Vino, dal 2 al 4 febbraio a Verona la 20/a Anteprima dAmarone
Amarone Opera Prima, la preview delle annate del Consorzio vini Valpolicella, taglia il traguardo della ventesima edizione e, per la presentazione del millesimo 2019 di 70 aziende, punta i riflettori sul futuro del Re dei rossi veneti tra nuove tendenze di consumo, cambiamenti climatici e metamorfosi dei mercati. La tre giorni, in programma a Verona nel seicentesco Palazzo della Gran Guardia dal…
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mariemaee · 5 years
Thank you Adam for gifting us with one of the best and more complicated villians. We love you.
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craftyandy · 6 years
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CraftyArts The NOstalgia Critic
VIDEO  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNPAbdrDFTs It was a real pleasure working with Malcolm thank you to my husbands, patrons, and friends that helped out. Next time is Odd Stories for Odd Children. Enjoy. Patreon if you really love my stuff. https://www.patreon.com/craftyandy?ty=h CraftyPlayzors 7pm EST on Sundays https://www.twitch.tv/ijimtm  and youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/craftyplayzors You have something you'd like to commission me for? Email me at [email protected] Posted using PostyBirb
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bakuh0e · 5 years
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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Citizens of Kentucky wrote to Congress asking that free Black people be transported “to the land of their fathers,” 4/23/1832. 
File Unit: Petitions and Memorials, Resolutions of State Legislatures, and Related Documents Which Were Referred to Various Select Committees during the 22nd Congress, 1831 - 1833
Series: Records of Early Select Committees, 1793 - 1909
Record Group 233: Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1789 - 2015
To the Senate and House of Representatives
                                  of the United States, in Congress assembled.
     THE undersigned petitioners, citizens of the State of Kentucky, would respectfully represent,
that we cordially unite with our fellow citizens of other States in the Union, in deeply lamenting
the miseries attendant upon slavery, and the resulting evil of an existing and rapidly increasing population
of Free Blacks throughout the Union; and that we are anxious to see those miseries and evils
mitigated by every possible means not repugnant to the rights of individuals or to the constitution
of the United States.
     Viewing - therefore, with the highest approbation, the exertions which are making by the friends
of Colonization throughout the United States, for the removal of the Free Blacks to the land of their
fathers; and believing that the enterprize, if successfully prosecuted, will meliorate our own condition
and that of the Colonists, and that it is intimately connected with the present dearest interests
and future welfare of our beloved country, we, as patriots, christians, and philanthropists, do most
earnestly request and petition your honorable body to extend its energetic arm for the complete and
speedy accomplishment of this great and glorious undertaking. We would not presume to prescribe
the mode by which your patronage and assistance shall be afforded; but we trust that every
constitutional expedient in your power will be adopted; and we would bed leave to suggest, that an appropriation
of a portion of the national revenue, and especially of the surplus of the moneys derived
from the sales of the public lands, after existing claims upon that fund are satisfied -- to be applied to
the object herein contemplated, either under the immediate direction of the executive, or in aid of
the funds of the American Colonization Society, and the employment of a certain number of suitable
vessels, to be owned, equipped and manned by the United States, in the transportation of Free
Blacks to the coast of Africa - which might serve as a valuable nursery for seamen, as well as for
the more important object in view - may be among the most feasible and efficient measures which can
be adopted.
Js. T. Morehead  D.[?] Donaldson  A.J. Mitchell Sr.
Saml. A. Atchison  Jas. A. Neale  R.W.Lucas
Asher W. Graham
H. Grieler [?] John [illegible] Briggs  W[?] Payne
Wm. Volt. Loving  Wm. Marshall  [2 initials, illegible] Thomas  B S Young
A.R. Macey  Richard [illegible] [3 initials, illegible] _akey
Euclid M. Covington  W. Mitchell Tho. Sterrett [?]
C.T. Damaron [?]  John H. Graham  Tho. Rogers
John H. Todd  Wm. R. Payne  John S. Lucas
[illegible]   James G. Pitts
Geo. [illegible]   C. T. Jones
Charles D. Morehead  Benj. Temple  Jas. R.[illegible]
SIR: [italics] The Board of Managers of the Kentucky Colonization Society respectfully request, that you will procure as
many respectable signatures as you conveniently can, to the above petition, and forward the same directly to your
representative in Congress for presentation. [/italics]
L. MUNSELL, Cor. Sec'y. Ky. Col. Society.
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minaminokyoko · 7 years
The Last Jedi (A Spoilertastic Review)
So I stayed off Twitter for almost ten straight days and I reduced my Facebook usage by about 80% in the last 48-hours in order to avoid spoilers for The Last Jedi, as I was spoiled for Han Solo's death in The Force Awakens literal days before attending its premiere years ago. Was it worth staying off social media to stay unspoiled and unbiased?
