#darling replies
diapereddarling · 6 months
Hello! It's me, from your notifications! Do you have a summary of your story anywhere? I went through a few character tags, but didn't find one. Also, I love that Damian is disabled but still gets to dress up all fancy. I didn't realize how rare it is to see that.
Hihi :D! I don't really have a story summary yet as a lot is still in planning and it's very wip BUT I can give you some links in semi chronological order of what I have got and also gush about it here!
aaa I'm so glad you like Dorian and how I present him >u< full disclaimer, I myself am a physically abled person. I'm trying my best to write and present him as respectfully as I can with a lot of research and opinions of friends in similar states of disability- but I may be ham fisted or get things wrong, so to anyone who reads this, please let me know if I fuck up somewhere. I'd rather be told I did something wrong or presented something disrespectfully than have people be uncomfortable in silence about it. DISCLAIMER OUT OF THE WAY- Yeah I noticed like, a lot of disabled characters ( be it physical or mental ) don't really get presented as if they like dressing up or looking nice- particularly after trying to look up more disability friendly ways Dorian would probably use. It Sucks lol. At least from the people with mental disabilities side of it where I sit, I can say that ain't true of everyone at all. It's just harder.
So you can find some character reference stuff from this post here with picrew images- they were mainly so I could get a general idea of the main cast without physically having to draw them quickly
The story so far
The first post chronologically would be this one, as it talks about what happened to Dorian specifically. A bit about his home life, his parents, his neighbour and how he was released from said situation. I'm currently working on figuring out what the antagonist of this section's ties were to which god- but my main goal was to make it feel realistic at first before involving mythos with it. CW: : Stalking, kidnapping, delusions (involving pseudo incest thoughts ), (spinal) injury
After the incident, Dorian was hospital bound for a While. He'd been given a spinal injury, he was severely traumatised and could not be trusted to look after himself after all that yet because he was 6 months into being 18 when Mayline's life time of stalking came to a head. Even with rehabilitation efforts alone, the stint in hospital would've been a long one but then there was also the mental hurdles too. You can read some of that experience here. CW: medical setting, reactions to trauma, involuntary wetting and messing mention, a character being forcibly restrained in a non sexual way and trying to come to terms with mobility loss.
So while he was trying to adjust to his new normal there were a lot of things he would try to do to feel as if his life hadn't drastically changed ( it had, it's unfair that it happened but it is fine that it is now his life. Period of adjustment and all. ) He waited until Mayline's trail had been dealt with to carry on with education because, well. He's scared of her. He wants to know what's going to happen with her before he tried anything. During that time he read a lot, basically exposure therapying himself to the dark stories and stuff he enjoyed before because he didn't want to lose something that he felt made up so much of his identity. It almost definitely wasn't healthy but that is how he dealt with it.
After about a year or two, he decided he wanted to give further education a try. Since he was a kid he wanted to be a baker- he knew at least at the moment it was a pipe dream, mostly because of the various conditions that he has making said environment pretty dangerous. But he wanted to try.
While doing his culinary course, he met Leia. They didn't initially interact that much- very different aesthetics and very different circles. But Leia's a very intense and bubbly lass- so when she saw Dorian reading a book that she'd also wanted to read; there was basically no hesitation in her running up to him to chatter about the book. They became fast friends after that. Becoming friends with Leia helped him a lot in all honesty- Dorian was kind of Terrified of women after the incident ( and felt awful for it ) especially if they shared features with Mayline ( Blonde hair, blue eyes ect ), so Leia being both a woman and having blonde hair helped bring him out of it some what.
Dorian met Steven during the middle of his second year. It was when he decided to get his first tattoo ( the one on his thigh ) and Steven was apprenticing as a tattoo artist at the time. It's kind of difficult to not talk at least a little while going through the pretty long process of being tattooed and they ended up just getting along really well and meshing super well so just continued to meet up when they could because they enjoyed each others company.
Dorian also met Stevens current partner at the time, Charlie. They were all pretty friendly with each other though romantically, Charlie and Steven only lasted about 8 months. They broke it off mutually agreeing they'd be better friends and actually did become much closer as a platonic bestfriends rather than romantic partners. Charlies cool, he helped Dorian solder spikes to the rims of the wheels on his wheelchair to force people to stop trying to get to close lmao. It was his idea.
After university Dorian realised there was no way he could safely hold down a job. The mobility issues were too much to handle in a commercial kitchen setting even without the stress induced narcolepsy. It messed with him for quite a bit.
