#darth jadus x imperial agent
drakenguh · 1 year
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A blog for SWTOR fanfiction rb'ed from my main. Read main's SWTOR post for in-depth list of ships and OCs. Features mature themes unsuitable for minors.
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serenofroses · 9 months
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Ania's grief over Jadus' demise, not long before Darth Marr recruited her to hunt down the Eagle's terror cells. // Heart of Terror prelude. imperial agent canon divergent.
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chissgendered · 2 years
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Alone in the Dark
Novel: Fall of Darth Jadus
Pairing: m!SI (Darth Jadus / Darth Notkis) x f!IA (Cipher Nine / Cynthia Prescost)
Fandom: Star Wars, The Old Republic
Word Count: 606
Warnings: implied child abuse, implied rape, au:canon divergent
Rating: Mature
Premise: Cynthia Prescost, an Imperial Agent who goes by the moniker Cipher Nine, confronts her lover, Darth Jadus. A secret is spilled out.
Source: Angst Prompt Generator
Tag List: @arrthurpendragon @perasperaadastrawriting @starryeyes2000
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“I was alone!” she howled at the Sith before her. “When I truly needed you, you disappeared! So, you don’t know what I have been through! You. Don’t. Know!”
“Cynthia, I know — ”
“You don’t know! How could you know what happened to me?!” She cut Darth Jadus off as she dug her fingernails into her palm. This trick worked to distract her when her parents locked her in her childhood bedroom when she was younger. Presently, it did nothing.
As he bent down, Jadus set a holopad on the table next to them. She was too irate to see that he was carefully examining holo-news or read the breaking headlines about an attack on the distant planet of Bespin. Authorities said none survived.
She trembled, the shaking barely discernible to the naked eye, but Jadus knew all her idiosyncrasies. He immediately knew something was wrong. Her heart hammered in her chest.
“I knew they would hurt me,” she cried out, sobbing as those memories took hold of her as they often did now, “but I never thought that they would do that. How could anyone predict they would do that?”
“No one could,” Jadus murmured, his voice no higher than a melodic purr. He wiped one of her tears away with his hand, the moisture leaving a spot behind on the ebony-colored clawed glove. “You have experienced one of the worst things that a person could endure. You don’t need my permission to mourn.
“And you need not fear a punishment for this outburst either, Cyn. You’re not the reason that happened, but you need to do whatever you can to heal from it. Even if that means you must leave me and be by yourself for a bit. I have no use for someone who’s broken.”
Although his words were harsh, there was a gentleness to them. Cynthia couldn’t fault his reasoning. In her current state, they were no closer to realizing his glorious empire than they were after fate reunited them.
I can’t even look at him without remembering what happened. This was not Jadus’ fault. If she were honest with herself, every man reminded her of those who captured her, those who took torture too far. He was only a stand in for the ones who took part in her abuse.
She breathed in and out. Her breaths fell rapidly on each other, and each stopped with a choked sob. As time passed, her anxiety rose until it reached its tipping point.
I can’t breathe, Cynthia panicked. Again, her air was cut off with a choked sob.
“Be at ease,” he tried to soothe her as he pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her. No amount of comfort would make it okay. “All who participated in such a plan will perish by my hand. I give you my word that they will not escape me.”
Although Imperial Intelligence was no more and Sith Intelligence rose to take its place, Jadus would hunt down all who were responsible for what happened over the skies of Corellia.
The Sith always reveled in the hunt. This time would be no different, and all of those she considered her friends were in danger from his never-ending rage.
I can’t allow him to figure out who was responsible. Shara was the one in most danger should he look into the plan that they all agreed to. He would murder the former Watcher Two and Keeper, but most importantly to Cynthia, one of her few friends.
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tiredassmage · 1 year
7, 8, & 24 for tyr because i am incredibly predictable
skfnlskf but you're loved xD (enabler)
[SWTOR OC Questions]
7. What else about their appearance (e.g. hairstyle, body shape) isn't shown in-game?
Primarily his few implants from service in Imperial Intelligence, but some scarring’s missing as well.
Tyr’s primarily a product of training more than modification and enhancement programs out of Imperial Intelligence, but his implants originally installed by Watcher X on Nar Shadaa during his tenure as Cipher Nine have been maintained and modified by multiple parties over the years, at this point. While initially employed with a more singular purpose, Imperial Intelligence studied and expanded Watcher X’s work during Nine’s routine physical exams to adapt into a more robust vital signs monitoring system primarily, of course, to aid Tyr in his field work, but arguably also to have a better monitor on one of their top agents. Most of this tech isn’t visible, located subdermally, save for a rounded triangular silver outline between his shoulder blades on his back that’s generally a maintenance point. Care, updates, and further modifications to these systems has sinced passed primarily into the care of Doctors Lokin and Oggurobb in the Alliance, particularly in concerns following the Commander’s carbonite poisoning. Lokin is generally who Tyr trusts first and foremost with any details and work on the implants. Some of it is… certainly a bit more experimental - and wasn’t it always? But at least Lokin he has a working history with as his medical officer. He’s not entirely sorry, Oggurobb.
More than likely, the upkeep over the year has resulted in some minor scarring across primarily the back of his left shoulder. It’s one of the few that Tyr has consented to have scar removal treatments performed on, if only to aid in the ongoing healing and maintainence required.
Other than that, Tyr’s multiple encounters with Force users over the years have left their marks. The run-in with Arcann on Asylum left a particularly noticeable one on his left side that Tyr adamantly refused to have treated beyond its natural process of healing. The feathering of effects from Force Lightning primarily encountered in efforts against Darth Jadus early in his Intelligence career have largely faded over time, but still leave a few barely-evident lightning patterns across tanned skin you’d only really get to know if you spent time with him in private - probably most noticeable along his left collarbone. Given how many years he’s spent fighting at this point, it won’t surprise me if he has way more than I have currently figured out, but these are the two primary things that come to mind.
8. Is their voice different to the character in-game, and if so, how?
Tyr is blessed with being my main and primary agent who came together specifically to be Cipher Nine, so what he’s got in-game is all him, baby! If there is anything to say that doesn’t necessarily reflect in-game, it’s that I imagine part of Tyr’s training is some language studies - probably primarily Huttese is a language he has a functional grasp on without the assistance of translator modules.
24. If they could have a stronghold on any world, where would it be, how large would it be, & what would the architecture be like?
Honestly? Something a fair bit smaller while still maintaining more of a house-feel than an apartment or flat would be his ideal. Practically in gameplay terms, I barely know what to do with all of the space for anything more than like, the fleet strongholds, and in-character, Tyr just… does not have the time or energy to keep up with a particularly large living space and he is not likely to be crashing with enough other people to split the load for something like the Alderaan estate no matter how pretty that planet is, lol.
Probably most ideal would be something on Odessen, tbh. I think that’s ultimately where he’d like to settle, even though he would like to step away from being Alliance Commander… some day. He’s enamored with how the sunsets feel on the planet, the golden hues coloring the trees, how the night sky looks, etc. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, but it’s really… the one physical, unmoving location that he really does call home. And a lot of that is heavily reliant upon what the Alliance’s time there symbolizes for him, but the Odessen climate certainly isn’t docking points, either.
As you may have guessed, architecture and house planning aren’t things I’d consider strong points, personally, lol, but an ideal world might give Tyr a decently sized kitchen with plenty of counter space and enough room to comfortably move maybe two people around. An island might be nice. He’s still nothing of a master chef, exactly, but it’s hard to beat the simple joy of sharing a kitchen with a loved one and he’d like to think he’s at least passable in cooking his fair share. Something maybe a bit more distanced from the strong, sharp structural themes of Imperial architecture, maybe something a bit more inclusive of more natural materials. Something… far less dramatic in scale and more… personal, quiet. The Voss are onto something with their softer lighting. He’d honestly probably still not mind settling somewhere in the Alderaani woods and mountains for the views, but the grand swoop and scale of Alderaaanian architecture is a bit more of a statement than he’d really need or want. The views are just hard to argue with, though.
Oh, outdoor space would be nice though. Tyr would absolutely land the starship on the back lawn [my kingdom for the starship hook]. And considering my recently developed interest in him learning bladesmithing as a "retirement" activity, he needs enough space to build a forge. xD
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eorzeashan · 2 years
I was tagged by @ainyan
3 ships: short circuits, uhhh WoLZenos, Jadus x Imperial Agent, YoshiDen
First ship: Altair x Malik from AC. Antagonistic married quarrelling that was hilarious to me when I first found it set me down the path I roam today.
Currently consuming: A very powder-y Matcha Latte and...a mini baguette?
Currently watching: Mushi-Shi. I just finished Gundam Witch from Mercury too. I'm slowly getting back into watching things when I can't find the commitment to half the time, mostly out of physical ailment.
Last movie: uhhh
Last song: This one's a 6.3 Alliance Raid spoiler, so I'll just say Blessing by YOSOABI.
Currently reading: I was reading Crux by Ramez Naam a while back, but my inability to stay awake for long periods cut that short. The Nexus series is really good though, if you're into sci-fi/cyberpunk thriller.
And of course, all of the fics and writing I come across put out by people I follow. :^) Thank you for your service. Your works have kept me alive in a time of creative drought.
