totokoismyfav · 2 months
Hi! I would like to request a Headcanon of the sextuplets, DaddyMatsu please! , something fluff/Funny where the children of the sextuplets find their Dad old sweaters (You Know with The Matsu Simbol) and put them on because they seemed comfortable, and when the S/O of the matsus sees her Son/Daughter she can't help but say something like "Awww my baby look like her/His Dad! so cute!" and the son/daughter, to play along with his/her mother, does or says some action or word typical of his/her father, imitating him.
(Sorry if it was not understood or if it is too much, I was really excited about something like this)
Have a Good Morning/Afternoon/Night!
wahhh this request was so cute, tysm for submitting! also sorry this is my first time writing for most of the brothers (i mainly wrote for Choro in highschool loll)
osomatsu san sextuplets /reader | daddymatsu! shenanigans
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Osomatsu: A little chip off the old block, that’s what Osomatsu’s son was. The little rascal was digging through one of the many closets in his home when he found the red sweater his dad wore for so many years back then. “Whatcha got there kiddo?” The young boy looked behind him as he saw his dad leaning against the open door frame of the closet, smiling warmly down at him. The little boy had his father's hoodie on over his small frame, his smile reminiscent of his father. Osomatsu’s s/o walked into the cute sight, sighing as they laughed softly. “It’s like I’m seeing doubles. You look just like your father.” Just then, their son rubbed the top of their lip with their index finger, “Ha ha! That’s my boy!”  Karamatsu:  His heart swelled with affection and pride when his little girl found his old blue sweater while looking through some old boxes in the living room, her small hands picking the large lump of fabric up and grunting up at her daddy. “Oh my little dove, you want to wear it?” His oh-so-smart girl nodded her head, she was growing so fast. He chuckled and complied, putting the hoodie over her head and draping it over her tiny form. “So cute!” Karamatsu heard from behind him as his s/o walked into the room, their eyes glued to their daughter. “She looks just like you hon.” He smiled and nodded, “Although, it’s missing something dear.” Karamatsu then dug through another box, pulling out an old pair of sunglasses and put them on his daughter, smiling as they were too big for her and ended up being lop-sided on her head, earning a few giggles from the toddler. “There, now she’s perfect. Although, my little darling was always perfect.” Choromatsu: Choromatsu about died when his toddler daughter walked into the room, wearing his old mint green hoodie from back in the day. The hoodie was too big for her, dragging across the floor as she tried to walk around in it. He smiled as she waddled up to him, holding her arms out to him as she smiled. She was definitely his little girl, triangular-type smile and all. He, of course, took her into his arms as his s/o walked into the room, handing their baby off to them as they smiled. “She looks so much like you,” They remarked, “So cute!”. The adorable moment was interrupted by the little girl shouting, “Fappymatsu!” with a heap of giggles. “WHO TAUGHT HER THAT?!” Ichimatsu: Oh, he felt like he was going to throw up. Not because he was disgusted or anything, far from it. He was overflowing with pride and joy, a bit too much for his liking and body to handle. He’s definitely not used to these feelings, he’s been feeling it so much lately but he’s willing to put up with it to see his little girl happy and thriving. The sweater, which was way too big for the small toddler, was draped across her body as she walked around the house; pretending she was her father, even messing up her hair and slouching a bit. Ichimatsu thought he had locked the old ratted piece of garbage up in the attic but apparently not. His s/o watched from the couch as they laughed, “She looks just like you!” Just then, his daughter brought her fists up to her face and did a signature cat pose. Ok, now he’s really gonna throw up. Jyushimatsu: Jyushimatsu had walked into an interesting sight, his young son had found his old yellow hoodie in the pile of laundry in the laundry room. He let out his signature laugh as he picked his son up, spinning him around as the pair of them giggled and laughed. “Ha ha! You look just like me!” Just then, his s/o walked up with a basket of laundry and laughed alongside them, “How cute Jyushi, it’s like a mini you!”  The young boy shouted “Hustle hustle! Muscle muscle!” He had heard his father's signature catchphrase before from him shouting it throughout the house. Jyushi let out another laugh, “Yeah, that’s right! Hustle hustle! Muscle muscle!”  
Todomatsu:  Where was his phone, he needs to find it right now. His little girl had somehow pulled his old pink hoodie off of one of the hangers in the closet as she walked around the house, trying not to trip and fall over the long fabric. Todomatsu scrambled off the couch as he searched for his phone, “Stupid thing! It’s too small, I need to upgrade that piece of shit.” “Mind your language hon.” He looked behind him to see his s/o holding his phone, already taking pictures of their daughter. Totty smiled as he kissed his s/o on the cheek and took his phone back, already taking more pictures. “So cute, she looks just like you!” They proclaimed, just then his daughter pretended to take pictures with her own pretend phone just like her daddy. Time to switch to video!