He lived on the internet for a bit, being fond of niche gothic forums and very surprisingly, still taking interest in true crime. It might've been an interest before his kidnapping but now he just wants to try to understand what the hell was going on in Mayline's head. He met Maxine on one of these forums, they talked about gothic lit for quite a bit before exchanging socials and forming a friendship off that.
During this time Dorian and Steven also started dating- and after about a year and a half, moved in together. They have a lower floor apartment together and one day hope to get a house together. Dorian also got his two kitties, Carmilla and Poe!
While living together Steven suggested to Dorian the idea of videoing himself baking or streaming it. It was kinda him recognising Dorian was trying to get over the hurdle of not being able to do what he wanted since he was a kid but also not wanting to give up completely. It isn't perfect but it works and Dorian finds a lot of fulfilment in it. He doesn't show his face ever, understandably, so he does his best to remain more or less anonymous on the internet with these things :3
All of these characters have been touched by at least one of the gods in in some way in this universe btw. I am figuring out the semantics but ye! That's what I've got so far c:
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clownsuu · 9 months
Clownsuu may we have a drawing of the ✨️Goober Mob✨️
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Only the most goobiest, neighbor
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hkruu · 8 days
Can you write a cold and distant yandere CEO with everyone but a total puppy to the reader?
“NOTICE ME.” — hkr
\\ yan ceo , loser behavior behind doors lmfao , implied favoritism , stalking , mention of murder and violence , slightly sadistic (?) , not my usual style of writing but I tried !! //
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Keith was loosing his mind, do these worms that work under him not understand English? He swears that anyone could drop dead and he wouldn't care except for that worker (you) that he always seemed to favor out of anyone.
Of course everyone that worked on the company was aware.
"Seriously, how do you even gain the favor of boss? I swear he's a tough ice." One of of your co-workers had asked, you could only shrug in response. You of all people didn't know why Keith favored you among the best, I mean just why? There was Kayla who was employe of the month, Seth who was his assistance so what could you offer?
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Keith who somehow gets jealous of everything and anything, you try to interact with the newbies? Huh, when did they become so busy with a lot of paper works? It's only their first day . . . If you want answers you might wanna turn to Seth.
Keith who really likes seeing you working hard, it reminds him the times where he watched you study hard for your degree during September 3 at 3:17 am — you're asking why he knows that? Well he's Keith, a normal guy trying to make business.
When Keith is alone, you might mistake him from another guy. Behind the doors of his office room, you're greeted with the warmth of his affection and a soft tone going “Good day".
Keith acts like a total puppy around you and he doesn't care, if you want to change your schedule it's already done in a swift! Want to be an air-conditioned room? Already done and dusted. You murmur wanting to be employee of the month? Oh would you look at that, you're employee of the month!
Of course, he'd always find a way where it's always related to him. He did want his name engraved into your head. . . .
Keith's love language is definitely act of service and gift giving. It's one of his strong suits since it came so naturally over him, he'd always remind you that he only shows this side to you because you are special to his eyes. Of course, some employee who overhead it will be the one who's flustered instead.
You two don't have a label in your point of view, but in Keith's? He practically thinks it's your 4th anniversary! He just loves you so much, why can't you just accept his love and let him trap you in his safe space? You won't have to work, do chores and even lift a finger. Keith would happily do anything you wanted, your needs mattered more than his.
Keith is the type to let the situation defuse by itself but when dealing with someone getting in his way to finally make you his — he's not above to resorting to violence. Even if Keith soft to you, he will never hesitate to resort to bad behavior just to make you stay by his side, like an actual loyal partner.
Murder wasn't a second choice, it was always the first choice. It didn't matter if it was a simple misunderstanding or a little trouble, there was no harm in ending lives when it came to you. Keith doesn't find blood dirty, he finds it fascinating. Blood keeps your heart pumping, blood runs through your veins at this very moment, it's something he likes feeling, touching.
That CEO is no psychopath, he calls it affection. Can't you see all the efforts he did just so that you could be in a higher position? Did you not acknowledge everything he did to you during highschool? During middle school? College? Do you not remember Keith? It was a shame, but this time he would make sure that you'd remember him for the rest of your life.
Even if you run away, quit your job, live in another country. Keith will always follow in any shape or form, he'll engrave the memories you spent together in your stupid brain, he'll carve his name into your skin and watch it bleed with your blood.