Eh. I dunno.
So I'm now hearing, as I return to social media, that some fans hate the movie. Color me shocked. (That's sarcasm, if you can't tell--we really do need a font for that.) There is a large chunk of the Star Wars fandom that contains some of the nastiest, pettiest, most immature hypocrites on the planet earth, and I can see those same fans hating this movie. Well, maybe I can help balance the scales.
To be frank, I'm not a Star Wars fan. I saw the originals as a kid and liked them okay, I hated the prequels and I still think they have zero justification and do not stand up to even the slightest film criticism or storytelling criticism at all, and I liked The Force Awakens quite a lot. For me, The Force Awakens finally gave me a reason to personally invest in the Star Wars franchise. Don't get me wrong--as a kid and a teen, I liked Han and Leia. I liked the setting of the original trilogy and the memorable stories and performances and dialogue. However, Luke was, well, this is an unavoidable pun, a lukewarm character for me. I didn't really care about him and I didn't understand him from a personal standpoint, so while I enjoyed the story, I just didn't take anything away from it. Force Awakens introduced me to an ostracized girl who had a miserable existence who always felt like she was waiting for something to happen to give her life meaning, and a terrified slave/survivor who defected in order to run away from something he feared but he instead found a reason to stay and fight. Plus, adding in the fact that Finn is awkward and likable and now I am emotionally invested in the new main leads of the franchise.
Sadly, though, The Last Jedi falls short in most of the aspects that made me like Force Awakens. Keep in mind, it's still an enjoyable film, but it most definitely suffers from Middle Movie Syndrome, where there's a lot of wheel-spinning because they need action set pieces, but in the end, what happens doesn't really change much about the characters or their motivations. Allow me to explain below. Naturally, spoiler alert.
Overall Grade: B-/C+
-Creative scenarios. I like the film's creativity in terms of the scenery. The Force Awakens lived in the shadow of the original films. It was a very strict sort of format in order to make the older fans feel at home and to bring the new fans into the franchise at the same stepping off point. However, this film was able to stretch out a bit and not feel as bound by the same look and feel of the original trilogy. I know a lot of fans bitched about that with Force Awakens, and I think it was a semi-legit complaint, but I felt it was mostly the studio being cautious and trying not to piss off such a massive number of fans. Here, the scenery feels new and fresh, from the casino to the large part of the plot taking place on unfamiliar planets or with the rebels in space.
-I'm not going to sit here and lie--Oscar Isaac finally got to me a little bit in this one. Don't get me wrong, I liked Poe but I noticed Isaac amassing a legion of fangirls and was mystified as to why. Poe was a good character and Isaac's a good actor. Then when I saw Poe getting passionate about the rebellion, I admit I started to swoon a bit. There's just something about the way that he cares, how he makes the war feel that much more personal, and his relationship with Leia that floats my skirt up quite a bit. I like that he is hardheaded and impulsive, but he still feels like his own man. At first, I was worried he'd be our Han Solo replacement, but they drifted away from that idea. He's a very enjoyable character and I give a damn about him. I like that he grew this time, that he was able to recognize that he can't make every mission a suicide mission because the rebels have limited numbers and every man is precious. That's cool. I can dig it. Nice work, Mr. Isaac.
-I enjoyed seeing Finn take another step towards becoming a more stable rebel. He was still naive and brash, but he gave it his all and he was ready to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to do what he felt was right. I appreciate the hell out of that and I'm glad they didn't kill him. I threw my hands up in the theater because I like him a lot and I thought they were going to do the dumb thing and waste him. Phew. Bullet dodged, for now at least.
-I enjoyed seeing Yoda pop back up. Granted, he took his sweet ass time, but that was a nice surprise for me. I thought it was very touching to see him again, and well timed since Frank Oz is on the older side and we don't know how much longer we'll get to enjoy him.
-The Luke and Leia forehead kiss almost made me cry. Fuck. God. It was eerily appropriate as our goodbye to the amazing Carrie Fisher. I miss her terribly and seeing them reunite for the last time genuinely tugged at my heart strings.
