#mac and cheese or cheesecake or something
milkymoon-ramblings · 7 months
Considering going dairy product free for like a week since I’m lactose intolerant and it is getting worse
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somber-sapphic · 6 months
Cooking With A Cold
〖500 Follower Prompt: “Oh sweetheart, you’re worse than I thought” + “Sorry, I can’t stop sneezing” + 🏥〗
〖Summary: You hurt yourself while trying to cook a romantic meal for your girlfriend.〗
〖Word Count: 1.5k〗
〖Pairing: Natasha x Sick Reader〗
〖A/N: Hello! So, some of you may know there was a bit of a "situation" last week which threw me off a bit and I decide to postpone posting this. I know, it's been months, but I really needed to recompose and regroup which changed my plan. Sorry, I know this is a bit long but I hope you enjoy!〗
☾Masterlists☽ ☾500 Masterlist☽
Natasha had just gotten home from a long mission and when she had come into the kitchen you’d screeched at her to get out, not wanting to ruin the surprise. She’d left laughing and was currently sitting on the couch in preparation for what she didn't expect to be an incredibly fancy dinner. She knew that you hated to cook and assumed you’d just thrown a few frozen things in the oven and mac and cheese or something on the stove. 
Instead, you had taken it upon yourself to make her favorite dinner and a dessert to go with. Over the two weeks that she had been gone, you’d been watching cooking videos and practicing in your spare time. There was a lot of spare time. You had decided to make her a medium-rare steak with baked asparagus and sauteed mushrooms. Following that there was a cheesecake in the fridge that had come out much better than you’d expected.
When planning this fancy meal that you very much didn't know how to cook, you had been so excited. You were thrilled to get to spend real time with your girlfriend and you wanted her to tell you everything about the ocean and beach and blue skies. It hadn't been a particularly dangerous mission, and you were sure that she’d be happy to tell you all of the more fun details. 
So of course, your body had decided to throw something at you. Maybe it was the long nights spent awake wishing you weren't alone in your bed, maybe it was the fact that one of the Avengers (Clint) seemed intent on spending time with you even though he was clearly sick (it was probably the second one), but the cause didn't matter because you were sick. Sick sick. 
You didn't have a little sniffle that you could push through with a dose of cold medicine and a few tissues, you had a full-on everything hurts, whole body feels hot and cold, stuffy and runny nose, dizziness, chest cough that won't let up kind of cold. Or maybe the flu. You weren't sure, but that didn't particularly matter to you either. For now, all that mattered was you staying upright for long enough to finish this meal. 
Between breaks of sitting on the floor and about one million tissues, you’d managed to get down to the last stretches. The steak was done, and ready to be cut. The mushrooms were sitting on the stove covered by a pot lid to keep them warm. All that was left was the asparagus sitting in the oven and the timer for those had just gone off. 
You pulled yourself to your feet and stumbled slightly, the world shifting quickly around you as your center of gravity changed. It was all you could do not to grab the hot stovetop and stumble into the counter instead, hoping that you hadn't made too much noise. You may have felt awful, but you didn't need Natasha to know that. 
With your brain on autopilot, you stuck your hands into the oven and grabbed the metal pan with a bare hand. You were so out of it and ready to be finished cooking dinner that you hadn't realized you had forgotten the oven mitt until you felt white-hot pain shoot through your hand. 
You pulled back with a strangled gasp, catching the back of your hand on one of the oven racks as you did. Tears of pain clouded your vision momentarily and you clutched your hand to your chest, unsure what to do. The gasp led to a fit of coughing that left you doubled over and panicking. If you just kept standing there your dinner would burn, but you were pretty sure that your hand was useless. And the room was still spinning.
Now you’d have to get Natasha and she would be upset because not only had you ruined dinner, but she’d also need to take care of you. You stood there frozen, and to your utter horror, you began to cry. The frustration of it all was too much. All you’d wanted to do was make a nice hot dinner for your incredibly busy girlfriend and now you needed her help. 
“Hey Nat?” You called out in a watery voice, congestion seeping into your worlds. You sniffled and brought your tightly clenched hand up to wipe your nose on your sleeve, doing your best not to disturb the burn. A tiny part of your brain was telling you that you should probably be running it under cool water or at least stick it in the fridge, but it hadn't quite caught up to the part that was shutting down the pain. 
Natasha, bounced into the room, her smile lighting up her eyes falling as she saw the twisted expression on your face and the protective way you were holding your hand. You could feel your lower lip quivering and your nose might have been running again but you weren't sure, you were just humiliated. To be safe, you swiped your hand against your fist and sniffled. 
“Oh dorogory, what happened?” She asked, rushing over to wrap her arms around you. You laid your head against her shoulder and let out a whimper, wishing that you didn't have to admit to your failure out loud. This was all so humiliating. 
She pulled back for a moment and cupped your cheek, lips pursed, and eyebrows furrowed. She glanced back at the half-open oven, then at your hand, then back into your eyes and you watched her face go from pure terror for your safety to understanding concern. 
“Show me please?” Nat murmured, not wanting to force your hand open and risk hurting you more. You started to nod, but quickly wrenched away to sneeze into your elbow. One sneeze turned into four which turned into a bout of raspy coughing which made you glad you’d managed to turn in time. You didn't want to get her sick too. 
You extended your hand at the end of the fit, revealing the blistering burn across your palm. 
“Oh, Y/n, I could tell you were sick, but sweetheart, you’re worse than I thought!” She exclaimed, studying your burn intensely as she flicked her eyes up to your mess of a face. You wrinkled your nose and sniffled again, blinking rapidly at her. Black dots had appeared in the corners of your vision in these last few seconds, and you were beginning to wonder how much longer you’d be able to stand up. 
“Shit, okay. Let's get you sitting.” You didn't have to say a word, Natasha was right there wrapping her arm around your waist and leading you to the living room. She even managed to turn the oven off as she practically carried you out and set you down on the sofa. 
You leaned against the arm of the couch and rested your head on the cushion, another low rumbling cough echoing through your chest. It hurt to breathe, and you could hear a slight wheeze that might be more audible to those with less clogged ears. 