Currently craving: coffee....sweets.....food....perhaps even a salmon roe onigiri....stomach growls
Tagging: erm. @space-unicorn-dot, (yes me again I'm sorry), @darth-bagel, and I am woefully unaware of people who look at my blog so if you see this I am smacking youuu onegaishimasu
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a-shy-blueberry · 2 years
Chapter One: Beginnings
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A/N: Hi Everyone, this is a series I've been brainstorming for many many years and I've finally decided just to post it so I stop going back and revising it. I hope you enjoy it!
Fandom: Star Wars the Old Republic
Pairing: F! Cipher Nine x Theron Shan; F! Darth Nox x Lana Beniko
Genre: Romance, Action, Smut
Summary: When Cipher Nine is called into Darth Arkous's office, she assumes it'll be another mundane task, little did she know that it winds her up in total disarray.
Warnings: Swearing, Slowish burn, smut coming soon
Word Count: 2.6k
Series Masterlist || Next Chapter
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15 ATC
Imperial Space
Nine awoke to a chime from her holopad. Please be nothing she willed to herself as she rolled over to check the pad, wincing at the blinding light as her eyes adjusted to read the message.
Kriffing hell
“Darth Arkous has requested your presence at Vaiken Spacedock to discuss a matter of utmost urgency.” 
Nine hated sith, even more, she hated interacting with the Dark Council.
Call her prejudiced but, every sith she had met had tried to kill her, or someone else in her presence, and that really wasn’t what she wanted out of her morning.
That whole ordeal with Jadus had cemented her opinion. 
And Darth Zhorrid certainly didn't help.
Or Lord Razer.
Really no sith had helped that perception.
“Arkous isn’t Jadus,” she gently chided herself “And you aren’t the same agent anymore,” The Black Codex had given her significant freedom but she doubted that the Empire would ever let her escape entirely. Working as a free agent, defending it from the shadows often as Marr’s beck and call was much preferred after the chaos of Corellia but, there was still a small part of her that wanted more. 
Rolling off the bed, Nine headed towards the small refresher in the corner of her quarters. Fortunately, the Eidolon was already docked at Vaiken giving her extra time to prep for this meeting. While she hadn’t met the Dark Council member before, she assumed the meeting was no more than a power move, much like the many meeting Zhorrid required of her. Some light threatening, maybe an attempt on her life, then she’d be on her way.
She finished running a comb through her light brown tresses she opted to leave her hair down for this encounter. I’m not theirs, they no longer dictate my hair, it was a small rebellion, and she knew it was silly but, the small victories were what kept her separate, kept her free. A glance in the mirror to check her uniform and she was on her way. 
The Vaiken Spacedock was massive, and almost always crowded. Nine never liked being here but, what it offered necessitated many visits. After elbowing her way through the crowds she managed to make her way to the elevator and steel herself for this visit. 
Walking into the small office that served Arkous, Nine was surprised by the group of people she hadn’t expected. In the small office were Darth Arkous, Darth Nox, and 2 other sith that Nine didn’t recognize. Dealing with one sith was dangerous, the tempers that flew with four would hardly end well. Before she could speculate why they were all here, however, a bounty hunter walked signaling for Arkous and a blonde Sith compatriot called for attention. 
“I’m sure you’re wondering why you’ve been called,” the blonde sith started. Immediately she was cut off by Darth Nox. 
“I do not appreciate petty summons demanding meetings of me,” she snarled yellow eyes glinting, sharply contrasting her blood-red skin. The Pureblood Sith wore her dark hair short, spikey, and wild. She wore long dark robes that obscured her figure. Silver chains hung from her shoulder pads connecting with a large silver medallion that lay in the middle of her chest. When someone was able to electrocute their opponent, silly things like swinging chains could be worn with little risk of an enemy using them. Nine hadn’t had much experience with the Sith, she had just recently risen to her seat after killing Darth Thanaton in a Kaggath. Debacles like that were why the Star Cabal came so close to succeeding. Darth Nox emanated power and rage, a purple haze that flicked with lightning often surrounded her, Nox appeared brash, quick to speak, and quicker to kill. 
The blonde sith went pale, and Arkous put out a hand, “Now, now, let’s not threaten anyone before introductions have occurred, This is my advisor, Lana Beniko,” The blonde sith nodded her head. “And I’m sure you all know of Darth Nox,” the dark counselor merely sneered, crossing her arms. “And then there’s the Emperor’s Wrath.”
The smallest of the sith lifted her head. The Wrath was ghostly pale, her long black hair framed her face in soft coils, the rest disappearing into the depths of her hood. Some Sith chose on occasion to hide the corruption of the dark side but, the Wrath left it in full view. Red eyes were framed with dark makeup that jutted out with inky varicose veins that stretched across her face like lightning. She wore a simple blood-red vest that was cropped to reveal further marks down her stomach and lacing her arms. A plain matching skirt obscured the rest of her but, Nine guessed that her whole body was decorated with streaks. Twin lightsabers hung at her hip. Their intention was to look cruel, curved hilts with metal fangs that would hug the blade upon activation. The Emperor’s executioner daunted anything in her path.
The Wrath looked around the room, nodding at Arkous and Lana, then turning to Nox, and Ciera. When she looked at Nine though, she could’ve sworn she saw her hesitate, and her red eyes flickered to brown but, it only lasted an instant before her haughty expression returned. Nine filed this away to analyze later and returned her attention to Arkous.
“And then there are our two newcomers, The Grand Champion of the Hunt, and Cipher Nine of the former Imperial Intelligence.
The Grand Champion was striking. Her hair was a white blonde that she kept loosely braided over her shoulder. Shorter strands formed side-swept bangs softening the woman’s face. Dark brown letters in what appeared to be Mando’a splashed across her face in an intricate tattoo. Her eyes were chocolate brown and surrounded by dark eyeshadow. The woman’s armor was intense, a silver-gray set with sharp edges projecting out from her knees, elbows, and shoulders. The majority of the armor appeared to be made from beskar but, around her waist and thighs, cortex hugged her instead revealing the thin shapely figure that the rest of the armor hid.
The Hunter did a small wave and gruffly added, “Name’s Ciera, nice to meet ya.” When she stuck out her hand to the sith, Nine tried not to smile at their incredulous expressions. When no one responded, Ciera lowered her hand, turned to Nine, and tried again. Gently obliging her, Nine took her hand and shook it firmly. Ciera smiled and turned back to Arkous and Beniko.
“Now that that’s settled, we should dive in, you have both been selected because of the roles you have played in improving and molding the Empire, now we stand on the precipice of a new chapter,” Beniko said, “You’ve been invited here to perform an act once thought impossible: an attack on the Jedi Temple on Tython.” Nine felt the air grow hot and looked over to see the two sith next to her grinning hungrily. “For this mission, the four of you, and your companions will form a strike team to take out the various defenses Tython has erected.” 
Lana continued, “Cipher Nine will be working with… Ciera to remove outer defenses,” Nine discretely smiled at Beniko’s discomfort with the casual hunter and continued listening, “Lord Wrath and Darth Nox, the two of you will take care of the actual temple assault, there will be plenty of Jedi Masters serving as the last line so you’ll likely split up to clear the temple.” Instructions continued for quite some time, everyone would take their own crew and had their own responsibilities. The plan actually seemed quite feasible and soon everyone was on their way.
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Vaiken Spacedock
Two Weeks Later
Vayna really liked a challenge, she wouldn’t have made it on the Dark Council if she didn’t. The Tython Assault was simple, and the revenge strike to take back Korriban was child’s play. Neither of these was a challenge but, Lana was proving to be downright difficult. At first, the woman blushed incessantly every time Vayna flirted but, when they returned after Korriban, Lana completely ignored her.
Vayna detested being ignored. 
She wasn’t left stewing very long though, Lana chimed her the second she hit the elevator. Smirking to herself she listened to her comm. Somewhere private , she mused to herself as she made her way to the cantina. She inferred the urgency in her voice, as nothing more than desire. Vayna was desirable and she was going to show her just how she was the Empire’s only hope . 
When she arrived at the cantina, she was disappointed to see the others from the twin assaults. She didn’t mind sharing, she had just hoped their first activity wouldn’t have been group work.  Lana urged them all to sit and from the look on her face, Vayna was starting to realize that this was more business than pleasure.
“I am aware I’ve been more reserved since you’ve returned but, do not mistake my reticence for apathy, I have discovered some troubling things and needed somewhere remotely private to discuss them with you all,” Lana said.
“If you wanted to whisper sweet nothings to me, I really could do without the crowd,” Vayna replied. Almost immediately Lana’s cheeks began to color and the Cipher snapped to look at her with a frown.
“Yes, well, um..., that wasn’t my intention for this meeting you see…” Lana began “There were some suspicious circumstances regarding the invasions of Korriban and Tython.” 
“You mean the timing,” the agent answered. Her eyes focused intently on Lana, she seemed much too serious for Vanya, even leaning against the wall, the agent was still stiff as a board. Someone needs to get bent , she thought to herself with a giggle. The rest of the meeting went much the same
Vayna had spaced out significantly but at this point, with how they were droning on, and no matter how pretty Lana was, secret societies dedicated to Revan and conspiracy theories really couldn’t hold her interest. Darth Imperius was more suited for this, any time he uncovered so much as a spindly connection between the history of one really old guy to another really old guy, his eyes would gleam and that would be all he would talk about for weeks. She was suited to power, he was for knowledge, that’s how they worked and now she really regretted not bringing him along to listen to this for her. Hell, even Darth Oculus would’ve been better for this. At least with her pupil-less red eyes, she could at least look like she was paying attention. 
