#sidemen drama
the-phantom-author · 10 months
putting this anon bc i dont wanna put that person on blast too bad but. the pokimane situation
i didnt watch hasans full thing watching charlie’s vid, i only saw people yelling at poki on twitter for a joke that literally does not matter and a price point on merch that literally does not matter.
my feelings on this whole thing: it really is not that deep and everyone needs to take a breath and calm down
ok im done no more drama EVER!!!!!!
Yeah, to me it's an influencer brand, things are going to cost money. I don't think I've ever seen any influencer sell someone for less than $5. It feels weird for people to be getting on to Poki about that, like you don't yell at name brands for selling their stuff for more than the generic option.
And the joke just seemed to land poorly. Like I've seen ever other YouTuber/Streamer who makes merch say if you can't afford it then don't buy it, and it's been said so many times, I don't fault Poki for trying to make a joke about it.
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sidemenxyn · 1 year
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Being w3s assistant for 24 hours (Calfreezy’s video)
Tw: language, slight harassment and I believe that’s it!
w2s x Y/n Willows
“Welcome to another video, today we are going to be surprising Y/n by being her assistant for 24 hours.” Cal spoke. His cameraman followed him as he walked towards your office.
Knocking on the door he heard you beckon him in, opening the door you spun in your comfy sidemen chair and saw Cal with his cameraman Harry (gfilm). You smiled “hey guys, what’s up?” Cal asked “for my video can I be your assistant for 24 hours?” You raised an eyebrow and asked “my assistant?” He nodded, you beamed “ok!” Cal turned and gave the camera a thumbs up.
Callum asked “so got anything I could do?” You thought for a moment then responded “yeah, could you do me a favour- well two favours. First being, could you go to Starbucks and get me a cheese toasty with a iced coffee. You two can get something if you want and then on your way back to my office can you get a hoodie of Harry’s? Any hoodie.” He smiled “yes boss, we’ll be back!”. “Ok bye!” You smiled as they left you office to go do his first job.
After some time you had finished editing the video, by the time you’d finished Cal and his cameraman had came back. Cal handed you Harry’s hoodie you thanked “thank you, did you guys get anything?” Cal answered “only a frappe” you nodded as he waited for you to put on Harry’s hoodie. Once you did, he handed you the toasty and your drink. Thanking him again he then asked “what’s next?” You replied “if you want you could go through the video I just finished editing. You know I like yours and Harry’s opinions on my editing.” He smiled and nodded. You left him and Harry (gfilm) to watch your video you were going to post.
Walking into the living room, you spotted Harry sitting there on his phone. So you walked over and sat next to him. You smiled “Hey, love” he gave you a kiss on the cheek and said “Hey, aren’t you filming with Cal?” You nodded and said “he’s being my assistant for 24 hours so I got him watching my new video I’m due to post.” He nodded and asked “can I watch it before you post?” You beamed “of course, you know I’ll show you before I post it.” He smiled and placed his arm around your waist.
After some time, Cal came into the living room and said “all done, it’s good nothing needs to be changed.” You smiled. He asked “is there anything else I can do for you?” You looked at your Apple Watch and spoke “you can come with me to get my nails done and run a few errands. That’s if you want to though.” He nodded, “course, let’s go.” You gave Harry a kiss and went to put your shoes on.
Getting into your car, you and the two boys buckled up. Harry (gfilm) starts to record again. As you were driving through the streets of London, Cal asked “so what are you getting done? Like what nails?” You replied “look on my phone, go on Pinterest and look at the most recent photo.” He did as he was told and complemented the nails and showed the camera. The girls in his comments agreed that the nails were cute too.
Now at the nail salon, you look up at Cal and spoke “if you get bored your both fine to go somewhere to eat or something.” Cal replied “ok, we’ll probably go in a bit.” You nodded and took a seat. Since your friend was the nail tech lady, you and her were catching up on some drama; to which Cal would record his reactions to the drama. You turned to Cal “what do you think she should’ve done?” Cal agreed “she should’ve done what you two were saying, that’s outrageous what she did to that girl.” The spicy drama was just starting as your long nail appointment took a little longer than usual.
As you were walking out of the nail salon, you looked at Cal and asked “when we get back can you do me another favour?” He asked “and that favour is?” You answered “go through my gym clothes and sort them out with me? I need to give some to my friend I told her she can have some.” He nodded.
After that you and the boys headed to M&S, as you walked in Cal asked “what are you getting exactly?” You said “uh, well we need some food for tonight since our food delivery isn’t till tomorrow and I need to find some white shirts for the upcoming sidemen video.” Cal nodded.
