asharri-lakefire · 29 days
Day 1 - Appearance
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The estates of Dawnstide Harbor were a small, yet inviting landscape to run a lucrative business largely independent to most of the affairs that went on around it while keeping a toe in line to any of the mundane politics that kept order to the lands in which it was quite proudly nestled within. Of course, the proprietor of the harbor’s exchange was always delighted to provide her homeland with anything that they had needed from the business’s many talents, considering it an honor to still serve long after she had retired from nearly two centuries of active military duty. 
To still be of use and needed swelled within her a deep sense of pride she had once been afraid she would lack when she had once been hesitant to hang up her bow to war and order. But that life was one that no longer fulfilled her in the way it once had, and she had grown weary of the few who still whispered doubts regarding her credibility as a reinstated captain long after her name had officially been cleared thanks to one well established within the Magistry. Eventually, she supposed it didn't matter much any longer and there were better areas to place her strengths of strategy and that clever tongue she possessed, finding a great thrill in the eye of business alongside her husband and the carefully selected they chose to employ. 
A crisp breeze rolled up the hillside from the home that overlooked the harbor down below. There were always two familiar ships that had come and gone from the docks, where today only one sat anchored and all was quiet the last couple of days since Asharri had sent her local workers home for a well-deserved long weekend. The other ship had long departed for the Dragon Isles with her husband aboard, a voyage that they knew was risky at best and had now been in its third month. And even though communication had been rather sparse and that was to be expected, Asharri wasn’t all that worried at this time for they had each gone on their own voyages separately for long periods of time passed in between before. In fact, a small grin etched its way across her lips as she recalled her husband’s restlessness leading up to the days she had decided he would be the one leading this journey and he was all too eager to accept. The two had always shared a habit of thrill seeking when it came to certain dangers of the unknown, but Pyranthios had a tendency to find himself a little bloodthirsty at times. Honestly, it wasn’t all too surprising a trait for a demon hunter to possess and she would not deny her husband so long as he behaved himself.
Looking out over her property, Asharri tucked an arm behind her head and lounged back in her garden chair, letting out a contented sigh in her glass of red wine. It continued to surprise her how comfortable she was becoming accustomed to this new lifestyle and truly diving deep into it without looking back. She had her fair share of adventures that rolled over a few lifetimes so she could afford to sit this one out for now. Today was a day where she did not have to bury her nose in dizzying numbers and maps that had begun to blur together. A day where she need only to make an appearance for herself. 
For now, just in this moment, life was bliss.
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kelzygosa · 2 years
The Gambit of False Pretenses
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The stretch of the North Sea was without end as the blue dragon continued her flight toward the Dragon Isles. But it did not appear she was alone in the race to return to a place considered home for all dragon kind. Gold eyes searched the skies until they found other silhouettes of returning dragons. Each was cast with visible distinction to their respective dragonflights. A red. A bronze. A green. Even their ages varied from drakes to dragons.
It didn't seem that any of these returning scaled flyers had a similar destination, however. Kelzygosa's own flight had her banking around the north end of the Dragon Isles in search of the Forbidden Reach.
There was no mistaking the dangers that lie in wait. Storm clouds had already swept across the northern region and laid claim over the site in which the distress call from her former ally originated. Even with her ability to navigate through storms, it seemed she was not without injury. Lightning arched towards her as if she was a grounding source for the inclement weather's wrath. The first strike had caused her wings to snap harshly downward to elevate herself through the clouds of grey. As her body rotated through the dense atmosphere of aggravated clouds, sparks erupted from her emergence and surged through her blue scales.
It was clear the toll to continue was not going to be nearly as costly as the mistake of confronting the source for it all. A huge shadow, nearly equivalent to the size of a younger Galakrond was visible beneath the flash of light under her wings. While little in Azeroth had met her in scale, there was no denying the factor of intimidation as she watched the Storm-Eater pass. Much like the movements of a shark, the other dragon moved without abandon and seized territory without any resistance. And while there was a desire to challenge this incarnation of storms, it was clear how wrong that choice might be despite the instinct and pride in doing so.
Arcane runes glimmered on her scales as a shroud of magic stretched over her body's entirety enabling an invisibility spell to take hold. As she flew past the storm without detection, she dove towards the training grounds that had been entrusted to the Drac'thyr sometime before. The region had looked as if a minor war had been waged there by Razagath and her allies. But it did not escape her eye when she spotted regiments of Drac'thyr warding off proto-drakes with runestones of power. It appeared their facility had been compromised as stated by Lapisagos. But what was with the emergence of the primal dragons? More questions swarmed Kelzygosa's thoughts as she landed on a nearby cliffside by some winged fox creatures. Her invisible landing caused the creatures to abandon their den and for her to claim it as a secret outpost for now.
