#davey explains a musical
ethernitty · 2 years
a little night music
okay i dont know this one so im gonna make up a plot and if it doesnt go like this ill be pissed/hj
im just basing it on the album so i have an outline of the story (not cheating btw) all the paragraphs are like per song cuz thats logical
okay come with me to early 1900s, somewhere in europe, where there is a great party goin on and our two main characters are dancing, lets call them Daisy and Robin, theyre both young women (very important). its a ball and everyones having a jolly good time, dancing, drinking theyre all feeling very gay ;)
then they go to a private place, it feels like it could be a balcony, and they talk bout how they feel bout this relationship and how it would go now later and soon,
now that we know them we get the Glamorous life, we focus on daisy seemingly happily married ,now that its like 1913, oh life's wonderful and i love it all kinda song, while shes preparing for a dinner with an old friend she hasnt seen in a while
the first guest arrives, a handsome gentleman and they have a conversation about that ball and how Daisy must remember this old friend, she doesnt but after some more talking she relizes that its her old lover Robin.
alas the second guest arrives, Robins wife, Robin absolutely adores her and has a whole song bout her, yes the wife knows robins not a "man" but protects this secret with her life.
they talk about their relationships some more reminice about the past as the wife has gone off to bed, idk what happened to the husband maybe hes out, transition to a flashback scene done by dancers of the young Daisy and Robin.
more reminicing bout the gay old days of being in love with a woman, while the dancers portray scenes of the past, this all ends with a kiss thats first one on the cheek but then one on the mouth thats waaaay longer then it should be.
end of act one
a few weeks later and Daisy cant stop thinking bout the kiss, she initated, she relizes how much shes been suppresing herself and how much she dislikes the traditional live and that it makes her die a little everyday.
so she decides to invite Robin and her wife for a weekend out into the country where they talk about their feelings again and how maybe she wants to get away from her husband.
and cuz Robins rich they have a record player, or whatever they used in the day to play recorded music, and they have a nice little dance that is the same as in act one, this is all hapening at night while wondering what will happen when the day breakes and they need to go back to their partners
life goes on and on and eventualy we get to Daisy who is very old now that its like the 70s and the community is starting to come up of women who arent in the traditional life and she thinks how wonderful it would have been to live like that for her whole life.
then as she deteriorates health wise she waits in joyfull anticipation for a chance to be reunited with her lover in heaven, where they will be free of expectations of love
yeah thats prolly not it but it would be a good one
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so I saw the Wembley Park Theatre production last night and if u don't wanna be spoiled dni
But if you have no chance of seeing it here are some of the little details <3
First of all the casting was perfect???
Michael Alomka dove into a more sensitive part of Jack - and it was super interesting
Katherine was so much more headstrong and it was suchhhh a new flavour of her - Katherine has never been one of my favourite characters but god she was so strong and wild and unduly it was brilliant.
Ryan Kopel as Davey has to be my standout tho - he seemed much younger in the role than BF did, and much more uncertain and afraid - I loved it - and his development oh my god he became boisterous and ahhhhhhhhh
Docket as Crutchie was brilliant he was much less happy-go-lucky than AKB was and oh it worked - he was frustrated and angry and real.
AND Crutchie played a much larger role in the leadership of the strike here!! Just through little interactions and stuff but it was coooollll and he even seemed to form a friendship with both Kath and Davey
Even the kid playing Les was brilliant and I usually don't like Les all that much - but the kid I saw was brilliant
The Newsies would swing out on lamps and ropes over the audience and oh my godddddddd
THE BROOKLYN NEWSIES WERE GIRLS (and it added balance since earlier they'd been the bowery beauties so it changed them up and showed the power of women plus finally included girls in the strike, sometbing 1992 and bway missed) AND THEY WERE SO GOOD
Jack and Katherine had Beatrice and Benedick vibes from Much Ado - that's the only comparable thing, they were so brilliant and the chemistry was so goooodddd
Ngl it probably didn't have enough Javid content for you addicts.
Butttt there was a hug when Jack tells Davey they won the strike that is so good. Davey can't retain himself, he jumps and hugs Jack and then picks up and whirls around Les
'we are inevitable' was delivered PERFECTLY I can't even explain
There are so many stunts and jumps and tricks and we all knew the dancing was gonna be perfect but dear god it still got me
And finally, my favourite thing, THE SET
I was sitting stage right in Woodside (I think) and if u can get tickets like that it is so worth it. The actors are running up behjind and beside you
There's even a little slide for the escape from snyder
And they utilise the scaffding part of the set super well
There are lamps that lifted up for ariel tricks
And so much more
Even a fuckin zip line!!!!!!!
okay you've nearly made it to the end
There were a fewwww lyric changes buttt the orchestrations were changed quite a lot to make room for more dance and honestly? I think I prefer broadway music wise
The Pulitzer's set was built in newspapers to show class and how the Newsies have built their entire empire etc
And all the set was moved on and off by the Newsies, too, again to show class and how the Newsies (and working kids) run the world, really
Yes, Race was perfect.
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 11 months
So my one pet peeve is we saw how hurt and upset everyone was at the rally and race and davey push Jack. As soft as Manhattan has the rap for being I'm not convinced things can go back to normal without Jack explaining at least some of things to his boys and for that matter how is anyone ever gonna trust him as leader unless he gives spot and the other leaders some sort of run down of what had happened. They'd probably say "you're a stupid mf for going alone what dod you think hed do? No more solo negotiations without someone knowing where you'll be"
this this this this 100%
we were robbed of a scene (imo particularly between him and davey) with jack apologising and explaining his actions. because we as an audience know why he did what he did and so hold nothing against him, but the newsies don’t. they didn’t see pulitzer use crutchie against him, use them against him and they didn’t see snyder jeer at him in that room. they don’t know that in that meeting jack had his whole past, all of his fears and traumas, dug up and pressed on until he gave in to protect them. not himself, but them
all they know is that their leader had sold them out. seemingly for money. for santa fe, which they all know about and they’re left feeling like not only does he not care about the strike, but also about them. that everything he’d advocated for, all his protectiveness and ferocity about the strike had been a lie. because the jump from stbi to oafa isn’t good enough to show that divide being fixed, because it was so severe. and it’s something that could be fixed but not off stage. not with how much it would have hurt. its a definite gap in the narrative I don’t like
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When they say each fansie has a favourite background newsie this is what they actually mean
Background obscure character that we know little of (most likely a newsie) they would die for
Main newsie character (out of Jack, Davey, Katherine)
Main background newsie (starter pack newsies Crutchie, Race, Specs, Spot) because they were all we knew at the beginning
Background newsie that we love unconditionally but we love all of them so it's impossible to choose
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angelfiedyaz · 30 days
Some more Redacted Headcannons with Yaz
David- - If angel ever got acrylics done David would just casually and definetly not suspiciously always seem to lay his head in their lap or lay on them (must definetly crushing them) just for them to run their fingers through this hair or up and down his back lightly scratching with their nails, but of course Davey would never admit that, even though it was obvious as ever by how he would let out little whines or would doze off. - One day David gave up on trying to get his jacket back from Angel and just gave it to them. They cried. Asher also got a Shaw security hoodie custom made for them, like Daveys one that said his name on it but theirs has their name and they still wear David's either way obviously.
Asher- -At one point Ash definetly lost a bet with Milo and Baaabe came home to find Asher with every colour of the rainbow dyed on his hair and the silliest grin that was definetly saying "oops?" - Ash and Baaabe both definetly sing along to musicals, the one I head cannon the most is Rocky Horror Picture Show. And also one time ash and baaabe were hanging with Davey and Angel and the soundtrack came on so obviously they broke into song + Angel and Davey was totally not singing along under his breath
Milo- - When Milo and sweetheart started dating Marie would always invite them and a couple times didn't tell Milo they would be there so Milo would rock up to Marie's just to see Sweetheart and her chatting away on the couch.
Sam- Sam and darlin have promise rings and you know damn well they never take them off. Sam surprised Darlin with them on their anniversary and Darlin got so emotional all they could do was hug him.
Vincent- Vincent is so gentle with Lovely, one time they were cuddling and they asked him to lie on top of them and he was so worried he would be too heavy it took lovely so long to convince him they ended up just tugging him down onto them.
Guy- Even tho Guy is a hyper active golden retriever every once in a while he gets really exhausted and will spend a whole day just chilling and relaxing, the first time this happened Honey asked him if he was ok the whole day, they didn't believe him until he explained he was just drained. They spent the whole day cuddling.
Porter- I believe that Porter was robbed of physical love for so long that when him and Treasure finished their little "get together" and they held his face softly and just admired him he didn't know how to react at first he pulled away but slowly he's learned to love it. Treasure holds him every once in a while whether it's when their cuddling or just holding his face, he adores it.
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fagpatrickstump · 6 months
[ Original Interview | Web Archive Mirror ]
Patrick Stump: "Prince Sounds More Like Backstreet Boys Than He Does Pantera"
August 19, 2011 | 11:46am
Fall Out Boy's Patrick Stump and his silvery pipes have struck out on a solo venture while the band is on hiatus. So far, things have headed far to the left of his group's hit-laden catalog of pop-punk. If his vocal hooks on Gym Class Heroes' "Cupid's Chokehold," the Roots' "Birthday Girl," Murs' "Bummed Out Blues," and his Truant Wave EP from earlier this year didn't already find your ears, let the record show that this guy can get soulful in his spare time.
