#she would literally hold both of there hands while they swing her while walking
stormyelliotwritez · 3 days
walk with me…
ftm reader who has been in love with logan for years but he thinks logan is straight and also logan like wont stop being in love with jean and is absolutely OBLIVIOUS that r likes him.. (literally all the other x men know) and honestly this can be like super angsty or just silly idc whatever the vibe u best think works
im gonna somehow go with mostly angst coz thats my fav so here goes
tw for gender dysphoria related to wanting to fit logan’s so called type
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Logan was staring at Jean again. This was like the fifth time just this staff meeting. You weren’t sure how much longer you could take this. Maybe Charles would let you go lay down if you faked a fever but maybe he’d do the whole psychic thing and realize you were fine.
You sat through the rest of the meeting and then left quickly, feeling like a loser. It’s been years and he still hasn’t noticed you. He’s always staring at Jean who’s literally been in love with Scott since they met. Why won’t he stare at you? How the fuck is he straight? But alas, he is.
You walked to your room, tugging at your shirt and wishing it would fit better. Maybe he’d have noticed you if you weren’t a boy, if you’d stayed what you’d been born as. Maybe if you were still her, he’d think you were cute. Maybe he’d look at you how he looked at Jean.
You slammed your door shut and clambered onto your bed, curling up into a ball. You stayed there, just thinking, until eventually you fell asleep.
In the morning, you got up and after showering and getting dressed, you threw on the jacket you’d stolen from Logan a few months ago, the one with the school’s logo. Maybe he wouldn’t notice. It’s not like he ever noticed you.
You went about your day, bumping into Scott who made a faux growl sound like Logan’s to tease you and then bumping into Hank who sniffed your jacket and then applauded you on managing to steal from Logan. Later in the day, you ran head first into Storm, when you were trying to avoid Logan, and she glanced at him and then meowed at you teasingly. You’d swear on someone’s grave that the only person who didn’t know about your years old crush was the man himself, Logan.
You managed to avoid Logan all day until… dinner. He was sitting opposite the spot you always sat in. He was sitting there. Why was he sitting there was a question you couldn’t answer. You tugged at your jumper while holding your plate with one hand and you walked over to him.
“Logan,” you said with a nod.
“Bub,” he said back before looking you over.
He didn’t say anything about the jacket. He just sat there and ate his dinner and then stood up. He walked around to your side and leaned down to whisper in your ear. “Nice jacket, bub.”
He then walked off, just like that.
What the fuck? What the actual fuck? He didn’t know though. He would know about your ridiculous crush if he was listening to your heartbeat right now. Oh my god, so he knew you’d stolen it but he couldn’t put the damn pieces together?
You finished your dinner and walked off. You were halfway to your room when someone grabbed your hand and pulled you into an empty classroom. The door was slammed and you were disoriented in the dark.
“You like me, bub?”
That was Logan’s voice. Wait, he knew? How? But…
“Come on, I ain’t got all day,” he said abruptly.
You nodded. You were quite sure he could see in the dark and the scoff he made seemed to say so. How could you have been so stupid? He was probably going to hate you now. He was straight. He’d always been straight and in love with Jean. He was oblivious. He’d always been oblivious. He could never like you. You weren’t a girl, no matter how hard you wanted to still be one so he’d like you. Your heart was racing and soon enough, you were hyperventilating.
His hands were on your shoulders and you were being pulled into a hug, a hug that smelt of wood and fuel. He was hugging you?
“It’s okay, I got you, bub,” he placed a light kiss on your forehead, “I swing both ways, you know.”
You’d always hated that he was still taller than you, one of the downsides of not getting on T until your 20’s and- wait, what? He swings both ways?
“You-you do?” You said once your breathing had slowed.
He nodded. You couldn’t see it but you could feel it. He could like you… as you, as a man? You didn’t have to be someone else? You could just be you.
“Yep, now let’s go. I think there’s two beers calling our names in the teacher’s lounge,” he said before opening the door and pulling you out of the classroom. “Jean mentioned your little crush and now I gotta hear all about how you’ve been pining for me for years.”
Curse you, Jean, but thanks, was all you could think as you just nodded and walked with him to the teachers lounge.
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theweirdcobrakaifan · 7 months
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John and terry taking little Kim Da-Eun to the beach and walk around town,they are her evil karate dads
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dragon-kazansky · 5 months
Bridgerton shade of blue
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Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader
Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Season one
Chapter Six - Splendid
"Eloise Bridgerton."
Benedict calls his sister when he finds her smoking on the swing set in their garden. He sounded stern, as if scolding her.
Eloise groans softly as she turns on the swing. "Go on, then." She lifts the cigarette to her lips. "Chastise me."
"Spare one for me?" He asks.
Eloise is surprised by his question. He comes and sits on the other swing beside her. She holds a cigarette out to him, and he takes it, putting it between his lips and lighting it.
"Suppose I desire something different." Eloise says.
"How do you mean?"
"Just different. I watch Daphne prepare for these balls with all of those dresses and the many suitors, and I am exhausted. Suppose I want a different life, Benedict. That I truly believe I am quite capable of something more, even when I'm not allowed to have anything else."
"Then I would say... that you're not the only one." He looks at her. They smile at each other.
With the next edition of Whistledown comes fascinating gossip. You find yourself, for once, clutching the paper with the need to read more.
It has become apparent that Lord Berbrooke has a child out of wedlock, and not only that, with a maid he had sent away before the child was even born. He pays nothing for the child, it seems.
Your mother had been gossiping about with the other ladies she had over for afternoon tea. In turn, their maids had gone off to gossip further.
Word spread like wildfire.
The next day, Lord Berbrooke had left town suddenly.
You made it a point to go visit Daphne. You were taken up to the drawing room where she awaited you, a smile on her face as you came in.
"It's nice of you to visit."
You take a seat with her. "I wanted to see how you were."
"I have expected you come see my brother," she admits.
"Benedict? As much as he has become my friend, I felt the need to come see you. Are you alright?"
"I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders." She smiles softly. "I am glad he is gone."
"As am I. Wretched man, he was."
You both giggle softly.
"So, the duke? He is still on your favour?" You ask.
Daphne goes silent for a moment, and then her face twitches. A realisation. The realisation she must still pretend.
"Ah, yes." She smiles.
You smile in return and take her hand. "You make a most handsome couple."
"Thank you." Her voice wavers.
You do not bring up Hastings or Berbrooke again as you have tea with Daphne. The conversation becomes pleasant. Daphne finds herself talking to you about anything that comes to mind. Not once has any of her siblings sat down and listened to her like this.
It felt nice. Really nice.
An hour passes, and you find the teapot has been emptied twice in that time. There are no more biscuits to share either. You rise from the soft sofa and gather you purse.
"Thank you for letting me visit."
"Oh, nonsense. You are always welcome." Daphne smiles.
"I shall visit again then."
Daphne looks pleased by your words.
"Benedict will be so disappointed you came by and didn't stop to see him."
You chuckle. "Let him suffer. It may humble him."
Daphne chuckles and sees you out.
The next ball is as dazzling as the others. You swear with each one, Daphne gets more and more beautiful. She enters with the Duke. Of course, everyone sees.
You entered with your mother, no one paying you any mind what so ever. Not that you minded any more. You had come to terms that no one would visit you.
As Simon and Daphne dance, you decide to take a walk. You have no idea what it is they discuss when alone together.
You keep your eyes peeled for any familiar faces. Yet, no one else is present in this current room.
Meanwhile, Daphne parts from Simon and is approached by another gentleman. Her wish to find a husband and have a family may very well come true.
As you enter the next room, you find Anthony in there talking with some others. His gaze lands on you, and he excuses himself from the current conversation. He approaches you.
You smile and bow your head. "Lord Bridgerton."
"Anthony, please. You call my brothers by their name."
You smile. "Anthony."
"Benedict isn't here, I'm afraid. He has elected to sit this one out. May I have the honour?" He holds out his hand.
You take a moment to take in his request. Anthony was head of his family. A viscount. Dancing with him would surely bring you attention.
You place your hand in his. "You may."
Anthony takes you back into the other room and leads you to the dance floor. He holds you as a gentleman should while dancing with a lady. You both move with the music.
Anthony look very firm as he dances with you.
"I must say, this is an honour."
"Is it?" He asks.
"I never see you dance."
"No. I suppose not. I am not beyond dancing with friends." He says kindly.
"Then I am even more so honoured to be considered such."
You both continue dancing until the music ends. You curtsy, he bows. Anthony takes your hand and leads you back to the side of the room. With swift ease, he marks his name down on your dance card.
"I shall see to it you are never left without a dance partner, my lady," he says with a bow.
You smile.
As Anthony returns to the party, you find yourself now being looked at by others. There are gentlemen looking your way.
Could it be true that Daphne is not the only one who can shine?
Soon, you are dancing again, and a few more names are scribbled across your dance card.
You think, perhaps, Daphne Bridgerton is your good luck charm.
It makes you giddy.
Safe to say, your night was splendid indeed.
@callmemana - @lilscast - @imgondeletedis - @benedictbridgertonss - @clownsdiehard - @wxnterwidow333
@sillynilly27 - @autumn-slaves - @ben-has-arrived - @ajdelilah - @aadu2173
@booknerdlife - @tamlinrose - @sarahskywalker-amidala - @cheryyluv - @louschan - @lou-la-lou - @cultish-corner
@hopshusushi - @katherinejess - @nannabug - @afunkyfreshblog - @f0x33 - @dd122004dd -
@jupitervenusearthmars - @orchiidflwer - @bespinnn - @captainlunaxmen - @winchestersimpalababy -
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phoenixblaze1412 · 10 months
HCs for reader and Dottore who have a child pls? - 🐓
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Having a child of his own was a topic that Dottore rarely talks about. He already has his segments of different timelines and ages, why would he need a child when he can create a child segment of himself?
During Pregnancy
Dottore didn't expect for you to waltz into his lab, hug him from behind and suddenly announce that you're pregnant with him going to be a father soon. Even the segments stopped working on their tasks as they stared at you in shock.
You were shocked to see the doctor faint and fell to the floor, the vials he was holding shattered when he dropped it. You were panicking the whole day while the segments reassured you that Dottore will be fine.
The news of your pregnancy eventually reached the ears of the other harbingers. Most of them congratulated you while some, Pantalone mostly, just teased Dottore at how a mad scientist like him could be able to create an infant properly instead of creating it in a lab.
Regrator even gifted him with books like 'Parenting 101', 'How to care for an infant', 'How to be a good father and husband'. Dottore was definitely pissed about it.
The whole pregnancy progress actually went smoothly. With your husband as a doctor and scientist himself, he immediately has a medicine for any pain or cramps that you are feeling.
The only thing Dottore couldn't handle well was your cravings and mood swings.
Sure he experiments on a lot of things, humans and machines for example. But he doesn't experiment on meals. He and his segments could only watch in shock as you eat a Jueyun Chili popsicle. You literally just froze the damn ingredient and stuck a popsicle stick on it.
