#danganronpa rebirth spoilers
utsukurou · 2 months
Assigning stuff to Danganronpa characters- part 4 (SPOILERS FOR DR1 CH2!!)
Today's character is...
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Chihiro Fujisaki!
Here's an aesthetic moodboard I made for Chihiro-
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Chihiro reminds me of this season: Spring!
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If Chihiro was a sweet, I think he would look like:
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If Chihiro was a flower, I think he would be: Daffodils!
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Daffodils symbolize: Hope, growth, rebirth
I think Chihiro would look good in this outfit:
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If Chihiro went to Hogwarts, I think he would be sorted in: Hufflepuff!
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I think Chihiro would like this anime: Digimon Adventures
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Finally, my Chihiro OTP is: Chishimondo!
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idkforaname · 1 month
Random theory moment :) Spoilers?
I have an interesting theory for the upcoming chapters.
So I feel like the scrambled secrets in chapter two could foreshadow the potential upcoming deaths in the later chapter.
If we're using the most popular unrevealed secret to remaining characters so far it would be:
Min to Xander to Min.
Arei to Levi to Arei.
David to Whit to Rose to Teruko and back to David.
Eden to Charles to J to Arturo and back to Eden.
Ace to Nico to Ace.
Finally Hu to Veronika to Hu.
Levi is a suspect for many reasons and with his strange pushing to the voting in the trial and development at the beginning of chapter two it could be his end(Plus the DRDTDev did mention that we would see Levi and a lollipop in the future but there's been no sights of lollipops in the killing game so far. Plus didn't Mondo the second killer attack Monokuma and survive? Onto chapter 3...
So what if one of the sets of four people will be a victim/culprit in chapter 3? Since DRDT is doing the same motives and tropes as THH then Hifumi and Celeste are both killers killing one person with Celeste being unsympathetic. Arturo fits that very well and the motive for money would either get him or Rose the most. As for the victims out of these four I feel like Charles is most likely to be the victim given Whit's little potential foreshadowing in the prologue with Charles being dead at 3 and to add on he's beening having a lot of screentime and development. Almost too suspicious don't you think? As for J and Eden I think Eden might kill J or Charles on accident or something along those lines but would not be executed with Arturo being the first killer(Either he kills J or Charles I don't know, this is all speculation in my head though it feels like he might kill J but I can't put it into words).
For the other set which is Teruko, Whit, Rose and David I could see them all as survivors, since the antagonist in THH survived David could survive too, if Rose doesn't die in chapter 3 then I could see her surviving. Whit could get a lot of development if Charles dies and everyone knows that he's the only one to not break yet. Teruko's the protag so I don't see her getting killed off in chapter 3 of all chapters.
However if this group were to be a set of victims/culprits I think this could be a Danganronpa rebirth situation where David manipulated Rose with the motive and gets her to kill Whit while David kills Teruko to confuse the group into thinking that he's the blackend when in reality it's Rose or the other way around which feels less likely to happen. As for a new protag maybe David with an interesting trial through his eyes and there was a post about David's MV how Teruko could die in chapter 3 and David becomes the protag? Eden could be a good pick but I doubt it. They are all most likely not going to die in chapter 3 and the other group is going to suffer due to how much screentime they have gotten in chapter 2.
Onto chapter 4/5, I feel like this could be the end of both Ace and Nico. Their drama would stretch to two chapters by this point and with chapter 4 in THH revealing a traitor and that as the motive I'm not too sure as Ace and Nico don't feel like traitors and same applies to Hu and Veronika. Chapter 4 is a sad chapter and if Ace and Nico come to a conclusion on good terms but somehow with one killing the other then it could be sad idk at this point. For chapter 5 it was a mess so I won't get into it but Hu and Veronika are the leftovers so I'll throw them there for now until I have an idea and edit this later.
For chapter 6, the mastermind reveal I don't have much to say here but I think Whit's the mastermind and I feel like if Eden dies then it's for sure Whit since they are the only two who have little pieces of evidence to even being linked to that role.
Comment your thoughts on this below because I'm going crazy with no one to talk to about this! I'll check back on this for responses sometimes.
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thenewfuture · 1 year
Ranking the Masterminds of DanganRonpa and Fanganronpas
Hey everyone. During this break, I wanted to do some fun rankings that have been scrambling around in my brain for a while now. And the first one we got is ranking all of the DanganRonpa Masterminds.
The real true culprit behind their respective killing games, the ones forcing everyone to kill and distrust one another. The big final boss!
Quick rules to explain the process here:
-While their core character will be taken into account I will primarily be ranking their status as a mastermind first and foremost obviously. How they handled their killing games, hiding their identity and motivations for doing so.
-Only masterminds from fangans I have seen will be ranked, so if there's any one you don't see here it's most likely because I haven't seen it, so don't bother asking.
-Oh, and one final thing of course...The following will contain massive spoilers for the main DanganRonpa series, and certain fangans, take with your own risk.
#8 Akira Tsuchiya and Narumi Osone
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DanganRonpa Rebirth holds a special place in my heart; it was the first fanganronpa I had heard about being a big April Fools joke, but soon I discovered the fanmade rework and dubbing for this project known as Rebirth Voices. Remaking the series in a new way with new twists, new class trials, and of course new-ish masterminds. I say new-ish because Akira was the original mastermind of Rebirth vanilla while Voices added Narumi as an extra mastermind.
And while I do indeed like Rebirth and its cast, the masterminds here leave a lot to be desired... And maybe that's because the series was cancelled before their roles of masterminds could get rolling, but these two aren't much compared to others. While we may never know what could have been, I will instead rank them based on the outline the Rebirth Voices crew provided.
So first Akira is your basic despair-filled mastermind fare. Influenced by his grandma's teachings of despair, made him the next generation of despair, and said grandma was killed by Kego and he wanted revenge, yada yada yada. Like I said, standard fare. And in Rebirth Vanilla, I hear he made it so Ayumu never really had any bad luck which is...a thing I guess.
Compared to him however, Narumi is......interesting... So she was in a rights group for Ultimates but lost her dad due to riots and so....joined Akira to make a killing game for.....f-for the sake of hope and.....and intended for Ultimates to be seen as saviors just like back then-
What the Nagito Komaeda, Hope Bagel Bullshit?!
Like....like why?! What? What for any of this?! I kinda get that in order for them to make this series they couldn't just have Akira be the mastermind, but seriously, what kind of reasoning is that?! And in chapter two, she used a corpse of one of her siblings to save Kego by have him swap places with him; WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN?!
Maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion because like I said, the series is cancelled and maybe they could have salvaged this storyline, but as it stands; these two don't have going for them and as a result, DanganRonpaRebirth seemingly ends right back where it started; as one big joke no one talks about anymore...
#7 Tsumugi Shirogane
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Oh man guys! Are you ready? This is it, a new chapter for the DanganRonpa franchise, a killing game without Junko Enoshima to be a part of us! Sounds spectacular! How could they fuck this up?
Oh, I'll tell you how. Maybe it starts with having a story so gut-punchingly meta it basically hurts any form of theorizing and creation of any fanwork and community building, also pull the rug under the players' feet and into a ice cold pool of water so many times they develop psychological trust issues along with hypothermia, and to cap it all of, have the mastermind be so, FUCKING, BORING!
I'll go into my feelings about V3 as a whole another time, but for now I'll just stick to talking about Tsumugi, and oh my word, is this girl a whole bag of nothing true to her word. Like, I should feel something she's revealed to be the mastermind just like Shuichi was, but I just don't. I should feel some sort of betrayal and anxiety from the sheer thought that it could be someone we spent so much time with over the course of the game, THIS IS WHAT MYSTERY GAMES LIVE FOR, and yet that feeling never comes with her. You know why?
Because Tsumugi has nothing going for her.
Name me something she did over the course of this entire game. Anything, anything at all, anything of note. Go ahead, I'll wait. I'll be right here.
You can't think of anything can you? Not one single solitary thing Tsumugi has accomplished. Not one character moment. None, hmm?
"Well she was apart of the Bugs Meet and Greet" So were other characters and even Himiko and Tenko had a funny moment in there, next. "She was in Angie's students council group" Again, so were others and that cult accomplished a grand total of nothing as a result, try again. "That...that one cg in her Ultimate lab" You're addicted to porn. "Oh, what about that one time in the NWP with Shuichi" That moments amounts nothing more than establishing an alibi for the two of them and even when it comes into question the lie Shuichi told to get Kokichi to cough up his involvement, Tsumugi sweeps that shit right under the rug. Meaning this whole game, the mastermind has left virtually no impression until the very end. Do you realize how messed up that is!?
For out the entire duration of the killing game, Tsumugi has thing of note, "being so plain" It's her whole schtick.
Plain plain plain. Plain plain plain plain. Plain plain plain plain plain plain. Plain. Plain Plain Plain Plaaaaaaain.
