#daisy jones x billy dunne edit
reasonsmandy · 10 months
“ I don't even know why we're doing this...Is not a duet! ”
I'm so proud of this... > more edits
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camiladnne · 1 year
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twinkpeaked · 1 year
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floencepugh · 1 year
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"What are you so afraid of?"
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lilshitwayne · 10 months
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And some part of me came alive The first time that you called me 'baby'
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lydiaas · 1 year
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widovva · 1 year
𝒊𝗰꩜𝗻𝘀 𓏲 suki, camila and riley
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if you save them, like or reblog 𑁤
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
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Stop, you're losing me.
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iknowitwontwork · 1 year
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Riley Keough as Daisy Jones and Sam Claflin as Billy Dunne in Daisy Jones & The Six
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elsaqueenofstress · 1 year
some djats fans are very very insufferable when it comes to the whole "unreliable narrator" aspect of the story. an unreliable narrator is a character who lacks complete credibility or accuracy in their retelling of the story, which is what you get in the book. however, it's not because Everyone Is Lying All The Time On Purpose: it's because they all have literally different perspectives on each moment. warren and graham are convinced that "the six" sounds like "the sex" because it's what they felt at the time, but billy and karen disagree. daisy and billy think that the aurora cover is gorgeous and iconic because it spotlights them, while everyone else rolls their eyes at how predictable it is. warren still believes, forty years later, that karen was hooking up with one of the roadies because graham and karen's relationship was a secret, so his stories are sometimes completely false. graham can't view karen's choice to get an abortion as hers, and emphasizes his own betrayal over the feelings she expressed to him because they hurt too much. things like that!
"unreliable narration" doesn't just mean lying all the time, and it gets a little lame to watch people (most of whom are d/b shippers) claim that's the case. the book's opening lines aren't "they could have been making this shit up!" – they're "some [interviewees] were more forthcoming than others...on matters both big and small, sometimes accounts of the same events differ. the truth often lies, unclaimed, in the middle." there were probably details that characters left out on purpose, but why would everyone, especially after having not spoken in years, have agreed to completely lie about everything? billy tells his grown, adult daughter about cheating on her mother repeatedly, about missing her birth during his addiction, about the deep attraction he felt for daisy. people are so desperate for their ship to have been physically canon that they disregard these details and claim that he was just protecting julia's feelings (again, she's like forty at this point??) or that he and daisy agreed to leave out their apparently torrid affair (which especially falls apart after tjr released the bonus pages, where camila explicitly tells daisy "don't try to sugarcoat anything on my behalf" and daisy promises to do so). it does a disservice to whatever shreds of nuance or subtlety the book had, all traces of which the show decided to throw out the window in favor of cw-level drama and clunky character arcs
anyway the show's reasoning that "this is what really happened!!!" technically doesn't even hold up bc they changed too many random details lmao. like no matter how strong whatever they were smoking during the seventies was, i don't think it was enough for them to mass hallucinate the twins and pete, collectively forget what month they played chicago stadium, and all pretend like graham and karen didn't tell them about their relationship...? loved the casting loved some of the songs loved simone's plot but that was Not a good show methinks
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nerdside · 1 year
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Daisy Jones & The Six tv show x book parallel
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reasonsmandy · 6 months
Is there something lost in the sky?
Billy Dunne x Fem!Reader
✧.* you're reading part two of — You Intrigue Me
✧.* requested by 2 anon — pleaseee, you intrigue me pt.2?? // I've been dying to read a part 2 of "intrigue me". Can you do a part 2?
✧.* summary — After years of work the day of your album release had finally arrived, and you couldn't wait to see everyone enjoying your creations. The night would be very pleasant if it weren't for the big question about the relationship between you and Billy constantly haunting your head.
✧.* warnings — none
✧.* word count — 1.8k
✧.* 🎤 — Billy Dunne's masterlist
✧.* mandy's notes — I know I know, it took me long enough... I'm sorry! But I hope you like it :) Good reading.
