sabellart · 1 year
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bro’s collecting adopted children at this point
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sw5w · 9 months
Excuse Me, Chancellor
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:28:11
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aetherwingshub · 1 year
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Danak without the mask. (and in his "casual" outfit).
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kucaodcarapa · 11 days
čarape šarene Britanska maloprodaja pretrpjela je najveći godišnji pad od svibnja ovog mjeseca
čarape šarene Britanska maloprodaja pretrpjela je najveći godišnji pad od svibnja ovog mjeseca, prema anketi objavljenoj u utorak, koja sugerira da najnovija karantina uzima veliki danak u mnogim trgovinama.
Bilanca maloprodaje Konfederacije britanske industrije, koja od trgovaca traži usporedbu prodaje s prošlom godinom, pala je na -50 u siječnju s -3 u prosincu, ispod svih predviđanja u anketi Reutersa među ekonomistima.
"Budući da će karantina vjerojatno ostati na snazi ​​u kratkom roku, trgovci očekuju da će se ta slabost nastaviti", rekao je ekonomist CBI-ja Ben Jones.
Izgledi za maloprodaju u veljači bili su -47, najniži od srpnja.
Iako je veliki udio trgovaca prijavio pad prodaje, CBI je rekao da očekuje da će stvarni pad biti mnogo manji nego u prvom zatvaranju 2020.
Maloprodaja je bila relativno svijetla točka za britansko gospodarstvo, smanjivala se mnogo manje od šireg gospodarstva jer su kupci trošili više na namirnice i stvari kako bi poboljšali svoj životni prostor tijekom karantene.
Internetska prodaja je procvjetala, ali mnogi trgovci na velikim ulicama imaju problema, posebno trgovine odjećom.
jeftine čarape od bambusovih vlakana CBI je priopćio da želi da ministar financija Rishi Sunak produži izuzeće od poreza na imovinu za trgovce koji nisu bitni i koji su se morali zatvoriti u sklopu posljednjeg zatvaranja, koje je počelo 5. siječnja.
David Milliken; Urednik: Andy Bruce
čarape šarene Britanska maloprodaja pretrpjela je najveći godišnji pad od svibnja ovog mjeseca
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Day 29: Tvoja bolest mene je uništila najviše. Koliko god da sam ja bila slomljena, živjela sam da ti budeš dobro i strepila svaki dan kakav ćeš biti, hoćeš li zaboraviti terapiju, hoćeš li moći ostati na nogama, hoćeš li ustati i kakav ćeš ustati.. Možda ne vjeruješ, možda ti ne bi uradio isto, ali tvoju bol uzela bi sebi.. Jako je teško gledati nekog koga voliš kako se bori sa životom.... Od svih boli, najveća bol!
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zero-insignificance · 2 months
DND Recap: The End?
Cast includes: Rose the DM, Bob (yours truly), Truk, Patrick and Zara
We open the session fresh off killing Starscourge Radahn the second time. He has turned into a puddle of a lot of ectoplasm. Bob harvests 200 gallons of ectoplasm.
We have a new item we can use in combat.
Ectoplasm Jello Shots. Makes you intangible for 1 round of combat and you can take 2 every long rest.
The party is futzing around in the arena while Rose gets food from 711. Truk gets to play with wielding 3 Radahn's great swords. He gets a cease-and-desist letter from a Shiba Inu after making a reference to an out of game character. The swords vanish cuz that would be SO overpowered. Zara is up to God knows what. Patrick is investigating. Bob sets out a disk, presses a button and runs and out pops a 6-person tent.
Phillip pops out of nowhere (aka Rose has their 711 snacks and is back home) and states that we're going to have to do more than just beat Starscourge Radahn to beat him and get Bragar back.
Phillip: Imaginary technique Bob: Just like your bedroom technique, which didn’t exist. Phillip: *explodes* (this is not canon)
Bob the Builder is canonically in Hell
The floor gives out from underneath everyone and everyone starts falling except for Bob cuz he got wings and he collapses his tent, grabbing it before letting himself drop. "weeeeeeeeeeeee-"
We land in a ball pit and Bob is just like "Why am I the only one with wings?" as he flutters over the party.