Finally, the meeting reached a conclusion, and the hunter and the agent split off almost immediately. Vayna could hardly blame them, willingly hanging around sith was suicidal. While Vayna wasn’t familiar with the Mandalorian she had heard of the atrocities the Dark Council had inflicted on Cipher Nine, her dossier had been one of the few critically important files Darth Nox had been informed of. The approval of mental restraints still sickened her. She absently rubbed her neck, tracing the faded scars she had received as a child. Shock collars were bad but, at least they could be removed, the cipher was forever a slave to her programming. 
The Wrath left soon after, nodding to Lana and smirking at Vayna as she made eyes between the two of them. Kalida had never been subtle, especially not when it came to flirting. Her methods of ensnaring her husband had been to barrage him with lewd flirtations till he turned as red as her lightsaber. Vayna doubted Lana would be that easy, but she was thankful for the alone time she had gotten with Lana.
Lana was still nursing her drink when Vayna scooted her chair next to her. Lana eyed her wearily, I guess my efforts have been noticed. Oh well, if lack of subtlety worked for Kalida, maybe it would for her. 
“Lana darling,” she purred, “It feels like you’ve been ignoring me, I simply hate being ignored,” her voice had taken a falsetto-like quality. Lana sighed.
“Darth Nox,” she began and Vayna put up a hand. Lana rolled her eyes, “Fine, Vanya,” she continued, “I’ve been a little busy trying to protect the Empire from conspiracy theories, it wasn’t my intention to offend you.” Nox gave pouted her lip.
“Oh but, I am offended, you’ve left me all by my lonesome. What is a girl to think,” Vayna laced her fingers with Lana’s, “Here I was thinking I was nothing more than a plaything,” she raised their entwined hands to her mouth and kissed Lana’s hand, “Something you’d grown tired of, and discarded.” Lana’s bright yellow eyes were focused on her. Nox moved her lips down the side of her pinky, then placed a long kiss on her wrist bone. “I guess I’ll have to try and be more interesting .” Lana inhaled sharply. 
“I really don’t think…” Lana tried to interject but Vayna wasn’t done. 
“You’re awfully closed off for a Sith. I could help with that.”  Lana pulled her hand away, and her yellow eyes grew bright. 
“Just because I don’t go around indulging in every whim, does not mean I need help “unleashing my passions” so please kindly refrain from using nerfshit like that just to get me into bed.” Lana stared at her defiantly. Vayna lifted her nose, unwilling to submit. 
“Fine, then what would it take to get you into my bed?” The question was blunt and Vayna knew it would piss her off. Lana pushed up on the table, her face flushed with anger.  
“Agh, you’re impossible!” Lana stood and tried to walk away. Vayna slid out of her seat and caught her arm. 
“Please stop,” Nox kept her tone free of its usual attitude, and surprisingly, the request had actually worked. Lana paused but did not turn to face her. “I didn’t mean to offend but, you must know I find you ridiculously alluring and I would like to pursue you… er this, with your consent of course.” 
Lana at that point was looking at her, her mouth hung open. Sith didn’t make a habit of apologizing, not that this really was an apology,  She hadn’t even said sorry yet. Nox certainly had never tried to apologize but, her head was spinning and Lana’s arm was still in her grasp. My stars, I’ve really lost control of this. Vayna released Lana’s arm and smooth her robes. “I apologize for my behavior, it was most inappropriate, both to you and to the situation at hand.” She had expected Lana to walk away, an arrogant huff maybe. Or perhaps a lecture. Lana seemed like the lecturing type. What she hadn’t expected was for Lana to kiss her. 
Vayna was a Darth. She was a member of the Dark Council. She had devoured ghosts. She had survived the destruction of her family, and exile into slavery, and had risen even further heights than her parents had ever hoped to reach. She was strong, resistant to even the most heinous of compulsions, and yet she was boneless.
Lana's soft lips had pressed against hers and she knew nothing else. It took her a minute before she had gathered enough senses to kiss her back. Parting her lips slightly to tease Lana’s lower lip with gentle tugs between her teeth. Her hands snaked around Lana’s waist drawing her closer. Lana had her hands entangled in her short hair, playing with the wild strands, twirling them in her fingers. Vayna drew back and angled her mouth back over Lana’s, drawing the kiss deeper till they were both panting, and out of breath. 
“Well now that that’s taken care of, let’s get out of here,” Lana said, smirking as she entwined her fingers with Vayna’s, dragging her out of the cantina. 
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blueburds-but-swtor · 2 years
Favorite non Companion SWTOR NPC? Go!
Jonas Balkar! 🥺 Sad we can't get him as a companion for the Trooper. I'd take him over Tanno Vik any day, zero hesitation.
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Lord Zash is also a really interesting character. I have so many Inquisitors and I never get tired of her.
A lot of the Imperial Agent npcs are also unforgettable. Keeper, Watcher 2, Watcher X, Darth Jadus, Hunter... so many neat and unique characters.
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
SWTOR Asks Revisited
Someone liked an old post of mine with some SWTOR asks. As we approach the end of my SWTOR journey, unless 7.1 or whatnot fixes everything the devs are doing wrong, I thought it would be fun to revisit it.
1. How many characters do you have?
Technically 34 across four servers, but most of them are clones and some are characters I really don't play much. I've played at least one toon for each advanced class. My characters on the European servers are there so I can visit with friends if need be and I usually don't play them.
Sith Warriors: 10 (Viri and all her clones)
Sith Inquisitors: 5 (two x Suvia and three other OCs)
Bounty Hunters: 4 (two x Taran and two other OCs)
Smugglers: 4 (one each of Marlena and Amedria on each NA server)
Troopers: 2 (clones of the same character)
Jedi Consulars: 3 (all clones of the same character)
Jedi Knights: 3 (all different)
Imperial Agents: 3 (Brynn x 2 and another OC)
2. What is your favorite class and why? And/or list the player classes in order of most -> least favorite
Favorite is Sith Warrior. It was the class I started with, it's still my favorite, and I really love playing my Juggernauts more than any other combat styles.
Favorite to least favorite:
Sith Warrior
Sith Inquisitor
Bounty Hunter
Jedi Consular
Imperial Agent
Jedi Knight
3. Do you prefer to tank, DPS, or heal?
DPS. I don't like group content too much so I have no interest in playing the other two.
4. What is your favorite player combat ability?
Shatter. It is a leap-and-stab for the Vengeance Juggernaut, and there's even a sinister little laugh with it. Also Vengeful Slam, also for the Vengeance Juggernaut. No better way to put an exclamation mark on a fight.
5. Favorite advanced class and discipline?
Vengeance Juggernaut!
6. Do you primarily play Republic, Empire, or a mix of both sides? Is there a specific reason for this preference?
I greatly prefer to play Empire. Besides all the reasons I've already mentioned, I just think the Imperial stories are far and away better written overall, with the exception of the Smuggler. I do like the Consular's first chapter, but it is so painfully obvious the Jedi Council and Republic intend to literally work the poor Consular to death that I can't feel okay about it. Imperial-side I find the Agent story really triggering. Out of my three agent characters, only one finished the class story. The other two leveled to 75, got to the end of Chapter One, dealt with Jadus and then skipped ahead to SoR.
7. Which player voice actor is your favorite and your least favorite?
Natasha Little (female Sith Warrior) is my favorite. I think her voice performance really adds to the character. I don't particularly dislike any of the player voice actors. I think they all did an awesome job.
8. Name your top favorite companions (feel free to include reasons why).
Top ten, in order: Lana, Vette, Talos, Blizz, T7-O1, HK-55, Veeroa Denz, Darth Hexid, Felix Iresso, Nadia Grell.
10. Favorite love interest?
Lana!!!! I'm wlw and almost all my characters romance her. I"ll admit in some cases this is because there aren't any other wlw characters they can romance, but I think she's amazing with Viri.
11. Which expansions did you like the most, and which ones did you dislike?
I really liked KOTFE and SoR most. I have major issues with some of the story choices in KOTET and wish we'd seen the full version, not the truncated one, but I like most of the chapters. Makeb I like for the aesthetics - the waterfalls, the beautiful houses, and so forth - although the story is really grim and the gameplay can be really repetitive and boring since you're just doing the same things over and over again in many quests, and there are so many mobs. I didn't care for Onslaught at all. I don't like Ilum much because those two flashpoints are so LONG, although I love the night sky over Ilum. I also get mad with Oricon because it would be an intriguing story if they had not locked the ending behind two Ops. I am still salty about that.
12. Do you have a preferred mount/speeder? Is there one you want, but don’t own yet?
All of my toons have special mounts that seem to work well with them specifically, but for Viri I especially love her Aquatic Sleen, Guirion Royale and Roche Gangster. I more or less have every mount I want in the game. The one I probably wanted most was the sleen for Viri, and that dropped at random on Rakata Prime story mode.
13. Which planet’s aesthetic/atmosphere do you enjoy the most?
I love Belsavis. That might make people say WTF because of the prisons, but I'm not talking about the prisons, which are an atrocity. I'm talking about the rest of the planet- the lava next to the snow, the natural green areas, the Rakata ruins everywhere, the fact that you can use the Rakata transporters to get around.
