#(kinda curious about your song ranking as well...)
umilily · 10 months
i’m a bit late with this but top 5 things to bake and/or top 5 enstars songs?
i hope you are doing well! :D
koriii <3 i'm good, i hope you're doing well too!
i don't know which one was harder lmao
for baking:
banana bread (bc i can do that with my eyes closed)
cinnamon rolls
carrot cake
lemon muffins
banana walnut cookies (the chewiest!)
honourable mention: Linzer Torte, which is a favourite to eat, but not necessarily to make lol (can't get it to taste like my grandma's :/)
as for enstars songs... (trying to not make all of this crazy:b on purpose, they'd need their own list to make it fair lol)
paranoia street
shisen hold me tight (what a surprise lol)
death game holic
have you been naughty or nice (this made the list bc it's an achievement all in itself for making a holiday themed song that i don't hate any other time of the year lol)
honourable mentions: hana akari no koibumi (i will die on the hill that this is a good song. i will not tolerate slander. my bgm in game) poison strategy, ruby love (i've had this stuck in my head for weeks and only just broke free)
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crispyflowerblaze · 4 months
my ranking of Piano Man by Billy Joel, just how i feel right now
1) Piano Man: yeah i mean i adore this song, it's so great, and it's one of the Billy Joel songs i've known the longest
2) Captain Jack: man i freaking love this song, it's so cool, and like the music part leading up to the chorus, holy shit, and the chorus is so amazing too
3) Somewhere Along the Line: this one is just a bop, i have a lot of fun with it
4) The Ballad of Billy the Kid: i really like this song, the instrumental parts are so great and yeah i dunno i just really really like it
5) Worse Comes to Worst: really not too sure about this placement, honestly this and the next two could've gone either way but this felt the most right, yeah this one's really fun
6) Stop in Nevada: again, not too sure on the placement, but it's also really fun
7) Ain't No Crime: ditto, i just have to dock points cus the one line that's like "but you won't want him every day" and that doesn't rhyme but if he said night it would've rhymed! lol does anyone else agree with this
8) If I Only Had the Words (To Tell You): i really like some parts of this but personally it just doesn't stick out in my mind too much
9) Travelin' Prayer: same, has some really nice parts but doesn't stick out too much
10) You're My Home: very sweet but again, just doesn't stick out in my mind very much
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koogl001 · 2 years
May I ask For A Singer Reader X Alastor? It's kinda like That you Are A Singer And then you fell to hell. The first demon Is Alastor And he kinda likes your singing? It's ok if you don't want to do this Or you don't Understand it. But if you do do it. Thank you!
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Sorry, it's a little yandereish towards the ending, only because I naturally see Alastor as someone who is possessive and territorial, making him the perfect yandere character.
One-Shots and HCs Masterlist
From being a successful singer living in luxury to a low-ranking demoness with nowhere to go, you came across the advertisement for a place called the Happy Hotel and being the curious self you were, you decided to check the place out. It’s not like you had anything better to do. Don’t get me wrong, you didn’t believe a soul that ended down here could actually be redeemed, but the idea was quite interesting. And who knows, maybe you could get a job there, or at least ask the owners if they knew of any job opportunity you could take. To lighten your mood, you softly sang you favourite song, seeing as no one was around so it wouldn’t be awkward. Or so you thought, at least.
“My my, what lovely voice you have darling.”
Came a staticky voice out of nowhere. You quickly spun and observed your surroundings, not spotting anyone anywhere. Was that just your imagination? Are you going crazy? You were on high alert, being in Hell long enough to know violence was a daily occurrence.
“Now now, no need to be scared, darling. I was simply admiring your talent.”
A hand firmly but not too roughly squeezed your shoulder. Your breath hitched. Turning around, you came face to face with a tall, menacing figure of a man all in red, his mouth stuck in a permanent smile. Well, fuck.
“Oh, how ungentlemanly of me!”
He proclaimed, letting go of you and bowing mockingly, one hand on his chest while the other was grasping a microphone of sorts.
“My name is Alastor, one of the overlords of Hell.”
He straightened himself back up, looking at you expectantly.
“H-hi… I’m (y/n)…”
“Pleasure to meet you, quite a pleasure! I heard your singing and just couldn’t resist, what a performance!”
He was dramatically gesticulating with his arms to accelerate his point. It was almost comedic if he wasn’t so creepy looking. After the awkward conversation that took place, you mentioned your unemployment issue and your desire to seek out this Happy Hotel in search of a job. What a lucky coincidence it was, that this interesting fellow was actually familiar with the place, proposing to lead the way. It was great! You were well received by the owner Charlie and her girlfriend and even starred in some of the commercials showing your singing gift. Everything was perfect, or so it seemed.
“Darling, did you really think I wouldn’t find out about this?”
Came the voice you were so used to by now. The voice belonging to no one ese but the terrifying overlord working along side with you.
“Did you really think that a low life like him could actually make you happy?”
He caressed your hair, his tight grip on your waist signalling an unspoken threat.
“Did you really think he would be able to protect you, love you and give you what you wanted?”
His cold breath on your neck made your fight or flight instinct kick in. Why? Why did it have to be this way?
“Now, don’t look so scared, you know I wouldn’t harm you my dear.”
Trashing around the grip on you only tightened, making all dreams of escape be only that, dreams. How did you not see this coming? How did you ignore all those red flags? The lifeless body of one of the customers of the hotel lied in front of you, chunks of it all over the walls and even the ceiling. All of this only because you agreed to have dinner with him.
“I am a very territorial man, you see? Especially when it comes to what’s rightfully mine.”
No one was able to save you, not from him.
“Now my little songbird, you will never escape!”
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mouthpiece-simp · 1 year
ougj hello. if requests aren't open disregard this but would you mind terribly if you did pacesetter/reader hcs where reader is a human woman whos a singer in toontown. im starving for pacesetter/reader content
Pacesetter x Human/Woman/Singer Reader Headcanons
Man, do people still do stuff like Human! Woman! Singer! Reader or was that phased out? This is my first time writing fanfic on any noticeable scale in years... I don't know this stuff anymore lol.
👟Graham knew about your existence for a while. Who didn't? You were known as a bit of an anomaly among toons and Cogs since you were human, and both sides tried to recruit you. But all you'd do was sing and perform.
👟So one day he decides he's gonna see what the big fuss is all about and go to one of your concerts.
👟Backstage, one of your crew members told you that none other than Graham Payser was sitting in the audience. You were flattered- you'd heard so much about this dangerous yet apparently very attractive Cog, and here he was in your audience!
👟You do your performance as usual, and once the concert is over you're surprised to find Graham casually waiting backstage for you. Apparently he'd sweet talked his way past security because he was just that curious about you.
👟And he kinda sweet talked you as well... LOL. He was just really charismatic... and enchanting... and cute... and.........
👟Graham dramatically asks you out on a date, and you're a little hesitant since you just met him, but you agree because you couldn't pass up an opportunity like that!
👟And after that you two were a thing.
👟I hope you don't mind a fast paced relationship because he does pretty much everything really fast. It's just his personality. If you can't keep up with him, well... sorry.
👟Graham is very, VERY dramatic. He could get a paper cut and he'll fall to the floor and complain about how much it hurts and how he needs you to kiss him all better.
👟Stroke his ego, compliment him a lot.
👟He's also the kinda guy to respond with, "Who doesn't?" to, "I love you."
👟If you think he doesn't care about you though, you'll be proven very wrong. He will go to some crazy lengths to show his love for you, be it running a marathon or just giving you a hug when you're feeling down.
👟Makes tons of songs dedicated to you. Sometimes they're love songs, sometimes they're just songs he thinks are his masterpieces {well, he ALWAYS makes masterpieces, but like, extra masterpieces}.
👟If you sing for his songs or even make some of your own dedicated to him, he will be like 😍😍😍. Dude will go crazy with supporting you like the dramatic guy he is.
👟Don't be surprised if you wake up at like 4 AM to Graham running around the house getting ready because he thinks the sun is too slow and he's just better than even the sun. PS he got 2 hours of sleep.
👟Sometimes he randomly hugs you from behind and asks, "How's my future wife?"
👟He expects things to be done really really fast, so he's pretty impatient. You will have to help him calm down if you can't speed up the process at all.
👟Graham will try to recruit you into the ranks of the Cogs. It's up to you if you wanna accept it or not.
👟Toons will be hostile to you regardless because you're dating a Cog, though. But your boyfriend will green them for you and help you get cleaned up.
👟If he hears you humming or singing, be it practicing/recording a song or just absentmindedly, he will immediately shut up so he can listen. And when you're done he starts clapping and cheering for you. Might even pick you up and kiss you.
👟Speaking of picking you up, he likes to do that a lot. Prepare to be quite literally swept off your feet.
👟He calls himself your number one fan and will be there for all of your concerts, either onstage with you or cheering for you louder than anyone in the audience.
👟Graham is one heck of a flirt. He loves to watch you get all flustered.
👟Challenge him to a performance battle some time. He'll probably out perform you because he'll keep changing keys, tempos, and even going into the dreaded 6/8 time {good luck LOL}, but he'll love the challenge.
👟Hope you've kept up with his fast-paced personality! Things are never boring around Graham, that's for sure.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Howdy! i have a request? kinda based on "i don't wanna be free", reader is a rookie guard and almost gets stabbed by another prisoner but Yancy stops them and they become friends, if thats alright?
Another day, another close-call with a prisoner.
They tried sneaking up on you while you were standing on-guard, watching the others in the yard. You were too distracted by the small group playing basketball together to notice the person armed with a shiv behind you.
Then you heard the shout of a certain man from Ohio and looked just in time to see your attacker getting tackled to the ground.
“What’re yous doing?!!”
“You said it was okay, boss! We can stab ‘em, right?!! We made a whole song about it!!”
"Parole ain’t even up yet, punk! No reason to be doin’ this now!!”
“Hey, hey!! Break it up!!” Infuriated, you managed to separate the two, with the other person getting a lot of bruises on their face and arms. They scowled at you, but you managed to wrestle the shiv from their grasp.
They would’ve fought for it back had Mr. Murderslaughter not showed up after hearing all the commotion. But you explained the situation and had your attacker hauled off by a higher-ranking officer to solitary.
You just sighed. ‘Just another day for a rookie officer..why do they always gotta target us?’
“You okay, officer?”
Looking over at Yancy, you smiled tiredly and nodded. “Yeah, thanks..I-I didn’t even see them coming. Guess that makes me a rookie, still. But...” You eyed him suspiciously. “They said you guys made a song about harming us..is there something my boss needs to know?”
