#dami has access to a lazarus pit after all
starfishride · 2 years
I wanna write grown up Jon/Dami with the latter being a benevolent Ra's al Ghul and the former being his touchstone for morality.
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epiemy · 3 years
Warnings: Basic violence, mentions of sex and sensible themes.
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Fem! Wife / Assassin of LOA Reader.
Word count: 1450
A/N: idk, if you want a second part, let me know. sorry for grammar mistakes.
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"Richard dear, please just get out of the kitchen before Alfred arrives" you sigh heavily knowing how much the family butler abhors your husband's cooking skills - or lack thereof - so much has he been forbidden to enter it to cook.
"He won't find out unless you tell him..." he flashes his blue eyes with a mocking smile, only stopping when he realizes you're leaving the room "hey where are you going?"
"Cave, I want to see Damian since I haven't visited the mansion for two years" you answer him and walk towards the clock that gives access to the Batcave
And it was true, as you are Talia's right-hand man in the League of Assassins you didn't have many chances to visit during the long missions, having as your mission to protect the Devil's daughter, but luckily your mission is finished and also your last one, where you had received permission from Al Ghul to return to Gotham City and be with your husband, but his brothers didn't know that yet and you have a unique connection to each one of this family.
Bruce was like a father to you, and regardless of whether he didn't approve of your methods he protected you when you were sent on missions in the city - even though he knew how pissed you were at that protection, after all you were second in command in the League and you knew your way around. very good. Jason and you had an extensive past around the time he came back to life through the Lazarus Pit, however you helped him escape to safety for his revenge, after all you knew he would give up this madness and just come back to see his foster father, as owed Bruce a favor and knew how broken he was since the death of his second son.
Dick and you have a funny story, as you were sent to seduce him and kidnap him for Talia, but you didn't expect to fall in love along the way. Obviously your superior didn't take it very well and the consequences were enormous, so great that you were the only one assigned to take care of Damian when she wasn't present - which was almost always, thus separating you from Dick, not before you managed to send a letter to the same, asking to wait for her
Well, Bruce Wayne's firstborn—who you didn't know was a product of rape—was a brat to everyone in the League since you knew his place as heir to the throne, except you. Don't get me wrong, his affronted and arrogant attitude would always remain when other people were around, but when the two of you were alone, he treated you like a mother, like his real mother. Truth be told, Talia was never a mother figure to the boy, she just used him to get Bruce at her feet and failed.
When Dami was sent to stay with her father you were the only one who accompanied him to the mansion, and you were surprised as well as her mother when the boy asked you to stay with him. You wanted to accept right away but you knew it wasn't her decision, it was Talia's, so you looked at your mentor and she just nodded and went back to the island. Her relationship with Damian never became stronger than at that moment, so much so that when Dick saw her at the mansion with a small smile he ran to kiss her but the killer raised his katana to the eldest's throat.
"Who are you and why are you shedding tears looking at my Ummi?" He growls menacingly even at Richard, but returns to his tenderest gaze as he turns to you "Should I kill him Y/N?" He asks seriously and you know he won't bluff if you nod in agreement, so just ask the boy to put his gun down, who reluctantly does as he's asked.
"What the hell was that?" Dick asks in amazement at the mortal child in front of you but you just shrug
"Let's go inside, I need to talk to Bruce and it's urgent."
Timothy wasn't your average kid, he loved computers, and other things people his age didn't even half understand, so you connected with the kid the moment you saw him on the Bat Computer cracking codes for fun. You were rescued by Talia on the streets of Chicago, where there was a group of men who had "fun" with your body and soon after seeing them trying to hurt her again, she killed them without batting an eye and welcomed you to her father. At the time you were only 9 years old and you were a different child from the others, you watched the behavior and body language of strangers just to laugh at what they seemed to feel, playing detective has always been interesting to you since your parents were killed in Gotham by men of the Joker, and that's why she was excluded from shelters as children found her forms of entertainment boring.
When he noticed that the boy was a younger version of himself, he took him as a great friend and tried to teach him everything Bruce couldn't about the streets and other methods of hurting thugs, helping him to come across extremely different fighting styles. effective.
Then think of the surprise of everyone who was in the cave training, to hear a "hello troublemakers" coming from the entrance. Damian was the first to react and ran out to hug her, he had really improved with the PDA.
"Hi Dami, I missed you" you whispered in the younger's ear and you could see his eyes watering when he replied a "hello Ummi" but he quickly hid it and returned to his normal and indifferent posture.
