#darling dreamer
saytrtiara · 4 months
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After work
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bunniedolle · 10 days
soft yandere dream boy whose existence suddenly manifested through your dreams. you didn't know how or when, maybe it's because of how lonely you are that you unconsciously created him inside your mind. but in the midst of your sleep one particular night, he barges in. inviting himself in the land of your slumber.
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soft yandere dream boy who didn't know how to explain why he seems to be the only person in your dreams who doesn't act and resemble the others, standing out from the rest of them. it was almost like he was a person with a mind of his own, having his own thoughts and colorful personality, sometimes even getting sassy with you through his remarks.
soft yandere dream boy who likes to scare and surprise you by appearing out of nowhere when you finally allow sleep to lull you into your dreams. he's always playful with you, eyes filled with mischief. a complete contrast to your more gloomy and quiet personality. he makes comments about it from time to time, not really understanding why you're like that at the moment.
soft yandere dream boy who likes to play pretend with you, especially when the setting is inside a school. he assumed you had some odd attachment to it with how frequently your dreams would end up in a school building. he never leaves you alone. joining you in random classes and pretending to be a student there as he never fails to take the spot as your seatmate, stringing you along into his troublemaking ways which always leads to the both of you getting scolded by the teacher.
soft yandere dream boy who is beginning to notice something weird is happening within your dreams. the places looks a little darker than usual, the gloominess of each area resembling pieces of your personality. the people in your imagination grows more and more unfamiliar to what is once human. some bearing grotesque expressions that are so deformed that he could only describe them akin to being a monster in someone's nightmares.
and when he asked you about it, he finally understands everything. you told him that you find it much easier to compare their appearances to monsters, because no human is more evil than them. you've forgotten how human they actually looked like because of how they treated you.
it's the reason why your dreams only consists of you being in the school. why you're constantly nothing but a floating dark cloud of somberness. every single little thing inside your dream is a reflection and parallel of your miserable life. only, you expressed it more creatively in your dreams. he felt awful for not realizing it sooner.
soft yandere dream boy who defended you against those monstrosities when he bumps into you in one of your dreams, being cornered and surrounded by those deformed images of your classmates, his eyes seeing red as he watches them litter your poor little mind with such horrible thoughts.
soft yandere dream boy who decides he wants to help you. help you take your mind off of these horrible things in your life. somehow he can also change the scenery of your dreams. often times, he'll bring you to a beach where the two of you could just sit on the sand. he would encouraged a small activity between the two of you, giving you a small canvas to paint on while he has one of his own. then afterwards, the two of you will show each other what you painted.
he can't lie that he's doing this to prevent something predictably dreadful from happening after finally understanding what you truly feel. he's not quite sure if he is actually able to cheer you up in those moments when you're with him, but he's trying his absolute best just for you.
soft yandere dream boy who can only stand wide-eyed behind the forming crowd of deformities around your bleeding corpse. you had jumped from the rooftop of the school building, shattering your bones into pieces. he was too late. and he deeply regrets that he couldn't actually help stray you away from those agonizing whispers that pushes you to do this. if he only he had reach you in time...
soft yandere dream boy who didn't hesitate tackling you to the ground when you reappeared again in your dreams the next night after he just saw you die in front of him. you're alive! he scolds you for hours while tears are running down his face. he really thought you were gone! that you're never coming back to him and he'll be all alone.
but no matter what he does or how much he pleads, his words never reaches you. ever since your mind registered that you can't fully die in your dreams since you're afraid of feeling pain, you've somehow fallen into an addiction of trying different ways to end yourself before waking up back to your own world.
there's no doubt that sooner or later, he's just bound to snap. who knows what he would do. maybe he'll just take over your realm of dreams so he could stop you from doing this to yourself. he'll create you a new world where you won't have to suffer relieving the horrifying events of your reality. maybe you can even just start living here! where you don't need to wake up and can always be happy. living in everlasting sweet dreams with him by your side ‹𝟹
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sleep-drink · 11 months
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Part 7
Welcome to the October arc!!!
Okay LARRRRGE apologies for the sudden hiatus! I was doin A LOT and even now I’m still kinda doing too much, but I really like this story and I really wanna tell it! More art is gonna happen when I can, this became an unexpectedly big summer for me and there’s a lot of stuff I’m working thru still but I really hope you enjoy!
Im gonna try to return to my weekly outputs but they may not be all completely consistent. Thank you guys so much too BECAUSE THERES 1000 OF YOU NOW OMG!!!! I’ve never had 1000 anything and you all are so lovely ❤️❤️ thinking about having a contest soon so keep ur peepers peepin!! 💗
Thank you all so much again for reading, your energy keeps me going!
AS ALWAYS AU CRED: 🌟 @frillsand 🌟
Part 6:
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robertxdarling · 2 months
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Candy Darling Photography by Theresa Slattery Courtesy of Jeremiah Newton
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severedegg · 8 months
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fiiiiiiiiinally finished this took me ages but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yippee!!!!!!!
