#darby looks so happy lol
delilahcalicocat · 5 months
Would you write a Cody Rhodes x reader where they dated up untill Cody left WWE. Years later reader attends an AEW show and while she's sitting in the audience, she sees Cody in the ring but does he see her? (You decide)
Can you somehow include smut lol
A/N: Ahhh! I love this idea! And I picked he notices her.
★~All those years~★
{Rating: Fluff, Smut}
{Warnings: Unprotected Sex, Semi-Public/ Locker Room Sex, Swearing, Crying, Pet Names}
{Pairing: AEW!Cody Rhodes x Ex!Fem!Reader}
You and Cody had a... Difficult Relationship, you and him had dated for a long time. You dated him right as The Dashing Cody Rhodes Phase Started.
But he decided to leave the WWE, you and him had a heated breakup over the fact that he wanted to leave.
Years later, You were Scrolling through your YouTube, when you saw a post that read 'Don't Miss TNT Champion Cody Rhodes Face Darby Allin On Wednesday, Buy Tickets Now!! 8/7c on TBS'
You saw the name 'Cody Rhodes' and your eyes bulged out of your skull, but still you were intrigued. So you bought a ticket for yourself.
it was only Sunday, so you still had some time to pick out an outfit
On Wednesday you got ready to go, and got in your cutesy little blue Subaru.
Your outfit was a light blue shirt, and pink skirt with white knee high socks, and your black Mary Janes
You were almost late because your mom called you, but you got to your seat by the skin of your teeth, you then realized.. you bought a ticket to the front row-
Cody vs Darby was the First Match up. For the Title.
You watched as Cody got his ass beat.. it looked painful, but the one thing you could've sworn you'd seen was Cody winking at you during his entrance.
You had butterflies from that alone, even though you two broke up years ago.
God you had the hots for your ex, was it wrong? Probably..
After the match ended, and Cody retained. You got asked by a security guard if you'd report to the backstage. A wrestler wanted to see you.. Fuck. It was Cody wasn't it.
"Hello there Princess~" Cody Smirked as you walked towards him
"Listen.. I came here to watch the wrestling, the fuck you want?" You lied, with your fake defensive personality
"I want you." He spoke
"What?" Your face turned red as you realized what Cody had just said
"I. Want. You." He said slower
Your face was completely red, you were in shock
Before you could speak he dragged you into his locker room.
"What do you say, Bunny?" He spoke
You could only nod, the arousal taking over your system completely.
You Physically lost your voice.. you forgot about everything you did with him in the past
"All those years and no one can fuck you better huh, Bunny?" He questioned
"Y-Yes.. Sir..." You managed to say through a hoarse gasp
He fucked up into you at a pace like no other-..
"I wish we never would've broken up, it's a shame that ever happened Bunny.." Cody sighed
"That's A-Actually kind of why I came here.." You admitted
"What do you mean Bunny?" He questioned you, momentarily stopping the bruising pace he set
"God, after all these years.. I've still had the hots for you Cody! I'm just a fucking slut to every other man I talked to except you!" You sobbed
"Wow- I thought I only felt that way-" He said
You both thought about it for a moment, did you both.. wanna get back together?
Fuck, as much as you guys remembered the past.. right now you both had burning passion for each other.
As You both came, you thought it over
You weakly chuckled as you both got dressed again.
"Round 2 at my house?" You joked
"Oh, fuck yeah. I've missed you too long Bunny." Cody said
You giggled "I've missed this too"
After hours of sweat and love. You both decided in the morning to you wanted to be together again.
It was okay to forget the past right now, atleast you were both happy again..
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saltpepperbeard · 11 months
I cant stop thinking about the end of episode 6, specifically the Stede and Ed of it all.
Just the look on Stede's face when he pulls Ed in kills me. I need to know everything in there, in words.
Also, what do you think wouldve happened if instinct hadnt taken over? Would they have actually talked it through (as a crew?) Or would Stede have just brushed over it again and Ed accept it?. This is pretty much the only time he tries to actually help stede like this.
Also, because im rambling, why doesnt Ed defend Stede properly when people insult him? does he think it just doesnt affect him or something?
Pardon the tardy answer on this one, anon! I was in the void, only to get decked upside the head by Leslie Jones once I crawled out of said void lol. BUT OKAY OKAY-
*rubs hands together like a fly*
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This face absolutely kills me too. And I feel like it says so much without saying a word at all. I feel like it says, "I'm so happy and relieved to see you right now because the true torture of the night was seeing you get threatened." And, "I love you so much for checking up on me, but I don't have it in me to use words right now, and can't really express what I'm feeling any other way than through actions." And, "I'm so terrified after what just happened, but having you here is such a grounding force."
Like just...the glassy sheen to his eyes but the relief to his overall visage...Mr. Darby I'm billing you for damages <3 sdjksldls. I think he was just so so happy to see Ed in that moment, and so relieved to have him after nearly losing him again.
And as far as talking things through goes...I honestly feel like Stede still would have stayed clammed up. I have a feeling it would have been like how it was when he initially opened the door, ie Ed doing the talking/leading the conversation while Stede stays quiet. Maybe Ed sharing such deep feelings and vulnerability would have eventually pried his shell open and gotten him to express a few fears? But idk, because at the same time, Stede witnessed Ed's bathtub moment, and it didn't really shake any of his own personal walls.
I just think he has such a complicated thing going with his own self-image, masculinity, and trauma, that it would have been very very difficult for him to openly admit to pain/terror/etc etc—especially weakness. Especially the thing that earned him vitriol and stones and death threats. And especially not to the man he respects and looks up to so much.
And SPEAKING of which, in regard to your last question, I think Ed doesn't step in to defend him for two reasons. One, he's the protector against physical abuse, whereas Stede is the protector against verbal abuse. This lovely post here [x] explains it beautifully; "they're both protecting each other from the dangers they know." Ed acts very quickly if some sort of physical harm threatens Stede, whereas Stede acts very quickly if some sort of vitriol threatens Ed. Neither of them want the other to experience the pain they're so acclimated to, and subsequently are each other's defender from such.
And two, sort of along those lines, I don't think he recognizes the hurt that can come from it, just as Stede maybe doesn't recognize the hurt that can come from all the violence. Maybe he doesn't realize how deeply it has cut Stede, just as Stede doesn't really recognize how deeply violence has cut Ed. I don't know how to word this properly lol but like...they view what hurts the other as almost a non-issue.
You can see their varying reactions and differences a few times in episode 6 actually. When Ned is physically torturing them, Stede doesn't really react when Ed is burned, but Ed reacts strongly when Stede is burned. And when Ned is flinging vitriol about prior to the violence, Ed doesn't really react to it, but Stede scowls and fights against his restraints.
And then when they're on deck, Stede doesn't think to take cover when the attack is starting, but Ed immediately flings himself in front of him. And when Ned is trying to goad Ed into getting upset, Ed doesn't take the bait whatsoever, whereas Stede steps up and gets upset on his behalf.
Not to mention also, Stede being like "Haha escaping violence? Not bloody likely" the morning after. I know that's episode 7 lol, but my pOINT STILL STANDS. They both expect those things respectively—Ed expects insulting talk from other pirates, and Stede expects violence in their line of work, but they're actually rife with trauma for the two of them.
TLDR, they balance each other and ground each other so well, but imagine how much more they would if they shared all these deeper thoughts. I'm still holding out hope that Stede will have his bathtub moment in season 3, or even just show a lick of vulnerability around Ed. Maybe the domesticity/concept of marriage will scare him enough into opening up a bit more/talking things through, or even just settling into a more mature relationship with Ed will give him the grounds to do so.
REGARDLESS, they are just a broth that's....*Roach voice* beautiful, complicated, balanced...
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 month
Hello SkateGoat GOAT, keeper of the secrets
I'm writing fic and I have learned the basics of the lore, thank you for their history, read the wikis, seen the matches etc.
