#dani's basically kept as a pet.
chuuyanaurkahara · 1 year
thinking about god fucking dammit
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dilfsuzanneyk · 6 months
VAMPIRE OC? i must see!!
anyway!!! i haven't got any art of her that i'd like to share Currently but here's some facts about her:
her name is dani, and she's a singaporean malay-muslim! she was turned in 1876 while in Mecca for Haji. at the time, she had been pretty sick, so she had passed being bitten off for a nightmare/something she imagined. later on, though, she found herself with bite marks and convinced herself she had been disturbed by some kind of Djinn. the remainder of her time in Mecca was spent praying and repenting and panicking while she just got even more sick. the rest of her early days as a vampire was spent grappling with a little religious guilt and just horror and fear of herself and what others would think (she still struggles with it in the present day she's just managed to ignore it and bottle it long enough that she genuinely thinks it doesn't affect her anymore). in the present day, she's a history teacher at a local secondary school. she lives alone with her three pet cats in a cheap hdb flat.
my favourite thing about her is the little worldbuilding (if that's the word) i did, though. basically, in this universe vampires Are mostly immortal. however, they work kind of like the lost boys vampires in that they can survive on normal food and without human blood for a while, but they will be very weak before eventually dying. dani took advantage of this and hasn't had human blood since she swore herself off of it in 1954. she spent the years before that with another vampire she had met who forced her to drink blood to take care of herself. as a result of her not drinking any blood in a While, dani is a pretty weak vampire.
aside from that, vampires in this universe also unfortunately still have some human characteristics. a big one is that their memory works the same, and the human brain just isn't built for centuries' worth of knowledge and memories. so a lot of dani's memories and stuff get fuzzy after a while, and to avoid this she kept tons and tons of journals. then with the creation of the internet, she created her own website for whatever information she could possibly pour into it, so it wouldn't be kept to Just Her. she also keeps a box with photos, letters and drawings from past loved ones and relatives. she now mostly tries not to get attached, but obviously as a teacher (and one who loves her job and her students) this is hard to do. mostly death and people leaving her doesn't faze her much anymore, but it Still hurts. so she tries to love everyone around her for as long as she can. she believes that at least when they leave she won't have any regrets.
she has a vague plot line that i planned out for her but right now she's mostly just my silly little vampire oc :]] thank you for the ask!!
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
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Word Count: 2,559
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Nettles
Warnings ⚠️: Spoilers for Fire & Blood; age gap relationship
Description: Life as always marched on. Just as sure as the season.
AN: This story takes place from 135 AC onward following the events of the Dance. I’ve also aged up Nettles a smidge and basically kept Daemon’s show age for reasons.
Chapter 1: The Visitor, Chapter 2: An Impossible Truth, Chapter 3: Spring, Chapter 4: Birth
142 AC-Mountains of the Moon
Spring had come and gone. The seeds had long been planted. Birth had given way to life. Sprouting to a fine bloom. Giving way to summer. Life as always marched on. Just as sure as the season. Though a new beat reign. The page that marked the change turned to begin a new chapter. One of adventure. Of growth. Of exploration. Of enjoying the fruits of one’s labor. A ripe harvest. A sweet bounty. 
“This is the last one Daemon.” The man paid her no mind as he rocked the babe in his hands. Nettles barely was able to hold the boy before he was swept into his father’s arms. Daenerys, Addam, and Baela who had made the trek from Driftmark with little Laena, stood crowding him. Cooing over the newest edition to their family. A new brother.
Addam especially was overjoyed at the prospect of no longer living in “a den full of girls.” He loved his sisters dearly, but he would have a playmate now. A brother to join him in on his adventures. Of course, the little babe in his father's hold had some growing to do before the two could embark upon them.
Their youngest, a girl, who Nettles insisted they name after her husband's mother, let us do the name some good, Alyssa sat glued to her side. She had thrown her little arms around her middle after being warned to be gentle with her mother by her father and Shalla before she had left to give the family some privacy. 
Her babe was content enough observing her new sibling from a distance. At a moon shy of her third name day she no doubt wanted to be coddled as the youngest for a little while longer. Alyssa was still attached to her mother's hip. Not that Nettles minded. No, she enjoyed her little company. Her sweetest babe. The last of her woes went away with her birth
Nettles felt her eyes fluttering as she petted the back of Alyssa’s dark coils that twined hers. Her youngest son's birth had been quick. He was out into the world in a matter of hours. Her shortest labor yet and her most uneventful. An easy labor. A summer babe. Her first and her last. She was determined to hold true to her resolve and relish in all that she and her husband had been blessed by the Gods with. 
“He looks like a Jon, wouldn't you agree father?” Dany looked up at her father with a set of hopeful mix-matched eyes while Baela threw her father a smirk and a chortle. Causing the Targaryen man’s violet eyes to narrow briefly at his eldest daughter before reaching out to pat his younger daughter’s honey hand in placation.
Baela knew of his past relationship with a certain Jon in reference to her beloved stepmother. The relationship had improved tremendously, but it was still great fun even at her age to poke at the old dragon that resided within her father. 
The younger girls had innocently conspired to name the babe Jon. Dany was the first to suggest so. The name of a dead family friend who could be depended upon to provide them with entertainment, presents, and sweets. She had enlisted her elder sister to join in on her campaign upon her arrival. Alyssa was at a stage where she naturally followed whatever her elder sister suggested. 
“He looks like a Bran to me father.” Addam countered. He reached out a hand to grab hold of the boy's flailing arms. The boy was obsessed with the heroes of old. His newest interest as of late.  The perfect interest for their most studious boy. 
Serious for a boy of six, but he had grown bold with each name day that passed. Not as his sister who had turned into a little troublemaker with a penchant for mischievous merriment, however, he was opinionated in his own way. Particularly when it came to the subjects he knew best.
“My loves, your father will name him.” Nettles offered her husband a tired smile, one which was returned tenfold. Their eyes met from across the room. Tis what they had long ago agreed upon.  She had named Alyssa and Addam while he had named Daenerys. Their first child. It was only fair that he named their last. 
If it was left up to their children the babe would no doubt find himself left with an ill-suited name. If it was up to Alyssa in particular her younger brother would end up with the name dragon or Sheepstealer. The girl was nearly as fond of her mother’s dragon as her elder sister. 
Over the years and their babes, Sheepstelar had yet to lay so much as a clutch of eggs. It mattered not. Nettles still took to the skies often with Dany in tow or her husband when he felt up to it. Flying around their glen and the valleys that dotted the Mountains of the Moon. Thrilling the Burned Men below that occupied said valleys when they caught glimpses of their Máthair (mother) on her dragon. 
Alyssa on occasion would accompany them. Addam preferred to stay on the ground with his head in his books. Little Lana and her mother were always invited for a ride or two whenever they graced Nettles glen and hearth with their lively presence. The first time that the brave little Velaryon girl took flight with Nettles it had brought a watery smile to her mother's face and a memory.
“My mother would fly us around Driftmark. Sometimes we’d make it all the way to Dragonstone.” A memory of a youth long since passed, but one that would never fade. Sheepstealer served his rider's family and the hill tribes well. The last dragon in the known world.
No dragons hatched upon Dragonstone or Driftmark’s shores nor in the Dragonpit of Kings Landing for the better part of five years. Aegon, the terrified boy king, who had become a rather solemn young man made no effort to save the beastly creatures from extinction or to command that Sheepsteelar, who was on occasion spotted by the smallfolk of the Vale, be brought to him. He remembered his now stepmother Nettles with some fondness. Remembering how and why she had come into their lives in the first place. A power that man mayhaps should have never meddled with. 
Morning had died some years back. Not long after Rhaena had married Garmund Hightower, the small she-dragon had grown sick. Lonely. The last of her kind and gone before she could take flight. 
They were informed of the news by Baela during one of her visits. Her twin was rightfully devastated by the loss. To lose a dragon so hard fought was no small woe. A thought that Nettles did not wish to worry over. Sheepstealer had always been a healthy solitary creature even when he resided upon Dragonstone with other dragons in counting. 
The time of dragons was near an end in Westeros and Rhaena was a causality of this, but there was hope yet. In time, just as in the change of seasons, she had recovered. Life had done her well. It had done them all well. The season had held true. It was a joyous spring. Life abound.
Dany and Addam’s births had marked the first of many. A fact which Baela teased both her father and her sister mercilessly for. “She’s as fertile as you are father.” A smirk was placed on her silver brow. “She’ll soon have as many babes as you’ve given Nettles.” 
 Her last words had caused her stepmother’s brown face to heat up at the insinuation. As if she were a maiden of six and ten. At one and thirty, seven years of marriage, and four children Nettles from time to time still found herself succumbing to moments of shyness.  
It seemed that every time the Lady of Driftmark made the trek to Nettles and her father’s glen or Oldtown to her sister she found them both with child. Neither Garmund nor her father could keep their hands to themselves when it came to their wives. The similarity couldn’t be dismissed much to the irritation of Daemon who was less than fond of the thought of his second child in a constant delicate state at the hands of a Hightower. No matter how estranged their relationship she was still his daughter and old sentiments died hard. 
A reconciliation of sorts between Rhaena and Daemon had occurred. The old dragon had put aside his pride to reach out an olive branch to his second daughter offering at long last his apologies for his poor treatment. A hurt that could have been prevented. 
Time does not heal all wounds, but it does dull aches. Rhaena had made her peace. The girl had moved on long ago from her isolating youth, but the ache of neglect would always remain. Letters between the two were sparse though there was some measure of correspondence for the children’s benefit, with Baela who served as a messenger between the two parties. Despite the strain, Rhaena would not be a stranger to her youngest siblings. She had made it plain that  Nettles and her children were welcome at Hightower whenever they wished. 
Civility was all that could be asked for between father and daughter. The distance would remain a mountain and sea that separated them. The young Targaryen woman was content and fulfilled with her life in Highgarden. Rhaena had a family of her own to care for and care for her. In Garmund Hightower had found a surprisingly happy union. It was more than could be said for her elder twin. 
Alyn Velaryon. The Lord of Driftmark. Baela’s husband. The match had turned out to be less than ideal. The two lived near separate lives. The lord was too busy trying to keep and maintain House Velaryon’s status which was ever-weakening. He was always at sea and made little time for his lady wife and children.
He had once visited his good-fathers and step-good-mothers humble glen. The children loved him. Addam relished in listening to tales from his adventures and the man himself was pleased with his brother's namesake, but his mind was away. Alyn was discouraged from it all.
Driftmark had been made into Baela’s domain in her husband's absence. The Lord and Lady of Driftmark had struck up a bargain and the lady had found her own joy in it thankfully. She had assured Nettles of that. 
“Do not worry mother.” Baela locked their arms together. An impish glint lit up her face as she gazed at the children playing a game of monsters and maidens. The slightly younger woman had taken to calling her mother in good-natured humor from time to time. 
The two walked hand in hand. Taking a stroll around the perimeter of her gardens. It had been a near-perfect spring day some year and a half ago. “Laena keeps me busy and I have my own diversions.” What those diversions were exactly Nettles would not ask nor judge her for them. She could not. They all deserved happiness. 
In the present Nettles let out another yawn. It did not go amiss by her ever-dutiful husband. The children would’ve been ushered out by now for their mother to get some much-needed rest, but their father had a weakness. Them. Baela, however, was just as observant but much less lax and the newborn babe asserted his own interests. With a cry for his breakfasts. 
“Come now children.” She held out a hand for Dany to take. Little Lana had taken her other. “Let us leave father and your mother alone.” Alyssa protested, but she was swayed by the promise of a treat. Trailing after her siblings and niece as they went in search of their sweets. Baela paused at the door. Gifting her old friend and the babe in her father's arms an affectionate glimmer. “He is a bony babe Nettles.” 
