banqueenfrancecom · 2 years
Accusé d’être climatosceptique | Le départ du président de la Banque mondiale réclamé
Accusé d’être climatosceptique | Le départ du président de la Banque mondiale réclamé
⚡Accusé d’être climatosceptique | Le départ du président de la Banque mondiale réclamé #Accusé #dêtre #climatosceptique #départ #président #Banque #mondiale #réclamé #banque #france Accusé d’être climatosceptique | Le départ du président de la Banque mondiale réclamé (Washington) De nombreuses voix se sont élevées mercredi pour appeler au départ du président de la Banque mondiale, David…
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abdlrimespotiques · 1 year
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cela permet dêtre confortable sur un bateau d'une longue croisière en mer
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thehat-taheht · 10 months
Boxers of Yesterday Today and Tomorrow
Storytelling in Sports
A normal person otherwise devoid of any specific purpose finds their raison dêtre in training for the martial arts.
This single sentence storyline is a fundamental story type in many Asian stories. You find it in Chinese Shaolin Temple epics, Japanese and Chinese rival school epics, Thai action films, Spanish and French sword-fighting fictions, and even American dramas and comedies. Rocky is the most notable example of an American version of this story type. In every example, the storytelling rarely focuses on the action and instead puts the onus on the relationships the character has with the world.
The most notable Japanese examples are Samurai films and combat/sports manga. In most of these examples the protagonist is relatively normal, allowing the audience to relate to them. Then the narrative introduces a reason for the character to evolve during exposition. The main character then is introduced to a mentor, not unlike Joseph Cambell’s example path of the Hero’s Journey. In sports narratives this mentor is usually in the form of a coach or trainer and they are uplifted from normal person to a superior athlete.
In sports manga and other sports fiction, the answer to all problems is always the same: Training.
Discipline provides confidence and training provides strength. Both of these are held together with ‘guts’ or determination. The athletic hero is confronted with stronger and stronger opponents and continues to train until he can defeat them. This type of ‘superiority through training and determination’ is a cornerstone of most Japanese stories. Many deal with an argument between skill and talent as well. In most cases learned skill defeats natural-born talent after enough training has occurred.
The lessons taught in these stories are almost always the same:
Nothing good is achieved without effort
Trust your friends and family
Strength is the product of discipline
Determination will give you victory
In this essay I will be focusing on three Boxing stories from Japanese culture. We will explore their meanings and narratives, the lessons taught, and the importance of their stories on culture.
Joe Learns to Box: Yesterday’s Tomorrow
Pugilism has a long history of nobility and violence. Boxing is enjoyed the world over as the world’s most basic of martial arts. Everyone can do it, but few can master it. Despite the sport’s organization being mostly from a European base, the United States has become the de facto home of the sport. It spread across the world and entered Japan in 1854 and became popular despite Japan’s dominance in the martial arts world.
Post World War II anti-American sentiment led to a lull in the sport, but boxing matches continued. As Japanese classical art like Emakimono evolved into Manga, artists struggled for meaning in a post nuclear world. One particular author found this meaning in the story of a prize fighter from the slums of Tokyo. Asao Takamori under the pen name Ikki Kajiwara teamed up with the artist Tetsuya Chiba to create their seminal work, Ashita no Joe. The story captured the spirit of Japanese determination and also their desperation in the face of their defeat of WW II and the subsequent reconstruction period. Joe’s redemption and anger belonged to the youth of the day and inspired other authors, artists, and aspiring boxers to try their best to grow and learn what it means to be strong.
Using this story as a lens to view other anime and manga you can see its influence everywhere you look, from popular to obscure. Notably Takamori’s story inspired a renaissance of boxing fandom in the late 1970’s. Despite there being several titles going to Featherweight and Welterweight champions in Japan during the time, boxing was relatively unpopular due to its association with the US. Ashita no Joe, or “Tomorrow’s Joe” captured a moment and helped to move its fans forwards toward a brighter tomorrow.
The titular character Joe Yabuki, is a tough-as-nails drifter that wanders into a shantytown and runs into an alcoholic boxing trainer, who sees a bright future hiding inside the brash youth and attempts to coax it out of him. Because of his terrible attitude and criminal behavior he is instead put in jail. Joe redeems himself (somewhat at least) and pushes himself to become a professional boxer. His story can be seen as a successful transition from an economic outcast into a functional member of society. In this case, society can be said to be the true villain of the story. Joe has either rejected society or society has rejected him, he has either turned to violence or been rejected due to his reliance on violence to solve his problems. Similar story origins can be found in gangster movies but also in stories like Rambo: Firstblood.
