#dad!terry silver
terrence-silver · 3 months
How would Terry deal with a teething baby
Pays attention to the whole process.
Like, (perhaps?) an uncomfortable amount.
More than whoever the secondary parent is.
Or, more precisely more than anyone in the history of anything ever did.
Tooth grew by a millimeter? The tiny tip of a baby tooth is peeking through the gentle pink gums? Is it malformed? Is it immaculately perfect? Is it straight? Crooked? Can the shape of it be controlled? An insignificant changed occurred that nobody in their right mind would notice but him? Is it all to Mr. Silver's satisfaction? What does the team of (long suffering) doctors and private specialists he has on stand by say? Not enough to please Terry? He'll check personally! Literally plays dentist and smiles gleefully as he tracks his child's progress multiple times a day and he'll drop everything to do just that --- go as far as rush back from the office, the dojo, from Dynatox, meetings, Galas, wherever he's at, during whatever era, purely because it's time and it's scheduled and his kid's teeth need to be checked. By him. Of course. Who else? If it's the 80's, he'll have Margaret give him (unnecessarily descriptive and) full reports on the matter (while that important business conference from overseas is on hold) and he'll call in purely so she'd tell him in obnoxious detail how Silver Jr. is teething right before he attends to the matter personally because this interests him like few things do, sauntering back home like he's rushing to the most meaningful event of his life --- and to him, it is. Cancel everything!
Present day?
Heck, he'll have his kid on camera and he'll have the development shown to him and recorded for his personal interest if need be, immortalized forever. It's been found very likely that Mr. Silver will order himself chauffeured halfway across the city, country and even the planet at a drop of a hat purely because, well, yes, this matters to him and whatever matters to him takes precedence. Fuck if it's wasteful! Whoever cared about being wasteful! Again! This is important to him and he cannot be talked out of anything he sets his mind to. God knows why. His kid could be there bawling because toothing validly hurts and Terry Silver will be there, smiling and proud, like he's cheering on the whole phase, fidgeting around the mouth and watching what he sees there, never even blinking as he examines the newly growing teeth and sitting out the whole process for hours, because yes, yes, growing pains are still growing pains. That's how a runt becomes a man. How a tiny garden snake becomes a King Cobra with fangs worthy of a King Cobra. He's witnessing his kid develop and he's there to influence it. Control it. Revel in it. Observe it. His curiosity is endearingly bizarre. He's much like a child himself watching something that was never seen before by anyone else. The hatching of some rare egg, constantly checking if the shell cracked already.
Is his interest partially sadistic? Perhaps. Yes.
Is it genuine devotion in the development of his kid?
Fanatical devotion that goes way beyond any commonplace boundary?
Also yes.
Is he likely to keep his kid's milky, primary teeth once they, eventually, as nature demands, fall out, collecting them almost as a trophy? Also very likely. But, understand --- he shows his love this way and it would, hilariously enough almost be more commonplace if he was an uncaring, uninvolved, aloof father (because there's almost this expectation for fathers to be just that), but he's quite the opposite. He's energized. Smothering. Manic. Dedicated to a fault. And he's so overinvolved he'll know and understand precisely how each of his child's teeth developed like he knows the palm of his hand. Like he knows the pressure points of a body during a fight. He can passionately list it all off from memory in a stride with no effort. Yeah, Junior's third molar grew about an inch this week, Margaret and the central incisor is a bit crooked, but we'll work on that! It'll be perfect when I'm done with it! So perfect! Now, that the important is out of the way, transfer me to that call from Borneo! I wanna know how the delivery to Java is doing!
Slaps his hands together as he excitedly saunters to his study, followed by his ever so patient staff because he wants to get this over with so he can get back to what he really wants to get back to --- and that is, meticulously focusing and micromanaging the baby's teeth growing.
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cobra-wives · 3 months
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some more cobra husbands doodles, this time, cobra dads edition…
i think to think that in a world where the cobras was a nicer dojo, they would make the perfect karate chaperone papas :( WE CAN DREAM!!!
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yenforfairytales · 2 years
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admiring the giant scary snake man when i asked my friends what the writing on his belt says-
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"Terensu Shilvuh"
as translated by the awesome @wantedtourist
so he not only embroiders SENSEI on his sleeves but puts his name in Korean on his belt I'm-
This man was having the time of his life.
One day we will have to compile a master list of all the dorky things he's done. it grows larger every day
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theweirdcobrakaifan · 7 months
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John and terry taking little Kim Da-Eun to the beach and walk around town,they are her evil karate dads
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dunnewithyou-arch · 1 year
@opponentcompel sent "Be honest + of all the information gleaned from the interviews, what hurt you the most?"
at the all-valley tournament, julia accidentally made eye contact with terry silver and he sent a shiver down her spine. something about him was just off. his face was much more intense than necessary for watching a bunch of teenagers use the karate moves they had been learning for so long. she didn't even mean to, it was just that her dad was performing and she was embarrassed. ( maybe if sam hadn't explained the term dilf to sensei lawrence as a joke only for him to actually use it when billy dunne stepped on stage. he then shrugged and said good music is good music. ) when julia asked sensei larusso about that other sensei standing with cobra kai he stiffened and said he was bad news, that he had been his own sensei and tormented him the entire time. no one in miyago-do knew that he was still around, and he advised julia to stay away from him because he could only be bad news.
so why was he here at the record store? her documentary on daisy jones & the six had helped album sales skyrocket and while aurora had been released on cd, people were insisting on the records so now the band was staring in her face as she walked around downtown, local music stores advertising they had gotten new copies. she had walked in, looking for night at the opera. her dad had gotten her into queen and her records were finally aging. she froze when she almost ran into terry. what was he doing by her dad's record? julia felt protective suddenly. they didn't need his money.
she was about to see if she could slip away when he recognized her and asked her about the interviews. shit, so he had also seen the documentary? she wanted to tell him to leave her and her family alone. still, it was a good question. hearing her parents lay it all out on the table about how they had hurt both each other and other members of the band was a lot for all three of them and it had julia questioning things for a second there. some of it had made it to the documentary, specifically her dad dancing around his relationship with daisy. some people asked her if they did have an affair but she just shrugged and didn't say anything. what was out there was what the two were comfortable with, and all they wanted to say. she had done her part. she looked at terry and folded her arms across her chest, feeling vulnerable. he may be old enough to be her grandfather, but he was strong and anyone who even glanced at him could see that. "why do you want to know?" she asked. she wasn't going to give it to him, that was for sure. she felt like han in star wars. i have a bad feeling about this.
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hms-tardimpala · 2 years
Me at 8 years old watching queer-coded Terry Silver physically and psychologically torture Daniel LaRusso to the point of making him self harm before betraying him: Dad, I love this movie!! The bad guy is so mean!!! It's so funny!
Me fifteen years later realizing what my favorite AO3 tags are:
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just-a-fangirl7 · 2 years
For the @allvalley100 prompt, ♤ Boys Don’t Cry ♤
Terry Silver & Terry Silver’s Father (Does he have a name?)
Terry stood at the foot of the grave, freshly filled with dirt, and his dog’s old and soon-to-be-decayed body in a box. His lips trembled in an attempt to swallow his tears, his hands shook as he held the shovel in his hands, his knuckles white.
“It was just a dog, Terrance. Boys do not cry over the loss of their fellow man and most certainly do not cry over mutts.” His father scoffed, his posture perfect and voice steady with confidence.
Terry shut his eyes tightly, bile threatening to come up if he made the smallest peep.
“Simply pathetic.”
