#dan and tom are pure lovely
uno-whatimean · 9 months
Still on cloud 9 after the Dublin gig. What an incredible way to end my 2023 muse tour!! Phenomenal gig. Also this happened:
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pastelearthling65 · 8 months
Disventure Camp headcanons for all my age regressors out there
Kristal: flip/young kid regressor 1-5 pure 
Usually sticks to the younger side. Really likes to sing and play outside. She does tend to do stupid shit thought. Her favorite cg is lake. She takes care of Oliver and she is extremely protective over him.
Derek: a cg. 
He is strict but he can show affection. Cg of trevor. He makes lots of rules but he will babysit calm littles but trevor is an exception. He need tylenol due to Trevor being crazy
Trevor: young kid regressor 5-6 impure 
He is really playful. Likes affection, if you give him a hug once he wants more. Has so much little gear to the point where he will wear a paci and diap while editing 
He loves to play with hair especially james’s hair. Lets james chew on his fingers and hair. Sows little stuffed animals and sometimes even little clothes. Will babysit his friends. 
Alec: flip/baby regressor 0-1 impure 
He is really quiet. He babbles and emotional. As a cg he is understand baby talk/babbles. He will take nick to the library and pick out baby books for nick. His little is nick. (Yes i ship alec x nick, sue me.)
Ally:older kid regressor 8-10 pure
She plays animal crossing a lot. And at some point she probably said she could talk to animals. She really likes flowers and has an insane amount of cheez-its in her room.
Ashley: cg 
She is sweet. Will never say no to puppy eyes. Cg of will. Will never raise her voice especially for littles with (c)ptsd. Will babysit. Can make sandwiches and littles can pass out ingredients if they want.
Is really sweet and can take care of any little really. If the little wants he can bring his dogs over, they are tiny so they can’t do much. He can confort upset littles.  
Dan: toddler regressor 3-4 impure
Really affectionate but anxious. Hes really clingy. He needs to have a nap or he will have an anxiety attack . His main cg is jake but Miriam will babysit.
Drew: baby regressor 1-2 pure
Can draw quite well and is autistic. He went to therapy and he can speak… well kinda, he can say drew and hi and that is it. Has a soft spot for uncrustables. Has a sweet tooth.
Ellie: big sister cg
Really caring and always has sweet/candy on her. Cg for gabby and babysits drew. She can calm down littles having tantrums. She sometimes finds frogs and shows the littles some pictures of the frogs.
Gabby: toddler regressor 2-4 impure
Really clingy. She just wants snuggles. Has tried to sneak candy but got caught in 4k. Has an unhealthy amount of pacis and loves baby puffs.
Hunter: young kid regressor 4-6 pure
Really likes puzzles. If you water down his apple juice he will retaliate! Is ether really chatty or non verbal, there is no in between.
Jake:flip/ toddler regressor 1-4 impure 
Will go non verbal and tom lets him do play dates. If tom regresses then miriam takes over. As cg he can cook and loves to cuddle. He takes care of tom and vice versa.
James: toddler regressor 2-5 impure 
He is really chatty but don’t worry a paci will shut him up in like 2 seconds. Super gullible, no matter how unbelievable the lie is. Ofc, his cg is aiden. Chews on e v e r y t h i n g.
Really affectionate with littles. Does puppet shows with Connor sometimes. He sometimes gets a bit protective. They (istg i know kai would go by he/they) sometimes go apple picking during fall. Can also babysit.
Really likes lofi. She would never raise her voice and naps are a must in her standards. Has stickers on her at all cost and 100% takes recommendations. She likes to bake a lot especially cookies.
Really sweet and has lots of experience. I mean she is a scout leader. Asks to touch the littles beforehand. She make good food. If deserved, can give out little candy or plushes.
Maggy:flip/toddler regressor 2-6 impure 
She is really shy but is really sweet. Her cg is kai. She cries very easily but her paci can make her feel better. As a cg she is really sweet but she is not as a pushover. She loves to cuddle and its her fav way to bond.
Miriam: cg
She takes care or the trio (tom jake and dan) and loves them dearly (PLATONICALLY). Can bake but they can only pass out ingredients. Can decorate pacis quite well. Can also take care of other littles
Nick: young kid regressor 4-7 pure
Is really spoiled but also loves affection. He really likes the woodlands aesthetic and plays with calico critters. 
Oliver: toddler regressor 2-3 pure
Has quite the sweet tooth. He loves animals, like a lot to the point where he gets told off by krystal for letting out frogs in the tent. Krystal found him regressed first.
Riya: cg
She would play dress up a lot and she will teach how to do makeup. She will make sure they are clean and if get stained she is going to go nuts. She also does know how to play board games a bit too well.
Rosa María: older sister cg
She is really sweet but is not a pushover. She can sing and it sounds like the voice of sir Chloe. She’s not a pushover but can’t say no to puppy eyes.
She definitely loves to go flower picking. She got a paci that she impulsively bought. She hates bright light. She can play with hair and it  is very conforting. Doesn’t mind being called papa.
Tom: flip/toddler regressor 2-5 pure 
Is really sweet but can also be a peice of shit it  just depends. He can also regress impurely where he tends to get angry and throw tantrums fast. As a cg he gives the cuddles and he does tease but knows when to stop. 
Will: baby regressor 0-2 impure 
An absolute sweetheart and tries to help except he is 0-2 so he can’t really do do much. When he sees littles he ether regresses with them or babysits them. 
Yul: baby regressor 0-3 pure
He actually is padded so he wears pull-ups a lot since he regresses to a literal baby. He is extremely picky so cooking for him is hell of a ride. He does tend to get angry and ends up throwing something.
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ianduncankinnie · 6 months
So the new stupendium song about the theorist channels has MV made by editor Ty of the theorists. And ho boy there's so many Easter eggs bro makes it look like it's April.
Here are the ones I could find purely by looking.
1) Count Bleck reference from the Luigi Brainwashed ep
I won't lie I didn't not expect to see him so when I saw this man in literally the first 30 seconds of this vid I knew I was gonna be busy going frame by frame on each part of the vid
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2) Allay, Bees, Pigs, An Enderman and An Illager From the Minecraft Lore series
This one was kinda obvious but I liked it regardless but I can't remember the significance of bees here for some reason
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3) The Bendy Posters + Stupendium reference
There's a bendy, Boris and Alice angel poster and I think they're signalling to the first ever bendy theory but I don't really know. Also in a blink and you'll miss it moment there's a frame before the jumpscare where the film playing changes into the words "stupendously stupid" which I really like ngl.
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4) Garten Of BanBan Missing Chapter Theory + Editing Dungeon mention
In the lyrics stupendium mentions about missing pieces and in the visuals it refers to the fifth chapter of Garten Of BanBan in which the sixth chapter is advertised as the next part rather than the fifth. Also I love the little insult to BanBan as a series purely made to sell merch like girl- And I absolutely love this Easter Egg so much omg it's the editing dungeon!!!! The editors being called dungeon dwellers with Head D̶u̶n̶g̶e̶o̶n̶ ̶D̶w̶e̶l̶l̶e̶r̶ Editor Dan in red with 2 Asset Allies and THE ALL POWERFUL WAVEFORM WIZARD YOSI. Also the console is the ts4 which is peak .
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5) Stupendium solving the Tom Nook Theory in the background
I don't have anything to say other than it's very cute.
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The creators of Hello Neighbor constantly tagging matpat, Matpat react, I KILLED THEM?ooc, THERE'S A PHONY BETWIXT YALL, pimp!pat, THEORY THEORY, #BLAMEJASON, every child is the crying child and whatever that pic is.
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7) Stupendium as a GT Thumbnail
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8) Sonic's Speed
The antithesis to Mario's height.
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9) Frogger Dissection with cute mysteries in the bg
First off, The Super Mario Maker is infinite theory on the whiteboard. Mr. Tomato on the shelf alongside with a maxim tomato from the time they tried to theorize Kirby
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And I'll have to end here rn cuz there's a ten images per post limit on Tumblr
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bisexualcoltseavers · 19 days
this wound won't close
TW: Homophobia, biphobia, mentions of conversion therapy, homophobic slurs, mentions of alcoholism, domestic violence, strangulation, and past suicidal ideation
Nothing looks right.
