#damn i feel like papyrus undertale
such-a-daydreamer · 2 months
I know you might get this often but the way you draw mystery man pleases my eyes so much
I actully don't, so thank you! Your compliment pleases my eyes so much ^^
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Have this complimentary art of the mystery man himself as a thanks!!
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olmstier · 1 year
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More old stuff— feat. Sans
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havockingboo · 2 years
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soft and comfort, and warm like the sun
omg Guard Dog fact that’s tied to these doodles!!
Beowulf is probably one of the only people that gets to see Papyrus like this. I guess Papyrus trusts him to be this vulnerably emotional with, especially like this. Though he’s still private about what’s on his mind, maybe he’s afraid that he won’t make sense or Beowulf won’t understand, which isn’t true! He knows this for a fact! But you know…it’s not exactly the most easiest thing for him to just, let out…so, Beowulf is more than willing to be Papyrus’ shoulder to cry on. And Papyrus isn’t complaining!! Boy can he cry, doesn’t help that Beowulf just feels so comforting to hold, and be hugged by. This tends to go on for a solid 30 minutes or so, he just really doesn’t want to let go, afraid that maybe, he won’t get a chance like this again..I mean, shoot if Papyrus didn’t force himself to stop crying and let go, they both would’ve been in his room for hours.
The future royal guardsman have to be tough!!! He has to be tough, crying won’t do! It won’t get the job done! There’s nothing else you can do besides push forward! There’s always a bright side, a brighter future, try and try again! There’s no need to cry over your failures, or how people haven’t noticed how cool you are! They will sooner or later! But…it can be, a bit hard at times to hold himself up for so long. He’s gotten pretty good at hiding it though, you know, deflecting or projecting it onto others…but Beowulf somehow helped him just, let loose. Something Papyrus is very not accustomed to!! That’s more of his brother’s thing, “let loosing” was lazy talk!!! However, he honestly isn’t complaining that he gets to sit and hangout with someone like Beowulf. There’s just something about him that just makes him feel…wanted.
Uh yeah…they’re really good friends!!
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the-goingmerry · 6 months
everyone my girl agreed with me when i said i'd probably be like.. a shorter version of papyrus from undertale... she didn't even skip a beat
like thanks??? I thought you were gonna argue more lmao
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A very very short S/O decided to wear skele shirt as a nightgown (yeah S/O is short like that) and in the morning when the skele wake up he sees his S/O just sleeping in a lingerie (basically the shirt that S/O was wearing slid off S/O while S/O were sleeping)
I just want to see how they would react getting flashed at the morning.
Undertale Sans - He blushes and then awkwardly tries to fetch his shirt without waking you up to cover you with it. He adds a second blanket on top of that. He's not sure what to do with himself after that, and so kinda goes to make breakfast. When Papyrus asks him why he is up so early, Sans blushes to death, faceplants into the table and whines. Ok....
Undertale Papyrus - Well, that's a nice sight to wake up at he's not going to lie. Papyrus is staring for sure and even starts to tease you after a few minutes, tickling your back in a finger to see you growl. He smirks when you suddenly try to grab a blanket, before gasping when you realize you're naked and brutally waking up. He chuckles at your misery.
Underswap Sans - He has his two months in front of his mouth, trying so hard to stop the damn purr that accidentally escaped his mouth. You can't know he can do that! The problem is that his body is not really obeying his commands right now. He has to flee the room to calm down.
Underswap Papyrus - He stares in shock. Uh. You weren't like that when you went to sleep. He's sure of it. Honey is not sure what too do. He's kinda just standing there, eyes wide open, hyperventilating, to the point it wakes you up. You noticing him is actually too much and you watch in complete confusion as your boyfriend passes out on the floor lol. You pressured him too much. By doing nothing.
Underfell Sans - Oh. He smirks like a shark and then starts massaging your back, watching you shiver under his hands with intense pleasure. When you wake up, he immediately starts to flirt with his cavernous voice. You quickly realize the situation and blush to hell.
Underfell Papyrus - He screams in shock, not expecting you naked next to him and kick you in the stomach, making you fall off the bed with the blanket. He then gasps when he realizes what he just did and jumps out to save you. He will blush all day in shame every time he meets your eyes.
Horrortale Sans - Uh... You must be cold. He gently grabs you and push you under his shirt until your head pops out next to his. You don't even wake up. He purrs happily and goes back to sleep, big spooning you.
Horrortale Papyrus - He slips back on his shirt and tries to put your arms in the right place so it doesn't fall off again. He will do that at least five times until you wake up lol. The fifth time, he grabs his bath robe's belt and ties it around your waist so it stops falling down.
Swapfell Sans - Nox likes to sleep in a cold room and your naked body against him is too hot. He gives you a dark stare, stands up and leaves. You find him sleeping in the bathtub in the morning. He's mad as well. You better make him coffee for him to forgive you.
Swapfell Papyrus - You wake up with drawings all over your body. Of course, Rus is not in the room when you wakes up. He's waiting for you to scream his name downstairs when you'll notice he painted your face like a clown. It's not his fault you were naked in bed when he woke up.
Fellswap Gold Sans - When you wake up, Wine is naked as well. He didn't get jealous of you sleeping naked or anything and so he didn't take his clothes off to not feel left out or anything. Wine prefers to sleep naked anyway, he was only wearing clothes because you are wearing clothes. So he kinda thought you finally decided to adopt his lifestyle.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He is awkwardly building a barricade with his plushies so he is not tempted to stare at your body. Eventually, the barrier collapses and you're not buried under a hundred or so plushies, from head to toe. Coffee decides to leave you like this like nothing happened and goes to cringe-scream at himself in the shower instead.