I also am really found of Yavin 4, Odessen (the little we see of it) and Tatooine. Tatooine is just so perfectly done IMHO - the music, the way you can almost feel the heat in the cities, the long stretches of sand dunes, the random buildings you can just walk into to look around, everything.
14. Favorite planet story arc?
The planetary arc for Tatooine, which has some variations but is the same story in the end on both Imperial and Republic sides. It's just such a good mystery/horror story and I'm really glad it is available to both factions. Second, the Dread Masters storyline on Imperial Belsavis because it’s really designed well. You get deeper and deeper into the Rakata areas and it works.
15. Show us your main(s)!
Oh, Viri is alll over this Tumblr already. Just look at the icon.
16. Do you have a favorite Flashpoint or operation? A least favorite?
Copero (Traitor Among the Chiss) is my far away favorite. It's SO long, but the scenery is beyond anything in any of the other flashpoints, IMHO. Just wandering around the little alleys in the town, or the ruins on the mountain, I could spend hours doing that. I like how the flashpoint has some parts that are more strategy/puzzle based, but the puzzles aren't hard or frustrating. I also love how it goes from daytime to twilight during the flashpoint. I think Copero has the best decos and they drop very generously, too. They also finally stopped the NPCs from yelling FOR HOUSE IROKINI!! every two seconds so you don't have to mute it anymore as you play through.  Second favorite is Rakata Prime, and again it's largely for the scenery and environment. The beaches. Actual Rakatans. The Rakatan buildings. If you amble off the beaten track you can even find a garden. It's really cool.  Hands down least favorite is Spirit of Vengeance. My God, what a horrifying waste of coding. I hate that flashpoint so very much. It's long, it's got thick mobs and it's so completely and utterly boring and tedious. SoV is the only flashpoint where I won't even attempt to get the achievements and have skipped the bonus quests. I play that thing once when it's required as I'm taking a character through the story and then never go near it again.  Close second is Objective Meridian. It's not quite as much of a slog as SoV but it's so boring and I hate the mobs. It's nothing but one long, drab slog.
17. If you participate in warzones, which is your favorite map?
N/A. Never ever PvP like ever.
18. Which achievement(s) are you most proud of?
- Finishing the HK-51 quest chain, because it was a long slog to find all those components. - Getting the "kill 1000 NPCs" achievement on every single companion possible, including all the Star Fortress ones.  - Soloing all the Uprisings, even Trial and Error, which gave me a hard time.  - Soloing Dread Seeds all the way to completion several times on both factions.  - Soloing the entire Macrobinoculars questline up until the final mission (which can't be soloed). That speeder jumping puzzle is no joke and I got through it more than once.  - Soloing all the Veteran Star Fortresses.
19. Where can other players most commonly find you in game?
They probably can't. :) I stick to instanced areas and keep to myself as much as possible. A few of my strongholds (Dromund Kaas, Manaan, Coruscant on Star Forge; DK on Satele Shan) are open to the public under the name 'Viridana Dragoi' but I don't hang out in those.
20. What do you most often do while playing? (ex. PVP, FPs, quests, crafting, RP, etc.)
I am usually either working on story quests or the solo Conquest objectives, as well as some (mostly instanced) flashpoints. Or just wandering around, enjoying the solo content I like and working on achievements. I've spent a lot of time decorating my strongholds, too.
21. Which player ship is your favorite?
Overall the Imperial Agent has such an amazing ship. I"m actually surprised they didn't give it to the Sith characters because it's top of the line luxury. Second, the ship that the Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor have. It's nowhere near as swishy as the Agent's ship, but it's nice.
22. Of all the in-game events (Relics of the Gree, Rakghoul, Life Day, so on) which do you like the most, and which do you dislike?
I really love Gree because of the decor in the Grey Secant. It's so 1980s roller rink/disco and I love it and wish there were more of it in the game. I'm fond of the swoop races, too.
I've given up playing Bounty Contract Week because it is all open world and you constantly have other players grabbing the targets. I also hate Dantooine's pirate week for the same reason. And no, shared tagging will not make any of that better - I literally cannot follow what happens when there are too many players and companions onscreen, and if I wanted to group I would - I don't want it forced on me with shared tagging.
24. Do you have a primary/preferred stronghold?
Probably Nar Shaddaa, the apartment on Rishi and Tatooine. Most of my toons end up going back to Nar Shaddaa when I'm finished playing them for the day, unless I have a specific reason for them to be somewhere else.
26. Who is/are your favorite non-companion NPC(s)?
I really love Tora, Crysta Markon from the Bounty Hunter story, Somminick Timmns, Captain Golah from the Imperial Tatooine planetary arc and Lord Zavrasha from the Imperial Nar Shaddaa bonus series.
27. If you could make any current NPC a player companion, who would you pick?
I would love if Major Anri were a permanent companion. I think Viri would get a kick out of questing with Somminick Timmns.
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lonewolfel · 3 years
Theron Appreciation Week: Day 6
Prompt: AU(Imperial Agent Theron)
teen(brainwashing, hallucinations, slavery, child abuse/child torture, death)
Characters: Theron, Kaliyo, Watcher X
Cipher 9 stormed onto his ship with little regard for his companions. He could hear Watcher X in the back of his head scheming and planning, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. He passed Kaliyo in the corridor.
“How was Dromund Kaas?” Kaliyo asked with boredom in her voice. Cipher payed no mind to her. He stormed passed her and heard her say. “That well huh.”
Cipher entered the refresher and locked the door behind him. He removed his mask and stared at his face for the first time in a long time. Since working with the SIS, Cipher had been scared that they will realize who he is and who he is related to. There were dark bags under his green eyes. His skin was paler than usual and his brown hair was sticking to his forehead due to sweat. Over all he looked sickly in a way he hasn’t really been since he got kicked from the Jedi Order. 
All Cipher could think was that no matter what you do, follow or disobey orders, the Empire will make you suffer. He remembered what it was like as a freshly captured slave. Cipher had thought that he had known pain having been trained as a Force blind Jedi, but he had been wrong. His stupidly stubborn and defiant 13 year old self hadn’t been prepared for the evilness and torture of the Sith. It felt like his master was taking him apart and putting him back together over and over again. The worst part was the cold almost gleeful sheen in her eyes as she “educated” him.
Was this what the Empire was really about?
After all Cipher had been ordered to allow the death of millions of Imperial, civilian, lives in the vain hope that the Sith will arrive to defeat Darth Jadus. Buy them time. That was what he had been told. True he didn’t follow orders, but he got the mission done with minimal casualties. That should have been enough to make the Empire happy, but it wasn’t. Now Cipher 9 was stripped of his free will and brainwashed to follow whoever had the code word no matter their intensions. All they were was bantha fodder for an Emperor who couldn’t care less about his subject. 
In the mirror Watcher X appeared behind Cipher 9. He didn’t turn around not wanting to deal with the illusion, hallucination, whatever the dead man was.
“You aren’t really an Imperial though.” Watcher X said. Theron’s grip on the sink tightened. He hadn’t even realized that he had been holding it. “I know who you really are. A slave beaten into submission only to turn against his master to free himself. A broken failure from the Jedi that not even his own mother wanted. How did you think this would end. You were never free, not really.” 
With a cry Cipher 9 punched the mirror. The broken shards couldn’t pierce his thick gloves though. Causing them to harmlessly fall into the sink. His chest heaved with broken breaths trying to stop himself from crying. He had thought that the tears had been beaten out of him. No doubt his crew would be concerned, but he didn’t care.
Watcher X was right. He would never be an Imperial no matter how hard he tried. Though he wasn’t a citizen of the Republic anymore. His accent vanished long ago. His memories of the Republic are distant and fuzzy little more than good dreams that a slave boy clung to in the face of beatings and pain. If the Republic knew who he was he would be executed as a traitor as soon as they got their hands on him. If the Empire knew he would be little more than blackmail to the Jedi Grand Master. 
Cipher finally allowed himself to look into the shattered mirror. His image was distorted by the cracks and missing pieces. It filled him with relief. The Republic stripped him of his dreams and family. The Empire stripped him of his identity and free will. He will get back his free will. Even if it meant taking down Imperial Intelligence and the SIS. After all the SIS is the one using it. Sure the brainwashing had been placed by the Empire, but it was dormant. 
Cipher 9 couldn’t care less about the Empire or Republic. They could both burn for all he cared. They are both corrupt governments that cared little about the people under them. Though those are bold words from a man that won’t leave the Empire. He is after all a broken slave, and slaves are ruled through fear.
“My name is Theron Shan son of the Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan, code names Cipher 9 and Legate.” Cipher said brokenly. Finally he allowed himself to cry. For the boy who wanted to be like his mother. For the teen that wanted his freedom. For the man that wanted to save as many lives as he could. And for the innocent people slaughtered in a pointless war over ideology. 
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
it's the way that you are and the way i'll forever be
approximately 1200 words of sad Hand of Jadus funtimes! Tulia wouldn’t leave me alone until I wrote this. Tulia/Zhorrid with a warning for major character death, spoilers for the Imperial Agent/Hand of Jadus storyline. big thanks to @miss-spooky-eyes​ for commentary/suggestions/encouragement
(title from the song “litost” by x ambassadors)
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“Agent, what are you doing here? Entire cities are being destroyed by the Eradicators! The Dark Council is raging. You were supposed to put a stop to this and find my father’s killer!”