Amidst his current solo tour, which stops at Culture Room on Saturday, the loquacious Stump called County Grind to discuss myriad typics, including his forthcoming full-length Soul Punk and its influences, talking James Cameron flicks with Pete Wentz, and how the Fall Out Boy well "dried up for a little bit."
County Grind: What would you say is the state of R&B today and also what is your favorite era from the past?
Patrick Stump: Those are great questions. I love getting asked that. I think R&B right now is fractured into two schools. There's either the hip-hop-esque R&B, where pretty much it exists for the club or whatever, or there's like the throwback history kind of R&B, which really pays a lot of homage to specifically '60s and '70s really organic kind of R&B. There are a lot of other artists who are messing with it, but for the most part I feel like on a grand scale there's a lot of those two things when you say "R&B" to people. It frustrates me because I was always a fan of the '60s and '70s. That covers a lot of ground as well. That's a mouthful already. One thing that I kind of miss is that I do miss a lot of the post-funk stuff that had such a really interesting effect on, before it intertwines with hip-hop, there's a lot of interesting things that happened with Prince, with James Brown and his influence on and that echo chamber that happened and Sly Stone and where that plays into funk and soul, if I had to pick an era. Ultimately, Minneapolis is my favorite thing, I really have this historian love for it. When I pick up a guitar, it sounds like a Time record.
Especially "Everybody Wants Somebody" from Soul Punk, might I add. I noticed that Prince vibe as soon as I heard it. I'm actually from that area, too. Who else are these soul punks? Do you see Prince as a "soul punk" performer?
Oh yeah. Absolutely. I think Prince is a great example of it. In a lot of ways I always felt a really strong punk undercurrent in somebody like Curtis Mayfield. It's obviously very different music, but I thought "Nobody's serious and it makes me furious," that's a punk-rock lyric. Eugene McDaniels, it's really proggy and fusion-y, but it has some really serious punk-rock-isms. I think everything post-Prince is really fused. I look at it now and you know the modern generation want to look at Janelle Monae or J*Davey, or Bad Rabbits. There's a lot of these artists coming up now who have very much of their own accord, this weird kind of fusion-y  funk thing with a lot of punk energy.
All of these people you mentioned all have huge bands that they're commanding to do this and you've made this album by yourself. How hard is it to get all of that together if you're working on the project alone?
I think it's a little bit easier, actually, because I got to explain it all to the people. One of the hardest things was to, because obviously I come from more of the punk end of things, where I cut my teeth. So I still feel like I'm hopefully achieving the same ends. Getting there, there's a lot of resistance to it in punk rock.
There's a lot of "Oh, R&B is for Backstreet boys," or something like that. Which of course if you've never listened to any R&B, I guess it sounds like that if that's your only benchmark for R&B, you know. Prince sounds more like Backstreet Boys than he does Pantera, but you're still talking about wildly different music. I think it was a lot easier to do it and show it to people than it was to talk about it.
One thing that I was really cognizant of early on was that when i wasn't listening to punk rock, I wasn't listening to the same stuff as my punk rock friends. A lot of guys were treated to country music, they grew up on it. I have no base in country music. I really have no idea. I've never owned a country record, to be honest. It's not something I dislike, it's just that I don't know that stuff at all. I never had a Metallica poster on my wall, never had the Led Zeppelin poster, or the Nirvana poster. Those weren't really things that spoke to me. It's not something that I disliked, it just wasn't as strong an influence on me as the Time, or Michael Jackson. You say pop, but at the end of the day Michael Jackson was an R&B artist who got huge, especially the 1970's Jacksons stuff that's crazy. "Blame it on the Boogie" is a really groovy song. I love the history of R&B. I love taking it from Nat King Cole to Ray Charles, to Stevie Wonder and watching that influences keep going.
What about your Chicago hometown hero R. Kelly?
Yeah, R. Kelly is in there, it's just tough to really separate man from myth.
He's definitely influenced me a little bit, I think, as a singer. It's really hard to mess with him. Love him or hate him, he's definitely has a lasting impact on modern R&B. When you put on Trey Songz's record, you know where he's getting it. When I hear something in modern pop-R&B that I dig, I still latch onto it. There are some records that come out that I really feel. I like to look at the lineage of it.
"This City" is a good local jam in the tradition of many. Kanye did one about Chicago as well, which I'm sure you've heard. Are there any other city pride songs that you can get down with?
One of the things that I really wanted to do was, that I wanted it to be pride, but I wanted it to be conscious pride. So that was something that I really thought about, like Stevie Wonder, or Bill Withers' "Harlem."
It comes from love, but I think those two songs are a lot darker. In both cases I think those guys really loved their cities. I was thinking broad. I started writing it, I looked at it and thought, "this could be a song about Chicago, I could take this all the way and have it be a big Chicago song." I was like, "Chicago has songs. I love Chicago, but Chicago doesn't need another song. Chicago has a lot of songs."
This needs to be everybody's song. This needs to be about every city. It needs to be about every aspect of a city. I wanted to be subtle with it.
I don't think it's really aggressive in its politics, but I wanted to say that I love my city unconditionally, here are the conditions. Every city has some stuff that's wrong with it. I was looking at Detroit and New Orleans, because these are places where they've been ravaged by either economic or natural disasters. People have the audacity to say, "Oh, they should just move." No they can't move! It's their home, it's their soul. Motown, come on. New Orleans, come on. I didn't even think of that until this conversation, how vital it is to music, music history. And that's world music history, too; how important New Orleans has been to the world, so you want these people to move? That's not fair. So I wanted a song for that. i wanted a song because it can happen anywhere, any city in the world. Everything's fragile and we all love our cities. That's where i was really coming from for that.
These songs, obviously since you're not working with Fall Out Boy, are these the sorts of things you were thinking about you have a chance to get these topics off your chest now, it's your album?
It's one of those things where I love Fall Out Boy and I love they way we communicated. I love the way our lyrics were, but if I'm gonna do a solo thing, I have to validate it in some way. I have to matter in a way that Fall Out Boy didn't. Because Fall Out Boy mattered in one way, I have to find some other thing, I have to find a way to say it that is different from Fall Out Boy, If at any point I'm touching on something that I could have or have said in Fall Out Boy, there's no reason to do it. That was something that I was really cognizant of. I think the record ends up being conscious. I try to be socially conscious and positive about it. Those were the two big things that I wanted to be. I think that's one of the things that always made me more R&B than punk. I'm just as angry as any other punk rocker ever, but I'm still something of an optimist. I want the world to be better. It's not just "Fuck you. Anarchy."
When was your last conversation with Pete Wentz?
A couple days ago. We were talking about James Cameron movies. I was saying that I never liked James Cameron movies, I didn't think he was any good. Then I saw Abyss. It was jaw-dropping. I said "This is a great movie, I'm an idiot." I can never unilaterally dismiss somebody.
That's probably not the most business-related conversation you guys have had.
Yeah, we stay in touch. We don't really talk a lot of business anymore. When it happened, it was like he'd send me lyrics and I'd send him music back.
One of these days he'll send me some lyrics and I'll write some music and send it back to him and that'll be it. I think that well just dried up for a little bit, or that he needs to inhale for a little bit before he can exhale. Pretty early on in the band I considered everything an essential component and it all starts with Pete writing some words. That's how our process starts. If we don't get words from him, we got nothing.
What is your favorite lyric so far that you've come up with? What's your moment that you're most proud of?
That's tough, because I try not to think of it that way. There's a lyric on a song called "Coast" where I say "Pointing out trivia nearly broke me with tragedy, so you need to put me back together." It's kind of wordy and it's not really that poignant, but it's nice to have some kind of catharsis for once. I was being the voice for someone else's for a long time and I don't really get to say these kind of things, so that was nice. That's a lyric that sticks with me. Or, "Depression's a little bit like happy hour, it's always gotta be happening somewhere on any given night." It's acknowledging that we all get, especially when you're younger, it's easy to dwell on these things, but as you get older and have actual real-life stuff happen to you, that's when you get to know man problems, adult problems. That makes you appreciate the good stuff a little bit more.
I think it's a nice balance. I think we also have your "pin-looking-for-a-grenade" moments too, that are fun, vivid images.
I love playing with imagery. I have to restrain myself sometimes because that's all i want to write about and then you look at the page and say "This is all imagery and no substance. This doesn't say anything. I'm not saying anything about any of the characters or any of the places, I'm just having a love affair with words" it's always a balancing act.
There's a b-side called "Saturday Night Again" and all of it is imagery. If you were to ask me what the song is about, I don't even really know. It's almost a character study. I wanted this record to have some statements and one thing that I really wanted to play with is I wanted to take pop-culture paradigms, big things that you've heard a bunch of times like "This City," or "The 'I' in Lie," all of these songs. There's a drinking song, it sounds like a party, drinking song. There's a song that's about cheating, like a traditional R&B song about cheating, but I really wanted to infuse them with a lot more subtext than that. I'm talking bout these things. I wrote a drinking song about alcoholism, you know? I wrote a cheating song about what that actually does and cheating on yourself more than romantically cheating. On this record, one thing that Fall Out Boy never really did was write entirely in metaphor. That's something that I'm doing more of with this.
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dominimoonbeam · 11 months
The Other Way - Part 2
I loved the first part so much that I couldn’t leave it alone. David/Angel are precious and I’m so happy @ejunkiet gave me this meet cute idea!!
Part One.
tags for part two: a very gentle kidnapping, fear of memory wipe, injured snappy davey, feelings
The Other Way - Part 2
When Angel woke up, they were in the backseat of a big truck, their cheek pressed into a thick arm and their body slumped to the side.