Classic and contemporary gangster films have characters that as children are shown a violent way of life, either by design or necessity. These children then grow into violent adults, full of anger and contempt for society and view the world as a thing to be possessed or conquered. Society ultimately rejects them for their violent and destructive natures. Stories like Rambo on the other hand, have a well liked child grow into a life of violence for a noble cause, but are ultimately unable to separate this violence from their personality. They eventually reject society as they cannot find a place and the violence in them serves no purpose.
Yabuki is a bit of a mystery as we have no context to put him in, but as with both other character types, his violence serves no purpose. He is defined by his violence and it colors all of his actions towards others. Joe is a fundamentally unlikable character, full of anger, bitterness, and child-like pettiness. His relationship with those that eventually come to care about him serves to instill societal norms in him in an attempt to turn him into a better person.
Instead of society itself, I propose that poverty is the real enemy of Joe and his friends. Every day is a struggle for all of them in San’ya. Economic disparity is on parade throughout the narrative, from the driftwood houses along the Namida Bashi (Bridge of Tears) to the sky scrapers and mansions of the mega-wealthy. Joe is carted around the world boxing in various countries, but he never really grows out of the slums in his mind. Joe is obviously a victim of his own stubbornness, but he was made that way because of lack of economic opportunity. This is one of the primary stumbling blocks on display in gangster stories, but instead of becoming an enforcer and earning a living in the underworld, Joe becomes a homeless wanderer, evoking the Japanese concept of a Ronin. A skilled fighter, disgraced and masterless but clinging on to his own moral code as he wanders from town to town.
While Joe is a product of his time, his story is no less poignant for modern audiences. I enjoy Ashita no Joe for a variety of reasons, but one of the best is its lack of focus on form. Chiba’s art is almost romantic with emphasis on Joe’s inability to care about the world, and Takamori’s rambling narrative is like a daydream at times with no obvious focus or form. If I had to compare it to music, Joe’s story is like a free form jazz with some repeating phrases and a theme, but mostly feels disorganized and yet is familiar. Joe has emblazoned himself into the minds and hearts of Japanese artists and athletes for decades and will continue to guide hearts, minds, and fists for decades to come.
Ippo Steps into the Ring: Yesterday’s Today
In sharp contrast to the unlikable character study of Joe Yabuki, we now come to possibly the most likable character in all of Japanese sports manga. Makunouchi Ippo, the titular character of Hajime no Ippo, has a boundless optimism that is almost never extinguished and his ability to win through sheer will power is incredibly inspirational. When I meet people that do not watch any anime or read manga and they ask me what to start with, Ippo’s story is always close to the top of the list. Of the three stories explored in this work, Ippo is my favorite. I have watched Ippo's road to fight against Date Eji more times that I can remember.
As with Joe, Ippo is a product of his environment and time. He is an example of modern boxing theory and technique tempered with lessons from the past. The origins of boxing are represented by the retired boxers in the narrative and the techniques of famous modern era boxers are on display in this love letter to obscure boxing styles. Ippo is the son of a fishing boat captain whose good naturedness causes him to forgo friendships and childhood distractions to help his mother operate the fishing boat business that supports them after his father's death. He is bullied and taunted until a chance encounter with a professional boxer saves him from a group of wannabe hoodlums underneath a bridge. Ippo awakens to find himself in the world of boxing and puts all of his considerable determination into making himself a professional licensed boxer. He manages this and continues to help his mother without complaining or losing his intoxicating optimism.
Makunouchi is meant to be a representation of the perfect son in Japanese culture. He is mannered, self-effacing, and always does the right thing. Conceptually, Ippo is almost as far as possible from Joe as a character. The world that Ippo exists in is also just as opposed to Joe’s world. While economics do factor into the narrative a bit, it is not a focus of the story. In this world the common everyday experience of Japan’s average citizen is on display. The manga is in full swing with shonen style comedy and slice of life stories, Ippo’s life is beset with heartache, rivals, highschool life, and bad dating advice.
