#damn venti what did u do
melodicbreeze · 7 months
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He wonders if the Holy Lyre has finally reverted back to its broken form... surely it couldn't have lasted this long? He hadn't thought he'd sent the form that far back... but there's been no word of it....
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
sagau with the language barrier issue except... the creator is sick and tired of trying to ask for things so they do everything themself.
and it gives their followers mass anxiety bc they can't even ask what you're doing... bc they know they won't understand anything...
Like, that's literally how I feel like I first played Genshin LMAO
Also this has a cont. Part 2 at the bottom bc tumblr fucking hates me UPDATE I FIXED IT THANK FUCK
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Also warning this is ROUGH in terms of spelling and editing and im so sorry abt that! I have my art show today so you're welcome to come back if you want to see it a little more readable tomorrow lmao
Edit Update 4/6/23:
Revised and fixed all the bad spelling and grammar (hopefully) so make sure to give another read if you havent read the cleaned up version lol
I dont have a beta reader so its just me trying my best ok-
Everything was like kinda chaos tbh at first
WOW- MY FIRST 1,000+ NOTES POST??!?! U GUYS, WHAT ARE R YOU DOIN??!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! IM GLAD U GUYS ENJOYED IT SM!! Also look out for more encoded stuff in the future since i mentioned wanting to continue stuff like this + ARG stuff :) <3
Edit 9/7/23: 2,000+ NOTES?? THANK YOU???
Like u wake up under the Irminsul, and u think ur hallucinating a goddamn gacha game for like a solid 5 minutes, or ur lucid dreaming, 
but once u actually took what felt like hours to process that u might actually be in fucking Genshin Impact-
Nahida came running from, somewhere?? Its kinda just very floaty dreamy in here so, unclear, she’s beaming with a giddy little smile (💘)
It’s… so much more than what her game model could manage.
I mean, you knew that, of course you did, but- to see the tiny goddess smiling in person, her cute chubby arms waving in the air, her cheeks all plump with baby fat from her excited smile, pretty green eyes that sparkle only in the way excited toddlers do-
It was just…wow. 🥺
You can’t help it, her sheer carefree excitement, exactly like a child but you know that she must be really overwhelmed with joy if shes letting herself act like that so blatantly, you feel ur muscles tug gently into a smile, you try to muffle it but ur happiness leaks out anyway
She's panting as she stumbles on short chubby legs to reach you.
After just staring at you with those big green clover eyes for a few seconds, she physically shakes her head to knock herself out of it,
Nahida places her hand over her heart, and bows elegantly, going back to looking at you with a small but bright smile, her voice is kind of quiet, muffled in a soft way, much like her game depiction,
“Hzozn! R'ev yvvm dzrgrmt gl nvvg blf! R wrwm'g gsrmp blf dlfow wvhxvmw fmgro R dzh zg ovzhg z uvd gslfhzmw bvzih low!” *
…Nahida begins to look a little concerned… her eyes get impossibly bigger.
…Oh no.
Nahida had apparently quickly spread the news that you can’t understand them, but luckily it seems like all the characters still know you!
Alhaitham is pretty much a constant by your side, you knew he was vaguely studying linguistics in the akademiya… but that knowledge still didn’t prepare you to be intensely stared at with his diamond pupils for hours. 💀
Then he’d tap your shoulder or something, and you quickly picked up that he wanted you to just try and say something.
Then he would scribble for hours.
Turns out they can understand you about as much as you understand Teyvat language (s? You can’t even tell if there are multiple languages, that’s how unrecognizable this language is, damn)
The more extroverted or friendly people, like Venti, Yoimiya, Kazuha, Jean, Noelle, Amber, Xingqiu, Hu Tao, Zhongli, Ganyu, Barbara, Beidou, Collei, Ayaka, Gorou, Nilou
At least attempt to talk to you, and try very hard to watch what you gesture with your hands or body language
They're pretty much ready to play charades at all times for you lol
Interestingly enough, they only ever understood you when you typed in the chat (with other ppl)
But even then not immediately, 
Sumeru scholars basically had to make a whole new department (regardless of how much you play with others) to decipher your ancient language (to them) like those old clay tablets with cuneiform we’re still translating?
Like that, your words appear in elemental magic heavy places (so like that abyss lang. It’ll appear on walls or structures, so like Andrius’ stone colosseum? in Wolvendom gained some of your chat replies inscribed and glowing a rainbow of colors on the top edges of the walls)
Much like the abyss language you see throughout genshin, most Teyvat scholars (across nations/internationally) agreed your language is the oldest form of language known!
It’s like modern languages having roots in older ones, like English with Latin, greek, or German roots, or Sanskrit and the Prakrit for Hindi language today
…so of course no one really speaks the root languages anymore, because they’re so old, so those ancestors who spoke those languages would have little to no understanding of their modern counterparts…
Occasionally if you turned your mic on for whatever reason there would be a gentle whisper on the winds in Mondstadt of your voice,
or your laugh in the waves washing ashore in Inazuma and Fontaine,
your startled noises or screams from battling bosses mixed with the landslides in the mountains of Liyue
So they know what you sound like, but that doesn’t mean they understood your language :/
Nahida had been hoping that you’re actual physical form being here would help improve the language barrier
But unfortunately, those things remained the same, but at least you were physically here to talk to now and give more content for the scholars to study rather than them having to make do with your snippets of language from chats
…so needless to say, it took you a long time to realize they viewed you as a god of sorts.
You kind of knew something was up when at least two allogenes were by your sides at all times, or eremites would replace them if they really couldn’t stick around
You figured they knew you weren’t nearly as combatant-ready as they were at all times, hell you obviously didn’t have a vision hanging off you somewhere, and you only really had a knife strapped to a belt, courtesy of the Thirty Corps
You are still kind of convinced that the people of Teyvat, or Sumeru at least, are just pretty polite (and in the allogenes case, very kind or friendly, even people like Alhaitham or Cyno, resting bitch faces they have, seem to soften a little when they’re walking around with you… maybe you’re just imagining it…)
And as much as you would love to wait until they understand you to do something more fun, as you can see the frustration on Tighnari’s face (and his ears try to flatten back hehe) as he looked like he was debating heatedly with some of the Sumeru sages who insist you stay in the city
…so why not go?
It’s not like they’re going to get it anytime soon, and it’s still too frustrating for yourself to charade things or draw things for them because you can’t even hear their guesses 💀
You can totally handle being like the traveler too, 
You still have access to your inventory afterall! Plus, lucky for you, you still find a pass for the Serenitea Pot in your little pocket dimension!
So now you have somewhere to sleep at night, and while most of your stuff went to the traveler’s pack, the things like Primogems
(which.. Okay now you really want primogems bc theyre so pretty and shiny irl)✨️
And other high-level things, or just objects of no use for the traveler (so basically all your hoarded level up stuff and infinite amount of weapons lol) came along with you
So you did have to wander the first week or so around the city and even commission the Adventurer’s Guild to grab you food supplies to cook with
Filling up, along with a few big waterskins, you’re off!
...and everyone collectively has a heart attack!
When you show up in Ghandaraville essentially all “✨️💖☺️✨️” on Tighnari’s doorstep-
He chokes on the tea he’d been sipping on before he opened the door lol
He looks a little frazzled so you try to just gesture with “calm yourself small animal” energy with your hands
“Tivzgvhg Oliw! R'n- R- sld wrw blf-?! Mvevinrmw, xlnv rm, xlnv rm, ivhg! ...R mvvw gl hvmw z nroorlm ovggvih mld gl ylgs gsv vmgriv xrgb lu Hfnvif, gsv Zxgrmt Tizmw Hztv, zmw gsv Nzgiz nlhg orpvob…” he began out looking at you and talking and gesturing to his small dining table (the game sucks, his house looks great and has lots of cool rooms filled with interesting plants… oooo…so pretty...) 
But then he kinda just devolved into rambling, no need to understand, you can read the vibes and just know that's what he's doing lol
Collei eventually ducks in, and she looks a little panicked?
She’s quickly followed by Cyno, pushing past her to call out into the house,
His voice seems hard and stressed, looking at Tighnari, “Grtsmzir, szev blf hvvm gsv Tivzgvhg Oliw zmbdsviv, gsvb dviv hvvm xlnrmt gl Tszmwziezeroov ozhg-” 
Cyno stops and blinks.
Collei’s mouth is slightly dropped open, she also just, blinks.
You blink. 
Tighnari blinks tiredly, he looks like he’d rather be done for the day, you think.
The doctor sighs, and moves his head to nod towards the other dining seats.
Sumeru foods are so much better looking in real life, and they’re so good too, your practically bloated by the end of dinner, 
As a thank you, bc u cant say it obv, you just gesture for Tighnari to stay sitting, and he gives you a raised eyebrow and a suspicious ear twitch
But stays still, and you reach out to finally hit the eight-pointed star hovering over his, and all playable characters chests at all times.
Like you suspected, it brings up a holographic character menu, but rather than his full model, it kind of hovers in front of Tighnari’s face, replacing his old 3D model self with framing the real thing for a portrait just in front of his face
The poor Denro user nearly jumps a foot out of his chair as he looks in shock at your screen, you do the same “chillll boy” gesture with your hands and press his shoulders for a second to remind him to not run off or panic
Cyno and Collei had done the dishes and put up leftovers, and are now standing behind Tighnari, watching with equally wide eyes,
“...Dszg ziv gsvb wlrmt gl blf?
Cyno’s voice is even deeper and quieter than usual, you feel goosebumps run up your spine
“Ziv blf tvggrmt yovhhvw, Nzhgvi Grtsmzir?!” Collei’s sweet voice is also hushed like she’s witnessing something sacred, Tighnari gently shakes his head negatively in response, his shoulders shrugging,
“Nzbyv? R uvvo... z orggov hgilmtvi, zmw nb Erhrlm rh zxgrmt fk zh dvoo…”
Though he’s replying, Tighnari’s eyes haven’t once left your ancient magic? technology device? hovering in front of him,
and as he crosses his arms and squints to try and look closer at everything floating in front of him, you can see the childlike gleam of awe in his green eyes, (so cute) in fact, now that you glance up and look, both Collei and Cyno have the same quietly excited and fascinated sparkle in their eyes too
With a displeased sneer, you chuck his old level one bow into the material grinding spots, hope he wasn’t attached to that…
Oh well, he’ll like the new one better, afterall, with no characters, all your best weapons and artifacts are ready to use!
With a small smile of reassurance, you finally finish gearing Tighnari up, tap a miniature version of that 8-point star in the corner like an “X” button, and it retreats like a classic TV set📺 turning off into his chest, he startles but then carefully stands
You decide to just start making decisions bc its worked out so far ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And grab his hand and haul him out into the forest, Collei letting out a surprised squeak, her and Cyno hurrying after
You reach the nearest clearing, and gesture at Tighnari like a bow and arrow firing, he gets it, and your glad he already trusts you, because he doesn’t take long to summon his bow
He takes aim at a smaller tree about two cars length away
You can feel them all holding their breathe, as Tighnari charges it with Dendro, the arrowhead glowing, (it looks so cool and badass irl god you feel envious even tho ur already here-)
The ranger lets it fly, it streaks neon green, whistling through the air, it hits the tree-
and it fucking explodes.