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Hey, I saw you had request open and I was hoping to put in one, IL keep it short, I just got out of a bad relationship and I'm healing and was hoping you could possibly write about how underTale, underFell, UnderSwap, and HorrorTale (dreamtale to if you are ok with that one) would act if there love or friend just got out of a bad relationship with their ex. Sorry if you don't do these, but I'm just throwing this out there. Please ignore if you aren't intrested and have a good day.
i hope you’re doing well anon <3
undertale, underfell, underswap amd horrortale skelebros (Ft. Dream!Sans) with a reader who’s just gotten out of a bad relationship
(a/n: had this one in the drafts for months and i just wanted to get it published so i skipped out on Nightmare. so sorry this took so long, i hope you’re doing well anon! anyway, im hoping to get back into the writing groove. we’ll see how this goes.)
-“hey, i’m sorry… c’mere.”
-he would engulf you in a hug, if you’re okay with hugs
-while he’s happy you’ve gotten out of a bad relationship, he’s still sad with what you had to go through.
-he’ll make puns to cheer you up, however many it takes.
-he for sure takes you out to eat at grillby’s.
-he’s there to be a listener, a shoulder to cry on, and someone to go to whenever you’re feeling particularly down.
-“a BAD relationship? human, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
-he’s so sad. his best friend? being in an unhappy relationship? WITHOUT telling him? he’s distraught.
-he cooks for you breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
-he does literally everything in his power to make you happy
-it doesn’t matter what time it is. you call him, he’ll come.
-he’d do anything to see you smile
-“about damn time you left that douche,” he grumbled.
-“Red, not the time.”
-he rolled his eyelights.
-“fine, fine. whatever.”
-his face turned a little softer.
-“anything i can do for ya?”
-he would do a lot. he’d complain about it the whole time, but if you asked, chances are he’d do it.
-his eyes narrowed.
-“you say they mistreated you?”
-he sighs when you nod.
-“alright, come inside.”
-he moved out of the door frame so you can enter. he gestures towards his couch.
-“sit down. i’ll make you some tea.”
-he comes back a few minutes later with tea for you both. he seems slightly annoyed when you blow on it, despite it being scalding hot.
-he’d listen to anything you wanted to say to him about it.
-after that, you never see your ex again…. strange, they lived very close to you…
-oh, well.
-“a bad relationship, you say? why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
-he listens to you, anything you want to cent
-he gives his best advice on how to not end up in a situation like that again
-“want me to beat ‘im up for ya?” he would jokingly ask.
-but he’d do it for real, if you wanted him to.
-he’d drag you onto his couch and watch all your favorite movies with you until you both fell asleep.
-he’ll provide you with all your favorite snacks.
-he’d stay up late with you while you cried, and do his best to comfort you.
-he has shockingly good advice.
-he seems taken aback.
-you weren’t happy in your relationship? this whole time?
-that hole in his head affected him more than he initially thought. he couldn’t even tell his best friend was struggling.
-he’d feel super guilty about that.
-you’d also have to hold him back by his good to keep him from charging after your ex.
-after he finally calmed from his anger, he’d be there, open arms and willing to help.
-“i see. come inside.”
-definitely cooking all of your favorite foods for you, listening while you vent and cry.
-he doesn’t have much advice, but he does his best.
-offers for you to stay the night (or as long as you want).
-he does his best to cheer you up, even with his physical limitations.
-he freezes.
-how had he never noticed?
-suddenly, everything clicked for him. the way he had been sensing more and more negativity from you since you and your ex had gotten together. how you always brushed the topic off, saying it was work or family matter.
-the way you had pushed him away.
-he snapped himself back to reality, offering for you to come inside.
-obviously it didn’t take him long to cheer you up. it took longer to heal, but he’ll make this right for you.
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trashisstillhere · 6 months
Some Ninja Randy related art I just wanted to post right now. But it’s not just the og, but some different versions of him that I had made long time ago and decided to try drawing again today!
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Oh boy, I haven’t thought of these guys in a very long time until now. Some of you who has seen some art from both my old account and the old ones in this account may know of them (expect for Bad Ending!Randy, I never really showed him, I think). And yes, I will kinda explain each one of them since the rest of you probably don’t know about them at all so here we go.
1. Evil! Randy
an evil version of Randy, with all the chaos pearls in his disposal now that the sorcerer is fully gone. And no, not in the way like in the season 2 finale but like…well.. let’s just say, he’s still trapped.
staying in the now abandoned norrisville high school (what happen to everyone in there? No body knows), Evil! Randy is mostly alone by himself, plotting and thinking about what to do next now that everything with him has changed.
If he ever does get a visitor in the school, he seems quite calm and wise towards them, showing them around and even asking them for favours to help him a little around the place, give him company as he haven’t had some in so long…..but don’t be fooled. Remember, those green orbs corrupts whoever has them and this Randy is no different.
Howard’s and the Nomicons whereabouts in this au? currently unknown.
The only new thing about him right now are those few green glowing cracks on his suit and all, I thought those would look cool on him.
2. Horror! Randy
Now you can easily find this guys story and first drawings of him on my account. Just click on the Rc9gn tag while staying on my account, scroll far down and you’ll find it. Easy peasy. But if you’re too lazy, I’ll give you a short(er) and quick version.