I've got a good feel for characterization and all down, could you rec a couple promos or something for each of them where they're allowed to talk at length in Kayfabe? I'm having difficulty getting a feel for their dialogue / external voice / vocal quirks, the commentary team narrates over so much even in my own head
HI, FRIEND, I ABSOLUTELY CAN AND WOULD BE HAPPY TO HELP IF IT MEANS WE GET MORE AMAZING FIC!!! YIIPEEEEEEEEEE i am very excited now!!! I'm going to put this under a cut, because it got long.
In terms of promos, there are some that immediately come to mind that might be useful. Jack is harder, only because his character has gone through so many transformations, but the promos he was doing last summer remain some of my most favorite things in existence, because they are so DAMN FUNNY. (They also serve to be a great look at his sense of humor, which is VERY DRY.)
7/26/23 Dynamite - after Jack beats Hook for the FTW (his "I Beat Hook" shirt will literally never not be hilarious.)
8/26/23 Collision - the FTW funeral scene. (Bonus points for Jack putting his own ass on the jumbotron and then almost corpsing when he had to look at the photos, literally the funniest man alive.)
If you go back prior to this, Jack getting dinged by the censors because they couldn't get to him fast enough REMAINS funny as hell, especially because after, he made a shirt about it, so I'd also rec Jack coming back at Christian Cage after Christian turned on him.
Additionally, to get more of the Scapegoat feel, he was dropping promos constantly in NJPW, so those are definitely worth watching. They are a bitch and a half to track down, and if you try to put them on Youtube, they immediately get hit with a copyright lock. However, since I am insane, I have the one where he says fuck on my Google drive, so you can watch that here.
For Darby, I'm less familiar with his promos and more familiar with the fuck-ton of other things he does interview-wise. The thing about Darby is that he really doesn't have kayfabe, lol, he's mostly just himself with a ring name. So you'll generally get a pretty good sense of his mannerisms from his normal interviews. And they trot him out for those pretty constantly haha.
But one of the better kayfabe ones is actually the video he did about he and Jack's tag match in the pillars storyline, since there's quite a bit there.
9/27/23 - Darby and Christian's kayfabe interview with JR (during their feud in the fall)
For both of them, I also recommend watching their episodes of Shots with Brandi. They're not kayfabe, but you get a really solid look at their speech mannerisms during the back and forth. You also get Jack's insanely dry sense of humor and one of Darby's most horrifying stories ever, so just A++ all around on those.
HOPEFULLY THESE HELP!! It's always the nicest feeling when you write a line of dialogue and you're like oh. Oh yeah. That's definitely them. So I hope these can assist you in getting that feeling! 💚
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fayes-fics · 2 years
More about James Darby and his siblings from Moments
Moments masterpost
No one asked for this, I’m just getting out of my head and onto this blog haha.
James and what he calls his parents
In Moments, James called John ‘Papa’ and calls his mother ‘Mama’ up until during their stay at Aubrey Hall when he changed it to ‘Mummy’. (Not sure if anyone noticed that switch, I tried to keep it subtle)
Why? Because Benedict keeps referring to her as “your mummy” and James looks up to him so much, he starts calling her Mummy instead 🥹 It’s also why he chooses Daddy for Benedict when they ask, because Daddy goes with Mummy, and James hoped Benedict would love it, and of course he did. (Tbh I think the greatest love story I’ll ever tell is Benedict and James lol.)
As James gets older he changes what he calls his parents. When he is 11 he starts calling them Mother and Father on occasion, mostly in formal settings, to seem more grown up, or when he’s annoyed at them about something (see Moments Epilogue 2). When he’s happy and excited he still calls them Mummy and Daddy until he is about 18.
About James’ parentage
James’ mother never tells him who his true father is until he asks outright. As he grows up his memory of John Darby fades. When he is fourteen he finally confronts his mother about it and she comes clean, saying yes Benedict is in fact his father, telling him she wanted so much for him to know the truth, but also wants him to believe he is the rightful Viscount. She says John was incapable of having children (not exactly a lie) but loved James as his own and always wanted him to be Viscount. James is upset at first but grows to understand why his mother kept it from him. He and the Bridgertons never tell a soul the truth, but rumours swirl his whole life due to his overwhelming resemblance to Benedict.
Relationship with his siblings
There is a 6 year age gap between him and Isobel, 8 years to Amelia and 10 years to Thomas. He is very protective over them all, particularly Amelia whom he is closest to. He knows that Isobel can more than hold her own, but will leap to her defence if needed. Thomas is his baby brother but realises once he grows taller than James that he would turn to him in a fight, not the other way around.
Personalities of his siblings
James is so much like Benedict in looks and temperament, artistic, soulful and empathetic but with a sense of fun. Isobel is a force of nature, intelligent and forthright in her opinions on everything (she idolises her aunt Eloise). Amelia is the sweet, cheeky one who inherited her dads love for pulling a funny face, has everyone laughing with her antics and loves an audience. Thomas is the most easy going and nothing seems to rile him, he is also naturally very athletic and grows up to be the tallest, towering 4 inches over his dad and older brother. I won’t say any more about them, as I have some story ideas for them all 😊
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backdraft-bimbo · 1 year
i’m so glad this season is described as “just vibes” with less spiderwebbing plot-lines. the only part of GO i was interested in (and this might just be my Gay Agenda talking) was crowley and aziraphale. i had little interest in any of the other characters just because the relationship between those guys and actors was so strong and well crafted; it made anything else seem mundane. i skip through the whole adam and anathema and witchfinder arcs during rewatches just because they’re not all that interesting; not in comparison.
i’m so excited for this season because they Know what we want as fans and are willing to put it to screen. and personally i can’t wait to see michael and david explore intimacy in a way that we not only didn’t expect (queer media trauma is real folks) but also just assumed we’d never actually get. most people were used to the bare ass minimum until indisputable and thoughtful queer media started coming out.
this sounds so cheesy but it shaped me into a better person, getting to see queer people be intimate on screen. it normalized something i’ve been trying to manifest my entire conscious life (no literally) through fan works and especially fan fiction.
additionally hollywood loves thin and traditionally attractive people. ofmd and good omens have totally turned that on its head and i feel like there’s a greater appreciation and acceptance of normal bodies being represented on screen. this is just speculation but i suspect michael sheen and rhys darby specifically never had a fandom advocate so hard for them at such a life stage. and i feel really happy that they do get to experience that as a demographic (older people) that often gets told that they lose their value because they’ve aged, and thus become less marketable.
you see this when people draw the boys all skinny and hot and young; something i’m not gonna write to the president about but it’s clear that people depicting them to fit the hollywood standard is a reflection of their own perception of beauty. so i don’t care for all this talk about “oh that outfit is so ugly!” or “his beard is weird” because LMAO my outfits have been ugly! if i had a beard, i would make questionable fashion choices! (personally i love crowley’s looks, they’re goofy and fun and fit the vibe of the show, i think it’s pointless even arguing about their personal aesthetics so long as they fit the context and their characters. david tennant can’t always be a smoking hot twink, guys. let him be silly and goofy for my heart’s sake please).
i guarantee if crowley and aziraphale end up kissing and it’s not the most Perfect queer standard camera angle, folks are gonna complain about it, because everyone on screen must be Pretty and Profitable but also Realistic and Relatable. bit of a double standard, no?
that’s why i love that david and michael get to be praised for their physical appearances and i’m no middle aged man but it feels like a door has opened in a way? in myself via the barriers of insecurity and dysmorphia, as well as in some widening sectors of queer society, because it shows that nontraditionally attractive queer people (aka people without abs or a perfect jawline, aka me lol) are fully capable of loving and being loved and being HAPPY and accepted. it makes me so so so joyous. anyway there’s my rant; y’all know i ain’t sleeping till s2 drops tomorrow. i’m HYPED!!!
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sithwitch13 · 4 months
AEW Double or Nothing 5/26/24
Love Thunder Rosa's Elvis gear
I think Thunder may murder Deonna over this
Fuck it has been 25 years since Owen what the fuck
Ok but which one did Schiavone not think was a big man
Gates/Cage of Agony have really been growing on me
I'm so dumb I just realized Ospreay's robe is supposed to be an Assassin's hood. The shiny colors and feathers obscured that for me
Bryce standing up to Wardlow and then Wardlow's face as he backed away lol
Jesus this is amazing
Cole's back! Now please stay intact for a while
New look MJF variant!
