#damn nikki letting her demon out tonight
energeticwarrior · 1 month
okay it's been a long ass time since i put together a dnp-related rant on tumblr but today is worthy of it jesus christ
Phil has seen every single version of Dan starting with when he was 18 ;__; If we are reduced to tears for the bits and pieces of Dan we’ve had the privilege of seeing, imagine the emotions for someone who has truly seen it all. He’s been w Dan literally thru every stage; before/during/after law school, depression, working together, moving 3x w one another, etc. I can’t imagine how emotional it would be to watch someone’s ups + downs for 13 years and then come out triumphant with a beautiful stage show. Like.. Phil is really someone who has seen Dan through his entire adult life. The beginning of it, the present, right up until the end.
We get emotional making comparisons of WAD to 'Hello Internet' because it's really unique to have your development as a person just pasted all over the internet. But all we have ever known is Dan's internet persona. Sure, we get pieces of his personality and we have a gist of what he's like, but we don't know him the way Phil does. Their connection is unfathomable and Phil knows him in a way no one ever will. We've heard of Dan's perspective going through challenges, struggling with existential crises, dealing with depression, seeking therapy, etc. We've heard those anecdotes after they happened; Phil lived it with him. Which is why I think today is just that important to Phil.
Phil got to see 'Hello Internet' before it was even posted onto YouTube for the first time. Fuck, he gave Dan advice and encouraged him to post for the first time. He supported Dan from the start. He has seen everything that we haven't, and now that WAD has come to a close and it's on YouTube forever, it's all come full circle. From helping Dan with his first YouTube video to sitting with Dan to watch this beautiful stage show on that same channel, Phil has been there with and for him since the beginning.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Seventy-Nine (cont.)
"You guys are going out tonight?" I ask him as he cranks the car.
"Yeah, you can come." He offers and I shake my head a little.
"Um, I was actually gonna go visit with Sharise and Skylar for a few hours, tonight." I tell him.
"Okay." He replies, his smile not fading once.
I wonder if it would suddenly slip from his face like a bad acid trip if I told him I'm pregnant.
Would he pass out? Have an anxiety attack? Completely melt into the carseat with panic? Be pissed that we weren't careful enough...want me to get an abortion...
I let go of the thought of telling him as he lets go of the gearshift once it's in reverse and backs out if the parking spot.
We get into the Dennys, and I can't even enjoy my meal because as soon as Sparkie stumbles in, with a random girl under his arm, I'm losing my appetite.
Who the fuck is she? Where's Tansy? I know she came back to L.A.
Duff, who was chattering on about the tour they're set to head on after Christmas, slowly picks up that I've zoned out, his head turning over his shoulder to see Sparkie at the counter with the woman, a cloud of smoke surrounding them.
I can see the track marks in her calves, her skeleton thin figure cloaked in a short dress that's probably a size double zero but is still too big.
Does he drug her and pimp her out, too?
The thought that he probably does makes me feel a little better in a fucked way—because if it was just Tansy that he tortured and brainwashed and wore down the way he does, it'd be a hell of a lot more fucked up than him just treating every girl he can like that.
"Viv?" Duff asks me calmly and I look at him, getting ready to get out of the booth. "Viv, don—"
"Fuck this." I hiss, walking over to the plethora of smoke and bitter smell of unwashed skin with reminents of crack chemicals seeping through pores.
"Where's Tansy?" I ask him, sharply.
He slowly turns and looks at me, the woman on his arm, looking at me as well.
Looking at me for a moment, probably off a delayed reaction from his fried brain.
"In the car." He replies smartly. "Not that it's any of your fucking business."
I glance out the window to his car, not seeing Tansy through his nearly transparent windows.
"Is she in the trunk?" I ask him, raising a brow due to his lie.
"She's in the fucking car." He states, throwing his key on the counter. "Go look." He adds.
"Vivian," Duff says when he gets to us.
"Stay in here so they don't think we're dining and dashing." I tell him, glaring at Sparkie before leaving, going to his car...
I open the back door, and I nearly puke with the smell of putrid sex invading my nostrils, Tansy's passed out, on her side in the floorboard, probbaly where he hit the brakes and her body fell...a tight tourniquet on her right arm, her tank top down her waist, exposing her breasts, her panties around her ankles.
If it weren't for her slowly, but consistent breaths, I'd think she was dead.
"Damn it." I mumble, looking back into the diner, seeing Sparkie staring at me.
He gives me a sick wink and I roll my jaw.
"Axl, I need a favor." I say into the payphone a few moments later while Duff is inside, paying for the bill, Sparkie and his "date" now sitting at a table.
I take full responsibility for Axl hunting Sparkie down and doing all but neutering him that night. Sparkie didn't dare go to the police, he knew I would sing like Pat Benetar about him trying to rape, and he was scared we would talk Tansy into exposing all of his and his friends' shit.
That night was enough for Axl to get the point across to Sparkie that he wouldn't be dating Tansy anymore.
I walk down from Duff's apartment, stepping to his car, getting back into the passenger seat to tell him 'bye' for the night.
"You gonna stay here with Tans?" He asks me and I nod.
"Yeah. Sorry if I ruined the date or whatever. I just couldn't let her stay in that car." I tell him and he shakes his head.
"Don't worry about it, I wouldn't have, either. It wasn't ruined." He assures me.
"Good." I smile, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
There's a moment of silence between us before I talk again.
"Well, I'm gonna go see if she's awake yet, and I'll see you when you get back." I say to him.
"Yeah, okay." He doesn't argue, licking his lips a little.
"See you later." I kiss his cheek, but as I go to open the door, he stops me, grabbing my hand. "What is it?" I ask him softly, a little worried...he just leans over to me, pressing his lips to mine.
I welcome it with open arms, worries and anxious demons melting from my mind as his hand slides to my waist and pulls me to him.
I'm straddling him in the next millisecond, my heart racing, my breath hitching as his tongue traces up my neck, hands sliding up my dress to unbuckle my bra.
It's discarded as fast as I can get it off, tossing it to the back seat, my nails scratching at his scalp as his tongue slowly circles my nipple through my dress, making me sigh out, a rush of endorphins plunging through my veins, my thighs sunconsciously spreading wider on his lap, aching to feel him against me.
My hands are tugging his belt to unbuckle, the sound of his zipper being undone sounds through the car, my palm running up and down soft skin, slickening with pre-cum, as "fuck" slips past his lips that are pulled into a high-like smile.
My tongue meets his as he pulls my panties aside and I run his top along my clit, to my slit.
I let out an airy breath when he pulls me down onto him, stretching me, filling me, my knuckles whitening while gripping his leather cloaked shoulders, the taste of cigarettes on my tongue as we both struggle to breathe, too overwhelmed and overtaken by the desire to throw ourselves into another stupidly reckless act that can only end in excruciating pain. But do we give a fuck? No. Just like me and Nikki didn't give a fuck.
A drug to take away the pain of withdrawing from another drug.
The windows are fogged in a couple minutes, his fingers pressing to my clit while my teeth sink into his bottom lip...eyes screwing shut, thighs tensing, an occupied abdomen tightening as cum flows over his price that's still in me down to his balls.
"Duff," It's whimpered out, my vision blurring a little and my hearing wonky.
How high is my blood pressure from this?
He's pulling out of me in another moment, spilling into an old napkin plucked from a cupholder beside us.
My forehead rests against his as I collect myself, my vision and hearing coming forth once more after a minute of recovery.
"You okay?" He asks me and I nod.
"Yeah." I let out, going to fix my panties and pull my dress down as he tucks himself back into his pants.
"I'll see yo—"
There's a polite knock at the fogged drivers window and he and I jolt a little.
"It's Tansy." I tell him, running a hand through my hair.
He reaches his hand down and rolls the window down manually, a man I don't recognize standing before us, looking down at us, a slight frown on his lips.
Duff looks mortified.
"M-Matt?" He asks, his voice shaking slightly.
There it was.
Duff's older brother, someone he admired, catching him with a woman every one knew was married.
There. It. Fucking. Was.
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staytiny-angel · 4 years
The Mighty Fall - 1/5
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Word Count: 1177
Rating: M
Becky Lynch/Seth Rollins
Finn Balor/Violet Gillath
Charlotte/Roman Reigns
Bayley/Elias Samson
Sasha Banks/Xavier Woods
Austin Theory/Jake Atlas
Warnings: None
A reluctant Becky Lynch is dragged to a strip club not knowing that one of the dancers there will change her life.
Months. MONTHS. This fic has been in my drafts for months. I finally said "okay FINE, let's make it a multi chap" and here it is. Second chapter incoming.
@riottstheory @swifteforeverandalways
A strip club guys? Seriously?" Becky said incredulously as she walked up to her new friends from work Sasha, Bayley, and Charlotte, and Violet
"Bayley has a crush" Sasha sing-songs, "And our boyfriends work here too."
"We came here for her birthday party a few months before we met you and now she has a crush on one of the performers" Charlotte explained, causing the bubbly brunette to blush.
"We met our guys that night too, but Bayley and Elias are still tap dancing around the fact that they like each other" Sasha explained
"Plus we figured you could use the break since Lacey's been up to your ass at work" Charlotte chimed in.
Becky scoffed "That plank is lucky I need that fucking job, I'd smack the dope's head off if I could"
"He is really handsome but I don't wanna be one of those girls who see him as just an object because of his job," Bayley says shyly "We've been talking and hanging out a lot but this is the first time I've been back here since my party. He invited us because his roommate is making his debut tonight, and could use the support. Seth is super sweet but he's a bit of a disaster"
"A disaster isn't half of what Seth is," Charlotte says with a grin.
"Violet's guy is Irish like you Becks," Charlotte told Becky as they joined the line.
Becky looks up at the surprisingly tasteful sign that said The Hunter's Playground in dark red neon "What an odd name for a strip club" she mused out loud.
"Oh! So it's owned by this older guy named Hunter and his wife," Bayley chirped. "Elias told me all about it...Hunter used to dance here back in the '90s, when it was called Degenerates, he met this super-rich girl at her bachelorette party and apparently it was love at first sight because she left the guy she was supposed to marry, they ran off to Vegas, got married and then she bought him the club as a wedding gift."
Becky smiled "That's actually pretty romantic."
"Totally!" Bayley agreed "All the boys love working for them, they're like a goofy Mom and Dad to everyone here."
The five friends continued to chat as they walked up to the entrance. They could see posters for some of the club's featured dancers lining the front of the building.
Becky whistles as she looks at the larger than life photographs of some of the most gorgeous men she'd ever seen, one had reddish curls, blue eyes, and a mischievous smirk, another had long dark hair and an intricate tribal tattoo covering his entire left arm, and the last was covered in ornate black and red body paint that was both beautiful and frightening. "Moxley, The Big Dog, The Demon King?"
"The Demon King is Mon Roi, my Finn" Violet says "He doesn't dance with the paint all the time though, it's his special routine"
They reach the entrance to the club, where the bouncer, a huge tattooed man with a shaved head, who honestly was gorgeous and built enough that Becky thought he should be dancing himself was checking IDs against a list in his hand.
"Hi, Wolfie!" Bayley greeted the decidedly grumpy looking man.
"What I tell you about calling me that?" The man grumbles at her with a small smile. "You and Ember are the only ones who get away with that shit"
"This is Baron." Bayley introduced him "He's another one of the boys friends'"
"And Sunshine here is the bane of my existence, always wanting to hug. I don't hug." He said with a smile that didn't match his words.
"Go on the boys are waiting on you," Baron told her waving the 4 women on into the club
"Wow!" Becky says as they walk in only to be faced with two doors, one with a bright lavender sign above it, reading Nice and the other with a dark red sign reading Naughty.
"You feelin' Naughty or Nice, tonight ladies?" A skinny, heavily tattooed man in a suit sat at the coat check, "Oh, hey Rainbow Brite!" He says recognizing Bayley "Drift Away is a Nice boy tonight."
"Hey Corey, I know he is. Seth is on the Nice side for his debut right?" She asked
"Can you imagine that dork anywhere else? Seth doesn't have a naughty bone in his entire body" Corey huffed as he took each girl's coat
"Graves" Sasha sneered
"Banks" Corey replied unimpressed
"Can we skip the Sasha and Corey show tonight?" Charlotte says rolling her eyes. "Yes you hate each other everyone knows that"
"Come on guys no fighting," Violet says as she heads toward the Nice door "I want to see if I can talk to Finn before it gets crowded"
"Bayley!" A Scottish accented female voice called out as the group walked into the brightly lit purple half of the club and turned toward the voice they saw a small dark-haired woman with a bright small waving them over to the main bar.
"Nikki!" Bayley waved back excitedly as they walked over. "Hey, Alexa." Bayley greeted the tiny, surly-looking woman with blond and pink hair that was setting up the bar and taking large sips from a Buzz Lightyear travel mug.
"Sup." She grunted
"Ignore her, she hasn't had all her coffee yet. She'll be human by the time doors officially open." Nikki says cheerfully, leaning over to kiss her girlfriend on the forehead.
"Drew dancing tonight?" Sasha asked her, grinning
"You know quite well that if I'm over here with the goodie-goodies that means my cousin is going tae shake his big giant arse" she answered with a huff.
"I'm assuming you want three want to see your boys?" Alexa says, picking up a two-way radio and looking more sociable by the moment
Sasha, Charlotte, and Bayley all nodded as Alexa called the back.
