#dalek war
alex-the-moss · 12 hours
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a goddess
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yesokayiknow · 3 months
fifteen: quick question what's worse: killing every living being in creation or killing the guy who wants to kill every living being in creation
ruby: first one
mel: first one yeah
kate: definitely the first one
fifteen: results unclear i will now use this as another reason to hate myself ✌️
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notyoujamie · 3 months
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Me, to my new date: doctor who thinks it's a sci-fi story because the Doctor thinks it's a sci-fi story and because the companions think it's a sci-fi story, but it's really just a story about ghosts. a story about an ancient creature carrying the ghosts of everyone they have ever loved, meeting new people, and seeing them only as future ghosts. they are haunted by the future and the past and the present because they are the only constant in a world constantly in flux, and they are running as fast as they can to things before they burn and fade to dust but everything will always end, you understand, because this is the only thing the Doctor understands and yet they keep going. they love too much to stop. doctor who is not science-fiction, it's horror and optimism and spiritual more than anything else, it's religious unto itself, the TARDIS is a haunted house and a church and a graveyard and a hospital and the Doctor is the most haunted being in the universe but more than anything, this is a love story, because how can you love something without being haunted by it- hey, what are you doing?
My date, shoving breadsticks in their purse: I have to go-
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gotyouanyway · 6 months
ooooh i love the idea that they all knew the time war was coming. “collective premonition” “felt in our bones” over generations. something something time senses and collective consciousness and drums for heartbeats. delicious
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providence-park · 2 years
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Well, perfect to look at, maybe. And it was, it was beautiful. They used to call it the Shining World of the Seven Systems. And on the Continent of Wild Endeavour, in the Mountains of Solace and Solitude, there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords...
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deeneedsaname · 10 months
Ten is back for five minutes and has already crashed the TARDIS, tried to befriend someone he just scared the daylights out of, broken something, apologized, greatly influenced Dalek history, and popped out of an awkward situation. The 60th anniversary is going to be FANTASTIC
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gallifreywhere · 9 months
Leela vs the Time War | The Collection: Season 15 Announcement Trailer |...
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idkaguyorsomething · 5 months
The first few seasons were wild. Couldn’t fit all the good stuff in here, but here’s some of the highlights. ¡Please reblog and explain your pick in the tags!
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alex-the-moss · 10 months
Do you have any other favourite bf's dramas?
I have stories that I love for everything they are:
Mutant Phase! It was the first audio drama I’d listened to. To this day voice of the dalek Emperor in this play gives me chills. He sounds so grand, and what an exciting contrast it is to the fact that he had to hang around as an ordinary fellow for a long time. And I absolutely adore the dalek-pandemic theme too!
Spare parts! They say in DW you can choose a canon for yourself, so for me Doctorman Allan is the only important creator of the cybermen (I apologise to their fans). And I cherish this depressed alcoholic lady with whole my heart. Also I love how gently this drama describes the cold doomed world of ancient Mondas and it’s poor hopeless nation.
The curse of the daleks (from stageplays)! I’m not sure how I became so affectionate about this one. It’s super old-fashioned but that’s kind of what makes it special. And the the other important thing is the voice acting. All actors did such a great job, each character feels truly alive no matter how stereotypical they were originally written)
Jubilee! It’s such a gem! This story is absolutely gorgeous in terms of writing, acting and at the time it has healed my yearning for stories with "emotional" daleks. This audio drama is among the best of the best.
Flip-Flop! It isn’t really something beyond average, but it has tickled my mind quite a bit, so I recommend it) There’re some nice characters too.
And then there’re few stories I enjoy bc of certain characters:
Dalek Empire series! It is a great epic story with a lot of nice characters and very well written plot (I especially love the time perception in this series). But the Mentor is what makes me most excited about it. The way she was described at first and then the way she behaves in the story make me wish to learn more about her. I’m so affectionate towards her!