Daemon moved to help the babe to latch onto her teat once the children had gone off in search of some amusement. There was plenty of it to be found on what would morph into a warm summer day. “He does look like a Jon husband.” The old dragon let out a laugh. The pale skin around his eyes crinkled to bring attention to the smile lines upon his face. In the way, his wife liked best. He brought down a calloused hand to stroke their son's chubby cheek as he greedily drank his mid-morning meal. He was a hearty little thing. 
The babe looked most like his elder brother when he himself was a babe some odd years ago. Though his hair was more curly than wavy. A head of black curls. His eyes were as dark as his mother's, but there were flecks of lilac in his brown irises if one were to look long enough. 
Daemon let out a sigh as he threw her a cheeky glance. She could tell her husband was contemplating it. He was not truly irritated by the suggestion. He could be swayed. It was not a bad name and did hold some value. The name of a friend. 
Jon. The Vale man. A  sheepherder's son. Who her husband had once been weary. Who he had been jealous of as prideful as he was. He would admit to that now with a belly ache of a laugh. With the man in question nonetheless. He who had viewed him as competition for the lady of his heart. What a difference a season and some years made. His first friend within the Mountains of the Moon. 
Jon. A man who had taken the time to teach him the ways of the Burned men. Who listened to his stories and shared some of his own. Who had become his confidant apart from his little wife. Who would lend his hand when need be for him, for Nettles, and their family. The man had earned his friendship. He would trust him with the safety of his children. As would Jon likewise. With his and Bess’s ever-growing brood. 
The former Rogue Prince counted the dark-haired sheepherder as one of his closest comrades. More of a brother than a friend. If not by blood or name then by deed. They had named Addam after a friend. Why not name his brother for another? 
“I suppose sweet Netty you are right.” The babe began to quit. Having enough of his fill. His dark lashes fluttered closed. Lulled to sleep by his meal. “He does look like a Jon. Issa byka ōñosz.” My little light.  A kiss was placed on her hairline as Nettles began to rest her eyes. Resting her head upon her husband’s shoulder. She felt her own self start to drift into the land of dreams. Her husband stroked her black coils. Gazing down at her and their youngest. His silver brow softened at the sight of the pair. 
Jon. What sort of Jon he was to be remained yet to be seen, but there was plenty of time for himself to figure it out and his parents to watch in anticipation. To the rest of the year. To the rest of the summer. To every season and the many to come. 
Ao3 Link:
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jezabatlovesbats · 6 months
In this post, I'm gonna talk about my weird, old Teen Titans OCs and headcanons from years ago. To this day, Scorpion, Melodea and Cadenza are the only ones I kept, but here are the rest.
Melodea was originally gonna be part of this team called the X Geodes. And let me tell you- my TT characters were racially/ethnically diverse, but the problem is that I didn't put enough thought into their backgrounds and wrote them poorly.
It was led by Xander, aka Mayor X, who was the son of the mayor of Baltimore, Maryland. He was a non-superpowered demolitions expert with a hankering for violence. His whole theming/aesthetic was pretty much a Red X ripoff with added dynamite.
There was also Timberboy, aka Timothy, a health-knowledgeable nature hero whose powers were similar to Poison Ivy's. He could grow different types of trees and wild plants (not domestic ones), and they came from a green crystal he wore around his neck. He had a pet snail named Rex. He was Filipino-American and was from California.
MysTerry, aka Terry Lake, who had slate gray skin and black and white hair (one on each side). He was a young wizard. His magic worked in an opposite way to Jinx's, because his main thing was casting good luck charms. He could also change people's clothing. He was British-American and from New York.
Papergirl, aka Pippa Vazquez, the youngest member. Her suit gave her the ability to fold herself into any paper shape. She could also draw things on her suit and make them come to life. She was Mexican-American and from Texas.
I also gave Scorpion a cousin.
Her name was Zephyr, aka Isa Doyle. Scorpion is of French descent, but Isa is, like, half-French, half-Irish. Scorpion is from Arizona while Zephyr is from Galway. Basically, she could control wind. While Scorpion got her powers after being stung by a scorpion, Zephyr was born with hers. She was the Princess Daisy to Scorpion's Princess Peach, in terms of their personalities.
Also, there were Chime and Gong.
Chime, aka Brian Zhong, and Gong, aka Lucy Zhong, were a pair of Chinese-American twins who liked to watch TV together. I forgot what US state they were from. Their powers involved making things happen by playing bianzhong and a gong. Control Freak gave them their powers. He transported them into a show they liked where two characters did that same thing.
I made FIVE characters based on how weirdly obsessed I was with See-More. I absolutely would have denied it back then, but I think that was because I had a crush on him. (I even had Scorpion date him in Season 3, but they broke up during Season 4 or 5. We don't talk when I did that.) I gave him a cousin and also made four characters based on the other four senses.
His cousin was named Salome, aka Exci D. She was Haitian because I headcanoned See-More to be of Haitian descent for some reason. She had one eye. Her powers involved her making things fall apart when she touched them. She was born with those powers. Unlike her cousin, she wasn't a villain and was an Honorary Titan. She was a big fan of C-Pop, J-Pop and K-Pop, so her outfit made her look like an idol.
As for the other sense-based characters, the one based on hearing was Audiosa, aka Gloriosa Rivera. Her ears were really big, and she had the power of supersonic hearing. She was from Salamanca, Spain. She can be compared to Dolores because she's also a Hispanic girl with super hearing, but Encanto wasn't known yet at the time of Audiosa's creation. Also, she was bi.
Tastebud, aka Rosalie Shirinova, was based on taste. She was Aleutian. She had highly developed taste buds, and I think she was armed with food-themed weapons. She was also a lesbian.
Tochit, aka Sentry Kakoso, was based on touch. He was Tanzanian. He could feel things without directly touching them and had telekinesis. He wore these gauntlets on his hands. Also, for some reason, he had three eyes.
Whiffer, aka Dani Shamoun, was based on smell. He was from Abu Dhabi, UAE. He had these pads on his nose that he built himself, allowing him to absorb smells and release them.
I just made my characters' heritage come from random places for no reason. Padparadscha, aka Padma Kumar, might be the most egregious example of this.
Padparadscha's whole thing was her being half-angel and half-demon, but I tried SO HARD to make her some kind of Hindu mythology equivalent of that. She was raised by an Indian family in Sri Lanka. She, Zephyr and Exci D were good pals.
The worst part about all of this is that she was my PERSONA character (the OC representing me). I have no idea why I chose to do that. If I make a new Teen Titans persona one day, she's gonna be white like me.
Also, I once headcanoned that the HIVE Academy had a band class. Here's what everyone, including my old characters, played:
Gizmo- Violin
Jinx- Viola
Mammoth- Cello
Timberboy- Bass
Angel- Harp
Private HIVE- Trumpet
I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R.- Tuba
Wrestling Star- French Horn
XL Terrestrial- Trombone
Whiffer- Sousaphone
Bumblebee- Flute
Melodea- Piccolo
Stone/Cyborg- Saxophone
Scorpion- Clarinet
Mayor X- Oboe
Papergirl- Bassoon
Billy Numerous- Percussion (He cloned himself to play multiple drums and cymbals)
Audiosa- Tambourine
Tastebud- Castanets
Chime- Bell chimes (not the powered ones he used)
Gong- Gong (not the powered one she used)
See-More- Piano
Kyd Wykkyd- Guitar
Tochit- Accordion
Padparadscha- Ukulele
TL;DR: My Teen Titans hyperfixation in 2019 was a time of my life I will never get back because of how badly written my OCs were. I also gave the HIVE Academy a band class.
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enemies to lovers ~ mark;midsommar
word count: 2890
request?: yes!
“Midsommar imagine where Mark and reader aren't friends and always fight when the group hangs oit with each other so Josh, Dani, and Christian lock them in a room and they end up admitting their feelings and kissing or smth?”
description: when their friends grow tired of their “rivalry”, so they decide to force them to admit their feelings for one another
pairing: mark x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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Dani raced into the library and sat in front of me. The sound of the doors slamming and her bag loudly rustling caused the other studying students to shush her.
“Party at Christian’s house,” she whispered to me, although we still got a few glares from the surrounding tables. “Tonight. I’m going around 8 to help set up.”
“I have an assignment due Monday, Dani. I can’t go to a party,” I told her.
Dani scoffed. “You have all weekend, and you already know you’re gonna pass. Take one Friday night to let loose and have fun.”
I looked down at my assignment and thought for a moment. “Will...will Mark be there?”
“You know he will be. He lives there.”
“Then no, I’m not going.”
Dani rolled her eyes at me. “You have to get over this stupid feud with Mark. You run with the same friend group, you have to get along eventually.”
“I’ll try when he does.” My outburst earned us more shushing and dirty looks.
My fight with Mark was not my doing. It was the opposite, actually. I had tried to be friends with Mark. When we first met, I was nice and friendly. He was the one who decided to start everything off with insults and harmful comments.
Since then, we never got along. I still tried to be friends with him, for Dani’s sake more than anything. He was Christian’s best friend, and roommate after all. It’s not like I could actually avoid him or anything. But my attempts were proven futile time and time again, as Mark just continued to be a complete and utter dickwad towards me, for no reason other than he was just an asshole.
Knowing I was too frustrated to continue working, I packed my things into my laptop bag and walked out of the library. Dani quickly followed me out. Once the doors closed behind us, she began talking again.
“Okay, you’re right, I’m sorry,” she said. “I know this is all on Mark. I still don’t get what his problem is.”
“He’s a jerk,” I responded simply. “And a fuckboy, and all those bad words to describe a guy. I don’t match up to his standards or whatever, so he has to put me in my place.”
“But you’re like me, and he seems to like me.”
“But you’re dating his friend. I’m not saying he wouldn’t be nice to you if you weren’t, but by proxy he has to be nice to you or else Christian would beat the shit out of him. Me, on the other hand, I’m fair game. He doesn’t like me, I have no legitimate ties to any of his friends. He’s free to verbally abuse me as he desires.”
“It’s still not fair,” Dani sighed. “And it sucks because it puts this strain on you and me hanging out whenever Christian and his friends are involved.” She shook her head then shrugged. “I don’t know. You are free to come to the party if you want, though. I’d rather you be there, though. We haven't let loose together in a long time.”
“I’ll think about it,” I told her. “I’ll text you if I decide to come.”
She smiled and gave me a hug before racing off for the class I knew she was late for. I laughed and rolled my eyes before going the other direction.
After a lot of internal debates with myself, I decided to go to the party, but only for Dani.
I planned everything out the minute I got out of class: I’d show up early enough that I wasn’t the first person there, but that there weren’t too many people already. Just enough that I could slip in without Mark noticing I was there. I’d stay for an hour or two and hang out with Dani, then I’d go home before it got too crowded, or before the great asshole himself found me.
I got ready at my place and decided to drive myself, so I wouldn’t have an excuse to stay too late and drink. I even parked down the road to make sure I’d be able to leave without being blocked in.
Unfortunately, my timing wasn’t exactly the best as I was the first person to arrive, besides Dani who was still helping set up. The minute I walked through the door, she bounded towards me and hugged me tightly.
“You came!” she said. “I’m so glad!”
“Yeah,” I said, trying not to seem as awkward as I felt. “I decided fuck it. Like you said, we haven’t let loose together in a while. Although, fair warning, I won’t be letting loose too much tonight. I drove myself, and I intend on driving myself home.”
“That’s fine, I’ll pump you full of water after I make you so wasted you can’t walk straight,” she said with a nonchalant shrug. I laughed, although I wasn’t sure if she was completely joking or not.