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"This would be a great time for my Dragonsworn to come back..." She commented with an irritable tone and began to establish a means to hide her whereabouts. A single claw began to etch the markings of a rune circle which would be accompanied by draconic characters in short order. Arcane power would quickly illuminate the cave's walls as the entry now was masked with an illusion of capsized rocks. This would do nicely for now...
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safrona-shadowsun · 11 months
{ Daily Writing Challenge: Mini Mode, July 28-30, prompted by @dailywritingchallenge. }
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More than a few contacts had been made at the year’s past Fire Fest, but for once, Safrona had given herself ample time to organize new names into Empyrean Import’s folders, instead of making such tasks a prime directive in her life. Time had been better spent assessing new Porters and attaching to them minor contracts, and to graduating those to an official Courier title that had proven their commitment to the business. Time was also better given to reacquainting herself with the lucrative gem trade, falling into the small obsession of the perfect cut of a gem, finding new masterworks to trade and keep to her own collections. Time was most importantly spent extending her skill in darker arts, observing the evolution of her own demons, or becoming aware of new entities and their dangerous potential.  
So it was with a renewed curiosity that she found the envelope nestled among the few fliers and menus she had collected from the vendors of Firefest, one that stuck out among the many promotional efforts - it had been addressed directly to her: Lady Safrona Shadowsun. It took her a few scattered moments to recall the hand that had given it to her: a young Sin’dorei girl beginning to bloom into a lady, waiting for her on the first day of the Festival as she stepped off the boat into Ramhaken. The daughter of a vendor, Safrona had thought at the time, perhaps sent to greet visitors and urge them to particular stalls. A girl that had no doubt been dismissed before the sinful Tarts would have performed later that evening. Wennefer had nearly ruined the day for her with the polymorph spell shortly after; that Safrona remembered all too clearly, along with developing an intense dislike for rabbits in the short amount of time she had magically become one. Thank the stars for the Kaldorei women that broke her out of the form - they should have been names she remembered better.
Exhaling at the embarrassing first day, Safrona refocused on the envelope in hand and its undiscovered missive. Even the wax seal had managed to remain unbroken, shaped into the rays of a rising sun. The folded parchment inside was thick, the handwriting upon it penned all in an elegant, flowing Thalassian. And with every word further that Safrona read, she felt her heart burn, and plummet into her stomach.
It is finally good to see you, and I hope this letter will find you well. Time has been cruel to the Dawnsinger family, and though I have been told not to seek you, that I should consider you dead to us all, I can’t help but feel different. I am in my 17th year, and I feel like I should begin to make my own decisions. And so here I go with this letter, for you. Auntie has told me a lot about you since you were lost from us. She has told us that you have lost your memory, and she helps you to remember who you were. I hope that I can help. My name is Seranas (Serra) Dawnsinger, and I am your daughter. Your son Quelios (Lio) is younger by 8 minutes - we are twins. We were born to you and our father, Queldis Dawnsinger, on the Isle of Quel’Danas, a Captain of the Farstriders. He gave his life to protect us and secure our escape on that horrible day when the Scourge came. He loved you very much.  Auntie Wenne helped you raised us in a very dark time, I know. Even when we lost you in Dalaran she tried to always be there. The rest of the family left, I don’t think they believe you are alive. Most think Auntie Wenne has went mad, and most of them consider that she has betrayed our nation by joining the Ren’dorei. To be truthful, I think Lio has accepted this as truth too. He hopes to be a Farstrider like father, and serve our people like he did. He won’t listen to me or Auntie about you. But for myself, I trust Auntie and know she has always had our best interest at heart. I will always be grateful for her in our lives, even if no one else here understands. I don’t think I fully understand what happened to you, or why you chose the Void, but I want to try if I am ever able to see you again. Time can do many things to us, but it does not change the fact that I am your daughter. I will always have a love for my mother. And, I hope one day it can be us together on Midsummer, watching the fireworks light the night sky. All my love, -Serra
Emotions collided violently beneath cool composure, and Safrona almost crumpled the letter up to shove it back into its envelope to sever herself from touching it, flinging it onto the counter top of Empyrean Star Trades. Void energies fell over her skin like an entropic veil, scarring the wooden counter with a deep, purple fissure as she sought to calm the anxious rhythm pounding in her chest.
