#think land of the lustrous type
voidlesscreator · 5 months
There's a boy in shards that just crashed through the kitchen window.
Normally Alfred would be on the defensive at an intruder, much less one that shattered the glass of the kitchen window and got glass everywhere. But he was caught off guard by how young the intruder looked and the fact that he had two crystal-like breaks where his legs and one arm used to be, with even more hairline and large cracks and breaks on the rest of him.
The boy(?) had tumbled into the polished floor and a bag of what looked to be green and black crystals fell out of his remaining arm, the boy himself looking around the kitchen almost frantically before stopping on Alfred.
"Help- please-" Was all the boy said before passing out on the floor, definitely injured but not bleeding. Alfred went over to the boy without much thought, assessing the amount of damage the boy had sustained.
It was bad given that the boy seemed to be made of the crystals and his three broken off limbs were in the bag of crystals just in multiple sections- Alfred thinks that he could see a pinkie finger and an index in the mess of shards.
After the quick assessment, Alfred got to work. He knew that Master Bruce and the children would be more concerned about where the crystal boy had come from before even attempting to piece him back together, but Alfred didn't think he would have to worry about that- so taking him to the servant quarters that were mostly unused except for his own room was the option he chose. Going into the laundry room to grab one of the clean sheets was the first thing he did, in order to gather the boy's pieces to easily transport them- Alfred could deal with putting him together once he got the boy to a better spot than the kitchen floor.
(During this time, Alfred wonders if the boy minded doing some housework or gardening- he seemed desperate to get away from something so maybe?)
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syneilesis · 9 months
[fic] if only for a moment
if only for a moment
Love and Deepspace | Rafayel (Qi Yu) x Main-Character!Reader | T | 3.6k words | ao3 link (with correct formatting)
Rafayel waits. And waits. And waits.
A/N: Another LaD fic!! This time it's Rafayel. Several elements of this fic are inspired by and loosely based on his story anecdotes and bond story, plus that Deep Sea card line backdrop. So more spoilers in this one, I'm afraid. I think you need to be aware of them in order to follow the flow of the fic. But if not, here's what you need to know: basically Rafayel accepts a visiting professorship at the University of Linkon to reunite with the MC/you. And the prose poetry interspersed are loosely situated in the Deep Sea card lineup setting (you can search in YouTube for the scenes. This one is a brief glimpse of the scene). That princess/knight(??) dynamic is yum yum.
If possible, please read the version on AO3. I formatted the prose poems there as if they're really prose poetry, so I'd appreciate it if you check that out. (Though there isn't too much difference between the formatting here and there, I did make the effort of coding a little 🥺)
Anyhoo, hope you enjoy, and I am sO STOKED FOR THE OFFICIAL RELEASE. rip my wallet 💸😭
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There’s a type of berry in a distant land that produces a rare shade of ink that matches the color of your eyes. It takes a hundred of them to create the right hue and volume for the art that he wants to make. It comes to him in a dream: endless desert, then fireworks of verdant sparks that coalesce into stem, leaf, and, finally, fruit. Rafayel remembers that land, so much different from the iridescent blue of ocean underwater, and the acrid gold of the barren desert. His mouth filled with the succulent sweetness of the dream, the lingering sandpaper roughness of the berries on his fingers. He already knows the name of the artwork even before he’s begun—Waiting, Missing. The ache in his bones gaining form, an intangible thing taking flesh.
Under the ocean surface, time is muted, a deafening thickness that surrounds you with its ambiguity. On land, however, it is linear, and fast, and in a matter of blinks, Rafayel’s visiting professorship nearly wraps up.
He’s only glimpsed you once or twice. Thrice at most. The university is big, but not big enough to warrant a dearth of fateful encounters. The first time he saw you it was at a coffee shop: walking along with your friends outside, your voice mellifluous and festive wafting through the trellis of the café entrance. You were talking about him—well, about Lemuria to be specific, but these days any talk of Lemuria inevitably draws in his name.
He’s committed your schedule to memory, and yet it just seems impossible to capture a moment with you. Even just a brush of shoulders, or of sleeves—an asymptote of contact. Just navigating around your orbit, but never truly meeting.
What would it be like—finally talking to you? You in front of him, face to face? Rafayel imagines the ache of waiting fading into the background until it’s completely gone. He yearns for that feeling, the release of it. A conclusion—or maybe even a beginning.
i. take my hand, he told you under the glow of the lustrous moon, the only source of light that contoured the secretive valleys of his face. i want to show your highness something. there was a country, he said, beyond the undulating monochrome of the desert, blanketed by lush trees and shrubberies and flowers that buildings were made in betwixt and around them—a nation of trailing and winding architecture, a marriage of the natural and the manmade. you wanted to ask why he’d planned on taking you there, and the only answer you got was a curt turn of his head and the profile of a masked man layered by shadows and distance. it would have been nice, you thought, if the moon poured light upon his hooded gaze.
Eventually he begins to frequent the café. Twice a week at first—he doesn’t want to come off strong right away, of course—and then making his way up until he’s hanging out there more than his own studio. He schedules his visits around your classes, always during the ones when the probability of you dropping by the café is high and he can ‘coincidentally’ be around the same area. It’s gotten to a point that Thomas calls him out on it, and nags at him to focus more on his painting. The next exhibit is immediately after his visiting professorship after all.
“From where I’m standing,” Thomas says, “you’re not painting at all.”
Rafayel ignores him.
Five minutes later, he says, “Not painting is part of the painting process.”
Thomas rolls his eyes, but he leaves him to it.
At the café, Rafayel attracts curious looks. A few attempt to approach him, but he pretends not to see them. They linger around the periphery, like moths to flame.
And then something happens: the entrance door chimes, and you swan into the coffee shop, earphones and denim overall skirt, the kind of rosy-cheeked image Rafayel finds on teen magazines, wide-eyed and earnest. You fall in line and order when it’s your turn, and your eyes sweep across the packed café searching for a vacant seat until they finally land on him.
Rafayel’s heart stumbles.
Up close, the baby fat on your cheeks still gives you the appearance of being younger than you actually look. You turn a polite smile his way, and his heart stutters again—but this time it is taken as a warning.
“Hi,” you say, tentative. Any hint of recognition absent. “Do you mind if I sit here?”
ii. you're counting the steps of your inevitable parting. you're at the edge of the desert, far away from your home and its familiar scents, oriented towards a direction that promised a future sad memory, the gentle warmth of his hand, the downward denial of his gaze. this longing that grew out of your bones, aching during cold, aching during heat, aching when he looked at you with such tenderness he had to hide it through the sharp tug of your joined hands, the long strides that opened up a lonely distance. intimacy was dangerous, knowing was dangerous, the bowels of his heart like a solitary flower on a high peak. what would you do to such loneliness?
Memory isn't always an infallible thing. The human brain cannot hang on to every moment of your life, though Rafayel wishes it were so. But still—to think that you would forget him, and it hasn’t even been a century. You were like a phantom thief stealing his heart in the night—no recourse, no resolution.
To wait is to be in agony, the burn of yearning locked within the heart. Rafayel has been waiting for a long time, and the only memory scorched in his heart is fire, the blaze and its blinding, all-consuming want.
What would you do to such want?
You have a blurry childhood, Rafayel discovers. After the first Wanderer descended on Earth, the incident strummed your memories like a stringed instrument that tired of the same chord, over and over. It had bothered you at first—not being in control of your own memories—but eventually you had learned to live with it.
