waambles · 7 months
There’s a lot of reasons I am no longer DatBlueBean. Why I stopped posting on tiktok, why I stopped responding to comments and dms. And I promise I’ll make a full piece about it one day
But, One reason I changed from my old self, and felt like I couldn’t post anymore is because I realized ; I’m aromantic. I felt like a fraud, everyone saw me as the guy who drew the super cute ship stuff. Ppl characterized me as a hopeless romantic and someone who could portray queer love in a way they felt seen in. But It felt like I was lying, like I was portraying something I didnt know or saw myself in.
I wasn’t proud of being aromantic. Even further, I was ashamed of it.
I’m coming back now. I’m drawing art of queer intimacy, because I’m an intimate person. I’m aroallo, and i still don’t feel a lot of pride in that. But, I want to make art that makes me and others feel good again.
So happy Valentine’s Day. No, I didn’t make any ship art for it. And yes, I still feel sort of weird. But happy Valentine’s Day to the aros, the aces, the allos, the lovers and the loveless and the in between. I love you, and I love my friends, and I’m learning to love myself <3
Go be queer today, whatever that means to you
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