As you looked through the men’s shirt, Harry and Cal went over to the snack isle and went to grab some food. As you were looking at shirts some teenage boys approached you “yo, you woretoshaws missus?” You looked over to see some boys dressed in all tech-fleeces. You nodded “can I help you?” He asked “can I get your number?” Some of the boys laughed, you knew that they were immature. You asked “I’m sorry? Didn’t you just ask if I was woretoshaw’s missus?” He nodded “yeah, can I get your number though??” You said “uh no sorry, I have a boyfriend?” You were baffled about the encounter. The other boy spoke “he can do better than w2s, swear.” You shook your head and awkwardly smile. The boy then asked again “so?! Can I get your number, b?” You scoffed “first of I’m not your b, and secondly you all know I am in a relationship, so no sorry.” As the boy spoke Cal and Harry entered the isle.
The boy spoke “are your just being a bitch, give me your number. I can do better than him, swear. You too hit for him.” You gave him a discussed look and spoke “please go away, your being rude and immature.��� Cal asked “what’s going on Y/n?” You turned sighing n in relief as you heard Cal. You replied “these boys were wonder if I could give them my number.” Cal raised an eyebrow and spoke “was there need to call her a bitch?” The boy protested “yeah, she isn’t giving me her number.” Cal glanced at Harry making sure he was filming the conversation. Cal spoke “well if she said no, why are you asking still?” The boys kept protesting and in the end the security guards removed the immature boys out of the shop. Cal checked up on you which you were fine.
You looked at Harry and asked “did you get that?” He nodded. You then explained to the two boys and the camera what happened you also looked at the camera and added “if your like those boys please don’t come over to me in public. If you know me I like when people say hi or ask for a photo but don’t be a dick to me, ok?”. Cal was angry at those boys, cause this never happens to you. And cause you and Cal are close he felt the need to protect you. He was like a brother to you, which was cute in your eye.
After your small day out, you three entered the apartment. You texted Harry beforehand asking if he was filming which he wasn’t. You call out “Harry?!” He called back “yeah?!” You walked into the kitchen to see him sat at the booth with his laptop in front of him. You said “you’d never guess what happened at fucking M&S?!” He raised an eyebrow “what happened.” You explain everything and then Harry showed your boyfriend the video clip. Harry was annoyed at that, he hated these type of people. He never liked interacting with people while he was doing everyday tasks. So to see this frustrated him.
As Harry was editing a video, you were sat in the bed with Cal. Cal would hold up a piece of gym clothing and you’d say keep or give depending on the item of clothing. Cal held up a blue pair of cycling shorts, you couldn’t remember if you had worn them the other day. You looked at Harry and asked “Harry? Did I wear them last week?” He turn in his chair and looked at the shorts Cal held up. He replied “yeah, you getting rid of them?” You shook your head “oh no, they are my good shorts.” You remember as you saw the small logo on the inside of the waist band. Harry smirked and said “good.” Making a little joke there for you to giggle at and Cal made a grossed out face. You then bridging out with laughter.
It was now evening, meaning dinner was around the corner. So you got Cal to help you out, along with Harry. So all three roommates helped cook dinner for the night. And to say it was delicious was an understatement.
So after dinner, you decided to stream. Leaving Cal to have his own time, after a while Cal and Harry got bored so as the ‘best’ roommates they were; they went to your room and have gave your peaceful and loving stream, some energy. They were cracking jokes left right and Center while laughing loudly. The stream you were doing was a house decorating video, you were currently making the living room and since the boys were there you asked “what do you think? Should I add some blue to match the green?” The boys moved closer to your pc screen and agreed to add some blue and they also complement you living room “I’d buy that house if I could.” And “you should’ve been a fucking interior designer not a fucking streamer.” Once again your three erupted with laughter.
After the late night stream you all went to bed. And with the next morning you decided to do the outro “so guys, hope you enjoyed me controlling Carl’s video for the day! Like and subscribe have a good day!”
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huhustuff · 2 years
Would it be alright for me to request some general hcs for the 8th sidemen AU? Like how the reader met the sidemen, what were they known for before joining the sidemen, who was the first person to meet the reader, who was the sidemen who recommended the reader to be in the group, their relationship with each sidemen, is there anyone who have or had feelings for the reader? what was the reader doing during the diss track season? Any drama? Reader can be any gender if that matters.
Yea that’s all I got. Sorry if this is too much. Love your work <3
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝___𝟖𝐭𝐡𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞
Thank you for this lovely request 🤍!
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This is part 1 to this request. The second part is going to include the individual relationships between the reader and each sidemen. And part 3 will include events after this imagine, diss track season and other events that y'all would like to see, so let me know what events y’all are interested in. I did not want to include all in this because I was scared this would be too long.