“Grandma and Caleb—my childhood friend—helped me through the process,” you tell him, stirring your iced mocha with its straw. “I owe them a lot.”
Eyes cast down, but still the melancholy shadows remain in your expression. Rafayel folds his arms on the table, and leans closer.
Around them only a few people occupy the coffee shop at this time. How fortunate for Rafayel to catch you during your break while every other student is trapped in class lectures.
“There’s no use in dwelling upon what's already happened. Even sharks have to give up when their prey escapes. When you remember, it will be all the more joyous, no?”
The smile you give him is crooked, disbelieving.
“If I remember.”
“You’ll remember.” Because there’s no other choice, for you and for him. Rafayel cannot bear being shelved in the history of your smile and happiness. Waiting can only be endurable if there’s an endpoint.
In his studio, Rafayel begins his next painting.
iii. the berries tasted sweet, with an edge of sourness that clung to the bottom of the tongue. it had the exact shade of your eyes, a detail that rafayel brought up the moment he plucked it from the shrub. raising it to align with your eyes, comparing them with his artist's meticulous gaze. maybe when this is all over, i'll go back here again to extract ink from these berries, and paint a portrait of your highness using these to color your eyes. he never showed you any of his paintings, merely mentioned them in passing, and you constructed a dream of him from the throwaway words that left his covered lips. i'm not used to sitting for so long, you reminded him, and he glanced at you, then at the berry between his fingers. my memory is enough, then handed you the fruit.
In the few weeks of meeting with you Rafayel forgets that his visiting professorship is ending soon and he has to give out his last lecture. Thomas had asked him what his topic would be. At that point Rafayel had no answer. But now he has.
“I’ve been hearing you talk about Lemuria every now and then with your friends.” He props his cheek on his hand, tilting his head slightly and giving you a charming smile. “Interested?”
You blink. “How did you know?”
“Oh, I’ve seen you a couple of times here, and I happened to hear your friends chat about my lecture. Your points were almost accurate, I’m in awe.”
“The visiting professor—that’s you?!”
Rafayel pauses, the slosh of his drink nearly spilling on his frozen hand.
“You didn’t know?”
Sheepish, you say, “Honestly, I didn’t make the connection. Is that why plenty of people have been glaring at me as of late?”
He releases a frustrated sigh, eyes rolling heavenward.
“In any case, my final lecture is on Friday next week. It’s titled “Memory and Meaning in Lemurian Art”. Why don’t you drop by and listen, and you can tell me what you think afterwards.”
You retrieve your bullet journal to check your schedule. It’s colorful, filled with stickers and doodles that Rafayel finds endearing. Then the excited moue on your face drops into a frown, and Rafayel can foresee the next words that will come out of your downturned lips.
“I’m sorry,” you say guiltily, “but I have a major test that day, and I need to get a high score in order to pass the course.”
Rafayel exhales, long and weary, but ultimately shrugs off the apology. “What a shame, but I forgive you. Just don’t fail your exam or else my magnanimity would be all for nothing.”
He calls Thomas that night.
“I’ll disappear for a while once the professorship is over.”
“Hey, wait, what do you me—”
“You’ll be happy to know that this is for my next painting.”
A beat. “Okay … but for how long?”
“That’s the question, isn’t it?”
Then he hangs up.
He’s trying, he really does. The lecture ends to a resounding applause, and it’s mechanical how he answers the questions posed by the audience. But he’s trying, he’s trying. There’s no specter of you in the sea of faces in the auditorium. You’re at the other end of the university compound, sweating your way through your exam. He genuinely hopes you’d pass, for your sake.
Thomas had booked his flight to another country, where he’ll traverse to a land that he’d visited many times in his dreams and had woken up with a filmy, sweet-sour tang at the roof of his mouth. He’ll leave the morning after the closing dinner party the faculty has prepared for him. There isn’t time to pack much, and no time to tell you goodbye.
Rafayel guesses that it’s only fair: how would you feel waiting for him at that café, the chair across you empty, only the sunlight pooling from the window as your companion?
iv. parting, somebody once said, is such a sweet sorrow. much like those berries in that ever-green nation, a lingering sourness remained underneath, the sting of it reminding you every now and then. he was already mourned for even before he left. tell me what it's like—the ocean. he was elusive, untouchable in his grief. you'd heard through whispers, the story of his migration, the drowning before the drying, the unwanted journey. grief brought him to you and grief would steal him away from you, you knew, down to the cells of your body and the hopelessness in your blood. —and yet. and yet you wanted to have a taste of it, anyway.
The ever-green land is no longer green, or lush, or alive. Time corroded it into memory, sepia-faded, wizened. Past. The berries he’s searching for don’t grow here anymore. Everything here is empty, barren, helplessly so.
Rafayel hasn’t accounted for such development, but he should have known. Disappointment stings at his chest, and bitterly he turns away and stays at the next town over. At a family-run restaurant situated near the outskirts, he looks over the wide windows, across the highway road, beyond the jagged horizon. The painting won’t be finished, then. Another tragedy, pressed flat next to the forgetting, to the waiting, and his home.
The chef personally serves him his order and, after a shuffle of hesitation, brings up a question.
“Young man, you came from the direction of the old country, yeah?”
Rafayel meets his inquisitive gaze. “Yes, why?”
“It’s been a while since we had someone visiting that place. There’s nothing in there anymore, it’s been that way for years. Why did you go there?”
Rafayel is reluctant to say, but at the guileless set of the older man’s face, he concedes.
“I was looking for berries. The ones native there. They produce a shade that I need for my painting.”
At the mention of the fruit, the chef’s expression lights up. “Oh! I see, I see. You’re in luck, son. We grow them here at the farm. Plenty of those for everyone. How about I give you some? It’s rare meeting someone who still remembers the old country, it’s almost fate. How many did you say you need?”
Fate. Just like the time of your first meeting, as if the universe had gifted you to him. Just like the time of your parting, of your forgetting, of his waiting. Fate as a connection from you to him, red and burning brightly.
He doesn’t want to seem eager, but he knows he’s failed from the way the chef toothily grins at him.
“A hundred or so.”
The chef falters at that, jerking slightly back. But he accepts it with a nod, an avuncular smile making its way across his kind, powdery features.
“That sure is a huge number, but I think we can work something out.”
His painting takes a month to complete, inclusive of the time spent making the ink from the acquired berries. Sometimes, Thomas watches him paint, quiet in the background. His stays usually don’t last—a quick flash that Rafayel nearly misses, or deliberately ignores. But during the final stages of the painting process, Thomas hands him the exhibit details.
“I’m just thankful you’re on time for this one.” He sighs, relieved, then leaves.
Alone, Rafayel creates. Brushstroke after careful brushstroke, each varying by pressure and angle. He lets each layer of paint dry before moving onto the next. The berry ink—the color of your eyes—the solely different element of this painting. Center, central. The focal point. The beating heart. The years and years of waiting and longing. The form and the flesh. Alive.
This, too, is an endpoint.
v. can i see your face, just this once? your hands grazed his mask like a ghost wanting to touch. rafayel stayed still beneath your desirous fingers, observing, waiting, his own fingers twitching towards his dagger. even in the parting he could not let go of this distance. hopeless, hopeless. your highness would get nothing out of seeing my face. he's wrong, his eyes never left your face, and he's wrong. he didn't stop you from your grasping of his mask, and him—finally—bare and beautiful yet a little sad. you're wrong, you said, tracing his slightly parted lips with a trembling finger, you're wrong. it is everything to me.
