte si to na doma, žeáno.
„… Letos je součástí Prague Pride i petice s požadavkem na manželství pro všechny. A to je dle mého hlavní kámen úrazu. Vsadím se, že 99 % z nás nechává naprosto chladnými, co lidé s odlišnou sexuální orientací dělají či nedělají ve své ložnici. […] Jenže ono opravdu neexistuje nic jako právo na manželství pro všechny.“
Upozorňuju, že takový pohled na LGBTI+ komunitu je vskutku nešťastný, a bohužel ukazuje na to, že pan Machovský se s gayi a lesbami potkává tak maximálně v pornu. Heterosexuální komunita si potřebuje konečně uvědomit, že život homosexuálního individua není o tom, co s kým dělá v posteli. Homosexuální osoba není šukací hračka, homosexuální osoba není pouhý objekt sexuální touhy, homosexuální osoba si nezaslouží zažívat v každém politickém proslovu nebo debatě v hospodě neomluvitelnou fetišizaci. Osoba s homosexuální orientací je člověk. Člověk, který normálně žije, chodí do práce, platí daně, vychovává děti, zakládá rodiny, chodí ráno na nákup, studuje, vzdělává se, chodí na procházky, vaří, stará se o své rodiče, chová andulky, jezdí na výlety, okopává zahrádku. Smrskávat celou osobnost homosexuálního individua jen na to, s kým a jak provozuje sex, je projevem dehumanizace dané osoby. Daná osoba totiž musí chodit na úřady, kde čelí diskriminaci. Musí vyzvedávat děti ve školce, kde jí je často odmítají dát, protože není „právoplatný rodič“. Musí si odpustit darování krve, protože by musela lhát ve formulářích, nebo sexuálně abstinovat. Jako transgender osoba s homosexuální orientací se musí nechat před tranzicí rozvést, i přes to, že se s partnerem milují a chtějí jako rodina setrvávat i nadále. A takové věci si opravdu nemůže nechat jen tak pro sebe v ložnici.
Machovský pokračuje sáhodlouhým pláčem nad tím, že „nemůžeme měnit významy slov“ a že „manželství je manželství a má svůj význam“, tak jsem rád, že se z něj kromě experta na LGBT studies stal i lingvista a etymolog. Jazyk se mění. Tak to prostě je. Kdyby se neměnil, asi byste nám sotva říkal, že něco je nebo není „fér“, a promlouval byste k nám rétorikou nepochopitelně složitého Jiráska. Nebudu vás zahlcovat výkladem o tom, že jazyk je koncept vytvořený člověkem, slovům dává význam člověk a jde tedy o neustále se vyvíjející jednotku, bla bla bla, stejně by vás to nezajímalo. Ale stojím si za tím, že pokud jsme jako lidstvo schopní pro akt, při kterém v žertu napálíme druhou osobu za pomoci hudebního klipu „Never Gonna Give You Up“ přijmout slovo „rickrollování“, tak jsme určitě schopní pod pojem „manželství“ zahrnout i homosexuální páry.
V následujících odstavcích si Machovský stěžuje na to, že Prague Pride je dotovaná magistrátem. Dostala na to jeden milion korun, přičemž by pole Machovského tyhle peníze v době krize mohly jít jinam, a prohlašuje, že „pokud chce někdo pořádat mejdan, ať si ho zaplatí“. Rád bych podotknul, že na webovkách Trikolory můžete v horní liště pod ikonkou „Podpořte nás“ darovat hnutí peníze na transparentní účet 😊. Heleďte, jasně, že peníze teď nejsou a hledá se, kde se dá. Ale řekněme si to na rovinu, podle MFČR dostalo za rok 2019 jenom hnutí ANO ze státního rozpočtu 145 942 500 Kč. Kolik za letošek skončí u Trikolory se dozvíme z tabulek až příští rok. Všichni víme, že peníze se ztrácí, nikdo neví kam, kapsy jsou děravé, pokladnice chřadne… To není nás problém. To si musíte vyřešit vy v politice. Ten jeden melcek už stát zas tolik nerozbije. Navíc, berte to jako takovou jednorázovou nápravu za osobní újmu, kterou nám vy a vám podobní způsobujete takovýma řečma každý den. Vidíte, ani to nebolelo.