“U-Uh no!” He shook his head. “We made up a song about uh..how much we love prison! It’s just for fun!! I wasn’t expectin’ anybody to take it so literally.”
“Oh, really?” You hummed, curious.
Of course, almost everyone in this penitentiary has heard of Yancy’s musical talent, and how his recent song made it very clear that he loved living here and wasn’t actually trying to escape at all.
“.....well you should work on changing the lyrics so your buddies don’t get the wrong idea.”
“Huh? “Buddies”?? I didn’t even know the guy who tried stabbin’ yous!” He huffed in defense, though his pout vanished as he thought over your suggestion. “But..alright. I’ll change it. You wanna see the revisions when I'm done?”
“Sure thing. I’m going on break.” You checked your watch. “Take care, Yancy.”
“Ay yous too, officer!” He grinned, before he rushed back to his cell to fix the song lyrics.
“Officer [Y/n]!!!”
It was early in the morning, and you were just getting some quick breakfast before your shift.
Yet Yancy rushed over to your table, wide awake like an excited kid on Christmas morning. He held a paper in his hand, grinning from ear to ear as he sat beside you.
You found it a bit odd he was acting so...nice to you, considering he usually didn’t like the guards--rookies or not. But he did save your life yesterday and seemed serious about wanting your advice.
This was the least you could do for him.
“Morning, Yancy. So what you got for me here?” You looked at the paper, seeing it was a songsheet. It was titled I Don’t Wanna Be Free, which..wasn’t all that surprising. It got straight to the point.
You saw he changed the “shiv a rookie guard” lyrics to “kick” instead.
That’s it. Just one word.
Looking up at him, and seeing his eyes shimmering with hope that he gained your approval, you just politely smiled and sighed.
"Well, it's better than being stabbed, I suppose."
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Pain. But alright /j
For those who don't want an extensive rating, this is my ranking, which I made into a ranked Spotify Playlist as well. Feel free to reblog with your own rankings! I'm curious what you all think!
2011 Madrid
2020 Live
French Concept
10th Anniversary
2008 Dutch
1989 Vienna
1991 Paris
Symphonic Recording
French Concert
2012 Movie
1985 London
2010 Live
Now for the ratings, in no particular order. I live-reviewed them as I listened :)
2011 Madrid: This man is DEFINITELY having a breakdown. I understand nothing but I feel his pain. Amazing performance. I LOVE his voice and THE ENDING ???????? WHAT THE FUCK /pos 10/10
1991 Paris: Not a fan of the part before the song, sorry (I know a lot of version add this part, I JUST WANT THE SONG). I can't really feel the mental breakdown with this one and also don't really like this voice. Though I love the instrumentals building up near the end. Don't like this "there's no way to go on" either. Mid version, sorry. 5/10
French Concept: This one definitely has a better breakdown than the '91 French one, though it doesn't beat the Spanish one. I think this voice fits Javert well, though not perfect. While I think the "updated" ending is better, this one isn't bad. 7/10
2020 Live: Again with the pre-song, but okay. It took me a while to get used to Michael Ball as Javert, but I've grown to love him. I think his voice fits the character very well. I can definitely feel the breakdown in this one. 8.5/10
2008 Dutch: My theatre bestie (number 1 Wim fan) will murder me for this but I don't really know how to feel about this Javert's voice fitting. It's not a bad fit, but not perfect either. Acting is a bit mid, though not terrible. Not my favourite version, but definitely okay to listen to. 6.5/10
2010 Live: Pre-song again. I do not like this. I don't like this voice, I don't like this acting. I know this is a fave of some of my friends but I genuinely don't understand how. Maybe he's better in other performances/boots, I don't know. 2/10
Symphonic Recording: Usually the pre-song is at least decent but what is this??? Philip will forever be one of my favourite Javerts though. The acting isn't really "this man is having a genuine breakdown as we speak" but I can definitely feel the emotion. Don't like how it's relatively slow though. 5/10
10th anniversary: Yes we have another Philip xxx This pre-song is definitely better than the Symphonic, so I'll forgive them. It's also faster, which I think fits better with the vibe, and the acting is a tad better. The superior Philip version tbh. The way he screams JAVERT and the scream at the end always get to me. 7/10
2012 movie: I am SO conflicted over this version because the backing instrumentals are SO good but... Russell Crowe. Idk man. Javertcore. 3/10
1985 London: Proof OG isn't always the best, what the fuck is this Javert. I'm sorry but I really don't like his voice and the acting is mid. Bonus points for "Lawrr" though, I like that. 3/10
1989 Vienna: I'll be honest if we'd had a better actor for this song this would have SLAPPED, German somehow really fits this song. It's definitely not terrible though and the acting is very decent. 6.5/10
French Concert: This man is HOLDING BACK TEARS fr, but I kinda dislike how he holds the notes, it takes away from the vibe a little? Still, it's an okay version if you skip the ending 5/10
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cosettepontmercys · 30 days
Hi! I'm so sorry I haven't replied. I hope you had a good week! Haha that makes sense and is totally a valid reason to watch the show and I'm glad you're enjoying it. Maybe I will start watching a new show soon at some point but I always say that and then I never do. I did end up watching some performances of a few musicals...Gatsby, Water for Elephants, and also Suffs. I had no idea what the musical was about but I think I liked it and it seemed original at least. I also found out that Illinoise is a musical based on Sufjan Stevens songs, and Hells kitchen might be similar with Alicia Keys..idk. I think the problem with theater now is that there's always adaptations so maybe that's why those didn't get nominated. Last year, the best musical winner was Kimberly Akimbo which I think is only based on a play. I'm not even familiar with it but I thought Some Like it Hot had potential too so sometimes it really just depends. Even Newsies is based on the Disney movie and one of my other favorites is Waitress, so they can be good. I don't think I'm going to make predictions but I would be curious what yours are.
Oh that's nice. What did you think? Or what was your ranking of all of Carley Fortune's books? I haven't read Meet Me at the Lake yet but mostly loved Every Summer After. It's sitting on my shelf next to People we meet on vacation so maybe I will read these first. But she said the new book is kinda focused on friendship which was something I enjoyed in Every Summer After so I hope it's good, and I know People we meet on Vacation is too. I was reading mixed reviews on Goodreads earlier but I'm sure I'll find something to enjoy about it. But I just read a snippet of Funny Story and This Summer Will be Different to compare and they seem promising too. I was originally supposed to read and pair Meet Me at the Lake with Happy Place though so now I don't know..lol. How would you compare them to Emily Henry books..either to pair them or just in general. I definitely think there are some similarities with the summery vibes. Hopefully I can decide and stick to it so I will keep you updated.
Did you know what the Outsiders was about since you haven't even seen the movie or did you just know in a general way? The only reason I knew it was from my English class and I probably wouldn't know about it otherwise, which is why I ask. But I think you will like it if you like teen movies, which I love. Unfortunately I have only read the book once compared to seeing the movie a lot over the years but I love the movie so much so if you get a chance, watch the movie after. I'm glad you liked the Gatsby movie cuz that's what I was basing my knowledge of it on lol. Before that, I barely knew what Gatsby was either though lol but probably would have watched it eventually.
I did watch a bootleg of the Pippin revival once and enjoyed it. the circus stuff was cool and I liked the role of a female leading player..but this is the only version I've seen. I think for me it's one of the musicals where I prefer a few songs over the whole musical. I think I remember being kinda confused when it ended too and don't really remember it that well. The circus part is one of the most memorable things about it to me but I did enjoy it.
Omg I was pretty shocked she changed the order of the setlist around for the tour. Like Red is now after Fearless. I kinda wonder what the reasoning for that is, because she could have had it in that order since the beginning? But I guess it's cuz she combined Folklore and Evermore into one set and Evermore was supposed to be there I guess. Some of the cut songs make sense, like the Archer or Tis the Damn Season but Tolerate it kinda had a cool set that was theatrical which is why I liked it. I can't believe she cut Long Live and did not even sing Castles Crumbling..I hope she does at some point if only to see her and Hayley performing together! However it also makes getting it as a surprise song still special to me compared to if she would just perform it at every show so idk. Without that though, I'm sad and there was no reason to cut Long Live, but I understand the first half of shows didn't have it either. I liked the new sets and songs a lot but I can't understand her starting it with But Daddy I Love Him..and I think the Alchemy would be a much better choice than So High School, cuz at least that one could be interpreted about performing on tour. Who's Afraid of Little Old Me was definitely a highlight and her vocals were amazing. I knew she would perform Fortnight and I predicted Down Bad too. The alien imagery at least looks cool I guess. I loved I can do it with a broken heart theatrics and choreography. It reminded me a lot of her past tours especially Red with the circus theme. I was right about no anthology songs since I think they could work better as acoustic surprise songs. love when she has new costumes and I like seeing different color combinations, but I was surprised she didn't mention the new album really in her speeches. I also don't know why there wasn't at least one debut song at all. At first I thought it was because it was eventually gonna come out on tour and possibly be added but now I don't think that's the case eith the new album. I definitely understand why she would wanna perform her new songs while she's on tour too though if she won't be on tour for a while after this so to her releasing a new album instead kinda made sense? What did you think? I think I will try to guess surprise songs again next week. I wanted to reply since it had been a week and I guess I just kept forgetting but I'm sorry if I missed anything or am bad at replying again. I hope you're doing well!
hi friend!! i hope you're having a good week 🤍
i actually have not watched any more of graceland since we last talked — i think i might be done with it (i got seven episodes in though). it just really isn't my thing! but bridgerton is coming back this week so i'll try to watch that soon. i've been rereading the books in preparation! and then the bear is back in june! so much good tv soon!
i'm really intrigued by illinoise. the state of theatre now is just so ... :/ bleak? i don't know how to explain it (i say, as if i haven't been recording voice memos venting about it to some friends lately — but it's always been easier for me to verbally go on a tangent vs. write a more ... formulated/stuctured ... reply). and i also don't know if you're interested in hearing my ~ thoughts ~ on the industry haha. have you seen anything about stereophonic? i'm obsessed with it; i need to see it so badly. i've been listening to the cast recording on repeat. i'm not super super confident on my tony predictions, but i'm thinking: stereophonic for best play, the outsiders for best musical, merrily for best revival, groff for best lead actor, kelli (or maryann) for best lead actress, dan radcliffe for best featured actor — unsure about best featured actress but would love for it to go to lindsay mendez or leslie rodriguez kritzer but honestly would be happy for anyone... maria friedman for best direction, maybe korins for here lies love scenic — or tom scutt for cabaret. curious to see if stereophonic genuinely has a shot at best score. would love justin peck to win for choreo (i just love him). i think that's really where i'm at with my predictions right now! may or may not change if i do more research (looking at reviews, grosses, etc).