“Okay. This hand really doesn't look great baby and I don't like the sound of your breathing. You’re going to hate this, but there’s an Urgent Care a few minutes away and I think we need to go. They might be able to get you something for the pain and something to open up those lungs, okay?” She didn't bother to sugarcoat (much) and her tone made it clear that she wasn't asking. Whether you wanted to or not, you had earned yourself a trip to Urgent Care. 
Instead of answering you sneezed again, barely able to direct the sneezes to your lap rather than in her direction. You knew it was gross, but you couldn't seem to make your limbs cooperate the way you wanted them to. Lifting a pinky felt like lifting a thousand tons. 
“M’sorry. I can’t stop sneezing.” You mumbled, hoping those words were enough to convey just how sorry you were, not just for the sneezing but for everything. Natasha kissed the top of your head and pressed a tissue to your nose, guiding your uninjured hand to hold it there. 
“No apologies my love, just sit tight. I’ll get your shoes and your favorite blanket then we’ll head out, okay?” She soothed, running your fingers through your hair as she talked.
Her voice was the sound of summer rain on a warm night, slow rolling waves on a white sand beach, and birds chirping in a lush green forest. It was every comforting thing anyone could think of plus ten more. She was all that. She never failed to make you feel safe, loved, accepted, and, most importantly, worthy of feeling all of those good things. 
You nodded wearily and let yourself melt against the couch as she moved around you, turning off lights and gathering whatever she thought that you would need. You were dreading whatever might happen at Urgent Care, but if she was there you knew that it would be okay. She’d make sure that it was all okay. And when you felt better, you’d make her that damn dinner. 
〖Join My Taglist!〗@lovelyy-moonlight, @bloomingflowersthings, @lots-of-pockets, @asiangmrchk13, @fxckmiup, @animealways, @scrambled-brain-eggs, @kljhsong, @juststuckhereforever, @fayhar, @chairhere, @canvascoloredin, @iliketozoneout, @ash26424, @goldenempyrean @waltermis
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cookout it starting. Here's what everyone brought
@ripleyalamode: cookies
@aroace-wizard: spaghetti and garlic bread
@amethyst-aster: fried squirrels and chipmunks dipped in sweet and sour sauce
@ratticus-overlord: Cheese
@good-wizard: pulled pork, fries, a deck of cards (the last one isn't food)
@verylegalwizard: something with slime
@skyethesapphicwolfwizard: Adobong Fae Atay
@yourlocalbreadenthusiast: bread
@sadcabbeagemanofthelake: vegetables (unspecified)
@exispencer-crisis: classic dragon recipe for both cake and cheesecake
@thewanderingshapebetweenrealms: kiełbasa and czernina
@officialwizardnews: tamales
@irokie: mead
@be-gentle-with-littluns: lofthouse cookies
@a-goose-in-a-trenchcoat: mac n cheese
@littlepawzbigheart: mtn dew
@combustion-witch: nuclear bomb cupcakes
@wild-magic-wizard: breaded garlic
@crickled-thorn-thug: weird clusters of something
@fattocatto-wizard: dessert waffles (I had to add them back because they promised to not teleport the dimension)
@alchemical-overreaction: fireworks (not for eating)
@odd-animated-armor: Their own alcohol (didn't specify which kind)
@the-silliest-sorcerer: powdered fairy dumplings
@hnoc-system: allmeat dumplings (because they have every single type of meat. Including unkillable meat)
@lead-sorcerer: popcorn
@the-moth-wizard-of-mayhem: dinner pie
@aurelia-robowizard: enchanted strawberries
@helpfulapprentice: ice tea
@detective-disco: karaoke machine
we were also provided lemon tarts by @blooper-malte but sadly they couldn't make it
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By this point, my cheeks are flushed, and I'm panting like this is the most exercise I've gotten in months - knowing me, it probably is.
I'm so full. My belly has hardly any give to it, packed with my favorite indulgences from the convenience store: a 12-inch sub, mac n' cheese, all of those chocolates and pre-packaged pastries; topped off with a cheesecake frappe.
Before we'd even left for the store, I had gulped down a few bottles of my favorite cider and finished off a friend's when they didn't want to. I'm doing that all the time now, like I'm the official garbage disposal of the friend group. Anytime a portion is too big or too decadent for someone, the plate gets pushed in front of me and I'm putting it in my mouth before I even think about whether or not I'm still hungry, especially if I've had something to drink.
That's beside the point, though. Right now, we're back at your place. I'm tipsy, stuffed to my absolute limit, and grinding on the base of your strap as desperately as you've ever seen me. You won't let me put it inside yet, though, no matter how needy I get. You've got the mouth of the last bottle from the 4-pack pressed against my lips, and I'm not getting fucked until I've drank every last drop.
Did you know that each of those bottles has a cool 200 calories? I try not to think too hard about numbers, but I have to stifle a moan and keep sipping when I consider that I've downed nearly 700 calories from just this little vice of mine today alone.
I had never considered myself much of a social drinker or a party person before we met, so imagine my surprise at looking myself in the mirror and realizing I've got a bonafide beer gut nowadays, sitting pretty over the waistband of my jeans. The thing almost eclipses my view of your strap entirely. I think of that surprise now, when the tip of the toy pokes at the underside of my belly.
We're down to the dredges of the bottle, and I open my mouth for you to empty that last bit down my throat. I'm almost drooling, dizzy at the thought of having earned my prize, and I know just how nice and full I'm about to be.
i don’t even know what to say because my mouth is dry reading this and I’m screaming holy shit anon this is so wonderful and sexy omfg. not only is it well written but it’s like, all of my kinks.
god, what I wouldn’t give to have an overstuffed, drunk cutie on my lap, grinding desperately against me and waiting to get fucked. and I’d help you through it; rub your aching and full belly so you can fit every last drop. because as much as you want to ride my strap, I want you to just as much.
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onyx66 · 8 months
Random Metalocalypse Headcanons
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It’s about time I make content for those idiots/aff 🖤🥰
Murderface loves anything with cheese. Mac n Cheese, grilled cheese, cheese pizza (with stuffed crust), cheese fondues, cheesecakes, you name it. He would slather them with extra cheese if he has too. Unfortunately, he’s lactose intolerant. But does he care? Hell no. Murderface just LOVES cheese.
