#danny is a himbo but ancient
voidlesscreator · 4 months
Alfred's Relative??
It had been three days since the letter addressed to Alfred had come through the mail. From what Alfred had told them, it was a letter from his father saying that he would be stopping by the manor to visit him.
Tim had wanted to run checks on the letter since it was ‘suspicious’ that Alfred’s father was only writing to him now and was planning on visiting, but the old butler shut it down fairly quickly by telling him about how his father was busy and unable to send any letters or call for years.
Since neither Tim nor anyone else in the batfam had any reason to doubt Alfred’s words on the matter it was quickly dropped, though they were all waiting for the day the butler’s father turned up to see who raised the man who kept them all- in his best ability- alive.
— — — —
The day was like most  others, Damian was busy tending to his pets early that morning, Tim was awake for the whole night and had crashed with his laptop still running his research despite him being out cold. Jason was staying the night due to Alfred’s insistence and was getting ready to leave when the doorbell of the manor rang out.
Since Jason was closer to the door than Alfred, who was busy in the kitchen prepping food for the rest of the manor’s residents, Jason went to open the door. He had heard from Dick about Alfred’s father coming to visit, so the doorbell ringing was most likely him.
From how old Alfred was, he was honestly expecting some frail old man, that would be a more likely choice then dead- which is obviously not the case if he is supposed to be visiting.
Jason was wrong apparently, because there was no way that this young man with a build similar to Bruce’s but more lean was Alfred’s father- there was no way.
“Can I help you?” Jason quirked an eyebrow as the man looked at him in surprise(was that concern mixed in there?) before snapping out of that look.
“Ah! Sorry, I sent a letter to my son a few days ago that I would be visiting- Is Alfred here?” The man gave Jason a smile -with clearly too-sharp teeth. This was a record scratch to Jason, quite literally since the man looked like he was Dick’s age, maybe a bit older but still.
“Wait what-”
“Master Jason, who may be at the door this early in the morning?” Alfred’s voice sounded out behind him, and there was a brief moment when Jason was turning to look at the butler where there was a sudden gust of wind before he saw the man at the door now hugging Alfred who was halfway across the foyer.
“Oh my Ancients! You’ve grown so much since I last saw you little Alf!” The man squealed as he began looking Alfred over. It was… an odd sight to see, especially when the man in question was his apparent father but looked half his age.
“Ah- yes father. It has been a few years” Alfred was still as collected as he usually was when he spoke, but it was clear that he was comfortable despite the man pinching his cheeks and cooing with an almost inhuman trill to his voice.
What in the Lazarus pits is this guy’s deal?
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thotpuppy · 9 months
WIP Tag Game!
tagged by @dear-massacre ! AND @whimsicalmeerkat! WHIL i was writing my post lolol
This is sorta smth i track regularly? but i have it all sorted by word count akdgjkajdg it's part of my progress tracker server w some friends. Adding words is the easiest way to track 'working on a project' so that's what i do! I also have a (separate) doc in my drive folder that tracks just, general prompts, so when i have ideas i slap them in there.
Current (Teen Wolf) WIPs:
TriReign: Shepherd, Lamb, Wolf: small outline, chapters 1-4 complete, 5 wip - 16,575 - Sterek, Medieval Fantasy, Arranged Marriage, Omegaverse, Political Drama, Sex and Politics, Duty and Honor and Subterfuge, etc. my current current current WIP. Baseball AU: Collab? outline - 331. MOSTLY this is just. a Roster and some thoughts about a general plot concept. I want to illustrate this but i can't do a comic. It's also a Sterek concept. FratBoi Stiles x RA!Derek: 52 - this is just straight up a PWP with the prompt borrowed from a TWT moot that ive been meaning to work on for ages and just haven't yet. Higher Education 2: 2,821 Sciles, trans!Stiles, post-canon college AU. Also PWP, but also my gross unhygenic sloppy AU kinda. it's just. its grossnasty wet n sloppy porn. i wanted to finish this and then write a Third part for Sciles week this year and i didn't. whoops There's a Werewolf Tradition for That: 72 - Sterek didn't know they were dating AU. Alive!Hales but Werewolves are still a secret. Stiles and Derek are good friends and roommates, they're both idiots pining for each other, and out of the blue Derek's Mom sends them a formal invitation to celebrate their engagement. Stiles doesn't even know Derek's a werewolf. total ROMCOM, kinda inspired by My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but only in Vibes. Lone Wolf Wild West AU: Chapters 1, 2 posted, not outline - 3,670. Sterek, Lone Ranger!Derek, son of the sheriff Stiles. Mystery, adventure, romance. I miss cowboy...