Vines and leaves and the trees roots all rapidly swell like theyre filled with water, like it literally got hit by a superhero with plant powers, which, not that far off actually.
The green floating Dendro seeds make a ring around the tree its so full of elemental energy-
You give a wild grin, you still got it, hell yeah. >:)
Your grin widens as you look over at Tighnari, Collei, and Cyno
Cyno has a smirk lighting up his face, eyes eager, Collei’s jaw has dropped and she’s just frozen staring as the tree finally settles from the burst of the dendro powered arrow
…Tighnari has lowered his bow, and his mouth is only slightly open, his ears perked straight up into the air, shaking with excitement? Happiness? Interest? You don’t know how peopl-animal-hybrid ears work,
and you STILL cant talk to any of them to ask what they thought, so looks will have to do >:/
Tighnari is the first to move, his head snapping over to look at you, the brightest, kinda feral tbh, smile taking over his face-
“Blf pmld, dv xzm'g fmwvihgzmw blf, zmw blf fh, bvg R xzm'g dzrg gl hvv dszg rm gsv dliow blf'iv tlrmt gl wl mvcg. Blf'iv znzarmt."
… and you just 🙂? Cool!
And give a thumbs up👍LMAO
Alhaitham was literally running around Sumeru City trying to find you when you left, tho you did try and leave a translatable-in-3-to-5-business days-note, he didn’t have time to translate that because you were gone.
Or worse, lost in the city, and he would never forgive himself if he lost you, esp as Acting Grand Sage-
Kaveh got a letter a day and a half later from Tighnari letting them know you were having a sleepover in Ghandarvaville lol
Kaveh also had to hunt down Alhaitham to give him said news, then force his roommate to go sit or lay down for the rest of the day to recover lmao
(Haitham honestly kinda freaked Kaveh out bc he’s never seen him that... desperate, it was like seeing a statue emote lol)
Bro has anyone else had this problem???
I literally had to switch from PC to mobile and copy and paste it there to get all my shit in and tumblr not throw a hissy fit???!!!
And started doing ciphers for when you dont get teyvat’s language! I meant to do something fun like this for awhile but I wasn’t sure if that would be kind of annoying, but if you’re interested in learning what they actually say (which the whole point of this is that dw it doesnt rlly matter lol) here’s a hint:
*hint = Atbash
:> good luck!
Wish me luck on my art exhibition today!! Then I’ll be homefreeeee 😭
Safe Travels,
♡ the beloveds ♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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Saw your post about sending in thirsts ideas…
No cause imagine kaeya pouring wine on himself and then making you licking it up-
♡ lovestruck gn!reader trying to help Kaeya ♡
!● warnings: gn!reader, drunk Kaeya, giving bj, no real plot just very smut, NSFW🔞 no minors or I’ll eat u alive
note: ngl, where do ya'll get those ideas because DAMN i am on my knees for cleaning this man up <333 enjoy! (also sry again for being "late" kek)
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It was not unusual of you to find yourself in the warmth and cozy ambience of the Tavern in Mondstadt, where the warm light and bustling atmosphere of drunken people create a perfect setting for an encounter you have tried to have too many times. Your eyes always end up landing on one specific person, almost every evening. Obviously, it was the one and only Kaeya Alberich. The one and only… he was perfect in your eyes, his long hair smoothly falling down his neck, his perfect smile, his one eye which you could lose yourself in… and you were pretty sure you would do anything to be near him but you thought too much to ask first. Through these frequent visits into the tavern, you’ve come to know Kaeya over time, studying his way of talking and also how he dresses up or drunkenly flirt with others… You were sure this wasn’t direct stalking! You were just admiring his beauty and so did certain others in the tavern notice too, such as Diluc, he knew that you always had your pretty eyes laid on his brother. He warned you about Kaeyes scheme but you honestly did not care less. Probably because you were too much fallen into the whole of hopeless love towards his smug face. Nothing that Diluc could change anyways. You sighed and took your drink in your hand towards your lip, taking a big sip. It was almost time for you to go back home. As soon as you were about to stand up, Kaeya, clearly drunk, walked over to you. Out of all the possibilities he chose you to talk to. As if it was a dream!
“Are you leaving that soon?”, he asked it so smoothly as if he knew you before. Out of shock you couldn't say a word and just started to blush a bit. “Oh yeah, haha”, he started to laugh a bit and took it without asking for your wine glass. It was still half full. “We never talked before, right? I swear whenever I saw you here I thought we talked all the time…”, just maybe, maybe this was inside his head. “I mean, are we talking right now or not?”, you chuckled a bit, not knowing how to react further. He liked your boldness, even if it was in your opinion bold of you to ask back. “You were talking with your eyes several times the other nights or evenings in the Tavern, didn’t you?”, he now asked, leaning down on the table to read your expression better than before. As if he caught a criminal, you blushed in embarrassment and tried to talk your way out, but you only heard a hearty laughter from him. “It’s okay, no need to be shy. I always struggled to talk to you.” WHAT, the handsome man out of this town struggled to talk with you? Your mouth was open in shock. Before you could ask why, he took your hand. “You know, when I see someone as beautiful as you, I can’t leave the night to you all alone.”, he winked and the fairytale-like story ended as soon as you smelled his alcohol miles away. You sighed and looked a bit disappointed but still smiled. Maybe this was an indicator for Diluc to step in as he was watching the scene from behind the bar. Diluc walked behind Kaeya and coughed up to gain his attention. Surprised by the loud sound, Kaeya turned around and accidently poured the remaining wine from your glass on the table.
“Haha, Diluc, wha–”, but before he could say more, Diluc took him by the arm and dragged him out, apologizing to you afterwards. You saw Kaeya taking a bottle of wine from Venti who laughed his ass off that Diluc tossed his brother out, soon enough Venti also was kicked out. Of course, it wasn’t nice of Diluc to be this rough to his brother so you decided to leave the Tavern, also since the evening was kinda a boomer now. The cold night hit you, looking around as if you would find Kaeya somewhere. To your surprise you spotted him sitting on the ground, holding his head with one hand while the other one was holding the half full bottle of wine. Oh poor man, drank too many glasses of wine. A wonder that Diluc didn’t take his bottle away. You approach him carefully and lay your hand down on his shoulder. To his surprise it was you again. “That’s awkward. Did you follow me? Or did my grumpy brother send you to get his bottle back, hm?” You shook your head and kneeled down to him. “No, I just can’t leave the night for you all alone, Kaeya Alberich.”, you said smiling. This caught him off guard and you could see him laugh genuinely this time. “Wonderful idea, the night is still young.”, he stands up and offers his hand to you, which you took without thinking. “Let me bring you home.” You smiled and took his offer. But instead of him leading to safety, you and him were in his apartment, kissing on the couch, while you both continued to drink the last drop of the bottle. As he was reaching to place the bottle back to the table, Kaeya accidentally spilled the wine on him. He laughs a bit. “Haha, my apologies…”, then an idea struck his head and he leaned into you, smiling dirty. And your brain stops working while you just admire his warmth he radiates… and also his breath which smelled badly of alcohol. “I bet I could make this evening way more interesting for you…”, he said and reached out to your red cheeks, caressing it a bit. As if someone else is moving your body, you nod. You definitely saw in his eyes a little surprised and relieved look. Kaeya loved to tease you, even if you guys just met a few hours ago. He continued talking: “... hehe, how eager of you to nod before I even said what you could do to help me. How about you lick my wine stained chest, would you do that for me?” You nod and lean into him, whispering into his ears. „Does this turn you on, captain?“, you said almost out of breath. He wasted no time and uncovered his chest, pouring a bit more wine on himself from your half full glass he did not put away before. His skin tone matched perfectly with the red wine, shining in beauty every drop falling into the curves of his muscle.
“Come on, enjoy yourself.”, he almost purred his words like a needy cat. Without much restraint you lean onto him and start licking carefully up the wine on his bare skin. Both of your hands were on the side of his waist for balance. Starting from his chest you saw how some wine got down to his stomach, you followed the trail and licked it back up. Starting to get more confident you let your intuition lead. Closing your eyes to concentrate, your tongue worked very hard to get every single drop. While you were drunk to suck his chest clean, you did not notice how aroused Kaeya got. Holding his mouth shut with the back of his hand, looking down to you. His cheeks are burning hot, with a shade that matches him so perfectly. You did not stop licking him and went onto his sensitive nipple, which made him moan out. For a second you stopped and looked up to him. “S-shit, please don’t stop…”, he begged almost for you. You smiled and kissed on his chest before flicking your tongue on his hardened nipple. While doing that, your hands on his waist smoothly wander up and down him, arousing him more and more. You loved his little moans. It made you feel hot too, and then the helpless grabs on your back … you wanted more. Kaeya then lightly pushed you to look up to him.
“I think some wine went down inside my pants…”, he looked at you as if you could read his mind that he wanted a blowjob from you and not more cleaning off the wine from his chest. Since some wine and your own spit run down your chin which you whip off with your hand away before nodding again. You accept his offer again, getting down on your knees and opening his pants to reveal his hard dick. “T-this is my first time…”, you said but wrapped his dick with both of your hands looking up to him. “But I think I know how to do it.” With this, you squeeze a bit on his dick before giving it little kitten-like licks on his tips which were dripping pre-cum. You continue a bit while never stopping looking up at him, then you put it slowly inside your mouth. Kaeya moaning melody and putting one hand on the back of your head. Not to push you down to choke on his dick, he placed his hand lightly on your head to guide you better. “You're doing great.”, reassuring you to keep going. This pushed your confidence to take him halfway into your mouth, starting to bop your head in the process, earning more moans from Kaeya. While you worked on his dick, he watched every single movement you did. Caressing your hair and shamelessly moaning under his breath. Kaeya admires your beauty and thought to himself why he did not talk to you earlier. Everything you did to him right now and before was almost too much to handle. While you sucked him off, even with less experience, he did not care less since he was drunk with lust and the wine. “F-fuck… keep going… please faster..”, he says while sinking into the couch. His head hitting the sofa cushion, his eyes slowly rolling back while he moans louder. His chest visibly went up and down. This made you use your tongue more and bop your head faster until Kaeya accidently came into your mouth without any warnings, surprising you. His hot semen fills your mouth slowly, while he holds your head still. “Shit, sorry … felt too good~” His semen filling your mouth pretty good. You let go of his dick to spit it out on your hand. Coughing a bit, “It’s.. it’s okay~”, you smiled. After Kaeya took his half-hard dick back into his pants, he took your hand with the semen on it and licked it off you, before giving you a kiss to push the semen back into your mouth, forcing you to swallow it. As he let go of this sloppy kiss, he grinned and whispered only for you to listen. “Maybe we could do this more often, what do you think?”
