#dan and graham and ryan and yaz
lonely-space-ace · 6 months
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claraoswalds · 7 months
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#and that's what you missed on glee!
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headcanonsandmore · 15 days
Doctor Who companions summarised in ten words or less (2005-2022 edition)
Rose Tyler: Working class girl unionises outer space.
Martha Jones: Hypercompetent doctor treated like second choice, understandably leaves.
Donna Noble: Woman finds platonic soul-mate in angsty alien mess.
Amy Pond: Scottish lady becomes mother-in-law to alien she fancied.
Rory Williams: Hypercompetent medical professional treated like moron for no reason.
River Song: MILF becomes her own parents' childhood friend.
Clara Oswald: Schoolteacher develops co-dependency issues with caretaker.
Nardole: Bald man insists on telling boss he sucks.
Bill Potts: Local lesbian falls in love with puddle.
Graham O'Brien: Retiree goes on gap year in time machine.
Ryan Sinclair: Dyspraxia be damned, my boy sure can run.
Dan Lewis: Scouse himbo is best third wheel ever.
Yasmin Khan: Pining sapphic accused of queerbaiting for not snogging crush.
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tangerinelabyrinth · 2 months
(All Groups Are Randomized) Imagine you get trapped in the Tardis and can't leave.
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being-of-rain · 7 months
The Toymaker with his little puppet show: Amy? Dead! Clara? Dead! Bill? Dead!
(rustling as he quickly shuffles through some notes)
The Toymaker, under his breath: They're all happy and alive, we'll skip them, uhhhhh
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doctorwhogirlie · 4 months
reblog/like this if you're a thirteenth doctor enthusiast
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i know everyone hates 13’s era and whatever (you’re wrong but that’s not the point here) but like i’m always saying i wanted more from them. cause like i love yaz so much ofc but i wanted more of ryan and the doctor one on one. show me them sharing one brain cell and getting captured all the time for an exasperated yaz and graham to come break them out. and more or graham and the doctor. show me more of the doctor accompanying graham on random chores when they’re home bc she doesn’t like being alone and her being enthralled by grocery shopping. and more dan omg. show me dan and the doctor getting to go on fun easy adventures and dan getting the full companion experience. and honestly more yaz too. more little “dates” they won’t admit are dates and moments together that aren’t colored by loss and battle. i’m never over 13’s era i loved it so much and i want so much more of them.
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oreo102 · 1 month
I work at an arcade and have been MISERABLE dealing with fuckin middle schoolers the past few weeks so here’s my headcanons of the fam in an arcade!
13 would waste all her points on the claw machines and then beg yaz for more. Yaz would buy her more (because she’s a simp /aff) but drag her away from the claw machines at first chance
Yaz would play to win the most tickets possible because 13 saw a giant squishmallow and obsessed over it, so yaz wants to get it for her- she’d get like 10k+ tickets for her efforts
Ryan would spend all his time playing shooting games or racing games and end up with the least amount of tickets and beg yaz to buy him something
Graham would play more old school games or would play against Ryan (absolutely loses every time)- bonus points: Graham and grace went to an arcade as a date once
Dan would play the coin pusher games a lot and get the second most tickets, although he’d refuse to share because he wants to save up to by di something
13 would insist on doing laser tag and bumpercars multiple times in a row and yaz would have to drag her away from those too, before she spends all her points again
Ryan would win laser tag almost every time
13 would cheat at the claw machines to get a prize for yaz- how do you cheat at a claw machine? Idk but she would
Graham gives his points to Ryan cuz he thinks everything is a waste of space or badly produced (he’d be right)
Other than the squishmallow, yaz would get 13 different candies and other stuffed animals- also multiple fidget toys
Ryan would spend his(graham’s and yaz’s) tickets on an insane amount of candy- like so much candy. The worker would hate him (based off real experience)
13 would insist on paying yaz back for everything and promise a stress free trip, then 10 minutes into it would get arrested
Yaz is pretty nuetral on arcades but 13 loves them
Ryan would challenge yaz to a shooting game and yaz would win easily- like absolutely destroy him
Graham would encourage Ryan to try one of the basketball games and would be super proud when Ryan does well
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khruschevshoe · 4 months
The Doctor, 2 minutes after losing his last companion and when he's about to acquire another:
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The thing to me about the Doctor's companions is that they are, at their very cores, ordinary. And that's not an insult. They are human, flawed and messy and chaotic and petty and obsessive and clingy and kind and mortal and ordinary. And yet the Doctor chooses them again and again. Every Doctor is given a moment where they could choose to leave them behind. To keep moving. To go find someone else. To let them be ordinary. And yet the Doctor chooses the companion, sees some extraordinary in all of these ordinary people, because seven billion people and counting and the Doctor's never met someone like them.