Aww MJF got to say fuck, good for him
...just realized I halfway thought the Gunns had doge memes on their gear
I wish I could feel something other than apathy for Serena Deeb.
I continue to love everything about Mariah May and her involvement in this storyline
Okay Trent is using a different song and now my psychic damage is slightly lessened
Return of the Pixies!
Rocky with the jacket I'm gonna cry 😢
At least they're not d4s
Idc Bryan Keith involved in anything is a major win for me
Accidental strap match thanks to Mox's arm wrap
Fuckign rude, Jesus is RIGHT THERE
Giant friendship bracelet!
Wait when did Taz get here? Was I so excited that I missed Taz?
That fucked so hard, I'm so happy for us all
Nooooooo I knew it was coming but noooo
Oh damn reminds me I've been wanting to rewatch The Warriors
Swerve in that Warriors gear is working for me on every level
Nooo Nana has done nothing wrong ever in his life
Swerve moves like a sexy big cat, I love him
The House Call is becoming one of my favorite finishers ever
So someone's getting set on fire right?
The fucking robes lol
Jesus christ what a night
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junglemax · 4 months
How would YOU book the next Dynamite and or Double or Nothing? c:
holy shit what a question?? this was such a thinker omg. im going w booking don cause that’s a little easier i think. tbf most of the matches im happy w (like swerve and christian? chefs kiss. would not change a thing) BUT (had to add a read more bc it was so long…):
anarchy in the arena is mostly good but like even as a huge darby fan im surprised they chose him and not daniel garcia to be eddie’s replacement. darby only makes sense for an opposite to jack. danny has history w everyone else on team aew…it rly was either pick someone who knows their team or pick someone who knows their enemy which. as per last anarchy in the arena . being able to work well w ur teammates is literally key to winning and darby doesn’t know his team very well! (at least i don’t think so…..)
now IF anarchy wasn’t happening the way it was (i can’t think of any other groups that could go there) i would put the tnt belt on jack so fast LOL. sorry copeland but jackie boy is looking a little naked w/o it. let him have a decent, long-ish run bc we all knows he’s gonna lose his belt first out of everyone….
for me, personally, i want toni storm vs abadon…..movie star vs movie monster. do u see my vision….
i see bbg vs death triangle which is all good and well . but i want to belt up top flight so badly w the trios titles…those boys DESERVE IT!!!!
acclaimed is team aew right? they should wrestle the righteous + lance archer. it’d be funny. (this would also very specifically be a pre show match)
in my vision jericho has lost the ftw belt right before don so I don’t have to see his dumbass on my tv screen. i don’t want hook to have it tho- and this is probably super dumb of me to say so feel free to call me out for it- but i would give joe the ftw title. it’d be incredibly funny and he can wrestle big bill instead of jericho. we all win in the end.
trent and orange should have first happened AT don but i would specifically make it a death match of some kind
they haven’t announced it yet but like they’re gonna have mox vs takeshita at don for the iwgp title right? that can happen. ospreay and roderick strong can also stay as well as willow/mercedes (BUT WILLOW IS WINNING FULL STOP.)
i cannot think of anymore matches but like . i want mjf to come back, wardlow can be kicked out of the undisputed kingdom, christian and adam copeland can maybe start to see eye to eye again……this whole thing was probably a very shit take but i appreciate this ask so much LOL thank u friend <333
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kittenofdoom · 2 years
You'll u say that Dan the Demon Man is your Wrestling Blorbo? If so may I ask what is your fav pic of him 👀
YES he is the blorbo of all blorbos! And YES OF COURSE but there's too many to choose from so you don't get just one I'll give you a prime selection of Danhausen pictures
Evil Danhausen in his silly jacket... I need to draw him like this eventually because it's so silly looking
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Danhausen chilling with Baphomet
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Danhausen looking all cool and badass but also making a silly face (his face is always silly)
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Danhausen getting a hug from Tony Khan... Moments later Danhausen stole that hat from him
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Danhausen and Orange Cassidy. This has the energy of The Cool Kid taking his weird little brother to school
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Hook being cool, Danhausen being Danhausen, this one always makes me laugh
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Danhausen with Dalton Castle while dressed up as one of Dalton's Boys, he probably stole that costume from them
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Danhausen and Best Friends + Orange Cassidy! Any pictures of Danhausen and Best Friends together is great, he adds such a crazy energy to an already chaotic and eclectic group of people
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Danhausen copying Ethan Page's little pose in his match against him. Ft. Stokely Hathaway in the lower right corner looking pissed off about it and the ref looking confused, lmao
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This one I really love because I love Sting and Darby a lot and I also love Hook and Danhausen so all 4 of them together makes me explode with happiness! Him and Sting look like they're distantly related, so I sometimes call Sting Danhausen's uncle, lol
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Anyway. I'm at the image limit! So I can't show you more Danhausen pictures! So sad. But if you need to see more images of my favorite blorbo you can look on my sideblog @discipleofdanhausen which is where I pulled most of these from
Hope you enjoyed the spamhausen
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feralandmoonstruck · 1 year
Moonstruck Ch. 7 Art Gallery
18+ only! This wip contains explicit content!
How nice should I dress for this?
However. Up to you
How nice are you dressing?
Haven’t decided yet
Apollo come oonnnn
“Kend,” Apollo called across the house.
There was a shuffle and a whine from Ilya before Kendrick jerked open his bedroom door.
“How nice do we need to dress for the gallery?”
“Why are you asking me? You’ve been there before.”
“Ezra wants to know.”
Kendrick growled impatiently. “Tell him jeans and a nice shirt are more than fine.”
Kendrick’s door swung shut.
Lol Nice jeans and a button down?
Was that so hard?
I asked Kendrick
Tell him thanks for me
“Ezra says thanks!”
“You can fuck oooff,” Kendrick sang from behind his door.
Apollo laughed. He says you’re welcome. What time should I pick you up?
Whenever. You could come over now if you wanted
😏Can I now?
Lol whenever is up to you. I’m not doing anything.
Guess I should get ready then
If you want
See you soon
See you soon Apollo
Apollo stood up and went to Kendrick’s room where he knocked on the door. “Can I talk to you guys?”
Another shuffle then Kendrick appeared. “What is it?”
“I want to talk to both of you. About Ezra.”
Kendrick moved so that Apollo could come into the room. Ilya was sitting on the bed in a pair of boxers. Kendrick closed the door and joined Ilya on the bed.
“Guys,” Apollo said, “I really, really like Ezra.”
“We know,” Ilya replied.
Apollo began to pace. “Would it be stupid to tell him about us being wolves?”
“Yes,” Ilya said immediately.
Apollo turned towards the bed. “Kendrick?”
“How far are you planning to go with him?”
“I don’t know.”
Ilya threw up his hands, “You guys have barely dated!”
“I know, Il. I know it’s soon, but it feels irresponsible to keep it from him.”
Ilya glared at him. “It would be reckless to tell him.”
“Would it though? I mean, there are several wolves in relationship with humans. I have to tell him some time.”
“And if he leaves you?��
“Il, that’s a risk I’ll have to take. Whenever I tell him, it will be a risk.”
“Are you willing to take that risk so soon?” Kendrick asked.
Apollo chewed his lip and nodded. “I am. He makes me happy.”
“Don’t we make you happy?” Ilya snapped, his face going a mottled red.
“Of course you make me happy.” Apollo kneeled before him and took Ilya’s hand. “Ilya, you make me incredibly happy. But he does too. For the first time since Darby, he makes me happy too.”
Ilya huffed. “Darby was different. Darby was like us.”
“It doesn’t change the fact that I like him. Please let me chase him Ilya.”
“And if he hurts you?”
“He might, but that’s not something worth thinking about right now.”
Ilya shook his head and withdrew his hand. “Whatever.”
“Ilya, please. Why are you so upset?”