This Randy’s story takes place back in season 1, right after he just became the ninja and a few days passed. He meets some evil spirit who takes a form of a ninja and tricks him into thinking that it’s from the nomicon and that there’s people who are monsters in disguise’s that he has to ‘get rid of’. Because of this along with illusions from the spirit to make it more believable, he ends up killing lots of innocents, even Howard which he immediately feels tons of regret and guilt for.
At the end, Randy becomes a lonely mess, a lost cause, a paranoid psycho ninja who now can’t tell the difference between an actual monster and a human thanks to the manipulation of the fake ninja spirit who is now suddenly gone along with the illusions.
Basically, this is a fucked up Randy who suffers a lot and is very lonely. He does kill though.
3. Disbelief! Randy
This Randy is kinda based on and inspired by the disbelief Papyrus Undertale Au. But instead of Papyrus with Sans jacket on, it’s the poor ninja boy with Howard’s. Most of this one is just Randy wearing the only thing he has left of his dead friend, trying to avenge him. Who or what got Howard killed? From what I remember (I never wrote any of these guys stories down) it was Mcfist and Viceroy, it was an accident with a robot of theirs. They never meant to have it kill the guy but it just…happen.
Damn, I have two au’s where Howard is dead. Good lord-
4. Bad Ending! Randy
One I have never shown here before.
This was first a ‘what if’ thing. Like what if at the season 2 finale, in the battle between the sorcerer and Randy, it ended up terribly wrong? With Julian and Howard coming in too late, The sorcerer successfully stabs Randy deeply in the chest, making him be the one to lose and slowly die. The last things he got to see and hear at the end is a concerned Julian, a devastated crying Howard and the laughter of his enemy in the background.
After dying with one last breath, Randy ends up in a void. A blank, white, empty void with no one else but him, who is now mostly black and white, expect for the bleeding wound on his chest, a painful reminder of his defeat. Well, the nomicon is with him. However, he can’t communicate with it anymore.
Why? Because the book, that is also lost of color like the boy, seems to be corrupted. Not like evil corruption but just some kind of corruption that keeps it shut and quiet, no glowing, no beeps, nothing, having this sort of ink all over the cover that never stops dripping and keeps its pages sticky and shut tight.
Randy doesn’t understand this and the place he is stuck in but all he does know is he can’t get help anymore and he can’t even get to see what is going on in his home right now, though he assumes that it’s now slowly turning into a chaotic wasteland thanks to the sorcerer. All he can do now is cry and cry, mumbling to himself and getting mad at himself for losing so easily like that, probably even developing self hatred in the process.
There is actually some continuation i made for this with a good ending, where Randy somehow is able to fix the Nomicon, get out of the endless white void, get revived, reunite with Howard along with many others and finally defeat the sorcerer once and for all. Though that one never got finished and from what I remember, it’s not really canon and not a true ending to this au so….oops.
But yeah, these are my Randy Au’s. There is kinda a few more but not really.
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an unnecessarily in depth analysis of my take on underfell papyrus
before we begin: let it be known that none of this is properly confirmed or canon, this is all based on the version of underfell that almost solely exists in my brain. also the quality of grammar, spelling, and translation of brainrot to coherent essay is not guaranteed. also uf!papyrus belongs to underfella
to start lets look at the very basics, what would it take to turn papyrus, the only person to believe even the worst of the worst can improve, the causation (however indirectly) of the true pacifist route, the only monster that will never kill frisk, the sole creature in the entire world of undertale to be dubbed the sadistic fuckface flower's favourite, that the world is kill or be killed? allow me to spin you the tale of how i think it happened.
maybe once upon a time when uf!papyrus was just a kid, he wanted to be a hero. he wanted to be a pacifist in a kill or be killed world. maybe, even unintentionally, he constantly put both him and his older brother in danger. and one day, he tried to spare the wrong people, so both he and his brother were scarred in the process causing a crack over the eye for papyrus and a lost tooth for sans. and on this fateful day papyrus was faced with the choice, kill the attackers and survive or spare them and be killed. and maybe since he's still alive as an adult, he chose to kill, thereby gaining his first LV.
at least thats what i think happened. this traumatic event would cause a number of changes in his life, including, ditching his former obsession with "being a hero" in favor of being a villain, on several occasions being peer pressured to murder, and being more harsh to sans.
BUT. as i have said before and will say again, papyrus' soul is almost definitely bravery and integrity so his preference for pacifism isnt going down without a fight! maybe his whole "kidnapping and torture chamber" schtick is an excuse to not have to kill someone while not being seen as weak. maybe he lies about how many people he's killed or how much LV he has when in reality both numbers are shockingly low. maybe he wants to be captain of the guard so he can delegate the killing to others. maybe he hates asgore because its because of him that their world is like this. maybe he never kills the human. one thing i've never understood is whether or not he kills or spares the human or if he does the whole "OOP YOU'RE AT ONE HP! TIME TO GO TO THE CAPTURE ZONE!" thing. i like to think that he does. hell ive already done a whole damn drawing on what i think it would look like.
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so yeah. he spares frisk. and maybe adopts them
one last aspect of this guy that intrigues me before i go! what is underfell papyrus' dynamic with flowey? maybe he respects flowey a ton. maybe papyrus is envious of flowey's courage to run away from fights and defuse them instead of hurting the opponent. maybe they're the only one that the other truly opens up to.
but these are only my thoughts on the dude because frankly, there arent enough character analysis about uf!paps. feel free to add your own! or not! i dont care!