"Are you sure you're supposed to be eating something spicy while pregnant? I don't think that's good for the baby, love."
"If you don't shut the fuck up, I will stick this up your ass."
He immediately turned and walked away when he saw you bite a large chunk of the food, proving you weren't bluffing. He decided to just let you be, you would come to him later and ask for affection anyways.
Whenever Dottore is busy and can't be by your side, Pantalone is there to be your company at the time. Pantalone would literally spoil you, if you ask him anything you want, he only need to snap his fingers and you immediately get the thing you asked. Dottore didn't liked it though.
"Come now, doctor. She told me you weren't letting her have what she wants most of the time."
"That's because I'm doing it for both her and the baby's health. Besides, she is my wife, Regrator. Go fuck someone and make them pregnant then you'll come to experience what I'm going through."
During Labor
When your time for labor came, Dottore was the one to personally help you deliver the baby. He doesn't trust any other doctors or midwifes. Besides, his segments are also there to assist him.
What he didn't expect though is for you to crack Delta's fingers from gripping too hard. Strangled Gamma when he encouraged and told you how easy it is to just push the baby, when it's not. Even punched Alpha to the gut when he tried to calm you down. Omega and Theta had to hold you down by grabbing each of your arm so you wouldn't hurt anymore segment.
What surprised him even more was when you yelled out curses and threats towards him.
"Just one more push, darling."
"I'm already pushing you fucking cocksucker! If you weren't such a whining bitch, I wouldn't be in much pain! I'll fucking chop your fucking dick off and feed it to the rishboland tigers!"
Dottore could only stand in shock as he held the baby in his hands. He knows he's supposed to be happy since he's holding his child in his arms but your threat made him froze in fear and possibly traumatized.
Epsilon and Sigma gently took the crying infant in his grasp before cutting off the umbilical cord and went to clean the blood off.
In the end, both you and Dottore were tired from the whole event but you two happily held your newborn baby.
Your child was loved by not just the segments, but the entire fatui harbingers as well. Pierro and Pulcinella becoming the grandfathers while the rest of the members are either the aunts or the uncles.
Dottore actually did read the books Pantalone gave him and surprisingly, he's doing great.
Whenever you or Dottore are busy, Dottore would let a segment or two babysit your child. He doesn't trust his fellow harbingers when it comes to taking care of his kid.
One time he let Arlecchino babysit, he came back to see both her and Columbina dressing up your child like it was a doll. It was cute, from what the damselette said, but he prefer his child wearing the same color palette as his.
He is not going to let 'Uncle Childe' babysit. He could already tell that the ginger war freak would try to teach your infant how to hold a weapon at a young age.
You had to convince your husband to not be too overprotective of your child and let the others at least spend a bit of time with 'mini Dottore', Sandrone was the one who gave the nickname.
Your baby's first word was 'Lonnie'. Both you and Dottore had to chase Pantalone around the palace for him being your child's first words instead of Mama or Dada. Luckily their second word was Dada, you were a bit disappointed it wasn't you.
Your child has Dottore's soft, blue, curly hair meanwhile their eye color was the same shade as yours. The only problem was they had the same sharp teeth as your husband. You had to endure all the biting from both your child and husband.
Dottore would be the one who teach your child how to read and learn. He lets you teach them how to write, his own handwriting is barely understandable and he doesn't even have the patience for it.
You have a family picture of you three and another with all the segments placed on your bedside drawer.
There was another time where you and Dottore let the segments take care of your child while you both go out to the city and enjoy dinner together.
You both came back to see your child asleep in Omega's arms while the other segments were trying to wipe away the colorful doodles your child drew on their faces.
Since Dottore is the last one to go to bed due to him wanting to finish his work for the day, he would expect to see you and your child on the bed asleep already.
He would lay down beside you, your child in the comfort of your arms as you both dozed off to sleep. Dottore could only smile and place a kiss on both of your foreheads before wrapping his arms around your figure and pulling you and your child close to him.
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billythesimp · 2 months
Yo! Your work has interested me very much. I'm also glad that the rules are detailed, it makes it easier to make a request.
Can I request Wise and Belle (separately) with reader who likes to cuddle? The reader literally becomes a koala ; on a walk he loves to hold hands or just be close. It is true happiness to be in the arms of a loved one~If you don't like the request, then feel free to skip it !
[Stares lovingly at a photo card]
Oh to cuddle the babies. But it is just a dream~
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⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…
I always like to do the little domestic pieces with characters, you can really explore how they would act. Also love giving Wise and Belle some attention!
Wise /Belle x gn!reader
𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡…⋙
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tw: none
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✦ Wise is the perfect height to be clinged on. I don’t think he’ll mind being pressed up against, if anything he’d pull you closer if in public. His excuse is so you don’t get lost or that other pedestrians can walk by without running into you both. But you don’t mind, in fact you’ll play with his fingers when he does this, clutching his sleeve or swinging his arm beside each other. The physical contact makes him happy, tightening his hold on you,afraid you’d grow cold if he lets you go.
✦ When cuddling, I find that Wise’s room is very relaxing and would probably have speakers around so while you both are laying together on his large bedding, you could play some relaxing ambience noise that help you both fall asleep. That or he plays his documentary on his Tv, allowing you to crawl up on his chest and wrap around his waist to stay close by.
✦ His slim fingers run through your hair, scratching at your scalp in a soothing rhythm before traveling down to your neck and back. Rubbing circles over your shirts before pressing kisses on your forehead and temples. You can’t see it but he’s just staring fondly at how peaceful you are, should you snore he chuckles to himself and wipes away any drool you might have. 
✦ When he’s the cuddler, he’s a grumpy riser so his defense is to groan in your ear and curl up around you so don’t have a chance to leave. He could pin you to his chest, your back to him so he can tickle your sides and wrap around your stomach, his hands warm on your exposed skin. Taking in your scent as he nuzzles into your neck, complaining about how it’s too early to get up and that he wants to stay like this a little longer.
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✦ Sweet girl, she’s hold your hand as she drags you around to her favorite shops. Fingers intertwined before occasionally leaving kisses on your knuckles, a joyful smile on her face as you laugh at her mannerisms. Skipping side by side, whenever you want to go somewhere you’ll wrap an arm around her shoulder and gently lead her away, seeing how she’s shorter than you so she willingly follows your lead.
✦ Personally, I love Belle’s room as it’s a fun vibe all around. Though messy, with the two of you guys cuddling on the bed, she can’t help but think she’s constantly showing you memes on her phone or any news update on inter-knot. You both are wired in together, sometimes Eous joining the both of you on the bed for a mild recharge, Belle teasing his ears while you squish his little arms. 
✦Belle is a deep sleeper, so should she fall asleep on the couch while you both are watching a movie, you can carry her back to her bed. Though in her sleep, she’ll pull you in and have you sleep in with her, forcing herself into your chest as she feels secure in your arms and yawning loudly with a smile on her face. Sweet dreams for her, surrounded by your embrace and smell.
✦ Between the two of you, your both kinda starfish sleepers. The difference being that Belle will lay on top of you, your arms holding her like a plushie that breathes and is warm. She’s always the little spoon, trapped in your arms that you both always decide that you aren't getting up today. But she’ll never miss the opportunity to wake up beside you, lovingly starting as she tucks your hair back from your face.
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yeeterthek33per · 8 months
Surprise (Katrina Gorry x Reader)
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A/n Jeez sorry guys, welcome back to me ay? Anyways, here's the first of many requests, I'm getting back into it, I swear.
Warnings/summary: Fluff. Harper Gorry. Itty Bitty Bit suggestive at the end.
You swear, your arms feel like they might pop any second.
It would make sense if you were doing a workout, but it turns out dragging around a 15kg toddler all day is basically the same thing.
With your wife Katrina running around to do assigned media duties before the game tomorrow, you'd been left in charge of little Harper before her family came to get her for the night so you both could get an adequate amount of sleep for once.
There's a little squeal as you swing the small blonde girl up into onto your hip when she tries to make a break for the open doorway that leads onto the pavement outside.
"Mama noooo!"
"Mama yes! No running off like that baby. We stay together while we go out. You know that."
The small pout from her lips reminds you very much of her other mother as you tickle her slightly to elicit a small giggle.
"We goin to get ice cweem?"
You chuckle softly, running your fingers through her blonde locks.
"Yeah, we're getting some ice cream after we have a little walk alright?"
"Chacha coming?"
"Yes Hun, Chacha’s comin', we just gotta wait for her to come down so we can go."
Harper seemingly accepts that, leaning back fully into your hold to sit and play with the small silver necklace you have on, with your wife's and Harper's initials as the pendants.
It takes a very long five minutes as Charlie finally gets off the elevator ready to go, the little blonde in your arms getting much more fidgety as you stand and wait.
"Took you long enough, come on!"
She rolls her eyes before turning to the tiny girl you're holding and snatches her up to ride on her shoulders, your biceps screaming in relief finally.
Any other day of the week, you'd be used to it but after the intense gym session the day before, you weren't sure your arms wouldn't have fallen off by the end of today without your younger compatriot to take the younger version of herself off your hands.
The groan of relief you let out as she does so, has her laughing.
"Stop complaining, she's your kid, you should be used to this by now."
"Hush you, gym sessions and wandering toddlers don't mix, now let's go before we run out of time."
"Why are we out here again? It's supposed to be rest day today."
The bright, sunny warmth of the day is nothing compared to the day previous, leaving you feeling a little relieved at not having to deal with 27 odd degree temperatures and an impatient two-year-old.
"We're out here because I need one more thing for tomorrow and I just needed someone to give me an excuse to leave the hotel.
"Why do you need my help? You've known Mini longer. You're literally married to her."
"I know but it's our first game together as a married couple and I want it to be super special for her."
"Alright alright, so what are we picking out again?"
"It's a surprise for the game. I asked the uniformers if I could tweak my jersey a little."
"Okay? What does that have to do with- wait..."
She pauses a little, her hand coming up and making the stop motion.
"You're changing it to Gorry?"
Her eyes water a little as a massive grin stretches across your face with a chuckle and you nod.
Charlie bounces a little in excitement, the squeal she lets out startling the child on her shoulders.
"Is this an official name change?"
You hum in the affirmative, steadying the blonde as she bounces into you, careful not to let Harper fall from her perch.
"It's been a thought for a long while, we talked about it, but we never confirmed whether or not I'd change my name. She definitely wants to keep Gorry, though."
"So why are we going shopping then?"
"Because I'm going out to pick up a preorder I made a couple weeks ago, it was supposed to be a wedding gift when we got married here but they couldn’t get it finished in time so I settled for the specialised necklaces and just made these the World Cup gift instead."
"So, what's the preorder then?"
"You'll see. Wait here"
You playfully wink and duck into the jewellery store to your left, right as she asks the question.
Returning just a few minutes later, bag in hand.
"Alright, let's go."
Charlie looks at you expectantly.
"You're not gonna show me?"