-I liked the idea of Luke wavering when he found out Darth Temper Tantrum--excuse me, Kylo Ren slash Ben Solo--and being faced with a terrible choice. I like that Kylo's interpretation of danger is what screwed everything up and made him run away. It's a simple misunderstanding on a grand scale that is important to both of them and it's about the only thing that I think works about Kylo Ren's character. We'll discuss more about him in the Cons section, though. I like it because it's reminiscent of something I love from The Dresden Files series, where Karrin Murphy and Harry Dresden are talking about the fact that some people become monsters because you treat them like monsters. The possibility that maybe he wouldn't have turned if Luke hadn't gone there to stop him is great motivation to cut yourself off forever and feel that you deserve to die alone with the last of the Jedi kind.
-Luke's projecting power at the end was a nice aversion to being slain by the whiny git Kylo Ren. I'm still angry he dies anyway, because what the fuck was the point if you still killed him off, but that was a cool power that I don't recall seeing before and it made Luke seem even more badass than I ever thought possible. Nice work, Luke.
-We'll discuss my problem with Ren's fake redemption arc momentarily, but I did like the scene where he kills Snoke. That was a nifty idea and I like that Snoke's smug ass didn't see it coming. He was so convinced he knew everything and that manipulating Ren and Rey would give him what he wanted, but it didn't and that's a satisfying story element in a movie that kind of botches most of its pay off.
-I liked the Purple Haired Lady (sorry, I didn't catch her name, I have a bad memory) light-speeding right through the fucking Empire ship. That was a badass way to go. Now, granted, I still think it's pretty ridiculous that all the main characters managed to survive a catastrophic event like that no problem, but it was still cool as hell.
-Rey's a nobody. Called it. I love that she didn't have super special plot relevant parents. They were just scumbag assholes, much like Yondu's parents in Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2. Thanks for disproving all the nonsensical fan theories. I knew she wouldn't be Luke or Leia's bloodline, but I like it even better than her parents don't even get names or anything. That's baller storytelling.
-Leia surviving the cruiser explosion. What. A. Badass. Motherfucker.
-The biggest problem I have with the Last Jedi is Kylo Ren's fake redemption arc. Look, I get what they were going for. It's reminiscent of what happened to Zuko in the amazing Avatar: The Last Airbender series, and that to date is still the best redemption arc I have ever seen with my own two eyes. That's possibly why this one fell so flat for me. The set up for Kylo Ren is relatively solid. He was raised by heroes of the rebellion and so it was expected of him to become something great, and Luke training him sounds like a great bit of backstory as well. However, by not showing us details, Ren's redemption arc rings hollow as hell. Let me explain. They never showed us the details of the darkness that was apparently building in Ren. What is it driven by? Is it just a feeling? Was he just dangerous and unwilling to listen to Luke while he was in training? You can't just give such a blanket statement without reasoning or showing the actual backstory itself where we see what made him someone Luke thought would kill or massacre the innocent. I think the movie should have had a flashback segment of Luke and Ren's training days where we see that, yes, the kid was powerful but he had no restraint and he was arrogant and cruel or at the very least, unfeeling. Most of the time when you have that type of character, it's one of those traits that leads to evil. He thinks he's above the law or above reproach because of his power, or in Ren's case, it could have been because of his parentage. That was a huge missed opportunity. Maybe he was just a spoiled brat from being the son of two war heroes and the nephew of one of the greatest Jedi of all time. But we get none of that. We just get that he was a bad apple and Luke panicked and his panic made Ren run away. But that brings me to the next part that doesn't work in this film. Okay, so you think your uncle tried to kill you. Why did you immediately decide to join up with the fucking Space Nazis? How does that work for your desires? We don't know why Ren joined up. It's one thing to abandon your family out of anger and shame, but the Empire literally slaughters billions of innocent lives on a daily basis. We don't know why Ren said yes to them because we haven't been told personal details about him. Why did he blame Han and Leia? It's totally backwards. He should have gone to them and told them what Luke did, and there should have been repercussions. Maybe they didn't believe him and that's why he ran off, but the film doesn't tell us any of these things that would help us understand him more. Then, the final nail is the idea that Kylo murdered the other young Jedi, murdered Han, tried to murder Leia, and has been in the company of genocidal maniacs for years, and yet the film wants me to believe he can be saved. Nah, bruh. You gone. You been gone. You're not gonna flash your puppy dog eyes at me and think I want you to come to the light side. You stood by and watched billions of people die and yet Rey's big blues make you change your mind, but only for your own ambition? Fuck off. That entire thing fell to shambles for me. I like the idea of Rey and Ren having a connection because they are both alone and unsure of themselves, but this was not the way to do it. Ren's actions are beyond irredeemable. They were irredeemable the second he killed Han. Han didn't do shit to that snot-nosed punk bitch. He was his father and he wasn't the one who turned on him, it was Luke, so frankly, Ren can fuck off the edge of my non-existent dick, and I don't like that the movie swept all his indiscretions under the table to say maybe there was still good in him. He's a selfish bastard and that's that.