The thing that really sets Ippo apart is the illustration of effort and power in the art of the near constant boxing and sparring matches. Although the art is a bit dated, it still communicates emotion and drama in a way that no other sports show has ever done in my opinion. Some of the later fights continue to give me chills and despite knowing the outcome of every fight, I still find myself cheering on Ippo. The color palette for everyday life is somewhat subdued but still contains a range of colors, but the fights are incredibly bright with flashes and huge blast lines. Usually this style of art would be a turn off for me in other mediums, but somehow Hajime no Ippo gets away with it.
If Joe’s story is Jazz, then Ippo is a Rock Ballad. Guitars scream at times, but other times the story is whimsical or romantic. George Morikawa’s skillful blend of emotions bring you through a chord progression of inspiring notes building to larger than life crescendos, that crash down upon you in a hail of pummeling fists, and knock you out with the power solos that are the crowd pumping championship matches. The drama conveyed in Takamura’s face while he attempts to control himself from opening a refrigerator while dieting to make weight, and the joyful head nod that Ippo gives when he defeats the first villain of the show are highlights that play on an loop in my mind drenched in squealing guitar riffs and the roar of the crowd.
One of the craziest things about watching the show for me is the effect it has on my exercise habits. If I ever want to get motivated to work out, I put on the first season of Ippo. Just as Ashita no Joe’s world is meant to capture the desperation of the downtrodden and the realism of his world, Hajime no Ippo seems to look at the world through Ippo’s guileless naivete. Ippo’s world is both very realistic and simultaneously extremely exaggerated. This offputting juxtaposition is difficult to navigate at times when you are wondering what is real and what is imagination.
Junkyard Dog Bites Mankind: Today’s Tomorrow
When writing about the future one of the things you have to ask yourself is ‘what will X be like in the future?’ Yō Moriyama, Katsuhiko Manabe, and Kensaku Kojima asked themselves, what would boxing be like in the future? How would people fight in the age of machines and artificial intelligence? Gearless Joe is the answer, or rather the inverse of the answer as he is essentially an anti-hero forgoing the future methods of robotic-assisted carnage, for old fashioned human-powered beatdowns.
If Hajime no Ippo is Classic Rock and Ashita no Joe is Jazz, then Megalobox is Industrial HipHop. It is hard, but rhythmic, artistic and catchy. By far the most polished of the 3 examples, it is an extremely fun watch and is effectively a stylized re-telling of Ashita no Joe. The nameless protagonist chooses the moniker ‘Joe’ meaning a man with no real name, but also an obligatory hat-tip to the source material that inspired them. Originally self-named ‘Junk Dog’ is employed to fight in fixed matches in the underworld that our original Joe eschewed. He feels trapped by his life and while attempting to force change, ends up essentially trapping himself even worse. Through a twist of fate, he is forced into the world of professional legitimate boxing in which if he loses he will die. In this brutal and vicious dog-eat-dog world, Gearless Joe shines as a likable anti-hero.
Unlike Ashita no Joe, society is not the big bad guy. There are of course real bad guys in Megalobox in the form of gangsters and fixers and hustlers, but the true villain in the story is greed. The story paints a nasty picture of corruption in the slums and then opens up the world into the bright lights of the legitimate world. With every turn you see another sign of economic elitism, not the least of which is Joe’s lack of personal identity. He is a non-person in the society and cannot even be allowed into the city, there is of course a blackmarket answer for everything and Gearless is allowed to come into the futuristic world of the Megalonia tournament and fight for his life.
His trainer sets up their gym under a bridge bearing more than a passing likeness to the same Bridge of Tears from Ashita no Joe. His team and Gearless Joe are the only desperate ones in the narrative, so unlike the feeling of inclusivity that Yabuki’s gang felt, Gearless Joe feels isolated.