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thebardisabird · 10 months
DaddyMatsu! DaddyMatsu! How would the boys react to their teenaged child dating someone just like Karamatsu in personality though not as showy or dramatic but a close ringer. Like they open the door when there’s a knock and when they open their kid’s date goes “it’s just me Mr. Matsuno, your future-son-in-law!” 😎✨
Osomatsu I feel like would probably think the kid is trying too hard. Being that he's a dad now and he's seen this similar try-hard-ness with his brother, he will most likely try to get them to show more of their personality by asking them about their interests or like inviting them to do stuff with the family, etc. - real after school special dad antics. Very much 'Yeah the leather jacket is cool, but what are you actually comfortable in?'
Karamatsu adores them right away. The energy their child's date gives off reminds him of his younger days and it becomes this constant mirror of charismatic, spirited personas between the two. Karamatsu might attempt to lend the kid his sequined jeans, but that is quickly thwarted by his child who makes it clear that is a 'hell no' from them. That conversation ends with both Karamatsu and the date sighing and crumpling to the ground like wilted flowers. The two end up bonding quite a bit as a result!
Choromatsu thinks it's an act at first to try to impress him...and he's wondering why this was the choice they went with. When he realizes it's not an act, he tries to understand why his kid's date is like this? Ultimately he decides that teenagers don't make sense as well as well recognizes that teenagers are still trying to find their identities so he just wishes his child and their date a good time, and leaves it at that.
Ichimatsu is immediately making a face. He's been around this block before and he is not looking forward to having to relive the same flash and fire akin to his older brother. But...he does see that his kid seems to like them, and that's really what matters to him the most. As long as their intentions are good, then it becomes less and less of a thing he cares about.
Jyushimatsu never cared to begin with! Straight away he'll tell them they remind him of his nii-san, which to him must mean they're not all that bad! Jyushimatsu is more concerned with how they treat his kid more than anything else. It's not about looks with him, but rather heart. And how that heart translates into being a good person to his child.
Todomatsu will probably pull the kid aside and have the 'That's not gonna win my kid over, you're doing too much' chat. At first it may come off as critical, but Todomatsu actually ends up giving them good advice and reminding that it's better to be themselves rather than what they think parents (or really anyone for that matter) want them to be or act like.
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karamatsusdiscodong · 13 hours
Okay, I have been reading through the Daddymatsu tags and I fucking ADORE it- and I'm low key thinking of sharing my OC/ Self Inserts kid, And then branching out to write some daddymatsu stuff for the guys.
I have been in a writting block for a long while and if this is how it's finally lifted then so be it.
As always, Send asks and requests if you wanna share anything or request anything !
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goodenoughmatsu · 1 year
hello admin of this account, it's my first time asking for something here.... I was wondering how you think the matsuo family would react if they were invited to go to disney with all paid 🤔?I think this is a cute scenario... Strangely.
Osomatsu: Has one goal. The idea is to get the kids so exhausted that he and his partner can have time alone. This ultimately backfires and he ends up exhausted too. But there is a magical moment where the kids are sleeping, and his s/o buries themselves into his side before Osomatsu blacks out from the dopamine crash that is Disney. He does get upset at missing out on the alcoholic drinks. Karamatsu: tries to look really brave, picking rides that push the boundaries of human courage! Only to end up opting instead to be the cool dad who takes his kids to the tea cups… someone definitely throws up on him, and he gets a cool 80 dollar shirt. Despite this, he takes over 30 pictures to fill his usually empty wallet. Choromatsu: He made a plan, for sure he did. But because kids are unpredictable, as well as other humans who go to the amusement park- he’s just glad he shoved so much sunscreen on his kids not one ended up with a sunburn. The same couldn't be said about him, and his partner gladly helps by putting aloe on his burns. His number one accomplishment was gaining all the collectable coins, and autographs so his kids remember the fun! Ichimatsu: ends up being the dad who does throw up. The stress of being on some of the rides got to him pretty bad, and he was disappointed there wasn’t a cat themed mascot really- but his partner found him an Aristocat’s shirt. He stays back with the tiny kids if there's any that are too young for the rides, or makes an excuse not to get into a roller coaster ride. Though he did like the haunted mansion- even if he made a few people scared himself. Jyushimatsu: his partner isn’t sure how, but they lose him for 10 minutes before they get followed by goofy. Jyushi being in the costume the entire time- is just happy to find his family and ends up saving one of his kids before removing the head and destroying the magic of disney for them by accident. Todomatsu: On top of it, though the mascots creep him out. Plenty of pictures to brag to his brothers and everyone just how good he is at being a dad- and how amazingly hot his partner is- and how cute his kids are! The aesthetics of wearing matching outfits was great, and getting a daycare spot so he and his partner could get some adult drinks- honestly, he’s living the high life.