Music from the stereo filtered through their senses along with the voices arguing in low tones.
“If they were missing, then someone’s got to be looking for them.”
“Should we let someone know we found them?”
“And then what? Hand them over to explain how some wolves turned into guys and saved them? No, Ash.”
Everything came back to them. The woods, the wolf, the man that was a wolf, the actual wolves, more fucking wolves, and then… fainting. “Oh fuck,” they pushed off the wall they’d been snuggled up against, realizing too late that it was David.
They blinked up at him. He had the prettiest frowny face… They almost told him but then realized they’d drooled on his shirt and blushed instead. He rolled his eyes and looked away. “You’re the worst,” he mumbled, still obviously in pain.
They rubbed the patch of drool they’d left on his shirt. “At least it wasn’t your busted arm…”
Asher laughed in the front passenger seat.
David groaned and closed his eyes. “Surrounded by jokers.”
Angel leaned forward and tried to get a look around. Trees whipped by outside. They were on that awful winding, narrow road back to Dahlia. They reached automatically for their phone only to feel a jolt of panic when they found their pockets empty and realized they didn’t have their backpack either. There hadn’t really been much left in it but still! Leaving it behind was littering, not to mention their favorite backpack.
“Calm down,” David said without opening his eyes.
Asher held up their bag in the front seat. “Don’t worry. We got everything.”
Angel exhaled relief and reached for it.
Asher shook his head and put it back down on the floor at his feet, well out of reach.
“You’ll get it back eventually,” Milo said from behind the wheel.
Angel blinked, looking between the two in the front. “Am… Am I being kidnapped?”
Milo snorted. “Technically, you would already be kidnapped at this point if that’s what was happening.”
“But yeah, kind of,” Asher said.
David and Milo both groaned. “Ash!”
Asher lifted his hands in surrender. “I mean, no reason to lie to them too.”
 David’s head was splitting. His arm was broken and his whole body ached. He hoped it was the only thing broken, but he wouldn’t put money on it. He wanted to get healed and go to bed. The last thing he wanted was a funny roadtrip adventure with Asher and this stranger from the woods.
“We’ll head for the department. They’ll have a healer and we can get a head start on the paperwork for this mess.” He pushed a thumb back at the unempowered human sitting behind him. “They can wipe their memory and drop them at the human hospital.”
It was the smart plan. The right plan. But David saw the way Angel’s eyes went wide and heard their pulse jump in panic. Their whole body tensed up, one hand grabbing at their seatbelt and twisting nervously. “Wipe my memory?”
They were scared. Really scared. And he realized it was the first time he’d seen them scared since the other wolves. They hadn’t really been scared when they were lost, and even less so when they found a giant injured wolf. They hadn’t been scared at nightfall or in the morning when they still weren’t found. They had been…hopeful and stubbornly optimist. Worse, this fear was aimed at him. He was scaring them.
“Aw, don’t worry,” Asher said, twisting around in his seat to look at the human. “It won’t hurt and you’ll be back to your normal life like none of this happened.”
“What if I don’t want to?” Angel asked, a desperate strain sneaking into their voice, like something was tightening inside their chest.
David didn’t like this.
And he didn’t like the way it made his instincts feel ragged.
Milo snorted in the front seat. “Just sit back and relax,” he said and then frowned at Asher next to him. “And you, sit your ass down and buckle up!”
Asher ignored him, chin on the headrest. “It’s going to be okay,” he tried again.
Angel twisted the seatbelt against their chest. “I won’t tell anyone. I swear. Just drop me off and I’ll get home on my own.”
Asher frowned.
Something in David’s chest hurt and it wasn’t his ribs. He didn’t like the pleading smallness of their voice. He didn’t like the way fear was staining their scent.
“Please,” Angel tried again, unshed tears shining in their eyes. “I promise.” They looked to David with naked fear. “I won’t tell. Just forget you saw me.”
David couldn’t think before the words came out. “Okay. Shut up.”
Angel snapped their mouth shut. It would have been comical if it weren’t for the one tear that bounced off their lashes.
David groaned and leaned his head back. Asher was staring at him.
“Milo, drive us to my place and call your mom.”
Milo watched him in the rearview mirror.
Asher broke the stretch of silence by stage whispering to Milo, “I think he has a head injury…”
Milo nodded imperceptibly.
David groaned and closed his eyes. “Then Marie can heal it and we’ll go from there.”
Angel leaned forward in increments, like they thought he wouldn’t notice, reaching out and gesturing for Asher to pass them their backpack.
“Don’t,” David said without opening his eyes. “No phone for the human for now.”
Angel didn’t argue or make anymore remarks about being kidnapped. He was pretty sure they were still working under the assumption that their stay of mind wiping was contingent on shutting up. He let himself fall asleep, wondering how long they’d actually stay quiet.
The answer was actually a little over an hour, until they’d gotten back to Dahlia and both of them woke up again.
“Am I still being kidnapped?” Angel asked, voice quiet like if they whispered it wouldn’t count.
David bit the inside of his lip to keep from smiling, forcing a stern frown instead. “Yes.”
Angel nodded, like they had suspected it and it wasn’t so bad. “If I’m going to be kidnapped all night, can I just call to let people know they don’t need to look for me?” they whispered quickly.
Asher was grinning. Milo rolled his eyes and parked in front of David’s building.
David growled lowly.
Angel put up their hands and sat back. “Yep. Sorry.” They did the zipper motion in front of their mouth.
“Your instincts are the worst,” he griped. “First you tried to feed and pet a wild animal.”
“I didn’t try…”
“And now you think you’re kidnapped but going along with it.”
“David…” Milo said in a gently warning tone.
“Should I kick and scream?” Angel asked.
Asher laughed, getting out of the truck and then opening David’s door. He didn’t move right away though, glaring at Angel instead. “If you were actually being kidnapped? Fuck yes! You’re in a car with three men twice your size—”
“Three times at least for you…” Angel muttered.
“And we’re going to take you upstairs to my apartment and you’re just going to toddle along with us?”
“David…” Milo again.
Angel blinked across the backseat at him. They were dirty and tired, circles under their eyes and hair a mess, but somehow they still looked so open. “Are you saying you’re going to assault me?”
David physically recoiled at the idea, a growl deep in his chest. “No. Of course we aren’t!” His ribs ached but fuck his ribs.
Milo had killed the engine and gotten out, opening the door on Angel’s side. He reached in and grabbed their arm, like they might make a run for it. David snapped off a quick snarl without thinking, leaning deeper into the cab, toward Angel and Milo. He almost reached out, almost grabbed this unempowered human to pull them away from Milo.
Milo’s eyes went big. He let go of Angel almost as quickly as he’d laid a hand on them, palm open and up like proof.
Angel blinked at David and then smiled slowly. “…You like me.”
David blinked back, realizing what he’d done, and groaned. “Fuck you.” He turned to get out of the car, finding it a lot harder than he’d expected.
On the sidewalk, Asher waved Angel out of the cab too and led them inside the apartment building. “You know, you’re my first kidnappee,” he said, wearing their backpack. It looks absurdly small and bright on him.
Angel looked up at him, cheeks still streaked in tears and dirt, but beaming. “Really?” They sounded excited.
Insane. They were both insane.
Milo stood close by.
David winced. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why… I shouldn’t have snapped at you.” He knew Milo wasn’t going to hurt Angel. He knew Milo wouldn’t hurt anyone who didn’t definitely have it coming.
Milo shook his head and stepped closer.
“Really, Milo. I’m sorry. And you’re right about what we should have done but I just…” He looked at the building where Asher and Angel had gone. “I can’t.”
Milo nodded and waited.
David sighed and tried to take a step away from the car, having to stop and will his legs not to give out. He needed help. His whole body hurt in a way that was seriously threatening to drop him on the pavement. He lifted his good arm and Milo stepped into his side, like that was exactly what he’d been waiting for—like he’d known there was no way David would make it to the door on his own but being Milo, he wasn’t going to point it out.
Milo easily took his weight and walking him inside. “So… do you really have a head injury or are you into this human?”
David groaned. “I don’t know. Hopefully a head injury…”
Milo huffed a laugh, hitting the button for the elevator. “You had us scared, you know…”
David looked at Milo, wondering if he was still talking about the human and his bad choices surrounding them. No, that wasn’t it. He meant the fall and disappearing for a night in the woods. David sighed and begrudgingly admitted, “They might have saved me.”
Milo glanced up at him on the elevator like he expected it to be a joke, sobering when he realized it wasn’t.
They’d given him water and food.
They’d howled.
That was how Milo and Asher had found him.
Milo nodded and half-carried David down the hall to his apartment, Asher standing in the open doorway and talking to Angel about David’s video game selection.
“For fuck’s sake, don’t let them touch my shit!” David groused.
Asher pouted. “Oh come on, big guy, we can’t kidnap them and not give them anything to do.”
“Stop saying we kidnapped them,” he growled in a whisper. Someone was going to overhear them and call the police. Although, with Angel’s survival skill deficiency, they’d probably lie to the cops if they knocked on the door.
David would have definitely chosen to stretch out on his bed if it weren’t for Angel on his couch. He settled in the corner and put his legs up on that arm of the sectional.
Angel was on the floor going through his games. “Jesus, these are all awful.”
Asher snorted.
“Fuck you,” David ground out, letting his heavy lids drag shut.
Milo was on the phone with his mom in the other room.
“Ash, water,” David mumbled.
Asher jumped to, in the kitchen and back in a flash. He held out a bottle of water to David.