speaking of theatre, what are your thoughts on the wicked trailer? i'm not ... thrilled with it. i'm still trying to go in with an open mind but i ... am not a fan. but i did get tickets to see the tour when they're in seattle! so i'm excited for that! i might try to go more than once, if i can drag some friends to go.
my ranking of carley fortune books are meet me at the lake → this summer will be different → every summer after. i think i'd compare every summer after with the summer i turned pretty actually — so not an emily henry, but i can't think of one that would fit. meet me at the lake with happy place maybe. andddd this summer will be different with people we meet on vacation. i think.
i only generally know the outsiders plot! i do want to watch the movie at some point. i have lowkey been slumping reading wise, but i'm hoping to finish reading the iliad before i leave on my trip, and wrap up gatsby at some point... in june? maybe?
i loveeeed the pippin revival; i saw it on tour and i adore it dearly. i have a pippin sweatshirt that i was just wearing the other day, actually! fun fact! today i am wearing a roman holiday: the musical shirt. definitely back in my musical merch era. i think pippin is a show that is better the more you watch it, but i just think it's absolutely brilliant! ugh that ending is so good.
ok taylor time — i was definitely not expecting her to change the order of the tour and i literally texted my friend like "shit i need to figure out when my bathroom break will be" since red got moved up so much earlier. now that we have a new setlist — what is your ideal setlist, and your ideal order? i'm curious! i'm also surprised she cut long live + didn't add castles crumbling. and similarly agree with what you said!
as an aside, i am actually going out of town next week, so it'll likely be a hot minute before i reply again!! hope you're doing well and staying safe! 🤍 have a good may if i don't get to chat with you before then!
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shinwhoohoo · 2 years
And because you’re on a roll with these—curious what your rankings are for their MVs?
What about their albums do you have any top favs (and I mean more in terms of the physical album design/content/photos/cd instead of the musical aspect of it since I think you may have already ranked that in an older ask)?
To share, not sure what my ranking is but my fav (bias is what im realizing it’s called in kpop) is Baro so my fav MV is Tried to Walk bc he gets so much screen time in it. Plus I love love all of his looks here!! And of course the khaki trench coat (and green trench coat + even the all white feathery one, tho those are from a music performance not mv) with the pink/unicorn hair I love them all have I said that yet lol. Maybe he overacted with the crying a bit in the skeleton zone, but that lone tear that falls as he’s walking through the city—my bb!! 🥺😅
For the physical album, I’m personally torn between Solo Day and Who Am I. I really like the “hardcover” of Solo Day and the way the CD is at the back (similar to how the cd is at the back with the hardcover for let’s fly). I’m also really into the mint/coral combo and the graphic design/layout/copy style/typography/typesetting (idk the term) of the inside. Love their photos from that shoot a lot! But let’s not talk about the English translation inside, ha! Who Am I, I love just bc there’s so much info packed in there I thought, and also so many photos, I just wish the cd was better encased even though I love the magazine style of it (and of course the concept of being able to complete an image via the spine).
Anyway, please share yours with us!
thanks for the ask~!! 💕
So I'd say this is my ranking just strictly basing it on the MV:
Solo Day (great storyline, great special effects, and a feel good ending that just fits the vibes of the song so well. Plus the hype building up to that MV at that time was REAL)
What’s Happening (love the quirkiness, the sets, and the style in which it is filmed. Again, fits the campy vibe the song has super well.)
Like A Movie (possibly the prettiest MV in my opinion? It just really goes head first into the fantasy, mystical vibes while still keeping a bit of the old-school bipo quirkiness of their earlier MVs, like with the zombie and alien spacecraft scenes)
Sweet Girl (beautiful sets. Just... a super pretty MV.)
Beautiful Target (perfect, old school bipo. Plus the fact we got 2 mvs? Amazing. It’s just so funny, so cute, so colorful... it always makes me happy to go back and watch it.)
Tried to Walk (another beautiful MV, and I agree it’s nice to get a more Baro-centric one. I actually think of all the members, he was the only one that could pull off that over the top, drama like acting lol.)
Baby Goodnight (fun, campy, quirky, A+ with the cowboy theme. Just absolutely great, classic, bipo.)
Lonely (definitely does the angst right, and I like how the shots are cut to coincide with the beats of the song. A little too Jinyoung focused sometimes, which I guess is why they also gave us a 2 MV version but I do like his scenes with the girl, especially her floating away as it gets darker.)
O.K (simple, but cute. Served well as a good introduction to them and the members. Not too much to add here.)
Only Learned Bad Things (another simple but cute.)
A Lie (pretty scenes and sets, not enough CNU lmao. Just seems to be missing the heart and soul their other MVs had.)
Baby I’m Sorry (yeah, idk, just doesn’t seem to fit their vibe. They seem to be trying too hard to be angsty. Though the behind the scenes of this MV are hilarious.)
Rollin’ (uninspired, filmed in literally 48 hours and it shows lmaoo it’s TRASH.)
Hmmm... the albums are kinda hard for me to pick just one honestly. I really like how much thought went into the Who Am I albums, how each member got one and how there were a lot of difference in the inside content depending on which one  you got. I love the styling of What’s Happening era, so I really love the photo’s in that album. And I think Into The Wind had the prettiest overall styling and concept photos of the members...but also Solo Day too!! Just because of the cohesiveness of the album to the MV...so can I say those four? 😁 lol
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lesbianpoetrage · 2 years
Nangangamba (Poppy x MC)
Chapter 4 
About Charlie: They are Filipino and their family moved to New York at a young age. They write songs (indie/alternative to be exact) that is how them and Zoey met. THEY ARE BADASS. 
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I shall start now peepol
She was frozen still, the air felt so cold to her touch - even with her coat, still it doesn’t add warmth. Charlie… charlie, she knows that name; very well in fact.
Poppy ended all her classes with slumped back, earlier, she found out that her father, Art, won’t be seeing her like he promised; her dad Piers, canceled his month-long business trip to France. This cancelation made Art stay at New Jersey. This made Poppy devastated, aching for the longing of her father - who she hadn’t seen for more than she could intern. 
Lamenting, she hadn’t realized that she was now standing right outside a coffee shop. It was a coffee shop everyone at Belvoire has come to know and love, it was painted beautifully; every customer is sure to be greeted by a maze of colors, each stripe reveals different tints, all being captured by the quintessential pastel theme. This made her heart flutter with joy a bit, cushioning her desolation for a minute; only for a minute, then she went on to continue her gloomy day once again. For weeks there is something she wanted to tell her father, he may have a terrible outcome to his love life, but Poppy thought, ‘that would be a better choice than questioning myself and gaining nothing’. Carter, the alpha’s… she went with almost every high ranking boys on campus - boys that will sure woo every straight girls on campu- 
“Straight girls…” she thought out loud, she realized that she did when a student approached her.
“That sure must not be me you’re thinking about then, bummer…” Poppy was now looking at the student like she saw a wizard coming out the wall. “Hey, what’s with the curious looks your highness?” The student joked, and after a while of silent treatment and Poppy’s continuous ignorance, they formulated an exaggerated gasp, *GASP* “am I in dire trouble to your palatial kingdom your highness?” That must’ve woken Poppy from her thoughts as she eyed the student, somehow she remembers them, so couldn’t figure out where she knew them, so she asked, “You are?” Poppy tried to inquire in a “nice” kinda way - but of course she failed to do so, and all came out was the usual sassy and bitchy tone of hers.
They don’t seem to mind her previous tone, “Bitchiness aside, what’s wrong with you? I know we’re not close, but maybe I know something that could help you, OH and I almost forgot, my name is Charlie” The room was surprisingly empty this time of the day, Poppy is sure their silent conversation could be heard loud and clear with all the empty seats bouncing each sound waves they directed, yet she had no choice, she can’t be as miserable tomorrow as she is now. “And help how exactly?” Before she could ask another question Charlie somehow was now out of her sight, following her instincts - she went outside hoping to get a glimpse where they were headed, luckless, she kept going until she did find them “Why am I even following them?” “Why am I this confused that I’ll do this to answer my question?” Deep in her gut she felt ominous. But before her worry eat her courage, there she finally caught a peep of them. They were standing over a shade, leaning over the big tree with branches she definitely wouldn’t be able to reach. To her honesty, the was candidly perplexing, it doesn’t look in any way ordinary. Poppy took a while to breathe the scenery, the flowers and the uneven grass makes the floor look so natural; even though it really is natural, but this natural felt like it came from fantasy movies. “Bea would love this” she sighed then her words hit her, “Wait no-” and there it was again, denial. 
Charlie was looking at her amazed, smirk visible on one side of their cheek. “Earth to the queen?” They shouted, the noise echoed through the place; the trees being a major factor. “Oh shut it-” the famous name calling never arrived as she was about to fall face first to the ground, all she could do is close her eyes and hope it won’t wound or bruise. She swears she’d been falling for 10 minutes, ‘why hasn’t she fell yet?’ ‘did someone pushed the anti gravity button for some reason?’ But no- it was not the ground she fell of, instead it was a warm pair of hands - cupping her body perfectly to make sure they wouldn’t her even a cell of her body. For someone as tall they were gentle. Next thing she knew, they were holding a piece of her cheek, “are you good?” They asked concerned, genuinely concerned. But of course, as the queen she was, she stood immediately, as if nothing happened. 
Both stood, immobile, neither were able to speak, move, hell even breathe. But Charlie cut the tension when they took her silence as a yes, “well then let’s go, we’re nearby, really…” They waved an apologetic smile, feeling guilty they made her go through the hassle. After a short walk; as they promised, Charlie motioned to the small gazebo laying down n the middle of the beautiful gardens. Being the queen of Belvoire has its many own perks, knowing every single angle of the campus and secret hangouts was one of it. Surprisingly, of all the many sites that had come to her vision, this sure is a new one. There she sat on a nearby seat as she entered the sheltered area. “So,” they started, though can’t follow through with another word or question. “Oh?...” Poppy repeated, prompting for them to speak. “Hit me with your quandary your highness” their tone was sarcastically stated, they followed with a curtsy. Poppy felt her eyes rolling to the back of her skull, but she started on her trouble telling tales, “I can’t tell you even if all my guts wanted to, I don’t even know what the hell it is, but…” “but?...” they questioned, “It feels weird, I never considered it before but when I did…” her voice fell soft at the end, “You feel more yourself than you ever did in your whole life? You feel the need to express and be proud that you finally found yourself, the one you thought you’ve lost?” “I, yes…” she felt weak, she felt that surrendering feeling, was she that easy to read? I carry it like it’s an end-of-the-world kind of problem, but they just figured it out just like that!