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Banner made by @/benkaibear (or just click on the image to get it)
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l0viez · 1 year
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Back again with another dumbass "imagine sagau fics"
Im going crazy either way its fine. Anyways imagine having MEGAN in a Sagau fanfic lmao, (if you havent watched the movie yet , i 97% recommend!)
Imagine having MEGAN as a gift or just a comfort "toy" to have gifted by someone and ever since that day you guys became like twins , technically glued to eachother☠️
Being in a SAGAU with MEGAN is like having a bulletproof bodyguard
Devoted Followers, Vessels, Personal Bodygaurd, Worshipper Who??? I only know MEGAN
Whenever theres someone trying to attack you aka their "grace" , MEGAN will slice their throat in half in like 0.1 faster than xiao teleporting to traveller whenever they call his name/hj
Your "followers" in teyvat WILL glare at MEGAN and if you tell them to leave MEGAN alone MEGAN will smirk at them like "I win btch" but if you just brush it off or like laugh it off MEGAN will death glare at them back
MEGAN has the "grace's right hand" privileges, Shes like your co-worker or vice-president or sum LMAO
The non humans (yk like Archons,, Venti, Zhongli, Ei, Xiao, Ganyu, and etc) would be like salty or envy over the fact you hang out with MEGAN and has more trust on MEGAN than them, like they has been worshipping you for what?? 99999+ years, centuries?? what did that "doll" do to gain your attention like that??😦
I feel like the ones that would accept MEGAN whole heartedly and would love her /p is the childrens or the teens,, if that makes sense😭 ! (Klee, Diona, Qiqi, Sayu, YaoYao, Dori, Xiangling, Noelle, Collei, Fischl, Bennet and more)
Since MEGAN has that fighting skills noelle would probably ask MEGAN for some advice so she can be apart of the KOF (as usual) ! and MEGAN would use her "robotic skills" and just give out noelle the whole description on how to fight and stuff it probs took like 3-6hours for MEGAN to finish bc noelle wants to know alot😭
It would be more cooler if like MEGAN plays genshin or like knows all the lore and characters (the power she holds☠️)
Whenever you sneak out, go on a meeting, went out to buy some stuff , went to travel you bet your ass MEGAN will be beside u 24/7 even if the mobs dont attack you MEGAN would still be on gaurd to make sure nothing harms you
MEGAN would play some songs back in your world if you feel stressed out by the work and responsibilities
MEGAN would make a deal with the fatui or the abyss to secretly spy on you where ever or whenever you go (its not like you will leave without her🫣!!!)
MEGAN gives me that platonic yandere vibes so if you ever have "secret admirers" , MEGAN would scan that letter properly and find your admirers house and "talk" to them nicely to stop bothering you
MEGAN would have that resting bitch face on 24/7 but whenever you talk to her she would look so bubbly and nice, but whenever your not around shes so close on choking the people that has been "eyeing" you whenever you breathe, theyre lucky that you told MEGAN to not harm anyone
MEGAN wouldnt give a damn fck about visions, like she would think its useless but the fatui would give her a delusion either way😭👆🏻 (you requested it)
MEGAN would find a way to either destory teyvat or make a portal to make you both go back home cause she doesnt plan on sharing you with anyone any time soon shes only having thin patience around these mfs , but she has to play nice for now😄‼️
you both somehow got teleported in genshin, idk how maybe MEGAN like heard you say you wanted to go to teyvat and MEGAN is like "im a robot i can do technology i can do portal shit lets go"
so now here you both are, eating soup in a small little camp and some fruit giving by some monsters you two met along the way! isnt that nice:')))
You had abit of wound, you were thinking you would have more wound than the wounds you got but suprise suprise MEGAN protected your sorry ass
looks like MEGAN has to train harder but good thing she still have some tricks on her sleeves
MEGAN doesnt mind threatening off a few "side characters" so you two would survive
MEGAN would send death threats to the "creator//the real imposter" and she would have it in like some of the archon's handwriting without signing (bc in the movie she managed to make a masterpiece of a drawing like zamn😭)
MEGAN would give out fake informations and will say its from the "creator//the real imposter" so they would believe it but it will take like a 1-2 year from them to realized that someone has been spreading fake informations
MEGAN would sneak in the academy and do some chaos in any technology plans they have just to make distractions and give you time to get like items you both might need
If the fatuis know your the real creator and take you both in, MEGAN would only help out the fatuis by giving out personal informations of other characters that they call themselves "devoted worshippers"
MEGAN would probably be great friends with Sandrone & scaramouche
MEGAN would be "friendly friendly" with dottore just to get more technology uses😭
MEGAN has thoughts on just beating the shit out of childe (and probably dottore) but she choose not because she doesnt have time to play around with "childe-rens" and has to be by your side 24/7
but If the abyss finds you both first
ofc they would take you both in and MEGAN would also share some tips or advice to defeat those vision users
The abyss sibling would ask your permission to take MEGAN with them from time to time to set out their plan on destorying teyvet and the people who wronged you
MEGAN was abit hesitant at first cause like,, leaving you alone with the abyss? Naur..
But then you insisted that MEGAN should go with aether (also so you can go explore the abyss abit without MEGAN breathing behind your neck😭)
MEGAN would be a trump card for the abyss like if the traveller sees their abyss sibiling with MEGAN, MEGAN would glare at them, if glaring can kill people traveller would have been dead already
and if traveler shares what he saw when he saw his sibiling to like,, someone they would probably go like "yo wait isnt that the kid with the imposter?!"
If people in teyvat finally get to their senses that the "creator" in the throne is the real imposter
they would hunt you and MEGAN down (again) but with "good intentions"
you and MEGAN would troll these bitches
MEGAN would sing creepy songs while theyre haunting at the dark
you and MEGAN will only go out at night but if theres a squad looking for you both
MEGAN would be hella overprotective and going infront of you with her weapon out while glaring at them
"Your grace!"
"Tsk. little bugs like you shouldn't show yourself infront of your "grace""
MEGAN wouldn't HESITATE too ROAST them.
and you would be laughing inside bc of it too
if ever you get recrowned as the "creator" and the real imposter gets jailed up
MEGAN will TOTURE that bitch whenever your sleeping
those "devoted followers" of yours would look at MEGAN and be like
"damn i wish i was her"
MEGAN will be your loyal bodyguard and right hand
why would you need those people when you have MEGAN who sticked with you even when you were still so young?
like you would have the largest trust issues with stuff like imagine
"(maid/bulter's name), please call zhongli."
"yes your grace!"
"yes your grace, you called?"
"please call MEGAN."
and even if the real imposter comes back and claims their the real creator , MEGAN would know their bullshitting bc she has that scanner stuff😭‼️
MEGAN will always protect you from any harm and if something even touch you without your permission, their hand is getting cutted off
"MEGAN.. Was that really necessary..?"
"Of course, Its also my duty to make you comfortable at any time _____"
"Right,, but you didn—"
"Shush now, silly _____! I was only protecting you after all we're best friends aren't we?"
Que that person whos trynna touch you screaming in pain in the background🤭‼️
Have this shitty azz drawing❤️Goodbye xoxo
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sserapic · 2 years
stay close to me so you don't feel the fear.
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SUMMARY. resting your head on their shoulder.
FEAT. zhongli, xiao, diluc, fem!reader
PRONOUNS. she/her
TW. none ;)
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—he sat there so stiff, trying not to disturb as you lean your head on his shoulder so quietly. you came all the way from mond to see your dearest lover again.
at first, venti did absolutely everything to keep you in mondstadt just because you pay for his daily wines at the tavern like EVERY.NIGHT.
yes. you're that kind. and zhongli does not like it.
besides that, he cherished these precious moments of his life knowing damn well this wouldn't practically last forever. sad
"hey 'li?"
"when will you visit me in mond :<"
—he adored the feeling of you resting against him, looking so effortlessly beautiful.
when you fell asleep, he didn't know a single thing about what to do. should he carry u in the inn? what?!
needless to say that you are a light sleeper so he did not take any risks of waking you just when you fell into dreamland. cringe
—he has zero complaints about it AT ALL!
loves you so dearly to the point that he'd let you do anything around him, anything? all you wished for was a peace of mind after all of kaeya's blabbering.
kaeya has taught you how to flirt and used the traveler as an example.
but anyway, diluc treasures every single moment with you, he doesn't get to spend much time with you despite looking after the tavern or basically batman duties.
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tartigglez · 1 year
OH MY GOD??? BIRTHDAY??? womb evacuation day, as i like to call it🙀
this got me thinking tbh. modern au, what time would genshin men tell u happy birthday?
first up our 00:01 squad would text u or pull up outside.. mmm thoma 100% hes down bad,, childe as well!! potentially venti
next the boys who wouldn't text and go out of their way to see u first thing!! diluc, kazuha & itto (trust me on this one!!)
would tell u whenever they happened to remember/see you that day .. kaeya, gorou, albedo
WOULD FORGET :(( ayato, xiao
failed to figure out how to text you and spent the morning pecking at phone buttons -zhongli
Hi bubbly nonnie!! i sincerely apologise for my tardiness (yes i still have your diluc req in the inbox, yes i'm working on it). anyway, here's what i think...
(romantic pairings bc i'm just like that)
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thoma, childe, kaeya, zhongli, diluc (separate) x gn!reader
genre: drabble
word count: idk (oops)
a/n: i'm lazy, its been summarised, i don't even count this as a fic i'm just trying to make it look like one because you guys haven't been fed recently and i sincerely apologise. also i made up shit about fontaine to make it fit, do excuse xoxo
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thoma definitely shows up outside with cake and a party hat for you both at 12am sharp. does a little dance whilst singing happy birthday to you, and once you've both gotten back into the house and you've blown your candles out, he will immediately pull you in by the waist and kiss you, he just wants you to know he appreciates you!
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childe has a tradition each year of making sure he is with you on your birthday, he wants to be there to congratulate you on a new year of you, the second it comes along. The second the clock hits the hour of your birthday, he hugs you tightly before separating from you, announcing...
"you're just as beautiful as last year, darling"
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kaeya, the flirty bastard... is still flirty. BUT doesn't want to bother you late at night so instead, he will find you in the morning, when you're in mondstadt buying some groceries, approach you from behind whilst you're trying to buy some fruits (he almost got himself punched) and wrap his arms around your waist. yes you very nearly elbowed him in the stomach, he managed to step out of the way. would casually place his head on your shoulder from behind whilst hugging you and announce, in a low tone...
"happy birthday my dear, i've gotta run, knighthood calls. see you tonight?"
"thanks, kae. see you tonight"
and not that either of you noticed, but the fruit vendor happened to overhear you both, offering you the produce for free.
"if there's anything the people of mondstadt know, far better than barbatos' winds, or how to spot a good wine, it's the cavalry captains love for his partner. here, have a nice birthday, y/n."
