#dairy product free not dairy free
milkymoon-ramblings · 7 months
Considering going dairy product free for like a week since I’m lactose intolerant and it is getting worse
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kirinda-ondo · 10 days
I miss cheese, man
Most vegan cheeses are NOT doing it 😭
Unless it's chao creamery original, which melts fairly nice and is actually pretty decent on burgers and makes for a good grilled "cheese" if you don't care about cheese pulls, but it is not a substitute for everything, I have tried 😔
There are other flavors and types under this brand but I don't know if they're any good because they aren't anywhere near me and I do not have the money to order them online.
I do know in my heart though that I am officially over vegan mozzarella, regardless of brand, because it's just not good and doesn't even taste like mozzarella, more like two kids in a trench coat pretending to be mozzarella. It's like too rich and sour, and if I attempt dairy-free pizza again in the future, it will probably be without cheese substitutes entirely, even though I still think that's a sad state of affairs. And my frustration about it is not helped by the fact that YouTube keeps bombarding me with pizza commercials 😭
I also just really fucking miss queso, there aren't any good like nice goopy fake cheeses that aren't like similarly too rich and sour. It's a sad state of affairs overall in the world of adult onset dairy allergies. If not for chao creamery original, I would have become the joker long ago I think
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lindwurmkai · 7 months
my argument against veganism is and always has been that i think us animals aren't special and plants have just as much of a right to exist as any other living thing. we're constantly learning "surprising" new facts about plants, so you can't be sure they don't have feelings or a consciousness of some kind, and let's not even get started on fungi.
animals eat plants. animals eat other animals. some plants eat animals, too. and if you're lucky enough to avoid being eaten, you will eventually become fertiliser regardless.
i'm not even spiritually inclined enough to admire the cycle of life or anything, so i find it all rather tragic if i think about it for too long. the solution? don't think about it, just accept it. let living organisms eat each other as they please, it's not like you can stop them anyway.
and the funny thing is, no one has a retort to that. you can either try to prove that no plants or fungi on the planet have any amount of feelings/consciousness (good luck), or you can call me crazy. that's it.
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raw1111official · 20 days
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🌺🥑🌿 Dive into the world of nutritional yeast at RAW1111.COM! 🧀 Uncover its mighty secrets and how it boosts your vegan dishes. #GVWU Go Vegan With Us and sprinkle some nutritional magic! ✨🍴
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translucetize · 2 months
why does the average person think eggs are dairy
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mephorash · 2 months
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this is so bizzare
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
Today has been a great day for the lactose intolerant girl :)
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sanza-nave · 1 year
Hullo 👋
Looking to invest in my health & well-being with a transition into more vegan products--wanted to hear your thoughts, let me know! ✌️
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arctic-hands · 1 year
I once had a vegan yogurt because oh hey I'm lactose intolerant this will probably be good for me. I forget what plant base it was but it was labeled as strawberry yogurt so I took a huge spoonful of it figuring it wouldn't actually taste like yogurt but I would get a strawberry flavor and
Black pepper. This plant based vegan strawberry yogurt inexplicably tasted like black pepper. This was two years ago and I still don't trust vegan food
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totally-not-deacon · 9 months
Awesome, now that I've realized me and dairy no longer get along, I went ahead and got a hold of some vegan/dairy free cheese and...
Holy crap it's like, REALLY good.
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jorvikzelda · 1 year
wondered, stupidly, why i was having the stomachache of my lifetime. then remembered there was Normal Dairy in my dinner and i forgot, stupidly, to eat lactase pills. but I guess that’s my monthly validation that I am, indeed, lactose intolerant.
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onrainynights · 9 months
had coffee yesterday for the first time in over a year after my mom's coffee started smelling like coffee again (I dont like the way she makes hers though and didn't even pre-parosmia so I bought an iced coffee to try that I used to like) and it was SO GOOD. I missed coffee so much and it feels unreal that I like it again. AND THEN garlic also smelled good when we had garlic bread with our spaghetti the other night and I ate a whole piece of garlic bread I was so happy. garlic was one of the absolute worst smells/flavors for the last year and a half and it finally smells and tastes edible again I'm so relieved. what next? please say apples I miss apples so much
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kirsctein · 10 months
genuinely feel so sorry for (lactose intolerant) people who can’t just go and buy lactose free dairy products from the store
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clatterbane · 1 year
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Tonight's delight: Some "Mexican" rice with lentils! Accompanied by a bowl of the ever-popular bagged salad with quick ranch-type dressing concocted from a leftover takeout container of kebab yogurt-garlic sauce. Also, a frozen meat patty on the side, because I felt like I could use the extra protein and energy both today. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
We were out of green onions, so I once again sprinkled some crispy fried onion on top instead. Not nearly as colorful, but still a tasty addition. 😋
This looked like pretty good basic recipe proportions, though of course I had to complicate things just a bit. 😊 Figured it would be enough better if I did go ahead and fry a chopped onion and a few cloves of chopped garlic in a couple tablespoons of oil at the beginning.
I also used a vegetable bouillon cube for extra flavor, and threw together my own seasoning blend lower on salt to make up for it. You might not want to use the salty broth if you do go with the premade taco seasoning option, though. It would also no doubt be good to use a can of Rotel tomatoes, but that's unfortunately easier said than done outside the US.
One bigger adjustment I would DEFINITELY recommend, though: more liquid than called for through the link! Based on past experience, I made a judgment call and went with 3 cups/700ml of water instead of the 1.75 called for (so, a ratio of 1.5x the amount of combined brown rice and lentils by volume) cooked for 25 minutes under pressure then left to sit for 15 minutes natural release time.
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Which turned out just about perfect!
To cook it on the stove, I would try at least a 2:1 ratio. So, 4-4.5 cups or a liter (give or take) of water, for the 2 cups/roughly 500ml of brown rice and lentils combined. Simmer covered for an hour, then let sit off the heat for another 15 minutes or so. It might need a little more hot water added toward the end, so maybe take a peek after 45 minutes or so.
This basic sort of easy combo also works really well taken in a curried direction, or mujadara. Just a tomato-and-herb theme would be great too, but I am usually more about the spices whenever lentils come out!
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adrianlookatthis · 2 years
Man being lactose intolerant is really freaking hard when almost every single time you order anything anywhere dairy free they slather it in cheese and sour cream anyway
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griffsursparker · 2 years
I think everyone should go to the farmers market sometimes. even if all you can afford is like a cookie or even just to browse. if you have a farmers market nearby you should go. I think this would fix us as a society
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