His bathroom is gonna stink for the next few days. I feel bad for the Klokateer in charge of cleaning that.
If Nathan ever gets a pet crocodile, he’ll probably name it something cool like Jaws or Slash. But he’d also go for something more ‘cute’ like Buttons or Spots.
Skwisgaar vaguely remembers watching Moomins when he was a kid. It was when Toki bought a few Moomin plushies that he suddenly remembers a bit about the cartoon. He didn’t care about some kids show from his childhood but surprisingly, he stuck around when Toki infodumps about them.
Toki on the other hand, never saw Moomins as a kid. **cough cough** abusive childhood **cough cough** When he first heard of the Moomin park, Toki was excited to go there. It was when he find out that it based off a cartoon so he binged watched the whole series in one night. Now he won’t shut up about it when he wants to talk about Moomins.
Then Toki begged the rest of the band to take him to the Moomin park and Skwisgaar ended up giving in first.
After Pickles told his mom to go fuck herself, he did some thinking for a while and realised how fucking awful his mother was to him growing up and that he can never satisfy her no matter how hard he tries. So he finally cut her off. Thank god cuz his mom sucks
That didn’t stop Molly from pestering Pickles again. Whenever she tried to call him after that incident, Pickles has the klokateers block her number.
The same thing goes for Seth too. Pickles tries really hard to ignore his calls or block his number from Australia. But since Seth now works for them, Pickles had to end up paying him back even if he didn’t want to. He still had to this feeling he owes something to Seth despite knowing how much of a shitty brother he was to him.
Toki LOVES Squishmallows. He bought a whole collection of them for his bedroom until it didn’t fit his room anymore. His favourites are the cat and bunny ones.
Every Dethklok member is neurodivergent one way or another. Don’t change my mind.
Skwisgaar’s guilty pleasure music is ABBA but he would never tell anyone about it. But then Toki looked through his playlist and snitched on him to his band mates. They all made fun of Skwisgaar for a while.
Toki makes a flower clown for his bandmates once. They all complained that it’s gay but they all kept it on nonetheless. Toki also made one for Charles, Dick Knubble and Abigail.
Unsurprisingly, Murderface loves visiting antique stores and cabinet of curiosities. He particularly loves taxidermy, old artefacts and bone collections.
Nathan and Pickles competed against each other in a burger eating competition once but it ended in a tie since they were both too stuffed.
Will make a part 2 soon after I think of more headcanons
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sundove88 · 11 months
Cookie Run Kingdom- Cheesyitis (Based on Frozen Fever)
Golden Cheese, Princess, Cavatappi, and the others plan a special birthday celebration for Mimolette months after her return, but when Goldie catches a cold, her Ancient Cookie powers put more than just the party at risk.
The Cheese Triplets, Casu Marzu, and some other characters belong to me.
Princess Professor Mimolette, Prince Professor Cavatappi, Lil Mac, and a few others belong to @thetropicalfairy
It had been a few months after Princess Professor Mimolette Cookie had returned after an epic journey to find her and her parents. But today, Golden Cheese was extra busy- for it was her daughter’s surprise birthday party. She wanted her to have something to remember, especially with her whole family and all of her friends and allies around. “Come on, Goldie. This is for Mimi! You can do this!” She nervously said as she placed the crystal butterfly cake topper on the cake, which was decorated with sugar crystals and fake sugar butterflies. “Relax, Mom in Law! It looks great!” Prince Professor Cavatappi, her son in law, said. “I just want her to have something to remember.” The golden sovereign replied as she walked over, while Pure Vanilla Cookie arranged flowers from Mimi’s garden, Hollyberry Cookie and her family supplied berry juice by the bottle, and Dark Cacao Cookie plus his son Dark Choco Cookie and wife ChocoPearl Cookie cut up paper chains. Sparkling supplied his signature juice; Cocoa helped make the hot cocoa bar, Herb helped with the table settings, Mint Choco and DJ chose some party tunes, and Vampire plus his sister Alchemist handled the piñata.
“Speaking of which, check this out!” Cavatappi answered, revealing a banner he and his nieces + nephews made that said “HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIMI” in bright letters. “Everyone, are you sure I can leave you in charge here?” Golden Cheese replied. “Of course you can!” Madeleine said as he got the party games set up while Espresso got a brewing station ready. “Because I don’t want anything to go wrong today.” Goldie replied as she flew over. The cheesebird triplets giggled as they ate some of the miniature cupcakes, which looked like Cheesebeetles. “Kids, those are for the party!” Sosha, their mother replied as she flew over with their father, Danby. “Yes, Mama and Papa.” The trio, made up of Fontina, Colby, and Brie said as they flew towards their parents. Prince Mac N Cheese Cookie, their neighbor and Goldie’s grandson, flew over as well. Then, Golden Cheese knew that the party was about to start for real. “Two things- One, Make sure to not let anyone in until we’re ready; and two, Keep an eye on everything, got it?” She said as she flew away quickly. “Got it!” Princess Cookie shouted as she, her sister Tiger Lily, Tea Knight and Eclair hung up balloons and streamers; while Cheesecake, Birthday Cake, Piñata, and Firecracker handled the rest of the decor. “What could possibly go wrong today?” Parmesan, Golden Cheese’s husband, said with a smile as he tied a few more ribbons. Burnt Cheese, Mozzarella, and Smoked Cheese also helped decorate too.
Inside her daughter’s house, Golden Cheese smiled as she approached her sleeping daughter. “Wake up, sweetie. It’s your birthday!” Mimolette sat up and gasped. “I-It’s my birthday?!” She said as she leapt to her feet. “Yes! I know how much you missed when you, your friends, and your father and I celebrated your birthday, so we’re going to make this one your best one yet!” Golden Cheese said, only for her to sneeze and two Cheesebirds to appear out of nowhere. Neither mother or daughter noticed. “But first, let’s get dressed!” Goldie said as both of them got dressed in party dresses with butterflies and jewels, respectively, while having their tiaras on as well. “Now… for the presents!” She squealed.