Keith is a normal guy. He's distant and cold, he keeps everything to himself, and he certainly doesn't like sharing.
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\\ sorry if it's short ><!! I thought I was free the whole day but uhhh my schedule said no and sent me to a writing frenzy irl again!!//
\\ grrr request now cus I AM SKIBIDI //
\\ tysm for requesting anon, I hope I didn't go ooc 😞 (I did) //
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b-o-e · 1 year
paint me like one of your french girls
Wally Darling x Reader
Warnings: you aren’t very good at painting lol
although it is not necessary, I highly suggest reading my fics in their recommended order for the best experience! here is the link to all my silly lil wally fics in order. this is #2 :)
You weren’t the best painter, nor were you the best at picking up hints…
“... this is atrocious.”
You were not a painter. You were finding that much out right now.
“Well, don’t say that. It has me in it, so it can't be that bad, ha ha.” Wally jested.
“Are you almost finished with it, neighbour?”
“I wouldn’t say I’m finished, but I’m almost ready to give up, yes,” you grumbled, the bristles of your brush carefully swiping some more paint onto the canvas. Yikes! Not carefully enough, it seems.
Wally noticed your grimace, laughing lightly. “It’s going to look good, I know it,” he claimed.
“You’re easily pleased, though,” you huffed, eyes flickering to him in a half-hearted glare. He giggled, shaking his head.
“I am honest,” he grinned, raising his right hand to swear on it. “Cross my heart, always and forever,” he promised, drawing the ‘x’ over his chest with a happy smile.
“At least I think I did Home some justice,” you snickered with a shrug. “You, not so much, Wally. I think you can still tell it’s you, though?”
“I’m sure I look amazing. Handsome!”
“I wouldn’t use that word for it, but the real you is?” You offered.
“Why, you’ll make me blush.”
You laughed lightly as you continued to paint, Wally remaining as still as a statue in his chosen position in front of home. His eyes never left you.
He loved the expressions you made. He just adored the twitch of your brow when you don’t quite approve of a detail, the silly grimace you wear when you’ve made a ‘mistake’, the way your tongue poked out a little when you were extra focussed... You were so entrancing!
“... going to start being a bit less uptight now,”
Wally hadn’t caught the first part, but figured out what you were saying.
“I guess I should probably give myself a little more credit than I am.” A little smile tugged at the corner of your lips. Oh! He enjoyed that expression most!
“I’m happy you say that,” Wally said, “I do mean it when I say I believe I will like it. Everyone has their own unique style. It’s nothing less than that,” he added, “plus, it’s made by you. That gives it extra special points!”
“Special, alright,” you joked quietly to yourself. It was definitely a unique piece, your painting.
“I just need to remind myself I don’t have much experience with this,” you sighed, “I need to cut myself some slack. I know practice is necessary to be as good as someone like you at this, and I haven’t put much of that in,”
“And if you were ever interested in such, I would always be around to offer my help if you so desire,” Wally assured.
“Thanks, Wally,” you tore your eyes away from your work, looking over at him. “I appreciate you. Always so sweet to me,” you sighed out dramatically. Unfortunately, your gaze didn't stick on him long enough to notice the redness growing on his cheeks from your compliments.
“Alas, I think I’m all done now,” you giggled, stepping back from your work. Now that you look it over, it really wasn’t too shabby, especially with your limited skill!
Wally stood up from his spot, starting his way over, as you turned the easel around so that he and Home could both see it. When Wally was close enough, he leaned forward a little, examining the painted canvas. Despite the knowledge that Wally would never judge you, your nerves twisted a little in your stomach as you watched his eyes study it with such intensity.
It was silent. He’s observed it for at least a minute now, not a word said.
“I know it’s-”
“It’s wonderful,” Wally cut you off, straightening his posture, his smile growing. “The absolute most, as is its creator,” he added as he looked at you. “Can I have it?” he asked, head tipping to the side.
“You… Want it?” you giggled sheepishly, peering over at your goofy little creation. Was it really nice enough for him to want to keep it?
“I love it, so of course I would like to have it. If you allow me to, of course,”
Your painting wasn’t much. To you, at least. To Wally on the other hand, it truly was extravagant.
It was cute. He and Home were nicely depicted together, Home painted quite well, and in his opinion, he himself had not looked nearly as bad as you’d been letting on.
