#darkening au
"The infection doesn't try and kill the host" I like this quite a lot from what you said in one of your answers, because , at least for me, Nightmare is Patient Zero as far as we know in the 'The Darkening AU' and like you said, his corruption changed the Infection from it's original purpose! That means that there was another purpose but because of Night it changed all together. My question here is, what was the original purpose of the Infection at first? If someone or something else infected Night, how did it happen? And what happened to that being? Is it still out there? If we speculate both Infections are different from each other (if there is even two, I'm just theorizing by this point cus I'm loving this AU!), would they attack each other since they no longer would be the same? And what happened to Night?? In another answer it was said Cross has been seeing his old Gang but not Night lately....do Infected can move from different AUs? How does that work? Is it an instinct to open portals( for those that can I mean) or are they just stuck in said AUs they got infected? Aaaaah so many questions! I'm sorry that I'm just rambling at this point, I just love this kind of apocalyptic scenarios you know??
sorry it took so long to answer this. I took several days to read and reread bc it makes me happy every time i do. EEEEEEeee Long asks are my favorite <3 (I have been barely containing giddy joy whenever i read this) I may not be able to give the most in depth answers bc spoilers but i will try my best :) I liked the Idea about a sort of apocolypse infection that didn't seem too try and kill those infected bc I thought it would be interesting. But also bc Strangely enough the Corruption is the entire reason Nightmare survived the Apple incident. It didn't kill him but it certainly changed him. And it changed the infection. I cannot say the original purpose of the Infection (Before it really was the infection.) Or exactly how Night got it but i can say this: it was never supposed to be spread. Ya'll will see what happened to Night soon. Hopefully. School is hard The infected can seem to travel between au's if they had the ability beforehand. But any sort of magic attacks and shortcuts don't seem to be possible for them or they just don't remember how. How did you think the gang got to underswap in the first place? apocolypse scenarios are such fun to play around with storywise orhcwtnuwtrnhwri People enjoying the things i do just makes me so happy <3
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redsoda1111 · 1 year
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swap! au
knives would travel noman's land and would routinely traverse the known desert to check up on his sisters and to see how they're being treated. you could say he was the first to fully chart out noman's land on his self-appointed mission to find all the living plants that crash landed after the big fall. before he leaves a visit, a select few would ask him for some goodbye kisses😘 knives always feel strangely energized after.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 9 months
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For those that know…
This is from the Indigo Disk DLC so if you haven’t played it yet, highly recommend it!
Prince used transform cause not everyone knows he’s a Mew.
But also, this scene fucking HORRIFIED me, geeta WHAT THE FUCK
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kuromispamton2000 · 7 days
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"i live between idiots...but they're my idiots...well expect Berdly, he invited himself"
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twewycrim3s · 7 months
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Two soon become One
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sesamenom · 6 months
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so in the reverse gondolin au i'm debating between having oropher & thranduil (idea courtesy of @lycheesodas) or galadriel & celeborn bring elwing to gondolin (bc i need earendil & elwing to meet in gondolin for Plot)
i'm currently leaning a bit more towards galadriel & celeborn, but here's some speculation to if legolas was born in reverse gondolin!
(also sorry for how long it took me to post this my internet was super choppy for some reason)
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unbreakableknight · 10 days
"What's got you grinning?" It was nice to see Sora so clearly happy, so Riku certainly wasn't complaining. He just wanted to know.
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bridgyrose · 2 months
Ruby slowly walked through the lower Mistral streets as she pulled her hood over her head, heart pounding in her chest as she flinched at almost every sound she heard. It wasnt the first time she’d made her way out this direction, but it had been the first time that she’d made her way through the streets looking for one particular person to get answers while most of the citizens eyed her for being a huntress. It was clear she was out of place. 
Though that didnt stop her from continuing through the streets to the bar that Roman had told her to go to. She stopped at the door, took a deep breath, then walked in. Her hands stayed close to the hood of her cloak as she made her way to a table, sitting down in front of a woman and lowering her hood to keep her eyes hidden. “I-I was told you could help me find someone.” 
“I can,” the woman said. “For a price. A service like this isnt cheap.” 
Ruby didnt hesitate to put a small pouch of lien onto the table, her fingers shook as she pulled them away as she finally saw the spider tattoo on the woman’s shoulder. She then took a glance around the bar and noticed others had the same tattoo in various places and the mark of a spider in web on the walls. When she looked back at the woman in front of her, she pulled out the chess piece and placed it on the table. “I need to find the person who made this. It was a woman with amber eyes and black hair. She wore a red dress and was able to make a fireball that didnt seem to be part of her semblance.” 
The woman motioned to one of the members next to her. She watched as he picked up the sack and dumped it out to show the lien inside. “I think I can find who you’re looking for, but tell me, huntress, what makes you think you can trust me? Here you are, walking straight into the web of Lil Miss Malachite unarmed and without any backup. What makes you think that I’ll let you out here alive?” 
Ruby tensed up a bit as she watched the patrons around her start to stand up and draw their weapons. Her hand went to where her scythe normally lay on her back before she brought it back to her side. “Roman… Roman Torchwick told me that you could help me.” 
“Did he now?” 
“Please, I need to find her.” Ruby pulled her hood down and looked away. “There's an answer that I need to get from her about the grimm. Someone started to turn into a grimm and I need to know how. And this woman can lead me to my answers.” 