An Abridged Story of A Bridge: Tears to Cheers to Fears
Dieting and sweat, training and bruises, bright lights and cheering crowds. There are a lot of things that the stories share due to the sheer concept of boxing, but one thing that stands out the most to me about the similarities is the geography. Ashita no Joe and Hajime no Ippo canonically occur in Tokyo whereas Megalobox occurs in the fictional ‘Administrative Zone’, but a common point with all stories is their reliance on a single feature of the landscape, a bridge. The bridge in Ashita no Joe is a famous one called Namida Bashi or the Bridge of Tears. It got this name due to the requirement that future prisoners of Kozukahara penitentiary would have to say their goodbyes to their loved ones on that bridge as you had to cross the Omoigawa river to get to the prison. The river was moved and the bridge doesn’t exist anymore, but in its time it was a symbol of loss and heartache and of loss of agency. It was no small symbolism for Joe’s trainer Danpei to open his ramshackle gym under the bridge. Joe’s relatively brief stint in prison and their constant struggle for survival, coupled with Joe’s incessant need to cause trouble always lead to loss, heartache, and usually a loss of agency. Many of Ashita no Joe’s most important moments occur in and around the bridge, borrowing context from the bridge’s reputation. Each of these events is usually a precursor to a major event in the context of Joe Yabuki.
Even though the bridge is now gone, the area around the bridge’s location is close to the Tiato and Arakawa districts that have several rivers that run through them with modern bridges that look remarkably like the one that serves as a setting for many of the critical plot turns in Hajime no Ippo. We see the entire storyline of Ippo’s relationship with Umezawa (Ippo’s school bully that is turned into his greatest fan) unfold under and around the bridge. Ippo manages to catch the 10 leaves that teach him how to jab next to the bridge, and several key conversations and character introductions are in and around the canal next to the bridge. I don’t feel that this use of the canal next to this particular bridge is random and suspect that if it isn’t just an icon from the author’s youth, it is an homage to Ashita no Joe’s use of the Bridge of Tears.
Ippo’s story doesn’t revolve around the same themes, so the bridge being similar but different is important in my mind. Being under the bridge, where Joe and Danpei were, is when Ippo is at his weakest and most vulnerable. The wise tree nearby becomes his first teacher and Ippo learns that he can grow stronger through dedication and training. This causes the bridge to become a symbol for growth and hope for a better tomorrow for Ippo. Even Umezawa crosses the bridge on his way to become a better person. Like Ippo is the inverse of Joe, the bridge in Hajime no Ippo is the inverse of the Namida Bashi. Everytime a character crosses the bridge they are stronger than they were before.
Megalobox as a revamp of Ashita no Joe also has a bridge, and of course they have their ‘gym’ underneath it. The symbolism in Megalobox is missing however and the bridge takes on a different meaning. Joe Yabuki and his trainer Danpei are poor in a community of poor people and they have a community to help them make their gym a home. Gearless Joe and Gansaku Nanbu have no such community to help them and must toil essentially on their own. The bridge and the river are essentially signs of the reality of illegal squatting, evidence that they do not belong in the world they find themselves in. As Gearless Joe and Nanbu rock the boat in entirely different ways than Joe Yabuki, death at the hands of the corruption of the city is their motivating factor instead of prison and poverty. The bridge over their heads instead becomes a symbol of cover, of hiding in plain sight. Not unlike the nameless boxer’s decision to choose the anonymous name of ‘Joe’.
To my reckoning there are a lot of examples of symbolism in all three stories, but none are shared so visibly and with as great an impact as the bridges over the heads of heroes while they train and live life outside the ring. Plans are formed, strategies devised, and history is made under these bridges, while clueless people stroll above them not knowing what extreme determination and strength of will lies beneath.
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kaleidoscopexsighs · 1 year
music/fic tag game
Share 3 to 5 songs that have inspired a current WIP.
thank you @kaaaaaaarf my lawfully-wedded wife for the tag!
currently in the trenches finishing part one of this is my body so have some song inspo while i force myself to stop nitpicking!
1. strangers // sun bleached flies - ethel cain
(cheating a bit right out the gate with this 2-for-1 but ethel cain is basically the raison dêtre of this whole thing so that’s that on that)
In your basement, I grow cold / Thinking back to what I was always told / “Don’t talk to strangers or you might fall in love” /…I tried to be good, am I no good?
and ofc:
God loves you, but not enough to save you
2. too repressed - sometymes why
I want to fuck you but I’m too repressed / I want to suck you but I can’t take off my dress
3. for emily, whenever i may find her — simon & garfunkel
And when I awoke and felt you warm and near / I kissed your honey hair with my grateful tears / Oh I love you girl
4 . fast blood - frightened rabbit
And now I, I tremble / Because this fumble has just become biblical / I feel like I just died twice / I was reborn again for all our dirty sins
5. river - leon bridges
Oh, I wanna come near and give ya every part of me / But there’s blood on my hands and my lips aren’t clean
tagging babe @behaveddestroyerrating and anyone else who wants to play!