"Later. Harps, what do you say sweety, ice cream time?"
The toddler jumps up and down in her spot upon the older girl’s shoulders.
"Yes pleeeeease!"
Humming in contentment, you drag her down the street to a cold rock ice creamery, much to the protest of the twenty-two-year-old.
A loud grumble from the blonde laid across your bed makes you glance up from your spot at the desk with a chuckle.
"At least one little peak, come on Y/n/n. Pleeeeease? You dragged me all the way out to go get it. It's the least you could do."
You'd swear she was in fact Harper's older sister with the way she was giving you the puppy dog eyes.
"You can't wait for tomorrow to see it? Like everyone else?"
She deadpans and perches herself onto the desk next to where you're signing out papers to send off to the registry that you got married under.
'Alright alright alright. Pass me the bag. I need to hide the box anyways."
There's a small smile as you open up the ring box again, and it reminds you heavily of the ring box Katrina had so smoothly removed from her satchel at the beach the day you'd gotten engaged.
The mid thickness silver band shines under the small white desk lamp, the curved engravings on the underside of it glimmering as you carefully hand it to the blonde who's expression melts at the sight of it.
The little inscription of "our kind of love is the best kind. - (Y)G" and the little football symbol on the bottom matches perfectly with the style of writing.
"It matches our wedding rings. I'll give it to her to her tomorrow after the game."
"She's gonna love it. I love it. God, can you get me one?"
Rolling your eyes at her, you chuckle softly as she slips the ring back into the box and you tuck it away into safe corner of the room until it's needed.
"I'll be sure to let Lachlan know."
She smiles softly at the mention of her boyfriend before a small inquizzacal look appears on her face.
"So, how's this gonna pan out without her noticing again?"
Stepping down and off the bus, there's a nervousness in the air, not like the usual national games hold. You'd been to major tournaments before, hell you were in France for the 2019 world cup but there's nothing like the feeling you get now.
Walking into a home stadium, in your home uniform at a home world cup, and awaiting you is the eighty thousand strong crowd, the hopefully perfect condition pitch and your bouncing blonde toddler with her grandmother in the stands.
It's a feeling out of this world.
And it gets better knowing what's waiting for Katrina as well.
Not just a chance at redemption from the last World Cup.
Not just her sweet little harper, cheering and yelling for her mommy and her teammates the moment they step onto the pitch.
A hand on your shoulder jolts you a little, you'd paused in front of your cubby after hearing the ever so faint cheers of the crowd above the entrance to the player area.
"You alright?"
Your wife’s comforting hand gently squeezes your arm as you nod, giving her a reassuring smile.
“Feelin’ great, baby.”
Resting your hand on hers, you caress it with your thumb softly before gently nudging her back to her own cubby to get ready for pitch inspection.
Subtly making eye contact with the trainer across the room, you give him a nod as he slips away to grab the jersey, he’d made ready in time for the game.
Slipping on your training jersey, you duck out onto the pitch before warmups are due to start.
You end up making it quicker than usual in order to slip out to meet the trainer to grab your actual jersey which you leave in your cubby away from sight.
Waving to the already numerous fans in the stadium, you make your rounds of the pitch to get a proper feel of it, and when Sam spots herself on the big screen managing to sneak a selfie, you and your teammates are left chuckling.
Warmups go smoothly, and the atmosphere and tremendous crowd are both buzzing with enormous amounts of energy.
Breathing in the cool night air, your shots feel a little shaky in the leadup, but they quickly relax as you settle in amongst the encouragement and atsmosphere of your teammates.
Despite the devastation at finding out Sam won’t be playing for at least three games, the determination sets in hard and the moment you are all called back to the changerooms, a hardness sets about you and everything in your head calms in the moment, ready to get out there and play like it’s any other game, trying to ignore the already enormous amount of pressure on your shoulders.
Tony gives a quick speech before sending you all off to line up ready for the walkout.
The team are still in their training jackets when you walk out and it’s only when you slip off yours, and place it over the shoulders of the mascot in front of you after the national anthems, that she finally notices.
You’re number 24 while Katrina is number 19 so she isn’t directly next to you to see it, however a close up of your back on the big screen catches her attention when she realises it isn’t her number attached to the last name and she leans forward to catch your eye as you all move to huddle.
Winking at her, you smile and move stand next to her, arm slipping around her shoulders as Sam and Tony do the final send off.
The double take of a few of your teammates makes you laugh, and you press a kiss to your wife’s cheek with a small ‘Surprise.’ Spoken in her ear.
She grabs your face before you can go anywhere.
“Not so fast you.”
There’s a small hum of appreciation when she presses her lips to yours in a brief kiss and her eyes water a little up at you.
“I love you so much, Mrs L/n.”
“It’s Gorry now, baby.”
Her smile widens and right as you go to kiss her once more, a slap to the back startles you.
It’s a grinning Sam who urges you over to the rest of your waiting team who’ve been watching you both with amusement visibly plastered on all of their faces.
"Let’s do this, pretty girl."
With that, you feel more than ready to start this thing.
The first thing you feel the moment you're off the bus is Katrina's hand dragging you back inside the hotel and up the stairs, far too impatient to wait for the elevator to come down.
The moment you're both up the six flights of stairs, despite the immense exhaustion you're both exhibiting after the battle against Ireland, there's a giddiness in both of your steps and she quickly drags you into your room with the swipe of your keycard.
The soft giggle that leaves your lips the moment you're pressed back against the door makes her grin and her hands slipping under the hem of your hoodie leave shivers behind as you think back to the look she'd given you from the left of you across the locker room.
Full of love and adoration and a little hint of desire as they move to the name across your back.
Mouthing those three words you know sends warmth to her chest every time she hears them, she mouths them back with a small grin.
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sunny-mercya · 1 year
Roronoa Zoro x Male Reader
Fandom -> One Piece
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Zoro wasn't one to get jealousy often nor easily. If someone approached you in a flirting manner, he didn't had a ounce of worry, giving it a short glance and resuming back to whatever he was doing. You could handle them, whoever was flirting with you—be it men or women—perfectly on your own, would push them off to get some distance, keep them at bay, if they got too annoying or use some petty threatening words to send them away. If none of this would do its work, Nami was still there to whack them with her Climate Tact, having her ways of getting them to move.
So no, Zoro wasn't the jealousy type, but seeing you so close with the Surgeon of Death, stirred something unpleasant inside him. You're a happy person from the start on, like Luffy, always smiling upon people when passing by them or as a simple greeting.
Though the pleasant happiness, which you constantly radiate off, the laughs you did whenever the damned Doctor said probably something remotely funny, was something Zoro had never experienced with you.
Zoro knew perfectly fine that he himself was a stoic men, never cracking jokes—besides bad flat ones of cutting someone in half, a thanks to Robin for rubbing her morbid humour onto him—being more a gruff grumpy men and preferring naps and sword maintenance over anything else.
But he never thought it was this bad. That his mere presence, company even, is boring you. Are you preferring Law over him now?
Zoro scoffed, crossing his arms and frowning, while he watched the two of you.
«I'm way better than that damned Doctor.»
Nami rolled her eyes, shaking her head. Honestly, men will always be men, no matter what. Why couldn't they, not counting Sanji, express their emotions? Why was it so hard to do for them? Those were questions, answers Nami never would get.
«Okay, Okay, I know you are. Why don't you just go to [Name] and swoop him away? Show him that you're still his men or something.» Suggest Nami, patting Zoro's head. For someone who openly says, he isn't jealousy in the slightest, Zoro's does know how to show it excellently though. Nami found it amusing, something she could use against Zoro again.
Nami watched how Zoro wordless marched towards you and Law. Put his hands on your hips and with one swift swing, throws you over his shoulder and marching away.
Nami facepalmed, groaning. Unbelievable. She didn't had meant it literally to do!
You hadn't utter a single word during the whole walk, wherever Zoro is even going. You aren't going to comment, that your men is lost again with his terrible sense of directions and orientation, Zoro knows it perfectly himself that he was lost. You watched the ground below and trying not to get a headache from it.
At some point, after deeming to be far enough—and far enough they are—from Law and the others, Zoro puts you down. It hadn't take minutes, when Zoro sats himself against a tree and pulls you into his lap.
Rather roughly he begun nib at your neck, biting into your skin and trying to leave marks. You squinted your eyes at him, brows furrowed as you tried to squirm out of his hold. This wasn't something Zoro normally does, sure during the sex Zoro liked to do it rough, but this was entirely something else.
«Zoro stop.» you said firmly, finally freeing yourself from his tight grip. Crawling a bit backwards, to put some space between you both, you looked at Zoro—who frowns at you.
A silence emitted between the two of you as you only starred at each other. Rubbing your face, massaging your temples, a upcoming headache you could feel.
«Are you preferring Law over me?» Zoro asked straight away, blunt as always. He wasn't going to beat around the bush, wanting clear answers from you. If you wanted to break with him, he liked to know it now.
«I– what?» your face crunched up in a form of confusion. What sort of question was that even? How and why does Zoro come up with such a thought?
«What do you even mean?» you needed some elaboration on that, because you knew how easily it was to create a misunderstanding, when the communication isn't proper.
Zoro heaved a extravagantly deep sigh out. You two had been separated for two years and even though your reunion had been filled with a passionate night, feelings could and would change over such a long time.
You two hadn't really the time anymore, to be with each other alone. To enjoy the simple moments of twosomeness. Constant fights is what keep you all busy and Luffy mostly taking your attention 24/7 per day.
I mean, Zoro gets it, really, he wasn't great to be around. He would get lost, arguing and fighting constantly with the damned Cook, couldn't bring you to laugh like the others could do and over all he is a stoic men, who likes swords more than human affection.
And yet, yet all he wants is you. Seeing you laugh at one of his bad jokes, makes Zoro happy. Just being near you was enough for Zoro.
«You liking Law more than me. He's a fun guy to be around, isn't he? A better fit for you, than me.» he grunted it out, almost in a sulky way.
«Are you jealous Zoro?»
«No. Just stating the obvious.»
You crawled towards Zoro, placing yourself onto his lap again, facing him. You cupped his face in your hands, giving him a sweet short kiss on the lips.
«Oh Zoro, there is no need to feel jealous over Law. I wouldn't trade you for any other men. I love you and only you.»
«Even when I'm not a fun person to be around?»
«But you are! It's hard to explain, but you make me laugh in your own way and honestly, you doesn't need to be a funny person, nor do you have to change. You are you and that is what counts for me.»
Zoro felt kinda dumb now. Silly even. You were right, he didn't had a reason to be jealous after all. Why was he getting so overworked worried, over something which never would happen in the first place?
All because Law had give him that smirk, while he had talke you. Zoro admits, Law knows how to push his buttons.
You gave him another kiss, leaning towards his ear.
«Now, since we're all alone right now, I wouldn't mind if we do some rough rounds, but if you wanna mark me, do it gently.»
Usopp wouldn't search for you and Zoro ever again. Even if it means getting a whack from Nami, he wouldn't.