These events were hard to build up without the reader becoming an oc, but i tried lol.
Before you got to know the sidemen you had a youtube channel that you had started in the beginning of 2013 and which had gained a decent following within a few months after starting. You had started the channel for jokes. In your free time you enjoyed playing minecraft with your friends and thought you would record the fun times just because you could and to save the memories. 
Surprisingly people enjoyed watching your content and your sense of humor. As your audience grew you started to play other games as well per numerous requests. After the unexpected growth of your channel and presence in the youtube scene you got invited to your first gaming convention. The invite itself seemed to send you into shock, it was all happening too fast. But this was a chance of a lifetime so you spent days convincing your parents and yourself that going would be a good idea. 
The event was even more unnerving considering that you were pretty young. But at the end you managed to convince your parents and they agreed with the condition that one of them will take you to the place where the event was taking place, but you were allowed to roam the convention by yourself. considering you had not revealed your face nobody recognized you from youtube at first. But after talking to a bunch of people a girl recognized you from your voice. You swore you could have exploded from happiness. Someone recognized you just from your voice. and they were happy to see you as well AND they said they love you content. AAAAAAAAHHH. you were beaming with joy.
And the day got even better. After spotting an area with multiple computers to play Minecraft you headed straight there. Since the other places were currently taken you sat next to a guy with dark hair and eyes. Whilst playing you noticed from the side of your eye that he was often watching you play and looking like he wanted to say something. Another 4 awkward minutes passed until he took up the courage and commented on your gameplay. You talked a bit about minecraft and then exchanged names. You discovered that his name was Vikk and that he also had a youtube channel.
The two of you continued chatting about youtube while strolling around and soon met another youtuber that he seemed to know. Vik introduced him to you as Josh. This Josh was a bit intimidating at first, but out of politeness you talked to him with the slight encouragement of Vikk. Turned out that you had actually heard of his channel a few times and that he had heard of your channel once since his girlfriend had mentioned it to him. 
ahahahahahahaha. HE had heard of YOU. Even if you weren’t a fan of him it still seemed unreal. After a short chat Josh had to leave to meet up with another creator who Vikk also wanted to meet. But before leaving Vikk asked you.
“I think we have to go now, but would you want to maybe…um play together sometime? Make a video together?”
“Sure, just hit me up on twitter if your interested”
“Nice, i’ll be sure to text you”
You parted with wide smiles and excitement of an opportunity for an upcoming collaboration.
Little did you know during that time period the ultimate sidemen (the sidemen that we know today) were looking for more people to add into their group. They had invited a few other people, but it did not seem to click with any of them. But after Vikk and you played minecraft for a few times he suggested adding you to Josh since he had met you as well and after looking through your channel Josh agreed that you could be an interesting addition. The two of them presented the idea to the group. After a little discussion they all agreed to invite you for one time and then see how you fit into the group.
Once again, you were in a very intimidating situation. Vik had asked you if you wanted to join him and some people he knew to play GTA. You did some research on the group and realized that it could attract a whole new audience to your channel so you agreed (you were not a clout chaser, you were tactical). And little did you know that decision was going to change your life. 
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Author note: I wrote this with the knowledge that the reader was born in 1998 (the date and zodiac is accustomed to the reader), but in certain images it can be changed if necessary. for example for a romantic simon/josh imagine, cause it would be a bit weird if for example in the year 2015 a 22 year old Simon or Josh was dating a 17 year old reader. (that’s my opinion but for some it could be okay and if they request a imagine without mentioning an age change i won't do it :) )
Hope you enjoyed this and have a good day or night 💐!!
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insomniac4000 · 27 days
Okay so with all the drama, me scared to post any fic ever again I'm going to go and cry in a hole and watch my favourite comfort videos.
Chris, Harry and Vik are sweethearts and also this is a video which convinces me Chris didn't get a perm because you see his hair curling ever so slightly.
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g-xix · 10 months
what’s your opinion on the hate towards faith kelly with people saying she has plastic surgery and that?? also people saying ethan should leave her
Heya mate, my opinion is that men in particular see Faith Kelly with hatred because of their lack of understanding, and moreover, a lot of them already hate Faith, and just choose to pick on her because they want to see her get grilled even more.
Towards the beginning of the introduction of Faith into the Sidemen fandom, everyone thought she was class. She made cute TikToks with him, she was (still is) gorgeous, she was the embodiment of a good girlfriend because she was new and nobody had any reason to dislike her.
As more of her personality grew and people began following her and what she did and said, I think lots of women began empathising with her, whereas lots of men began disliking her more and more.
Her first big controversy was the "Why the fuck did the pornstar sit on Ethan when Faith, his GIRLFRIEND was literally carrying his baby."