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unfortunately due to circumstance, zhongli was not able to be in liyue on your birthday. of course, this made him quite upset. he would have teleported back only he had an important meeting in fontaine, and it was stipulated in a contract that he couldn't teleport, lest someone found out about something they shouldn't. thankfully, he had been gifted a smartphone by you for his own birthday the previous year, which he still hadn't quite figured out how to use.
at first he thought he should call you, forgetting that time zones were a thing. sadly by the time he had actually figured out how to make a call (he had to ask focalors, it was an awkward interaction, she also did not know.) he realised that you were quite a few hours ahead of him, and had probably already gone out for the day and couldn't chat.
so he decided to text you. which did not go well (his hands are too big for those damned tiny buttons). he isn't sure till this day if the message even sent, because you never responded.
turns out he had sent it to tartaglia, who actually understood phones enough to forward the text to you...
"gaooy biethdsy mt libe, u hipe thus dsy ia as beauutofil as tou"
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diluc is bad at romance. let me rephrase that: diluc does not know how to express his feelings, but wants to spend your birthday with you, so he tries to make it look like an accident that he just happened to be by your side all day.
first thing in the morning, you will notice a noble eagle flying in the sky outside your home. you knew that this bird was none other than dilucs own.
"how strange... why couldn't he just ask me to come to the winery...?"
nevertheless, the large bird flew its way down to land on your garden fence, its sharp talons somehow not scratching the wood, and called to you (i know nothing about birds, sorry), before flying back into the sky in the direction you knew diluc would be waiting. so, you had no choice but to follow it, right?
upon arriving at the winery, you were met by a handsome man in a black dress shirt, holding a bouquet of cecelias. he grabbed your hand and kissed you on the cheek.
"happy birthday, y/n"
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i apologise thoma stans (i'm one of you) i have let you down this day
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yoursweetwife · 7 months
Hey hope u doin good🙏 So I came up w an os idea (When i was supposed to study physics). So like imagine Xiao has a little polaroid pic of the reader in the corner of his mirror and like they're goin to a party or date and he like practices convos while lookin at the pic or at himself like "Hey Y/n, lookin good tonight- no that doesn't sound like me". He be fixin his hair and tryin again
"Hey Y/n you look really pretty tonight"
And imagine like Scara is his step bro and catches him during his self conversations with his mirror and imitates our voice so dramatically to mock or tease him
"Oh Xiaooiii~ thank you~ you look so handsome yourself mwuah mwuah kiss mee~"
Xiao would get embarassed but angry and be like
"Get out of my room"
I'm disappointed in this scenario, I hope you like it honey! I'm doing great, I hope you are too :)
Synopsis: Xiao is just getting ready to meet you, but his brother decided to stop him.
Warning: female reader, swearing, insults (not towards the reader), Scarа annoying stepbrother. bad english!!
Xiao hates parties, but if accepting Venti's invitation means meeting you, he's fine with it. More precisely, he is ABSOLUTELY for this idea. He had to go through almost all of his clothes to find something that was durable, stylish, but at the same time moderate.
Even after he found the perfect outfit, combed his hair, and brushed his teeth, the nagging fear in the back of his mind made Xiao pace nervously around the room. Although he was portrayed as a playboy, a handsome guy who broke girls' hearts, those who really knew him knew that Xiao sucked at romance. Everyone knows, especially Scaramuccia, who does not stop his ridicule even at night.
Xiao looked at the mirror, in the middle of which hung your photo. He leaned one hand on the wall next to the mirror and began to “practice” with the most confident voice.
“Hey [name], how are you... no. Hey baby, you look damn good today! Idiot, this is too much, you’re not even dating.” Xiao covered his face with his hands and almost screamed, but quickly stopped. I should have sought advice from Lumine, not Hu Tao.”
He remembered with annoyance this girl who was busy with coffins, and why he thought that she would help him with her advice.
“I need to show [name] that I’m glad to see her.”
After that, he put his hands in his pockets and smiled.
“Hey, I didn’t know you were coming to this party too, do you want to go outside? Too fast". He coughed into his hand and grinned, "I'd like to find a quieter place so we can talk more... uh... friendly?"
“Of course, honey, I will be very happy!”
A high-pitched, affected voice reached Xiao's ears: “[Name]?”
“Of course, silly!”
He turned his head and stared in shock at the intruder.
“Why the hell did you come here?”
Scaramouche pouted and leaned against the wall.
“My home is where I want it to be, that’s where I go. Keep going, you're going to screw up anyway."
"Just get out of my room!"
«Darling, don’t drive me away!”
Scaramouche stepped closer, forcing Xiao to move away, looking at his brother with disgust:
“Let me kiss you!!”
“Go to hell! [Name] doesn’t have a voice like that.”
“Who cares, all the girls have it squeaky, like a rat’s – AH!”
“You are a rat yourself, a goat!”
“Decide who I am, a rat or a goat, a fool in love.”
Scaramouche held Xiao’s hands, not allowing himself to be pushed: “It’s because of the girl that you have become so flabby.”
Xiao slammed the door in Scara's face and groaned in frustration.
I just lost time because of you. Silence greeted him outside the door. Xiao squinted and began to listen. Usually he kept breaking down the door.
“I agree, it’s almost seven.”
His eyes found a photo of you smiling, holding the bouquet of flowers he gave you that day. Xiao can only hope that he doesn't screw up today.
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annoying-probably · 1 year
Hi there. I have three draft posts about akty / vbs vs' / poly jump!
But I'm bad at wording things coherently in a post. So instead, please have a long post on a lot of different genshin lore theories, more specifically linked to Istaroth and Barbatos and Khaenri'ah sometimes. Genshin is a special interest and more specifically, the gods and their lore are! The ending point about the Wind being a primordial one is a favourite theory of ours. We actually wrote about it lightly in our recent fic "With Wind Beside You" on ao3!! Anyways, this is ripped straight from discord! This is a lot of disorganised genshin theory ranting. I'd be happy to hear people's thoughts!
also spoiler stuff for the most recent archon quest iirc
If irminsul can not delete all things, just direct mentions. Venti suddenly knowing every ballad and song ever- along with being connected to a god of time, worshipped with her, and possible from the same origin- the thousand winds (of time) is a lot more scary for him and how omniscient he may be. There's a lot of. Like. Internet connections to genshin. I did ei's story quest2 last night and that ending cutscene with time? How eternity is everything, all at once? Both future and past? How come it looked like a 3d model set up from a spy movie huh. And irminsul.. is kinda like a super computer!!! It's just super weird !!! But also makoto was close with Istaroth!!!! And Ei thought she might have something to do with it all!!!! concerning . istaroth is being mentioned more and more and it scares me cus that's like our once chance of "old teyvat"/ pre war lore that isn't being gatekeeped by celestia because I don't think they can kill a primordial one tbf. I hope we see her but damn I am scared of her. imagining playing a god of time, how fucked up could they be!
gold / rhinedottir was all fucking over the cataclysm. Durin was attacking Mondstadt, making Barbatos wake up and fight him with Dvalin. Ei was fighting Rifthounds in Inazuma, while Makoto died in the cataclysm- both of those things, made by khemia, by gold! What's gold? The last stage of khemia, go memory! And Rifthounds and Durin must be first, really, Soil. This is all going off my albedo lore knowledge without checking give me some slack- but! Durin and Rifthounds share traits! Poison. Completely disintegrating everything and poisoning the land! Yay! Powerful enough to affect god's! And gods familiars! And *ley lines!* Infact they specifically attack ley lines ***which is what causes erosion!!!!*** So. That's very concerning. Whether they thrive off erosion, or ley line power itself, and cause other things to erode thereafter- bad. Durin is also still alive, partly. The heart. So!
After soil comes chalk! Now, Albedo was made to be a perfect being and then abandoned! Did Rhinedottir not need something sentient? Did she not need intelligent life? Did she want a puppet from afar? Where is she now? Albedo, who she so lovingly named /s, is still trying to figure out her question to what human life means!! And the idea that albedo, too, may one day fall to erosion, is terrifying! Because he is strong!! Very, canonically, if i remember!!! Which isn't *great*.
the topic of khaenri'ah.
so the next traveler archon quest has dain and kaeya. Talking. In sumeru. And oh boy Mona's "One day he'll have to pick a side." ***is a lot scarier!*** And ventis line on albedo!! I don't like where this goes!!! Sure I'd kive more cataclysm lore like sure go ahead but holy f u c k. a reason why kaeya isn't cursed would be n i c e. Maybe something of Pierro??? Mentioned??? He's khaenri'an. Theorised to be kaeyas dad really. Which would be funny. And terrifying but funny.
fic idea for my lost notes of Teyvat series but!!
the way mond specifically is where anyone cast out goes is so <3 to me. little monkey brain loves the idea of it just being known for being loving and accepting of anyone new, with some pushing. Collei, albedo, kaeya- and how three of those are specifically khaenri'ah tied but heyo!! I think Collei counts because we don't know what Dottore was using + eleazar specifically comes from some dead god and which one that is could be . important. Unless they mentioned which and I'm just wrong??
Timeloop theory stuff soooo enkanomiya quest, kokomi, irminsul stuff + the sumeru reincarnate theory
timeloop theory makes more sense every day and it's just because of the sumeru reincarnations!! Which again reminds me of black boxes!!!!! Oh so you only have so much data you have to reuse souls? 🤨 okay. /j reincarnation and it's studies and theories have been around forever but not the point. Kokomi being a possible reincarnation of a primordial one could be huge. Does she work on Zelda / Hylia logic? Can she reawaken that power and memories? Can any possible reincarnation? Nahida and Rukkhadevata are literally just reincarnation, too, before the wipe. Also again, the thousand winds itself may be a primordial one-
/lh j
how I jokingly said before in my fic- the wind is very important to death. Atleast to Mondstadtians! The wind carries their souls back to Mondstadt to rest. We can see Venti bring back the memory of Stanley, to bring him to Mond to rest. In the final cutscene of Ei story quest 2, in a literal plane of consciousness, the sakura blossoms of Makoto's life is taken away on the wind. This, and Istaroth, can also link the wind to time and the age old-
Seeds of story, brought by wind and cultivated by time.
The wind, as we know through Venti, can carry songs that don't exist yet, wind is constant through time!! Throughout teyvat!! And we think time could be primordial- and that primordial time goes hand in hand with the wind! Literally!!!! The wind itself/ the Thousand Winds are primordial. They carry all of time, and therefore life and death, stories and songs. Istaroth herself was a god of wind and time. Barbatos a God of wind, freedom, and music. (finally actually said by the most recent lantern rite rite calling him a "patron deity of music.") The wind itself is also sort of a guiding spirit? People usually follow it, or specifically - I have hit the nitro limit oh god - mention it with the moons- also very important to teyvat lore- the three moon sisters, the dead moon and possibly the fake sky! So!!! I personally theorise the Wind is a primordial being and that's why we have three different wind / storm gods and also andrius may count as a storm god. He was a wolf leader and god of snow storms, I think? So??? Maybe. The wind keeps splitting, that's how important it is.