Plain, plain plain plaaaaaain
And it wouldn't even be that bothersome, if we were SHOWED how she was plain. I think this video goes into detail why Tsumugi just saying she's plain doesn't work too well. Because all she's doing is saying it. No examples whatsoever about this phenomenon. In Fire Emblem Awakening, there's this character Kellam, who has many supports dedicated to how he doesn't stick out and how others easily don't see him, Tsumugi doesn't have that. In Blowback, Akeru is so good at being a silent and invisible ninja, that hardly anyone sees or hears her, Tsumugi doesn't have that. Even Makoto, Komaru and Hajime, admit to themselves and others that they are so ordinary to others based on the things they like; Tsumugi gets none of that!
Why can't Tsumugi be shown being plain and forgotten? Be shown taling and being ignored by others, being shown that she heard or witnessed an event or conversation and wasn't noticed because she's so plain and inactive. Or be shown wearing something ridiculous and no notices her at all. Show, not tell, people, show, not tell!
Another thing I want to address real fast is how many think that Tsumugi is dangerous because she helped the killing game go on for like....53 seasons. And like.......no. At least I don't think so. Tsumugi kinda gives off the vibes that she was just an intern at TeamDR and was given the chance to participate in a few killing games, and mastermind the V3 one. But apparently fucked up so much that she ended the series in its entirety. Oops. In the pregame world that V3 is trying to tell, I just get the vibes that Tsumugi is just a massive DanganRonpa fan and nothing more.
We could had great things coming from having a brand new mastermind this game, but if we were just gonna get stuck with this bluenette plain Mary Jane here, I'd rather have it be Junko for the 53rd time honestly. At least then it'd be consistent.
#6 Kazou Tengan
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Hey guys, DR3 sucks.
*Wooing and clapping ensues from the audience*
Thank you, thank you. Good, now that I've gotten the easy bait out of the way. Onto Tengan.
I will give props to the DanganRonpa 3 team, it's not Junko Enoshima again; let alone a young girl this time. But an old man. Okay....okay...it's different at least. Why did he become a mastermind in the place?
"He became brainwashed by watching a despair video given to him y Chisa" ......Huh....? O-Okay, I guess... H-His motivation for the game at least...?
"He wanted Ryota to use his talent to brainwash the world into hope" ..................huh.....? What...what....what the fu-
This seems like a last minute decision, like they just chose a random name out of a hat or flung a dart towards a spinning wheel. Of all characters they could have chosen to be the mastermind of the final killing game, all the Future Foundation Heads, and all past characters leading up to this point. They choose...Tengan... Why, exactly? Up until this point, Tengan has been a side character, his only moment of note is kicking Juzo's ass(to the praise of many), and fighting with Kyosuke. Again, none of this sets him up to be swayed towards despair. Even after his death he's rarely talked about, suppossedly left a dying message in his blood, but again, even then, Tengan leaves little to no impact on this story.
He shows up so few times in Despair Arc for him to matter, and like I said, does very little in Future Arc. So it really is like they just chose him randomly. And so unlike my huge rantings about Narumi and Tsumugi at their roles of being the mastermind, Tengan doesn't even warrant enough to invoke any emotion out of me. He's just mastermind simply cuz...that's all. It says a lot about this series when even Kodaka doesn't like that the anime made Tengan the mastermind. But in any case, if we can take away one thing from this dissapointing mess; it's that NicoB was right once again with his crazy bullshit predicting powers.
#5 Izuru Kamukura
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Top five baby, woo!
Now Izuru is interesting because, even though he techinally counts as a mastermind, he really......isn't in the grand scheme of things. Let me explain...
He is the one to plant the virus into the Neo World Program, that much is true, but in DR2 we're simply told about his actions and technically don't even get to meet the guy face to face. So one could make the argument that is really was just Junko, again. It wasn't until Despair Arc of DanganRonpa 3 that we truly get to see Izuru's character and what he's like. And I do like Izuru as a character, I think he's incredibly interesting. But as a mastermind....eh...
Izuru is neutral, let's just get right to the chase, Izuru is true neutral. He could care less about any ideals of hope or despair, he just lacks any empathy or any human emotions for that matter and just wants to go with whatever doesn't bore him. He's not overly edgy, evil, dark story, Shadow the Hedgehog person that most portray him as. He really is.....just neutral about everything. He only goes with Junko because she proved to him how unpredictable despair can be, which is why if literally anyone else got to him first, like Chiaki or Chisa, maybe the Tragedy wouldn't have occurred!
Wow guys, could you imagine that. What if we treated Izuru as an actual person, and not some lab experiment. Fascinating!
Izuru was quite literally a means to an end for Junko Enoshima, and I've feel like we've just scratched the surface of his potential. But as it stands, Izuru isn't really evil just misunderstood.
#4 Utsuro and Akane Taira
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There is quite a lot to talk about with both Utusor and Akane, so I'm just going to break them up first.
-4a. Utsuro.
Utsuro is....fascinating to me. There are time where I like him more than Izuru; a much more interesting and relatable backstory, a proper hand in the story he derives from, and we do see him emerge at the final trial of DRA rather than just others talking about him. And then there are times....when I don't like him as much as Izuru. It's no surprise that DRA is literally just DanganRonpa 0.5, with A LOT of characters and trials mimicking the first game and even pulling from UDG and DR2. "A somewhat demigod bored of the world helps out Junko Enoshima just to see what despair is like and helps her achieve her goal" Golly, where have I heard that before?
And to make matters worse comes his innate ability, what he's known for; Divine Luck. Unlike Izuru who has multiple talents and therefore has many abilities at his disposal to take care of any and all threats that could come his way, Utsuro just has luck. And not just any luck, mind you. Luck so strong it nearly bends reality itself like the Netflix's Live Action Death Note movie to make whatever Utsuro wants, when he wants it. And therein lies the problem.
Utsuro's Divine Luck is so great, you can ask literally how he did anything and the answer is simply: Divine Luck did it.
"How did Junko's plan go so smoothly?" Divine Luck did it.
"How did Utsuro swap places with Yuki so easily?" Divine Luck did it.
"How did Utsuro get so much food and money when he was alone and starving?" Divine Luck did it.
"How did Tsurugi survive getting shot point blank at his temple?" Divine Luck did it.
"How did Akane survive with her wound and nearly drowning in the ocean?" Divine Luck did it!
It really gets worse in SDRA2 when basically all of Void, Mikado especially, are just sucking his dick dry essentially because emo demigod boys are just that damn hot. It really is a coin flip on whether I like Utsuro or not.
-4b. Akane Taira
Now onto the hyper energetic and emotional side to our blank and emotionless trouble maker.
Akane Taira I can say is much more fleshed out and interesting compared to her master. First off, her story of being lonely and on the streets forced to make ends meets by doing jobs as a maid is honestly really sad and compelling. She's Yuki/Utsuro's main support throughout the killing game and helps him on many occasions. So to ultimately reveal her true nature by the end of chapter five is such a gut-punch to my emotions. (Take notes, Tsumugi!)
That being said; there isn't really that much different compared to what we've seen of Akane previously and her despair persona. Just that she's really acrobatic and horny, I suppose... Which isn't really bad thing I'd say, she gets the jobs done well.
Her legacy spreads and haunts the Kisaragi Foundation in SDRA2, Akane has left a lasting impression on the surviving trio that the mere thought of her coming back sends them into shivers and willing to do anything to prevent that from happening, and you can mainly see it from how they treat Sora when they finally come together. But Akane is mainly following orders and whatever Utsuro wants, so like Izuru if Utsuro was just found by literally someone good, I'm sure Akane would've turned out fine as well.
And the interesting thing about Akane is much like how others are hurt by Akane's betryal, Akane has come to grow close with her classmates as well. She wants Master Utsuro back but at the same time she doesn't want them to die either. She has a heart, she's compassionate, she understands, she empathizes.
These two are really quite something, and I do like them. But there are things about these two that hold them back for me and just shy away from making the top three.
#3 Junko Enoshima
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Here she is everybody! Junko-MotherFuckin'-Enoshima! The bitch that just keeps on coming back! The one that started it all!
Junko has a rep for coming back so many damn and being ludicrously tied to DanganRonpa's man lore and literally every other's story. Started the Tragedy, blackmailed Juzo, basically groomed the Warriors of Hope and leaned demigods like Izuru and Utsuro to her cause, all so flawlessly that one would call her a "Mary-Sue" in any other sense. So with all this in mind, why is she so high on the list?
Well, one of the reasons is that most of the other candidates SUCK! And the other is that......she just works.
Junko Enoshima is shallow, incredibly so. She causes Despair, just for the fun of it. She has no sad or tragic backstory, no reason to this other than cause she can. She is despair incarnate, causes Despair for Despair's sake, and there's nothing more to it than that.....and that works.
Sometimes, you don't need a relatable villian for your story. Sometimes, a bitch just evil. And that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that.And because she works so well it good explain why she keeps coming back. She's the Bowser to our Mario, the Dr. Eggman to our Sonic the hedgehog, the Ridley to our Samus Aran, the Xehanort to our Sora. We've peaked with her and there can hardly be any other villian to replace her. And with a story as wacky sounding as DanganRonpa, a hammy and almost cartoony villian such as her can only live in this strange world.
Junko works when you just stop thinking about her. Her motivations, her character, her personality, they all answer for the simple sake of despair. Like I said, incredibly shallow like a Saturday morning cartoon villain. But they're typically the best and most impressionable villains around.
#2 Monaca Towa
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Pickle Satan!