That was a BIG drama which I think reaaally divided the whole of the male and female demographic of the Sidemen fandom. Most women ((including myself)and some logical men) could empathise with Faith, because WHY did Ethan let that situation get that far? Having a girlfriend and letting a woman sit on you is bad behaviour on it's own, but the to extent of having a PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND, carrying YOUR BABY, allowing that to happen is absolutely stupid. Especially when Ethan had NUMEROUS opportunities to get up or say no to Mia Malkova sitting on his crotch, nonetheless.
And alternately, many (immature) men thought that Faith was overreacting, because look! Ethan's a YouTuber! He's an e n t e r t a i n e r... he gets a pass for these things because he just did it for a YouTube video, it's fine! To which I say... Shutthefuckupthat'ssomebullshit. It wasn't really a highlight of the video. It wasn't the funniest thing- it wasn't even really good content. The only "good" content that came out of it was Faith's TikTok's or Ethan having to explain himself on Sidecast's, and the only reason people enjoyed that was because they were allowed an opinion on the conflict and could watch the beef play out whilst also adding fuel to the fire with all their snide comments and keyboard warrior-ing.
It was really stupid in my opinion, that whole Mia Malkova, Sidemen Tinder conflict, because it shouldn't have happened; Ethan should've known better.
But that's the start of the Faith Kelly hate train. A few other things that have contributed to it are:
The fact she doesn't want to take Ethan's last name and rid her own. Ethan wants her to take his last name, "Payne". She wants to keep some of her family name and made a compromise, agreeing to go for "Payne-Kelly". I feel like Ethan's patriarchal values really spoke to me when he threw a little tantrum at the idea of that.
"permission slips": the name given to the action of Ethan checking with Faith whether he's good to go out. People called it "micromanaging" and "controlling" from Faith, but that's literally basic communication? Tell your partner you aren't available and check that you haven't got plans with them or signed up to something else beforehand...?
The podcast. Because apparently if you aren't interested in what they're doing and saying, you can't just scroll by without hate-commenting.
The fact that she has an Essex accent. People hate it and say "God I could never date a girl that sounds like that"... Then don't?
Her nose. Because she has a nose which literally fits the beauty standard, but some people still found ways to get angry.
And now there's the whole problem with the fact she got surgery.
I personally don't think there's a problem with getting surgery in the first place. If you're insecure about something and that's holding you back, change it; we have surgery available to all for a reason and if it's safe to do so, I see no problem with it.
Faith got bits n bobs of surgery done when she was younger, and she cleared up on an Instagram story, and which is also evident on an old clip of her on some TV dating show.
She had cheek fillers, chin fillers, jaw fillers and lip fillers (which I'm certain of, I don't know of any others if i'm honest). And that was because she didn't like her face shape and thought that to be more pretty, she ought to get those done.
Since then, she's used 5ml dissolver (im not too sure what exactly she said she got done but there was the number 5 somewhere, and she said that all filler had now DEFFO been dissolved) and gotten all filler removed from her face, leaving her with a softer, more heart shaped face and what is in my opinion, an overall prettier face. Beauty of course is in the eye of the beholder.
Now whilst I can empathise with Faith for being insecure when she was younger and thus getting surgery which she in later life dissolved as she realised she was happy with her face, I know that the male "Faith-Hating" population cannot.
This is likely because of the belief that plastic surgery = fake, fake, fake = bad, bad, bad. This is quite a common view which I believe that men and older generations uphold; surgery is for those who focus only on aesthetics and makes you fake which means you aren't naturally pretty aka makes a woman worth less. A very crude explanation of the patriarchal view on plastic surgery.
I think this view is quite shallow and superficial in itself because it lacks engagement with a what? argument, because whilst males can identify that women (may) get surgery out of insecurity, they cannot engage WHAT the problem with that is.
What is the big problem regarding a women deciding to change her face slightly? What does it matter to you if someone makes their lips slightly puffier? What effects does it have on your life whereby you feel the need to then go onto Faith's page and tell Ethan that HE NEEDS TO LEAVE HER!!!!
Hence moving onto the "Ethan should leave her" opinion, I think it's absolutely shocking.
Lacks grace, etiquette and fundamental respect to HARASS someone who you look up to- someone who you (perhaps) IDOLISE just to command them that they must leave their girlfriend.
And I've seen these comments time after time.
Why do they tell Ethan that he must leave Faith?
Because of the permission slips. God forbid having a girlfriend that controlling, that she'd want to know when her boyfriend wouldn't be home so that she can plan out her day accordingly.
