#dad 2: electric boogaloo
silveredfeathers · 7 months
[Closed, off blog RP with @taskforcedistortion]
Silver has been going around checking on everyone, making sure they’re alright after the panic from yesterday. He has a tray of baked goods with him, though a good chunk of them have been picked up by the people he’s seen already.
A Type: Null follows close behind him, having decided it should have a change of scenery. It seems somewhat on guard for a bit, though that’s just due to being somewhere strange. The normal type is slowly relaxing as they wander the halls and continue to check on everyone.
Eventually the pair make their way to the surveillance office, the doors opening automatically when they’re close. There’s only one person inside...
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 283
Now Jason would like it known that there was no mpreg situation going on. He isn’t even sure where people got that idea in the first place. Sure, he had taken a few Cores from the goons-in-white who had dared to set up in his turf. 
And sure maybe the excess energy from the pit (no wonder he’d been so irritable) was what said baby halfas (Okay, so they’re half human? Alright) had used to reform. And maybe the oldest is visibly less than a year old. 
But there Was No Mpreg Situation! He is this close to shooting someone! It was annoying (and slightly amusing) when it was just his goons, but now the Bats have seemingly got it in their heads! Dear Gotham it’s a good thing he’s not planning on like, ever revealing who he is because he would never be able to live this rumor down. 
[Winged Ghosts Au too, that seems to be getting lost in reblogs when it's just in the tags lol]
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leol · 17 days
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logan 2017 movie canon divergent au kinda.. kurt deus ex machina, everybody lives, happy family = profit
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breegadey · 4 months
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it's them...the elusive other members of laio's party...
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topaz-mutiny · 11 months
*rattles cage like a desperate animal* i need the looooore
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officersnickers · 1 year
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3 weeks are a long time to get back to the shelter
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gophergal · 2 months
*gritting teeth* I can be nice and leave people alone when they're doing something I don't like... Even if they ARE nuclearizing my favorite found families
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Broken dish washer what's that mitski song called again?
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lorillee · 11 months
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SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO interesting because like in this entire conversation. this is the only thing miles says about manfred. like not even a subjective opinion its just. a statement. this relationship is SO FASCINATING ITS SO INTERESTINGGGGGGGGGGG
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Dohter: Ah, look at the travelers. They have learnt so much from the skills we have taught them
Draefendi: Thou art correct. I do not regret the day I have put the secrets to my skills in my shrine
Brand: That is indeed true, but I am also glad that their abilities have not grown to be as strong as ours
Bifelgan: Why do I sense something coming?
Brand: After all, that would be-
Aeber: For our sake, not again
Brand: -Stealing my thunder
Alephan: Google: How to kill a god
Brand: What was that?
Alephan: Nothing
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silveredfeathers · 8 months
(From the @taskforcedistortion account)
Son? What happened? Penny is in a frenzy and cursing even more than the Aqua Division.
Are you okay?
i'm not okay.
Someone found a story.
Wasn't published.
Leaked it.
Everyone can see I'm a monster.
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bitchfitch · 2 years
Idk, i feel like being really mean to Nereida for a bit.
He knows this oceanic otherworld is home to a whole society of mermaids. That they could cross the dimension barriers into the human world, that they were humans made strange and monsterous by whatever magic governed this place. And he knows his mother was a human first, who was brought here by one of those mermaids, most likely his father if his math about the timeline checks out, and that she died attempting to return years after leaving.
That answered countless questions, and left just one. Who was his father?
Jish had agreed to ask the other mermaids for him, carried a description of Nereida's mother and what little of the story Nereida knew to their community to see if anyone had any leads.
And when he returned he wasn't alone. A bull with blue eyes and black scales was with him. Nereida was so hopeful in that small moment. His mother had had brown eyes, Nereida's were blue, his mother was strawberry blond, he was raven haired.
The stranger sighed in that way you sigh when you know you're about to deliver awful news. He was Nereida's uncle. his brother, Nereida's father passed years ago. Before his mother even had.
Nereida didn't know why it hit him so hard. Why just knowing his father was dead and that he'd never meet him was any different from him existing somewhere out in the world where Nereida would never meet him.
His uncle, Erci, his uncle's name was Erci, was a stranger, still he tried to offer comfort. He tried to offer stories and descriptions Nereida was too numb to hear. Babbling in that same anxious way Nereida did when he didn't know what else to do.
Jish was the one who broke that spell. Reminding Nereida that the research institute had had cameras in these waters for years. There was a chance, a small one, but still a chance that his father might have been caught by one. That there might be a picture of him or a recording of him. That Nereida might have already heard his voice without ever realizing it.