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phoniexrose02 · 1 year
I Want You
Robby Keene x Black!Reader
Silver! Reader
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Smutt~ 💪🐍
Tonight Your Father had Planned Dinner, After Finally Getting you to Agree to Meet your new Boyfriend. You'd been talking the Young man Up all Week, and Silver had heard Enough. You and Terry Were separated for most of the Day, But you always showed for Dinner to Talk about your Day. But the Last few Days you spoke Non-Stop about your Mysterious New Boyfriend.
"Invite him Over, Tomorrow Night Yes?" He suggested, You were a Bit Sceptical With Robby just Coming From Juvie, But he'd been nothing but a Gentleman toward you."Sure Dad, I'm sure Can make that Work" You Smiled up at him Which he happily Returned. Robby, on the other hand was Less enthusiastic.
"What?? What?! Tomorrow Night Y/n?!" Robby Nearly Screamed over your FaceTime Call, you had Set him on your Vanity as you Did your Nightly SkinCare." Robby, Calm down. My Dad's Cool and He wants to Meet you so Why not?" You Smiled at him seeing little Issue with the Affair, While Robby Paced the Back of the Dojo he was Sleeping in. "Y/n...I sleep on the floor, I don't have the Funds to-"
"Robby, I've gotchu. We'll go shopping"
"Ugh...I Hate When you do that..." He Whispered, Robby Tried to make it Clear that he didn't want your Money Even in the Situation he was Currently Struggling through. It didn't come as a Surprise when you Started Gifting him Crazy Expensive Items, He'd Usually just Slip them back into Purse After a Date.
But, after Realizing he basically Had nothing He let you Drag him around for Clothes. He was Semi-relieved When you let him Chose the Shop, Only for you to Purchase the Nicest Suit in the Place, And When When he Showed up in Said Suit you Nearly Fell out.
"Oh Robby Baby, you Look Hot~" You Closed the Front Door behind you As you Fixed the Small Nix in his Suit. Robby looked Nervous as he Watched you." Fuck...What do I say?? Do I call him Mr. L/n?" He Questioned, you Giggled at his Nervous ramble before Leading him to the Dining Room."Just Chill Robby, And I Recommend Mr.Silver"
"Wait Silver?-"
Once the Two of you Reached the Doorway you Watch the Two Finally Make Eye Contact, You Figured it out when Watch your Boyfriend Straighten himself up." Well, Well Mr.Keene, Call me Terry outside the Dojo Please" You sigh at your Father Before Pulling the Nervous Keene to the Table." My Dear y/n, You didn't tell me you were Dating one of my Students." Robby Avoided Eye Contact While you Stared Daggers." I Actually didn't know he was. " She Explained before Staring down to your Plate." No Wonder He's Your Knight~ He's a Cobra! " you Smiled as your Father Laughed Before Clearing your Throat." Could we Please Continue our Dinner? You Promised you'd keep your Karate Talk to a Minimum..." He Seemed to Be Rather Proud of your Choice Throughout the Dinner, you Weren't To sure if he Saw a Star Students or Your Boyfriend But he Didn't seem to Mind you Being Together.
Robby Said Next to Nothing the Whole Dinner, He only Answered when Spoken Directly Too. He Didn't Seem to Frightened Just More Embarrassing and Shocked. " Well Thank you Dad, But if you Don't Mind Me and Robby Planned to Relax Upstairs Before he Goes Home" he Hummed before Calling his Servants to his aid." I want him Home Before 12 hun, id hate for Mr.Keene to be late tomorrow" You Huffed pulling Robby Upstairs with you." Yeah I got it Pops..."
"So " you shoved the Boy into the Room Slamming the Door Behind you."Cobra..." He Lossed his Tie Before Tossing it somewhere in the Room."Oh Be Quiet! When the Hell were you gonna tell me your "Pops" is THE Terry Silver?!" You Retreat Behind your Folding Screen As you started to Strip your Tight Dress."Robby When you said you Did Karate i didn't think you Meant Cobra Kai..." he watched as you Tossed Your Clothes around the Room, he Eventually Sat at your vanity"Mhm, And What's Wrong with Cobra Kai Princess?" You sighed ."Nothing Robby..." You'd be Lying if you Said you Weren't a Little Jealous of the Girls of Cobra Kai, You'd made it Pretty Clear to your Father that You wanted nothing to do with His Karate, Same for Cobra Kai.
Tory was Probably one of your Best Friends and When She Told you about Robby, it wasn't Until Further in the Relationship That he Revealed They Were Exes. he pulled his Jacket off Laying it Across the Chair, as he got up and Headed over to you. You Wore A Shirt an Panties, Giving Robby A Good Look at your Legs and Braless Tits."If you train with a Bunch of Cobra's, Why would you Date a Girl like me? "
"Wha-? That's it? That's What's got you Worried Babe?"
Robby Giggles Wrapping his Arms around your Waist. You Scoff Trying to push him away."Ok ok! I'm Done!" You attempted to push him again, only for him to Quickly Pick you up Wrapping your Chubby legs around his waist. You Wrapped your Arms around his Neck out of Fear as he pulled you impossibly Close.
"I want you, and only you" You Were shocked By his Strength but expected nothing less from a Cobra."No one takes care of me like You, I don't want anyone else but You" he Peppered you Neck with Small Kisses and Hickeys.
"Let me Take Care of you~" He sat the two of you down onto your Fur Couch letting you comfortably Smother his Body into it, The weight making him Groan Softly. His Dick Was Hard and Suffocated in his Dress pants as Wet Warm Soaked Panties Laid atop. He easily Shifted your Weight Shoving your Back into the Arm of the Sofa.
He Peeled you Soaked Panties from your Aching Heat, Tossing them somewhere in the Room Before Diving Straight in, you Jerk at the Sudden Contact as Robby Wrapped his Arms Around your Thighs Pulling Himself Deeper into your Wet Cunt. He Sucked at your Clit Keeping His Beautiful Green Eyes on yours, He had no shame at the Noises and Mess you Made on his face, As you Wiggle and Shiver he Keeps a Strong Hold against his Mouth Giving your Pussy Well deserved attention. You Were In Pure Bliss as Robby Happily watched you Come Undone."Robby Please~" You Shoved your Hand into his Hair Finally Pulling him from you Leaving a String of Saliva. He Smiled Licking his Lips.
"Is my Love too Much Beautiful?" He Kissed at your Thighs Before Slowly sitting up, Unzipping his Pants an Pulling his Cock Free with a Relieved Sigh, you bite your Lip as Robby Sat At the Edge of the Bed."Come Here i want you On top~" You made Quick work of the Top you were wearing as robby discarded of his Pants. When you Climbed onto his Lap His Eyes Were Glued to your beautiful Brown Nipples, He Almost couldn't himself. "Fuck I Want you So bad Baby~" He Mumbled into your Breast as you slowly Eased down his Dick, He Finally gave in and Popped a Tit Between his Lips to Quiet his Moans.
You rest your hand Against his Chest As you Whimper, He Gripped your hips Tightly Keeping you still as he Thrust Up into you."Fuck! Robby~" He Pulls Away from you With a Wet Pop, he Continues his eye contact While Pounding up into your Soaked Cunt.
Robby Loved you On top, Your Beautiful Brown Legs Glazed in Sweat and Wrapped Tightly around his Hips. Your Tits Literally Bouncing in his Face, Your Walls Suffocate his Dick as he Fucked you Hard. He Felt himself Growing Closer to his Release and Groaned Loudly.
"Just you Baby~ I Only want you!~" Your Moans Music to His Ears as you both Finally Release, Robby Pulls you Down taking Every Inch as he Filled you with his Load. You Soon Fell Limp in the Man's Lap as Robby Lovely Stroked at you Hips.
He was still Hard.