The gallery is packed. No surprise there. It’s almost boring, in a way. Waiting, Missing hangs at the farthest hall in the floor, special and intimate as it should be. Thomas knows him well; otherwise, Rafayel would have whined at him to hell and back just so he could be granted this demand that is in reality a mandate.
He’s hiding from the throngs of journalists and art critics alike and sequesters himself in a corner that has a clear view of the painting. Loosening his collar and tie, Rafayel breathes and closes his eyes, leans tiredly against the wall. A few more minutes, and he’ll slink out of the building, reputation be damned.
He melts into the shadows whenever somebody passes by. He has neither time nor energy interacting with people today. Watching them through half-mast eyes, Rafayel stays in his secret place and studies with weightless detachment the people looking at the painting.
He’s made a bet with himself about the opinions of his followers and admirers. Who thinks what and why. It makes for great entertainment. The last time, a fresh-faced critic praised Rafayel’s technique as “innovative and a soul-rending reflection of the prodigy’s character.” He had laughed and laughed for hours until he couldn’t breathe any longer.
Another walks by, and before Rafayel retreats further into the corner, he glimpses a familiar gait and a familiar face.
His heartbeat races. He’s never told you that he’s holding an exhibit today. After the professorship Rafayel failed to maintain communication with you, convincing himself that it’s for the best that he protect you from afar that day onwards. It didn’t help that he had to leave as well. At the same time, you never made an effort of reaching out, and Rafayel thought that it was back to square one again, that waiting, that yearning.
But here you are right now, elegantly dressed, like someone gliding out of a dream. Rafayel swallows, his hands shake. You do not have someone else with you, and your eyes are brightly focused on Waiting, Missing, and for a fleeting moment your expression flickers into longing, strange and old and battered and sad, that it compels Rafayel to take a step forward—to you.
The curious look vanishes; left no traces in your delighted face, as if it wasn’t there in the first place. “Rafayel!” you exclaim. “Long time no see! Congratulations on the exhibit; these are all beautiful.”
Outwardly he smirks, belying the torrential emotions he’s currently going through. He cants his head a little, works his charm on you. “Impressed? No need to hold back your compliments.”
Laughter, prismatic and crystalline. “Yes, yes. Especially this one—Waiting, Missing. What an interesting title. At the center, what paint did you use?”
Ah. Rafayel inhales before answering. “It’s actually ink. I had to make it from a hundred berries. It was a tedious process, but I wouldn’t use anything else. It has to be this, you see.”
“Whoa, no wonder you’d been radio silent all this time. You were creating this masterpiece.”
He hums, afraid that, if he speaks, he’d reveal too much.
“Well …” You throw a playful glance at him. “Shouldn’t we celebrate your success?”
His breath catches. “I—”
Before he manages to finish the sentence, a journalist calls out to him and that summons plenty more, swarming him with no chance of escape. It pushes you out of his peripheral vision, and Rafayel wants to shout your name, but you smile and gesture at him to entertain them first. You mouth, I’ll be back, and wander around other paintings some more.
When he finally succeeds in shaking the journalists off, he seeks you out and stumbles upon you near the exit, where there’s fewer people to pile on him.
“Excellent,” he says, sidling up beside you. You turn to him and smile, and there’s that lightning-flash of something again. For one unbelievably surreal instant, Rafayel thinks that despite your hazy memories, maybe you’d been waiting for him all this time, too.
And that thought emboldens him, moving closer and closer until your bodies almost touch. An asymptote of contact. But this time, he has mustered the courage to close that unbridgeable gap.
Rafayel offers you his hand. “Let’s get out of here?”
You stare at his hand then at his face, his eyes, and a meaningful moment stretches between you and him. But even before the idea of retracting enters his mind, you grab his hand joyfully, grinning ear to ear. His heart warms, full with everything.
You squeeze his hand, ready to go. “Lead the way, then!”
vi. a kiss is a greeting and a goodbye, and rafayel tasted of ferocious tides even if you'd seen them only in dreams. his eyes closed, as though savoring his last moments with you, guarded till the bitter end. would that i could ask you to stay—with me. but he shook his head—a final rejection. maybe in another life. there was nobody to watch you cry, in the after.
Rafayel is working on a new painting—a portrait this time. The model squirms on his couch, obvious about the discomfort of posing for too long. He huffs a laugh to himself, hidden by the canvas strategically placed between them.
“I heard that,” you grumble.
“Shush, you’re breaking my concentration.”
“If that already breaks your focus then I pity the rest of the art community.” A beat, then: “Is it done?”
“Patience, my dear muse. You need endure it a little more.”
“Hmph, fine. But after this you’re treating me to an all-you-can-eat buffet.”
“All right, all right.” He shakes his head, fond. “My muse, so demanding.”
Something sweet touches the edge of his tongue, succulent with a hint of tartness. Like longing. Except now, it’s layered with something new and exciting. Something like a new beginning.
In the far distance, the sea murmurs, lit fire by the setting sun.
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arkus-rhapsode · 7 months
Manga Recommendation: Tower Dungeon
So looks like Arkus Rhapsode is here to recommend another fantasy manga after the last one. So this time we're going for a bit of a different flavor with the series Tower Dungeon by by Tsutomu Nihei who you may know as the creator of Blame! and Knights of Sidonia.
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Now I've known about this series for a bit even though it is relatively new. Having only started last year in Monthly Shonen Sirius. But I remember its announcement from people like Manga Mogul and hearing Makoto Yukimura (Author of the incredible Vinland Saga) recommending it. Now I always loved Sword and sorcery so I was gonna read it eventually, but it just wasn't translated. However, now being able to read the available chapters, I can say this is a very different type of fantasy series.
The premise is very basic: An evil sorcerer has killed a nation's king and kidnapped a Princess and now the royal knights need to ascend the "Dragon Tower" to save her. One battalion has conscripted a young man named Yuva for assisting troops medically has found he has impressive strength. Now Yuva must strengthen himself for the journey ahead as they explore the deadly tower.
Now like all simple premise stories, the real strength is in execution. And unlike the other fantasy series I've talked about before which have bucked the trend of "RPG fantasy" be leaning more into a traditionalist fantasy stories a la Tolkien, this goes for the more realist fantasy of something like Berserk or Dark Souls.
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The world of Tower Dungeon may have things like magic and dragons, but it is a dingy, dirty, and lacks any frills. Knights wear heavy armor and people are covered in blood and scars from their adventures.
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The mighty Dragon Tower itself? The most iconic thing about this series and the basis of the adventure? Looks like this. This isn't an opulent tower, this is a massive imposing structure where monsters dwell.
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However, unlike some grim dark or edgy fantasies, this world isn't indulgent in its darkness. The violence and death are never cool or cheap. They are simply the way the world is. Even when magic exists, the world is still like Medieval Europe and all the "joys" that come from it.
The people as well are similar. These aren't romanticized or polished fantasy archetypes that often come with the idea of a Dungeons and Dragons style adventure, these feel like average joes plucked off the streets having to do a job. If you are say a fan of something like Chainsaw Man, this sort of post modern emphasis on people acting like regular weirdos and not some "anime characters." And I think that is something quite nice that even in a fantastical world, we can see our regular selves in them.
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But that's just the story, what about the art? Well if you've noticed this series does have a very minimalist style. Something similar to that of Land of the Lustrous or Chainsaw Man. These almost scratchy and not the most detailed designs that make use of their simplicity to create this very unique atmosphere.