Lucky he hadn't seen it, but the loud moans and grunts you two were making, was enough for Usopp to walk back as quick as possible.
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You're so right, Logan and Sunshine's idea of parenting would be SO different. I love the idea of Logan playing with Theo like the little kid he is and Sunshine freaking out like the helicopter mom she is
"Princess, I promise I ain't gonna drop him." Logan says as he's holding Theo upside down by his ankles, swinging him around as they walk "Unless he wants to be dropped, right kid?"
"Don't drop me, Mr. Logan!" Theo laughs
"What was that? I can't hear ya kid? Did ya say drop ya?" Logan would fake like he's gonna drop Theo. Both Theo and Sunshine scream
- Theo's adorable laughter is the only thing that keeps Sunshine from clawing Logan to pieces 
- "DON'T drop me, Mr. Logan!" 
"Oh! DON'T drop you?" Logan would chuckle "Well, why didn't you say so?" Logan would swing Theo right side up and put him up on his shoulders "How's the weather up there, bub?" 
"It's great! Look how tall I am, Mom!" Theo leans on Logan's head as he tries to make eye contact with Sunshine. She nervously keeps her hands up near Theo in case she needs to quickly catch him
"You're gigantic, Bean! You must be eating everyone's vegetables at school to have gotten that big. But maybe we can shrink down again? It would make mom feel a whole lot better if you weren't taller than her. I mean, how am I supposed to kiss your cheeks when you're way up there?"
"Like this!" Theo would stretch his face as low as he can. Sunshine would chuckle and lean in to plant a sloppy kiss on Theo "Ew! Mom!" 
- Theo shoots up and to wipe his face with his sleeve 
- Logan would laugh until Sunshine places a sloppy kiss on his cheek too
- "Mom!" Theo gasps and quickly wipes Logan's face for him "I'm so sorry, Mr. Logan. My mom is gross."
"Hey!" Sunshine pouts her lips and huffs
"Don't worry, Theo, I can handle a little 'gross'," Logan smiles "After all, I handle you kids just fine."
- Theo gasps and starts babbling about how officially 'not gross' he is while Logan grabs Sunshine's hand as they keep walking
Sunshine is definitely a helicopter mom and Logan is gonna be the more relaxed dad 😂
"Princess, I promise I ain't gonna drop him." Logan says as he's holding Theo upside down by his ankles, swinging him around as they walk ASDFGHJKL Sunshine is like about to pass out while Theo is having the time of his life, giggling 😂
Theo's adorable laughter is the only thing that keeps Sunshine from clawing Logan to pieces Lolll she would be like "Listen, I do not care if he heals..."
Logan would swing Theo right side up and put him up on his shoulders "How's the weather up there, bub?"  HE IS SUCH A DAD ™️
She nervously keeps her hands up near Theo in case she needs to quickly catch him OMG-
I was literally picturing this, like her keeping her hands near Theo just in case and you wrote it! 🥰
"You're gigantic, Bean! You must be eating everyone's vegetables at school to have gotten that big. But maybe we can shrink down again? Listen, she is TRYING😂
Theo gasps and starts babbling about how officially 'not gross' he is while Logan grabs Sunshine's hand as they keep walking They are so cuuute! ❤️
I feel like Theo would fall asleep really fast at home when they get home and Logan would so pull Sunshine to himself in the couch while she's like,
"I'm so blaming you if he grows up and gets into like, skydiving or something."
"Have you ever seen me drop anything? Let alone him?"
"No but I told you before, worrying is kind of my thing."
"Also like, I feel like if I look away one second-"
"Nothing is gonna happen to him ever. I promise."
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mymarifae · 2 years
my favorite headcanon is that akito is a very physically affectionate guy. it's just second nature to him! but he also likes maintaining that sort of Tough Guy persona so if anyone ever points out his cuddly habits he gets really really really really really embarrassed. and denies it
but like. he's a hugger! hugs are hellos and goodbyes to him. he likes throwing an arm around a friend's shoulders while they walk together. he's the type to grab someone's hand to lead them somewhere and then just not let go. and he has a tendency to lean on people. like toya will just be standing there and then suddenly he'll have to support half of akito's weight because he came up behind him and pressed himself against his back and has his chin on his shoulder now
he also tends to gravitate towards kohane and start fussing with her hair because her pigtails get messy!! lots of fly aways and hat hair! vbs will be in the middle of planning a show and akito will just have kohane half pulled into his lap so he can fix her hair. he's not paying attention <3
and if someone sits next to him for a prolonged period of time he Will end up either draping his legs across their lap or he'll lay down and rest his head on their lap and maybe even fall asleep. for the latter though he has to be really comfortable with the person, so he usually only does it with vbs (kohane and toya end up with lap-napping-akitos more often than an does, but it's happened and will happen again in the future) And mizuki
akito is always the little spoon. 100%. this is a guy who likes to be held. he usually has a hard time falling asleep but if someone holds him or ^ again if he's laying on their lap and they play with his hair a little he's out like a light.
when toya first started sleeping over at the shinonomes' house he and akito would fall asleep on opposite sides of the bed, but he would wake up to akito curled up by his side and/or clinging to one of his arms. he didn't mind, but the first 2 times akito woke up and found himself so close to toya he freaked out and fell out of the bed. after the second time and learning that toya really didn't mind, akito relaxed and also started being more freely affectionate with him in general.
sleepytime cuddles are not a toya-exclusive thing. more than once during vbs sleepovers at an's place (i imagine they all drag out a few futons and pile them with blankets and pass out sprawled all over each other) he's ended up tucked in kohane's arms. this one is funny because kohane is tiny but in his sleep akito will curl up so he fits perfectly in her arms
on the other hand an is a VERY messy sleeper but he'll curl up as best as he can. one time he woke up like folded over her stomach because of how she flopped around during the night
he's affectionate with ena too!!!! when he was little he clung to her and until he got taller, ena would carry him around. like a lot. he was all about being carried. nowadays since things are awkward and difficult (but getting better!!) it manifests more as akito letting ena take him by the arm and (literally) drag him wherever. they're getting back into the habit of hugs, and akito will lean down to let ena kiss his forehead if she wants
and speaking of siblings: akito is soooo playful and affectionate with rin and len. when he visits the sekai they both tackle hug him and he'll laugh and hug them and swing them around and give them noogies and mess up their hair.. he lets them use him as their personal jungle gym basically. if rin decides she wants to hang off his arm and len decides to climb up onto his back in the middle of practicing who is he to stop either of them
and he'll be affectionate even with people he doesn't know very well. like when vbs was helping kohane, nene, ichika, and minori practice for that fan festival minori did something really well and he tousled her hair as a little "good job!" gesture and she still hasn't emotionally recovered
he's a sweetie. he has a lot of love in his heart and he can't keep it all in and so he's really really really affectionate!!!! but again if you point it out he'll get so flustered he won't be able to form a coherent sentence for 5-10 minutes.
in conclusion: the world's number one goofball ⬇️⬇️
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cactusnymph · 10 months
for the touches ask game, how about "3. hugging while twirling around"? for anyone!
Fuck, she's on fire.
Not literally this time, but emotionally. She can touch people again. She can go around and shove people and clap her hand on their backs and kiss and hug and fuck and punch people in the face in a friendly bar brawl without making their face look like a medium raw beef steak.
Fuck. Yes.
She feels the intense need to kiss Dammon square on the mouth but she hugs him instead and hoists him up and holds him way longer than might be appropriate but he chuckles and hugs her back and it's the fucking best feeling in the world.
Gods, it's so good to be alive.
"This is the best day. This is. The best. Day!", she exclaims, over and over again and beams. She can pick flowers. She could scritch a dog behind its ears right now! Holy shit!
The possibilities are endless and Karlach feels happiness bubble inside her like thick lava, ready to burst out of the ground. She's a literal volcano of happiness. Fuck yeah.
Karlach hugs everyone. She hugs Gale and Tav and Shadowheart, then she hugs Dammon again, then she rolls around in some grass just for good measure. It doesn't leave a burning trail of ash and embers behind and Karlach is so fucking stoked she almost starts crying.
"Oh my gods, I need to find someone to spoon tonight. I'd spoon the fucking Elderbrain to be totally honest with you. I am so ready to cuddle. Holy shit!"
"Please don't spoon the Elderbrain", Gale says weakly and Tav laughs so hard that they choke on their own spit and Shadowheart has to use a spell to make them stop heaving. Karlach loves them all so much. She loves her friends and the whole world and Dammon and this grass tickling her skin and the feeling of the wind in her face.
It wouldn't even matter if she died tomorrow because she's so fucking happy to be in this very moment. It would all have been worth it just for this.
Karlach whistles and sings the entire time they walk back to camp, from time to time grabbing Tav's or Shadowheart's hands to hold and swing between them like a happy child.
First thing she'll do back at camp is find Scratch and pat him for half an hour. At least that's what Karlach thinks until they arrive and the first thing she sees is Astarion and Wyll standing next to each other as Astarion works to fix a rip on Wyll's shirt.
The heart in her chest that's not really a heart roars with affection and she loves Scratch, she loves him so much, but she also loves these men and now she can touch them.
Karlach doesn't think twice, she barrels forward, jumping over the campfire with ease past Lae'zel who's reading a weird metal disc with a furrowed brow and then she's there, startling both of them.
"What in the—", Astarion starts and drops his needle but he can't finish his question because Karlach already picked them both up. Gods, they're both so skinny. She smushes them together and laughs and maybe she also cries a little as she turns around with both of them in her arms, their feet dangling off the ground.
Astarion protests and struggles against her grip like a grumpy cat while Wyll laughs with her.
"It worked!", he exclaims, his voice as excited as Karlach feels.
"It worked", she cries and hugs them tighter, turning two more times before setting them back down and taking a step back. Gods, it's hard to let them go. Fuck she wants to hug them again immediately.
"Well", Astarion says and pretends to dust off his shirt, his face purposefully nonchalant but his cheeks all flushed, "I see your little outing was successful, darling."
"Fuck yes it was. I will spoon you so hard tonight", she says and pumps her fist in the air. Astarion blinks while Wyll chuckles.
"Spoon?", he echoes. Karlach grins so hard that her cheeks hurt.
"Yeah. Spooning. Cuddling. Holding tenderly. Whatever you wanna call it", she says and nods before twirling around by herself again. "I can hug people again!"
"Ugh. Fine, I guess", Astarion says, doing his best to sound as if he's doing Karlach a huge favor. Wyll shakes his head but he's still smiling.
"That means you won't get cold tonight, my pointy-eared friend", Wyll says. Astarion narrows his eyes at Wyll.
"I am dead. I don't get cold", he proclaims and stalks off, leaving Wyll's shirt unfinished. Karlach beams at him as Wyll hugs her again.
"I am so happy for you", he whispers and she holds him tight.
