#damakos tag
wyrmthrice · 1 year
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wahoo! nothing like saturated magenta to tie the room together :3
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pluralprism · 3 months
[Plaintext: Minors do not interact. Eighteen and up only. End plaintext.]
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Damakos ✨ @darlingdamakos
Ellanora 🕸️ @xx-spiderqueen-xx
Hartley 🌿 @leafy-litter
Ram ⛔ @n-u-l-l-s-e-c-t
Seraph 🩷 @angel-pet
Stag 🪲 @broskibeetle
[Private] 🐊 @crocosmiles
[Private] 🖤 @necrocotta, @cavehyena
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We call ourselves the Prismatic System, and this (@pluralprism) is our main blog!
You may refer to us collectively using the nickname Prism and plural they/them pronouns. Please keep in mind that we are a system and identify with many different names, genders, and pronouns.
We discovered our system in 2022, and we were officially diagnosed in 2024.
Our body is over the age of 21, and some of our blogs contain adult content. Only adults (18 and over) should be visiting our pages. Thank you for understanding!
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viridiandnd · 6 years
Damakos, the tiefling - submitted by @im-a-science-experiment for the character asks
Damakos is a really fitting name for a tiefling imo. Kind of dragon-y, mysterious edgy vibe but could suit any type of character really. It's unique but not outrageous where I'd have to look up the enunciation of the word every time I went to say it.
Makes me think of dark red and royal purple, mischievous eyes.
(For future reference only send character asks using, well, the Asks not throw submission as it makes it hard for me to find later (Tumblr's tagging system sucks for me idk why) and only send pictures or long LONG text through submissions)
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greek-praetor · 2 years
OC lightning round: do you have an OC tag? who’s your favorite OC? what OC have you had the longest? are there small details about your OCs people wouldn’t imagine?
I unfortunately don't have an OC tag because I'm artistically challenged lol so I don't have a ton of art for any of them. Also like 99% of the OC's I've made are DnD characters, but the one I've had the longest is a character I named Bryan something that I made up when I was a freshman in high school for this garbage fire of a story I wrote when I was convinced I wanted to be a published writer (that story will never see the light of day and I have like no memory of his characterization at this point lol)
In terms of small details, it depends on the OC because some of them are more vague than others! I only have 3 that are a bit more fledged out, all of which are DnD characters named Kayne Swann, Damakos Ravenflow, and, most recently, Orion Blackwell!
I could probably come up with details for at least those three if asked a specific question!
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wearedragonrider · 8 years
Phyr or Damakos?
(Why not both?)
But in seriousness of the question it would have to be Damakos 
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i-am-venomancer · 7 years
The Venomancers attend the wedding. Open rp
The three Venomancers stood in a corner of the grand room at the wedding reception. They had taken the chance to see each other again. Damakos was a friend of Daigo's, what other excuse was needed for then to be here? Like they needed an excuse or an invitation to attend a party. Cynical was taking a sip of wine while Madness and himself listen to Innocent telling them about the interesting differences between this reality and the alternative reality he had been living in. ( Tagging @we-aredancer , @i-am-incendiary-anarchist , @wearepyromancer , @we-are-death-knight , @we-are-nemeses , @waa-open-rps for them to see this, it's still open to all to respond.)
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donegeonsndragons · 7 years
CoS: Session 4b Highlights
Allies are made, werewolves are confronted, and a way into the castle is discovered.
Wondered what happened to the other half of the party during the shenanigans of Buzzlorn, Vogal, and Raynn? Well wonder no further! This adventure is focused around what happened to Mu, Damakos, and the varana during those hours they just disappeared in the previous session
Premise: the group, after visiting the village of Barovia and getting the quest to bring Ireena to a safe place, headed out to Krezk to find one of the items on their quest and drop off Ireena. After going through some harrowing terrain, getting exhausted, and finding their own bodies hanging from a tree (puppets or illusion who knows), they found their ways to Krezk and the Abbey of St. Markovia....