Ilya looked away.
“Ilya,” Kendrick said, touching Ilya’s shoulder, “love, you need to tell us.”
“No,” he mumbled.
Apollo sighed and stood up. “Ilya, Ezra is a risk I’m willing to take. I’d hoped you’d be happy for me. Or at the very least okay with it.”
Ilya swiped angrily at his eyes, still refusing to look at Apollo.
“Kendrick?” Apollo said. “What are your thoughts on this?”
“You’re an adult, Apollo. I’m not here to make your decisions for you. If you want to take a chance on Ezra and tell him about us, I’m not going to stop you.”
“Thanks, Kend.”
“What if you leave?” Ilya’s words were so soft they were barely more than breath.
“What?” Kendrick wrapped his arm around Ilya’s shoulder. “What did you say, love?”
“I said ‘what if you leave?’ When you were with Darby you left.”
“Is that what this is about? You’re afraid I’m going to leave you?”
Ilya still refused to look at him. “What if you leave us, leave me, again? It was so hard when you left with Darby. It hurt so much. But I never said anything because Darby was your mate. I knew it would be selfish if I said anything. I missed you so much though.”
“Ilya,” Apollo said, moving to sit next to him on the bed and pulling him into his arms. “Il, it’s not going to be like that. I love you, and I’m not just going to up and leave you just because I found a guy I want to go on a few dates with. I really like Ezra, but I love you. You know that.”
Ilya sniffled and wiped at his eyes again. “I know,” he whispered, “I know, I’m just scared.”
Apollo kissed Ilya’s temple. “It’s going to be alright. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Tell him if you want.”
“Thank you, Il.” A smile twitched across Apollo’s lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too Apollo.” He wrapped his arms around Apollo leaning against his shoulder for a moment.
The wet trickle of tears ran down Apollo’s arms. He hugged Ilya.
Eventually Ilya pulled away. “Have fun tonight, okay?” He sniffled and wiped his eyes with the heel of his palm.
“I will.” Apollo kissed Ilya’s forehead and stood, letting Ilya melt back into Kendrick’s embrace.
“Good luck Apollo,” Kendrick said. He ran his hand through Ilya’s hair. “Tell us how it goes.”
Apollo showed up on Ezra’s doorstep with a small bouquet of flowers.
When Ezra answered the door his eyes lit up, a laugh escaping him. “You brought me flowers? I thought that was only done in the movies.”
“I thought it would be nice.”
Ezra grinned at him over the top of the bouquet as he took it from Apollo’s hand. “It’s really nice. Thank you.”
Apollo smiled back.
“Come on in. Sorry about the mess.”
Apollo followed Ezra into a living room with six boxes stacked neatly against one wall. There was a bookshelf next to the TV that was so full of books, some were stacked horizontally on top of others, just to make them fit.
The kitchen was small and neat, if mismatched. A knife strip hung behind the stove with a few knives hung on it. Ezra filled a tall glass with water and dropped the roses in, moving to put it on the table.
“Thanks again,” he said. “This was really sweet.”
“No problem.” Apollo shrugged and smiled.
“I didn’t have a chance to notice before, but damn you look good.”
Apollo chuckled. “Thanks. This is my favorite nice shirt.” It was black with dark green snakes crawling over each other and coiling around roses.
“Looks good on you.” Ezra looked down at himself, dressed in dark jeans and a t-shirt. “I’m not quite ready yet.”
“No worries. Take your time.”
Ezra looked between Apollo and the living room. “Feel free to sit on the couch. I’ll just be a few minutes.”
Apollo caught Ezra’s hand before he turned away. “Wait.”
“I wanted to talk to you about something before we left.”
“Yeah. It’s kind of important.”
Ezra tipped his head to the side, arching one delicate eyebrow. “What’s up?”
“Can we, uh, sit down?”
“Sure,” he said slowly.
They went and sat on the couch. Apollo turned to face Ezra. “This isn’t something I tell many people, but I really like you, Ezra.”
“Okay,” Ezra still spoke slowly, drawing the word out. “So what is it?”
Apollo took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’m a werewolf.”
“You’re a what?” Ezra blinked at him.
“A werewolf. Y’know, can transform into a wolf-man or a regular wolf, depending on what I wanna do.”
“So like, are you forced to transform against your will every full moon or something?”
Apollo chuckled. “We can transform at will. No one transforms against their will.”
“Were you turned?”
“Nope. Born this way. We all were.”
“You keep saying ‘we’ does that mean Kendrick and Ilya are, too?”
Ezra sank back against the cushions. “Huh. That’s fucking wild.”
“You’re not too freaked out are you?”
“Not really. Just processing.” A range of emotions crossed Ezra’s face. “Wait. Is that why you do search and rescue?”
“Yup,” Apollo laughed. “We’re good at what we do.”
“Absolutely fucking wild.” Ezra blinked and shook his head. “Can I ask you questions about it?”
“Go ahead. I’ll answer whatever you wanna know.”
“So if you were born a werewolf, that means there’s more of you, right?”
“There are.”
“Do you have a pack?”
“Kendrick and Ilya are my pack. Our families and a few others make up what you’d call a tribe.”
“Soo, like, does that mean one of you is the alpha?”
Apollo laughed again. “If you wanna call it that. Kendrick is the top in our little trio.”
“As in sexually?”
“That too, but we listen to him. He’s the most level-headed of the three of us.”
“Does that mean you guys have roles in the relationship?”
“Not really,” Apollo shrugged. “Our relationship isn’t really that much different than what a human one would be.”
“Wait. Are you even allowed to be with a human?”
“I am. There aren’t any rules about who we can and can’t be with. It’s just a matter of whether or not we want to take the risk to pursue a relationship and tell someone.”
“So you only tell people you’re in a relationship with?”
“It’s not as simple as that. It’s a secret, but everyone makes their own decisions on who they want to tell or not.”
“And you thought I was worth that risk?”
“I did.” Apollo gave him a crooked half-smile and a shrug. “I’ve already told you that I like you. Even if you make me feel scared and vulnerable.”
Ezra’s face blushed so red his freckles disappeared. He covered his face with his hands. “I’m seriously no one special.”
“Fate says otherwise.”
At that, Ezra laughed and looked up at Apollo. “I like you too, Apollo.”
“Even with all my weird shit?”
“Definitely. It’s weird, but it’s not something that I can’t get over. Especially if I’ve got you with me.”
Apollo smiled for real this time. “I’m here as long as you want me.”
“I guess I’ll go get ready for our date then, huh.”
“I’ll be here.” He leaned back against the couch.
Ezra got up to give Apollo a quick kiss before he headed down the short hall to his bedroom.
It was just past dark when they made it to the gallery. The heat of the day dissipated the moment they stepped through the doors. “Is all of this Kendrick’s work?”
“Nah. There are four other artists here too.”
“So cool. Can we see his stuff first?”
“If that’s what you want.” Apollo led them to a section hung with Kendrick’s photos.
“Oh wow,” Ezra breathed. “These are stunning.”
“He’s a great wildlife photographer.”
There are photos of birds in flight, a chipmunk snatching at a fallen acorn. A cat with its nose in a flower.
“Look,” Apollo said, “that one’s me.” He pointed to a large photo of a light brown wolf looking at the camera, water dripping from its chin, its reflection staring up from the edge of the river.
Ezra stepped forward, his lips parted in awe. One hand reached up to run his fingers over the edge of the frame. “You’re beautiful.”
Apollo grinned and directed his attention to another photo. This time there was a silver wolf in the frame as well. The two were fighting. Teeth bared, pink gums shining. Specks of saliva hung in the air, captured before gravity could pull them to the ground.
“You weren’t really fighting, were you?”
“We weren’t. That’s Ilya. We were playing so that Kendrick could get shots of us.”
“Has no one noticed it’s always the same two wolves in his pictures?”
“Nope. But he does get pictures of others, so it’s not just us. Aside from that, the pictures are all real, unposed animals he was able to get shots of.”