David blinked at it and then frowned and shook his head, pushing Asher’s arm in the direction of the human.
Asher grinned and David pointedly closed his eyes again.
“Oh, thanks!” Angel chimed when Asher offered them the water.
David listened to them gulp it down and felt something deep in his core ease a little
Angel’s stomach rumbled.
David sighed. “Ash…Order food.”
“On it!”
David almost fell asleep listening to Asher order an incredible quantity of food. And then he realized Angel had scooted over to sit on the floor beside him, wedged against the corner of the couch, their shoulder to his hip. “Thanks,” they said softly. “I promise, I really won’t tell anyone.”
David sighed, resisting the strong urge to touch them.
Marie got there sooner than the food, and to David’s dismay, he did not have a head injury.
He did have two broken ribs, a broken arm, and an unempowered human with a direct line to pull at his heart.
Marie could only heal the bones.
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rubeslovesthesmiths · 4 months
pssst hi um pls lore dump about newsies to me
Okay so basically a bit of historical context first
The story of newsies is loosely based on the Newsboy Strike of 1899, in which prices were raised in July of 1899 by Pulutzer and Hearst to get prices back to wartime income. The newsies did not take this well and went on strike. The charecter of Jack Kelly is loosely based on a newsie named Kid Blink, aka Louis Baletti. He was the first union leader and lived to be 32 before dieing of tuberculosis and he may have worked for a mobster!!!! The charecter of Davey Jacobs is loosely based on David Simmons, a Jewish boxer newsie, the second leader of the strike. Both Blink and Simmons were kicked out for alleged scabbing. The charecter closest to a real life person is Racetrack Higgins, the lovable Manhatten newsie in the musical. He's based on Ed "Racetrack" Higgins, who led Brooklyn and started the strike with a 14 year old Spot Conlon. Ed actually lived a long time, living to be around 75 or so. Another key player was a female newsie named Annie Kelly, although I can't find much information on her. Crutchie Morris was also a real person with the same name as his musical counterpart, who reportedly sold around the sheepshead track if im not mistaken.
Racetrack in the movie is actually confirmed trans by the director if im not mistaken, which is pretty cool. The movie is actually pretty gay in terms of interactions and subtext and everything. Although, it did flop at box-office. It was rushed and Christian Bale was cast because he was famous, not necessarily cause he could sing.
The musical, on the other hand, did quite the opposite of flop. When it premiered at the papermill playhouse, it almost immediately went to broadway. Oh, and another thing about the movie. Katherine Plumber was not originally in it! She was added when it was adopted into a stage musical. She's named for Pulitzers real daughter who died at age two. I've actually seen newsies twice live, once in the round, once traditionally.
Mike Faist originally played Morris Delancey, and a lot of former newsies are actually in the cast of 2021's West Side Story!
All the newsies have collectors cards that explain their backstories, for example Jojo, who was raises by nuns all his life. My dream is to own those cards it'd be so cool. I'd also really like to play jack kelly. There is actually a newsie called Kid Blink in the 92 movie, with an eyepatch. That's all I can think to say rn, but I'll answer any questions u have!!!!!!
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pigeonwit · 1 month
for the fic asks: 11, 14, and 29!!
- @we-are-inevitable ✨
yippeeeee ty jac!
11. do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
honestly no? i kind of hate listening to music while i write, and tbh my taste in music is very pedestrian since i hate going outside my spotify comfort zone, so most of any playlists i try to make just become identical. i DO have one for manhattan wv, though, which helps me get into the weirdcore vibes
14. if you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
besides manhattan wv, i think 'i am not a fool entire' would make a sick ninja turtles comic. i mean i know the 2012 show/comics would NEVER go that route but i can really see it. vivisect the turtle, cowards.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
i can't explain this one besides telling you to check out the latest chapter in my wip-dump on ao3, but essentially, jack tries to find a way to wish never to fall in love with someone, so he paints what he assumes is an impossible person and wishes to only love them - and then his painting walks right into his life. i swear it's better when it's written down, but honestly i didn't see anyone enjoying this as much as i did, so it's not something i plan on posting. but i love weird magical nonsense and i love writing about it, so here it is:
“It’s my fault,” Jack whispers, his eyes fixed on the button of Davey’s shirt that lies over his heart – or perhaps there isn’t a heart there at all, just canvas and paint and brush-hair. “I made – I made a wish, Davey, I’m sorry, it wasn’t s’posed to happen-”
Davey presses his hands to Jack’s shoulders, the skin so warm and real that it makes Jack want to sob.
“Jack, listen to me-”
And all Jack can hear is church bells and the scratch of a pencil and the sobs he kept buried in his stomach-
“I painted you.”
The words come out like torn paper.
“When I was a kid, I painted you. Your face. And – and I made a wish, ‘cause I never wanted it to happen, I thought I could stop it, just maybe-”
“Jack,” Davey says – and Jack can’t help the way his eyes are drawn to Davey’s own, that impossible shade of blue, more real than any shade of paint. He trembles – but Davey’s hands are firm, holding him in place. “Don’t you think I wished for you, too?”
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animelovermurillo · 6 months
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Decided to create my own Storm Hawks Character. Enjoy. Btw this is my oc so don’t try to steal it.
Name: Luna
Nickname: Princess, Wacko Luna, Daring Luna, Lu, Rebellious Right-Hand Woman, Miss Crazy, and Lady of the Moon
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Skin Tone: Almond
Hair: Electric Blue
Eyes: Light Gray
Personality: Luna is the Sweetest girl in Atmosia that practically the boys fell head over heels for her, Luna is caring and enjoys helping out with those in need. But behind every smile, hides a troublemaking kids who loves to rebel against her father’s wishes, Luna is to be a lady in waiting but she prefers to go in an adventure and explore the world. She’s adventurous, daring, and even crazy when someone calls her a “pipsqueak.” But despite being rebellious, she can also have a soft side when she rebels too much to the point she feels guilty for being too aggressive or daring.
Homeworld: Terra Atmosia & Terra Celestial [Narrator: I made this one up]
Likes: Rebel, Crystals, Reading, Star Gazing, Ribbon Dancing, Music, Tea, and Nature
Dislikes: Cold, Laying Low, Hiding, and being called “Pipsqueak”
Background: Luna lived in Terra Celestial when she was little, during that time her Mom was a Sky Knight and meet Ace. At the time, she learned from her parents that when she turns sixteen she would be married to him, making Luna curious about marriage until Ace explained it to her. Afterwards, Luna was excited to have a wedding to remember. Until one unfortunate event where Luna father finds out about Ace turning against the Storm Hawks and swearing his loyalty to Cyclonia, Luna didn’t know that the Ace she knew was bad. Her father told her they had to leave and took her away from Terra Celestial until her mother went to go grab the scroll before it was too late. From there she never returned and Moonlight told Deimos to leave and never return, making Luna confused until her father fed her some tea that would soon make her forget about the arranged marriage and Dark Ace. When they arrived at Atmosia, they soon started a new life and Luna father heard the news that her mother didn’t make it. They had their funeral at Atmosia as Luna promised her mother that she will chase her dreams, unfortunately for Luna her father wants her to be a “Lady in Waiting” so that she could be married and start her own life. But pretty soon, a new squadron called “Storm Hawks” will soon change Luna’s life, including being adopted by squad Medic.
- Deimos [Father]
- Marietta [Mother]
- Moonlight [Grandmother]
- Hilal [Grandfather]
- Oberon [Uncle]
- Celenia [Aunt]
- Scorpio [Cousin]
Best Friends: Aerrow, Piper, Finn, Junko, Stork, Radarr, Mags, and Starling
Friends: Dove, Suzy Lu, Billy Rex, Davey Digger, Bobby Bones, Tritonn, Burner, Blister, and Harrier
Love Interest: Finn and Stork
Enemy: Master Cyclonis, Ravess, Dark Ace, and Snipe
Rival: Ravess
- Energy Crystal Whip
- Hammer Guitar
- Bombs: Glitter Bombs, Smoke Bombs, Flash Bombs, Paint Bombs, Stink Bombs, and etc
- Melee combat
- Ribbon Dancing
- Gravity Manipulation
- Moonblast
Voice Actor: Cherami Leigh
Quotes: “You can’t expect something to happen for you to succeed, you have to just go with the flow”
- Luna is notorious for rebelling against her fathers wishes, she rather go on an adventure than be a lady in waiting
- Luna is very good friends with Aerrow and his friends, including giving attention to Radarr
- Luna despises the name “Pipsqueak” so much that when anyone calls her that she goes on a rampage and attacks, making her the fearsome girl
- Luna whip is designed perfectly for her bases on her ribbon dancing skills, making her quick and flexible in battle
- Luna fighting style is similar to “Mitsuri Kanroji from Demon Slayers” based on her weapon
- Luna ideal guy is someone silly & relatable [wink, wink]
- Luna knows how to play the guitar
- Luna was born under the full moon, naming her after the goddess in heaven and of the full moon
- Luna can speak Spanish
- Luna taught herself how to ride a Skimmer, when she remembered how her uncle explained to her what everything does when she was young
- Luna secretly wishes to find her “True Love”
Theme: Say Yes by Loco & Punch [Nightcore]
Battle Theme: Guide My Way (Red Like Roses - Part III)
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
What do modern Newsies do for work?
congrats, you have stumbled upon yet another emme going off the rails post, enjoy your stay. 
starting strong, we have our lovely davey as an english teacher. this is in my headcanon post for him, but he started out as poli sci because he considered it a “real degree” 
race works for nasa. doing what, you may ask? I have no idea. it’s classified. but he comes home every night literally skipping, so. *shrugs*
jack’s a police officer. DON’T COME AT ME, OKAY, IT MAKES SENSE IN MY BRAIN. 
spot’s also a police officer, and he met race through jack that way (jack regrets so many things). 
albert does…something. he makes money. is it legal? nope. does it bring in ominous amounts of cash at all hours? oh, absolutely. (please tell me I don’t have to explain further. you understand what I mean.)
finch works at a zoo. he adores the pandas. race and albert are not allowed to visit often. 
les works in advertising. he has no idea how he got there. he is so bored. always says he’s going to get a new job, never does. 
katherine still writes, but it’s for her own blog and the occasional article for the new york times (never her father). 
specs is a programmer. he works in silicon valley, and makes BANK. 
sarah is a wedding planner. she specializes in lgbtqia+ weddings.
bumlets is a male gymnastics coach. he competed professionally in college and afterwards for a while, but had to stop due to an injury. 
skittery works at jimmy johns. I don’t make the rules. 
crutchie is a therapist. except to his friends. he refuses to give them ANY advice. you’re on your own, bitch. 
henry owns a chain of deli restaurants (originally started by his father), and makes a killer rueben. 
hotshot’s an architect. I have no idea why. 
buttons is a music teacher. he teaches with davey. 