She was sure of the feeling, yet she couldn’t find herself to wrap her head around it. Only one explanation that elucidates this infatuation of hers. “Not to be bold, but I think I know what’s on your mind right now, mind me guessing?” They really intend to help then, they definitely gave her that impression - but why? “Here…” their raspy voice was now soft spoken, she now examined the object of attention; a photo, was it a photo of them? But this was definitely what Poppy first thought when she saw Charlie earlier today - long locks of dark hair, in the photo she saw a girl wearing “decent” clothes… the only reason for it being basic is for the way the student seem to look wearing it; the student look irritated and very disquiet. Then she saw the student’s eyes, that when she knew, “Charlie…” Poppy doesn’t know what to say, ‘how am I supposed to tell them that I kinda had a crush on them when she first arrived at Belvoire?’ that’s why they seemed familiar, but instead of an anxious student she was now greeted by a confident silhouette. “You shouldn’t fear to be the rest of yourself Poppy, I’d rather three people love the real me than a hundred loving the person I call myself but in reality was not” Their sound was so soothing, she felt relieved with those words, with that they hugged them, “I’m not there yet, but I will be Charlie…” “I’ll count on that” they smirked, Poppy mirrored the expression back.
"This was weird, but I got to say, I really enjoyed my time with you" she could lie to them and tell them that they bored her out of her mind, but she rarely finds company rousing. Also, the fact that she enjoyed a peaceful time speaks for itself how good a time she had; it's not everyday Poppy gets a time to relax. A hand fell flat on the blade of her shoulder, "you know, your highness I could say the same thing!" They both smiled, Poppy was more than delighted, this was a treat, compared to her daily life in burning hell. Both parted ways, but before they were too far to hear each other a voice spoked, “Same place Min Sinclair?” with that Poppy nodded and smiled before turning her back and return to her former walk home. 
End of flashback
She was unfrozen, now feeling her senses came back into her, the voice she heard was familiar, so, so familiar. It’s like the scent of rain that makes you feel seven; and you still don’t feel the impact of the world crumbling from the inside. Her body was now thawed and is now able to move, yet her mind won’t function the way it’s supposed to do. ‘What was I supposed to do? Do I move or do I just go inside and be the stone cold woman I always stem to be?’ With all the thinking she must’ve lost all her consciousness - for when she felt her cheeks, a single tear was already resting and taking a dive at the floor.
“Charlie…” she breathed, was she hurt? ‘No you can’t be Poppy’ but she heard a second after smashed heart heart to piece, this room- 
This is Bea’s room…
And a voice now started,
~ Nangangamba nangangamba ang 'yong puso ~
One strum of the guitar and her heart shattered,
~ Hindi ka sigurado ('di ka sigurado) ~
Her heart stopped, yet the music keep beating,
~ Nalilito nalilito ang 'yong utak ~ (Worried, your heart is worried)
“I was too late, again…”
~ Kung tunay bang pag ibig 'to (tunay bang pag ibig 'to) ~ (Mind confused if this is real love)
“Why can I just love without hurting?”
~ Ano ba ang problema mo ~ (What is your problem)
The battle with the heart was lost again,
~ Sabihin na ang totoo ~  (Tell the truth)
For once, I don’t want the truth - I don’t want to go inside…
~ Sabihin mo na nilalaman ng puso mo ~ (Tell what's in your heart)
Tell me without telling me, don’t show me
Charlie doesn’t hurt, but the silence did, Bea must’ve liked the song, she’s very attentive and quiet to things that she finds amusing or in this case a person she finds interesting. To be fair Charlie really is interesting; quirky, but interesting - maybe that’s the thing that makes them interesting, they are not the so called “I’m not like the others” trope, but they genuinely are novel. 
Guess she could say that she deserves this, for the entirety of last year all she did was try to make a hell of Bea’s life - that she kinda did. So she shouldn’t even be mopping here like she even had a chance. So with a pang, she entered the room. They are all looking at her like she was a walking statue - well, it’s partly true; she was walking straight up, stiff as stone and with a face unmoving as a rock. She paced walked to the nearest room, luckily it was her room, but again this was also Bea’s room… She couldn’t care much about that, so she slammed a pillow to fer face and let all her angers out. 
“Well this day was a rollercoaster” Bea whispered to herself as she walks to her room, Just before she reached the knob of her door, she suddenly felt her stomach curled - and with that she immediately went back to the kitchen to make herself something to eat. Now arriving she was greeted by the small figure of non-only than Poppy Min Sinclair, even when sleeping she looks like a goddess Bea admitted to herself; it’s not like anyone could deny that.
By the time she finished her meal that’s when it hit her again, her stomach still flutters, just like it did earlier, But why? She’d already eaten plentiful amounts of food yet- was it guilt? Guilt, guilt for what? Whilst wondering her eye landed on the sleeping princess, landed was an understatement; more like it rested there for a good three minutes, not scanning her body, not even looking, it was just right there - her eyes were in contact, but her consciousness was left out, right now, she was considered to be zoning out. Afterwards, now regaining her self mind, she now located where it was coming from, she was not breathing like she normally was neither does her heart beat in a rhythm it normally does. 
The pang was somehow related to Poppy, and somewhere deep within Bea knew why, the only reason Bea even dare to overthrow the queen was for her to get the chance to get to know the real woman behind the crown; she was unsuccessful obviously, a moment came where she gave up and just accepted that Poppy Min Sinclair is just a mean bitchy spoiled little girl - but moments today proved that she was right, Poppy was hurt; never treated right never given respect and that’s all what she sought. Was it right to run away from love the moment it finally showed a change or progress? 
The kiss, was she saying something?
Poppy doesn’t really trust her words to speak for her.
It usually just comes out rude and bitchy…
“I like you Poppy,”
“I hate you HUGHES”
And the rest was bed and pleasure…
You always kept me like a secret, your toy. I get tired playing too, I GET TIRED. But were you trying? Are you? Usually Poppy “people” treat the people that they like kindly, but the letters… from her mom to her father, her mother was always out, she made sure to payback from the time she’s away, but was she alright? 
BUT I SWEAR I’M TIRED! Poppy… I am tired please, it hurts thinking about you. I loved you knowing I won’t have my heart intact at the end - but for a goddess I would break it a thousand times over and over again. To be a proof of that, I felt guilty knowing I said yes to them knowing I still have feelings, was it fair? Or am I just treating them the way you did; one sided. 
Was it because it felt lonely being on one side of that love that you want to feel what’s on the other side? I said yes, knowing there is a huge chance I would never forget her; it also doesn’t help that she's laying right beside her, atoms further from each other, the air barricading the two apart. But only one thing is clear at the moment she has to tell Charlie; ALL OF IT, they deserve to know all of it.
The other thing that’s making her nape throb was the task X assigned that she hadn’t yet seen. She anxiously opened her feed to be met by shocked posts, and reactions to the previous asseveration of that coward bitch; on which of course is X.
‘Looks like Queen Beeatch is scared, look how she still isn’t responding’ 
someone anonymously posted, if one thing is clear the person whom did that was more of a coward, not showing their face while blabbering their mouth. She sighed and moved on from her haters and scrolled to the hive of the (wannabee) queen’s confrontation of challenges. A few minutes of scrolling through the page and there she found;
Find out who I am.
Have 100k followers (As if your so-called fans would be willing to make that many dummy accounts <3)
Survive Belvoire with the only reason you are at the throne in the first place - Zoey Wade.
What do you mean without her? She’s going anywhere, unlike your followers my Zoey is looooooyal; I’m very sorry if you can’t relate. Mwah, you need all the love you can get - you must be starving from those :(
I clicked on the post button and there it is once again my words beat the hell out of that X, but then…
Aw… poor Bea didn’t she tell you? Her “new singing career” is more important than you now babes…
And with that entered Zoey she must’ve also seen the challenges for her face spells “We need to talk”
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writingsnmusings · 4 years
Wildest Dreams
pairing: captain syverson x reader
summary: it was supposed to be a one night stand, but the connection was too strong. now that he has to go back, you have one fear. based off of taylor swift’s wildest dreams
a/n: my first syverson fic, please be gentle with me! i don’t know why, but i just got sy vibes from this song and this was the outcome. credit for the use of the name ‘logan’ goes to the amazing @littlefreya​!
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he said let’s get out of this town
drive out of this city, away from the crowds
Your head rested on Logan’s hard chest, both of your breathing finally calming down. You didn’t know how long you two had been at it, but you were sure it wasn’t going to end anytime soon.
Logan was due to leave tomorrow afternoon and he was determined to keep you in bed for as long as he could. He couldn't get enough of you and you of him.
“Let’s just leave,” His gruff voice brought you out of your thoughts.
You looked up at him with a sad smile, willing the tears to stay at bay. His hand trailed up and down your back in a soothing manner, he could practically feel the anxiety radiating off of you.
“Yeah? Where would we go, baby?” You decided to indulge him for a bit. You both knew it was impossible, but you wanted to live in his fantasy just for tonight.
“I was thinking Canada; take my Texan girl out of the heat and into the snow?”
You scoffed, “Your ass wouldn’t last in the cold.”
Logan let out a chuckle and shook his head, “If I had you, I'm sure i’d be good anywhere.”
Your heart fluttered at his words. Although he wasn’t a man of many, he knew what to say to make you melt.
he’s so tall and handsome as hell
he’s so bad, but he does it so well
i can see the end as it begins
Meeting Logan Syverson was an accident. A beautiful, horrible accident.
You were at the bar for a girls night when you noticed a group of army men at the table next to you. The biggest one with a beard caught your eye. You two silently flirted for an hour or so till he caught you alone ordering the next round for your table.
“What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?”
The laugh you let out went straight to his heart. You turned to face him and he swore he died and went to heaven because an angel was right in front of him.
“That line work on all the girls?” You asked, already decided that it did, in fact, work on you.
Logan rubbed his neck before speaking, “This my first time trying it out.”
You took the tray of shots back to your table as Logan grabbed some beers for his guys. The tables were soon pushed together and the rest of the night was a blur.