-Implying that Rey would turn to the Dark side fell flat on its face as well. She had no reason to turn. The movie played with the fact that she was alone, but that still doesn't work. She's not alone. She has Finn and the rebels. Sure, none of them would be able to understand the Jedi aspect of her personality, but it's still stupid for them to act like she would just be magically okay with the genocidal maniacs who slaughtered everything in the galaxy. It was weird, too, because Ren says something to the effect of "I saw you turn" and that doesn't happen, so was he lying to manipulate her or did the movie drop the subplot altogether? There was never a moment that I doubted her. I knew she had a pure heart because of what we've seen from her before. All we knew is that she was simply scared and alone. None of that translated to her joining the fucking Space Nazis, so why did they even pursue it? I think this could have been done better if instead of Ren killing Han (but to be fair, it's all Harrison Ford's goddamn fault, if he didn't hate Han, then this idea could have worked) we saw Ren and Rey starting to understand each other BEFORE he killed Han. Love is a strong motivator for if you want to have this idea of Rey possibly wavering from the light. I sure as fuck don't ship Reylo and I think it's gross, but if you rewrote the movie so that she and Ren bonded in the first film rather than him simply terrorizing her, then sure, the second film where she feels a connection with him and wants to rule at his side because she loves him now makes sense. The idea is similar to something from my urban fantasy series that I wrote, where the villain has no plans of ever turning good, but he has a soft spot for the leading lady and he doesn't want so much to turn her as make her his so he can be with her, and she doesn't so much want to turn him good as she recognizes that there is something inside him that calls to her. This is one of the only cases where I think a canon romance would have made more sense than whatever we got in the film itself. I could see Rey doubting herself if she fell in love with Ren. The starcrossed lovers angle is much stronger and much more believable than just "Rey doesn't know who she is and she thinks maybe she can bring Ren back to the light."
-I didn't like Finn and Rey being apart for the entire film. I think their friendship was easily the best and strongest thing about the Force Awakens. Both of them had strong motivations to do what they did and it made sense for them to both care so deeply for each other because they crashed into each other's lives and saved each other. They work better side by side, not in separate storylines. Their friendship was charming and adorable and this film really should have used it.
-If you add everything up, Finn's entire mission was pointless. The stand-in commander already had a plan and so everything Poe, Rose, and Finn did was pointless in the end. That sucks. You wasted their time and the audience's time, and that's what I meant when I said this movie has Middle Movie Syndrome. It feels like they just needed to find something for Finn, Rose, and Poe to do and so they just threw them this B Plot that is entirely useless and that's a huge disservice to them as characters.
-Rose is pretty forgettable. That's not knocking the actress playing her. It's just she's sort of a tool to the story and they really should have given her a better role with better stakes. I also don't like the shoehorned "love" line. It was a good line for the rebellion, but not for those two characters. I don't buy Rose falling for Finn. Finn's awesome, but they didn't go through nearly enough and didn't bond at all during their journey, so that "love" line is awkward and unwanted to me.
-Luke's death. Look, the fucking movie is called The Last Jedi, but did you really have to fake us out only to kill him anyway? That was fucking lame. What would have made it go down easier is if Luke had known when we first see him again that he was on his last legs. Build up his final days. Have him be old and tired and coughing constantly or knowing by the Force that he's reached the last moments of his lifetime, and that's why finally spurs him on to help the rebels once again after he meets Rey. Don't spring it on us. It didn't have a good impact because it just felt obligatory because it's the future franchise and we have to have our original three protagonists all bow out for the new kids on the block. I wanted a more touching death scene for him, even though I liked Han and Leia more from the original films. It just felt like a waste of a great legend for him to die out of nowhere. I actually thought from that shot that he saw an Empire ship firing at the island to kill him and I sort of like that more, as it would have been a good sucker punch (and we did hear Snoke mention that before he died) so I think this was yet another missed opportunity.
