stillsociallysober · 6 years
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DATLOF APPRECIATION POST @leader-of-datlof Thought I wouldn't B"tch??
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fjordstan · 7 years
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part 4
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ask-me-about-datlof · 7 years
Thank you, Friend - Chapter 18
I apologise for 1 - how long the wait has been between updates, 2 - the length of this chapter and 3 - this honestly isn’t one of my better chapters.
And the reason behind 2 & 3 is because I’m stuck with a shitty dose of writer’s block. But I made it through this chapter and hopefully it will go soon.
You can read this chapter and all previous chapters on AO3
“Maybe if we just talk to Lal…”Lewis murmured quietly as he sat at his desk, staring at the phone sitting there, seeming to take up more space than it rightly should. Simon’s gaze was also fixed on the phone but he glanced up to Lewis as he heard him speak. He knew that Lewis was just grasping at straws, hoping that Lal would deny everything and they wouldn’t have to turn him into the police.
“If it is Lal doing this, then I’m not entirely sure he can be reasoned with, Lewis.”
“I know, but maybe, if we just talk to him, we could make him realise that what he’s doing is wrong…”
“And then what?” Simon asked glumly. “We’d still have to turn him into the police. He’s a murderer now, Lewis.” Lewis frowned and finally looked away from the phone.
“Alright. But before we call the police, I just want to talk to him. I promise I’m not backing out of this, I just want to know why.” Lewis got to his feet. “If you want to stay here, friend, that’s fine with me.” Simon grinned, although it was only a half-hearted grin.
“I’ll be coming with you for this, spaceman.” Lewis smiled gratefully. If he was being honest with himself, he didn’t want to see Lalnable on his own. And if he was being truly honest with himself, he was scared of Lalnable.
The duo headed out of Lewis’s office and silently walked down the corridor towards Lalnable’s labs. Lewis was still slightly limping, the pain only having lessened a little the past few days. Tension grew as the pair drew closer to Lalnable’s labs. The reached the door to his labs and paused. Gathering his courage, Lewis reached out and knocked on the door. The knock echoed slightly and the pair held their breath as they waited for a reply.
Frowning, Lewis knocked again, slightly louder.
“Lal, you in there?” He called out.
Again, there was no response. Glancing towards Simon, Lewis rested his hand on the handle and pushed the door open. Inside, Lalnable’s labs were the same as they had always been. Clutter was gathered on the workbenches and in Lalnable’s frequent absentmindedness, bunsen burners had been left alight. But there was no sight of Lalnable. Lewis and Simon walked into the lab and began looking around, Lewis turning off the still lit bunsen burners to prevent an accident from happening.
“Do you think he went out?” Simon shrugged.
“Who knows. He’s been pretty hard to keep track of the past few weeks. Barely anyone has seen him.” Simon replied. Lewis sighed.
“Maybe we should wait for him to come back?” It was Simon’s turn to grasp at straws now. Lewis looked over at his friend.
“And what if he doesn’t come back?” Lewis asked, tiredly. Simon blinked.
“What?” Lewis gestured vaguely.
“Well, he hasn’t exactly been himself lately.” It suddenly clicked for Simon.
“You think he’s run away?” Lewis grimaced.
“I don’t know friend. I don’t know. But, but I wouldn’t put it past him. Certainly not at the moment.” Simon looked around Lalnable’s labs again. They seemed even emptier now that the man who used to spend so much time in here might be gone. He suddenly started noticing the dust beginning to coat the less used objects, and the cobwebs that had collected in the corners of the room.
“Would he really run away though?” Simon murmured quietly. The pair remained quiet for a while longer.
“I guess we have nothing stopping us from calling the police now.” Lewis eventually said, breaking the heavy silence that had formed.
“I guess not.”
Despite them both having agreed to call the police, neither one moved. It was like they were both waiting, hoping that Lalnable would walk through the door. It was another couple of minutes again before Lewis finally moved.
