#daddy zerk
simplystimp · 7 years
Pool Party
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Josh x Reader
Summary: Throwing a pool party for your best friend Josh
Words Count: 790
AN: This is the last post that I found on Wattpad. I wrote it two years ago so it was really bad and I had to go back and revise it A LOT. Anyway hope you enjoy
I woke to the sound of my alarm singing happy birthday. But it's not my birthday. It's my best friend Josh's.  We have known each other since we were in diapers and our friendship is still going strong. We have been through everything together and he has never turned his back on me, so I decided to throw him a surprise pool party. I have been planing it for weeks. I have all the decorations and pool toys hidden in a closet downstairs. I made sure I booked a DJ and a caterer. All of his close friends are coming, and he hasn't found out yet. All I have to do is get the party ready in time and make sure everything goes smoothly while Josh has the time of his life.
I got into a shower and, started to getting dressed. After rummaging through my closet I decided on wearing a white halter bikini top with the palm leaves on it and plain my plain black bikini bottoms. Since there was still work to be done before the party started I also put on a pair of black shorts. I was walking down the stairs when I heard the doorbell ring.
"Perfect timing" I said to no one in particular.
I opened the door to all the Sidemen except for Josh. Before I could even say hello they all started talking at once and pushed passed me and headed towards my kitchen. There was no doubt they were going to try to eat all my food. As I entered the kitchen they were ransacking my cupboards and fridge. Seeing as I hadn't eaten breakfast yet I joined them.
"So I have all the decorations in the hall closet, and the DJ and caterer will be here at 7:00 to set up their stuff. Everyone is supposed to get here at 7:30 and Josh will get here at 8:00. If we want to stay on schedule we should start decorating in about 20 minutes." I said as we crowded around the island.
"Ok" they said in unison. We hung streamers from the ceiling and put glow sticks in the pool. There were snacks on all the tables and drinks in tubs set around the house. There was a wide range of bathing suits in the spare room closest to the pool for people who forgot about the pool part of the pool party.
It  was 7:15 and everything looked perfect. Now all that was left to do was hope it stayed that way.
The party is going great. Josh just opened all his presents. He loved his Rolex I got him. I was in the pool talking to a friend from Uni when I  saw Josh on the other side of the pool giving me a really mean glare. I swam over to him to see what was wrong. "Hey you look like I just killed your dog. What's wrong?" "Who was that guy you were talking to?" He asked ignoring my question. "That was Jasper we met at Uni. That doesn't explain why you are looking at me like that. Do you not like the party?" I asked hoping I hadn't gone through all of this just for him to not like it. "Nothing (Y/N) it's fine. The party is great. Just forget about it and enjoy yourself." He said while walking away from me. I quickly climbed out of the pool wrapped a towel around myself and grabbed his arm hoping he would talk to me if we were somewhere with some privacy. I took him up to my room and sat him on the bed and stood in front of him.
"You know you can tell me if there is something wrong? If you don't like the party, you know you don't have to lie about it right?" He didn't say anything. He just buried his face in his hands and sighed. "Please Josh, just tell me what's wrong" I begged. "You flirting with that guy is what's wrong (Y/N). He doesn't deserve you. He doesn't know you the way I do. I know you like the back of my hand but you don't even notice me. And I can't take it anymore." He had me pushed against a wall with very little space in between us. I had seen moments like this in plenty of movies but it still surprised me when he leaned in and kissed me. Before I could process what was happening he pulled away and walked out of the room.
He left me there with my heart beating out of my chest and only one thought running through my head. He likes me back.
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min1pen-blog · 7 years
I think...
I don't really know what's happening to Jj, saying he's evolving, well he did and it's pretty shitty. He could've just quit the sidemen "peacefully", they've been friends for a quite long time and for him to diss almost everyone is a really douche move. Instead he ended it badly. I still like the sidemen-minus-ksi content to be honest, he wasn't there mostly anyways but it's fun when they're together... well not anymore anyways... mix emotions, 😐
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minishawmd · 7 years
Happy Birthday Josh!
Happy Birthday to one of my many inspirations. I hope that today is/was filled with amazing memories.
Try not to let the old age get to you. I'm sure there is multiple things that can help with the pain and everything that comes along with being old.