Because she argues with Ethan on the podcast. Quite ironic that their little bickers over the little things have people thinking that they are always arguing and completely toxic. Wait til those fans hear about banter between friends.
Because she's "the type" to cheat. This one was mind-bogglingly stupid: people were telling Ethan that Faith is the type to cheat, whilst she claimed to have a little celeb crush on Haaland. For those who don't know, this is Haaland:
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He obviously isn't an absolute stone cold stunner, but he's quite sweet. A little celeb crush on him is v reasonable. But for some reason, these thickos just cannot understand that having a celeb crush DOES NOT MEAN SHE'S GONNA CHEAT!!!!!
The whole REASON for a celeb crush is the sort of idolisation that someone is so cute and dreamy and that it's find to have that crush because it's not like you'll ever meet them or have a chance with them... i mean, that's literally the definition of having Hall Passes in relationships!
I bet the situation would be 10x bloody worse and somehow still anti!Faith, if Ethan said that he had a celeb crush on... idk SELENA GOMEZ or someone famous n gorg like that, and Faith said "what so you'd cheat on me for her?", voicing Ethan's fans in her Haaland-situation.
And I think a lot of these scenarios follow that logic.
Flip the roles around- assume Faith said/did the things that Ethan does to her, but instead did those to Ethan...
The Sidemen incellular-fanboys would go off their rockers. How dare she! She's such a cheater! He should leave her!
In summary, I think the spawn of the hate towards Faith Kelly is born out of patriarchal, hypocritical double standards from a male demographic of teenaged Sidemen-fans who cannot yet develop empathy and understanding to anything Faith does, and due to their own self-important ignorance, refuse to even try empathise with Faith and thus instead of choosing to educate themselves and understand- they take the easy route and decide to send her sexist and unjust hate instead.
Sorry for the waffle and hope that makes just enough sense for atl one person to read this and think "you know what, that isn't half untrue"
[not proofchecked, ignore spelling errors]
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golbrocklovely · 5 months
I think a lot of the younger fandom, the ones who often forget that Sam and Colby are both almost thirty, living their lives, while having a passion for youtube/paranormal, are indeed that. Adults.
They can take criticism and adjust if they want to, yet in my eyes I have no issues with them keeping life private, doing what they need to do and posting when they want to. I'm sure they are working insanely hard behind the scenes, the only problem really is that fans not all, but some believe they are entitled to have them engaging or posting when they want them to.
If they want that, then look for other channels, the Sidemen post every one to two days on one of their many channels plus on sideplus. A lot of british commentators post twice or three times a week.
Depending on the content and the context of what they are doing, taking time is better than getting a half assed not fully finished product.
As a fan who is older than most (at least I think so) it's shameful how others act.
/gets off soap box.
i agree with you. i think too many fans expect snc to just tell us everything that's happening with them at all times, bc they've done that for so many years. and bc fans are expecting that openness, when they don't get it… they feel like snc are hiding from us. when really they are just setting a boundary and all of those fans freaking out are just upset they don't have the inside scoop anymore.
bc look, if all of this was just about content and the lack of it recently, then i would be on board for the frustration. bc it is a bit sad to see less and less of them. but, if they don't want to share with us what they do in their free time, i'm not gonna harp on them for it. the one vid a month has been the usual for some time, they post on react weekly, and just bc they don't interact with us all the time like they once did doesn't mean they've changed.
like, the fandom 12 million ppl in it, even if snc wanted to talk to everyone in the fandom, they wouldn't be able to. and sorry, but it's not the end of the world if they don't want to talk to fans on twitter or any site for that matter. you aren't warranted unfeathered access to them just bc you buy merch or have supported them for years. it's not snc's job to interact with us. it's an added bonus, for our benefit (and theirs too). but it's only really mutual for them when WE AREN'T DICKHEADS to them.
personally, if snc only tweet out links to vids and merch drops from this point forward, i wouldn't lose sleep over it. who cares. my god lol
but the fact of the matter is all of this drama started with the girls. once they got in the picture, everyone started finding reasons to be hateful. and maybe now they aren't the sole reason, but they were the beginning. and snc have been flat out telling us that going on social media and seeing everyone's comments, mostly on twitter, is hard for their mental healths. and if the ppl on there can't accept that or want to argue about it, babes... you ain't got no one to blame but yourselves. bc snc have ALWAYS been forgiving, always been ppl pleasers. they wouldn't just randomly ice out part of the fandom for no reason.
but idk why i bother. if you don't agree with that side of the fandom, you're just an snc dick rider or too far up their asses to be "real" about them lol but look, if that means i know i can go to sleep at night knowing i haven't been ragging on their gfs for months on end or saying they've changed bc they set a boundary, then idc. call me snc's #1 dick rider.