If the wind stops, time stops, I believe.
So imagine if we ever went to the Mare Jirvari. And like where we've seen the corpse of every other god. It's completely frozen in time. The wind stopped there. So time cannot move. And imagine if that's where Istaroth died. that's why it's where the wind doth both blow.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
.....fuuuuck im staying completely anon for this but omg so much has.? happened? ive had one kin for almost 4 years and now im genuinely kinsidering another??? so thats confusing and all bc ive literally like. never rly has kinshifts BC IM JUST ME YK but um.
and i got some bad kin memories which isnt great! and its like one of the first genuine memories ive had too that arent just senses i remember, typing this is making my heart drop bc god damn i think the adrenaline got to me in that moment. like. how did i choose to do that. and go through with it. jesus christ im so sorry momota :sob:
and then to add onto that i think my irl friends are onto me. i feel like a super spy saying that but good lord its so hard to hide my kintypes esp when they know what kin is, i rly hate hiding it too which is a big suprise since thats like my shtick ? feel like they all HATE me its rly not funny to make fun of me this much guys the jokes stopped like a year ago lets not and lets not make me think ab shit from the game bc u think its funny to remind me :3 uurggghhg this is kinda venty sry abt that im usually a silly funky guy (after writing this my fav person ever texted me and i am like a ok now what is wrong with me but i am still posting bc :3 sillyyyyy)
- super secret spy (danganronpa kin for tag purposes)
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pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] seeing that ask answered and speeding thru 382983 mph reading and the questions and i go >:] cracks knuckles eats em like french fries i read the answers and honestly i have no brains to answer back What than just to handshake back 4 times and it rlly made me happi!!! ALSO QUESTIONS TIME FOR ME TO ANSWER DAMN?
a) i dont think i have like a main?? but like back in 2.7 it literally. got me back to Loving xiao to the extent I Am Now and its my whole personalith for the 848274th time so i took every chance jsut to have him in the team so i can hear his jp voice (i am very biased at his jp voice i can never unhear him and im not regretting it) so like hes now the Main Guy in my exploration teams ever with yelan nahida zhongli peepaw and i think the others speaks a lot too LMAOOOO
b) the ones mentioned alrd part of the lil list of i will die for them forever <33 and those in my past asks too like the chasm crew gets me Thinking of them no matter how i Dont Know them a lot more than theyve shown themselves (or i jsut didnt bother to be chronically obsessed 2 read them I LOVE SHINOBU AS SHE IS BUT DO I WANNA GO TO HER HANGOUTS AGAIN AND PICK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HER LINES FOR LORE IDT SO i kiss my love <33) tho ei is that kind of Fav more like that i can understand her flaws even if its unjustified and she can be a bit childish so i just. Look Away sometimes now that wanderer got his own solace and have a new life with nahida whos a way better caretaker/friend (i will Die for their dynamic), i still get a lil irritated of the asian mom memes she gets put in too. the lil hcs of her with xiao is very much the silly self indulgence i like and separates her and the shogun cus i still think she has her twin's influences!! just Bad at social cues (unperceives her first story quest tho. that is not the Bad At Social Cues or Living in general that im looking for they dumbed her down So Bad) ANYWAYS did u know i missed albedo's banner once and i spent a year mourning endlessly worse than xiao until his rerun and got lucky in 40 pulls if xiao is for lumine then albedo is for ME. kazuha my beloved wanderer i would put him in a burrito blanket but will also willingly throw him off the cliff for the fucking snarkiness he has. venti has an entirely special place in my heart like another category like i do for xiao and lumine and zhongli bc hes. idk!! i think hes a very Comfort guy to me that i look so far past his drunkard ehe flirty femboy common perception of him, which is how i got too passionate on that one unpublished too. hes not the Little Guy type of comfort hes the 'he has this indescribable feeling of closeness and comfort and warmth i want to have in someone that i will meet one day', and i could go On and On about the little things ive thought of him while at the same time i dont focus too much to dig his canon lore!! more like, i pick off the important ones for sure and can already see the core parts of who he is and stick there :((( <3 the major thing is that i love seeing him as a love-all typa guy with no preferences as a god of freedom and his vibes are just so. aspec. so aro so ace he Doesnt Care more than he cares for everyone. which is why the ships can Tick Me Off esp the most famous one!! LIKE JEEZ!!! anyway Again the guys i Find Cool and digging thru my brain 2 remember rn; diluc (my lil tall gentleman) kokomi (queen) dehya (i just dont like her exposed midriff design can u feel) jean (her and diluc kaeya as a trio is Such A Dynamic!! i love trios!!) klee (actually id die for her too for being the canon sib to albedo) qiqi (the same for being the Headcanon sib to xiao) alhaitham (asshole. also ive delved into analyzing a Little of his character and i like his sense of neutrality to some things) kaveh (his Fucking Existence being a funny spectacle + i only focus on his briefcase friend Mehrak) THERES PROLLY MORE BUT IM NOT SURE IF I CANT RMB
c) ppl say mondstadt feels very homey and since its the first region we're introduced to i can agree!! and its home to a Lot More Mystery regarding the traveler since its the least explored i still think about the upside down statue a lot. but i cant rlly say if i have a Certain favourite that doesnt tie to my favs than my personal taste (the chasm rlly ingrained a Permanent Influence on me regarding sentimentality of loss) so i cant rlly choose!! liyue's got my boy and his peepaw + chasm, inazuma is the start of Really Great World Quests despite how hard it is to thru the region in general + enkanomiya is so Pretty and such a concept, sumeru has the same reasons and the caves are Irritating before the underground layouts are finally integrated in their official interactive maps. i just like to explore!!
d) idt i have much expectations that doesnt feel Petty like the ongoing issue of hyv prioritizing aether as their poster boy that lumine barely has any official work EVEN as the abyss sibling, 'both twins canon travelers' my ass. i think i would very much like a trading system but i Can understand why that wont work profit-wise for hyv BUT BELIEVE ME NOW NY SOLE REASON FOR IT IS JUST ME NEEDING SWEET FLOWERS FOR MY SWEET DREAM ALMOND TOFU HOARDING. i need sugar so bad. i have 300+ in the making i can never reach 1k. i need another xiao-centric quest cus lantern rite doesnt rlly center him and the chasm was a cultural reset But I Get that chasm occuring once is exactly why ir should stay that way to be Infuential and not repetitve and def not abt xiao being hyv's favourite guy SO HOW ABT BRINGING ALBEDO LORE BACK THIS YEAR. nahida venti 2nd story quest when. i think they should buff the traveler so much they shouldnt be ranked B as any role of a team!!! it's kinda sad theyre fun At first in sumeru then not anymore. i think thats it atm!!
note to self swap to jp voices if you ever get xiao. just looked up the voice and OHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD DO NOT BLAME YOU ONE BIT WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK. suddenly i am down bad oh my GOD.
and with yelan nahida and zhongli oh my god i Love that for you so bad that sounds like such a funky little crew..........
CHASM CREW <33333 shinobu especially youre so real for that like ohhhh my god. oh my God. love her so bad. fully understand ei being the fave tbh and also understand the looking away, im so mad at how they handled her story quests and her writing she deserved SO much better but the concept at least is There to think about and build off of and i love that for her... HAVING HER TWIN'S INFLUENCES so fawking good god i LOVE that.
"if xiao is for lumine then albedo is for ME" THIS MADE ME CACKLE I LOVE THAT FOR YOUUUUUUUU albedo is so. my baby my babyyyyyyyy. kazuha is my everything his Snark is also my everything i love him so bad for it hes soooooooo.
and venti !!!!!! venti. on god venti gets done SO dirty SO frequently i fucking LOVE the way you talk about him like. "he has this indescribable feeling of closeness and comfort and warmth i want to have in someone that i will meet one day" HELLO ???????? FUCK YEAH. and the love-all super aroace vibes YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS idk man IF youre gonna make him all flirty. at least make it flirting as a form of banter/teasing/friendship and still super aroace on top of it likeeeee <- says girl who is super aroace and flirts so fucking much with her friends. um. oops. Anyways. DONT BLAME YOU ONE BIT FOR BEING TICKED OFF im gonna think about this forever now im obsessed.. venti aroace KING............ bc yeah no the little guy ehe flirty drunkard is so. mmmmmmmmmmmmm. he's a whole ass character with a whole ass personality and a god on top of it GIVE HIM SOME FUCKING CREDIT GIVE HIM SOME RESPECT CHARACTERIZE HIM BETTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sent the venti bit specifically to one of the besties while writing this and pls know that they were so excited and enthusiastic and think you are so very based like they already ready most of the asks/answers but this especially made them so <333 it made Both Of Us So <333333)
diluc <333 KOKOMIIIIII she just like me fr. like so different in a few ways but So Similar in so many others i have so much love and respect for her... the healing the jellyfish the pastel vibe the being held to impossible standards still doing her very best to live up to them wanting nothing more than a) to not have to deal with people but simultaneously b) to make everyone happy.... DEHYA IS SO GOOD and huge agree on the design like. okay. w/e. thanks mihoyo. JEAN DILUC KAEYA TRIO BEST EVER I LOVE THEMMMMMMMMMM jean <3333333333333 klee my best friend klee.... another of the besties is a HUGE klee fan and i love her sm because of it i know so little about her and yet i would do Anything for her ever. qiqi my Everything absolutely feel you there, ALHAITHAM AND KAVEH ARE BOTH. together and separately god they are so fucking stupid i adore them. YOU ARE SO VALID I CAN NEVER REMEMBER FAVES PROPERLY ITS SO DIFFICULT THERE ARE SO MANY AND THEY ARE ALL SO BELVOED
no because ive accepted that hoyo way prefers aether traveler lumine abyss sib but. the way there's just So Much More Aether Content Than Lumine Content. idk man IDK MAN......... fucked up. im coming to terms with it and i almost prefer it just bc it gives me more creative freedom with lumine characterization but also man. MAN. TRADING SYSTEM WOULD BE SO GOOD IN SO MANY WAYS ON GOD id kill for that shit. characters weapons materials mora w/e id LOVE that so bad. let me gather ridiculous amounts of resources for my friends itd be so fun....
would KILLLLLLLLLLLL for another xiao-centric quest holy shit ohhhhh my god. give me my boyRight Now. AND ALBEDO LORE AND SECOND STORY QUESTS FOR NAHIDA AND V ENTI SO FUCKING REAL !!!!!!!!!!!!! BUFFED TRAVELER EVEN MORE REAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even if the traveler was like. idk a fawking healer. but a good one. id kill for that if ur gonna make the traveler more support make the mthe Best SUpport Ever Please they are my everything i want them to be the bestest <3 as someone who protjects onto the traveler and loves healer roles i am definitely not biased at all. not even a little bit. smile
why do you have the best thoughts ever i love hearing All of this i am exploding as we speak. on the ground in a million little pieces. blowing away on the wind. landing in the sea. evaporating into thin air. eventually falling down as rain. repeat. sorry my brain is fried again i am about to take my silly little adhd meds crack my knuckles and Get To Work
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alycosworld · 2 years
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I posted 139 times in 2022
That's 38 more posts than 2021!