I'm gonna fall and bust my fucking ass, I just know it." Seth moaned as he sat at his dressing table running a brush through his long dark hair
"You are not. You've practiced until you can do your routine in your sleep. You know damn well the bosses wouldn't let you near a stage if you weren't ready." Roman said taking the brush from him and easily tying Seth's hair into a high bun.
"And if you do you get your arse up, get back on the beat and keep going," Finn told him "You fuckin' got this"
"Roman, Finn, Xavier your girls are here and they brought a cute redhead" Alexa's voice came over the intercom
"The girls really came?!" Seth exclaims "and they brought a friend?"
"Yeah, they met some new chick at work. Apparently, she's as Irish as Finny" Xavier said adjusting his bright purple and gold outfit "Come on losers, I wanna see my boss lady, ain't seen her all day."
"You're up first Seth. I swear you got this lad" Finn says patting his shoulder as the three men walked out.
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Live Wire --The Dirt--(9)
Mötley Crüe’ Summary: Wren Ledden, Tommy’s best friend from high school, has had a rough life, and she intends to keep the nitty gritty details of her suffrage to herself until the day she dies. Only Tommy has gotten her to open up about a small portion of her troubles, and it’s only Tommy who she trusts with her life. That is until her life gets turned around sneaking into a concert one night…the same night Motley Crue is born.
@prettyyoungandbored​, @hot-young-runningfree​, @crue-sixx​, @oskea93​, @dancergirl5527​, @thatonemoviefan​, @casualcomputerarbiter-blog​, @motleymachinegun​, @motleycrueee​
Warning! This chapter contains flashbacks of previous abuse and alludes to a forced sexual encounter (rape). Please be cautious when reading if this triggers you.
Previous Chapters:
One,   Two,    Three,    Four,    Five,    Six,    Seven,   Eight
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Tonight was the night; the debut of  Mötley Crüe. What seemed like lifetimes in the making was finally going to be seen by someone other than a band member, Wren, or a band member’s pissy girlfriend, but it wasn’t how Wren imagined. She was never one for romanticizing events or planning out grandiose moments in her head, but she was certain that this was not how she ever imagined it would go.
“Where the fuck is Wren, dude?” Vince asked Tommy as he arrived in the green room of the Whiskey.
“We thought she was working on vocal warm ups with you,” Tommy sighed as he pulled black fishnets up to his elbows and turned to face Vince with concern.
“She’s supposed to be!” Vince complained as he took in his appearance via the mirror and grabbed a comb to re-tease his blonde locks. Tommy exchanged a confused glance with both Nikki and Mick before rushing toward the nearest payphone. As soon as he deposited his quarter, a man dressed in all black rounded the corner to give the band their five minute warning.
“Damn it Wren, pick up!”
***     ***     ***
No amount of time could heal the wounds tearing open at Wren’s heart. The magic Tommy had worked years prior to coax Wren to back down from both the metaphorical and physical ledge was no match for the remainder of her demons--the ones she’d buried deep below.
Before Vince’s Rock Candy show, Wren had never seen Lovey before, and aside from their usual exchange of angry words, she’d shared nothing with the girl. It took only moments of falling from Nikki’s arms last night for Wren to realize it didn’t matter how Lovey knew that name. The fact of the matter was that she did and that she was clearly ruthless enough to not give a fuck about Wren.
After lying enough to assure Nikki she was fine, Wren retreated to her room and it was from there that she heard the phone’s incessant ringing as someone continually tried to call the apartment. She knew the call was directed for her. She knew it was either Tommy or Nikki or Mick, hell, maybe even Vince trying to reach her and tell her to get her ass down to the Whiskey as fast as possible, but she couldn’t bring herself to step out of bed.
It had been years since she’d heard that name. It was one that sent her soul spiraling into anxious despair, one she would never truly be able to hear without fear coming over her, but mostly one she never thought she’d have to hear again. Before her relationship with Tommy--before having a friend--Wren became swept up in the life of one of her classmates. They grew to be what she would consider friends before he transferred schools. Had she been able to see the future, she would have used the transfer to distance herself from him. Clay was wild, but not in the same way as Tommy, Nikki, or Vince--they were candles compared to the forest fire Wren had known; he was wild for the sake of seeing people around him willingly burn at his touch. Wren had been no different.
***     ***     ***
“She’s not answering,” Tommy said faintly as Nikki re-entered the green room from his short trip to the men’s room.
“We have three minutes, man. Try harder.”
“Face it, she’s not going to make it,” Mick grunted as Vince finally turned away from the mirror and spotted Lovey waiting for him by the green room door. With a wink in his direction, he sauntered off toward her and Mick rolled his eyes. “So this is how it’s gonna be? Blondie going of to fuck a groupie and you two too worried about Wren to focus on the band?”
“Come on, Mick. Did you honestly think she’d miss this?” Tommy sighed as he dropped another quarter in the payphone. Despite being a smart ass, Mick knew it was better not to say what he was thinking, so he went back to strumming on his guitar and ignoring those around him.
“Come on, Wren; pick up!” Tommy grumbled once more.
***     ***     ***
After the fourth call, Wren groaned and sighed as she threw her covers away from her body, shoved open her door, and made her way into the kitchen to pull the phone from the receiver.
“Hello?” she huffed as she held an arm tight across her body.
“Wren! Thank goodness! Get your ass down here! We’re on in like a minute.” Tommy’s voice was rushed as he spoke and she could tell he had been panicking.
“I’m not feeling well, T,” Wren said softly as she pressed the phone closer to her face.
“What do you mean? You think the rest of us are on our A-game right now? None of us feel well!”
“No, Tommy, I mean you were right the other day and I am on my period. I’m. Not. Feeling. Well.”
“Fuck, Wren, are you kidding?” Tommy grumbled with agitation spewing from his lips. “You’re going to let some cramps keep you from coming to the show?”
“I’ll be there tomorrow night, T.”
“Please Tommy, I just can’t.” Wren gently placed the phone back on the receiver and slithered down the wall until she sat on the floor, staring out of the kitchen and to where, for so many days and nights, the boys had been practicing for this very moment--one she never thought she wouldn’t be a part of. At this realization, tears swelled in her eyes as she ducked her head to her chest.
“Wren!” The sharp calling of her name only caused the tears to fall faster upon knowing what would come next. Her arms had been clenched to her body as she protected what was left of her dignity, but his hands were there to destroy even the illusion of protection she’d granted herself. “Stop crying! You know I hate when you do that.” His rough fingers wrapped tightly around her wrists until his nails were threatening to break skin.
“Ouch, please let go,” she said through a muffled sob.
“Get back on the bed.”
“C-Clay,” Wren stammered for a moment before collecting herself and trying to ignore the tears that flowed down her cheeks. “I don’t want to.”
“You don’t want to?” his slimy voice said as the fingers on his free hand found their way around Wren’s neck. “How about now?” Slowly, Wren could feel the pressure around her esophagus increase and the back of her head press further into the wall.
“I just can’t,” her scratchy voice rang out between gasps for breath.
“Do you want me to let go?” he growled through narrowed eyes and gritted teeth. Wren nodded sheepishly as she tried desperately to breath. “Then get on the bed.” Although Wren had stopped crying, tears continued to fall from her face as she choked for life. Slowly, he unraveled his hand from her neck and took a step back to stare down at her. Within a moment he had turned his back entirely and Wren did what she had to.
After smashing that asshole over the head with a motel room lamp, Wren ran to West Hollywood Park where a kind man with a rugged exterior showed her something she hadn’t seen in her life until this point: mercy. She never had to say anything; Bob Deal just knew. Wren would never know that years of abuse had brought Mick to be able to understand the pain she was in that day five or six years ago, and although she never gave Bob a name or a story, upon witnessing Wren’s reaction to Lovey’s antagonizing through the name ‘Clay’ Mick could connect the dots.
“She’s not coming because of cramps,” Tommy grumbled to the group. “Can you fucking believe it?” He nervously twirled his drumstick between his fingers as he paced away from the payphone and back and forth through the green room.
“No, I can’t,” Mick grumbled. “And you shouldn’t either, but there’s nothing you can do until you get home.”
“So what do you suggest we do?” Tommy grumbled as he looked between Mick and Nikki for guidance. After a moment of silence and confusion from Nikki and Tommy, Mick sighed, slung his guitar strap over his shoulder, and stood with a mere five words:
“On with the damn show.”
Continued Reading: Next Chapter
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darktammy · 4 years
The Night Creatures (Chapter 2)
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If you like it let me know and I’ll tag you. (Remember reblog if you like)
@moxstrong @sassymox @bss-babygirl @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @instantbouquetdestinysblog @deanseths @bluepunkrock @emily-r-bare666 @herglowingwayz @softmox @softambrollins @adriennegabriella @thewrestlingwarehouse @living-the-life-1996 @mox-made-me-do-it @moxlified @moxleymaniac @moxslilangel2019 @malfoyy123 @thejulietfarciertlove @thecryingraindrops @thatwrestlingfan91 @livlyf247​ @danesque-moxley​ @sausagefest1996​
The next morning you sat up in bed as you thought about what happened with you and Jon. You got of bed then walk into your bathroom just so you can freshen up. A knock was heard on your front door. You grab a hand towel just to pat your face dry as you walk to the door. “God I hope it’s Jon.” You told yourself. You walk to your door without thinking opening it just to see Seth standing here. “Oh hell no leave.” You order him. Seth stood by the doorway looking at you. “Oh come on doll face let me in.” You look at him with fire in your eyes. “Don’t you ever call me doll face your stupid….” you turn around as you tried to hold back your tears. “Let me in Y/n please.” You look back at him confused because beforehand he always came into the house you both shared. “What?” Seth look at you with please in his eyes. You shake your head while you walk up to the door. “Go to hell Seth I don’t want you here in MY home.” You slam the door in his face. Seth smiled as he started walking away. “Yeah doll face I know exactly what to do.” 
Nikki and Brie were both in the car driving around giving a letter to ‘them’ that there was going to be a meeting tonight and everyone must be there. “I think everyone got it Brie.” She nodded her head as she looked over to see Jon sitting in the park. “Well did Jon get one?” Brie ask Nikki. She rolled her eyes as she walked his way Brie giggled as she walked behind her sister. “Jon really?” He looked up at Nikki then he chuckled a bit. “Oh the look who’s here. You are the good witches or the bad ones because I can never really tell.” Nikki was ready to slap him until Brie stop her. “Look Jon meeting tonight at the big house you have to be here.” Jon nodded his head as he look around. “I’m guessing Renee is going to be there as well uh?” They both nodded here heads. “Alright then.” Jon got up putting on his shades. “Oh yeah Nikki.” She look at Jon. “Tell your friend Y/n I’ll be waiting for her.” He told her while licking his lips remembering the kiss that you gave him. Nikki eww as her and Brie walk away.
In the middle of the day the news saw out about the meeting with all of the creatures. To the demon king, the snake man, the fiend, a Frankenstein man, an Irish doctor who love to kill. Down to the wicked man they call black, To the twisted women by the name of Nikki, then the witches from the twins to the rest of the women. Ember being the fiery Phoenix to Mandy being the angel that the men can’t keep their eyes off of. Everyone creature of the night got the letter and is now on there way to the big house run by none of then Stephine & Triple H, plus they had a guest which was Tony Khan to make sure there little creatures are addressed with this massage as well.
While the night came around everyone made it to the meeting. The one wing angel, to the brother’s who are now zombies, a man who cursed with skin like a dinosaur, to the name who wears a leather spike jacket. The rest of the night creatures finally join in. “So you all know why your here which is great to see.” Tony spoke first. “That being said right now we need to make sure everyone in here knows why we ask for you all to be here.” They all look up at Tony, “Well Renee is back.” They all look at each other for a moment. “Plus I did a little digging in her past and it turns out she is married, but to whom we don’t know.” Everyone started to talk to each other. “How in the world no one knows about her partner?” Jericho said getting up. “We have no idea ourselves. All we do know is that she is married records proved it, but the name is gone.” spoke triple H.
Matt spoke, “Well if I ever get my hands on that witch i’m going to eat half her damn brains out.” Kenny look over at Matt shaking his head. “I get it Matt we all know what she did to you, but now is not the time.” Jon look over at the boys. “Kenny is right Matt. Renee is back she could be hiding anywhere, and we just now discover that she has a husband? Yet no one knows who the hell he is.” Stephine nodded her head, “I’m afraid so Jon, and oh yeah good for on joining us. I mean after all you were on of the victims to her evil doing.” Jon sat down as he listens to the rest. “We are enemies by day, but at night were family each and every single one of us. These people don’t know who we really are, and let's keep it that way.” Tony spoke out loud. “We were hiding all these years and we do not want to go back in hiding once again so please everyone be careful of what you say and what you do.” Everyone agreed with Tony. “As for Renee if anyone finds her bring her back here because the deadman is the only one who can judge her fate.” Hunter said. “You are all dismissed my children.” Stephine told them.
It was late at night you were looking for something good to watch on Netflix. Then you heard a loud noise out of your window. Rolling your eyes you keep looking for something to watch. Then again you heard the same noise only it sounded like someone screaming for there life. You got up just to look out your window. You look around but saw nothing at first so you open your window sticking your head out to see were that was coming from again nothing. “What the hell was that?” You look around again then pulled back closing your window. You closed one side of your curtains then right before you could close the other one that when you saw it. A tall looking demon with some crazy man with a hammer. “What the hell?” You said slowly closing your curtains. Then you saw the man left his hammer up over his head then you watch in horror with force slams it over something that made everything splatter red. 