He Flipped the Two Of you Over and Now Stood Proudly Above you. You Could Feel your Cheek Began to Warm as he Pulled your Hips Back into him." I want you too, Robby~" He Gave a Big Smile, Before Shoving Himself Back into you. He Made you Scream From The Multiple Orgasms, Until the Two of you Finally Passed Out.
Robby Woke up to the Beaming Light Threw your Curtains and Slowly Looked over to you. You Slept Quietly with your Braids Every which Way, You Looked Beautiful~
But Robby Quietly Huffed before Shuffling from your Hold, He Got Dressed and Headed Downstairs to and Out.
Silver Called Coldly Stopping Robby in his Tracks, he than Slowly turned to be Met with the Tall Man.
"You Hurt My Daughter, I'll Ruin your Life..."
Robby Huffed Irritated by the man's Presence alone, He'd already not taken to Kindly to his Appearance in the Dojo. But For you he Bowed his Head and Obeyed.
"Yes Sensei..."
Cobra Kai 🐍
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #18
• I’ve noticed Water suns especially Pisces are really good at playing the Villain’s role in movies/series! They’re the types of villains you’ll easily remember and love to hate! E.g. Martin Kove (who plays the ‘no-mercy’ Sensei Kreese from The Karate Kid trilogy and the Cobra Kai series), Thomas Griffith (who plays the jack-of-all-trades eccentric Terry Silver from the 3rd Karate Kid movie and the Cobra Kai series) and Jacob Bertrand (Eli Moskowitz a.k.a. ‘Hawk’ from the Cobra Kai series) are all Pisces suns. Also Sean Kanan (Mike Barnes from the 3rd Karate Kid movie) & Dallas Young (Kenny Payne from the Cobra Kai series) who are both Scorpio suns.
• The main characters in cheerleader movies like the Bring it on series are mainly Leo and Libra suns while the mean girls are mainly Water suns. E.g. Solange (Camille from Bring It On: All Or Nothing) is a Cancer sun and Rachele Smith (Avery from Bring It On: Fight To The Finish) is a Scorpio sun.
• Venusians tend to be very attractive!! They might be known for their good looks and subconsciously or not might just have good taste in fashion/aesthetics.
• They can also be known as good singers.
• Aquarius moons are the type of relatives that distance themselves from the family as they grow older or they just go M.I.A. on their relatives lol.
• Aries placements are the ultimate ride-or-die friends. Prove me wrong.✋🏽
• Water placements are really good at drawing/sketching!! My mom is a Scorpio sun/mercury and my dad was a Scorpio mars and they both draw REALLY good.😭 No wonder it passed down to me (Pisces sun/venus/uranus).💗
• Water risings have such a chill, affectionate nature it’s really cute!!😩💞
• Capricorn placements are so hot and attractive for what?😭
• Aries suns with Virgo moons and Aries mercuries are so feisty and cute!! They’re very driven, humble and get so excited when talking about their passions!! 🤎
• Aries sun-Taurus venus men are the types to be into sports and music! Some of them love 70s music and might be into James Brown!😂💞
• We all need a funny, blunt, energetic Sagittarius venus in our lives!
• Taurus sun-Gemini venus men culture is playing video games 24/7 and saying funny things to try to make their crush laugh.
• No because I can assure you a Fire mercury/mercury in a fire degree, will always add in their 2 cents even if you didn’t ask.🤣
• Some Cancer risings with Leo moons might feel fulfilled when those closest to them start telling them they’re starting to mature more and they’re proud of them.
• Virgo moons with Aries mars and Cancer risings WILL call you out on some petty shit. They don’t like to hold stuff in.
• Christian Leo suns 🤝 trying to justify their actions with “but in the Bible it says’ every time they get into a conflict yet they’re being hypocrites themselves.😭
• One thing Air placements will do is try to talk/sneak themselves out of situations.🌚 “They used to pull me over and ask me out on dates.” Said by La Toya Jackson (Gemini sun/mercury and Aquarius moon/mars)
• Aries mercuries can be so passive aggressive lmao.😭
• Capricorn mercuries can also be clowns with their logical humors!😭
• You better believe an Aries mercury/rising is going to raise their tones if they feel like your not getting their points.
• Virgo moons hate lying and hate liars.
• Parents with Water/Earth in their charts especially in their big 3 don’t like to hit their children.
• Sagittarius moons will listen to what you have to say then add onto them in a slight philosophical sense.
• Virgo suns with Libra mercuries and Leo mars love talking about people’s outfits and mocking other people.😭
• Fire mars parents are the types to embarrass their kids in front of other people by arguing with them/calling them out on the smallest things while Water mars parents are the types to embarrass their kids around their friends by being too bold and sometimes friendly sometimes mean lol.😭
• Water/Earth mix in the big 3 to love animals and nature! My mom’s a Scorpio sun/Cancer rising/Virgo moon and she’s obsessed with cats lmfao!🤣
• Capricorn/10H placements and their good/hard-working reputations are so attractive!
• Virgo placements are normally the health nuts and might complain about the back of their knee hurting this week and their stomachs hurting when they’re full the next. 😭
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velvrei · 2 years
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summary: robby and the reader go to prom and kyler’s after party, what happens when robby misbehaves and annoys the reader?
pairings: robby keene x female!reader
warnings: smut, season 4? handjobs, semi-public sex (except they don't actually have sex), begging, underage drinking, praise kink, pda (kissing in public), degradation, edging, overstimulation, choking
word count: 3k
author’s note: another early morning post<3 hope everyone has an amazing day and i hope you enjoy!
That content smile your father seldomly showed always uplifted you at the greatest times possible. He didn't smile much, however, when he did, it was for a good reason. Today's reason, it was prom night.
You and your father were very close. He was the type of dad to threaten or even hurt anyone who hurt you. And oh, the advantage of having a filthy rich father. He let you pick out your dress, no matter the price, and then not too long after took your date, Robby Keene, out to buy a tux. You insisted that you would go with though, cause you sensed your dad would doubtlessly have that father-daughters-boyfriend talk about how "if you hurt her I'll hurt you", or "you better treat her how she deserves".
Robby treated you like a queen, which is something your dad observed and it something he appreciated.
Robby constantly told you how perfect you were. He knew how to make you feel appreciated, and you constantly made sure he felt appreciated as well. You and Robby were sublime together.
"Daddy? Robby? Can I come down now?!" You yelled yearningly down the stairs. It was time for your big reveal with your new dress, as they did in basically every teen-movie involving some kind of dance. It was finally your turn, and you got to be escorted by the karate star of your dreams. It was the perfect moment.
"Yes, honey, we're ready."
You began your walk down the stairs, holding the railing to make sure you didn't stumble upon yourself. You looked up and saw your dad holding the phone on it's side, recording with his jaw dropped as one would. You looked beautiful. You had great taste.
Your dress was a gorgeous burgundy, with spaghetti width straps as well as a v cut that ended slowly above your breasts, far enough to make them perk up but you pulled it up until you got past your dad. You didn't feel like getting 'questioned' (which was Terry's replacement word for getting screamed at) on prom night.
Your gaze met Keene's and his jaw was dropped. He looked astonishing in his matching tux. His blazer and pants were jet black, as well as his tie and pocket square.
"Y- You look-" Robby was inarticulate, he was unable to speak.
"Beautiful, honey! I'm so glad I let you pick out your dress. You look amazing. Pretty sure Robby agrees, he's speechless!" Terry smiled brightly and you walked down the last step, instantaneously giving him a bear hug.
"Thank you so much daddy, for everything," You let go of your dad not wanting to crush his soul, "Today has been so perfect and I already know we'll have so much fun." His smile grew hearing your appreciation. He loved you so much, all he needed was to make sure his little girl had fun.