…I am missing so many people, but I got a lot of them. let me know if you want to hear about anyone in particular. 
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blurglesmurfklaine · 8 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
gonna unofficially thank @forabeatofadrum for this tag bc she said whoever wanted to do it and I wanted to so here it be!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
49??? What when how did that happen??
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
706,964 woah so not quite a million but uh I have shit to say apparently
3. What fandoms do you write for?
46 of the 49 fics are glee lmaooo, two are Newsies and one is Roswell, New Mexico! I anticipate more Newsies (Javid) fics to come because I’m obsessed
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
There From The Start
Cornelia Street
Here We Go Again
An Honest Man
If Music Be
All for Glee: Klaine!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to as many as I can, but I usually forget lol. If someone leaves an insightful comment though it will usually spur a long conversation in the comments and I LOVE IT
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
If The World Was Ending bc they uh :) die, technically speaking
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhhh probably every other one??? I really don’t like sad endings so most have a happy ending, but i actually really like the ending to Stick Season because despite it being so terribly emotional and angsty, I feel like the ending is a turnaround and really hopeful!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really? A few annoying comments telling me characters wouldn’t act this way, and one asking me “where my creativity was” which rubbed me the wrong way but I try to focus on the positive ones! Those definitely linger in my mind longer 💞
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Don’t look at me. Yes. Sometimes. Idk man sometimes those dudes just need to fuck it out???? But I usually only write it if the story feels like it’s naturally going there. It’s never really porn for porn’s sake (for clarification there’s nothing wrong with that we all love a little pwp), it’s usually the sappy emotional kind that’s mostly feelings and vague descriptions. it’s definitely not my forte and something I still get a little embarrassed and self conchas about lmao
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not recently but I did have a Supernatural/Glee crossover a few years ago (shut up I was 16) and honestly it was loads of fun! Blaine was the child of that Gay Angel and Repressed Bisexual Man. Absolutely a slay
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so? But a few old ones from my fanfiction dot net page ended up on one of those search engine thingies??? Idk how to explain it or how to take it down but honestly… I have bigger problems lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but if anyone ever wants to let me know!!! It would make me so happy!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah! Quite a few actually. I usually do the franken-fic every year and I did the roulette challenge and that m aforementioned crossover was actually a collab! Some of my favorite memories was writing the final chapter of A Night At The Ryerson House with @esperantoauthor 💞
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
OOF. Okay so. With 46 fics on AO3 you could say Klaine has a special place in my heart, buuuuuuut…….. my best friend introduced me to newsies in April and I seriously think it did something to my brain chemistry because Jack and Davey own my entire ass
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ugh. I’m so fearful that I’ll never finish Amidst The Chaos, which I LOVE but takes so much out of me. There’s also one I’ve never posted called “Strangers Again” that involves like timeline jumping but in a romcom way that I’m not sure how to go about??? Also the community college one. I have so many.
For Javey I tried writing that Spider-Man AU but like. I need to re do the entire first chapter. I absolutely hate it actually and I think it’s because I don’t have a clear vision of what exactly I want, but I know what I DO NOT want????
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhhhhhhhhh I’m actually not sure entirely? I’m gonna go with dialogue bc that’s usually how scenes come to me first.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Scenery/setting/sensory, world building, plot points, physical movement holy fuck do not get me started when That Guy has to move Across The Room AHHHHHH I wanna tear my face off
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Love it! In my brain Jack Kelly is Mexican because I love to project, and I’ve got a wip where Blaine is involved in a Hispanic community (no he’s mot Hispanic he’s just got a Mexican friend who is an old lady and also Catholicism is involved it’s a lot to explain okay go with it) so I like to use it, but only in a way that feels natural to ME based on MY experiences. Different people have different approaches!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oof. This one is hard but I think it’s an even tie between Here We Go Again and If Music Be!
Tagging: @somefeministtheatrepls @somanywords @justgleekout @kurtsascot and anyone else who wants to try!
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thenopequeen · 5 months
okay I am going to go on the rant, although this might not be 100% what I said eairiler IRL because there are some things that are only able to be communicated via hand gesters and stutters.
Also I am aware I sound very Red String on Cork Board. I am open to taking criticism. um but gentle if possible.
So to start, let's look at the actual role given to Racer (I will be using either Race or Racer as it's a bit easier to type out and are the names used to refer to him in the broadway musical which is what I'm most familiar with.). Oh and when coming to anything specific I will be referring to the recorded 2017 version because that's the one I've got a link to so I can watch it while reading fanfics or drawing (/srs. i do do this)
Race is listed as a background/ensemble character in any source I can find (although I could be missing some). however, his actions/overall role in the story are more comparable to Crutchie, who is listed as a supporting character.
This is heavy evidence for placing him as a supporting character, however what makes it interesting is that Racer almost seems to be favored over the other background characters.
About 50% of his dialogue could be given to another character and it literally would not impact the plot much, unlike the other supporting characters, who are unthinkable to replace in anyway shape or form.
If we're continuing comparing Race to Crutchie, which I will because they share the most similarities role-wise, those two are the ones with the most prominent solo lines. Racer has several from multiple songs (King of New York, Carrying the Banner, and Once and For All include at least one solo line that could technically be given to literally anybody else), and Crutchie has a few solo lines and a song to himself. Actually if you remove the tap section, King of New York could be potentially read as the closest thing we get to a 'side' character having a song. Literally all the other songs are group focused when it comes to singing, or are done by main/supporting/antagonistic characters. Racer carries King of New York, setting a wonderful tone with the conversation just before the song starts, as well as his very over the top energy that is present through out the entire song. Okay I also have a soft spot for the song because it was the first song I ever did a tap dance too last year (nowhere near as impressive as the show but it was cool)
Racer also is in at least TWO scenes where he doesn't technically need to be there. First off, the one where it's easier to explain: the scene just before Once and For All, where the gang is at the printing press. Technically, Race doesn't need to be down there in the first place. While yes, it's probably so he knows the way to direct the others into the room, he doesn't need to be there in the moment. This is also never explained in literally anyway. he's just there. Technicality, he could follow the trail of unlocked doors or somebody could bring him in. While this is technically grasping at straws I will stand by this. The second is a really minor thing that you'll only notice if (like me) you've watched this musical enough that you can quote a good part of it.
So in the scene where Jack is teaching Davey and Les to sell papes that ends with them getting chased to the theater, if you look closely you'll see a familiar face
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I have rewatched this scene several times to make sure it's Race. it is. Why is he there. Literally the only other people in this scene are the passbyers who buy a paper, Synder, and the trio. Why is Racer here. He just kinda vibes. I still want an explanation because EVERYBODY ELSE leaves the stage quickly. WHY IS HE THERE???
Now to quickly break into the more IRL universe, in the cast call of this production, which my brother watches so so often (he wants to do musical theater), Racer;s actor is NOT listed with the other newsies. Even Spot, who is listed as support/featured in most sources, is just grouped into the rest of the ensemble. Instead, Racer is grouped in with the Delancey brothers. I still don't understand this.
This is your reminder that Race is listed as ensemble by literally all sources I could be bothered to find.
On top of this, in both the movie and the show, he's one of the most named 'background' newsies. While I've only seen the movie a grand total of once (didn't like the music in the slightest), Racer is a character you see A LOT. Sometimes he's not really doing much, but he's there.
In the musical this is in part because there is so much personality packed into him, but still. Elmer and Albert also have a lot of personality and yet I still find that Racer feels like he has more screentime.
On top of this, Racer is present in literally ever scene with all the newsies. And ALWAYS as Racer.
Anyways this is a slightly unhinged rant. Also if you haven't figured it out Racer is my favorite character.
Yeah idk how that happened.
Anyways agree with your sister that Racer is a supporting character. at least in everything but casting.
The cynical part of me says it's so the producers can get away with paying the actor less. The deranged crossover nerd in me says he's a Watcher
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 11 months
Davey will say "yeah sure Jack, I don't mind watching the younger boys. If I can handle Les these kids with be easy haha :D" and forget these are little goofballs constantly hyped up on their morning caffeine.
