#tarot card: the fool
welcometomeloxia · 1 month
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sylvrndoodles · 22 days
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finally finished the whole set :D!!
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chronovus · 3 months
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ghostatservice · 9 days
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The fool - Reversed Keywords
"Reckless, careless, distracted, naive, foolish, gullible, stale, dull"
(non Reversed version 🔽)
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samarajethwa · 6 months
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The Fool - Thistle
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sonacava · 2 months
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something fitzy inspired by the three of swords tarot! this card is mostly associated with heartbreak, sorrow, emotional pain etc… like yeah, this is his card.
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hibbeln · 3 months
The Fool 🃏
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First secondary character! Now I spend the whole day drawing, practically, so I'll probably be more active, which means these cards will finally go forward!
Well, but there are still many cards to be decided, so as always, suggestions are more than welcome, and thank you for all your support, I love knowing what you guys think <3
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formulanni · 8 days
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Oscar Piastri as The Fool (redraw):
The Fool represents new beginnings, having faith in the future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having beginner's luck, improvisation and believing in the universe.
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Tag list: @st-leclerc @rubywingsracing @saviour-of-lord @three-days-time @the-wall-is-my-goal @albonoooo @ch3rubd0lls
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definetelynotavampire · 6 months
Nikolai is the April Fool ♡
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klodwig · 8 months
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welcometomeloxia · 1 month
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asphodellabella · 4 months
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The Fool.
Part o of my Good Omens inspired Tarot Deck series.
At the moment i’m thinking I’ll just do the major arcana, but if people really like it I’ll do all 78 (provided I can dodge burnout!!).
If you have any ideas for future cards please let me know!!
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goldfish-inhaler · 4 months
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who are you, Louis
more iwtv tarot.
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lorehappy83 · 8 months
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00. The Fool
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a-d-nox · 9 months
tarot cards and their key phrases: major arcana
this is just a beginners guide to the major arcana - i won't go into imagery, color use, etc. these are key phrases that come to mind when i think of the cards - NOT how they should be directly applied. they needs to be thought about situationally and the cards / when they are in combos they can change or alter their meanings of any reading.
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the fool (0/22)
astrological equivalent: uranus
upright: adventure, adventurous, curious, risk taking, hopeful, leap of faith, trust, trust fall, spiritual guided, intuitive, and guided
reversed: hesitation, safety, taking precautions, needing to challenge fears and comfort zone, naivety, and needing a plan
the magician (1)
astrological equivalent: mercury
upright: creativity, creative, having everything you need, clear intentions, passion, passion projects, power, manifester, take action on dreams, and following your desires
reversed: misuse of power, manipulation, forcing a situation, doubting your abilities, feeling disconnected from your true self, needing to reconnect with your inner power, and needing to redirect your energy
the high priestess (2)
astrological equivalent: moon
upright: connecting to the divine, divinely guided, intuitive, higher self, looking within / shadow work, and having the answers you need
reversed: disconnection from intuition, looking for answers outside of yourself, relying too heavily on others, and allowing yourself to be influenced by others
the empress (3)
astrological equivalent: venus
upright: divine femininity, being receptive, receiving rather than taking, laid back, relaxed, taking your time, passion, creativity, magnetism, and attracting what you want
reversed: feeling blocked from love (from others/yourself), feeling disconnected from your creativity, not being able to receive praise/affection, pessimism, romantic complications, feminine health issues, needing patience, waiting for masculine energies to take initiative to fix things in your life. and needing to reconnection the outer realm
the emperor (4)
astrological equivalent: aries
upright: divine masculinity, taking action from a place of power, bravery, thinking of the world around you and not just yourself, feeling comfortable about taking up space, connecting with your inner authority, and knowing what your ambitions/drives are
reversed: being disconnected from your personal power, inability to take action / create forward momentum, not standing up for yourself, inability to take back control of your situation, toxic masculinity, abusing your power, defensiveness, and immaturity that originates in fear/anger
the hierophant (5)
astrological equivalent: taurus
upright: being open to learning new things, following tradition, forming beliefs/rituals, looking out for people who can teach you new things, and sharing your wisdom with others