Paradise 5 (from lost stories)! Love it because of Gabriel and Mickle characters. I value it when authors manage two show romantic relationships between two mature people who seem just as interesting when separated and are easy to perceive as self-sufficient beings even though they are in a close relationship. Sadly that occurs rarely(
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evviejo · 1 year
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🏳️‍🌈 happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈
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heimeldat · 7 months
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gallifreyanhotfive · 6 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 38: Gallifrey at War Part 6
Tw: body horror, Time War stuff, death and destruction, lots of disturbing stuff, etc etc
During the Last Great Time War, Dalek experiments included mutating humans into Daleks to be used as cannon fodder. (Novel: Engines of War)
To fight against the Daleks, the Time Lords not only used Battle TARDISes but also time scooped N Forms, Bowships, and Black Hole Carriers from their own past to add to their forces. (Novel: A Brief History of Time Lords)
Mr. Saldaamir was a friend of the Doctor's parents. He originated before the first Time Wars, which erased his entire planet and left him as the last of his kind. (Short story: Mr. Saldaamir)
Gabrielideans are a race of liquid protean bioforms. During the War in Heaven, the Time Lords allied with them but poured packets of powder into them, which altered their biodata to an extent that it changed their physical form. This was to ensure that the Gabrielideans would be able to use humanoid skinsuits. (Novel: The Book of War; Alien Bodies)
The First Law of Time broke down during the War in Heaven, causing the War to spill over into the pre-War Era. Indeed, the Eighth Doctor (and other early incarnations, notably the Third but also the Fourth, etc etc) all had interactions with a future War. (Novel: Alien Bodies; Unnatural History; The Taking of Planet 5; Interference; Verdigris; Toy Story; Audio: The Judgment of Sutekh; Television: Pyramids of Mars; I don't think I'm missing any citations, but honestly I probably am. This happened A LOT lol)
The Predator Dalek is two times the size of a normal Dalek. The interior has a seat inside of it, surrounded by monitors, dials, probes, and spikes, including a large needle which would insert in the soft tissue at the back of a humanoid skull. This was intended to house the War Doctor inside of it. (Novel: Engines of War)
During the War in Heaven, the Celestis had used a fictional generator to bring to life H.P. Lovecraft's Elder Things. A group of Time Lords purposefully regenerated into bodies resembling these Elder Things in order to blend in and complete their mission. (Novel: The Taking of Planet 5)
The Celestis were the elite members of the old Celestial Intervention Agency who removed themselves from history to escape the War in Heaven. Other Houses typically thought of them as monstrosities. (Novel: Alien Bodies; The Book of War)
Project Revenant was a project set up by the War Council during the Last Great Time War to resurrect dead Time Lords from the Matrix. (Audio: Celestial Intervention)
It was housed in a pocket dimension connect to Gallifrey through the Death Zone, but when Daleks invaded the pocket universe to use the Project for their own ends, the pocket dimension was destroyed but not before the power core was removed. This power core allowed for the resurrection of Rassilon. His Martrix projection was imprinted on Valerian, which ended in Valerian's death. (Audio: Desperate Measures)
The planet Reave in the constellation of Kasterborous was so anti-Gallifrey during the Last Great Time War that they had graffiti depicting the demise of Time Lords and would douse their streets in Praxis gas to choke out any Gallifreyan that may be hiding in their midst. This was largely because the High Council was sanctioning terrorist attacks to blow up Reave's factories, but that did not prevent Gallifreyans not responsible for the attacks - like the Eighth Doctor - from getting Praxis gassed. (Audio: A Heart on Both Sides)
Considering that events in the Last Great Time War were constantly in a state of temporal flux, it was impossible to know for sure what happened. In truth, everything "has happened, then not happened at all, then happened again but at a different time entirely." (Novel: A Brief History of Time Lords)
The Moon of Tenacity was the site of a Gallifreyan Military Moon Base. The Eighth Doctor and his companions were taken here after they were captured. His companions were locked away to convince the Doctor to fight in the Time War, and he was conscripted to the recruitment camp. (Audio: The Conscript)
The Faction Paradox members wear masks made of skulls. These skulls sometimes belonged to Time Lords from an alternate universe where they lost the Eternal War. (Novel: Alien Bodies)
Not all Faction Paradox members used these AU Time Lord skulls though. Some wore the skulls of other species, and Godfather Auteur had his actual skull exposed. This was because his skin had been ripped off, so his body was just bones held together by shadows. (Short story: A Bloody (And Public) Domain)
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me: what happened to people's fear of Ron Mael also me, Ron-posting: Look at him 😭💖
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nkp1981 · 2 months
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Banksy Has Created A New Artwork Featuring C3PO And A Dalek
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