You could hear what they were saying but you did see them put something up and was eating it. “Oh god I need to call the police.” You said as you drop down to the floor crawling to your phone. Once you reach for it you got up facing the window only for you to see in horror. The demon looking into your house making you scream for your life. Without thinking you ran to your door opening it and run straight outside. You stop as you look around only to see nothing, then you look up to the window thinking you’ll see the demon, but nothing. “What in the world is going on?” You said walking backwards. As you keep on you keep your eyes on your window just in case if something pops up, but then you slipped and fell into something sticky wet and the smell of iron. You sat up but then look in the corner of your eye to see a body head smash body cut open with their organs either missing or already lying on the ground. You could scream you could even move. 
“Well there hello little one.” You turn your head only to see him, the man with scary demon clown for a face. He grab you by one arm pulling up making you stand on your feet. “Well looks like we have some fresh meat here tonight Demon king.” You look over just see a man with long horns all red with red eyes. Hands all rough with long sharp nails. “I think I’m going to enjoy this one, but first I need to taste her.” Saying those words while he licks his lips with his tongue. You couldn’t move at all. You thought you were going to die that all that keep coming into your mind. “Fined lay on the ground I want to take my time with her.” He did was he was told now on your back all you could think about was how he was going to kill you. Fast? Slow? Pain? Painless? That’s all you could think about. 
You look up to see the demon opening your legs you gasp as you watch. “Please don’t please don’t! Help me somebody please help me!” The fined covered your mouth with his hand. You look up to see another one came out from his sleeve. “Now now puppet let the demon king show you a good time.” the fined laugh as you tried to scream. All you felt was the demon now ripping your clothes off. Tears are now running down the side of your face. This was the end as you know it.
The next thing you was a large dark hair dog jump on the fined than a dirty blond one right over grabbing the demon king by his leg pulling him off of you with force. You sat up covering yourself as you watch these two large type dogs attack these two monsters. You saw the clown man swung his hammer at the dark haired dog missing him. While the one with blond was biting the hell out of the demon. “Enough!!” You look back to see a man wearing a suit and a woman wearing a black dress with a witch hat. “What the hell happened here?” She said walking up to you. You tried to speak but nothing. “Shh...sleep little one. Once you watch up it’ll all be a dream.” She said making you fall asleep.
You open your eyes only to see your ceiling fan then you sat up in bed. You look around to see it was your home. You got out of bed, the first thing you did was walk to the window to see if the dead body was still outside. You saw nothing. “What the hell?” Then you heard the door to your bathroom open making you jump. “Who’s here!?” You yelled. “Hey sweetheart calm down it’s me.” Jon said walking out of the bathroom. You sigh as you ran up to Jon hugging him tight. “Oh my god! It’s you Jon...Jon I don’t know if it was a nightmare or if it was real...but..” Jon smiled as he hugged you tight. “Hey babe it’s ok. I’m here you call me over last night and I came to see ya. You told me about you saw something outside then I came over as fast as I could and now here I am.” Jon look at you with a smile. You look up at him smiling know you felt safe.
The next morning Seth was walking around his home as he was watching the news about a dead body found by the river. He smiled as he change the channel to see something else on tv. “Hey babe so off to work I go.” Becky told him. “Yeah sure babe I’m gonna head to the gym today just to work out.” Seth got up just give her kiss. “Alright love see ya later.” She said walking out the door. Seth smile then he walked to his room pulling out his phone to see the time. “Well Y/n time for me to visit ya.” He said walking to his closet just to get his sweater and keys just to walk out the door.
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spero11 · 6 years
makki week, day seven - partners (soul eater au)
they had to start somewhere.
Nikki felt the excitement shooting up her spine. She couldn’t help but examine herself in the mirror and make sure that she had everything she needed. Her skin was tingling, and her hands were clenching and unclenching. Even her soul seemed to pulse with the desire to resonate with someone. She was ready to find herself a partner.
Starting Monday, she, along with many others, would be attending Death Weapon Meister Academy. Tonight was the annual ceremony where Meisters and Demon Weapons were gathered. They were to seek out each other and form a special bond that would only be shared between the weapon and their handler.
Tonight, she would have someone to hold that connection with.
"Nicolette, you have to leave!" Candy called out. Nikki hurried through the living room and toward the door, "I know, I know. I'm gonna be late!"
As her daughter was putting on her boots, Candy looked confused by her words. "What? No, I meant that I have a hot date coming over in five minutes, and you're still here."
Nikki gave her a look from her seat on the floor. "Really?"
"I mean, you wanna stay here and become a voyeur?" at Nikki's disgusted face, Candy waves her hand, "See? I'm kicking you out for your own good."
"I'm going to the Partnership Ceremony, anyway."
"Oh, right. Well, then I guess it's a win-win."
"Yeah, okay. Bye, Mom."
Nikki was soon making her way up the lengthy flight of stairs, where the grand and ornate building rested at the top. She was able to allow her gaze to wander, which led her to wonder if any of the nearby students were destined to be her partner. The laughing moon shined upon Death City, as if there was a joke unseen by mere earthlings. Nikki liked to laugh and joke with the moon, sometimes. It was a great audience.
The ceremony was held inside an expansive ballroom, filled with kids and a few supervising adults. In the distance, Nikki could see a red-haired man discussing with a dark-skinned woman, distress written all over his face. She would be more entertained if she wasn’t practically vibrating with enthusiasm. Her left arm had a red bandana tied around it, indicating her role as a Meister. It seemed as though all the kids possessing blue bandanas were already chatting with a Meister.
After a few futile attempts to find a partner, she was roaming around the prodigious building. Her feet led her through the empty, dark halls, before she ended up on a balcony. She took a deep breath and enjoyed the fresh air. The view was magnificent, with the entirety of Death City surrounding the hill the school was located on. She scarfed down the food she picked up from the tables before placing the plate down onto the railing.
It didn’t take her long to notice that there was a shadow looming over her figure. She turned around and darted her attention upward, seeing the silhouette of a boy sitting on the roof. Nikki blinked, her eyes quickly catching the blue bandana tied around his mouth.
“Hey!” she called. “You’re a Demon Weapon?”
She couldn’t see what face he was making, but his tone didn’t sound very friendly. “Why? You need me to cut shit?”
“No, I’m looking for a partner!” Nikki pointed at her red bandana, “See? I’m a Meister!”
“Tough luck, I refuse.” He hissed, “I’m not letting anyone touch me.”
“Oh...” she furrowed her eyebrows, “but I washed my hands.”
The boy sighed and jumped down to her level, pulling the bandana around his mouth further down to his neck. She was able to see the rest of him in color; blue jacket, tanned skin, dark curly hair, and entrancing, green eyes. But there was also...
He seemed to have noticed she was staring, “What? Scared?”
Sharp teeth. He had very sharp-looking teeth.
He went wide-eyed when she bounded up to him. “Oh, my gosh! Your teeth are like a shark’s!”
A shark? He’s heard of demon, monster, and the like, but just a regular shark? “...Wha—”
“And your eyes! They’re so bright!” she reached up to graze him, but he smacked her hand away. “I said no.”
“Sorry, sorry. I just thought that you were really cool!”
He seemed to take her in, just as she was analyzing him. “What’s your name?”
“My name is Nikki! I’m twelve and ready to be a Death Scythe Meister!” she cocked her head at him. “What about you?”
“I’m,” he pointed out toward the gorgeous view, “going to get outta here. I don’t wanna stick around when I let the school have it.”
“You... what?”
“Yeah, and since I feel like being nice, I advise you get out of here, too.”
“Whoa, whoa, wait!” she blocked his way, “What did you do?!”
He smirked at her. “Well, I thought this night was lame, and decided to let go one of the academy’s training robots. The biggest one they had.”
She frowned, “You know, other any other circumstances, that would be great! But tonight is the night for Weapons and Meisters to begin their journey together!”
He tried to get passed her, but she wouldn’t let him. “Why do you care so much?”
“Because I want to be a Death Scythe Meister!” Nikki argued, “Because it’ll be an amazing and long adventure!”
“Who the hell else cares about that?!” he glared at her. “Get out of my way.”
There was a resounding explosion behind them. Screams followed afterward, causing Nikki to gasp and the boy to grin darkly. “Looks like it got out.”
He passed her in her moment of shock. She quickly realized and was about to reach out to him, but stopped just short of his jacket.
“Please, wait.” Something about her voice made him freeze as he was climbing the railing. “I was really, really excited about tonight, but it sucked because no one wanted to partner up with me. Still, I didn’t want to give up the idea of going to school everyday to learn how to kick butt and go on missions with someone I can call a friend.”
She felt her lip quiver. “It’s all... I had. Even if it was just a possibility.”
A few long moments passed without a word exchanged. In the background, there were several more echoing clangs and chimes. He finally sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Fuck, you’re annoying.”
He grabbed her hand, to which her head snapped up. In a flash of light, his body morphed into his weapon form. Suddenly, there was a beautiful, elongated scythe in her hand. Dark as the night with tints of blue and collared with icy gray triangles. The blade was curved sharply, cut in half and jagged with the same icy gray.
“What are you waiting for? Let’s kill the bitch!”
“R-Right!” she ran toward the commotion as his voice continued to come from the weapon. “Don’t tell me you were spouting bullshit and seriously don’t even know how to fight.”
Nikki scowled and fastened her grip on the handle. “We’re gonna get that robot.”
The smirk was heard in his tone. “That’s the spirit.” 
She skidded at the entrance of the ballroom and was met with a ferocious robot and downed kids. The room was mostly empty, save for the ones still fighting. It seemed as though the rest of them were swiftly taken out of the building and were being watched over by the teachers, for there were none around. She asked, puzzled, “Where are the adults?!”
“Fuck them! We’ll take care of it ourselves.”
She beamed. “Heck yeah!”
Launching off of her step, she gathered her momentum by spinning in the air, then swinging the scythe against the robot before it could attack another kid. She evaded a few of the lightning-fast attacks of the robot, while defending herself a couple of times with the weapon. The clash of metal against metal rang in her ears, which made her wince. One of the jabs nearly nicked her cheek, yet she was able to move just in time. Without hesitation, she fluidly twirled the scythe in her hand before slamming the weapon in its side, sending the machine flying to another wall.
“...Damn. You know what you’re doing.”
“Thanks! I have a lot of energy!” she jumped up, avoiding the long appendages that shot out from the smoke. With a battlecry, she sliced the robot straight down the middle, effectively destroying it. She panted heavily as the boy reformed back to his human appearance. The students around them were is absolute awe, whispering comments and inching just a little closer to the mangled machine.
“Oh, shit.” The boy groaned and squeezed his eyes in exasperation. Nikki looked at him with wonder. “Your name is Max?”
The redhead from earlier stormed toward them and placed his hands on his hips. “You did this, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, maybe I did. Where the fuck were you?” he glowered up at him. “I didn’t see you stopping a robot from hurting other people, David.”
“You were the one who released it in the first place.” He wagged his finger, “I was trying to find a way to make the ceremony more enjoyable, so I left it to my fellow teachers.”
“You’re such a lousy Death Scythe.”
“Wait, what!?” Nikki clutched David’s shirt, much to his surprise. Astonishment was shining on her face. “You’re a Death Scythe?!”
“Yep, and he sucks at it.”
“Max—” David sighed in defeat, “I thought it would be nice for you to participate tonight and find a partner. But you haven’t even found one offer. Instead, you tried to ruin it for everyone else.”
Nikki tugged on his shirt again, yet with a different expression. “Max may have released the robot, but he did help me stop it. And also, I gave him an offer!”
David was taken aback. “What? Really?”
She was smiling now, but a little sadly, “Yeah, although, he already said—”
“N—Really?!” Nikki whirled around to face Max. “You’ll be my partner!?”
“Are you sure you aren’t just pulling this girl’s leg?” David inquired suspiciously. Max pointed his thumb in her direction. “She said she wanted to be a Death Scythe Meister, which means I’ll be a Death Scythe. And I sure as hell am gonna be a better Death Scythe than you.”
Nikki felt herself smile at his words that exuded confidence about her, himself, and their future partnership. The two were also astounded to see David’s soft smile, as well.
“That’s great, Max.”
Said boy growled, but his hard countenance shifted slightly. “Shut up.”
Abruptly, the dark-skinned woman from before marched inside with an enraged expression. David smile turned sheepish, “I’ll... take care of this. You kids go outside.”
As he was forced to take up the wrath of his colleague, Max and Nikki were exiting the building. She was skipping the whole way, causing his gaze to follow her erratic movements.
“This is gonna be so much fun! We can move in to a dorm together, and every morning, I can cook breakfast!”
“I don’t really eat breakfast. I like coffee, though.”
“Oh, well, more for me! Say, how old are you?”
“Thirteen? Whoa! Oh, oh, how are your teeth so sharp?”
“Genetics, maybe.”
“How are your eyes that shade of green?”
“How is your hair green at all?”
As they traveled down the dim corridor, there seemed to be a certain light shared between them. This was the start of their adventure, and they would be partners every step of the way.
Sorry this is so late, but I had to get it in before the day ended!
Thank you everyone who has been following my fics for this week! It’s been really fun, and I had never done anything like this before.
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some art to go with the fic
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pandatryst · 5 years
The Demon (Part two)
(A work of fiction, contains adult themes and situations.)
Four months earlier.