"Me too, Wyll. Me too."
feel free to send me more of these <3
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leviathxn · 1 year
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“Little Lady to Little Wife”
Part 2 of “Little Girl to Little Lady”
Also I literally just deleted all of my work… so woohooo this is gonna come out later than I wanted it too. Overall not a good day today but I’m making this extra fluffy now to comfort myself
Also (d/n) is (dads/name). Use something generic like John if you have any reason to not put one.
Part 1 is over here!
Dads best friend! Miguel x Younger! Fem! Reader
Warnings: flufffyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Summary : you and Miguel are happy, and things get better
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Miguel opened his eyes slowly as the light from the window poured in. He looked down at his arms, seeing you always waking up from the natural light.
“Good morning querida” he says, pulling me gently by the waist to spoon me. He leaves small, sweet kisses on the back on my neck while slowly massaging my waist. He pressed himself into me, sharing his warmth. I smiled.
“Good morning Miggy.” I held his hand on my waist. I sighed happily and closed my eyes again, relishing in the warmth from Miguel. Luckily you were both morning birds so he didn’t have to feel bad about leaving you so soon. As much as he wanted to hold me and stay there for hours, that came with the risk of my dad coming in. There was a knock on the door. Miguel’s and I scrambled without a word. I ran into the bathroom while he put a shirt on and opened the door. My dad smiled at Miguel
“Good-morning! I’m gonna make breakfast for all of us so do you mind going and waking up the girls?” A wave of relief washed over Miguel. It made his life a lot easier since now he didn’t have to help me sneak back into my room.
“Yeah of course (d/n).” My dad smiled again and walked downstairs. I opened the door and walked over to Miguel. I wrapped my arms around his neck while he let his hands rest on my waist. I gently kiss his lips, cherishing ever second of passion. We break and I give him one last big hug, before leaving to go to my room Miguel kissed my forehead. “I love you querida.” I smiled and grabbed his hand.
“I love you too Miggy.” I left for my room, hurrying just in case. I walked in to see Gabriella resting peacefully. I changed my shirt and put on shorts. I was about to wake up Gabriella until I so a glimpse of myself in the mirror. The hickies and bite marks were extremely dark and there was no way you could walk down showing them off casually. I continued to look over myself, remembering last night. I smiled at the thought, remembering how much he did for me. I changed into a turtle neck since it wasn’t too hot outside.
I sat on the bed before gently shaking Gabriella’s shoulder. She groggily sat up rubbing her eyes. She looked around the room before she met my eyes. She lit up as she hugged me. I gave her a few of my old clothes, before helping brush out her hair and braiding it. As we walked down the stairs we talked about our plans for the day.
We joined Miguel and my dad at the table, the eggs, bacon and pancakes still perfectly hot. Me and Gabriella’s mouth watered at the sight as our fathers laughed. We all enjoyed our meal together as we decided to go to the park. As much as my dad wanted to come, he had a bit of work to catch up on in the office. Since he trusted Miguel with his life he let us three go, which was not out of the ordinary.
We made our way to the park, happy to see the swings open. No matter the age, me and Gabriella loved talking on the swings together. It was incredibly relaxing and calmed our nerves. Miguel sat on the bench as me and Gabriella started to swing. I knew that whenever me and Gabriella played that he would watch. I noticed he would stare at me more as I got older. After yesterday I finally knew why.
Losing track of time I noticed Miguel still staring, periodically checking his phone or taking pictures. We had been there for at least 2 hours. It was around 12 o’clock and me and Gabriella finished up our chat, going over to Miguel. I hugged Gabriella and kissed her cheek. Then I gave Miguel a big hug, staying in his arms for a few extra seconds.
“Miggy… when I move out can we tell my dad? I’m thinking of moving next year”. Miguel smiled at me and put his hand on my waist, forgetting that Gabriella was watching.
“Mi amor I’ll probably end up marrying you by that time. Why not just live with us-“
“Marry? As in (Y/N) being my mom? ‘Mi Amor’??” Gabriella asked questions as my face drained. I was so caught up in his physical touch that I forgot she was listening. “(Y/N) would be my mom? Are you already my mom??” She continued to question. Miguel let go of me and put his hand on her head.
“Would you be okay with that? We wouldn’t be able to tell her father for a bit”. Gabriella had as devious smile on her lips. I saw the sweat form on Miguel’s face
“I love keeping secrets like this!”. Miguel stared
“You’ve lied to me?”
“Don’t look at me! (Y/N) started it-“. I covered her mouth and looked at Miguel
“I have NO idea what she’s talking about. I would never influence her like that.” Gabriella moved my hand
“I wouldn’t call it influence. You bribed me”. I laughed nervously looking away. Miguel in shock that I would make Gabriella lie to him. Let alone that I would bribe her too.
“It was nothing ever bad!” I pleaded innocently , not wanting to remember the things I made her lie about. Gabriella pressed her lips together and stared at me before smiling back to Miguel.
“Yeah let’s forget I even mentioned it”. I let out a sigh of relief, Miguel still very confused and concerned decided to question it another time.
“Right… but back to what I was saying. Keep your mouth shut”. Gabriella pretended to zip her mouth and throw the key, saluting Miguel. We laughed as he pulled us in for a hug. I felt like I could fight off anything. It felt so wake with them too. It felt so perfect. As if nothing would ever go wrong.
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It had been about a year now. We still had our family nights, me and Miguel having a late night activity every now and then. Me and Gabriella spent even more time together than ever. I was already a mother figure, but now it was enhanced. It was a bit weird to others and I can agree, I was only 5 years older than her but that didn’t change anything for us. And my dad didn’t suspect a thing. Well we thought he didn’t.
We were all having dinner, homemade tacos, thanks to dad! We had our usual conversations. I talked about my plans to move out with Miguel and my dad.
“Mom can you pass me the cheese?” I subconsciously handed it to her while still talking. My dad stared at me with wide eyes. I tilted my head, confused why he seemed so shocked all of a sudden. Until I realized my mistake.
“Mom? I knew you guys were close but not THAT close”. Miguel nervously chuckled as I put my head down. Gabriella looked panicked, sorry for her mistake.
“Well you know how much my daughter loves (Y/N)!” He tried to excuse. My dad continued to stare at Miguel, noticing how quickly he jumped in. He knew Miguel, and he knew he would’ve laughed and asked Gabriella what that was about.
“Miguel…. Are you with my daughter?” My jaw dropped from the shock and Miguel’s eyes widened
“Dad! There’s nothing like that-“
“And if I was? What would you do?” There was silence for the longest time. I tended up, I felt like I’ve as gonna. I was so close to moving out, why couldn’t this happen later?
Until my dad laughed. And it wasn’t just a chuckle he was fully clutching his stomach laughing. Me and Miguel looked shocked.
“I knew it! I knew you were a weirdo! You always looked at (Y/N) weirdly! I so called this”. I blanked. He was acting like this was some bet he had. Miguel looked like a knife stabbed into his head.
“A weirdo? Me?? What are you talking about?” Miguel hadn’t seen my dad like this in a while
“Dad what- are you serious please-“. He cut me off by raising his hand
“What’s the word? A male cougar?” Miguel sighed, knowing where he was going with this.
“A manther?”
“Yes a manther!” He continued to laugh before finally calming down. My nerves were still tight. I was still so confused. My dad looked over to me and smiled.
“Listen (Y/N) I know you’re confused but… if there’s anybody I trust with you it’s Miguel. Sure you’re way younger but… yeah I can’t defend it much but it feels right”. Tears pricked the corner of my eyes. I hugged him while letting them fall. This was the best outcome for my dad finding out. Miguel and Gabriella joined the hug. We stayed there for a bit before Gabriella’s stomach rumbled.
“Sorry I didn’t eat because of the tension”. We all laughed and went back to eating.
“So how long have you guys been together…. Oh nevermind- I don’t want to think about how long you guys have been doing whatever”. Miguel laughed at him and pretended to wipe tears. My dad hated when he did that.
“(D/N) for calling me weirdo you’re pretty dense”. My dad threw a taco shell at Miggy.
“I’m still older than you! I deserve respect”. Me and Gabriella felt the sweat drop. Grown men were acting like children. But again men will be men. We giggled as Gabriella smiled from ear to ear
“Mom! It worked out so well”. I nodded my head, grabbing her hand across the table. I was about to say something else before my dad had accidentally thrown lettuce at me. I felt my blood boil before tossing tomato bits at him
“Cant you let me and Gabriella have a moment!”
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I felt the petals fall into my hair and on my dress as me and Miguel ran out of the revenue. My dad had opened the limo door for us as we jumped into it. My dad told us to enjoy ourselves as he would take care of Gabriella that night. It had been 3 years since that dinner night. Miguel grabbed my hand in the car and pulled me into another kiss. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer to me. He broke the kiss and cusped my cheek.
“A little Lady…. To my perfect little Wife”
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Okay sorry for the delay, and if it’s short. I haven’t had any motivation after the original work got deleted so I worked on this quickly
Hope you guys enjoyed!
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thethistlegirlwrites · 7 months
To her credit, Joey isn’t panicking. Yet. There are dried tear tracks on her face, but she’s not screaming or yelling.
Maybe it’s just practical. Nico had sure as hell screamed when that silver trap snapped shut on his leg, and no one came running. Maybe she’s already figured that out.
Joey is never one to waste her energy on a lost cause.
But Nico doesn’t know when to give up. 
He lunges at the vamp beside her, trying to draw attention away from Joey and onto himself. He’s pretty sure she’s been bound to the dual I-beam support pole that’s one of the few parts still standing in this old factory, but if he can give her half a chance to get away, he’ll take it.
All he succeeds in doing is hitting the end of the chain that is apparently welded to one of the floor beams that’s now buried under a dense tangle of rank grass and decaying weeds. Which is also how he missed seeing the trap waiting for him.
That, and he was paying a little too much attention to Joey, and the monster holding a silver-bladed kukri to her throat, to watch where he was stepping.
He can’t pry the trap off his leg. Every surface is coated in silver. Touching it burns his hands. The kind of grip he’d need to pry it off would leave him in so much pain he’d never be strong enough to manage it.
He can feel the trap’s teeth sinking deeper into his leg with every move he makes, but still straining to reach the flat piece of rusting steel he can see beneath another tangle of brownish leaves. If he doesn’t have to touch the trap…
The vamp steps forward, glances down at the exact piece of metal Nico’s fingers are inches from, then catches it with his boot, sending it flying, clattering, to the far end of the crumbling room.
Nico bellows something between a scream and a roar, lunging at the vamp but nowhere near close to touching him. He falls back to the floor, leg burning as the trap’s teeth dig in even further. The more he struggles, the worse it will be.
He’s not sure exactly how this day went so badly wrong, but he does know when it did. 
He’d thought it was taking Joey a long time to finish up on the third floor. But after he’d walked through every room calling for her, he’d found her mop bucket next to smashed glass with a note taped to the mop handle.
An address, and a warning. To come alone or get his mentee back in a coffin for good.
“What do you want from me?”
“I want my fledgling back.” The vamp snarls. “And you made sure I couldn’t take him.”