“He does impressive work.” Ezra moved on to a photo of a woodpecker, its beak striking a tree and sending up tiny slivers of wood.
“He does.”
“Wait. Can I get a picture of you next to the one where you’re drinking out of that river?”
They doubled back and Apollo stood next to the picture, grinning as Ezra pulled his phone out and snapped a few pictures.
“This is so cool!” He grabbed Apollo’s arm and hugged him, practically vibrating with excitement.
“If you want I’ll have Kendrick get you a print so you can hang it up.”
“Is that weird?”
“Is what weird?”
“Me having a photo of you hanging in my living room.”
Apollo shrugged. “Don’t see why it would be.”
“I mean, you’re my boyfriend, but I’d have a picture of that?”
“It’s just me. As much as I’m me right now.” Apollo smiled at him.
“Oh god! Shit, no, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to imply-”
Apollo cut him off with a laugh. “You’re overthinking this too much. It’s a really good picture, and if you want a copy you can have one.”
Ezra covered his face in his hands and nodded.
“Come on, let’s keep looking before you short-circuit.”
They moved through the gallery, admiring the works of all of the other artists. Apollo’s hand found Ezra’s while they walked. There were sculptures and portraits, pottery and paintings, and even a few pieces of blown glass.
“Do you know all of these artists?”
“Nope. Kendrick has met all of them I’m pretty sure. Or at least a couple of them. I don’t normally go to those events. Those are a Kendrick and Ilya thing.”
“I see.”
They had circled the whole room and come out near Kendrick’s art again.
“Do you want to keep looking,” Apollo asked.
“I think we saw everything, right?”
“Think so.”
“Let’s go do something else then.”
“Anywhere you want to go?”
“Wherever.” Ezra shrugged.
“Well, are you hungry? There are a couple of killer food trucks nearby.”
“That sounds great. Let’s do that.”
“Are we walking or driving?”
“Mm, we can walk,”
“Walking it is.” Apollo led them down to the end of the block and turned right. “It’s not too far. Just a couple of blocks.”
“That’s not bad. At least I’m properly awake this time,” Ezra laughed.
“Just don’t fall asleep on me on the way back.”
“If I do you’ll just have to carry me.”
Apollo stopped walking. The moment Ezra stopped Apollo bent to put his arm behind Ezra’s knees and lifted him into his arms. Ezra squeaked in surprise that quickly turned to laughter as Apollo resumed his pace.
“Good thing it’s no sweat to carry you.”
“Oh my goodness put me down!”
“What do you mean you can’t?” Ezra laughed.
“If I put you down now, I’ll have to carry you back to the car, but if I carry you now then you can walk back.”
Ezra giggled. “Are you saying you wouldn’t carry me both ways?”
“I could, you know.”
“Oh I know. You don’t have to though is what I’m saying.”
“You sure?”
“Yes.” Ezra giggled and kissed Apollo’s cheek.
“Alright, I guess I’ll put you down.” Apollo stopped and set Ezra on his feet.
“Thanks.” Ezra straightened himself with a grin.
Apollo held out his hand. Ezra grabbed it, leaning against his arm.
They stopped at a crosswalk where Apollo bent down and gave Ezra a quick kiss. The lights changed and they hurried across the street with a group of other pedestrians.
“What kind of food trucks are there?”
“There’s a Mexican one, a Vietnamese one, a vegan one, and a few more. They’re all set up at Perrin Park.”
“Oh cool. So we’re checking off two places on your list tonight.”
“What do you mean?” Apollo asked.
“Perrin Park. You told me about it, remember? And you told me about Kendrick having art in a gallery down here. That’s two places.”
Apollo laughed, “Do you have a bucket list?”
Ezra stuck his tongue out at Apollo. “I wrote down the places you told me about! I wanted to see them.”
“That’s actually really cute that you saved them.”
“I’m still new! I don’t know where all the fun places are.”
“Don’t worry, I can take you to all the fun places you want.”
Ezra looked up with a smirk. “All the fun places, you say?”
“Just tell me where you want to go.”
“Apollo, are you flirting with me?”
Apollo could feel the shiver of excitement that ran up Ezra’s spine. He sank his teeth into his tongue when he caught the change in Ezra’s scent. “And if I am?”
“I’d have to say I’m lucky. Not many can say they had a Greek god flirting with them.”
Apollo laughed. “Can’t say I’m sorry for that.”
“Wouldn’t want you to. I like it.”
“Food trucks are just up there. Any idea what you want?”
Ezra shook his head. “Not yet. I’ll probably have to look at menus.”
“No worries. Take all the time you need.”
“Do you know what you’re getting?”
“Cabeza tacos.”
“Ooh, I’ve never heard of cabeza. What’s that?”
“Beef cheek. It’s insanely tender.”
Ezra blanched, but quickly recovered himself. “Care if I try a bite?”
“At this point I’d be a little offended if you didn’t,” Apollo teased.
Ezra laughed.
They made the last turn onto the edge of Perrin Park. Food trucks lined one side of the street, clumps and lines of people gathered in front of them. They walked the line, Ezra mouthing the names of each truck as they went by.
“See anything you like?”
“Mm, maybe. I dunno, I can’t decide.”
“Well, what are you thinking?”
Right now it’s a toss up between barbecue, Mexican with you, and the wraps place.”
“The barbecue kicks ass.”
“Guess I’ll give that a try then.”
“No wraps?” Apollo chuckled.
“You have yet to lead me wrong when it comes to places to try.”
Apollo grinned. “Do you want me to wait in line with you?”
“Nah,” Ezra shook his head. “Lets both grab our food and meet back up ummm,” he looked around, “there. By that bench.”
Apollo looked to where he was pointing. A green bench sat next to a bush with tiny pink flowers erupting all over it.
“Sounds good. I’ll see you in a few.” He gave Ezra a quick kiss before heading towards the Mexican food truck.
The bench was taken when they met up so they wandered through the park while they ate.
“You’re right. This barbecue is amazing. I should just have you pick all the places I eat.”
Apollo laughed. “Not a chance.”
“But everywhere you pick is sooo good,” Ezra said from around a mouthful of food.
“I’m glad you’ve liked everything so far. Did you still want to try a bite of my tacos?”
“Definitely,” Ezra nodded.
Apollo picked up one of the tacos resting in his to-go box and held it out. Ezra swallowed and took it with his free hand. Juice from the meat ran down the side of his hand when he bit into it.
“Fuuuuck this is good too!”
“You can have that one if you want.”
“Thanks.” Ezra took another large bite out of it. “You wanna try this sandwich?”
Apollo shook his head, “I’m okay. I have plenty of tacos.”
“Alright.” In two more bites Ezra’s taco was gone. He looked around briefly before wiping his hand on his pants.
“Want me to go get napkins?”
“I’ll survive.”
They walked a little further before Ezra stopped and pointed. “That bench looks free. Wanna sit?”
At the bench they finished their food. Ezra crumpled up his sandwich wrapper to put in Apollo’s empty container.
“Oh hey, you’ve got,” Apollo leaned over and licked the spot of sauce at the edge of Ezra’s mouth.
Ezra burst out laughing. Apollo jerked back abruptly, his cheeks going pink.
“Fuck! Sorry! That was really weird of me. I’m sorry.”
“Did you really just lick me?” Ezra continued to laugh.
“Sorry. It’s.. Ilya, Kendrick and I. We all do it.”
“Is it a wolf thing?”
Apollo squeezed his eyes shut and nodded, trying to keep himself from laughing too.
Ezra leaned over and drew his tongue up Apollo’s cheek. “That was cute and kinda silly.”
Apollo looked up with a grin. “You’re not weirded out about it?”
“Nope.” Ezra licked him again.
Apollo laughed and pulled him in for a kiss. Their tongues slid against each other. Tasting of spice and meat and rich, warm juices overflowing. Ezra tightened his fingers in the front of Apollo's shirt. Apollo’s arms went around Ezra and pulled him into his lap.
“Apollo,” Ezra breathed, pushing his chest into him. His fingers found Apollo’s hair.
“Ez, god you smell so fucking good.”