I said we've peaked with Junko and none can really compete with her as a mastermind of a villian for this series, and I do mean that. But Monaca Towa here just may come close.
She's like Junko in almost every possible way. Sociopathic nature, manipulates people psychologically, and uses others like tools with no remorse for her actions. Saying Monaca here is FUCKED UP, would be a huge understatement of the century. But on the other hand, unlike Junko; you can kinda understand where Monaca is coming from. Abandoned by her birth mother to live with her abusive father and step-brother who obviously don't give two craps about her and make her know it. And apparently the treatment is so bad, when Monaca shows up one day with a wheelchair, they don't question why. Telling, isn't it?
While she's immensely smart of her age, she still is just a kid. Throwing temper tantrums when things can't go her way and using her cute looks and status as a child to trick others into working for her. She is vile, Chapter 4 will make you know this with what she did to Nagisa. And was already showed signs of being heartless when she nearly got the WOH to jump off the school rooftop, remember, this was BEFORE Junko showed up.
Monaca was perfect to be a complete mastermind, Ultra Despair Girls set her up to be the next Junko Enoshima, and when she finally comes back in DR3....they just throw it away anticlimactically and send Monaca into space.....sure I guess... Though it is kind of funny in a way, like she did not DR3 so much she yeeted herself out of the plot. I respect it.
I do like Monaca being as unsympathetically as Junko, but there are times when I do want her to be better, she is still just a kid after all. It's not her fault that she grew up in a shit environment. But then again, that's what makes Monaca so fascinating. There are many sides and many layers to dissect her, to pick a part bit by bit, it's intriguing to me.
It's with these reasons why I think Monaca is an amazing mastermind going by the main series timeline. .....Buuuuuutttt....if we were to include fangans into the mix. I think one does beat her.
#1....Mikado Sannoji
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Behold, ladies and gentlemen! The master of dimensions the pleaser of crowds, Mikado Sannoji; Charming Magician!~
Mikado checks every box for me. Cool design? Check! Great personality? Check! Hammy? Check! Unrentlessly eeeevil? Checkity check check!
I do believe it was a stroke of PURE, GENUIS to unviel Mikado as the mastermind in the early prologue. Like, HOLY SHIT! The mastermind's right there! Oh my god! What a fucking twist to start off with!
Mikado is so charming with his eccentric personality and unhinged abilities as a magician, that for like two chapters you kind of forget he's the mastermind!
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Like look at him! Look at this silly dude!
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So funny, so witty, so goofy!
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So, waitwaitwait, go back-
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Waitwaitwait, this isn't right. Go back, go back!
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...ahem....like I was saying. even though Mikado is silly, I don't think he's so silly he ruins the narrative. It's a perfect balance if you ask me.
The mysteries surrounding him and his power of the other Void members are not to be trifled with. He's the boss for a reason folks, don't forget it. But because he was revealed so suddenly there are at times a lot of humorous moments with the cast where they either ignore him, kick him out of activities, or just straight up tell him to die.
And what I like most about is....finally...FINALLY GUYS....it's a mastermind....WITH NO RELATION TO JUNKO ENOSHIMA WHATSOEVER!
...I mean he does kind of copy her plan to use the Neo World Program, but Mikado could not literally give a fuck about Junko. He's all about that Divine D as I said before.
If there's one thing I can say I don't like about Mikado, its that once chapter 6 rolls around he just becomes another typical, "human are inferior to my AI genuis. Gwahahaha" stereotype that kind of kills his whole magician he vibe he had going. And his plan literally factored on him not even thinking that Akane would be the one to have Divine Luck when she emerged from the ocean. My man has linear thinking. If you pointed this out to him I'm pretty sure he'd explode.
But despite all that, Mikado is clearly set on his goal and will stop at nothing to achieve it, and DAMN NEAR SUCCEEDS I WILL ADD! He won the chapter 5 trial and everyone would have died had the Kisaragi Foundation not intervened, by all accounts, Mikado won. That is INSANE! And I love SDRA2 for breaking the molds of past DanganRonpas! With all that said, I tip my hat to the AI magician.
Mikado Sannoji is my favorite mastermind, personally.
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thelaughtercafe · 9 months
Fandom List!
Asterisks* next to anime mean I'm completed with the anime not manga so please no manga spoilers! Thank you once again! 
Characters are fine but if I don't know someone I won't include them!
Italics mean I’m on the cusp of hyperfixating and bold means I currently am. Please request for these fandoms as I’m more likely to get them out faster!
Please remember the 5 character limit for headcanons, 3 for scenarios(any mix of fandoms is fine!) and I hope you enjoy your stay! 
Assassination Classroom* 
Fruits Basket*
Brothers Conflict*
Dance With Devils*
Diabolik Lovers*
Angel Beats*
Claanad/Claanad: After Story*
Ouran Highschool Host Club*
My Hero Academia*
Death Note*
The Promised Neverland
Tales of the Abyss*
Avatar the Last Airbender*
Sword Art Online
Fairy Tail
Danganronpa 3: Despair Arc
Danganronpa 3: Future Arc
Danganronpa 3: Hope Arc
Danganronpa 2.5: OVA
Uta no Prince Sama!
Bungou Stray Dogs (Caught up to end of Season 4, including Dead Apple)
Death Parade
Fullmetal Alchemist*
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood*
Angels of Death*
Ghost Hunt*
The Devil is a Part-timer!*
Mekakucity Actors*
Maid Sama!
Seven Deadly Sins*
Violet Evergarden*
Soul Eater*
Yuri!! On Ice*
Akame Ga Kill!
Black Butler
The Dragon Prince (Up to end of season 3 so no spoilers past that please!)
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjutsu
Miraculous Ladybug*
Banana Fish
Cardfight Vanguard Overdress!!*
Cardfight Vanguard Divinez*
My Happy Marriage(Up to episode 8)
Spy x Family (Up to end of Season 1)
Legend of Vox Machina (Finished season 1 and know the characters, just no plot past that please!)
Video Games
Final Fantasy 3
Final Fantasy 4*
Final Fantasy 5
Final Fantasy 7/Remake*/Dirge of Cerberus*/Crisis Core*
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 10*
Final Fantasy 12*
Final Fantasy 13*
Final Fantasy 14*(Caught up to the end of Endwalker, but not post patches yet)
Final Fantasy 15*
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates*
Final Fantasy: Type 0*
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition*
Xenoblade Chronicles 2*
Xenoblade Chronicles 3*
The World Ends With You*
Neo: The World Ends With You*
Kingdom Hearts*
Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories*
Kingdom Hearts 2*
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep*
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance*
Kingdom Hearts 3*
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days*
Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded*
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory*
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc*
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair*
Danganronpa v3*
Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls*
Tales of the Abyss*
Tales of Vesperia
Suikoden: Tierkreis
Persona 5 Royal*
Dragon Quest 11 S*
Mr. Love: Queen's Choice
Obey Me!
Collar x Malice ( Finished Mineo and Takeru's routes so no spoilers for the others but please feel free to request any character!)
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail*
Ikemen: Sengoku
Ikemen: Vampire
Ikemen: Revolution
Ikemen: Villians
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Birthright
Fire Emblem: Conquest
Fire Emblem: Revelation
Resident Evil*/Remake*
Resident Evil 2*/Remake*
Resident Evil 3*/Remake*
Resident Evil 7*
Resident Evil 8*
Baldur's Gate 3
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
Stardew Valley (I'm on Year 1 Summer, but can already tell Sebastian and Sam have my whole heart so they're the only two I'm able to write for atm, will update as I finish more)
TV Shows
Criminal Minds
The Vampire Diaries
Teen Wolf*
Good Omens
The Walking Dead
The Umbrella Academy*
Asian Shows
Sweet Home(currently up to Season 2 episode 2)
Bride of Habaek(currently up to episode 7)
My Holo Love*
Boys Over Flowers*
Cheese in the Trap*
Murphy's Law of Love*
Squid Game*(I'll be picky with these requests probably since it's been a while <3)
Rise of the Guardians*
Scream 2*
Scream 3*
Scream 4*
The Little Prince*
Meet Joe Black*
The Princess Bride*
A Little Princess*
Phantom of the Opera*
Les Miserables*
The Breakfast Club*
The Santa Clause*
The Santa Clause 2*
The Santa Clause 3*
Spirited Away*
Howl’s Moving Castle*
Princess Mononoke
Iron Man*
Iron Man 2*
Captain America: The Winter Soldier*
Avengers: Infinity War*
Avengers: Endgame*
Spiderman: Homecoming*
Spiderman: Far From Home*
Heathers: The Musical*
Epic: The Musical*
Not sure where to put this one so it gets its own category!
Critical Role (Up to Campaign 1, episode 40 atm)
Baldur's Gate 3 Oneshot*
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mewmewchann · 2 years
I’ve been wanting to make this joke for months
(spoilers for the latest Hope’s Chains update and Danganronpa Rebirth)
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you really do write what you know huh
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So a lot of people dislike/hate Korekiyo because of his background and the fact that he killed Tenko and Angie, so I shall prove to all these people what a splendor of a character Korekiyo really is.