The words written were so very sweet, and felt so very wrong.
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New day, new story... The Pictographic Entertainment, featuring the return of an old character, Franklyn de Gashe. https://wp.me/pbprdx-8RZ #shortstory #flashfic #dailywritingchallenge https://wp.me/pbprdx-8RZ
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ooc-miqojak · 4 years
DWC Day 1 (Explosion)
(( Thanks for running this, @daily-writing-challenge​ ! Been a long while since I’ve had the motivation to make myself write for this character or work on who she is, so having a ‘reason’ to do it through the prompts makes it more fun! <3 ))
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She could feel the heat of the explosion from the other ship beat against her face - waves rocking her own sleek ship for long moments after, as she let the keen senses imparted to her by the fel, by the demon she was now, aid her. If there were survivors...she’d know. She only left survivors when she needed a fearful tale told in a far-off dingy bar where sailors weren’t sure how true the tale was, or not.
You had to build a reputation slowly. Carefully. Especially, for her - one life could not impact the other. A dutiful Crusader does not, after all, condone such matters as she preferred dealing in - the penitent shadow of a Knight could not be connected with the Dread Pirate towering on her ship across the water, as the screams of sailors dying bloody carried over the liquid expanse with a clarity she savored.
She hadn’t been a very good noble before, really - always shirking her duty, or stumbling under the pressure of knowing that the livelihood of others depended on her capabilities....never knowing who to listen to, or what course of action was best.
She’d changed, since then - not for the better, some would argue...and vehemently, at that, given the curl of horns atop her platinum blonde head. And yet...she’d not only taken her estate from the clutches of a man who’d tormented her nearly her entire century-and-some of life, but she’d brought it back from the brink of ruin. The stolen goods below deck would ensure that her people continued to live well. 
And the sorry souls of those whose corpses now burned prettily against the backdrop of night...would help her continue to live well.
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aidandawningblade · 4 years
“What have I done?” Aidan whispered, staring out across the decimated woods of Quel’Thalas. Slowly sinking to one knee, the Knight lifted his hand to stare at that plate, almost as if trying to will it away. “Who have I become?” He rasped, closing his eyes.
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The next time those lichfire hues opened, he was knelt beside a frozen lake, dressed in ancient saronite armor. The same armor that he’d worn to devastate his former homeland. Slowly, he lifted his hand to pull his helmet from his skull, staring down at the beak-like armor, the saronite crown fashioned atop it.  “What am I now?” He rasped, before standing up, beginning to pull each piece of that ancient plate off, a frozen skeleton being dressed in it, back to the lake. Eventually, Aidan ‘Lifebane’ stood there in nothing but a pair of trousers, staring at that armor for hours, before he eventually lifted his hand. Ice cracked over his skin as he moved, shards of the frozen water falling to the ground as he positioned the skeletons hands to hold that massive greatsword. “I would give all I have left to have done things differently. To have not gone to Lordaeron, to serve beside that Prince.” He murmured, resting a hand on the spiked pauldron. “But we are who we become, and I have sacrificed enough souls to that torment.” He finished, shoving the skeleton into the frozen lake “An icy tomb, one you will reside in until the end of time, Lifebane.” Aidan finished, taking a half step back as he looked down at a tiny, undead wyrmling scampering around the forest floor “Come, Silence. We have much to do. Much to atone for. Perhaps one of them will cleave us from this miserable existence.” 