Laughing, mother and daughter followed a long string that the Ancients had wound through the kingdom, leading Mimi to various different gifts. Inside one of Tea Knight’s suits, was a silver butterfly bracelet. Inside one of Eclair’s cabinets, lay a Parfaedia snowglobe. And on the balcony of Hollyberry’s vacation home, there was a bouquet of desert flowers. Mimolette was so happy! But Goldie sneezed AGAIN. More Cheesebirds popped out of nowhere and flew to the ground. Both still didn’t even notice! The Cheesebirds flew into the party venue, where Lil Mac was thrilled to see them. “Hi, little guys!!” He squealed. “Uh oh…!” Cavatappi’s siblings said in unison as they placed the food on the buffet table. The Brave Gang immediately took action as well, stopping all the decorating and immediately chasing after the little birds.
Mimi and Goldie followed the string all across The Cookie Kingdom. Along the way, Mimi discovered more presents: A family portrait, a Cheesebird Doll, and even a fishing Rod! But Golden Cheese was sneezing way more often. And each time she sneezed, more Cheesebirds appeared. The pair didn’t see any of them. Finally, Mimolette broke the ice. “This day’s been amazin’. But I think ya need to get back home and rest.” “Wait! There’s more, sweetie!” Golden Cheese persuaded. She then led her daughter to The Squirrel Shop, where she presented her daughter with a gorgeous butterfly wing style cloak. The Maestro Sugar Gnome stepped out of the door and noticed Golden Cheese sneezing. “How about some medicine for you?” He asked. Mimi took the bottle without hesitation. “We may or may not need that.” Later, Goldie took Mimi to the Kingdom Plaza, where Lil Mac’s friends had another surprise for her. “Happy birthday, Princess Professor!” Gumball Cookie said as he unveiled a mural he had made himself. Goldie turned to her daughter. “They absolutely love you, Mimi- AHH, AHHH, AAAAACCCHHOOOOO!!”
More Cheesebirds appeared out of nowhere and flew into the venue. The Triple Cone Trio, Cavatappi, and the others tried to get things under control; but the little birds where all over the place! Cream Puff Cookie noticed the birds flying towards the cake. She conjured up a spell to keep them away. “Protecticus… Cakeicus!” She shouted as she shielded the cake while Walnut Cookie tore up some bread and got the birds away. Suddenly, the flock of Cheesebirds perched on the banner and wrecked it, sending pages everywhere! Prune Juice Cookie grinned. “We’ll get it!” He shouted. Cavatappi caught each of the Cheesebirds in the bowl just as the Triple Cone Trio finished repairing the banner. Capsaicin Cookie smiled. “All done!” He shouted. Kouign Amann Cookie grinned in return. “Whaddya think?” She asked. Cavatappi was horrified as he saw The Triple Cone Trio hanging from the banner. “PHAPY RHABDIOM TIMIY?!” Almond and Latte couldn’t help but laugh.
At the same time, Golden Cheese had led Mimolette to the last stop. There Was just a single gift left hidden in the Cookie Castle. But Mimi’s arms were filled to the brim with presents, and Goldie’s cold was getting worse. Mimolette persuaded her mom, “Please, Mom. Ya need to get some rest!” Golden Cheese wasn’t listening, though. She was feeling a bit… feverish as she flew up the stairs to the top of the castle. “It’s your happy birthday, my darling,” she sang. “Happy, jolly, hot, hot, birthday…” But just before Golden Cheese lost her balance, Mimi dropped the gifts and flew down to catch her. “Mom, ya practically have a fever! We need to get ya to bed.” “I really am that sick.” Golden Cheese admitted. She sighed as her daughter helped her through the venue gates. “I’m so sorry, Mimi. I ruined your perfect birthday.” But Mimolette just smiled. “Ya didn’t screw up anythin’, mom. Everythin’ was truly—!”
“SURPRISE!!!” Mother and daughter stopped short. Everyone Mimi had helped, was friends with, all of her students, and her whole extended family were all there in the venue- surrounded by who knows how many little Cheesebirds! “Wow!” Mimi said, ecstatically. “Wow.” Golden Cheese replied, shocked. Everyone ran up to Mimolette and hugged her, wishing the Princess Professor a happy birthday- especially Royalberry, Jungleberry, and Dark Choco, her three bestest friends of all. Princess and Tiger Lily, caught up in the excitement, ran up to her and tackle-hugged her. “Happy birthday! We love you, Mimi!” Then the guests stopped, stunned by what Princess had said.
Mimi had grinned at her biggest fan; then she turned to her mom. “Ok; mom. Time to go to bed.” But Goldie was persistent. “Wait! All that’s left is for the queen to blow the Birthday Bukkehorn!” She shouted. Mimolette knew what was going to happen next. “Nonononononono!” She replied. “ACHOO!” The Queen sneezed out Puffington, a massive Cheesebird, who was sent flying to Beast Yeast. Meanwhile, Casu Marzu Cookie, the Queen’s traitorous former advisor, was muttering her next plan… only to get crushed by Puffington himself. The other Cookies of Darkness burst out laughing, while Casu growled and flipped off the royals for not inviting her to the party.
But Mimi was still smiling when she tucked her mom into bed not long afterwards, giving her some nice hot soup she had made herself. “Thanks, Mom. That was the greatest birthday present ever.” She said. Golden Cheese looked at her daughter. “Which one?” “Me finally havin’ a genuine birthday party with everyone I know and love… and you finally letting me take care of ya.” At those words, Goldie embraced her daughter without hesitation. “I love you too, sweetie. Happy birthday.” She said as Sosha and Danby, dressed as a doctor and nurse; landed near her as she sneezed again, summoning their neighbors from their homeland. But not long after the party, Lil Mac was riding his tricycle with the triplets in the basket, leading a parade of Cheesebirds through the kingdom. Cavatappi sighed as he laid on the shoulders of his parents, Fusilli and Ravioli. “Don’t ask.” He said to them with an exhausted sigh. It had been a long day indeed.
The End
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ereborne · 5 months
for the end of the year ask: 3, 9, 18, 21!