Let us make a brief description/introduction of Korekiyo:
Shinguji Korekiyo, Super High School Level Anthropologist, one of the 16 students of the Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony cast, is a mysterious and brooding loner who shows to have an obssesion with humanity and all that revolves around it, describing it as 'beautiful, even the ugliest of it's aspects'.
Shinguji Korekiyo used to have an ill older sister, the absence of their parents making him take the role of her caretaker. Desperate to experiencing love, 'sister' enters in what is described as an erotic relationship with Korekiyo, her passing leaving him with nothing but her dreams which he decides to pursue.
At one point in his journey, Korekiyo is met by a 'welcoming tribe' who tie him up and presumably beat him, leading to Korekiyo passing out and receiving a 'message' from his sister that tasks him with killing 100 girls, task that Korekiyo religiously follows untill he is uncovered as the killer of Angie and Tenko.
With that in mind we can properly start, what I like to call, our character dissection:
What many people hate about Korekiyo is the fact that his character 'revolves' around incest. Which is indeed true, because if his entire person wouldn't have revolved agains sister and the relationship between the two then Shinguji Korekiyo wouldn't be Shinguji Korekiyo. But I think it is time we took a deeper dive into Korekiyo's 'sister dillema'.
What most Kiyo lovers were able to see about Korekiyo is that he was abused by his sister. But what I was personally able to deduce is that the treatment given to Korekiyo is frightingly similar to brainwashing techniques used in the Korean War.
Article link from which I was able to substract this information: https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/human-brain/brainwashing.htm
One of the first things you need for successful brainwashing is a space in which the victim is isolated, deprived of any 'normal' social reference points, sleep deprivation being a possible factor. We are able to associate this with Korekiyo's lifestyle, as he was deprived of any social interaction outside of 'sister', her health problems making hospital visits a part of Korekiyo's life, as well as possible sleep deprivation out of anxiety.
The process of brainwashing has been devided in multiple steps, the steps in this order:
1. Assault on identity
2. Guilt
3. Self-betrayal
4. Breaking point
5. Leniency
6. Compulsion to confess
7. Channeling of guilt
8. Releasing of guilt
9. Progress and harmony
10. Final confession and rebirth
1ST STAGE: Breaking Down The Self
1. 1. Assault on identity: the agent denies everything that constructs the victim's self[...]-> Once he is forced by his circumstances to take the role of his sister's caretaker, Korekiyo's has to mature, showing that the dire situation also forces Korekiyo to endure a life in which he is denied of being a child, only reduced to 'sister's' caretaker. Nothing more, nothing less;
1. 2. Guilt: while the identity crisis is setting in, the agent is simultaneously creating an overwhelming sense of guilt in the target, critisizing them for every mistake they have made, big or small[...]-> This is the most prominent trait of Korekiyo's abuse that we are able to see, as in the third class trial we are introduced to Korekiyo's tulpa, which is supposed to be a near-perfect copy of his sister, her most recognizable lines being: "You musn't raise your voice. You mustn't stutter. You mustn't lose composure. You mustn't become flustered. You mustn't waver.";
1. 3. Self-betrayal: Once the victim is disoriented and drowning in guilt, the agent forces him to denounce his close ones who share the same 'wrong' belief system that he holds[...]-> Even if we cannot consider the world 'a loved one', sister convinces Korekiyo that the outside world wants to separate them out of ill will and that their relationship is supposed to be 'sacred', lie that Korekiyo is unable to combat;
1. 4. Breaking point: with his identity in crisis, the victim may undergo what in the lay community is referred to as a 'nervous breakdown'[...] At this point the agent sets up the temptation to convert to another belief system that will save the target from his misery-> Something that can be observed if you do Korekiyo's FTE's is that Korekiyo's entire personality was constructed after his sister's wishes, meaning that the old Korekiyo, whose identity wasn't even complete at the moment of the brainwashing process, was completely erased, leaving space for 'sister's ideal partner', as proven by FTE number 3.
2ND STAGE: The Possibility of Salvation
2. 1. Leniency: First, the brainwasher shows leniency. With the target in a state of crisis, the agent offers some small kindness or reprieve from the abuse[...] In a state of breakdown resulting from an endless psychological attack, the small kindness seems huge and the target may experience a sense of relief and gratitude completely out of proportion to the offering, as if the agent has saved his life<-> Korekiyo is introduced to anthropology through a book about tales that exist all around the world, book given by his sister, making him interested in the subject of anthropology. In the same FTE Korekiyo also tells us that his uniform was made by his sister.
2. 2. Compulsion to confess: the brainwasher offers an opportunity for confession. For the first time in the brainwashing process, the target is faced with the contrast between the guilt and pain of identity assault and the sudden relief of leniency. The target may feel a desire to reciprocate the kindness offered to him, and at this point, the agent may present the possibility of confession as a means to relieving guilt and pain-> I don't think I can explain this point since it already offers the core message(I am deeply sorry if this sounds unprofessional of me);
2. 3. Channeling of guilt: after weeks or months of assault, confusion, breakdown and moments of leniency, the target's guilt has lost all meaning, he's not sure what he has done wrong, he just knows he is wrong. This creates something of a blank slate that lets the agent fill in the blanks: He can attach that guilt, that sense of 'wrongness', to whatever he wants. The agent attaches the target's guilt to the belief system the agent is trying to replace[...]-> 'Sister' manipulates Korekiyo into thinking that society is wrong and that the two of them are right, Korekiyo, as the disoriented child he was, believing her;
2. 4. Releasing of guilt: the target is relieved to learn there is an external cause of his wrongness, that it is not he himself who is inescapably bad, which means he can escape his wrongness by escaping the wrong belief system. All he has to do is denounce the people and institutions associated with that belief system, and he won't be in pain anymore[...]-> 'Sister' offers Korekiyo the chance to what seems as a healthy relationship. Since Korekiyo has nothing left but his sister, he accepts (and as time passes becomes dependent of her).
3RD STAGE: Rebuilding Of Self
3. 1. Progress and harmony: the subject is then presented with a path to progress and harmony. At this stage, the agent stops the abuse, offering the target physical comfort and mental calm in conjunction with the new belief system.[...] The choice is not a difficult one: The new identity is safe and desirable because it is nothing like the one that led to his breakdown-> This is when their relationship starts to form and when sister implements her sexual desires, Korekiyo unable of seeing the sexual abuse she is actually putting him through, disoriented by all she has done to him up to that point;
3. 2. Final confession and rebirth: next comes the final confession and rebirth. Contrasting the agony of the old with the peacefulness of the new, the target chooses the new identity, clinging to it like a life preserver. He rejects his old belief system and pledges allegiance to the new one that is going to make his life better. At this final stage, there are often rituals or ceremonies to induct the converted target into his new community-> Korekiyo sees himself as his sister's lover, their relationship becoming official, leading to Korekiyo clinging to his sister and what he saw as 'the perfect being'.
Now that we made it clear that Korekiyo's entire being depended on his sister we shall talk about the after-effects of the brainwashing and her death.
Once the two of them started their relationship 'sister' was able to get Korekiyo to pursue anthropology and travel around Japan, therefore being able to live through him, and Korekiyo was finally given a moment of peace. Everything seemed to be in perfect balance. But it only looked like it, for sister had the upper hand in the relationship, Korekiyo becoming her little toy.
After 'sister's' death, Korekiyo is left in shambles as he stands completely alone. Since anthropology is the last thing his sister left him with, he continues with his carrier, later becoming the Super High School Level Anthropologist. Throughout the time he deepened his knowledge on his culture and its' traditions, Korekiyo meets a tribe that tied him up and made him pass out as a 'welcome', which made him hallucinate his sister's image, who tells him that he must kill 100 girls for her so that she can have friends in the afterlife, Korekiyo complying.
This incounter shapes him into who we know him as: an observative individual who believes that logic is above emotion (which is quite ironic if you ask me), thinking of himself as an ugly person unworthy of love, as his Love Hotel suggests, his sister being the only person who would've been able of making him feel worth something. Yet Korekiyo was subconciously able to realise what his sister has done to him was wrong and both in his 4th FTE and his Love Hovel he tries to get his possible ideal to secretly confess their love in order to not anger sister.
TLDR: Olga was done listening to Kiyo haters hate on Kiyo without understanding him first so she decides to teach you all the ways of the Shingucci
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sapphierspider · 1 year
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•Ok some news I will not be writing any nsfw I feel uncomfortable writing it and I wouldn’t be good at it anyway
•I will be writing Yandere,dating headcanons and story’s that you suggest all with whatever danganronpa drdt dra sdra2 character you like
•I’m also gonna try get into danganronpa blowback and danganronpa rebirth so I’ll try write those to once I know more about the characters
•if you are unsure about anything be free to ask me I really don’t mind
•Ik this is unimportant but if you don’t know what to call me you can call me saphirespider Saphire or kotoko for fun ig
•don’t try anything weird like weird minor x an overaged character or I will block you
•if you feel as your question is to complicated I’ll try to understand it the best I can
•if you suggest something that i feel really uncomfortable writing I am so sorry but I’ll have to decline it as much as I appreciate the fact that you asked me a question
•or you can ask me a question like my opinion on some characters or like how one of the chapters was a huge plot twist
•if you suggest something that may have a huge spoiler in it I will make sure I’ll but a spoiler warning before I even start the writing
•I will also put warnings for any sensitive topics before I start the story for example TW:su!cide
•remember request are like also open so feel free to ask me to write something or just a question
•I bet your adorbs
•have a nice morning evening afternoon night
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DRRB Memes 3/?