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stargazer-tps · 2 months
Undertale Voice Musings + Choir
Fact: I am a huge choir nerd.
Fact: Back in like 2019, I made a soundfont using the Undertale characters' voice blips, and recently re-made that soundfont to work better, creating things like this:
This one is "Your Fault" from Stephen Sondheim's Into the Woods. Featuring Asriel as Jack, Sans as The Baker, Shyren as Cinderella, Gaster as Little Red Riding Hood, and Temmie as The Witch.
In addition to making a soundfont that just re-pitches the blips as they exist in-game, I also made one that loops a portion of the sound so the notes can be sustained, which means I can make cool choir pieces like these:
This one is "Dunkelian Lullaby," a choir piece I composed a while back. If you like this one, I do plan on selling the sheet music for it on MusicaNeo as Eila Mirlen! Keep an eye out for it there ;)
This one is "Love is Love is Love is Love," by Abbie Betinis, from the Justice Choir Songbook. If you're a choir nerd or a teacher looking for free, accessible, quality music, I would definitely check it out!
Anyway, the fun part is that if you listen closely, even in the sustained soundfont, you may be able to pick out the characters' individual voices. For example, Sans and Gaster tend to be pretty loud. Flowey and Temmie are also pretty obnoxious (I have them turned way down in the last example, but they should be in your right ear.)
Some Notes on Ranges
The thing about these guys is that they are... not real and literally just cool synthesizers, so technically they can sing in any range. However, like with voices, they do have ranges they sound the best in and—related specifically to this soundfont I made—here are my notes about where I would place each character in a choir! (Note that I often break these assignments when I arrange choir stuff with these guys just because the number of characters on each part is out of balance otherwise.)
Temmie and Gaster have the largest ranges, being able to sing 5 octaves (although Gaster cheats and goes back down the octave sometimes, like a Shepard tone—I’ve futzed with his voice enough already and don’t feel like fixing it). Temmie’s 5 octaves, surprisingly, starts an octave lower than Gaster’s. (Damn, Temmie.)
Shyren, Mettaton, and Undyne are close behind. They can each sing 4 octaves; Shyren’s range sits one octave higher than Mettaton and Undyne’s.  (Admittedly, Undyne’s very low range sounds a lot like burps, but it’s very strong anyway.)
Toriel, Asgore, Asriel, Flowey, and Alphys have a large range of 3 octaves, Asgore starting lowest, then Flowey, then Asriel and Toriel and Alphys.
Sans and Papyrus have the smallest ranges, at 2 octaves, and they are exactly the same.
NOTE: technically—being synthesizers—all of them can sing past these given ranges. But at the low end they tend to sound burpy and bad, and at the very high end they might be too quiet to be worthwhile.
Ideal Ranges:
Note: many of them can sing in multiple ranges—as seen above—but these are the ones I put them in most often based on where their original voice clips sit (the root) AND the vibes they give me (with some exceptions).
Alphys: Alto - root = F4
Asgore: Bass – root = E3
Asriel: General Treble (tend towards soprano range) – root = A-A♭4
Flowey: General Treble (tend towards mezzo range) – root = E4
Gaster: Baritone/Tenor – root = all over the place because I used 7 different clips for him. Most of the fun timbre switching happens in the two octaves between C3 and C5.
Mettaton: Baritone/Tenor (tend towards tenor range) – root = E♭4
Papyrus: Baritone/Tenor (He CAN sing in a lower range, but it’s not quite as nice as the higher range) – root = E♭4
Sans: Tenor/Countertenor (controversially, I might add. IDK, he can sing in a low range but IMO it sounds... bad, especially when he’s not sustaining the notes because then he just sounds like he’s burping. Actually, for that reason I usually stick him on alto parts) – root = E-E♭4 (you could argue I have the octave wrong, but even then, his root is E-E♭3 and I would still probably stick him more in the tenor range than the bass range—pitches lower than his root sound... not very good. I think he just has a very resonant voice.)
Shyren: Soprano – root = B♭4
Temmie: Soprano – root = G4 (with the caveat that if she’s not sustaining notes, the mezzo-range is stronger for her)
Toriel: Soprano/Mezzo – root = E♭4 (I try to put her and Asriel on different parts because *technically* their voices are exactly the same; Toriel’s speaking voice in-game is just lower. I did add some vibrato to Toriel’s voice to help a little.)
Undyne: Alto/Contralto – root = B♭3
Other Notes:
Asriel sounds good staccato but is really pitchy when asked to hold a note. (I went back and fixed this. But now it’s a headcanon that he can’t hold a pitch any better than your average human child can, I guess.)
Gaster’s sustained low range is also incredibly pitchy. A little sharp, maybe, up until A3. (I fixed this, too. He also no longer jumps octaves in the middle of his range for no reason.)
Papyrus is also INCREDIBLY pitchy when sustaining notes. (This got fixed. But now the headcanon is that he’s maybe a little tone-deaf, or maybe he just gets overexcited and pushes himself sharp or flat.)
Sans actually sounds like… a lot BETTER when sustained, throughout his range because it no longer has the quality of a burp.
Shyren’s voice is strong but her major scale sounds minor when she sustains notes and its weird??? Very flat. (This was also an error on my part, because my tuning skills are bad at 9 o’clock at night. Maybe she tends to fall flat when she’s nervous.)
Temmie sounds good no matter what range. A little trumpet-like, though, and can be overpowering.
Toriel also sounds really good sustained and a lot stronger. She’s still pretty quiet tho.
Alphys’ high range is stronger when sustained.