3) Favorite band I started listening to this year: Time is so fake and I'm having a hard time remembering artists I found at the top of the year vs which ones I've had for longer than that. Quite recently I found both Sleep Token and Scene Queen--I already talked about Sleep Token some on a song of the day, so Scene Queen it is! Hyperpop-metal fuckin banger songs: Pink Whitney, MILF, The Rapture (But It's Pink)
9) Best month for me this year: I think probably October. I always love Halloween (and this is perhaps slightly cheating, but my birthday is at the end of September, so by October I have all my presents), and this October specifically came with a lot of relief. Our cat Jo gave us a bit of a scare, but she got a clean bill of health the first week in October (please imagine three fully-grown adults crowding one very disgruntled gray cat telling her what a good bladder she has and what good work she's done not growing rocks in it this time). And my old laptop broke unexpectedly in September, so I spent a fair chunk of October marveling about the speed and coolness of my brand-new computer. A pretty good month all around!
18) A memorable meal: Thanksgiving! I almost said November was my best month but then I realized I was literally just thinking of Thanksgiving. I made a ham, baked mac & cheese, herbed mashed potatoes, squash casserole, onion casserole, green bean casserole, corn pudding, brown-sugar-glazed carrots, pumpkin pie, and a cheesecake, all from scratch in one day in one oven and we got it all hot (well. appropriately-temperatured. the cheesecake was chilled) on the table at the same time. It all tasted exactly as it should, and @kaylithographica came to celebrate with us, and it was the best day.
21) Something new about my room this year: My corner plants!!
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prismaticpichu · 2 years
As someone who looovess sweets, I wanted to waste some more time imagining what the Firsts love to snack on after a quality meal! (Or Kraft mac & cheese, I won’t judge.)
Angeal 🕊 ~ Kinda the fancier type, a little too stiff for ice cream in a cone but not that person, so he still loves his dessert. Mainly enjoys the kinda pastries you’d find in a diner window. I’d say he’s a cheesecake guy, with some nice drizzle on top!
Genesis 📕 ~ The pseudo-fancy type, always stifling his desire for ice cream to pick out something they’d serve at a lobster restaurant. He’s verrry picky too (like me!), and if the cake is embellished with something he doesn’t like, he won’t touch it (like me! Yes I have my guilt). In reality though, his favorite’s gotta be cookies n creme ice cream with brownie bits.
Sephiroth 🐈‍⬛ ~ Sephiroth. Loves. PUDDING. He LOVES IT. Going out and raiding the market’s supply of vanilla pudding is one of the only things that’ll spur this guy to get out in public. On the bright side, everyone scurries away to take photos from afar, so the dessert aisle is all to himself. Some things are just worth the sacrifice. (There’s no reason for this whatsoever- I think I just associate the color with his hair.)
Zack 🐶 ~ Zack likes ANYTHING that has concerning amounts of sugar in it, ranging from but not limited to: Lucky Charms, chocolate-drenched Oreos, cookie cakes, the sugar found at the bottom of Lucky Charms… His favorite, though, has to be lava cake (the molten descent from heaven and my personal favorite!). Angeal always ends up having to clean up little chocolate handprints, Genesis finds the irony of a puppy eating chocolate award-winning comedy, and Sephiroth is sitting beside him helping himself to the vanilla ice cream that comes with it. (It’s not pudding, but it’ll do.)
(Unrelated but since I am like the worst speller, my teachers would always tell me the difference between dessert and desert is that you always want two desserts, hence the double s. Remember y’all, sand and cacti pale in comparison to dirt cups!)
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Ahoy Steph 🙌, I was wondering if you could tell us a little bit about yourself and what kind of tropes and stories you enjoy? Wanna get to know a little more about who is behind the blog if you don't mind🤸
Hey Nonny!
Sorry for the delay in a reply... just haven't "felt it" the past couple months, and after a nice 2 week break (and now a slow day at work), I feel more up to answering a long-form ask today, LOL.
So, I won't reveal too much about myself that isn't already public, since I try to keep my online and personal lives separate (and I come from an age where people usually DID do this because no one needs to know every little bit about you). The basics are that I'm a 41-year-old Canadian dork who loves video games, animation, movies, drawing, writing, and making music. I'm a graphic designer by trade, and have been for nearly 20 years, and I love it (if you need something designed or laid out, hit me up, I freelance on the side for extra spending money). I love dragons and puppies and kitties. I've been in fandom spaces for as long as I can remember, even before the internet. First major fandom I was a part of was Sonic the Hedgehog in my teen years, used to be a pretty popular writer back then. I moved on to Darkwing Duck in my 20s, then TMNT and then Sherlock (I'm a fan of a TONNE more things, but these were the active fanbases I had a presence in). These days I'm more of a lurker than actively participating, though Sherlock has been the longest one I haven't really moved on from. I like the casualness of what I've built here, and I think that's been a huge benefit for my mental health.
Hmm... my fave food is mac and cheese, but had to cut back on it a lot, so these days it's mostly chicken, lol. Fave dessert is cheesecake. Again, not supposed to eat it because of the dairy and sugar, so if I make it, I use lactose-free cheese. I treat myself once-a-year on my birthday, usually.
My current dream is to own a home. I've been trying to make it happen for almost 10 years now, and every time I get close, the goal-post gets shifted as housing prices skyrocket. It makes me very sad.
My dream holiday is a Disney cruise OR somewhere tropical; wanted to do these since I was 20. Secondary dream WAS going back to Disney World for my 40th, but now it's for my 45th or 50th, hopefully with SOMEONE (no one wants to go with me, hence the back-burner on this one). Listen, I know how awful Disney is. I just... really loved being there. It's easy to forget a lot of things when you're there. Third dream is a cross-country LITERAL nostalgia road trip with my sister. We used to go on 2-week-long, cross-Canada road trips when we were kids, and I just... want to kind of relive those, y'know? Lots of fond memories. Again, something that's just a dream because while my sister wants to do it, she doesn't want to be an alternate driver, so. Yeah, I can't do the driving alone.
Uh... Hmm. Not sure what else I should talk about here, if there's something specific y'all want to know, just ask :)
As for fave tropes, I love fake relationship fics the most, I think, followed by pining and movie rewrites with characters... I'm actually pretty easy-going when it comes to tropes, really. Willing to read any trope at least once to see if I like it.