[Disclaimer: All characters in this image and Danganronpa:Rebirth are made by Miwashiba and are not affiliated with the canon franchise.]
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imaginefanganronpas · 5 years
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Zen Katagiri always finishes his job (Even if it hurts)
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a-fire-emblem-geek · 4 years
The Incredible Shrinking Unlucky Student: Part 2. Shit gets real
Curse Ayumu for filling her with hope, Mikoto thought.
They were still not back, and Ayumu was the size of her entire hand now. And at the rate he was going, he was only going to get smaller.
“Mikoto, I... what do we do now?!” Ayumu yelled, panicky. Thanks to her hearing sensitivity, she had no trouble hearing him- but even then his voice was starting to get quiet and squeaky.
“I don’t know, Ayumu!” Mikoto snapped. Ayumu stumbled back, clasping his hands over his ears.
“N-not so loud! Please!” He whimpered, being knocked down a few inches. Mikoto stiffened.
Meanwhile, Ayumu was only growing more panicked. With each inch knocked off of him, Mikoto’s entire body only got bigger to him. Soon enough, he went from the size of her hand to the size of her thumb.
A noise sounding like a stampede immediately broke him out of his thoughts. In terror, Ayumu instinctively clambered up Mikoto’s knee, being knocked down a few inches on his way up. Standing on her thigh was like standing on a football field.
“Where’s Mr. Fujimori?!” Seishi yelled, panicked. Ayumu could feel a massive hand engulf him, forcing him into the palm. Immediately, he was passed to a different hand- Seishi’s. “He’s so small now...”
And it truly was the case. Seishi’s thumb exceeded his own height by a landslide. Immediately, a massive greenhouse sized cup was placed on the table with a massive thud.
“Here, Mr. Fujimori! Try to drink this!” Seishi ordered, tipping the cup towards his hand. Ayumu carefully crawled up to the rim.
Slowly but surely, he drank the liquid. It tasted awful, like drinking a flat lacroix flavored with sewer water. The liquid pulsed over his body, and when a shrinking spell was supposed to happen... it didn’t.
Seishi put the tiny Ayumu onto a table, and Ayumu’s stomach formed a pit when he realized just how big all of his classmates were.
“Um... should he be growing back by now?” Kego asked.
“Seishi only mentioned that it was supposed to stop the shrinking. However, I am concerned that Ayumu isn’t returning to his normal height...” Saiji agreed.
“Maybe he’ll grow back later?” Maiko asked hopefully.
“Hawa hawa! Ayumu-kun is so cute! (*≧▽≦)” Marin gasped, walking up to him.
“And so pathetic!” Kasumi laughed, moving towards him as if she would squish him. Ayumu scrambled back, letting out a pitiful whimper.
“Kasumi...” Misuzu warned sternly.
“Um... Nico thinks that Ayumu is getting nervous...” Nico noted, but no one listened to her.
“Oooh! I wonder what... interesting things he’ll experience at this height...” Aruma said, being horny as usual.
“Aruma, enough of that shit!” Kazuomi scolded.
“Ayumu’s so small, that he can easily fit into a hand now!” Shika gushed.
“Not Daddy’s! I wonder if we can carry him!” Uma wondered aloud.
“He would probably fall off...” Mitsunari pointed out.
“Uhh... guys? I think he is going to pass out...” Akira noted.
The whole time they were talking amongst themselves, Ayumu’s heart continued to pound with terror to the point where he could feel the muscles against his skin. ‘These are my friends!’ He kept reminding himself. But nothing could stop the wave of terror sweeping over him, and him blacking out.
When Ayumu had woken up, the new surface he felt was hard and also... brown and shiny? He looked around to see that he was in a room, and it was pretty obvious who’s room it was; Mikoto’s.
She was right there in the room, pacing it like a caged tiger about to pounce. Her footsteps echoed harshly, and the second she realized he was awake, she moved closer to him.
“Um...” she said, crossing her arms.
“H-hi, Mikoto...” he piped up shyly.
“Soooo... I see that this motive didn’t go as planned, huh?! Everyone, report to the cafeteria!” Monodora’s voice over the intercom ordered. Ayumu staggered back, covering his ears and scrunching his eyes shut. When he opened them, Mikoto’s hand was laid down in front of him.
Ayumu blinked, astonished. Mikoto frowned.
“Just... get on...” she sighed. Ayumu climbed on slowly, her skin feeling like a padded heater- almost like crawling on a warm bed. She slowly moved her hand up slightly, and Ayumu got the memo to crawl up her arm and onto her shoulder.
The feeling of Ayumu getting onto her hand was strange. It was almost like a slight tickle against her skin, feeling him walk on it. Mikoto lifted her arm up slightly, feeling Ayumu run up it to walk onto her shoulder.
Her movements were noticibly more careful. The last thing she wanted was to accidentally kill Ayumu.
“Let’s... just hope that Monodora... won’t try to kill me...” Ayumu’s tiny voice piped up. Mikoto frowned.
“I’ll protect you,” she said. She could feel Ayumu’s gaze and she turned slightly to see him look up at her in astonishment. “O-only because I’m supposed to.” The blush on her cheeks probably did nothing to covince him.
As Mikoto walked to the cafeteria, she heard angry screaming from a familiar voice. She could feel Ayumu burrow himself between her jacket and shirt.
“Gotcha...” Mikoto whispered to herself.
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saili-lxix · 4 years
! amnesia: rebirth spoilers // scary face !
leon looks amazing
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princeasimdiya12 · 4 years
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A month ago, I came across a post that categorized the canon DR characters based on their willingness to commit murder or their involvement in the killing game. So I wanted to try my own version using the fangames. 
I wanted to include more but a majority of the fangan ronpas I was following haven’t really started yet. So I had to make due with the ones that finished or have made significant progress. I may remake this by the end of the year; depending on how far the other fangames have progressed.
This post contains ALOT of spoilers for each of the killing games so please be careful while seeing this. I will however offer explanations for any of these characters if asked. I hope you enjoy!
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marshmellowtea · 5 years
hey!! im gonna send you a lot of charas, you can answer them as you want, I just wanna make sure you have enough to answer all you want!! seishi, nikei, ayumu, marin maki, komaeda, makoto, mikan and sayake, please!
aaaaaaaa anon ur so sweet ilysm ;o; 
i’ll probably have to divide these into a couple posts so i can break it into chunks for myself but i’ll start off with seishi, nikei, and ayumu here :’0 
also putting this under a cut so i hopefully don’t break anyone’s dashes 
favorite thing about them 
he’s just,, baby?? he’s just baby hdfjaslkdfsdf i don’t even know how to describe it. i was attached to him the moment i saw him and the more i watched of him the more in love i fell he’s such a precious dork,, 
least favorite thing about them 
idk if this actually counts because this is more of a criticism of his writing than anything but it’s so annoying how people just default him to “standard evil villain” after the katagiri zen reveal like no,, there’s so much more that can be done with him,, how dare you,, 
favorite line 
tbh as much as i’m disappointed (read: angry) with the direction voices was going to go, “did you just call us horny?” is still an ICONIC line fhaslksdfjlksdf i love it so much 
him and marin! also him and mikoto,, and him and nico,, tbh him and any girl is good he just vibes “let’s go wlw let’s go!!”, y’know? i also like him and nikei being like. adopted brothers or adopted cousins tbh it’s really cute 
seishi/akira/ayumu/saiji. yes that it as an ot4. yes it counts come at me bro. any seishi/rebirth boy ship is good tho 
i,, really don’t like seishi/girls fjadsklfjsadf feels bad man 
random headcanon 
he has TRAUMA dammit!! i hc that he has a backstory similar to maki’s in that he was forced into being an assassin at a young age so it wasn’t really his choice to get involved in all this. i’ve kinda ran that idea into the ground at this point though so here’s a lighter headcanon: when he was 14, he reeeaaaally wanted to be a cat. like, to the point where he’s embarrassed to look back on those days because oh my god he really straight up tried to act like a cat 24/7 huh? kinda ties into another headcanon of mine that he’s less mature than he lets on and tends to go through periods of feeling kinda childlike but ssshh shsh shsh shush
unpopular opinion 
he’s a good boy with a morally dubious job and that doesn’t make him automatically evil. y’all are just unimaginative, uncreative and mean >:( 
song i associate with them 
coughs at my seishi and zen playlists uhh there’s a lot tbh but the songs most strongly connected with him in my mind are “this is how you spell haha we destroyed the hopes and dreams of a generation of faux romantics” by los campesinos! and “i’ve got all this ringing in my ears and none on my fingers” by fall out boy (and yes those are two songs with very long titles i know hdfaklsjdflsd ;w;) 
favorite picture of them 
aaaa rebirth doesn’t have a lot of good cgs to pull from across either of its canons and idk if fanart counts so,, but gosh i really love his surprised sprite. he’s like :o. he’s so baby i love him so much 
favorite thing about them 
he’s so interesting. it’s clear a lot of work went into his character, and it’s always a fascinating struggle to try and write him. i think it might be a bit easier after chapter four is fully translated but still there’s a lot of complexity to him and it’s interesting trying to break down his outer shell and get inside his head, y’know? also, he’s adorable. i wanna squish his cheeks. 