Jesus Christ could this lecture be anymore boring. Who cares about the medieval era? Fucking seriously, English nobles taking advantage of English peasants all at the leisure of a king whom them sucked up to for a few months in court....what’s that noise?
“Mr Damon...Mr Damon!!” A loud, shrill voice called out.
My eyes snap straight back down as they had been looking directly at the ceiling and I had the look of one who had just been woken up from the deepest of day dreams.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I just was thinking deeply about your lecture, Dr Chance.” I stammered out. Dr Chance was the gatekeeper to my masters program, my advisor, and not really the woman you wanted to cross this early in the semester.
A terse look from the blonde headed professor. “Thinking deeply? By counting the ceiling tiles one by one? Pay attention Mr Damon, I have thrown out smarter students for a lot less.” The entire class laughed at the obvious non-joke/threat. At that realization my eyes shot to the teachers assistant desk and landed on the person sitting behind it. Now I don’t consider myself weak minded or weak willed, but there was something about the woman sitting behind that desk that seemed to radiate absolute perfection. She was shorter than me by barely an inch, which was perfect. Light brown hair, a nice figure with breast and ass to match her athletic build. Not to thin, but not to big. Anna was the thing dreams were made of, especially mine as of late.
And to my abject hidden horror she too was getting a laugh out of my predicament. My eyes shot back to Dr Chance, and her look had gone from terse to disapproving, so I did the only thing I could do. I tucked my tail, hung my head, and spoke my apologies with an air of slight submission. “I’m sorry ma’am, it won’t happen again.” Not that I was adverse to apologizing it just took a lot for me to eat humble pie and choke it down.
My offering seemed to have satisfied Dr Chance and she continued her lecture like nothing ever happened. And after my heart rate went down, my eyes moved and settled back on the thing in the room I loved to watch more than the ceiling, my eyes settled on Anna again. I’m not sure if you can call it a crush, maybe a slight infatuation, but I’m certain Anna would correct me immediately and tell me those words mean the same thing. Anna was the captain of the universities women’s track team and two years my senior. I joined the track team on scholarship, I held every high school record around, and those schools who gave a damn about their track program came to me all my senior year of high school. I am fast, some people would say I was too fast to be real sometimes. But it was my lone physical gift as it seemed and I took full advantage of it.
I think I had felt this way about her from the moment I saw her at the first full team meeting. And for awhile, I had thought she saw me the same way.
I was broken out of my trip down memory lane by the sudden sound of chairs moving and things being put away. I stood up and put my own things away and felt a moment of pure horror wash over me. Dr Chance was staring right at me. My eyes met hers and I knew I was doomed she jerked her head back and I groaned inwardly. I slung my bag over my shoulder and made my way down to the front of the room, Anna was just crossing in front of my.
“Talk to you later Gabe.” She said smiling to me.
When confronted with such a smile you couldn’t help but smile back. “You to Princess Anna. Text me if you wanna get the band together for coffee.”
Anna nodded smiling brightly, “I haven’t seen some of them in awhile. We should do that! I’ll let you know.”
The band was our group of elites from the track team, led by our Princess, there were five of us. The Giant, the Angel, the Jester, and me, the Demon. Anna left the room and there was a sharp sound heard and my eyes looked back to the tutting Dr Chance. “If you are done flirting, my office ten minutes. And don’t even tell me you have another class when we both know you don’t.” And at that the good professor stormed out of her office.
I was left with a look that was between mild embarrassment and happiness at my conversation with Anna. Which shouldn’t make me happy. Anna was with Daniel. And Daniel was protective, but there wasn’t anything wrong with a little conversation. I turned and headed out of the classroom walking to the nearby drink machine and got out of it whatever random flavor of sports drink was inside. Today’s flavor was red.
Soon enough I found myself outside of Dr Chance’s office and I knocked before hearing something that sounded like a “come in” greeting. I opened the door and closed it behind myself I turned and looked at Dr Chance and smiled trying to diffuse the situation that had come up in class.
“Listen, Doctor, I didn’t mean to go into a daze in the middle of your lecture and I know it’s very rude...”
“Shut up!” The tone of her voice would make a charging elephant stop in its tracks. “Gabriel, I know you are better than this and these lame excuses. You may have made it to undergrad on the power of your legs, but you got into my program because of that walnut between your ears.”
The usage of my first name immediately disarmed me and I nodded. “Aunt Rachel, I am sorry. I just...don’t know what’s wrong.” I said Aunt, but that’s just what was drilled into my head. Rachel Chance was a good friend to my mother something about high school, when I needed a place to go when my mother went missing her house was the place, she was more of my mother than anyone, and mother of my best friend.
Dr Chance sighed and motioned to the chair in front of her desk which I sat in. “Gabriel, you don’t seem as focused. You are still running and working out with the track team. Is not competing the problem here?”
I shook my head. “No ma’am, like I said I don’t know what’s wrong with me recently.”
Her fingers steepled in front of her face and she sighed, leaning back and brushing some of that red hair out of her face. “Nicole has told me you haven’t been coming around to spend time with her as much.”
My eye twitched a little. “Nikki, has been busy with Jeremy...and I...”
“You two have been joined at the hip forever, so don’t give me that shit, Gabriel.” Cut off again, but her tone was very motherly. “We are just worried about you. Give her a call, please, she misses you and cares about you.”
I nodded slowly and mumbled. “I will call her tonight. Anything else? I need to hit the evening run with the team.”
Rachel shook her head and motioned my dismissal. “Don’t day dream in my class, Mr Damon.”
“Aye, aye, Dr Chance.” I stood and made my way out of her office and turned to head out, walking over to where my bike was parked. I knelt and unlocked it from the rack, and put my book bag next to my gym bag and climbed on. I oriented the bike in the direction of the track practice field and began peddling my way there at a good pace, Dr Chance had made me late and I wanted to get a good workout.
It didn’t take me long before I arrived and parked my bike locking it back to the rack, I untied my gym bag from the bike and walked to go and change. The smell of the locker room was, well as pleasant as it could be, the team was already out running. I left the locker room and didn’t bother with a stretch, I just wanted to run. It was where I felt the most me, the most liberated, with the freedom to do as I wanted. It was like being surrounded in a bubble of noiseless light. Nothing could penetrate it, nothing escaped it. I ran and ran, the track fell away, the lights over the field went out and I just felt the wind against my face and my mind relaxed fully. It wasn’t until I felt...wet that I stopped. It had begun to rain. I hate the rain, he cursed the weather gods and ran back into the locker room grabbed my gym bag and beat a hasty retreat back to my bike.
The bike ride home was miserable, it was raining hard and it was a good fifteen minute ride back to my apartment. By the time I arrived I was drenched, my bags were wet, but sturdy enough to keep the rain out. I carried my bike under the awning and locked it to the railing then went up those familiar steps down to my apartment.
My building had four units, two upstairs and two down, and right now I was the only one occupying any of them. They were originally slated to be set aside for scholarship track members, but their accommodations had been improved and there were just no new tenants yet for the abandoned rooms. The lack of neighbors meant the only socialization I got was at school and here recently I didn’t even care for that. I lived alone, and that was just fine for me.
Imagine then my surprise when I came to my door and in front of it was a shivering mess of clothes and hair. Hair I recognized, then the slight crying voice that followed it, it was Anna. I rushed to kneel next to her my bags hitting the floor on either side of me. I looked her over and on closer inspection I noticed she was more than wet, she was dirty, her top was torn and her pants were ripped. It looked like she had fallen down a hill or three. My hands instinctively went to her shoulders and when they did she leaned into me and looked up to me. Her lip was busted open, and there was a sadness deep in her eyes. But what she said next...what she said next changed everything.
“G-Gabe...fuck me...please...”
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retro-rezz-the-est · 7 years
Bow To Your King (Finn Balor/OC smut)
Summary: Finn and OC go to a halloween party and Finn gets jealous of her and Seth flirting. Demon King comes out and smut ensues. ;)
Requested by: @boo20015me
(A/N: Happy Halloween everyone! Here’s your daily dosage of spooky smut thx to my basic ass. This was my first request ever, and I hope I did it justice. Yolo I guess :P. Stay spooky!)
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The blaring tones of the bass coming through the speakers shook Brooke Matoic’s body as she walked into the front door of Roman Reigns’ home and into The Shield’s annual Halloween party with her boyfriend, Finn Balor, on her arm. A week prior, when she had received their invites from one Dean Ambrose, Brooke had decided to have their costumes be related in some way.
When she told him, she had wanted them to go as something cute. He declined and told her that he didn’t want to go, and that he just wanted to spend his night with her alone. But one look from her to him with those damned puppy eyes made his insides go soft, and Finn finally accepted.
So that is why they both strolled into the party wearing matching Grease costumes, with Brooke dressed as Sandy and Finn as Danny. Her eyes started to light up at the various decorations The Shield boys put up around the room and house. There were black and orange streamers and balloons everywhere, and it smelled like pumpkin spice. She saw some small jack-o’-lanterns littering the floor, and even some fake skeletons holding hands lining the walls.
She yelled and grabbed Finn’s hand to start leading him into the crowds of people. “Oh my god, Finn! This is so festive! Let’s go see if any of our friends are here.” He mumbled something about how this was unfair, but Brooke couldn’t hear him over the music. She spotted two of her best friends, Nikki and Brie Bella, chatting with each other and ran towards them smiling.
“Hey, girl! You are looking fierce tonight! Who’re you impressing, cause it sure ain’t us!” Nikki twirled her around before hugging her tightly. Brie’s costume was a cute Minnie Mouse getup, while her sister just opted for a sleeveless floor length black gown. “You look absolutely gorgeous, baby! I love the Sandy costume. It suits you.” She let go of her so that she could show off her curves in the tight black outfit. Brooke’s curls fell over the right side of her face in a romantic manner, and her dark red heels added some extra height to her figure.
Watching this, Finn smirked. He knew that when they left, she would be punished for dragging him here. And that punishment would be very pleasant for both of them. Before his mind could delve deeper into his own sexual fantasy, Finn started to feel his pants tighten around his bulge. Fuck, he cursed as he looked down at the slowly awakening hard-on that he acquired. All of this just because she wore black. Maybe she should wear it more often.
He adjusted his jeans and started to nibble on his bottom lip, trying to resist the urge to drag Brooke into a closet and show her not to tease him like this. Finn started to move towards her, but was cut off by a hulking figure dressed as a knight.
“Good evening, ladies! And to you too, Ms. Matoic! Has this party been up to your liking?” The person’s face was covered by a mask, but was revealed to be Seth Rollins in all his glory after it was taken off. He took Brooke’s hand and kissed it,with her holding her own blushing face with the other.
Nikki was the first to say something to the man. “How ironic. The ‘Kingslayer’ came here as our knight in shining armor.” She and Brie snickered at the elaborate outfit he had on, including a foam sword and shield.
“Ha ha ha. You’re very funny, Nikki. At least this fair haired maiden here cares for my heroic efforts.” He turned to face Brooke with a smirk on his face and bowed deeply. She grabbed his arm and brought him up so that he faced her once again.
“Come on, ya big nerd. Let’s go have some fun. This is a party, after all.” She waved goodbye to the Bella Twins and walked away with Seth on her arm, chuckling at his previous actions. All the while, Finn was staring holes into the back of Rollins, who was currently talking excitedly to his girlfriend about a new storyline that Creative was giving him.
“I mean, I’m just trying to take everything in again. I’m back with my brothers, I’m a champion and the WWE Universe loves every bit of it. I’m just trying to be the guy they want me to be.”
Brooke put her hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. “I’m so proud of you, Sethie. You really have come far, and you deserve all of this.” She pulled the man into a warm embrace and rested her head on his shoulder.
After a couple of moments, she opened her eyes to see her lover seething, jaw clenched with jealousy. Brooke smirked at him and his slightly hunched form, and concocted a plan for him. She knew Finn was a protective man, and a possessive one at that. So she decided to toy with him for a bit and have a little fun.
She released Seth from the hug and slowly dragged her index finger down his plastic chestplate. “So, what’re you doing after the party’s over?” she asked with the mischievous smirk she plastered on to her face.
This is bound to interesting.
“I don’t know yet,” he chuckled, “but I might have a clue.” He leaned his left hand on the wall behind her and put the other to her cheek. She put her hands back onto his shoulders and brought him close to her body. Brooke’s right hand slid up his neck and buried it’s way into Seth’s dark locks.
She whispered in his ear, “Maybe when we’re done here, we could head back to your place and have some… fun.” As they leaned their heads together, a deep Irish voice suddenly materialized next to his ear.
“That’s enough outta you, Seth.”
He turned around to see a furious Finn Balor growling lowly, pupils dilated and eyes trained on the man in front of him. His grip on Seth’s arm crinkled the plastic that laid there, with said man’s face going white and looking scared for his life. He grabbed his wrist and yanked him away from Brooke, her still sporting a smug looking grin on her face.
Finn pulled her close and whispered in her ear, “So, you decided ta ditch me for this bastard, eh? You should know better than ta tease me, let alone in public”
“I was just having a little chat with Seth over here, until you came in and ruined it”, she replied, blowing away one of her curls.
He stepped even closer to her, their lips almost touching but not quite. He looked her in her eyes once more and said, “Now here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna walk outta that door, an’ we’re gonna go home,” he licked his lips devilishly, “because you’re gonna get punished, baby girl.”
Brooke moaned lightly at his words and tugged on his leather jacket sleeve. “Please, baby. Let’s go now please.” She looked at him with her signature doe eyes, but he was unfazed.