“You realize you’re supposed to show up fashionably late to parties, not fashionably early, right?”
I cringed at the sound of the voice I wanted to hear the least. I looked past Dani to see Mark standing in the kitchen, putting drinks in a cooler that was set out on the counter.
“Oh wait, I forgot, you have a self curfew. Wouldn’t wanna fall behind on next week’s homework,” he continued.
My body tensed and my grip on Dani’s hands tightened.
“Mark,” Dani snapped.
“What?” he asked. “I’m just saying. I’m sure Miss. Teacher’s Pet can afford to be an actual college student for the night and actually attend a party like a normal person.”
I had to bite back the tears I felt welling up in my eyes. This was why I didn’t like hanging out with the friend group. I really felt like I didn’t belong there, and it was all thanks to Mark.
“Open your mouth one more fucking time, asshole,” Dani hissed. “This may be your house but I will not hesitate to kick your ass to the curb.”
Mark rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”
“Ignore him,” Dani whispered to me. “I’m glad you’re here early. Wanna help set up? Christian wants to do beer pong and the table is down in the basement.”
“Where are you guys gonna put it?” I asked, looking around their cramped living room.
“I don’t know, I told Christian I’d figure it out,” Dani responded, waving away my question. “I just need help bringing it up.”
I shrugged and followed her down to the basement. Like the rest of their place, the boy’s basement was also a mess. It was hard to know where we’d be able to find anything since it looked like everything was just thrown around.
“I’m not shocked,” Dani said upon seeing the state of the basement.
“Neither am I,” I responded. “Do you know roughly where it is?”
“No idea,” she said with a sigh. “I’ll go ask Christian. You look around, give me a second.”
She raced back up the stairs. I looked around the messy basement. I had no desire to dig around in someone else’s mess, but I figured the quicker I found the ping pong table, the quicker I could get out of there.
I heard the door to the basement open again as I was shifting some boxes around. However, instead of Dani, the voice I wanted to hear the least spoke up.
“It’s not over there.”
I spun around to see Mark walking past me towards the wall opposite of the stairs.
“Where’s Dani?” I asked.
“She sent me down to get the ping pong table. She said she wanted to do the last of the stuff upstairs.”
“What else does she have to do?”
“Beats me. I think this is the only thing.”
Mark shoved some stuff aside and pulled the folded pool table from against the wall. I started to approach, but hesitated. “Do you need help with that?”
“No, I got it. Go open the door for me, though. I don’t wanna drop it going up the stairs.”
I quickly bounded up the stairs, excited to get out of that situation. I went to turn the door knob, but found that it wouldn’t budge. “Did you lock the door behind you?”
“What? No. The doorknob locks from the other side.”
“Well, someone locked us down here.”
I heard Mark’s footsteps behind me on the stairs. He reached past me to try and jiggle the doorknob himself. The stairwell was so close that he had to basically be pressed against me. Despite my distain for Mark, I couldn’t help but feel nervous with his closeness. I could smell his cologne, and it made me feel weak in the knees.
When the door knob wouldn’t turn for him, he began beating on the door. “Hey! Guys?! Did someone lock the door?!”
There was no response. My heart began to race, this time in a bad way. I started thinking of the worst, that something had happened to everyone upstairs and Mark and I were going to be locked in the basement until someone came to find us. Who knew how long that would be?
“Is there a window we can climb out?” I asked.
“Don’t be so dramatic, there’s gotta be someone out there to let us out,” Mark responded before banging his hand on the door again and calling out for someone to come open the door.
“I know. I just wanted to know...just in case.”
“Someone will come get us eventually,” Mark repeated. He sat himself down on the stair and looked up at me. “You can sit while we wait. Better than standing.”
He was gesturing to the stair just behind him, which would’ve still had us sitting far too close to one another. Despite my weird feeling from being close to him moments before, I was remembering why I didn’t want to be locked down there with him. I shook my head and pressed my back against the wall.
“Why?” Mark asked.
I wasn’t prepared for the question, so my brain didn’t exactly have a response ready. I stuttered out some nonsense before finally saying, “I-I’d j-just prefer to stand.”
Mark rolled his eyes at me. “Suit yourself.”
It felt like no time was passing as we waited to hear someone outside the door. There was no way to tell how long we had been waiting, and we had both left our phones on the other side of the door. Convenient, huh?
I kept shifting weight between my legs but they were still starting to hurt. I was hoping Dani would finish with setting up soon, or would realize Mark and I had been gone for a long time, and would come to find us. Just thinking about sitting on their comfortable couch was making my legs feel more and more sore by the second.
Noticing my discomfort, Mark grabbed my arm suddenly and yanked me down to sit next to him. I stumbled a little, nearly falling down the stairs, but finally settled onto the stair just behind him. The narrowness of the stairwell caused Mark to brush against my mostly bare legs, which caused my stomach to fill with butterflies.
“Looking at you was making me tired,” he told me. “I don’t understand why you were being so stubborn about sitting down. I’m not gonna bite you or anything.”
“You might,” I muttered to myself.
“I’m not into biting,” Mark responded, smirking at me over his shoulder.
This was new. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say Mark was trying to flirt with me.
“I don’t get you,” I blurted before I could stop myself. I could feel my face burning with blush, but I couldn’t take back what I said now.
“What do you mean?” Mark asked, looking at me with a confused look on his face.
“Maybe 10 minutes ago, you were insulting me about being a teacher’s pet and mocking me for showing up so early to the party. Now you’re here giving me a look as if I’m one of those poor girls that you pick up from the clubs every weekend. Can you just decide if you hate me or not and leave it there.”
I was just as shocked by my own outburst as Mark seemed to be.
“I don’t hate you,” he admitted.
“Well, you have a weird way of showing that,” I responded. “You thrive off of making fun of me. I’m pretty sure that’s, like, the definition of not liking someone.”
It looked like he was taking a moment to take in what I had said. Finally, he spoke again. “I guess...I guess I’m not exactly the nicest to you.”
I scoffed. “That’s an understatement. I dread having to hang out with Dani when it means you’re going to be there, too. She had to convince me to come here tonight, and the reason I came so early was to leave just as early so I wouldn’t have to be here with you for so long. The things you say are fucking hurtful, Mark. You make me feel like dirt. Like less than dirt. I don’t understand why you treat me the way you do when I’ve been nothing but nice to you.”
“I know, I know. You’re right,” he said. “Some of the things I’ve said...I’ve taken it way too far. I’m sorry.”
Did Hell just freeze over?
“Did...did you just...?”
“I did. Wanna hear it again? I’m sorry for being such a prick to you, (Y/N),” he repeated. “It’s so wrong of me to act that way, and I’ve taken some of my comments too far. I’m truly sorry.”
I was stunned into silence at this. I couldn’t believe that he was actually apologizing. Never in a million years did I ever think I’d hear the words “I’m sorry” come from Mark’s mouth, and that he’d actually mean them! I was starting to wonder if this was all some sort of elaborate prank he was pulling on me.
“Why do you make fun of me?” I asked. “I’ve tried to be your friend since day one, I don’t think I’ve ever did anything to you.”
Mark looked down at his hands. I could see him trying to work his way through some type of response. Finally, he sighed, sounding defeated, and responded, “Because I like you, and I didn’t think you’d ever like me. So I thought it’d be easier just to push you away than to even try and be friends.”
Well, tonight really is just filled with surprises, huh?
“That’s...a lot to unpack,” I said. “First and foremost, why do you think I wouldn’t like you? You haven’t even given me time to get to know you.”
“You wouldn’t want to get to know me,” he said. “You’re this perfect person in every way. You’re excelling in your classes, you’re so hard working and determined. I’m basically the exact opposite of that. I have zero drive to do school work, I’m just barley passing. I have no idea what I’m doing with my life, but you seem so sure of everything. A girl like you would never fall for a guy like me. And I mean...that fucking stings, but you’re probably better off that way. I’d just hold you back.”
I let his words settle in for a moment. I wasn’t sure what to say. I wasn’t even sure how much I believed him. After so long of Mark mocking me and putting me down, I had a hard time believing anything he had to say.
“What makes you think I wouldn’t try to help you with that stuff?” I finally asked.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean...if you had told me this from the start, we could’ve worked on that together. I could help you with school work, and help you figure out what you wanted to do with your future. Even if it took years to figure that out, I could’ve helped you.”
Mark lifted his head to look at me. “Would...could you...do you have feelings for me, too?”
“I might,” I admitted, “but you have to work to find that out. You’ve been treating me like trash since we met, it’s not exactly the best start to a relationship. So, I propose we start over.” I held my hand out to him. “Hi, I’m (Y/N).”
He smiled at me and shook my head. “I’m Mark.”
“Nice to meet you, Mark.”
His smile was actually really nice. He looked handsome when he wasn’t trying to be a colossal douchebag.
Near seconds after our little make up, we both heard the lock to the basement door turning. We quickly rose to our feet as Dani pulled the door open, trying (and failing) to hide the grin on her face.
“I didn’t realize the door was locked! Sorry guys.”
Dani had always been a bad liar.
Mark and I shared a look before he walked out of the basement before me, completely abandoning the ping pong table, which was why we had gone down there. Dani was smiling brightly at me as I passed her. I rolled my eyes, but I couldn’t help but smile back as well.
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justplainwhump · 3 years
What was Dany's opinion of human pets before she was kidnapped?
She didn't like it. She knew it happens (her story is in the BBU), but she considered it gross and humiliating and wonders what has to be done to people to shatter so entirely.
She had seen B from a distance before (because rich people socializing and her father and Ridley being in similar circles), and always kept a safe distance because he made her feel very uneasy.
So she's basically found it gross and sort of frowned on WRU, but she's never been committed enough to do something about it.
And she's, of course, never ever thought someone would want to make her into one.
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rebthom89 · 3 years
Three Times Dodger Was Exactly What Dani Needed and Once That He Knew She Needed Someone Else
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Pairing: Dani x Dodger Evans, Dani x Chris Evans
Word Count: 2,391
Summary: The title basically says it all. But Merry Christmas to my sweetest little lovebug, Dani @fallinforevans​! I hope you love it!!!
Warnings: Dodger Evans being the best boy ever, mentions of family issues and work stress
A/N: This is NOT the reader insert type story that I typically write. I wrote this as a very special gift for one of my dearest friends. I absolutely based it on her and her love for iced coffee, Dodger Evans, and (unfortunately) the way her. family can be. I don’t expect it to resonate with everyone. But I WILL be back to writing reader insert after this one. 
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     As Dani left work that day, all she wanted to do was get an iced coffee and get home to crawl into bed and forget about the day. She'd been busting her ass to get all the work done she could during this busy fall season, but that didn't mean everyone else was working as hard as she was. Despite turning out some of her best results yet, she kept getting more and more work thrown at her and had never felt less appreciated. It didn't help that she had slept through her alarm this morning, forgotten her lunch, and then gotten back to work late because the restaurant took forever to pack up her take out order. She’d ended up having to eat at her desk while she worked, and managed to spill the last few sips of the iced coffee that was going to get her through the rest of the day.
     By the time her day had come to an end, she’d decided to take the shortcut through the park that would get her home about 10 minutes faster AND take her past her favorite coffee stand to make up for the tragedy of the spilled coffee. About half way through the park, though, it seemed as if fate had different plans. Something flew past her knees in a blur and before she knew it, she was on the ground, unable to stand back up and being assaulted by something wet directly to her face.
     It took a second to collect herself and process what happened, but when she did, it became a little easier to breathe. The pup currently licking her face in the most excited manner must have gotten away from his owner and accidentally knocked her over. She started to pet him, hoping it would calm him down, at least enough for her to stand back up, but the attention only brought more energy from his brown and white body. 