least favorite thing about them 
oh my GOD does my boy stress me out. i hate seeing him being mean to my other favorite characters and i’m always just like baby why are you like this please don’t ohmygod?? i’m gonna have to watch chapter four with my hands covering my eyes hasdfjslkdf i hate betrayal plots :’) 
favorite line 
this is kinda hard actually hasdkflsjdfk but “and she threw them away just like that? girl, are you a genius or an idiot, make up your mind!” from the third trial is reALLY GOOD FHKJDFLKDSF on a more heartbreaking note though him apologizing before he dies is just,, god. god.
him and the other voids!! they’re a family fight me. and him and seishi, ofc. i also like him and setsuka a lot though,, after chapter six i’m doubling down on my “she’s his mom!!” stance okay. i also like him and yoruko because i think they could have a fun dynamic (and maybe a soft dynamic with older yoruko,, maybe,,)(what i’m saying is that he gains another mom okay. let me project my mommy issues in peace) 
i,, actually largely headcanon him as aro so there’s not a lot of ships with him i’m super passionate about?? i still kinda like him and setsuka in aus and such but other than that i mostly dropped all my ships for him after chapter six cuz it’s no big loss to me. though,, i’m not gonna lie, i still have a HUGE soft spot for sorakei. after seeing his free time events they just,, grew on me and i’d think they’d be really cute together c’mon guys can we make it happen- :’0 
nikei/mikado nikei/mikado nikei/mikado LIKE CAN WE PUT IT TO REST ALREADY I ACTUALLY HATE IT 
random headcanon 
his hair is actually naturally super curly and he straightens it every morning so other people don’t realize this. the other voids think it looks really cute pre-straightener but he thinks it makes it hard for others to take him seriously which is why he goes to such lengths to try to hide it basically he does NOT appreciate the cooing he gets from emma, thank you very much. hgalsdjfadlfkl
unpopular opinion 
i’m not actually sure if this counts cuz i don’t see this on tumblr at least but i don’t think we should take what he says to emma and hajime in the void theater at face value. i think despite what he says he actually does care about them in his own way, he just doesn’t really show it well because he doesn’t like to be vulnerable around others. he’s an asshole sometimes (actually a lot of the time hadsflkjsdflk), but that doesn’t mean he’s unfeeling or unable to care about people. 
song i associate with them 
once again side eyes my nikei playlist ahdfslksdfjslkfd a part of me doesn’t want to spoil one of the songs on it because i do eventually wanna release it to the public but i really just,, i really gotta go with “are you satisfied?” by marina. it’s just too perfect and i think of him every time i hear it now 
favorite picture of them 
honestly? his first tts avatar. no talk him. him angy his last tts avatar upsets me though LEAVE HIM BE LINUJ
favorite thing about them 
AAAAAAAAAA BOYFRIEND BOYFRIEND he’s so sweet such a good boy!! i like that he’s empathetic towards others cuz of his luck and he cares about how it affects them. i like that he’s soft and definitely a good cuddle partner. i love that he’s a trans icon even if that’s not really the intent i don’t care he just vibes trans so well (gal or guy or nonbinary but i tend to stick with the trans guy headcanon cuz haha i transmasc-)  
least favorite thing about them 
i kinda wish he had more of a canon sarcastic side? i mean i’m gonna continue to write him that way lol but c’mon there had to have been times where his luck is just so wildly terrible that his inner hinata jumps out and he makes a quip about it hfkajsdfksdf 
favorite line 
aaaaaa his little hope speech during in voices’ chapter one trial makes me soft,, i love him so much,, i also like him shutting aruma down when she’s being too horny hdlkajdsflksdf it’s really good 
ngl i tend to ship him with most of the class so,, like,, i also brotp him with the whole class,, dalfksdlfkasdf 
see above but my favorite of those pairings are ayumu/seishi, ayumu/akira and ayumu/mikoto 
when i’m headcanoning him as a trans guy: nico, misuzu, and kasumi cuz i hc them as lesbians. when i’m headcanoning her as a trans girl: seishi. kind of a nonissue when i go with a nonbinary headcanon though 
random headcanon 
he plays minecraft with akira a lot, but they always have to play in create mode where you can’t really die otherwise it’s just a montage of ayumu dying over and over again, pfft. even with unlimited life though he still usually ends up stuck somewhere and akira has to come dig him out and since akira’s a rude boy he’s always laughing his ass off as he’s doing it smh >:0
unpopular opinion 
it’s,, silly to be mad about his “secretly a boy” twist on the same level as you’re mad about the v3 protag twist,, it’s a fangan and not even that well known of one at that like it doesn’t really have the power to “break down barriers” like that or whatever tf you’re expecting hdsflkajsfdlksdf 
song i associate with them 
he’s another character i have a playlist for ahdflaksdjflaksd but “this is home” by cavetown and i cry every time :’) 
favorite picture of them 
once again there’s not a lot of canon art to pull from but i do adore the promo art of him with his “male” and “female” versions :’0 
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thenewfuture · 1 year
Ranking the Mainline DanganRonpa Entries
Hey guys. The mastermind ranking list brought a lot of discussion and attention here, and I had a lot of fun making it. Now it's time to start list that won the second place on the poll; ranking all of the main series entries.
Oh, beloved DanganRonpa. How you started out as a niche spiritual successor to Ace Attorney, to now becoming your own big entity that can rival the best of them. Where have the years gone?
Quick rules to explain the process here:
-Like I said this is only the mainline entries. Fanganronpas like the Another series, Rebirth, Blowback, etc. will not be counted.
-That being said, I will also not be including any side content like Summer Camp S, The Kirigiri, Togami and Ultra Despair Hagakure novels, Killer Killer, IF, and Zero. For one, because a lot of them don't do much to add to DanganRonpa's overarching story. And two, a good half of them I have not seen nor am I interested in doing so because they don't much for the main series anyway. Apologies...
-This list is going to be INCREDIBLY SUBJECTIVE AND OPINIONATED, if you disagree with any of the spots I've put them in; that is completely fine, just don't be a jerk about it.
-And finally, the following will contain massive spoilers for the DanganRonpa series and their respective games and entries. View at your own risk. But considering this is on a story blog that takes place after three of the entries here, maybe you shouldn't be here anyway, but I'm still warning others just to be safe.
#5 DanganRonpa 1: Trigger Happy Havoc
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Why is the subtitle for the game way bigger and upfront on the cover while the actual series name is way smaller? I don't get it...
To kick off our ranking list, it's the game that started it all. The very first DanganRonpa game, Trigger Happy Havoc! Now don't get wrong, even though it's this low doesn't make it the "worst", just my personal least favorite out of all of them. I mean I would have had to like the first game to some degree if I stuck with the series this long, right? I think this game has just aged......poorly...
The premise of the game starts out very well, each student is trapped in an enclosed environment and the only form of escape is to kill another classmate. This sort of environment encourages distrust of others so that when it's inevitably time for a murder, not only are you devastated that the character you were growing attached died but also saddened at how another character you liked could do something like that. That's all fine and dandy......here's the problem...
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You can't convince me these guys were EVER friends! Not only is the player supposed to get attached to the other characters, the characters themselves have to from lasting trust and bonding experiences so that they too can feel despair. But barring a few good exceptions, it's not really done with anyone else. Let give a few examples:
Could imagine Sakura getting well with Kiyotaka? ......Hard, right?
Could imagine Leon getting along with Touko? ......No, right?
Could imagine Celeste getting along with Aoi? HA! Right?!
And that's not taking into account despair loving diva Junko and her sister Mukuro who would barely have any identity of her own.
Like I said; there are some great relationships here, I am not ignoring that. I was saddened with Kiyotaka having to get separated from Mondo too, and even more saddened when Aoi tried to get everyone killed because she believed the reason for her best friend's suicide was everyone else. But the comradery of the group doesn't work as well as it should or could have been we focus on these smaller groups and leaving behind the characters that exactly fit into a group of there own. Many of the other games fix this by having much more morale boosting events and activities for the rest of the remaining cast, meanwhile I can't exactly say the same here. As an unfortunate downside of this, it makes some of the characters bland and forgettable at best. Cast makes or breaks your visual novel game people, and the cast of THH leaves a lot to be desired.