Nico’s first mentee was a mother of three, Roxie Conover. His second was Javier Avila. The third is Joey.
They’d never been able to determine who Javy Avila’s sire was. 
Well, they know now.
Not that Nico has a name to put with the face.
A face staring down at him while holding a blade to the neck of his mentee.
“You took something of mine,” the vamp hisses. “Now, I’m going to take something of yours.”
“Don’t you touch her. You can do whatever you want to me, just let her go.”
“Oh, no, that just wouldn’t do. I want you to know that you are powerless to stop me. Nothing you can do but watch.” He steps back slightly and swings the blade with a practiced arc, and Joey flinches back from it. “Trapped, just like I was in one of the hunters’ cages, while you took away what was mine.”
It’s starting to make a certain amount of sense. Javy was bitten in Nevada. Nevada is quite literally the wild west of hunting. There’s one official agency operating in Las Vegas, but the rest of the state is more or less patrolled by vigilantes with all sorts of fringe attitudes toward vampires, who are hard to find, harder to shut down in any legal or effective manner. A group who likes holding onto their captures and experimenting with potential cures must have had this guy.
Nico can’t say he’ll be too sorry if this vamp left a trail of destruction in the wake of his escape, but nothing excuses what he’s doing right now. 
He wouldn’t be surprised if both the knife and the trap are some of those vigilantes’ gear that this vamp decided to bring along; they’re not even close to common usage among vamps, but they’re exactly the kind of thing hunters who skirt the edges of legality are known to use. He’s not sure what group it is that favors this combination of weapons, traps, and long term captivity, but Sierra Stoker and her team probably know. 
If he lasts long enough to pass that information along, he imagines they’ll be more than willing to at least find out if this guy left anyone standing.
But at the moment, it’s not his survival he's most concerned about.
“Listen to me. She’s not my fledgling. She’s not mine.”
“But you care about all these like they are. See, that’s the problem. You traitors are ruining the natural order. Sire and fledgling. How it’s meant to be. You step in, on the side of the humans that hunt our kind down like animals, and you separate us from our children. Weaken our bonds. Make it easier for the humans to pick us off, one by one.”
“Then you don’t wanna kill her. She’s one o’ us.”
“Don’t you get it yet? She’s not one of mine.” The vamp snarls. “Which means killing her is doing my fledglings a favor.”
The knife moves away from Joey’s neck, but Nico knows that’s not a good thing. Staking is the preferred method of killing vampires, since it’s far easier to conceal stakes than a knife big enough to do the job right, but decapitation will do the trick as long as you impale the heart after. It’s a more complicated, but flashier method, and enough Sunrisers favored it that Nico knows the basics. Like the fact that to get a quick, clean cut, you need the arc of a wide swing. Trying to cut with the blade close to the body is time consuming and messy.
He knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that he is about to watch Joey die. 
This time, the metal pinning him down is wrapped around his ankle instead of stabbed through his thigh, and this time the terrified face of the person he promised to protect but can’t is Joey, not Vin, but the past and the present are blurring around him, and he can’t quite tell if he’s in a warehouse in New York or a derelict factory in LA. 
All he knows is, he’s going to have another person’s death on his conscience for the rest of his unnatural life.
Then Nico hears a footstep behind him.
“Put down the knife.”
He’s got to be hallucinating from the silver in his blood, because there’s no way Maira Lawson just happened to appear exactly when he needs backup.
The vamp moves in a flash, putting himself behind Joey and holding the knife to her throat, pressed tightly again, so much so that Nico can see and smell a bead of blood welling up and sliding down the blade.
“I think maybe you should put your weapons down.”
“Last chance.” Lawson’s voice is even. She’s a negotiator, a highly skilled diplomat. She knows when to push and when to back off.
Nico has to remind himself that Joey’s life is in the hands of the best possible person for the job.
The knife presses a little deeper, and a drop of blood splashes onto the cracked cement just as the crack of gunfire echoes through the space.
The vamp drops the knife and drops like a stone, howling.
Several figures move at once, feet shuffling while snapping repeated warnings of “don’t step in another one of those traps” with “you watch your own step” as the reply. 
Someone kneels next to him, hands working around the trap’s springs and jaws. He’s dimly aware that it’s Kira Burke, who he’s passingly familiar with from the agency, but he’s paying the most attention to Joey. She’s slumped against whatever cable was holding her to the support beam, almost unmoving as two more of the hunters free her. Someone cuffs the vamp, then drags him away, but it’s hard to see anything right now with the lights the humans need in order to see cutting back and forth across the area, occasionally swinging to hit him directly in the eyes.
He just needs to see that Joey’s okay. 
“I’ve got it. Pull your leg out, now.” Burke’s voice is strained, she’s got the jaws of the trap pried apart but he knows she won’t be able to hold it forever. He yanks his leg free and struggles to stand, shifting weight off his bad leg. He has to get to Joey.
He takes one step before he stumbles.
“She’s alright. Sit down before you fall down,” Lawson orders, stepping in front of him. 
He does, mostly because if he fell, he’d fall on her, and no one would ever let him live that down.
She’s brought the cavalry, looks like. John and Sierra Stoker, and parts of both their teams. Burke from John’s, as well as Barrett from Sierra’s. John’s wrestling the vamp into cooperation, while Sierra and Barrett work on freeing Joey. Actually, it looks like Sierra’s doing most of the work getting her loose, and Barrett is keeping her calm. Of all of them aside from Nico, he’s the one she knows best. 
He hasn’t actually realized Jemison is here as well until he catches a glimpse of the guy climbing down from a crumbling section of wall, slinging a well-worn rifle, without a scope, across his shoulder.
“Don’t you wear glasses?” Nico asks as the kid walks up. Not that he’s not grateful, but the slightest missed shot could have put that bullet through Joey’s skull. 
“For reading. I’m farsighted.” Jemison replies. “I was barking squirrels with my dad since I was old enough to hold the rifle steady.”
Nico doesn’t want to even ask what that means. 
He’s just glad that today, it means Joey is alive.
“Heard you were having a little trouble.” Lawson bends down beside him, inspecting the damage done by the silver-toothed trap with a grimace. “After he tried to get into the Avilas’ house, I got a call from Javy. He said his sire had shown up and tried to make Javy let him in, but thankfully Javy was able to refuse and block him out. We sent a team to his house as soon as we heard. Everyone’s okay, just shaken up. Unfortunately, given Javy’s one of the people who drives his work van home, I guess this vamp saw it in the driveway. The team found one of the windows punched out, and the clipboard with staff schedules that Javy said he always kept in the glove box was gone.” She frowns. “I tried to call you and warn you someone would probably be coming after you, but never could get hold of you.”
Probably because he left his phone behind at the last job in a rush when he realized Joey was missing. 
“H-how’d you find us?”
“Nico. When you were getting your business started, who gave you vans?”
“You guys. You were replacin’ half the motor pool and…” He trails off. “You never pulled the trackers. You sneaky…”
“Don’t say what I think you’re going to say,” Lawson replies. “It was in the agreements you signed when you leased the fleet.”
Damn. He really needs to start paying more attention to fine print.
Although in this case, it probably saved him and Joey. 
The vamp is hauled out past them, snarling and snapping at Nico until John Stoker wrestles him into the back of a holding van that’s just pulled up to what used to be a loading bay door. 
“He won’t be a problem much longer. Once we match his venom to Javy’s kit, he’ll get the stake.”
Honestly, after what this vamp has been through, that might be a mercy. 
Quick footsteps clatter across the open space, and then Joey is collapsing onto the floor beside Nico, a hand finding his and wrapping cold fingers through his own. 
“What’s a vamp doing running around with gear from the Hawthorne Hedge?” Sierra Stoker asks, holding the knife up and tilting it as the light in Lawson’s hand catches the blade, running her fingers over a pair of branching, entangled H’s stamped into the metal near the hilt. 
Knew she’d recognize the handiwork.
“Same with the trap,” Jemison answers, flipping it over and pointing out the stamp on the bottom of the plate. “Maybe he was a vigilante who got turned?”
“From what I could tell,” Nico manages, trying to sit up and wincing when it jars his leg, “he was one of their captives, managed to break himself out. There might not be anything left of that group, depending on how thorough he was.”
“Looks like we’re going to be heading to Nevada to check it out. Again.” Stoker grins. “And it’s gonna be my turn as road trip DJ.”
Jemison and Barrett both groan, but the Stokers just high-five as John returns from the van. 
Sierra’s team move off in a cluster, discussing their next move, and Burke walks up with two small packs of blood in her hand. 
“You’re both injured. No arguments.” She places a pack in each of their hands, then backs off, along with the others, to let the two of them feed in peace.
Nico ignores the blood in favor of putting an arm around Joey’s shoulder. She’s probably in some sort of shock, and while the blood will take care of the physical damage from tonight, there are deeper wounds he’s worried about.
“Hey. You okay?”
“No. I will be, but…not right now.” She’s shaking, the tension bleeding out of her. “You?”
It’s probably not wise to lie to her if she’s been honest with him. “Not really.” He pulls her in against him, running a hand over her hair the way he’s seen her do with Olivia. “I’m sorry.” It’s his fault. It’s all his fault. This vamp took her because of him. Because of what he’s done. “This is my fault.”
“For helping someone else just like me?” Joey’s voice is muffled in his sweatshirt. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
He doesn’t have anything to say in response to that. Just sits there and holds her and wishes doing the right thing didn’t have so many consequences.
(You can read this story and more from this universe on my WorldAnvil here!)
@catwingsathena @nade2308 @the-one-and-only-valkyrie @telltaleclerk @ettawritesnstudies  @writeouswriter @whump-place @the-lovely-wren
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Fluff alphabet with Peter Parker
A = Attractive (what do they find attractive about the other?)
Peter Parker is IN love with your voice. He thinks it’s the most beautiful thing ever. Coming home tired, beaten and bruised your voice is the only thing that can lull him to sleep. He never admitted this to you but he was attracted to your voice since the first time you met. Peter had just reached Delmar’s after completing his patrol. It was dark outside. The bell rang as he opened the door. “Hey Mr Delm-“ he was cut off by the sight of the beauty in front of him looking through the menu. Peter didn’t remember the five minutes after that but he did remember the power going out and him staring into the darkness. “Oh señor, the generators turning old. You kids be alright eh? I’ll be back in five.”Mr Delmar sighed. Peter didn’t know why he was feeling such way, you were just a random person he saw for literal two minutes. “ Uh hey stranger? Do you have a phone? Mines battery just ran out.” Were the first words you had said to him yet he was too distracted by your voice to comprehend that you were talking to him.
B = Baby (do they want a family? why/why not?)
Peter would love to have kids with you. He had started dreaming of a family with you since the beginning of your relationship. But he knows that with him being Spider-Man he will be putting his children in danger and he doesn’t want that, he wants to give his kids the childhood he never had.
C = Cuddle (how do they cuddle?)
He loves to have his arms wrapped around you be it him being the big spoon or you just simply laying your head on his chest. He also loves when you cling onto him like a koala.