-Though the entire movie focuses on Rey, I feel like it told me less about her than the first film did. I like that she's a nobody. That's good. That's strong. That's interesting. But I don't like that she didn't really bond with Luke and I don't feel as if she learned a single damn thing on that island aside from maybe Ren was starting to falter, but in the end all he did was kill Snoke and assume command. He didn't turn back to the light, so why was there all this focus on him that took away from her? I was excited for the film because I thought Luke would come around and train her the way Yoda trained him. That would reveal more of her abilities and her strengths and weaknesses, but we didn't get much of that at all and it's not fair to her. She has so much potential, but it felt squandered to me.
-The goddamn Porgs. Look, Disney, I know you gotta sell toys, but I haven't seen such a transparent fucking commercial for toys since Olaf from Frozen. Jesus H. Christ. They literally just keep popping up on screen like a goddamn commercial. It's so obnoxious. They are not that cute. They're just gerbils with duck feet. I think Star Wars fans overreacted about the Ewoks, but if they all hate the Porgs, sure, I'll light a torch to march in that parade. Stop that. I'm watching a movie, for God's sake, not a toy commercial.
-I'm not really sure where things are heading with where it ends here. It just seems sort of vague and undefined, and as if we didn't get much accomplished in the long run. Very wheelspin-y.
-There’s a million plotholes and plot contrivances. I can’t be bothered to count them all, so a year from now when CinemaSins does a video, then I’ll post a link, Just know there are a lot of plotholes this time around.
Bottom line: if the neckbeards are out here hating the movie, cry me a fucking river. It is in no way that bad. The prequels are still by far the worst movies in the franchise. I think The Last Jedi is simply misguided. It brings up great questions, but then doesn't answer or address most of them. It introduces too many ideas without flushing them out and making you connect on a personal level the way The Force Awakens did. It's mainly just that the goals are unclear and so are the characters. I think it's still possible to get the franchise back on track with the final film. I certainly don't think this movie is bad by any stretch. I just feel that it missed its target. Maybe they'll hit it next time.
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artgubbin · 2 years
A lil watercolor and dip-pen illustration.
Somewhere in the feywild, the famous bard Damaron Grimm performs a soothing song for the rest of Meag's Marauders. With the way time seemed to flow in the feywild, the party decided to commit the next year to relax, train and prepare for the battles to come.
There would be plenty of opportunity for studying, practicing and sparring in the twilighy forest they called home for now. But first, a celebratory picnic was in order.
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infinitefandomz · 7 years
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The Last Jedi
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For the gender envy ask: Hayley Williams, Mettaton, Poe Dameron, Danger Days era Gerard Way?
Hayley Williams: 1.5/10
not very gender unfortunately, her style isnt as romantic and goth and grandiose as id truly Envy for myself but i Do respect her as the pop punk queen that she is
Mettaton: 7/10
the glitz, the glamor, the drama! the bloodshed!!! solid gender envy candidate, but i've moved past my mettaton phase... we're the rouxls kaard era now Baybie!
Poe Damaron: 1/10
he's Attractive but not very gender, alas 😔
Danger Days-era Gerard Way: 2/10
again, not very Spookie gender... though they rank higher than hayley if only because three cheers for sweet revenge-era gerard was Decently Gender to me as a high school emo
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coffeebeandragon · 5 years
Okay but the bi vibes on Poe Damaron--
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blowmyblues · 7 years
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hddnone · 5 years
Kinktober #31 - Free Choice
Bucky x Tony
Game time: spot the kink! Is it a) sleeping b) Poe Damaron c) edging or d) romantic confessions?
“Sleeping on the job. Figures,” Rhodey said with a sigh, rolling his eyes. “Combo costumes are supposed to be shown together, and it was his idea!”
Tony slept on, head pillowed on Bucky’s right shoulder. Bucky tightened his arm around Tony, but Tony didn’t move. He was out. 
“Your costume works on its own,” Bucky replied as he gazed down at Tony’s face. 
Tony was dressed as Poe Dameron and Rhodey as Finn from Star Wars, and they had even gotten fancy and picked outfits from the trailer for the not-yet-released film. 
Tony looked more like an urban desert thief, and Rhodey was rocking a great pair of blue pants.Bucky knew that Tony had hit up the costume design people for accuracy, and they looked great.
But Tony was passed out, his scarf that was part of his outfit bunched up to help pillow his head. Bucky had gone for comfort, but his pikachu onesie wasn’t very thick. 
Sam had given it to Bucky as a gag gift, but Bucky had worn it to show Sam up. Yellow wasn’t really his color, but it was worth it to see Sam’s face. 
“Let him sleep.”
Rhodey sighed but walked away, still muttering about costume parties and expectations. 