Colt scrutinizes the table, eyebrows furrowed deep in thought. It shouldn't be complicated. He's set the table how many times? He could do it with his hands tied behind his back. Easy as driving a boat.
Right now, he'd much rather be driving a boat.
Arms wrap around his middle, and Colt tenses. But then he picks up the familiar scent of lavender cologne, and he sighs and leans into Ken's touch. He wraps a hand around his wrist but doesn't turn to look at him.
"It's okay," Ken mutters. "It'll be over before you know it."
Colt sighs and shakes his head. "She's nasty, Ken. I hate it when she visits."
"I've dealt with nasty before," Ken reminds him. Colt scowls. It's been two years, and he'd still love nothing more than to punch Patrick Murphy in the face. "As long as she doesn't, ya know, try to strangle me, I think I'll be okay. I can take it."
Ken is perfectly capable of handling himself. He's stronger than he used to be, independent to a fault, yet Colt still resists urges to jump in and protect him from danger. His stomach churns uncomfortably.
Mom may not be a physical threat, but her words cut Colt to the core, leaving the parts of him he keeps well-hidden raw and exposed. She knows how to make him feel small and vulnerable with the tiniest hint of disapproval, and he resents that he reverts to being a child, desperate for her love, whenever he's in her presence.
Are you protecting Ken, or are you trying to protect yourself?
He flinches at the thought. Some questions are better left unanswered.
Colt never planned on coming out to her. His trysts with a few of the boys in his class were his best-kept secret.
Until his feelings for Anthony Whitman stopped being purely platonic.
Anthony was his best friend, and the most handsome boy Colt had ever seen. He had black curly hair, olive skin, and striking green eyes. Colt always felt like Anthony was staring into his very soul, and Colt was desperate to keep Anthony looking at him.
Only when Colt leaned in to kiss him did he notice that Anthony had a smattering of freckles across his nose.
He'd taken Anthony into his mouth, moaning when Anthony yanked his hair and breathlessly muttered praise, and -
The door flying open. A scream. Colt hurriedly pulling away and Anthony, flushed with shame, hastily pulling up his jeans.
"Colton Joseph!" He'd refused to look at her, and his heart shattered when Anthony practically ran out of his bedroom. "What do you think you're doing!?"
And so he'd sat at the kitchen table for the rest of the night, listening to Mom call him an embarrassment, a freak, a faggot, and the last one had made him flinch so viscerally that the chair had moved with him.
She smacked him when he rolled his eyes at the Bible passages.
Anthony never spoke to him again.
The closet sucked, but he'd only barely managed to avoid a pray-the-gay-away camp. He's heart too many horror stories about those.
He'd rather be closeted than deal with that.
And then he drops out of high school and gets hired in the stunt industry. He sleeps with Dan a few times, a couple of assistants, and Tom Ryder twice.
Two times too many.
None of them had ever been serious. They were just flings or friends-with-benefits situations. They were easy to hide from Mom and Dad. He's a stuntman. There'd never be a scandalous article written about him.
His bisexuality had flown under the radar, and then he met Ken.
Ken was different.
They'd met at a karaoke bar. He wasn't sure what possessed him to do it, but he'd gone up to talk to the other man after hearing him sing. Ken was adamant about being in a relationship, but they'd exchanged numbers anyway.
Colt quickly fell in love.
Ken was funny and charming, a talented photographer, eager to learn more about Colt's work. And Colt loved listening to him just as much, especially when he sang.
Toward the end of Ken's relationship wtith Patrick, his own relationship with Ken had bordered on an emotional affair. When Patrick tried to strangle Ken, when he'd almost lost Ken for good, Colt realized that he couldn't live without the other man.
They've been together for almost two years. Mom knows about Ken, but she's never met him, has never even seen a photo of him.
Until today.
The knock comes all too soon.
Ken looks up from chopping vegetables and gives Colt a reassuring smile. It'll be fine, he mouths. Colt nods and swallows. It feels like hundreds of glass shards cutting his throat.
Colt opens the door and, for the first time in over two years, locks eyes with his mother. Julie Seavers is a small, unassuming woman with shrewd brown eyes and blonde hair. To anyone else, she appears as a kind, God-fearing woman. All Colt sees is an abusive zealot.
"Hi, Mom." Colt croaks. Stop it. He clears his throat and steps aside. "Come on in. It's good to see you."
No, it's not. Get out of my damn house and leave me alone.
Julie hangs her purse on the hook by the door. Even without seeing her face, Colt knows she's scrutinizing the house with a critical eye. Out of the corner of his eye, Colt watches Ken wipe his hands and make his way toward the mother and son.
Julie turns and gives Ken a once-over. Her eyebrows rise in surprise. It's probably the hair. It's so blond it's almost white, and Colt loves it. She looks his body up and down, focusing on his jeans and his golden-yellow button down.
"Hm. Well, he's well-dressed at least. But Colt, for God-"
Ken quickly interjects, putting himself between Colt and Julie. He sticks his hand out and says brightly, "Hi! I'm Ken."
Julie stares at his hand for a moment before begrudgingly shaking it. "Julie."
Ken's easygoing grin doesn't falter. Colt takes a moment to marvel at him. A little over a year ago, he wouldn't have been nearly as confident. "Colt said you like chardonnay, so I grabbed a couple of bottles. Can I pour you a glass?"
Julie hums a low, short note. "Yes, thank you. Where have your hosting skills gone, Colt? I thought I raised you better than that."
Colt huffs. "He wants to make a good impression. Stop it."
"So you're letting him play host? This isn't even his home."
"Actually -"
"Here you go!" Ken all but shoves the glass in Julie's hand, and passes a bottle of beer to Colt. He accepts it with a grateful smile and clinks the bottle against Ken's glass. Ken takes a hearty sip of wine and slides his free hand into Colt's. Julie catches the action and purses her lips, but Ken makes no move to pull his hand away. He gives Colt's hand a reassuring squeeze, and it grounds him, if only just a little.
The three sit for dinner. The tension is so thick that Colt could cut it with a knife.
"So, Ken," Julie starts. "Colt says you two met at a bar?"
"Yep!" Ken grins. "A karaoke bar. I was singing, and once I was done, Colt came over and started talking to me."
"And you're a photographer? They don't make a lot of money, do they?"
Ken blinks in surprise, and Colt represses a sigh. Here it comes. "Ummm. Yeah, yeah, I'm a photographer. I make a decent amount of money, actually. I have my own studio and a lot of clients. Business is kind of booming."
"Your own studio? Hm."
Julie falls silent, and Colt smirks. Ken makes great money, and even though she doesn't approve of his career choice, she's never been able to make snobby comments about money to him. Small mercies.
"What do you think of Colt's stunt work? I wanted him to stay in school but he dropped out to jump off of roofs and get hit by cars."
Never mind.
Ken shrugs. "I think it's awesome. I'm not an adrenaline junkie, so I could never do it, but it's so cool."
"You don't care that he's a high school dropout?"
"Nah. Why would I? I never finished high school either."
"Oh." Julie stiffens and sets her fork down. "You know, a GED would -"
"Mom," Colt says sharply. "Drop it. Can we talk about something else? What's going on in Seattle? How's Derrick?"
Julie bristles at being interrupted, but once Colt mentions her husband, she brightens. Colt hates his stepfather, but whatever. He makes Mom happy and keeps her out of his hair. Good enough.
"Oh, well, now that you mention it..."
The rest of the meal thankfully goes off without a hitch.
Mom's on her second glass of wine. He sits with her in the living room while Ken loads the dishwasher. Colt toys with his beer bottle and tenses when Mom clears her throat.
Here it comes. "Yes?"
"Don't yes me. It's rude." Julie places her glass on a coaster and rests her hands on her lap. "Are you sure about Ken?" Her voice is soft, almost mocking. Colt loathes her, but he loves her, and why can't you just fucking be kind? "What happened to Jody? She was a nice girl."