Smalls and Romeo are trying to see who can punch the other harder, Barney's doing handstands on the top bunk and Elmer's interrogating him about why water is wet-
real. he’s used to les hyper but les hyper is only one kid who can usually be easily distracted with a puzzle or simple task he is not used to a minimum of six absolute lunatics who seem to think it’s funny to test how high his blood pressure can go
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leading-manhattan · 1 month
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Now that they had a plan in place all they had to do was set it in motion. The only problem was that they knew they wouldn't stand a chance without Brooklyn at their backs. Unfortunately, that meant that Jack needed to talk to Spot and they haven't seen each other since the disaster back at the rally which has left resentment festering between them.
Luckily for Jack his boys refuse to let him travel to Brooklyn alone knowing that the tensions were so high. All he has to do is convince Spot that he wasn't a rotten scab. That couldn't be too hard, right? Who was he kidding, he was a dead man walking.
Sequel to Rotten Deal.
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Chapter One | Chapter Two
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They had a plan. It was a very finicky, unstable plan that could fall apart at any second but they've gotten this far on luck and bullshit so why stop now. Thing was, they needed Brooklyn. The last thing Jack wanted was to have to rely on the other Newsies of New York but they couldn't have a successful call to action without Spot Conlon on their side. No newsie outside of Lower Manhattan would even think to show up if Brooklyn wasn't backing them up, especially not with Jack leading them, and while Jack thought it was ridiculous that they wouldn't fight for their own damn interests he could understand their fear. If anyone could understand fearing the consequences of standing up the Pulitzer it was Jack.
He's had a few more days to heal up after his conversation with his boys. Race and Davey were kind enough to go about setting everything in motion with Katherine while Jack was encouraged— meaning forced— to rest up on the rooftop the last two days. He couldn't lie and say he didn't appreciate the time to recuperate. He got restless confined to the rooftop for so long but it felt damn good not having to stumble around Manhattan praying his legs wouldn't give out before he got back to the lodging house. He expected it to be a painfully lonely healing period but it turns out that no one had any plans to go back to selling papers while they put together the next part of the strike. The few days of selling they got in landed them enough spare change to keep themselves fed sparingly for a few days and Kloppman was still more than willing to let them stay as long as they slid a few quarters his way when they could. That means that Jack had more than enough company while he was healing up. Jack's pretty sure the lodge had a whole rotation sorted out to make sure he always had someone up there with him. He sat through Mike and Ike's antics, Racetrack's attempts to get him to play just a few rounds of cards, Specs' less-than-legal games with Finch's pilfered slingshot, and Albert's enthusiastic retelling of a new game the littles put together. It was a lot to go from being shunned so harshly to constantly having someone talking his ear off but Jack swears he couldn't stop smiling the whole time.
Now Jack was up on steady feet and they had their plan all sorted out. The only thing keeping them from following through was Brooklyn. The last piece of the puzzle, it seems, was going to be the hardest one to fit into place. "He ain't gonna be happy to see me," Jack grumbles, shrugging on his shirt with only slight difficulty. He still couldn't raise his arm up all the way without his shoulder complaining at him but he's gotten a lot more motion back since he's been benched.
"It's got to be you, Jackie," Davey reminds him sympathetically. Spot wouldn't hear out anyone else. Hell, Jack isn't sure Spot will hear him out but he's hoping that the Brooklyn leader will at least give him a chance to explain before he soaks Jack back to Manhattan.
"Yeah, yeah, I know," Jack huffs, tugging on his waistcoat. He wasn't looking forward to this, he knows that no matter how well it goes it's going to be a rocky start and a tentative finish at best. He'll be lucky if he can even make it to the Brooklyn lodging without getting accosted by some of Spot's boys first. "Guess 'm just tired of getting' the shit kicked outta me."
"We're not gonna let anything happen to you." Davey protests with a load of misplaced confidence. His eyes are bright with the determination that Jack's come to love and his chin is tilted up defiantly. For such a lanky kid he looks like he's ready to take on the world.
Jack laughs, and though the sound is tainted with bitterness he can't help but look back at Dave fondly while he finished up the buttons on his vest, "There ain't enough newsies in Manhattan to take on those Brooklyn boys, Dave, but it's a nice sentiment." Brooklyn was big and the boys were even bigger. Everyone knew that you don't mess with Brooklyn and that's exactly why they need them.
"They can't just beat you up!" Dave throws his hands up in the air, exasperated, and Jack tries to stifle his laughter. Davey was still getting used to the way things worked out on the streets of New York and it would never stop being funny how riled he could get at the nuances of life as a newsie.
"Theys could soak me just for walkin' into their territory if they really wanted." Jack sing-songs just to see Dave's scowl. Davey does not disappoint, a harsh frown creasing his features while he glares back unhappily. Jack lets the laugh free, a bright smile firmly in place while he closes the short distance between them and grabs Dave gently by the biceps, "It's alright, Davey, honest. We ain't lawless, we's just a bit rougher than you's used to." There was an understanding between boroughs that kept people in line. Things could get dangerous but the designated leaders were responsible for their boys and Jack trusted the kids out here on the streets to watch each other. Even if Jack got jumped the second he stepped into Brooklyn he knows for certain that Spot would make sure whoever did it without his permission would face the consequences. Newsies kept each other honest and safe because no one else in this world would. Spot may be pissed with Jack but that doesn't mean Spot wants him dead. Potentially a bit roughed up but not dead. Davey doesn't have anything to worry about.
Davey reaches up and cups Jack's face tenderly in his hands, scanning him over for any trace of dishonesty or omissive embellishments. "I just don't want you to get hurt again." He admits, eyes flicking down to Jack's chest. This time around he's actually seen the extensive bruises beneath the thin layers. Dave had done his best to help clean up the worst of the wounds but in the end a majority of the work had been left to Racer's experienced hands. Davey was used to taking care of scrapped knees and paper cuts not cracked ribs and weeping welts.
"Can't avoid it forever," Jack throws back with a grin. His tone is light but the words settle heavily on Davey's shoulders. Jack's life wasn't one defined by safety or security and he wouldn't lie and tell Dave that he'd never get beat on again. This is certainly one of the worst beatings he's taken in his life but it was far from the first. His own father had been keen on corporal punishment. He didn't want Davey to go hoping for something that just wouldn't happen. Jack could lie to sell a pape but he wouldn't lie to Davey. "Don't go lookin' so sad. Just 'cause I go down doesn't mean I won't be gettin' back up. I'll be alright." Jack nuzzles playfully into Davey's palm, beaming with success when it draws a light chuckle out of him.
Still Davey's eyes are shrouded with apprehension and he swipes a thumb tenderly along Jack's cheek. There are words so obviously sitting on the tip of his tongue but he opts not to share and Jack can't help but wonder what could be going on in that head of his. Dave draws in a long breath through his nose and visibly steels himself, shoulders rolling back and head tilting up as that determination that Jack's come to know and adore cascades over him. "I'll take your word for it." Dave draws his hands back and Jack lets him go so they can part. Dave looks him over one last time, making sure that Jack really is as okay as he says, "Just be careful, okay?" There are words left unspoken again but this time Jack can hear them clear as day. For me, goes unsaid, left to be understood between them, and Jack grins back.
"I'm always careful," He swears cheekily, basking in the pure adoration that rolls off Davey as he rolls his eyes.
"You're insufferable." Davey hums, stepping forward again and straightening out Jack's waistcoat. It's unnecessary but Dave's been especially tactile since he found out what went down before the rally. Part of it is just assuring Jack that he's there through actions rather than words, proving that he's not going anywhere with gentle touches that Jack can't refute if he tried. The other part is Dave reassuring himself, feeling the warmth of Jack's body beneath his fingers and the rumble of his voice when he speaks. Jack thinks that Dave might need him to be okay more than he does.
Jack hums, closing the short gap between them and pressing his chest to Davey's. He tilts his head up and smirks, watching with no small amount of pleasure as Davey's eyes widen and his breath catches in his throat. "I can show you how insufferable I can be," He practically purrs just to see red blossom along Davey's face. It's intoxicating to watch as scarlet springs to his cheeks and blooms across his temples.
Jack can practically see the gears whirring in Dave's head and it's just so endearing how innocent Davey can be that Jack's composure cracks and he laughs, burying his face into Dave's chest to muffle his mirth. He can feel Dave tense beneath him, "Jack!" Davey hisses and Jack doesn't even need to look to see the indignant expression twisting up Dave's red face. He tries his best to quiet down but even as Dave lightly smacks him upside the head he can't help the last few giggles that slip out.
He notices too late the telltale clang of someone climbing up the ladder. "Alright, boys, take any longer and we ain't gonna make it to Brooklyn by noon, so—" Racetrack's voice spills out over the rooftop and Jack's laughter immediately kicks back up. He pushes away from Dave to see Race peeking over the edge of the roof, sharp eyes flicking back and forth between him and Davey, "Well, I's glad yous are gettin' along but this seems like the wrong time to—"
"We aren't doing anything." Davey interrupts sharply and when Jack looks back at him he can see that the red has spread down Dave's neck and over to the tips of his ears. He wasn't aware Dave could blush like that. He can't help but wonder what other parts of him changed colors.
"Well, if you ain't too busy bein' sweethearts we should get goin' then." Race grins. It's cute, Jack muses, how flustered Dave is. Davey'd been worried about what the boys would think, the world wasn't fond of people like them, but he was forced to quickly realize that the newsies didn't care who you loved they only cared about pestering you about it. Jack and Dave haven't heard the end of it the last few days, hooting and hollering following them whenever Davey came around so long as there weren't any strangers around to overhear.