Ezra kissed him again. Kissed him until his lungs were begging for air. Apollo pulled back first.
“We could get out of here. Go somewhere if you wanted.”
Ezra nodded. “Let’s do- let’s do that.” He slid out of Apollo’s lap and stood up. Apollo followed him to his feet. They found a trash can to dump stuff in on their way back to the car.
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jehovahhthickness · 2 years
Hey Hova I’m 27 and feel like all the guys around my age are just not ready for something serious and if so it’s usually a 6 month relationship out of them. Is it wrong that i’ve started dating much older men … mostly 30 years older than me? My friend called me Ashley Darby from RHOP lol but why not look for someone who wants the same thing I want ? I’ve been dating a man I really like he’s 53 and treats me like a real life princess and the sex is amazing. My parents are skeptical being he’s their age but i’m honestly happy and have a great feeling about him.
I don’t bag men my age either.
But men of all ages be on some bullshit too. But if you’re happy with your old head boo and he treats you good. Stick beside him 😂
I don’t see no problem with that
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6urn1td0wn · 24 days
darby! tell me about your oc, they look so cool
So this is my boy Jamey!! (His real name is James Taylor :3) specifically this, and the little video I posted, is his AEW au! Normally he’s a wwe oc but for some reason his AEW version has been in my brain recently so :3
Jamey was a pretty early member of AEW and also a member of Jurassic express ! (pre Christian!!) he was very happy and loved them very very much but unfortunately he’s kinda like…the worst like he lowkey sucks
Even though he loved the Jurassic express (had a huge crush on Marko and JB, saw lucha as more of a father figure), he always had an itch to be more popular, be more respected ! so the second he got an offer from the elite to betray the Jurassic express, he took it (this led to a pretty physical fight with luchasarus, hence all his scars!)
Jamey always regretted this choice, he tried to convince himself it was for the best but it never really worked and he always resented himself for it, especially after the whole thing with killswitch and Marko leaving the company
Now, with Jack Perry in the elite, Jamey is always trying to look out for him, even though that defeats the entire point of scapegoat, he thinks it’ll make up for the hurt he put jack and the others through in the past, even though it just aggravates jack and the rest of the elite even more. Especially Nick Jackson, who Jamey is with (toxic yaoi </3), because wtf!! Why is his boyfriend looking out for the scapegoat and not him!!! Very jealous very jealous
Also Jamey v jack dog collar match bc uhm. lore reasons and not just cus it’s cool trust me..
In my canon, Jamey would’ve been the one who said I quit to protect Jack from Darby at blood n guts!
Sorry if any of this is timeline inaccurate I’m still trying to get everything in check lol!!
TLDR: Jamey is the victim of his own decisions and is a huge crybaby at the end of the day :3
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aerodaltonimperial · 10 months
✨Fic Writing Review 2023✨
Tagged by @rosabellebelieve and oh girl. Ain't nobody ready for these stats LOL. Uh oh. Also, I've removed all collab fics for purposes of this, as it doesn't really seem fair since I only wrote, like, half of them lmao.
Words and Fics
268,626 words in 2023 (mother of god)
52 fics on AO3 (dear christ)
I'm not even counting Tumblr ficlets, oh god, don't make me
Top 5 Pairings
💚🖤Jack/Darby (24) (NUMBER ONE???? how tho)
🧡🖤Hook/Danhausen (23)
💚🧡Jack/Hook (5)
🔮🍑Julia/Anna (4)
🧡🎤Max Caster/Hook (3) & 🧡🍊Orange/Hook (3) (HAHAHAHAHA)
Top 5 by kudos
i found love where it wasn't supposed to be (right in front of me) [Hookhausen]
man of lesser words [Hookhausen]
don't need a cure for love [Orange/Hook]
baby please (would you read my eulogy) [JungleCorpse]
you're the realest thing i've never had to fake [Hookhausen]
Top 5 by hits
baby please (would you read my eulogy) [JungleCorpse]
i found love where it wasn't supposed to be (right in front of me) [Hookhausen]
now you know how i feel [Hookhausen]
Weekend in Fresno: or, a Hook choose your own dating adventure [Hook/everyone]
threat level: euclid [HH, JC, SP]
Fandom Events in 2023
I made it to a wrestling show! Since they never go near me and my life is what it is, I really can't manage more than one a year, and I've got to be lucky to get that to work, but this was a big deal and I'm so happy that I could make it happen!
ALSO I MADE UP A FUCKING PAIRING AND GOT IT TO THE #1 FOR BOTH PARTIES INVOLVED you know what this counts as an event LMAOOOOO i'm thinking no one should actually have this power
Upcoming Projects
If I ever stop bemoaning my perceived lack of skill, I've got 2/3 of a fic that Vamp prompted dialogue for, largely me writing something fluffy and saccharine because she was trying to write smut and we were both trying to write out of our wheelhouses lol
Writing reflection
Well! 2023 was quite a year, honestly. I was going to be like OH HOLY SHIT about my word count but when I took our collabs, it dropped so fast, so that's good, I guess (???). I'm still so happy I discovered wrestling, because it's been easily 12 years since I had this amount of creativity for a single fandom. And this year I really stretched out and started writing new stuff within the wrestling fandom! That's exciting (depending what you followed me for, I suppose LOL).
But more than anything else, this year I looked at what I wanted to write and said, FUCK IT, I'M WRITING IT. And I started dropping horror shit I fully expected that no one would read, because I didn't think people came to fandom for spooky stuff??? And lo and behold, y'all really showed up for those fics! I'm forever grateful you saw me writing absolutely batshit horror and were like yes, Katy, we will also read this creepfest. So much love.
I also tried to write more smut, which I am not particularly adept at, and also some darker themes. I do try to write lighthearted things, haha, but my own mental state has been not stellar, and I think that tends to come out in my fics. And I started writing femslash, which this fandom needs so much more of! So. All in all, a real banger year for me in fandom. I'm pretty proud of a LOT of the fics I wrote this year.
And, obviously, 2023 would not be complete with me mentioning that Vamp and I produced an epic shit ton of words together, and MORE IMPORTANTLY had an absolute blast in doing so. What a whirlwind writing together has been!!! I think we've really gotten to this point of just great flow, and I'm super proud of how we work so well like we do. We DO HAVE SOMETHING ELSE COMING but we've been "planning" it since August and haven't written it yet, so HAHAHA. Anyway. Expect that in 2025, or something. ;)
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please do eat glass, I’ve heard it’s good for your gums.
Tagging: @whysamwhy123 @meeplanguage @fille-lioncelle and anyone else who wants to take a stab at this!
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chaoticallysimping · 3 years
Sting x Fem!Reader: Haunted House
Summary: You and Sting take your informally adopted children Darby and T/n to a Halloween festival. The three of you gang up on Sting and force him to go through a haunted house with you, but there's a twist... One of the "killers" isn't an actor.
Genre: Uh... I'm not actually sure-- Humor? Comfort? Your guess Is as good as mine at this point.
A/N: Happy Halloween fellow simps! Originally this was going to be waaaaay scarier, but It was so unsettling to me that I was actually nervous being in a dark room so I didn't actually finish the fic and cut what I had written. Maybe I'll release It in the future, but It was literally something out of a horror movie lmao.
A/N 2: Also, I was writing T/n's point of view of this fic, but I don't have the time to finish it because I have another fic I need to finish by tonight still.
Quick context: T/n = Their name, you get to name Darby's partner lol. Also, Y/n has her own supernatural abilities.
“You can’t be serious.”
You hear your husband say flatly as you both watch Darby and his partner stop at a Haunted house, both asking if you could all go in.
You and Sting thought It would be a fun idea to take Darby and his partner to the Halloween festival In town, you two had practically adopted them both by this point anyway might as well do some fun family shit.
“Why not? It looks like fun!” Darby’s partner, T/N spoke up. Darby nodded In agreement.
“What’s the matter, Sting? You’re not… scared are you?” You smirked, putting your hands on your hips.
He shot you a look. “I am not scared.”
“Then what’s the problem?” Darby asked.