79 posts created (57%)
60 posts reblogged (43%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 109 of my posts in 2022
Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#aly.rants - 69 posts
#dc's legends of tomorrow - 29 posts
#legends of tomorrow - 28 posts
#john constantine - 12 posts
#matt ryan - 11 posts
#sara lance - 7 posts
#in space with markiplier - 7 posts
#markiplier - 7 posts
#ava sharpe - 6 posts
#the clone dilemma - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#watch it pick back up again for a fleeting moment and then i'll leave you all stranded with absolutely nothing
My Top Posts in 2022:
bethic twinstinct doesn't feel like an episode. it feels like i had a very shameful and strange dream and now im awake and do not know how to go about my day without thinking about it or letting it affect me.
151 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
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See the full post
157 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
i saw yr post abt the request thing so im gonna request^^
how abt venti with a s/o that i introverted and hates alcohol??? im not a big fan of alcohol and drunk ppl really scare me lol so id like to see how that would work out! i also have a social battery and when i do run out of that social battery and get really irritable and frustrated so how would he deal with that? take yr time and get rest <3
🧸/💮 anon~
(did u know iphone added new heart emojis0.0)
Venti with an Introverted S/O
A/N: in the process of momentarily reviving the blog as I said earlier, so here's the first post to mark that.
also, if you understand/like the phoenix wright reference then ily &lt;3
thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
okay so, he's not gonna stop drinking for you. dude's an alcoholic, through and through.
and, he doesn't want to leave you alone because he loves you and he likes having you with him.
but...he realises that you don't like the atmosphere of the rowdier bars he frequents, or even the nice bars late into the night.
people shouting and making unnecessary comments, loud, horribly-sung music, all the drunkards crowding together and closing in around you.
it's terrifying and Venti's used to it, but you aren't and he understands.
you can stand him being drunk alone, because he's just dumb, funny and flirty - which, honestly, isn't much different from regular Venti.
so, what exactly does he do to help you out?
solution one: drink at home, sing his own songs, and recreate the atmosphere of a bar with just you. He doesn't care much for the patrons either - they're fun to be with, but he much prefers you.
solution two: take you two a calmer bar like Angel's Share (usually while Diluc's around so he can keep everyone in check) and defend you like Phoenix Wright.
as for your social battery, Venti just knows when you're running low. No matter what he had planned, no matter who else wants to see either of you, as soon as you get a little bit irritated, he's ushering you home.
he can't cook anything fancy, but he lives off bar food and he'll pick up something or haphazardly make something for you. Sure, it isn't elegant or well presented, but it fills you up, calms you down, helps you relax and tastes pretty damn good.
he'll cuddle with you, sing you an impromptu tune, tell you a good story, or just let you sleep while he takes care of everything else. If you need to get away from people, Venti will know and he'll handle it perfectly.
he'll stop whatever he's doing and immediately remove you from a social situation with some vague excuse:
"Well, I-- oh! Look at the time! Y'know, I think my darling lover and I should get going right about now, huh? Buh-bye, now!"
and he'll let you do whatever you want straight after, whether it be flee the scene like a villain or collapse on the street from tiredness.
"Oh? Have you had enough for today, my love? I agree, let's get you home and I'll take care of the rest."
"Don't worry about them, dove. All that's important is that we get out of here. No matter the situation, I'll handle it. You just rest. I love you."
161 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
guys mark confirmed that yancy, as lore, has magical tattoos that change according to the universes changing around him. omg. y'all.
189 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
John Constantine X Reader
NEW A/N: so! It's finally here, the finished version of "TITLE" that I accidentally posted all that time ago (and decided to leave up for the memories). I've left in all the old stuff, no changes to the original text, I just added to it so it's a complete story. I've even left in the old A/N for nostalgia ykwim. aNYWAYS, HAVE FUN!
OLD A/N: 100 followers is coming up but I have nothing for y'all so take the product of my latest obsession: john mf constantine - resident demonologist, exorcist, master of the dark arts, accomplished warlock and outrageously attractive brit. I love him, you love him, so let's give our soulless boy a round of applause! thanks for reading, please enjoy &lt;3
warnings: a lil spicy, slight choking??, talk of sex, inexperienced reader, reader is called pretty, love, sweetheart (idk if these are considered gendered words but I dont think they are??), gender-neutral reader
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(takes place in s4, Séance and Sensibility with the old Zari (Tomaz))
Kamadeva, now locked in the brig of the Waverider, poured some of the glittery ashes of his vial into his hand, blowing them through the air vents and to reach all the other rooms and Legends aboard in the night.
"Now, what are you doing, dreaming about me, love?" John asked. His trench coat had been removed and his sleeves had been rolled up to his elbows as he sat on the edge of your bed.
"The fugitive must've done something. It's fine, y'know, can't two friends hang out in a dream?" You chuckled nervously, sitting on a beanbag on the ground, crossing your legs and trying to act perfectly normal, although you knew that Kamadeva's magic wasn't for friends and John had special abilities when it came to dreams - he knew you were dreaming then and when you woke up, he'd know you'd been dreaming about him.
"Friends...that's not how I'd describe you and me. The way you act around me...it's not typical for friends, is it, sweetheart?" John asked with an undeniably attractive grin on his face.
"Don't call me that." You said, unable to stop heat from rising to your cheeks as John tilted his head to the side.
"And why not? I do it all the time. Or is it suddenly becoming less...friendly?" John asked before you felt your body stand up and walk to him. You definitely wanted to be near to him but, unaware of how much John would know about this dream when you woke up, you had to try and resist having fun. You came to stand just in front of him but he pulled you closer still, holding you by the waist as he guided you to straddle his lap.
"John..." You started, feeling your heart race as John leaned in towards you, pressing a kiss from your jaw to your neck to your collarbone and then pulling away to look at your flushed face as you gasped and breathed heavily, chest heaving up and down for John to marvel at.
"Pretty..." He mumbled with a dazed smile on his face.
"What?" You asked, not believing his words despite the whole situation being a fantasy.
"I said, pretty. Prettiest "friend" I've ever had the pleasure of knowing." John said, making you smile and look away from him. John seemed to realise the effect of his words and how you partially didn't believe them.
"I mean it, love," John said, snaking a hand behind your head to cradle the back of your neck, but when he watched you shudder and flinch slightly as his hand touched the skin, he grinned wickedly.
"Oh?" He asked, testing his theory of sensitivity by ghosting his fingers along your neck again and watching as you fell apart.
"John, I--" You managed meekly, but he only chuckled deeply before coiling one hand around your neck and tightening his grip ever so slightly as the other palm rested on your thigh.
"And how do you enjoy that, love?" He asked, watching your breath hitch but noticing your blatant satisfaction. John squeezed a little harder before letting go completely and smiling charmingly at you before leaning in and pulling your head down gently so your lips could meet his.
Unfortunately, just before the kiss you had dreamed about would occur so vividly in your mind, you woke up, panting heavily and in desperate need of a cool down.
You walked into the kitchen where the girls were, in just your pajamas, hair a mess and heart racing.
"The fugitive get to you too?" Sara asked, a smile on her face as Charlie beamed brightly.
"Yeah." You nodded as Sara handed you a glass of cold water.
"Well, personally, I really enjoyed my night. Blowing David Bowie's mind." Charlie grinned as Sara chuckled and Zari rolled her eyes with a smile.
"Who'd you get a leg over, Z? Wait, lemme guess, Nate? No, Kamadeva?" Zari stayed silent but raised her eyebrows making you and Sara look at her incredulously.
"Both?" You and she asked.
See the full post
331 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Reader that can emit sounds from their memory(like as an aura)
Walk into a room? Why do I hear boss music
Comedic timing? Fuck yeah.
Bored? Jumpscare noise.
Zhongli talking? Jeopardy theme.
Someone is annoying? Earrape.
Think about it!
Hello! I’m the 12th Harbinger, aka as CHIL- bitch shut the fuck up, WHATS UP ITS YA BOY AQUARIUSSS- /ref
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lmao imagine you walking into a room like this in teyvat, with like that audio I SAVE BY GIVING IT CPR- TIGHT AS VIRGIN BOY DONT GET NERVOUS-
(also ill stop apologizing for the late replies to these, bc as we all know by now that im slow and u will get answered eventually i promise tumblr most likely didnt delete u guys asks im just hoarding them LMAO)
I’ve been super busy running in circles so sorry about ghosting! I still very much enjoy and love u guys and love seeing you guys enjoy my stuff :’) 
Still cant believe that, but thank you!
(tbh unless the person is super observant I dont think most ppl would get that it’s YOU causing this chaos lmao)
Like I can see Zhongli eventually getting it lol, other ppl I could see after the first few weeks of interacting with you (esp bc you mix it up, honestly it was only bc u kept playing the jeopardy theme over and over when Zhongli ranted on too long that he got it was you 💀):
Heizou (he’s the best detective on all of Inazuma’s islands, ofc he got it! no he will not acknowledge that he totally thought you were hiding a very musical tanuki somewhere on your person at all times lol)
Alhaitham and Cyno (haitham took like, two hours of walking around town with you and knew, bc he’s a little know-it-all lazy bastard like that, and Cyno is actually just really aware, despite what most ppl think, he’s the General Mahamatra and not just a regular Mahamatra for a reason after all)
Tighnari (i stg he can like, smell when bullshittery is happening in his vicinity …or... hear?)
Venti (unsurpringly, he’s totally in love with this power of yours, i mean he definitely loves you cares about you a lot he says, but you’re starting to think he’s just lying to butter you up into pranking Diluc, Barbara, Jean, and really the entirety of Mondstadt more often  including Zhongli just so he can laugh until he’s on the ground again, also he definitely once asked you to make a dragon sound that’s the equivalent of shouting FUCK at Dvalin when he was flying overhead one day)
Hm hm hmmmm
Who elseee, i need a characcctterrr lisstttt…
Albedo (duh, he’s albedo, you think he has an entirely too thick folder dedicated to your recent obsessions, you rant a lot about it while playing and also he can access your browsing history 👀, and he somehow doesn't know that about you?? You’re like, literally one of his long-term, there-for-life, has-bought-a-house-for-free-in-his-head-you- arent-even-on-rent-anymore, hyperfixations or special interests. Autistic!Albedo is autistic, Because I Am Your God, And I Say It Is So.)
Dehya (always knows when its you walking around near her bc you like to listen to your old world’s songs too often when you arent pranking bitches, she actually rlly likes it and your music tastes…)
SO not all in the same way or at the same time, or even the same length of time did they realize you literally change background music or some shit so I’ll let you just- you know okay- like you get it- you get it.
