stupidnaturals · 1 year
getting throwbacks to 2015 when everyone blog was danisontonfire danisnotnonfire danisntonfire etc etc
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moltenrat · 2 years
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Thank you @danielhowell for calling me talented that honestly means so much to the little 14 year old me in me that didn’t think she was capable of being good at anything
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jeannes-scissors · 7 years
Like this post if your blog contains any of the tags, I wanna follow more people.
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spacekiddan · 7 years
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Fake Girlfriend 5 || Dan Howell
A/N: well, there it is. So many of you messaged me saying you want another part and I gave in. I wanted this to be a little bonus chapter but it is not much shorter than the other ones. Thank you for liking this story so much! ily! 💕
Also important: I’m posting a little Christmas present for you on here. Christmas day. I will upload it in the morning so you can read it right after you have opened your presents. 
Word Count: 1.4K
POV: Dan
MASTERLIST // PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 3 // PART 4 // PART 5
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Y/N just stood there, staring at me in awe for a while. I couldn’t help but smile at her. Never in my life had I felt that light. My confessions hung in the air like fairy lights in winter. In that moment, we knew that this was the start of something beautiful. We had never expected this to happen. I was prepared to be single till 32 and now?
“To be honest I never aspired to be an actress.” Y/N then said with a grin.
“I’m actually a really bad liar.” I admitted, scratching the back of my head, laughing.
“Why don’t we solve both of our problems then?” Y/N asked. We knew right from the start where this conversation was heading.
“We could leave out the fake part?” I suggested with a little chuckle.
“Yes, I’d love to be your girlfriend.” She then beamed, her simple words sent my heart into a frenzy.
It took only seconds for her lips to be back on mine again. For a short moment I saw the indescribably beautiful colour of her eyes. I had never noticed how special they were before. My eyes fell naturally shut as soon as I felt the desired spark inflame every tiny cell in my body. Y/N, or should I say my girlfriend, threw her hands around my neck, as we deepened our kiss. Her simple touch sent waves of what felt like electricity through my body. Her lips were soft and they eagerly moved against mine.
Somehow I ended up on the arm chair that we had sat in earlier while talking about random things. Y/N on my lap. My hands were set on her thighs as she held my face between both of her palms. I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks and I was sure that Y/N could feel how warm they were. We could make out everyday from now on until forever. Our lips danced to a magical rhythm as there was no space between us and my thoughts wandered off to a wonderful place.
I think we would have never pulled apart but..
What the fuck?! Not again. It was my aunt Sarah who shouted my name from downstairs. She was one of the kindest people I knew, but she had the annoying habit to ruin my moments with Y/N. I tried ignoring my name being shouted. It couldn’t be more important than this, right?
I just kept kissing Y/N like there was no tomorrow. The sweet smell of her perfume made me feel light-headed. My skin was prickling and it seemed like the air around us was vibrating.
My tongue gently brushed against Y/N’s bottom lip. My hands wandered up to caress her hips. Just as I was about to deepen the kiss even more Y/N pulled apart, pushing gently against my chest.
“What?” I asked, acting as if I didn’t know what she was talking about. I went in for another kiss, but she stopped me, while rolling her eyes.
“You should probably check on your aunt.”
I groaned but eventually got up, missing the warmth of Y/N’s body already.
“Yes?” I shouted, opening the door a little bit.
“Daniel, can you two come downstairs please?”
“We’ll be there in a second.” I answered. We’ve had dinner before so what could she possibly want?
When I turned around Y/N had already gotten up from the armchair in front of the big window. Her cheeks were still rosy from kissing and her hair was a bit messy. She quickly straightened it by running her fingers through it before we headed out of the room.
“What’s u-?” I asked half way down the big staircase, but I stopped in the middle of my sentence as I saw my parents standing in the entrance hall.
Don’t get me wrong, I normally would be happy to see them, but I hadn’t told them about the whole fake girlfriend thing yet.
“Oh there you two are! Your parents decided to come here early, Daniel” Aunt Sarah explained, not noticing the obvious shock on my face.
My mum and dad were staring at Y/N in confusion. They had never seen her before.  
“Mary, everybody is totally inspired by how cute Dan and Y/N are together. They have been together for a year only and they are just such a well working team. Absolutely adorable.” My aunt told my mother with a sweet smile on her face.
I prayed to god that she would catch on, but of course she didn’t. Thanks mum.
“Dan and who?” she wanted to know, confusion and irritation audible in her voice.  My dad just stood next to her looking from me to Y/N with a startled expression on his face.
“Y/N? Dan’s girlfriend?” my aunt was now nearly as confused as my mother.
The three of them shoot us a harsh look, demanding an answer to this mess. I nervously scratched the back of my head and swallowed hard. Y/N had never looked that awkward before and the whole thing got even more complicated because we were actually dating now.
What was I supposed to tell my parents?  
5 minutes later we were all sat in the lounge as my parents and Sarah were waiting for an answer from us.
“Son, I don’t understand. You don’t have a girlfriend. Or do you?” My dad asked as his eyes landed on Y/N.
“I do no-  well actually, I do.” I started, shooting Y/N an apologizing look.
I knew that it was impossible to find a way out of this without admitting the truth so I told them the whole story. I explained why I felt like I needed to lie in the first place, that Phil had the idea to do this fake girlfriend thing and that I thought it would work.
“Wait, so you didn’t meet on the bus? That story was so lovely.” Aunt Sarah realized in disappointment.
“We made that up. C’mon I would never make such a bad pun!”