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bunnimatsu · 7 months
i js woke up from a dream about me having six separate kids with the sextuplets, and it reminded me of my daddymatsu oso and mama jarvis stuff.
and now everyone’s getting baby content today
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kim-chann · 4 years
Matsu’s reacting when you say you want a baby (Yes and No):
//season 3 spoilers: I’m so soft after hearing that some of the Matsu’s wants future kids in episode 5 hhhh, so sweet 💕💕✨✨
The house that they shared was too quiet, so quiet, that he could hear his own heart beat in his ears. Comparing to a quiet hike, the mountain of quietness whenever you stop walking made you feel like someone was covering your ears.
The ringing in his ears because of the sudden quietness made him anxious. It was natural sure, but here he stood, in his house, in front of this S/O where silence deafened their ears just after four words left his S/O’s mouth.
“I want a baby.”
Yes: “A baby?” Osomatsu spoke, repeating what his S/O said. His eyes were wider than usual and his face was visibly anxious. His S/O nodded, “Yes, I want a baby with you, Osomatsu...” As they stepped closer to him, he his knees felt weak; like an unknown weigh was pulling him down. As soon as his S/O cupped his hands, he collapsed into his lovers arms and let out a sob that he didn’t know that he has been holding. 
“Of fucking course, babe, I thought you’d never ask.” His voice was shaky and muffled in his lover’s shoulders but he couldn’t help it. Kids are great after all, and he wanted his own-- his own offspring where he can love and raise with his lover. But never in a million years where he thought his S/O would want a child with him. It was like a dream to him. 
Osomatsu feels a bit embarrassed that he got so emotional at his S/O’s proposal, he just wasn’t mentally prepared for such a scenario. 
Osomatsu removed himself in his lovers arms before he smiled at his S/O. His smug grin returned to his face and he smothered his lovers face with kisses, “Want to try? Right now?” He’d ask between kisses.  
“Osomatsu!” A giggle left their throat at soon as he begun to kiss at their cheek that trailed down to their neck. “Come on! Not here!”
“Aww! Fine... let’s go to the bedroom.”
No: His face was pale, his eyes were unreadable as he bit in his lower lip. “K-Kids?” He repeated. He thought of such a thing, wanting kids with his lover was a good thing, yes, but was he really prepared for this?
“Yes, Osomatsu, I want a child with you...” As his lover approached him, he felt a wave of guilt wash through him. His lover gripped his hands as his arms felt limp; like he had no control over them. His muscles felt so tense that he couldn’t move. 
“I--” He tried to speak but his speech was incoherent as his emotions were all over the place. With little control over his hands, he gripped his lovers hands tightly and forced out the words: “I can’t.”
“You can’t?”
“No, babe, I can’t.”
The look of disappointment flashed on his lovers face and the weight on his chest doubled. He panicked a bit and tried to reassure his lover, “I-I mean, think about it! Kids are great and all, but are we even prepared for this? Kids are expensive and loud as hell. I...” he sucked up a breath.
“I just don’t want kids, S/O... I’m sorry.”
Yes: His eyes were sparkling bright as soon as he hears his lover say those words. “My love!” He exclaimed and brought them into a hug, planting kisses onto their face and brought them into a deep, long kiss. “I’ve always wanted to have kids with you, dove, it’s like a dream that I’ve always pictured! A family with you, and the kids that we must have.” He emphasised his point by rubbing your belly with a painful smirk. His smirk only widened when his lover giggled. 
“Really!” His lover would exclaim, sharing the same excitement that Karamatsu had as his cheeks were reddening from smiling so big. 
“Of course my love! I was wanting to ask about kids for a while now, but I couldn’t have the confidence to ask.” He confessed, trailing his hands over his lovers waist and gave them a warm smile. He felt a bit embarrassed by the confession, and that his lover was the one that had to ask such a life changing question. 
“Well, it’s better now than never.” His lover shrugged. Karamatsu smiled and brought them into a deep kiss, the kiss begun to make the lovers into a more intimate mood as Karamatsu broke the kiss with a loud smack.
His lover exclaimed when Karamatsu carried them bride-style and laid quick kisses on their cheeks as he led them towards the bedroom, making his S/O giggle at his excitement and affection.