Undyne’s fine. Weaker in the high range in general.
Flowey is LOUD and OBNOXIOUS.
Range Samples
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The image above just shows you which notes and stuff are playing in the above example. Each character starts with "speaking" on the same pitch their voice sounds in game (approximately, in some cases), then a two-octave scale to show off the qualities of their low, mid, and high ranges.
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licollisa · 1 year
i’d love to hear your take on sans’ personality!
i was going through your whole blog (as you do) and saw ur post on how sans tends to be mischaracterized, but fanon takes are also very normal and generally just fine, and i agree - i feel like some amount of personal spin from the author is always expected (and keeps things fresh and fun to a degree), but i also feel as if sans is a somewhat tough character to actually pin down when you’re writing him, so i’ve similarly had to drop some fic when they stray too widely from my non-negotiable sans traits lol. (like Being Calm and unruffled. bc while some of that is depression, a large part of it is Just The Way He’s Built lmao.)
Oh for sure, I also have my own set of Sans mischaracterization pet peeves in fics (though I'd often look the other way if the fic is well-written because beggars can't be choosers, no writer owes anyone a perfect Sans voice, fanfics are for fun, etc etc. Hell one of my favorite fics of all time portrayed Sans as an asshole and I'm not complaining because good god the writing is just THAT delicious and I still can't believe I'm reading it for free).
E.g Sans calling another adult (often times the MC) with 'kid'. Or like I've mentioned on another post, if he's quick to anger or aggressive enough to attack at the slightest provocation. Sometimes it's not a case of mischaracterization at all, just something I personally can't read without feeling like a wet kitten (the next time I read an overused skeleton related pun I will escape my own and DIE).
I often theorize why this is a Thing. I yearned to understand why I'm subjected to read yet another skele-ton, tibia, humerus, funny bone pun. Maybe since Undertale was popular with a big ass fanbase, and Sans is like our mascot, so when you combine this with a majority of the fandom being in the younger side -- youths full of time and creativity and energy though lacked the writing experience -- what's left of our poor skeleton is a pile of flanderized bones. Which is often the case when you're young and you just started writing because damn that blue skeleton is too romance able to deny (want write... But HOW write???).
You thought of some of his traits you often see (ketchup, touch Papyrus and die, blue glowing eye, epic bones & blaster attacks, puns, depression, have I mentioned the touch Papyrus and die? Puns again, threats, the bad time catchphrase, so on so forth) and you use these as a guiding bible to writing Sans the Skeleton. Boom, Sans x Reader 200k enemies to lovers.
,,,Bottom line is, I'm kind of sure the tendency to mischaracter him stems from Undertale's popularity and the younger part of the fandom. That, or after all these years, people had simply grown to love and accept Fanon Sans in all his slightly unlikeable behavior glory (heartwarming). So the inaccurate potrayal is now, like, on purpose -- on top of fanon him being easier to pin down because the canon guy are too tricky to pin down, like you said.
From what I've seen though, the canon Sans starts to get the love he deserves again! All is good. Now I can read a Sans x Reader 200k enemies to lovers, but with the actual dude this time. Awesome.
Ight, that said. I legit also think people should write him in the way that makes them the happiest. Sans is fictional but your happiness isn't. Even if your Sans will finally be the one to prompt me to escape my own skeleton. Or your Sans is RABID and deserves JAILTIME and GROWLS and BARA. Go wild, be free, and more importantly, have fun! <3
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thewizzard767 · 2 months
Thinking about my old Undertale fanfic idea...
Back when a certain royal scientist was working on an alternative way to free monsterkind, he discovered the code behind the universe. He theorized that if one could learn to harness that code, manipulate even one value, they could achieve the impossible - bypass, and even destruction of the barrier.
The royal scientist, with the assistance of his colleagues, eventually constructed a device capable of "editing" this code, but there was one problem. Powering the device would take immense energy, more than even the CORE could manage. There was only one option: A human SOUL, and its determination.
But a human had not fallen down in years. The last human SOUL to enter the Underground had shattered alongside Asriel's.
... Or so the King and Queen thought.
It had been discovered, hidden among the flowers, by the royal scientist on his daily walk. The fused SOUL was cracked and fading, but it somehow struggled to survive. He managed to preserve it, and began to study its energy output, as well as find a way to isolate and siphon the DT from the SOUL.
Eventually, he created a machine to harness its power, powering the entire laboratory. More importantly, it powered the royal scientists hope of freeing every monster. It was ready for a test run.
Late at night, he took two of his most trusted associates to assist him in the inventions first test. Hooking up the power, he ran the necessary calculations and started the device. And then…
And then…
Something went horribly wrong.
Much more time later…
With the Barrier shattered, monsters went free and eventually made contact with a nearby human city. After shaky relations, the human government realized the benefits of peace and eventually formed an alliance. The monsters agreed to settle in a camp nearby, while a more permanent solution could be constructed. But while most of the populace were eager for this new era of peace, some were too stuck in their old ways. Weekly protests, some turning into riots, threatened the hopes and dreams of both monsters and humans alike.
At the height of one of the biggest riots, outside the newly erected monster embassy, a terrible tragedy occurred. It was reported that a monster, known as the self-proclaimed “Mascot of Monsterkind”, was in the process of making a rousing speech about his belief in change for the better, when a brick was thrown out of the crowd.
The brick hit the monsters skull and killed him instantly.
The human ambassador somehow managed to single out the murderer and was about to engage in battle, but suddenly disappeared in a flash of darkness. The riot died down after police action was escalated, but that could not undo the fact that an innocent monster had been murdered.