“You really want to go In there?”
“Yes!” You and T/n said In unison.
“You don’t think It’s the least bit cheesy looking? I’m really the only one?”
“You’re the only one.” You and T/n both agreed, but Darby on the other hand…
“Of course It’s cheesy looking, I just wanna go In so I can no sell the scares and scare the older actors.”
Sting sighed. “You’re a menace, you know that?”
“Which one, me or Y/n?” Darby asked, smirking a bit in amusement.
Though he couldn’t protest anymore because you practically dragged him into the haunted house with Darby and his date In tow.
It was super dark but luckily hanging around Sting all these years, you’ve learned how to see at least a little bit In the dark. You felt him grab your hand and you smiled. “I thought you weren’t scared.”
“I’m not. I just don’t want you to get lost in a second…”
“Why would I--”
Just as you started to say that, an actor jumped out at you with what felt like a chainsaw pressing against your arm.
You shrieked In surprise and went running ahead, Sting still attached to you.
Once you thought you were safe, and had a bit of light, you stopped and narrowed your eyes at him playfully. “How’d you know that was gonna happen?”
“I saw him. I just didn’t say anything because I thought It’d be funny… which it was.” he chuckled.
You smacked his arm. “Ha ha. Very funny.”
“What the fuck was that scream? Don’t tell me they scared you, Y/n.” Darby said, calmly walking up with his date from behind.
“Hey, you’ve screamed too.” T/n lightly shoved him.
“I screamed at him. There was a big difference.”
You smiled and rolled your eyes. “Sting, for future reference… Can you tell me when you see someone about to ram a chainsaw Into my side?”
He looked at you with a dead serious look in his eyes. “He didn’t have a chainsaw.”
“But… I felt it. And I saw It out of the corner of my eye.”
“The one I saw was wearing a cheesy halloween mask and holding a fake knife.”
“Okay, so I guess your eagle eye missed the fake chainsaw dude.”
After a brief pause, he wordlessly pulled you closer until you were right against his side and continued walking with you. Initially you were confused by that reaction but you just shrugged and snuggled up to him.
You weren’t sure exactly why, but you could sense his unease. You were just teasing him at first, but he actually did seem anxious.
At every actor who jumped out at you two, you could feel him flinch. Which was very unusual considering he could see perfectly In the dark. It was one of his many unexplained abilities.
So even though he could see them coming, he was still startled.
It wasn’t… unusual per se, for Sting to get anxiety, he hid it pretty well most of the time but certain things definitely triggered It In him. Normally It was things involving you.
Eventually you reached a ‘safety’ checkpoint, you both stopped and you turned to him. “Are you okay?”
He nodded, his eyes scanning around the room. “I just… feel like we’re being followed.”
“That’s kind of the point of a haunted house.”
He was silent. You wrapped your arms around his neck and stood on your tiptoes to reach his face. “Hey, It’s okay.” You reassured him gently. “Baby… Look at me.”
The good thing about this room Is that It wasn’t completely dark. It was dimly lit so you could actually see his face.
Sting looked at you, his expression stoic.
“It’s okay.” You smiled softly, planting a kiss against his lips.
“You mean to tell me that you aren’t scared In the slightest?” He asked quietly.
You shook your head. “Nope. Because I have you. As long as you’re by my side, I know I’m the safest girl In the world.”
“You’re putting a lot of faith in me.”
“You’ve never let me down In the past when people have tried to hurt me…” You reminded him. “Aces and eights? Immortal? The Authority? Here’s a retro one, NWO?”
He chuckled softly, finally wrapping his arms around you. “God, you’re making me feel old…”
“Hey listen buddy, we’re both old.” You laughed, dropping from your tiptoes back down to your normal height.
“Yeah but you legitimately didn’t age look wise. How Is that fair?”
“It’s not my fault my power just so happened to be eternal outward youth.” You smiled at him. “Sounds like you have issues with the gods, not me.”
“I never have issues with you.” He confirmed, kissing the top of your head. “I just look so out of place next to you Is all.”
“You never look out of place next to me.” You said, grabbing his hands and intertwining your fingers. “Because there’s no other place either of us belong besides next to each other. We’re gonna spend eternity together, whether you like It or not.”
“There’s literally nowhere else I’d rather be.” He whispered, bringing your hand up to his face and kissing the top of It.
“And plus…” You started, a wide smile playing on your lips. “I think you’re aging like wine… finer with age.” you winked, causing him to shake his head and chuckle.
“We’ll see If you still say that in about… Five years?”
“Stop It.” You laughed, tugging on his hands to bring him closer to you.
You both leaned In and exchanged a gentle loving kiss. Literally the next moment, Darby and his partner caught up to you both.
“Oh come onnnn…” Darby groaned. “Why are you two always being so corny? Kissing In a haunted house Is such a cliche.”
You both lingered for a moment longer before pulling back. You and Sting exchanged glances before turning to the two.
Oh It’s on now, The skateboarder knows not of what he has done.
“Aww, Is somebody jealous?” You cooed, pinching Darby’s cheek. He groaned and flinched away.
"No." He mumbled as he rubbed his cheek.
“Gee Darbs, If you wanted a kiss all you had to do was ask… C’mere!” Sting hooked his arm around Darby’s shoulders and pulled him closer, planting a kiss on his forehead. “Mwuah!”
“Stinnnnnggggg stop embarrassing me In front of my date!”
You and T/n both laughed at the two.
But suddenly, the moment was broken up by the announcement that they were shutting down the haunted house. Darby ducked away from Sting while he was distracted and wrapped his arms around his partner.
“Huh. I wonder why they’re shutting It down?” You pondered out loud, turning to your husband. “Well, I guess we should get going… Unless you wanna teleport--”
You didn’t even get to finish your sentence before the lights went out, when the lights came back on you were all at home.
“... outside.” You finished your sentence, blinking to readjust to the light.
“Well, you didn’t have to tell him twice.” T/n chuckled.
"Sorry." He smiled sheepishly.
You smiled and wrapped your arms around your husband. “That’s okay, C’mon let’s just go watch a movie or something.”
You four spent the next few hours watching movies in peace until Sting ended up falling asleep after the third movie. You were flipping through the channels while Darby looked for another movie to put on when something caught your eye,
You stopped on the news and took It off of mute. The sound of the newscaster talking drew Darby and T/n’s attention too.
The news anchor was talking about how they apprehended a serial killer today at the Halloween festival. He had apparently attempted to go on a slaughter spree In a haunted house but was stopped by an unknown hero.
Darby and T/n both looked at each other in shock. “Was that…?”
Nah, there’s no way… right?
But then they said they recovered a weapon tied to another murder committed recently… A chainsaw.
You felt chills run down your spine, You turned a bit to look at Sting, who was laying on the couch behind you with his arms around you. He was still sleeping peacefully.
“Y/n…?” Darby asked quietly for confirmation.
You looked at him, silently confirming what he thought before slowly laying back down, you laid your head on Sting’s chest.
The next morning you all decided to tell Sting what you saw on the news, and he admitted that he had caught a glimpse of the man and the reason he had been so uneasy was because he was just standing there staring at you.
His instincts likely saved your life last night, and you decided maybe let's never go in a haunted house again...
But who knows what next year holds? Maybe you'll give It another shot...
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sithwitch13 · 15 days
AEW Dynamite 9/11/24
Cool starting with breaking my heart cool cool cool
Regal mention I'm gonna die
Mox calling himself a king I'm gonna die
I have not been able to get the Jack/Luchasaurus interaction out of my mind
Luchasaurus belongs to himself ☹️
Oh joy. Evil hot dog man.
Aww Will and Kyle are friends.
Takeshita got stankface, and deservedly so. FUCK DON CALLIS 👏🏼👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Davis mention, I am placated
Aww, Andretti in Lio's corner
I kind of want to go back and rewatch some early Dynamite for some "Look how they've changed" emotions, especially re: Jurassic Express
I'm always so happy to see Lio Rush. He's amazing to watch.
Kenny mention, I'm gonna cry
Jack going all in on the religious imagery. I'm not mad about it.