Fresh singe marks on Zhorrid’s robes hinted that at least some of the other Councilors had directed their rage over the attack at her. A kolto pad peeked out from under her collar at the back of her neck—how badly must she have been burned this time to allow even that small concession from a medical droid, Tulia wondered.
“Darth Jadus is alive. He’s ordered me to kill you,” Tulia watched Zhorrid’s hands for retaliation to the news that her father was alive, that he wanted her not to be. “He’s chosen me as his Hand.”
“Jadus...Jadus is alive? And he sent you rather than coming to kill me himself?” Zhorrid’s voice rose and her eyes widened as she stepped backward, crashing into her desk with a hand on the hilt of the lightsaber at her hip. “No, of course! Of course he wouldn’t think I deserve to face him.”
“My lord, if you attack me, I will carry out Darth Jadus’s command.” Tulia’s voice did not waver, but she swallowed hard against the urge to bite her lip until it bled.
The shift in Tulia’s demeanor, the crack in her façade, gave Zhorrid the opening she needed to regain a semblance of control. She grinned, accentuating her scars. “Will you?” 
Zhorrid’s hand over her lightsaber hilt relaxed and she took a step forward, closing the distance between her and the Agent.
“Why are you conflicted, pretty alien? We both knew this wasn’t meant to last: you’ve been a brilliant toy for me, but a toy nonetheless. And I have been a step to power for you.”
Tulia opened her mouth to protest, but found the words weren’t there.
“You’ll be more powerful by my father’s side than you were by mine, I’m sure.” Zhorrid put a hand lightly on Tulia’s cheek, laughed almost girlishly at Tulia’s fight not to lean into her touch. “You could be powerful under him too. Just be sure to put a knife to his throat if you do end up there, for both of us.”
“You have to know I don’t want to hurt you,” Tulia’s brows knit together in frustration. She couldn’t remember emotions ever complicating a job before.
Zhorrid scoffed. “I don’t know any such thing. You’ve always been loyal to whomever held your leash tightest. It’s one of my favorite things about you. But it meant you were destined to help someone hurt me eventually. I loosened my grip. It’s a shame Jadus was the one to pick up the slack, but I don’t blame either of you for that.”
“So what now? I don’t want to kill you, but I can’t leave a job undone.”
“You do the right thing. My father won’t do me the honor of killing me himself, but at least I get the second-best thing in facing his chosen Hand.” Zhorrid smiled up at Tulia, this time rueful, almost longing. The hand not cradling Tulia’s cheek returned to her lightsaber, gripping the hilt and removing it from her belt. “I should not make this easy for you.”
Closing her eyes, Tulia allowed herself the small pleasure of leaning into Zhorrid’s palm still resting against her cheek. “I don’t expect you to, my lord.”
“I said I shouldn’t, not that I won’t. Do me a favor though. Don’t bleed me out to kill me. I don’t like to bleed. Jadus would. The last time he hurt me, there was so much blood.” Zhorrid thrust her lightsaber into Tulia’s hand. “Use this. Give me the clean death my father doesn’t think I deserve. Poetic for my father’s Hand to kill me with my own weapon, don’t you think?”
Closing her fingers around the lightsaber hilt, Tulia let Zhorrid guide her hand until the emitter was tucked against the Sith’s ribs. Tulia let the fingertips of her free hand ghost across Zhorrid’s jaw, lingering just under the line of her rictus grin scar.
“Tell me, pretty alien, do you think my father loves me?”
Without answering, Tulia laced their fingers together around the hilt of the lightsaber.
Curling her fingers against Tulia’s cheek, Zhorrid tilted Tulia’s face to meet her eyes. “Did you?”
“We’ve never had that luxury, my lord.”
“Now we never will.” A smile flashed across Zhorrid’s lips. “First strike, pretty alien.”
Pain exploded through Tulia’s skull as Zhorrid’s palm flattened against her cheek and electricity burst into her jaw. In a reflexive motion, Tulia’s hand clenched around the lightsaber, the blade singing to life. Darting her head forward, Tulia bent to capture Zhorrid’s lips with her own, swallowing a soft animal noise of pain and distress, not knowing for sure which of them had made it.
The electricity from Zhorrid’s fingers stopped as suddenly as it began. Her hands spasmed, one digging into Tulia’s skin and hair, the other twisting the saber in her own chest. Zhorrid moaned piteously against Tulia’s mouth before biting down on her lip hard enough to puncture it. Hand shaking, Tulia disengaged the saber crushed between their bodies, the blade hissing out of existence. Zhorrid gasped and crumpled forward. Dropping the saber, Tulia gathered Zhorrid into her arms, staggering under the desperate weight of not wanting it to be like this.
Lifting Zhorrid to lay her out on the desk, Tulia kissed her throat, leaving a red stain. She pressed an ear to Zhorrid’s chest, an empty gesture, a tenderness Zhorrid would not have tolerated while her heart still beat. The smell of burned flesh stung Tulia’s nose but she closed her eyes against it, clinging to the hollowness.
After a moment, Tulia stood, sucking the drying blood from her bitten lip as she pulled her holocommunicator from her pocket. Activating it, she held it before her, and Darth Jadus’s image appeared.
“Speak. Is Zhorrid dead?”
Tulia narrowed her eyes incredulously. “Can’t you feel it in the Force?”
Darth Jadus waved a hand dismissively. “The Force creates bonds through emotions. Her life meant nothing to me. Her death is only the means for my return. The Eradicators will continue their bombardment as planned. The Dark Council will kneel. The Empire will be remade in my image.”
Tulia bit the inside of her cheek to keep a muscle there from twitching. Her eyes shifted to Zhorrid’s body behind his transparent image while he spoke. Only the means. 
“You have proven your worth and your strength. As my Hand, you will continue to serve Intelligence, but you serve me before all others. As will all creatures, in time. Spread word of my coming, agent.”
“I hear and obey, my lord.”
The holocommunicator went dark. Tulia stared at the device in her palm. She was now the Chosen of one of the most powerful Sith—Watcher Two had called him second only to the Emperor, hadn’t she? A Sith with a plan for the Empire! She had killed the Dark Lord most of her colleagues had agreed was dragging Intelligence into the ground. Scowling, Tulia picked up Zhorrid’s fallen lightsaber, turning it over in her hands.
This wasn’t what victory usually felt like.
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roguescarlett · 4 years
Love Yourself Challenge
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc. ) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Tagged by @a-muirehen​ Thank you. :)
Ok, full confession.... I’m really, really bad at this whole ‘love yourself’ thing because I struggled with low moments that result with depression and self-loathing for years and hated everything about myself and the things I do. I always say “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not cut out for this’, ‘I’m not pretty as I hoped to be’ or ‘I’m not worth it.”. But, I’ll stop right there, and try think on the positive side. Now, I don’t think I made much contents in the past year as mentioned in the rules, but I can link to the 5 contents that I’m super proud to work hard on:
ONE. Content: Writing || Summary prelude into Arisxara’s pre-established history with Darth Jadus leading up to Imperial Agent story.|| LINK
Ok, this may come as a surprise to you that I pick this writing in this challenge. The reason for this is because I had always wanted to rewrite that oneshot writing for a long time and rebooting my legacy had given me that desire to rewrite the old version. I’m really happy with how I written that oneshot and gotten it out of the way without putting it off--my writing isn’t perfect I know.
Also, want to give a massive shoutout to @generation1point5​ for helping me correct my mistakes and my struggles with tenses/grammar in this 8 pages long drabble. :P If you are going to read that writing, please heed the warnings if you’re uncomfortable with it.
TWO.  Content: Gifset ||  “You act as if you have a choice. We know our part. It’s yours that must be revealed.” || LINK FOR FULL GIFSET VERSION Teaser image:
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I actually enjoyed creating this gifset of the dark side option for my OC during KotFE Chapter 6 The Asylum. It took me hours upon hours all night designing the scene and making the gifs to work for tumblr. I kept my edits strictly omnious as I can to suit the scene and the darker settings. Click on the link if you like to see the full gifset version.
THREE. Content: Editset ||  “When you’ve lived as long as I have, patience comes far more easily–but that’s neither here nor there. I must say, I’m glad you’re here. You’ll bear witness to a world’s end if you survive long enough.” || LINK FOR FULL EDITSET VERSION. Teaser image:
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Ah, I honesty really love this editset. As part of my reboot legacy and my never-ending list of improvise edits projects--the Ziost story arc for Kylini-Vathraki was my longest desire to create Ziost editset in the angst with feels genre. I made a lot of improvements from the original version for this: included Savitri and Arisxara, and as well Kritanta and Jazzeira’s redesigns. I’m really happy with how this turns out considering that Ziost is their homeworld.
Content: Gifset || Arisxara + Darth Marr || LINK Teaser image:
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One of my favourite gifs of Arisxara and Darth Marr together. Not only is it my otp, but this scene is another of my improvise edit projects. I made this edit more cleaner with indepth lightning and softer blue tones in background from the original version. I made changes to Arisxara’s casual outfit in the reboot and I always wanted to redo this scene since I reroll Arisxara. I spent hours making this gifset to work because of tumblr and file limits. can we talk about the way Marr looks over to Arisxara? no? ok, I’ll be in my corner now.