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scienceandfandoms · 3 months
I was talking on Discord and accidentally spent an hour giving my thoughts on how well each new Who companion could take care of a baby. Note that I think most everyone on this list is capable of taking care of a baby for some amount of time. As such I'm adding how long I think they could do so/additional stipulations in bold. Also of note that a lot of these depend on when in their timeline we mean. I split some ratings based on this. Also also this is just for fun
So without further ado... How well New Who companions would do taking care of a baby (under the cut)
Rose Tyler: When we meet her she is so so young to be caring for an infant for a significant amount of time. But by the end of her time on screen? Sure. In EU content she's even got a kid. Rating: a few days at the start, long term at the end
Mickey Smith: Era specific. Definitely not for early Mickey. But once he's matured after spending time in Pete's World he could probably do it. Rating: maybe for an afternoon at the start, long term at the end
Captain Jack Harkness: Has had children canonically. This does not, however, fill me with confidence. Probably knows how to keep them alive more or less though unless their death would save the world haha who said that. Rating: inevitable heartbreak/10
Martha Jones: I'd trust her to do so at the start if she had to bc of her medical training and being slightly older/with her shit together. My confidence has only increased with time. Rating: most competent so far, could probably handle it long term if she had to right at the start
Donna Noble: Has successfully, canonically, on screen raised a spectacular daughter who is also a companion. A large portion of her time on screen in The Star Beast is dedicated to how good of a mother she is. Rating: companion I would trust the most with a baby for any amount of time
River Song: Another one that depends in part on place in the timeline and I'm not even gonna get into the thing where the Library makes her a parent or something at the end of that episode bc that feels forced af to me. But I feel like she'd lack confidence in her ability to care for a kid of any age, but take to it surprisingly well if she really had to do it. Rating: earlier in her timeline just no. Later in her timeline she could probably manage long term
Amy Pond and Rory Williams (they're a couple so doing them together): at the beginning they're also quite young (not even counting Amelia era Amy). They could do it but I think Rory would be picking up a lot of the slack for the same reasons I think early Martha could do it. Dubiously canonly they DID raise a kid (though it's unclear if it was from infancy), and in general there's so many timeskips they're a lot older and more mature by their departure and I think they'd be fine. Rating: carried by Rory to squeak out mid-long term success early on, but in a better position long term later in their lives
Clara Oswald: Clara has experience with children, yes, but ones that are SCHOOL age. Clara is not equipped to handle an infant. You can't be clever at an infant. Unless you speak baby. Maybe she forces the Doctor to teach her to speak baby. I doubt it would help. Rating: I wouldn't leave a baby with Clara Oswald for more than an afternoon and even that much is a gamble
Nardole: Has been seen looking after babies before. Seems reasonably competent at it. Up there honestly. Rating: long term right from the start. Or at least from his second episode he's just kinda doofy in THORS and there's a significant time skip after that
Bill Potts: While not as young as someone like Rose, her position in life is still one that makes caring for a baby for a significant duration difficult. Could she do it? Yeah probably if she really had to. But I want her to live her life. Rating: living situation complicates anything more than short term early on, probably capable of long term with resources even then
Ryan Sinclair: Chibnall companions are kinda nothing to me. Sorry. Please don't come at me for not being a Chibnall enjoyer. But it can be hard to get a read on them to me. Ryan is pretty young though so I'm gonna say best not. Maybe if he was written by someone capable of developing a character. Rating: short term would probably be okay
Graham O'Brien: Also Chibnall. In a better position age wise. Loses points for all the ableism with Ryan so maybe if the kid isn't disabled I guess. Rating: another short term candidate I suppose
Yaz Khan: Also Chibnall. Also young. Still probably not. I'm sorry canon Yaz is kinda nothing to me I know a lot of people really like her. Rating: competent enough for short term probably
Dan Lewis: Maybe the Chibnall companion I'd trust with a baby the most? I mean he's not barely an adult, and his main crime is outing someone which isn't really relevant to a baby. I think it's a bit outside his wheelhouse but he'd manage it okay. Though if he never unshrunk his house that might make it a bit more difficult for anything longer term. Rating: congratulations you get short term with longer term conditional on the assumption you have somewhere to go with said baby
Rose Noble: She's 15. But on the other hand she could ask her mom for help so if that's an option she's fine actually. Rating: probably a great short term babysitter, has the resources to get excellent assistance if she were to end up with a baby in the long term
Ruby Sunday: Another Quite Young companion and her introduction literally does feature a baby in her care getting kidnapped. She does get that baby back though and it's shown that she helps her mom with childcare a lot so big babysitter energy. Rating: short-mid term on her own, longer term with assistance
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evviejo · 1 year
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happy new year!
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headcanonsandmore · 9 months
At this point, I feel like Thirteen's era got criticised no matter what happened during it.
Some fun standalone sci-fi stories? It wasn't being ambitious.
Some fun standalone stories with an interconnected season-long story-arc? This is too ambitious and no-one could follow it.
A serialised season with tons of interesting and fun plots, new characters as well as deepening character arcs? This is literally the most complicated thing ever; no-one could possibly enjoy this.
Characters of different ages from places outside of London and from diverse backgrounds and family dynamics? Pandering.
Canonically queer characters who fall in love steadily over time, as their friendship deepens? This relationship came out of nowhere and is also pandering.
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tangerinelabyrinth · 1 month
(All groups are Randomized)
If you wanted to have the most Fun traveling around the universe which group, would you choose?
or just which group do you think would be the most fun?
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The core difference between the Chibnall, RTD and Moffat eras is that Chibnall treated the companions as favourite employees that the Doctor would be a little sad to see go when they decided to get new jobs (or laid off, in Yaz's case). Whereas RTD and Moffat treated them as people the Doctor would rampage across the entire universe for if they were a bit late getting back from Greggs with their pasty.
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gonegiriss · 1 year
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dw + barbie posters
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