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You take a deep breath, reaching out your hand for the door hesitating as his fingers slid across the wooden object. You had been waiting for this moment for months, but you couldn't count the nervousness that had been growing in your core ever since Teddy and you started preparing for your album's release day.
You had told the producer that your only requirement was to listen to the album before release with all the people important to this creative process. And the day had arrived, behind that door people were waiting for you to finally hear all the effort of years, it was impossible to control your nervousness and you were failing miserably in this attempt.
You could hear the murmuring behind the door, which made you rethink whether this had all been a great idea in the first place. You feel a hand grab your wrist, and you turn around, coming face to face with the long-haired man smiling small at you.
“You okay?” Billy questions, You feel relief when you see him there, as you always felt in his presence.
“Not sure, actually.” You confess, turning to him. “I forgot how intense this is.”
“When you see everyone there being proud of you, it goes away quickly.” He gets closer to you, and your heart races.
“I don't know if they'll be proud. No one's ever heard it finished except Teddy." You say, trying your best to feel his fingertips on your hands.
“I am, you can be sure of that.” He intertwines your fingers, reassuring you in a way that even if everything falls apart he will be there. “And besides, I'm very eager to see what you came up with.”
Four months had passed since the agreement made between you and the eldest Dunne, Since then the album 'Aurora' had been a huge success and the band had played several shows around the globe. Meanwhile, the two of you always kept in touch, through calls and of course meetings here and there, you weren't sure what exactly permeated your relationship, but with each meeting you fell more with him.
Billy Dunne was an enigma, you felt so understood next to him that it was impossible to describe, every lyric you put down on paper seemed to describe him and every chord he created was like the melodies in your head. You understood each other, and each time you removed the layer of protection that life had made you create to get to know each other, you saw yourself in each other, you connected with each other, you fell in love.
That part of you wanted to keep your feet on the ground, believe that you were just friends and that was it. But now, feeling him caress your hands in an attempt to reassure you, it was almost impossible not to explode with emotions.
“I hope you like it.” That's all you manage to say.
“I'm positive I will, now, come on, pretty girl.” He holds out his hand for you to take. “Let's celebrate your rock n roll record.”
He opens the door for you, and when everyone inside cheers for you he can't help but smile. Large hanging on the wall was your album, as the center of the entire attraction, Warren drummed on the table to increase the celebratory noise, Karen clapped her hands while another whistled for you.
Little by little, they came to greet you and congratulate you on your achievement. You welcomed everyone with gratitude and gradually got excited to see them all here. To your right was a makeshift stage, so you could perform some tracks of your choice, and the band that recorded with you was among the guests having fun at the event.
“Okay y'all, everyone gather here!” Teddy calls for everyone, and little by little they approach. "Now let's listen to one of the most creative albums I've ever been a part of, our dear Y/N created a masterpiece that takes us on a rollercoaster of emotions. And I'm sure we'll celebrate that when she's at the top of the rankings.”
“To Y/N!” Billy says, raising his glass in making a toast.
“To Y/N!” The others celebrate with him.
The album was placed on the record player, you were shaking with nervousness, anxiety and at the same time afraid of what others would think. Deciding to put your hands in your pockets to hide how uncomfortable you were with this favorable space of judgment, you remained with your gaze glued to the album rotating and rotating.
“This is unbelievable…” Billy whispers against your ear, resting his hand on your lower back. “I'm speechless, really.”
You just give him a simple, happy, satisfied smile. Closing your eyes, you listen to those melodies that you had imagined for several nights emanating from the record player, trying to concentrate on what mattered, your art.
At the end of the album, the silence turns into a chorus of applause, and you, without noticing, shed a few tears of emotion. That was it, your work had been done, and you had pleased everyone and most importantly yourself.
You go up on the improvised stage and take the microphone in your hands, drawing everyone's attention.
“I'd like to thank all of you, because if you're here right now you somehow inspired me to get here. I've spent years working on my first album, working on everything you guys saw today and I'm so so so happy with the result.” It was even funny how nervous you were, you stopped and took a deep breath. “I usually say that the lyrics of a song show facets of the soul of whoever creates it, and I showed many parts of myself today to you.”