Somewhere in here I will also put my Collabang fic and any other events i sign up for, because I'm gonna have to pause my major WIPs to work on them lol
1920's Mafia AU: Outline only - 1313 - Stiles is a city detective, the sheriff is the Police Commissioner, this takes place in Los Angeles. There are tunnels running all through the city, albeit underneath (real). There's been an uptick in gang activity lately. Stiles secretly 'runs' by which i mean, owns and protect, but isn't involved in Actually Running, an underground speakeasy in the heart of the city. He doesn't let any gangs runs their trouble on his turf. Until one day, a Hale is shot by an Argent right outside his doors. Sterek SuperBat ComicCon MeetCute: WIP One Shot - 1,049 Inspired by MultiE's art. nerd x nerd solidarity Sciles Ancient Greece AU: 192 - this is a friggin poem and is probably gonna stay a poem. New! Sex For Work: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 - 23,228. Part 5? Sterek BDSM CEO x Personal Assistant AU. Originally intended to be kinky prompt fill series but Caught Plot. I meant to rewrite it last month to convert it into a standalone story, but uhhhh didn't. I DID do reformatting though. I just need to get writing on it again, but i tend to be kinda singleminded.
Other Fandom WIPs:
Big Blue Boyscout: 47 - Superman x Nightwing, xenophilia fic. "He's Big and Blue in more ways than one..." Bruce Wayne Visits Smallville: 685 - I got distracted while bingeing smallville for the first time and haven't gone back, but this was just supposed to be a one shot but my outline grew legs DP/YJ Crossover: 220 - this is more of a concept than a real specific fic, but i REALLY like comparing danny phantom to specifically the young justice animated series, and i wanted to try and come up with a cohesive clone comparison plot, rather than just making it a lil joke. Maybe it'll be Danny x Conner because himbo tee shirt conner is my baby boy baby boy Not So Blushing, Not So Virgin: 40 - SuperBat role reversal where everyone expects clark to be this sweet inexperienced things and then he absolutely blows bruce's back out.
Hiatus Projects:
Universal Law of Gravitation: Chapter 1 WIP, significant outline - 3,080 - Sterek Lifetime fic. I wrote out this huge long super comprehensive timeline and got super caught up in it. It's supposed to be about how, despite their best efforts, Stiles and Derek just can't stay apart, so there are a ton of messy breakups and fights in between. I just never put together an actual proper Plot, so when i started writing it, i got SUPER bored. It has a playlist! and i made a bunch of pseudo-science chapter titles hehe A Fever You Can't Sweat Out: Chapter 1 posted, Chapter 2 WIP, significant outline - 9,911 - Sterek, Marrish, Scallison, post-canon AU, surprise mpreg! Similarly to ULG, i wrote out a huge big timeline and outline and got super nitty gritty into the details, but literally Chapter One i went Off Track and it just killed my motivation. It's HUGELY ensemble, and i picked out jobs and hobbies for like 12 people to all live in a big ol estate together. It also suffered from "world building but no plot", but i DID try to make a plot, it just. wasn't good haha. The entire concept is, Lydia gets pregnant which makes Allison baby crazy so she gets pregnant and Stiles wants a baby so, so bad, but he's dating dating/married to Derek and therefore would have to adopt or something, but he wants it so bad he magics himself up a contraception.
Derek is moody, Stiles teases him about the fact he like, never smiles. Kisses him on a whim to get a rise out of him. And then proceeds to have a existential crisis after because "oh shit did he just kiss DEREK".
Werewolf!Stiles’ Pavlovian Pleasure Response to Scott’s Click (iykwim)
Stiles x Jeep crack smut oneshot
Post Nogi stiles is having trouble feeling like himself again. he feels a sharp disconnect with his Self that he didn't used to have, like he's lost touch with his humanity. He needs someone to remind him how it feels to be human.
unspecified/platonic - In this kind of weather, it makes more sense to stay inside. Or rather, stay inside somewhere else. Stiles sets up shop in a bookstore's cafe to while away the time warm espresso, a good book, and his own company. Until Someone/Something Else comes knocking.
Supernatural Boarding school (circa 2005-2009 role-play forum vibes)
Bastard Prince Jackson and Freedom Fighter Stiles (see doc)
Stiles’ mythology professor bites off more than either can chew - The Great Beacon Hills Custody Battle
“Teenage Dirtbag” Loser!Stiles Sterek fic
all of my prompts literally only exist in a single document where i put Ideas i like adkgjakjg everything in wips has a dedicated doc, but most of them dont have much written yet.
There's also 1 absent prompt here that im now saving for the collabang so ive omitted it from my counts because its technically a wordcount of 0 until i get to start working w my artist (:
no pressure tags! @renmackree @lavender-lotion @like-lazarus @geekmom13 @endwersed
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kuzann · 2 years
Crack Perfectworldshipping Alien Hunter AU that takes very loose inspiration from that rumor that XY had an aliens-themed plot and plays it for comedy cause I thought of it last night and have been giggling over it ever since.
Lysandre isn’t the villain, he’s just a super intimidating-looking very eccentric rich guy who really wants to discover the truth about aliens. He’s like a smarter version of Jack Fenton from Danny Phantom, but instead of ghosts it’s aliens. He made most of his money through a bunch of patents from failed alien hunting devices that ended up being super useful for other, more mundane things. Has a deoxys named Brinklehoff as his ace. Actually able to identify alien hoaxes pretty well and thinks stuff like Ancient Aliens is bs. The true villains probably try to frame him as the main villain at some point in the story, but that falls apart pretty quickly because no one believes Lysandre would do such a thing, no matter how scary he looks. Team Flare is basically a bunch of people who are either willing to put up with his goofy antics cause the pay is really good, or they’re alien enthusiasts too. No one knows where the uniform design came from.