His face had a cute, simple little smiley on it, as did the sun in the sky, two silly little features among others that you had added when you decided not to care so much anymore. It made him giggle. Overall, it was just yours, and that’s what really sealed the deal on his love for it.
“Hmm… where should I hang it, though? Maybe by the couch?” He wondered aloud, tapping his chin. “What do you think, Home?” He turned to face it, receiving quick excited waves and squeaks from the door. “Ha ha. I think that, too.”
“You actually want it?” You questioned,
“Of course,” Wally nodded. “Oh no! How impolite of me. I should be offering some sort of payment,” he realized.
“For this?” You laughed, looking back at the artwork. “I dont think it’s worth a whole lo–”
You gaped at Wally, hand on your flushed cheek, right where his lips had been moments prior.
“Will that do?” He smiled.
You could only stare in disbelief, mind working overtime to process what had just happened.
You laughed. You laughed, and you shook your head, hands covering your face. Oh, those silly little thoughts of yours!
“Oh my goodness, Wally,” you snickered. “Be careful with that! Someone might take it the wrong way,” you warned, a little giggle following.
“What do you mean, neighbour?” Wally questioned, brows furrowed. “Is kissing not a good thing?”
“I mean, it is, but there's two ways it can be perceived: platonically, or romantically,” you explained, rubbing at your face in an attempt to get rid of your blush with a cheeky smile.
“Think of it like this. Eddie and Frank kiss as a way to show their romantic love for each other. That's because they’re a couple,” you continued. “Are they who you learned it from?”
Wally stared at you for a moment, trying to comprehend all that you’ve said. Finally, his shoulders slumped slightly as he answered.
“... Yes,” he admitted, a bashful smile on his features.
“I figured,” you sniggered. “I mean, I’m not saying I didn’t like it or anything, but just keep what I said in mind,” you joked lightly with a playful wink, “but, we should find a place for this painting, shouldn’t we?” You placed your hands on your hips, looking between him and the piece.
“That sounds like a good idea, neighbour,” he agreed, carefully picking up the dried painting, grabbing the easel in his other hand.
“Let’s do that, then,”
“So, how did it go?” Eddie asked, placing a toasty mug of hot cocoa in front of a sulking Wally. “Not that great, I presume..?” He smiled sympathetically.
“They said to ‘be careful’ because ‘someone might get the wrong idea’...” he gave a gloomy smile. “But they also said they ‘didn’t dislike’ it?” He offered.
“So they thought the right idea, but brushed it off as being wrong,” Frank snickered, shaking his head at the ridiculousness of the situation while he sipped on a mug of his own.
Eddie sighed, rubbing at the back of his neck with a chuckle. This was harder than the couple originally anticipated…
You two would be the death of this neighbourhood if you didn’t perceive your feelings for each other soon.
yyyello!! I hope you enjoyed reading this!
here is a link to my silly lil wally fics in their recommended order if you would like :) these can also be found on my ao3 B) I also have a ko-fi if you'd like to support me! likes and reblogs are very much so appreciated B) (again, gimme dopamine boost, RAHHHHH) until next time <3
Posted Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 11:29 AM
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Wally and Eddie
Yeup, that sounds about right!
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Hi! Can you do prompt 27 angst where the reader gets replaced by another newcomer and Wally forgets about her? It can be fem or gender-fluid reader.
Ooh, I like this request! So yeah I’ll write this for you anon!
Worst thing is she didn't hear
Pairing: Wally Darling x Replaced!Female reader
Part 2, Part 3,
Promp list of which the request came from!
Illustrated Au, picture doesn’t belong to me! R/n stands for random name peeps!
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F/n has always loved Wally Darling, the resident sweetheart and Wally loved her, the thing is that both were just to scared to confess or even try which lead to F/n getting her heart broken.
It a started with a new neighbor, their name was R/n and they were the neighborhood sweetheart. Of course F/n was happy that a new neighbor joined the quaint little town but she couldn't avoid the pit she felt everytime Wally would blow her off for R/n, it was almost as if he was replacing her and maybe he was, trying to move on from something they both were to scared to begin in the first place.
Months happened since F/n last talked to Wally and it was too painful to watch him being so happy with someone else so she decided to do the only thing that was left to do and that was leaving. She made her bags and started saying goodbye to her neighbors, Frank pulling her to the side to ask the reason of her parting.