“I can’t wait to see my little Karamatsu Jr~”
No: “You want kids?” He’d repeat, making sure that he was hearing his lover correctly. He felt his heart stop in his chest as his body straightened; nervous and frightened from the sudden confession. Karamatsu always fantasied about wanting kids, but now that he had a lover, imagining a family made him feel... anxious. 
His lovers voice snapped him out of his head as his eyes stared deep into his anticipating lover’s eyes. He knew that they wanted him to say yes, he wanted kids, of course he did. But... he just wasn’t ready.
“My love, please...” His spoke gently, his voice was oddly quiet which surprised both him and his lover. “I don’t think that I’m ready for kids.”
“...But I thought you said you wanted kids?”
“I know, my love, I know.” He spoke, “I want a Karamatsu Jr. but I don’t think I’m prepared to become a parent. My love... can you give me time to think about this?”
His lover’s eyes were filled with disappointment from his answer, but as soon as they smiled at him, they nodded, “Of course, Kara, take your time.”
“Thank you, my love...”
Yes: “Huh? Kids! With m-me?!” He pointed at himself, his voice loud as it echoed throughout the house. His cheeks were flaring as he felt himself die internally. This was something that he’d thought about, and the thought itself made him feel painful butterflies in his stomach. 
“Yes, Choro! I want kids with you!” His lover would exclaim, matching the same energy that he resinated. “I’ve been wanting to have kids with you for a while now, but I didn’t know how to ask you. But I needed to get it out of my chest, can we have kids?”
His eyes were wide and his face was red with such embarrassment. He didn’t know what to say. He took a second to think about the scenarios of having a family with his lover. Unexpectedly, the thoughts made him extremely happy.
Choromatsu swallowed a breath and grabbed his lovers hands, “Y-Yes! I would love to have children with you!” He’d rest his forehead onto their hands, as if he was bowing in a begging way. 
His venerability made his lover laugh as Choromatsu raised his head up in confinement, “W-What’s so funny?”
“You don’t have to bow, Choro! You’re so cute!”
His cheeks flushed, and gripped his lovers hands even tighter, “I’m serious! I want to have kids with you!”
His lover’s giggles subsided as they cupped his cheeks, “I got that mister, and that makes me incredibly happy to hear that...” 
Tears leave his eyes in happiness as he brings his S/O into a hug, “I love you so much, S/O, I want to be married to you one day too...” 
No: “Eh? K-Kids?” He would stutter as soon as he heard his lover confess such a thing. He loved his S/O, yes, of course he did, but staring a family? That was something that he never really thought about. “Are you sure? Why do you want kids?”
His lover smiled at him, “I love you so much, Choro! It would be my true happiness if I could have kids with you.” Their hands cupped his and he felt how clammy and sweaty they were. They were nervous, he could tell. Kids was such a huge thing to think about, and to even have as lovers. It took huge responsibility, and the thought made him sick to his stomach.
Imagining kids with his lover made him happy, but his heart banged with guilt, knowing that he never dreamed to have kids. 
“S/O, kids with you would be wonderful...” His lover smiles, “But I don’t think that we’re ready to have them.” The smile dropped. 
“Kids are a huge responsibility, we don’t even know how to manage children, and don’t know the first thing about them. We’re not ready...” He confesses. He tried to remain confident, but his heart was betraying his demeanour. 
“So... you don’t want kids?”
“...No... I don’t... I’m sorry.”
“Ah, o-okay...”
Yes: He’d choke on his tea as his lover confessed those words. “Kids? W-With me?” His half-lidded eyes would be wide as shock wrote his every movement. “This is just a joke, right...? You’re pranking me, aren’t you? Hahahah, very funny, kitten...” He laughed dryly, taking another sip of his green tea. 
“No, Ichi! I’m serious! I really want kids with you!” 
He spat out his tea once again as he faced them, “N-No, you’re not serious, c’mon, stop messing with me...” 
His lover approached him and gripped his hands and squeezed, “Matsuno Ichimatsu, I want to have your kids and want to raise a family with you, It would be my dream to start a family with someone like you.”
Ichimatsu froze where he sat and stared at his lover, his throat making incoherent noises that tried to imitate words. “W-Why? I’ll be a horrible dad, I’ll be such a bad influence, our kids would hate me, and--”
A quick kiss silenced his anxiety as his words no longer came out of his mouth. “I know this is a big decision, Ichi, I’m serious that I want to have kids with you. I love you so much, I would love to take a big step forward with you.”
Ichimatsu hands shook in his lovers hands, “I--”
“If you don’t want kids, Ichimatsu, that’s fine! I love you, and anything that you want and don’t want is alright, it is a big decision after all, so--”
“...I do want kids.”
“I want kids...”