Augustine is still Kalos’s Pokemon Professor but is also a Moon Prince sent to Earth to keep an eye on humanity, particularly on that alien hunter guy cause he might discover stuff he shouldn’t. They start dating a week or two after Augustine takes up his assignment cause Augustine found out he has a type and the type is scary-looking himbo with boundless enthusiasm and a heart of gold. Diantha(who is a Moon Princess) teases him endlessly over this and over the fact that Lysandre still hasn’t figured out he’s dating an alien. Brinklehoff knows Augustine is a fellow alien but doesn’t tell Lysandre out of respect, but still wants Augustine to tell him the truth eventually. Augustine feels terrible for keeping the truth from Lysandre but fear of rejection--either due to the lie itself or due to Augustine being an alien--keeps him from telling him. (In the end Lysandre doesn’t care that Augustine is an alien and loves him anyway, and he’s more worried that Augustine didn’t tell him the truth because he was scared of him than he is mad that he was lied to.)
Additional stuff under the cut:
AZ is probably the villain I guess? Maybe he’s trying to target the Moonfolk rather than going after the humans of Earth, and it’s going to cause massive collateral damage that no one wants. Could be a banished Moon King(rival dynasty to Kaguya’s) who has become resentful toward them and wants to get revenge. If Lysandre is still a descendant of AZ’s brother that’s an opportunity for some comedy cause the alien was you all along, Lysandre! AZ would be using either Xerneas or Yveltal to kick off the war between Earth and Moon, and would have to be stopped by the protags. Augustine would have whatever legendary AZ doesn’t have and show up in the finale along with Lysandre to stop him.
The protag friend group is basically in for the most “magical” Pokemon journey ever cause there’s Moon people and fairy tales(current Moonfolk royalty are descendants of Princess Kaguya from the fairy tale) and aliens and all this other fun stuff. Sometimes they’re helping Team Flare uncover an alien hoax(and unmasking whoever was trying to profit off of scaring people or stirring up trouble), sometimes they’re helping Professor Sycamore with Pokemon research(that also accomplishes some sort of Moonfolk goal on the side). Yes the kids find out Sycamore is an alien before Lysandre does.
Lysandre Labs and Lysandre Café have those names not because Lysandre has a big ego but because he’s really, really bad at coming up with clever names. So he slapped his last name on both of them with the promise to himself that he’d come up with something better later but then he forgot.
The traffic cone uniform for Team Flare actually came from Augustine. He wanted fellow undercover Moonfolk to see Team Flare coming from a mile away so he used his connections to Lysandre and some subterfuge to implement the uniform without anyone knowing. Lysandre came to HQ one day to find everyone in the uniforms and was deeply confused about where they came from. He has a reward available for anyone who can figure out how the uniform happened(with solid proof), but figures they were implemented for a reason so hasn’t changed them yet. Dress code isn’t enforced, but a lot of Team Flare’s members just think it’s fun to wear them and ham it up as much as possible while on the job.
Team Flare is actually pretty competent at their job most of the time(though they still can’t figure out that Augustine and Diantha are Moonfolk) and usually get called in when something weird is going on. They also keep tabs on social media and news so they can show up even before the public are aware that something’s up. Their science division is also working on better anomaly detection equipment. They end up proving that Ultra Beasts can appear outside of Alola.
Valerie isn’t an alien at all, she’s just really into cosplay. Team Flare keep having to tell people to shut up about Valerie because she’s not an alien and it’s really rude that they keep accusing her of that just cause they think she’s weird.
Olympia is also not an alien, but she’s a secret ally to the Moonfolk and helps them out on occasion. Also thinks it’s super funny that Lysandre hasn’t figured out that Sycamore is one of the Moonfolk yet.
Brinklehoff is named after the mnemonic for the 7 diatomic elements(BrINClHOF). It chose the name itself because it really liked the way it sounded and it loves hearing people say its name aloud. It also chose its own Poke Ball after it became friends with Lysandre, it picked a Dream Ball because the color was pretty.
The Moonfolk and Earthlings aren’t even separate species, they’re all humans. The Moonfolk just have their innate power awakened from the get-go while humans have to work to awaken theirs. All of humanity are aliens to varying degrees, but also not aliens cause if everyone’s an alien then there are no aliens.
Moonfolk were just regular Earth humans a long time ago(thousands of years ago) who were sent to the moon by Arceus to fulfill some arcane duty that would help protect Earth from outside threats. (Our moon is a protector, after all.) Their greatest protectors are given the title of Guardian Moon. AZ and his faction forsook their duties as protectors and instead made war on Earth because they saw earthlings as beneath them, only to be stopped by a combination of Moon and Earth forces. 
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