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Creature designs themselves are less fantastical and more grody. Feeling as if they come from an off shoot of man rather than some majestic beast. Right down to the cat people.
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This series is still new and sadly hasn't been officially translated yet. I've had to use mangadex to read this, so my heart goes out to the translator team. I can understand that this may be a niche that's not for everyone, but its something that feels like such a good sign for fantasy as a genre. A genre that I think has somewhat been stagnated in popular belief with the greater emphasis on Urban Action manga and the reliance on escapist fantasy anime like isekai. To see a more dirty but down to earth take on the premise, I highly recommend it.
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Like stone
Author's Note: More of Ramiel in Living Waters AU. Thank you for @kit-williams for letting me borrow Angela (Arnault's Bonded) and Becky (non-canon name for Reader Insert Roland's Bonded). Also, thank you for letting me borrow Arnault. :) Thank you to @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Cedric.
Summary: Ramiel has decided to make a quiet celebration for himself and his fellow primaris brothers and cousins to celebrate being on Ancient Terra for a while. He asks for Angela and Becky's help.
Warnings: None. let me know if I need to add anything.
Past =-= Next
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
A few weeks later Ramiel is helping gather supplies to trade with Angela and Backerin, Arnault and Roland's Bonded. He had seen, and been impressed by the quilt that Angela had made for Cedric. It was also waterproof and comfortable to the touch. 
He double checks that he has enough to trade for something so valuable and is only a little nervous as he approaches them, popping his head out of the water. He had also heard Cedric and Roland talk about bread, and how tasty it was when Backerin made it. 
He double checks the amount of pearls, of various Sizes and colors, as well as the Neat Rocks in various colors, as well as grabbing some Sea Glass. He also has some intact, empty of a critter in the sea shells of various sizes and colors. Each type of trade goods is in a different pouch so that they don't damage each other in transit. He calls out to the pair of human women who turn and smile brightly at him.
“Hello ma’ams,” Ramiel says as he activates his flying ability and carefully lands within easy speaking range of them. 
“Hello there Ramiel,” Backerin says with an easy smile as she looks at him.
It had been a few months Since the first few times she had met the younger Black Templar mer. He wasn't as shy as Cedric could be, and is a very good listener. 
“I have a request and something to give in trade,” Ramiel says as he rummages around in a satchel at his hip.
“Oh?” Both women ask, terribly curious.
“Yes, I saw the blanket that Miss Angela made, and it's lovely,” Ramiel says,  “I have pearls and rocks for trade, but I was wondering if you would be willing to make another one?”
He would like it if he could trade them for the goods. Knowing that artistry for the blanket, means it will take a while to create. Also, freshly baked goods, at least from what he's heard, are really good. 
“What scene would you want on the quilt?” Angela asks with a slight hum as she looks through the pouches of shells, pearls, preserved fish, and neat rocks.
“An ocean scene with a cave and an island, Astartes big,” Ramiel responded after a few moments of thought. “It’s not pressing, as I know that Quality work, like what you do takes a while- and you are likely really busy with other things-”
“I think that an ocean background with a cave and an island would look lovely,” Angela says- cutting him off a little. As she had gotten to know the Primaris Black Templar- she had learned he had a tendency to overthink things, and sometimes talk himself out of something if she, or someone else didn’t make him pause for a moment.
Roland’s beloved bonded human, Becky asks him, “What kind of bread and pastries are you wanting, Ramiel?”
“Sourdough- it’s so good,” Ramiel says, “And to try some of the sweet pastries as well.”
Becky hums a little as she goes through the pouches- only grabbing some of the pearls, they are so lustrous and pretty. Besides- he’s one of Rolands little brothers- one of the few that doesn’t treat him with hostility for… Space Marine Reasons. 
She’d heard Roland and Arnault speaking in a blend of Space mer and English about how they were- almost giddy, and worried, at meeting Ramiel- A Chaplain, whatever that meant, who’d been so open about meeting Bonded brothers.
And without the Judgement and passionate, fiery brimstone and damnation that most would inflict on them. Ramiel had just wanted to know if they were happy. His older brothers and the Bonded Humans. 
Becky asked Ramiel to follow her to her Bakery and watched as he peered down at the various treats with a hungry almost puppy-like curiosity on his face. She tried not to laugh, his expression and mannerisms reminded her very much of Roland at times. 
Ramiel is more openly expressive, likely due to his younger age- or so Roland says. Honestly, her bread fiend would happily stuff himself full of bread until he was almost sick if she didn’t stop him. 
Seeing Roland’s faux-innocent expression as he rapidly chews the bread, his cheeks stuffed full, almost like a chipmunk with their mouth full of nuts. Honestly. That man. At least Ramiel was more polite about it and tried to take smaller bites as he expressed his delight and joy at her baking.
He’d try to sneakily give her more pearls, Neat Rocks, and shells when she wasn’t looking. Sometimes she’d pretend she didn’t see him as he did it, a sneaky little grin would cross his face when she’d exclaim in delight at finding the little gifts.
Becky had gotten it out of Ramiel that he’d started planning a picnic for himself and his squad of brothers- their being on Ancient Terra together for six months would be happening soon and he wanted to celebrate the fact that they were all safe, relatively happy and whole.
It seemed like a sweet sentiment and she’d told him as such, his ears had gone bright red at that, which had her hiding a smile behind one of her hands. Angela had said that she’d try to get the quilt done before that six month mark.
Ramiel had reassured her that if it took longer, then he’d talk to his brothers about the picnic to celebrate at a later date and time for a slightly different reason. Angela had gently patted one of his hands at that, despite how nervous she could get around others sometimes, Arnault’s little brothers tried their best to not Seem Scary. Which could be quite the task with how big they are, how powerful their frames are, but they managed it at times.
A few months later Angela finished the requested quilt for Ramiel and had asked her beloved Arnault to let Ramiel know that his commission was completed and ready for pick up. Arnault had pressed a kiss to her lips and sent a message through his helmet communication device to send Ramiel a message.
Ramiel came by to pick up the waterproof quilt in two days, happy with how the quilt turned out, and insisted on giving her more pearls, shells and neat rocks, which she had protested that it hadn’t been that expensive to make, but like Cedric, had insisted that it was nearly priceless for the beauty of the created item.
He’d also gone to Becky to get a picnic basket full of bakery goodies- he’d also been making other foodstuffs for the picnic and had sent a non-urgent request to the rest of his brothers to join him at a low-key meeting.
Gratifyingly, his brothers and cousins replied swiftly and they joined him, noticing the new quilt and the baskets filled with foodstuffs he gave them all a smile and gesture for them to be seated and tells them.
“It’s been slightly more than six months since all of us reunited together on Ancient Terra,” Ramiel states, “And I thank the God Emperor and his infinite Mercy for sending us here. I am glad and grateful that we are whole, hale, healthy and hearty. Some of us have gotten into a better state of health, in one way or another, than from when we were… in the Before Times. I just wanted to celebrate this moment and give us a time to eat, drink, and be merry.”
“Aw, this is wonderful!” Jophiel says after a moment or two of silence, the first to respond to his words as he lunges forwards and wraps his arms around Ramiel. “I’m glad that we are all here, together, safe, and alive.”
“It is good that we are able to celebrate little moments like these,” Caitus says as he leans against Ramiel’s other side, wrapping an arm around his fellow Primaris Marine.