And Truk finds a yellow rabbit plushie and picks it up and then Alfie pops up out of the ball pit "Sorry that's mine-" and he grabs the rabbit before replacing it with fucking Plush Trap "See ya!" and he dips.
Bob: PUT IT DOWN- Truk: Should I put it down? Everyone: PUT. IT. DOWN.
Truk drops Plush Trap and the moment it hits the ground the lights flicker, and it's gone. Bob knows that the little fucker is the ball pit and is like "Alright let's get everyone out of the ball pit. If something grabs your leg, punt it."
We look through the room and find 4 coffins. Each of them has each person's true name on it.
Zara immediately scratches her's out. Truk admires the quality of the coffins. Bob blushes at his cuz it says D'Avariss Gilbert Redfeather and then he covers the name with yellow duct tape before chiseling that out. And Patrick is sad because the 4th coffin says "Ender Danak Zordak" which foreshadows the next session because Patrick does not know who he is. Bob took his memories for reasons to be revealed.
Patrick puts a hand in the coffins and he must make a constitution saving throw. He succeeds with flying colors and he gets this urge to lay down in the coffin but he fights it off. The coffins are all unus annus themed for each character. So, Bob's is purple and sparkly and plant themed. Truk's is pink. Zara's is probably solid black with chaotic flames on it. And Patrick's is somehow changing colors.
Bob and Zara like to chat cuz mlm and wlw solidarity and Zara is surprised that Bob's is purple. Bob: My old patron made me say that my favorite color was green cuz it pissed me off, but Alfie gives me more free will and I am proud to say that my favorite color is purple. Green is my least favorite color. Zara: Sounds like an asshole.
There’s a skeleton with celebrity signatures everywhere. It asks for Truk autograph. Truk signs his name right next to one that says "Glitta Fah Faes" and the skelly boi gives Bob a chipper greeting.
At some point Zara pulls her hood over her head suspiciously and everyone is like "what's wrong?" Zara tried to lie to everyone Everyone: Bullshit. Truk: Zara. Bob is allergic to bullshit. Literally. Bob: *hives* ow. Truk: Here you go *heals* Bob: I appreciate you.
We've passed the trial of the coffins and the wall of skeletons's wall just vanishes revealing a long hallway that Bob can see the end of. 120 feet of darkvision
They head down it cuz they don't get bad vibes.
And there is a round table at the end of the hall. It's Saturday so no poker.
Bob and Truk can see that there is a tiny Rose sitting at the head of the table. They can only be seen by true gods, but Truk and Bob see their form as translucent since Truk is on his way to godhood and both of Bob's parents are full gods but one is chaos and the other is eldritch (those can't make a true hybrid for the sake of creation so those can either make a full god, full eldritch, demigod or mortal) so he's a demigod of chaos but will become a full god when Discord dies.
Zara sees nothing. Patrick sees nothing. The Rose gestures for us to sit, and Truk sits only to find that his but is stuck by a binding spell
Patrick: Don't worry, I HAVE AN ERASER- Truk: WAIT DON’T ERASE MY ASS-
So Truk grabs the edges of the chair and makes a strength check to jump and smash the chair. He succeeds but the chair butt is still stuck to his butt.
Truk: *touches chair butt* go *casts dispel magic* Bob: *trying to crowbar the chair but off* A- *slams into wall*
Bob: *20 fucking points of bludgeoning damage* ow... Patrick's player: He's in the family guy death pose. Me: Definitely. He knows human pop culture, but I don't. Bob: *to Rose* Why did you do this? In Game Rose: I thought it would be funny. Bob: That was a bit rude.
So, in world you can use dispel magic to repel magical beings. Also, out of combat if you cast a spell, it doesn't use any spell slots. Bob heals himself up.
And we explore the room. There are many many book shelves and a doorway that leads to a staircase. Bob tosses a rock down the stairwell and 18 minutes pass where everyone is through books and then a sound reverberates back up to us and the rock hits the ground at which Bob stops the timer.
