letthemyeetcake · 4 days
The worst trick a childhood anxiety disorder pulls is, you spend your early years being applauded for being so much more mature than your peers, because you aren’t disruptive, you don’t want any kind of attention, you don’t express yourself, you keep yourself to yourself - this makes you a pleasure to have in class, etc etc - and you start to believe it’s virtue. But you’re actually way behind your peers in normal social development, and who knows if you can ever catch up.
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letthemyeetcake · 10 days
Watching people make tumblr concoctions I am reminded of the one I used to make in college that, apparently, survived even after my time. I didn't drink at the timeso its nonalcoholic, though no less bad for you. It's a variation of Pixidew that I called Kiki on the Rocks but later students called Nectar of the Gods. It consists of:
1 mug Mountain Dew
2 Pixi Stix
1 packet of Pop Rocks
The thing is that there is a very specific order that you need to add things in or it will explode, but for the life of me I do not recall if it is the Pixi Stix or the Pop Rocks that needs to go in first soooo...
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letthemyeetcake · 23 days
NaNoWriMo has decided to to be pro-AI writing. One of their sponsors is an AI company. They say categorically condemning ai writing is classified and ablist.
As someone who narrated half a book using text to speech software because my hands weren't working, I extend unto them a hearty "fuck you for using disabled people as a shield for your shitty viewpoint."
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letthemyeetcake · 1 month
The English Language 2
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Why yes, I DID do two version of English-language-as-three-kobolds-in-a-trenchcoat. Don't judge me. And yeah, this is more the doglike version of kobolds along the lines of Dungeon Meshi, but DnD used to have rather doglike kobolds in older editions. I'm... beginning to suspect that the reason they swapped them to be more lizard like was because, well, who really wants to fight an adorable pupper?
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letthemyeetcake · 1 month
Maybe Clark Kent is actually kinda faceblind and does not realize that wearing glasses would not conceal his identity from most people. Cause that is the kind of assumption my prosopagnostic ass would make.
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letthemyeetcake · 2 months
Behold, the English language! Well, the English language as represented by three kobolds in a trench coat. One being Latin, another old Germanic languages, and then Norman. I'll leave you to guess which is which.
Er, I tried to do my best with the wording, but please keep in mind these aren't languages I've studied.
Also please excuse the artifacting. I'm trying to protecc me arts!
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letthemyeetcake · 2 months
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does anyone know if i can like block sites from appearing in my google images searches??? i keep getting those awful ai generated things with a hand coming out of a man's neck and just straight up not what i was looking for, because this was in a search for "curly hair in medieval paintings". it happens every time i search for anything vaguely art-reference-like and it's so fucking annoying and it clutters my search results so much. i don't wanna add specific commands to the query every time too, what i need is like a browser extension or something
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letthemyeetcake · 2 months
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letthemyeetcake · 2 months
the transition im crying
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letthemyeetcake · 3 months
hi. i made some images.
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feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required
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letthemyeetcake · 3 months
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went with a black appaloosa for ace! ft hellebore, 'amazing grey' poppies, hoya, and clematis :D
please reblog if you enjoy! <3
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letthemyeetcake · 3 months
Redneck necromancer who uses wd40 to cast, because "If it don't move and it should, use wd40"
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letthemyeetcake · 3 months
Idea: a story where all you see is the protagonists off screen moments and you have to piece the story together based on that. Where did that random shiner come from as they eat their takeout? What is that suspicious red letter peeking out from amidst their junk mail? Why do they have two toothbrushes in their bathroom when they live alone?
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letthemyeetcake · 3 months
Alrighty, color me intrigued.
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letthemyeetcake · 3 months
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Apologies for the 1990sish image artifacts. Trying out some AI protection. Anyway! This fella isn't based on any particular bones, but the plumage is very cockatoo.
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letthemyeetcake · 3 months
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I’ve never been so taken out by a response
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letthemyeetcake · 3 months
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I finally managed to write it, if you can’t contribute then boosts are indispensable bcs I don’t have any followers. Thanks everyone
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