“Come on, friend. Let’s get this over with.” Simon wordlessly moved to Lewis’s side and the pair left, walking back down the corridors towards Lewis’s office.
Lalnable had indeed run away, for he never returned to the castle, but neither was he caught by the police. Aside from the occasional murder, which began to happen with less and less frequency, it was like he’d completely vanished. Neither Simon nor Lewis heard from him or saw him again, and they both wondered quietly to themselves if he hated them for what they’d done.
Despite Lalnable having almost completely vanished into thin air, Lewis didn’t want to let his research on cloning go to waste, and so with the blood from a volunteer, a farmer from the outskirts of Datlof called Sjin, and some of the leftover blood that Lalnable himself had donated, Lewis continued working on the cloning research. Lalnable had done most of the hard work, and all Lewis needed to do was to calibrate the machines to the new blood sample, and then set the new parameters. Lewis wanted to see if it was possible to clone someone with a slightly different skill set to the original, so to speak. Lewis’s plan with these new clones was to see if he could program into the genetic makeup a higher magical ability.
It didn’t take long for Lewis to calibrate the cloning machines for the new blood, and then to program in the increase in magical ability. And then when he’d done that, two new clones were born. For a while it was almost like things had gone back to normal for Lewis and Simon. There was another Lalnable in the castle, although this one preferred to go by Lalna, and for a short time, it seemed that everything would be as it used to be. Even if this Lalnable was more interested in magic than science. But Lalna didn’t hang around for long. He and the clone of Sjin quickly took off from the castle, like Lalnable before him leaving a plethora of unfinished experiments. And although Lalna and Sjin didn’t disappear completely like Lalnable had, they faded almost completely out of Lewis and Simon’s lives. And so Lewis decided to give the cloning one more try. And he kept telling himself that he was doing this to help people, that with this technology he would be helping people who had genetic diseases, or other illnesses that would eventually kill them. He told himself that he was doing this to help society, not to help himself or to replace Lalnable. Because what kind of person would replace their friends when they left with clones of the original? No, that’s not why he was doing this. Or at least that’s what he kept telling himself.
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yousaytomato · 7 years
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This is a sad one! I hope he goes to a good home!
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poisonjaffas · 4 years
tagged by @allsassnoclass
rules: tag 9 people u want to get to know better
last song: Fancy - TWICE (I was super hyped for starting on a new month's playlist today and its a total bop) 
last movie: Deadpool 2
currently watching: The Mallorca Files (Big fan of gentle daytime TV detective shows) 
currently reading: In Their Shoes - Jamie Windust (I really need to finish it, it's a tiny book and I've been halfway through since the new year lmao) 
I tag: @lackyducks @soyapea @themaevethcometh @datlof @ashysmudges @deathlyscared anyone else who wants to!!
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I must see Bethany and Ruthann A2
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yep mmhmm
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patanu102 · 8 years
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@leader-of-datlof felt like drawing, so i drew you.
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strifesolution · 6 years
yogscast 2014-2015 minecraft fandom shit
aka that time where the fandom had accepted tekkit had died off and this was a new era of the yogscast complete pack
- moonquest vs. sipsco space program stuff and being sad it wasn’t as engaging as the tekkit feuds
- cheat police being the last thing sips and sjin did together
- that episode of flux buddies where kim actually got lewis to turn around to get his tag lock, unscripted
- feeling like hatfilms were actually part of the yogscast now
- what’s yours is ours
- the remake of diggy diggy hole and moonquest being AMAZING
- where’s rythian
- still hoping blackrock was coming back but happy we saw more zoey and fiona
- literally the only existence of rythian in minecraft being undesirable number one
- magic police vs. flux buddies
- the hatfilms-flux buddies war: “dear Duncan, i did something amazing today.”
- the episode where this ultimatum was issued being released the same day all rise for datlof was (I think?)
