bloodykneestm · 3 months
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dana's tense. most times she can at least feign an air of confidence and ease, but not today, not after last night. it hurts to walk and her cowboy boots travel unevenly across the floor as she approaches the front desk of the flower shop. she pushes a smile onto her face nonetheless, trying to appear amiable as she speaks, a covered basket tucked in the crook of her elbow. "can i speak to somebody in charge?" she asks the young man at the counter with a thick and honey-sweet southern accent.
@vvhiskeyneat liked this for a randomized starter!
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cstarling · 11 months
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'you got all my love. it's yours if y'want it,' @beyondthescully.
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leearen · 8 months
No le conozco / Quiero conocerle / Me agrada / Me desagrada / Siento indiferencia por elle / Le tengo aprecio / Le detesto / Me atrae físicamente / Siento una conexión especial entre ambos / Nunca nos entenderemos / Quiero comprender su manera de pensar / Creo que esconde secretos / Le haría daño / Le traicionaría / Quiero abrazarle / Quiero besarle / Tendría una aventura de una noche con elle / Tendría algo romántico con elle / Me arriesgaría por elle / Le protegería / Le refugiaría del amanecer / Pienso que haríamos un buen equipo cazando / Compartiría un baile de salón con elle / Entrenaría a su lado / Rompería la mascarada por elle / Le vendería a mis enemigos / Visitaría otra ciudad con elle / Le veo como un aliade / Su opinión es importante para mí / Es une de mis mejores amigues / Es mi enemigue / Le veo como la familia que perdí.
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joyoons · 10 months
★ , dana ayuda a jojo a esconderse.
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' no creo que esto funcione. ' sinceridad se expulsó en un murmullo bajo, a pesar de que intenciones por mantenerse oculta fueron nulas; estado de propio cuerpo carecía de real interés o cuidado, a fin de cuentas. salir de ese lugar, por el contrario, sí que se volvió un reto meramente egoísta. ' ¿qué sabes hacer? ' fue entonces que le preguntó, mirada cayendo sobre contraria mientras sus manos se aferraron al óxido de improvisado refugio. su habilidad, en qué destacaba, qué podría darles tiempo de tomar ventaja... u ofrecer un espectáculo. ' la última en morir ganará ~ ' * @dabna
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consumare · 1 year
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synonyms for TEMPER + their definitions. @beyondthescully ; @spookyagentfmulder.
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slasharch2 · 2 years
me thinking about how if marty died & dana survived & the world didn’t end, she’d be a werewolf bc she got bitten by one. kind of sexy ngl.
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x files studies but this time I tired to achieve that VHS feeling. I very vaguely remember watching some episodes as a kid, and I think this is as close as I've ever got to recreating that memory of a small, grainy tv in a dark room
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welcometomeloxia · 1 month
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sepublic · 6 months
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New Dana art on Insta!!! I remember seeing the drafts for the first and last pieces on her Patreon… I’m especially soft about the Lumity one because not only are they playing sports together and sweating but also. This is Luz getting to play Grudgby at Hexside with her girlfriend all over again AFTER the finale, after the pain and trauma, in the years leading up to the epilogue. After everything she can still be happy and have fun in the Boiling Isles!!!
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loubetcha · 7 months
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leearen · 10 months
Mi personaje ayuda al tuyo a esconderse. @dabna
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"¿A dónde vamos de nuevo?" cuestiona otra vez, siguió sus pasos casi por inercia, permanecer al lado de los de su clan era una buena idea. Se toma la mandíbula, recibió un par de golpes del par de anarquistas que lo arrastró hasta ahí. "Quién habría dicho que los revolucionarios tendrían tan mal carácter," masculla, responderles los insultos de vuelta le había traído consecuencias, por supuesto.
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jtt-033-1613 · 28 days
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- David Duchovny
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consumare · 1 year
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DANA SCULLY: WHATEVER OUR SOULS ARE MADE OF, HIS AND MINE ARE THE SAME. fire licks at the back of his neck, her words fanning the flames of jealousy, though he hides the emotion well on tame features. it was true that their young love had faded into adulthood, but hannibal still felt rather possessive of dana. they were the same, in many ways - even now, no one has matched him in wit. but the years have stretched between them. she didn't trust him as she once did, and her partner had filled certain parts of her mind that hannibal once found himself in. he places his fork down on his plate with a small clank of the metal, gazing across the table at dana, a moment of quiet spreading between them before he speaks. 'i wasn't aware he meant so much to you,' he sounds resigned, though hannibal refused to give up on anything, and he certainly wouldn't allow something that belonged to him to slip through his grasps. 'perhaps i should try harder at friendship with agent mulder,' hannibal picks up his wine glass, taking a sip, savoring the taste. 'i believe the three of us could get along, if some effort was put in. don't you?' @beyondthescully.
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scullymaxxing · 2 months
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new favorite gif
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ao3topshipsbracket · 1 year
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Round 2 Side 1
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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