     “Woah, Bubs, where did you come from, huh? Someone out there must be looking for you. You’re too cute to be out here all by yourself.” She said to the dog. As soon as he’d heard her nickname for him, he settled enough for Dani to push herself back up, and find a seat on the bench nearby. He immediately came to sit directly in front her, being sure he wouldn’t miss any of the attention she was clearly going to be giving him.
     “Dodger, huh? You do like something straight out of a Disney movie” Dani chuckled, taking her phone from her purse to call the phone number on the tag. 
     “I’m impressed. Not many people get the reference right away,” came a voice from a few feet away, making her put her phone away. “Usually people think it’s got something to do with baseball. I’m sorry about him though. Are you ok?”
     “Yeah. Getting some love from an adorable furball is far from the worst thing that happened to me today. It might have been the best actually.” She said with a laugh.
     “Well then I’m glad he could help. He must have noticed you could use some puppy love. I’m Chris, by the way. You’ve clearly already met Dodger.”
     She scratched his head, smiling. “Dani. Thanks for the pick-me-up, Dodger, even if it literally knocked me over.”
     “How about I make that up to you? There’s a great little coffee stand right over here. Let me buy you a cup? Bubba here doesn’t look like he’s ready to say goodbye to you yet.” 
     Dani smiles, her eyes lighting up at the suggestion. “I was just headed there myself, actually. They make the best coffee. I would love the company.”
     As the three of them walked off together, Dodger firmly planted between them so he could share his love with both of them, Dani couldn’t help but think that maybe Dodger had known what she’d needed after all.
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     Since the fateful day in the park that Dodger knocked her over, Dani, Chris, and Dodger had been darn near inseparable. After several coffee and dog park dates, and few fancier and Dodger free dates as well, she and Chris became official. About eight months later, the two humans had realized they had gotten to the point where it was simply a waste for Dani to be paying rent anywhere else, seeing as she spent virtually every night with Chris and Dodger. 
     It had amazed Chris at first just how seamlessly Dani had fit into his life. He’d been a little worried that everything would change once she’d officially moved in, but life remained much of the same for them. If anything, it was easier, simply because there was no more of the awkwardness about where they stood. Having each other around, knowing this was home, everyone seemed happier and more at ease.
     This morning started the same way most every morning did - Chris had gotten up long before Dani had even considered getting out of bed, and had gone for this usual morning run. The first difference from their normal morning was noticeable as soon as Dani rolled over. The bed wasn’t empty. Dodger had nestled himself into Chris’ spot in bed, and was staring intently at her. It was fairly common for Dodger to accompany Chris on his runs, but every now and then the pup would stay behind, so Dani tried not to think too much of it. 
     The next difference, Dani felt as soon as she sat up to get out of bed. To be fair, she’d been expecting it, but that didn’t mean the cramps hurt any less. She’d only been awake for a matter of minutes and she could already tell it was going to be one of those days where it would take a miracle to even get her out of bed for any lengthy period of time. Thankfully, Chris had a few meetings today and would be in and out, even after his run, so she could take the day for herself, but knew he’d still be around to check on her too. 
     She got up with the plans to run through her normal morning routine, including grabbing the iced coffee Chris had undoubtedly left in the fridge for her after making his own coffee this morning. Dodger immediately followed her, almost as though he was keeping an eye on her while Chris was out of the house. On her way back to the bedroom, Dodger raced ahead of her, meeting her back at the bed with his stuffed lion in his mouth. As she crawled back into bed, the pup leaned down and pushed the lion over to her before gently laying his head in her lap.
     “Are you gonna share him with me, bubs? I know you love to snuggle him.”
     Dani couldn’t help but smile when Dodger sighed happily, relieved that she figured out his plan. She scratched at his favorite spot, right behind his ear. “We do a good job taking care of each other, huh, Bubs? You always seem to know what will make me feel better.”
     Chris had been away for nearly a month. He tried to get back home as often as he could, but with the announcement of a new movie he’d signed on for, he was suddenly being called in for interviews every free second he had. Dani was so proud of him and knew how hard he’d been working, but it didn’t make being apart any easier. She couldn’t wait until he got home this afternoon, so she could show him just how proud she was, but that wasn’t going to make the next few hours any easier. Just this morning alone, she’d already done a load of dishes, made a batch of Chris’ favorite cookies, picked up all the toys Dodger had left laying around and vacuumed every room in the house. The anticipation was killing her and she wasn’t sure how she would possibly manage to make it through the next few hours.
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     Dani thought that maybe finding a movie to focus on would have helped keep her distracted for a while, but even Nick Vaughn serenading her with the sweet sounds of his trumpet couldn’t take her mind from the fact that Chris was almost home. She was pulled from thoughts of Chris when she heard a loud bark coming from near the back door. Dodger was sitting right next to his leash, clearly expecting his walk to begin IMMEDIATELY. Always a sucker for whatever her bubba wanted, she found her tennis shoes, attached his leash and started outside. Expecting him to head to the right, the way they always went on their afternoon walk, she was almost pulled off her feet when Dodger suddenly turned and pulled her up the street to the left.
     “Ok, Bubba, I get it. We’ll go the long way. It can’t hurt. Maybe we can even stop at your favorite park for a while.”
     Dodger had the time of his life on their walk. He’d chased a squirrel up a tree, made 3 new human friends on the way to the park, and 4 new dog friends once they’d reach the fenced area in which he could run free. By the time he came back up to Dani and laid his head on her knee, silently asking to go back home and cuddle with his lion, even Dani was feeling worn out from all that Dodger had enjoyed on the walk. 
     The trip back took a little longer than the way there had, partly because Dodger didn’t have as much energy for this half of the walk, and partly because Dani still wasn’t looking forward to returning to an empty house. She figured there was about an hour left before Chris should be home, but was hoping that maybe Dodger had worn her out enough that she could sneak a nap in to keep her thoughts from wandering to Chris.
     As the house came into view, Dodger let out a happy bark and suddenly regained all the energy he’d used up earlier. Dani did a double take, because standing there on the porch, watching them walk up the road, was Chris.
The Time She Needed Someone Else
     “Dodge - you knew I just needed to keep busy, huh? Ok, that was such a good boy. Go ahead.” She reached down to let Dodger off his leash, and he stopped, looking back up at her, almost as if he was trying to make sure she would be ok. She rubbed his head and chuckled, “It’s ok, Bubba. Go get daddy.” And with that, Dodger took off towards his dad.
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     “Woof! Woof woof!” 
     Dodger’s loud, clear barks rang through the house as Chris sat in his office, working. The last time Chris had been in their room, Dani was watching something on TV while Dodger was curled up at the end of the bed, snuggling with his lion. Chris guessed the barks meant that Dodger had grown bored with whatever Dani was watching and was ready to play. 
      Chris had only gotten through a couple more work emails before Dodger started barking again. This time he didn’t sound like he was looking to play, but more that he expected someone to immediately come find him. Chris wondered if maybe Dani had fallen asleep watching tv and Dodger had managed to get himself stuck in the bathroom or something, and decided it would just be easier for everyone if he were to go let the pup out.
     When he got to the hallway leading to their bedroom though, he noticed Dodger sitting in the doorway to their room. Dodger was looking back and forth between the bedroom and the hallway. The second he saw Chris coming, he ran to his dad, leading him straight back to Dani. As Chris came into the room, he found the love of his life sitting on the edge of the bed, her head in her hands and her cellphone laying next to her.
     “Darlin’, what’s the matter?” he asked cautiously, stepping into the room and kneeling down in front of her. 
     “It’s just - everything. My work sucks, and you’ve been working so hard, and I’m so proud of you, I really am, but it doesn’t mean it’s easy on me, and then -” He could feel the tension in her shoulders, and he definitely saw her glance at her phone.
     “Your family?” 
     She could only nod as the tears started again. It killed Chris to see her this way, and if he could just snap his fingers and make everything ok, he would do it in a heartbeat. He took her hands in his, just as he felt her breath quicken. He cupped her cheek in his hand and wiped the tears away with the pad of his thumb.
     “Dani, look at me. You are incredible. I don’t know how your family doesn’t see that. But you know what? We’re your family now. Me and you and Dodge. Really, we have been for a while. We’re the ones that will be in this together forever. We’re the ones that will get through anything together. Even Bubba knew you needed us today.”
     Dani sniffled, trying her hardest to get the tears under control. “That’s sweet, Chris. And yeah, Dodge could tell I was crying. But -”
     “No. No buts today. Just your cute one, putting on your softest pjs ” he teased with a sparkle in his eyes “and finding the sappiest movie you can find on tv. Even if it’s one of those vampire movies you love so much. You and Dodge and I are gonna stay right here all day, and we will supply you with endless love and cuddles and snacks. And then we’ll get that Italian place you love to deliver dinner, and by the time we’re done, you’ll remember just how much we love you. I know it won’t fix everything. But we need you to know that no matter what, you aren’t in this alone.”
     She smiled softly, “Thank you. You two always seem to know exactly what I need.” 
     As if on cue, Dodger hopped up on the bed and planted a sloppy kiss right on her cheek.
Because this isn’t the reader insert I normally write, I will reblog this in the morning with my tags. For now, I’m gonna let Dani enjoy it!
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butterflies-dragons · 4 years
Do you think that tomcat who scratches Arya n spit on both sisters symbolises Jon? Bcoz the cat attack Arya when she capture him n kisses on his head. The cat also rubs Sansa leg when she was not looking n spit on her. I maybe wrong but it doesn't show positive imaginery for both girls. Sansa was also startled when cat rubs her leg. It's only my opinion though I can be wrong. I will like your opinions on this topic.
Hello Anon, 
I just wanted to point out the contrast between Arya’s and Sansa’s interactions with the black tomcat.
Arya was chasing the cat, she captured him and then kissed him.  She was happy she accomplished the mission that Sirio entrusted her.  The cat didn’t wanted or liked all that, the cat was annoyed and mad at Arya.  But despite this, the passage is considered as foreshadowing for romance.
Meanwhile, we have this other passage where the cat itself approaches Sansa and brushes her leg, that is basically ignored by the fandom.  The cat brushing Sansa’s leg willingly means nothing.  An action that, between humans, is conventionally considered as romantic and sexual, means nothing.  No, nope, nada, nothing to see here, bye, next. 
Yes the cat spat at both sisters, that’s how cats behave, they want to intimidate, they hiss and spit and all that.  The cat spat at Arya because he wanted to get free from her.  The cat reacted in the same way with Sansa because she was scared when she felt the brush in her leg. That’s all.
Now, about the black tomcat as a symbol or representation of Jon, I get why people think of Jon when they read about this curious cat:
Question: Is the black tomcat (the one that Arya catches briefly) Rhaenys' kitten Balerion?
GRRM: Could be.
Balerion was a black dragon & Jon is a Targaryen that always wears black as a Brother of the Night’s Watch.
But the reincarnation of Balerion is Drogon, Dany’s favorite children.  And Jon could wear black all he wants but his magical pet, Ghost the direwolf, is white as snow.
Catching cats was hard. Her hands were covered with half-healed scratches, and both knees were scabbed over where she had scraped them raw in tumbles. At first even the cook's huge fat kitchen cat had been able to elude her, but Syrio had kept her at it day and night. When she'd run to him with her hands bleeding, he had said, "So slow? Be quicker, girl. Your enemies will give you more than scratches." He had dabbed her wounds with Myrish fire, which burned so bad she had had to bite her lip to keep from screaming. Then he sent her out after more cats.