What could?
You’re in a dark room. The only light you see is a blue flicker in the corner in your eye.
*oops, sorry. lemme turn the lights on.
The lights turn on, and you find yourself in Sans and Papyrus’s house. Sans is standing by the light switch. His hands are shaking.
*there we go. *… *welp. *i couldn’t just let you attack that guy, huh?*even if he DID just… *…
You both stand there for what feels like forever. The silence is deafening. Sans lets out a shaky sigh.
*figured out how to time-travel again yet?
You tell Sans you lost the ability to do so since entering the city. You tell Sans you’re sorry you can’t do more.
*you sure? *eh, i don’t blame you. *guess things are stuck this way now, huh?
You nod, sadly.
*damn. *it was going so well, too. *sorry bro, guess there’s no turning back the clock this… time…
Suddenly, Sans goes still. His pupils flicker as he turns to you.
*maybe there is. *sorry, kiddo, but i gotta go. *i’ll drop you at the embassy, though. *tori’s probably worried sick.
There’s a flash of darkness, and you find yourself back in the embassy. People are yelling, but stop when they catch sight of you. Toriel runs to you and catches you in a motherly embrace. Asgore, Alphys, and Undyne are discussing things with the human governor. Sans is nowhere to be found.
You feel a low rumble, underneath your feet.
Deep in the underground, there is silence. The air feels quiet and stale, especially in the True Lab. Sans materialized in the power room, wheeling a strange machine covered in a tarp alongside him. He stopped beside the main breaker and pressed a combination of switches. The breaker shuddered, and a panel slid back to reveal a round port. Sans pulled the tarp off the machine and pulled a thick cord out from underneath it. Plugging the cord into the power source, he flipped another switch, this time on the device itself. A faint hum began to emanate from the machine, louder and louder until it turned into a low wail as the inner workings of the machine turned and shifted to reconfigure the world as he knew it. Taking a deep breath, Sans blew the dust off a keyboard and began to type.
>open console
The machine began to vibrate...
>access game files
The air turned colder, dark̶er̴...
>access entity files
Yet dar̶̉ͅkeṙ̴̦...
>access monster files
The wailing from the machine escalated into a stuttering shriek, almost too much to bear. The ̶r̴o̷o̴m̶ ̷b̸egan ̵̜̐to ̵͔̾shudder.
>filename: [Papyrus]
The typing became slower, more deliberate. Within his Ṡ̷̨̻̩̋̌̏͜ͅO̴̧̰͕̍͑Ȕ̵̧̻̋̌L, Sans could feel the universe shifting with every keystroke. Around him, the walls ̷͖̅seemed ̴͙̍to ̸̯͘fade ̸͎̈́in ̵̙̌and ̴̻̒o̴͇͠ȗ̸̮t̶̖̀ ̶̇͜o̶̠͑f̶̺͆ ̶͉̈́v̵̳̚i̸̲̓ḙ̸̓w. He felt every fiber of his body start ̵̛͉to ̸̳̇stretch ̷͚̀ą̷́ņ̸̓d̶̠͝ ̶͗ͅc̵̯͗o̷̡͆ń̷̲t̵̻̏r̵̡͌á̸̯c̷̰̀t and ̸̹̗̆͠burn ̷̤̅̈͑͂and ̷͓̬̺̯̆͂̚͝fre̸̗̻͂̈́ͅe̸͈͍̯̙͋z̷̝̑e̸̤̾̚ ̴̧̦̍͑͌͝a̸̭̤͈̯̓ń̶̬͇̋̓d̴̥̏̿̍͂ d̵͓͍̼̳̹̏̒̋̈́̀ì̴̦͕̮s̷̯͍͖͚̹̿ap̸̨̛̰̼̖̰̄́̉p̶̙̙̘̉̀͐̏ear̸̡̬͎͈̰͒̽̇̈́ ̶̧̔̉̑͝a̴̦͛̎̽n̷̼̝̭͖̖͊̂͒̓̆d̴̳̀ ̵͙̳̘̀̋̉̈̊m̶̢̧̬̭͛̄̒͘͝u̴͔͚̓̉͗̐lti̴̻͂̀p̴̹͈̙̞̬̑̓͊̐l̵͕̪̼̟̓̋̃͒ͅý̸̭̖͚̯͒ ̵̺̖͝ä̵̪̘̤̯́̈́̎͜͠ļ̵̣̣̑̓̈l ̶̫͎͕̃a̴̢̢͎̐̈́͗̊t ̴̭̺͓͍̪͆̈́ö̴̙͍͒͘͝n̸̰̪̹̽͊c̵̹̹̝̭̩̃͘e̴̢̯̳̥͌̑̑̃͠. The earth herself shuddered, as if about to draw her final breath. As he typed in the final inputs, his hand hê̶̯̈́͝s̵̺̤͗̍̈͘̚iẗ̸̨͒̅a̸̮̩̞͋t̵̞̆̃e̸̝̟̘͘d over the “Ȩ̸̑͋͌͒̄̈͠Ņ̵̡͚̔̕T̷̼̗͉̮͒̀̅E̶̡̗͚̗̝͙̽̄͝R̴̛͉̪̤̤̻̔̄͂̅̌̐ͅ” key. But o̴͕̝̼͝n̶̰͈͓̏͒͆͋̊l̴̡̦̯̆̆̒͛̈́̌́y for a moment.
When he pressed the key, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and smiled.
