#damen lol
fiction-heals · 2 years
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It’s late. Dark. November 1st
I’m tired and sleepy and yet I can’t help but smile helplessly at this page lol it never fails to warm me up. Laurent picking his way through Damen’s language and Damen enjoying it in more than simple ways. It’s adorable. I love languages so I deeply appreciate this passage in the story, it’s so true!! Just. So true.
It is a world shifting change. It’s new lenses to understand the world. It’s Damen’s natural lenses applied to what up until now was the strongest symbol of Veretian culture he could account for. The Prince. Damen, smitten as he is, can’t help but appreciate it. Warmly. It brings Laurent closer to what Damen understands. It’s lovely
Jfoajflsjfoefns makes me fuzzy inside
I’m grinning with and for you, Damen, I sure am
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laurents-secret-diary · 6 months
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the quirked up white boy Of Vere
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cxinis · 4 months
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5 meow meows
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goldencuffs · 4 months
fake dating au chapter twenty-one
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after all this time, here it is: chapter twenty-one of in the absence of a king
part one and part two because it was too long to post in one go
thank you so much to everyone who continued to care about this fic. your support means everything 💖
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pintura · 1 month
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Damen with sideburns from that new capri special edition cover + some Laurent hairstyle sketches (and a stray Jokaste)
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damen & laurent's soldiers need worker's compensation for dealing with their angsty petty gay bullshit. i present the following evidence:
exhibit a:
He had put those soldiers on the door to bar the way to those men seeking Laurent out for some trivial matter, or for any matter, because when Laurent wanted to be alone, no one should suffer the consequences of interrupting him.  The taller soldier addressed him. ‘Commander, no one has entered in your absence.’ Damen’s eyes passed over the doors again.  ‘Good,’ he said. And he pushed the doors open.
‘Arrest me,’ said Damen. ‘I have raised hands to the Prince.’  The soldiers hesitated. It was the just response to his actions but he was—or had been—their Captain. He had to say again, ‘Do it.’  The darker-haired soldier stepped forward and Damen felt the grip take him. Laurent set his jaw.  ‘No,’ said Laurent. And then, ‘It was provoked.’ 
exhibit b:
A part of Damen’s mind recognised how perfectly this gift had been judged, the exquisite virtuosity of it: Laurent was delivering him a backhanded blow with one hand, and with the other, caressing his generals as a man scratches a dog under the chin.  Damen heard himself say, ‘Vere is generous.’  ‘After all,’ Laurent held his gaze, ‘I remember what you like.’
exhibit c:
He gestured and one of his squires came forward. It was still wrapped in cloth. He felt the sudden tension in Laurent, though there was no outward change.  Damen said, ‘You asked for it, once.’  The squire drew back the cloth to reveal a gold cuff. He felt rather than saw the tightness in Laurent. The cuff, unmistakably, was the twin to the one Damen wore, altered last night by a blacksmith for Laurent’s finer wrist.  Damen said, ‘Wear it for me.’ For a moment he thought Laurent wasn’t going to do it. But in public, Laurent had no recourse to refusal.  Laurent extended his hand. And then waited, palm outstretched, his eyes lifting to meet Damen’s.  Laurent said, ‘Put it on me.’  Every pair of eyes in the tent was on him.
exhibit d (lmao):
‘Who did this to you?’  ‘I did,’ Laurent said.  Damen turned.  Laurent stood in the entryway of the tent. He was arranged with elegant grace and his lazy, blue-eyed attention was all on Nikandros.  Laurent said, ‘I meant to kill him, but my uncle wouldn’t let me.’  Nikandros took an impotent step forward but Damen already had a restraining hand on his arm. Nikandros’s hand had gone to the hilt of his sword. His eyes were on Laurent furiously.  Laurent said, ‘He sucked my cock too.’  Nikandros said, ‘Exalted, I beg permission to challenge the Prince of Vere to a duel of honour for the insult that he has done to you.’  ‘Denied,’ said Damen. 