The pacing's also very slow here. Because Monokuma doesn't outright say that a blackened has to survive and outwit the others in a class trial, the first chapter feels much more sluggish as a result. Future entries would go on to fix that issue by telling them right out the gate. And like I said, because there are hardly any events or anything of note going with the cast at times, most chapters play like: "waking up, meet up with everyone else, talking about what happened, explore new area, Free Time, Free Time, sleep, wake up, meet up, Free Time, Free Time, motive, sleep, wake up, meet up, Free Time, Free Time, sleep, Free Time, Free Time, oh hey someone kicked the bucket"
The slowness also translates to the gameplay as well. Having no breaks means going through 1 to 2 hour trials in one big burst. The joke of "Naegi, telling them" is very much true here and it's normally him, Kyoko and whenever he's not being a dick, Byakuya carrying the trials with everyone else offering their input every once in a while. "Gee, I wonder if we could spice this up by having other characters object to your line of thinking?.......NAH!" The minigames are serviceable as well, I mean Hangman's Gambit was never bit it's fine here, Climatic Return is always awesome, and while MTB is fine I just want to talk to the person that suggessted having this sort of action take place NUMEROUS TIMES in some of the later trials! And I have an unexplained, visceral, HATRED for the RE:Action prompt. Imagine having to watch and read some text explaing important information to just suddenly STOP TO A HAULT and press another button to get more info because your character to ask, "what do you mean?" by himself.
All in all, while Trigger Happy Havoc may not hold up as well as most of its predecessors, and maybe some of my reasons boil down to me spoiling myself on this game but watching a let's play of it and skipping down to see who survived, that doesn't mean there isn't a whole lot good to this game. The characters I do care about are written pretty well, Makoto is a good protagonist for this game and works in a number of ways, the trials are fairly simple to what we get later down the line, and the atmosphere works well for a killing game environment. I just have a few issues with it personally that question if I want to go back to it on numerous occasions. But as I said, if I didn't like the first game somewhat I wouldn't really be here, would I?
Just remember your first shot isn't always going to be your best, and that's okay.
#4 DanganRonpa V3: Killing Harmony
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I consider V3 to be the Fire Emblem Fates of the franchise..............now I know that made sense to a whopping two of you, so let me explain.
Fire Emblem Fates comes off the massive success of its predecessor, Awakening, and fixes a lot of its issues. The gameplay is much more advanced and easy to understand, the music is really good, the environments look amazing, and there is a ton of content for many to enjoy. .......Everything else with it?
A great number of characters are incredibly one note, has an insane number of unwanted fanservice moments, has numerous localization controversy, and the story is so GODDAMN convoluted, confusing and messy, surrounding itself in a mountain of incest!
.........So onto V3...
DanganRonpa V3 comes off the massive success of its predecessors, and fixes a lot of issues. The gameplay and mingames are much more easier to understand and scrum debating is awesome, the music is fantastic, the graphics and environments take use of its new console software, and there is a lot of content to enjoy. .....Everything else with it?
Some of the characters are incredibly one note, has insane number of unwanted fanservice moments, has numerous localization controversy, and the story is so GODDAMN convoluted, confusing, twisted and messy, surrounding itself in a MOUNTAIN of incest!
..........Ya get it now?
I don't want it to seem like I'm ragging a whole lot on V3, but there are a lot of things that this game does that is straight up bad.
I will be nice and start with the good first however. I really like the cast and their designs, very unique and hard to forget even if I tried. The Ultimate Academy is a pretty cool set-piece for the killing game to take place in; having it be closed off to the world like Hope's Peak Academy but open to see the sky and other areas like Jabberwock Island, a pretty decent blend of the two. The music is a phenomenal treat for the ears, and for the eyes comes amazing sprite work for the new characters as well as Monokuma and great use of angles not before seen in the class trials. The new minigames for this game, Scrum Debate and Mass Panic Debates are also hella fun. And the bonus content is spectacular with Salmon Mode and Ultimate Talent Development Plan treating the fans to some actually GOOD fanservice.
That's about where the compliments end unfortunately. The other minigames aren't that fun to play through, Mind Mine is pointless and I don't enjoy it. V3 is notorious for having the ridiculous and mind stretching logic of all the class trials and that is a fact, Seesaw murders anyone? The back route mechanic sounds good on paper, and I'm not going to pretend that actually having multiple routes in a trial isn't a tremendous amount of work to pull off, but most of the optional ones are just time wasters as we don't learn much and just end up back on the correct path after a few minutes, so one has to wonder the point of all that. While I do like this cast, there are some stinkers that bring it down for me and can't compete with other ones. What the fuck is with all the incest in this writing?! And of course...the big two...
Why did we replace Kaede, a unique talent personality type who had tremendous potential for the first ever girl, main series, DanganRonpa, class trial protagonist.....for Shuichi? A low self-esteem, doesn't feel like he belongs, boy protagonist?
We were this close to greatness....this close... And I love Shuichi too, but it still hurts everytime I think about it man, come on! Kaede could have done great things for this story or even have the two share the role of dual-swapping protagonists! And oh, that story though...
I get it, the power of fiction is real and it affects reality,and it does work for this game's overall theme of truth and lies, blah blah blah... But with how many times they HAMMER the message of: "Everything's fake! Everything you know and lie isn't real and it didn't happen! Look at you, the fans, you love killing games! You love DanganRonpa! Hahahahaha!" The message work so well it loops back around to feel insulting to not only the "fake" audience of the TV Show series, but also the auidence that's playing the game now. And apparently must have not worked enough because we still have people making videos on what they want in DanganRonpa 4, as well fans like me still being here and creating content discussion for it right now.
And with how ridiculous some of the characters' backstory are, such Gonta living with actual dinosaur people, Kaede preforming for famous kings across the world, Kirumi being the FUCKING PRIME MINISTER, maybe these were the clues all along to help you figure out this place was a fictional world. And I know that this is the series where a high school girl can overthrow the world into chaos, demigods are basically born left and right, and ghosts and aliens directly affect the plot, but I think we should have some sort of groundedness to this world, no?
Bottom line: V3 is a good game but has a mediocre story and because this is the last game in the series(maybe?), it leaves nothing but a bad taste in my mouth. I swear these writers aren't even trying anymore, DanganRonpa 17 was the best.
#3 DanganRonpa 3: The End Of Hope's Peak Academy
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Mod Freeze, isn't DanganRonpa 3 relegated as one of the worst installments in the franchise by the fans? Yes.
Mod Freeze, isn't the Final Killing Game a massive jumbled mess of time management, rules, and scope? Yes.
Mod Freeze, didn't DanganRonpa 3 not utilize a whole bunch of its characters as well as the DR2 cast? Yes.
Mod Freeze, isn't DanganRonpa 3 responsible for instilling the idea of the Remnants of Despair simply being brainwashed? Yes.
Mod Freeze, is this straw-man arguments tired out and old? Yes.
Mod Freeze, why is Danganronpa 3 so high? Well my dear reader, that is a long and extravagant answer.....
I like it.
....That's it.
I'm not here to paint you a picture on how DR3 is the greatest piece of media in the history of existence, or even sway your mind from thinking that DR3 is so garbage that it could be mistaken for a Garbodor. I like DanganRonpa 3, for the simple fact that I enjoyed my time with it.
Now I am not blind to the various things DanganRonpa 3 has done wrong. It doesn't utilize most of the branch leaders well or hardly gives you any reason to care about them. A good chunk of the DR2 cast get left behind in the dust, especially those that should garner more attention like those present for the Twilight Syndrome case. And those that took the time to read and explore other lore such as DR0 do not get rewarded. Skips what could be interesting scenarios such as Chisa's time in the reserve course or even a few moments with the THH cast. And that's not even mentioning the Final Killing Game with all its confusing and convoluted bullshit.
But honestly, despite all that, I didn't mind any of that too much. I really liked the idea of a free-for-all killing game that Future Arc tried to implement, and seeing the fun and cute moments of the 77th class was such a delight. Some characters ere unfortunately narratively more built important than others, but some of them stuck out to me for the best of reasons. Chisa's fun mommy-sue nature, Seiko's tragic backstory and relationship with Ruruka, Koichi how he's trying to protect and be there for Kyoko, and a lot of the designs here for these guys kick ass.
Great Gozu is a more well-rounded character than a good chunk of others from THH and V3, and I can and will fight you on that.
Some of the returning cast was done really good here too, a real Chiaki for added wholesomeness, Hajime with his doubts of self-worth due to lack of talent, Imposter shined more than I thought he would, dude would ever imagine Imposter getting some shine in the main series, never me, holy cow. And we explored other characters who we hadn't known more about, like Izuru finally making him his own character, exploring the relationship and natures of Natsumi and Sato, and Mukuro.............y'know let's just not talk about that blunder...
I don't even mind the brainwashing portion either because.......that's what it always was....
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And I had a talk with an anon a while back about this topic. I don't mind it too much because, if you're telling me that Junko can just switch your marolaity with a few words from her silver tongue, that makes her look too overpowered and the rest of the DR2 cast indigenous and kind of already shitty people. And I know a few of them can be swayed to despair give the right circumstances(Fuyuhiko, Peko, Mahiru, Mikan, Hiyoko, Akane), but honest to god how can someone like Imposter, Nekomaru, or ray of sunshine fall to despair with her words. I think we're stretching it here...
DanganRonpa 3 may have disappointment me as well as others on a quite few number of fronts, but kept me more invested in its story and mysteries than the past two entries. Again, my personal opinion of course... Without DR3, I wouldn't be making The New Future in the first place so it has to have some merit of enjoyment in here. And I think there could be more stuff to enjoy from this anime as well, squint and tilt it a little bit and you might find a gleam of hope...