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findroleplay · 2 years
hello!! 20, she/her ; will only rp with people 19+ so no minors!!!!
i’m looking for a single original oc x oc roleplay! it can be bxg, gxg or bxb, i don’t mind the pairing.
the plot i have in mind is two small streamers met on twitch, they’ve been playing games for years with each other (or a few months to a year, either is fine!!) and they have feelings for each other but never acted on it, especially since they haven’t met yet.
it’s not fully thought out and i have another idea that we can discuss in pm in case you like this one better!!
we can always add more to the plot but i’m looking for fluff, drama and angst, i think it would be cool!! :)
i’m also looking for one direction, sidemen and shameless us roleplays so if you’re not wanting an original rp but one of these feel free to like this and i’ll message ya!! :)
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*Ik that this isn't in colour order but idc*
Apparently my childcare class need to care that some girl in my class couldn't find the key to the stock cupboard at work. Or that the only boy in our class needs a girlfriend but he doesn't even know how to be polite to the girls that are already in his class. Or that some girl drinks redbull for her breakfast. Or that the same girl who couldn't find the keys doesn't like to eat breakfast or that she had to read 3 books to her little sister last night and sing jingle bells. Who actually asked or cares?Ssssssslllllllllllaaaaaayyyyyyy iiiiiiiiiiiigggggggg
The girl who couldn't find the keys has told like 20 people and is now singing Skyfall with her earphones in as the only boy in my class slow dances with a container of fried chicken. 😑
Turns out the chicken is actually bacon, and I am in shock. He dropped it on the floor and someone just came in and slipped on it. The boy (let's call him Konan) keeps flirting with the girl who lost the keys (let's call her Helen).
I asked Helen if she liked Konan and she said no, but she definitely does. Now they're arguing about periods (he's scared of them) and about how in spain you can get a week off from work if you're on your period. Helen is now flexing about how the girl with the emu coat (iykyk) has leaked, why is she telling us this?!
I think it's finally over now, thank god, THE DRAMA IS TOO MUCHHHH
Now we're debating about if it's 'Breakfast, dinner and tea' (which it definitely is) or 'Breakfast, lunch and dinner'.
What do you think?
Now we're talking about if bread and butter is nice or not. It definitely, definitely is btdubs...
Now we are talking about different types of bread. I bet you can't guess what course I'm doing at college.
Kodak (or whatever I called him) is flirting with Helen and it's actually so funny tbf. She was flirting with me on the first day and because i rejected her, she told the whole class that I was ace. 😑
Konan says he wants to recreate the 'Lady and The Tramp spaghetti scene' with Helen irl. 😭✋️He wants to 'Netflix and sit down and have some pringles, mate' with her aswell. 😭😭😭
Is it weird to wear your prom dress to be a bridesmaid? Yes. Definitely is.
Helen apparently doesn't have social media but I feel like she has tumblr. Imagine if she saw this, she'd report me and cry about it.
Kodak loves isbians (spelling intentional).
Some old, crusty teacher keeps walking in our room and going, "Ohhh, I'm in the wrong room *giggle*". Like actually piss off, she's done it three times now.
They're playing 'This is my fight song' as Helen was singing it really, REALLY, REEEAAAALLLLLLLLYYYY loudly on the bus.
We've got a true Sidemen fan in our midst, all she ever wears is XIX hoodies and she has a water bottle too sksksks ✨️✨️
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Stupid fucking Helen has left me with no room on this pissing table.
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Konan is staring at people as they walk out the class and he just jiggled his arse for no reason 😭✋️
Helen is listening to the loudest music I've ever heard.
Konan and Helen have just had a lovers tiff, but it's all good now...
Just made some #Honan fanart
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Helen actually stinks like piss and weed, not an attractive combo at all. Just needed to state that, also I just need to state that although this may seem mean, she is rude and annoying so idrc tbh. 🍃👃
Here's a virtual joint to help you get through the hell that is this 'DAY IN THE LIFE OF A COLLEGE GAL IN CLASS'. Enjoy!