Bucky settled back against the couch and kept a protective watch over Tony. He was pleased that even with the noise and the people, Tony felt safe enough in Bucky’s arms to fall asleep. 
Not that a part of it wasn’t Tony being exhausted from earlier. Turns out Bucky has a thing for hot-shot pilots, Tony, and Tony as a hot-shot pilot especially with tight pants, utility belt, and statement scarf. 
Bucky pushed Tony to the limit on edging, but he couldn’t resist staying buried deep in Tony for as long as possible. Wrapped up in Tony, in Tony’s body, Bucky had been shaking with desire. 
“I love you,” he had whispered to Tony. 
“I know, and I’d love you so much more if you’d let me come,” Tony had panted back, body arched as Bucky fucked him deep. 
Bucky loved him all the more for that response. 
And now, Tony slumped against Bucky in the middle of their friends, music playing and everyone talking. Tony had already made the rounds and chatted, so Bucky didn’t feel too guilty for wearing Tony out before the party. 
Also, Tony sticking to the couch helped hide the rip on the seam of his pants that Bucky had caused in his eagerness. 
Bucky ran a hand through Tony’s hair, left fluffy and loose in as close to Poe Damaron’s style as Tony’s hair could manage.
It’s not the clothes or the look, Bucky thinks. Or even that Tony was willing to go along with Bucky’s ill-timed jumping. It’s - it’s everything. It’s Tony. It wasn’t the first time Bucky had told Tony that he loved him, and it wasn’t the first time Tony had said it back, but it’s just really sunk in. He loves Tony. He loves Tony, and he wants to marry him. 
Bucky smiles and keeps running his fingers through Tony’s hair. 
He’ll go ring shopping tomorrow. 
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lesbinewren · 5 years
the poe damaron comics. like i said its weird.
honestly though. gay king
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craftyandy · 6 years
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Youtube FurryDays Channel  https://www.youtube.com/c/furrydays CraftyArtsShow https://www.youtube.com/c/craftyartsshow All past retrospectives https://www.deviantart.com/rotteneggcreations/gallery/34145042/Improvement-Summaries 2018 Boy what a drag, there were three big   hindrances to my progress. One moving to a new place, two having a soul draining job and three   indulging in recreation in the form of movies and video games because of said drain.   Early in the year we got to spend time with a new friend of ours Malcolm from channel awesome, and it was  an amazing time working with him. I   remember how much we all missed him when he left and I didn’t feel that way about anyone else since meeting Fredryk phox the year before that. Later in the year I got a job I like for once and that improved my motivation even more.   The ambition and positive  outlook is inspiring to say the least, I  reluctantly even write their names as if I was using them to impress people, it’s more about their impact they had on me, getting to know them and what they built themselves up from. Nothing has changed when it comes to my focus. THe Furry Days youtube channel reached over a thousand subs and got monetized and now it’s time for the crafty arts show to shine. The discipline and drive that I lost before has been reclaimed. Most of all I have my husbands keiran and Nashoba to thank for making this all possible. Our local friends Tonto and Max have proven to be a big help with ideas as well. I love the idea of building something great together and I want that to be now.    Posted using PostyBirb
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rynliadon · 5 years
notes I took during my second viewing of tros (on my phone in the theater because I'm that asshole)
Warning: many a spoiler for the rise of skywalker ahead. if you haven't seen it this post will ruin the whole movie
kylo ren is a nasty ass emo boy with gross hair but adam driver's voice? god tier
what are they doing with Palpatine in this why wouldn't they just leave him dead
goddammit my dad figured out the big twist in the first five minutes
cannot emphasize enough that kylo ren is gross
"I'm just... not feeling myself." -rey skywalker, 2020
okay is it nighttime or daytime make up your fucking mind
hold up the sith have their own goddamn LANGUAGE
wait who tf is rose. didn't she die last movie
my assholery is really showing as I spoil the movie for my family
leia: "never be afraid of who you are." rey: does the exact goddamn opposite
okay darth vader wannabe
the festival scene was actually really cool
rey you're too good for ben, he's a freaking douchebag. don't take his hand blergh
a thought: polyamorous rey x finn x poe
way to make an entrance lando
they fly now? seriously?
yep. star wars would definitely kill all the important people a third of the way into the movie /s
I know they did their best because Carrie Fisher died, but all of her scenes fall flat. she barely talks and when she does it's ridiculously vague.
are the sith a nation? do they have their own planet? lore? are they ALL bad?