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haku23 · 8 years
@puncromancer replied to your post “What if I just lie down on the floor and just stay there”
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
I would tbh. 
puncromancerreplied to your post “Things the Men in My Family Cannot Seem to Grasp”
toilets are for human butts not cigarette butts
exactly : |
puncromancerreplied to your post“I’m like… FE sacred Stones is underrated and no one remembers it ...”
my brothers both always chose ephraim's story and i always chose eirika's
we also have a running joke about how the enemy ai always singles out knoll like legit i've had ephraim at death's door and an enemy will go kill knoll instead and i'm like idk why but thanks
and i've played ss like 20+ times but i only ever actually finished it properly once. the endgame is just really boring to me for some reason. i always blamed it on grinding at the tower of valni but fates/awakening have grinding maps and i never got bored on those so idk 
also dozla was a disappointing zerk same with largo in por
Lmaooo I think I played one of each?? But tbh I feel like that happened with me too like I was like wow, this is a cute necromancer boy i want him to live and nope!! absolutely not allowed apparently!! All enemies are just like LOOK AT THE GOTH KID!! GET HIM!! Times were so fuckin rough with no casual mode I tell ya...
Omg... I don’t even know if I have the game still to play it again but I gotta get on your level lmao. I’m the same way with 7 tho. I’ve played it like 4 times but I’ve only gotten to the end like once. 
Ok but the odds were stacked against him because who could ever compete with Desert Daddy Hawkeye tbh?? I threw up in my mouth saying that but it’s tru
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petersasteria · 8 years
Zerkaa Imagine!
Song Preference: Not So Bad a Dad by Vanessa Doofenschmirtz (OST Phineas and Ferb)
A/N: He’s your dad in this one. Yes, daddy Zerk. But he’s literally a dad. Freya’s your mom. The sidemen are his evil scientist friends. Except for Harry, because he’s the youngest sidemen. Since he’s the youngest, he’s your boyfriend XD
You were a sub-standard dad
But the only one I had
I grew up hearing your evil scheming down the hall
Your dad, Josh, and your mom, Freya, were separated. Your mom left you and your dad. You lived with your dad ever since you were 8 years old. You stayed with your mom every weekend. And to be honest, you wanted to be with your mom more than ever. Your dad was so weird. He thinks he’s this evil scientist. He hangs around with his ‘evil’ scientist friends. You’re sick of hearing your dad talk to his friends about their next ‘evil’ plan. They don’t usually work, but they keep trying.
But when I look at this thing
It makes me wanna sing
Maybe you’re not so bad a dad after all
Your dad was going to his friend Simon’s house, because he was having a garage sale. It’s kind of funny how an ‘evil’ scientist is having a garage sale. “Why is Uncle Simon having a garage sale, again?” you asked your dad as he parked outside Simon’s house. “His wife wanted to clear things up at their house.” Josh answered.
“So they want people to buy their stuff?” you questioned as you and Josh got out of the car.
“Exactly.” Josh replied as he locked the door. The garage sale was going to be held at their backyard so you and Josh went there immediately.
“Why do they have so much stuff?!” you were gobsmacked when you saw the Minter Family’s backyard. They had so many things to sell: expensive china, a globe, old toys, clothes they NEVER used, a mattress, old hats, funny costumes, and so many more. “Let’s just say your Uncle Simon’s wife is a hoarder.” Josh whispered, so that no one heard.
“Josh!” a voice yelled from behind.
“Simon!” your dad turned around and greeted his friend who was carrying a big box full of thingamabobs you don’t want to know.
“Hello, (Y/N)! You’ve grown! And you seem to like the color black…a lot.” Simon said as he looked at you up and down.
“Hey Uncle Si. Black is my favorite color.” You answered before you left your dad and uncle to talk…or scheme.
You were walking around the backyard checking out stuff. Who knows you might like something? No.
“Hey babe!” you looked up from the table of folded clothes when you heard that familiar voice.
“Babe!” you squealed and hugged your boyfriend, Harry. “What are you doing here?!” you asked.
“My mum heard about Mr. and Mrs. Minter’s garage sale.” Harry rolled his eyes. He didn’t even finish his sentence, but you understood it. Harry’s mum has this thing for garage sales and stuff like that. His mum is like Phoebe from Friends. You know that episode when Phoebe said she hated stuff from Pottery Barn? Yeah, if Harry’s mum is a character from Friends, she’d definitely be Phoebe. One time Harry bought a trunk for his room to put some stuff in, and his mum asked where he bought it. Apparently, Harry bought it from somewhere similar to Pottery Barn, and his mum just flipped. She only wants furniture that have stories behind it.
“Where’s your mum?” you asked Harry as you looked around looking for her.