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joshuasearing · 9 months
Tuesday 26th December 2023
Hey journal so today I went to a football game. I went to a game with my dad and my dad’s mate and he’s mates daughter. So in the morning I relaxed for a little then got ready for the game. Then he’s friend picked us up and we all went to the game. It took us about 30 minutes to get to the ground. Once i got to the ground I got searched as I am old enough to get searched and they were searching everyone old enough. Once we got on we all went in the bar. We saw the people that in control of the urban blue charity and we spent some time with them. Then I had a lemonade and sat down with them all. They have also invited me and my dad to another football game so me and my dad are going to a football game for free this Friday, as they are getting us free tickets. They are able to do this as they know people that are main parts of the football team that they are getting tickets for us for. Anyways after a while we got some food. I got this deluxe burger it was really nice to be fair. Then I ate this and watched all the players train whilst we waited for kick off. Also whilst doing this my dad ended up speaking to the owner of the club we went to support today. My dad also spoke to a few other people. Also anyways the first half was 50/50 it ended 0-0 at the first half. During the game I looked to my right and a fair distance a way there was this girl that looked very similar to my ex and for ages I could not tell whether it was my ex or not. I still have not got the answer in my mind completely, but I don’t think it was. Anyways in the last couple minutes of the game, one of the opposing team players scored a volley into the top bins out of no where and it was a literal screamer. One of the best goals I have ever seen in person it was incredible. Then after the goal there was loads of drama on the pitch and things were going crazy and people were fighting. Then the referee sent off one of are substitutes. Anyways after the game, I saw this boy. At first I did not understand why I recognised him I just recognised he’s face. Then I realised it’s one of my ex’s friends. Then after the game I got dropped of to my gym. Once I fully was there I realised the gym was shut so I have walked to town to see whether pure gym was open. It said open online when I was walking there. However once I got there the light was on but the door was not opening. So I ended up calling my mum to pick me up and she picked me up near my doctors. Then since I have been home I have watched some among us sidemen, had some food, made and posted some tiktoks, now I am writing in here. Anyways this has been my day, I will speak to you later journal, bye!
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minecraftdog · 1 year
Oh you know nothing much happened, everything is completely fine we are not in panic at all
There was drama with Dream being his silly self and saying on TikTok he used AI to write the rap part of Everest
Yang gravy defended Everest on TikTok comments and called Dream his friend on Hasan's stream
I don't remember if it was last week or this week but Bad said his favorite drusic song is Paranoid
Hanna's favorite song is Paranoid and Spotlight
Were you around when we got the snippet of Spotlight? ( Because that was crazy)
Dream had a major surgery but he is ok now, he still hasn't told us what happened but he will because "it's an interesting story "
Dream is living with his mom until he gets better because apparently she is a nurse of some kind
Sapnap won a round in chess competition and played the Sims with horses extension
George did a stream ( basically a disstrack reaction 2.0) reacting to sidemen video
George neither confirmed or denied if he likes anal 😵‍💫
George is offended someone would think he gives bad head 💀
thank you!!! I caught up on most of those things on the dtupdates already but somehow I missed spotlight snipped?? so thank you so much for the list
I've just finished the George vod and I have just need to say. he is gay. and a fujoshi.
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sidemenxyn · 1 year
What dating Harry would be like!
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Tw: language, mentions of alcohol and I believe that’s it!
Off the bat you two are such an amazing and easy going couple.
Like you two are able to match each others energy and are able to tell when something off.
Obviously your more sociable than Harry so when you can sense he’s uncomfortable you either leave the place or confront him till your from the area.
If you have a friendship group with drama, he is knowing all the gossip! No matter what, when, who and why.
Like you’ll tell him some drama and because you two are alike he would react similar to the way you did.
You both do sports (let’s say you do) you definitely are going on jogs or going to the gym together; even if you aren’t doing the same thing. You both go and leave together.
While filming videos, if they are sidemen videos fans can catch a glimpse or a few moments of your two hugging or holding hands. Especially if your both on a holiday video, no matter the team and if it’s bad or good; you two will make it fun and manageable.
If it’s gaming for moresidemen, prepare yourself and grab your soundproof headphones cause we all know what’s to come. You always make sure to wear the comfiest clothes for two reasons; one being it’s going to be a long film and two is so Harry has a soft hug after losing the game😭
You pair are always the class clowns in the back to school videos, also in the ‘are you smarter than a 5th grader’ the kids would laugh at the pair of you cause you probably acted like their classmates😂
You pair are really good together on camera, your both overall good at making content just by being yourselves.
Besides the socials, you pair are so loving to each other. If your editing, grab another chair and expect Harold at your door with some snacks. If he’s editing, just know your gonna have the best seat in the house. He loves when your knocking on his door asking to keep him some company.
Since Harry isn’t fussed on watching movies and you are, it just gives him the excuse to cuddle with you for more time and have snacks. He doesn’t pay attention but he does pay attention to you, if you laugh at a joke he just observes your face. He loves your laugh and smile.
If you two are filming for Calfreezy or chip just know either one of your or you both are getting drunk. Especially chips channel, most likely a pub crawl or an abroad pub crawl.
If he’s peppered and your not, this man with be absolutely pampered (more than ever) you’ll make him a bath and getting the bed comfy for him and as he bathed you are preparing the tablets he’s gonna take for his headaches the next day.