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
Drago Malefoy et le terrible calvaire dêtre amoureux
Drago Malefoy et le terrible calvaire d’être amoureux https://ift.tt/6NlojV3 by Billie_trads Hermione vit à cheval entre le monde moldu et le monde magique. Chercheuse en médecine et guérisseuse, elle est sur le point de faire une grande découverte. Drago est l’Auror chargé de la protéger de mystérieux ennemis - à leur grand dam à tous les deux. Sont inclus dans cette histoire une Hermione hyper-compétente et impétueuse, et un Drago un peu faignant mais dangereux. Slow-burn. Words: 5406, Chapters: 1/36, Language: Français Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Drago Malefoy Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Drago Malefoy Additional Tags: Hermione Granger Guérisseuse, Slow Burn, POV Drago Malefoy, Romance, Comédie romantique, Action/Adventure, Epilogue ? Quel épilogue ?, Utilisation abusive de clichés via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/aUtLRiC July 23, 2023 at 04:40PM
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fruitfulodyssey · 1 year
In a time of careless touches & selfish wander,
Vandalised walls, were sacred, lay bare.
What bloomed in mornings dew,
Dulled, tamed by pilgrams unaware.
What gleamed in midnight's light
Vitiated by Insensitive meander & siphon stare
An amusement, a spectacle, a theoretical jest,
Your quivers are for game,affection mere pleasantry.
Addicted to wordplay, they are jewels in your ear.
Yet the commotion of the heart yearns the elementary.
A time meaning dripped like honey,
A season a sanctuary bled vulnerability
A day dream, a crave bitter sweet,
You've known enough, a bellowed soliloquy,
Caresses dipped in promised care, a stimulus,
A dead flame, sought an empty surrender.
A conditioned crave for adulterated intimacy,
Magnify a pallet adorned in pretense & adventure.
Relinquishing home, in pursuits of apogee,
What is Odyssey, a forsaken earnest hunger
Patience, a love deficient on your skin,
Knowing you whole, a philosophy opaque to remiss souls,
I honor you with my hands, a coveted liberation, for a canvas latent in wonder, an unrefined gold
A taboo, To enagge without conviction,
my raison dêtre, unveils the divine secrets of old.
A craftsman, a creator, an author, an artisan of sorts,
Dedicated to paint & brush, Avidity unleash its hold
A pottor graced clay, a nurtured form,
Nakedness, immorality housed in clothes, unfold.
Bewitched by curiosity & wonder,
& all its galore,
Story of anticipation, a love composed.
The tales that lay beneath skin,
an opus, a bible, a scroll, I'm eager to know.
Sunk deep in service exploring your mahogany hue.
Prune & chisel, a sculptures honest desire,
To discover life in stone, intricacies of bone&tissue.
Intrigued in details weaved, a blemished tapestry
& divulge tales untold, shielded in a flowered venue.
flesh flustered by discernment, Goosebumps
A response to heavens sagacious residue.
A devout healer, for what rests in my hands,
I'm called to nurture, effleurage, Petrissage.
Therapeutic art, a pride, a Smith,
A preserver of beauty hidden by pillage.
Exploring culture in the curves of scars,
Concealed knowledge and indomitable heritage,
A fabric, a woman, a shell of the heavens,
A palm, an embrace, my delicate clay.
- Duty of an Artisan -
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fafaluxurycanada · 22 days
🇨🇦SELON MARC TANGUAY, L’IMMIGRATION EST LOIN D’ÊTRE UNE MENACE : IL FAUT PLANIFIER #immigration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTSVch2yDSw 🇨🇦SELON MARC TANGUAY, L’IMMIGRATION EST LOIN D’ÊTRE UNE MENACE : IL FAUT PLANIFIER #immigration via fafa luxury canada 🇨🇦 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuALsFFbc99SgR-3elYuQSw August 29, 2024 at 07:05PM
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christophe76460 · 2 months
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RE Harlow
Dieu envoya Jean-Baptiste pour annoncer la venue de Christ. Ainsi se réalisait la prophétie d'Esaie 40:3; Matthieu 3:3. Jean était sacrificateur parce que son père était sacrificateur, Luc 1:5. Il savait bien que la loi de Dieu exigeait des sacrifices pour les péchés. Chaque année Israël offrait en sacrifice à l'Eternel 1276 animaux, comprenant 1093 agneaux, quotidiennement, chaque semaine, chaque mois ou chaque année. Un agneau sans défaut était sacrifié pour la Pâque, et le roi Salomon sacrifia 120.000 brebis quand le Temple fut inauguré, 1 Rois 8:63.