- like, the first lalnable introduction
- clone labs :(((((
- clone labs just?? not having an effect on any other episodes?????
- like actually hoping the plots were coming together and we’d get more on SOI and being let down
- chaosville getting screwed over because no one from the original group was on the server
- people like davechaos, fryeuk, bebopvox, etc, being official yogs but never recognized as ones
- people being encouraged to give love to the underyogs but then not doing so
- lyinginbedmon and kirindave getting more attention than them
- william strife, just like, in general
- strife and parvis’ tumblr shipping cult following
- wereross and xephos&strife alien headcanons
- the church of strife vs. whatever rythian’s following was. there was a name for it too.
- boaillustration, sassytail, mindfulwrath, sparxflame, ceranovis, goldspil and a bunch of artists and writers that eventually just ducked out
- fucking urban magic yogs
- resonant rise pack being a chance for the yogs to re-hype their fandom and then people weren’t allowed on the server and everything but flux buddies died off
feel free to add on. keep anything overly negative off please
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thattheresuitsau · 8 years
hello! Im sorry to say but i would send an ask but Im so confused as to what is going on in this AU. theres so much information idk where to start really.
*Clicks fingers*
Always start with this post, this is the best way to explain it.
This is basically an au that started out of a self insert fan fiction that is about ten years old at this point and carried on from there; its basically a self indulgent thing of being able to connect universes I really like but keeping them separate at the same time.
Currently right now I am just trying to do designs and stuff but story line wise there honestly isn’t much of one. I know certain person *nudge nudge @comedowntheroad nudge nudge* could probably come up with one.
If you want to pin point down certain things send me a message so I can answer in real time which would be easier.
Edit: Absolutely fine if you are confused, I am not the best at explaining things.
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stillsociallysober · 7 years
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Some discord doodles, thanks to my discord buddies for helping me out of a rut.
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canaryart · 8 years
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some DND character sketches; left is the antagonist from @griffemon‘s campaign, Oberon. right is Akvo, an antagonist in the space pirates campaign that i am running. 
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ask-me-about-datlof · 7 years
Thank You, Friend - Chapter 17
Mild blood mentions in this chapter.
I will be taking a couple of weeks hiatus after this chapter, but when I get back I’ll be uploading an extra long chapter to make up for the shortness of this chapter and the hiatus :)
You can read this chapter and all previous chapters on AO3
“Neither am I.” Simon replied. Lewis’s head jerked up as he looked at his friend.
“I’m a dwarf, Lewis, not a human.” Simon said, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. But a slight smile crossed his lips. Lewis frowned as his body shook with breaths.
“No, but I thought, I thought that you thought I was human, and I’m not, and,”
“Take a deep breath, Lewis, and calm yourself down a little.” Simon said, rubbing his hand over Lewis’s shoulder. “And, if I’m being honest, I was never sure you were actually human.” Simon said softly. Now might not be the best time to tell Lewis that he’d always known he wasn’t human, but he thought it would be better than keeping it a secret for even longer.
“What?” Lewis stared at Simon, tears still dripping down his cheeks. Simon took a deep breath.
“Well, I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but sometimes your eyes and freckles glow, which isn’t exactly normal for a human to do.”
“My eyes, glow?” Simon nodded and Lewis lifted his fingers up towards his eyes and touched them gently, almost like he was trying to feel the glow coming from them. “When, how often, how many people have seen them glow?!” Simon began rubbing Lewis’s shoulder again as he began to work himself up into a state once more.
“I’ve seen them glow multiple times, I think Lal might’ve seen it once, and Hannah saw it once too.” At the mention of Lalnable’s name, Lewis flinched so violently that Simon’s hand fell from his shoulder.
“Sorry, friend.” Lewis mumbled, hugging his leg closer to him. Simon frowned slightly as he wondered whether he should ask Lewis about the strange way in which he was acting around Lalnable earlier, and why he flinched just now, but he decided against it, deciding to wait until he had calmed down a little from discovering he wasn’t as human as he thought.