"Nothing happened, Mom. It just didn't work out." They never properly came back after his accident, even after shooting Metalstorm. But they're still good friends, and she's with Dan now. It's worked out well for everyone. "I'm happy, she's happy. It's fine."
"Are you happy?" She fixes him with a patronizing stare, bordering on pity. "I just don't understand why you couldn't find a nice girl and settle down, have a couple of children. Maybe go back to school. You know your sister -"
"Is a doctor, her husband's a doctor, and they have three very intelligent kids. Yeah, I know." Natalie is the only one he's completely cut contact with. She's the worst combination of Mom and Dad possible, and Colt hates that his nieces are stuck with her. "You don't have to tell me again."
"Don't take that tone with me, Colton. I just wanted you to go back to school -"
"And marry a woman -"
"And be normal! I just wanted you to be normal! Don't you know what everyone else says?" Julie leans in and whispers, like she's afraid of interlopers overhearing, "They say you're going to Hell. Do you want that?"
"I'm going to Hell, huh?" Colt snarls. "Guess you, Dad, and Natalie will be right there with me! I don't need a degree or a wife or a huge, fancy house to be happy. It's all fake, anyway. Nat's an alcoholic, and her kids hate her. You and Dad are miserable. I don't want that life."
"Your sister is not! She's nothing like your father! And I'm - "
"I never said - "
"And she's not a fag - "
Colt jumps at the booming voice. Ken's joined them, arms crossed over his chest and an angry flush across his cheeks. His muscles bulge from underneath his sleeves. Sometimes Colt forgets just how muscular he is.
"You're not gonna talk to Colt like that. Get the hell out of my house."
Ken never gets angry. He rarely has to defend Colt from anything. But now he's practically fuming. He locks eyes with Colt and crosses the room in two steps, bracing his hands on Colt's shoulders. Ken's hands tremble with barely-concealed fury.
Julie sputters and stares at Ken in shock. "Excuse me? Who do you think you're speaking to like that?"
"Don't even try that with me. I'm not going to let you sit here and degrade your son and call him slurs. Now get out of my house."
"You can't kick me out! This isn't your house! Colt, tell him - "
Colt almost hears the smirk in Ken's voice when he next speaks. "My name is on the deed. This is my house. Get. The fuck. Out."
Julie glares at Ken, and Colt averts her gaze when she turns on him. The tension grows as Julie sits there, desperately thinking of something to say, but Colt's done playing her games.
"Do I have to say it again? Leave."
Julie drains the rest of her glass and grabs her purse off the hook. Colt doesn't turn to look at her, but he feels her steely glare nonetheless. "Don't call me again, Colt. I don't know why I put up with you for so long."
The slam of the door doesn't hurt nearly as much as her words, and Colt resents himself for flinching.
Colt retreats to be bedroom before Ken can open his mouth. He sits on top of the bed, staring at nothing. His face is wet, but he makes no effort to wipe the tears away. Even after all these years, it hurts. Her words, her glares, her disapproval. Why does everyone else get a mother that loves them? Why is he being punished? Natalie could never do any wrong, even when she drank and stole and smacked him around. But he talked too much and couldn't stay still, he dropped out of school and dared to break free from the closet he was trapped in.
He isn't her definition of normal, and that's enough for her to hate him. Other people have moms that love them. Colt doesn't have Mom, doesn't have Dad, doesn't have his sister.
The bed dips, and Ken wraps an arm around him. Colt rests his head on Ken's shoulder, closing his eyes when Ken cards his fingers through his hair. "Hey."
Ken presses a feather-light kiss to the top of his head. "I'm sorry, honey. I'm so, so sorry. She doesn't deserve you."
You're wrong, Colt thinks. Mom sees him for who he really is: a scared, worthless child, desperate for love and approval. But he can't say any of that out loud. How pathetic. "Thanks. I'm sorry you had to see that. But...Thank you for doing that for me. You didn't have to. I could've handled her."
"I know. But I wanted to do it. I love you, Colt.
Soon enough, Ken will see him for who he really is, too. Maybe he'll even leave, and Mom will find out and come back to gloat, and he'll be all alone again.
But for now, Colt clutches the front of Ken's shirt. He doesn't know how long it'll last, but...Sometimes it's nice to be taken care of. Maybe he can let himself have this for a little while.
"I love you, too."
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starsapphire · 11 months
25 17 12 8 9 & 3 for the choose violence ask game...I love ur haterisms you're always so correct in it
HI ignore how long it took me to answer this. thank u i hope i am not just a mutual to u but also an irredeemable hater
25. common fandom complaint that you’re sick of hearing
you know what? trying to answer this one made me immensely grateful for how normal the mutual circle is. couldn't think of anything. thanks guys 🩷
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
i know you're here for dc but i must speak my truth. we need more johnnywyatt content in the marvel fandom. spideytorch is dead. it's never going to happen. peter is either straight or too oblivious to ever realise he likes men and either way marvel is going to be milking the petermj divorce remarriage magic-divorce remarriage divorce remarriage cycle in every media form possible until the company shuts down. maybe in the ultimate universe i could see spideytorch working out but it literally exploded. rip gay emo 1610 johnny but we need to move on. i'm sorry everyone. HOWEVER. we are ignoring the beautiful truth of johnny storm and his hot 6-foot-massive husband. when i think about them my mind fills with static but like. he doesn't have powers. johnny is a living star. and he will still step in front of johnny every time. he treats johnny's niece and nephew like his own. they're married in every sense but legally. only 37 works in the ao3 tag. we are living in hell. at this point i will take crumbs from dan slott. DAN SLOTT. but i stay silly
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
zinda blake. purely because of "holy crow! the boy is FANCY?!"
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
ummmm everything about the "stalker tim" thing. like no he did not follow batman and robin around with a camera for 5 years. janet and jack didn't send him to school at arkham ok he was not able to escape every weekend and go downtown in gotham at 3am. but also i have seen people be very adamant that tim did not stalk batman and robin until jason died (which like. if he hadn't followed anything about batman and robin in that period, how would he know how much more violent bruce was getting or that robin had changed hands?) and that's not true. he was stalking them neil josten style. i want to see his creepy stalker binder full of newspaper clippings. from actual newspapers. like a psychopath
9. worst part of canon
cassie sandsmark's stupid fucking costume for the last 20 years. i would suffer through tom king's writing just to see her in a normal outfit i'm dead fucking serious. i'd buy the fucking issue. her ugly ass britney spearsification twig arms tt2003 redesign deals me actual psychic damage when i have to look at it (IT WAS SO OOC and johns' justification was so misogynistic. what if i kms) and every time i have to see cassie's stupid fucking impractical little girl eight-year-old-in-2011 outfit from rebirth i want to die. there's this one panel i saw that i cannot find where diana, donna, and yara are walking in their really beautiful, regal armour, looking like warriors, ready for battle, and then cassie is next to them in her skort. it's so embarrassing… someone please free my girl. actually free her from everything originating in tt2003 she deserves so much better
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you’ve seen on tumblr
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i get what they're trying to say but also I Was Literally There And That Is Not What Happened
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jennyandvastraflint · 2 months
Would you do 6) eu characters for the kmk ask game, please? And maybe also (or alternatively) 16) characters that appear in Moffat who and/or 19) Characters you have written fic for?
Just pick as many as and whoever you like for each category <3
Thank youuuu! Since I am lazy and don't have pictures of more EU characters, just have the Bloomsbury Bunch XD (Art credit for the Bloomsbury Bunch goes to the A Photograph to Remember poster by @pookachuka)
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Thomas Foster is just such a sweetie pie, he's a struggling artist and a bit of a dreamer, and his boyfriend Stonn keeps him grounded a bit. I really wanna boop his nose <3
Then there's Vella, my beloved cranky Silurian who totally isn't Vastra's ex... I want to punch and boop her in equal measure, but I think booping her would mean I'll lose at least one finger (worth it.) Still, I wanna punch her for a) being mean to Jenny and b) locking Jenny and Strax up for a bit... Also she should definitely get some therapy to sort out her inferiority complex
And then there's Stonn who is a Sontaran and Tom is his boyfriend. Unfortunately, he has discovered capitalism and is pretty annoying about that... I wanna punch him on the probic vent (or maybe boop him) like Jenny did when she tricked him and knocked him out XD
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Here's characters I've written for! It's missing a few, but I honestly couldn't be bothered to search more pictures on my phone. I haven't technically PUBLISHED anything featuring Tom and Stonn YET, but I do have a really fun WIP (the Mamma Mia one)
Of the others, I think Missy needs to be punched a lot. I would like to travel with her, but I feel like she'd kill me in ten seconds and I am a bit inclined to live on.