Claude nods and joins the impromptu hug pile, “I hope we are able to celebrate more moments like this in the future.”
Cedric is the last to respond as he gives Ramiel and the rest of them a hug, his hearts are full of emotion. Mostly good ones- he’d thought Ramiel would be lost to him, until he joined him in the embrace of the God Emperor’s light when he fell in battle. 
The hug pile remains that way for a little while longer before they let go and start to eat the feast of foods that Ramiel had prepared for them.
The flavors of the foods are delicious and they talk about everything and nothing and it’s nice to reflect on all that has happened, and wonder, with hope, what the future holds.
The rest of the squad helps Ramiel with cleaning up, waving away his protests stating that since he’d come up with the idea and gathered all of the supplies, that they were going to handle the clean up, which he’d reluctantly agreed to.
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luneariann · 1 year
Hey Lune, you got your username from Land of the Lustrous, right?
I was thinking about it and just had a thought:
Chuuya == Cinnabar
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Dazai == Phosphophylite
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Chuuya and Cinnabar are just too alike with their highly destructive abilities, but my only logic for Dazai is "Phos gets damaged a lot plus gay ships."
But yeah, just a cool thought I wanted to share because your user made me think of that awesome anime again ^^
OKOK SO!!! Since you said you weren’t that attached to Dazai being a Phosphophylite I thought him being a Lapis would actually be more fitting! Since they were known for in the manga for their immense intelligence curiosity, moral ambiguity and being generally hard to read! Which I feel fits him rly well!
As for Chuuya as Cinnabar yiure SO CORRECT, so I propose that he’s a weirdly mutated batch of it that actually has his poison (?) contained inside his body, in order to use it he actually needs to break, (like when he uses corruption cough cough) he’s the strongest fighter in their school and since he obviously wanted to protect everyone he would often abuse his ability, which is harmful because I’m order to use it he needs to literally break himself + the poison in of itself is corrosive and actively damages him everytime he uses it ASIDE from destroying everything around him!
It’s really effective for killing Lunerians but it also means he often shouldered the burden of protecting everyone alone because he rly can’t use it with people around him, and I imagine the others in the school would really look up to Chuuya as the strongest, kinda like they do Bort in canon! So they wouldn’t rly see this was harming him cuz he wouldn’t want them to know cuz he would feel this would be letting them down
Which is where Dazai comes in, I think he would originally not be a fighter type, I think he used to work at the school in research and strategy without actually being in the battle field, up until he encounters Chuuya and takes an interest in him bcz ofc he does. He’d be the first person to actually really see what’s going on with Chuuya overworking himself and breaking himself for the sake of the others, and I think he would step in by becoming Chuuyas partner, which Chuuya obviously wouldn’t want but we all know how persistent and cunning Dazai is so he somehow get his way
As for why he wanted to be Chuuyas partner in the first place? Because he wanted Chuuya to stop breaking himself and he knew that him being there achieved two things 1. Chuuya cannot use corruption because Dazai would be near him, and 2. Chuuya wouldn’t have to use corruption because Dazai would be there to come up with attack strategies on the fly
And this double black would be born!
(Also a fun side effect of Lapis Dazai is we get the red and blue symbolism back)
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Anyway tysm for this ask! It’s honestly been a rly fun au to think abt :)!!!
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alenchikova · 3 months
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Facts and headcanons about my version of Kodanth
Kodanth is a pure-blooded Gum-Gum, about the same age as Gunmar according to my headcanons, caught his arrival in the tribe.
He was an adviser under Orglak.
Sharp, sarcastic and tough, but he doesn't like senseless cruelty. An excellent warrior and incredibly smart, which is why he was an advisor. At one point, he returns to the camp with his troop and discovers that the leadership has changed.
For his ability to adapt to the situation and his skills, he became an advisor under Gunmar.
Kodanth did not approve of Gunmar's decision to ally himself with Morgana, as he did not see the point of trusting the man, but after the alliance was made, he was initially convinced that becoming head of the changelings was a reward. Until he, an adult formed troll, was thrown into a cauldron of this magical poison by Gunmar. Like, you have to be a changeling to lead changelings. The change feels like being broken in all the wrong places, doused with namalm and then acid. In my hedacanons, adult trolls endure the treatment many times worse and often die.
Kodanth is very patient with the cubs, Strickler's teaching talents are hereditary. And another thing about Strickler. Kodanth instantly realized that instead of a cub, he'd been given a small, scrawny teenager, but he didn't tell anyone about it, because the too old ones were being killed.
Kodanth protects his changelings to the last, even (especially) to his own detriment. There was a terrible famine in the Dark Lands, and Kodanth gave most of his share to the little changelings. For the last few centuries he never showed his face to the changelings when socializing, no one had to see him give up.
At the moment of welcome to the dark lands book, Kodanth escorted all the changelings to the surface.
He can't stand to be touched and often slouches in an effort to look smaller. Gunmar never touched him, but centuries of psychological abuse leave their mark.
He's not good at making excuses and he's not equipped to handle long periods of constant stress.
When he growls, he makes distinct crocodile noises mixed with those of a king cobra growl. He's got a crackly, gruff voice.
He's very curious.
Well educated by troll standards.
Kodantt is not comfortable on his own, but especially after the Dark Lands. He's only comfortable with his changelings.
Before entering the Dark Lands, he had his own library, the loss of which he greatly regrets. Possesses a near eidetic memory.
Kodanth is a relatively weak mage who taught everything he knew to his changelings.
His stone is orange calcite. A faintly lustrous and brittle material that glows in ultraviolet light.
Kodanth is one of the few troll species/types/etc who do not afraid of sunlight.
And a little bit about AU where he did kill Gunmar.
To make a long story short, the starting point was the "don't think" moment from the Welcome to the Dark Lands book.
In my AU, Kodanth, who has already realized that he and his Changelings are finished, kills his leader in a desperate fight for life.
Here is a small sketch on that AU.
He couldn't remember or understand where he had gotten the strength to do such a thing. A fragment of the glowing crystal that Kodanth used as a writing light hung from his right belt pocket. Kodanth could read other's body language well, and he understood Gunmar's intentions before he began to speak. He didn't want to die; death would come not only for him, but for the other Changelings as well, and there would be no one left between them and Gunmar. Kodanth's cloaked hand found the sharp, long crystal on his belt and took it carefully. He didn't move again, as if he'd already lost his will as he continued to make excuses. When the turquoise mist began to fold into the outline of the cursed blade, he struck. Abruptly, without swinging, severing the main vessels in a single motion. Kodanth saw the disbelief, the amazement in Gunmar's one wide-open eye as he jerked convulsively, trying to clamp down on the fatal wound, and struck him with the back of his blade. The orange Changeling, gaunt and therefore painfully light, flew aside, immediately rolling and regrouping. Kodanth froze at the ground, waiting. It was as silent as a grave, and the black sand that had been kicked up by his fall was crumbling onto the leader's slowly stony body. The drying purple blood glowed faintly. It was over. Kodanth rose to his feet and staggered to the body of the defeated warlord, clutching his cut side with his hand. He froze, listening to the sensations.
He pulled his free hand out from beneath his cloak and pressed his fingers sharply on something invisible. Dead turquoise mist enveloped his forearm, forming into the shape of a Decimaar Blade. And abruptly slid downward, severing the dead Gum-Gum's head from its body. There was a sharp metallic noise behind him. Kodanth turned jerkily, jerkily, the blade clutched in his blood-slick fingers shimmering predatorily.