And t̷̡̙̝̋̌ḧ̷͓͇̼́̈́ẽ̵̙̪̝́͒ņ̸̜̿̽
t̶͙̫̫̠̙͉̗͍̿̊ẖ̶̢̨̡̰̝̦͙̍̂͌̈́͊͘̚e̴͙̲̟͚͂̎̈́̿́̄͆̚ ̵̱̹͇̗̭̔ ̸̠̱̯̰̀̽̎̀͘ ̸̡̦̫͉͎͗ ̷̬͓̣͎̲̍̅̒ ̴̱̥̫̞̦͑̊͝
w̷̫͓͍͎̤̩̟͈͂̀̈́͐ͅơ̷͇͚͑̌̇͠r̵͚̈́̀͊̎̋̀͠͝l̵̨̖͉͇͍͈͈̜̺̫͓̳̭͂͐d̵̨̧͍̭͕̟̯͉̤͆̑̆͑̉̄̉̉̏̋̽͒͊̕͜ ̵̳̗͛͜ẉ̴̛̛̬͗̔̊̌̾̐̔̓̽͌̽̋e̶̛̤̺̺͉̪̱͓̠̮̝͓͎̅͛̈̋̃͂̂̈́̍͛͘͝ ̶̡̛ ̸̮̊͝ ̶̦̍͋ ̸̞̐͂ n̵̡̛͈̝̼̜͔̞͊͆͒̎͛́̈͒̃̔̓͛̄̚͝͝t̷̛͖̬̭̻͙̼̄̽̍̌̃ ̶̡̨̩̪̬͍͈͖̀̈́b̶̧͍͉̣͉͇̤͍͔̍̑͗̈́̈̆͆͑̀̄̔͂̈́͐͛̚̕͝͝l̶̢̲̩̠̳̪̀́͌́̎̈́͑̋̈̌̋̿̃̑̚͘͘͝ḁ̵̣̙̙̌̓̊̇̊͜ c̷̹̄̄͑͘͘͝ͅḱ̷̨̆̃̓̚͝.
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turtlemagnum · 1 year
i saw this post going around about undertale character height comparisons using overworld sprites, which is all well and good but i think that might not be the full story? it mildly contradicted what i saw in the battle sprites, which is a bit off so here's my take on it. note: im not good enough at math nor do i have the patience to do pixel measurements, so i'm gonna do something we in the biz like to call "eyeballing" and "rough estimation", if anybody wants to make this scientific feel free to add!
now, if you look at the below sprites, you'll see that undyne is about as tall at the top of her head as asgore's horns reach their top. if she got up on her toes, she could probably put her chin on the top of both asgore and toriel's heads, since they're roughly the same height. alphys and sans are the shortest here, at about the same height; which matches up with their overworld sprite. their overworld sprites are also roughly the same height as all the child characters, so i'd say they're both roughly 4 feet tall judging based off of loose proportions and how tall kids tend to be. if we take this roughly 4 feet tall figure to its logical limit, since toriel, asgore and papyrus are all about the same height and are roughly 1.8x the size of the short people, that'd make them roughly 6 and a half to 7 feet tall. since undyne is roughly 2x their size (sans and alphys are roughly eye level with her hips), i'd say she's roughly 8 or so feet tall
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it's also worth noting that asgore looks like he might be a bit hunched over, so maybe if he straightened out his posture he'd be about as tall as undyne. the same goes for alphys, though i feel like she'd be more chest height. this is, of course, speculation, but i really like the idea of alphys getting startled and straightening out her back and she gains like a foot in height.
now, why did i make this post? in short, i love it when people draw undyne as really tall and wish more people would do it, and also i get kinda annoyed whenever people draw toriel as like half the damn size as asgore. both of them are built like goddamn refrigerators, and while i'm not gonna tell you how to draw, i am absolutely going to silently judge you and then probably move on with my life the second i scroll past. also, again, if you draw undyne as tall and buff i love you forever
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bonetrousledbones · 7 months
roommate undertale update we haven't been able to play any more in a Minute bc we've been too damn busy but i told them about how badly papyrus got infantilized and they were so genuinely confused by it i feel healed in some way. like i told them how folks wouldn't let him know what sex is and they went "but he's a WHORE?????"
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inbarfink · 8 months
Damn now I’m in Conflict about the idea of an Undertale Adventure Time AU because most characters slots into their roles pretty smoothly but… on the one hand Finn the Human -> Frisk the Human feels like a no-brainer, but also Papyrus and Sans are already a Sibling Duo with an overeager and energetic younger brother who is incredibly heroic and caring, and a lazy and more chill older brother who would be Incredibly OP if he wasn’t a lazy goofball all the time. So…. I dunno which to choose.
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personne-writes · 2 years
Third challenger
There are no curtains, this time; no stage or spotlights. 
Only the clear, open sky, the wide arena of grass and the brightness of a sunny afternoon. 
No frills. No distraction. Nowhere to hide.
Donatello is starting to get pumped up. 
At the center of the stadium, two figures stand across from one another. They look small, frail even, in the middle of such an impressive volume. He knows the extra space will be much needed, though. 
The cameras turn to him, the speakers announce his name, and he confidently steps out of the shadows. The public in the stands welcome their third challenger with renewed fervor. 
It had escaped his understanding, these terms in the tournament reglementation. Up until the last minute, he’d thought he had secured his third place by winning the Wheel of Doom, and that was it.
The excited screeches of his family when he’d been told to get ready for the grand finals still ring in his skull. 