“Oh no, baby girl. You don’t make the orders here. I do,” he growled at her and pulled away from her slightly trembling form. Grabbing her wrist, they made their way swiftly through the crowds of people drinking and dancing, leaving behind two confused Bella Twins and a ghostly looking Seth Rollins.
Brooke and her angry boyfriend made it through the front door and to their shared car, all without her tripping in her three-inch shoes. He got into the driver’s seat, then gave her a look that screamed get in the fucking car. So she obeyed, not wanting to get him even angrier than he already was. He put the car in gear and pulled away from Roman’s home, staring blankly ahead with a fire in his eyes.
“Listen, Finn. I really didn’t mean to -”
“Don’t you say a fuckin’ word.”
She quickly closed her mouth and turned away from him, looking out the window instead. Another 30 minutes had passed until they finally reached their home. Finn slammed the door open and stormed inside the house, Brooke following shortly after getting out and closing the driver side door.
She went inside to see her lover standing in the corner of their living room, eyes dark and trained on her body. She noticed that his leather jacket was draped on top of one of the nearby chairs and that his shoes were lying randomly on the floor. He was suddenly on her, pinning both of her arms against the wall behind her.
“What… the fuck… was that shit back there, Brooke?” he breathed. He clenched his jaw and waited for her to answer. Her sly look was all he needed to know.
She told to him sweetly, “I told you at the party that I wasn’t doing anything. I was just talking to my friends, when you showed up looking like the biggest downer there.” she giggled lightly to herself when she saw his face grow an even deeper shade of red.
“That ova there didn’t look like any ‘friendly chat’ to me, love,” he said, dragging out the nickname he gave her. “Now be a good girl, and tell me what happened.”
“It. Was. Nothing.”
“Maybe I shoulda listened ta Lynch when she told me about ya. She always said you were a lying, cheating bitch,” Finn spoke with a grin of his own. “She told me to go out an’ find myself anotha’ girl. ‘One who wouldn’t leave me for another dick ta hop on’ were her words, I believe. But I neva’ listened to her complaints because I trusted you.”
He pressed her against the wall, slipping one of his massive legs in between her own. “But I guess I was wrong, because it seems like you want to fuck every single fuckin’ guy on the RAW roster now, doesn’t it? Just like the slut you are”
Brooke ceased her small giggle fit to process this sudden information. Great, now I have to find Becky and beat her ass tomorrow morning. She ripped her arms out of Finn’s iron grip and made her way to the stairs leading to the 2nd floor. “Well if I’m such a lying, cheating bitch, then I’ll go to someone who appreciates all of my bitchiness. Someone like Seth.”
His body immediately froze, and he turned around to face her. “What’d you say, love? I couldn’t hear you the first time.” His expression was cold, just like his body language.
She smirked once again and told him with confidence, “Exactly. He’s sweet, has an amazing body, he’s an adorable nerd, and I bet that he could do a ton better than you at sex. Have you seen him? He’s probably a sex god.”
Brooke swished her hips as she walked towards him. “So you can go back and get your petty little flamethrower, Becky, so I can find a real man instead of a boy like you, Finn.” She tapped him on his nose and with a quick boop, she turned away to leave. But his reflexes were too quick, and he caught her elbow right away.
“Hey, you fucker! Let go of my arm!” She turned to slap him, but something caught her off guard. He chuckled at her and looked down, closing his eyes. This situation didn’t feel right, and she could feel it in the atmosphere of the house.
“Oh, Brooke. Sweet, sweet, innocent Brooke. You don’t realize what you’ve just done. And now you’re gonna regret it.”
As she tried to get a closer look at him, he took his gaze from off of the floor and his head rose. She then noticed that Finn’s eyes weren’t the light blue that she fell in love with the day they had met.
No, those eyes were a deep red, like fresh blood spilling from an open wound. They were wicked. They were demonic. They were intense.
And they were staring right at her.
He let his unoccupied hand drift from his side to her neck and cupped it. This was not Finn, her sweet and kind boyfriend. This was someone else. Someone new. Same face and overall body, but just different in a way that she could not explain. She knew his name, though.
Brooke had heard of the Demon King from the various superstars on the roster, but has never come face to face with him. The stories she has heard made him seen cruel, stone cold, and anger personified. The things she’s seen him do to people was shocking. He was the embodiment of Hell. And now she knew why.
Her voice quivered with unexpected fear as those crimson eyes lit up with some type of sick joy. “That’s right, darling. Now, we’re gonna head upstairs to the bedroom so you can receive your punishment for that shit you pulled earlier.”
He laughed out loud when he heard her gasp out in a mix of fear and sexual need. “I’m gonna show ya that I’m the better man when it comes ta yo. Especially when it comes to sex, love,” he leaned in close to her ear, “because no mere man can best a demon.”
She whimpered after he finished speaking, rubbing her thighs together to try and null the ache between them. Balor lifted her up and draped her over his shoulder. When he started to ascend up the stairs, she debated whether or not shoe would push him just a little bit more, but chose not to. He had already let the Demon take over, and she also loved living and didn’t want to die so young.
The whole journey to their bedroom was deathly quiet, and the only thing filling that void was the sound of his footsteps sharply hitting each step. They soon reached the door and Balor’s foot soon kicked it open. Brooke was then tossed onto the bed, her body bouncing as she landed. He stared at her shaking, fear ridden form and smiled. Slowly, he crawled over her and pinned her wrists to the mattress. Are you gonna be a good girl for me, Brooke? Are you gonna listen to what I say?”
She quickly nodded and he gave her a sincere smile, but it was wiped away quickly and replaced with something more sinister. “Good,” he moved close to her face, “and now we’re gonna have some fun.”
Balor closed the distance between their lips and smashed them together in a fit of anger and lust. The kiss was rough and sloppy, and she moaned when she felt his teeth bite and pull at her bottom lip. She whined when he pulled away, but one of his hands slid down from her pinned wrists and roughly latched onto her left breast.
His mouth made a slow journey away from hers and down her jaw, sprinkling light, teasing kisses along the way. He knew what he was doing; the relentless teasing was just a build-up. He was going to make her writhe, and beg, and plead for forgiveness. He was going to make Brooke sorry for ever bringing him out.
He continued his barrage of kisses down her face until he reached the pulse point on her neck. ‘Good…’ he thought as he scraped his teeth along it, drawing more noises from the lady beneath him.
His mouth latched onto her pulse point and started to suck a dark hickey into her neck. The thought of being marked by the Demon King and showing it off as a badge of honor made her feel even more aroused, sending small gushes of her fluids out of her.
He pulled away to see the large bruise on the side of her neck and smiled. Balor kept moving around her neck and upper shoulders, creating hickeys of various sizes as he went along. Another wanton moan ripped through her body as the “man” above her commanded her to then strip down to her underwear in front of him. He leaned back up and removed his hands from her body, which was still tingling with pleasure.
He fully removed himself from her body, Brooke’s thoughts couldn’t fully process the situation at hand. ‘Holy fuck. That felt amazing.’ She was too busy being in her own head and her lust, that when Balor snapped his fingers in her face, she quickly snapped out of her fantasies to focus on him.
“I said strip for me, you fuckin’ whore. You wanna act like one, so you’re gonna be one,” he spoke angrily. She maintained eye contact with him as she moved off the mattress to stand in front of him. Her top was the first to come off, then she unbuckled her belt to remove her tight black pants. All that was left on her body was her matching strapless bra and underwear. The set was dark red, the same color as Balor’s eyes, and had black lace patterns all over.
He growled lowly at the sight she had presented to him. Moving closer, he removed the white t-shirt he was wearing and saw her gaze drop from his face to his chest. She had always loved his body and his overall figure, but something about tonight made it seem extra special. That night, in his demonic state, he looked beautiful.
His hands moved their way to her shoulders and shoved her down so that she was on her knees looking up at him. His body radiated dominance, and she drank in that image like it was the last thing she would ever see.
“Tonight is my night, darling, and I’m the one in control. You are my whore, my slut, and you gonna get treated like one. Is that clear?” He looked at her once, waiting for an answer.
“Yes, Ba-”
He grabbes a handful of her curly locks and yanked her head back. The sudden sting of her hair being tugged made Brooke cry out, but Balor was having none of it.
“No no no. Good sluts don’t speak. Ya only need to pleasure me. Now tell me again: am I clear?” he grunted. The room was filled silence for a couple moments until she finally nodded her head in agreement.
“Good,” he smirked, “now you know what to do.”
He gripped her hair in a ponytail and shoved her face toward the crotch of his jeans. She ran her palms up and down his clothed thighs, and placed the zipper between her teeth. As she pulled it down, she was suddenly face to face with a very large bulge in Balor’s boxers.
Her hands dipped inside them and pulled out his already hard cock, tip and shaft a startling red color and dripping pre-come. She licked her lips as she held it in both of her fists, slowly stroking it and looking back at Balor.
The command rang out in her ears and she was glad to comply. She pumped slowly before bringing the head between her lips and sucking hard once, hoping to get some sort of reaction out of him. There was none. Brooke lowered her mouth to his shaft and started to bob her head along his length.
Balor groaned at the feeling of her warm mouth surrounding his cock and rocked his hips towards her face. She pulled away and dipped her tongue into the slit, pulling more noises out of him. The look on his face when she looked up made her suck even harder, trying to draw him closer to his climax.
His grip on her hair tightened as he pulled her back onto his length making her gag. “That’s right,” he cooed, “choke on my cock like the good whore you are.” Her nose was pressed against his smooth pelvis, and she was breathing heavily to try and not gag too much.
Balor started fucking her mouth, taking one hand away from her hair to hold her neck and the other yanking it back to give himself a better angle. The only noises that filled the room were the sounds of his hips hitting her mouth and her obvious gags. She moaned around him and he held her head against him once again.
He felt the coil in his lower abdomen start to tighten when she started squeezing and playing with his balls. “I’m gonna come soon, love. I’m gonna come in that hot mouth of yours, and you’re gonna swallow it all. Am I clear?” his deep Irish accent sent waves of newfound arousal down her spine. She grunted a muffled “yes” and his hips started to pick up speed and move faster.
Brooke removed her hands from his balls and placed them back onto his thick thighs, giving Balor full control over her mouth and throat. Every time she deepthroated his length and hollowed out her cheeks to take it in, he growled and came closer and closer to his orgasm.
She looked back up at his crimson irises for a final time with her famous doe eyes, and that image is what sent him over the edge. “Fuck, I’m about to come, slut. You better fuckin’ swallow it all or you ain’t comin’ at all tonight,”he muttered as his body shook with pleasure.
Brooke nodded at Balor, giving him the go-ahead to dump his come down her throat. His body shook once before groaning loudly, thick streams pouring down her throat in heavy spurts. She happily swallowed it all, leaving no remnants behind. He lessened his hold on her hair and with a slight ‘pop’, she cleaned his cock of any stray droplets of come.
“Damn, baby girl. For a whore, you sure know how to use your mouth right,” he breathed. He ran his hand through his hair, jeans and boxers hanging low on his hips and exposing those lovely hip bones. Brooke sat back on her knees, waiting for his next command as he took off his clothes in one go, and kicked them off into a corner. Her core and inner thighs were getting extremely uncomfortable, with every movement she made sending currents up her body.
She shuffled in her spot on the floor and whimpered towards Balor. He saw her body and noticed the mess she started to make on the floor with her slick. “Well, well, well,” he purred, “what do we have here? Writhing around like a bitch in heat. Don’t worry, love. I will sate your needs.”
He picked her up and tossed her back onto the bed, landing with a soft thud. Crawling back onto her, he took a moment to drink in how incredibly sexy she looked in her set, but ripped both pieces off in a flash of red and black tears. She opened her mouth to protest his actions, but remembered that she wasn’t supposed to talk.
So she laid there, watching Balor hold the tattered remains of her underwear and drink in her fully naked image. He flipped Brooke over onto her stomach and raising her into her knees. She couldn’t see him, but she knew he was still there. He pushed her face down on the bed with a snarl.
“You want my cock, slut? Of course you do. You’re already drippin’ for me,” he said as he dragged his index finger up and down her exposed core. She tried to move her hips so his finger would enter, but he retraced it just as fast. Bringing it to his mouth, he licked it and smiled devilishly. “Whores like you shouldn’t taste this good, but I’ll make an exception.”
He wrapped her hair around his fist again and yanked up. His still hard cock was rubbing against her folds and her untouched clit with each rotation of his hips. He quickly slid his length inside her, drawing more noises out of Brooke. The pace he had set was rough and fast, each time bottoming out inside of her. The sound of hips slapping against each other filled the void in the room, and the noises that came from her mouth went unrestrained.
She whined when his cock rubbed that special spot inside her, and Balor grinned. Her hands, now free, bunched the sheets in front of her as she waited for him to cease his sinful torture on her body. Leaning down, he whispered, “I know you’re about to come, slut. You won’t be doin’ shit until you beg for me.”
He rose, holding her against his chest with a still firm grip on her hair. “I am the better man, and I want ta hear you say it. Tell me all that shit you pulled downstairs was just a way for you to get some dick tonight.” Her face turned red when he said this.
‘I was trying to get some action tonight, but not like this…’ she thought in disbelief. Balor placed his hand on her hip and started to bounce her on his cock. The coil in her body grew tighter and tighter after each passing moment but he refused to let her come, blatantly ignoring her whines of protest.