I'd like to travel with Thirteen and Yaz, but I also wanna boop them, so they go in the middle somewhere. I think they'd be loads of fun, even though I'd fill the Dan role in that team XD
Then we have Jenny and Vastra, themmmm! I wanna boop them one billion times. I do kinda wanna travel in the TARDIS with them, but I also think I couldn't realistically put up with That amount of flirting XDDD Like I love them but PLEASE GET A ROOM XD
Similar for Haruka and Michiru, I wanna boop them so much and it would be maybe kinda interesting to travel with them in the TARDIS, but again, these lesbians know no shame and I'd rather not XD Also chances are I'd turn out to have a pure heart and they'd sacrifice me or something idk.
I wanna boop Seven and Janeway. I do actually trust them with a TARDIS (sort of) I've just realised, though Janeway would use it to violate the Prime Directive and do loads of time travel shenanigans with it. I think Janeway cannot be trusted with a TARDIS she is too ADHD for that (actually isn't the Doctor too...) Seven would like the TARDIS I think, they'd get along. Actually, I'd love to travel with them. Please imagine they're beneath Jenny and Vastra on the line between TARDIS and boop XD
And Strax my babygirl the queen the moment the icon. I love him and he deserves to be booped one billion times he is so sweet I love him. Would not trust him to navigate a TARDIS really, and I also don't wanna punch him. Sooooo <3
I hope you enjoyed these, friend!
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canongoldrose · 1 year
Hey, are you still an mi high fan? What are your head cannon's and thoughts behind them? Tom is so queercoded/into Dan
I'm totally still a fan and I'll always love the show! :D
I headcanon Tom as gay and autistic (possibly asexual as well tbh.) And I definitely see Dan as bi. I do agree that it's implied that Tom really really likes Dan. As in one episode, it seems like Tom gets jealous because Dan getting all the girls. But in my eyes, Tom is jealous because he's not the one getting Dan's attention. I could also talk about autistic Tom but I won't do it in this post.
Also! I can't remember if it's canon or if I made it up in my head- but Tom being jealous over Keri/Zoe when they're with Dan?
Tom is totally queercoded, yep. He never gets a love interest the way Dan does. Some does ship Tom and Aneisha tho, but to me their relationship is purely platonic.
I think I used to have more specific hcs but I can't think of them rn- I also did start writing a Dan x Tom fanfic once, maybe sometime it will see the light of the day. Here I have my original hcs for some M.I high characters
To finish this post, I'll self promote lol. I post edits on TikTok here and I do have a few M.I High edits 👀
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lexiklecksi · 1 year
10 songs (tag game)
Thanks for tagging me @captain-kraken & @writernopal <3 I'm tagging @hraewordsmith @kirkshiresloss @zettelkaestchen to put a playlist on shuffle and share the first 10 songs that come up without cheating! ;-) Also this is an open tag so whoever wants to do that, tag me in your post
I put my "liked songs" Spotify playlist on shuffle which consists of 2700 songs and now that I see what comes up I can't even say I have a taste in music, I just like random songs haha also beware of my oversharing of why I like these songs because I feel like I have to explain myself XD
This is a perfect mash-up! Miley Cyrus is an icon and I also love "Where is my mind?" by The Pixies (and the end scene of Fight Club), but if someone told me a few years ago that Miley Cyrus would perform a mash-up of her song "We can't stop" and "Where is my mind?" on stage, I couldn't believe that it would turn out so awesome.
Solar-based hip-hop based on sun-drunk sounds! I have high hopes for her, she's still a newcomer and her music style is so unique.
Balkan Beats from Germany <3 also yes, we are still here to tell our stories!
Two of my favourite German singer-songwriter bands (Milky Chance & AnnenMayKantereit) having a jam session with Suzanne Vega's song, and it's ... it is perfection! I like it more than the original. The voices of the lead singers are raspy and sexy, but you can also hear them smiling while singing, and that makes it so much better.
This song still makes me cry ... that's all I have to say really, it's perfect fantasy music, but it's also a captivating piece
If you watched the Eurovision Song Contest in 2021 you get it. And if you haven't, go watch their winning performance. Yes, Italian rock won the ESC and I am still amazed by that.
This is probably the best German hip-hop song with an actual political message for Christmas. The music video is pure art, you will understand the themes even if you don't speak German ;-)
Arya Lee is a German singer, YouTuber, actor and film director. He fled from Iran and this song is about his refugee trauma. We should reinforce refugee voices and this hip-hop song demands to be heard. I had a roommate who also fled from Iran, so this song has a special place in my hear, because it made me understand better what he had to endure to make it to a safe place.
You're a part of the dawn where the light comes from the dark You're a part of the morning and еverything matters Herе we are, an atom and a star You're a part of the movement and everything matters
Quand la lumière veut nous voir Quelque part dans le monde Un oiseau s'endort sans bruit Toi et moi, dans la nuit on trouvera Quelque part où déposer les fleurs qu'on a cueillies
If I could write just one poem in my whole life that comes near Aurora's and Pomme's songwriting, I can die in peace. We are so blessed that these faeries share their wisdom with us trough music.
A cellist who is also a songwriter and I'm one of 36 monthly listeners (yes this is a humble brag)
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suppenzeit · 2 years
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Favorite Actor(s): Tom Nihill literally the only man ever!!!! Also Terence Uphoff, Gary Sheridan and Dan Ellison too I guess they're good too lol
Favorite Song/Scene(s): Wide Smile baybeeee. Also him in the bg of Pumping Iron
Favorite Costume: He's only had one but I love love love the two-toned gloves more than the pure red ones.
Favorite Ship(s): Beelektra, BrakeBox and Steam Press
Headcanon: He can whistle but he doesn't like to because his whistle is high-pitched, annoying and cringy (according to him).
Unpopular Opinion: I have opinions about how some people characterize him but hm..
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johannestevans · 2 years
Update 17/08/2022
Good evening!
Some updates - great news if you're living in Ireland or if you're soon to visit.
I'm gonna be doing a stand-up comedy show tomorrow night in Ireland's Smallest Comedy Club at the Dew Drop Inn here in Galway, with Johnny Graham, Bob Hennigan, Edwin Sammon, and Ian Burke. You can get tickets here.
Also as a regularly running event, I'm now running the Queer Pub Quiz at the Oslo in Salthill - every Tuesday evening from 7pm until 9pm, pub quiz! Teams of up to 5, free entry, 30 questions in two rounds of 15. I'm really excited about keeping it running as a regular event, especially for different queer communities in the city, so definitely come along if that's something you might be interested in!
Media Recs
Das Boot (1987, dir. Wolfgang Petersen) - The cult classic, Nazis on a submarine experiencing what feels like (and ultimately is) certain doom. This movie is two and a half hours long and I watched it purely because Leo said it was very good. And was it very good? Yes! I enjoyed it! With that said, I did fall asleep about an hour and something in, was left to nap for twenty minutes, and then we went back to watching it. I will say that to really enjoy this movie you might like to do what we did, which is watch it as a homoerotic submarine movie double-bill - first, we watched Down Periscope (1996, dir. David S. Ward), and then we watched this one.
Prey (2022, dir. Dan Trachtenberg) - A new movie, also bound to be a cult classic, I'm sure, because it's fucking sick. I haven't seen any of the other Predator movies, just FYI, but I loved this - I will echo what a lot of people have been saying, which that it feels a little unnatural that a lot of the characters are speaking English through a lot of the film, and there is a Comanche dub that's better if you're able to get hold of it!