Now it was his lovers turn to be shocked. His S/O was lost for words as Ichimatsu stared into his lover eyes with nervousness, but determination in his eyes, “H-having kids... would be nice...”
His lover smiled as tears formed into their eyes, “You don’t understand how happy that makes me feel, Ichi...!” 
Ichimatsu’s flushed cheeks made it hard to smile with his burning cheeks, “I’m am too...!” He pulled his lover into a tight hug. 
No: “K-Kids? Are you serious?” He’d ask, laughing dryly as he rolled his eyes, “Kids are nice, but having my own would be troublesome... I’d be a bad dad too.” He took a sip of his green tea. 
The silence made him curious as he turned to face his lover. The unreadable expression on their face made his heart race a bit, “Wait, are... you were being serious?” HIs eyes widened. He pinched himself in his hand and winced when he felt the wave of pain. 
This was fucking real. 
Ichimatsu tried to calm himself down, realising that this wasn’t a prank and that his lover genuinely wanted children. He tried to speak but he didn’t know what to say. “W-Why would you want kids with me...?”
HIs lover stepped closer to him and sat down in front of him. The distance made him a bit more nervous, but felt appreciative that his lover understood that he needed his own space. 
“It’s because I love you, Ichi. I love you so much that I really would love to raise a kid together.” Their smile made his heart pang with guilt. 
He never dreamt of having kids, and the thought of him made him scared. He knew by heart that he doesn’t want any of his own offspring and take care of them because he knew he’d raise them in such a bad way unintentionally. 
Ichimatsu sucked up a breath, “I don’t want kids...”
He’d never forget the look of sadness in his lover eyes before they locked hands and smiled. He could see all the pain just by staring into them. 
“T-That’s fine, Ichi, I love you and respect your decision.” 
Yes: “Kids! Kids!” He’d exclaim, “Of course I would love to have kids!” If it were even possible, his smile would widen and his would pick up his lover and spin them around. The sudden act of eagerness made his lover laugh as he laughed along with them. 
He wanted his own kids and even he was prepared to be a father with his lover. With his learned ability from Eitarou, he knew at least some knowledge of how to raise kids. He placed down his lover and gave them a kiss, “I’ve always wanted to have kids with you, S/O, but I thought that you’d refuse to have kids with me.” He scratched the back of his head, self-conscious of his own confession. 
“None-sense, Jyushi! I love you so much, I’m so sorry that you thought I don’t want to have kids with you.”
His wide smile returned to his face as his cheeks flared up in happiness. “I love you so much, thank you so much!” He’d pull his lover into a hug that was gladly returned from his lover. 
Tears and sobs escaped Jyushimatsu, surprising himself and his lover. He’d never experienced so much happiness before that he couldn’t help but cry in joy. 
No: He covered his mouth with his sleeve, “Kids? Are you sure?” HIs eyes were shaped as a cats as if he were in thought. “Why?”
His lover felt a wave of anxiety from the way he was acting. “I love you, Jyushi! It would be amazing to raise a child with you!” They’d confess, their cheeks glowing red from the words that they spoke. 
Jysuhimatsu removed his sleeve from his mouth and stared at his lover with a sad look in his eyes. His smile was not as big as his S/O was used to as he stepped closer to his S/O and linked hands. 
“S/O, having kids with you would be amazing,” His voice wasn’t loud, as it was kept at a in-voice volume. It scared his lover a bit. 
“But... I don’t want kids.” His smile dropped and he refused to look at his lovers eyes. 
The house went quiet as the ticking of the clock echoed in their ears. 
“I’m sorry, S/O.”
He could hear his lover suck in a painful breath, “No, i-it’s alright... erm, excuse me.” His lover shuffled away from him as he sighed out and covered his face with his hands. 
“Im sorry.”
Yes: “Kids!” He exclaimed, his phone dropping from his hands as his body froze where he stood. “Are you being serious? You want to start a family with me?” He asked, spitting out questions as his lover tried to answer them all. 
“Yes, Totty! I want to raise a family with you!” They smiled at him, their cheeks red from the confession. 
Todomatsu smiled and brought his lover into a tight hug, “You don’t understand how much that makes me feel...! I wanted to have a son or a daughter with you! Raise them to be a prince, or a princess. I-- ugh! I love you so much!” He’d kiss his lover’s cheeks as they giggled in unison. 
“I honestly, thought you’d say no!” His S/O said, making Totty shake his head. 
“I didn’t like the concept of kids, but as I was on Instagram, babies are so cute! It would be so cute to raise one with you and spoil them.” Tears were in his eyes that spoke true happiness. 