“Nu-uh, baby girl. Until you realize what you’ve done, I’m never gonna let you come. Hell, maybe I’ll just edge you the entire night. Draw you close to your climax, and then pull away,” his voice was laced with envy. “I know you hate it when I do that.” Hearing this, she sharply turned her head around to see a smug look plastered on his face.
‘That Irish fucking bitch!’
Brooke narrowed her eyebrows at Balor and waited. She couldn’t speak or he wouldn’t let her come. But if she didn’t answer him, he wouldn’t either.
“You can speak now, love, if that’s what you’re wonderin’,” Balor told her, “cause I need to hear that wonderful apology. But if not…” He started to remove his length from her heat slowly, leaving her feeling hollow on the inside.
“No, wait!” she said shakily. She had been right there. She only needed one last push to be sent over that blissful edge. But that tease had just dragged her out and left her, just like he said. Her thighs were trembling as she turned around to face her demonic lover head on.
“I’m sorry, okay! I shouldn’t have messed with you at the party with Seth. I don’t want him. I don’t need him. I only need you. You’re the only man I want to have, to be with, to fuck. Please, Balor, Finn, whoever the fuck is up there in that head of yours. I wanna come, and I’m sorry that I insulted your dominance. Please.” She raised a hand to place it on his shoulder, but he caught it.
“I guess that will suffice for now. Besides,” he flipped her around once more, “I’m the only one who can do this.” He slowly moved his cock inside you once more and Brooke felt that pit in her gut grow. He continued his pace from before, hips pounding into her and whispering dirty little secrets into her ears.
“I’m gonna come, Balor!” Brooke cried. It was getting impossible at this point to delay her climax any further. Her clit was rubbing on the sheets, making her body over-sensitive and shaky.
“Let go for me, love. I’m right behind you anyways.”
He bit into her neck again and that was all she needed to fall. Her back arched and she moaned as the coil inside her finally snapped and her slick dripped onto Balor’s cock. His body shuddered twice before he groaned into your neck and let it go. She whimpered when he pulled his softening dick out of her.
Beads of sweat rolled down both of their bodies and a wave of nausea rolled over her as the erotic high died off. She pushed herself off her stomach and rolled under the covers, and started drifting into a dreamless sleep. The last things she saw were two light blue eyes, and a dazzling smile from her boyfriend Finn.
~~Tag List: @imagines–assemble @thetherianthropydaily @thegoddessqueenrileycarter @ambrosegirlforever @hardcorewwetrash @homega @nickysmum1909 @wordnerd27 @wwesmutdonedirtcheap @culturalrebel @rollinsbabe @lilmisscrisis @bombomiver @heelturn-timesten @tvrnbvckle @alexispoo @neversatisfiedgirl~~
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lpdwillwrite4coffee · 4 years
Boz turned a plate over in his hands, inspecting it for stray food particles or soap residue he might have missed when he rinsed it. Deeming it up to his standards of cleanliness, he dried it and stacked it with the others in the cabinet. He sighed, glancing around the dimly lit kitchen. Such utter quiet made him uncomfortable but anything other than silence felt disrespectful.
Boz had turned off the radio the moment Griffin had called to tell them about Kaelin. He couldn’t bring himself to turn it back on now.
When he’d relayed Griffin’s message, Lisa had barely said a word. She’d paced for twenty minutes, chewing her thumbnail until she bled, and intermittently attempted to arrange the dishes Boz had cleaned before he got fed up and suggested she put her organizational skills to use in the upstairs bathroom. She hadn’t protested, and Boz guessed she had wanted to be alone from the start, but didn’t want to be away from him in case.
In case Griffin called back. In case things got worse. In case she really couldn’t handle being alone after all.
He made it a point to check in on her every thirty minutes. Just in case.
Several times Boz had stopped mid-scrub, dish in hand, to reach for his phone. The urge to make contact, to see if Griffin or Nikki needed anything from him, was overwhelming but each time he pulled his cell from his pocket, language failed him, and after staring at the screen for God-knows how long, he always ended up putting his phone back and returning to the sink.
The crisp click of the lock broke through the enveloping silence, and Boz spun around.
Griffin trudged inside first, with Nikki close behind him. Both were soaked, and exhaustion clung to them just like their wet clothes. Nikki was wrapped in Griffin’s coat and her damp hair hung limp around her face. Her eyes were red and swollen; a sharp contrast to her pale skin and lips.
Cold and defeated, they paused just inside the main room, and Boz held his breath.
The bathroom door flung open and Lisa jogged down the staircase. She halted on the third step when she saw them and gripped the banister to steady herself.
“You’re back,” Lisa breathed. “Nikki, I…” She faltered. “I’m so sorry.”
Nikki gave a weak nod, and hoarsely whispered, “Thank you.”
“Is…” Boz swallowed. “Is she…”
Griffin shook his head. “Kaelin’s stable,” he answered. “She’ll be in the ICU for a while though.”
Boz exhaled a shaky breath. “Do you need anything?” Boz asked, looking to Nikki.
Her stare drifted to the side as she jerked her head ‘no’. “I think I’m just gonna go to bed.”
Nikki slipped the coat off her shoulders, holding it out for Griffin to take. She glanced up at him, but her gaze didn’t linger and she turned, heading up the stairs past Lisa.
No one spoke until they heard the door click shut.
Lisa released the banister, stepping into the kitchen. “How bad is it?”
“Bad,” Griffin said, going straight for the coffee pot. “The doctors won’t know the extent of the damage until she wakes up.” He paused, remembering what Doctor Katz had told them. “If she wakes up.”
He glanced over his shoulder, and Lisa frowned as understanding hit her. Griffin started to reach for a mug, but one was already held out for him. He blinked, looking at Boz.
“It’s fresh,” Boz said, nodding at the coffee. “I just made it.”
Lisa ducked into the adjacent hallway and he heard the door to the laundry room open. Moments later she returned with a pile of neatly folded clothes.
“Here,” she said. “I finished washing your clothes from earlier today-”
“Lisa, how many times do I have to tell you, you don’t need to do my laundry,” he argued, but there was no heat in the words.
“I washed Nikki’s too,” she said. “And Boz’s-”
Boz’s head jerked up. “Say what?”
“-It’s not like you’re a special prince I’m doting on.” She pushed the clothing at him and waved her hand. “Why don’t you go get cleaned up and dry off?”
If Griffin was ever going to be thankful for Lisa’s mothering tendencies, it was that moment. He did as he was told, both too tired to protest and also increasingly uncomfortable in his wet jeans and tee shirt. Saying he would be right back, he trekked up the stairs into the bathroom, kicking his boots off as he shut the door.
For the first time all night, he noticed how cold he was, and he didn’t take long to decide on a hot shower. Twisting the knob, he let the water run while he peeled damp layers from his skin and dropped them into a heap on the tile floor.
Stinging pain through his skull brought him to a stuttering halt. The dogs thrashed in his head, just like they’d been doing since that afternoon, and this time he was so exhausted he wasn’t sure he’d be able to hold them back much longer. He either needed to read someone or he needed a drink.
Crouching down, he ignored the burning protest from his injured side and reached to the back of the cabinet, feeling around in the dark for the bottle he’d hidden. Pulling it out from behind one of the pipes, he stood up and started to unscrew the cap.
Back to that are you? Serena’s voice scratched inside his head. I can’t say I’m surprised. You always go for the bottle when you fail. And you fail quite a lot.
Growling, he brought the liquor to his mouth and gulped.
That’s not going to make you forget me, you know. There isn’t enough scotch in the world to do that.
He drank through the burn, willing the alcohol to hit his bloodstream faster.
I bet right about now you’re wishing you’d had the balls to kill me when you’d had the chance. Maybe then Kaelin wouldn’t be lying comatose in a hospital bed, and your darling Nikki wouldn’t be this close to despising you.
Setting the bottle on the counter, he stepped into the shower, hot water rushing over his head and shoulders.
“She doesn’t hate me,” he muttered, arguing with his personal demon. “She blames herself.”
And isn’t that worse? She’s going to continue blaming herself, thinking if only she had done something differently, then maybe her friend wouldn’t have gotten hurt. But the truth is, if you hadn’t stuck your dick where it didn’t belong, then none of this would have happened. You might not have done the beating yourself Griffin, but you allowed the monster who did to live. So how do you think Nikki’s going to feel once she finds out you’re effectively an accomplice?
Anger twisted inside him, setting his teeth on edge. His fingers curled, nails digging into the flesh of his palms.
You aren’t innocent. Serena’s voice sneered. You were never innocent. Stop pretending to be a hero, when you’re so clearly not cut out for the title.
The heel of his hand slammed against the knob, cutting the water off. He didn’t bother toweling himself dry- just yanked on his fresh clothes and stomped his feet into his boots.
Remembering Nikki was asleep in his room, he held back from throwing the door open with as much force as he wanted, and rushed down the stairs. He still wasn’t as quiet as he should have been, as Lisa was calling up to him before he’d made it to the main room.
“Griffin?” She scowled when he made it around the banister. “What’s wrong?”
He grabbed his coat and holster off the back of his chair, and leveled his stare on Boz. “Watch after Nikki.”
“Wait a second.” Lisa started towards him. “Where are you going?”
Griffin wrenched the door open and strode outside. That was his answer.
* * *
Serena weaved through the mass of people, making her way to the bar. Lifting herself up, she sat on the countertop and swung her legs over, hopping back down on the opposite side. Her staff only gave her cursory amused glances while they rushed back and forth between taps. She was the owner- If she wanted to use the bar as a personal pommel horse, then she damn well could.
The Silver Rose was the product of having too much time on her hands and a heavy dose of nostalgia for the humid, fertile bayou she’d grown up in before she was sired. Equal parts French gothic and New Orleans style décor, with considerable new wave punk influences, the venue was a blended mix of Serena, pre and post Vampirism. All the tables were dark stained oak with hand-carved detailing along the edges to match the bar. Wrought iron chandeliers hung from the ceiling, Spanish moss and vines of ivy artfully draped around them. White and black candles of varying heights illuminated the alcove in the painted stone walls, and cast dancing shadows around the room. Strings of white lights were scalloped above the bar, and Voodoo dolls hung from the lights by the tiny yarn nooses knotted around their necks.
Spotting the lead server, a handsome twenty something college student with a dimpled chin and dark red hair, Serena strode over to his side of the bar.
“How are we doing tonight, Mark?” She yelled over the raucous punk blues band on the stage that night.
Mark smiled, sticking a pint glass under a spout and pulling the tap down. “It’s been like this since we opened,” he said, jerking his head at the growing crowd.
She beamed at him, letting her fingers trail over his shoulder as she passed. “Good work.”
Mark stopped her before she could go around the bar. “There was a guy here looking for you.”
Serena narrowed her gaze. “A guy?”
Alexander wasn’t a fan of The Silver Rose, so he rarely stopped by. Which left only one other option, and just the thought of Nicholas keeping tabs on her made her want to slam his pretty European face into a meat grinder.
Mark nodded. “I sent him to your office to wait for you.”
Rounding past the side of the bar, Serena headed down the corridor to the left, dodging two adequately drunk college girls coming out of the ladies’ room. She honed in on the door with the simple black sign reading ‘management only’, and she slowed only a fraction before reaching for the knob. She inhaled, ready to rip Nicholas a new asshole.
Her stilettos froze on the hardwood, yanking her to a halt.
Sitting at the end of her black leather couch, with a tumbler of scotch in his hand, was the ghost of Griffin O’Connor.
The nearby table lamp illuminated one side of his face, obscuring the other in darkness. That amber gaze however- the one Serena had mourned the loss of- sparked fiercely, boring through her. She remembered what it felt like to have those eyes on her while she straddled him.
Present time restarted and Serena shut the door behind her, flicking the lock. She gave him a lingering once over.
“Well, I have to say, I was not expecting to see you.”
Griffin lifted his glass, glaring at her over the rim. “Next time you stab me, aim higher. Belly wounds bleed slow.”
She arched an eyebrow at him. “I’ll try to remember that.”
Stepping further into the room, she slid out of her leather jacket and hung it on the back of her desk chair. His presence made her skin prick with excitement and fury and the deeply rooted hunger to create and destroy. The sensation was so potent her stomach clenched. She turned to face him, leaning back against the edge of her desk and tossing her hair over her shoulder.
She waited for him to react, to track her movements like he’d done countless times before. But his stare never softened. He smelled of rain and hatred. Giving one last attempt to stir up the beast, she arched her back, thrusting her chest forward. The sequined halter top she wore had a deep neck line that left little to the imagination. And she knew how much Griffin loved her in silver…
Nothing. He simply reached for the decanter on the table to his right and poured another drink. His lack of attention made her bristle.
She rolled her eyes. “Well, this is turning into a lovely visit. So full of laughter and conversation-”
“Shut up,” he said, voice flat.
“Excuse me?”
He drained his glass in two swallows. When his eyes found hers this time the light in them was hellfire.
“Shut up. You don’t get to talk right now. You’re going to stand there and listen and you’re not gonna say a word.”
A growl rippled through Serena as she shoved away from the desk. “How dare you-”
The tumbler flew from Griffin’s hand across the room and crystalline shards exploded behind Serena’s head. “I said. Shut. Up,” he snarled.
This was not the beast Serena had intended on waking.
She stilled in a heavy beat of silence before glancing over her shoulder at the mess. “That was an expensive antique you know.”
Griffin stood up, muscles coiling, ready to lunge. “You know what’s expensive? The hours of surgery it took to piece back together the woman you nearly beat to death.”