FIVE. Content: Writing || Scars, OTP: Arisxara x Darth Marr || LINK
I admit.... I was very shy about writing this piece and sharing it on my blog. It’s something that was inspired by a dialogue quote from the show I watched which prompted me the idea to write a short thing of Arisxara exploring Marr’s war scars. I really like this one, and it was my attempt to try write better, even that I often failed myself with tenses and grammar mistakes. BUT I’M TRYING, OK! (I was shocked to find people actually like this writing and I’m like “why?!”)
Tagging if you wanna do the thing: @darthvronton​ @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond​ @insufficient-focus​ @nusaran​ @midnightspxce​ @generation1point5​ @outcastcommander​ @lordviridis​ @palepious​
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serenofroses · 1 year
Dark Meetings.
characters: cipher nine (f!oc) and Darth Jadus.
setting: Three years before IA's Heart of Terror.
A/N: very heavy canon divergent, hearing impaired protag, non human transfem! Darth Jadus, spoilers for those who are new to swtor and haven't played imperial agent, Jadus being the most horrible person to ever exist.
previous: Jaded Dreams // next: Enemies with Benefits
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darthravage · 5 years
Why and how does Watcher X help Cipher Nine?
When you meet Watcher X at the Shadow Town which is basically like a open prison you know about him that he feels traited by the Empire. That makes it astonishing that he helps you without any promblems (except the paranoia which caused that he was sent there). It isn’t that astonishing anymore when you find out that he has to do it since he is tortured with headaches when he dosn’t serve the Empire. But you get out by own experience that he is very inteligent when he uses your mission to escape from the Shadow Town. After that you can choose if you want to help him or kill him.  In both cases he is helping you later on when the Republic uses the IX serum against you. (Question in passing why did I need almost two month to find out that IX ist the Latin number for nine what relates to your Charakter?) Since you don’t get a final answer in game I made some theories myself.
First I want to get out how he was able to help you what you can basically seperate into three points.
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The first one is that he gets acess to your mind due to the poison and/or implants he gave you when he worked with you on Nar Shadaa. But there is the question why he has done it. If you think you can beliefe him that far he hasn’t had the plan to escape in the beginning of your mission but later on when he saw you work. So it were the implants for sure maybe in a mixture with the poison he gave you in the beginning of the quest.  If this is the truth why has he done it? I can’t believe that he has done it in a good porpuse since he is too cold and calculating therfore so I think he wanted to have an advantage by doing it so that he can defeat you only with the power of your own thoughts. But there is still the oportunity that I think too bad about him. Since he informed you about his escape instead of just hiding from you he must have thought that you aren’t a normal agent and he has experienced himself what happens to people who work for Imperial Inteligence and aren’t like just obeying and nothing else. And that he acts perspicacious is obvious. (That can only be true when Cipher 9 left Watcher X alive because I don’t see how somebody without a body could use such a technique.) And I ask myself why Watcher X didn’t use this technique when I fought against him since it would have saved his life.
The second posibility is that Watcher X became something like a force ghost due to the experiments they did with him. This had enabled him to talk to Cipher nine freely without being concerned about the conditioning.  But that seems unlikely since actually only stron force users can become force ghosts and Watcher X wasn’t capeble of using the force. If he were others would have noticed it or he had used it in the fight agains Cipher nine since it was clear that only one of them will leave the place and using the force would have made it easyer for Watcher X to be that one. 
The third and in my eyes most likely case when you killed Watcher X is that he is only a delusion and the Agent goes mad. In addition to be more realistic compared to being a force ghost it might have logical reasons. First, you can say that Cipher Nine was stressed due to the occurences which hapened and the fact that he wasn’t able to ask anyone for helf even if he wanted to do it. This kind of inner tension makes it more likely to get delusions.  More over, Cipher Nine is enabled to empathize with Watcher Nine. When you killed him than because he knew to much and was a potential danger who got tortured by headaches when he didn’t obey. Now you are almost in the same situation. You know a lot of things which the Republic, which only needs one word to get it from you, isn’t supposed to know. And you are in the situation since the Sith and the minister for Imperial Inteligence distrusted you for helping them and risking your life for them. That is also similar to the story of Watcher X when you regard Operation: Undertow in witch Watcher X fought for the Empire and got punished because of paranoia witch is the responsibility of those who did the genetic experimens. All that causes that Cipher Nine can empathize to Watcher X and maybe has bad conscience about his deed. And together that can cause that Cipher Nine almost becomes crazy and he hasn’t somebody to talk since he can’t tell about his situation even if he wanted since the conditioning makes him say something else when he tries to tell the truth. When you become mad you automatically remember Watcher X since he was mad either and Watcher X was high analytic minded and not loyal to the Empire so you could’n have had a better help for getting yourself free. In addition to that imagine Watcher X gives you the feeling that you don’t have to do anything on your own what can be a great relief either. When you dind’t kill Watcher X leave the part where I’m talking about killing him away the rest will fit in both cases)
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But why should Watcher X help you?
The answer can be splitted in why he helped you when you let him alive and why when you kill him (without the dellusion theorie which is already explained).
Let’s start with the theorie that you let him alive.
I think it’s basically a practical thing when you let him alive because Watcher X observed how Cipher Nine fights and dosn’t wat to get into conflict with him for saving his own life. Additional to that he can get a ally against Imperial Inteligence which betrayed both of you. When he keeps his promises now and you are betrayed by Imperial Inteligence you are more likely to help him in secret and it is a very easy chance for him. And I don’t know if you can say it about him but he knows how it feel to be traited what possibile makes him honest when he promises something (except he only promises for building a trap by it). Finally it could be that he is seeking some ways to get his own conditioning away and hopes to find something when he helps you (I mean he can transmit the princip he used for getting rid of your conditioning to get rid of his conditioning)
When you killed him there is still the thing with seeking rvenge in Imperial Inteligence what was only your job since he isn’t able to act. More over, it could be possibile that you almost did him a favour by killing him. I mean like what could he do? He had headaches as soon as he acts against the Empire and it was unlikely that he could get rid of the conditioning of his own.
The intersting and almost ironic thing is that, when Watcher X is really there, he is the only one who can at least almost fulfill his aims. Imperial Inteligence gets abolished what causes that he gets his revenge for what they did to him (be honest I don’t think that the Dark Cauncil is frindly to the former members of the secret service) and since there isn’t like a person who watches what he is doing he can get rid of his conditioning. More over, the only one who works as a kind of Secret Service is one of his allys. And since Cipher Nine didn’t obey when he let Watcher X alive the former Watcher controls the situation. What he also does by being the only one who knows that Cipher Nine got rid of the IX serum (except the minister for Imperial Inteligence if he is still alive). (The part which is written cursive is only important when you let Watcher X alive).
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Thinking further
When I looked for inspiration I found a topic in a internet forum a tread which told that the Imperial Agend acutally died when he fought against Darth Jadus. Even though I dont think so it’s an interesting story which would explain a lot of the things which aren’t explained in the game. Like why didn’t i notice that I’ve got the IX serum, how can a young member of the Imperial Intelligence stop one of the most important and powerfull Sith Lords for a while? And it is an additional explanation how I was able to see Watcher X. When we both are dead he musn’t do any efforts to get into the real world and he dosn’t need any power. Another thing which could be used to agree to that theorie is that Lord Alaric (?) tells at the temple of the Sark side that some people don’t notice that they are dead when they die in a trap or someting like that (and Ciffer Nine was the only one on Jadus ship. That agents have no value in the end is something that I musn’t explain...) But there are also things which speak against the theorie. First of all you get to know people who you never could haver have heard of like Hunter and why would you imagine that? More over, nobody could have described Voss to you and you are there. And when you play as a Sith you have to find out conspiracies which are supposed to known by Imperial Inteligece what shows that they to either a rather bad job or they don’t exist anymore. But the first thing would lead to the second thing since nobody needs a organisation which works that bad, especially when war goes on. (Except in one old religion where the number nine stands fror trancendence it has no meaning which has to do with things like dead and that was interpreted too far)
Nevertheless, the story of the Agent contains a lot of things where you never get an answer for. For example Hunter tells you that you are the only one left who is like the star cabal but why? More over, Hunter asks in one part of the game if Cipher Nine could remember the code word which was given to him by Watcher X but it dosn’t appear in the game anymore what leads to the question if it was only a try to frighten Cipher Nine or if it had a deeper meaning. And it was interesting to know what happened to the other people of Imperial Intelligence (although I believe they are dead or soldiers what means basically the same at least after a few time). 
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I hope this text dosn’t contain that much misstakes but in the end i had problems by focusing me and I never needed complex English for around a half year. So if you’ve got problems with understanding something or you notice misstakes in my spelling or grammar I was greatfull if you would tell it :)
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Novel: Fall of Darth Jadus
Pairing: m!SI (Darth Jadus / Darth Noktis) x f!IA (Cipher Nine / Cynthia Prescost)
Fandom: Star Wars
Word count: 2981
Warning: Suggestive languages and themes, Death of Main Character, Language, disturbing imagery. Minors DNI
Premise: Cipher Nine must come to terms with her Sith lover’s death, but she finds herself overwhelm by her other Sith companion.