"Yes, thank you so much, Mr. Silver. Thank you for the tux, I'll pay you back when I can-"
"Don't worry about that kid, all I ask for is that you two stay safe. Tonight is supposed to be enjoyable, if you get in fights, first you win, then after the dance or whatever after party I'm sure someone will throw come back to tell me. I will handle it if it needs to be handled afterwards." Hearing those words made you feel safe.
"Of course, if something goes on that doesn't involve us we will disregard the entire situation." Robby looked Terry straight in the eye, but it wasn't a challenging stare per say, more of a 'I've got your back' look.
"Okay! Let me get some pictures and then you two should be on your way!" Terry spoke, searching around for one of his butlers to take a photo of the three of them.
"Ophelia, could you come here and take a picture for me and my two favorite teens, please?" He shouted, and Ophelia came running. She was always your favorite, she was adorable. Brown hair, ocean blue eyes, which was exceptionally rare for her darker skin tone.
"Of course, Mr. Silver." Her voice was always incredibly calming.
Your father's scoff turned into a laugh, "Remember, love, you can call me Terry. I get you work for me and you feel the need to but I really prefer Terry no matter who it is."
Your dad smiled sweetly toward Ophelia, and she smiled back gratefully, ready to take the picture on Terry's phone as he wrapped his arms around the both of you, standing in the middle. 'If he stood on the side it would've looked awkward', was probably something he would say later on.
The picture was taken, along with a few selfies taken by Terry and his long armed, substantial tall figure. Terry escorted the two of you into his lamborghini veneno that he gave you for the night.
Then, you were off to live the night of your dreams.
You arrived to prom in style, you and Robby's whole goal was to make everyone turn their heads and cluelessly wonder how the former criminal bagged Samantha LaRusso's ex-buddy and Yasmine and Moon's current bestie. Sam used to be your friend, but she had messed up way to many times.
Robby quickly jogged to the passenger seat, almost tripping on the cement but he ceased himself and opened your door successfully.
"M'lady," He said, bowing with one hand behind his back then quickly reaching out and helping you out do the car.
"Thank you, kind sir." The playful banter didn't last very long, and no surprise you were the won to end it, "I swear to the devil if these heels ache my feet one more time I will fucking throw them at literally anyone's stupid face-"
Robby shushed you, his finger hovering your sultry lips. It smelled of cologne. How much cologne did he put on that day?
"It's okay, just let me know if it continues so I can sweep you off your feet." He said with a cunning smirk.
You were in for a tedious night of cheesy pick-up lines.
As you walked up to the door, thundering music filled your ears, the smell of school and alcohol filling your nose, which is something you should've expected but didn't in the slightest.
"Okay, if we see Sam or even Miguel, just look for like 2 seconds and look away, let's give them the act that we don't give a fuck. Cause we don't," His arm linked with yours, "Am I correct, Lady Silver?"
"You sure are, Sir Keene."
You slightly pushed passed the coral curtain, your steps in sync as you felt your chest become moderately warm. You both looked to the left of you, seeing Samantha and Miguel together at one of the many punched bowls that were spiked.
As soon as you even felt them notice, you looked away, and straight ahead, your eyes pausing on Moon and Yasmine.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me," You heard Sam murmur, you could tell the frustration in her voice even if it was just a careless whisper.
Speaking of careless whispers, you heard the song by George Michael begin playing. You looked Robby directly in the eye and he knew exactly what you wanted. He was ready to go mingle with Kyler and Piper as you did so.
He gave you the gaze of approval, even thought you technically didn't need his permission. You kissed his cheek and ran off with Moon and Yasmine to sing your heart outs as if you were just broken up with and still in love with your former partner. But none of you were actually.
After you sung noisily with your closest friends, not even somewhat embarrassed of how heartbroken you may've sounded, and intensely danced with Robby to LES by Childish Gambino.
"Hey love, I heard our old teacher buddy Stingray is throwing an after party at his place," His eyes met yours and his right hand that was covered in rings found a place in your waist, "Wanna get out of here?" His eyebrows raised, his gaze moved down to your lips then back up to your eyes.
"You know it, baby."
You and Robby were both been expecting some kind of after party to be held after prom, it was a tradition and it was finally your turn to be apart of it. Your whole night felt surreal.
You and Robby stumbled in through the door, his lips separating from your warm ones as he removed his hands from your waist.
"Aye look at Robby over there getting some, why don't I have that?" Kyler remarked, you could tell his dumbass was already intoxicated, you could smell his breath from a mile away.
"Maybe if you actually became tolerable more girls would be attracted to you," You shook your head with a chuckle.
Robby swiftly moved his hand up to your mouth, turning your chin toward him so you were eye level and wiped off your wet bottom lip as you tried not to internally freak out and played it somewhat normal by fixing his undone tie, maybe you should've have pulled on it as hard as you did outside.
"We'll continue that later," You whispered, then smacked his ass causing him to wince somewhat loudly.
Tory laughed, attempting to get Kyler some water to stay at least some what allegeable, "You alright over there, Keene?" She grabbed a dishrag from the drawer next to her, which she had remembered from the countless times she and the cobra gang had hung out with Stingray in the previous times.
"Yeah," Robby lied with a voice crack.
You laughed, then strolled over to find something else to do, Robby quickly following. "Why do you keep smacking my ass?" He questioned, you could tell he was becoming a frantic mess already. It was only eleven thirty-five post meridiem.
"You've got a voluptuous ass on you, man, if you haven't realized that already," You had smacked it at least seventeen times throughout the night, and it wasn't even close to being finished yet. "Oh?" You ignored his simple remark.
"Why? Do you not like it?"
"I never said that," He laughed and scratched his neck awkwardly.
You hummed, your left hand grasping his tie and your right ran along his stabbing jawline, you raised your lips up to his ear, "You know I wouldn't purposely do anything you're uncomfortable with, right, love?"
You softly kissed below his ear, knowing that was his sweet spot. You heard an almost silent sigh leave his lips, the actions you executed always left him desired for more.
He mumbled a ‘mhm’.
"Use your words, my king."
His knees became week and he almost collapsed in the middle of the room. Your voice was so sexy. "Yes, I know that, Y/N." His voice was raspy and low, as if he just had sexual intercourse although you've just been teasing him with your words.
"Good. Just wanted to make sure," Your nails lightly heaved the soft skin of his face. "Let's go find somewhere more private, shall we?" He nodded eagerly, but then remembered to use his words.
"Please, Y/N."
The sound of him begging quietly in your ear made you get butterflies in the place a little lower than your stomach, you felt your heart skip a beat as you made eye contact, grabbed him by his tie and pulled him in for a kiss, at this point, it didn't even matter if Sam or Miguel saw you.
You winked, then turn around, your fingers still firmly grasping his tie, leading him to find a somewhat empty closet.
Once you did just that, Robby felt his pants get tighter as you closed the door behind the two of you and pushed him up against the door.
You were so enticing. "You look so good, my love," Your hand traced faintly down his chest, he was so aroused his pale cheeks were almost red.
"Please, Y/N."
"Please what, my love? What do you want?" He let out a frustrated groan as your hand advanced lower and lower, stopping at his V-line. "T- touch me."
You enjoyed this side of him, he rarely showed vulnerability, and when he did it was with you. It made you aroused at the thought and sight of him begging for you to touch him.
Your lips firmly pushed against his, your left hand ran into his hair, pulling roughly and he let out an raucous moan. He eagerly pushed his crotch against you in attempt for some class of friction, failing miserably as you caught the act and stepped away, your lips separating.
"How cute, you're impatient," Your words were sweet like honey but what they meant made him stuck. He was officially sexually frustrated because of you, and you were adoring it.