“You changed your mind because of Instagram?” His lover asked, a chuckle left their mouth. “That’s so funny and cute at the same time!” 
His S/O laughed at him, but Todomatsu shut them up with a quick kiss. “But even if it weren’t for the media, I would still love to raise children with you, S/O! I love you so much!”
“I love you too, Totty!”
No: “Huh! Kids?” He’d ask, his attention was now on you instead of his phone. “Really?”
“Yes, really.”
“I mean, kids are super cute and all, but they’re loud! All they do it scream, make a mess and cry all the time. I don’t really want a baby because I’m the one that’s your baby.” He winked.
His lover was a loss for words. That wasn’t that they expected at all. 
“So... you don’t want a child?”
“Mm... no. You have me! I’m your baby, right?” He laid his head into your lap and gave you puppy eyes. Your cheeks flared from how cute he looked, as you stroked your hand through his hair. 
You wanted a baby with him, yes, but he must’ve thought that this was some sort of joke because of his reaction. I think you should ask him again, without him being on his phone. 
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devillexi · 4 years
Matsuno and s/o are trying to get a baby. The do it every time possible, s/o lays upside down to make sure the lil soldiers arrive to their destination. In a moment of calm, a thought appeared "Hun... Considering your genes, you think we might have sixtuplets?" Reaction?
((You guys don't know this, but in my family, we got fraternal twins, identical twins, and history twins. And by history twins, my momma looks exactly like how my great auntie looked when she was younger. Auntie looked like my mom with an afro. Just for the record, pregnancies can still be high rish with twins because I mention how the matsus would be fine with just twins.))
He pales at the sudden possibility, because if you manage to conceive them, oh, the two of you will be in for sleepless nights. Not to mention a high risk pregnancy. He would be so ready to get some information from his parents on how in the hell they manage to take care of them if you do.
He would be so scared at the possibility. I mean that would be a hell of a start to never having anymore kids. But he does hope for one baby rather than six. Hell, even twins are fine! But six whole babies, he will fear both you and them because of high risk the pregnancy may be.
He absolutely does not want 6 kids. His limit is at the very least 2 or 3 depending on where you guys are financially. But with his genes and the possibility, having babies is put on hold until you guys have the money and the home to handle and take care of 6 babies. Because even though that would be too many kids, you can't really get rid of them and he still wants to be the best dad a kid can have.
He would panic. Your hands would already be full with one kid. Just imagine having 6! Plus Ichimatsu looked up before the chance of having sextuplets and learned how it would be a high risk pregnancy but had forgot about it! He would be really scared for you if that happens. At the very least, he would be fine with twins or triplets but six is too much. He feels so bad for his mom right now.
He would give you that catatonic look where he's so immersed into his thoughts because he's thinking how the hell would you guys handle 6 kids. That's too much even for him. But if it worked for his parents, it could work for you guys. But he would mostly be worried about the pregnancy and how are you gonna differentiate them from the others.
That would be really scary. A very happy moment that could turn into a very scary moment because of the seriousness of the pregnancy. He does want at least 6 kids but not like this! Dealing with one kid gives one enough experience to deal another. So he really hopes that you only conceive one kid. He's fine with twins but one kid is good for the time being.
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plumps-chan-blog · 6 years
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So second doodle is Karamatsu’s daughter.
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h0n3ypup · 7 years
Okay but I have to admit, Proper!Oso’s face is small and funny but he’s getting there okay, character development still has hope
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ash-imagines · 3 years
can i get some daddymatsu hcs where they find out that their daughter/son got into a fight at school (maybe because they where picking on them idk) :3 thxs
Osomatsu - Hell yeah! Kick their ass, kiddo! Well, it's a bummer for sure, but most schools don't really do anything about bullying. Nothing substantial, anyway. It's probably not good to encourage his kid to go around hitting people, but he's glad they at least protected themselves.
Karamatsu - He's ready to be all stern and ground the kiddo, but then he finds out his darling child is being bullied and he's filled with rage. You can bet he's in the principal's face very soon after, demanding that they take more action against bullying at their school, not only to prevent fights but also to protect the students. He's kind of scary like this...
Choromatsu - He wants to be stern with them, but it's tough when he knows how it feels to get mercilessly bullied. Saying stuff like "just ignore them" is bullshit, too. So his advice is just to be as boring as possible. Bullies want a reaction out of their victims, so if your reactions don't entertain them you have a better chance at getting left alone.
Ichimatsu - Oh, he's not just going to the principal about this (although he might do that too), he's going to have a chat with the other kid's parents. Actually it's a pretty civil discussion, and he does have to apologize on behalf of his kid for starting the fight. Still, though, the bullying is clearly out of hand by now. He just hopes this is the end of it.
