#dammit neil
I just watched DPS
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They did not just stand up for Mr. Keating they stood up for Neil Perry and his dreams too. 10/10 this movie. I want to watch it over and over again until I can memorize the words by heart. It was beautiful. The boys were seizing and living life, capturing it with both hands. My heart bleeds for the loss they had and I bleed for Neil Perry, he was so brave to seize his dreams but it is sad that he was not able to make it big, was not able to stretch and expand it. It was when he said nothing and then I was good that I knew what he was gonna do and while it is easy to say to look at things differently when you are in the position it is hard when all you can see is prison bars. Defying his father may lead him to that military school, if he leaves to pursue his dream how will he do it with no money? It is scary to venture in a world where there is no safety net and it is sad that the option he saw was to leave in the world where he will be remembered where he seized his dreams, suspended in the time where he smiled and was on stage. His friends standing up on those tables made his death meaningful in the way that we should not be clipping the wings of the young aaaahhh I wanna say more but I can't see past my tears as I am typing this and my words are stuck in my throat.
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you-know-i-get-itt · 2 months
i just realized that neil is taller than aaron. like we know he’s taller than andrew, but he’s taller than aaron too!! do you realize how much this changes? like this is such a win for him
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dduane · 11 months
You know you’re in trouble when…
…your first thought on awakening is “Was yesterday the day I was supposed to feed the sourdough starter?”
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manicpixiedreamcrowley · 11 months
if we get a flashback to the fall in s3 it’s over
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19-020221 · 1 year
how did the two idiots have a happy ending and my perfect little couple is eating shit what the fuck what the fuck what the Fuck.
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every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
Neil's level of control varies with Susan, Max, and Billy:
Susan sees what Neil is doing to Billy, but she doesn't do anything.
Max sees what Neil wants her to see, which is Billy fucking up her life and trying to control her.
Billy sees Neil for what he truly is, but Neil controls how Billy sees himself. I think Neil redirects whatever hatred billy has for him and pits that against Billy himself. For Billy to believe he deserves this, and worse. For him to believe that he's the problem, not his father. Neil doesn't have to hide who he is from his son. He hides who Billy really is from himself. Because who Billy really is, his individuality, scares Neil.
Who is the real Billy Hargrove? We met him in his memories, when he pushed back at his first monster. He's bigger now, but at this point the best push he can manage is talking back, as we see when Neil enters Billy's room. Now the thing is, he knows no matter what he does, Neil will hit him. He doesn't know when, but the slap is inevitable. Billy gains a tiny bit of control by talking back. Even if he stayed quiet, he'd still get hit. Neil shows him that no matter what he does, he will be punished. This proves to Billy that any attempt to fight back will not change the outcome. He is ultimately forced into a corner, powerless.
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Idk if anyone else but me will be interested lol, but I've created a playlist of Ineffable Husbands songs that includes everything on each of their individual playlists, as well as songs that I believe fit either or both of them.
I'm constantly adding to it, and I really adore some of the songs I've chosen for them. So I just thought I'd share with y'all if you're interested. 😇😈
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callie-ariane · 1 year
Good Omens: the kiss vs the Nightingale extract
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I am dying. The kiss lasts exactly the same length as the extract from Nightingale plays in the Bentley.
Video comparison:
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mymangamemes · 5 months
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Save me, Coraline
From My Beloved Baby Sister by DARO, samchil13, LittleD, and Naryan
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sundeum · 1 year
you know how nina and maggie told crowley that him and aziraphale never talk to each other.
what if the sole reason they never do is exactly because of that last scene in the bookshop. they know that if they start talking it will come to this, and they will realize both of them want completely different things, and that they're a ticking time bomb that will eventually explode no matter how much they stretch their time together. their love will always have a touch of the forbidden, especially with aziraphale so closely tied to heaven, and if he doesn't realize that he can't fix a system that is so deeply and utterly corrupted, a place that will never give him back the love and recognition he craves from them, their conversations will always end up like this. he deserves so much more than they give him and crowley sees that and it's tearing him up inside to watch aziraphale go back to them over and over again and leave him behind countless of times when he offers him everything aziraphale so badly wishes heaven could give him. they knew were they to talk, it would blow up into their faces. and it did. and both of them are left wounded, crowley's walls are back up again, he lost his trust and his hope and his energy, and he's back on his own side, cold, stranded and utterly lonely once more.
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roamingbadger · 9 months
Tonight I felt like randomly reading an old fantasy WIP I’d been working on maybe 5-7 years ago. Not sure why. This is the worst thing I could ever have done because I started reading like “Huh… okay… bad…” but then I got sucked in and by the end I was like “WAIT, WHERE’S THE REST OP” 🤡🤡
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eowynstwin · 2 years
Jesus if you’re gonna have an actor on stream at least don’t talk over him when he’s actually saying something about the game he’s there to talk about
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purplemoonabove · 1 year
Love of my life, you've hurt me
You've broken my heart
And now you leave me
Love of my life, can't you see?
Bring it back, bring it back
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know
What it means to me
I swear to you.
If this plays in season 3,
I swear…
I’ll cry…
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randomfandomss · 1 year
I literally want to hear all the answers from Michael Sheen from now on. Please ask HIM everythinggggggg.
Redirect all of Neil Gaiman's asks towards Michael pleaseeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
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nigellica · 1 year
I can't believe they managed to find the single worst way to sort books.
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soda-kazoo · 2 years
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started wqtching tmnt 1987 🫶
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