Oddly, though, I prefer stories that are SUPER in-character (to how I read them, anyway) AND focus a lot on character studies and relationships with other characters. Novel-length stories are usually the best for it, but shorter ones can be too. I prefer fanfics more these days because I don't have to think about how these characters SHOULD be and focus more on the world that the author created. When I do read published novels, though, they're usually fantasy books. One of my fave series ever is the Inkheart Trilogy. Just an easy read from book one.
Yeah, so that's a little bit about me, to start off 2023 AND for any newbies that have just recently found me.
Thanks again for your curiosity :) Again, if you have anything you want more elaboration on, I can at my discretion.
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neverrcry · 7 days
top 3-5 favorite cheeses (mun & bobby/skunk/dennis)? shredded or sliced? who would share their nachos? (and who wouldn’t?) anybody think the moon’s really made of cheese? who’s got a grater in their kitchen? cheese or cheesecake? cheese! 📸 who’s got the best smile? which muse is the cheesiest? who’s reachin’ for the wine over the cheese? 🧀😜
top 3-5 favorite cheeses (mun & bobby/skunk/dennis)?
okay so my favorite cheeses currently are vintage cupola (three year aged gouda that is so delcious, starts off a little sweet like pineapple and finishes really savory and umami), afterglow (goat milk brie that's been washed in new glarus' belgian red ale), and ewe calf to be kidding (a cow, sheep, and goat milk blue cheese). for bobby i feel like he would really enjoy a nice baked brie. the brie doesn't even have to be triple creme. i can just see bobby wrapping some brie with puff pastry and topping it with jam, can't you? feel like he also likes blue cheeses but probably a classic like roquefort. i can also see him being a big swiss guy but not baby swiss i'm talking swiss like alpine! he'd probably enjoy something with a washed rind like little mountain. skunk's got a simple palate honestly. he's gonna vibe with colby jack, pepper jack, and american cheese. he's not about all that fancy cheese nonsense! he also likes a cheddar but prefers if it's a mild or young cheddar. dennis likes brie cheese and that's actually canon which is hilarious. he's not super fancy with the cheese knowledge but he does try. most of his time he's trying to get charlie to not eat cheese that he doesn't think about eating it. feel like den would enjoy young gouda and possibly even a cave age bandage wrapped cheddar. something more "sophisticated" (or at least, that's what he would say lmao).
shredded or sliced?
for me personally it all depends on what you're doing with it. pre-shredded cheeses are really convenient and i do buy stuff from the grocery store that's pre-shredded. if you're making a sauce or something though it's best to shred that cheese at home! pre-shredded cheeses have a powder coating on it to keep the cheese from sticking together in the bag. if you're looking for the cheese to dissolve well you're gonna want to shred that shit at home!
who would share their nachos? (and who wouldn’t?)
okay first of all let's go over who would not share their nachos: chimney, fak, richie, mac, dee, charlie, poppy, ravi and ranpo. there asses are not sharing their food! now for the people i can 100% see sharing: marley, bobby, drew, david, and abed. i know that's not my full muse list but these are the vibes i'm feeling okay.
anybody think the moon’s really made of cheese?
listen the obvious answer to this question is charlie but i can also fully see ravi thinking the same thing. also, mac could and would be convinced by charlie that the moon is made of cheese.
who’s got a grater in their kitchen?
well obviously bobby and marley have cheese graters in their kitchen. also benoit has one but it's 100% phillips.
cheese or cheesecake?
for me personally i gotta go with just cheese. i know i know cheesecake is delicious but 90% of the time it's far too sweet and rich for me. i'd rather just demolish a whole cheese tray.
cheese! 📸 who’s got the best smile?
oh god this one is so hard. chim, bobby, britta, poppy, and mac have fantastic smiles!
which muse is the cheesiest?
charlie and skunk have to battle this one out sorry guys. if we're going strictly on personality. however marley does run a fromagarie so! they are also a contender.
who’s reachin’ for the wine over the cheese? 🧀😜
dee and dennis for sure! they'd 100% rather have wine. also kaoru and benoit, possibly jeff as well.
national cheese day questions ( unprompted but i asked for them hehe ), @b1uedcollar, accepting!
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rabbitcruiser · 7 days
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National Cheese Day
June 4 is National Cheese Day. Not to be confused with other popular cheese related holidays like grilled cheese day, cheesecake day, or mac and cheese day. This day is in reverence of the queen of all dairy, the big cheese.
When is National Cheese Day 2024?
Cheese and its many varieties are celebrated on National Cheese Day on June 4.
History of National Cheese Day
Cheese making is an ancient, some might even say sacred, craft. So ancient in fact it predates recorded history. It is speculated that the magic of cheese making began somewhere around 8000BCE shortly after the domestication of animals. Archeological digs have found evidence of cheese around the world including strainers coated in milk-fat molecules in Kuyavia, Poland dated around 5500BCE, murals in Egypt dated at 2000BCE, and an artifact of preserved cheese in Xinjiang, China believed to be more than 3,000 years old! European Imperialism took their styles of cheese through Asia, sub saharan Africa, and eventually to the Americas.
The most popular cheese of all is (obviously) mozzarella. This delicious and pizza topping cheese was first created near Naples from the rich milk of water buffalos. At the time, it rarely left its home near Naples, as it was made from pasteurized milk, and a lack of refrigeration meant it had a very short shelf life. As both cheese technology and refrigeration systems advanced, this delicious cheese left the southern region of Italy and found itself traveling around the world.
There are two types of mozzarella produced within the United States — low moisture and high moisture. Low moisture mozzarella has a moisture content less than 50% while high moisture has a content of over 52%. Low moisture is made specifically for transportation and mass production as the lack of moisture gives it a longer shelf life.
Today, cheese dishes can be found on every continent served savory, sweet, melted, deep fried, and even chilled in ice cream. This household staple can still satisfy any craving after thousands of years.
National Cheese Day timeline
1815 Industrial Revolution
First large scale industrial cheese production begins in Switzerland.