Un agneau devait être sans défaut, sinon Dieu ne l'aurait pas accepté comme sacrifice, Lévitique 1:10; 3:6,7; 4:32. Puis il devait mourir.
Abraham a dit à Isaac: «Dieu se pourvoira Lui-même de l'agneau», et c'est ce qu'll fit, Genèse 22:8,13. Ces paroles sont aussi très belles de vérité en ce qui concerne notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ. Dieu envoya Son Fils pour mourir pour tous les hommes.
Nous ne savons pas si cette promesse de la Genèse était à l'esprit de Jean quand il appela son cousin Jésus l'Agneau de Dieu. Mais Jean était rempli du Saint-Esprit dès le sein de Sa mère, Luc 1:15, et I'Esprit lui révéla ce merveilleux nom de Christ.
Notre Seigneur Jésus a été parfait, sans aucun péché. Trois apôtres écrivant sous l'influence du Saint-Esprit déclarent qu'II était sans péché. Ils parlent aussi de Sa grande oeuvre accomplie en mourant :
II n'a point connu le péché,
Il n'a point commis de péché,
Il n'y a point en Lui de péché.
Il l'a fait devenir péché pour nous,
Il a porté nos péchés sur le bois,
Il la paru pour ôter les péchés.
L'Esprit a révélé que le Christ serait semplable à un agneau sur le point dêtre sacrifié, Esaie 53:7; 1 Pierre 1:19. Mais Il utilisa aussi ce Nom, l'Agneau, 28 fois dans le livre de l'Apocalypse, par exemple en 5:6. Ainsi au ciel le Christ sera toujours vu comme l'Agneau qui mourut pour nos péchés, Apocalypse 13:8.
L'agneau devait être parfait et devait mourir. Ainsi notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ est le seul Agneau de Dieu digne de louange, de gloire et d'honneur.
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cherry-vennom · 3 months
Friday night vibes 🫦🪬💎
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abbyew20 · 4 months
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motguernesiais · 4 months
Deigt n. m. [dɛ] "Finger"
J'trache énn haomme qu'a six deigts à sa moin dêtre - I'm looking for a man who has six fingers to his right hand
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jeanetjeannepatin · 4 months
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Mercredi 8 mai 2024 à 19H, la Petite Boutique Fantasque accueille Monique Calinon pour sa chronique Fière de lettres. Aujourd'hui, elle nous dresse le portrait d'une vraie révolutionnaire, Olympe de Gouges. Nous l'avons intitulé : Fière d'être Olympe de Gouges. Cette chronique est précédemment parue dans la version numérique de Libération. Cette émission de RadioRadioToulouse est diffusée en hertzien, Toulouse : 106.8 Mhz ou en streaming https://www.radioradiotoulouse.net/ et pour tout le reste du temps et du monde sur les podcasts de mixcloud.
Programmation musicale : 1) Qui est homo extrait du Stabat mater (Antonio Vivaldi) Caroline Champy-Tursun / Ensemble baroque de Toulouse / Michel Brun 2) L'escalier (Imago) 3) L'innocence (Arthur H.)  4) les petites filles (Michèle Bernard) 5) Le lac Saint-Sébastien (Anne Sylvestre) 6) Boys and girls (Bryan Ferry) Brian Ferry jazz orchestra 7) Elevation pour la paix (Marc-Antoine Charpentier) Les Passions / Jean-Marc Andrieu 8) Hotel California (The Eagles) Jake Shimabukuro / Jake Shimabukuro / Earl Klugh
+ Chronique Fières de lettres de Monique Calinon : Olympe de Gouges, le courage tout azimut
Pour ceux qui auraient piscine indienne, ou toute autre obligation, il y a une possibilité de rattrapage avec les podcasts de la PBF : https://www.mixcloud.com/RadioRadioToulouse/fière-dêtre-olympe-de-gouges-la-petite-boutique-fantasque
Sus aux Philistins !