A slow smile crept across Serena’s face. “So she survived. Hallelujah,” she mocked.
“Why’d you do it, Serena?” He took a measured step forward. “Why did you go after her?”
She shrugged. “Because I could.”
“So you spent the better part of the day torturing a woman you don’t know, for kicks?” Angrily, he shook his head. “I don’t believe you.”
“I was bored,” she said, uncaring. “And it was cheaper than a matinee.”
“You and I both know you’re a lot more self-serving when you’re bored,” he said. “And you’re a ladder climber by nature.”
She snorted at his accusation. “You say that like you know me.”
“I do know you.”
“No. You don’t.” She strode towards him, but kept herself an arm’s length away. “You think that just because I let you between my legs for six months, you know me?”
“Unlike a lot of the other guys you were screwing, I was capable of using both of my heads.”
Serena huffed out a laugh. “So you weren’t a complete idiot and had a modicum of observational skills. Congratulations.”
Griffin glowered down at her, lip curling. “What was in it for you, Serena?”
“I already told-”
“Did you do it for Nicholas Bradley?” Griffin cut her off. He registered the flicker of surprise in her expression and pushed forward. “Did you do it to serve your Alpha?”
“He is not my Alpha,” she snapped.
Griffin’s eyes shifted to her left wrist, noting the symbols permanently etched into her skin. Vamp ink was different from the marks of a Hunter, more of an intricate filigree that created a language no one spoke. Over the years he’d been able to decipher the meanings of a few symbols, one of which was the brand of an Alpha. Serena had had one since the beginning, but he’d never cared to ask. It was a detail he didn’t want to know. She was aligned to someone though, and if it wasn’t Bradley pulling her strings…
“Then who is?”
She sneered at him, turning her arm inwards to hide her tattoo. “Can’t tell. Clubhouse rules.”
“You might not be Nicholas Bradley’s pet, but you’re somebody’s,” he said. “And you went after Kaelin to get to Nikki. Why?”
Serena blinked and her stare became disturbingly playful. “Haven’t you figured it out yet?”
Griffin paused, evaluating facts and what she was implying. “You knew Nikki’s a Blooded Hunter.” It was a statement, not a question.
Serena hummed in agreement. “By the way, how is our little darling holding up?” Her tone was conniving. It made the hair on Griffin’s arms stand up.
“Seeing as how you tried to murder her friend, I’d say she’s doing alright.”
Pursing her lips, Serena nodded and turned to slide open her desk drawer, retrieving a chrome cigarette case and matching lighter. “I’m sure she was curious after my hearing my voicemail… Did you tell her who I really am?
Griffin’s jaw clenched and his silence betrayed him.
Serena chuckled, a cloud of smoke sweeping between them. “Of course you didn’t,” she said. “You’d rather lie to save your own ass than admit to being a total fuck up.”
She prowled closer, invading his space. She stopped a few inches from him, trailing her gaze over his chest and neck.
“Which part was the hardest to own up to? Telling your precious Nikki that a Vampire used to ride your dick and drink your blood?” She paused, smile revealing her fangs. “Or telling her you liked it?”
Adrenaline and shame mingled in his gut, souring his stomach, and Griffin swallowed hard.
“I guess it’s understandable,” Serena continued, taking another puff from her cigarette. “Especially since it’s obvious how badly you want inside her.” She licked her lips, staring at the tender flesh beneath his jaw. “Be honest, Griffin. How many times in the last twenty-four hours have you thought about throwing her down and-”
“Enough,” he snapped.
She grinned. “Did I strike a nerve?”
Griffin took a deliberate, menacing step forward, closing the distance between them. Serena relented, backing away from him, and he pursued, continuing to push the hairline boundary between them until her shoulders collided with the wall behind her and she was trapped between drywall and him.
Serena searched his face for any sign of motive, and grew uncomfortable when one wasn’t evident. This was a move she hadn’t anticipated. One beat after the next, he just stood there, with his body so close that with every breath she took her chest brushed against his. His warmth, the smell of scotch on his breath, and the rain that still clung to his hair was overwhelming. Something was shifting beneath his skin, unfurling and leeching out into air.
Reaching down, Griffin slipped her cigarette from between her fingers, took a single deep inhale and then stamped it out on the edge of her desk. He licked his lips, dragging the bottom one between his teeth, and slowly releasing it. His darkened gaze kept dropping to her mouth, and finally Serena guessed what he wanted. Angling her hips forward, she brushed her thighs against his and gripped the buckle on his belt, jerking him forward. He chuckled deep in his throat, and pressed his left hand flat against the wall by her head. Ducking closer, their noses brushed for a moment, and then his lips were on hers.
Any restraint he had vaporized and the kiss turned ferocious. Serena’s hands slid over his body, cupping his neck and face, getting her fingers tangled in his hair. He pressed his lower half against her and she groaned into his mouth. Her right leg hitched up, hooking her foot behind his thigh. Soon she was tugging at the hem of his shirt and undoing his belt. Griffin fisted a handful of her blonde hair, pulling and positioning her head as he deepened his kiss. He tasted like tobacco and smoldering embers. It made her dizzy.
She slipped her hands down his waist, stroking his bare sides and sneaking a hand up to rake her nails across his chest. He growled and she did it again, feeling the goose bumps form over his skin. Shoving against her, he pinned her to the wall and slotted his mouth over hers. She nipped at his bottom lip, drawing a single drop of blood that she licked away. He tasted just like she remembered, and it made the juncture between her legs ache.
Something hard and icy pressed into her sternum and nestled against her left breast. Griffin broke the kiss, but stayed millimeters from her face, holding her stare.
Through ragged pants, Serena muttered, “That’s cold.”
The cylinder traveled upwards, stopping just below her collar bone. She spared a glance down to see the barrel of his Glock aimed right above her heart. His index finger stroked the trigger, and his stare became as cold and dark as his gun.
Serena unhooked her leg from behind his and shifted away from him. “If you didn’t want to fuck, you only had to say so.”
“I should shoot you for what you did to Kaelin… To Nikki.”
Serena thrust her chest forward, pressing against the muzzle of his gun. “Go ahead,” she said. “You know you want to.”
He sneered bitterly. “You’re right, I do. But you’re of more use to me alive than dead.”
“I’m already dead, remember lover?” she mocked. He pushed down on the butt of the gun and the metal bit into her skin, making her hiss and bare her fangs.
The livid spark was back in his eyes, and it burned wherever his gaze landed.
“Here’s what gonna happen,” he said. “You’re going to take a message to your Alpha and to Bradley. You’re going to tell them that they made a huge mistake targeting Nikki. She’s a Blooded Hunter, which means she’s under my protection now, and any attack on her or anyone else she knows is going to be taken very personally by yours truly. And since I was stabbed and almost burned to death, I’ve been a lot less inclined to take the sensible approach to things.”
Glaring up at him, Serena asked, “Anything else?”
He smirked. “Yeah… Be honest. How many times in the last six months have you thought about me pushing you up against this wall and fucking you?” When she didn’t answer, he chuckled darkly. “That’s what I thought.”
“I never missed you,” she spat.
Leaning in, he whispered in her ear, “Serena baby…You’re a terrible liar.”
“And you’re a worthless bastard.” Her ice blue stare cut into him. “I know why you showed up here, and it wasn’t because of what I did to that girl. You realized just how shit you are at protecting people, and instead of suffering with your self-loathing alone, you came here to get your fix.”
Griffin’s face hardened and he pegged her with a harsh glare. “At least I’m not the one who handles rejection so poorly they gutted their ex and then burned down a night club to cover it up.”
Serena matched his gaze. “Next time I’ll just rip you apart with my bare hands.” Venom dripped from every word.
A thousand responses rushed up Griffin’s throat, his back molars chewing on the words as he stared at the woman who had haunted him for so long. His grip tightened on his gun, his body pleading to finish the job.
With a voice like acid he said, “Come after Nikki again, and I’ll kill you.”
Releasing her, Griffin shoved away from the wall and strode towards the exit. Serena went to launch herself at him, and he twisted, firing a single round into the floor half an inch away from her foot. Ignoring her enraged cursing, and without missing a single step, Griffin wrenched the door open and left her behind.
* * *
Halfway home, Griffin had to pull his bike over to the side of the road so he could vomit. He coughed as more bile evacuated his stomach, splattering on the asphalt. Shaking, he dropped onto the curb and hung his head between his knees. He ached so badly he wanted to tear the skin from his body. Raking his fingers through his hair, he clawed the back of his neck feeling only mild satisfaction at the bursts of pain. Everything in him twisted and burned, ignited by self-inflicted repugnance seeping in so deep it coated his bones like oil.
What happened with Serena wasn’t his plan, wasn’t anything close to what he’d wanted. The second he’d stepped into the bar he’d decided it was time- He couldn’t let her continue living, not after everything she’d done. Ex-lover or not, she’d nearly killed an innocent civilian, all in an attempt to hurt Nikki. She deserved a bullet in the heart.
And then she started talking, and his gift- those wretched dogs- started thrashing in his head, commanding to be let loose or they would break free themselves.
Another bought of queasiness hit him as he remembered the red lustful haze that had swallowed him up and almost drowned him. Serena’s or his, it didn’t matter. He still acted on it, still took that step closer. Still kissed her first.
Griffin gagged, dry heaving until his eyes stung and the cords of his neck were taught.
God, what had he done?
This is your fault! Serena’s voice echoed around Nikki’s words. You did this!
He dragged a trembling hand over his face, and scowled at the wetness in his palm. His chest constricted, and it was a while before realizing the wounded noises he heard were his own sobs.
Griffin didn’t remember how he got home.
One moment he was staring at the damp black asphalt through blurry vision, and the next he was parking his bike in the alley and walking to the front door.
He stopped in the dimly lit kitchen, crash landing back in his body. It was the first time he’d blacked out sober.
He turned and blinked at the figure coming out of the hallway. “Boz?”
“Hey,” his friend murmured. “You alright?”
No. No I’m not and I don’t know if I’ll ever be alright again. I’m so cold, and numb and I-
Griffin clamped down on the panic, shutting off the screaming inside his head.
Swallowing, he nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay.”
Stepping further into the kitchen, Boz searched his face for a long moment. “You sure? ‘Cause, no offense buddy, but you look kinda wrecked.”
Griffin struggled to take in air. “I’m, uh, I’m just… I’m just really tired.”
Boz jerked his head towards the nearest chair. “Sit down,” he said, going to the cabinet and pulling out a water glass. Filling it, he went over and gave it to him.
“Thanks,” Griffin whispered. His hands were still shaking, and he set the drink on the table, afraid he might drop it.
Lowering himself into the chair next to Griffin’s, Boz loosely knit his fingers together in his lap and waited.
His thirst overriding his fear of breaking the glass, Griffin took a gulp and closed his eyes.
“I thought you’d be in bed,” he told Boz.
“Nah, I was downstairs folding laundry.”
“Did Lisa do it wrong again?”
Boz’s hands flailed a little in front of him. “She doesn’t understand the proper way to fold a tee shirt so that it doesn’t wrinkle,” he exclaimed. “There is a method, I’ve explained it a thousand times, and she still does it wrong. It drives me nuts.”
“It’s her laundry, Boz. She can do it how she likes.”
“She’ll thank me when her shirts are pristine in the morning.”
The fast smile that curved Griffin’s mouth surprised him. Maybe he was feeling steadier than he thought. He finished his water, letting the silence around them linger.
“So,” Boz said after a moment. “You kinda blew out of here in a rush.”
Nope. Not steady anymore.
Griffin’s stomach flipped and for a second he thought he’d throw up everything he’d just swallowed. He must have looked as sick as he felt because Boz scooted to the edge of his seat, reaching out for him.
“Whoa, hey, it’s okay,” Boz soothed hurriedly. “I just wanted to make sure you were alright. Like, really alright.” He paused, watching him. “I haven’t seen you bolt outta here like that in a while. You looked like you were on a warpath.”
That’s because he was. And then he’d fucked it up.
“I’m sorry,” Griffin croaked.
Boz shook his head. “Don’t be. I’m just glad you’re back in one piece.”
Griffin took in a deep breath, and then another.
And then another.
Boz scrubbed his hands over his jeans and his left knee started to bounce.
“Okay, I don’t really know how to say this, so I’m just gonna spit it out,” he said. “I found the empty bottle of whiskey under the kitchen sink this morning, and after you left tonight I went into the bathroom and found the bottle there on the counter and…” He bit his lip and leveled his gaze on Griffin. “Buddy, are you using again?”
Griffin’s vision darkened at the edges and his heart stuttered. He didn’t think it was possible, but more agony gushed up from that endless crater inside him.
Several months before, he had promised Boz he wouldn’t go near another pill or needle again. He had promised to try, to do better than before, and he had kept that promise. And now, because of a twisted desire to see Serena, no matter what his original motive had been, his best friend suspected him of falling off the wagon.
Griffin couldn’t really blame him.
“No,” he said, his voice hoarse. “No Boz, I’m not using again.”
Boz’s relief was tangible. He nodded, the tension ebbing from his face. “Good, okay,” he murmured. “That’s… I’m glad.”
“Did you…” Griffin faltered. “Does Lisa think…?”
“No,” Boz said. “No, I didn’t tell her. I won’t tell her.” He leaned back in his seat. “The only reason I asked was…” His stare shifted down to hands. “Was so I could cover for you if I needed to.”