Warning: this session isn’t as action-packed as the other group, but they get a lot of important information which makes this a very long post
After being dropped off by the abbey’s guard in the middle of the compound, Mu, Damakos, and the varana all spot the raven that lead them to Krezk flying above and landing on the gates, seeming to want to lead them out
They spot the other 3 ducking into one of the sheds, and decide to go follow the raven to where it wants them to go
The raven leads them outside of Krezk to the woods more to the south of the village
Through the fog, the group can hear the sound of a man cursing and a distressed horse
They come across a half elf man in very non-Barovian colourful clothing trying to push a caravan out of a muddy rut
He calls for the group’s help, and with their aid, is able to push the caravan out with no problem
After grabbing his cane, the man introduces himself as Rictavio, a simple entertainer on his way to Vallaki to find some people
Damakos immediately casts dancing lights in an attempted show of magical entertainment and trying to persuade Rictavio to let them tag along
Specifically, creating a humanoid figure out of lights that does 8 backflips while fireworks go off
Performance didn’t go so great, and Rictavio insists that he’s more of a solo act
Rictavio points out that he’s assuming they’re adventurers and “the devil’s new playthings” as he doesn’t really expect to see an oni, a tiefling, and a varana in Barovia
The group confirms this, and he says he can provide them a ride to Vallaki
The group then starts to talk among themselves as to whether to take this offer, as they’re still looking for the item that might be at the abbey
Rictavio takes interest in the fact that they’re talking about items, and says that it’s probably best to get inside of the caravan away from possible prying ears
Once inside, he offers them some bread and meats and they settle down for a bit
He asks about the items, and the group explains that they got their fortune told by a vistani fortune teller, and tells him the fortunes
Rictavio says he can shed some light on what the items are, though the locations are cryptic to even him
He says that the items are the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind, the Sunsword, and the Tome of Strahd
He also mentions that the werewolf ally part was interesting to him, as most werewolves around here are allied with Strahd, and he would’ve expected something more like wereravens
No one in the party knew about wereravens, and Rictavio says that they’re good werepeople, and they’re the people he’s looking for in Vallaki as they all share a mutual enemy
The group decides that Vallaki is a good place to go next, and take up Rictavio’s offer
Rictavio takes a quick peek outside, and says with night falling, he suggests that the group just camps out in the caravan and avoid bumping into any of Strahd’s minions outside on the way back to Krezk
The group gratefully take the offer and sleep the most comfortably they have in 3 days and get a long rest
In the early morning, after getting a good night’s sleep, the group awakens to the sound of scratching and howling outside of the caravan and Rictavio pulling out a sword from his cane and putting on a hat of disguise to appear more typically Barovian
Rictavio: have you all dealt with werewolves before? The varana: I mean...sort of Damakos: we ran away from them Rictavio: you don’t have to help, I can do this myself
In response, Damakos disguises himself as Mayor Urso
Unfortunately, because he can only shrink himself by about a foot, he’s a human sized halfling 
Damakos rushes forward and throws the caravan doors open, jumping down onto the ground
Damakos: *ok Mayor Urso impression* NOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
The werewolves don’t seem to be fooled and they don’t give a fuck, surrounding Damakos
With a strong opening, Mu rolls a crit fail on the first attack and just...drops his javelin
Damakos is immediately attacked by all three werewolves, and is able to avoid two while getting scratched across the chest by the third, which makes him drop the disguise
The dropping disguise thing had to be retconned in because we all imagined it, yet neglected to say it aloud, so Damakos was fighting as a human sized not super convincing Mayor Urso the entire time 
The varana gets some solid shots in before climbing onto the top of the caravan
Rictavio, who was standing at the edge of the caravan, leaps over Damakos and plunges his sword down into the werewolf, which looks super cool
Damakos, in a panic, casts thunderwave which knocks everyone except the varana and Rictavio prone 
He takes the moment to run into the caravan away from the werewolves 
Mu redeems himself by hitting one of the werewolves with two arrows already sticking out of it with a javelin
Rictavio attempts to attack the werewolf again, but he misses and crit fails, slipping on the mud and falling flat on his face while the werewolf just grabs Rictavio and starts to shake him
Damakos casts hellish rebuke, setting the middle werewolf slightly on fire
The varana casts hail of thorns and shoots the werewolf in the middle straight in the forehead, while the other 2 werewolves fail their saving throws and are pelted by magical thorns
Two werewolves drop dead, while the other one is badly wounded
Damakos casts suggestion and yells “CALM”
The werewolf fails its saving throw, and just sits down calmly with Rictavio still in its jaw
Damakos hops down and starts petting the werewolf
The varana (OOC): why didn’t you tell it to let Rictavio go? Damakos: I thought calm would do that!