yes I just healed the snake thing with my magic, what about it
now we know what the baby yoda healy thing is ig
is Finn force sensitive? could he become another jedi?
just the IDEA of facing ren is giving rey a panic attack but sure reylos they're meant to be
how the fuck is kylo even ALIVE what the FUCK
they both be vibrating doe
[leaves to refill popcorn]
what is a spice runner? why is that significant?
zory's alright but I just HATE that they gave pie a hetero love interest
they gotta stop killing characters just to bring them back
jj abrams is still a lil bitch
how did they remember what 3PO said? I IMMEDIATELY forgot
ngl poe damaron is kinda hot. my inner bi is showing
oh what your girlfriend never tried to kill you before?
oh what your boyfriend never tried to control you by making him your only option?
oh what your girlfriend never stabbed you in the gut?
oh what your boyfriend never pinned you down and almost murdered you?
I miss han solo
okay tbh, Ben had potential for a redemption arc. there just wasn't enough of it there, and too much violence against his supposed love interest and everyone else.
the sith robe people don't seem real. neither does palpatine tbh. they just feel like ghosts.
why can't we explore the jedi and the sith as valid, opposite parts of the force. just like mistborn and avatar the last airbender. they're both necessary for balance.
yessss finnpoe the cogeneral boyfriends
tbh the lesbian kiss at the end pissed me off. I'm glad they know at this point that representation is important and including the gays gets them a wider audience of people who don't hate them but it pisses me off that they'll do the bare fucking minimum and praise themselves for it. a 2 second lesbian kiss, one unnamed gay man, both cut out for international audiences.
the sith audience served zero freaking purpose. they were just. there.
oh so the sith formed a choir huh. between the murdering and the evil they practice ominous harmonies
ow I ate too much popcorn
that lightning shot looks really cool
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can't really see it but it's super badass
I'd be mad if they did kill someone I care about but I'm also mad they didn't. where are the stakes
They're blurry but I got a pic of the lesbians
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I hate that reylo kissed but GOD the look he gave her when they pulled away.... watch me start to cry. adam driver you're incredible
I'll take this as confirmation that my rey x finn x poe ship is sailing
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oh shit is it illegal to take pictures? woops
what happened to tatooine though? it's completely empty
"rey who?" *TEN HOURS LATER* "rey skywalker."
why the fuck does rey have a gold lightsaber? when did she even have time to make it?
jj abrams is still a lil bitch
You're welcome that was my commentary
I liked the glimpse into Poe's past, but if I were in charge I would have made Zory an ex-boyfriend, and instead of Poe asking "can I kiss you?" it's Zory, and Poe says something angsty about being in love with Finn. I enjoyed the continuation of Finn pining after Rey, but I wish that he'd realized there was no hope and started to move on a bit. (with poe obviously.)
This is a bit of a we'll-never-be-happy-with-anything commentary, but I wish that an important character died without warning. they kept killing but bringing back characters (chewie and 3PO) and magically getting characters out of ridiculously dangerous situations (skimmer on water, climbing around the death star, about to fall off the star destroyer). I'd be mad if a character died, but I'm mad none of them did, if that makes sense.
I think that the Rey and Ben force diad thing whatever and their entire relationship had tons of potential, but they executed it terribly. They made kylo ren an unlikable character when he killed han solo for one, and the fact that they kept trying to kill each other made it impossible for me to root for them as a ship. However, I loved the ending they had, standing together against Palpatine. (side note- making Rey a Palpatine was GENIUS. big fan.) also adam driver and daisy ridley are incredible actors.
Main takeaway-- it could have been better, but I'm really happy with it. Overall I enjoyed watching it, which is the #1 priority for any movie, the twists and character arcs landed well to me, it had a satisfying ending to the trilogy. I'd watch it a third time. jj abrams is still a coward bitch but I can look past it.
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fuzzyg17 · 6 years
Top 5 Star Wars Droids
Star Wars other than being known for it’s intense battles and a wide variety of different species from many different planets, was also known for it’s droids. Star Wars droids through out the series, have shown to be brave, fierce, clever, crafty, and comedic. However, of all the droids to have been introduced in the Star Wars universe, only a few have played very vital roles, or only some have stood out than the rest. Whether it was a huge pivotal point, or the droid is simply a stand out favorite, these bunch of droids are the best. Out of solely my opinion, I have put together a list of the top five Star Wars droids to have been introduced in the Star Wars Franchise. So without further to do, let’s get started!