Applauds rain over him as he gets closer to his rivals. Stopping at a respectable distance, he makes a show of flipping his tech bo before tapping it to the ground in a practiced hero pose, purple pixels flaring up around him, and the crowd roars.
He feels a smirk spread onto his face. 
“Hi, Mob,” he answers with his best too-cool-for-you attitude. “Enjoyed the rest?”
“What are you doing here?” the boy blurts out. 
“Rude. You see, apparently beating someone once doesn’t necessarily result in his direct elimination.”
“It doesn’t?” 
“Well, here I am, aren’t I?” 
The surprise on Kageyama’s features morphs into something decidedly amused. 
“Heh. I should’ve guessed you wouldn’t give up so easily.”
“Damn right,” Donatello grins back. 
“So, Donnie-san, are we allowed to team up, or -”
“AM I THE ONLY ONE HERE WHO'S READ THE RULES?” the other opponent interjects, voice bold and cheeky. “THIS IS A SOLO DEATHMATCH SITUATION, NOT A TEAM-UP BOSS BATTLE.”
Donnie turns to the skeleton. He has taken some time to learn about him, of course: hard-working, keen on hindrance, element-of-surprise enthusiast. 
The handmade costume and bright, toothy smile only raise more red flags. 
“And you are…?” he asks casually, fully intending to keep his bad boy image up. 
As the skeleton lazily inspects his nails, it appears two can play this game.   
Donatello decides he likes this one. 
“Enchanté,” he voices, then rolls his shoulders. “Well, gents, as much as I would like to keep this charming conversation going, don’t we have a public to impress?”
Mob nods. He doesn’t make any other movement, but the grass around his feet is already spiking up like hair charged with electricity. 
“I would hate to disappoint my master,” he agrees. 
Donnie looks over to Papyrus, and finds him cracking his bony knuckles, a ferocious look on his edgy features. 
Around them, the giant screens broadcast their little exchange, and the crowd goes wild with anticipation. The match is finally about to begin; whatever happens now, there won’t be another round.
Donatello can’t help but feel grateful to be there. 
This last chance was unhoped for, and he is going to make it count, if only for kicks and giggles. 
If only for glory. 
Hey guys, uh. I guess I. Did it again?
Follow-up to this. Y'all can thank this anon because by making me say I wouldn't do it they actually made me do it. Whoops
DISCLAIMER: I know even less about Undertale than I do about Mob Psycho 100, which is to say I don't know shit about Papyrus. Took a hot 5 minutes of research and rolled with it. So once again this is probably wildly OOC and I apologize to whomever I may have offended
THAT BEING SAID I had a lot of fun writing this one as well! @autismswagsummit you don't know the state your tournament has me in. I think I might actually explode whatever the conclusion
Remember kids, have fun, take care, be cool, vote Donnie!
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The ask about Artist S/O doodling Sans with the words "Hot Damn" next to the at is just tickles me! 🤣
May I have an all Papyrus version of that please?
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The first part of the ask with all Sanses is here!
Undertale Papyrus - He looks at your drawing, then he looks at the mirror in front of him and just flexes, looking so damn smug about this. He's in a very good mood all day long and the fact you have no idea why is making him even more happy. You'll never know he knows. But he knows.
Underswap Papyrus - He turns entirely orange in seconds. Is it hot in the room or is it him? When you enter in the room, he gives you a panic look and then throws the notebook in your face before gasping when he realizes what he just did and immediately teleporting out of here lol. He's going to hide in a trash can for the rest of his days.
Underfell Papyrus - With absolutely no shame, he comes to see you, slams the notebook on the table and just says "SO YOU THINK I AM HOT? YOU COULD HAVE TELL ME YOURSELF YOU KNOW." You are mortified and devastated. But Edge is really smug about it and clearly enjoying you stumbling desperately on your words to try and justify yourself. He's very amused right now. Please continue to drown in your embarrassement. He's watching.
Horrortale Papyrus - Well, he... He didn't expect that actually. Willow blushes, not sure what to think of this. It's sure nice, but he's not sure if you let that on purpose for him to see it or if it's genuine. Not that it changes everything, but maybe you just did that by pity because of how he's denigring himself? He doesn't know. Not a lot of people find him pretty except for his brother and Toriel who are far from neutral and knows how much he's struggling with how he looks. He needs to think more about what that drawing mean. You can tell he's acting weird, but as usual, Willow is really good at hiding his feelings so you'll not know what's wrong.
Swapfell Papyrus - He smirks, then just has a wonderful idea. He gets rid of all of his clothes and casually walks in the room you're in, acting like nothing happened. He watches you turn entirely red, desperately trying to look elsewhere, but he can tell you're actually struggling to do that. So his suspicions were right. You have a crush on him, are you? Poor, poor you. Now that he knows, you won't have a second of peace as he will find any way he can to flush you to death. He asks you "Something wrong?" with a flirty cavernous voice, and you can't take it anymore. You have to run out of the room, as he chuckles at your reaction. Oh boy, he's so going to have fun with you.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He blushes furiously, and then decides to retaliate by drawing you next to him and then he erases the arrow pointing at him next to your "Hot damn" and points it at you instead. Very proud of himself, he brings back the notebook at you and leaves. Before suddenly realizing you are actually going to see his drawing and realize he has a crush on you. He runs in panic to fetch the notebook back, but when he gets here, it's too late. You're bright red, he's bright purple, and he can take the pressure and runs in his closet to lock himself in embarrassment. Why did he even do that?
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