Bob: *hiss* I don't like the sound of that. I don't like the sound of that at all... Zara: What? What is it? Bob: *doing the math* That was 18 minutes... 1080 seconds in 18 minutes... So that means its about... 108000 feet? And I don't like the sound of that... Patrick: How many football fields is that? Bob: American or normal? Patrick: American. Bob: 360? Patrick: That's a lot. What's a football field?
Bragar is Rizzing up Phillip the Ghost King Bob and Zara find one scroll each They get a scroll of Disintegrate with infinite uses Zara finds 1984 and the Communist Manifesto Bob finds then sets JK Rowling’s newest book on fire. Gains one point of inspiration from Rose. Truk gets the Hungry Caterpillar, Harold and the Purple Crayon, and Sun Tzu's The Art of War. Bob gives Rose 12 mozzerella sticks. They are gone in seconds.
And then we find the fucking MAGIC TREE HOUSE BOOKS. And the campaign members fucking love those so it's swarmed.
Zeus appears. Alfie appears behind him full morning voice “Leave.” sounding like GOW 4 Kratos. Zeus shits himself. He runs. Alfie is in pursuit with an axe.
And we enter the stairwell.
It looks like the never-ending staircase from SCP.
Rose: I hope you’re good at closing your eyes. Everyone: is it scp 096? Rose: … yes 
It's very dark and the only one who doesn't have dark vision is Patrick. Zara has 60ft dark vision because she's half tabaxi half human. Truk's eyes glow orange. Bob's glow purple. Zara's glow blue. Patrick can't see shit.
We go down the stairs for a while and eventually we get tired of it and decide to jump. We each have ways to negate fall damage, except for Patrick who is in Goliath form.
Truk: *jumps down stairwell in rage* Zara: *jumps down stairwell in cat* Patrick: *Slides down the stairwell railing* Bob: *jumps down stairwell slowing his descent with wings*
On our way down we each see 096 in the corner crying, but we don't see his face.
We jumped down 259 feet.
Truk takes 879 damage halved. He takes 438 damage. Relentless endurance so he survives.
Truk: OH MY GOD I CAN FEEL EVERY BONE- OH MY BACK. I CAN’T FEEL MY LEGS I CAN SEE THE HORIZON- Hatsune Miku?! Miku: Just passing through! Bob: Let's heal you up before Alfie finds out. Don't tell your surrogate dad. We spend a bunch of time healing up Truk.
We see a metal door with a symbol on it.
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Bob: OH- Uh that's not good! Truk: What? Bob: We're at an SCP Facility- Oh we must've dimension hopped. these people contain anomalies. We ARE anomalies.
Me: Did Rose break in and steal the gender stone? Rose: It’s canon. I was the breach. I stole the gender stone.
We all turn into SCPs
Bob is scp-049 (plague doctor) Templeton (Bob's pet copperhopper) is the 999 (tickle monster) Patrick is scp 073 (Cain) Zara is scp 2085-a (cybernetic cat girl) Truk is 682 (the unkillable lizard) Dee Dee is scp 173 (The Statue)
Bob: Oh Templeton you’re so CUTE!
Zara is just being followed by cyborg cat girls
We each gain slight characteristics of the SCP we are. So Truk hates humans. Bob occasionally talks about the pestilence and can't say heal. He'll only say cure. Patrick has respect for anyone who can beat him in a fight. Zara likes anarchy. So, nothing changes. And Dee Dee has a slight urge to snap our necks.
Bob checks to see if he still has his heels on. He does.
So, he's just walking through the facility like that one meme of the plague doctor with Ganster's Paradise but in high heels as he tells each person about the scp they are.
We find a security guy dying on the floor
Guy: *dying on floor* Truk: *unkillable lizard* Are you okay? Guy: I must be dead cuz you killed 50 of my men Bob: Here. Let me cure you. Guy: D: Bob: Don't worry I'm not going to touch you. Guy: What kind of drugs did I take- Bob: This may be hard to believe but we're not your scps we've had some sort of consciousness transfer into these guys.