5. K-2SO
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K-2SO was a big reason why Rogue One was such a great movie. The droid alone performed many of the comedic lines in the movie. The droid made the movie funny and entertaining, even during times of battle. This just shows that K-2SO can keep cool under intense fire, literally ! That is why Captain Cassian Andor trusted this droid more than anyone in the universe. His trusty partner, they endured many missions together . The reprogrammed Empire droid always knew when and how to get stuff done. On the mission to Scarif, he single handed fought over 20 Stormtroopers when protecting the door that led to the storage room that Cassian and Jyn were in. He died, standing his last ground, protecting his friends. Without K-2SO, the mission on Scarif would’ve not been successful. The reason why the rebels blew up the first Death Star  is because of the success on Scarif. The reason why the mission on Scarif was successful was because of K-2SO. Major respect for the droid. He has become a certain fan favorite among the audience. 
4.  R5-D4 
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R5-D4 was about to, ABOUT to be sold to Luke and his uncle own by the Jawas. Suddenly the droid malfunctioned and broke down. At that instance, Owen and Luke decided to buy R2-D2 instead of this broken droid. Then they took R2-D2 and the other droid they bought him. Luke found out who R2 really was and the rest is history. But just imagine if R5-D4 had not broken down then ultimately sold to the Lars family. R2-D2 would’ve been discovered and the Empire would know all the Rebel secrets. The end of the Rebel Alliance would have come so quick. But luckily, the R5 broke down in time so Luke and Owen would purchase R2. A simple plot, but one of the most important in the entire Star Wars universe! Over the years, conspiracy theories have even arose about the droid. The theory states that R5-D4 was a force sensitive droid. So the droid knew that R2 was important to the Rebels, thus when R5 was about to be bought, the droid PURPOSEFULLY broke down, so Luke and Own would buy R2. The theory makes sense, but it has not been confirmed by anyone. Personally, I say that the theory is true, but we may never know. 
3. BB-8   
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Ah yes, BB-8, who is now one of the most popular characters in Star Wars to many fans, especially young ones. Disney wanted to introduce a new, fan favorite droid to the big screens. They did so in the form of BB-8. This droid has been part of an important plot to the new sequels. Fun, comedic, and above all adorable, this droid has caught the eyes of many. BB-8 is most known as Poe Damaron’s trusty companion. Poe, arguably the best pilot in the Resistance force, always trust his little orange droid to carry out almost any task. If it weren’t for BB-8, then the missing piece of the map to Luke would’ve never reached the Resistance. Although new, this droid has big plans for upcoming movies. But personally, BB-8 would’ve been #4 on this list, the only reason it isn’t is because BB-8 has way more screen time than R5-D4. Nevertheless though, BB-8 is still more familiar and more favorite.
2. C-3PO   
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C-3P0, has been in pretty much every important, big Star Wars plot there has been shown. From the first invasion of Naboo, to the Resistance defense on Crait, this droid has been through it all. Built by a six year old Anakin Skywalker, C-3PO is a protocol droid, and can speak over six million different languages spoken across the galaxy. Although actually not being involved in the battles, and is known to be scared most of the time, C-3P0 is high on this list because of his popularity and for being trusted by many characters. These characters include General Leia, Luke Skywalker, and many high officials. C-3PO has gained intelligence and is skilled in tactics, I guess from hiding and staying behind all the battles. But still, this has come use full. C-3P0 is set to make his 9th movie appearance on the 9th Star Wars film. 
1. R2-D2    
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Surprise not surprise, you must have already assumed that R2 was going to be top on this list. Let me just start off with that, R2 is just the real one, he is the “OG” of all droids. R2, just like C-3PO have been in all films of the Star Wars franchise, including the TV shows too. R2 is a brave little droid, who is not afraid to go into battle. He has been through it all as well, the only difference is that R2 fought in most of the battles. Flying with six year old Anakin to eventually destroy the battle droid command ship, to flying with an anxious Luke Skywalker to destroy the first Death Star. R2-D2 has been the main droid companion of both, Anakin and Luke. Without R2, the death star plans would have been stolen back by the Empire and the Rebel Alliance wouldn’t have destroyed the first Death Star. Other than his screen time and all the plots that R2 has been involved in, R2 is just a favorite. R2 is my favorite droid, and it’s for the many ways that the droid acts around different characters. Growing up, I would always watch R2 in the Prequel movies and in the TV show Star Wars The Clone Wars. Now days, it looks like Disney is trying to make BB-8 take the place of R2-D2, but for me, I will not let my youth die. After all, the originals are always better than the sequels. 
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