"It hurts to much to see him with them Frank... I know I should be happy for them, I really do, but it was supposed to be me... It was supposed to be Wally and I but this is for the best! I have been putting to the side visiting my hometown for long enough," said F/n while hugging Frank, with a teary goodbye they parted ways but F/n knew that as soon as that train started it's way she would forget the little town and she would never see Wally Darling again but... She had to get away.
"Worst thing is she didn't hear Wally scream for her to not leave him..."
Hope you liked it Anon!
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kit-williams · 4 months
I wanna know how some of the yans would react to a baseline person making moves on their darlings.
(I'm sorry this took so long)
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @squishyowl @ms--lobotomy
You're funny. I COULD just say that they'd be a body that would never get found but how would they end up dead? Also very few of these imply that the darling is against such moves being made on them.
Azazel The baseline better pray to the God Emperor for mercy for Azazel has none. Lilith is his beautiful star of the morning and while he is aware the effects she can have on others... he is aware just how unintentionally friendly she can be... she also knows her limit. Pray dear mortal pray for your mercy... for Azazel has none.
Palion Seething intense jealousy and anger as how dare you. Oh yes he would be thrilled someone else would see how beautiful his Muse is but if he saw how uncomfortable she was it would turn into fury real quick. Depending on his mood he might kill them right in front of his Muse or he might steal her away and have the baseline locked away to personally hear their screams.
Harram Harram is confident in himself because he's actively providing for his Orichalcum. He can deal with a persistent male too as he is certain his fortifications around her heart can withstand a weaker male making his attempts. However the first sign of any wavering and the male is gone, however, Harram wouldn't blame Ori but himself not doing enough for her to keep those defenses strong.
Nogai Nogai doesn't need to do anything for his Хонгор just has to do is tell him that she is tired of this baseline bothering her... and they'll be removed from her presence. And Nogai will be there the one coaxing her to utilize his skills... come now... I can rid of him for you.
Arkyn Arkyn would be chummy with the man who was making moves on his darling. Just before he would grab them and threaten them. Arkyn wouldn't want to get his hands dirty right away but if the dog doesn't understand what he is saying the wolf will put him down.
Astel Astel will get them alone... he knows where the cameras are... he'll start a conversation with them using some bullshit about how he can smell something off with them. The scalpel is buried into their neck as they gurgle softly before he snaps something on them and just stuffing the body in some corner. To rot and be forgotten about by all... especially his little Maus.
Ghosk He really doesn't care if another baseline is making moves surprisingly. Usually Rabbit just has to show her tattoo he got her and most sane men back off... only the really persistent ones he'll dispose of at her request. Its other Astartes he saves his energy for but don't you dare try and make moves on Rabbit while he's in the room and she still showed his mark of ownership on her to them... he's got a very fickle temper.
Sirus Jealousy is an UGLY thing on a Blood Angel. He would watch and not make any moves if his Moonlight just calmly and quietly rejects the advances... Sirus will easily have a snack of the baseline man's blood should his Moonlight be receptive... after Sirus sees what he does that charms his beautiful Moonlight and then happily applies them himself to woo her even more easily.
Marlos Vauth He's curious at how someone else could get so close to his Byte. Its perhaps something like this that sets him off to just keep her all to himself once and for all. Death is slow and drawn out... perhaps he turns off their lungs in intervals only turning them back on to keep them alive. To be at the Mercy of Marlos... is to look into the merciless eyes of death.
Zul Depends on which Zul... freshly returned to his senses... he would think you're trying to steal his "golden goose" so to speak and well a bloody death awaits. When Zul has become a warlord of his own? No one with a brain keeps flirting with her after she reveals who she is... if they do he makes an example of them... he's very protective of what is his.
Tulio Oh no this wouldn't do at all. That baseline would not be the first one he has killed with his bare hands. They would be another body that this son of Guilliman would have to hide... he knows how to make it look like some wild beast ripped a man apart. His whole body would tense and twitch as he would keep a stern and expressionless face as his mind switched to how he is when fighting Tyranids... cunning beasts that best be put down quickly. Just another body to be cut down.
Solos Death can't come fast enough. They better play off the fact that they were making moves on his Lovie as being an ignorant cunt and beg for his forgiveness. Oh and pray that the baseline tries to even imply that it was Lovie who started the flirting. That's death right then and there at even implying that Lovie would be unfaithful to him. (Even if she's yelling at him that they are through)
Nakht Doesn't have to worry much about Birdie as she is a capable sorceress who can handle herself. But if they somehow play the whole being macho card, that he's been playing, oh no no no... Nakht would see your utter ruin. He might be one of the few who wouldn't outright kill any competition but he would certainly ruin them.