Griffin felt like the luckiest man in the world, and the worst imaginable friend. He had been blessed with a friend as fiercely loyal as Boz, and that loyalty was being wasted on hiding his secrets.
He wanted to apologize for everything he’d put him through.
Instead, he whispered, “Thanks Boz.”
Boz nodded again and offered a smile. “Well now that I know you’re not dead in a ditch somewhere, I think I’m gonna crash.” He stood up and made his way towards the staircase, but stopped before he reached the banister. “I know everything that’s happened with Nikki and her friend… I know it’s a hard blow for you.” He waved his hand out in a short gesture at Griffin. “I know you, so I know you’re taking it personally, but you don’t have to handle it alone.” Tucking his hands into his front pockets, Boz sighed. “You carry the world on your shoulders Griff. Maybe you should let us help you with the burden.”
A beat of silence drummed between them and Griffin could only duck his head. With a somber twist of his mouth, Boz turned and disappeared up the stairs.
Griffin slumped forward, leaning into his thighs, and exhaled. Boz’s offer to help ease his load still lingered in the air, but Griffin had never felt heavier.
* * *
Nikki jackknifed up from the mattress, gulping for air and clawing at the comforter. Blind and gasping, she flung her hand out for the lamp next to the bed, and fumbled with the switch.
Her world became illuminated, and she sat up, rubbing her face. For a long time she could only stare at the stitching of the blanket where it marched in even paces along the length of the bed, and try to calm the base drumming of her heart.
The details of her nightmare faded back into the grey delirium of sleep, but her body still ached with its memory. She swallowed and immediately regretted the decision. Her throat scratched as if she was fighting off a terrible cold, and Nikki groaned at the possibility that, on top of everything else, she might be getting sick.
I guess that’s what happens when you have a breakdown in a rainstorm, she thought, raking her fingers through her still damp hair.
The idea of a cool glass of water was enough to propel her out of bed and into the hallway, and she vehemently ignored the way her joints went spongy under the pressure of walking. If she had to crawl on her hands and knees to get to the damn tap, she would.
Her bare feet squeaked on the hardwood when she pulled to a stop at the bottom of the stairs.
Griffin had dozed off, sitting at the kitchen table, with his head perched on his fist. A cup of stale coffee sat next to him, seemingly untouched.
She thought about abandoning her need for liquid and rushing back upstairs. She even glanced over her shoulder, wondering if she’d be able to make it without waking him. But there, in the orange glow of the light above the stove, Griffin looked soft, vulnerable even, and any concept she’d had of running away vanished.
Still, she didn’t want to disturb him. Padding around the table, she started for the cupboard.
Griffin’s head slid off his hand and he jerked awake with a startled noise. Jumping, Nikki whirled around and gasped, her hand flying to her throat.
“Oh my God,” she yelped.
“Wha-” Griffin blinked at her. “Nikki?”
“I’m so sorry,” she said, quieter. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
Rubbing his right eye, he shifted in his chair. “No, it’s okay,” he said, his voice rough. “I, uh…” He glanced around the room, as if remembering where he was. “I must’ve been dreaming.”
She wanted to ask about what, but it wasn’t her business. Hugging her arms across her torso, she shifted her weight from leg to leg, and the silence stretched on, reaching an uncomfortable peak.
“I just came down for a glass of water,” she blurted out.
Giving a hasty nod, Griffin said, “Oh, yeah. Sure.”
Nikki took that as her escape route, and made her way to the cabinet. She inhaled deeply, ready to sigh, but thought better of it. Filling her glass under the tap, she snuck a glance over her shoulder and frowned. Griffin sat with the illusion of comfort, but his whole body was rigid. He didn’t look at her- in fact he seemed to be making a pointed effort not to let his gaze cross her path.
Anger and guilt converged in her chest, bubbling up her throat. Shutting off the water, she turned and opened her mouth to release the verbal product of her emotions, when she noticed the small flinch tugging at Griffin’s profile and everything died on her tongue.
He had flinched.
He had anticipated a continuation of their screaming match in the parking lot, and he’d steeled himself to take whatever she would throw at him. He hadn’t prepared himself for a fight, he’d prepared for a lashing.
In the subtle shift between flinch and scowl, Nikki caught the ragged, wounded expression darkening his eyes and her heart slammed against her ribs.
The wet plop was almost too faint for her to hear… until a second one sounded and she blinked, glancing down at her glass. Waves rolled across the surface as something dark dripped into the water. Then she felt the trickle over her upper lip. She wiped at the mess, smearing her fingertips with something thicker than tears.
“Oh my…” She trailed off, staring at the dark stain of blood on her hand.
Griffin was out of his chair and standing in front of her in an instant.
“What happened?” He asked, taking the glass from her and setting it on the counter.
“Nothing,” she said, applying pressure to her nostril. “I was just standing here and then…” She gestured at her face.
Leaning past her, Griffin ripped several paper towels off the roll and lifted them to her nose. “Here,” he said. “Hold your head back.”
His touch was gentle as he tilted her chin up, holding the towels for her.
“How do you feel?” He asked, edging his thumb under her jaw to check her pulse. “Do you feel faint?”
Nikki shook her head as best as she could in his grasp. “No,” she said in a nasal tone that would have made her laugh if she wasn’t so freaked out. “I feel fine.”
It was a lie. She felt sick to her stomach, but it had nothing to do with the blood.
Griffin frowned, gaze skimming over her face but narrowly avoiding eye contact. “Are nose bleeds a regular thing for you?”
“Not really,” she said. “I got one about a week ago but I just thought it was because the air was dry since I’ve had to use my heater more.”
He gave an acknowledging tilt of his head but didn’t comment. Quiet swooped back around them as he cared for her, and Nikki registered just how close they were. Her back was pressed against the edge of the counter and Griffin’s chest was a solid wall, closing her in. Such proximity would usually make her anxious, but his demeanor was nothing but tender, and his warmth was comforting in a way she didn’t want to try to understand at four o’clock in the morning.
But his obvious refusal to look her in the eye was growing more and more irritating by the second. If he would just look at her, only for a second, she felt she might then have the courage to speak.
The bleeding had slowed, and Griffin cleared his throat, inching back. His hold on the side of her face slipped, and he went to pull his hand away.
Nikki’s fingers clasped around his palm, keeping him close. Surprised, he forgot his no-eye-contact rule, and his gaze found hers. The sensation of being unraveled and exposed washed through her, but she wasn’t deterred.
Inhaling a shaky breath, she stared up at Griffin.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “Griffin, I… I’m so sorry.”
More wetness ran down her cheeks, but this time she didn’t panic as tears welled over.
Confusion knitted his brows together. “For what?”
“I had no right to treat you the way I did,” she murmured, voice thick. “After everything you’ve done, for me to just turn on you…” The knot in her throat choked her, and she paused, closing her eyes.
“Hey, shh,” Griffin soothed. “It’s okay.”
“No,” she said, shaking her head. “No it’s not okay. You did nothing to deserve being treated like my punching bag. I shouldn’t have blamed you, and I never should have hit you.”
A shy grin played at his lips and he huffed out a laugh. “Well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but, I can take a beating.”
Nikki laughed in spite of herself, eyes flicking to the nearly healed cuts at Griffin’s temple. “Still,” she said, returning her stare to his. “You shouldn’t have had to take one more.”
His eyes glistened and she watched him blink away unshed tears.
“I don’t blame you. What you said-”
“Was inexcusable,” she cut in, tightening her grip on his hand.
Was true. He could feel the words behind his teeth, taste their edges and points. A flush spread over his skin as he realized just how badly he wanted to confess. To maybe show his wounds to someone who might not shame him for his scars.
Your mistakes led to her best friend being beaten unconscious, and you want her to kiss your boo-boo and make it all better? His inner self scoffed. She deserves better than you, and you know it.
His half formed admission scraped as he swallowed it back down.
“Can you forgive me?”
Griffin gaped, staring down at her. “What?” His voice sounded small in his own ears.
“For everything,” Nikki replied. “I know what happened wasn’t your fault. I attacked you because you were closest, and I hate myself for how cruel I was…” More tears fell from her lashes and Griffin thumbed them away.
“Shh, Nik, no,” he murmured. “You don’t need my forgiveness. You weren’t cruel, you were upset and scared. It’s okay.”
Nikki took a deep breath that made her lungs hurt. “I don’t understand how you’re not mad at me.”
“Because I know what it’s like to hurt so much you want to tear down the world.” Nikki was mesmerized by the glimpse of a battered soul she saw behind his eyes as he spoke.
Griffin’s thumbs were still stroking her cheeks, and in a hazy lapse in judgment she thought about leaning into him, about arching up and kissing away his ache. She watched him lick his lips, and wondered if he wanted that too, the idea of it making her pulse spike.
Shame rushed through her, replacing her desire with cold guilt. A few hours before she had been cursing him, and now after a tearful apology, she thought she could take something else from him? As if saying sorry made it okay. She had already used him as a whipping post; she wouldn’t use him as a pleasure release too.
Letting her hand fall from his, she took the soiled paper towels and balled them up in her fist. “Thank you,” she said, glancing up at him again.
Griffin nodded, slowly pulling his hands away from her face. His gaze dropped to the floor and he stepped back.
“You should get some rest,” he told her.
On shaky legs, Nikki started to walk towards the stairs in a daze. She missed his warmth already.
She whirled around, too hopeful to be cautious.
Griffin stepped closer and held out a fresh glass of water for her.
Looking up at him, she smiled and said, “Goodnight, Griffin.”
He waited until she was upstairs and heard her shut the door before he exhaled, wishing it was her he could still taste on his tongue.
0 notes
energeticwarrior · 7 years
concept: dan and phil at a drive-in movie. they're snuggled up in the back of a pickup truck, surrounded by blankets. the movie shines bright in the darkness and the light reflects off of their faces. tangled legs, intertwined fingers, and soft lips brushing across cheeks. the air is still and they're both at peace.
327 notes · View notes
energeticwarrior · 7 years
okay listen since the beginning of 2017 i’ve been sensing something really different about dnp and it’s been strangely just .. open. they seem more open to their audience and are allowing us to see more of their lives and it’s adorable ok. shameless flirting left and right i don’t think i’ve ever third wheeled this hard . they’re so much more touchy on camera and have included many things and aspects in their videos that most likely would’ve been cut a few years ago and it’s so endearing that they’d trust us and just continue doing what their doing and having no shame in showing the public how much love and adoration and respect they have for each other. most internet friendships don’t last very long but look at dnp over here defying the odds. very soon it’ll be 10 YEARS of dan and phil together and creating content with each other. you’re gonna come here and tell me that it’ll be 10 years of them being together almost all the time and they’re not in love? i hear all this talk about how they’re best friends so it should be okay blah blah i understand HOWEVER how many best guy friends do you see acting as loving as dan and phil?
tl;dr / dnp are in love and it’s making me emotional
971 notes · View notes
energeticwarrior · 7 years
no demon but dan and phil like to get wine drunk and giggle softly while cuddling and watching a cheesy romance movie
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energeticwarrior · 7 years
k can u give me evidence that phan is real I need it for science
oh boy here we go
ok not to dip into society’s norms for guys and everything but like .. how many best guy friends do you see live together for 5+ years and look at each other the way they do?? they have this chemistry that you don’t see really with other best friends and i personally think they’re together but if they’re not it’s totally chill like idc they’re happy the way things are right now but like.. 2009-2011 they were mostly internet based and it was so easy to just break that friendship bc it was mostly online. i know they saw each other often but like.. they met online and chatted for HOURS a day and no offense to internet friends but i feel like most internet friendships don’t last that long so they obviously had that connection. then they moved in together as roommates and stuff and that’s normal and all i get it. but like.. the tour and the books and the gaming channel…. you don’t just create something like That with someone else just to leave them for someone else in the future. you create those things to commemorate your time with that person and for it to live on as a legacy to honor the bond you had with that person and very soon it’ll be ten years of dan and phil (2019). also statistically, if a friendship lasts for 7+ years, it’ll last a lifetime. so ..
70 notes · View notes
energeticwarrior · 7 years
dan was excited for the tarot cards because he knew they’d be correct because they correctly predicted him coming into phil’s life and changing it forever and now they’re happy and in love :(
278 notes · View notes
energeticwarrior · 7 years
funny how of the billions of people in the world, the universe decided to bring dan and phil together. fate gave phil that specific cereal box with the prize camera, destiny brought dan to phil, and the universe just worked from there, and look at where they are now. damn.
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energeticwarrior · 7 years
don't imagine dan and phil in 2009 meeting for the first time. don't imagine how happy they were to finally be together. don't imagine dan being accepted into university of manchester and later realizing he could move in with phil. don't imagine how happy dan was to move in with phil and how happy phil was that his best friend was going to move in with him. don't imagine how happy they were when they got the opportunity to work for bbc and made the split second decision to move to london. don't imagine how afraid yet ecstatic they were to move to london to start a brand new chapter of their lives. don't imagine how often they'd think at night "damn, we made it" while on tour, staring into the sky on the way to their next destination. don't imagine how happy and shocked they were at the fact that they were selling out a show that the oscars were held in. don't imagine the days they went house hunting, looking for a new place to continue their lives. don't imagine the happiness filling them up when they both knew "this is the place". don't imagine them going through their things while they were packing and reminiscing over the past five years. don't imagine them looking back on the last five years of their lives and realizing how much they've changed. don't imagine them turning the key to their new home and finally starting the next chapter of their lives that they were waiting so long for. don't imagine it.
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