Resurrection (2022, dir. Andrew Semans) - You know, I really wasn't sure what I'd think of this, and I didn't know what I thought of it as I was watching it, but it's extremely compelling throughout, and the last act really sold it for me. This is a movie about abuse, about the psychological effect of prolonged gaslighting and emotional abuse, even decades free of it, and ultimately it has a really Greek tragedian feel that's just as gory and just as viscerally horrifying as the House of Atreus.
I also absolutely have to recommend P-Valley, which I think has just finished up its second season and is fucking unbelievable television, it's unspeakably well-written and so much better than basically any other drama on TV right now, and I'm obviously loving the new season of What We Do In The Shadows still, last night's episode was absolutely my favourite so far.
New Works Published
Firstly, my Directory of Work has been updated with all the new works since March! Check it out on my website, on Patreon, or on Medium.
Study Session
1.6k, cis M/M. MB. A student fucks his professor against the gym wall. Prof/student, older bottom/younger top, age difference, size difference, wall sex, semi-public sex, biting, dirty talk, teasing, threatens of spanking, D/s implications.
On Medium / / On Patreon.
Getting Old
1k, cis M/M, MB. Two old men sleepy on a pirate ship. Sleepy sex, intercrural, teasing, a bit of banter, mostly just two old men being tired and achy together!
On Medium / / On Patreon.
700w, cis M/trans M. Birthday sex. Slow, drawn-out sex, teasing, PIV, lots of decadence and indulgence here. Samuel Coates and Tom Warren, again!
On Medium / / On Patreon.
800w, cis M/trans M/trans M. A man happily pinned between two others. Mild D/s, threesome, oral and PIV sex, implied overstim, teasing.
On Medium / / On Patreon.
The Interview
4k, cis M/trans M, MB. A workplace roleplay with age difference and some hearty degradation. Younger boss/older prospective employee, pre-negotiated roleplay, degradation and humiliation, daddy kink, nipple play, PIV, riding, sex in the office, casual sex, bareback. The older man is fat, but none of the degrading language is about his body or his size except for commenting on the size of his chest — the degradation primarily is about his age and assumed loneliness.
On Medium / / On Patreon.
Asking Nicely
Trans M/M, 2.1k, MB. A trans man taking his partner’s strap learns precisely how strong he is. Featuring a massive tentacle strap-on, vaginal sex, size difference, teasing, overstimulation, Daddy kink, begging, crying, STRENGTH kink, even a little bit of belly-riding.
On Medium / / On Patreon.
Milk Production
3.3k, cis M/trans M, MB. A country doctor finds his footman in an unexpected condition. Featuring older!trans/intersex doctor/younger!cis footman; the footman is lactating and the doctor is really into it. Featuring lactation, milking, some mild sadism and humiliation, lots of praise, PIV sex, eagerness, D/s dynamics, age difference. There’s reference and implication throughout to feeding and weight gain as the younger man is skinny, but no feeding within the course of the fic.With Doctor Nathaniel Mills and Tristan Sunderland.
On Medium / / On Patreon.
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landofgay · 2 years
Tom and Greg is some kind of weird fucked up gay dynamic, but Dan and Jonah is just pure 100% all American hate fucking. gotta love it
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musicarenagh · 1 month
Beyond the Music: Getting Personal with Cris Cap Are ready for a behind-the-scene tour of one of the hottest acts on the music scene?And when it comes to Cris Cap, the unbelievably talented singer-songwriter and producer from Düsseldorf who's been spreading his soulful pop vibes all over the place? "Don't You Cry" his latest single with the wonderful Tyla Raé is absolutely a fire song. People are loving that there’s this cool genre-blending vibe that molds soul, funk and pop together into something new and interesting. It's only the moment that the groove starts that you just can't avoid your head from nodding and your legs from tapping. On top of this we also get Cris's smooth vocals and Tyla's killer pipes.  The great thing about this is that the melodies will definitely get stuck in your head for days. On the other hand, let us go back a little and talk about the man behind the tunes. A young Cris was all about the music game since he was a little pianist playing around. It's been an intense journey of pure passion, the hustle and genuine creativity; positioning him as one of the hottest and respected artists and producers at the moment. Here is your unique chance to listen to Cris's undisclosed tribulations directly from him. In this episode, we will explore what ignites his spark, how he harnesses his creative brilliance, who his oldest heroes are, and what he has on the package for the future. Hold your horses, as you are about to embark on an exciting journey into the psychological world and mindset of Cris Cap. Listen to Don't You Cry below https://open.spotify.com/track/1O8LLI2pRd83Yk7Y8xfrFc?si=a99133c0d30a4b87 Follow Cris Cap on Facebook Twitter Spotify Soundcloud Bandcamp Youtube Instagram What is your stage name CRIS CAP Where do you find inspiration? In the music I love to hear, esp on my headphones walking the city. Watching videos with my musical heroes. Concerts. Also in foolin’ round on the piano. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? When I was little, we had always music playing at home. Besides classical music, there was also a lot of pop and soul. My mother loved the Carpenters and Tom Jones. My parents had a piano teacher for me and I started playing with seven. I also joined the children’s choir of our little town, I spent several years there. Today I can see that this early practice and experience is so helpful; harmonizing, finding melodies and structures comes natural and easy. Are you from a musical or artistic family? Not really, they are music lovers. Anyway my mom played the piano in her spare time and my grandfather was also a piano player. In his last years we even played some four handed duets on the piano, waltzes by Johann Strauss were his favourite music. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? All the L.A. session players of the 70s and 80s for the most part. The guys that played for Steely Dan and the Toto crew for instance. When I was 14 I fell in love with their art and it was always my dream to be part of this game. Larry Carlton. Brecker Brothers. Stevie Wonder. How did you learn to sing/write/to play? Piano lessons, choir. Then classes in high school. Started playing with Pop, Funk and Fusion bands when I was 17. Later preparing for music college, studying music theory, classical piano and ear training. I was accepted at the Robert Schumann Hochschule in Düsseldorf/Germany. [caption id="attachment_55311" align="alignnone" width="1600"] Started playing with Pop, Funk and Fusion bands when I was 17.[/caption] What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? I think the first real big show I went to was the Queen 1981 tour in Frankfurt/Germany. How could you describe your music? Soulful sounding pop / RnB with strong influences from Jazz and Funk. Describe your creative process. The moment I realize motivation, I try to work out that idea. If it is a lyric idea, i take notes if it’s musical, I fix it on a voice recorder or in my studio.
I always work out lyrics because I need them to start the composition. Then the fun part starts: I sit, playing the piano and start singing some of my prepared lyrics. If I have a good day I would start recording sth right away. I have days when I more or less make a song in one day. The work to arrange it and record it takes several more days of course. What is your main inspiration? Listening to music! What musician do you admire most and why? Donald Fagen. One of my heroes, as part of the Steely Dan duet he developped a unique musical style so interesting and soothing at once. Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? Oh yes, always. It’s an ever continuing process… What are your interests outside of music? Nature and movies. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? My second choice would be Physician. https://open.spotify.com/artist/5I56DPmGTFfNOqKyU8VE06?si=LphK3SoiTUmYAXnUFHokYQ What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? The marketing of music is the biggest challenge and I still don’t have a clue…. If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? Listeners should be asked to pay their fav artists better. What are your plans for the coming months? In June 2024 I will release a six song EP with also my latest singles on it. Next year my first album will come out, I am already working out the songs. Do you have any artistic collaboration plans? I am really open and looking for all kind of collabs, esp with singers! Write!