You pushed his blazer off, his button-up displayed his chest beautifully. "Just thought I would help you, cause you seem to be very hot and bothered." He whined at your words.
"Please don't tease me. Please, please just do something. I don't care what it is," God, he was so needy. "Just touch me, Y/N."
You slowly undid the first three buttons of his shirt, leaving the remaining ones together as Robby's hands flit up to both verges of your face. "Y/N. Do something. I'm begging you," You could hear the direct need in his tone, and it made your knees give in.
You couldn't wait any longer to watch your boyfriend lose it.
You moved quickly, your hands swiftly undoing his pants and shoving them down. His boxers joined his pants and you grabbed ahold of him. He let out a needy whimper. "That's what you wanted, wasn't it, love? For me to touch you? You're so fucking needy."
He panted heavily, "You really have a way with words, huh?" He shuttered, his cheeks were bright pink and his hair was slightly messed up from your hands grasping at it.
"Only you would know that," A shiver traveled down his spine as you bent over and spat, then began pumping him faster.
You didn't bother shielding his lips with your free hand because you knew the loudly blasting music would cover his mellow whines and whimpers. "Holy shit." His hand fumbled on the door nob, trying to find something to lean himself on.
You looked him directly in the eye, you then turned him so his back was faced on the inside wall of the colorless closet.
Precum leaked off of him, he watched you in awe as you swiped your thumb across him and brought the remains up, your swollen lips closed around, your tongue worshipped his sweet taste.
He moaned at the sight, everything you did evoked him.
"Your hands are so, fuck," He wasn't able to form a proper sentence so you finished it for him, "Talented? Soft? Perfect? Something along those lines I'm assuming?" You said with a grin, your cocky side began to show, it made him weaker by the second.
"I'm so close, fuck," He whispered as his legs began to shake and his heart began to beat much faster than before. You slowly pulled away, and he suddenly became cold at the loss of your touch. He whined desperately, by now his entire body was alight with arousal and it was really pissing him off how you kept teasing but he knew if he did something about it he would regret it poorly.
"You want to come? Okay, I want to hear you beg for it. I want to hear you explain what you want me to do and then I may just do it." You spoke. He took that as a challenge. Challenge excepted.
He knew just how to make you listen.
"Please, Y/N, please, let me come," He begged with the tiniest smirk you've ever seen, "Please, I'll do anything, I'll be such a good boy for you," You almost moaned but you ceased yourself, "Please, please let me come." He begged.
You looked him in the eye and pumped him as fast as your hand could possibly go, he moaned loudly and began thrusting up to your hand. You wanted him to regret that he ever sassed you, even if it was just a little smirk he gave, however you saw it.
He mouth fell open, his eyes rolled to the back of his head. Even after he came, you continued pumping him and he groaned.
Your fingers firmly gripped his throat.
"You really think you can purposely turn me on and not expect any consequences? Think again, Keene, you may have got what you wanted, but oh, honey, I'm going to do so much more than that." He whimpered at your words, and your hand continued loving at the same speed.
You began to get a cramp in your hand but you ignored it and continued your assault by rotating your hand and rubbing your thumb along his tip. "Fuck!"
He came again.
And again.
And again.
The overstimulations were enjoyable at first but it eventually became too much, and he begged for you to stop or else he would explode. You knew that. "You gonna be sassy to me?" Your hand tightened on his neck, and you examined his eyes. His pupils were dilating like crazy.
"No, Y/N, I promise I won't. You're in charge, I know that now. I'm so sorry, please forgive me." His attempted apology was like music to your ears. "Are you really sorry?"
You smirked, and pursued to pump him. "Oh god I'm so close again, please please let this be the last one I w- won't be able to walk." He was a mess. It was beautiful.
"Okay my king, come for me. One last time." Your soft whispers caused him to throw his head back, he didn't care how hard it hit the door or how loud it could've sounded. He shouted your name as he orgasmed, and you swore he was about to cry.
After he finished he almost fell over but you caught him before he could. You put his weight back into the wall and cupped his cheek carefully. "You did so well, honey."
He melted into the warmth of your hand, and he stopped the arise of the red on his cheeks. "Thank you."
It made you happy knowing he trusted you enough to be vulnerable around you. You got him to beg multiple times, even if quite a few seemed sarcastic, he clearly learned his lesson.
He challenged you, and you won. You always won.
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terrence-silver · 2 months
Tumblr media
Dad. 👶🐍
(A commission for @violetscorpionsilver)
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puella-peanut · 3 months
Kreese’s plot line is beyond stupid. The Sekai Taikai was Terry’s obsession and interest, not Kreese’s! Why the hell is Kreese so invested in this??
I stand by what I said last season: Kreese should have died in the season 5 finale, but instead we got survival with Jell-o and a 70+ man hiding out in another country and training kids to be the infantry in the Karate War. God. 
This show has always had silly plots, but this in particular (as a Kreese fan…or former) is really jumping the gun. Kreese is simply not interesting enough to be the main villain of the series—at least, not when there is Terry Silver. Kreese’s story peaked in season 3, and it was an excellent season for him. I’m not excited to see Terry demoted in favor of Kreese, and would have rather they kept Terry as final villain instead of Kreese and this Sekai Taikai stuff.
Am I watching the season? Sure. But I’m not excited. 
Still, as a forever Daniel girl, I was happy to see my man. I’m also interested in seeing Chozen, Robby, Sam, and Mike. Sorry Johnny, but you stopped being interesting to me in season 3. And you still suck shit as a dad. 
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theweirdcobrakaifan · 4 months
been thinking of snake Dennis and Mike being terry and kreese adopted sons and like they would having karaoke night in terry mansion in the 80s
And then kreese leaves and terry gains custody of them even tho he already custody because come on kreese wasn’t being a good dad anyway 🙄 he was to busy trying get Johnny back
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dramioneasks · 9 months
Christmas Fics 2023 (Part 4):
Chaperone Chaos, Mistletoe Madness: A Yule Ball Tale by scullymurphy - M, one-shot - Professors Malfoy and Granger hate each other. They're also chaperoning the Yule Ball, where Erotogenic Mistletoe makes a timely appearance.
Fireplaces and Firewhiskey by potterhead25919 - G, one-shot - no summary
He's A Wonderful Wizard by flowerfem - T, 12 chapters - Draco only wanted something that would help turn Christmas around, something that could make all his problems disappear. But at the last minute he wished he was never born... It's A Wonderful Life retelling from Draco's POV.
The Path Carefully Tread by HeyJude19 - T, one-shot - The nature of families could shift; shaped by time, trauma, arguments, and reconciliations. She saw how Draco warred with that now, how he battled his instinctual, youthful desire to please his father with his resolve to sever ties with someone who had hurt him gravely.
A Christmas Tryst by Bookvamp - E, one-shot - Draco is on house arrest at university, and Hermione has nowhere to go for the holidays after her breakup with Ron, leaving the two of them alone at the university during the Christmas holiday. It could be the perfect opportunity for Draco to get what he wants - Another tryst with Hermione.
Mistletoe, Yes Or No? by potterhead25919 - G, one-shot - no summary
A New Wreath by MarinaJune - G, one-shot - Scorpius joins his dad and Hermione for some (actually, a LOT) of additional Christmas greenery, and notices something more than friendship between the two.