"Yeah, yeah, we's comin'. Get outta here," Jack waves Racer away. He figures he can at least let Dave compose himself in peace after all the grief he's just given him. Race offers a dramatic two-fingered salute before scampering back inside. They really should get going. The bastards let Jack sleep in— again— and it was already well into the day at this point. It'd be ideal if they could make it to Brooklyn while it was still morning. If they're lucky they'll be able to avoid most of the newsies but the more time they waste the more likely it'd be they'd arrive to a packed lodging. Jack wasn't particularly fond of walking into a building full of Brooklyn boys who want his head.
It seems that Davey's uncertainty has returned with a vengeance too. His face was cooling down rapidly now that the teasing has come to an end and Jack yearns for its return when he sees barely concealed fear flood in to take its place. He hates how hard Davey's taking Jack's time in the cellar. The other boys still care, of course they do, but someone dragging themselves home beat to shit isn't exactly uncommon. They'd cause a fuss, anger and a burning call for retribution in their veins, but it wouldn't haunt them the way it's haunting Davey. Davey's never seen someone hurt like this and it's scared him in a way Jack doesn't think Dave's ever been scared before. Dave looks at him now with such terror locked deep in his eyes. His face does nothing to give him away but there's not a damn thing Dave could hide from Jack with eyes like that. His hands twitch with the desire to reach out again and Jack wouldn't be surprised if Davey wanted nothing more than to wrap Jack up in his arms and make sure nothing could hurt him. It's a sweet thought even if they both know that Jack would hate to be coddled like that. The things coming after him weren't the kind of things Davey could protect him from anyhow. "You ready?" Jack presses.
Dave nods once, curt, eyes glinting with steel, "Yeah." he breathes.
"Then let's get a move on. We're losin' daylight." Jack playfully knocks their shoulders together and takes the first of many steps towards Brooklyn. He makes his way across the roof and swings down gracefully onto the ladder, shooting Dave a wink as he expertly climbs down with a distinct lack of supervision. The last thing he sees before disappearing down the side of the building is Dave scoffing a soft laugh and rolling his eyes. Good, Jack got him to loosen up a little bit.
Jack doesn't wait for Dave before crawling in through the open window. He knows the other boy is right on his heels and even as he slips into the boarding room he can hear Davey's steps descending the rungs just outside. There aren't many boys still lingering around, most of them were out on the streets causing a ruckus even if they weren't hawking, but he catches a glimpse of Skittery out in the hall and a handful of boys are scattered around the room waiting for them. Sniper is leaning against one of the bunks chatting with Albert about something or other and Race is tugging at his shirt to make sure he looks alright before they head out. Jack hums, "Yous all comin'?" He asks, eyeing the boys warily.
Sniper looks over, his conversation easily falling away, "You think we's lettin' just the three of you go over to Brooklyn? When there's blood in the water?" He says it like Jack's stupid for even asking and Jack has half a mind to box his ears for it.
"Ah, shut it, will you?" Jack moves further into the room just in time for Dave to duck in through the window. For a moment Dave struggles to meet anyone's eyes, his cheeks tinting slightly as he remembers just what Race thought he was walking in on moments ago. Clearly Albert notices too and eagerly takes the opportunity for what it is.
"Heard you two were havin' a lil' fun up there," Al waggles his eyebrows suggestively. Even as Jack reaches out to smack him upside the head he can't help but enjoy how Dave sputters.
"Racetrack Higgins!" Davey glares at the offending newsie and Jack thinks that it'll be over for Racer when Dave inevitably learns his real name. That's a new kind of scolding Race hasn't built an immunity to. Jack has already been full named plenty of times.
Race raises his hands in surrender, grinning around the cigar tucked between his teeth, "Hey, I didn't say a word. Maybe it's just the glow yous givin' off—" Race scrambles out of the way of the pillow Dave chucks at him. Davey's face is once again colored a deep, enticing scarlet and Jack only crosses his arms and sits back to watch the show. "Yeah, that one!" Racetrack cheers only to take the next pillow right to the face. His cigar topples to the floor along with the successful projectile but it does nothing to whip the shit-eating grin off of Racer's face.
"You're all terrible." Dave hisses, fists clenched tightly at his sides. He's the perfect picture of mortification and Jack feels bad enough that he decides it's time to step in.
"Alright, leave 'im alone." Jack raises his voice enough to cut off whatever smart remark Albert opened his mouth to say, shooting the younger boy a pointed look to make sure he kept his thoughts to himself. Albert snickers but quiets without complaint. "It ain't like the rest of yous got a sweetheart to get with anyway." He smirks, eyes shining, and he's immediately met with the expected cries of protest. A hand knocks his shoulder in retaliation and Jack's overwhelmed with fondness at how gentle Sniper's touch is. Careful with him but unwilling to exclude him from the integral roughhousing that's raised them all.
"Get off it, Kelly," Sniper huffs bitterly, given away by the smile still bright on his face.
"Oh, he's gettin' off alright!" Race chimes in eagerly.
"We really should get goin' anyway." Albert adjusts his cap, pulling it on backward while he shoots Dave a very unconvincing apologetic look. Dave just sighs, looking up at the ceiling like he's asking the heavens for strength, and Jack watches his whole body deflate with the exhale. The boys thankfully take that as their cue and make for the door. Race throws an arm around Albert's shoulders and they don't even bother to hide their snickers as they make their way out into the hall together.
Jack rolls his eyes and turns to gather Dave's ammunition from the floor. He sends a sideways glance Davey's direction as he crosses the room and he can't help but frown when he sees that Dave hasn't moved from his slumped position. Jack scoops up the first pillow and chucks it over at Davey. It smacks Dave in the chest and he instinctively reaches up to grab it before it can fall back to the ground. Jack's brows furrow at the guarded look in Davey's bright eyes and in turn Dave averts his gaze.
Jack hums, allowing Dave a few more moments to gather himself while Jack collects the other pillow. "You know they don't mean nothin' by it." Jack states nonchalantly, uselessly fluffing the flattened pillow to add to his casual air. He's not even sure if he's clocked it right but he's taking a shot in the dark here with the idea that maybe it'll get Dave talking regardless. Dave offers a noncommittal grunt in lieu of an answer and Jack sees that he's hit the nail on the head. Jack's frown deepens and he tosses his pillow carelessly onto the nearest bunk. He throws the casual attitude to the wind and quickly shortens the space between them, "Hey, theys just givin' you some shit, alright? I'll get 'em to lay off you if you want, yeah?" He bends over to put himself in Dave's line of sight. He scans Davey's face and internally squirms at the genuine distress he glimpses before Dave's face settles into a practiced mask. Jack never realized how terrible it felt to be on the other end of that.
Jack hates the feeling of helplessness that stirs up in his chest watching Dave clutch a stupid pillow to his chest while he stomps down whatever's bothering him. Jack had assumed that Dave wouldn't mind the boys' teasing but even just two days into such a new relationship Jack can admit that they've been a little heavy-handed with the banter and Dave's never really reciprocated and God how didn't Jack notice? "Let's get going, we're wasting time," Dave dismisses sternly, forcefully prying his fingers away from where they curled into the pillow in his arms. He steps back from Jack and turns away, settling the pillow down with stiff movements riddled with discomfort.
"Davey," Jack murmurs sadly, once again moving forward to step slowly into Dave's space. He didn't want to let Davey pull away now, especially after discovering such a personal issue that's flown right over his head for days, and he's relieved when Dave doesn't step back again. "Talk to me. You gotta know by now that I love the sound of your voice." He grins, dancing skillfully around Dave to get a good view of his face. Dave rolls his eyes and breathes a soft laugh that plants a swell of pride deep in Jack's chest. The joy is short-lived and Dave's guarded expression quickly returns.
"It really doesn't matter, Jack," Dave insists, awkwardly fluffing the pillow that's already outlived its days in a blatant attempt to keep his eyes off on something else. "You said it yourself, they don't mean anything by it."
"But it bothers you." Jack huffs, crossing his arms and watching as Dave practically makes the whole bed instead of continuing the conversation.
Davey realizes quickly that Jack isn't going to drop it and slumps in defeat, eyes closing as he reaches up with one hand to remove his cap and uses the other to comb his fingers through his hair. "It shouldn't though. I don't know why it bothers me so much, I know that if any of them had a real problem with us they'd do more than poke fun but…" Dave trails off, biting his lip, and Jack forgets sometimes how anxious Davey is. The strike may have filled him with a newfound confidence but he was still a man made of worry. It isn't normal for people to be so accepting of relationships like theirs and it occurs to Jack now with frightening clarity just how uncomfortable this all must be for Dave. A bunch of boys constantly ragging on them, even with as friendly as it is, has to be terrifying.
A knock on the door frame drags Jack's attention away from Davey but he's not blind to how Dave immediately coils back up with tension like he's expecting something terrible and not just Racetrack peeking back in, "Are yous comin' or—"
"Out." Jack commands curtly and Race flees without even batting an eye. He's thankful for how much trust his boys have in him even if he often finds their blind faith in him misplaced. He tries his best to do right by them and in turn they don't question him. Even Racetrack knows when he's expected to listen and Jack is especially grateful for that as he watches Dave visibly relax again. "I'll tell 'em off. I can't promise theys won't make comments here and there but I guess we, ah, didn't realize how new this could be for you." He admits, reaching up to sheepishly rub the back of his neck. He knew what the world thought of guys like them, boys kissing boys, but growing up in the lodging house he's forgotten how terrifying it can be for other people to know. Usually when someone found you out you'd be beaten black and blue if not killed outright but things were a bit different in Manhattan. Not all the boroughs were as kind but here, with Jack and his boys, they were already considered the lowest of the low and they didn't really see a point in making a big deal out of a single thing on the long list that made them outcasts and criminals.