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nnjzz · 8 months
JEUDI 02.11
20:00 portes 20:45 action
P.A.F. 6€
à LES NAUTES 1, Quai des Célestins 75004 M° Sully-Morland
WAMEI /jp osaka Jeune musicien prolifique et très versatile, il est la moitié du duo " psych-drone- pop" Sarry ( avec la chanteuse Fuji Yuki ) et également membre de plusieurs groupes de la région de Kansai dont le groupe psyche/rock Hibushibure, le combo techno/noise Nasca Car ou le groupe post-punk Jacob’s Ladder. Solo, il construit de plus en plus sa musique dans une accumulation de strates de drones saturés, même si - à l'opposé de ce spectre - il excelle à concocter des vignettes électroniques compactes et mystérieuses, des mini-capsules sous forme de pop-ups délétères, comme des mini-bulles de soundtracks éphémères, tantôt lymphatiques tantôt agités, qui peuvent faire penser ( ou pas ) à, pêle-mêle, Conrad Schnitzler, Cosmic Jokers, Mort Garson, Matsuo Ono, Edward Artemiev, Gil Mellé, Coil, classiques d'early electronica ( Herbert Eimert, Otto Luening, Vladimir Ussachevsky... ), Kid Baltan & Tom Dissevelt, Delia Derbyshire, Daphne Oram et autres ciseleurs de la vintage electronica de l'âge d'or du BBC Radiophonic Workshop.  " Avec un style d'expression totalement abstrait basé sur le drone (performance avec son soutenu), ses performances s'intéressent aux « sons qui mènent à d'autres mondes », qui affectent directement les sens de l'auditeur plutôt que sa sensibilité musicale. Le style d'interprétation, qui utilise un minimum de synthétiseurs et de pédales, vise à faire entendre à l'auditeur la musique du plus profond de sa mémoire, et supprime en profondeur les éléments musicaux tels que la mélodie et le rythme, et, à la limite du bruit, détruit la pensée et crée des sons qui agissent sur les profondeurs pures du psychisme et sur les sens qui s'y trouvent. Le groupe joue des sons qui agissent sur les profondeurs pures du psychisme et sur ses sens les plus intimes. " Dans le passé, il a participé à des groupes et unités de divers genres, y compris l'unité que Sarry a formée avec la chanteuse Fuji-Yuki, et a également produit et publié de nombreuses œuvres sur des labels en Europe et dans d'autres pays, ainsi que des tournées en Europe, Australie et Taïwan. Il a également effectué des tournées en Europe, en Australie et à Taiwan et a collaboré avec des musiciens d'autres pays pour produire des œuvres
ABYSMO / fr paris bruxelles Mealbient, hypnagogic dance music
Nonmei9227 + C Folle : duo créant de la musique visqueuse inspirée des parcs à thème, des marécages et états hypnagogiques au travers de synthèses de vocalisation et de patterns flasques.
OCTAVE MAGESCAS / fr paris Parisien de toujours, musicien et chercheur ( Sound Art Museum de Rome, EHESS ), Octave nourrit sa musique de  field recordings, crépitements synthétiques, clicks_+_cuts à la mode de Frankfurt, tout le langage sonore de l'ambigu et du contemplatif post-digital.
Incursions parfois harsh noise, parfois sleek lush ambient, parfois sound art-ish seront ( ou pas ) de mise, qui verra, verra.
UNNECESSARY ATHLETICS ar / it paris +ou-
des sons qui parcourent les quatre coins du tableau comme des pièces d’échecs des jeux d’avance et retours
Et ça sautille, et ça percute!
UA est un duo composé de : Luca Ventimiglia - électronique  + Joaquin Ortega - électronique.
Les deux font par ailleurs partie d'innombrables permutations entre d'innombrables membres du collectif 2035. 
Fly - Mehdi Hercberg aka SHOBOSHOBO
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chrancecriber · 10 months
Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (August 27, 2023)
23:59 Sven Van Hees - Ocean Jive 23:55 Moguai, Vize, Anna Grey - You're Not Alone 23:52 Vievie - Sea Roses 23:44 Boral Kibil, Mahmut Orhan - Herneise (Original Mix) 23:41 Goldfish Feat. Nate Highfield & Dan Silver - Forever Free 23:38 Nora En Pure - Fibonacci 23:34 Alejandro De Pinedo - Raindrops 23:27 John Kah - Carina (Enui Remix) 23:24 Consoul Trainin Feat. Steven Aderinto & Duoviolins - Obsession 23:18 Mic Max - Como El Viento 23:15 Dennis Kruissen Feat. Liza Flume - Another Soul 23:11 David Guetta, Robin Schulz, Cheat Codes - Shed A Light (Blank & Jones Remix) 23:08 Nancy Sinatra - Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) 23:00 True & Berger - Imprint Of Pleasure 22:57 Blank & Jones - Summer Sky 22:50 Rodriguez Jr. Feat. Liset Alea - What Is Real 22:47 Alok & Timmy Trumpet - Underwater Love (La Vision Remix) 22:43 Lemongrass - Angel Wings 22:37 Deep Dive Corp. & Setsuna - Transatlantic 22:34 Robin Schulz Feat. Alida - In Your Eyes 22:30 Sway Gray Vs. Sal De Sol - Crosses 22:28 Lost Frequencies & Elley Duhé - Back To You 22:26 Srtw & Mave Feat. Sønlille - Last Train Home 22:22 In Lonely Majesty - Sing In The Dark - Alle Farben Remix 22:18 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - We're All We Need 22:13 Anrey - Lost Lands (Extended Mix) 22:07 Schiller - Harmonia 22:04 Sum Wave - Passing Clouds 22:01 Ypey - Life Time 21:58 George Geccoo Feat. Maik Pinto - Dolce Vita 21:55 Tom Staar & Cedric Gervais - Playing Games (Mixed) 21:50 De-phazz - Anchorless 21:47 Twisted Harmonies Feat. Mougleta - You & Me 21:43 Sofi Tukker X Mahmut Orhan - Forgive Me 21:40 Disciples - On My Mind 21:36 The Alan Parsons Project - Old And Wise 21:28 Doyeq & Jay Medvedeva - Break Into My Walls (Armen Miran & Hraach Remix) 21:23 Nor Elle - Dubsolution 21:17 Dale Anderson Feat. Anil Chawla - Pimento Grove 21:13 Viva La Panda & Finding Molly - Bring It On (La La La) 21:09 Kygo Feat. Maty Noyes - Stay 21:06 Robin Schulz & David Guetta - On Repeat 21:03 Alan Walker Feat. Gavin James - Tired 21:00 Klingande, Wrabel - Big Love 20:56 Nora En Pure - Dry Sobbing 20:50 Bent - I Love My Man 20:47 Munich Monstrs - Shine 20:44 Jan Blomqvist & Bloom Twins - High On Beat (Sofi Tukker Remix) 20:40 Serafim Tsotsonis - Small 2 20:37 Kungs Feat. Jhart - Dopamine 20:33 Sound Nomaden - The Morning After 20:28 Evadez - Caught In The Crowd (Original Mix) 20:27 Above & Beyond - Quieter Is Louder (Original Mix) 20:23 Nora Van Elken - Sumatra (Lstn Remix) 20:21 Lost Frequencies & Zonderling - Crazy 20:15 Beyhude - Terso 20:08 Jan Blomqvist - The Space In Between 20:06 James Carter & Ofenbach Feat. James Blunt - Can't Forget You 20:02 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Kings & Queens 19:56 Groovecatcher - Angel Of Nature 19:53 Gibbs - Waiting For Lonely 19:50 Lost Frequencies X James Arthur - Questions 19:46 Enya - Caribbean Blue (Remastered 2009) 19:43 Cotone - Faded Glory 19:38 Pete Tong & Tale Of Us Feat. Jules Buckley - Time 19:35 Regard & Raye - Secrets 19:32 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jake