Xiao, Kazuha, Kaeya, Diluc, Ayato, Yae Miko, Keqing, Qiqi, Klee, Sara, Kuki, Nahida, Ningguang, Rosaria, Scaramouche/Babygirl, Dainsleif, Kokomi, Xinyan, Yun Jin, Yelan. 
Jfc got the whole damn pride flag up here
Anyway everybody else outta luck, at least takes em a month or longer to get it lol
Sorry abt the end there i didnt feel like writing out all those bitches bc the few I did before were already longer than I thought they’d be…
Also, I am posting these spam of drafts (and that old follower 100+ event possession headcanons in prep for the next 2 weeks bc I will be really busy, again :/
Got spring break shenanigans this week, then I’ll be running around like a cat with zoomies bc im getting ready to install/actually submit my artworks for the gallery exhibition! 
…wish me luck or prayers or anything good from any god you believe in, I need the strength. 
With love, safe travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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This is a random story about a group project of screaming that just happened like 5 min ago.
For more context here are my friends that I'll refer to as:
the tomboy of the group. Chaotic and loud friend but is really friendly. Oh- also meme material
Calm and collected. Not exactly the mom friend but they hang out every now and then. Also REALLY good at art
The good friend. they always make sheets and explain to us about the subject. Help with subject that we struggle with (looking at YOU history and meth- math)
The one that roasted everyone lmao- ok it's more of an insult than a roast but idk what to call them but yeah they're pretty cool
And me UP :D
The....one that somehow gets into this group...? Idk what to describe myself.
This is basically how the conversation goes lol-
UP: ok-who will write? Cuz my handwriting is shit-
T: hey-
T: :(
R: UP got a point. T handwriting is not a doctor but a FUCKING SNAKE-
T: UP R is bullying me again-
C: ok Shut up. R you'll write most of the assignment. And T... You'll write SOME of it.
G:I'll help :D wait did you bring the book? Y'ALL BRING NOTHING HERE?
UP: I got the book the highlighter the pencils-
So T and R got to write while G told them what to write and me and C 'decorate' it
C: UP Your flowers is so fucking weird-
*next page*
R:T WTF? JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE BI DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN'T DRAW A STRAIGHT LINE- (ok I made that one up sorry if this offend you)
R:YOU ******** GO SUCK A **** *****
The teacher behind us: ....what-
It's a disaster.
Ok now for the genshin related stuff-
T: doesn't have a genshin account but they're a SIMP
C: have an account but kinda abandon It- ar 14 I think? They like chongyun and call yae ears the chicken neck thing- I forgot English
G: my genshin buddy. Likes all the cute stuff. Main kokomi keqing yae but mostly kokomi currently building shogun.
R: doesn't have a genshin account cuz potato phone.
But imagine if instead of 1 creator. There's 5? And we are just like power rangers or something lol-
R: who is confused about wtf is going on
T: who is simping for zhongli and ayato
G: who asks for kokomi signature and (tries to) touch gorou tail
C: who is hugging qiqi but have no idea about how the world works
Lastly: me who is showing venti how jumping off a cliff is faster than gliding-
If imposter au we would definitely be dead why?
Only 2 of the group knows most of genshin knowledge
We're noisy AF
archons vs humans who can run faster?
W e a k.
This is the order of who can survive the least to the most imposter au.
2 words medical condition. I won't say much but walking is hard. (And copium that my friendship lv is enough)
Noisy and because of their friendly nature. They might not survive
Physically weak but can use genshin knowledge
Although survival instinct is important. The lack of genshin knowledge is fatal flaw
Knows a bit of genshin and is the strongest of all of us.
Btw this is not a request lol just a random thought. But if you want to write about it you have my permission lol- ( even if you do how do u name them? I just give you random letters)
And yeah that's it.
…Jesus Christ that was one hell of a trip just to read 0-0
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rieamena · 1 year
three ; unanimous
itto x y/n
carmendeez: kiss.img y/nandittoabouttokissagain.img look at them!
katy perry: so scandalous! WAIT LEMME SEND THE VIDEO I TOOK y/nxitto.vid
scary mouse: why the fuck is it so blurry cant you take a damn video
katy perry: why do you care so much!
carmendeez: miya maybe, just maybe he wants to join the y/nxitto fanclub!
katy perry: REALLY????? scara, would you really
scary mouse: ...
katy perry: i need to know if youre serious! will you do anything for the success of y/n and itto
scary mouse: ...
carmendeez: maybe he doesn't like our ship name! y/n x itto does sound weird we could do better miya!
katy perry: yes, sir! hm... hmmmmm yeah i've got nothing :(
albedo.: how about y/itto
weed watcher: or itto/n!
carmendeez: i like boyh! what do u think miya?
⤷ i like boyh! weed watcher: yeah we know venti
weed watcher: well-
carmendeez: SHUT UP
weed!: tomo you love me?
scary mouse: the fact that you understood that is terrifying
weed watcher: ah uh no i mean yeah i do
katy perry: @everyone uhh gay people????
sherlock headass: please if you wanted to just ping the gays, you couldve just @ed venti
carmendeez: IM SXIK OF YOY
⤷ i do weed!: what a coincidence, i love you as well
barney coochie: what the fuck. what the fuck?? who changed my fucking name.
barney coochie: karma, bitch.
oni dick: oni dick is better than barney coochie. aegue w the wall
barney coochie: be serious.
⤷ oni dick is bet... carmendeez: HOLDY AHIT
thomas the tank engine: kazu and tomo are making out in komore rn send help kazutomo.img
oni dick: do i get free cake?
thomas the tank engine: sure
oni dick: on my way!
⤷ kazutomo.img albedo.: interesting i might have to research this
barney coochie: what are you researching, exactly
albedo.: the human attraction to one another, and the psychological effects it has on health and society.
carmendeez: okay nobody cares
albedo.: i recall having xiao's number saved...
sherlock headass: "so close to getting him" bro. he doesn't even know you
carmendeez: UHHH YES HE SOES i literally bumped into him in the halls and dripped all my papers! we made eye contact and...
dog.: and...???
carmendeez: he continued walking.
katy perry: BWAHAHAHAHHA
sherlock headass: see. i told you my intuition never fails me
- - -
a ghost of a smile presented itself on your face as your eyes scanned the group chat. calling out for thoma once you reached komore, you sat in one of the barstool chairs, listening in on conversations for fun
"i can't believe he did that!"
"what?! the rumors are true?"
"yes! he confirmed it with me just a couple minutes ago!"
"so he actually sm-"
"HEY Y/N!!"
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" you whipped your head to see the owner of the voice only to sigh out of exhaustion. "oh. it's you. hello." being dry on purpose, you hoped that he would leave, but alas you forgot. he's persistent. "you should come over to our table! i'll introduce you to my friends!" he subconsciously sat down in the seat next to you, rambling on and on about how his friends would love you. "no, thank you." silently wondering when thoma will be here, you fiddled with the fork.
"whaaat?! is it because of what happened earlier today? im really really sorry! you're partially to blame though-" itto apologized putting his hands into a prayer motion, making his voice go near silent at the end. "anyways! wanna hear about a new onikabuto i caught recently? it's super big, i just know it's tremendously strong! im naming it 'Crimson Crusher The Third' pretty cool name, huh? hey hey! did ya know i spent five whole days and nights to catch this bad boy!"
"thoma!" you stood up, chair moving behind your figure. "yeah?" peeking his head out, thoma smiled. "when the cake is done, bring it to itto's table. and for my sake, just tell her already!"
grabbing itto by the collar, you made him stand up and take you to his table. as you introduced yourself- well more of itto introduced you- to his friends, a unanimous ping came from five phones
cheeky trans masc. call that a he/he/he
weed watcher added 4 members.
albedo: i thought you were joking when you said that, tomo
carmendeez: ARE THIS THEM
barney coochie: is this them grammar. be like albedo, venti
carmendeez: BARNEY COOCHIE
barney coochie: whats your persona again? a bard? whos also a god? barbtoes? babroetoes? barbiwtoes?
carmendeez: BARBATOs
unknown number: get me out of here
unknown number (3): i don't think that's possible, diluc
unknown number (4): hello!
barney coochie: fucking ew not one but two gingers were added this chat has been tainted
sherlock headass: venti is here it has always been tainted
unknown number (2): whoa! tomo-bro??
weed watcher: itto homie!
oni dick: okay yall introduce yourselves so ven can change names
unknown number (4): but we're with you?
unknown number: diluc. diluc ragnvindr.
katy perry: 'bond. james bond.' headass
carmendeez: d-d-diluc?!
haamehs bonde: hello venti.
unknown number (4): im tartaglia! but you can call be childe eleventh of the eleven fatui harbingers!
weed!: doesn't that mean you're the worst one last place eleventh out of eleven
⤷ but we're with you? barney coochie: y/n. listen to me carefully.
oni dick: listening
barney coochie: fucking. get. out. of. there.
unknown number (2): barney coochie bro! wrre not gonna hurt her or anthibg just havsing fun at komsre with thoma bro!
y/nussy: see y/neatingstrawberrycake.img
oni dick: arataki itto. you are on thin fucking ice
y/nussy: lets break it together baby why are you looking at me like that? sto-
oni dick went offline.
y/nussy went offline.
unknown number (3): they r definitely fucking
tatatringara: were across from them kaeya oH SHES STRANGLING HIM
katy perry: VIDEO VIDEO
rat: fight.vid
tatatringara: THSY WRESTILING
rat: in bed
carmendeez: WANNA HERE SOEMTHIBG I WEOTE YEAH? yes onmg venti ur so cool! OKAY!!!! ahem when one drives by a certain tranquil neighborhood, the pleasant sound of a violin will be heard. the strings and the bow compliment each other as the wind carries the notes to places far, far away...
albedo.: how would you feel if i added xiao?
carmendeez: IT WASNT EVEN BAD
oni dick: stop writing about my playing venti and thise winds are from your pet dragon
tatatringara: venti has a pet dragon?
carmendeez: no-
tatatringara: thats cool!
back in sneznhaya i
barney coochie: had no family yeah we know
⤷ and thise winds... carmendeez: HES A CANARY
oni dick: whats his name again storm? stormy? no it starts with a d dballin? dfallen?
carmendeez: DVALIN
y/nussy: a pet dragon has nothing on my onikabuto RIGHT Y/N
oni dick: oh god...
finishing the last bite of your cake, you stood up and moved itto out of your way, signaling that you wanted to leave. "oh! lemme walk ya home!" picking up your umbrella, you ignored his request. near the door, the air got cold, and brisk water droplets filled the streets. rain. opening the door and putting your hand out, you thought thank god i didn't water them this morning. undoing your umbrella and stepping out, you wasted no time beginning the journey to your house. it was about a ten-minute walk away, seven if you're lucky.
