#dal rants in the tags
nientedal · 2 years
Your dog is not "neurotic." Your dog is half-poodle.
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verita-lapalissiana · 7 months
Il nauseante cerchiobottismo del fatto quotidiano ogni volta che devono fare finta di ammettere che israele sta commettendo un genocidio
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whimsylace · 11 months
Hey mate; in your Tags you were asking for asks and as you are the (self proclaimed) #1 Darry apologist, I thought you might want to share some of your Darry Headcanons with the world?
﹕୨୧ ˚ ࿐
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anon i love you so much oh my god. ur ask was like a gift from god or sumh💯💯🗣️🗣️ THANK U SM FOR THE ASKK IVE ALWAYS WANTED TO SHARE THESE !!!!!!!!!!!
he sleeps in his parents’ old room
secretly drinks when he’s having a tough time. the only two people that have caught him are soda and two
has dimples. this is basically canon because patrick swayze has them but its not talked ab enouhj!!!!1!!!!!1!!!!!11
has caught dally drinking from their fridge straight out the carton before and forbid him from ever going near the fridge again.
^isn’t aware that the entire gang does this (-pony and johnny because they’ve been paranoid that they’re going to get banned from the fridge ever since that incident.)
rants to tim all the time. tells ponyboy to stay away from the shepards but is also besties with the literal leader like hmmmmm,,, sometjing isn’t right here…………
was the first person dally met when he came to tulsa. literally scooped him up into his arms and brought him home.
sSPEAKING OF DAL! darry worries waay too much about him. dallys like a kid brother to him n hes just constantly paranoid something bads gonna happen to him.
((the “dally sees darry as an older brother” headcanon is literally whats keeping me going rn🙏))
sleeps with his childhood teddybear . their parents gave it to him on christmas when he was 7 and has been attached to it ever since.
actually rlly interested in literature!!! he’s tried to write a couple books by himself before but couldnt get them published.
tries to always wake up early so he gets to make breakfast (he doesn’t want their kitchen to be in flames when he wakes up)
gets genuinely upset when someone makes fun of his age. he grew up too fast cries bawls shits
would always bake with his mom!!!! they would bake together every week. it’s how he has his moms chocolate cake recipe memorized.
has really fancy handwriting. except it used to be all fancy and now it just looks like a doctors note
helps two-bits mom with cooking and his sister with her homework. also does two’s chores in return for stolen free beer (not buying it himself makes him feel less guilty)
would take every stray cat home if he could. prefers cats to dogs because he hates how noisy they are,, but he adores puppies .
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winterchimez · 10 months
💌 moot game! tag/describe your moots whom fits in the categories below:
can always rely on
never misses a post
share the most interest with
have the most in common with
one(s) you look up to
you'd run away and live in a cottage with
spouse material mutual
best personality
never fails to make you laugh
you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl
you absolutely cannot live without
omg thank you for the fun ask anon! hehe here it goes:
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can always rely on — @sungbeam @cloverdaisies
beamie my little sweetest meimei whom i love dearly 🥺🫶🏻🩵
and obv my love, clo 💚💚💚 (ps the fact that she always, well almost everyday pops into my dms to ask how has my day went like?? and how we both always listen to each other's rants/irl issues/looking out for one another/giving each other support all the time uggh sweetest ever 😭😭😭)
never misses a post — @zzoguri @flwoie
istg like you both are always literally one of the first to rb/like my works sakajdk i love you both sm 🥹🥹🥹
share the most interest with — @sungbeam @zzoguri
beamie with literally almost everything from kpop to classics to mcu!! also recently discovered that moni is also into anime like i am YAS BAE 😩😩😩🤙🤙🤙
have the most in common with — @sungbeam
i mean almost every single day we'd find something in common with one another, i'd say we're like long lost twinsies 😤
one(s) you look up to — @stealanity @daisyvisions
i find that matty is that big sister that we can all always rely on cs every time she would either randomly pop up in the discord gc/in your asks and drop you a kind/positive message which really just makes your day a whole lot better 🥺🫶🏻
ofc daisy. my ult favourite sangyeon stan!!! i love interacting with her and obv been a fan of her works since coming back to the app back in early feb this year!!