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caroll-in · 1 month
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Jordan, Hennessy.
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wh-comfortinghome-au · 10 months
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Just a small doodle! Remind me never to try to fit all the characters into one drawing again, makes it really difficult to draw them all with thin lineart hehe
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jacksandmarbles · 1 year
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pur-ugliest · 5 months
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(id: wEkrj78wkL)
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Wally Darling x Plushie reader one-shot
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Just a little scenario from my book;
Wally spends the night at your house when it rains, and it is here you learn sleep doesn't come naturally to him. Literally.
Note: I've read somewhere [or at least suspect] that Wally doesn't sleep. I like to think it's because he doesn't know how, but I'm probably wrong-
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"Gosh... it's raining cats and dogs out there."
You muttered to yourself, watching from your window as heavy rain pelted against the landscape. Thankfully the rainfall wasn't hard enough to be torrential in anyway, but just enough to not only drench someone entirely, but enough to make the mud and rocks around your home slippery. On top of that, the dark storm clouds overhead had obscured the moon's light, casting the forest in near complete darkness.
While you weren't a stranger to thunderstorms, you weren't used to seeing such a gloomy sight in an otherwise bright and colorful scenery.
"Cats and dogs?"
A calm voice drawled behind you, and you looked over your shoulder to see Wally approaching slowly. His head was tilted, peering out the window you stood in front of, confusion evident in his eyes. "...But I don't see any cats or dogs out there..."
"It's just a metaphor, silly. It means it's raining really hard." You chuckled softly turning to fully face him, your smile fading to a look of curious concern. "I'm glad I managed to find you in time. What were you doing so far away from the neighborhood anyway?"
"Ha ha," Wally gave a shy, monotonous laugh and unconsciously itched behind his head looking to his feet. "I was trying to look for a new muse to paint... I didn't know the woods were so deep." His smile dimmed subtly, his face now showing concern. "I hope home isn't too worried."
"Oh, don't worry! Tomorrow when the storm clears, we'll explain what happened!" You assured cheerfully, placing a paw on his head. "I'm sure he'll understand."
He looked up, his usual drowsy smile widening with warmth. "Thank you again for letting me stay the night, fluffy neighbor."
"Oh, its no trouble! I love a good sleepover!" You patted his head lightly, careful not to mess up his pompadour. "Are you comfy with my PJs though?"
Wally looks down at the (color) night shirt you had offered him. It hung loosely on his small body, looking like more of a gown than a shirt. "A tad big." He spread his arms so he can see the (color) (shape) on the chest. "But I like it."
You smiled with relief and motioned you to follow him. "Come on, let's get to bed."
As you walked to your bedroom, Wally stood for a moment before following you.
"Do you have enough room, Wally?" You scooted over slightly. Even though the bed was just big enough for two, Wally was pressed quite closely into your side. "Are you sure you don't want me to sleep on the couch?"
"No, I like this better. You're really fuzzy and warm. Like Barnaby." He answered, pressing himself into you. "And you smell nice."
"Oh..!" You were mildly taken aback by the bluntness of Wally's reply, but chose to view it positively. "Thank you... well then... goodnight, Wally."
"Goodnight, (Name)."
You sighed softly, shutting your eyes letting yourself succumb to--
"...I'm sleeping... I'm sleeping... I'm sleeping..."
Your eyes opened, as you heard a soft whispering break the relatively quiet atmosphere. It was so soft you nearly thought you were hearing things, but straining your ears over the patter of rain, you managed to make out the words yet again.
"...I'm sleeping... I'm sleeping... I'm sleeping..."
You blinked a couple times. Was... this a joke of some sort?
"Erm... Wally?"
"Yes?" He answered after a pause.
"Uhm... what... what're you doing?" It was a silly question, but you only asked for assurance.
"I'm... sleeping...?" He answered, though it sounded just as uncertain as you did.
"Ah. Uhm... Wally, you kinda have to be quiet to... sleep." You said somewhat slowly, hoping you wouldn't offend.
"Oh. Okay." He replied quietly. "My bad."
"It's okay, neighbor." You assured, closing your eyes again. "Goodnight."
~~~~~~~[30 minutes later]~~~~~~~
Your ears flicked as you were awoken from the semi-deep sleeping trance at that familiar whisper. Only it wasn't on your one side.
It was in front of you.
"Are you awake?"
You opened your eyes, and was startled at the pair of illuminating white sclera over you.
You then came to realize he was laying on your belly.
"Er... now I am." You replied, blinking a few times as the (shape) marking on your head lit up a soft (color) glow.
Once the room was lit, you saw his eyelids were slanted into a modest expression and his smile, while still there, was much less prominent.
He looked... troubled.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?"
He blinked, hesitant.