“She’s over there talking to Mrs. Minter. Probably asking who owned that little box. I bet she’s like, ‘Who owned this box? Did a famous explorer own it?’ Like, why does it matter anyway?” Harry said slightly annoyed.
“I agree. Like, I’m slightly scared of drinking coffee from your mug.” I admitted.
“Why?” Harry asked as he put his arm around you.
“Because you’ll never know who drank there before you. And think about all the antique shit she bought. The previous owners of it are probably dead.” You pointed out. Harry just looked at you with a scared expression. You two just carried on with your day.
“(Y/N)!!!!” you heard Josh shout after an hour walking around with Harry.
“Oh my goodness…” you muttered under your breath.
“Hey Mr. Bradley!” Harry waved to Josh.
“Oh hello, Harry!” Josh said as he gave Harry a hug. “How’re you?” he asked.
“I’m great, thank you for asking. You?” Harry asked as he pulled away from the hug.
“Fantastic! (Y/N) and I need to go home now. I’ll leave you two alone. (Y/N), darling, I’ll wait in the car.” Josh said as he waved goodbye to Harry and walked towards the car.
“Guess, I’ll go ahead, yeah?” you said as you turned to face him.
“Yeah. I’ll see you on Friday?” Harry asked hopefully.
“Of course. See you on Friday, babe.” You say and kissed him on the lips.
“See you!” Harry smiled after the kiss.
You walked to your dad’s car and went inside. You finally got home after the 30 minute drive. You went straight to your room and started texting Harry.
“Hey (Y/N)! I got you something from the garage sale!” Josh barged into your room.
“What?” you asked.
“I got you the doll you’ve always wanted when you were a kid!” Josh exclaimed.
“Oh. Thanks dad.” You smiled as he handed it to you.
“Okay. I’ll go to my lab now. Your Uncle Tobi and Uncle Ethan are coming over later for dinner. Be ready!” Josh grinned and left your room.
At my first ever swim meet
You stepped on the other team’s feet
At my recital you clapped louder
Than you should
Harry texted you that he was home an hour after you got back. You decided to Skype. You got your laptop, logged in on Skype and waited for him to be online. He went online after 5 seconds and immediately video called you.
“Hey babe!” Harry smiled.
“Hey! So, dad got me this doll that I really wanted when I was a kid.” You said as you showed him that doll.
“Oh. You’ve always wanted that as a kid?” Harry asked he looked at the doll.
“Yeah. And now, I’m thinking dad isn’t really that bad after all.” You said as you put the doll next to you.
“Your dad is kind of cool.” Harry said as he drank a Pepsi.
“He’s really embarrassing, babe. You have no idea.” You said as you rested your head on your hand.
“When did he embarrass you?” Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Okay so at my swim meet, he stepped on the other team’s feet.” You said and shook your head remembering that moment.
“First of all, swim meet? Second, when was that? Third, I mean that’s okay if he stepped on one person’s feet.” Harry shrugged.
“Yes, swim meet. It was 3 weeks ago. Babe, it’s totally not okay. He literally stepped on the other team’s feet. By that, I mean the ENTIRE FUCKING TEAM.” You said.
“Oh! Wow. Oh and language, babe.” Harry chuckled.
“To make it worse, my team saw it and they laughed at dad! Then they laughed at me, because we’re related.” You sighed.
“It’s okay, babe. Surely, that’s only the time he’s embarrassed you, right?” Harry tried to make you feel better. It didn’t work, but he gets an A for effort.
“Nope.” You said popping the ‘p’. “When I was 8 years old, I had this recital.”
“Really? Then what happened?”
“You know when you’re at a recital, and you should clap after the performance?” you asked.
“Yeah. You just clap. You don’t cheer. That’d be ‘inappropriate’ as my mum would say.” Harry said.
“Yeah. My dad clapped really really loud!” You exclaimed.
“Babe, he’s just really proud of you.” Harry said.
“Babe, he embarrassed me in front of all those people!” you shrieked.
“But think of it this way, babe. He clapped really loud, because he’s proud of you. He’s happy that you were in that recital.” Harry concluded.
“I guess that’s not really embarrassing…” you trailed off.
And when you taught me how to drive
We actually made it home alive
I guess it’s possible not every part of you isn’t good
“To be honest, when dad taught me how to drive, I thought we would die.” You admitted to Harry.
“What happened?” Harry laid down on his stomach.
“Nothing. It actually went really well.” You said.