1851 Mass production
Jesse Williams, a farmer, is credited with being the first to have an assembly-line of cheese production in Rome, New York.
1939-1945 Goodbye Mom and Pop
Factory made cheese surpasses the production numbers of traditional farm raised cheeses during World War II.
1982 Mama Mia
The Mozzarella Company was founded in Dallas to bring fresh Mozzarella to America.
By The Numbers
4% – the percentage of all cheese being sold that ends up stolen. 1,400 pounds – the weight of a block of cheddar cheese delivered to the White House once by President Andrew Jackson. 2 – the hours it took for 10,000 visitors to the White House to finish the block of cheddar cheese. 17th century – the period in which they started dyeing cheese orange to fool people into thinking it was higher quality. ½ – of the total cheese consumption in the world is of Gouda cheese. 1,000 – the estimated number of different French cheeses. 1615 B.C. – the year when the oldest known cheese was discovered in China.
National Cheese Day Activities
Take a cooking class
Cook something
Make a spread of some of your favorite cheeses to enjoy solo or with friends. Try working in new and international varieties you’ve never tried before. Check out Pinterest for ideas on the best meat, wine, and veggie pairings.
You may be surprised how many cheese themed educational experiences there are. Learn how to make your own cheese at home, the perfect drink and food pairings, or discover a new cheesy dish. With workshops, in person classes, and free online tutorials there are a lot of ways you can learn to enjoy this ancient culinary staple.
Whether traditional comfort food like mac n cheese, the tangy sweetness of cheesecake, or the contemporary refinement of stuffed pull apart bread there are countless cheese recipes to try. Why not try a new twist on a family recipe or search the internet for the latest cheese trend. You can start simple with a five ingredient ricotta cheese recipe.
It’s vegan!
Americans cut the cheese
Don’t forget the stomach
Medieval curds
Cheesy Moon
Okay, not really, but dairy free cheese is definitely having a renaissance. Food experimentation has come a long way in recent decades offering up many plant based cheese alternatives you can find at major grocery retailers or your local vegan butcher shop (if you’re lucky enough to have one).
Contrary to popular assumption the U.S., not Europe, is the biggest producer of cheese, making up 29% of the global market. In order the top producing countries are the United States, Germany, France, and Italy.
Rennet is curdled milk and complex enzymes found in the fourth stomach of unweaned calves and is often added in the cheese making process, as it is considered to make a bolder, richer quality product.
The most popular types of cheeses of today like gouda, cheddar, parmesan, and camembert, all came in vogue during or after the Middle Ages.
The long standing myth that the moon is made out of cheese may stem from “The Proverbs of John Heywood” back in 1546 which stated "the moon is made of a green cheese." We now understand this to be more metaphor than literal, with “green” referring to the freshness or un-aged nature of the moon.
Why We Love National Cheese Day
Expanding our Palate
New cultural experiences
Sharing and bonding
We love taking our taste buds on new adventures! Today can be about trying so much more than cheese. Wine, beer, meats, veggies, deserts… all of it is up for grabs and we can’t wait.
As an international food staple, National Cheese Day opens the door to a variety of new cultural experiences. We love being able to explore new dishes, cultures, and traditions.
We love breaking cheesy bread and making new memories with the ones we love.
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Can I do a headcanon request on the Pizza Tower Crew with their favorite foods, drinks, and desserts?
Since you asked nicely, of course I'll do this request! Sorry if some of these come off as very left-field lmao, it's hard to think of ones for everyone so some of these I just made up on the spot.
Favourite food: Believe it or not, mac and cheese lol. He does like pizza enough to take his career path in it, but there's something special about mac and cheese to him.
Favourite drink: Milkshakes
Favourite dessert: Ice cream.
(for him I went mainly with comfort foods, since let's be real, he would have a special fondness for those)
Favourite food: Pizza. Especially mushroom pizza, as it reminds him of home.
Favourite drink: Smoothies
Favourite dessert: Cherry pie
(for him I made the drink up on the spot, but the food preference i already had in mind and the dessert i based on gnome forest's treasure)
Favourite food: Cheese
Favourite drink: Milk
Favourite dessert: Cheesecake
(i went with anything cheese-related with Brick because he's a rat)
Mr. Stick
Favourite food: Sausages. Any kind of sausages, really. Particularly breakfast sausages are his favourite.
Favourite drink: Water. He doesn't like sweet or bitter foods, so water is the only drink he can tolerate.
Favourite dessert: Plain cookies. Again, not a fan of sweets, so he goes simple for desserts.
(i imagine Mr. Stick being a picky eater)
Favourite food: Salad. Anything goes in salad and it can be arranged in a variety of creative ways, so of course he'd like salad!
Favourite drink: Lemonade
Favourite dessert: Lava cake. Oddly satisfying...
(i made the drink up on the spot for him, but the other two i went with something artsy but still simple)
The Vigilante
Favourite food: The crispiest bacon that you could imagine.
Favourite drink: Coffee. Especially how Noisette makes it.
Favourite dessert: Anything with milk chocolate.
(favourite food i made up, drink and dessert are based on a headcanon that he loves both bitter and sweet flavours, the opposite of Mr. Stick)
The Noise
Favourite food: Hamburgers
Favourite drink: Tea
Favourite dessert: Yes (in all seriousness, cake)
(these are all based on actual sprites relating to him, pre and post-release, save for the cake option which i picked because you can literally put any sweets you want in a cake)
Favourite food: Peanut butter spaghetti
Favourite drink: Spicy pepper coffee (it's a hidden menu item!)
Favourite dessert: Hamburger ice cream
(noisette sure loves weird food combinations. the drink and dessert are both references to web videos.)
Fake Peppino
Favourite food: Melted crayons
Favourite drink: Bathroom tap water
Favourite dessert: Flavorless jello
(yeah i don't think i need to explain this one. he would answer with an exact copy of peppino's answers, but these are the true answers.)
Favourite food: Pizza. But NO PINEAPPLE.