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The wyrmling looked up at him, tilting its head ever so slightly, before letting out a little screech, shaking its scales as it charged to climb up his leg, then up his back, before eventually settling on his shoulder, tail winding around his neck 
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As Aidan began to walk through the forest, his frozen voice slowly began to echo through those glacial trees.  “Oh, dear mother, I love you I'm sorry, I wasn't good enough  Dear father, forgive me 'Cause in your eyes, I just never added up In my heart I know I failed you But you left me here alone  If I could hold back the rain Would you numb the pain 'Cause I remember everything If I could help you forget Would you take my regrets 'Cause I remember everything  Oh, dear brother, just don't hate me For never standing by you or being by your side Dear sister, please don't blame me I only did what I thought was truly right It's a long and lonely road When you know you walk alone  If I could hold back the rain Would you numb the pain 'Cause I remember everything If I could help you forget Would you take my regrets 'Cause I remember everything  I feel like running away I'm still so far from home You say that I'll never change But what the fuck do you know I'll burn it all to the ground before I let you run Please forgive me, I can't forgive you now I remember everything If I could hold back the rain, would you numb the pain 'Cause I remember everything If I could help you forget, would you take my regrets 'Cause I remember everything  It all went by so fast I still can't change the past I always will remember everything If we could start again Would that change the end We remember everything Everything “  Aidan’s voice broke on the last line, though that was quickly stifled by a shake of his head.  “Not as good as I used to be, hey Silence?” He murmured, glancing to the sleeping drake on his shoulder, letting out a long sigh as he continued the trek. @daily-writing-challenge​
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brielacroix-blog · 6 years
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Day 11 . . . #poetry #poetryporn #words #poetryofinstagram #poetryofig #poetryisnotdead #poem #haiku #dailyhaiku #dailywriting #dailywritingchallenge #brielacroix #poetrycommunity #poetry_addicts #prose #poetsofinstagram #spilledink #inspiration #thoughts #followforfollow #writersblock #typewriterpoetry #typewriter #love #alcohol
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learnandgrow · 3 years
365 𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔 – 365 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟓𝟗 – 𝐈𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐦 𝟓𝟗 – 𝐈𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐝𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐧
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qanitahmutsla · 6 years
resonated pain
I got a bad news today. Late afternoon, I was reading when Nisa called me. I picked up the call and realized there were already two missed calls from her earlier in the afternoon. My stomach churned. Something's wrong.
Wondering what kind of situation Nisa was in that called for my immediate help, I picked up and she blurted out quickly: check your message. She hung up.
I opened our chat window, the one consisting of just the three of us: Nisa, Nita, and I. There was a short message from Nita, saying in almost too casual tone that her dad passed away earlier today. I froze. My heart stopped for a second before it started hammering in my chest. I couldn't believe my eyes. I checked my other group chats and the same news had spread everywhere.
Reality of what really happened finally sinked in and I curled up in my bed, silently crying alone in my room, imagining how devastated my best friend must be. Anita is teaching at Pangandaran for a whole month for GUIM and she went straight home upon hearing the news, taking the quickest bus available. But the place is just too far away, she's still on her way even as I'm writing this right now.
Calming down enough, I got back to Nisa and immediately joining the plan to depart for takziyah tonight, along with some of my friends from OASE. Nita's house is at Pandeglang, far enough for me to ask for permission to not attending Apel Pagi tomorrow morning. Honestly though, I would still go even if Kak Indah didn't allow me to. I need to be there and she can't stop me.
So here I am, typing this at the accommodation where we sleep for the night at Serang, Banten. Some friend's brother kindly lends his house for us to sleep, even just for a few hours. We decided to wait for Nita before going to her house. Her father has been buried this evening, and I marveled at how sad it is not being able to see a dear family for the last time. (Last time Nita saw her father was before she went for GUIM, nearly a month ago).
Deaths tend to make me think a lot. Nita's case is actually one of my most feared nightmare, for while I am used to being away from home and my parents, the insecurity of receiving bad news when I'm so far away and the dread of not being able to make it back home in time constantly gnaws at my guts, prayers becoming my only choice of weapon to ease the feeling.
That very nightmare is happening to my best friend today, coming to life in vivid, harsh blow. Even I can feel the helplessness she must be feeling, even I stupidly willing the bus that's taking her to go faster and the distance to be shorter so she can be with her family as soon as possible. I talked to her on the phone just an hour ago, her voice croaked out painfully, sounding like a mix of tears and sandpaper dryness, evident even through the shitty connection. My heart twinged, trying my best not to cry with her as I reminded her weakly: don't forget to eat, anything, just please eat. Nisa at my side squeezing my hand in the same wave of sadness and worry.
Anita is one of the strongest people I've ever known, but this is the kind of pain no one is immune to. And again, I'm determined to be there and provide what little consolation I can give, cause I know there's only so much I can do.
I pray with all my heart for Him to give her strength, to widen her heart so she can let go. I pray for life to be more merciful on her, for she had endured a lot, suffered a lot. I pray for Him to love her, cause His love is more than enough. I pray and pray and pray until sleep renders me unconscious.