Author’s Note: This idea has been floating around in my head since my husband and I both restarted our original characters. Some of it is taken from an RP that we were running in chat while we were questing.
It also takes place during the Heart of Terror Act for the Imperial Agent. We have decided that Adaki is using their Force bond and occasionally Force teleport to be with her physically. He is testing everyone’s loyalty, especially Cynthia’s. After all, she will be his Empress when he democratizes fear and tries to take the Emperor’s place.
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The Empire had almost completed its grieving steps and Darth Jadus had been dead for several months before Cipher Nine only begun to understand the full weight of her grief.
Right after Darth Jadus’ death, she went into survival mode, not allowing herself to grieve properly. She had the Empire and its welfare to think about. Her grieving would have to wait. And wait it did.
She sat up in the darkened room and squinted against the blackness.
Nine wondered how she could feel the gap in her life that the Sith’s death left behind. She didn’t know the man long, but he left an impression upon her life that hardly anyone else had.
He just overcame the loss of his fiancée, too, she reminded herself. She didn’t openly weep when he told her the tragic tale of how his fiancée was taken from him and how he searched the entire galaxy for her. It affected Nine in a more subtle way.
While she and Jadus didn’t share a kiss or other similar intimacy, there was a warmth to their interactions. He once told her that he would not pursue a relationship with her until she was sure she understood the dangers of becoming involved with a Dark councilor. Jadus would not lose someone he cared for again.
After enough time in the darkened silence, she was able to fall back into her usual fitful sleep. There was nothing refreshing about it. That was when the dreams would come, her mind’s endless search for her one great tragedy.
The dreams were always the same. Jadus’ death would play over and over in her mind, though from a perspective she never had. She never witnessed his death, but in her dreams, he died right in front of her. The method was always different, but the result was always the same. She failed him.
Quickly, another of these nightmares overcame her. Jadus was standing before her, speaking, but she could not make out the words. Whatever it was, it seemed important, urgent, even.
Nine tried to cross the distance between them, but she couldn’t lift her feet. She took a step forward, trying to fight the resistance, and the distance between them grew. The flagship’s floor crumbled away. A tomblike silence immediately followed, as blinding, fiery stars twinkled around the sundered starship.
I’m only dreaming, she told herself, to wake up, but it didn’t work.
“You failed me, Cyn,” Jadus lamented, reaching for her in vain. “You failed me.”
“Jadus!” Nine cried out as she reached for him. She could almost touch him, almost brush his fingers with her own. This had been the end of her nightmares from the time he was lost to her. He continued to die in many ways. Each time was more gruesome than the last, but the end result was always the same. Nine couldn’t make it to him in time.
Blood seeped from a wound upon his chest and soaked his dark leather outer robe. It pooled within his gloves until it streamed off his finger tips into a widening pool upon the sundered ground.
Jadus dropped to his knees. The bottom of the lightsaber hilt attached to the belt looped around his waist clattered against steel flooring. He looked up at her. His metallic helmet glinted in the neon emergency light. The Klaxon alarm drowned out any other thoughts or sounds, except his voice repeating those terrible words once again. “You have failed me, Cynthia.”
Nine sat up in the blackened room. She blinked against the darkness and tried to get her bearings. Everything looked unfamiliar to her. Gone was the ruined starship, the gore, and her lover. The only thing that remained was the crushing weight of her failure.
Her heart raced, and it was the only sound she could hear in the night’s perpetual stillness. She was utterly alone.
The silence was suddenly broken by the cacophony of the door being caved into the room. It turned end over end until it smashed against the metallic dresser in the far corner of the room. Wires and cords dangled from the top of the metal door frame.
Adaki stood on the other side, his hand outstretched. The Zabrak had used the Force to gain entry into her room. He stood there, his carmine-colored chest glimmering in the naked golden fluorescent hallway light. Twin onyx stripes raced diagonally across his hips, and their pointed tips disappeared beneath the waistband of his loose-fitting raven trousers.
“What are you doing, Lord Adaki?” She hastily pulled the covers over her breasts, pinned the top of the blanket under her arms, and stared at the interloper.
“I heard you cry out?” he said as he stepped into the room, unable to hide the concern on his countenance for a fleeting moment. “Are you alright? What happened? Were you attacked?”
“It was a bad dream,” she said, almost laughing at the outrageousness of the situation. “Are you going to bash down my door every time I have a nightmare, my lord?”
“That sounded like no ordinary nightmare, and they are hardly harmless. Nightmares can cause great damage. A powerful Sith could attack you in your dreams.”
As she continued to press the sheet against her body, Nine turned away from him. She known he couldn’t sense her thoughts of feel her emotions. Most Sith couldn’t. Imperial Intelligence trained her well.
Not well enough, she relentlessly reminded herself. If someone hadn’t placed a block within her mind and dampened her connection to the Force, she would have been able to sense that there were two targets for the dissidents: one on Dromund Kaas and one above the planet, her lover’s star destroyer. Jadus’ words echoed in her mind. Nine failed.
“The Sith in my dreams cannot hurt me.” The skin bunched around her eyes as she stared at the wall. Wetness clung to her thick eyelashes. She blinked the tears away. “He’s only a ghost from my past.”
Adaki set down on the bed beside her. The plush mattress sunk beneath his heavy weight, and her body shifted towards him from the disturbance. His scent drifted to her, reminding her of desert trees mixed with blossoming flowers. The Zabrak’s cologne was like himself: powerful, intoxicating, and a bit sensual. It was the fragrance of desire.
“Was it Lord Jadus again?” The words were unusual spoken by him, coming from a Sith. There was almost a gentleness to his tone, but she knew how treacherous he could be. Since she had traveled with Adaki for a brief time before she met Jadus that first time, she knew he was a brutal man who discarded things like a person threw away trash.
With those doubts in her mind, it still took only a second to lower her defenses. The dream and its aftermath left her vulnerable. The knowledge she failed not only the Darth in charge of Imperial Intelligence but also the man she had come to love left raw, like a pat of butter stretched thinly across toast.
“It always is.” Nine dared not look at him. She swallowed the lump thickening in the back of her throat, but it wouldn’t go down easily. Nothing was ever easy now in the wake of Jadus’ death.
“You will discover the truth behind his assassination, Cyn. You are the best that Imperial Intelligence has to offer. You will unmask the conspirators and bring them all to justice.”
“Fuck justice,” Nine responded coldly. “I will bring them vengeance. I will make them suffer for what they have done. I will make them pay for robbing the galaxy of Jadus’ greatness.”
Adaki stared at her, apparently dumbstruck by her confession. His countenance took on a hungry expression, like he saw her with a renewed sense of passion. It was clear that she surprised him.
“You would make a wonderful Sith, my dear,” he purred. “If only you would let me train you.”
Jadus asked to do the same thing. He had told her that looking at her felt like he was staring into a font bubbling over with raw Force energy. She was a beautiful and terrifying person. That was what had attracted him to her.
Nine had never considered herself particularly unique. She was only a citizen working for the Empire and didn’t feel as if she had any connection with the Force. If she had, she surely would have felt something. And that, itself, had worried Jadus.
Was that the nature of a relationship that an Imperial had with a Sith? One or both of them would meet death. She understood any apprentice that Jadus had would eventually try to kill him. That was the reason that she had refused Jadus’ help, his offer to train her. Any training from any Sith would make her lose her sense of identity and would eventually pit herself against the one who trained her, in this case, the man she had loved.
It doesn’t matter. Nine didn’t kill Jadus, but he was still dead. She was still responsible. She should have anticipated it, should have known that the conspirators would go for the second most powerful Sith in the galaxy. The death of such a prestigious council member would be how she would make the Empire crumble if she were a terrorist.
“I don’t understand what you mean, my Lord.” Nine folded her arms around her chest, still pressing the thin sheet to her body. She felt naked and exposed as her bare shoulder brushed his own.
Adaki leaned forward and watched her. She swore she saw that emotion in his eyes before, but how could she? They briefly traveled together when she was given her first assignment by Imperial Intelligence. That was before Hutta and before she swore fealty to Darth Jadus. There was surely no romance or interest between them, as there wasn’t enough time for it to blossom.
“As I told Lord Jadus,” she said, “I’m nothing special. Nothing that would require training from a Sith of your magnitude, my lord.”
“I have told you before to call me Adaki. Pray, I do not ask again.”
“My Lo — Adaki, are you sure that is wise? People will gossip.”
That was not the only reason she was protesting. Darth Jadus had her call him by his name, too, so much so that he insisted on it much like the Zabrak was currently doing. It made their interactions seem personal and intimate.
If she would have known then what she knew now, she would have insisted on keeping things formal with him. Her heart wouldn’t have been split in twain, otherwise. He might have survived. He might have been at her side now …
“People gossip,” Adaki said. “That is what they do. It would be simpler to stop the sun from rising than to stop the common rabble and their incessant talking. I don’t waste time worrying about what people say behind my back, only I they venture to plotting against me. That is wholly unwise, however.”
“As you say, Adaki,” she conceded.
“You are wrong, you know?” he added. She glanced at him, confused.
“What do you mean.”
“You said you are nothing special. Nothing that a Sith of my magnitude should show interest in. You are wrong. There is something there, elusive, but it is there. You have some connection to the Force, that much is clear. I can feel that much, but it is muted. It is difficult to describe, almost like a limb that has been severed, the memory remains.”