Favourite drink: Soda
Favourite dessert: Ice cream sundaes
(he definitely has a childish palate)
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sirmanmister · 2 months
My birthday is next week on Friday and I've been thinking of shit to do for it for a while now and cuz I'm a big fallout dork I was like "ah yes I should make irl depression era wacky cake for my birthday it'll be so fallout-coded" and for some reason, even though I already KNEW it existed and fully planned on making the Nuka Cola recipe in it, I just looked through the Vault Dweller's Cookbook for the first time and my god I have too many options now.
There's an actual birthday cake recipe, old lady palmer sweet rolls, fancy lads snack cakes and a perfectly preserved pie recipe that are all very well within my reach to make. I don't even LIKE cheesecake but that pie is calling to me. Also mushroom cloud meringue and stimpak jello shots and little buffout matcha cookies.
At the moment I'm gearing towards something I've never actually seen in the games; Mississippi Quantum Pie. Which is apparently in Fallout 3? It's like a mud pie from what I gather and it has fancy blue icing :3 Aside from all the desserts I'm also so fallout brained I was thinking of fucking APPLES and mac n cheese for supper (not together) cuz dandy apples and blamco LMFAO
Aside from food stuff I'm also gonna go to a cold war museum inside a bunker that my grandpa used to work in (like the BUNKER not the museum) and I'm gonna get all dressed up and go out to lunch after :) then we're gonna watch Blast From The Past which is abt a nuclear family that I watched YEARS ago when I was a kid. Anyway fallout is really fucking cool and I'm excited
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currently the people going to the cookout are
me: grilling dragon burgers and sausages
@ripleyalamode: cookies
@aroace-wizard: spaghetti and garlic bread
@amethyst-aster: fried squirrels and chipmunks dipped in sweet and sour sauce
@ratticus-overlord: Cheese
@good-wizard: pulled pork, fries, a deck of cards (the last one isn't food)
@verylegalwizard: something with slime
@skyethesapphicwolfwizard: Adobong Fae Atay
@yourlocalbreadenthusiast: bread
@sadcabbeagemanofthelake: vegetables (unspecified)
@exispencer-crisis: classic dragon recipe for both cake and cheesecake
@thewanderingshapebetweenrealms: kiełbasa and czernina
@officialwizardnews: tamales
@irokie: mead
@be-gentle-with-littluns: lofthouse cookies
@a-goose-in-a-trenchcoat: mac n cheese
@littlepawzbigheart: mtn dew
@combustion-witch: nuclear bomb cupcakes
@wild-magic-wizard: breaded garlic
@crickled-thorn-thug: weird clusters of something
@fattocatto-wizard: dessert waffles (I had to add them back because they promised to not teleport the dimension)
@alchemical-overreaction: fireworks (not for eating)
@odd-animated-armor: Their own alcohol (didn't specify which kind)
@the-silliest-sorcerer: powdered fairy dumplings
@hnoc-system: allmeat dumplings (because they have every single type of meat. Including unkillable meat)
@lead-sorcerer: popcorn
@the-moth-wizard-of-mayhem: dinner pie
@aurelia-robowizard: enchanted strawberries
@helpfulapprentice: ice tea
@detective-disco: karaoke machine
if you're on this list as "bringing ???" Please state what you'll be bringing for better planning. We also have some lemon tarts provided by @blooper-malte-2 (for some reason it wasn't letting me tag him normally). This is being hosted on top of the Walmart
It's been over for a week
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y0itsbri · 2 years
hiiii y'all -- gonna be super cheeeeesy for this gallacrafts because twisha ( @grumpymickmilk ) and i decided to 'collab' this sunday by going on a cheesecake factory date a la the fic 'like real people do' that shaped both of us during our introduction to the fandom <3
lrpd: brisha edition under the cut ((the bread part of the chapter did not apply bc we didn't get served bread <//3 ))
The service is slow, which isn’t surprising considering the restaurant’s so full.
The two of them play with each other’s fingers, even turning it into a thumb war once, as they talk about work and movies and music.
Ian’s Twisha's got an earworm, and periodically, when the conversation lulls, he’ll she'll murmur, “Hot damn, hot water, hot shower, he want a f-r-eeeee-ak (freaky girl)” and Mickey’ll throw a torn off piece of bread at him Bri will join in and tap their fingers along her thigh.
When the food comes, they disconnect their hands and dig in.
And they end up sharing food, sort of, Mickey Twisha giving Ian Bri one of his tacos in exchange for some of Ian’s pineapple chicken and rice sips of their peach lemonade even though they swore they didn't want lemonade. It was especially kind of Twisha considering Bri said her carbonara wasn't as cool as their fried mac n cheese balls. But they're balls Twisha, c'mon, that's cool as fuck. Twisha agreed, it was cool as fuck.
The food’s good, and it’s filling, and Mickey Bri feels like he’s they're gonna explode when Ian Twisha suggests that they get cheesecake.
“We’re at The Cheesecake Factory. We’ve gotta get some fuckin’ cheesecake, Mickey. Bri ”
He lets Ian Bri lets Twisha talk him them into sharing a slice of Oreo Dream Extreme Adam's Peanut Butter Cup Fudge Ripple
The waitress brings two forks with it, and she gives them each a fond smile before walking away. Mickey Bri looks at Ian Twisha and idly plays with his their fork, thinking about how he’s they're sharing a fucking desert with his boyfriend their girlfriend, and the waitress has just smiled at him them like it’s completely sweet and ordinary, completely believable for Mickey Bri to have something like this.
They eat the cake slice together, fucking around the whole time, battling forks, fighting over the Oreo peanut butter cup on top, and debating who gets the mousse (Bri did -- peanut butter baby). And once the plate’s empty, they stretch backward and hold their stomachs.
“Third trimester food baby,” Ian Bri groans, holding his their palms flat against the front of his their shirt. Twisha rubs her hands over their stomach as well, "Awwwww, babyyyy."
Mickey kicks him under the table. Bri lovingly shoulders her as they walk to the car, “It’s your fuckin’ fault.”
“But it’s the fuckin’ Cheesecake Factory. How the hell d’you come here and not eat cheesecake?”
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van-eazy · 6 months
My blog is a lot like a Cheesecake Factory menu, oh yeah, it’s a lot! But there’s deep fried mac & cheese balls, and there’s something for everyone!
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