Zhur Would be surprised you are going after Dolli. Now he knows she can handle herself but if they somehow didn't get it through their head that she wasn't interested or by the four she actually is interested... you're a bloody smear. And depending on when this Dolli is... she might be cooing to Zhur about how she... appreciates him doing such things for her.
Jihias His neverborn is howling in his ear before he even hears or sees what is going on. The way Lamb's eyes glitter and shine at the complements... the way Lamb just blushes at the kiss on the back of her hand. If its someone from the planet she is from he handles convincing them to suddenly be uninterested in Lamb with a delicate touch. Should they be someone who came to help convert the planet... they feel the draw of the ritual knife across their stomach as they are sacrificed in a display with a horrified Lamb watching as his neverborn is summoned at the death of another.
Nubin He's old and he's patient but he also knows that his darling likes to be flirty... likes to push against the chain he has on her... push the limit of what she can get away with. He won't kill the baseline but his darling is going to be reminded that he's more than enough man for her... and how much he loves her... and how much she is part of his hoard.
Raven Guard Trio Death comes in various shades but it's most likely Sor who deals the killing blow that or Kazi. Jealousy will burn bright for the young ravenguard. Moremo will keep the boys calm until he hears a jab thrown his way... he sees his age as a boon not a hinderance in pleasing their Dove... and Sor... well he's just a malevolent specter just waiting to end the interloper's life.
Omegon He doesn't even have to do anything... his little Vixen gets jumpy when people try to get close so this baseline making advances again and again... he trusts she can push them off. However, the Primarch isn't immune to being ugly jealous as he knows he is larger, more powerful, and naturally scary that perhaps his little Vixen flirts a little... perhaps meaning a bit too much into those flirts. Omegon knows that she is still coming into her title and position as his Vixen... with the man just disappearing into the night and a cozy little dinner with his darling... he can inform her what it means to be his.
Roland Death. Is what he would want to jump to. He will restrain his anger towards the baseline as there are thousands of different ways of showcasing that you are in a monogamous relationship within the Imperium. But oh boy will Roland be cuddly and touchy with his darling after it. But if somehow the fact that she was in an exclusive relationship with him as well as him being the sire of their children was not deterring them... then death.
Tyberos Hahahahahahahaha no one within the fleet makes moves onto the Void Mother, minus of course the Void Father, but the instant someone does start making a move... it doesn't even have to be Tyberos to stop it... it would be one of the several guards that would be around her. The Chapter Master is far too busy to deal with petty attempts at slighting him... now the brothers that guard the Void Mother... they are less forgiving especially should those moves make the Void Mother uncomfortable.
Yrac H3X doesn't understand flirting very well. So it might be some time before she realizes another Heretek is making moves on her. It stops rather quickly when she goes to Yrac and simply repeats what was told to her with the additional cock of her head, "But I thought that is what we did together in private... I don't really want another relationship." She says not fully understanding the double entandres that are laced into the binary only understanding that what the other was asking for was an activity she and Yrac did together exclusively. Yrac coos and calms his darling H3X down telling her he would take care of it. "But you have your murder face on." She would say bluntly as he would pull off his mask and kiss her before taking his Omnissian Axe with him to take care of it.
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Question, does this:
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Have a purpose or is just a shiny object he likes?
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It's just decoration! No purpose! Sirens are just hoarders. They Hoard the treasure they steal off the looted corpses pirates, and if they aren't just making a pile somewhere they might take some of the peices and turn them into accessories for their tails, fins, hair, ect. Sirens aren't meant to be agile or quick in water or wear things that would make them faster, they're meant to be alluring to their target prey, so naturally shiny things catch their instincts. You will often see them hoarding shiny fabrics, sequins, gold, silver, copper, pearls, gems, or other things of this nature (both just to have and to wear).
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no-name-blu · 6 months
Blu blu blu!!! I have a question! How does Wally show his affection to his partners (like people who ship your Wally with there ocs like mine) ? Like dose he know how to show affection or dose he like to get affection and attention :0
It's a hard process to get him to be comfortable and show affection
The moment you're on hugging territory with him, he trusts you with his whole black goopy heart
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He is such a gentleman, he's most likely using his powers to spoil you and don't even realize he's overdoing it.