“And how sure are you of that?” 
“I’m not, but… Roman told me you can find anything or anyone. If you can, I wont interfere in anything you do.” 
Lil’ Miss Malachite smirked a bit. “Alright, you drive a bargain. Give me a week and I’ll find out who she is.” 
“A week?!” Ruby asked, almost angry. “I-I cant wait a week!” 
“A week is how long it’ll take in order to get the resources I need in order to find who you’re looking for.” 
Lil’ Miss Malachite took the lien and the chess piece. “I’m sure there’s an inn around here that’ll let you stay. Just make sure not to let them know what you are.” 
Ruby got up from her seat and started to make her way out of the bar, glancing at the other patrons as they all went back to their drinks. Of course Roman would send her to a place like this, though she had to admit that she didnt have any better ideas to find out who that woman was. Ozpin certainly wouldnt help, Glynda was already annoyed with her, and if she went to Weiss for help-
A sigh left her lips as she thought about Weiss and walking out on her. Her heart started to pound in her chest as a sharp pain ran through her back. Her vision almost seemed to blur for a moment as she staggered to a bench to hold herself up. Once the pain subsided, she popped a pain pill and started to make her way to the nearest inn to rest.
Weiss picked up a picture of herself, Ruby, and Penny, her fingers ran over the glass of the picture. It had been nearly a week since she’d heard from Ruby, calls and texts left unanswered after she ran off. Though, it wasnt entirely unexpected. Ruby had a habit of running off without warning for the next mission, but running off after being accused of burning a building didnt sit right with her. 
“We could go after her,” Penny suggested as she wrapped her arms around Weiss. “You could use your father’s company to find her-” 
“She’d never trust us if I did that.” Weiss sat the picture down, almost lingering on Ruby’s image. “If she were to find out, she’d think Father was after her. And I dont need her getting into another fight with him.” 
“Then we could.” 
Weiss shook her head and pulled away from Penny to get back to the ballroom. “I have to stay here for the next gala. Besides, what exactly can we do if we cant convince her to come back? Ozpin’s already doing what he can to keep Vale from calling her a rogue huntsman after that footage of her meeting with Roman. And now that she’s run off… if we go after her, we’ll have to arrest her.” 
“Yes, but… I… I cannot lose her.” 
Weiss slowly looked over at Penny and sighed as she made her way over to her and hugged her. “I dont want to lose her either. That’s why we have to trust whatever it is she’s doing. Even if Yang doesnt.” 
“Then let me help you get everything ready.” 
“Can you start by dressing the tables?” 
“Absolutely!” Penny said with a near salute as she ran off. 
Weiss let out another small sigh as she heard her scroll sound off, another news report about a grimm making its way into Mistral. The grimm attacks seemed to be getting more frequent, and it did make her think that maybe Ruby was onto something. Grimm couldnt normally get past the kingdoms’ defenses, Mantle being the outlier with a wall in disrepair. But if someone could turn into a grimm after making it past the walls… 
She shook her head and pocketed her scroll as she made her way back to the ballroom. It was too ridiculous of a thought and she prayed that Ruby would come back safely after realizing that. 
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dingle-biter · 11 months
Finding out about the elezen hempen undergarments was like a nuclear strike upon whatever remains of my mind how am I supposed to be normal in these conditions???????
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Riot Kings, page 147
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(would he have gone through with it? Yes.)
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omaano · 6 months
I'm SO intrigued by Aphra in the Hades folder. My sapphic heart yearns for more Aphra content she's so good
@doublesunsets was "also *ahem* mighty curious" about this Wip, so here you go :) Thanks for asking! <3
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When I was looking for more characters to add to this AU (especially female characters, because let’s face it, I’m seriously lacking in that department so far, and I can only blame Star Wars for that until a certain point, after a while it’s just on me) a very kind anon suggested to me that Aphra would be a great choice for Charon’s role, so here she is! (Except I totally forgot to add a pouch/satchel to her side overflowing with scrolls and other looted artifacts… someone please remind not to forget that again, because as soon as I hit the post button here, I’m pretty sure I will 😅) so here she is, as a very red rough sketch for now for the Hades AU, ready to try and extort Din in exchange for some information on the sunshine farm boy Jedi he is looking for :3
WIP Titles for WIP game :3
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pokemon-ash-aus · 11 months
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I think it’s high time i share this!
I finished this today but i started this at the very start of the first release!
Jason just wants to help, and he found an unlikely comparison with Ogerpon and the story in general.
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chu-tao · 8 months
i feel like xianyun in modern au could be a traditional watchmaker who has a beef with local electronic shops, that would be funny i think
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kuromispamton2000 · 10 days
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they both babies UwU
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twewycrim3s · 7 months
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damagedh3art · 5 months
Open for any to also @unbreakableknight
"Riku!!! Riku!!" The boy cried out as he seemed panicked and overwhelmed. The look of pure distress on his face as the reality of everything was coming back all at once.
"He's back...he found me. He will make my suffering worse! I dont need the surgeries to syringes again...i dont want to have that terrible food that makes me nauseous anymore."
He wheezes and started to pace. "Oh where is my Knight..." He took a deep breath and called out again, "Riku! Rikuuu!"
This was possibly the worst idea he could ever do. Yelling leads folks good abd bad to you.
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