Jyushimatsu - He may or may not have encouraged the fight... Because, well, he can't always be around to protect them! They've gotta learn to protect themselves! But it's not good if they're hurting other kids, either... So, he tells them, stick up for yourself but don't hurt anyone. You gotta use your words, or tell a teacher. Unless they hit you first, then it's okay.
Todomatsu - Yeah, he sort of figured this might happen someday. When you grow up with 5 older brothers, you know very well that kids can be ruthless sometimes. So he gets it. Hopefully now that they've fought back they'll get left alone, but he's ready to deal with it if things get any worse.
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peachystarling · 3 years
Hello, you can call me Peach/Peachy. I'm a fic writer on AO3 mainly for Osomatsu-san. I decided to make a page so that I could collect writing requests and connect with other fans easier. I tend to be a bit shy and as such may not be especially gregarious but I do love meeting new people regardless and I have a lot of fun with my writing. Thanks for visiting my page!
Requests I accept:
- SFW or NSFW scenarios (NSFW: I only write vanilla or dom!reader; please specify AMAB or AFAB if that's pertinent information for your request; all of my writing is gender neutral)
- Matsunos or Joshimatsus x reader
- Daddymatsus and other fluffy stuff like that
- Platonic x reader or brotherly bonding scenarios
- Headcanons and matchups (for matchups, please provide your pronouns and sexuality so I refer to you correctly and match you up with a character that aligns with your sexuality. You can have up to three asks to tell me about yourself, your hobbies, etc that you think are pertinent pieces of info I would need to match you up!)
- Headcanons or x reader scenarios that involve mental illness or neurodivergence-- I'm a psych student with GAD, major depression, and C-PTSD with sensory issues so I'll likely be able to write from an informed perspective on these topics
Please do not request:
- Anything involving H*mura, she as a character and S1E9 are extremely triggering for me for personal reasons so I don't write about her
- BLm*tsu
- Heavy angst (hurt/comfort or happy ending stuff is fine)
- AUs (I just don't really read AU content so I don't know enough about them to write for)
- For NSFW: no bathroom stuff (except for omorashi), no sub!reader, no ageplay/age gaps, no A/B/O, etc
If you're not sure if your request will fly, just ask and I will be happy to clear it up for you.
A guide to my tagging system can be found here!
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thebardisabird · 1 year
Dude, I need some funny daddymatsu stuff:
It’s the middle of the night, matsu and his wife are on the couch. She’s on his lap, grinding against him and making out with him. She’s starts kissing his neck and when Matsu moves his head to give her more access…..he’s sees his kid at the door, staring and says “Mommy, what are you doing to daddy??”
How does each Matsu daddy react????
Osomatsu definitely will leave his wife hanging. He either won’t say anything so that she has to awkwardly try to explain herself (the go to being that she and daddy were doing a “special hug”) OR he just looks at his wife with this smug, dumb grin and goes “Yeah, mommy, what are you doing?”
Karamatsu is so embarrassed right now, but he to gently set his wife aside so he can ask what’s wrong. He shifts from flustered (but interested) husband to concerned father right away so he busies himself with figuring out why his child is awake and how he can put them back to bed (and possibly finish what she started after~).
Choromatsu freezes. Just…does not move at all. His line of thought here is if he doesn’t move, his kid will think he was just seeing things. That and he cannot bear to look at his child right now while engaging in some sort of intimacy with his partner - it might actually kill him. His wife will have to take the lead here and put their child back to bed - because he will literally stay frozen until he knows his child is back in their room.
Ichimatsu will YEET his wife off of him in an attempt to hide whatever they were doing just prior. In a very nervous sweat he’ll run to his kid, asking them why they’re awake and if they’re okay. When he figures out the reason, he’ll do his fatherly duty and assist putting his child back to bed. He spends the rest of the night apologizing and icing his poor wife’s body because of he hard he threw her.
Jyushimatsu will just GET UP with her on him and take care of his now awake child. His gentle demeanor is very polar opposite to his terrified wife who was not expecting to be lifted off the ground. Their kid finds it funny though and forgets all about the question they just asked because of how ‘Mommy is clinging to Daddy like a koala’. Probably the least awkward way to handle things, even though his wife had to cling to him for dear life.
Todomatsu screams. And then his wife screams. They shove each other apart and try not to freak out over the very inappropriate display they just put on in front of their child. Eventually Todomatsu remembers how to be a parent and makes his go way his kid to tuck them back in. He and his wife opt to take things to their bedroom but not before he and his wine share a little bit of wine to ease the sheer heart attack they both almost had.