"I haven't even told Les," Davey confesses quietly, tone broken and so, so scared. He looks up at Jack and Jack hates the hopelessness he sees there. "I don't even know how I'd tell him but what if he hates me, Jackie? He's heard what people have to say about sodomites and our mom isn't exactly quiet about what she thinks about people like us. I don't know what I'd do if—" Dave makes a choked sound, a quiet whine slipping from his lips as tears rush to his eyes.
"Oh, Davey," Jack coos sympathetically, reaching out and dragging Dave into a secure embrace. He rubs a hand up and down between Davey's shoulders soothingly while Dave hunches over to bury his face into Jack's shoulder. "Les would never hate you. That kid fuckin' adores you, Dave, it'd take more than you kissin' a guy to change that. Think you'd make a real activist outta 'im if he found out your ma's been raggin' on you this whole time." Jack doesn't have to imagine the resentment and grief that came from your own family ridiculing you for things out of your control. He doesn't remember too much of his folks after all this time, whether it's just been too long or he's repressed the worst of it, but he knows that he was out on the streets long before his old man finally kicked the bucket.
Dave chuckles wetly into his shoulder and Jack offers a reassuring squeeze in response. He knows how hard this kind of thing is, a handful of boys in the lodging have had to fight with themselves for years to come to terms with themselves, and Jack knows that no matter what he says he can't really make that journey any easier. He can promise that Davey isn't alone, though. He can swear that while it won't be easy there are dozens of boys that would stand with Dave through anything, no matter who he liked or what happened if his family ever found out. Davey had support, through and through, and no one under this roof thought he was disgusting or vile or wrong just because he loved differently than the average Joe.
Before he gets to say any of that Davey pries himself away from Jack and hastily wipes his eyes. His face is dry but his eyes are rimmed red and Jack winces sympathetically. "We really do need to get doing." Dave swallows and straightens out his waistcoat, brushing imaginary dirt from his sleeves in a physical attempt to pull himself together. Jack can take the hint and he hesitantly goes along with the topic change.
"I suppose you's right," Jack mutters, giving Dave one last once over just in case. Dave just raises an unimpressed eyebrow and ushers Jack towards the door. Jack allows himself to be herded out, raising his hands in surrender as they finally make their way out of the room and off down the stairs to meet up with the others in the lobby.
"Took yous long enough," Albert teases brightly, a suggestive smirk on his face.
"Cut it out," Jack snaps, shooting Albert a glare that promises retribution if he were to ignore the warning. Albert raises his eyebrows, shocked but not afraid, and nods back. All three of his boys stare as him curiously but they thankfully don't mention the uncharacteristic shutdown. Jack's never been one to care much about teasing, if anything he was as guilty as Race when it came to tossing around jabs and jokes, but maybe that's why they were so quick to accept the sudden shift. Clearly if he was shutting it down so sternly there had to be a reason and they were smart enough to know that it probably had something to do with Davey. Jack makes a mental note to talk to them all about it later, really explain that any banter around his blossoming relationship was to be directed at Jack and Jack alone. For now, though, they had more important places to be. "Alright, let's get a move on. If we's lucky we can still get there before them Brooklyn boys start gettin' home." Even as they head out onto the streets and make for the Brooklyn bridge Jack can't help the apprehension clawing at his insides. Race slings his arm back around Albert's shoulders and even though Jack doesn't catch what he says he can tell it's something stupid by the way he sweeps an arm out in front of them. Sniper walks beside the other two, watching Racetrack's antics with mischievous eyes. Jack looks down when something brushes and his hand and sees Davey's finger grazing his own, not holding but close enough to touch. Jack's glad he's not making this trip alone. Lucky, yeah right, Jack's never been lucky.
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newsie-collective · 1 year
Tommy Boy
Hi I know that technically Specs and Tommy tied But I didn't want to make any of y'all to wait any longer I'm so sorry to that one specific person who always reblogs our polls with Specs hype
T/W for transphobia & Refuge talk below the break
Quickfire Favorites
Food: “Pepp’mints! Really like the sof’ ones.”
Color: “Yella. Like the sun. N sunflowers.”
Season: “I don’ have a pa’ticler favorite season.”
Weather: “Sunny. I like sunny days ‘cos then I get to walk ‘round an’ hawk wit’ me fellas.”
Hobby: “Jacobi le’me help in the kitchen once. That was real fun. Wish he woul’ le’me do it again.”
Animal: “Do Blink count? I’on think I knows ‘nough animals to have a favorite.”
Memory: “Movin’ to Manhattan. Ev’ryone was real nice. Finch was gon’ fight ev’ryone that ain’t get my gender right.”
Comfort Item: “I don’t really got one. Ain’t never really had nothin’ to keep.”
Buckle up folks, this one’s real fucked up
Tommy Boy pretends to hate his nickname but it makes him feel fluttery inside. He rolls his eyes and groans and shoves Finch every time he says Tommy Boy/my main man/my home boy/anything else with boy or man. But it makes him giddy and excited
Because he’s a boy
And he knows all the others would fight for him
And that makes him feel real nice
Only knows how to solve things with his fist (but he and Albert are learning together)
He’s also still learning how to take compassion from the newsies. And how to not flinch when the others go to high five or hug him
Because non pain inducing hands on him is weird
He puts his hands in his pockets because he’s scared of hurting his friends or scaring them
He tells everyone it’s so he doesn’t get pickpocketed
Surprisingly good at cooking
Honestly dumb as fuck
Like most of the newsies have either street or book smarts
Tommy has neither
Puts the sexy in dyslexia
Thinks he can do no wrong
Not in a pretentious way 
In a “I just learned I had dyslexia, something I’ve been angry about my whole life, but when someone explained what it was to me, it doesn’t bother me anymore. It’s just a part of me and that’s neat” like a psychopath
Just kinda very aware of the fact that no one is made perfectly, and has come to terms with that
Likes to pull pranks
No longer dumb enough to pull them on Elmer or Davey 
Because they always know
And they know where he hides
And that’s not fair
He’s an angry crier. And he hates it. He hates crying, it makes him feel weaker than he already does when his emotions get the better of him
When he’s only a little mad, he yells to try and feel bigger (it’s a defense mechanism), if it gets worse he starts crying (even though he tries and fights it), and if it keeps getting worse he starts hitting things (he usually turns his anger to trees or punching bags. Inanimate objects. He doesn’t like hurting people), but it’s when he goes silent that’s the scariest. Because no one can tell what he’s thinking or what’s gonna happen. And he just stews in it
Loves music. Prefers music without words, but hates classical music.
When he gets affectionate, he likes holding people (and by people I mean Mush and Specs and Blink and occasionally Finch) but when he gets real deep in his head he needs to be held and his hair played with and just told that everything’s gonna be okay. His head is a dark fucking place. And he sometimes needs help finding his way out.
Jojo used to attack him with cuddles and hugs when he’d get too wound up
That earned Jojo several black eyes when they were first happening
“I love you Tommy Boy”
“Fuck you”
Flirty comments come easy to him. Except when it comes to his partners. They make him so nervous
Was really wary of Les and Davey hanging around, because they felt like outsiders, but Les once roasted Morris so hard that Tommy laughed for at least half an hour. He stayed close to Les when the brothers would come around.
He didn't wanna miss anything else the kid said.
Originally from Brooklyn, but they were too rowdy and angry, he kept getting triggered into panic attacks (and also a few of them kept deadnaming and misgendering him) so he moved to Manhattan
Most of the newsies that don’t know him are intimidated. 
“That’s Tommy from Brooklyn… I hear they kicked him ‘cross the bridge because he was too wild for even Spot Conlon”
Doesn’t care about the rumors. He’s okay with intimidating the people he doesn’t know.
Real fucked up backstory shit:
His birth name was Tamsyn, and he had a twin brother named Thomas. 
His brother was the first person he’d told about feeling more like a boy than a girl. And Thomas was so supportive of him. 
And one day, Thomas disappeared. 
Tommy’s dad wouldn’t tell him what happened, just that Tommy didn’t have a brother anymore. 
And Tommy knew that he was in danger. And he ran away. He stole some clothes to blend in with the newsboys on the street, got sent to the Refuge for three months, where he was kept in the feminine section of the prison.
Tommy was originally sentenced to one month, but he fought against Snyder when he tried to take Bumlets away, once he realized what was happening.
He stood up for others in the Refuge who were getting bullied and abused by Snyder.
He ended up at the Brooklyn boarding house not long after his release. He’d gotten tougher and buff while in the Refuge, and he’d finally gotten some clothes to wear (and keep)
Not many of them were too kind about his transition. Spot had only just become a leader for the boys, and was still trying to get his regime under control. Hotshot was one of the kindest to him, and one of the few he told about leaving.
Spot, Hotshot, and Swipe were the only three he told.
He crossed the bridge to Manhattan, talking to Kloppman about everything that had happened, and moved in that same night. 
He adopted his brother’s name in honor of him, but the others thought Thomas was too hoity toity for a newsie, so they called him Tommy. 
And then he told them that he hadn’t always been a boy, and that’s why he got called Tamsyn and she a lot. 
And so Finch starts his crusade to get everyone to call him Tommy Boy.
I hope y'all loved reading that as much as I loved writing it
Please no one mention how it's been not even a week and we already messed up our timing again
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