Christmas Comes but Once a Year by Biirdiee_Rose - E, one-shot - “I couldn’t stand another minute of watching every idiot wizard in the room drool over you.” “No one was drooling over me, Cormac hardly counts as he was harassing nearly every witch in the room.” She tries to pull herself forward again. “Not like it would matter anyway since you’ve made it quite clear you’re not interested in talking to me.” “Don’t play me for a fool, Terry fucking Boot keeps trying to touch you.” He hisses. “You’re utterly delusional, not like it matters, I’m not yours to begin with–” The temperature of the room shifts as soon as the words leave her mouth, the silver of his eyes glinting dangerously in the dark. - Hermione's had enough of Draco suddenly deciding to ignore her and decides to pull out the little red dress she knows he can't resist. It succeeds in getting the attention of a few other wizards as well, much to Draco's displeasure. It looks like he'll just have to remind her of who she really belongs to.
A Gentleman's Guide to Courtship and Caregiving by ChaosAndCrumpets - T, one-shot - An accident involving a quidditch bat has Draco Malfoy wishing tragic and irreversible misfortune on Blaise Zabini. But he'll leave St Mungo's with far more than just a healed nose; a newly acquired Godmother, an affinity for mince pies, and an inconvenient attraction to a certain Healer, to name just three.
Christmas Karaoke by ravengoldy - E, one-shot - Hermione organises a Christmas karaoke event for her annual Muggle Christmas scheme, where everyone has been given the task to learn a popular Christmas song to perform in pairs - some more enthusiastically than others.
Mistletoe and Holly by RZZMG - T, 5 chapters - Who says romance ends at 40? For an older, more mature Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger, the best is yet to come... It’s never too late to fall in love, especially when mistletoe and holly are involved!
Saint Theodore by LadyUrsa - T, one-shot - Draco is dismayed to learn that if he ever wants to have a shot with Granger, he has to successfully flirt with her. Theo, like the arsehole (and saint) of a best friend he is, intervenes to help the two idiots.
Cookies For Christmas by potterhead25919 - G, one-shot - no summary
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joslincox · 4 months
The Alpha Bitch Trope in Cartoon
Tricia Holmes from 6teen is well known by the gang as the most popular girl at their school and is the snooty archnemesis of Caitlin Cooke, who used to be a member of her Girl Posse.
Subverted on American Dad! where the "hottest girl in school" and head cheerleader Lisa Silver appears willing to go out with the nerdy Steve and is surprisingly understanding when the show's antics keep messing up the planned dates. In another episode, it looks like she and her Girl Posse did something terrible to Steve's unpopular girlfriend... but it turns out it is actually Steve's friends who are responsible, once again subverting what you'd expect from Alpha Bitch behavior.
Amphibia has Sasha Waybright, Anne's snobby and manipulative Toxic Friend who has a strong desire to rule over and control others; she even says herself that she ruled her school back on Earth. Anne starts the show off as her unwitting minion, being encouraged to engage in delinquent behavior and the like. As the series progresses, Sasha ultimately drives Anne away from her, especially after the latter realizes how bad of a friend she really is. By the third season, however, Sasha comes to realize how horrible she was and grows out of this behavior to become a better person.
Nanette Manoir from Angela Anaconda, also a Fauxreigner French Jerk and something of a teacher's pet. Angela has had many an Imagine Spot where she gets thoroughly humiliated and/or maimed.
Priscilla and Penelope Pinkpaws from Angelina Ballerina.
Cora, the daughter of the CEO Nora Rita Norita, in the Animaniacs (2020) short "My Super Sour 16" is an arrogant, spoiled Rich Bitch who wants her Sweet 16 to be absolutely perfect.
Muffy from Arthur used to be this and occasionally still has shades of it, particularly in the episode where Arthur starts acting like her. However, she has a Hidden Heart of Gold.
As Told by Ginger:
Miranda Kilgallen is the second-in-command and the Girl Posse leader to Courtney Gripling. She also defrosts a little. She never exactly becomes friendly, but she's a lot worse at the start than she is at the end.
Courtney Gripling is an inversion — Lovable Alpha Bitch. She's the queen bee; pretty, rich, popular, and more than a little narcissistic, a (self-proclaimed) snob, but she's a genuinely sweet person who doesn't seem to harbor any malice towards anyone — unlike her friend Miranda. While her sidekick Miranda is quick to insult the unpopular girls, Courtney is friendly with them.
Penelope Lang in Atomic Betty. Her two lackeys are a pair of sycophantic nerds, and she is infamous for referring to people as "losers" often.
Raquelle from Barbie: A Fairy Secret, although once the plot gets into motion, it's mostly pushed by the wayside.
Violet Nylund and Ashlynn Torescu from Barbie Presents Thumbelina.
Formerly Sloane, Hallie, and Dua for Camp Pop and Olivia and her friends for Camp Royalty from Barbie In Rock N Royals.
Tammy Bounceaway from Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures.
Tanya Butaire from LEGO Friends.
Batman Beyond has Blade and Chelsea. Blade is actually fairly apathetic, but has the look down pat, and is more than content to do things such as throw most of a school assignment on Terry, or manipulate a classmate to make another guy jealous. Chelsea, is usually a lot more sympathetic; she's actually a rather nice person, as seen in "The Last Resort," and except for being dismissive of Howard Groote, doesn't really do anything bad. Though she sometimes tries to get Dana to see other guys, it's because she thinks Terry isn't good for Dana, due to him always brushing her off.
Claire Brewster in Beetlejuice who is still the "stuck-up, shallow yet very pretty girl" type.
The Benedict Express
Madison, while technically a protagonist, is essentially the Beta Bitch to Alpha Bitch Erica Green and has often participated in her schemes against less attractive girls. Her status as the daughter of a professor allows her to get away with anything. Of course, their rival Sarah who is rarely shown is an even bigger Alpha Bitch.
Ciara Toler, when she was in high school and before she was brutally raped as a consequence of her bitchiness. While she showed strong Alpha Bitchy traits partly because of her status as "Barbee Creek Barbie" and "the princess of the projects" - the most attractive girl in her 'hood - her snobbishness is portrayed somewhat sympathetically as arising from her impatience with living in a community filled with people who preferred to wallow in poverty and being the only person (even in her own family) with a drive to improve herself. In fact, she often tried to act more like a Cute Sports Club Manager and uplift the spirit of her friends and neighbors before becoming exhausted with the fact they were only interested in drug dealing and violence.
Tammy Larson from Bob's Burgers is something of a subversion in that she thinks she's an Alpha Bitch and assumes she's super popular. The thing is, she doesn't have anywhere near as many friends or followers as you think she would if she were that popular. The only person who hangs around her on a regular basis and actually seems to like her is her Beta Bitch Jocelyn, and even she doesn't seem to like Tammy that much. The only other people who could possibly be considered her friends are Jimmy Jr., Zeke, and the Belcher siblings, and that should tell you something about her popularity level since they don't seem to actually even like her.
Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: Girl has a nemesis called Lila, who mockingly calls her "the queen of nerds" and threatens to shut down Girl's after-school cosplay club if elected school president, just to be mean.
Nina Harper from Braceface. Interesting, though, in that she and the protagonist, Sharon Spitz, were actually best friends when they were little. But a mishap with one of Nina's dolls that got its head popped off ended their friendship when she accused Sharon of being the culprit (even though she had no proof that Sharon did it). So her bullying Sharon is more or less out of spite. They do somewhat reconcile as the series goes on. Especially by season 3 when it's revealed that Sharon was indeed innocent of the doll incident; Nina's cousin was the cause of that.
Suzi from Camp Lakebottom is McGee's vain and bossy sister, a former pageant queen, and a huge Attention Whore.
Cleo from Clone High. She is a very selfish, snobby, cynical, vain, manipulative, pretentious, and materialistic stereotypical school diva who cares only about her social image, beauty, and popularity. Like in many a high school story, protagonist Abe has a hopeless crush on her despite the fact she's clearly more interested in Jerk Jock JFK.