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gesunas · 2 months
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hey my husband thinks ur vibes suck btw
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captaindamianos · 11 months
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For @lamenweek
A day late I think, but done for the 'Charls' prompt 😊
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bookishtrash · 1 year
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x-xhiro · 5 months
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Season greetings!
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paint-tastes-ok · 1 year
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Laurent and Auguste sketches I did 5ever ago! I intend to clean them up one day but there are a lot of wips I need to finish before then so… here they are
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koihoi · 2 years
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mia-nina-lilly · 20 days
James isn't Laurent, but they could be friends.
James St. Clair and Laurent d'Vere, besides being intentionally irritating and very handsome, have similar pasts in the sense that both have gone through traumatic experiences and have been shaped by them. James was betrayed and probably nearly killed by the Stewards, ending up in the hands of Sinclair and raised in an environment highly toxic to anyone, especially one who was desired by all for who he was in a distant past. Laurent lost his entire immediate family, and his uncle took over his upbringing, creating in Arles his own den of evil and decadence that made Laurent who he became.
Both were desired and courted, but while James was never touched in that sense and long for it – even being more respected than Laurent among his people – Laurent was severely abused by his own uncle and would have been repeatedly if not for Damen or some other stroke of luck in his life. Laurent was not respected at all, not even by those loyal to him. In another direction, James was taught that he would belong to someone at some point, whereas Laurent was taught the opposite – the speed with which his uncle discarded each of the boys who crossed his path probably taught him that he would never truly be desired except for his beauty and position, or even for the vanity of whoever was trying to win him over.
Here is a similarity stemming from these pasts: it only made both develop a similar mindset. Both James and Laurent seem to believe that they cannot truly be seen as protagonists in relationships that are romantic. James thinks his life will be devoted to someone, to a master. Laurent thinks he is secondary in any sexual relationship and that it will not go beyond that – because no one could truly love him for who he was.
However, while James is pure fire, Laurent can be classified as ice – although his anger sometimes makes him burn even more than James. James is more extroverted and open to new experiences, as evidenced by how easily he adopts Will's thinking. Laurent definitely is not, and if he is, it's out of sheer necessity or strong will, as when he decides to sleep with Damen. That's how he discovers things he likes, too – a moment that illustrates this clearly is the rooftop race in Nesson-Eloy. Furthermore, it is a fact that James would love to have someone by his side, while Laurent is reluctant to trust anyone, even the men most devoted to him.
So, if James were to discover Laurent, and if James knew about Laurent's past, he would probably go to our prince just as he went to Will, maybe even provoking him along the way until Laurent poured his raw fury over him and said something to keep him away as he did with Damen, Nicaise and Aimeric. However, if James persisted, and it's very much like him to insist given the developments in his relationship with Cyprien, trying to convince the empty-headed Steward of his point of view, Laurent would give in at some point, perhaps even in an unexpected way – with both gradually revealing each other's softer sides. It is a fact that, before that, there would be a lot of fights and disagreements. Who knows, perhaps even some sort of Force hanging of James towards Laurent, however, it could eventually work out.
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laurentspeach · 1 year
another poll:
everybody talks about when they think laurent fell for damen, but what about:
(most of these, save for the first, are all in princes gambit—if you think it was sometime in the first or third book, or just other in general, lmk in the notes!)
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goldencuffs · 4 months
Hi! Do you have any new Lamen fics planned tho? And if so is it possible for you to give us hints about the plot?