His love language is probably quality time or acts of service (idk yet)
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Wally loves receiving affections like hugs and kisses. Makes him warm and fuzzy. Plus! he also doesn't hug back, but instead he just stands there and accept the hug since he didn't know what he's supposed to do with his arms (he still knows what a hug is. He's just awkward)
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He's very protective. Mostly because Home would use the things he likes and love against him, so he doesn't want to risk it to someone important to him ahem Valentine's day
Then one more thing, HE IS SUPER TALKATIVE, He will ramble for a good hour or so about whatever knowledge and rant that comes to mind
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diapereddarling · 7 months
idk if you like Genshin Impact BUT i remember seeing a hc about Wriothesley being a padded caregiver/diapered dom and I'd love to see that in your style. just in case you wanted a prompt about a strong masc man in diapers. 👀♥️
" I don't care who HoYoverse sends I'm Not playing Genshin " /j
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Fr tho I've not picked up Genshin in like, a year so I might give it a go again just to see what the character is like
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jazzzzzzhands · 1 year
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Manifesting him IRL!!! Into my room!! I just know he will appreciate my decor!! He is being so so patient, while I draw him in! (based on a Dream I had)
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paper-cities · 6 months
I would like to request an Izutsumi perhaps perchance. 🙏
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Half foot Izutsumi anyone?
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killemwithkawaii · 9 months
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K.E.W.K.: *Walks back into the blog 8 months later with a mug of cold coffee and even bigger eye bags* Self-Care~ 👑✨
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llondonfog · 1 year
let's make no mistake about it, i genuinely find lilia one of the most fascinating characters in twst— a 700 yr old fae who spent centuries as the most revered general of briar valley, confidant to the royal family, did an about-turn to fatherhood immediately upon finding an abandoned baby and now romps around a school campus with said son and the heir apparent to the draconia family pretending to be 680 years younger than he actually is???? fucking insane.
we know absolutely nothing about his own personal life; no immediate family to speak of (besides his adopted son), and we can safely assume they're no longer among the living. we have no idea what his own childhood was like, but i think we can extrapolate by the way that he initially raised silver that it wasn't conventional. were tensions always so high between fae and humans, did lilia simply grow up in a time where war was a common occurrence, that to serve in the briar valley army was the obvious path to take? we can only gather bits and pieces about his previous lifestyle from his card lines, and it would seem that his life prior to silver was a harsh one, with little to no time for personal amusement or exploration of interests.
and one doesn't just become a renown general fitting for the history books by simply leading an army for so many years— it's clear that he was so very good at it. did he too share the fae consensus that humans were not to be trusted, and if so, at what point did that begin to change? was it truly raising silver that altered his perspective? and more to that point, can we assume that he was truly looking for the boy as his new card title suggests? and if so, why? was it for silver's unique magic, did he really come from royalty, was he considered a threat to the draconias? does any of this have to do with the disappearance of malleus' parents so many centuries prior??
i'm so torn between the idea of lilia being instructed to find and raise silver for some greater purpose and over time, realizing how much he's grown to care and love the child, versus the idea of somehow this little baby being enough to give the fierce general pause, to take him in as his own. i also wonder if lilia even proclaimed himself as silver's father to begin with, or if that's simply a title silver gave him on his own and only then did the ramifications of what he meant to the boy truly sink in. it must have been such a shock, the realization that a human could look up at him with such pure love and think of him as a father— for what does he know of rearing a child, and a human one at that? lilia himself even admits this at countless points, and the more we learn of silver's childhood, the more clear it becomes that while the mutual affection is truly there, the understanding of how to properly care for another being of any kind is clearly lacking.
which is understandable when we think of lilia's past experiences— he was simply a guardian, a 'bodyguard' to an extent to malleus, and someone who intervened to provide the kind of life lessons and guidance that an absent father figure could no longer give. but he did not raise the prince, nor was he responsible for caring for him daily. if what we know so far is to be believed, there was little to no time of lilia's role as a general to his departure and caring for silver. for once in his life, he gets to taste the unfettered freedom of no longer shouldering the weight of a nation's protection, and to be frank, goes a little mad with it. it makes sense why he was cavorting around the world while leaving silver at home, he simply never got to enjoy these freedoms before and perhaps selfishly took advantage of that fact while neglecting the ramifications of leaving a child to care for itself (especially one with a narcoleptic condition).