reversed: detour in spiritual path / study, rigidity, close-mindedness, disinterest in learning new things, and needing to be respectful of others and their beliefs
the lovers (6)
astrological equivalent: gemini
upright: divine love, balance, yin and yang, mutual respect for others, healthy communication, and leading with love
reversed: codependency in your relationships, relying too heavily on others to make you happy, having unrealistic expectations of others, and needing to remember happiness is an inside job
the chariot (7)
astrological equivalent: cancer
upright: journey, next level of your goal, clear intentions, needing to focus, needing a plan, determined, being careful before doing anything big, intuitive, and needing action steps
reversed: lack of confidence, lacking direction/focus, needing a plan, impulse control, moving too quickly, and hesitating
strength (8)
astrological equivalent: leo
upright: inner and outer strength, being able to overcome anything, bravery, and courage
reversed: lacking self-confidence, not trusting yourself, inability to have faith in the world around you, apprehension, inability to take action, and being uncomfortable with vulnerability
the hermit (9)
astrological equivalent: virgo
upright: solitude, knowing your inner truth, wisdom, introversion, introspection / shadow work, and charging your social battery
reversed: fear of being alone, isolating from others, and not reaching out to others
the wheel of fortune (10)
astrological equivalent: jupiter
upright: strong spirituality, focusing on the good even when all seems bad, navigating uncertainty using faith, building up your own strength and resilience, focusing only on what you can control, letting go of things out of your control, and leaning in to fate
reversed: needing to focus only on what can be controlled, feeling like the world is chaotic around you, not wanting to let go of something that needs to end, instability, and needing to declutter
justice (11)
astrological equivalent: libra
upright: use logic, remain objective, uncovering the truth, stay true to yourself, acting with integrity, and have faith
reversed: struggling to maintain/achieve balance, your ethics being questioned/questionable, and needing to learn resilience
the hanged man (12)
astrological equivalent: neptune
upright: stagnation, gaining a new perspective, curiosity, waiting period, spiritual insight, surrender, peace, and impending transformation
reversed: fighting your circumstances, being forced to do things you do not wish to, delays, being shown what you are missing, eagerness to move on, and needing to be still
death (13)
astrological equivalent: scorpio
upright: death and rebirth cycle, change, seasonal shift, evolution, surrendering to the process, and decluttering
reversed: clinging to things that no longer belong in your life, living in the past, amplified pain, and needing to trust the universe and yourself
temperance (14)
astrological equivalent: sagittarius
upright: teamwork, divine guidance, divine timing, ask for help, needing to look for signs, find inspiration, needing to be flexible, and needing to have patience
reversed: trying to hard, forcing the situation unnecessarily, needing to relax, needing to trust divine timing, needing moderation, needing to reestablish your connection with your higher self and it's path, find balance, and avoid extremes
the devil (15)
astrological equivalent: capricorn
upright: confrontation, self-destructive thoughts/behavior, brutal honesty, unhealthy habits / coping mechanisms, self-sabotage, and facing the facts
reversed: new hope, abandonment, detoxing, building new habits, freedom from the past, making hard decisions, and unpopular opinions
the tower (16)
astrological equivalent: mars
upright: sudden change, control issues, devastation, destabilizing events, needing to persevere, what do longer serves you, new schools of thoughts, and newness in general
reversed: subtlety, disappointment, avoidance, clinging to the past, being uncomfortable, and needing have some trust in the world around you
the star (17)
astrological equivalent: aquarius
upright: lifting your spirits, preserving pain/violence, renewed faith/hope, creativity, giftedness, and healing
reversed: disconnection from the divine, needing to reconnect, losing faith, and needing patience
the moon (18)
astrological equivalent: pisces
upright: shadow self, negative traits, duality, primitive tendencies, evolution, expanding your consciousness, seeing what you previously missed, dreams, and intuition
reversed: refusing to acknowledge the truth, surface level knowledge, overcoming self-deception, and trust your intuition
the sun (19)
astrological equivalent: sun
upright: youth, vitality, inner child, reward, productivity, clarity, healthiness, and enthusiasm
reversed: difficulty seeing that the situation is changing, change doesn't happen overnight, take a second look at the situation, "it's not that bad", celebrate the small wins, and attempt optimism
judgment (20)
astrological equivalent: pluto
upright: be kind to yourself, spiritual awakening, accept and release the past, new phase of life, forgiveness, and work on moving on / healing from the past
reversed: repetition, needing to learn important lessons, being too hard on yourself, clinging to the past, and embracing growth/change
the world (21)
astrological equivalent: saturn
upright: end of a cycle, completing a project, reward, celebration, acknowledgement of how far you've come, maturity, empowerment, and a new beginning
reversed: time to finish up, needing to accept something, lack of closure, delayed gratification, finding closure on your own, move on, and new adventures
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shisabun-art · 1 year
Decided to make some Transformer Tarot inspired prints for TFCon Orlando!
Optimus Prime as The Hierophant
Rodimus Prime as The Fool
Megatron as The Emperor
Starscream as The Empress
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