“See? He’s not all that bad.” Harry said in an ‘I told you so’ manner.
I know at times I would cringe
Like when you wore all that fringe
And when you went out of your way to catch that foul ball
“But there was this one time when that’s so cringeworthy.” You cringed at the memory.
“What happened?” Harry chuckled lightly.
“There was this father-daughter dance thing at school, and then he showed up late. He was wearing a white cowboy outfit with fringes everywhere! I can’t believe it! Every time I think about it, I’d just cringe.” You shook your head and buried your head in your hands.
“Hahaha! Your dad’s a legend!” Harry laughed whilst clapping his hands. In fact, he was laughing so hard nothing came out of his mouth. In short, he looked like a dying seal.
“Babe, it’s not funny!” you turned red.
“It is! He wins dad of the year! Hahaha! I imagined it…it’s great!” Harry continued to laugh.
“You imagined it? Okay. Imagine yourself in my place, yeah?” you said looking at Harry.
“Oh. That is very cringe-y. But, boy was that funny!” Harry wiped the tears from his eyes and calmed down a bit.
“Oh and I remember when we went to a baseball game.” You said.
“What happened?” Harry asked suddenly interested.
“He caught a foul ball.” You simply said.
“Oh. What’s wrong with that?” Harry asked.
“Thing is, he made this thing that catches the ball. It has a baseball glove attached to this metal thing that stretched across the field and caught the ball.” You explained.
“Whoa! That was wicked! Wish I was there when that happened.” Harry trailed off.
“You were on vacation that time.” You said.
“Oh. Man, I wish I was there.” Harry sighed.
But this piece of plastic in my hand
Makes me finally understand
Maybe you’re not so bad a dad
Not so bad a dad after all
After talking to Harry for an hour, Josh came in and sat next to you.
“Hey Mr. Bradley!” Harry waved.
“Hello!” Josh waved back.
“What’re you doing here, dad?” you asked.
“Your Uncle Tobi and Uncle Ethan are here already. We’ll wait for you in the dining room.” Josh said as he stood up and kissed your head.
“Oh okay. I’ll be there in a bit.” You said.
“Okay. Have a nice night, Harry!” Josh smiled and left.
“Okay. You should go now.” Harry said.
“Yeah I should.” You agreed.
“Everything cool with your dad now?” Harry asked.
“Yeah. I’ll thank him properly later.”
“Good. Well, my mum’s calling me-“Harry got cut off by his mum barging in the room and yelling at him.
“Mum, I’m kinda in the middle of something.” Harry said as he pointed at his laptop. Harry’s mum finally took notice of your Skype session.
“Oh hello, (Y/N)! How are you?” Harry’s mum asked as she sat down next to Harry who just rolled his eyes.
“I’m great. You?” you asked politely.
“I’m fine. I’m so sorry you had to see and hear all that yelling. Well, I’ll just wait for Harry downstairs. See you later, (Y/N)!” Harry’s mum waved at you and left.
“Okay. So, text you later.” Harry said.
“Yeah. Bye, Harold.” You smirked.
“You know I hate that, right?” Harry asked.
“I know. That’s why I’m calling you that!” you laughed.
“You’re lucky I love you.” Harry sighed.
“I love you too. Now let’s go downstairs before our parents flip.” You said as you and Harry ended the call.
You went downstairs and into the dining area where your dad and your uncles are. Ethan was setting the table, and Tobi was putting the food on the table. Josh was nowhere to be seen.
“Hey Uncle Tobi! Hey Uncle Ethan!” you greeted.
“Hey (Y/N)!” they said in unison.
“Where’s dad?” you asked.
“Your dad just got something from the lab. He’ll be back in a few.” Ethan said.
“I’m back! Here’s your coat you left from last time’s meeting, Tobi.” Josh said as he handed the coat to Tobi.
“Thanks, mate!” Tobi said as he put the coat on the chair.
“Dad?” you said.
“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for being blind to all the things you’ve done for me. I realized that you were always there to support me. And today, when you got me that doll, I thought of all the things you’ve done. Harry knocked some sense into me. He said that you weren’t really embarrassing me…you were just being there for me. For that, I want to say thank you. Thank you so much for everything. I know that I rarely say it and I know that I barely show it, but I love you, dad.” You said and hugged Josh tightly.
“You’re welcome, sweetie. I love you too, (Y/N)” Josh smiled and hugged you back.
You can request!
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sdmntrxsh · 8 years
By- wot suga
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interludedahyun · 8 years
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