Once again the crowd applauds, you can see Warren hit a plastic fork on his beer bottle getting a laugh from Daisy. Billy watched you without being able to contain the smile on his face.
“I wanted to invite Billy to sing this song with me." He is taken by surprise but takes the stage, watching you with a clear look of questioning. “He was with me when I wrote this one, and it's my favorite on the album so…”
“Told you!” Daisy whispers to Warren, who looks at her with a lost gaze clearly focused on a black woman leaning against a distant wall.
“Yeah yeah, listen I'll be right back” He says going towards the woman, leaving the redhead with a pair of rolled eyes.
Everyone in the place hears the beat of their drummer's drumsticks indicating that the music is about to start.
Singing with Billy Dunne was inexplicable, and for a moment you wished you were Daisy and experienced it every night. Your voices flew giving reason to the melody, he looked at you with smiling eyes, feeling his body being carried away by what you had created, and to be honest you loved it. He reaches out to hold your hand, intertwining your fingers so they're in the place you both always wanted to be.
You dance around the stage, feeling the adrenaline rush that comes to you as you sing, the older Dunne watching you with pride, happiness and desire emerging more and more as well. When you finish it doesn't take long to hear the audience instead of the instruments, you all thank them and enjoy the rest of the party.
It was late, you knew that because from the window of the room you were in you could see the quiet city, as if it was waiting for you in a certain way. And despite knowing it was time to leave, something still kept you there, as if you could hold today in your hands so it wouldn't slip away as the seconds passed.
“Is there something lost in the sky?” You jump in fright when Billy's voice is heard.
“Goodnesses! Why do you keep doing that?” You say, your hand on your chest feeling your heart gallop. It was common when he was around.
He shrugs. "I'm very proud of you, this was all amazing.”
You turn around, smiling genuinely. "I'm proud of myself too, it was all so intense that I just want to stop thinking."
“I understand." He lets out a muffled laugh, you remain silent before he breaks it again. "The deal is over…”
You feel your chest tighten, questions you had asked a few times like "Did everything we went through together only involve what was agreed upon?" danced in your head again.
“Yeah…” That's all you manage to say through the knot on your throat.
“Look Y/N.” He turns to you, his eyes are dark among the dark around you and you curse yourself when you think that this was the prettiest it ever looked. “I like you, I like how everything is easy and good by your side. I just feel understood, like you see me somehow”
You watch him say, your eyes telling him to continue.
“I like us, and I don't want it to end. I don't know how you see this between us or how you want to move forward from now on but I know I don't want to give up on the way life seems to be easy with you.”
You felt like you lost your breath for a few minutes, which seemed like hours, as you saw the breeze ruffle a few strands of the man's long hair in front of you. You smile, a smile that came from deep in your chest and the great honesty of your soul.
You simply kiss him, and feel him smile against your lips. Both of Dunne's arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer, trying to smell you and know every millimeter of your body. You feel the intensity of the kiss grow, and he pushes you lightly against the open window, making the breeze feel on your back.
You break the kiss to observe his face illuminated only by the light, his smile was big and his matched yours. You kiss his nose and then place a light kiss on his mouth.
“I like us too, and you'll not get rid of me easily.” He laughs at your words and kisses you once again.
“I don't even want to.”
Footsteps in the hallway are heard, if you were paying attention you would know that it was two people for sure. Daisy stops abruptly in the doorway, her green eyes wide as she comes face to face with the scene you were staring. She stops Rojas as he walks, holding him with one arm and drawing his attention to the couple kissing in the room.
“Damn.” Rojas says under his breath. “Fuck, I lost fifty bucks!”
Daisy smiles victoriously, pulling Warren to leave you and Billy Dunne alone in your world.
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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camiladnne · 8 months
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crédit : daisy jones and the six instagram
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felixcatton · 1 year
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Billy Dunne / A Pearl, Mitski
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thespicerunner · 11 months
This song is so them
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