You remember bits and pieces of your first night with the Captain. Stumbling into your apartment, Logan knocking over a table lamp as you clung to him on the way to your bedroom, your dress ripping in half and you having more than one mind blowing orgasm.
Waking up trapped between two strong arms wasn’t bad. Not knowing how the man behind you was going to react, kinda was. You shifted around to find two half lidded eyes looking back at you. You felt yourself blush under his gaze.
“Mornin,’” His voice was even deeper than you remember and it went straight to your core. “I don’t, uh think I said this last night, but names Logan.”
You would’ve smacked yourself upside the head if you weren’t so entranced with the man in front of you. How could you get into bed with a stranger and not even get his name first?
“I’m Y/N.”
Within hours of laying in bed with Logan, you were pretty sure you got his whole life story. In as few words as possible, that is. You were a curious thing so you couldn’t help but ask question after question and for some reason he answered every one.
“So,” You started, “Can I call you Captain?” The roles were switched and his head was laying on your chest. You quickly realized he was a boob guy. Your fingers ran over his buzzed head and down to the base of his neck.
Logan let out a hearty laugh at the way you asked so seriously. “Whatever you want, sweetheart.”
He pressed sloppy kisses to your chest that made you giggle and attempt to push him off. The giant mass of a man barely budged as you struggled. He finally relented and pushed off of you, only to trap you once again. His arms held his weight above you as he looked into your eyes.
You were screwed, you thought. One night with this man and you were totally and utterly screwed.
his hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room
nothing lasts forever
Four glorious months with Logan and it was coming to an end.
You sat cross legged on your bed as he paced in front of you, hands clenched in fists.
“Baby,” You called out to make him look at you. “C’mere.”
Logan sagged over to you and sat down. You grabbed his big hands in yours and soothed the crescent marks he had made with his nails. You knew you needed to comfort him and you were going to, you just needed to wrap your head around this first.
Early this morning Logan got a call he couldn’t ignore even if he wanted to. The higher ups decided he needed to go back out into the field and who was he to say no?
“I used to love when I got called out. I’d get too antsy being here alone and I jumped at the chance to leave. But now,” He shook his head and turned to you, “My blood runs cold whenever that phone rings. I can’t look at the caller ID without my heart practically beating out of my chest. I’ve been dreading that call since that morning I woke up to you in my arms.”
The tears were free falling at this point; on both of you. You scrambled your way onto his lap and held him to you as you sobbed. Logan’s hands gripped your back hard, but you couldn’t focus on that.
“I’m not,” He sniffed and cleared his throat, “I’m not spending today crying. C’mon baby, let’s go out to that place downtown and get back into bed.” He stood up with you in his arms and gently let you down.
You looked up at him with red eyes as he cupped your face and wiped the stray tears. Logan pressed a kiss to your forehead as another sob ripped out of you.
say you’ll remember me -
say you’ll see me again
even if it’s just in your
wildest dreams
The loud alarm Logan had set was blaring for a good minute before he smacked his phone to shut it off.
You had planned on waking up early and making him breakfast and helping him pack, but when 8 AM hit, you two couldn’t bring yourselves to separate even for a few minutes.
You had two hours to get dressed and get to the airport so he wouldn't miss his flight.
Logan had you wrapped in his arms, pressing sleepy kisses to wherever he could reach. You couldn’t lie and say you hadn’t cried when Logan finally fell asleep in the early hours of the morning. You two got so attached in such a short amount of time and it just wasn’t fair he was being pulled away from you.
“I don’t want you to go,” You mumbled into his chest. “It’s not fair.”
His arms pulled you tighter against him, if that was even possible as he sighed.
“I know, honey, it’s not. I don’t wanna go either, but we both know I have to.”
You hated that he was right.
The drive to the airport consisted of Logan doing all the talking for once. He talked about which guys he’d be with and not that you were really listening, but he knew you needed comfort this time and you loved listening to his voice.
“We’re here.” You whispered mostly to yourself as he parked. You wished you could go back to the night you met and just relive everything all over again. You didn’t want to go back to your empty apartment that over the past few months became his too.
Logan’s arm was wrapped around your shoulders as he checked in and put his bags through. You knew you look ridiculous with your tear stained cheeks and red eyes, clinging to the muscled man in a tan shirt and army pants, but you didn’t care. You didn’t know when you would see him next and that was driving you insane already.
You opened your mouth to speak, but the intercom blared the dreadful message that his flight was now boarding. You couldn’t help the whimper that escaped your lips.
“I’m coming back to you, okay? I promise.” Logan cupped your face and pressed his lips to yours.
You poured all the love you could muster into the kiss and so did he.
“I-,” You let out a shaky breath to steady yourself before continuing, “I’m keeping you to your promise, Captain.” You using his rank as a nickname made his lip turn up.
“Of course.”
He pulled you into one last hug before leaving a kiss on your forehead and pulling away. You wrapped your arms around yourself as you watched him walk away. You didn’t realize you were wearing one of his sweaters till you got back into your car and all you could smell was him.
Tears blurred your vision as you sat there and inhaled his scent, not caring about the people walking through the parking lot who were most likely staring at you. You took a few minutes to compose yourself before starting up the car and driving back to the empty apartment that awaited you. You weren’t a religious person, but you were praying to every God out there that your man would be brought home safe.
say you’ll see me again, even if it’s just pretend
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kaaytea · 4 years
S/O does their makeup
⤷Includes: Akaashi, Kuroo, Bokuto, Sugawara
A/N: wow look I did self insert stuff for once, absolutely wild. I had a blast writing this so enjoy :))
The both of you were lying on the couch in the living room, he was lying on top of you while you scrolled through Instagram
You landed on a post with a very pretty, shimmery smoky eye
Inspiration has struck ✨
"can I do your makeup?"
Tired Akaashi = he really doesn't care as long as he can relax
He gets up off of you and waits for you to return with yo makeup bag
He mayhaps have dozed off for a bit while you were doing his eyebrows
You were just being very gentle with him and he was so relaxed he just-🥺🥺 sleepy boy
You had to wake him up to do his eyeshadow tho and you felt so bad bc he looked so peaceful
He hated the eyeliner
It felt weird and you poked his eye a few times bc he kept moving
3/10 he doesn't recommend not a fun experience
You on the other hand were loving the look rn tho
He had a shimmery black smoky eye w/ some sliver glitter on the lid, and winged liner
Originally you wanted to do lashes too but decided not to for his safety and comfort
"Akaashi I need you to open your mouth slightly"
"I'm putting your lipstick on"
He's so compliant, he knows how happy this is making you so he just rolls with it
When you finish he opens his eyes and looks at you and you just 😳😳
If you thought he was beautiful before he is absolutely gorgeous now
"can I see?"
" OH... uh yeah sure"
You give him a hand held mirror and....he actually really likes how he looks? Never really thought makeup was for him but.... apparently it is bc wOw his brows look good
Has a big smile when he looks back at you
" I really like it"
" I- you don't hate it? Really?"
" of course not, my eyebrows look cool :))"
Only Akaashi Keiji would describe his perfect eyebrows as "cool"
Ha ha a curious kitty
You had just finished organizing your makeup, you had been putting off going through all of it and getting rid of expired/things you didn't use but you finally did it and now everything is v v clean and organized
Little did you know this curious cat had been watching you the whole time from your bed
Literally didn't even know he was there till he spoke to you
"Could you do my makeup?"
"what? You really want me to put makeup on you?"
"yeah, I'm intrigued by it. I wanna know how it feels"
You just kinda shrug, grab a few products and go to sit in front of him on the bed
Doesn't fidget at all, he stays completely still throughout the entire process
Asks alot of questions tho
"what's this do?"
" That's an eyelash curler"
" It looks like a torture device"
At first you were just gonna put some eyeliner on him and give him a fun lip color, but then you added a bit of pink eyeshadow and some gold graphic liner...and some red liner on his lower lash line
Yeah you kinda went wild
He was snooping around in the lil bag you had your single shadows in when you heard him gasp
" is this heart shaped glitter??!!"
"uuh yeah"
He's very excited about the glitter 😌😌
You put it high up on his cheek bones/ under his eyes
By some miracle you were able to get lashes on him
He was very happy with how it turned out
" damn I look really hot"
"wait this isn't fair, how come you're like 10x more sexy now :("
"Some people are just born with it babe"
Deff sends a photo to Bokuto and acts like he's trying to slide into his dms
"Hey there big boy, heard you're good at spiking balls, maybe you could hit some other things for me ;))"
He's the one who asked you
He was really bored and just kinda flopped on your bed, it was one of those stormy days where you couldn't go out
He spotted your makeup bag on top of the dresser
Came up to you in the kitchen holding it like 🥺👉👈
"Can you make me pretty like you?"
"you're already pretty Bo"
"But I want to be as pretty as you.."
"....ok sit down"
Will nOt stop moving, he is vErY fidgety
Opens almost every product you have and smells it
Was very excited to find out liquid lipstick smelt like cupcakes
You let him choose what colors he wanted bc of how excited he seemed
Was that a mistake?....maybe but the way his face lit up looking at all the colors was worth it
"so you want blue eyeshadow with lime green eyeliner and purple lipstick?"
He's just a big puppy let him be 🥺🥺
You had to redo his eyeliner like 3 times bc he kept fidgeting
Liked looking at all the different brushes you had, he also ranked them by their softness level
Picked up one of your blending brushes and booped you on the nose with it
Explaining fake lashes to him is so difficult, he looks at you like you're explaining rocket science
"you just add a bit of glue on here, and then put the lash on your eye. They just make your lashes look really long and full"
"......eye wigs"
"I- no"
He was very excited when you finished
Immediately took on the persona of a rich lady
Was using one of the tote bags you use to carry your groceries as a "purse" and grabbed the small bitchy sunglasses you own
He looked really good
"ok ok, Bo thats enough"
"Sorry what? I don't speak poor person"
Sunday afternoon cuddles with Suga are the best
You guys were both lounging curled up together doing your own things
He was reading a book Ennoshita recommend and you were messing around on your phone
You ended up getting bored so you put your phone down to snuggle closer to him
You just kinda watched him read for a bit, admiring his features
He let out a small sigh and put his book down
"What are you thinking about?"
"Just how pretty you are"
"Well I think you're gorgeous"
He's such a sweetheart 🥺
You guys just kinda enjoy the silence for a bit as he pressed light kisses down your jaw
"Would you let me do your makeup?"
"mmm I don't know..."