YES I DO!! 🙌✨🎉
just one. maybe two.
but i've written quite a lot of one particular au. it has very cliche stereotypes - jock damen and ballet dancer laurent who are "friends" with benefits. damen is a complete and utter asshole in this. and he makes laurent's life miserable most of the time. laurent is, naturally, in love with damen.
it also features aleron and laurent getting along but with a twist... (aleron is extremely controlling and overprotective and laurent is People Pleaser to his core in this au so he goes along with all of aleron's restrictions).
i want to finish at least half of it (i already have 20k!!!) before i start posting because i don't want people to be waiting forever in between updates (not that that's what i'm known for hahahaha...............)
anyway enough yapping. here's (part) of the first scene hehe ✨
Damen sucked leisurely, like they had all the time in the world, his thumb breaching Laurent. It was dry, but they both knew how much Laurent loved the painful stretch, the initial press. Laurent’s head was vibrating in pleasure. His stomach was clenching and unclenching; he was going to come soon, and then Damen would really lose it, because he liked fucking into Laurent when he was loose and pliant. The buzzing around his head was growing, and Laurent was shaking, completely— “Shit.” Damen pulled away, just at the crest of Laurent’s orgasm. “Nooo,” Laurent groaned. “Damen, please, I’m—” “Wait. Shut up. Shit.” “What?” Laurent propped himself up on his elbows, because he was just starting to realise Damen sounded panicked, not turned on. And there was a buzzing still in his head—wait, no, next to it; Laurent turned, to where Damen’s phone was on the nightstand, and saw Jokaste’s name flash across the screen. He frowned. “Why is she calling you?” Damen snatched the phone, silencing it. “Shit.” “Why is she calling you, Damen?” Damen exhaled sharply. He ran his hands through his hair, and then seemed to remember there wasn’t much of it left, and his hand fell awkwardly in his lap, where his jeans were stretched and tented. “Look,” he said. “I completely forgot… but, uh, Jokaste and I… We got back together last week.” Laurent shot up. “What?” “Look—” “Are you fucking kidding me, Damen?” Laurent snapped. He didn’t know what to focus on: the infuriating expression on Damen’s face, his almost-orgasm, his half-naked state, the fact that Damen was back with his fucking— “What the fuck is wrong with you? How could you forget that? How could you not tell me—and, and, and, you called me over to—” “Jesus, calm down, alright,” Damen shifted on his knees, looking both morose and furious. “If anything, you should take it as a compliment I forgot about her the moment I saw you—” “What is wrong with you? Who the fuck in their right mind would take that as a compliment?” Laurent hands were shaking with—anger, distraught, frustration—as he pulled up his underwear and pants. The worst part was that his treacherous heart was taking it as a compliment. “Why did you even get back together with her? I thought her sleeping with Kastor—your brother, by the way, in case you fucking forgot—was the last straw.” Damen rolled his eyes, and now he was really starting to look annoyed, eyebrows furrowed, jaw clenched. “That was months ago. And they didn’t sleep together; he just went down on her.” He paused. “Actually, you know what, this works in my favour, since I just went down on you… so it’s kind of like tit for tat. Guilt absolved.” Laurent’s mouth dropped. He stood, whirling on Damen. “Oh my fucking God, Damen. What is wrong with you?” “How many fucking times are you going to ask me that?” “How can you sit there and fucking act like you’ve done nothing wrong?” Laurent cried. “I’ve been fucking twiddling my thumbs, waiting for you, and, and, and last week. You got back with her last week—you couldn’t have told me?” “I deleted your number after she called and—” “Oh my god!” Laurent pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes. “Oh my god. Oh my god. That’s why you’re back early, isn’t it? To see her, before she goes on her retreat?” And here it was: at three-thirty on a Tuesday morning, Damen destroying his entire world and heart with a few simple sentences, in a span of five minutes. This was record-breaking, actually, even for them.
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ltrllynbdy · 2 months
I really hope that my post that I made a while ago didn't start all of these because????🥲
I don't know what's worse, the fact that this fandom is trying to make this about "Damen vs Laurent fans " as if we are separated and only capable of loving one of them or the fact that people make it about Laurent in the first place.
Nothing justifies Laurent in book 1 and no one is trying to do that in the first place. I like Laurent just the way he is with all his flaws and wrongs.
I hate Mary sue type of characters who are unable to do wrong in the first place. That's my personal preference
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