"Long live the King!!!" — shouted the sentry at the top of his voice, attracted by the noise. He was echoed by a fellow sentry, sliding slowly toward the exit.
The story goes like this.
Codant, as the most extreme, is trying to put together: 1. Gum-Gums, which he suddenly now rules 2. The Trollmarket 3. The Changelings he's still responsible for. And not nailing anyone in the process or having a nervous breakdown. Somewhere behind is a Dictatious that can't be kicked out. It's fun for everyone in general.
In many ways, this au consists of Kodanth's attempts to combine incompatible things with less blood, to set the brains of those who fall under his hand and to find a mental balance. In addition, Kodanth is facing the problem of the changeling familiars, for Jim and crew want to bring them back to the human world, which threatens the changelings with death by sunlight and/or humans. Kodanth is very much against it and is busy finding a magical way to preserve abilities with the loss of the familiars. And let's not forget the attempts of the Changelings, the Trollhunters, Barbara, and just a hearty portion of the trolls to make Kodanth comfortable, who is obviously very uncomfortable.
Since Gunmar is dead in this AU, Usurna is responsible for freeing Morgana, who is completely uncomfortable with having a Changeling who has dirt on her. Eventually Kodanth kills Morgana, ending the Eternal night. I don't know yet about the Decimaar Blade and whether Kodanth will use it against Usurna, as he 100% dislikes the ability to take away willpower.
I am tagging you @yokuimmobylen becouse our art trade made me hightly motivated to show to the world my own version of Kodanth.
Thank you!!!
Wow. It's only been five years or so since I read book where he's from. I am such an anxiety person.
His voice starts on 1.25
It is literaly his main song lol
I named that hymn of the Changelings
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ssun-showerss · 4 months
lawsan + steven universe au!! // WCI spoilers
No concrete ideas of the specific gem they are, feel free to reply to this post with your ideas! Also a heads up that a bunch of these ideas are not SU-specific but rather from Land of the Lustrous, I've just ingrained both to be my gem au brain file and I can't differentiate some details anymore.
Law is a healer-type gem, a skillset passed down through generations of doctors. He never unlocks this skill in the traditional manner and has to navigate his powers without any professional support in the Donquixote household / with Corazon. His gem colours are yellow and black + the disease has left permanent white scarring on his gem and viltigo on his skin.
His gem placement is on the left of his chest, above the heart. It is well-hidden under most of his clothing. He has grown accustomed to limited sunlight exposure, making him function better than others in situation without sunlight but making him relatively frail otherwise.
Sanji is a lab-grown gem and manufactured to be a fighter-type gem model by Judge. For one reason or another, he doesn't come out as how Judge would like -- he's not brittle, sure, but he is not up to standard. By all means, he has the capacity of a regularly birthed gem.
As a lab-grown gem, he has an extremely well cut facet, which he uses to his advantage to trick people into letting him into high-end establishments. Reconnaissance!
His gem is deep blue, placement is on the back of his left hand.
For their meet-up, I can picture them being introduced while still stuck in their respective families. Judge and Doflamingo have their big fancy villain party and where Sanji and Law first see each other. They meet again years later, post-Corazon and post-Germa, both on the run. They team up because they have nowhere to go and think they'll be strong together.
Their first fusion is one forced in the chaos of battle. With no option left, they fuse and they crush everyone around, no witnesses.
Fusion is another tool at their disposal, they work hard to stabilise it. It's real valuable when people are looking for two people instead of one and they'll hit more than twice as hard if it comes to that.
Their fusion is characteristically tall, but their size is malleable. Their colours and predominantly gold and blue. As a fusion, their weapon is like a huge filet knife that can also set on fire.
Due to years of experience, they've stabilised themselves to appear normal -- the only anomaly is that they have 4 eyes, which are easily hidden under Law's hat.
FUSION DANCE! FUSION DANCE! Classical waltz let's go!
The inherent romance of knowing the other thoroughly and having the capacity to trust.
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reflingthefox · 6 months
Normal about pokemon again, but I don't think I've posted this one before.
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Sableyes are cool and neatly colored, with all those ruby crystals. Now what if sableyes changed their colors and traits depending on their preferred gem?
This train of thought somehow ended up with this girl, who's undergone some Land-of-the-Lustrous transformation and has like three separate types of gems affecting her body. Don't really plan to make her a story, but she exists as aesthetic OC still.
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phyriaxi · 9 months
Another ask separate from my rq, are there any artists or other influences that have inspired your art that you'd like to share?
ohh boy, this is definitely a question I can ramble about (apologies in advance for the long text!!)
Short Answer (a list of lasting artistic influences):
Movies/animanga: How to Train Your Dragon, Avatar (not ATLA, sorry) , Evangelion, Pinch Point (by VLANCAT), Land of the Lustrous, Tower of God, CSM, Tokyo Ghoul, 86 EIGHTY-SIX
Games: Arknights, Cytus II (rip art team..), Honkai Impact 3rd, Destiny 2
artists/illustrators/animators: Shilin, Ishida Sui, yasutatsu, WOOMA, par0llel, suzumesakiii, Dino_illus, liduke, ligton1225, Curie Lu, 96yottea, many many others... I could write nearly every Arknights illustrator as well and still not be satisfied ..
Music: classical music, Ado, KIVA, Eve (the MVs..!), i think i need to stop listing things now because it'll never end
Long Answer (rambling):
when it comes to art, i am definitely inspired by other visual artists, but i am also very inspired by the world around me as well as creators of other types of media. i'm extremely lucky to have grown up in a lively, diverse city with a wonderfully creative family, so the art and music of my family and environment plays a large part in my artistic preferences!! Something I have really wanted to integrate more deeply into my art is the contrast between new and old, grungy and refined... it reflects a lot of the conflicts that make up what I consider to be "me." Also, I just really like the vibe of chaotic industrial zones and rusty metal combined with a shining city in the distance, lol.
Regarding particularly influential media: pretty much anyone who's taken a glance at my blog will know immediately that Arknights is one of my biggest influences. it's basically all i draw nowadays... whenever I'm not thinking about Responsibilities and Adult Life i'm usually thinking about either Arknights or Ado (<3).
before Arknights, I spent a long time drawing fanart and fan-characters inspired by How to Train Your Dragon. Both the visual and musical aspects of that series still have a very dear place in my heart, even if I don't engage much with the community anymore. I actually only really started drawing not-dragons about 3 or 4 years ago at this point. Something I have been thinking about a lot recently is how I can go back to drawing more creatures alongside my humanoid subjects, since it's not something I've done very much recently.