Come the revival series set in 2023, Cleo expects she'll still be the most popular girl in school and is utterly horrified to learn she's been replaced by Frida Kahlo, an artsy skateboarder with a slight mustache and a giant unibrow. In fact, Frida and Harriet Tubman think Joan of Arc is cooler than Cleo.
Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas in Code Lyoko is a strange version of this. In the first season, this is played straight, with the exception of a few scenes in only a few episodes. However, her assistance to the heroes in later seasons, particularly the second and fourth, is often offered without a second thought or a specific request for a reward, though this can happen quite a bit in a life-or-death situation. It seems that her personality alternates between seasons, from a straight Alpha Bitch with several Pet the Dog moments in Seasons 1 and 3 to a more Jerk with a Heart of Gold Lovable Alpha Bitch in Seasons 2 and 4.
Paulina from Danny Phantom. The most popular girl in school and loves to rub it in people's faces.
The show also had Valerie Grey, who early in the show ends up losing her wealth and becoming a Fallen Princess. She still retained some bitchiness before completely mellowing out and becomes a villain towards Danny’s ghost half.
Played with on Daria. You'd think the title character would have one as an arch-nemesis, but no, girls like Brittany are generally nice (if condescending) to her. Daria's sister Quinn, however, is part of the Fashion Club, the popular Girl Posse of their grade...and is in constant competition with its leader Sandi for dominance. Essentially, the two never have time to torture less popular girls because they're torturing each other instead. Quinn is generally the more sympathetic of the two, if only because she doesn't abuse poor Stacy, the group's least popular member.
The longer the show went on, the more it seemed like Sandi was a Deconstruction of the Alpha Bitch. While the boys of Lawndale all see Sandi as hot, there was nothing to indicate Sandi truly was as popular as she believes she is. Since she spends far more time battling Quinn for supremacy in the Fashion Club, Sandi's supposed popularity only ever was apparent within the confines of the club. Furthermore, when she decides to quit in "Fat Like Me" only Quinn appears sorry that Sandi's leaving while Tiffany and Stacy seemed overjoyed at the thought of Sandi no longer breathing down their necks. Considering Sandi is repeatedly shown to be an egotistical and manipulative Attention Whore, it's no wonder she's desperate to maintain what little foothold of popularity she has in a space she has total control over.
Andrea Davenport from The Ghost and Molly McGee is a snooty tween "influencer" who tries to make Molly a pariah on her first day at school just because she kept mispronouncing Andrea's name (which she insists is pronounced "AHN-dree-ah" and not "ANN-dree-ah").
Pacifica Northwest from Gravity Falls, which is later deconstructed in season 2 when it's suggested she's only this way because her rich parents are even worse and raised her to be stuck up. She begins to defrost as of "The Golf War", then "Northwest Mansion Mystery" reveals that she wasn't raised to be a bitch, she was mentally abused into being one. To put things in perspective, Pacifica was nothing more than a bully and a brat, but she isn't a sociopath. Dipper convinced her that there is still redemption for her.
"The Golf War" had Mabel lampshade this by calling her a "walking one-dimensional bleach blonde Valley Girl stereotype".
Mindy from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy is a much younger Alpha Bitch, as well as an incredibly obsessive one. For example, she loses her head cheerleader position to Mandy (who just shouts the game plans to the team) and, after consulting the "patron saint of cheerleading" (a trophy she thinks is talking), decides the best solution is to incapacitate her in some way in the middle of a match, or, failing that, blow her up. If she sees Mandy with anyone aside from Billy or Irwin or the like, she walks up to them, puts on an obscenely perky face, and says "You're my best friend!"
Trina Riffin from Grojband acts this way, even though she only has one dedicated underling, her much put-upon childhood friend Mina. Nonetheless, her official bio states her to be the most popular girl at her school (although since we rarely ever see the characters at school, this never pops up in the series).
Paige Logan from Grossology. She is a popular but very snobbish girl.
Harvey Street Kids:
Frufru, the local rich girl. She's depicted as being haughty, self-absorbed, and into fashion, but lacks a Girl Posse, indicated to be simply because she's so distant from the other kids.
Zoe, Audrey's abusive older sister, is a more obvious example, being a head cheerleader and the leader of a trio composed of her and her two friends.
Rhonda Wellington Lloyd comes between this and Rich Bitch in some episodes of Hey Arnold! However, she actually is shown to have a friendly side, since her best friend Nadine actually is implied to be a middle-class girl (and with almost completely different interests than Rhonda—Nadine loves arthropods, Rhonda loves fashion). Her romantic interest in Harold, who actually is fat and less popular, is another redeeming feature.
Miraculous Ladybug:
Chloé Bourgeois. Her father is the Mayor of Paris and spoils his 'little angel' rotten. She hits all the marks for personality, but she is not very popular at all, with only one friend, Sabrina, who she treats more like a servant and also doesn't understand what friendship might actually be. She thinks everyone adores her (they don't), and can rarely accept she made a mistake. Among her most heinous acts is locking an emotionally insecure girl in the bathroom so she could be next to Adrien, who Chloé has a crush on (and said insecure girl does not) in a class photo. She is responsible for most cases of people becoming sad or angry and getting brainwashed into supervillains, to the point that Hawk Moth once created an akuma with no specific victim in mind and had it follow her around since he figured she was bound to piss someone off eventually. Unfortunately, he caught her on the day she was specifically trying to be nicer to people, so it took a little while, but she eventually delivered.
Lila Rossi. She convinces the rest of the class, who adores her, to do whatever she wants and manipulates people to try and turn them against Marinette (the only person who doesn't like her). She also torments people for petty reasons, such as sending a picture of herself kissing Adrien to Kagami, or the aforementioned turning people against Marinette because Marinette refuses to believe her Blatant Lies. She also acts spiteful and horribly rude, insulting people behind their backs.
Audrey Bougeois is one of these all grown up — she's a snobby, rude, and narcissistic fashion critic who belittles and threatens to fire anyone that doesn't meet her impossibly high standards. Her own family isn't exempt from this; her treatment of her husband is flat-out Domestic Abuse, she alternates between belittling her daughter while misremembering her name and encouraging her to follow her example (said daughter being Chloé), and while she treats Zoé slightly better, she doesn't really pay attention to her unless she puts up a Jerkass Façade.
Monster Buster Club gives us a subversion of the Always Female rule. Resident Alpha Brat Mark is a male Spoiled Blond Rich Kid who delights in insulting and generally being less than pleasant with the four kid heroes, apparently for no reason.
Cleo from Monster High is popular, vain, and frequently tries to manipulate situations to be about her. However, she does love her boyfriend and her friends, and occasionally displays redeeming qualities, becoming more of a Lovable Alpha Bitch as time goes on. Deconstructed in that her popularity is the result of her need for positive attention, which comes from her father and older sister treating her coldly and telling her about the importance of power, both of which went to Cleo's head.
Cleo: "I'm Cleo De Nile, and I've got to give the people what they want."
Tiff and Brit, the Crust cousins from My Life as a Teenage Robot, who continually plot to keep Jenny/XJ-9 unpopular.
Diamond Tiara from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, with Silver Spoon as the Beta Bitch, are a pair of spoiled brats who tease Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle about not developing cutie marks yet, and taunt Scootaloo about the fact that she can't fly. The episode "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" reveals Diamond was raised to be mean by her mother Spoiled Rich, who's far worse than she is, prompting her to stand up to her near the end and become nice.
Neo Yokio: Arcangelo is a male example. He leads the "east side gentlemen" who look down on Kaz for being Nouveau Riche.
Mayor Paul Spryman from Ozzy and Drix. He is a 14-year-old brain cell who has absolutely no business being in charge of the city and bullies Ozzy for being an Emo Teen and Drix for being a Nerd.