If your drunk he’ll return the favour and gives you one of his T-shirts for bed.
Filming football videos mainly for Chris as Harry doesn’t film them no more; it’s a rollercoaster of events. From joking about anything, to booting the ball over to the next field. To getting joked about your shot, to then score and absolute banger.
Going on podcasts, they are fun. These are more easier for Harry as he just has to talk. And if your good at that too, than it’s easy. You love when you are able to talk about past memories with each other either it was when you were dating or just friends.
You both have been dating since the ending of the second house. So it’s been a while, but a good while.
You both loved winding up Calfreezy about you two being together, when he didn’t have a girlfriend.
Also a way you two show love, which is a odd way but you two couldn’t care is play fighting. As you two are just winding each other up sometimes it escalates to play fighting.
Harry loves physical affection, like you two doing a moresidemen quiz and you sat next to each other? Expect a hand on your knee or an arm around your shoulder. You both on a plane for a holiday video? Expect a sleeping Harry leaning against you and the funniest selfies from the trip. This man just love contact, even if your both just walking and your holding pinky’s. Or if your standing and he’s sitting he’ll pull you onto his lap or hug you.
When you were about two years into the relationship or around the time Harry still filmed on his main channel. You most of the time be in the videos, it wasn’t for clout it’s just you wanted to have fun with Harry and do what he loves doing.
By that you’d sometimes pick him up and have a kick about at the nearest field. To now watching him play Sunday league with Ethan as you and Faith would be their cheerleaders and Olive being their little mascot (that’s would actually be cute tho)
On the topic of sports, harry encourages you to do what you do in sports. If it’s Y/n Willows (my character kinda) then he’ll support your boxing career. Or any other hobby/sport you enjoy doing.
You both are clingy but when you both need space, space will happen until you both are ready to be clingy again.
Overall, this relationship between you two is the best thing that could ever happen. You two are Abel to see the future together and much more things. You both have a lot to do and when it come around you pair will do it with pride.
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somewhat-sidemen · 7 years
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I am officially dead
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kunspired · 7 years
deji's diss track, basically: scrolled through all the sidemens YouTube comments, picked a handful of generic insults they've all heard three thousand times, then spoke them over a beat
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sdmnxix · 7 years
Bro Dejis reaction to simons diss is actual so sad like he says all of Simons disses were lies then goes on to say "all the disses are something that's happening." Like make up your mind. He probs didn't say anything besides "I'm saving it for the track." Because he still hasn't come up with it yet. 😂
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sidemen-and-chill · 7 years
I got your mum twerking for my rupees
Vik ending Deji | THE END - SIDEMEN DISS TRACK REPLY (Official Music Video)
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sidemen vs ksi
let me preface this by saying I know nothing about the sidemen
The beef has been all over my tumblr and YouTube and I just needed to watch the diss tracks. They won. I clicked. I’m not mad about it.
I still don’t really get it to be honest. So, JJ left the sidemen. Ethan dropped a diss track flaming JJ. Harry dropped a diss track flaming JJ. Deji dropped a diss track flaming all of the sidemen. Simon dropped a diss track flaming Deji (stating that Deji’s diss track was a low blow and that the “beef” was between the two of them and all the sidemen should not have been dragged into it). On that same day, JJ drops a diss track with RiceGum that flames everybody especially Ethan because that’s where it started. Then the very next day JJ dropped a diss track flaming Simon for flaming Deji. And finally, yesterday Vik dropped a diss track flaming Deji for calling him out saying he wouldn’t do one. Am I right? All caught up?
Okay so like obviously it’s all staged. The quality of the diss tracks (filming, writing, production, everything) is too great on all of them to have been made days in between. For example, ONE DAY in between Deji’s and Simon’s tracks. Impossible. That would mean that the VERY DAY Deji uploaded the video (August 11), Simon watched it, wrote a rap, filmed an elaborate video, and edit said elaborate video, all in time to upload it the next day. I’m not YouTube star but no fucking way.
It’s 100% all fake which is fine. I get it, views = money. I’m not mad about it, it’s their job. They need to make money and this is how they do it. And I’m entertained so as I said, I’m not mad. The only thing that’s shit is that some people are believing it to be real when it’s not, which is probably making people turn on Deji or on JJ or on Simon and so on. I’m sure they don’t care because they made the videos and they’re not dumb; they knew what they were signing up for. Honestly, well played on their part. Good content, sub par fake drama, all in all I give this fake beef a 8/10 (there’s not enough fake reasoning behind it to give it a 10/10).
(on a side note, Vik’s diss track was my favorite because it was bad but also good and it made me chuckle)
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