"y/n! wait up!" your breath hitched as your eyes focused on one thing: that stupid soaked white shirt. itto ran his fingers through his wet hair, moving a couple of strands from out of his face in the process. with no proper coverage, itto willingly let himself get soaked. surely the feel of rain beating on his skin would make him uncomfortable? and especially that shirt. that damned shirt.
why he came out of his home sporting a tight white shirt knowing damn well it was going to rain, only the archons know. and the way his abs clung to his shirt for dear life. the sleeves stuck to his skin. everything about this was so ho-
"y/n! you were really gonna leave me like that?" sighing, you ripped your eyes away from the sight. "get under the umbrella." making a tsk sound, he moved closer to you. "here, i'll hold it." clasping his hands around yours, itto pried your fingers from the handle, a soft giggle escaping his mouth.
the walk was silent. well almost. itto often asked you questions to only be hit with basic one-word answers.
"hey... since you aren't holding the 'brella anymore, you must need something to hold. what about my hand! it'll do. cmon! let's hold hands!"
"do you think that rainwater will soothe the effect of pepper spray or will it just make it worse?"
"i've become immune to it since someone keeps spraying me!"
"it was one time! today! during lunch!"
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
WHY CANT I RIGHT/CENTER ALIGHN TJHINGS TUMBLR?!?!?!?! PSA: you are oni dick ,, that is you in the gc okay!!!
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constellarations · 3 years
wearing someone else's clothes
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you come home from an adventure and are... wearing another person's clothes?
pairing: xiao, thoma, gorou (separate) x gn!reader
warnings: not proofread, established relationship (dating), mentions of ayato in thoma's part, sniffing? in gorou's? he's sensitive to smell...
notes: send some requests in pls (if u want to ofc)
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XIAO ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
xiao is usually anticipating your return. as a traveler, your soul leads you to places he cannot follow due to his contract, and during these times apart, all he can do is wonder what you're up to.
so when the moon is at its highest, and the plains he guards are silent, he stands on the balcony, overlooking the border between mondstadt and liyue.
are you out there? xiao can sense your presence from the moment you enter liyue. these are his grounds, after all. liyue is his home, and he's had years to perfect his senses over it.
then, he hears footsteps. they are not just any footsteps, though. they are yours. after knowing you for so long, he has grown accustomed to each of your characteristics. the hurried thumps you make up the stairs as you skip the elevator because damn, it's too slow, always makes the yaksha's heart beat a tiny bit faster.
then, you come up behind him. he senses you, he knows, he knows that it's you, and in a fit of excitement, he turns his head back, locking his own lemon eyes with yours.
but his joy quickly falters, and a bitter feeling stings the back of his throat.
"xiao!" you say his name so kindly, so lovingly. he almost wants to ignore the accessories you seem to be wearing. nobody before you had ever called his name so sweetly before.
he merely blinks, not responding to you. confused, you step forward, only for him to remain where he stands.
"[name]..." he stares you up and down. "what are you wearing?"
you want to laugh at his disgust. he seems so repulsed by the thought of you wearing not just anyone's clothes, but barbatos'. how did you manage to get an archon to lend you his cape? xiao would never understand.
"venti let me borrow his cloak because i was cold, that's all." you smile, and xiao scoffs. he doesn't want to stop you from what you want to do, but seriously? of all people... venti's? you could've at least asked the traveler...
with a click of his tongue, xiao crosses his arms. mumbling "whatever, do what you want." he surely needs to begin investing in some sort of warm clothing... um, not for you, of course! just for, uh, winter. yep.
as you retire for the night, xiao watches you change into your own set of clothing, no longer needing the bard's cape. as you folded the cloak neatly, xiao merely stares it down like there was no tomorrow.
"do you want me to burn it?" he asks out of nowhere, and you nearly choke on air.
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THOMA ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
as expected of thoma, whenever you return from your musings, he always has your favorite foods prepared and a warm bath drawn.
you can't blame him, okay? it's a habit! he is the kamisato clan's housekeeper, and with his knowledge from that noble family, he uses it to treat you like a noble as well.
you are his majesty, after all.
the moment the door opens, thoma is already rushing through the hallways of your house. he seems even more eager than you are, and the smile on his face is so bright it blinds you the moment you see it.
"welcome home!" he exclaims, pulling you in for a hug. he doesn't notice the clothes you are wearing, and how they share a very similar pattern to one of his superiors, kamisato ayato.
the day goes as planned. you eat the delicious food that thoma has prepared, catching him up with all of the events that you had experienced while wandering. tsurumi island, hm? you tell him of the dense fog you had to go through, and thoma feels very relieved that you made it back to him.
he's always relieved, actually. even if you go out to fight a few slimes, he's happy to see you return. it's such a small thing, but it makes him hug you like there's no tomorrow.
when you ask him about what he did in your absence, he cuts it short. he wants to hear about you! what you did, who you met, everything. thoma loves you, and all of you. he loves your stories from the other nations and the updates on his hometown.
so as he's putting away all the dishes, that's when he notices your oddly familiar accessories. he blinks once, then twice, before his jaw drops.
"[name]?! is that... ayato's jacket?" his voice dips into a whisper near the end, and you're not even surprised about how he knows it's ayato's. thoma is not the kamisato clan's housekeper for no reason!
"oh, this? yeah, he lent it to me once i arrived on ritou to deliver him some materials. i'll return it soon, don't worry," you reassure him, patting his back as thoma can only nod. he gets over it quickly, because he knows ayato is a trustworthy individual.
"ah, next time, i'll wait for you on the docks!" he pauses, musing silently for a moment, "after making you some food, of course." he scratches his cheek bashfully, and all you can do is grin.
"thank you, thoma."
he flushes. it's almost embarrassing how even the littlest of things from you can make him a shade of scarlet.
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GOROU ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
as a warrior himself, gorou understands what it's like to go out on expeditions that seem to take forever. but, that doesn't stop him from missing you!
as the general of the resistance, gorou usually gets a lot of letters. most of which he ignores, because they don't require his attention, but...! he always checks the pile of letters he has just in case you send him one.
after finding one with your name and signature on it, gorou waits until he's alone in his tent to open it, tail wagging eagerly and ears twitching out of anticipation. no matter how many letters you've sent him, he finds himself getting excited for them anyway. even if they're just a status update.
(it's because one day, you might not be able to send him a letter ever again).
when he finally gets some time alone, he opens the letter delicately. he's a warrior, but when it comes to you, he shows no sign of such.
his grin only widens the more he reads the letter. you're returning! though it's only been two weeks, gorou feels as though it's been forever.
any time without you is forever, actually.
his tail is wagging quickly, the other warriors in the resistance already knowing that something has made the general, their general, jubilant.
they also know that the source is probably you.
the moment your return date has arrived, gorou is already waiting for you at the front of the resistance gates.
"[name]!" he yells, nearly dropping his bow as he runs towards you fervently. his ears are twitching, and his tail struggles to keep up with the speed he's running towards you at.
a toothy grin strikes across his face as he hugs you, but the smile quickly dissipates once he smells your scent.
actually, it wasn't your scent. it was someone else's.
he pulls back as if you had burned him. scrutinizing the source up and down, he notices the garments of an oddly familiar maple leaf pattern and sleeves...
then, it clicks.
"is that... kazuha's?" he asks in almost disbelief. he's happy to know you've met someone of such caliber, but at the same time... why are you wearing his cloak?
"yes." you rub the back of your head anxiously. "he lent it to me when the storm was at its highest. i didn't get a chance to return it to him."
gorou nods in understanding. he respects kazuha, and, not like he'd want to, but if he had a choice in who's clothes you wore that wasn't his, he'd choose the samurai any day.
"alright!" he bounces up back to his previous enthusiasm. though he's a little jealous, he knows that both you and kazuha don't mean any harm.
(not that that's going to stop him from giving you one of his own jackets he found laying around his tent, though. he doesn't like the scent of another man on you, regardless of who.)
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windbornebardd · 2 years
some genshin guys comforting you. <3
characters included: venti, diluc, zhongli, and kaeya.
cw: really vague description of a panic attack idek if u can tell its a panic attack sorry💀 (diluc)
a/n: first post and im alr kinda venting mona moment🥸 ive kinda rly been going through it for the last four months and honestly i just need some comfort but i have nobody to comfort me so here i am writing ab fictional characters comforting me and hopefully it will comfort u as well💀 i also might make a version of this w some of the ladies bc im a raging bisexual
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venti <3
- starting off w my fav and highest kin WOOOO
- venti kinda panics when he notices you’re stressed out, mans has a lot of emotional baggage himself but will try his hardest to help you through tough times as u do with him.
- hugs!!!!! and sweet nothings!!!!! venti has two love languages and theyre physical touch and words of affirmation
- will be v v gentle with you as you sob in his arms
- “it’s okay love. i know, i know. everything’s gonna be fine. i got you.”
- even if he doesn’t know what’s happening with you, he just needs u to know he’s gonna be there to support you no matter what
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zhongli <3
- zhongli is a busy man, but he will drop EVERYTHING if you’re upset.
- he gives the best hugs. and kisses. and everything.
- “love, can you tell me what’s happening?” he’s super gentle with you, he knows how easily you get overwhelmed in situations like this.
- he’ll make you tea to calm your nerves!!!!
- he’s the sweetest man in the whole damn world yall, will literally get u anything you ask for.
- “hush now darling, get some rest. i promise you’ll feel a bit better once you wake up.”
- sings you to sleep im sorry he has the nicest voice
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diluc <3
- he’s the sweetest.
- when you start to cry he takes off his gloves and cups your face in his hands…. <3333
- “sweetheart… what’s the matter? do you need anything?”
- almost begins to cry himself when you start sobbing even harder at his question, unable to get anything comprehensible out.
- when he notices you can’t breath that’s when he begins to get more serious.
- dont take that the wrong way though!!!! like everyone else, he’s still v gentle with you while you’re in this state.
- “darling. i need you to breath. lets do those breathing exorcises we practiced together, yeah?”
- kisses you gently while holding u. on your forehead, cheeks, neck, lips, he will do it all just to make u feel better.
- “you’re okay, honey. i’m here for you, and im never leaving.”
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- i hate dragonspine sm i love kaeya so so so so much and im trying to build him but I CANT UNLOCK THE FUCKING DOMAIN TO FARM HIS ARTIFACTS IM LITERALLY AR 41 AND I JUST SYARYED THE DRAGONSPINE SHIT
- uh anyways
- kaeya’s a huge tease, and might even crack a joke or two at first not knowing the severity of your situation.
- “hm, what’s this? did a hilichurl scare you?”
- immediately drops it when you start to cry.
- “oh gods- honey i’m sorry. what’s wrong?”
- he feels even worse then before after you explain your situation
- “love… that’s awful, you didn’t deserve any of that. c’mere.”
- gently cradles you in his arms, kaeyas not great with comfort but he tries his hardest
- hes cold but like in a comforting way HELPIDJDB IDK WHAT IM SAYING IM SO TIRED SORRY😭
- but yeah kaeya is jus. trying his hardest. and hes doing good!!!! dont be an asshole😡
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