The varana from his perch sees a much larger werewolf come running into the clearing, and instead of attacking the group, growls and snaps at the one remaining werewolf
After some snarling, the smaller werewolf submits, drops Rictavio, and scampers off
The very large werewolf turns around and sits down, ears flattened and seems very calm and friendly
Now with a closer glance, the werewolf is a brown colour with grey streaks, lots of scars, and is missing part of its left ear
The varana casts speak with animals and starts talking with the werewolf
The werewolf tells them to follow it to somewhere safe to talk, and that it doesn’t have much time 
The group plus Rictavio follows the werewolf into an abandoned guard house, where it transforms from wolf to hybrid to human in a series of disconcerting bone and joint cracking and snapping into place 
Surprise, it’s Lincoln from Luna
Lincoln immediately asks Rictavio for chalk, which Rictavio hands over
As Lincoln starts scribbling sigils on the walls, Mu and the varana are able to recognize these as the same symbols on Ireena and Ismark’s house in Barovia while Damakos is too painfully aware that Lincoln is currently stark naked
Damakos casts dancing lights very strategically on Lincoln
After he’s finished, Lincoln turns to the group and tells them to not be alarmed, and asks where the rest of the party is
The group tells him that they left the rest of the party in the abbey
The varana: so our fortune says we’re looking for a werewolf ally with a hatred for Strahd, I’m assuming that’s you Lincoln: oh good I can jump straight to the chase
Lincoln explains that he hates Strahd, as Strahd killed his entire pack and his mate, and the only reason Lincoln is alive is to be kept as a trophy and to run useful errands for Strahd 
But he also says that he can’t defeat Strahd on his own, and he’s willing to help the group if they’ll help him get rid of Strahd
He tells them that he knows most of the inner workings of the castle, including most of the secret rooms minus the resting places of Strahd and his companions
He can also get them in and out without raising too much suspicion, though obviously getting in will be easier than getting out 
In return, he asks that the group first kill all of Strahd’s companions, and then kill Strahd himself
The party asks Lincoln whether he knows the weakness of vampires, and he says that he unfortunately doesn’t know too many 
Rictavio pipes in and says that vampires tend to be weak against running water and wooden stakes, and that vampires can’t be completely destroyed unless they’re killed in sunlight or in their resting place
After some questions from the varana and Mu, Rictavio clarifies that the resting place is usually where the body was interred though it’s not always the case, and that no Mu, you can’t just attach the cross from Father Donavich onto the javelin and make it work like a stake
Lincoln says that if the group agrees to work with him, he’ll rendezvous with them on Tsolenka Pass whenever they decide to make their way there
At first he tells them to send a message when they’re on their way, but then he realizes that it’s a dumb idea
The varana asks questions about the book, and he doesn’t know much other than the fact that it’s very precious to Strahd, and would likely be in his study
As a final question, the group asks what’s Strahd’s deal with Ireena is
He says he doesn’t know much other than the fact that he was sent to spy a bit, but that in the couple of times he’s been in the study, he remembered seeing a painting that looks sort of like Ireena
At this point, the group hears the sound of unnaturally fast approaching thunder
Lincoln transforms into his hybrid self and runs outside, grimacing
He tells the group that he has to leave, because Strahd is coming and he’s angry 
He reminds the group to meet him at Tsolenka Pass, and disappears into the mists 
The varana casts pass without a trace, and the group is able to meld into the shadows as they step outside
Past the trees, above the abbey, they see the terrifying visage of Strahd’s face in the clouds right before it screams “SHE IS MINE” and sends down a bolt of lightning
Grabbing Rictavio’s caravan, the group rushes back towards Krezk and the abbey, hoping to find their party and Ireena intact and unharmed
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