"....I'll give you kisses"
"deal 👀"
Tells you not to do anything too crazy, which is fine with you
You opt for the classic cat eye and red lip 😌
He stays still for the most part but makes you take breaks when doing the eyeliner bc it feels funky
He has a habit of humming so he hums lil songs for you while you work 🥺
Had a blAst playing with your beauty blender, it was like a lil stress ball
He looks v v good with highlighter on, he's just got really nice cheek bones
Sorry babe but fake lashes aren't happening, he will physically resist if you attempt to put them on him
He liked the lipstick tho, it felt nice
You took a picture of him before handing him a mirror new phone background
Was kinda meh about wearing makeup but complimented your skills
He loves encouraging you and praising your skills bro
"you're really good at doing makeup y/n"
"well I'd hope so, I've been doing it for a long time"
"Can I get my kisses now"
"Of course you can baby"
The kisses were worth the wait :))
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extravalgant · 3 years
What would each of the teachers say to Mellori about the wizard assuming they were their student.
okay fun fact i was researching for this question before my power went out and its been like hours BUT IM HERE NOW...!!!!
also this got long so i put it under a read more
— i think mellori would most likely butt heads with cyrus drake ESPECIALLY with how everyone seems to like and think positively about the wizard... i think if your wizard is a myth student cyrus eventually begins to treat you somewhat decently but theres still that small piece of sarcasm and cynicism that is related to cyrus. also i like to think that mellori challenges a lot of the authority figures she ends up meeting (most notably - raven, baba yaga, even us to an extent) especially with how cyrus seems to talk down to some of his students.... get his ass
— i think balestrom would be so proud of you as a student managing to graduate ravenwood and managing to start studying at the arcanum !! i might be a little biased because hes my favorite teacher and storm is also my main school BUT he'd probably tell mellori about ur struggles here as a transfer and how you overcame it to become a better wizard <33 he talks about you a lot because you were such a joy to teach here at ravenwood. he doesnt vilify those who make mistakes but sees it as a process because of his background of a master inventor
— lydia.... i feel like if you were her student then she would also talk about how nice you were to teach and how you were the picture perfect image of what a thaumaturge can and could be <33 she reminds me of those grandmas who encourage you to talk to them and gives you a space to express yourself without feeling judged. i feel like ice gets a bad rep when it comes to the seven main schools of ravenwood but despite the setbacks that come with ice she would tell mellori about how you were able to persevere regardless with patience and confidence
— dahlia... love u queen MWAH i think shes more professional with her praise because she doesnt want to make it seem like she favored you out of all of her other pyromancer students BUT i can say that if you were her student shed probably tell mellori that she definitely saw the potential in you to become a great pyromancer and that she knew the flame she saw from the moment you enrolled yourself into her class would kindle itself into something greater
— MOOLINDA.... i think mellori would feel the connection to the wizard much more if they were a life wizard because it meant that they could ALSO become like the wizard and become a great theurgist... <3 i think even moolinda could see this and would encourage mellori to dive deeper into her life studies based on small stories that she would share about our wizard :D i dont think trying to master and weave the small piece of the song of creation that is the basis of all life magic is easy but id imagine she would say that you applied yourself to it well
— MALORN AND DWORGYN ARE TWO DIFFERENT VIBES i get the feeling malorn felt a bit weird seeing as he was (possibly?) a student that was among the top of his class and forced to teach for the time being. as your senior malorn would have probably showed you easier ways to conduct and cast your magic or hear out your worries because... there wasnt really another death teacher (pre-nightside anyways) and i feel like every necromancer felt a little lost during this time. he has fond memories of teaching you the basics of necromancy and he relays this to mellori - just cute little stories of novice necromancer you trying your best to cast dark sprite.
dworgyn on the other hand realizes your potential as a necromancer - as soon as you wander into the nightside curious about what was behind the door and why the school was there, he realizes the role hes in to continue and shape your education. he kinda reminds me of a weird uncle who you definitely have fun with - i think mellori would like his vibe compared to the other professors hehe
— as for balance all we really have is arthur wethersfield - who doesnt even have a proper classroom and manages to teach some of the spells he knows just from what he has. i think despite that he would count you as a good student to mellori - despite the many setbacks that is being a sorcerer in a world with no classroom or proper equipment you managed to climb up the ranks of magic, up until youre ready to go back into the roots of sorcery in krokotopia. not sure if mellori would go all the way to krok to ask about you, but in the event she did, alhazred would note you a perfect balance student -- aware of your surroundings and your role in this world, and how willing you were to teach yourself, apply what you knew to real world experiences
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hopeassassin · 3 years
Rally’s Scribbles in the Work
So after that lovely anon blew my mind away with their kind words and wonderful support, and because I keep telling you guys about my writing plans without actually giving you even a teensy little detail, I have decided to stop being coy and actually likely get your hopes up a bit by dilvulging small details and bits of plots of what is currently going on in my G-Drive. 
This will be a brief recount of what I have currently baking in the AoMomo oven, so let’s dive right into it! Please note that the numbers are in no particular order - I just keep revisiting each of these stories and writing a bit more to them whenever I feel like it. So there’s no ranking and no importance, just a number to keep proper count.
1. “Knight of Renown” Dragons and Knighthood AU, based on that one AoMomo pic with Momo ithe Knight and Dragon Aomine that I reblogged a while back and I actually let me imagination go a bit too much in the tags. I ended up actually rather enjoying the premise I set up in the tags so I actually started writing that one out!  Completion rate at about: 5%? I’d say? Less? :D 
2. AoMomo Music AU - a dearly beloved project that I am pouring a lot of love and attentioin to. That’s why it’s coming along super slow. It’s been in the making since November and I chewed it and mulled through it so thoroughly that I’ve grinded to a halt with it. Intending for there to be 2 chapters, and I am at about 25-30% of chapter 1 currently ready currently. At the pace I’m going, it might be another full year before you actually get to see this bad boy up, but when you do, I’m sure you’ll see all the care and effort that went into making it perfect. Honestly, no joke here, I am intending for this to be one of my rare masterpieces in this tag. So I’m not gonna rush it!
3. AoMomo Car Accident AU where Daiki barely manages to save Satsuki from being run over by a hit-and-run and ends up being the one run over instead. This was my first piece of writing after coming back to AoMomo last summer and yet completion rate is a sad thing. I want it to be flawless, a perfectly agonizing, thrilling type of torturous read that gives you a great sense of relief by the end of it. Needless to say, the clusterfuck of negative feelings is a bit difficult to hold onto for a prolonged period of time and the work is coming along slowly. Planned at about 5 chapters, I have 2 complete ones and the 3rd one is at about ... 30%? Hopefully before this year’s whumptober, we’ll have a finished piece!
4. AoMomo bond character study, which went in a direction I did NOT expect nor intend. It was suppsoed to be an idea that you will see also listed below. But I started this one from their early childhood and somehow, instead of focusing on the kids and their bond and their weird interactions with each other and their first moments of realizing they are of opposite genders, it turned into something much too fun to let go of and the ideas for scenes just kept piling. It’s going to be a long one, very explorative and very in-depth character study on the bond between these two and how it changed over the years, and their first encounters with their sexuality inbetween (because that was really the main idea that I started with... xDDD;;;) Currently at 1 chapter complete, chapter 2 somewhere around 50-60% completion, and at least 6-7 chapters to come after that, soooo.... :’DDDD YEAH. THIS ONE AIN’T SEEING THE LIGHT OF DAY ANYTIME SOON.
5. AoMomo deciding to practice stuff on each other, because I am a sucker for this trope.THIS will be what the idea under previous number 4 was SUPPOSED to be like, but it instead spun out of control. So this one, under number 5, is going to be the smutty, idiots bumbling through physicality to discover that they actually have serious feelings for each other kind of piece. Chapters are planned at about at least 6-7 or so, but not my usual monstrocities! :D First we start with practice kissing, and we move our way up from there! 
6. “The Evil of Humanity” AU - a dystopian futuristic kinda mecha AU, sort of an amalgamation of some of my favourite anime in the genre - a bit of NGE, a bit of Gurren-Lagann, a lot of Darling in the Franxx rewrite and improvement, in distinctly AoMomo colors. I poured a lot of thought and love into initial outline of main moments for this one, and I really hope to make it an epic, thrilling action/adventure with a big dash of romance kind of read! Chapters currently not even planned properly, because I need to sit down and consider this seriously. It will definitely be more than 10-15 though, and they will be my usual chapter lengths so.... likely no time soon. :D 
7. Aomine Fanclub - I got a plot bunny some time ago and I shared it here and my friends were spurring me on with it, so I started trying it out a little more. I’ve written out like... maybe 30% of this one as well, but need to re-read and reconceptualize to get it back on track. The issue with this one is that I’m not really sure where I want to take it, thus it’s on the back burner at the moment.
8. KagaKuro AoMomo double-date kind of story, where Aomine is asking some curious questions of Taiga about going to America and pondering if any of his immediate friends know what Satsuki wants to do with her life. I’m really invested in this one but haven’t started properly writing it out yet beyond just sketching out the idea so I don’t forget it. (I’d say 1% complete here.) Really looking forward to using the idea of Kagami being super impressed with AoMomo perfect sync when playing as a team in arcade games!
9.Laws of Attraction Chapter 2 - You might be surprised at this, but I’m actually super invested in this one. Likely the reason why I am delaying so much working on it - I feel like all my great scene ideas are just too chaotic and I have a hard time starting the chapter flowing properly. I had like 4-5 false starts already and I’m feeling a bit skittish with picking it up. But I have such AMAZING concepts on where to take it after it revvs up the engine, so... Maybe sometime this year! Completion rate: 0% written, but at least about 30% ideas built up for the installment!
10. AoMomo college rooming together story - sort of an expansion on my fill for one of the prompts way back those years ago in AoMomo week. I really dig the concept and the trope of sharing spaces with someone you consider nothing more than a friend and then gradually learning to appreciate each other for something so much more. I am definitely doing this one some day, but not anytime soon, likely.
11. A random idea bit me the other day (read: a month ago) and I actually wrote out like... maybe 25% of it already as well. A random comment from Wakamatsu miffs Satsuki but then she realizes why he’s asking dumb questions and she comes to realize that something is wrong with the equation: either Dai-chan likes someone really close to them and she hasn’t realized, which is unlikely, or Dai-chan likes HER and is super blase about it in a way that betrays his feelings not at all, which is even more unlikely. Being a curious  individual, she sets out to find which it is! Some hilarity should ensue but mostly just some mess-with-Dai-chan fun!
12. Touou summer training camp at the sea - progress is practically 0, I wanted to write a summery piece and set my mind on this, but nothing beyond has come to me, so I’m not forcing it.