Reese - Need You Now 19:27 Schiller - Der Goldene Engel 19:19 Klangwald - Sadame 19:17 Nora Van Elken - Heaven Is A Place On Earth 19:13 Ultravox - Dancing With Tears In My Eyes 19:10 Nora En Pure & Lika Morgan - In The Air Tonight (Sons Of Maria Remix) 19:03 Beyhude - Akasha 18:58 Themba & Nico De Andrea Feat. Tasan - Disappear 18:55 Vize & Leony - Dolly Song (Devil's Cup) 18:52 Shouse - Won't Forget You 18:47 Nick Sinckler, Lukas Termena - Get Up (Original Mix) 18:43 Mandala Dreams - Mirror Lake 18:39 Nora En Pure - Tantrum 18:36 Gabriel & Castellon - Es Vedra (Touch & Go Radio Mix) 18:33 Felix Jaehn, Cheat Codes Feat. Bow Anderson - I Just Wanna 18:30 Tinlicker & Helsloot - Because You Move Me 18:25 Chicane - No Ordinary Morning 18:21 Pretty Pink Feat. Mark V - Don't Dance 18:16 Depeche Mode - Home 18:10 New Age Kings - Illusion (Instrumental Remix) 18:04 Tebra - Suton 18:01 Bob Marley - Sun Is Shining 17:57 Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano - Let It Lie 17:54 Zoe - C'est La Vie 17:51 Patchy - Friend (Original Mix) 17:48 Blank & Jones - Swept Away 17:43 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Embracing Love 17:40 David Guetta Feat. Sam Martin - Dangerous 17:34 Good Guy Mikesh Feat. Filburt - Place Of Love (Mp Edit) 17:32 Felix Jaehn & The Stickmen Project Feat. Calum Scott - Rain In Ibiza 17:28 Mark Brown - The Journey Continues (Acoustic Version) 17:25 Panama, Satin Jackets - The Future 17:19 Ian Pooley - Stonyridge Terrace 17:15 Nora En Pure - Life On Hold 17:12 L'imperatrice - Peur Des Filles (Montmartre Remix) 17:08 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Ost - Lost Souls (Nora En Pure Remix) 17:06 Kygo, Paul Mccartney & Michael Jackson - Say Say Say 17:02 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay - Phone Down 16:57 Mahoroba - Soft Breeze (On Air Mix) 16:53 Mousse T. - Boyfriend (Alle Farben Remix) 16:50 Wave Wave Feat. Evie - Real 16:47 Dynoro Feat. Gigi D'agostino - In My Mind 16:45 Wave Wave Feat. Lena Sue - Repeating 16:42 Leony - Faded Love (Noøn Remix) 16:36 Sherrie Lea - No Ordinary Love (Arnold T Chill Mix) 16:32 Alok Feat. John Martin - Wherever You Go 16:29 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Void 16:26 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - Erase Rewind 16:23 Cyrillic Feat. Lara - Zero Gravitation 16:19 The Alan Parsons Project - Lucifer 16:16 Rene Rodrigezz & Tristan Henry - Let Me Go 16:13 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Angel Taylor - Make It Right (Trinix Remix) 16:09 The Chainsmokers & Coldplay - Something Just Like This 16:06 Majestic & Boney M. - Rasputin 16:04 Kamrad - Feel Alive 16:00 Xillions - Somebody Like Me 15:56 Golden Tone Radio - Glück 15:52 2raumwohnung - Wir Werden Sehen (Paul Kalkbrenner Remix) 15:48 Kinobe - The Green Piano 15:45 Blank & Jones - Alone In This Rhythm 15:38 Jazzanova - Bohemian Sunset 15:34 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Good Things 15:30 Robin Schulz - Above The Clouds 15:27 Sam Feldt Feat. Deepend & Teemu - Runaways 15:25 The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn Of A Friendly Card 15:19 Deep Dive Corp. Feat. Dennis Le Gree - Water 15:15 Sonic Adventure Project - Waters In Motion 15:11 Christopher Von Deylen - Infinity 15:07 Nore En Pure - In Your Eyes 15:03 Air - You Make It Easy 15:01 Gil Glaze Feat. Dante Thomas - West La 14:57 Claptone Feat. Dizzy - Queen Of Ice Queen Of Ice 14:53 Edx - Missing 14:49 Bronson Feat. Lau.ra - Heart Attack 14:44 Blank & Jones - Give It To Me 14:39 Rìfìs Du Sol - Alive (Anyma Remix) 14:34 Lstn - Times Of Sorrow 14:28 Hraach, Armen Miran - Aldebaran (Original) 14:21 Valeron - Jamal 14:18 Bernward Koch - Lonely Dream (Solo Piano) 14:13 Benny Royal, Dani Hageman - Tigereye 14:06 Beyhude - Rüzgar 14:04 Neptunica & Lunax - We Don't Even Talk Anymore 13:59 Badmarsh & Shri - Day By Day 13:56 Sofi Tukker & John Summit - Sun Came Up (Radio) 13:53 Jeremy Loops - Til I Found You 13:47 Bloomfield - Boulevard St. Germain 13:44 Robin Schulz - Never Know Me (Radio Mix) 13:37 Paji - Viola (Original Mix) 13:35 Paratone - Time After Time 13:32 Rita Ora - You Only Love Me 13:28 Labrinth - Jealous (Bakermat Remix) 13:25 Mike Candys - Sky (Club Mix) 13:21 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 13:15 Estelle Feat. Kanye West - American Boy (Lost Frequencies Remix) 13:12 Sans Souci - Nanda 13:10 Chaël Feat Kaii - Don't Speak 13:04 Alex H - Seeking Agapism 13:00 Kygo & Sasha Sloan - I'll Wait 12:57 Glockenbach Ft. Clockclock - Brooklyn 12:52 Depeche Mode - Useless 12:50 Steve Forest, Te Pai - Never Gonna Give You Up 12:46 Gary B. - Lead Me Home 12:43 Loud Luxury And Frank Walker Feat. Stephen Puth - Like Gold 12:39 Lstn - Thoughts 12:32 Lucy Neville - Shameless 12:28 Chicane Feat. Bryan Adams - Don't Give Up 12:21 Sébastien Tellier - La Ritournelle 12:18 Zaz - Demain C'est Toi 12:11 Armen Miran Feat. Jivan Gasp - Lost Memories 12:06 Sean Hayman - See Of Love (Whisper Mix) 12:00 Schiller X Tricia Mcteague - Miracle 11:57 Trinix - Vision Deluxe 11:54 Sam Feldt - Post Malone (Feat. Rani) 11:49 Lamb - Wonder 11:43 Nora En Pure - Tears In Your Eyes (Extended Mix) 11:39 Tom Novy & Dan Le Blonde - Let's Dance (Tom Novy Remix) 11:36 Agatino Romero - I'm Feeling For You 11:31 Gary B - Let You In 11:28 Feder & Ofenbach Feat. Dawty Music - Call Me Papi 11:25 Lstn - Sky & Sand 11:18 Gregory Porter - Liquid Spirit (Claptone Remix) 11:12 Rodg - Heights 11:09 Dimitri Vegas - Pull Me Closer 11:02 Gerrit Van Der Meer - Solaris 10:58 Edx - Vommuli 10:55 Lucas Estrada & Henri Purnell & Neimy - In My Fantasy 10:48 Max Melvin - Earth Inside 10:45 Felix Jaehn Feat. Zoe Wees - Do It Better 10:42 Blank & Jones - Grown Minds 10:37 Three Drives On A Vinyl - Greece 2000 (Sebastian Davidson & Melosense Remix) 10:34 Nora En Pure - Sign Of The Times 10:30 Jan Blomqvist, Elena Pitoulis - More (Original Mix) 10:27 Edx & Amba Shepherd - Off The Grid 10:18 Christopher Von Deylen - Heaven Can Wait 10:11 Aural Float - Still Here 10:08 Deepend & Graham Candy - Belong (Deepend Edit) 10:05 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Be Here And Now 10:00 Ohm-g - Hulectric Soul 09:57 Sam Feldt & Sam Fischer - Pick Me Up (Vavo Remix) 09:53 Klangperlenspiel & Puzzls - Kyoto (Wish You'd Move On) 09:50 Rita Ora Feat. Alesso - Anywhere 09:46 Tonenation - Hijo De La Luna 09:42 Bob Marley - Is This Love (Montmartre Remix) 09:39 Twopilots - Take My Breath Away 09:36 Avian Grays & Azteck - Endlessly 09:32 Michael Gray & Shelly Poole - Borderline (Lee Muddy Baker Acoustic Mix) 09:30 Lizot - Daddy Cool 09:21 Super Flu - Mygut (Solomun Remix) 09:17 Glenn Main - Message To Spain 09:14 Nora