#d holic
girlgroupnetwork · 1 year
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D.Holic — 'Chewy' MV for anon
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genderqueer-karma · 1 year
deciding to take deep dives into malice mizer knowledge has its benefits and its downsides:
pros - cool music and learning about a complex history between people that is shrouded in mystery* 👍
cons - learn too much about catholicism 😔
*(i don’t pry about anything, fyi. i just think that what is publicly available information-wise is interesting, both anthropologically and from a fan standpoint.)
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candychameleon · 5 months
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🚑Interest check for the Medical Grade Zine is now live!🚑
This will be a zine dedicated to the medics of Transformers!
This interest check will run from now until May 15th! Let us know your thoughts!
🩺Fill it out here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe2H6U0yyjnLGFhZoS3nIraCd3xbB3foabM3SzUv56mJSWIfA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Zine mods: @dataglitch , @mal-co-holic , @synchrosart @candychameleon , @dazzledictator
All relevant info is in the interest check form!
If the interest check goes well and we go forward with this zine, I will make dedicated social media accounts for it!
If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me/reply!
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dom1re · 1 month
Aw I made banner to attach to this but nvm, I wanted to invade your asks again as I absolutely love your drawing and wanted to ask who or what media has influenced your style? Or has made you pick it up as a hobby more?
🤔🤔🤔 i have to guess its stuff i consumed as a child that built up my aesthetics today. Being a 2000s kid in korea meant easy access to animes and mangas on tv or rental shops. Some of my faves were card captor cherry, inuyasha, yukioh, precure, princess yushi, gintama, d gray man, hitman reborn, xxx holic, black Butler, etc etc... (anyone else??)
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i dont see much consistency when i list them like this lol but i see some common themes are:
- fantasy/thriller/mystery/period
- suits/uniform
- characters with gray/silver hair
guess that's why i got into HL 😂
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But i lost touch with all that after I moved to the States. Only recently i got back into animes - rn i’m watching Evangelion and Dungeon Meshi. This wasn't intentional but its been a good balance of angsty/heavy vs easy/lighthearted
Outside of that, my sources of inspo nowadays are the HL fandom (obvs), illustrators on ig, and webtoons. Some of the webtoons make me go like "wow how did they come up with this story?? AND draw like this??" I've always admired multidisciplinary artists; I guess im trying to be one rn. id be happy to share recs if anyone's interested
Thanks for another interesting question! U may not have meant to but it made me think a lot about my journey as an artist 😂 I never really thought about what made me wanna draw in the first place before. and I was having too much fun drawing these characters and reminiscing the ✨good ol days✨ (i was only gonna do a couple but i got carried away 🥴) oh and sry about the media submission i reenabled it
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roseunspindle · 5 months
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tsunflowers · 9 months
I realized that more tomboyish characters will probably not exist in Precure again for a long time because of Pretty Holic. The vibe is very... Everyone loves Pretty Holic! Cure Butterfly works at Pretty Holic and its SO FUN!! Cure Delicious and Cure Summer and even Cure Sky do their nail polish with Pretty Holic polish!!
To a point wherr I feel like nobody can be above it. They can't have a girl who doesn't really care because they can't risk making the irl makeup brand a lame thing in the eyes of girls who's favorite is the one that doesn't care about it
I feel like boy cures would be the exception since even though they gave wing earrings and stuff, they can still be like well! little boys enjoy watching power rangers more than doing their nails :D and be justified by the parents lol
I don't know, I think we can still have tomboys. I mean, asuka was in the makeup themed season and she was still pretty tomboyish
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sora might not be a tomboy but she's so assertive and athletic that I wouldn't call her a traditionally feminine character either
I think pretty cure is not ready to have a character who says "I don't want to wear makeup" and doesn't have a dressup montage where she learns it's fun to do once in a while. since you're right that even sora and asuka are shown enjoying putting on makeup. but it is "pretty" cure. the franchise is still tied to a sense of idealized cuteness and femininity even as it's progressive in other ways. so I think the focus on makeup is more than just pushing the irl brand
but we've had a butch cure and a boy cure! things can change
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completeoveranalysis · 3 months
Hi 👋🏼 Just want to reach out and said that I lovee your blogging on holic and tsubasa. I just reread these series and OMG my heart 💔
Your blogs make me appreciate the works even more. Do you plan on doing live blog for holic rei & tsubasa nirai as well? I hope you do, oh how clamp continue to break my heart and I would like to see your interpretation on the endings as well bc it’s a bit vague and i’m interest in how other people seeing it.
Thank you! That's so lovely to hear! :D
I'll leave any concrete plans for the sequels for when I get there, but I will absolutely be taking a look at them. There's absolutely no way I could miss out on that after all this, that's for sure! I can't wait to see what those might look like.