D = Dates (what are dates with them like?)
Peter Parker is a pretty romantic guy buuut he’s also in college. So dates with him include picnics, eating sandwiches ( preferably delmar’s) on the top of roofs of random buildings and swinging through the city. One of his favourite date ideas are dinner movies and cuddles. But there was this one time when you both volunteered to help the old sweet lady Ms Brown when she was sick and took care of her bookstore.Of course you spent the entire time looking through the books and reading them and Peter was the one who took care of it with Mr Brown but it was fun nonetheless with Peter stealing kisses and you hugging him randomly. Both of you counted it as a date and made it a tradition to visit her every month.
E = Everything (“you are my ____” (e.g my life, my world…)
‘You are my lifeline’ was what you said after he had saved you from falling off the ledge of a building, after being pushed by a drunk and mad guy.
F = Feelings (when did they know they were falling in love?)
After the whole Delmar situation Peter thought he couldn’t fall in love with you more but he did. At the three month mark of your relationship Peter had a sensory overload after your date in his house. When you came back to get your sweater that you had forgotten you saw him on the floor cradling his legs and rocking back and forth. Instead of panicking you tried to calm him down but everything you did was riling him up more.So finally you put his head on your chest and told him to match his breathing with you and to focus on your heartbeat.During this whole ordeal Peter had accidentally confessed that he was Spider-Man and was shocked that you didn’t react the way he expected you to but instead were okay with it. That’s when he knew he was falling in love more and more and wanted to spend his life with you.
G = Gentle (are they gentle? If so, how?)
He’s probably the most gentle person you ever knew. He showers you with light kisses and comforting hugs. Holds your hand while you are walking down the hallway in your college or braids your hair and massages your shoulders after long study sessions. He never wants you to feel uncomfortable and expresses his love in the softest ways.
H = Hand/Hold (how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?)
By the way you guys hold hands everywhere, every time , some might even say your glued together. You love to hold his finger with your smaller ones or just interlock them tightly.
I = Impression (first impression/s)
At first Peter thought you were a ray of sunshine but soon when he started spotting you in his college he was a bit intimidated. You were always surrounded by your friends and were pretty popular. That led him to thinking you were gonna be mean and rude like they show in the movies but his heart was telling him that you weren’t. Ned even assured him and told him that when they were grouped together for a project you were really nice and kind. So after talking to you and warming up to you he found out you were just as a nerd and a dork as he was and you loved Star Wars and science too.
J = Joker (are they into pulling pranks?)
You both love pulling pranks on each other , sometimes on your friends or even Aunt May and the Avengers. As long as these pranks were harmless and got a laugh out of everyone you will continue doing it especially since you found out tik-tok as most of your pranks were inspired by it.
K = Kisses (how do they kiss?)
As said before Peters a really gentle guy, so kisses with him include soft kisses or forehead and cheek kisses. You’ll put your hands on his cheek and tug him closer and he will softly chuckle and put his lips against yours.
L = Love (who says I love you first?)
Peter does after a few months of dating. After patrolling ,when he caught sight of you and May cooking together and laughing at what you had said his heart couldn’t take it anymore. When May went to her room end the day he walked over to you and said the three words. You were shocked by what he had said and couldn’t believe your ears. “I really really love you Y/N” he said. You grinned and chuckled at his cute and serious face “ I really really love you too, Parker”.
M = Memory (their favourite moment together
His favourite memory was when he took you swinging across the city with him for the first time. He remembered seeing your smile and hearing your laughs. The city lights reflected on your face making you look ethereal. He also remembered how after landing it had started raining and he felt as if his plan had been ruined. He was shocked when the biggest smile covered your face and remembered you saying “the rain was the icing on the cake.”
N = Nickel (do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?)
He spoils you with his love and small little things that makes your heart flutter, like good morning and goodnight texts or random I love yous and how are yous throughout the day. He also make Spotify playlists for you both and tries to find a genre of music that you both may like. Sometimes he also gives you gifts( small but hey it’s the thought that counts) like a locket with both of your initials or concert tickets of your favourite band.
O = Orange (what colour reminds them of their other half?)
Every colour reminded him of you, for him you were a rainbow. But the colour that reminded him the most of you was yellow. He thinks it’s the colour of joy, positivity, sunshine, happiness and comfort. And you were all these things to him especially home.
P = Pet names (what pet names do they use?)
You call him Parker or love mostly. Him being Spider-Man he loves to call you bug or sometimes princess and sunshine. Babe and baby are also thrown around often by the both of you.
Q = Questions (what are the questions they’re always asking?)
“Are you ok?” You asked as you saw Peter slumped on the chair. “Yeah it’s just why do you love me?”.
Peter was always a bit insecure of himself, he always thought he didn’t deserve you and that question almost always led to cuddles and you reassuring him.
R = Rainy Day (what do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Rainy days were your favourite and some might even say they were your and peters thing because almost every time you went on a date it rained at the end. You love to sit on the couch by the window and read a book while Peter’s head is on your lap and you are treading your fingers through his hair. Sometimes you guys also did your schoolwork or fixed his suit. For him there were two types of rainy days, one the peaceful ones like this one. Second the chaotic ones. These mostly included you both jamming to songs or watching movies or going on a walk exploring the city. And as cheesy as it may sound he loves to dance with you in the rain.
S = Sad (how do they cheer themselves/each other up)
Whenever either of you are sad you just call each other. Spending time with each other even when noone is talking cheers both of you up. Peter silently is always grateful to have someone like you in his messy, chaotic life.
T = Talking (what do they love to talk about?)
Honestly Peter is a living machine filled with facts about everything. He especially love talking about the intricacies of space and time.
On the other hand you love to talk about literature , art and history. Basically just the beauty of words and time.
U = Unencumbered (what helps them relax?)
You being by his side and squeezing his hand and him whispering reassuring words in your ears is what helps you both relax.
V = Vaunt (what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Peter loves to show off his flexibility and all the tricks he can do since becoming Spider-Man. He also doesn’t leave any chance to show his mechanical skills to you. The boy will do anything to make you laugh and to impress you.
W = Wedding (when, how, where do they propose?)
Peter would love to marry you and a wedding after college is bound to happen. So he is living in the moment and enjoying the present with you and letting things happen with the flow.
X = Xylophone (what’s their song?)
Nothing to regret by Robinson. It’s was the song that was playing when you invited Peter to the dance floor and talked to him for the first time.
Y = You’re the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
“You’re the waffles to my pancakes” Peter read and looked up from the card you had given him, amused. “It’s so cheesy and bad I HAD to give it to you”You said dying from laughter. “Well I love it” he smirked and started laughing with you.
Z = Zebra (if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?)
Both you and Peter (mostly Peter) want a dog. He’d love to have someone with you when he’s out patrolling so you don’t feel lonely. He also thinks that having a dog will help him relax after a night of fighting. He’d love to cuddle a dog along with you. __
Hey guys!!! I had fun writing this and will be writing a first time meeting one shot too soon!
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decadentenemyturtle · 2 years
Prompt: "Laying a gentle kiss to the back of the other’s hand"
Fili x reader
If your still accepting these pls 💗💗💗
The dance only our heart knows
Pairing: Fíli x Reader
Words: 1 482
It was a big day of celebration today, for it was Durin's day and fifth annivensary of reclaming the Lonely Mountain. And since both days happened to be the same and we are talking about dwarves here, it went without saying they'd threw a big party. Almost everyone had a day off from work, including you. You were clad for being able to work in the mountain and not to return back on living on the road, where you had lived before Gandalf had asked you to assist him and the group of dwarves and a hobbit on journey to reclaim a mountain from a dragon.
And since you still hadn't believed in dragons even after living in Middle Earh for a few years, you decided to tack along, just to proof Gandalf wrong and silly old man. Even this day he still was a silly old man in your eyes, but now you believed that dragons did exists. Along with other horrifying creatures.
You were sitting on a table near royal table, slowly drinking your ale, enjoying the music and the dancers on the middle of the room. You were smiling a little as you spotted Bombur with his daughter Tumli on the dancefloor. Tumli wasn't old, so it went without saying that her dancing skills weren't the best ones. But still, she and her father had a good time.
While you were enjoying your view of the danfloor, someone else had their eyes on you.
Fíli was leaning to back rest of his chair as he looked at you, only hearing half of what his mother and uncle were talking about. He smiled a little as he saw your smile turning even bigger. He could feel his heart expanding with joy just for the sight of you smiling and knowing you were happy. The music stopped and Fíli turned towards the dance floor, watching as dwarves returned to their seats, went to get more food or ale or another dance partner, or simply staying still to dance with their current partner.
Then Fíli turned his eyes back to you and smiled as he noted your longing look. He knew you hadn't been dancing this evening, nor had anyone asked you to dance. So, Fíli downed his ale and got up. For who would be a better dance partner for the first dance of the evening if not crown prince himself?
"Excusme, m'lady" Fíli said as he bend closer to you. You look up at him in surprise, not having heard him coming closer to you. Without giving you any time responce, he continued, "Would you grant me the next dance?" You felt yourself blush a little and you looked down, shyly. You had no idea how to dance, which was why you had sat a bit further from the dance floor so no one wouldn't bother to ask you. But now you were asked by a crown prince himself!
"I... don't know ho to dance" you said as the music started, but Fíli only laughed and pulled you up, not caring of your protests. He walked you to the dance floor and dwarves around you looked the two of you, giving you way to dance literally middle of the dance floor. You wanted glare Fíli, but decided to hold it instead. It would be bad enough that you would be stepping on his shoes.
"This hand goes here..." Fíli adviced as he quided your left hand to his shoulder and then he wrapped his arm around your weist. Then he took your hand in his and got a bit closer to you. His hand was rough, yet you didn't mind. And he was so warm. You felt your breath leave as your eyes glued to Fíli's. You two were about same height, you noted. Before you two started to dance, Fíli leaned closer to you and whispered to your ear, "Just let me guide you. You'll see, this is easy" And then he started to move, his hand on your waist guiding you by pressin gently on to you or almost letting go of you. Even if your steps were far from correct, you still enjoyed this. Somewhat.
As Fíli swinged you suddenly, pressing you close to him, a big and happy smile gragged on your lips, lighting up your face. You did enjoy this! And even Fíli started to smile more. He watched you closely, your every facial expression from a frown to shy look around you two as the dwarves around you danced, laughed and sent looks to your way, to finally have a bright smile. And he felt his own heart grow, how it exuded warmth that flooded around his body, making him more aware of being alive than ever before. And he sighed. If this was love, he'd gladly have it.
"Maybe I was born to hold you in these arms" Fíli whispered to your ear, causing you to shiver. He whispered this to you as if he was drunk, but you knew he hadn't been drinking that much to be actually drunk. His little brother had had downed dosens of pints and was about as loud and cheerfull as he usually was, his words still understandable and his walk as steady as any. So, Fíli and his four pint's hadn't gotten him drunk.