„Jedním z hlavních sponzorů letošní Prague Pride je společnost Vodagone. Dokonce jsem na stránkách Prague Pride viděl, že si kvůli tomu mobilní operátor přebarvil na duhovo své logo. Fajn. Ale pokud opravdu chtějí nadnárodní korporace bojovat za práva LGBT menšiny, proč tímto způsobem a proč u nás?“
Inu, pomáhat, to je trochu silné slovo. Zviditelnit se? Mnohem lepší. Samozřejmě tuto snahu Vodafonu nijak nezazlívám, když už nic, je to aspoň něco, je to aspoň někdo. Když se v druhé půlce tohoto odstavce Machovský ptá, proč se Vodafone nezaměří na pomoc v Africe nebo Asii, kde LGBTI+ komunita potřebuje pomoc víc, vlastně odpověď najde v mých předchozích větách. Vodafon nepodporuje ideologicky, pouze cílí na LGBTI+ komunitu jako na zákazníky a doufá, že tím, že si přebarví logo, si česká LGBTI+ komunita řekne „ha, tihle jsou za náma, tak si k nim přepíšu telefon“. Vodafon za nikým není, Vodafon to dělá pro zisk, jako každá nadnárodní společnost. A je v zájmu nás všech se tím nenechat ukolíbat, ale… No, na druhou stranu, proč se zároveň nepobavit v internetových diskuzích nad tím, jak se čeští nácci rozčilují, že si kvůli duze na logu vodafonu budou muset jet na pobočku přepsat všechny účty někam jinam.
„Na úplný závěr bych chtěl naše aktivisty požádat o jednu laskavost: Nesnažte se, prosím, tvrdit, že být fér znamená souhlasit s manželstvím dvou osob stejného pohlaví. To apriori znamená, že mě považujete za nefér člověka. A ačkoliv nejsem nijak vztahovačný, tohle prostě není začátek diskuze.“
Jak bych vám to jen… Pane Machovský. Po takovémto výstupu opravdu nejste v pozici, abyste české aktivisty žádal o cokoliv jiného než odpuštění. A proto mne nechte tuto diskuzi v klidu a pokoji ukončit: 
Jste neférový člověk.
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🌈 for queer asks?
🌈 - What's a Queer Identity, Experience or a piece of History you feel deserves more recognition?
Fckin Toyen
Like I swear, not only were they an important contributor to the surrealist movement but also I'm pretty sure the knowledge of their defying of their birth gender would've helped a lot of queer people in Czech republic who might think (like I did) that queerness is a thing of the West and not for us. The fact that Toyen, like Zdeněk Koubek, is much more well-known in the West and rarely ever talked about in their own country is just sad
In general just. More Czech queer history. There is literally nothing. All kids learn from mainstream knowledge is that the writer Ladislav Fuks wrote a lot about Jews in WWII because as a gay man he sympathized with his Jewish schoolmates over fear of deportation to Nazi camps
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thenhlteaissuperhot · 11 months
I just saw the interview with Karel Vejmelka that was a few months back, and I'm a little confused why they asked him about coming out in the NHL? Is he gay? It seemed out of place if he was just a random straight player
He was asked about that in relation to the (back then recent) news of a notable Czech football player coming out, which stirred quite a bit of heated reactions among the sports fans in the country, especially among the manly men. The interviewers were simply interested about how that the LGBT community and coming outs are viewed in the world of professional ice hockey, Karel is (as far as I am concerned) straight.
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spinner-of-yarns · 3 years
Idk, but it would be great if maybe people wouldn’t use LGBTQ+ if what they really mean is gay. Like, I know using just LG or LGB is an automatic red flag, but you can just say gay, lesbian and/or bi.
It’s just really exhausting to hear about great LGBTQ+ representation and then there’s not a single trans character anywhere.
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esynk · 5 years
i’m so thankful for all my lgbt mutuals and followers and friends! you guys are amazing!
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