Gradually I began to find more friends in the art community, and I think I'm very influenced by those people as well! It isn't a competition, of course, but being around people who are also pushing to improve is a big motivator when I am feeling low on passion. "I want to stand together with them at the top of world one day", is how I often feel. I really want to work on a collaborative project with other artists someday as well. Trying to build my skill is partially because I want to better express my ideas, but also because I want to inspire and be inspired by other creators. :D I think my art has been evolving at a pretty good pace recently because of these motivators.. the friends and regulars (including you, burstfoot!!) that visit my blog regularly here really motivate me too!!
and lastly, I'm at a point in my life where I feel that if I can't get this art thing off the ground, I will probably have to give up on pursuing it properly soon... so it's partially desperation that is inspiring me to change and try new ways of expression as well :,]
[ thank you for the ask!! ]
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which characters from other fiction do you think it would interest you the most to see different Monogatari Series characters meet?
that's a hell of a question. i can't say ive thought much about crossovers in... any context, but i can try to answer.
my first thought is Ginko from mushishi, because i consider that and the monogatari series to be similar works in a few ways -- if you gave me some time and had asked, i could probably come up with the argument that they're set in the same universe, albeit with a hundred or so years of time between them. i would be particularly interested in seeing Ginko in conversation with monogatari's specialists. i think his very scientific perspective wrt the nature of mushi/oddities would clash against Oshino's spirituality and Kaiki's skepticism specifically in interesting ways. with how much earlier mushishi is set, the differences in both technology and philosophy between their respective works could lead to some cool stuff -- i can imagine Ginko becoming very frustrated at how it had been decided that oddities are best kept somewhat secret from the general public. not to mention that writing such a crossover would require reconciling monogatari's very surreal, subjective presentation style with mushishi's realistic objectivity, and that alone could be fascinating.
it would also be neat to see Araragi interact with other characters of that type, namely Oreki Houtarou from hyouka, Hikigaya Hachiman from my teen romantic comedy snafu, Tohno Shiki from tsukihime, and the unnamed protagonist of the tatami galaxy, but i'll admit that this is much more for comedic banter reasons than the previous. them all being variations on the same archetype could lead to some interesting friction though.
hmm, what else. i would also have Hanekawa and Hatori Chise from the ancient magus' bride meet because they have similar backgrounds/trauma but deal with them in irreconcilably different ways. same goes with Senjougahara and Ayanami Rei from neon genesis evangelion. i can't really say what they'd do together, but it might be interesting.
i'd also plop Araragi into the world of land of the lustrous just to see what the hell even would happen. admittedly this doesn't involve specific characters, but like, dude, what if ?
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hard-times-paramore · 4 months
Huh I. I had a weirdass crossover dream between Land of the Lustrous and Assassin's Creed. Where some of the assassins were gem people. Yeah.
I doubt anyone beyond me overlaps between those two fandoms, I'm only posting it because I've seen the Desmond Miles tag on tumblr and you fuckers sure love AUs.
This is not the same kind of gem people as Steven Universe mind you. Look it up if you don't know the manga.
The gem characters still looked like themselves but with shiny hair, they didn't have the gems from the manga's body type, thank god. They looked the same, just could crack and there was rock inside.
It was like, two species living together on Earth but the gems were oppressed for some reason. Because the templars I think.
Anyway, Desmond, Clay and Rebecca were gems, Lucy and Shaun were normal humans. The funniest part is that William was human too. How did he have a gem son? How does Desmond have ancestors if he is a rock?
I only remember Clay's gem, he was a chrysoberyl. Desmond was a brown rock on the inside and he broke a lot.
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lookbluesoup · 2 years
How did Nahte respond to being granted the Kojin blessing by Soroban, allowing him to breathe underwater as if in air?
Was he a strong swimmer previously? Or did he have a feline dislike for water? Perhaps he took to swimming during his time in Limsa?
Did his interest in animals and potential pets extend to the world under the sea? Did he enjoy the opportunity to see fish and corals in their own environment? Perhaps meeting Isobe gave him an interest in adopting a similarly talented otter, should the opportunity arise?
Has he enjoyed making use of the blessing in more recent times? Perhaps he has retrieved a lustrous pearl as a gift for A'mahl?  Or searched for any remaining ruins of the unsundered world that are sunk deep beneath the waves?
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Thanks so much for this ask! :D It was a lot of fun to think about!
Nahte loves being able to breathe underwater! I imagine realistically it's... a little bit uncomfortable getting over the mental block to inhale water, and to cough all that liquid up again when you return to land, but that's a small price to pay for being able to traverse so much new terrain!
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Really he's never been very shy about swimming. Not unlike a jaguar or tiger, he took to it naturally growing up. Water is valuable cover for a hunter - you don't leave tracks, and if you're careful, you don't make much noise. Plus, there's fish in there! What cat doesn't like fish??
He also did take work once with a tribe of fisherwomen Sunseekers during one of his earliest visits to Limsa Lominsa, and spent several weeks at sea. Though he's not as talented a waterman as, say, I'lyrha, he did learn to sail passably. So he's pretty much always been a strong swimmer.
Though deep, empty looking ocean can be a bit intimidating, especially with the kinds of sea beasts that inhabit Eitherys's oceans, it's never terrified him much. After all, he's still got magic and a spear at his disposal, and he's gifted with the ability to return to aetherytes if he ended up stranded, so he's not helpless. He finds the expanse beautiful; it's a sharp and novel contrast from the writhing trees and thick brush of the Shroud he grew up under.
Nahte is a HUGE fan of frogs, salamanders, newts, etc, which he's raised several of. He also loves korpokkur - which he keeps a flock of at home in a pond. One is quite massive. These aren't pets he generally travels with, but there is something special about being able to enjoy both his pets and wild specimens in their natural environments.
As for otters... he did actually bring one back for Tsimh! The Vhia clan is very proud of their little fisherman. Even if it bites fingers!
I'm SURE Nahte brings back shinies from the sea quite often, which might not make A'mahl like swimming any better... but certainly doesn't hurt. While ruins are definitely something he'd love to find and study, and his Sahagin allies would likely be able to help, so far Nahte hasn't really had the time to make such a devoted expedition. Maybe someday!
Me: "I should draw some fish for this" Me: //draws one shark "Ok thats enough fish"
Also if someone manages to guess what KIND of shark that is by the silhouette, I'll draw the first person to get it right a doodle. It's my favorite type of shark, and that's a pretty rough scribble to guess from... so... ready set go?
Congrats Mimble :3
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I miss being obsessed with a series that sometimes it can wash out the bad days away.
GoT was really good up until season 5 (?) I think but it's really peak at season 4. Got obsessed and read spoilers, fanfictions and theories that are way better in season 7 and 8. I wanted to re-watch it so bad after the whole series of documentary of the War of the Roses... but....hmmm...
RWBY on the other hand is really flawed, it's the time that I got fascinated by different type of animations, and it's unique and different. And it got me through my dark times until graduation. So, it's really special no matter how flawwed it was. Just that sometimes, the fandom shipping and a lot of self insert things are sometimes too much to handle. I still gonna see how it ends though, good or bad.
Well, after RWBY, I try to find something similar as a way of comfort of waiting for the next volume and I came across Houseki no Kuni or Land of the Lustrous. And damn, that got me really deep to think about the teaching of Buddhism, and hours to read theories about the meaning and symbol in the manga. Also, really fine animation. It's fucking deep and I liked it. Which got me to loving Midnight Gospel. Totally different but similar in what I craved spiritually. The message of the two shows are really great that it's hard to forget them.
Fate Series is always been there since I'm a kid, and I always love digging deeper into history that's why it made me an instant fan. Although I didn't play the other games and the original VN coz I'm poor and lived in a distant province and FGO is the only game that I could access and the anime, it led me to study about King Arthur and the legends of the round, listening to documentaries around it and reading a lot of stuff in Encarta (not the orange one, but the blue one. Forgot what it's called) back in those days. I really got a stupid love about history when I first watched fate and made me consider in what should I become once I grow up. Ehh... just a dream... But still might come though in a different form. Damn I love history so much.
Hand Jumper - I managed to find this one when I'm searching for an action manga/manhwa/webtoon that was not a cliche, and I found gold I think.
Though not really obsessed with Railgun, I like the concept of powers in it. I don't give much thought about the mother anime of it as I'm super interested with what can electrokinesis can do and how, when and where it could be applied.