“You would!” Everybody, except me, shouted.
“So how did you meet then?” My mum wanted to know.
“Phil.” I simply said, thinking there was no further explaining to do.
“You stole Phil’s girlfriend, Daniel!?” my mother was horrified.
“NO! We are just friends.” Y/N threw in.
“We actually hated each other before we got here. But spending so much time with her really opened my eyes. I found out what an incredible girl Y/N is. I have completely fallen for her in such a short time. So after all of that happened, I asked her to be my girlfriend like an hour ago.” I explained, making Y/N, who sat next to me, blush.
“Mum, dad, meet my girlfriend Y/N.” I tried introducing them without feeling too awkward.
“Could we maybe start off fresh?” she asked my parents shyly and they agreed instantly. Her sweet smile and big eyes could win everybody over.
We talked until midnight and then we decided to go to bed since it was my aunt’s big day tomorrow. After we had resolved our initial difficulties everything turned out to be fine. My parents seemed to love Y/N.
“Thank you for being so understanding.” I said after we wished everyone good night.
“Oh and Dan, Harry mustn’t know about his.” My aunt smiled at me and winked.
“You look absolutely stunning, baby” I complimented Y/N with my mouth hung open. The dress she was wearing for my aunts wedding fit her perfectly and the colour of it was the same as her eyes.
“You are not so bad yourself.” Y/N giggled as we sat down on one of the benches of the church where the wedding was held. After we had chatted and waited for about ten minutes music started playing. My aunt walked down the aisle in a simple white dress. As she stopped walking right in front of her soon to be husband I leaned in to whisper in Y/N’s ear.
“I can’t wait to see Phil’s face when get home and tell him.”
“We owe him big time, don’t we?” Y/n laughed quietly.
“Yes, I do.” My aunt said before I could answer myself. She was finally marrying the love of her life. And I was sitting right next to mine.
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cloudynephele · 8 years
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moltenrat · 2 years
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Long time no Dan art? Have some camp emo danny
Finally back on my dnp bs and I get to hand him this in person next week!!
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pr-ot-ip · 8 years
we always panic when dan says something personal or about his sexuality like he accidentaly leaked something but he knows he thought it through he planned it filmed it and edited it for hours or days and now he is giggling while reading your textposts and having tea with satan
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san-pellegrino · 8 years
April 3, 2016
Dan Howell: *sits down at computer*
Dan Howell: *looks at list in front of him*
List: "TO DO: - murder and bury tumblr user e-li-za"
Dan Howell: okay
Dan Howell: *posts anime video on danisnotonfire"
List: "- dig up her grave, bring her back to life and murder her again"
Dan Howell: *posts anime video on danisnotinteresing"
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moltenrat · 6 years
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lil autumal doodle of @danielhowell
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darcyolsson · 9 years
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Dan and Phil in YouTube Rewind 2015
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My blog
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bri look at what you’re doing to me >:I jk jk i love you <3
title: Brain Freeze
pairing: Brianna (aka my awesome irl friend linked above) and danisnotonfire
Dan would forever be in a love-hate relationship with ice cream.
It was so delicious, but it was way to damn cold. I mean, that’s the point, but that didn’t make it any easier to stuff his face trying to ebb the stinging sensation from his recently bitten tongue. He glared half-heartedly at his giggling girlfriend from across the table. The two had been together for a little over six months, and Dan hadn’t felt better in a long, long time. The girl just... fit. She seamlessly worked her way into his life while he wasn’t looking, and now there was no going back. He loved her, and she loved him. Hell he wasn’t even completely sure how it happened, but he’s glad it did.
Back to the current situation, Dan had bitten his tongue after oh so graciously smacking himself in the face trying to flirt with Brianna while they ate. Obviously it ended in failure, but it was so cheesy it may have just been god taking mercy on his ass. He pressed a hand to his forehead to ease the growing pain in his head and the back of his throat. Shoveling ice cream into his face at maximum velocity = not the best time. Bri stifled her laughter the best she could, but couldn’t stop the occasional chuckle from escaping her lips.
“Brain freeze?” Bri snickered teasingly, lightly flicking the man’s forehead.
“No I’m modeling. Can’t you see the press just waiting to get some of this?” He said sarcastically, flexing his arms. He winced before pressing his hand back to his head. “...Yeah I’ve got a brain freeze.”
“Just press your thumb to the roof of your mouth,” Bri suggested, scooping a spoonful of cake batter ice cream into her mouth.
“There’s no way that works. Why would that work? I never understood that saying...” The brunet muttered to himself, rubbing one of his hands over his scalp. Bri took the spoon out of her mouth and pointed it at him.
“Daniel James Howell do not make me finger your mouth in the food court.” Dan choked on his spit, not ready for that comment in the slightest.
“OH MY GOD, BRI!” He coughed out, staring incredulously at his once again laughing girlfriend. “YOU CAN’T JUST SAY THAT IN PUBLIC!” He whispered rather loudly, glancing at the flustered woman that had just so happened to walk by them when it was said with a horrified expression. That only made Bri laugh harder. “I can’t take you anywhere...” He mumbled, scooping a small bite of ice cream out of his bowl. At least he didn’t have brain freeze anymore.
“You love me though~” Bri chirped happily, all to amused at the light blush still dusting her boyfriend’s face. It should be illegal for it to be this fun to get someone flustered like that.
“Can’t deny that one,” Dan mumbled, a small smile marring his face as he leaned in for a quick kiss, and Bri was all too happy to comply.
Yeah, Dan definitely had a love-hate relationship with ice cream.
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