But hey, what do I know? I'm the guy that likes DanganRonpa 3 :P
#2 DanganRonpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
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Okay how do you say this name?! Ultra Despair Girls: DanganRonpa: Another Episode?! DanganRonpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls?! DanganRonpa Ultra Despair Girls: Another Episode?! DanganRonpa 1.5 Final Remix?! THREE FIVE EIGHT OVER TWO DAYS?!-Wait.
These years have shown that not much has changed in the grand scheme of this list, as it's secured second place spot has not been challenged. And that's funny because I'm pretty this game is much more divisive in the fandom as well, and it has the unfortunate perk of being more well known than the anime series. I mean, a game with no class trials, no investigations, no definite mascots, smaller cast than normal, a huge change in gameplay, and Monokuma being demoted to near Goomba status. It may be a spin-off entry, but these are some drastic changes to the formula, almost a whole new game at this point.
However, I think Ultra Despair Girls is a fantastic entry to the series, and you would do yourself a disservice by skipping out on it. Makoto Naegi's little sister, Komaru, fights through the streets of Towa City for survival against the Monokumas and the Warrior of Hope with the help of a returning face, Touko Fukawa.Right off the bat, I have to say this idea for a story is really impressive. Because this takes place after THH but before DR2, we get to see kind of the world is during the Tragedy. Hectic, apocalyptic, barely clinging onto hope.. I may not be a fan of zombie or horrors movies, but the ambience here is top notch and works extremely well.
We have a ton of colorful characters as well, the Warriors of Hope are good antagonists with heartbreaking and understanding backstories, seeing relatives or people close to the first's game cast is an excellent treat as well like Hiroko, Kanon, Yuta and Taichi even if we get a little out of those two...and of course, the main big bad, Monaca. If you read my ranking list of the series' masterminds you know full well why I like her. She is a perfect villain for this sort of story, a twisted and manipulative person with the face of the child but the heart of a demon.
Of course, I can't forget to mention Komaru and Touko. Komaru's development from an average whiny high school girl who can't do anything learns to stand up and fight for herself. And Touko, who has outgrown her shell of being reclusive and venomous to others....while still retaining that somewhat, now has an active roll of helping Komaru get through these tough times. She offers her advice, lessons, support, everything. These two's relationship make this game for me and I'm sure many others would agree with me on that front.
Okay, time to get on to the negatives here, ah......oh boy....
For starters Towa City is huge and many areas here are really cool looking, but the path is quite linear and that can be quite tedious for exploring and hiding collectibles. It's not too hard, but there are a lot of collectibles to nab, and if you miss one you have to start the chapter all over again so be mindful. One of which is the wanted list that the WOH have to hunt down other "demons" aka, THH's families and friends. You give them to Hiroko to hopefully go get them, but do you ever seeeee or meeeeet them in the Resistance base. Nope! That's a missed opportunity if I ever heard of one!
And um.......all the.....uncomfortable....things this game does....hoo boy... From Touko's fantasies, to the scoring screen at the end of chapters, to.....the Motivation machine in Chapter 3, and.....j-just how manipulative and twisted Monaca can be in chapter 4, this game proves it is not for the faint of heart. Probably not even that too, those who aren't faint of heart might reel at some of these questionable decisions here. I'd call it fanservice but because some of these scenes involve, ahem, MINORS; I'd call it fansqueezing with how much it'll squeeze and hurt you with all this psychological trauma. I suppose I've either seen worse over the course of my life to not be affected by this, or I've endured these sorts of things in the game so many times that I have become numb to it. Remember folks, I platinumed this game.
Ultra Despair Girls may make you feel despair at times, but beyond that despair, lies hope. Hope of a game with a great story, great cast of characters, and a great episode for this franchise in general.
Oh, also this...
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Another point to V3 being so low. How dare they tease us…
#1....DanganRonpa 2: Goodbye Despair
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"Wow, shocking! The guy that's blog is about the DanganRonpa 2 cast ha DanganRonpa 2 as his favorite! I tooootally saw this coming a mile away!" Hey look man, I don't appreciate all that sass. I saw that train coming a mile away too and I didn't say anything. Also on you're right-
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Eugh....oh, oh that looks bad.....A-Anyway....
Yes, if you follow me on my main blog you probably know that I love DanganRonpa 2 a whole effin' lot! I love mah boy Hajime! I love mah girl Chiaki! I love my other boys, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, and Imposter! I love mah other girls, Sonia, Ibuki and Mikan! I love DanganRonpa 2!
Everything is so right here. The gameplay, the setting, the story, the characters, it's all great!
Mind Dive and Rebuttal Showdown are excellent additions that keep the mystery paces going as well utilizes other characters and their outlooks on certain things. It's almost like it's a real trial here guys. And some would say that an island doesn't really fit for a whole killing game setting, and I agree somewhat, but I love all the places of Jabberwock island and I can argue waking up and finding yourself on a deserted island far, far away from any signs of civilization works just as good too.
And the cast, the cast is perfect! A great combination of personalities coming together to make every moment feel that much more impactful and memorable. And even though I may not like afew of them(Hiyoko, Nagito, Teruteru), they evoke more of a emotional reaction out of me and stick out in my mind far more than other members of the other casts. Not to mention there are plenty of group activities and moments together that serve to boost the character's morale and hope. While again, some of them are locked behind presents, some that aren't work well enough. The party at the old building, a beach party on the second island, Ibuki's concert, there are so many ways for the characters to come together that when some of them do die, it is really sad and heart-wrenching. Like what THH was trying to do, but better!
And the main story is really good as well. Having characters we all know and love turning out to responsible for the Tragedy set up in the first game is a really nice twist, as well as learning that it may be possible to bring them back. Some say it a cheap action that miiiiiight devalue all the tragedy and lose the player and characters have went through, and again, I can see that point being made. I personally believe if you give me the option to have them back I would take it a heartbeat.
If there is one true negative I have for this game, it's that the motives are fundamentally lacking in some regard. The motives for chapters 2 and 3 are very much targeted for specific people, and don't affect the others too much, which made the motives in THH work so well is that anyone could fall into the temptation, everyone was treated equal. And with those two chapters, eehhhhhhh.....not so much....
But even still, I hold DanganRonpa 2 very near and dear to my heart. It was the first game I saw and watched from beginning to end, the first game I played and even why I bought a Vita in the first place. I would come back to this game at a moment's notice, the emotions I felt through every chapter make me want to sit by the beachside and experience it all over again...
DanganRonpa 2: Goodbye Despair is my favorite game in the entire series. I cannot express how much I love it so much...
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dokidoki-notesheet · 5 years
Dangan rebirth English adaption Death list and Cancelation
So apparently for legal reasons they had to stop doing dangan rebirth, I just want to say that you guys should respect this because they could've gotten into legal trouble if they hadn't caneclled DRRB's English adaption.
With this said here is the Death list, they shorted their names by first word of first name and last name.
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Also I feel like this stuff should be added here to, just to prevent anyone from getting in trouble.
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Incase you can't read it here's what it says:
"Does this mean all the videos are going to be deleted? Where am I going to watch it now?" No, Miwa has allowed us to keep it up. We are just not allowed to progress any further. This means that completing the chapter 2 trial is an impossibility. We apologize that it's going to end up on a cliffhanger like that, we're also disappointed. "What's going to happen to this server?" We plan to keep it up. We may be re-hauling it into another type of server you'll all still find common interest in, but we have not decided on that front. "What's going to happen to you guys? Is this the end for you all?" I cannot speak for everyone. Some of us are still grieving, some of us wish to take breaks, whether that be from fangan work, or even discord. As for myself, I plan on working on my own fangan. For some of us, this will not be the last of our work. But please, don't bank on things either way. If any of us move on to other things, and you are interested in seeing those, stick around, and hopefully you'll be able to see, whether it happens or not. "So who killed the chapter 2 victim? What's the death order? Who was the mastermind? Is X really dead? JUST FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, LET ME KNOW THE PLOT!" Dude. Chill. Read the announcement. We've already stated we don't know about revealing those things yet. Cool your heels.
"Can I take on the torch? I want to create chapters 3-6 of this, and finish it for you guys!" A nice thought, but no. If he's not letting us continue it, he's not letting you. Rebirth is sadly over for good. Fanart and such is totally fine, however!
   Again I please request you do not harass anyone for DRRB's english adaption's cancelelation they did this for a reason please respect that reason.
Now with this said, I wish the best for everyone that worked on the project and hope they can move forward with their heads high.
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mewmewchann · 1 year
To mooch off the last question someone asked, do you remember what inspired some of your fangan characters? (For example, were some based on TV / video game series you were into at the time?)
ahahahaha haha you have no idea how many of my characters I have accidentally based on Goro Akechi
But a recent more specific one was that I realised after rewatching Baccano that I subconsciously based a LOT of Jasper on Claire. Which makes sense because he's one of the best characters in modern anime change my mind
Also Miko was subconsciously based on Tsubasa Otori from Beyblade. Yes. I watched Beyblade as a kid. Don't judge me.
Also, I realised during the break between chapters 2 and 3 that I maaaaaaaay have accidentally subconsciously based the Daisuke twist on the Seishi Yodogawa/Zen Katagiri twist. ... Which checks out because he's my favourite Fangan character of all time but that's besides the point
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