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Mod Kara’s Shower Thoughts #1
Reader and ___matsu raising a toddler/child together 👀 
- Mod Kara
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goodenoughmatsu · 4 years
i love your blog so much 😔✊🏾💕 daddy!matsu with a non-binary or transgender son?
N-no u
Oso: He’s a lil confused at first, but rolls with it anyways. Messed up for the first few days, and gets it right and supports his kid.
Kara: he’s crying, because A.his kid trusts him so much and he’s so happy- but also How long has his kid felt so out of place? Very supportive, almost threw his body over a counter to attacked the hair stylist for asking why the kid didn’t want a “feminine” hair cut.
Choro: at first very shocked, as he processes this and noticed his kid’s growing anxiety; he hugs them tightly, asking “what can I do for you?” He messes up a few days like Oso, but over all he’s asking questions.
Ichi: not sure how to handle the information. “Ah... so... do you wanna... get... your name changed and burn your old birth certificate?” This feels like the only next step; over all pretty supportive.
Jyushi: very supportive, has offered to kill god for such a mistake. Jyushi is just happy if his kid is happy- if his kid can be happier than himself that’s all that matters.
Todo: So knowing him, he’s analyzed his kid enough to make plans for every event that happens. Besides this could mean a shopping trip, and acting superior over other people by showing what a good dad he is. Besides??? Gender is a concept???
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IM SORRY I HAVE TO SEND YOU THIS HERE AND ON ANON im not open about liking blmatsu on tumblr and I dont have a twitter but uhh,,, imagin fuckijn daddymatsu ichijyushi and they adopt a child and they live in an apartment together and jyushi has a fulltime job and pays most of the shit bcs ichis awful at getting employed but hes TRYING bcs he wants the BEST for their CHILD!!!
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THIS IS SO GREAT ANON THANK U SO MUCH u made my whole day holy sh
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kim-chann · 4 years
Daddymatsu’s on their child’s first day of online school
I just had my first day of school online today, it was pretty fun ngl 💕, but I don’t know how well I can learn like this oop.
Osomatsu: Osomatsu would be annoying their kid during their classes. Even though the mic is mute, he’s going to be in their child’s room where they’re doing their online classes, sleep in their bed, and snore so loud to the point where his kid can’t even hear the teacher anymore. He would embarrass his kid every moment he wants to. He’ll tickle his child out of nowhere, fart so loud when it grows quiet, and whine, “this is so boring, just log offfff.” He’s a bad dad when it comes to online schooling cause he’s such a big distraction.
Karamatsu: Would respect his child in every way during classes. He’d even make sure that they’re prepared, buying their supplies ahead of time and snacks to eat, especially his child’s favorite (and they’re all the expensive kinds!). Since he was work when his child is at school at home, he pre-makes meals in the morning so his kid has lunch when they go downstairs, and they’re delicious. It’s so sweet! 
Choromatsu: Just like Karamatsu, he’d respect his child whenever they’re in their room doing their classes. He’d buy cheap supplies for their child and might accidentally get them all wide-ruled notebooks instead of college-ruled, which earns a scowl from his kid. He’ll try to buy college-ruled notebooks the next day to make it up to his kid, along with a snack that his kid likes cause he feels guilty. He’ll use the wide-ruled notebooks for his own purpose and finally understands why a lot of people don’t like wide-ruled.
Ichimatsu: He’d won’t even be awake when his child is doing their classes. He’d be sleeping in the master bedroom and wake up around the time when they’re done. But don’t think he’s a bad parent! He isn’t at all! Like Karamatsu, he pre-makes food for his kid to go to the kitchen and eat something. Honestly, people who live under Ichimatsu’s household beholds a lot of delicious snacks. So his kid doesn’t have to worry about going grocery shopping for snacks cause their cabinets are loaded. 
Jyushimatsu: He’d be bored everytime his kid is in class. When his kid was in school, physically, he didn’t mind, and longed for their return. But since his kid is doing online classes and in their room, it’s even more tempting just to barge in. But he holds himself back and practices baseball outside, and accidentally be a distraction to his child when they’re trying to work. But once his child tells him that he’s being distracting, he’ll apologise and just invite Ichimatsu to go to the park and practice baseball there. 
Todomatsu: He’ll be extra. Right before school starts, he’ll be taking pictures with them, saying that he wishes his child good luck for starting online schooling because quarantine sucks. He’ll even buy them outfits and fits to show off to their classmates, even though it just shows their upper body and that’s it. So it’s just a waste of money, really. It won’t really make a difference if his child is in or out of school physically because he doesn’t really do much. But he can be distracting a lot whenever he feels so bored and just walk into their child’s room and just lay on the floor with his phone. 
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