“You don’t need to apologise, spaceman.” As Simon said his nickname for Lewis, Lewis looked up towards Simon for a moment and Simon could see the gears in his mind turning. Then he looked away and buried his head in his arms.
“You knew!” His voice was muffled. “You knew right from when I crashed that I wasn’t human!” Simon froze for only a moment. Then he placed his hand back onto Lewis’s shoulder. He knew Lewis wasn’t angry at him for not telling him, he was just upset and confused and Simon reckoned he must be wondering how it was that his best friend could know that he wasn’t human, but he couldn’t see it himself.
“Not immediately, Lewis. It took me a while to work it out.”
“How long?” Lewis asked, raising his head and looking over at Simon, tears still dripping down his cheeks. Simon paused as he thought.
“It was when we were in the spaceship. And you had just told me that you couldn’t remember anything, and you were scared. And your eyes began to glow slightly then. And that’s when I first thought that you might not be as human as I originally thought you were. Not that I care about something like that.” Simon smiled comfortingly at Lewis, and rubbed his shoulder at the same time. Lewis tried taking a deeper breath, the breath shuddering as it went in and out.
“And is that why you called me spaceman?” Simon thought for a moment.
“I’m pretty sure I started calling you spaceman before that.” Simon said, smiling once more. Lewis nodded slightly and looked away.
“I’m sorry, friend, I’m not angry at you, I’m just, I just…”He took a deep breath and tried again. “I thought I was human and I thought everyone else thought I was human. And I’m just shocked to know that you knew and I didn’t.” Lewis said quietly, his breathing beginning to slow down slightly. However the bright blue glow from his eyes and freckles was barely fading and Simon began rubbing his shoulder once more.
“Yeah, I know you weren’t angry at me.”
“So many things make so much more sense now though.” Lewis murmured.
“Like what?” Simon asked, frowning at Lewis. He took his hand from his leg and gestured to his outstretched leg before tucking it back around.
“The past day or so. If, if I’m not human… then maybe that’s why I saw that woman’s memories of being, of being…” Simon blinked.
“You saw her memories?!” Lewis closed his eyes tightly and shook his head, almost like he was trying to dislodge something from inside his mind.
“It sounds crazy, I know, there’s no way I could’ve seen her memories, I’m just imagining things or, or it was stress or,”
“It wouldn’t be the craziest thing I’ve heard today, spaceman.” Simon said, winking at Lewis. Lewis opened his eyes and the tiniest smile crossed his lips. “If you saw her memories, does that mean you saw who killed her? Do you know who’s been murdering all those people.” Lewis grimaced and moved his arms so they were wrapped around his torso, around where Simon knew he could still feel lingering pain from whatever it was that had caused the pain in the first place.
“I saw who killed her. But it can’t be, I don’t want to believe it. And I don’t want to believe that he killed all those other people, that he’s the one responsible…”
Simon could feel dread welling up inside of him as Lewis talked. He wanted to say something, but he didn’t know what to say. Instead he just sat with his arm around Lewis’s shoulders and waited for him to find the words to tell him who it was. Lewis took a deep breath.
“I don’t want it to be him, and I know it’s crazy to have seen someone else’s memories, but I know what I saw, what she saw. And the person who, who murdered her…” Lewis shook his head and pulled his arms tighter around himself. “It was Lal, Simon. Lal was the one who murdered her.”
Lewis’s voice was barely a whisper. But as he spoke Lalnable’s name, Simon’s stomach plummeted like he was on a rollercoaster and he was hurtling down the steepest slope from the highest point. An image of Lalnable’s grinning face popped into Simon’s head, then suddenly without him thinking or doing anything, Lalnable’s face was covered in blood splatters and his blonde hair was dripping red blood down.