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L O V E & F R E E D O M If I should love, than I shall run In boundless flight Towards the sun. - If I feel fear, than I shall stay And fight this fright Come what may. - - - - - #poemoftheday #poetry #writersofinstagram #amwriting #love #freedom #amwritingpoetry #dailywritingchallenge @retreatwest #poetweet #bookish #writing (at Chicago, Illinois)
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paperkutzs · 4 years
Stine Writing Daily Writing Challenge—A Rose
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Daily Writing Challenges—A Rose
A Rose
A Rose is a simple yet beautiful flower. It comes in a wide range of colors. As unbelievable as it sounds each color has its own lovely fragrance.
A Rose besides its beauty has a whole host of meanings depending on the person and / or circumstance. Somerltimes the simple quantity given can be a silent meaning with no card needed.
For instance if you give 3…
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kelzygosa · 2 years
Heralding the Roar of the Fallen
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Along the night sky, an aurora of light danced and weaved over the expanse of the Borean Tundra. Not many blue dragons had visited Coldarra since Kalecgos made the decree that the Dragonflight was no more. But before this announcement had ever reached the ears of Kelzygosa, she had since sought her own means to carry out the former Spellweaver's will. Whether it be through the reacquisition of relics or maintaining upkeep on the Nexus, she made herself available to ensure the functions of the past lived on.
Her flight had brought her over the snow-blessed crater of Coldarra as she descended at the base of the Nexus. The rounded platforms that hovered high overhead still kept the power of the leylines within check at its center. Though the recent attacks circulated through the Ethereal and Demons had tested the architecture's foundation and wards. Some runes were active upon her re-entry, which she passed through without hindrance. Claws scraped along the frozen floor into the Axis of Alignment. The scent of Keristrasza's death had since left the empty halls and her soul did not tarry in the wake of her instigated demise.
In the places where wards did not glow with power, she would give pause as she moved to press her claw on the rune's surface. Mana quickly transferred from her being into the rune as the light began to radiate beneath spread crystalline digits. When she withdrew her arm back beneath her, there was a look to the center of the Axis. No longer was there a dragon here to provide security over the relics in the Nexus. Jarecgos and Azuregos had departed like the rest of the blue dragons in search of purpose. Perhaps they would find it alongside Senagos or Kalecgos in the vast open world of Azeroth.
Much like Arygos in the sense of stubborn beliefs, she was resilient to any change or adaption in her lifestyle. The many mortals she interacted with knew of this devotion and found themselves hard-pressed to sway her from her oath to Malygos. And any that stood in her way quickly remembered the danger that came from the company of dragons. Gritting her fangs together, she inhaled heavily through her nostrils and made to depart from the Axis when a nearby scrying orb began to glow.
The bellowing cry of a dragon's roar filled the Nexus as the voice of Lapisagos spoke.
And just as the message came, it left as silence fell over Kelzygosa once more. Golden eyes flickered with amusement as she turned towards the entryway to the Nexus.
"And I thought the Dragon Isles were lost to time... Seems the past does not stay dead for long." Eager steps took the dragoness outside as she cast out both wings to take flight. Sweeping claws pushed down hard against the ground as she propelled herself toward the sky and flew to the East. While the blue dragon had not ventured to the Dragon Isles personally, it seemed instinct would direct her course. No longer would there be neglect by the blue Dragonflight as she would enforce the law of arcane and magic to those that defied its authority.
@daily-writing-challenge - thanks again for the daily writing challenges <3
Artwork by @chumiiart
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chasingsakina · 5 years
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•8/27• #TheRamadanSeries ✍🏽• - Battle Of The Nafs - Nafs (نَفْس) : is an Arabic word occurring in the Quran, literally meaning "self", and has been translated as "psyche", "ego" or "soul". [according to #sheikhgoogle ] __ #wordprompt : #distraction __ The first word that came to mind when I thought of the word ‘distraction’ - was Nafs. Perhaps because it is something deep inside of us that becomes effected whenever we become distracted? . . . . . . #ramadan2019 / #ramadanreflections / #amwriting / #experimentingwithwords / #tryingchange / #growth / #writingcommunity / #muslimcreatives / #aestheticedits / #islamicreminders / #chasingsakina / #dailywritingchallenge / #fightingperfectionism / #battleofthenafs / #soulsearching / #selfawarness / #prescription / #writingsociety / #spilledink / #words (at Bute Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxNHssmggrh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7ryghv9hcjjh
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luxina-starchild · 7 years
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#qotd #quoteoftheday #quotes #writer #writing #poet #poetry #poem #author #kaseyhillauthor #soulonfire #tatteredwings #bittersweetsymphony #stillclimbingmountains #depression #anxiety #midnightramblings #iamwriting #typewriterpoetry #poetsofinstagram #quoetry #instagrampoetry #dailywritingchallenge #theeclecticquill #day1 #septemberwritingchallange #sixwordstory
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aidandawningblade · 4 years
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And finally, those gates toppled. The final blockade preventing our passage into Silvermoon had fallen, and now those blighted armies lurched forward.