(and even now he kind of seeks that familiar comfort of warfare— we see him gaming as a kind of warlord with idia, which makes sense that he was unable to fully part with that portion of his identity if it truly made up his entire persona for nearly 600 years.)
anyways all this to say that i have no doubt that lilia truly cares for silver. but i think there's something to be said for fae emotional differences, and that he massively underestimates or doesn't know how to acknowledge that silver loves him before even himself. that the things he does to his family (re halloween, his departure party) are ignorantly cruel at best. at the same time, how could you blame him? as a general and being accustomed to loss of life, what is the use of a long, drawn out goodbye? and to have spent the majority of his life in such a mindset, it's understandable, even if reprehensible, to apply this logic to silver, malleus, and sebek. on the flip side, how utterly fascinating how lilia seems to be fooling himself with these forced and abrupt goodbyes— he admits it himself that he fears becoming weak before his family, that vulnerability so at odds with the kind of power and strength he wielded for years.
i have absolutely no idea what the next part of ch7 will bring us, but i really cannot wait to explore more of lilia in his general years, at the height of his glory. and i really do hope that we get the truth of what we all know— his happiest dream, his sweetest memory, being that of when he found silver at last. how fitting would that be, especially for silver who had wept miserably to malleus about his failures to lilia as his son. how fitting to know that lilia does not see him in that way, that his happiest moment that he would choose to relive and dream is the one where he gathers up silver in his arms, and inevitably sets in motion his course to become his father.
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What if all the neighbors turn out to be evil and they're just
Evil besties?
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Devilishly handsome singer part 6
Pairing: Mafia leader!Waly Darling x Mafia leader singer!Male reader
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7,
Illustrated Mafia Au, wrote a little bit in Spanish but do use translation if you don't understand and picture done by @clownsuu
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Wally smiled softly while twirling in his hands a apple whiskey, Howdy was cleaning the counter and looking down, minding his business. Both man were thinking, albeit different persons, on a guy; Wally was thinking of M/n’s enchanting eyes while Howdy was thinking on the kind yet shy smile that Gepeto gifted him. Our boys be simping 
“So, Gepeto and you?,” asked Wally smirking before taking a sip at his apple whiskey. Wally almost laughed at how it seemed that Howdy short circuited at his simple question, Howdy only shared his head in a no while one of his hands covered his blue dusted cheeks. Wally’s attention span on Howdy lasted a couple of minutes but soon his smiled grew when he heard his phone ring, it was exactly nine o’clock and that meant M/n’s gang, Hidden Pictures, was ready to start their attack on San Stars. 
“Hola hermoso, are you ready to conquer a gang?,” asked M/n’s insanely sweet voice making Wally blush softly. M/n smiled on the other side of the hand listening the soft crack Wally had on his voice when he answered with a simple yes.
“Mhmm, que lindura… We are going to meet at, como se llama esa calle pelotudo?, Boulevard Broken across the street of Dreams… si la conoces?,” said M/n and Wally blushed at his use of Spanish.
“Yes, I know where that is… We’ll be there in a few,” said Wally hearing how M/n chuckled before saying a “See you here preciosura” to hang up. Wally sighted dreamily and looked at Howdy who started telling everyone to grab their favorites weapons since they are going out.
Everyone grabbed their weapons; Wally took his mere presence, Howdy took his ice pick, Barnaby took his biggest guns, Julie took her tranquilizer sniper gun, Sally took a rocket launcher against everyone’s demise, Eddie took a simple revolver to be able to protect Frank because Poppy was simply going as medical stand by and Frank was going to help her through any panic attacks.
When they arrived at the meetup Wally smiled at seeing M/n with a long black trench coat were in the back had a picture with roses crossed over with red in the back and on the sleeves, he had some beautiful red high heels just go with it and a beautiful apple red silk shirt that was accompanied with a white corset.
“God, he is fucking beautiful…”
Part 6 is out dearies! Part 7 is on the making shall but let me know if you want to joint the tag list!
Tag list:
@darling-w @mythjustiice @lotusflowerexe @whynot5243 @vampyrefay @frindtheshapeshifter405 @unluckyredflames @elegantkidfansoul @fluffyart5000 @totofranken @sjalyne @thezhephir @mythjustiice @waywardstardustcollector @thezhephir @rizzardbutonlyforai @beu-is-here0 @therealdonnied @maijvme @yuri-dono-blog @curiosityscrewedthatcat
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