The Red Keep was full of cats: lazy old cats dozing in the sun, cold-eyed mousers twitching their tails, quick little kittens with claws like needles, ladies' cats all combed and trusting, ragged shadows prowling the midden heaps. One by one Arya had chased them down and snatched them up and brought them proudly to Syrio Forel … all but this one, this one-eared black devil of a tomcat. "That's the real king of this castle right there," one of the gold cloaks had told her. "Older than sin and twice as mean. One time, the king was feasting the queen's father, and that black bastard hopped up on the table and snatched a roast quail right out of Lord Tywin's fingers. Robert laughed so hard he like to burst. You stay away from that one, child."
—A Game of Thrones - Arya III
The black tomcat is called “The real king of this castle”.  This could be considered an allusion that Jon, as Rhaegar’s son, is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, so the Red Keep would be his castle.
The black tomcat is also referred as  a “black bastard”.  Jon is called “thieving black bastard” and “black-hearted bastard”  by Tormund in ADWD.  In the same book, Jon also thinks that he has a black bastard’s heart: “Once a man had said the words his blood was black. Black as a bastard's heart.”.  He was thinking about Arya being trapped with the Boltons at that moment, feeling guilt for being unable to rescue her, and I’ve seen that this is also considered as romantic foreshadowing.    
But back with the black tomcat, all of that evidence, without any interaction with the Stark Sisters, is enough to consider them as hints of Jon’s true parentage.  There is a lot of hints about Jon’s true parentage hidden in Arya’s and Sansa’s chapters.    
Thanks for your message.
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
#69 with danbrey?
#69 Danbrey:  I’m a famous celeb and you’ve been dragging me on social media with really funny memes/come backs, so I’ve come to surprise you in person on the set of your first interview about the interactions that have made you an internet sensation. SFW
Aubrey bounces her legs with jittery excitement; she’s going to be on T.V! Real T.V! Chicanery is a show that knows how to take someone’s fifteen minutes of fame and double it, segments and interviews always going viral, and Aubrey cannot wait to see what happens. 
“This is so cool” she mouths to her friend Duck, who came with her as support (though she really wishes he’d stop making goo-goo eyes at that one camera-guy and focus). 
“Ah, Ms. Little, wonderful to make your acquaintance.” Ned Chicane enters the set, voice booming and teeth gleaming, takes a seat behind his desk, “now, don’t be nervous my dear, just follow my lead and try to forget the cameras are there.”
“I’ll do my best!”
“Thirty seconds Mr. Chicane!” Kirby, the assistant director, waves the stragglers of the crew out of the way. 
Aubrey holds her breath as Kirby counts down, forces out a breath as Ned starts talking.
“Welcome back, esteemed viewers! Here in the studio with me is Aubrey Little, who you may know better as Lady Flame on Twitter and Instagram. Now, Aubrey, you’ve had several tweets that have gone viral in response to Dani Coulice, a voice actor on the hit animated series Northwoods. Buzzfeed has featured them as some of the best tweets of the year.”
“Um, that’s cool, but it’s like March.”
“Tell as bit about how you got started in your back and forth with Ms. Coulice.”
“Um, well, she was insisting that a joke on Northwoods that was SUPER gross was fine and I just kept responding to her with that ‘sure, Jan’ gif from the Brady Bunch. I guess people thought it was funny.” She shrugs.
“Yes, they certainly did. But I wonder what our next guest has to say on the matter.”
Aubrey watches as a blonde woman in a bright green and gold sun-dress crosses onto the stage. She’s breathtaking, even if her smile is well-rehearsed. 
“Um, who is this?”
Ned turns, raising an eyebrow, and the woman’s smile twitches. 
“This is Dani Coulice.”
Aubrey has a pet rabbit. Said rabbit once got stuck in a tanktop and froze, as if staying still would keep him safe from the mysterious force gripping him. When Aubrey tried to dislodge him, he shrieked in alarm. That’s basically how Aubrey feels right now.
 She should say something clever, or show that she’s okay with the goof or at least isn’t afraid of it. 
“No one told me she was cute!”
She can hear Duck smacking his forehead from across the room. 
“Why? Does the fact I’m cute change anything about my work?” Dani gracefully sits down, smiling at both of them.
“No! I, um, I was just surprised. This is all a surprise.”
“When it comes to fame, you have to be ready for anything.” Dani says mildly. 
“This barely even counts as fame! My memes will be outdated in like a week and everyone will be talking about, like, a chinchilla in a cowboy hat or something.”
Dani snickers, “sorry, that’s just a funny image.”
“God I wish I were a chinchilla right now.”
“Did you mean to say that out loud?”
“You’d be even cuter like that; I’d give you a nice bowl to take a dust bath in.” She’s laughing more now, the sound kind enough that Aubrey’s spine unclenches some. 
“Wait, did you say eve-”
“Alright, now that you two lovely ladies have met, I’m going to show some screenshots of your exchanges and get your thoughts on each one.”
“Actually, Ned, I have something even better.” Dani sets her hand on the hosts desk conspiratorially, “something no one but me knows yet.”
“Do tell.”
“As of this morning, I am no longer part of the Northwoods cast.”
Half the crew gasps while Aubrey worries this is somehow part of the prank. Only Ned is unphazed. 
“Why, that’s unexpected. Are you at liberty to discuss what happened? Was it merely time for your to move on to bigger things? Or Aubrey’s tweets, perhaps?”
Another laugh, “The first guess is closer; I’d had misgivings about the writing on the show for a while, and then they announced they were going to kill me off. In a tampon-based accident, played for laughs.”
“Classy.” Aubrey mutters.
“I know, right? I quit then and there, and had my agent accept your offer to appear here so I could share the news. After all, did you think I really came on this show just to dunk on some unsuspecting magician?”
“Uh, well-” Ned catches sight of Kirby signalling off-camera, “we need to keep the lights on, so it’s time to go to commercial. When we come back, we’ll learn just how many pigeons one gentleman can fit in his pants.”
“That’s it, deep breaths, here,” Duck hands her a water bottle, “you did good.”
“I’m gonna pass out.”
“Please don’t, we gotta take the train back and I don’t wanna carry you. I mean, I will if I have to, ‘cause that’s what friends doOOshit, uh, hello Ms. Coulice.”
“Hello. Can I, uh, speak with Aubrey alone a moment?”
“Duck, look, it’s that camera guy!”
“What, whereAHfuck, hey!” Duck continues making indignant sounds as Aubrey shuts the Green Room door and locks it. 
“Nicely done.” Dani leans against the table, eyeing Aubrey up and down approvingly. 
“Thanks. Duck takes his job as my emotional support bear seriously.”
Another laugh, “It’s good to have friends like that.”
“Yeah” Aubrey toys with the flame pin on her vest, “um, Dani? I’m kinda sorry for dragging you so much. I mean, I stand by the criticisms of the show, but I probably coulda expressed them better. Or directed them at the writers instead of you.”
“Aubrey, it’s honestly not a big deal” Dani sits down on the couch, gestures to Aubrey to join her, “I’m a woman on the internet, someone teasing me with a silly meme is the least unpleasant thing I deal with.”
“Uggh, yeah, that’s true.”
“And I honestly did agree with you on a lot, but I didn’t want to put my work at risk, not until I had a better gig lined up.”
Dani presses a gold-painted finger to her perfectly shaped lips, “can’t say just yet. I do have to add, I think you’re a better magician than you are an internet personality.”
“You’ve seen my stuff?” The shyness creeps up on her.
“We did a quick check when your tweets started getting attention to make sure you weren’t dangerous or something. I’ve been watching your videos religiously ever since.”
“Do you...have a favorite trick?”
“I love any of the ones that involve making things disappear. It;s so cool. And I love Dr. Harris Bonkers; he’s so cute.”
“He’s a good good boy. Most of the time.” Aubrey glances at the chunk missing from the heel of her boot.
“His owner’s not bad either.” Dani grins at her and all of Aubrey’s thoughts, worries, and breath go out the window. 
“Dani? We gotta get you across town for that EW interview.”
“Coming Mama!” She stands,opens her arms, “no hard feelings?”
Aubrey hugs her, and of course she smells like daisies and summer rain, “no hard feelings.”
She waves goodbye, gathers up her things from the little make-up cubby where they sat her this morning. A small card sits atop her purse, and she opens it, mouth quirked up in confusion. 
I’d love to see more of your tricks. Say at my house, Saturday?
Aubrey reads the note, and the accompanying phone number, five times over before she believes it.  Her phone dings, alerting her to the fact that she’s appeared in sixty percent fewer internet searches this week. 
Fifteen minutes of fame be damned; she’s got something even better coming her way. 
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Mr. Blue Sky
What happened between Malcolm and Dani being at Estime’s club to getting to Malcolm’s apartment? I wanted to know, others showed interest, and for once I decided to write the scene rather than wait for someone else to do it for me. I hope you like it. Fanfic writing is really new territory for me and I didn’t edit this because writing it was enough effort. Kudos to regular fanfic writers. I don’t know how you do it. Anyways, enjoy... 
“If you can’t behave like a cop try babysitting!” Gil exclaimed. Dani flinched at his words. Disappointed with herself and with where the night had led. Although she was glad Bright was on her side in that Estime was not their killer, the rest of the night’s occurrences with the gun shots, exploding drugs, and cops arriving weren’t something she had foreseen happening. Now, Bright was high and she was tasked yet again with caring for him. Knowing there was no point in arguing with Gil, Dani resigned herself to having a long night ahead of her.
“This better not become a habit,” she thought, as Dani went over to Bright who was currently transfixed by the lights in the club. Grabbing his arm and without a word Dani started tugging him towards the exit.
“Woah, where are we going?” Malcolm said, stumbling a little bit at the sudden pull. Not expecting the movement, he resisted Dani’s pull at first.
“I’m taking you home” was the response. Malcolm quickly realized it was Dani’s hand on his arm and he ceased all resistance, walking mostly in step with her. Mostly in step only in the sense he was practically bouncing as he walked. Having not slept for the past couple days, Malcolm felt shockingly energized and awake at the moment. Also, his attention span had been reduced to basically that of a dog getting distracted by a squirrel, making him quite happy to follow along with Dani and wherever she was leading him. All thoughts of the pretty lights now long forgotten.
Once Dani realized Bright was following her on his own, she let go of his arm and headed to her car. That was an ordeal in itself because Bright couldn’t seem to resist saying “hi” to every person they walked by, and a few times just stopped to stare at his reflection in a random mirror or look at something shiny. His current drug-induced state of mind was less than ideal and quickly was wearing on Dani’s nerves.
They eventually made it to the car, and Dani helped Bright in before getting in herself. “Make sure you buckle up your seatbelt” Malcolm told Dani when she closed the car door. “Safety first.” Turning to Bright, Dani saw he was already buckled in and looking at her expectantly.
“Yeah, uh, right. Thanks for the reminder.” Brushing his comment off, Dani was about to turn on the car before she actually put her seatbelt on, like she usually did. She could see Bright out of the corner of her eye however, and his facial expression quickly turned to one of distraught when he saw her ignoring the very vital step of putting on her seatbelt. Not wanting to deal with an upset Malcolm Bright, Dani put on her seatbelt. Bright immediately relaxed back into his seat, smile back on his face.
Seatbelt in place, Dani turned on the car and the radio turned on with it. This immediately drew Bright’s attention. He made a face at whatever song was playing and started fiddling with the station. Ignoring him, Dani pulled out of her parking space and began the drive to Bright’s apartment. Remembering his address from the last time she was there, she luckily didn’t have to worry about asking Bright to help her and she could just focus on navigating the still busy New York City streets.