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tadashiueda · 4 months
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AD+D. Tadashi Ueda CL. SOLO HOLIC (Instagram) 2023
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theprecuresystem · 2 months
Just for funsies, we wanna make a poll to see what people answer!
Go ahead and vote on what ya think is fake for us, and let us know what ya find funniest or most excitin', too! I'm curious on everyone's notes! I tried to pick out some entertainin' selections and grab quite a few of our best or most iconic moments~. Go ahead n' let us know!
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koushirouizumi · 9 months
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xxxHolic Rei ~ Chapter 17 ~ Shizuka Dōmeki + Yamainu & Kimihiro Watanuki
"Are you a {Shinto}...??" "No, I'm just the {Child} of..." {"Child of a Shinto--"} -> "And those people will never forget you"
"There are people who want to stand beside you, Definitely"
{Caps/Cropped by Me} (Please ASK/CREDIT to Use/Repost)
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sorvete-de-pacoca · 17 days
Nine people I'd like to know better tag game
Thank u @folightening for tagging me :D💕
Last Song: Lithonia by Childish Gambino
Fav colour: purple and blue
Current Watch: just tiktok vids
Last Movie: Lord of the Rings
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet 🧁
Relationship Status: Single
Current obsession: Hetalia (manly portbra), Chainsaw Man and rantep
Last thing googled: this cute bl comit to see if i can find more chapters (couldn't find it :,( )
Tagging @kaimaciel @mikakuonchi @blood-on-the-bluegrass @hemo-the-holic @laggingbehindreality and whoever wants to join :D
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monoukotori · 2 years
I wholeheartedly believe that xxxholic's relationship with Tsubasa's only hurt it . I think that without it, Holic could have become one of those cult classics of supernatural anime, but due to its status as a crossover
A) made it impossible for a faithful anime adaptation of the entire manga, hampering it's reach to new audience
B) alienated and drove away people who were here for horror and supernatural histories and not for crossover shenanigans
C) a not insignificant portion of the people who started the manga did so as a complement for Tsubasa, not for it's own merits as a history, so Holic is treated as a supplementary material
D) while both mangas were still being published at the same time, Holic was always the manga put on breaks and hiatus in favor of Tsubasa, hurting it's momentum and pace
As someone with Holic as one of my favorite manga, i really wish it was its own thing, instead of having to be always in Tsubasa's shadow
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merveiilles · 7 months
// Finally got my first piece of Pretty Holic!!! :D Of course I had to go with my girl Asuka/Flamingo's lipstick because she's my favourite. Was always curious about the quality of pretty holic stuff? So now I get to see what their lipstick is like!
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aowyn · 1 year
Fic Stats Game
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most bookmarks, fourth most comments, fifth most words, and your fic with the least amount of words.
tagged by the lovely fairy @child-of-the-fairy-folk ! <3 thanks for tagging me!!! :D
first most hits: and though the winter came it hurt them not
Show me your true appearance, Wen Kexing had said at dinner, looking up at Zhou Zishu through half-lidded eyes. His long fingers were cool against Zhou Zishu’s, who clutched his wine cup for dear life. And I’ll tell you what I want. I know what you want, Zhou Zishu didn’t say. It’s written all over your face. Wen Kexing invites Zhou Zishu to his rooms, and Zhou Zishu forgets about the nails.
i wrote this in the VERY early days of word of honor fandom, when you could count the number of english-language fics on one hand. as a result, this fic became very popular because there literally wasn't anything else to read LOL. (if you go in the word of honor fandom tag on ao3, limit to english language, then go to the very last page, it's there!
second most kudos: all the fires faded and were quenched
“I’m losing my senses, Lao Wen,” he said, with a hoarse bluntness that was perhaps a little cruel. He paused, and took a deep breath. Wen Kexing stared, still silent, black eyes wide with a distressed devotion that caused Zhou Zishu’s stomach to fill with hot shame. “I’m dying.” --- Zhou Zishu can't smell Wen Kexing anymore.
similar situation to the first fic! this story is on the third to last page of english word of honor fics sorted by date rather than the last one XD
third most bookmarks: silent and immutable as snow
He reaches for Wen Kexing's hands; touching Wen Kexing has become as natural as breathing, or perhaps it's the other way around. Being with Wen Kexing means being alive, or maybe not something quite so all-consuming as being alive, but rather the many smaller intimacies that coalesce into a life: Wen Kexing is the click of chopsticks at a common table and the rustle of blankets in a shared bed. Wen Kexing's hands are cooler than normal. At first, Zhou Zishu attributes it to the chill of the room, but when he feels for a pulse in his wrist and finds nothing, his stomach curdles like souring milk.
i wrote this story to cope with how the word of honor finale made me feel, and it resonated with a lot of people!