“Lal?” Simon’s voice was hoarse. Lewis nodded weakly.
“I don’t know what to do, friend. He’s our friend, but he’s been murdering all these people, and I don’t know what to do!” Lewis cried out in frustration. A blood covered image of Lalnable was still dancing around Simon’s mind. And suddenly Lewis’s behaviour around Lalnable earlier made so much sense.
“We have to tell the police.” Simon said quietly.
“What?” Lewis looked down at Simon. “But he’s our friend,”
“I know he’s our friend, Lewis, but he’s also killing people. If we don’t tell the police, how many more people will die?” Simon looked up at Lewis. Lewis’s eyes were still glowing and tears still occasionally trickled down his cheeks. Tears were beginning to well up in Simon’s own eyes as he thought about the idea of turning Lalnable into the police. “I don’t know what’s happened to Lal, but I do know that he can’t keep doing this. Maybe, maybe if he gets caught, he can get help, and maybe he might stop doing what he’s doing.” Lewis looked away from Simon.
“I just don’t want him to feel like we’ve betrayed him.”
“We’re not betraying him, Lewis. We’re helping him…” Simon didn’t fully believe what he was saying, and he doubted Lewis would either. Lewis sighed.
“We really have to do this, don’t we?” Simon nodded.
“But not today. You need to give yourself some time to process everything, spaceman.” Lewis looked down at Simon and smiled.
“Thank you, Simon.”
“No problem, spaceman. Now let’s get you somewhere else so you’re not just sat on the floor of your lab all day.” Simon grinned and stood up, holding out his hand for Lewis to grab. Lewis took hold of Simon’s hand and hauled himself up, careful to not bash his right leg around too much. “Come on, I reckon you need a nap, spaceman.”
Simon placed his arm around Lewis’s waist and the pair headed out of Lewis’s lab.
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eppaljeck · 6 years
theres so much datlof stuff in here
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artist-emerald · 8 years
wow i just...
fight me
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bellvonartsy · 7 years
I got tagged again =w=
Tagged by @leader-of-datlof
Rules: Answer these 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!...=W= this is already odd...
Name: “Rotiart”.....”real names on the internet don’t matter” all that matters is if your a good person :3″
Nicknames: BellvonArtsy, Bell, JingleBell, The one armed man.. the list go’s on
Zodiac sign: Leo
Height: 6,1 last time I checked but people think I might be 6,2
Orientation: La-li-lu-le-lo
Nationality: Down the street to the next city
Favorite fruit: Banana’s... <>w<> there very tasty ^^
Favorite season: Summer! I’m as cold blooded as can be and my body has the insulation of a cheap motel
Favorite books: Hmmm I’ve read too many to pick favorites ;W; ..but I recommend The Master and Margarita to anyone who has not read it ^^
Favorite scent: I don’t care what anybody says cleaning supplies and motor oil are some of the nicest smelling things around =w=...Don’t huff them kids it can kill you ^^
Favorite color: Orange and red are very nice to wear but I’m a fan of seafoam green :3
Favorite animal: Walruses..But hamsters come pretty close.
Coffee/Tea/Hot Cocoa: Black Coffee no sugar ,,,And a nice Mint tea can be very soothing as well
Average hours of sleep:How ever many stop me from dying =w=
Cat or dog person: Cat person..Dog’s are to Mindless for my taste they follow orders like drones..its unnatural =W=
Favorite fictional character: Merlin
Number of blankets you sleep with: One comforter
Dream trip:The one where I don’t die at the end
Blog Created: Ten months ago ~~~
Number of followers: 69
Random fact: Through the darkness of future's past, The magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds... "Fire... walk with me."
@doodling-doodler I tag you!!! <>w<>
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Bethany in Rythian cloths and Rythian in a bar maid uniform (extra points if you make him have the best twin maid hair color - Re: Zero)
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Yep, he looks fab.
Rapid Request Round: Clothes Swap
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