13. AoMomo cultural festival fic in second year of high school (meaning something approx end of Oct -> beginning of Nov.) with Daiki being in a distinctly Haruhu Suzumiya role at that festival (has anyone even seen this anime? I adored that episode to freaking bits, man, it’s engraved upon my soul) and singing Billy Idol’s “Rebel Yell” and one more song just like Haruhi did. And Satsuki just beholding the phenomenon he becomes in no time flat while he lays bare his passion for life for all the student body to see. Shippiness will happen in private afterwards!
14. You Can Leave Your Hat On Chapter 2 - Probably like 2-3 years ago while I was still in the damn woodwork and wrestling with real life and adulting being crap, I remembered this AU premise and I got super hyped on the idea of Club Owner Dai-chan being a flirt with innocent Satsuki who got dragged to his joined and fell in love at first sight with his shenanigans. I’ve already played around for like 7k words with the second chapter of this but I’m still not where I want to be at, so it will take a while longer to flesh it out.
15. Idol Worship - a story that I promised my mate aricana some 6 years ago the premise for which I am super hyped for but not quite engaging with it yet. The idea was that Momoi finally starts gettiing the dates she has been pesting Kuroko for for years, and Daiki feeling terrible about beholding that, whilst Kise is being pestered by Horikita Mai for a date and instead ditches her with Daiki because he knows his former Teikou classmate is a huge fan of her. Mai-chan isn’t particularly happy but somehow ends up enjoying her time with Daiki and starts considering actually pursuing him instead of Kise when she sees what an interesting soul he is, with the torch that he’s carrying for some girl in his life he doesn’t really talk about but is evident from the little things he drops off as hits. AoMomo shenanigans will start to ensue properly when Satsuki realizes that Daiki is actually having a close female friend who is not her but is Horikita Mai instead, Dai-chan’s perfect woman, practically. She doesn’t take well to the news and has to grapple with why that is! And what to do with these newfound frustrating emotions!
16. Obstruction of Justice Chapter 3 - MAYBE SOME DAY, I WILL GET TO WRITING THIS. Last summer I inteded to do just that but instead, Wild Side of Justice was born. And it became a spin off of sorts on its own. ORZ. I WILL FINISH THIS SOME DAY, I do have some plans for it and I do have the desire to pursue them. I just need to be in the right headspace for it ahsjkfhkjaf
17. A PWP story of Kagami arriving early for a practice match at Touou and somehow walking in on AoMomo getting busy with each other in very unexpected and explicit ways that Kagami did not see headed his way. Because, we need more PWP in this fandom, honestly.
18. And since we DO need more PWP, recently when checking the 30 lemons community on LJ (shut up, I’m not ancient, YOU’RE ANCIENT) I was wondering how exactly a smut plot around the “Taken by the Faceless Stranger” could work for Aomomo and I came up with this Masquerade ball that they end up both attending because of their friends and meeting each other and hitting off fantastically just chatting the night and then banging in a niche in the long castle-like premise of the ball. :’DDDD Cuz it’s me and if I don’t have something like that in the works, you know i’m likely sick.
ALL OF THESE I am planning on eventually finishing one day. ONE DAY!
For now they are in various states of completion and in various stages of being cared for and improved on with more ideas added and fleshed out.
I am not joking when I say I am very invested in this fandom. I just have difficulty getting to writing out these ideas when I spend like 60% of my free time playing my mobile games. :D 
So there you have it. I didn’t want to say anything about these because 1) I don’t want to get your hopes up. You Can Leave Your Hat On 2, for one, has been in the making for 3 years, very on-again-off-again kind of way, and I just... can’t do that to you guys. I have decided against posting any incomplete fics so I don’t torture you guys and my muse doesn’t abandom me forever for them. So when something is complete, it gets posted promptly for your viewing pleasure!
And 2) If I divulge too much of the story, I feel like my hype of it may disappear completely. Ehh, my muse is a willful creature, what can I tell you... 
So let’s hope at least SOME of these get to see the light of day soon!
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
do u listen to red velvet? ive always seen comments about how all the members lack stage presence and i was curious to hear your thoughts.
i do listen to red velvet! i love their music but like with girl groups i don't actually watch their stages that frequently. i wrote a little about seulgi as a dancer here a couple of months ago (time, how does it work), and i'm inclined apply the jist of my thoughts there to the rest of the group, but i also want to expand a little further. i think they're good performers on the whole, and they're engaging to watch like 80% of the time. their biggest downfalls are that irene is centre, and psycho. firstly, because irene is the visual she has model face. i don't know that i would call it performance face in the same way as like, some of the 4th gen boys have performance face, because i think it's a little different than that. the boys often have performance face because they just....forget to do things with their faces. irene, and a lot of other female idols, are very deliberately holding their faces that way. i'd hazard a guess and say that it's because female idols likely have a lot less freedom to actually like.....make expressions other than smiling on stage. i'm sure they all get loads of shit while they're in training about not showing effort on their faces and having to look like a perfect model at all times, and that will carry over once they're out actually performing. and if the dudes don't always feel like they have the freedom to make ugly faces on stage, the women definitely wont. i don't really think keeping a straight face saves them in the long run either, because irene probably gets shit for being 'frigid' anyways, because if i know anything, i know that women get shit for just existing, much less 'not making the right face.' i do wish that she would let it drop a little, but i don't really blame her for it in the first place.
the other primary reason is that i think they get flack for not having stage presence is that they haven't had a comeback in a while, and their last one was psycho, which wasn't promoted very well/at all. plus its a weird as fuck song that did not have the most cohesive concept, so the current collective remembrance of their performances is weak. this is not to disparage psycho, because that song fucks, like it is so unfairly good, but the concept is difficult to capture in a song and thusly it's not very thematically clear and neither is the choreography. literally any of their other title tracks are so fun to watch, but red velvet doesn't really have a handle on the whole 'elegant/sexy/dangerous and serious' look as a whole, and so the performances of psycho feel flat. they do the best with bright and playful songs, because they do have that fun attitude, but they haven't done a lot of thematic exploring beyond that. even peekaboo and rbb have that tongue-in-cheek ironic edge that psycho doesn't. bad boy is maybe the closest visually but it's more girl crush than whatever they were trying to do with psycho. also you can't really take a song seriously with a literal siren sample in it, so i don't think they were trying for the same thing. i don't think this is their fault in particular, i think it's mostly on the concept for the song itself; like even the 00s boys that did a special stage of it on music bank didn't do that good of a job of it, and they had baby spice #1 AND daehwi. i think it kinda has the 7th sense syndrome, except that even the original artists couldn't pull off the concept. the only sort of good psycho stage is this one from the sbs kpop awards 2019, where you can actually see them start to drop the 'serious' expressions and have fun in the last chorus. also they're a lot better on concert stages in general. would i rank them on the same level as like, sunmi or hyuna? no, but they're definitely not dead up there.
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cosettepontmercys · 3 months
Hi! I'm so sorry I haven't replied. It's been such a a long and stressful week for me and I just didn't have time. How are you? I hope you're well and doing good! :)
Okay that makes sense..my sleep schedule can be so off and probably not normal to other people haha. Some days I am up all day and don't sleep at all or just a few hours but sometimes I sleep a lot and it makes me more tired the more sleep I get too. Idk if that makes sense but it's so true and just depends on the day I guess. Like it's easier for me to stay up if I have to get up early haha.
Hopefully I can have time to watch eras this weekend and I totally get that since you're going to another show. However she is on a break right now and it will be nice to enjoy before a new album comes out since it celebrates her career. I'm also hoping to watch Poor Things too since Emma Stone is my other favorite and she won the Oscar for her performance! Oh what did you think of the Mean Girls movie? I can barely remember it now but it was okay to good and I see a lot of gifs of it on here so I think a lot of people generally liked it. It always makes me somewhat happy when people appreciate movie musicals even if the Broadway version is still better.
The vinyls were put back on her store and idk which one to get. I really liked the Albatross cover but it's also white like the original and I'm thinking the black dog since that one was totally different and black and it's a song I am more excited for. Plus my sister likes black and I will probably get the original one maybe a cd later. Did you see the explicit tracks for this album? Did it change your opinion on any of the songs? I am curious about it but we also don't know if it's just her saying shit lol. Midnights also had a lot of explicit songs too, like six but only I think two said fuck so idk. But still..they were not the ones I would have guessed or thought of, like the title track or loml or I Can Do it with a broken heart or Florida. But Daddy I love him makes sense though, cuz it just feels so Lana to me, or maybe that will be Fresh out of the Slammer. Also what do you think about the whole but Daddy I love him quote from the little mermaid as inspiration? I think it's a stretch and probably had nothing to do with the song but idk! I do kinda agree with the Florida or I Can Do it with a Broken Heart predictions though I guess. We will find out very soon! Where are you going out of town? I've read that people usually like to go hiking or out of town to listen to new albums but I just listen with my sister around midnight. Do you have anything fun planned?
Invisible has always been one of my favorites too. I get that about question and my sister explained how it's supposed to be but I will never go out of my way to hear it lol. It reminds me a little bit of Body Better too maybe along with Outdoor Pool. I totally see that about normal people though. I thought I heard that Sally Rooney announced a new book too. I think what bothers me about it is that it just feels like a 1989 vault track or something and some of them were even better than it lol. Although when we ranked Midnights the first day, I somehow put it in the middle and not last so it shows how first impressions can be waywrong. Omg I can't believe I got them all right but you had pretty general least favorites. I can't believe Dorothea is your Ieast favorite though, especially if you like country Taylor. wanna know what your most controversial least favorite is haha, like how I said I don't like Babe or the Moment I knew and Illicit Affairs.