you'd run away and live in a cottage with
all of my loves from the deoboyznet comm!! istg we'll have a blast and party till dawn probably 🤪🤪🤪
spouse material mutual — @stealanity @daisyvisions
obv if they are the ones i look up to, then yes they're def ready for marriage too 😚😚😚 (calling changmin & sangyeon to come pick you both up right this second brb)
best personality — @justalildumpling
honestly, all of my mutuals would fall into this category but im giving j an honorary mention!! bcs we are now emotional support buddies 🥲🥲🥲💓💓💓
never fails to make you laugh — @sungbeam @haet-sal @i520cm @hongyangi
i mean if you look at beamie & my everyday dms, i can guarantee you that 80% of it is either just us laughing our ass off on random topics or unhinged memes 🤡
obv, lacey & ipah are just so freaking hilarious omg??? they truly are the ones who bring chaos & laughter into our gc all the time lmao
and there's dal, making me lose my shit over nsfw content all the time 🫠🫠🫠
you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl — @cupidjyu @hanniluvi @cloverdaisies
hear me out, yumi & soph are literally one of the sweetest ppl you'll ever meet here. every time i interact with them our convo is always just so pure & sweet i love you both loads my cuties 🥰🥰🥰
and clo?? my talented beautiful kween for obvious reasons. 😘💚
you absolutely cannot live without
all of my mutuals!!! 🩵🩵🩵
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iamjustrobin · 10 months
1, 2, 3, 13, 15, 24, 17
1. The character everyone gets wrong.
Any minor character who doesn't have much to play in canon. Not actually bc they are misinterpreted, but for the fact that the fandom takes advantage of this empty jars to insert their OC's and pretend it's an expansion of that character.
2. A compelling argument of why your fave would never top or bottom.
I'm almost sure at this point a big part of the fandom agrees on pony being 100% a bottom, so let's move onto bottom Dallas💀.
The main reason of why I can't see him in certain ships like tally it's bc Dallas is the type that I can only seen as protective and dominant. Dallas with men who are similar to him it's something that just doesn't work in my mind.
3. Screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on Tumblr.
✨ I don't have a screenshot, but that take of this unpopular person in fandom who was arguing that johnnyboy shouldn't be shipped bc they have an age difference and johnny forgot he was already 14 instead of 13, which means he still saw him as a kid. Godammit, I swear sometimes this fandom just look for excuses to make you feel bad about shipping the characters and their age differences.
✨ HISPANIC SHEPARDS. As an hispanic at first I was all "oh this could be nice" but after seeing the fanon pursuing more stereotypes than actual research I gave up.
Shot out to ROTPL bc they gave me the best portrayal of hispanic-americans in the 50s💖.
✨ And not from Tumblr, but that time I saw someone tagging Marcia on a fic with the white passing argentinian label💀 I'll never overcome that one and this is what I mean about not doing actual research.
13. Worst blorbofication.
Steve maybe? I don't even seen him as a character but as an extension of soda as a character. Whenever I see this takes where everyone claims that he is underappreciated and how we deserved to know more about him I can't take it seriously.
15. That one thing you see in fanart all the time.
Johnny wearing dal's jacket. Please don't, I've made this rant before about how not even if they were canon Johnny would wear the jacket.
Also curly shepard as a goth/punk kid. That portrayal of the character in the TWTTIN adaptation is the only thing the fandom is relying on about him.
17. There should be more of this type of fic/art.
I agree with you in JUST MORE FANART IN GENERAL. It breaks my heart when I found fanartists in this fandom who are just going through an outsiders phase to throw it away in less than a year😭.
And time to add my self indulgence here: FANTASY THEMED FANART/FIC. Do you know how sad it is to be an amateur illustrator who has to take the wheel on this? I love fantasy/fairytales and I would love to find that type of au in the outsiders🥺✨.
24. Topic that brings the most rancid discourse.
"Sylvia/Cherry/Angela did nothing wrong".
Yes, we have a lack of female characters on this story, but nope, that's not a reason to glorify and distort the events in order to victimize these girls to make a point.
I rather hearing takes of people saying they like characters like Angela Shepard with all her flaws and recognize that she did wrong than see distorted fanon to girlbossify her.
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nonbinaryvulcan · 4 years
Anybody else get depressed at getting on Tumblr and seeing the world being horrible in your dash or is it just me
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thatonend · 2 years
is it bad to want to see the scars?
to see the blood?
to see the damage done?
not because ive done anything wrong
because im not feeling enough
because im feeling too much
because im too anxious
because im shaking
why do i want the cuts to show?
am i that desperate for attention?
it makes sense
i hide it from my parents
but my friends?
i know they wont ask so i dont care if they see
am i faking it all?
why do i look at the scars?
why dont i want to hide them?
is it because theyve been romanticized to me?
ive seen them called angel marks
marks of battles won
marks of battles lost
is that whats happening?
has it become such a normal thing?
why do i like the burning?
the sting?
until its over
the sting is good to me until i decide im done
the adrenaline?
is that what it is?
is that why i dont feel the pain until its over?
i just want to know why i like it
why i cant stop
why looking at the scars makes me want to do it again
why the cuts, the scars, the blood
why they all look not good but not bad
what the hell is wrong with me.?