"...I can't sleep."
"Oh? What's got you up?" You sat up, feeling a sense of concern. "Are you not comfy? You're not too hot? Too cold?"
This eyes darted to the side for a moment then back to yours. "No... I can't sleep." He emphasized the word, playing with a strand of your fur in his fingers.
You squinted, confused. You processed his words, lifting your brow. "You... Can't sleep...?"
"No... I... don't... sleep." He said it slowly, lowering his gaze to his hands, seemingly embarrassed to admit such a thing.
"A-Ah." You uttered. It was quite a hard hitting statement, since you've never heard of such a thing. "Well then... you can just... lay on my belly and try to relax."
Wally hummed, resting his cheek on your belly. "Like this?"
"Yup!" You gently patted his head with one paw, while wrapping your arm around his back with the other, putting him in a soft hug. "Now... Just close your eyes and... try to clear your mind." You advised, staring up at the ceiling. "Try to focus on listening to the sound of the rain on the roof... it's usually really soothing."
You went quiet for a moment, listening to the light pitter-patter of rain yourself, turning your head to the window by your bed, watching the still steady rainfall beating down on the forests around your house.
"Is that helping, Wally?"
"A little." Came Wally's quiet reply. "But I like the sound of your voice better."
"Oh!" That gave you an idea. "Why don't I sing for you?"
You felt Wally nod, and you turned your head to look back up at your ceiling wracking your head for a lullaby.
You grinned as one came to mind.
You cleared your throat softly, and with a deep breath, you sang softly;
Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee; Sounds of the rude world heard in the day, Lull'd by the moonlight have all passed away...
Your soft, slow singing filled your room, and the soft pattering of the rainfall complementing the calm atmosphere as the dim (color) light started to fade to other colors, cycling between teal, blues, red, purples and reds, filling the room with a comfortable light.
Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song,
List while I woo thee with soft melody;
Gone are the cares of life's busy throng...
As you sang, you idly caressed Wally's head, your other paw rubbing in circles on his back.
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me...
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me...
You trailed off as you squinted. "...I... forgot the other words." You pouted slightly. "I'll have to ask Barnaby for the rest of the song."
"Was that good though?" You looked down at the small puppet on your tum.
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You smiled. "That's good."
You let out a small sigh, laying back as you felt the slow rise and fall of his chest on your tum, hearing the faintest of snores emanating from him.
"Goodnight, Wally."
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Reader’s a bunny plush here due to the poll, but if you’d like to be another animal, the asks are open.
but I left it ambiguous in the book so it’s easier to visualize yourself.
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saytrtiara · 4 months
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The Dreamers
Ever since Darleen died, Darren and Dirk have only had each other. But Dirk's growing older, and he's ready to spread his wings away from his dad's supervision. Now that he's starting his career as an esports gamer, he's anxious to leave this small town behind. Secretly, Darren feels like they're drifting apart, but he's just trying to be suportive.
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Dirk Dreamer
Traits: Music Lover, Materialistic, Genius, Business Savvy
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Celebrity: Proper Celebrity, Good Reputation
Dirk's finally rubbing elbows with the rich and famous. He's looking for somewhere to start fresh, away from his father's watchful eye. Hopefully he can find a place in Del Sol Valley, but San Myshuno's not bad either. He just needs somewhere he can make a name for himself.
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Darren Dreamer
Traits: Family Oriented, Romantic, Art Lover, Muser
Aspiration: Painter Extrodinaire
Darren's feeling a bit adrift now that Dirk's all grown up. He doesn't understand Dirk's rush to move out of Willow Creek when the two of them have had a nice, quiet life here after Darleen's death. Most of all, he misses Dirk's childhood, when he loved nothing more than talking about music and art with his dear old dad. What Darren really needs is something new in his life to spark his passion again
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Darling Dreamer
Traits: Aloof, Free Spirit, Talkative
Darling has been the faithful companion of the Dreamers for a long time. She's seen Dirk's rise to fame and Darren's following aimlessness. And she's got a lot to say about it
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sleep-drink · 1 year
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Part 5
WOW, THIS TOOK FOREVER!! I feel kind of bad cuz I believe @googlyeyes-blogs was like “ these come out so fast” and THIS TOOK 10 dayyyyyzzzz. Mainly cuz of rehearsal 😪
I gotta go sleep, I have not in a million yeaaaarssseee
AU cred @frillsand baybeeeeee
LAWDY enjoy! And HAPPY PRIDE!!!!
Part 6
Part 4
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reyshepherd · 5 months
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dreamdotweb · 2 months
I'm sorry but WHAT IS THAT NEW BOOK IN 7-2. WHUH...
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darling-cg · 11 months
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Overtly cute Wally paci edits, what joy! Making these is just the funnest!
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sfw interaction please
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Welcome Home Wally's Lullaby (Beautiful Dreamer) Music Box Animation :)
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