Well, I hope I can find another series that I could obsessed over again.
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arianimates · 1 year
Think you could draw any of the gems from land of the lustrous fat? Their all canonically made to have the the exact same body for story reason that do work well with the story and themes.. but that means like 50% of the story is only spent with like two body types and it's one of the things that sort of annoys me ajndjfn
I'm not sure if your familiar with this manga so here's a picture of most of the characters I'm fine with really any of them so it's up to you ajhdjdb
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Thank you so much! And I hope you have a nice day-
If all the characters only had 2 body types I think I'd be annoyed too I chose to draw Neptunite, as she stuck out to me the most
I might draw the others too if I'm feeling up for it
Anyways, here ya go!
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Lemme know if I should change anything!
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luimagines · 2 years
Hello, never done this before but I think you're an awesome person, thank you for all of the wonderful scenarios and headcanons so far and I hope you're doing good today! ^^
Ah! And before I forget, may I raise an question? I saw that so far we have Demigod Reader, Hero of Farore Reader, Modern Reader, Percy Jackson Reader, Greek and Chinese Mythology Reader, Mulan Reader, Evil Reader, Fairy Tail Reader and now Persona Reader, I wanted to know your thoughts on Land of the Lustrous Gem Reader if you'd be willing to share?
Some context first of all, Land of the Lustrous is basically a series that would be like if you threw BOTW vibes with a good dose of existentialism like Nier Automata and cute/beautiful personified jewel beings called gems that are gender neutral in general, humanlike life is gone and now there's only them left on the world, they have hair and eyes that's literally like a jewel as well and are functionally immortal unless they're completely ground to dust as they don't really need to eat or anything, just stay in the sun for a while to get energy (hence why the gems are also called Lustrous), sure they can break, but if they find material that's compatible or their own parts with them they can just fix themselves by putting them back together either by themselves or with the help of their caretaker called Sensei or a Gem Doctor specialized in doing so, at best it's a minor inconvenience for them. Their lives are pretty peaceful in general, each one having their own job in accordance to how hard they are on the mohs scale (since gems lower on the scale usually shatter more easily, so they take on more supporting roles like sewing, making weapons etc) except they need to fight people that come from the moon that are attracted by their shine and steal them away to the moon, never to be seen again except as maybe jewelry or decoration the next time they attack to kidnap more gems, which the gems that can usually use as an opportunity to try and get their comrades and partners back, although the opportunity window between attacks can stretch from a few days to a few millennia so it's very rare for them to get all of the pieces back.
Anyway, I was thinking maybe this version of Reader (whose gem type can be up in the air, although I myself find it hysterical in a sad way if they're either Sunset Sapphire, whose color kind of looks like Midna's hair which would probably give Twilight all sorts of flashbacks since their eyes would probably match that scheme, any blue gem could remind Sky of Fi and Warriors of Lana, white haired gems could probably match Cia depending on which style they wear and any green gem could probably bring memories up of Saria to Time, it's a bit of a slippery slope) could probably have had the historian role after retiring from battling after possibly losing their gem partner, taking up mentorship of the other new gems and even finding one they particularly are protective of since they found them after forming first, kind of like a sibling relationship (this world's version of Little Link? Maybe he could be Amber). Until one day the moon people attack and in the confusion their little sibling gets shattered and almost taken by the moon people and Gem Reader is just Not Having It and, for the first time in years get their sword, fight in a way that's possitively ballistic against a moon person that looks suspiciously similar to Ganon design wise and managed to get their sibling back, but get shattered themselves and are thus taken to the moon in their place and Farore from wherever she is and looking at the Chain, then at the Reader, then back at the Chain, then back at Reader again decides "You know what, if Hylia could do it with the sentient sword then I get to do it too! Helps that this little fella is neat, the boys could use some spiteful and effective back up on The Quest." And just steals the Reader's pieces, put them back together, probably change a few things up so they can repair themselves in a new world and then throw them as nearby the Chain during a perilous situation as she can without waiting to hear anyone's opinion about it.
Fi, from within the sword and seeing the boys are in a bit of a bind and while she favors them some more than the others she doesn't want any of them to die or get grievously injured, suddenly feel this new presence that's like her and the Four Sword nearby and calls for help telepathically, which Reader Gem can listen to because they're similar enough in make up and it basically registers to them as another gem calling for help and they immediately freeze, remembering what almost happened to their little sibling and rush over, not even hesitating to just throw their sword at whoever enemy is nearest to any member of the chain or whoever is with Fi (preferably Dark Link) and join the fray even as their barely put together body start to crack and make some very concerning ringing noises, slashing with even their hair if it's long enough to thin the herd and, while the Chain is very confused (and maybe having some war flashbacks depending on which Gem Reader is), they mostly just roll with it for now since the new fella clearly ain't attacking them and is being helpful for the most part, after the battle is over though there is probably a minute or two of awkward silence, maybe Gem Reader whose arm literally broke off somewhere mid battle is retrieving it and making as if to put it back together, until someone breaks the silence:
"... You aren't Gems, I thought I heard a Gem calling me though, where is she? Where's my sibling? Who even are you people?-"
"Who are WE?! First of all who even are YOU-"
And then chaos and shenanigans abound, the train of thought kind of just decided to depart early before I could flesh this part out sadly and honestly this ask is as long as it is already even without rhe mini scenarios floating around my head, maybe I'll write them one day maybe, anyway, apologies for rambling, hope you have a good day/afternoon/night/whatever time it is for you, and once again thank you for all of your wonderful scenarios and headcanons! 😊🙂😊
-Just an Anon On a Stroll.
I thought it was a little bit like steven universe because of the gems and the light and fighting and how each of them have jobs and different hardnesses but then- but then-
................everything was fine until the moon people attacked...
I was waiting to be a position where I would be able to answer this clearly but oh my goodness, there's so much to take in.
The boys would be so confused and mildly terrified about having them lose and arm and just... put it back on...
I think that Fi would be glowing to an extant. Trying to let them know that it's cool and can be trusted.
No one gets the message, but they can tell that it's a special meeting.
That being said, Gem! reader is going to have to adjust quickly all while trying to not only find their way home, but also find their sibling and make sure they're ok.
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jaime-in-chaos · 9 months
I know you're part of the rainworld fandom, but are you part of any others?
just wanted to get to know you more :)
Well other fandoms I am and was in other then rain world is,
Ninjago, I have been watching the show since I was a toddler. The show was originally just 2 seasons, but I think they are up to season 17? Idk I think I need to rewatch the entire show again.
Land of the lustrous, I just got into the manga a few weeks ago and I am in love with it! It also has an anime adaption and sadly it did not get a season two.
Undertale, I have been in this fandom for fucking years, I discovered it by seeing animatics and comics about the au's around it. Eventual I just kinda lost interest or smt?
Naruto, I watched the show when I was a little kid with my Papa, but sadly I never finished it. I have read a bit of the manga but not a lot.
Dragon Ball Z, watched the show with my dad when I was little. I forgot at least 94% of the story.
3Below, I first watched this show in 2019 I think? I like the show a lot, I rewatch it sometimes too.
Fnaf, I have been in this one for 5 years at least. Sadly, I have been losing my interest in it for the past year. Especially because someone I used to look up to in the fandom a lot turned out to be a MAP...so that sucked a lot.
I am interested in a lot more fandoms, but I am too lazy to keep typing. :P
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