shining-tili · 4 months
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gorillaxyz · 6 months
so excited to have a drawing tablet again... i miss mspaint
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nahalism · 11 months
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anuva loose end
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Hello Wizardblr, and denizens of the multiverse.
I believe a few of you know me, and to those Individuals I give a heartfelt greetings, but for those who don't let me introduce myself:
I am Lurien Anuva, Judge of the Celestial Wizard Council and 10th seat. You may address me by the pronouns He/They. Friends may address me with the It/Its and Star/Starself pronouns.
You might know me as the host of the Blue Moon Ball, however I also have partial residency on the island. I am avaliable for arcane consult, or just for a spot of tea.
On occasion I will let my sibling Hyacinth answer questions for me when I am unavailable, as my schedule is quite busy.
Thank you for reading ~☆
My Tags:
☆ Lurien Answers -> Answers from myself
☆ From Hyacinth -> From my sibling
☆ Visions from the Divine -> Art tag
☆ Stellardex -> Important Posts
《OOC Below ->》
Oh hey would you look at that, I finally did the thing :v
Lurien Blog Real,,,,
ANYWAYS!! Hi gamers it's Necro, I'm back on my bullshit again. I've finally done the thing and made a full on wizardblr blog. Woag.
This blog is firmly low-stakes. I cannot handle high-stakes RP right now. To Lurien, this blog is merely an application on an app. I won't do traditional RP unless it has been previously discussed.
General tidbits:
No NSFW with this account, but suggestive jokes are fine as long as the person making them is an adult. If a minor makes these jokes they will be blocked.
I literally made this blog to be silly and have fun, so please don't take things too seriously :')
Here's a bit about myself for those unaware:
Name is Necro/Nec
Main blog is @the-necrobotanist [follows and likes are from @wyrmoffthestr1ng though]
Pronouns are He/They
20 y/o, Illustration major in college
LGBTQIA+ (I'm trans/nonbinary!)
I mainly dabble in Wizardblr lol
Pokémon is my hyperfixation, and I am an avid shiny hunter :)
Chronically ill, and I have a lotta anxiety so I often will explain things in tags if I'm worried abt something.
Lurien refs for those who wish to draw him:
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Lurien's UnVale page with more art + Details/Lore:
If you want more just like, go to my main or smthn.
I can't think of anything else to add to this part right now, so I'll add things here as needed.
Btw no TERFS, Zi*nists, or your like. I will block you on sight. Get out
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tedsies · 11 months
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Yet the more time Queenie spends in the company of this new Nancy, the more she begins to warm to her.
"Pwease wead me anuva one gweat-gwandma"
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BLUE MOON BALL DAY SEVEN: "Letter to the Ball"
So... It turns out that soon after i finished writing my sixth log entry of the Blue Moon Ball, i fell unconscious and collapsed upon the floor. I do not know why this happened, but i suspect the battering i took from the butlers and the Four Elements sandwich were to blame. I am currently stuck in a bed and unable to eat or drink anything other than a glass of water and four small, plain biscuits, else i will become violently sick. Every millimetre of my body aches in some form, and i cannot move my tail at all.
The following is what happened between then and me waking in this bed, relayed to me after i awoke:
I fell to the ground while walking back to the mansion, and i was carried onto a soft couch in the lounge by my staff. I was then sent between at least twenty-five hospitals in the region before eventually being flown out of Victoria International Airport (!!!) back to Buss Island. Apparently, Tarquin is going to be on Buss Island for the forseeable future, as the butlers were hunting after him. It has been several days since i went to the ball, and i have only risen today.
My blankets and pillows are very comfortable, and i hope that if a second Blue Moon Ball were to arrive, i will not be harassed by the robots. Please, in addition, drop the Four Elements sandwich and seal the recipe in a concrete-filled barrel buried deep in the desert.
To my friend, the @good-wizard, i do apologize for not being able to find you.
To the organizer of the ball, Lurien Artiodactyla Andalusia Anuva, i do apologize for breaking your toilet by throwing up rocks into it, and the mess caused by me destroying your butler robot. In my defense, he was trying to attack me, and i was hungry.
I also apologize for my handwriting being shakier than usual.
Yours faithfully, Jim, President of Buss Island.
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duadaily · 7 months
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dualipa: anuva oneeee 🥲🥲🥲 @ brits
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inkydavinkygal · 1 year
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My take on the newest Super Reader yet to be shown: Anuva Paige Mohammad! 🦋
Anuva (meaning a new beginning and knowledge) is a social butterfly and rather creative, out of the box thinker when it comes to problems.