Aaaaaaaa recap of Saturday and now Renee talking to Hangman
Hangman doubling down. Ooh, and about to rampage against Swerve's allies
Renee so angry at Hangman
Aww Komander and Abrahantes dancing with Private Party
Oops Bastard Combat Club just killed them
Yay Big Bill and Bryan Keith!
...is Orange gonna wreck Jericho's car
The fuck he means "ruined," I was just thinking the coloration looks cool
I really like Sammy's jacket. I feel like it works really well with his hair like that.
Taz, Excalibur, and Schiavone having a brief discussion about soup. If I had a nickel for every time a wrestling show I watched got distracted by soup, etc. etc.
Love how AEW has a little monsterfucker selection going strong.
Okada fake crying again lol
Death Rider theme is here to stay, huh? No arguments.
Yesss just let Marina be a stone cold killer
God I need to see Marina vs Kamille
Aaaa Mox is gonna kill Darby and it will rule
Nigel? Hmmmmm.
They're both so good aaaa
Aww, Queen Aminata has Skye's name on her wrist tape
Gremlin boys!
Matthew I see you with that saucy little wink
Anyway MxM Collection should win and face the Bucks
Iron Savages! And Big Bill and Bryan Keith! And Aubrey! And nobody else!
He's wrestling in the fucking jacket
...apparently the jacket is a The Office UK joke?
The framed photo, I'm gonna die
Aaaa Orange and Kyle and Mark (and Kyle in the hard hat is like watching a kitten in a hat)
I'm having flashbacks to the Attitude era, but also the ass pennies sketch from Upright Citizen's Brigade
Hook vs Roddy, I can dig it
Gremlin Bucks are back! With special chairs!
I just now noticed that Kyle's jacket has the same shoulder thingy as the Aussie Open one that made him look like a power ranger
Scissors vs touching tips lol
The Outrunners!
Bucks like "excuse us, we were sitting here."
All right, I can't be mad at Fletcher and Ospreay vs Young Bucks.
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dolldirt · 4 years
This will probably be comparable to a recipe blog hiding the recipe in a mass wall of text...
Everyone knows that I buy Rainbow High dolls for the clothes. I find the dolls themselves odd and they have weird proportions. Considering that the joints are over engineered while still being badly designed was a let down. Also, having to wash RH hair immediately just to get a brush through it is a choice, but a choice MGA keeps making. At least the hair looks great in the box right?
When I started buying the series one dolls (which feels like 10 minutes ago btw), I was excited for the fashions. They appeared to be trendy and with better quality than anything Mattel was releasing. Seeing hems on clothing shouldn’t be exciting, but here we are. The fit on other dolls is hit or miss which is to be expected given RH’s unique body type. I mostly use the clothes on Japanese dolls such as Licca-chan, Tuli-chan and Wataru and find the dresses and jackets fit best. Pants are too short and wide. Skirts are too wide, but can be pinned. The tops are hit and miss just because I’m not a super fan of crop tops in general. The shoes all end up going to She-ra and Color Infusion Darby Kenner.
I’ve been happy with the outfit quality as a whole. It’s pretty consistent, from doll to doll. The main issue I have is with the plastic tabs they use to secure the clothes to themselves and to the box. Knit pieces end up with pencil size holes when they get stretched over the doll. RIP to any socks that are attached this way. I also have issues with Mattel when they do this, but I seem to have more of an issue with this when it comes to the RH dolls. Mattel tends to keep the tags closer to the edges and MGA just puts them everywhere... I don’t get it.
There have been dolls I regret buying such as series two Amaya. That was a doll that I impulse bought because of her sequin skirt and top (which I assumed was a dress initially). I’m not sure if mine was just a bad doll, but the dip in quality on the doll and her outfit is blinding. Loose threads on almost every piece of clothing and hook and loop tape that is sewn on poorly and Amaya has bald spots from her hair pulling out. She has several missing hair plugs just from washing her hair and trying to get a comb though it. I do love the colours of her hair but the quality of the doll over all left a bad taste in my mouth.
Rainbow High dolls are also a reminder that doll companies can make relatively decent quality dolls for an affordable price. MGA is running two core lines of dolls right now in a similar price group and both lines appear to be thriving. It’s okay Mattel, focus on Color Reveal dolls that will end up in a landfill. But I do wish that Mattel would up their game. Barbie Extra was a good foot in the door, but the design quality is still lacking compared to RH or OMG.
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The point of this post I guess is that I got Kia Hart after finding her at Walmart here in Canada. It was a kind of a grab and go purchase since we are currently in a province wide lockdown and I’m trying not to be out any longer than I have to be. I wasn’t originally into Kia when I saw previews of her online, but I’m a sucker for pink. My sister was the one that grabbed her and put her in the cart for me while I was looking for new Barbie stuff (I grabbed the Kira behind her lol). She was spicy compared the other RH dolls that retail at $39.97 here and she rang up at a $59.97. So there was some shock at the check out!
 My overall impression of the doll is positive. Her hair is stunning, her outfit pieces are fun to mix and match and they finally made a long sleeve shirt that wasn’t a hoodie!! In my opinion, Kia is one of the best dolls in the line so far. I love her pastel punk look!
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turtlemurmurs · 2 years
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I dunno if I’ll ever get around to coloring these honestly so I’m just gonna post them! A few months ago the first D&D party that I participated in was all killed rather abruptly, as the DM wanted the tie up loose ends before we switched to 5E (since we were playing in 2E). Kinda traumatizing if you ask me, but whatever Party Killer, you’re a meanie panini. (light-hearted) ;-;
Anyhoot these were a bunch of sketches I did that weekend of just some random memorable moments to commemorate our little family! Under the cut for explanations and things if you’re interested!
(from left to right, top to bottom)
1~ Damien, Xavior, and Darby doing their rogue thing, investigating the lair of an evil wizard dragon guy. Xavior’s just happy to be included in something so of course, photo op lmao. I love that this was literally a moment the DM described xD
2~ A funky drawing where I was playing around with my style and wanted to try to draw Damien’s wings! The sketch at the bottom isn’t related I just couldn’t crop it out and I’ll get to that one in a minute lol
3~ [Xavior being hit in the head with a pan flute, saying “Oh! My pan flute!”] That time we were sneaking into a place so some of us were invisible (except Xavior who couldn’t be invisible if he tried) and Xavior was looking for his pan flute for bard-y purposes. He had lent to Darby before so Darby, invisible, chucks the pan flute at him and it appears outta nowhere and bounces off Xavior’s face
4~ [Darby with his arms covered in blood, crying and saying “I’m sorry I killed your moose friend!”] When Darby started getting into alchemy is when he got... weird. So this is about five minutes after Larcato has cast a spell to befriend a moose he found drinking at a pond, and while Larcato is petting it and telling it how beautiful it is a deranged Darby sneaks behind the moose and slaughters it, desperate to obtain a moose heart for a potion. It was a rough time for everyone. Larcato wouldn’t speak to Darby, or anyone but Draco. Darby, covered in blood, felt extreme remorse and apologied profusely but to no avail. Damien awkwardly tried to comfort Darby who was now in tears in deep regret for his actions. Magic lost what was left of his faith in humanity. Fun times!
5~ [Larcato saying “I’ve got a spell for that!”] Larcato’s player was always saying “I’ve got a spell for that” and flipping through the book for fifteen minutes before they took their turn so it was too iconic not to draw
6~ [Darby holding a tiny Damien and saying “Oh no! Magic!!”] Darby ate some magical cake and grew twenty feet tall (just kidding, it was a potion he made) to help with a big battle. But unfortunately, his enormity and the calamity of the battle caused an avalanche, and Darby tried to quickly scoop up the party members still on the ground - he was able to hold tight to Damien but as the avalanche hit he dropped Magic into the oncoming cascade of snow.
7~ [Magic, buried up to his neck in snow, saying “Well. Fuck.”] Being swept up in the avalanche, Magic assumes this is the end for him. He’s depressed so he welcomes death, but death stands him up. Again.
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