Bob: GET IN THE BAG- I'M SAVING YOUR LIFE. So, the guy gets in the Nap Sack and all the robot cat girls get in the Nap Sack.
We have to get out of here or the fucking nuke under the facility will explode.
We meet that little girl scp. We come across the electric gates. Bob and Truk make it. Patrick and Zara take 15 lightning damage.
Bob is runway walking through the facility.
We find scp 725 (a whale) Bob: Can I take a photo? Whale: Yes Bob: My future husband will love this! *sends Alfie photo of whale* Alfie: YOU LUCKY FUCK-
Bob takes the cure all pill. Lucifer snatched the duckie SCP. Lucifer immediately bolts when he sees Zara. Truk is a teen dad. He adopts the death child. Bob: Get into the sack, child. Never mind the guard will go crazy.
Truk has a very painful transformation back to normal. The little girl lost her weird death powers but will still be a god of death. Bob steps through and just takes off the plague gear.
Ghost king is next to Bragar in bed. Bragar is the bottom. He is level 4 exhaustion. Phillip has no need to slow down.
The Guard turns into Banjo the Frog!
Bob: We don't have to fight. Just release your subjects and be the ruler they deserve! Phillip: Why should I free them? Bragar: Please hon. Phillip: Fine.
Phillip will be in the nap sack.
Bob: Who here in this party is mentally stable? Truk: I’m mentally stable *war flashback* Everyone: No you aren’t. 
Retconned. Bragar and Phillip won’t be together. Bragar is in a cage next to Phillips bed. Phillip is abusive af.
Patrick: Do you have a safe word? Bragar: Yes. I’ve used it seven times Bob runs over stealthily and picks the lock on the cage. Bob got locked in the cage a lot when he was with Phillip and went back to him many times. Me: That is why he knows how to lock pick. Everyone: :o
Rose shuffles through various stat sheets before settling on one with an immunity to psychic, radiant and necrotic damage but nixes the psychic immunity. Anyone can cast a vicious mockery if we want to regardless of us knowing the spell or not. Bob knows that Phillip's weak spot are insults targeted against his looks and telepathically relays that knowledge to his party. Any insults targeted towards his vanity will do double damage and Phillip will have to roll wisdom saves at disadvantage.
Battle Highlights!
Bragar: I can’t believe I thought you were sexy!
Patrick: You really looked at a walmart bag and thought that’s the ideal complexion, did you? Phillip: That stung-
Truk: You look like you were deep fried but the wrong way. Phillip: *succeeds save* Your allies are better at this than you. That was horrible. Truk: Yeah. I’m better at swinging my sword.
“Zara. Fuck the rolls what are you going to do” Zara ends up getting yeeted.
Bob: Your muscles look so fake. How much work did you get done since the last time I saw you? You should get your money back. Phillip: *ego deflates* Bob: *pulls out shotgun* *BOOM* Truk is sucking.
Bob casts disintegrate on the cage. The magic rips the cage to shreds and the shrapnel is consumed by blobs that are made of the missing texture blocks that absorb the shrapnel and the cage disintegrates.
Bragar uses his breath weapon. Bob: Alfie, can I have that bottle of wyvern whiskey? Alfie: Yes. Bob: Bragar! *tosses him the whiskey* CATCH! Bragar takes a swig and spews that at him in a second breath weapon. 
Bob: The founding father and Hades from Hercules look? Not cute. Disgusting. Critical fail. Double damage initially cuz the insult was targeted towards his looks. So, 48 doubled. 96 psychic damage!
Bragar blasts him with fire then sucker punches Phillip.
He is slammed into the ground. Bob picks up his face and shows him his reflection in the mirror because throughout the fight Phillip's physical appearance has been becoming more beast like. “Now the outside matches the inside” This shatters Phillip's psyche, and he crumples into ash.
Zara kicks the pile of ash.
Bob hugs Bragar because he knows what it's like. They now have a trauma bond.