As she drove, Dani was getting a bit caught up in her thoughts of the night and everything that had happened that she didn’t notice when Bright settled on a station. When he started singing, “Mr. Blue Sky please tell us why…” Shocked, Dani turned to Bright and stared for second before remembering she was driving and focused back on the road. What she did see had been enough. Bright’s eyes were closed, head back, and was dancing in his seat as he sang. His voice was surprisingly good, and he apparently knew the lyrics to Mr. Blue Sky very well.
Dani bit her lip, holding back a smile. It was such a different side to see coming from Bright. Seeing him relaxed and seemingly care free. The legacy of his father not weighing him down for once. It was a bit discomforting, but also kind of nice. As the song continued, Dani kept stealing glances at Bright, and found herself highly enjoying his performance. The song ended too soon and then went to commercials.
Unimpressed with the commercial break, Bright turned off the radio instead of fiddling with it some more. The sudden silence was a stark contrast to the loud performance Dani had just witnessed, but surprisingly didn’t feel awkward. Relaxing back into his seat again, Bright’s attention got taken up with the city lights.
They were about 5 minutes from the apartment when Bright decided to speak. “Sunshine”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“My parakeet. Her name is Sunshine. I never told you last time you were at my apartment. The name suits her don’t you think? She’s a very cheerful colour and is very playful.” Bright explained.
“Okay…” Dani didn’t really know what point Bright was getting at. She remembered the parakeet from last time, but knowing its name was the last thing on her mind. Apparently Bright had other ideas.
“I got her a few years ago. I had wanted a pet for a while, and was planning on getting a snake. Snakes are easy to maintain. That was my intention anyways, but when I walked into the pet store, Sunshine chirped at me and caught my attention. I don’t know why, but I instantly liked her and got her instead,” with that, Bright stopped speaking. Seemingly at the end of his story.
“Uh, thanks for telling me” was all Dani could think to say in response. Luckily, she pulled onto Bright’s street at that moment and so had a way to change gears. This was all very new territory she was traversing with Bright, and she didn’t really know how handle it. First, he was smiley, then he sang, and now he was telling her random stories about how he got his parakeet. Sunshine. Her name was Sunshine.
With how the night had been going so far, Dani had no doubt that the rest of night would be just as eventful. This is what she got for disobeying orders, but at least Bright was making it entertaining, if not easy. She still didn’t really know what to make of Malcolm Bright, but she couldn’t ignore that he was good at his job, and he had an annoyingly endearing quality about him. ‘Endearing?’ She thought. Dani didn’t really want to know what that word could mean with how she thought of her relationship with Bright. Brushing the thought aside, Dani parked and got out of the car. She just had to make it through the night. It couldn’t get much crazier, right?
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icariamusing · 4 years
Tumblr media
NAME: Nikhil Vara
AGE: 29
BIRTHDAY: March 29, 1991
OCCUPATION: Business Insurance Broker
HOMETOWN: Twickenham, London, United Kingdom
NIkhil can send short handwritten messages on little pieces of paper. The message must be written out by either Nikhil or the sender. There does not appear to be a distance limitation, but he does need to have either have an address or geographical coordinates, or have met the recipient (a letter, online conversation or phone conversation counts). The paper appears silently, but the arrival is marked by a fleeting little swoosh of a rainbow. The message cannot be very long (generally if it fits on an index card/record card, it’s good), but he can send an additional message after a minute. After he sends a message, the source document’s handwritten writing turns a random color of the rainbow. He can send a message out to multiple recipients at a time, but it takes some effort on Nikhil’s part. Nikhil has little experience using his ability in varied situation because of the little rainbow, but his dad did ask him to send those in specific situations until he got a cell phone. If the recipient is aware of Nikhil’s ability, they can write one return message if it fits on the back of the message that they receive. Completing a circle or any shape around the return message triggers it to turn a random color and send back to Nikhil. The conduit for the message is always Nikhil, so return messages (even addressed to other people) must go back to him. When sending a message himself, Nikhil does not need to draw the circle to trigger it to send.
Nikhil was Chloe’s third cousin. Their grandfathers were first cousins and best friends, and their favorite pastime was trying to one-up one another when it came to their children’s and grandchildren’s achievements and good deeds. Growing up, Nikhil always liked Daniel (his cousin, but Nikhil always called Daniel ‘uncle’) but thought his little cousin Chloe was the most annoying person he had ever met in his life. Of course Chloe had no idea because Nikhil wasn’t exactly a callous person, but he dreaded being trapped at the kids table with her.
When Nikhil was seven, his single father (a courier) admitted that he was the result of a rather unusual encounter with the Greek goddess Iris. He met his mother a year later, and was awe-struck by how impressive she seemed. Since he so infrequently saw his mother, she seemed like more of a fairy godmother than a parent. Nikhil’s memories of her were always warm, but his father made him keep it a secret. The part that hurt the most was how Chloe’s parentage was always a weird family secret. Nikhil was always pretty sure he met Hestia once when she popped by at Uncle Daniel and Aunt Dani’s house. The audacity of Chloe being a family secret rather Nikhil than just a Nikhil-and-Papa secret always made him seethe.
And so he grew up, occasionally having clandestine moments with his mother, and watching his father get married to an extremely okay widow. He kept his head down, got good grades in school, and made his grandfather proud. Most people don’t set out to have a career in insurance, but Nikhil took the job for the growth opportunity. He never really could finish that novel he always dreamed of writing. He did extremely well, and focused on his career over interpersonal relationships. Apparently, guys weren’t so fond of dating someone who would support his parents financially but wouldn’t take a boyfriend home to meet the parents.
He heard about the missing demigods years ago from his mother, but didn’t think that moving to Icaria would do him any good. Plus Chloe moved there, and that sounded like a headache and a half. He didn’t even consider moving there until he got wind of when his cousin disappeared. Never had Nikhil seen his uncle so absolutely defeated. What were you supposed to say to the man who always made you feel welcome and safe? The one that Nikhil had come out to (and sworn to secrecy which had been kept so far).
Daniel had apparently exhausted all avenues of contacting all of Chloe’s friends that he knew. After the most painful and heart wrenching phone call of his life, Nikhil decided to move to Icaria and see what he could do about the Chloe situation. Nikhil hadn’t even told Daniel that he was a demigod himself, and he was already set to open up a branch of his insurance company in Icaria. He moved in with Chloe’s roommate Mari, taking her on as an employee of sorts, and began operating out of Chloe’s old bedroom.
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nutellaninja0001 · 5 years
I agree with you, Nutella. Dany wasn't offering to make Jon her king or even her prince consort. She wanted him in the same position she previously kept Daario in: her subservient lover-pet, her loyal and ruthless enforcer, and her stooge. But she treated Daario better than she ever would have treated Jon if he had accepted her offer. As Arya pointed out, he was still a threat to her since he was the legitimate Targ Male Heir, and thanks to Sansa, the 7 Kingdoms supposedly knew the truth now.
There seems to be this idea that Jon didn’t have to kill Daenerys and I’ve heard a lot of people ask “why didn’t he just rule with her!” “He didn’t have to kill her!” “She wanted them working together!” That is not and has never been the case with Daenerys. She never truly loved Jon as I believe she could never acknowledge someone worthy enough to be on the same level she was. She loved the idea of Jon. Someone who was special, but still below her when it came down to it. She couldn’t handle being in competition with him over the love of the people. If he had more, or even equal amount of respect and followers, it fucked with her self esteem and worth.
She says so herself in episode 4 that she wished things could go back to the way they used to be. When Jon was a loyal, lowly bastard who could ride a dragon with her. He couldn’t even be King of the North as a bastard. Daenerys had to take that away too. She didn’t want Jon going around having an opinion. She was only happy when he agreed and sided with her. Her frustration when Jon ignored her during Jaime’s trail and her smug, satisfied expression when Jon reinforces the Norths loyalty to her over that of Sansa. Jon makes her feel good. He doesn’t question her the way Daario does, nor did he call her out on her behavior the way Daario did. Daario never forgot what she was as Jon kept cementing Daenerys as a savior to the North and a good queen. Basically, Varys execution is the perfect example of the kind of relationship Daenerys wanted with Jon.
To stand by quietly as she does as she pleases. Daenerys has never had a relationship where she was an equal with someone so she wasn’t ever taught or shown what that meant to work as a team and as partners. She just wanted another pet. Sansa recognized how dangerous Daenerys was and did what she believed would help prevent a tyrant from taking control of the Seven Kingdoms even if Cersei was defeated. Someone who could be far worse and an even bigger threat to everything she loved with the forces of two huge armies and two large dragons. I don’t blame her for calling that shit out when there was an option far better than Daenerys who showed herself for who she really was during their very first meeting.
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silkygoldmilkweed · 5 years
“It can’t be worse. It can.” “It can always be worse.”
Given the nihilism of the show’s ending, I think we need to brace ourselves for the possibility that Sansa getting raped by Ramsay Snow was actually the good version.
What’s the bad version?
The bad version is that the Jonsas are as correct about “Hound as abusive sexual predator” as they were about Dark!Dany and “Jon is going to kill her.” (OMG can you believe that actually happened?)
The bad version is that book!Hound is not played by lovable fan favorite Rory McCann, an actor and character whom the producers chose to protect.
The bad version is that the danger to Sansa was hiding in plain sight but Sansa herself and the Hound’s fangirls (it me) were too soft-minded to see it.
The bad version is that Sansa gets raped, but not by Harry the Heir or some bypassing creep.
The bad version that George would absolutely write is that Sansa gets violently raped by the bloody Hound, Sandor Clegane.
God knows he’s been sexually suggestive with her, through subtext and double entendres. The Blackwater scene is very much about threatened penetration. He can’t do it, but he’s thinking about it. She makes it into a pretty-kiss memory but that’s because she can’t quite fathom the details of the alternative. He threatens to fuck her bloody on his deathbed. He speaks of “taking” her. He appears in her dreams, still demanding his “song.”
It’s a fucked dynamic. We always knew that.
But if the Hound goes one way in his life choices it’s a romantic saga because the better angels of his nature won out—perhaps with an assist from Sansa’s side of the warg bond if my pet theory is correct. (He makes her warrior fierce, she softens his worst impulses. “Marriage changes people.”)
But what if he goes the other way? What if he is like his brother? What if his obsession with her allows him to rationalize bad shit? What if Stranger staying intact and therefore dangerous isn’t just about properly funneled martial energy but dangerous unresolved sexual aggression?
What’s good for the horse is good for the Hound...
Basically, I’m ready to distance myself from any hopes of a happy ending from George.
He’s not shy about his fascination with sexual violence as an act of war. The brutal subtext of sexual abuse in Jon killing Dany was wrung out of D&D’s version but people who think about these things can see it.
Sansa and Sandor’s relationship is even more transgressive.
A Stark girl getting “raped” and having a “bastard” is the origin myth that launches Robert’s Rebellion.
At this point, I would not be astonished if the endgame is that Sandor Clegane (not a hero, not redeemed, just a crazy alcoholic creeper) violently rapes Sansa Stark, somehow, sometime, somewhere.
Don’t ask me the details, but I think it would be toward the end of the books when she is on the verge of being named Queen In the North. She gets pregnant and the Hound’s rape bastard is raised by Sansa to be the heir to House Stark. He has the look and the ferocity of a true wolf, but that he is a misbegotten wolf-dog born of horror is a secret Sansa keeps as fiercely as Ned kept the secret of Jon’s parentage.
In short, if I can thank D&D for anything from this shitbox season, it’s for convincing me, finally, that this is not a fairy tale with a happy ending and that any hopes to the contrary are...dumb and dumber.
