#dang and ronpa
pristineblade · 9 months
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#imagine 😊 ❤️
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artioutthewindow · 2 years
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somebody said i look like him i want to d
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barack-fa · 7 months
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fuck it I'm posting another older piece cus I don't have anything else
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trpicalala · 1 year
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come on you guys, she was young and she didn't know any better ://
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frozenyolkai · 5 months
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childhoodgrave · 7 months
any one else noticing spotify having like a completely dogshit algorithm suddenly for no reason
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doritofalls · 2 years
The thing about Kiyo that makes me Really Sad (for all he did So Many Things Wrong) is that it feels like every single aspect of his identity is in some way tied to his sister. It's like. Who would this guy even Be without her. Did he ever have even the chance to form an identity that wasn't bound up in her, and pleasing her? Like. He'd need to separate himself from her to have anything resembling character growth but that process would be like pulling teeth (both because he's a far way from even WANTING to and because it's so deeply rooted at this point). I'd love to see it. But man.
cont.: Someone should have intervened in that relationship like ten years ago but nobody did and now [gestures to Kiyo in general]. Yeah.
Oh I Know!! i know and i feel you anon!! on a personal empathy based level kiyo's character is so tragic because Everything about him is rooted in his sister's influence and the abuse she inflicted on him - his clothes, his interests, his interpersonal relationships have been and yet to come, his pursuits and goals and travels. it feels like korekiyo is just this willing vessel that was shaped for his sister's wishes and aspirations. and the game then takes that to a literal level! because he is. he is that. if anything, korekiyo is the stranger in his own body, and you can't even say in confidence that this is something that has been done to him by his sister, instead of a mechanic of grief.
but on the same level you see korekiyo as his own person through the game - how he likes his tea, what ticks him off, what he finds endearing. you learn that he likes to share, and overshare and teach and that he has a hunger for seeing the world. he likes people, and being part of a group of people, even through the distance he keeps. he has a stupid laugh and he speaks in riddles and none of that is his sister. as a viewer, you see korekiyo just as clearly as any other character in game. but when you try to point out what makes him himself, you only see this xerox of what he thinks his sister wanted him to be. and even if he wanted to, he'd have nothing to fall back onto in case he wished to find his identity removed from her - or to admit that she hurt him. so he's in for the long haul.
as far as their dynamic goes - it feels absolutely unchecked, but to be fair, most of what kiyo reveals of his backstory does. it feels to me if there were notable parental involvement in their lives, he would have mentioned it at some point - with several of the characters mentioning their family at least off-handedly -, but he doesn't. seems to me their close bond had to be a reaction to something other than the instability that is living with a terminal illness.
from a writing standpoint kiyo's really like... assured to self destruct from every angle of getting better, and that's quite frustrating, and limiting as well. not to mention it is something that feels intentional on the writing, because he was never meant to be anything more than what he was in canon. it just. makes me feel disappointed really. which is probably not bad!! because good media doesn't make my brain whrill this much. thank you for listening to me ramble this far, please take these kiyos from a comic i'm doing as compensation
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justtloserr · 1 year
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heatwa-ves · 2 years
sorry I still kinda forgot that makoto enstars exists
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sangled · 7 months
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dang and ronpa
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raineyz · 6 months
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Gosh dang those ronpas! idk
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sumechiayuu · 1 year
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Bro we are in dang and ronpa (crowd gives a big round of applause)
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ccjunky · 3 months
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do the kids still like dang and or ronpa
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neodiekido · 14 days
she dang on my ronpa
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gachupons · 1 year
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This is dang and ronpa
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minimechacowboy · 1 year
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My homies Dang and Ronpa
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