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sanshine · 3 years
nobody asked but today is mine and @hongseokkie 's one year anniversary of (almost) weekly hang out sessions uwu
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cascadiiing · 3 years
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That tiktok trend where you color your highest kin with your color pallet except I am Incredibly Brocken 🥀⛓🚬💔
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dat-silvers-girl · 3 years
I have zero stimulation right now and I want to run around like a headless chicken and scream and cry, but my Indian parent problem compels me to sit in my bedroom with a dead expression as I die inside.
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nientedal · 5 years
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replica004 · 6 years
italiani, fatemi un favore personale e guardate il film Sulla Mia Pelle quando potete, quello su Stefano Cucchi...
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alienaiver · 2 years
really having an off day :( im saying all the wrong things to ppl
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alwaysyouinmyheart · 7 years
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nonbinaryvulcan · 4 years
I feel like at this point I just headcanon the things I do in Star Trek to piss off Rick Berman and William Shatner, and that's the tea 👀☕
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2wnikiangel · 4 years
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Týden v Paříži / A Week in Paris
Kapitola 1 / Chapter 1
Fandom: Les Misérables/Bídníci Lengt: Chaptered Chapter: 1 / 8 Ranting: T (Teen and Up Audience) Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Parning(s): Enjolras/Grantaire, past - Grantaire/Montparnasse Character(s): Enjolras, Grantaire, Joly, Jean “Jehan” Prouvaire, Montparnasse Tag(s): Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Frienship, Romance, Friends to Lovers, Slow Romance, First Kiss, First Time, Light Angst, Enjolras Has Feelings, Sad Grantaire, Fluff, Smut in chapter 7
“Grantaire dal Montparnassovi jako dárek k narozeninám společnou, týdenní dovolenou v Paříži. Před tím než stačili odletět, se ale rozešli a Grantaire odmítá letět, dle jeho slov, na to nejromantičtější místo na Zemi, sám. Do příběhu vchází Enjolras.” xxx “Grantaire gave Montparnasse tickets for a week holiday in Paris as a present for his birthday. But before they could fly to France, they broke up, and Grantaire refuses, in his own words, go to the most romantic place on Earth alone. Enjolras enters the story.“
Ukázka z první kapitoly / Preview from chapter 1:
„Co to dělám?“ zašeptal si pro sebe, jako kdyby snad doufal, že mu někdo odpoví. Sklopil hlavu. Začal se za své chování stydět. Tohle neudělá dospělý, vyrovnaný muž, ale pubertální dívka, která byla odmítnuta svým idolem. Grantaire nasucho polkl a podíval se na hromadu věcí, které tam pohodil. Vzal do ruky pas a otevřel ho na založeném místě. Vzal obě letenky do ruky a díval se na vyrytá jména rezervovaných míst. Christiane Grantaire. Henri Montparnasse. V očích ho začaly pálit slzy. „Takhle to být nemělo,“ zašeptal si pro sebe. xxx “What am I doing?” He whispered to himself, as if he hoped someone would answer him. He lowered his head. He was ashamed of his behavior. This is not done by an adult man, but by a teenage girl who has been rejected by her idol. Grantaire swallowed dry and looked at the pile of things he tossed there. He picked up his passport and opened it in a seated place. He picked up both tickets and looked at the engraved names of the reserved seats. Christiane Grantaire. Henri Montparnasse. Tears began to burn in his eyes. “It shouldn’t be like that,” he whispered to himself.
Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation]
A/N CZ: Dáváte si novoroční předsevzetí? Já ano. Začala jsem s tím už ve svých dvanácti letech a za tu dobu, se většina předsevzetí hodně změnila. Stala se realističtějšími. Jako první bod roku 2020 mám napsané - Vydat každý měsíc alespoň jednu povídku. Máme skoro konec ledna a já? Povídku jsem sice napsala, ale ještě jsem nebyla schopna ji pořádně zkontrolovat a přeložit do angličtiny. Takže u mě na chvíli zavládla panika, než mi došlo, že mám rozepsanou první kapitolovku, kterou jsem ještě neuveřejnila (možná proto, že mám napsané teprve čtyři kapitoly z osmi, ale pst!). Tak ji tu máme! Přeji příjemné čtení.
A/N ENG: Do you have a New Year's resolution? I do. I started this at the age of twelve, and since then, most resolutions have changed a lot. It has become more realistic. As the main point of 2020 I have written - To publish at least one fanfic every month. We have almost the end of January and I? Although I wrote the one E/R fanfic, I wasn't able to check it properly and translated it into English. So I panicked for a while before I realized I had chaptered fanfic that I hadn't published yet (maybe because I only wrote four chapters out of eight, but shhh!). So here we are! I wish you a pleasant reading.
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