In Pixel Pinkie, Suzi is the school's alpha bitch who immediately marks Nina as a target for her strange clothes and Amazingly Embarrassing Parents.
Amity Blight in The Owl House, although she is technically more of the academic variety and grows into a lovable one fairly quickly. Her friend Boscha, while a Beta Bitch in status, is a more straight example in regard to attitude. Following Amity taking a level in kindness midway through Season 1, Boscha becomes the new Alpha Bitch in her place.
Princess Morbucks on The Powerpuff Girls (1998). She's a rich, spoiled Prima Donna that thinks she's better than the girls. Nobody at her school likes her. She even wants to become a member of the girls, which they turn down because she lacks any qualities of the team. Taken up notches in the 2016 reboot; she no longer wants to be the fourth Powerpuff Girl, she wants to be the only Powerpuff Girl.
Princess Natasha: Greg's girlfriend Kelly is this, at least as far as Natasha is concerned. She is totally self=absorbed and her 'crimes' include wearing too much makeup and cheating off her fellow students.
The Ashleys in Recess. Despite having some moments where they aren't a bunch of Rich Bitches, they spend the majority of the series wanting to screw with everyone for the sake of being mean.
Vana Glama from Sidekick is a classic case, a popular and self-centered primadonna who gets the best grades at the Sidekick Academy, has all the boys (especially Eric) drooling over her, and is served by the beleaguered nerd Kitty Ko.
In The Simpsons episode "Eight Misbehavin'", the family describe what happened to them during a nine-month mid-episode Time Skip. Lisa reveals that she became the most popular girl in school, "but then blew it by being conceited". Whilst the details of this are never revealed, it is probable that she became an Alpha Bitch during that period.
Gemini Stone from Sabrina: The Animated Series, a stand-in for the original Libby on the live-action series.
Also Portia from the friends forever movie.
The Spectacular Spider-Man
Liz was introduced as one, mocking Peter as much as everyone else, until a boost of Character Development after seeing him in different light turned her into his love interest.
Sally Avril is the most abusive girl of the group, even mercilessly mocking fellow clique-member Flash Thompson when his hero, Spider-Man, appears to be committing robberies. Slightly subverted when Peter's aunt has a heart attack as Flash mentions that even Sally feels sorry for him, although she is not as forthcoming with her sympathies as his friends are. Both she and Flash have gone through a bit of Character Development. When she thinks that Peter's been killed, Sally is horrified. She does say it's because she'll have to tell Liz and Liz "looks awful in black", but when she sees that Peter's okay, she performs a textbook Anger Born of Worry. A bit later, she tells him that no, she doesn't care, but she doesn't want him to be blown to bits, she's not a monster. In the last episode, she's glad Liz broke up with Peternote .
Gretel from Staines Down Drains is the arch-enemy of Mary-Jane. She is a spoilt girl who usually bullies the Staines with her friends, the Lupe brothers.
Brittney Wong from Star vs. the Forces of Evil hits all the typical beats: she's a bratty, selfish Rich Bitch who became captain of the cheer-leading squad at Echo Creek Academy "on her own, and not because her dad made a generous donation to the school." Naturally, Brittney hates Star for being one of the few kids she can't intimidate and for stealing attention away from herself
Strawberry Shortcake: Angel Cake has moments of such in the 2003 series, especially in the final season, to the point of playing the villain in "Sleeping Beauty".
Peppermint Fizz was this in her early appearances but outgrows such behavior following her redesign.
Raspberry Tart/Torte becomes one in the 2021 series, with the addition of Adaptational Villainy. She drops this after Season 1, when she warms up to Strawberry and becomes one of her closest friends.
Melody from Teenage Fairytale Dropouts is a mean girl in that she's constantly looking down on Fury for the latter being a fairy who still hasn't grown her wings yet.
Total Drama: From the first generation, Heather and Courtney. Heather is a classic queen bee whereas Courtney revealed herself to be a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing with her bossy and overly competitive personality as the series progressed. Both were the Alpha Bitch on their respective teams in the first two seasons with Heather serving as the show's main Alpha Bitch in Island and Courtney in Action. However, in World Tour, both girls clash for the position.
From the third generation, Amy and Sugar. Amy treats her twin sister Samey with absolutely no respect, and pretty much acts like a Jerkass towards her other teammates as well, particularly Jasmine. Sugar is a pageant brat who asserts herself as the dominant female, especially over Ella and Sky.
From the fourth generation, Julia. She starts as a fake Granola Girl social media influencer, but Beneath the Mask, she's as self-absorbed as one can get. MK eventually exposes Julia's real personality to the world, but Julia's popularity doesn't suffer for long— she gets thousands of new followers who enjoy her real personality, and she's relieved that she no longer has to act nice to be popular.
Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race:
Taylor treats her mom Kelly like shit, and she is often rude to the other contestants.
Josee is a rare adult version, given how she regularly bullies her partner Jacques and belittles other teams, primarily the Cadets and the Sisters.
Mandy from Totally Spies! is a textbook case of this trope. Extra points for being shallow. Her cousin Mindy is also shown to be this, but it takes five seasons for her to show up.
It's spin-off show The Amazing Spiez! also has this with Tami.
Coral from Trollz is the head cheerleader, perpetually stuck-up, and is mean to the BFFL. She gets a case of Break the Haughty when Simon temporarily takes over and makes her his servant, and when Amethyst helps her she thanks the cast before returning to her usual ways.
Winx Club
A girl from Bloom's old hometown named Mitzi definitely fit the bill, despite appearing only a few times. In the Halloween episode, she invited Bloom and her friends to a party—which turned out to be an elaborate scheme to humiliate the girls. She bought and rigged a house, made up an elaborate legend, hired actors to pose as party guests (complete with scripts), and set up elaborate special effects around the house, just to pull a prank on someone she had barely seen in two years, along with four girls she had never met. Mitzi gets a more prominent role in some episodes of the fourth season: she lays her eyes on Brandon and wants to take him from Stella. Later, the Wizards of the Black Circle temporarily turn her and two friends into evil fairies. After that, she's practically Put on a Bus. She appears again in Season 5, and whatever time she's not playing fangirl to the Trix involves her being a bitch to her little sister.
The Trix themselves qualify. They bully others in school and generally boss others around before getting expelled. After episode nine, they get much, much worse, what with the multiple attempted homicides, turning The Cutie into a pumpkin for ruining one of their plans, removing the heroine's powers in a needlessly sadistic way after threatening her parents and revealing her backstory, and attempting to take over the universe. They're like Regina George, only with magical powers.
Christie Wilson from The Weekenders. She's a snooty jerk.
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writnwolph · 11 months
Saw some weird ass post talking about how Robby loved Sam more than he currently loves Tory.
Booooooo, lame, tomatoes tomatoes! 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅
Even if we ignore the fact that his relationship with Sam had a huge power imbalance in her favor (he was basically a homeless teenager living in her MANSION and her dad was his BOSS), he literally dropped her faster than a hot potato and didn't look back the second she started dating Miguel (the guy she cheated on him with and who attacked him)
Was Tory and Robby love at first sight? Hell no, which makes it better. They grew to love each other, which is better than the infatuation he had with Sam.
Tbh, I'm completely convinced his relationship with Sam was mostly an unconscious survival technique in order to have a reason to stay with the Larusso family.
He probably knew deep down he was one Larusso tantrum away from being put on his ass and LO AND BEHOLD, he was right.
Robby wasn't willing to stand up to Daniel Larusso for Sam's affection but he didn't hesitate to stand up to TERRY FUCKING SILVER for Tory.
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