500 gold for the bed frame 5000 gold dresser
Bob sold Phillip's shit. He splits the money with Bragar.
The little girl scp is named Morticia Frump. One day to take the last name Addams when she meets the love of her life, Gomez Addams.
The cat girls are now Zara's warlocks. She is on her own way to ascending to godhood.
Bob has 2 tally marks
Zara will become the God of Anarchy emphasizing the secondary name of the Champions campaign.
Gods and Monsters.
After using the Gender Stone, Rose chucks the Gender Stone into the void "Hey Alfie, you'll love this" Alfie: Is that the gender stone? Rose: Yeah, you'll love it. Alfie: ... I don't need it cuz shape shifting. Rose: Oh.
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Why Consider ISO 45001 Certification in Denmark and the Importance of Auditors ?
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ISO 45001 Certification in Denmark
ISO 45001 Certification in Denmark For Danish agencies looking to prioritize worker protection, lessen workplace risks, and show electricity of will to a robust and regular way of life, ISO 45001 Certification in Denmark gives a globally identified benchmark. Here’s a breakdown of the benefits of pursuing this ISO 45001 Certification in Denmark and the critical function auditors play in sporting it:
Benefits of ISO 45001 Certification in Denmark:
Enhanced Employee Safety and Wellbeing: Implementing a sturdy Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS), as stated in ISO 45001 Certification in Denmark, helps spot and mitigate dangers, fostering safety popularity among personnel. This results in a discount on hobby injuries, accidents, and illnesses.
Compliance with Danish Regulations: The Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet) enforces various pointers related to workplace safety. An ISO 45001 Certification in Denmark-compliant OHSMS permits agencies to ensure adherence to the ones hints, minimizing the hazard of fines or results.
Improved Operational Efficiency: By proactively dealing with protection dangers, groups can streamline operations and decrease disruptions due to vicinity-of-challenge incidents. This affects elevated productivity and the price of monetary, economic, and financial savings.
Enhanced Brand Reputation: ISO 45001 Certification in Denmark demonstrates an agency’s strength of mind in moral practices and social duty, attracting information and boosting client self-neglect. This may be especially treasured in Denmark, where a strong hobby to employee wellbeing exists.
Competitive Advantage: In the current international market, ISO 45001 Certification in Denmark may be a differentiator, making Danish businesses more competitive when bidding for contracts or attracting clients who practice safety awareness.
Importance of Auditors ISO 45001 Certification in Denmark
Auditors play a crucial function in the adventure toward ISO 45001 Auditors  in Denmark certification. Here’s how their data benefits Danish groups:
Gap Analysis: Auditors can compare your modern-day OH&S practices to the requirements of ISO 45001 Auditors  in Denmark, identifying any discrepancies or areas for improvement. This lets agencies understand the scope of the difficult work required to ensure advantage compliance.
Guidance and Support: Auditors can offer valuable guidance and help at an unspecified point in the implementation process. They will permit you to improve and report your OHSMS, teach your employees, and prepare for the certification audit.
Verification of Compliance: Auditors conduct behavior audits to verify whether or not your OHSMS meets the ISO 45001 Auditors  in Denmark requirements. This unbiased assessment ensures that your device is powerful in managing protection risks.
Continuous Improvement: Auditors can recognize regions for development to your OHSMS at an unspecified time during the audit. This is crucial for preserving and continuously enhancing your protection control device over time.
Types of Auditors in Denmark:
Two most necessary forms of auditors are concerned with wearing out ISO 45001 Certification in Denmark:
Internal Auditors: These auditors are hired through your industrial business enterprise business employer and commercial enterprise employer. They conduct internal audits to assess your OHSMS’s effectiveness and identify functionality shortcomings.
Certification Body Auditors: These are impartial auditors approved through DANAK (The Danish Accreditation Fund) for behavior certification audits. They verify in case your OHSMS meets the ISO 45001 favored and recommend certification upon an achievement of completion.