I really liked Ariana's album actually. At first, I wasn't that impressed but it grew on me and now I really love it. We can't be friends was also my favorite and stood out on my first listen! My other absolute favorite is Imperfect for you. I loved the music video too which recreated scenes from the eternal Sunshine movie. Have you watched it? It's one of my favorites. But she also called the album a concept album and I didn't see much more of the eternal Sunshine theme in the album either. I also agree with her lyrics and saying stuff, but it might be exaggerated and boy is mine is a bop lol. It does make me curious about Taylors album and if it will be a similar chill pop vibe or something different. Also the fact that they both broke up with long term relationships but have already found someone new which I think is an interesting parallel. I didn't care for Bleachers album either when I first heard it but it also grew on me. Call me after midnight was also one of my favs too. I also finally listened to Renee Rapp, Chappell Roan, and the new Kacey Musgraves album. I think that will have to grow on me too, but I will be listening to Beyonces albums this week waiting for her album. March has not been that great haha but I think the stress of the last few months is mostly over now. I don't have any plans for the rest of the month. What about you? Thanks for the love..I missed talking to you! 🩷
hi friend!! i'm doing well! i'm going out of town for two weeks in early april, so i might not respond to you until i'm back !! i hope your week is going better and that you have a good april until we get to chat again!! 🤍
have you seen poor things yet? i've heard really good things but i do not think it is a movie for me! still curious to know what you think of it though. i didn't love the mean girls musical movie — i think most of my initial thoughts/criticisms carried through. i'm still surprised that bebe wood (gretchen) wasn't cady; her voice is beautiful. i know that mean girls the musical is just ... mean girls the musical and not some great work of literature but taking away it roars really messed up a lot of things, i think? just like what separates cady from every other girl is ... not there. the jungle motif is cut down. i really missed the more is better scene — they could've had a conversation instead of singing (again, why would you cast people who can't sing in a musical!!!!!!) but i think that the more is better scene is really important for cady's growth and development as a character/it's a wake up call and a turning page and not having it made it feel very weak. anddddd i think that aaron/cady needed more ... chemistry? more moments? idk. i missed the mathletes song! i probably won't ever watch it again. i recently rewatched the les mis movie and it's really interesting to see how much my opinions of it have changed over the years. i definitely enjoyed it a lot more this time around, although i still have opinions that haven't changed (russell crowe is terrible) so i wonder if i'll still be a # hater of the mean girls musical movie ten years from now or if that'll change.
i never cancelled my order and i think i'm too lazy to deal with all the variants, so i'll just stick with having the original TTPD vinyl + cd. which is fine. i just hate the variant "limited edition" thing. it feels very ... greedy. i know variant collecting is a thing! that's not my issue. i just wish she'd announce all of them at once instead of doing the limited 3 day sale thing. i didn't see the explicit tracks!! i've been out of the loop lately 😭 i'm going on a trip with my extended family, so i will probably lose a lot of my sanity and will be very very thrilled to be back home. it is too much family time in close quarters! but that's okay. it'll be fun to see everyone. i'm already missing my dog though :( i just have a lot going on this week and then the week after i'm back (which is also when TTPD is out) for new albums i usually just get cozy in bed and listen! nothing special! sometimes i'll write down my thoughts in a notes app! i'll be back by then though, so it'll be fun! 🤍 and that's the day before record store day, so a treat!
yes!! sally rooney did announce a new book! i still need to preorder it, but i'm waiting to see if she'll offer signed copies here in the states! i'm super super excited for it. i dont know if i have any super controversial least favorite taylor songs — wait actually i do: i am just not a rep girlie.
i watched the ariana grande music video but have never watched eternal sunshine! i did see a twitter thread of parallels/comparisons though! i liked some of the kacey musgraves album but i think it'll also be one that grows on me! i've been so busy lately running around that i've neglected my 365 albums in 365 days challenge. oops! i'm also going to have to load some albums onto my phone for when i'm away ...
sending lots of love! hoping you have a good week + that you get a chance to rest! will miss talking to you 🤍
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gamerwoo · 4 years
Seventeen headcanons: Seventeen as Disney Characters’ Kids
a/n: you can thank my cousin forcing me to listen to the descendants soundtrack for this. may or may not do oneshots for these at some point so uh,,,,,,we’ll see
Seungcheol, son of Kovu and Kiara
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a lot like his parents
is a little infamous because some people still see his dad as “evil” anyway
does whatever he thinks is right even if it’s not traditional
heir to be king and he takes that seriously
honestly he is lowkey trying to prove himself to everyone
hangs out with wonwoo a lot and usually goes to him for advice
also best friends with soonyoung since they’re kind of in the same boat
doesn’t want to be sheltered by his parents even though he has mixed reactions from the public
even if his entire kingdom doesn’t like him, he wants to be a good prince and future king
Jeonghan, son of The Cheshire Cat 
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sly and sneaky and mischievous lil shit
you don’t think he’s there but he’s there
he hears and sees everything
his favorite thing to do other than nothing is eavesdrop
he’ll be hanging out with his friends and as soon as someone is like “let’s go do this” he disappears without saying anything
often found lounging about with his tail swaying and flicking
typically up to no good but his seemingly sweet face always fools people
but those who know him know he’s typically anything but sweet
whenever he appears, you always see his smirk first
Joshua, son of David & Nani
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surfer dude
i mean, come on, look who raised him
hangs out with seokmin a lot 
he’ll sit on his surfboard out in the ocean and seok will swim up and rest his arms on the board and they’ll just talk or swim and stuff
he is a little ‘odd’ but his aunt is lilo and he was raised around aliens so can you blame him
but he really just wants to be normal because people have been judging him for his entire life
sometimes he’s a lil judgy just to make himself feel less weird
*insert that gif of him making that face in the going svt episode that everyone uses as a meme now*
but like he also keeps experiment 002 as a ‘pet’ after mrs. hasagawa couldn’t take care of her ‘cats’ anymore
so he still is a lowkey strange boi 
Junhui, son of Thomas O’Malley 
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smooth as heck
a little goofy but that’s his charm
he comes from one of thomas’s many one-night-stands, so he lived on the street and was only raised by his dad for a long time
when he was brought in to live with duchess and her kids, she treated him like one of her own, and he got along well with her kids
would throw hands for his sister without question
still a flirt like his dad though
but he drinks his respect women juice i promise
usually playing around with his brothers or sometimes going off to help hansol
even though his family is loaded now, he still acts like he’s an alley cat lmao
kinda stays away from jeonghan because he finds him scary
can be found hanging around with soonyoung though
Soonyoung, son of Shere Khan
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he wants to be a tiger so badly so
despite his dad being kind of yknow an asshole
soonyoung is a huge sweetheart 
some people may think it’s an act or whatever but it’s just how he is
and his dad is trying so hard to get him to be less kind but the boy can’t help his fat heart okay
he hangs out with seungcheol a lot because the two can relate on being misunderstood
soonyoung is basically kovu
came from a shitty family but is just here for a good time
but if you fuck with him he can and will rip your throat out
hangs out with jun quite a bit because he makes him feel more upbeat and kind of grounded i guess???
because he doesn’t want his status or his father’s words getting to his head
honestly highkey worried he’ll become like his dad
Wonwoo, son of Milo Thatch & Kida 
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literally the perfect mix of his parents
the curiosity and shyness/awkwardness of his dad
mixed with the beauty and grace of his mom
he’s the prince of atlantis since kida became queen after the king died, and everyone absolutely adores him
has girls lining up to marry him but because he’s awkward like milo, he’s not really that interested in getting married anytime soon
hangs out with seungcheol and tries to give him helpful advice
pretty much always reading and learning about other cultures and kingdoms
has never been outside of atlantis and he’s highkey curious about what’s out there
but he’d never sneak out behind his parents’ back because he’s a good boi
Jihoon, son of Elsa 
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he’s a lot like his mom (from the first frozen i havent even seen the second one ok)
he also has powers like her which he doesn’t use often
even as a child, he preferred learning how to use and control it rather than just use it for fun
but now when he has to go out for royal things, he will sometimes make a little ice rink for the kids or create little flurries and dancing snowmen just to see the children laugh
and if you look at him, you can see the hint of a smile
spends most of his time in his room reading or sleeping because that’s just how he chooses to spend his time
tbh he doesn’t want to be a prince he just wants to do what he wants
but elsa is a single mom and he’s her only heir so he doesn’t want to let her down or stress her out
but if he could just,,,,,,not be a prince, he would love that
Seokmin, son of Ariel and Eric
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everyone always sayin this boy looks like prince eric anyway so
he’s a mermaid like his mom so he can spend time in the water and on land
often goes ‘surfing’ with joshua but it’s basically josh surfing while seokmin swims in the waves and watches
sometimes he goes to visit wonwoo in atlantis but not often because it’s kind of hard to get to
spends 50% of his time singing whatever song is stuck in his head or just making up his own
he really is more like his mom personality-wise lmao
and of course more like his dad when it comes to looks
likes being on land and in water equally you can’t make him choose one
his best friend (other than josh) is a dolphin that goes on adventures with him and stuff, and an octopus that clings to him like a backpack
Mingyu, son of Eugene and Rapunzel 
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big clumsy but kind idiot
also does that weird smolder thing like his dad
honestly he’s kind of the perfect mix of his parents
very kind and curious
but he’s not nearly as trusting as his mom
he may be kinda dumb sometimes (he got the braincells from his dad ok) but he makes an excellent prince
he loves his kingdom and his kingdom loves him
he’s got so many suitresses but he put his training to be king first
however he highkey in love with the girl who sells flowers and planters at the market
Minghao, son of Cruella De Vil
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like his mom, he’s very into fashion
unlike his mom, he prefers to find cruelty free ways of achieving fashion
he actually left home when he was 16 and has nothing to do with her
he’s become an anonymous fashion designer because he knows nobody would give him the time of day if they knew who his mother is
as a designer, he goes by the8
he designs all of seungkwan’s clothes too
he usually just stays inside and works on his clothing because people are mean to him when he goes outside
Seungkwan, son of Charlotte La Bouf
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just wants to be a prince so heckin bad !!!!
likes to dress up in nice clothes and go out a lot
only wears things designed by minghao though
he’s boujee okay
honestly would give up his prince dream to help minghao make a new name for himself
he wants to be a prince more than anything but his friends and those he loves come first
but seriously can a princess just marry this poor boy already
Hansol, son of Robin Hood & Maid Marian
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hands down the sweetest boy ever
he’s pretty well off so he typically just gives away his own things
but he will steal from the rich if he has to lmao
pretty much friends with everyone because he’s just so likeable
the only people who don’t like him are rich assholes lmao
may or may not have been arrested a few times but it was for good reasons i swear
sometimes has chan tag along on his adventures to steal from the rich
Chan, son of Mulan & Li Shang
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he’s not a prince but damn he looks like one
the strongest warrior in his kingdom
his family is also very highly ranked so while he’s not a prince he’s still an important dude in the kingdom
girls swoon over him and men want to be him
can we blame any of them
if he’s not training/practicing, he’s off with hansol 
often donates to the poor but also loves to eat the rich lmao
has also wound up in jail a few times but his parents are fine with it because it’s for a good cause
but if he’s not practicing or with hansol, he’s just fucking up assholes
those are basically his hobbies lmao
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