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mmazzeroo · 5 years
Heartstrings, chapter 22:
DANY IV - It’s A Little Dragonwolf
I'm so very sorry for the long wait. OMG! Oh well, I guess this is a gift that just keeps on giving, right? Haha..ha.. *hangs head in shame*
Anyway, @helloimnotawesome, I know you're not feeling well at the moment so I hope this can maybe provide you a little bit of a respite. Much love!!! 
Without further ado: 
"Happy nameday, Jon," Theon uttered quietly, a trembling hand holding out a large, rolled up sheet of paper, held together with a bit of red string.
Like a timid animal, Theon had carefully approached her and Jon as the two of them sat snuggled up together on a bench in the lemon grove. My absolute favourite part of the garden. Smells like home - and next to Jon it feels like it too.
Dany was sure the festivities were still unfolding in the dining hall. Everyone knew Jon needed occasional breaks from social gatherings, so no one in the family batted an eye when the two of them went for an evening stroll in the garden.
This, however, felt like a moment between Jon and Theon so she moved to get up and give them their space.
The urgency in his voice caused both her and Jon to look up.
Theon took half a step to the side before stopping himself, immediately casting his eyes downwards and instead taking a large step backwards. As if frozen in place he kept is head down, eyes fixed on a spot somewhere near his feet. He looks like a beaten dog that just remembered defending itself would only ensure more beating.
Viserys had warned them that Theon might not ever behave 'proper' human-like again. 'Might' being the most hopeful projection. It was like saying there might be world peace one day. It made Dany's blood boil with rage and simultaneously shattered her heart in a thousand pieces.
She still clearly remembered what state Jon had been in. He'd been all hurt, anger and outright rage. 'It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.' At the moment she couldn't remember where the quote was from but it sounded like something President Tyrell could've said. Jon would rather die fighting than not fight at all, but Theon..sweet Theon..had no fight left in him.
As a vet Dany had seen her fair share of neglected and abused animals. One thing they all had in common was how well they'd responded to some good old TLC - tender loving care - and she refused to believe that Theon's heart, mind and soul couldn't be mended, at least in part, by the same. 'You don't throw a whole life away just because he's banged up a little' - her husband's words still ringing in her mind years after he spoke them by the campfire on Dragonstone. My love, how I loved your big heart and your ability to see the best in everyone.
"Theon?" She spoke as softly as she knew how to, "please look at me, sweetheart."
He slowly looked up, staring back at her with dark frightened eyes. A deer caught in the headlights.
Dany gave him a warm, reassuring smile. "Would you like me to stay while you talk to Jon?"
A barely noticeable nod was the only response given.
"Ok, I'll stay. Thank you."
She sat back on the bench, leaning her head against Jon's shoulder who in turn gave her hand a light squeeze as they shared a small smile. Now all they could do was wait. They needed to let Theon control the speed of things.
As they sat quietly, patiently waiting for their broken friend to make a move she carefully watched Theon's face. It was clear his mind was racing. His face stoic, but those dark eyes of his were swimming with emotions. He looked as if he was on the brink of bolting, yet deep-seated fears from all the years of abuse kept him frozen in place. Dany had noticed how his eyes had gradually become more expressive over the course of the year he'd been living with them at Starfall. No longer the deep dark pits of emptiness; they were slowly beginning to show a little flicker of life in there. It was that tiny bit of life that now let her know that the haunted man behind the eyes were fighting to build up his courage.
He found it.
With a resolute look in his eyes, Theon took a daring step forward and held the rolled up sheet of paper out towards Jon. Again.
"Thank you, my friend."
At the mention of the word 'friend', Theon winced.
"You are my friend," Jon repeated emphasising every word. "You were then and you are now."
Theon jerked his head a couple of times in what appeared to be an attempt to nod. A ghost of a smile flicked across his face but was gone in the blink of an eye. Wait! Are those tears?
Quickly Dany searched his face for any other signs of emotions, but only Theon's quick swipe of his hand across the face told her she'd been right. She couldn't blame him though. Jon had confided to her how Theon used to treat him like his own personal punching-bag. At the same time though the two boys basically only had each other to depend on. Despite only being a boy, Jon had quickly understood that Theon merely did what he did to survive. He was the youngest of the Greyjoys, a family who took the 'survival of the fittest' quite literally.
The entire Greyjoy clan treated Theon anyway they wanted, the degrees of degrading and humiliating treatment increasing by the day. Jon had never given her details, and don't think I could ever bare to hear it now. The only one Theon had to take all his anger and frustration out on was Jon who, with a bastard's name, no one gave two shits about. Beating Jon saved Theon a sliver of dignity in the eyes of the remaining Greyjoy family; being beaten by Theon oddly meant Jon was considered Theon's property - his pet - and therefore spared beatings by the other, and older, orphan boys.
Thus, Jon and Theon developed their mutual messed up dependency on each other for the sake of survival. After being sent to Craster's Keep Jon had no idea what'd happened to Theon, but he'd confessed to Dany that he suspected it involved Theon's uncle, Euron. Her husband had labelled the Greyjoy captain 'a complete and utter psycho'. She could only imagine the kind of abuse Theon had suffered at his uncle's hands. His uncle, his own blood for fuck's sake!
Dany considered herself lucky for never having crossed paths with any of the Greyjoys as a child. There wasn't much all of Westeros agreed on, however the collective loathing of the Greyjoys - and Boltons for that matter - was one of the rare cases.
"May I open it now?" Jon smiled up at his nervous friend whose only response was a silent nod.
Carefully untying the string and tucking it in his pocket, Jon unrolled the paper and uncovered a black and white pencil drawing.
"Oh Theon, it's beautiful!" Dany marvelled at the masterpiece before her. Beautiful but heart-breaking.
"It sure is," her husband echoed next to her, voice thick with emotion, "did you make this yourself?"
Eyes full of uncertainty looked from Jon to her and back again. "Y-yes, I did," Theon mumbled, fingertips fidgeting with the seams of his pants. "Dr. Viserys said it'd be good for me."
He speaks! The few times she'd heard Theon speak more than a few words at a time, he'd sounded like a toddler stumbling its way through 'language-ing'. This however had been a full, grammatically correct sentence. The revelation made her want to jump for joy, but instead she settled for squeezing her husband's arm extra tight. Jon responded by handing her one edge of paper and snuggled her closer to him.
Now they could both examine the drawing fully. As she initially thought the drawing was a beautiful display of skill but the scene itself was harrowing.
At the centre was a large kraken. Surrounded by ships, it was clearly fighting for survival. There were spears sticking out of its body, a couple of severed limps sinking in the water, and blood gushing from a wound to the head where a large hook was attached - the crew on one of the ships pulling on ropes tied to the hook. From underneath the water, shadows were swimming up towards the struggling kraken, pulling at its arms, dragging it down. Oh sweet Theon! Once again Dany felt her heart break seeing this shell of a man attempting to convey his soul crushing pain.
In the sky a small group of dragons were swooping and setting the ships ablaze in the background. A pack of wolves stood on the shore - teeth bared, hind-legs dug in to the ground as they too were pulling on robes. Oh! The kraken had an arm intertwined with the rope the wolves pulled at. Another arm was digging into the sand, desperately trying to hold on to something. No mistaken the symbolism; he's reaching out to us.
Teary eyed Dany peeked over to her husband. Noticing his Adam's apple bop she knew she wasn't alone in battling a wave of emotions. Although I guess I could blame any momentary emotional instability on you, she bit back a smile while tenderly rubbing a warm hand over her protruding stomach.
"Do...it..," Theon abruptly stopped himself again.
"Sweetheart, you always have permission to speak here." He still avoided eye contact. "Please, go ahead," Dany gently prodded him. Jon pulled her closer and kissed her temple.
It took a couple of beats for Theon to muster up his courage one more time.
"It is ok?" He winced but continued, "d-do you like it?"
"It's amazing and I love it!" Jon took the drawing and handed it over to Dany as he got up. Two steps and he was toe to toe with Theon. "—and so are you."
Before their broken friend could respond Jon had him wrapped in a bearhug. There was a fleeting glimpse of panic before he eased into it and all but collapsed in Jon's arms. Besides the cinnabons, this was the first human contact Theon had had in years. Dany was amazed. He must be so tired, poor thing. He's taken huge strides today. Vis would be very proud of him. I know Jon and I are.
Her husband gently rocked a sobbing Theon who was clinging to him as if for dear life. She could hear Jon's calm voice quietly speaking to their distraught friend, "I got you. It's gonna be alright. You're safe now."
She remembered the night Jon had disclosed to her - laying in his arms, all tangled up in sheets - how he'd say those same words to everyone he rescued while in the Night's Watch. He'd repeat the words to them like a mantra, over and over and over until they calmed down; minutes or hours didn't matter to him - he'd keep speaking until they understood they'd been saved. My hero. If it wasn't for the sombre picture in front of her she would've giggled to herself for secretly thinking of Jon as a hero. Well, he's a hero to me and others whether he likes it or not.
Theon seemed to have calmed down. Only a few irregular sniffs could be heard now. His grip on Jon loosened but upon seeing Dany he tried hiding his face from her sight.
"No no, we'll have none of that now, young man," Jon gently coaxed Theon's head back up. "No shame in crying. No shame in having a heart. No shame in being human." Yup, definitely a hero.
Still holding on to each other, Jon took two steps back, turned around and eased Theon down on to the bench next to Dany. Jon dug out a handkerchief from a pocket, crouched in front of his friend and carefully wiped the tears from Theon's eyes and cheeks.
"Man to man; heart to heart, Theon - we're champions you and I. We made it out. We're finding our way through."
Quiet as always Theon listened to Jon speak, fingers picking at the shirt sleeves.
"I see you out there in that lonely ocean. Fighting for your life, your sanity, your humanity. Battling the demons and shadows all gnawing, scratching and eating away at your mind. I see you, my friend. I see you. I see you." Jon took a couple of deep breaths steading himself. I know this hurts you too, my love, but remember to stay calm for Theon's sake.
Silent tears rolled down Theon's cheeks once again. Dany was fighting her instinct to reach out to him and hold his hand, maybe a reassuring hand on his shoulder. It's a miracle he's letting Jon touch him and I don't want to push him.
"I'll fight for you, Theon. Till my heart is black and blue - and longer if needed. All I'm asking is you keep swimming. It's exhausting, I know-" he wrapped his hands around Theon's- "but I'll be right here with you to keep your head above water whenever you need a break, and you can rest for as long as you need. Just please keep swimming, Theon. We'll help re-attach your kraken arms—"
"I'm not a kraken," Theon hissed.
Taken aback, her husband sent her a crooked smile. So there's a sliver of fight left in the dog after all. Good!
"I'm not a kraken; don't want to be one," he confessed weakly, "not anymore."
"A wolf then?" Jon inquired.
"I'm not a Stark."
"An orca maybe?"
Both men looked at her puzzled.
"I just thought..," she trailed off. Think before you speak, Dany. Fuck's sake! She cleared her throat. "Orcas are also known as wolves of the sea. They have several traits similar to wolves: They're intelligent, curious, playful. They're loyal and fierce protectors. Loving and affectionate, and form strong family ties. Talented and ruthless hunters."
Theon had lowered his head again, back to staring at his hands in his lap. Shit! I pushed him too far.
Still crouching before him Jon was able to see his face though, and apparently it wasn't as bad as Dany feared because her husband gave her a small nod indicating she should keep speaking.
"They're survivors - known to live and thrive both as far south as the Summer Sea and as far north as the Shivering Sea. Passing knowledge from generation to generation. Adapting to their environment they utilise different hunting techniques depending on available prey."
Nibbling on a corner of his lower lip, casting frequent glances her way out of the corner of his eye, Dany could tell Theon was mulling over her words.