Finding Qualified Auditors in Denmark:
Numerous certified auditors in Denmark provide information on ISO 45001 implementation and certification. Here are some sources to help you discover the right auditor for your company business enterprise:
DANAK: The Danish Accreditation Fund lists accepted certifications for our bodies and their auditors.
Danish Chamber of Commerce: They can also provide assets or pointers for auditors to consider for your organisation.
Professional Associations: Industry-precise professional institutions also likely have a network of recommended auditors acquainted with your region’s safety-demanding situations.
By partnering with an authorized auditor, Danish groups can navigate the ISO 45001 Certification in Denmark technique efficaciously, ensuring a robust OHSMS and a power of mind for employee protection and health. Remember, investing in an auditor funds your employees’ security and the extended-term fulfillment of your commercial enterprise employer.
Why Factocert for ISO 45001 Certification in Demark
We provide the best ISO consultants in Denmark Who are knowledgeable and provide the best solution. And to know how to get ISO certification. Kindly reach us at [email protected]. work according to ISO standards and help organizations implement ISO Certification in Denmark with proper documentation.
For more information, visit ISO 45001 Certification in Denmark.
ISO certification in Denmark
ISO 9001 certification in Denmark
ISO 14001 certification in Denmark
ISO 45001 certification in Denmark
ISO 13485 certification in Denmark
ISO 27001 certification in Denmark
ISO 22000 certification in Denmark
CE Mark  certification in Denmark
ISO Consultants Certification in Denmark
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heaeui · 7 months
mag-isa at walang kasamang hukbo
walang tama, walang galos
bagaman matalas at mahapdi
kahibangan ang pag danak ng dugo
ang umaagos dito ay matamis
kung minsan nama’y mapait
hanggang sa hindi napunasan; kumupas
pulahang mantsang nanatili, sa balat dumikit
kailan matatapos ang ugong sa dibdib?
na parang mga bangaw na may isinisigaw
nagsusumamo na wag ma-waglit
kaya umaalingawngaw nang paulit-ulit
sabi nila ikaw raw ay mapagpalaya
pero bakit rehas pa rin ang yakap?
malamig na bakal pa rin ang himas
ang tanaw na langit ay kisame sa taas
dayuhan kang naglalagi sa muni
kusang nanakop nang walang atubili
talo ang walang depensa dahil isa kang digma
na kailangan mapagtagumpayan para makalaya
- rioto
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gmpcertification · 9 months
Benefits of ISO 22000 Certification In Denmark
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Benefits of ISO 22000 Certification In Denmark
What is ISO 22000 Certification?
ISO 22000 certification in Denmark, is a worldwide elegant that specifies the requirements for a meal safety manipulation device. It came to be advanced through the way of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and ended up first posted in 2005. The huge is designed to help organizations find out and manipulate meal safety dangers and to the region into effect a meal protection manipulation tool.
The ISO 22000 certification is based totally surely, virtually, mostly on the precept of the food protection control device called the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) tool. The HACCP tool is a preventative approach to meal protection. It is based, in fact, simply totally on figuring out and controlling food safety dangers.
The ISO 22000 certification is voluntary, but it is often required through meal shops and food organizations, industrial business enterprise corporations enterprise, and organization agency agencies. In Denmark, the ISO 22000 certification isn’t always required via the use of the usage of regulation. Still, many meal organizations pick out out out out to benefit from the certification to have the functionality to expose their electricity of will to meal safety.
The advantages of ISO 22000 certification in Denmark:
 Superior meal protection and excellent
 Reduced risk of food infection and foodborne contamination
 Advanced consumer delight
 Advanced market get right of get right of get proper of get right of access to to to to
 Advanced crucial regular common not unusual regular common normal average performance and price monetary economic economic economic, monetary financial savings greater terrific corporation reputation
What are the advantages of ISO 22000 Certification in Denmark?
There are many blessings of ISO 22000 certification in Denmark, which encompass superior meal protection, advanced everyday commonplace large common overall performance and productivity. Similarly, the market gets proper of getting entry to to to.