“Duazen-” Aidan spoke, his gaze looking to the side to the former Spell-breaker, his partially cleaved face turning to face the death knight. “Take a small detachment. Clear the surrounding villages.” “Feylina-” Came that chilling addition, turning his gaze to the former Farstrider “Find those of your former regiment. Kill them, and bring me their bodies. They will serve in death, as they did in life.” With those orders, the two headed off. Atleast some know how to follow commands.
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With that, the former Dawningblade set his sights upon Silvermoon City, lips coiling in a savage grin beneath that grisly helm, lichfire burning within those eye slits as he watched the ongoing battle. Absolute, untainted warfare.  A Spell-breaker charged him, then, his great-sword coming up to push the weapon away, plated gauntlet lifting to coil around the woman’s throat, snapping her neck as he tossed her aside, letting her fall limp on the ground. She’d rise and serve again, regardless of how he slaughtered them.
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As Aidan made his way through the once-peaceful woods, the sudden cacophony of sound erupted nearby. Combat. Followed by a solid thud of saronite hitting the ground. Interesting. Plated footsteps carried him into that clearing, studying the rogue clad in leather, observing the bodies around her, then settling on Duazen for a moment, before he merely shook his head as she slunk into the shadows, holding his hand up as the body of her fallen brother stood up, blood still dripping from that fatal wound. There was no mistaking he was dead, but he turned and shambled after his sister. So did dozens of others, slowly standing and shambling after the limping spell-blade. Eventually, the woman found herself cornered against a wall and the approaching shambles. 
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Isoria turned, her lips settling in a grim frown as she watched her brother slowly marching towards her, that double sided blade in hand, with every intention of it being used on the smaller woman. Perhaps she didn’t believe it for a moment, but that doubt was quickly thrown out the window as a Farstrider leapt from the ledge above, putting six arrows into Ator’s chest and head, landing in front of Isoria and leashing another barrage into the approaching Undead “Isoria. We have to go, now.”  Syllis urged, turning to face the former-spell-breaker with a look of urgency. The pair got perhaps three steps, before a massive great sword swept through Syllis’s neck, sending a spatter of blood over Isoria’s face, as well as the wall behind her.  The Death Knight that had raised her brother stepped back, fresh blood dripping off his claymore as he watched the undead shamble towards Isoria, lichfire gaze seeming to burn a hole into her very soul. 
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And so the desperate fight for survival began. Arcane infused daggers sunk into the flesh of friends, old and new alike. People she had served with as a Spell-breaker, friends she’d made within the Farstriders. They were all cut down, it wasn’t her time yet. She’d live to see another day. She’d live to honor the memory of those she’d lost, even the ones that were currently trying to kill her. 
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Eventually it was just her and the Acherus Knight that had sent those she had once loved to slaughter. His head tilted ever so slightly, his deep rumbling words escaping his helm, distorted by the plate. “...Well. I’ve quite enjoyed our little game up until now. You’ve unabashedly bathed in your friends’ blood, and even now you refuse to shed a single tear.. You are an enigma, truly... Clever, cunning.. an unbreakable spirit... I knew all of those things, but I never knew you were a queen. Until we meet again, little one.” Came that twisted compliment as he turned to walk into the battlefield, his form swiftly followed by the writhing mass of battle. Bodies pushing and shoving against each other in a desperate match of survival.  @daily-writing-challenge​ @spellthieve​ for mentions. 
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gianocotto · 4 years
@maddillz 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #Orlando #Florida #pinehills #pinehillsorlando #Freestyle #freestylerap #dailywritingchallenge #battlerap #trending #bars #viral #viralvideos #videooftheday #fall #fallvibes #hiphop #rap #trap #texas #latino #maddillz #whatorlandofloridasoundlike #payattention #biggeepromotions https://www.instagram.com/p/CGVD-rAgmD-QzLiSs7Nf2YNhogG4veX1uhjoBk0/?igshid=kesdbdrtwj42
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