Photographie de Mrs Stewart sur une moto Rudge (Gallica) 
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the-witcher-parks · 5 months
TripleZeroOne par The Parks Via Flickr : Triple Zéro One est un ancien acteur qui jouait dans des films d'espionnages à grand succès. Il faut savoir que Galax Central adore les films, la musique, les objets dont les autos, transformées en voitures volantes, etc. D'où la fureur de la Grande Inkiziteuze lorsque l'acteur à décliné de futurs roles... Kidnappé par les nains, il fut reformarté en métal organique sur la planète Lap-Hipster, avant dêtre retourné sur Terre pour devenir le tueur Triple Zéro One dla grande inkiziteuze !
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ao3feed-ateez · 5 months
raison dêtre
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Y20Nbfc by pardofelix Seonghwa sighed. This was the worst day ever for him. It’s not every day that you get heartbroken over a past relationship, and decide to hang out with your friends only for them to bail out last minute. Imagine he could run into the love of his life in a cliché way and get a fresh start, but that's just delusion and fantas— (It does not go well) Words: 431, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Kim Hongjoong, Park Seonghwa Relationships: Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa Additional Tags: Hate at First Sight, not really - Freeform, How Do I Tag, Implied/Referenced Cheating, not between main relationship, Post-Break Up, the writer wants to die, Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Y20Nbfc
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paysendormis · 11 months
je pense qu'il faut que j'écrive pour essayer de démêler ce qui ne va pas
parce que je ne peux pas lui en parler, si je le fais il va immédiatement en parler à quelqu'un d'autre comme l'année dernière avec Alysée, et mon intimité que j'ai déjà du mal à partager il n'en restera pas grand chose. ça m'avait beaucoup blessé qu'il se précipite dans sa messagerie alors que tout ce que je voulais c'était qu'on en discute à deux, mais le dialogue avait été coupé et il avait préféré continuer sans moi. je m'étais sentie très trahie et très seule. comme si je navais pas le droit à un endroit safe pour mexprimer sans risquer d'être jugée par tout le monde et nimporte qui
et là, ce serait la même chose. maintenant je me fiche d'avoir l'air méchante mais c'est plus difficile à vivre quand tout ce que je demande c'est comprendre
le fait que je l'apprenne comme ça puis que j'ai le malheur de voir sa playlist spotify ça me brise le coeur, ils sont vraiment vraiment tous pareils
thaïs carla lisa lilly mathilde alysée tom : courir après the next best thing (lover over friendship) et me laisser seule
javais des tonnes de trucs à dire mais à quoi bon ? je veux juste claquer mon ordi fermé, éteindre mon portable vaquer à mes occupations et espérer que ce sentiment de creux dans ma poitrine et le noeud dans ma gorge disparaissent
j'aurais dû écrire avant de pleurer en boule sous ma couette pendant une heure mais c'est comme ça, et de toute façon il n'ya rien que je puisse faire
si jessaie dêtre l'amie de sa nouvelle crush je serais juste "la pote de" mais elle ne m'appréciera pas pour moi-même. parce qu'il y a ça, aussi : jai besoin de temps, je peux pas devenir amie avec les gens comme ça; mais maintenant c'es trop tard et ça restera toujours trop tard parce que personne n'a cette patience, personne n'y pense, c'est spontané et libre une amitié et j'en suis putain d'incapable alors je suis condamnée à ne jamais être le coup de foudre amical
et puis pour une fois (comme chaque fois!) j'aurais juste aimé être spéciale, être suffisament une priorité pour qu'il m'en parle pour de vrai
mais à la place il a préféré faire des cachoteries (comme les autres) parce que c'est précieux pour lui, et plus important que moi, et que je neserais jamais assez importante pour faire partie de la vie de quelqu'un complètement et sincèrement
c'est marrant deux minutes les blagues de : dans ma maison tom reste sur le perron mais c'est faux, il est à l'intérieur, il sait plus que nimporte qui à mon sujet, plus que mathilde, plus que ma famille et tout est grand ouvert, sans verrou, je me gardais plus du tout avec lui
et en fait sa maison à lui elle était belle et bien fermée, il montrait en effet exactement ce qu'il voulait
donc voilà je me sens trahie parce que je pensais que cette amitié reposait sur un contrat honnête mais comme toutes les autres, c'était pas le cas
donc voilà
vaquons à nos occupations à notre petite solitude tranquille refermons le portail
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photos-car · 1 year
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