"—speaking of prey," she continued, leaning a bit closer to Theon lowering her voice adding a secretive aspect to their conversation, "there are interesting reports coming from the Cinnamon Straits, reports of sightings by both locals and scientists, speaking of a family of orcas who have specialised in hunting, killing and eating great white sharks."
Wide-eyed, both men turned to her. Dany looked back with a smirk on her face. That got their attention.
"I don't know about you guys but I think that's pretty bad-ass." She dared to place her hand on Theon's lower arm as she added, "-and so are you, sweetheart."
Drawing a shaky breathe, he muttered, "I'd like to believe that."
"Believe it," Jon urged, "all of it, and all the wolves and dragons you sketched-" pointing to the paper in Dany's hand- "will be right here to remind you whenever you need to hear it."
Theon was back to his contemplative silence, meaning Jon and her were back to waiting on their broken friend to decide where to go from here. He hasn't fully retracted into his shell though. Gods please let that be a good sign.
"Being an orca sounds nice," nodding to himself he added, "I'd like that."
Jon grinned, "that's settled then. C'mon let's get you two back inside - it's getting a bit chilly out here."
She's been so focus on Theon that she hadn't noticed she was shivering; no doubt her ever watchful husband had seen it from the second it began. My hero.
As they slowly made it up the path through the garden, Theon turned to her. "If I'm an orca now...," he trailed off, hesitating.
"—yes?" She smiled reassuringly at him.
"—then..what's..I mean.."
"Just breathe, dear, take your time and you can me ask anything."
Theon nodded slightly as he stared down at his feet. Glancing up nervously, he muttered, "what about your baby?"
She flashed Theon a smile before caching her husband's sparkling eyes as well. Affectionally stroking her pregnant stomach, voice filled with pride she replied, "it's a little dragonwolf."
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lemedy · 5 years
got blogging // last time spitting fire, finally I am a free elf
- (I mean, okay, the fuck even was Sansa’s arc this season other than repeating “I will not bend the knee and also the worst secret keeper ever, but still. Queen of the fucking North, as she should have been three seasons ago)
- Also Yara being ‘I don’t give a fuck about the whole mass death thing, Dany was my queen’ and I’m here, weeping, writing my ‘Drogon resurrects Dany and then has two lesbian pirates mums’ fanfic
- So OBVIOUSLY Brienne should have been up north with Sansa but I can take her being brilliant and amazing in King’s Landing. LOVE YOU BRIENNE, ALWAYS
- (she should have written JAIME LANNISTER IS THE NASTIEST SKANK BITCH I HAVE EVER MET but probably Brienne is a thousand time more mature than I am, so)
- Arya off to sail the seven seas was very nice and also hilarious because my flatmate kept yelling GENDRY’S GOING TO BE ON THE BOAT THEY’LL EXPLORE TOGETHER, bless her failed shipping heart
- Went from being stone-faced as Jon cried his manpain tears over his knifed girlfriend-aunt to weeping as the giant CGI dragon TRIED TO NUZZLE HIS DEAD MOTHER AND THE DRAGON-CRIED
- basically, ladies and CGI animals. That’s it
- aaaahhh fuck. Fuck. Fuuuuuuck.
- look, I’ve said for the last two weeks that you can talk me into Mad Queen Dany – I hate it, but I can accept it – but jesus fucking wept they butchered her right until the end
- absolutely super love spending five minutes with Peter Dinklage sadly monologuing about Guess We’ll Have To Put Her Down to Sad Jon, because definitely what I care about is how the tragic end of Dany’s story is how sad it makes the men
- so for weeks we’ve all been debating about Arya closing ‘green eyes’ and how we’d finally get to see her final use of her magical face-swapping powers - lol no, you sweet fools
- I’ve been trying for the last hour to make King Bran work for me, but it does not, it absolutely doesn’t. The logic of ‘who has a better story than Bran???’ (EVERYONE ELSE IN THE GODDAMN STORY, HE WAS SO BORING WE SKIPPED HIM FOR AN ENTIRE SEASON), and ‘oh but he doesn’t want it!!!’ – unlike those women, those two crazy power-hungry women – just does not work for me on any level. He’s not even Bran anymore, he’s a human Wikipedia, I hate this
- The Dothraki just kind of disappeared after the battle which is kind of hilarious, so I can only assume they spread across the continent and started a popular café chain
- whatever, I don’t care, he’ll go and be a ranger which is nice for him and his dog I guess
- ....you know, I don’t regret loving GOT. It was never perfect but it was good those first few seasons, and had me right up until the end of the last season - even as the quality started dipping once the show passed the books. Don’t regret keeping up with it, I’m not selling my blu-rays anytime soon. I’m just sad and tired as to how it all ended, but it’s not my first rodeo at this. I’ve spent years pretending the last season of Buffy never happened, I can do the same with GOT
- Dany/Yara/Drogon happy family forever, sailing the pirate seas
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brittanacedes · 6 years
brittana headcanons?
Okay, this has been in my inbox for a month because I kept putting it off. Just because it’s such a broad question and I have A Lot of thoughts, so I wanted to make sure I was able to think about all my random thoughts!
I’ve had this half finished in my drafts for weeks now because I felt like it wasn’t Complete, but I can’t think of anymore, so I’m just gonna post it. If anyone wants to know my headcanons for anything specific that I haven’t listed here, send me an ask and I’ll answer! I can start a headcanon tag :)
I tend to try to make my headcanons as reflective of canon and realistic as possible, as opposed to just straight up ignoring canon, so keep that in mind when reading :)
Brittany came on strong when they first met and while Santana was attracted to her, was put off by how touchy and forward she was, and thought she was weird. Brittany wasn’t fazed by any of Santana’s insults and decided herself that she and Santana were friends and would sit with her in class and at lunch and practice and stuff, and eventually Santana just stopped complaining because it’s not like anyone else liked her much. Until one day, for some reason that wasn’t actually Britt’s fault, she snapped and hit below the belt, calling her dumb or whatever, and instantly regretted it when Brittany finally left her alone. Of course, that made Santana admit to herself that she actually grew to like Brittany and her company and so, for the first time ever, she apologized, and they were best friends ever since. It’s part of why Santana became so protective of Brittany and why she always makes sure Britt knows how smart she thinks she is. That’s the one and only time she ever said it, and normally I am Against the idea that she would ever, but Britt did imply she had when she said Artie was the only one in school, so.
Santana lost her virginity to Brittany, and that’s why she didn’t have a story to tell when the other girls did in The First Time. It’s what made her start sleeping around with guys more, trying to prove to herself that sex with boys felt just as good/better than with Brittany and she wasn’t a lesbian. It never did.
Brittany’s little sister has always had the biggest crush on Santana and was heartbroken the day she found out Brittana were together. She didn’t talk to Brittany for, like, a whole weekend and everything.
Like Mercedes predicted, Santana was obnoxious as hell after Brittany won senior class president, and would try to wield her power as First Lady in the most ridiculous situations; like when she wanted a specific seat in class or in the choir room (“Excuse me, but my girlfriend is your president. Do you know what that makes me? Your First Lady. Wouldn’t you give Michelle Obama your seat?”)
Brittany was bummed they lost prom king/queen, and had brought a crown to give to Santana after just in case they lost.
Santana definitely cried the first time she had sex with a girl after breaking up with Brittany, and only partly because she’s tipsy.
When Sam [redacted], Brittany didn’t say yes right away. Right before he did that, she was telling the other glee club members what she really thinks of them as part of her countdown to dying or whatever. I’ve always thought she tried to get in contact with Santana to do the same with her, to tell her she still loves her and everything, but she gets ignored in one way or another - either she goes to her house and finds out Santana isn’t coming home for Christmas after all, or she leaves a voicemail and never gets a return call back or gets left on read, whatever. And it was that rejection and her sadness from it that made her say what the hell, and does the stupid thing. She just looked so miserable and sad during that scene, and preoccupied.
Brittany hooked up with a couple girls while at MIT. Being in Lima, where she and Santana were apparently the only girls that liked girls, she had only ever had boys as non-Santana options. So once she got to MIT, she wanted to explore more so she was specifically looking for ladies. One was a girl that actually went to MIT - she was cute and nerdy, but not very experienced (that was okay with Britt), and the other girl she met at coffee shop just off campus. They were both just one night stands, but it was the only fun Britt had at MIT.
Santana called Dani and broke up with her right after Brittany kissed her in 100. Even if she didn’t know what she wanted to do in regards to Britt, she knew she still had feelings for her and it wasn’t right to be with Dani while still being in love with someone else.
After enjoying a few days in Lesbos, they locked themselves in their room for like a solid 24 hours and just talked about everything that went down between them and everything that happened to both of them since. They talk about any lingering beef they have with each other and ask questions and tell each other about hook ups, etc.
Brittany didn’t come back to NYC with Santana after vacation because she was finishing up some commitments she still had at MIT. 
The only person Santana told about wanting to propose to Brittany was Mercedes, while they were on tour. While Brittany was busy rehearsing with the dancers, the two of them would go look at different ring shops in different malls until Santana found the ring she wanted.
The real reason Brittany invited Kurt and Blaine to also get married was because she knows 50% of marriages end in divorce and even though Santana did a good job of talking her down from the ledge as far as her superstition went, she just wanted to really cover her bases.
Brittany surprises Santana with a nice engagement ring on their honeymoon, because she knows Santana loves her bling and thinks it’s only fair she gets a rock, too.
They absolutely get infinity symbol tattoos on the inside their pinkies.
They take Lord Tubbington with them to New York, but Lady Tubbington stays in Lima with Brittany’s sister.  At first Santana worries Britt feels obligated because she was a gift from Sam and she thinks Santana would feel some type of way about it, but Brittany promises it’s nothing like that, but because 1) she doesn’t want to leave her family with no pets and 2) she’s not as adventurous as Tubbs and Britt doesn’t think she’d like the big city (she didn’t do well with the move to MIT).
Both of them go back to school, to the same one, but Brittany takes a shorter program because she just doesn’t like school much. She doesn’t hate it and she thinks it’s important to have some kind of college education, so she takes something in media or dance, but she doesn’t go the extra mile to do anything beyond completing a basic program. Santana takes it a bit more seriously, and takes a general program until she decides what she wants to do. She switches majors at least twice, before finally settling on something like business management or something; some kind of job that helps their budding Youtube career.
Brittany starts taking her Youtube stuff more seriously, and after Santana appears in some of her videos and the viewers really respond to it, it starts happening more and more until it becomes their channel. Their channel getting bigger is what finally helps Santana settle on a major, and she really gets involved and helps to make their channel a real source of income for them. They get big and get all kinds of awesome gifts and trips and stuff for their channel, and they travel a lot and vlog it and they just have a fun ass life that they get a lot of say in.
They do odd jobs with/for Mercedes throughout her career, singing with her or dancing with her, appearing in her videos, etc. Same with their other friends, but Mercedes the most; she’s got the best hook up.
They don’t have any kids. Neither of them were against the idea, but it was never something either of them was dying for or even planning for. Then after Kurt and Blaine have their kid, and they see how much their life changes and how boring it gets, they both agree they don’t want that. They love being able to travel when they want to and they just aren’t interested in being tied down by a kid.
They’re totally the cool aunts, though, that always have the best presents and stories to share when they visit all their friends kids.
No skyping or double dates with Kurt and Blaine on their anniversary, but they do text each other on the day, at least. At least Britt does, because she lowkey feels bad about using them.
Abuela still has moments of obvious uncomfortableness, but she really tries and both of them really appreciate it and never push her. They’re always very cautious around her, even as she gets better about it. She is not happy about their decision not to give her any grandkids though.
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