ISO 22000 is a world-over-diagnosed food protection manipulation device that would assist corporations in apprehending and managing food protection risks. It is primarily based on reality, sincerely in reality in truth, truly in truth in truth at the principle of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP), which could be a systematic technique for stopping food protection risks.
ISO 22000 certification can assist companies in decorating their food protection management systems and techniques, and to better manipulate meals safety risks. It also can help to decorate crucial everyday common standard performance and productivity and to increase marketplace get proper of get right of entry to to to to to.
In Denmark, ISO 22000 certification is voluntary. However, it is becoming more and more well-known among food businesses. Many food agencies inside the interim are searching out certification to demonstrate their electricity of will to food safety and to gain an aggressive location inside the marketplace.
There are a number of certification our our our our our our our bodies which is probably common to offer ISO 22000 certification in Denmark, which embody DANAK and Dansk Standard.
Who are the ISO 22000 auditors in Denmark and ISO 22000 Consultant in Denmark?
The ISO 22000 certification auditors in Denmark and professionals in Denmark are some of the most expert and licensed in the global. They have been walking with the ISO 22000, well-known for decades and function a wealth of data and enjoy to offer.
There are many advantages to on foot with those specialists, collectively with:
They will assist you in making sure that the safety of your meal manipulation tool is compliant with ISO 22000 well-known.
They can provide you with expert recommendations and steering in a manner to enhance your food safety manage device.
 Can offer you an entire form of services, at the detail of audits, training, and consultancy.
They let you preserve money and time by ensuring that your meal safety manipulation device is updated and compliant with the cutting-edge-day-day-day ISO 22000 necessities.
 They can offer you peace of thought data that your food safety control device is in sturdy fingers.
If you are looking for an ISO 22000 certification auditors and ISO 22000 consultant in Denmark, then please get in touch. We might be happy to speak about your specific requirements and offer you a no-obligation quote.
How to get ISO 22000 Certification in Denmark? Don’t think about How to get ISO 22000 Certification in Denmark! we will help you with your certification queries and requirements, just drop an email here at [email protected] and even get a free quote from us for ISO 22000 Certification cost in Denmark, If You’d like to know more about our Providers please do visit our website we will be happy to help you. For more information visit ISO 22000 Certification in Denmark.
Related link:
• ISO 9001 certification in Denmark
• ISO 14001certification in Denmark
• ISO 45001 certification in Denmark
• ISO 27001 certification in Denmark
• ISO 22000 certification in Denmark
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sabellart · 2 years
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someone stop me i cant stop drawing cute lil kids for my ocs
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sw5w · 9 months
A Commission Must Be Appointed
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:28:09
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aetherwingshub · 1 year
Danak: So maybe I’m not as straight as I thought I was. Fanoka: You thought you were straight?
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CASTOLL 25 YEARS ANNIVERSARY : Préparez-vous à une Nuit Éblouissante
Rejoignez-nous pour une soirée mémorable à l’occasion du 25e anniversaire de CASTOLL, dans la prestigieuse Salle des banquets de la Chambre de commerce de Yaoundé. Date et Heure : Vendredi 29 Décembre 2023 à 19h Artistes Invités qui Enflammeront la Nuit – Bea Bea Marty Danak : Un talent musical envoûtant qui promet une performance inoubliable. – Lucky+2 : Une énergie captivante qui vous fera…
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arkume · 10 months
Nire aurrekari penalak; batzuk egiak ez danak,
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theresah331 · 1 year
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radiogornjigrad · 1 year
Božica Jelušić: Prijatelj slika noću
PRIJATELJ SLIKA NOĆU . Prijatelj slika noću, balansira kistom, Kubične centimetre stakla maštom odijeva. Negdje u njegovoj glavi vuga djetinjstva pjeva. Ja čitam debele knjige. Radimo li na istom? . Njegovo je umijeće danak dugom strpljenju. Ja izranjam s dna rijeke šljunak isprskan zlatom. Oboje zahtjevni vrlo, opsjednuti zanatom; Dajemo se sudbini. Riječ je o povjerenju. . Jesmo li dijelili…
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