"It's good to see you again, the boys missed you" B says going to hug the girl and she just raises an eyebrow when he mumbles a "me too, Richard kept talking about you"
"Hours Master Bruce, don't expose your son like that to Miss Grayson"
You walk away from Bruce quickly when you see Alfred standing there with the biggest smile, in that time you had made a lasting friendship with the butler and he wasted no time before hugging you.
"Ever heard of the phone or do you guys only use smoke signal in the League?" Jason jokes but soon comes to give you a long, hard hug, which you promptly pull away from the hug and responds by rolling your eyes.
"The next smoke signal is going to be a bullet in your-" You're cut off by a lean but muscular body hugging yours, Tim.
"Why didn't you report back? We were all worried. When did you get back?" He was frantic and you knew he had taken too much caffeine again to be able to work the cases, but he was also being honest when he said everyone was worried as the others around the cave were waiting for an answer.
You huff but reply:
"I came back a month ago" and the cave goes crazy when everyone is outraged that you didn't show up sooner but you just point to your husband who just showed up at the door "he forbade me to come here before we had sex in every room of the house five times"
"Yuck" "URGH" "DISGUSTING!" a chorus of disgusted sounds were heard but just when you thought it would be better to let Dick deal with his brothers' wrath, Damian grabs his hand and asks to come with him, which you promptly do and follow the boy still holding your hand.
When you get to what you remember as his room, you soon see a painting of him, and you knew those traits everywhere, they were Damian's.
"Oh my darling, it's so beautiful" you sigh with emotion as you look between him and the painting
"I just thought it would take you a while to get back and on your last night here I painted your face so that I would always remember him vividly" he shrugs but it's noticeable how much he loves this painting "I thought it would be...appropriate? You see? it"
The sight of an insecure Damian was something you rarely saw in your life, even though you'd known him since he was a baby, so you did what your instinct told and brought him into a bone-crushing hug, knowing he wouldn't want to stay. in that matter, you soon changed.
"It's beautiful Dami, but do you want to see Dick get beaten up by Jason and Tim in training?" You mutter smiling and he runs into the cave with you close behind. A perfectly dysfunctional family, but you wouldn't trade it for anything.
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iwritethat · 6 years
Damian Wayne: Old Acquaintances
Request: ——
A/N: Here’s a little something, sorry for not being active in a while.
Instinct was something you had great faith in, it never failed, so when walking into your chambers you instantly felt the slightest shift in the atmosphere. You were immediately on edge, senses heightening as you scoured your luxuries with a weapon at the ready - that's when you heard the swift pad of feet behind you. Anyone else wouldn't have been aware of their movements, it was obvious that they were well trained in stealth but alas you specialised in such skill also.
Twisting on your heel equipped with a well aimed kick to the intruders side sent you both into battle, defending, blocking and attacking one another with pure efficiency like the warriors that you were. He was incredible, possessing signature traits of the League of Assassins - you thought you'd finished with them, defended yourself enough to put them off of assassinating you permanently.
However, you needed to know what the intruder wanted and people are more likely to disclose when they held the upper hand. With that in mind, you let him pin you to your intricate wall, wrists held above your head and chests brushing against one another with every breath. It was only when you met his gaze that you recognised him, the moonlight illuminating his stunning features so beautifully that is made you physically relax in his familiarity.
"Damian Al Ghul, my my it has been quite some time since we last saw each other." You sighed, playfully kicking his shin with a smirk on your features.
He wasn't here on behalf of his origin, he now operates under the Batman you recalled as you liked to keep tabs on assets.
"You refer to our meetings back at the League? That was a long time ago (Y/n) (L/n), much has changed since our childhood sparring sessions during Nigrum Draco business visits." Sincerity rang through his tone but was interrupted by your armed guards busting through the door ready to murder him.
"Stand down, I have this." You commanded, breaking his grasp and flipping positions so that you now held him to the wall.
"Understood milady." The two obsidian armoured soldiers responded simultaneously and left straight after.
"Milady?" Damian questioned rather suspiciously, with a huff you released him preferring natural flow of conversation.
"Things have changed, the Nigrum Draco is my organisation now. I've cut ties with the League but hopefully that isn't why you are here." It had happened back when you were 16, a while ago now but the Nigrum Draco (Latin for Black Dragon) were allies of the League of Assassins. Like them, you had armies of skilled warriors at your command, many training for most of their lives - however, you were not as ruthless compared to the League or your vulgar predecessor. The mountains where your ancient temple lie were surrounded by spiritual villages under your protection and became the homes of your loyal assassins and their families - peace was your motive, not power which was the main reason for losing affiliation with Damian's old family.
