#danny may just end up as alfreds new son and assistant at the manor
voidlesscreator · 5 months
There's a boy in shards that just crashed through the kitchen window.
Normally Alfred would be on the defensive at an intruder, much less one that shattered the glass of the kitchen window and got glass everywhere. But he was caught off guard by how young the intruder looked and the fact that he had two crystal-like breaks where his legs and one arm used to be, with even more hairline and large cracks and breaks on the rest of him.
The boy(?) had tumbled into the polished floor and a bag of what looked to be green and black crystals fell out of his remaining arm, the boy himself looking around the kitchen almost frantically before stopping on Alfred.
"Help- please-" Was all the boy said before passing out on the floor, definitely injured but not bleeding. Alfred went over to the boy without much thought, assessing the amount of damage the boy had sustained.
It was bad given that the boy seemed to be made of the crystals and his three broken off limbs were in the bag of crystals just in multiple sections- Alfred thinks that he could see a pinkie finger and an index in the mess of shards.
After the quick assessment, Alfred got to work. He knew that Master Bruce and the children would be more concerned about where the crystal boy had come from before even attempting to piece him back together, but Alfred didn't think he would have to worry about that- so taking him to the servant quarters that were mostly unused except for his own room was the option he chose. Going into the laundry room to grab one of the clean sheets was the first thing he did, in order to gather the boy's pieces to easily transport them- Alfred could deal with putting him together once he got the boy to a better spot than the kitchen floor.
(During this time, Alfred wonders if the boy minded doing some housework or gardening- he seemed desperate to get away from something so maybe?)
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phantoms-lair · 3 years
BatFam Snippet: Vlad makes his move
"This suck." Tim groaned, flopping on the bed, then immediately regretting the action.
"Sprained ankles normally do," Danny said sympathetically. Maybe not so much for him now since he could heal really fast, but he'd gotten more than one pre-accident.
"Think of it as a sleepover. Young Danny shall be here should you require immediate assistance, and I of course will be one call should either of you require anything."
"We can handle it, Alfred." Tim smiled at him. "You'd better be on call for Bruce." Not that Bruce tended to need the help, but he knew Alfred worried over him the way Bruce worried over them.
"Bold of you to assume I can't do both." Alfred said with a small grin.
"Did he just meme?" Danny whispered to Tim.
"The world will never know." Tim whispered back.
It was half past two in the morning. Wayne Manor was dark, the sole awake inhabitant down in the Batcave providing intel to Batman.
Vlad didn't know that last part. All he knew was everyone appeared to be asleep. And that all he needed. He flew through the rooms until he found the one where both boys were sleeping. Perfect. His shield was a very useful power. He normally just used it to deflect attacks, but it had other applications as well. Pink spread from the door as he formed a shield around the room, trapping the boys inside.
One of them, Tim Drake, the known one, shot awake. He grabbed a lamp off the nightstand and chucked it at Vlad, who just phased through it harmlessly.
"Existing heirs are a problem." Vlad said smoothly. "One I've found is best dealt with by using said heir as my vessel and taking the blame. the removal of my target and all other heirs.
"Try it," Tim snarled, grabbing a crutch like a weapon.
"Oh I will, but not on you. The emotionally volatile and antisocial new adoptee makes a better case for snapping and killing everyone. Besides," Vlad eyed the crutch and bandage around Tim's ankle. "Some might call into question the feasibility of someone who can barely stand going on a killing spree."
Vlad pulled the blanket off the remaining boy, expecting him to still be asleep. He didn't expect the glowing eyes glaring back at him. He barely had time to whisper "Daniel?" before his world lit up green.
"Cool," Tim said simply as he saw his foster brother's ghost form for the first time.
Danny was breathing heavily, for all he didn't need to. This was it. He had been found. No matter how this ended, he was going to have to face whatever waited for him in Amity Park.
"So this is where you've been. Daniel you know if you wanted to be adopted by a millionaire all you had to do was ask."
"Bite me." Danny snarled.
"Yeah, this explains so much of your issues." Tim added dryly.
Vlad ignored them. "This does put a wrinkle in my plan. I can't very well have my heir and future adopted son take the blame for this, but young Timothy is injured. Ah well, 'The Butler did it' may be a cliché, but in this case a useful one."
"You want to use Alfred to kill Bruce?" Tim felt a deep current of rage run through him. Villains he was used to, but the very thought of forcing Alfred to kill the man who was basically his son? This man, he was just sick.
"And of course I'll save the day rescuing Daniel and bringing him back to his Mother, making myself a hero in her eyes.
"Newsflash Vlad, she doesn't want me back," Danny said bitterly.
"Oh course she does. Once it's the three of us, as it was always meant to be-"
"It's going to be one of you if you put Danny and yourself in that sadistic wanna-be scientist's hands." Tim snarked.
Vlad had mostly ignored Tim, but that changed as he flew into a rage, his hands around Tim's neck. "Do not DARE speak of Madelyn that way in my presence!"
Tim had plenty to say about what he thought of a woman who'd prefer her son dead rather than having to admit she was wrong about being a bigot, but the hands crushing his throat prevented any of them from leaving his mouth.
"Leave him alone!" Danny leaped onto Vlad's back and slammed a ectoplasmic stinger into him. Danny hated using that power, hated the feeling of electricity under his skin and what it reminded him of. But it would flow against foreign ectoplasm and disrupt it, so it was his best chance. Vlad dropped Tim with a cry of alarm as the pink shield fell.
Alfred burst into the room with a shotgun in hand. He took barely a second to assess the situation, taking in the two ghosts fighting, as well as the hand shaped marks on Tim's throat, before he aimed the gun at Vlad. "Master Bruce should arrive in about four minutes time. But for now, Young Danny, please get Master Tim out of here."
Alfred could see Danny doing some quick calculations of his own before coming to a conclusion, likely that Masters would be far more interested in the two of them to care one wit about Alfred himself, before grabbing Tim and flying through the nearest wall.
Good lad. He hadn't wanted either boy to see this, and it was a small mercy Master Bruce would be arriving to late to.
"I'm quite afraid that your time terrorizing others is at an end." Alfred clicked the safety off.
Vlad laughed. "A gun. You bring a mere gun against a god?" He spread his arms, giving a clear shot.
Alfred knew Vlad was assured that he didn't know his true capabilities. A foolish thing after now knowing he'd been in contact with Danny. Perhaps he assumed Danny wouldn't say anything of their shared state out of fear, in which case he was wrong.
He knew Masters, or Plasmius as he currently styled himself, could turn intangible and the bullet would pass through him. He knew getting hit by a slug or cartridge would do little damage at all to a halfa's ghost form and could easily be healed in very little time. He knew all this, and still he fired.
The shotgun gave a single quick retort and Plasmius fell from the air, red mixing with green that oozed out of the gaping wound in his chest.
"How?' He asked in a strangled voice, not enough strength left to stand.
"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure." Alfred admitted. "There are many sources and stories, so I hedged my bets, as it were. Hollow point shells made of Nth metal, purified salt densely packed in the tip, and extract of Blood Blossoms mixed with holy water. In truth I couldn't tell you which component or combination there of is responsible. But it works, and that's enough for now." Alfred reloaded the shotgun, but there was no need.
Vlad 'Plasmius' Master would never threaten another life, another child, again.
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