“As you say, Adaki, but I still can’t feel it.”
The truth was that she didn’t feel anything he described. Even if what he said were true, Nine was sure that if she had any connection with the Force that would require training she would have shown talent. Still, she knew there was no sense in arguing with a Sith Lord. It would be a fruitless exercise as his decision was already decided; Adaki rarely changed his mind after that.
How do I know that? Nine thought. There was something more to their relationship, the familiar sensations lighting her memories, but the more she was around him, the more her thoughts felt cloudy, as if she were peering through the memory with a thin gauze of fabric covering the past.
Adaki raised his right hand, but she didn’t shrink away. Despite the fine hair lifting up on her arms, she didn’t sense any danger. He clutched her face and covered her mouth, left nostril, and chin in a tight grasp. His fingers bite into her flesh.
Nine still wasn’t afraid. She felt as if she had finally come home after being lost, as if something from a long distant past had finally clicked into place. It was strange to her that someone like Adaki felt the way he did. She never was led by her heart, always putting the Empire before her needs, but it didn’t make sense that two Sith Lords had made her question her loyalty to her obligations. This was unlike her.
Adaki stared into her eyes, and she looked back. His hand slid down her face until he gripped her chin and jawline, exposing her neck and lips to him. His gaze dropped to her mouth. A chill traveled up her spine, overshadowing any grief she may have felt. It was replaced by an urgent need, the desire burrowing itself within her mind, eclipsing everything else.
Kiss me. If she could have thought straight, she might have considered that maybe he was clouding her mind and guiding her emotions. She may have demanded he leave and allow her to mourn her fallen lover, the other Sith Lord who died from her failure. Instead, the only thing that Nine could think about was the Sith Lord sitting next to her. Once again, she silently pleaded for him to kiss her.
“I can.” He stared into her eyes as he spoke. “You should be able to to. You reach out for the Force, grasping at nothing instead. Constantly and fruitlessly, you try to catch it. You are unaware of this? You are. It is such power. It calls to me. It is … seductive.”
His words traveled through her like the clear note of a tuning fork. The only thing she could feel was desire. Maybe, that’s what he was talking about. She had no experience to draw on nor anything to really compare it to.
All she knew was that he was the opposite of what she knew a Sith should have been. He cared — at least, when it came to her. Adaki was the first one who rushed to her after Jadus’ death, offering to travel with her and lend his aid, and who was she to refuse him.
Her mind felt dull once again, but she wouldn’t look away from him. He commanded her full attention much like her lover did. There was so many things about Adaki that reminded her of Darth Jadus, and it made it easier for her to let her guard somewhat down with him.
He was exciting to her, a breath into a dismal imperial life. She couldn’t deny the way sparks seemed to fly when he stared in her eyes nor could she deny the guilt burrowing deep within her gut. Her other lover’s death was too recent for her, to fresh in her mind.
What should I do? Nine was quickly becoming overwhelmed.
“You have power over it, even if you don’t know.” He bent his head forward and his mouth hovered before hers, the black tattoos revealing to be a dark gray with a splash of crimson flesh from his lips. “You are also reaching out to me, beckoning me, trying to overwhelm my senses. You aren’t doing that intentionally?”
“Doing what intentionally?”
“Making me want you.” The words should have served as a sobering slap to the face, but it had quite the opposite effect. She narrowed her eyes at him, sizing him up like prey. Her tongue darted across her lower lip briefly as she looked him up and down.
“You want me?”
There was one hitch in his plan. His entrance made it so they were not alone. The door still lay against the wall. Cables still hung down from the entrance way, revealing where the door once was.
It appeared that wouldn’t deter him. Adaki leaned down and brushed her mouth with his, a soft gesture that she thought she had imagined until he deepened the caress. His fingers glided along her jawline, up to the side of her face until he lost his hands within her mass of hair. He grasped the dark strands and tilted her head back.
His lips did not leave hers throughout the entire time. He nibbled at her bottom lip, pulling the flesh between his teeth, before letting it go.
Her heart pounded in her chest as she could taste his minty toothpaste he had used previously that evening. . She closed her eyes. This wasn’t what she had planned when they had both retired to their separate rooms that evening, but if she were honest with herself, this was what she had wanted from the time they departed her ship and hailed that first taxi to the promenade.
Adaki pulled away. His mouth shimmered with her saliva before he ran the tip of his tongue over his bottom lip, still tasting her, but soon after that, he recomposed himself and she doubted that they even shared an sort of an embrace.
Nine was the first to speak. “Don’t stop.”
“There are more important matters to attend to, Cyn. Take that frustration you feel and use it to see to your revenge. Don’t let this cloud your purpose.”
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rakghoul-legacy · 2 years
Mina Cell's Legacy Class Story Cast
Mina Cell = Cipher Nine
Xodu Rha = Darth Kaelranzo / Sith Ally / First Agent of The Rakghoul Emperor
Kenjoh Lifshyn = Superior Officer In Rakghoul Intelligence / 2nd Agent of The Rakghoul Emperor
Minister Of Rakghoul Intelligence / Rakghoul Keeper = Minister Of Intelligence / Keeper
Qunge = Nem'ro
Draltar Sierkah = Karrels Jarvis
Sin'lupi = Toth'lazhen
Wurdrix = Fa'arthra
Braiko = Kaliyo
Dox Drad = Dheno Rey
Caz'dijo Kallig = A Sith Sorcerer That gets killed for threatening Mina Cell by Kenjoh Lifshyn / Then gets turned into a mindless servant of The Rakghoul Emperor
Sqirt-Tos = Caz'dijo's Khem-Val
New Rakghoul Keeper / Rakghoul Watcher Two = Keeper / Watcher Two
Darth Ontea = Darth Jadus
The Dragon = The Eagle
Darth Zhon = Darth Zhorrid
Arecass = Chemish
Lucbri = Sanju
Twussiz = Grey Star
Rakghoul Watcher X = Watcher X
Garmoi Goldixw = Jorden Tlan
Evig'buje =Anspi'shel
Sashro Gamuss = Mia Hawkins
Maniac Eyes = Dragon Eyes
The Old Hunter = The Old Man
Triste Tannbowr = Caz'dijo's Andronkidos Revel
Tector Tyllus = Vector Hyllus
Wingus Bar = Captain Pervious
Baron Sairgur Lanzilee = Baron Peyar Cortess
Baroness Thennal Lanzilee = Baroness Chay Cortess
Drand Mant = Denri Alde
Kathmar = Hunter
Cooregi = Chance
Trance = Wheel
Iopul = Saber
Abelagu Turswi = Ardun Kothe
Doctor Rubdav Moorcov = Doctor Eckard Lokin
Doctor Serejam = Doctor Cel
Qeva Eergop = Ki Sazen
Zushty Bykry = Caz'dijo's Azshara Zavros
Administrator Zidreg = Administrator Kroius
Admiral Brigcoa = Admiral Davos
Captain Broduly = Captain Furth
Sergeant Hlern (Full Name is Sergeant Hlern'pathe'zoatte) = Sergeant Thent
Aristocra Hlong = Aristocra Saganu
Ensign Elaiang Marrall = Ensign Raina Temple
Murki The Corporeal = Pashok The Unyielding
Dustefra Clifari = Caz'dijo's Talos Drellik
Branlar Jelharp = Kanjoh Slyke
Pisits = Ohta
Gilemi Gartru = Chaney Barrow
Vaigler = Paarkos
Tett'iborra = Person Who Saves Llaw'o'marwolaeth From Xodu Rha / Rakghoul Intelligence Cipher
Llaw'o'marwolaeth Thoda = Managed Mischief Dark Lord
Drerdust Lanizlee = Pashon Cortess
Drok Nayan = Mina's Grandfather Who is Nok Drayan
The Conjurer = The Creeper
The Brawler = The Prince
Ukernetu = Kolovish
Osvadar Pettadd = Yem Leksende
Neen'huw = Phi-Ton
Bum'huw = Bas-Ton
The Void Blood = The Shining Man
Deel'huw = Yana-Ton
Thazos'huw = Therod-Ton
Random Rakghoul Bounty Hunter = Random Bounty Hunter
Kroon = Zanar
Men Qys = Caz'dijo's Xalek
Lord Myst San = Lord Razor
Major Elymina = Major Nedecca
Major Caspab = Major Sanos
Moff Jargust = Moff Zamar
Rakghoul Jedi Knight = Jedi Knight
Rakghoul Eidolon Security Mercenary = Eidolon Security Mercenary
Boneywench Sunbeing = Darth Fud / First Rakghoul Sith Inquistor
Havoc Rakghoul = Rakghoul Prince / First Rakghoul Trooper
Diampres Barall = The Wrath and First Sith Warrior Allied To Sentient Rakghouls
Carnagebounty Ragesoul = First Rakghoul Bounty Hunter
Daydreams = Creator Of Republic Rakghoul Experiments
Rana Rakghoul = Rakghoul Princess and First Rakghoul Jedi Shadow
Transfer Cell = Mina's Father
Nisha Nayan = Mina's Mother / Transfer Cell's Risha Drayan
Darryll Dixon = Rana's Former Master
Raydenkai = Imperial Alt of Darryyll Dixon
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