Your organisation were renowned for their skilful fighting styles, unique healing methodology and more importantly their god like weapon crafting in the underground circuits, of course your homeland was rumoured a myth as it is near impossible to locate.
"The Black Dragon respond to you? That explains the difference in dealings and more effective dynamic. Yet men have strayed due to your lack of illegal activity and some are causing issues in Gotham." Damian informed, arms folded as you glared at him.
"I am aware, I have dealt with most of them personally. Regardless, you had the audacity to infiltrate my home with intent to attack then blackmail me into giving you the whereabouts of my warriors? That is punishable by death y'know."
"I would put it as visiting an old friend."
"Of course you would Dami, as such I'll pack my belongings and travel to Gotham with you. It's my responsibility to deal with their misguidance." Before he could protest, you began gathering a bag of belongings and since you were already dressed in your beautifully crafted royal dark armour he had no choice but to comply.
Gotham City. Admittedly, Damian was an adequate BatJet pilot and the lonesome ride surprisingly didn't revolve around awkward tension. By the time you'd arrived in the Batcave you understood how Damian had personally developed over your time apart and the choices he'd made, it was reassuring to know you could still connect with one another so effortlessly. You followed by his side toward the training matts, taking in the unfamiliarity until a charming voice drew your attention.
"Damian! Whose the warrior?"
"My fiancé."
Immediately you felt your skin tingle and you glared at his amused smirk. "Ex-fiancé."
"Did our leaders ever officially call off the arrangement (L/n)?" He turned to you this time, brow raised in satisfaction.
"I thought that was clear when I punched your mother in the face and disassociated with the League-"
Before you could finish, Nightwing vigorously waved his hands and stepped towards your threatening statutes. "Hold it! Engaged?!"
"Where we were brought up, it was a political arrangement. It would ensure a strong bloodline and forge a permanent alliance between our clans - The League would gain access to our scared goldsmiths and the Black Dragon would be allowed to use the Lazarus Pit. We did not have a say in the matter." With an exhausted sigh, you explained the complications.
"Obviously." Though Damian scoffed, causing you to tackle him to the matt, straddling the 18 year old with a playful smile.
"I suppose you couldn't handle a wife far superior to you huh?"
"I have yet to meet one (L/n)." In a swift movement your back hit the ground and a sparring match began.
"Enough! That is no way to treat the Empress of the Nigrum Draco. My apologies, I originally sent him for intel, Damian had spoke of you previously so I believed a familiar face would be better suited - I didn't expect him to bring you home with him." Batman interrupted, his tone enough to halt your attacks and draw full attention with Damian capturing your wrist and pulling you stumbling into his side before crossing his arms.
"Aw, you talk about me." You smirked triumphantly at Damian who diverted his gaze to Batman, disregarding your comment out of embarrassment.
"-TT- (L/n) insisted on aiding us Father, she wishes to deal with her own deserters. I respect that."
“That’s probably the nicest thing you’ve ever said Wayne.” You scoffed, playfully punching him in the shoulder to which he brushed off with a glare.
“Empress, we will need any intel regarding your organisations past dealings in Gotham.”
“(Y/n) is fine and no problem it’s all here.” You nodded, offering a delicate scroll to the man but moving it slightly out of reach before you continued. “But I deal with my men. Not you. Otherwise I am perfectly capable of doing this on my own.”
“Agreed, but no harming civilians and members not associated with your organisation are not under any circumstances to be dealt with by you.” Batman clarified, adding his own terms to yours.
“That’s fair. It’ll be a pleasure working with you Batman.”
“-TT- too bad we can’t say the same.”
“I said Batman, that doesn’t include you.”
Damian quietly objected to your comeback, equipping himself with a bo staff and swiping your legs leading you to hit the matt with a soft thud. Instantly you huffed in frustration, kicking the back of Damian’s kneecap to bring him down to your level before another playful brawl began.
Batman heaved an exhausted sigh, holding the bridge of his nose out of sheer discontentment meanwhile Dick overlooked the scene with a smirk with his absentminded comment.
“You can see why they were engaged really.”
“They’re engaged?!” Bruce coughed out, completely awestruck with this newfound information.
“WERE! Past tense!!!” Yourself and Damian both yelled, more distracted with maintaining the upper hand.
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