It took some convincing, but Erci eventually agreed to go to the shores of the currently abandoned research station. Braving the storms that ravaged this hemisphere this time of year wasn't the concern, drawing near the source of all that threatened the peace of their home was.
Nereida was the only human walking on two legs left, able to continue his work researching these people through the season purely because Jish was helping him. He carded himself into the right office. the room silent, the building dark aside from the emergency lights and soft blinking of all the computers left to sleep, cycle, and back themselves up to make sure nothing was lost in the downtime.
He kept himself from crying while he waited for all the relevant files to be copied to his laptop by focussing on finding some story to tell as to why he'd so suddenly showed up with a strange mermaid in tow and an urgent need for these files specifically.
He decided they were trying to put actual names to a few more faces. It was close enough to the truth, even if he'd be lying about whatever names Erci gave. The less the institute knew the better.
He met the two mermaids under the dock. It was the dryest place where water met land and the safest to escape the storm with a laptop too.
they were able to narrow the list of possible ID numbers down through filtering the identification database until only a few remained.
E-7. He was seen and given a number before the institute began trying to classify the mermaids by size. E-7. First spotted twelve years ago, last sighting was eight. Nereida clicked through the pictures,
He wanted to see a family resemblance between them beyond the color of their eyes and keratin. His father was too monsterous for it.
There were notes on some of the pictures. Tiny anecdotes written by people who saw his father as an animal. They called him curious. Said he came near the ships often and stole things off the decks of the smaller ones. One claimed he liked bluegrass music because he seemed to linger longer when the crew played it. Another called him an asshole for darting off with an entire tool box. another joked that he was sexist because he would only come close when offered bribes from blonde women or anyone that could be mistaken for a blonde woman from a distance though he never took the fish they were offering.
Nereida wondered if he was looking for Doris.
They got to the end of the album, Nereida knew there were unclassified pictures he'd need to go through and a video section he wanted to watch alone so he wouldn't have to cry in front of Erci.
Nereida closed the laptop and hugged it to his chest after Erci confirmed the last picture was taken only a few months before he passed. Got attacked by one of the larger predators in the waters and subcame to infection a week later. A cruel and sudden death that left no room for a good story, nor an ending that would satisfy the son none of them knew he had.
Erci promised to tell him more when he was ready. Offered to take Nereida to some of the old haunts they'd played in as kids. Jish agreed for him letting him sit mute in his grief. He knew Erci was trying to connect, To bond with him and start being the family they both needed. But Erci had had his time to grieve, it was all so fresh for Nereida.
Erci said his goodbyes. Asked that if Nereida decided to join them fully, he allow Erci to be the second to welcome him home after Jish got his turn.
Nereida nodded and waved his own goodbye.
Erci disappeared into the dark waters. Jish curled up around Nereida as best he could to shield him from the tear hot summer rain blown under their cover.
Nereida opened the laptop once more and added a note at the very end of his documentation. It burned now to see him recorded as only a beast.
E-7. Curious, mischievous, loved. Known to his friends, family and community as Nereus. Unknown to him he is survived by a son who was apparently named for him.
He will never know that.
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kylo-wrecked · 8 months
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you make my heart ache, and i've newly learned it's possible to 'die from joy'... still, i'd never ask you to be careful.
those rose tarts look too beautiful to eat. i'll gladly wear the dresscoat while i cut that cake with an uncanny icing portrait of me.
thank you for being my friend <3
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fruitanddarkness · 1 year
"Soratta." Ko calls, "I have an army of little chicks." The demon moves a little to show the 15 chicken chicks behind him. They have been following him for the past day now.
Well.. this was... quite unexpected to say the least..
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"...You certainly do. My goodness, look at them all."
✧༺ꔫ༻∞  ∞༺ꔫ༻✧
What small little creatures with an adorable determination to follow Kokushibo down whatever path he chose to conquer. Their dozens of fierce 'peeps' echoing in the air as they scurried around the pair of feet that likely served as their home base for their imprinted guardian... how on earth did a powerful demon find themselves in such a situation? No matter.. they were here now, easily mistakable for sentient dust bunnies. Sotarra couldn't help but crouch down and hold her hand out in the hopes that one would be willing to climb into it.
"Soon you'll have an army of loyal subjects ready to hunt and peck at anyone who stands in your path. How does it feel to wield such power?"
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payphoneangel · 1 year
the finale was bullshit for a lot of reasons but one thing i feel like we gloss over is that series finale Sam would be an absolute dog shit father.
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officersnickers · 2 years
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🍪❄️🫖 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐬! 🫖❄️🍪 𝟏𝟏/𝟐𝟖 🍪❄️🫖
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