Back in Reader Valley, she was enamored by the Super Readers and their missions, dreaming of either being on the team or interviewing them; so she did both! Her mother is a reporter, and her Dad is a columnist, which inspires Anuva to become a reporter one day. She gets the best pictures of the Super Readers for the Reader Valley Times, which makes people wonder how she does it.
With the power of art/creativity, Anuva (her Super-Reader name is Canva), she can draw anything into reality from the tip of her pen (literally). She can also edit photos not by using a computer but drawing on them: whatever she changes is assumed to have already been that way.
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gizab · 1 year
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anuva one
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queersrus · 1 year
Hello hello ^_^ what about names and titles relating to eyes/all seeing eyes/thirst for knowledge? Or something about someone who reaches unethical ends to pursue knowledge? Thank you kindly ((:
i love this theme so much i wanna see it more as a trope in media so bad
providence, providentia, phoebe, philoso, philosophy, philosopher, prophet hecate/hekate, horus, helios, hathor looker, laozi, loki seer/sear, sia, seshat, saga, snotra, Sekhmet, soph, sopho, scholar wonder, wadjet adhit, adhita, anura, anuva, arisanna, avesta, apollo, anahit, athena, alviss, antevorta, argus, amun, azreal, auto, autodi, autodidact baaqir, baldeth, bodhin, bast, bes, basar cidvilasa, cikita, cinmaya, cleary, clearvoy, clearvoya, clairvoyant, conary, conroy, coeus, chista, carmenta dansith neith, neptune, nekhbet thoth, tir/tyr, theia, tefnut isis, inquisitor ogma, odin, osiris menrva, minerva, metis, mimir, mergen, mut frigg, fauna gefjon, gamayun, gadhi, gyana vor egeria, eryl, episte, epistemo ra jina, jinan, jubilee katran
many more names meaning knowledge here(link) names related to sight/eyes here(link)
the seeker of knowledge, the eye of knowledge, the one with bright eyes, the bright-eyed (one), the lover of knowledge, the epistemophile, the all seeing (eye/one), the pursuer of knowledge, the one with prophetic eyes, the searcher of endless knowledge, the searcher for boundless knowledge, the wise, the moraless seeker (of knowledge), the student's eyes, the follower of bright sight
(prn) who knows all, (prn) who seeks to know all, (prn) who sees all, (prn) who has keen eyes and a sharp mind, (prn) who holds the key to the fountain of knowledge, (prn) who possesses the all seeing eye, (prn) who rules over sight and knowledge
god(dess/ex) of knowledge, god(dess/ex) of true sight, god(dess/ex) of insight.
(i could probably go on forever with this /hj)
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mozki · 2 years
enuf moping about my shitty relationship its time to be excited about the fact that in 12 hrs i will be about to board a plane to anuva country and go chilllll (^: <3
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I want to be strong for myself and I want to focus on the things that matter
title for another day
I think it’s okay that Mitch doesn’t really get me, I think it’s fine for that to be the case, because in life we’ll find so many people who genuinely get us
even hanging out with sav and anuva, I always feel seen in a way that I don’t elsewhere and I think even tho we’re not besties, that relationship feels important for me to nurture
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lindyloosims · 5 months
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My boy is creeping ever so closer to becoming a man! He follows in the footsteps of his sister, little singer!
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This last pregnancy is not without its problems, Kace has developed anemia but iron tablets will do the trick! I hope everything else goes smoothly!
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And it's another boy for us, we'll have two of each! I can't wait for Theo to have a brother!
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Libby stayed a little while after the party was over and bonded with Heidi. It's good to see that she has a good role model in my baby sister. Libby is a sweet girl, I only wish the best for her after losing her dad. She took it worse than Donny did, like I said she's been through a lot.
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I've explained to Theo that he's no longer going to be the baby, he was confused and full of questions at first but upon hearing that the baby is another boy like him, he was super happy about it!
THEO: Anuva boys! Yays!
ZAC: Yep, and you have to take good care of him Theo, you're gonna be a big brother!
THEO: I cans do dat daddy, I is big boys!
He's gonna do great! I just know it!
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nahalism · 2 years
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anuva day anuva study
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clownilly · 6 months
Mary is the girl that leaves you to rot.
Our Safe Haven, The Asylum.
Animatic based of an RP started by RubyIris and CivryXD
Cloudia (tall lady)
Fiola (amputee)
Anuva (<-gay)
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vtuber-boostin · 9 months
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