Van Elken - Okinawa 09:11 Above & Beyond - The Inconsistency Principle 09:07 Ayoe Angelica - Dr. Jekyll 09:03 Daniel Portman - Vulnerable 08:57 Twocolors - Together 08:53 Unclubbed, Zoe Durrant - Need To Feel Loved (Original Mix) 08:47 Airstream - Your Tears (Del Mar Mix) 08:42 Cinemascope - Sweetest Story 08:39 Portishead - Revenge Of The Number 08:33 Anrey - We Are The Mirrors (Extended Mix) 08:27 Mathieu & Florzinho - Maha - Amba 08:24 Laniia - Fireflies 08:18 Hraach & Armen Miran - Nowhere 08:14 Robin Schulz Feat. James Blunt - Ok 08:10 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Diana Miro - You (Frankey & Sandrino Remix) 08:07 Sum Wave - Milkyway 08:03 Wamdue Project - King Of My Castle 08:00 Karsten Kiessling Feat. Helin - Fight Like A Lion 07:56 Kygo Feat. Will Heard - Nothing Left 07:50 Placebo - Running Up That Hill 07:48 Sam Feldt Feat. Lateshift - The Riddle 07:43 Ivy - Edge Of The Ocean 07:39 Elderbrook & Bob Moses - Inner Light 07:35 Mahalo - High Life 07:30 Simple Minds - Mandela Day 07:26 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 5 07:23 Dj Antoine & Dead-line - Shout 07:16 Lexer & Paji - Red Puddle 07:14 Möwe - Bad Intentions 07:11 Nora Van Elken - Mount Fuji 07:06 Loopaland - Born To Be Alive 07:03 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Rbvln - Weight Of The World (Feat. Rbvln) 07:00 Basixx - Stay In Your Sunlight 06:53 Tiana, Anton Ishutin - Deeply In My Soul (Original Mix) 06:50 Viva La Panda, Finding Molly - Chances 06:47 Night Cruzer - Timeless 06:42 Worakls - Caprice 06:35 Consolidation Feat. Moguai - Ode To Joy 06:28 Watermat - Bullit (Original Mix) 06:21 Nora En Pure - Cognitive Fadings (Club Mix) 06:13 Boral Kibil - Never Again (Bobby Deep Mix) 06:06 A Forest Mighty Black - Rebirth 06:02 Hein Klein & Cheyenne - Every Breath You Take 05:59 Schiller - Once Upon A Time (Cahill Remix) 05:56 Starley - Lovers Strangers 05:49 Rìfìs Du Sol - On My Knees (Oliver Schories Remix) 05:46 Topic Feat. Nico Santos) - Home (Alle Farben Remix) 05:43 Lost Frequencies - Are You With Me 05:41 Kai Schwarz, Cayus & Yass - My Love Is Your Love 05:32 Dante Klein & Jordiz Feat. Megan Brands - Life 05:28 Wim Mertens - Close Cover 05:24 Rodriguez Jr. & Liset Alea - Amplify 05:17 Nora En Pure - Oblivion (Extended Mix) 05:10 H. Garden Feat. Joi - Gentle Rain 05:05 Tebra - Istok 04:58 Boral Kibil & Gulec - Lost Language 04:55 Portugal. The Man - Feel It Still (Ofenbach Remix) 04:51 Schiller - White Nights (Don't Let Me Go) 04:47 Julian Wassermann - Painfully 04:45 Cantoma - Gambarra (Lexx Remix) 03:25 Rodg - Life Is Life (Chill Mix) 03:20 Joachim Pastor & Signum - Something You Need (Extended Mix) 03:17 Rosa Linn - Snap 03:10 Melih Aydogan - Between 03:07 Dj Antoine & Deep Vice - When You Want Some Love (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 03:04 Pascal Letoublon - Feelings Undercover 03:00 Blank & Jones - Nothing Can Come Between Us 02:54 Christopher Von Deylen - Euphoria 02:51 Moli - Cloud No9 (Montmartre Remix) 02:46 Dalibor Dadoff, Nacho Lezcano, Grabo Bakos - Sounds Like A Melody 02:43 Lost Frequencies, Zonderling & Kelvin Jones - Love To Go 02:36 Joris Voorn - Ringo 02:34 Blank & Jones Feat. Coralie Clément - Cest Mieux 02:30 Edx Feat. Jess Ball - Take Me Home 02:27 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Vs. Diplo Feat. Deb's Daughter - Hey Baby 02:22 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Always Will 02:18 Robin Schulz & Alle Farben & Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World 02:15 Matt Simons - Catch & Release (Deepend Remix) 02:11 Jelly & Fish - Appreciation 02:07 Robin Schulz - Moonlit Sky (With The Void Pacific Choir) 02:00 Kendi Underground - Chasing Cars (Hed Remix) 01:57 Tomas Skyldeberg - Chillin With You 01:54 Arty Feat. Cimo Fränkel - Daydreams (Sultan Shepard Echoes) 01:47 Steen Thottrup Feat. Annette Berg - Heading For The Sunrise 01:41 Monolink & Zigan Aldi - Fidale (I Feel) Vocal Version 01:36 Schiller - Zukunft 01:32 Joachim Pastor Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Saint Louis 01:28 Undressd - Forever Young 01:25 Jubel - On The Beach 01:19 Monolink - Otherside (Club Mix) 01:15 Milkwish - From The Earth To The Moon 01:09 Gary B - Love Rain Down 01:06 Hallmann - Always Be 01:04 Jerome & Neptunica - High On Music 00:59 Index Id - Nautik 00:52 Worakls - By The Brook 00:48 Jean-michel Jarre - Oxygene, Pt. 4 00:43 Lustral - Everytime 00:39 Above & Beyond - Is It Love? (1001) (Original Mix) 00:34 Cristian Marchi Feat. Block - Baker Street 00:32 Dj Antoine & Flip Capella Feat. Evelyn - Dark Love 00:27 Passenger 10 - The Lonely Boy Who Wanted To Make Friends 00:22 Schiller - Ultramarin 00:19 Chris Avedon - The Letter 00:17 Luca Schreiner Feat. Johnny Chicago - Its All Gonna Be Good (Junge Junge Edit) 00:11 Antennasia - First Flight (Lemongrass Remix) 00:04 John Kah - Carina (Enui Remix)
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muznew · 1 year
Best New Progressive House: May 2023
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- DATA CREATED: 04/05/2023 - QUALITY: MP3/320 kbps - GENRE: Progressive House Tracklist Manu Cerasa - Realities Klur - Entangled - Modera Extended Remix Aves Volare, Two Are - Too Late - Extended Mix Bobby Deep - Crow Mood Gorning - Studio Zero - Tom Pooks, Joy Kitikonti Remix Vakabular - Waiting For Too Long - Tali Muss Remix Dan & Dan - A Little Twisted John Cosani - Vulgare Stan Kolev - Ananda - Stan Kolev 2023 Remix Yellow Space, Mylamix - Don't Afraid ISMAIL.M, Redspace, Maze 28 - Pure Reaction Daniel Portman - Pheromone - Extended Mix Fuenka - More Love - Extended Mix Gabriel Di Marzio - Satis GRAZZE, 88Birds - Pacify - Extended Club Mix Pakkio Sans, LMNL - Dogs Brian Cid - Daydreamer Download FileCat Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 1 year
Best New Progressive House: May 2023
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- DATA CREATED: 04/05/2023 - QUALITY: MP3/320 kbps - GENRE: Progressive House Tracklist Manu Cerasa - Realities Klur - Entangled - Modera Extended Remix Aves Volare, Two Are - Too Late - Extended Mix Bobby Deep - Crow Mood Gorning - Studio Zero - Tom Pooks, Joy Kitikonti Remix Vakabular - Waiting For Too Long - Tali Muss Remix Dan & Dan - A Little Twisted John Cosani - Vulgare Stan Kolev - Ananda - Stan Kolev 2023 Remix Yellow Space, Mylamix - Don't Afraid ISMAIL.M, Redspace, Maze 28 - Pure Reaction Daniel Portman - Pheromone - Extended Mix Fuenka - More Love - Extended Mix Gabriel Di Marzio - Satis GRAZZE, 88Birds - Pacify - Extended Club Mix Pakkio Sans, LMNL - Dogs Brian Cid - Daydreamer Download FileCat Read the full article
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