But, maybe it was something else that was causing him to say this to you? Maybe he had had a reason to ask you to dance with him...? Dancing had an important role in dwarven culture, you remembered Glóin once mentioning this.
"Fíli..." you whispered as he pressed his forhead against yours. A small smile grew on your lips as you saw his shining blue eyes and the whistfull smile he had. You felt giddy all of a sudden. Did he...? Did he...?
"You are like the most beautiful song I cannot get out of my head" he continued to whisper, making you shiver again. Your mouth was getting dry, and it had nothing to with dancing. You had had no idea he could be this sweet and overly romantic. And it felt a little weird to hear him say these, especially to you. But it still made you feel warm.
"Your eyes are like warm grass in the early summer on a sunny day" he continued breathlesly. You felt like you were glowing. The fact that might Fíli love you had your feelings for him rise even more.
"And yours are like clear sky on the very same summery day, when there are no cloud's on the sky and when the sun is warming us to the very heart" you whispered him back. You felt like you had to say something, but since you weren't sure if he actualy felt something for you, you decided to try with these sweet nothing's he had been gifting for you. Fíli sighed and pressed his forhead against yours, closing his eyes and as the music stopped, so did you two.
A loud clapping brought you two back to reality as you stared at each other for a second before taking a step back, Fíli bowing to you and you curtseying him, still holding eachothers hands. As you rose, you felt still giddy and warm and good. Your heart swelled again, when Fíli took your hand in both of his, stepped a little closer to you a pressed his lips against the back of your hand. Had this been a cartoon or an anime, your heart would have had shot right out of your chest to all to see and your eyes taking a shape of hearts as you'd faint to the floor from this small affection. But, instead, you felt like your heart started to beat faster, how your cheek's turning bright pink and a small, shy smile grew on your lips. You pressed your head a little down as you watched him kiss your hand for a few seconds longer. When Fíli finally stopped and straightened up, you smiled to him lovingly. You had never felt like this before.
The next song started and Fíli invited you to dance with him again with a small smile. You nodded and took a step in front of him, putting your hand over his shoulder as he put his on your waist, and you walzed to the next song, the world around you forgotten.
"(Y/n), after this song, would you let me braid your hair?" Fíli asked shyly. You saw this question had been hard to ask, and how much courage it had taken him to ask it. And you also understood what this actually meant. He did love you. He wanted to court you, have you as his other half. Fíli loved you as you loved him.
"Yes" you breathed out and smiled, presing your head against his shoulder. "I love you, mon amour"
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marauderundercover · 2 years
Found Family: pt 3
Standing in front of the door, Dick steals a glance at Marinette. He stifles a laugh as she huffs, moving her bangs out of her face without using her hands (which were currently holding onto her crutches). Before he can tease her about it, the door swings open and Alfred smiles at them.
“Hello there.” He says, stepping to the side to let them in. Dick grins.
“Hiya Alfred.” Dick says, watching his kid to make sure she doesn’t trip using her crutches. Once she’s successfully inside, Dick gestures to her. “Alfred, meet Marinette. Marinette, meet Alfred Pennyworth.” Marinette smiles.
“Hi, Mr. Pennyworth. It’s nice to meet you.” She says, her voice more timid than he was used to. Alfred smiles.
“You may call me Alfred, Miss Marinette. It’s lovely to finally meet you. Though I do wish Master Dick would have brought you by sooner.” He says. Marinette winces.
“Oh, I’m sorry-” She tries to say, but Dick cuts her off.
“It’s not your fault, kid. You didn’t know.” He says gently. She smiles at him, but he can see it’s forced. God, he hopes bringing her wasn’t a mistake. He didn’t wanna hurt the poor kid any more than she already was.
“Master Dick is quite right, Miss Marinette. I apologize for making you believe otherwise. If you’ll both follow me to the family room, dinner should be ready in forty five minutes.” Alfred says, walking just ahead of them, but slow enough that Marinette didn’t have to rush with her crutches.
“Is it too late to back out now?” Marinette asks quietly. Dick stops walking, and she does too. He looks into her face, and notices how worried she looks.
“It’s not too late, kiddo. Say the word and we’re out of here.” He reassures her. Alfred pauses and looks back at them, but Dick shakes his head slightly. This was something he had to take care of. Marinette frowns, looking conflicted.
“It’s not that I don’t want to meet your family, it’s just-” She pauses, her frown deepening. “What if they don’t like me?” She asks. Dick shrugs.
“If they don’t like you, it’s their loss.” He says, though he knows his family will love her. Well, Damian may be a little cautious, but he probably wouldn’t be downright mean. Probably.
“But if they don’t like me…” She trails off and it suddenly clicks. Pulling her into a hug, Dick lets his chin rest on her head as she leans into him.
“I’m not leaving you, Mari. You don’t have to worry about that.” He says softly. She breathes in deeply, and then exhales slowly. Dick pulls away slightly, giving her a small smile. “Do you still want to leave? I’m good at making escapes.” He offers. She grins, and shakes her head, looking far more relaxed than she had earlier.
“I can do this.” She says firmly. Dick grins.
“There’s the Mari I know!” He cheers, gesturing forward. “After you, kiddo.” He says with a small bow. She laughs, but crutches forwards. Everything would work out.
Dick glances at Marinette as she drops into the seat next to his. For some reason, Bruce and his brothers had decided not to show up until right as dinner was starting. So now they got to have the awkward introductions while everyone should be focused on eating. He just hoped that no one would press any of the hard subjects during dinner.
“So, Dickiebird adopted you?” Jason asks, glancing at Marinette before scooping some pasta onto his plate. Marinette frowns, shaking her head.
“Er, no. He’s just, um, he’s kind of my adult when I need a parent at school.” She says, her cheeks reddening. Damian raises an eyebrow.
“And why is that?” He asks.
“Mostly cause I’m the only cop she knows and a guy at school was acting like a creep towards her.” Dick jumps in, grinning at his kid. Marinette’s shoulders relax and she snorts.
“He still won’t talk to me. Mr. Jameson tried to stick us together in biology and Dylan literally screamed no. It was fantastic.” Marinette says with a grin. Dick raises an eyebrow.
“I thought the teachers weren’t trying to pair you two up after I talked to them about it?” He says. Marinette huffs.
“You know how Mr. Jameson is.” She grumbles under her breath. Dick frowns.
“Do I need to go talk to him again? I told them why I didn’t want the two of you paired up. Dylan was harassing you just a few months ago.” He says, already running through plans in his head. He’d assumed the teachers were on his side about this. After all, Dylan apparently regularly caused trouble at school. And Marinette didn’t. And it was a case of previous harassment, even if Dylan wouldn’t dare try anything now.
“Hold up, some punks been messing with you?” Jason asks. Dick glances at him, unsurprised to see slight anger on his brother’s face. He always had hated when people wouldn’t take ‘no’ as a full answer. Marinette shrugs.
“Not really, anymore. Ever since Da- Dick. Ever since Dick intimidated him, Dylan’s tried to stay away from me.” She says. Jason glances at him, raising an eyebrow. Dick shrugs. As far as his family needed to know, Officer Grayson was plenty intimidating to a teenage boy. They definitely didn’t need to know that Nightwing had also had a conversation with the punk after Dick spotted him harassing Marinette at the bus stop.
“Well if anyone else tries to mess with you, make sure they know Dickhead over here isn’t the only one willing to punch a shithead for you.” Jason says, taking a bite of pasta. Alfred sighs.
“Master Jason, while the sentiment is appreciated, I do ask that you refrain from using language like that unless you wish to contribute to the swear jar.” He says, shaking his head. But Dick can see the slight smile on Alfred’s face. Jason always had been Alfred’s favorite, despite his occasional mouth. Marinette giggles, and Dick can’t help but smile too. Mission give Marinette more family (no matter how annoying they could get), was a success.
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Story tag list: @aespades @nerd-nowandforever @adrestar @twsssmlmaa @hammalammadamdam  @its-maemain
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shares-a-vest · 2 years
It's Steve's turn to pick where the Fruity Four go for a date night and of course, he picks a batting cage. He figures it beats having a picnic at the baseball field in Hawkins. They've done that too many times already and would mean Steve making all the food. And carrying it, and cleaning up, and getting grumpy about it while Robin and Eddie ran around the diamond shouting at each other until they were dizzy. The field in Hawkins is all overgrown now anyway, seeing as the town had to redirect all resources to cleaning up a literal hellscape.
Nancy and Robin joined for a while, before going for snacks and not returning. Robin might have laughed at Eddie as they walked off, successfully getting out of participating in a physical activity in full view of other people.
Which left Eddie with Steve. And of course, Steve was using this date night as a convenient opportunity to show off. And Steve knows he looks oh so good like this. He was particularly chipper and walking tall as they made their way in. And with a proper stance and movie-quality overhead lighting, the fresh evening air and y'know, not wildly swinging in the darkness of another dimension at undead monsters, Eddie had to admit that this was in fact, a good idea for a date. 
Because Steve was standing before him like an absolute dreamboat. 
Eddie’s not an idiot, he knows he isn't the first person to be charmed by this. And Eddie is certain this is all probably a key component in King Steve's typical courting repertoire. He is currently saying some semblance of words about gripping the bat properly, but Eddie can't hear him over the sight of his back muscles flexing under his tight white polo shirt and how his jeans seem impractically tight for such a physical task.
"God, you're pathetic," Robin snorts, sidling up to him and bumping his hip just enough that he stumbles off-kilter, his grip on the cage fence slipping and he realises he’d been leaning on it to stop himself from keeling over like a crazed fan.
"Stop, Robbie!" Nancy defends, playfully slapping her shoulder and giving Eddie a knowing look. It is probably supposed to be empathetic but just makes him feel Buckley's words even more.
"Eds!" Steve calls, his brows furrowed with amused confusion. He holds out the baseball bat as he walks towards him. "Your turn."
"What?" he chokes, panicked and wide-eyed and entirely forgetting that he wasn't just a pathetic gawking spectator.
He’s thinking about how he'll never allow Steve to make excuses about not wearing a hat after this because his hair is flicking out from under his baseball helmet, emphasising his jawline and neck more. He's also thinking Steve will eventually take the helmet off and need to smooth out his hair, which comes with bicep flexing and, and… and…
Eddie shakes his head as Steve pushes the bat into his hands.
"Your turn," he repeats with a smile, his eyes twinkling from the high-beam lighting.
"Helmet!" Robin sing-songs, waving it in front of him like a chew toy and winking. They were both losers anyway, he thought,always ogling their more physically adept partners.
Eddie grabs it from her and fumbles to balance the helmet and bat. He shoots her a glare as she smirks. Nancy elbows her.
Steve takes the helmet and makes quick work of brushing Eddie's hair behind his ears as much as possible before placing the helmet on his head. He probably looks like an absolute dork but Steve is beaming at him.
"You look cute," he says, looking him up and down and running his fingers through the ends of his curls.
The complement more than makes up for Eddie’s countless wild swings before he actually hits a ball.
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