fourth most comments: rivers have not kept their courses
Across the ashy remains of the campfire, Wen Kexing sat on a log, playing his jade xiao. To Zhou Zishu’s sleep-addled mind, he looked to be made of sunlight, daybreak setting the white silk of his fine clothing aglow with pinks and pale yellows. It seemed a full night of sleep turned Zhou Zishu into a sappy poet. He resolved to never fall asleep to Wen Kexing’s flute again lest that affliction became incurable.
similar situation to the first and second fics! this story is on the second to last page of english word of honor fics on ao3 XD
fifth most words: sky above, crowned with sun
An olive tree, trunk gnarled and black. The mortals would call it ancient, but time is not so fast for gods, and Persephone counts not the years. All she knows is that the tree is as old as her dead son.
this is a hades fic i wrote for the extreme timed challenge gift exchange, where you have 48 hours after receiving your giftee's prompt to complete a fanwork for them. i wrote 2.2k words!
least amount of words: saudade
They lay together, in the time-worn quiet of the Four Seasons Manor—Zhou Zishu refused to call it a ruin, because it stopped being one as soon as the three of them came back to live in it.
on tumblr a few years ago i wrote double drabbles for people who left an ask with a cool word and a word of honor character, and this is one of them!
i tag @maebird-melody @morluin @morifiinwe @feanor @andreth-with-a-sword @garden-holic @raine-kai @vryivs @aredhels @gayjaytodd @rose-ncrantz and anyone else who would like to do this game! (and also no obligation to do it if i've tagged you!) <3
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i've actually been tagged/asked to "put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 people!!" by more than one person :0 and after just the first one i was like 'eeeh i dunno', but now its like gosh i guess people are curious!
i knew it'd be something i'd have to think or be kinda insincerely selective about because even if I make sure not to list any touhou arranges (which is like 60-70% of all music i listen to lately >_>), i'd feel compelled to have a varied enough selection so i dont look like as huge a nerd as i am -_- But i probably won't be able to avoid that even now so whatever!! Here Goes, straight from either my phone, my spotify bookmarks, or youtube favourites 👂
Ghostboy - Robotaki · Claire Ridgely I heard this song once on a tumblr's autoplay like back 2016 and it just immediately captivated me since and has become a semi-regular thing i listen to. A surprising lot of these kind of bubbly low-energy songs i latched onto during that year or around there that i could probably just list five songs exactly like it
In Sympathy - Depeche Mode Not on any blog's autoplay but it was just linked there by chance on a blog i frequented in 2018ish and also latched onto this one... Compared to the one right above, this one has been less of a 'listen to in bed' song and more of a 'listen to on bus trips while staring mindlessly at the streets'. There is a distinction and it is arbitrary which songs feel more suited to which 😌
ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATION - GANASIA its the JP opening of Mega Man 8! 🤓 But i actually heard this song completely without that context first somehow and only found out later where it came from. Also not actually related but i think mm8 is fun and charming even if its apparently something of a black sheep among mega man games? Anyway the song is nice and also fills the exact same spot in my head as like, the first two initial D anime OPs as high energy 90s jpop that makes me nostalgic for a time even though i was a baby then
I FEEL LOVE - YUKIKA (im not yelling but i think full caps is how all these are meant to be spelled) i basically routinely switch between soul lady or feel special when im in the mood to let a whole kpop album play but im listing i feel love because i listened to it and the whole soul lady album just a little while ago as my aching body healed up and it filled me with energy and desire to go out and find joy (This would have been a bad idea because it hurt to move 😌)
and okay, one touhou arrange.
カフカなる群青へ (Into the ultramarine of Kafka) - Yuuhei Satellite even though its from 2012 i actually only first listened to it like last year as i was slowly made my way through this circle's older albums, but it kinda instantly and retroactively became a classic in my head and is prooooobably the wonderful heaven arrange i listen to most often now, competing with a bunch of sound holic/swing holic tracks.
i don't wanna tag anyone but im always kinda curious about what people might be listening to so... do whatever 🤪
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umilily · 1 year
i’m a bit late with this but top 5 things to bake and/or top 5 enstars songs?
i hope you are doing well! :D
koriii <3 i'm good, i hope you're doing well too!
i don't know which one was harder lmao
for baking:
banana bread (bc i can do that with my eyes closed)
cinnamon rolls
carrot cake
lemon muffins
banana walnut cookies (the chewiest!)
honourable mention: Linzer Torte, which is a favourite to eat, but not necessarily to make lol (can't get it to taste like my grandma's :/)
as for enstars songs... (trying to not make all of this crazy:b on purpose, they'd need their own list to make it fair lol)
paranoia street
shisen hold me tight (what a surprise lol)
death game holic
have you been naughty or nice (this made the list bc it's an achievement all in itself for making a holiday themed song that i don't hate any other time of the year lol)
honourable mentions: hana akari no koibumi (i will die on the hill that this is a good song. i will not tolerate slander. my bgm in game) poison strategy, ruby love (i've had this stuck in my head for weeks and only just broke free)
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