#david miller my beloved
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Sorry for the absolute shit quality, but I took these pictures on a computer so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Here are three drawings I made of Jackson's Diary characters!!
Two are of Exer Campbell, the other is of David Miller
I love them with all my heart, please read it, it's on WEBTOON, you will regret nothing
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autistook · 2 years
"Look. It's me."
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operasnail · 16 days
My favorite dynamic is David Tennant paired with a woman who will not, under any circumstances, fuck him
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stonerwitch · 9 months
me: *sees a grumpy old man character who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders and absolutely despises himself* oh my baby 🥺
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deckerswheeler · 1 year
every week i wait for my silly little webtoon to release a new silly little chapter with my silly little boys who r in love with each other and i will giggle and kick my silly little feet every time 
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why is your jack and dave bald?
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theryr corspes???
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Tell me why in the tags
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currymanganese · 2 months
Yas is the GOAT, the GOAT!!!!!
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fierceyetflawed · 2 months
finished broadchurch season 1!!!
oh my god what a show right?!! I knew how beloved it was before getting into it and yet I'm only surprised at the sheer brilliance.
kept me on edge, kept me guessing but it was so much more than your basic cop drama. when the layers started coming off and we started seeing more and more about the townsfolk. it's fascinating how human minds work. the grey morals, the manipulation, the self justification and just how quickly one can cross that threshold and fall. it's all so complex and intriguing. the cinematography, the lighting and the camera work was so beautiful done. I'm just in awe. really beautifully made show.
david and olivia were excellent as always. loved the bickering and the bond hardy and miller shared. hadn't seen jodie in anything before this and oh my god I'm so impressed and in love with her performance! (makes me extremely excited to see her doctor when I come around to that)
can't wait to start s2 now <3
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edit: finished S2!!!!!
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llovelymoonn · 9 months
favourite poems of december
a.r. ammons collected poems: 1951-1971: "dunes"
jennifer robertson shrill shirts will always balloon
n. scott momaday in the presence of the sun: stories and poems, 1961-1991: "the delight song of tsoai-talee"
ted berrigan the collected poems of ted berrigan: "bean spasms"
natalie diaz when my brother was an aztec: "abecedarian requiring further examination of anglikan seraphym subjugation of a wild indian rezervation"
greg miller watch: "river"
joanna klink excerpts from a secret prophecy: "terrebonne bay"
dorothy dudley pine river bay
brenda shaughnessy our andromeda: "our andromeda"
frank lima incidents of travel in poetry: "orfeo"
lehua m. taitano one kind of hunger
no'u revilla kino
linda hogan when the body
paul verlaine one hundred and one poems by paul verlaine: a biligual edition: "moonlight" (tr. norman r. shapiro)
mahmoud darwish the butterfly's burden: "the cypress broke" (tr. fady joudah)
mahmoud darwish the butterfly's burden: "your night is of lilac"
amir rabiyah prayers for my 17th chromosome: "our dangerous sweetness"
sara nicholson the living method: "the end of television"
charles shields proposal for a exhibition
ginger murchison a scrap of linen, a bone: "river"
tsering wangmo dhompa virtual
anne carson the beauty of the husband: "v. here is my propaganda one one one one oneing on your forehead like droplets of luminous sin"
muriel rukeyser the collected poems of muriel rukeyser: "the book of the dead"
anne stevenson stone milk: "the enigma"
david tomas martinez love song
robert fitzgerald charles river nocturne
thomas mcgrath the movie at the end of the world: collected poems: "many in the darkness"
linda rodriguez heart's migration: "the amazon river dolphin"
donald revell the glens of cithaeron
sumita chakraborty dear, beloved
angela jackson and all these roads be luminous: "miz rosa rides the bus"
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tieronecrush · 1 year
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joel miller x reader
rating: M
word count: 3.1k
i think i've seen this film before / and i didn't like the ending / i'm not your problem anymore / so who am i offending now? / you were my crown / now i'm in exile, seein' you out / i think I've seen this film before / so i'm leavin' out the side door
warnings: break up, discussion about closure or lack there of, talk about grief, death, self-doubt, self-deprecation, idk man it’s just sad
a/n: second fic for the folklore anthology!! hope you all enjoy, sorry for the sadness lol <3
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It’s an early start — the crisp early spring air swirls around in gusts while the fresh blanket of dew squishes under his boots as he walks over to the stables. Lilac skies watercolor above, the last of the winter dawn painting yellowed strokes across the horizon as the sun rises, reflecting against the thirst-quenched earth.
Billows of his tepid breath puff in front of him, walking through the warmth of each exhale as he makes his way forward and across the paddock to the stalls. Rubber soles scuff onto rough concrete under the cover of the roof, neighs of horses and huffs of their breath vibrating their lips the only sound that fills his ears when he looks down the aisle to see you. Standing in the pen that holds Shimmer, Ellie’s beloved mare, you brush her chestnut coat as you prep to saddle each animal for the incoming patrol shift.
Joel meanders down the walkway over to the stable across from you that holds his own horse, Old Beardy, which he bonded with over lengthy patrol shifts. After the horse that Tommy had loaned them to reach Colorado, Callus, was killed by David and his men, Joel had chosen a similarly colored one in Old Beardy. It was another painful reminder he forced upon himself of what he had gone through — what Ellie had gone through — and what he did to get her through it. He never wanted to forget, not that he thought he ever could, and this was a small piece that added up to keep him weighed down by his choices and guilt every day.
It was that same guilt that burrows into his chest now as he looks at you while he saddles his horse. Nothing is spoken, not even a glance sent his way; completely ignored, the cold shoulder chilling him more than the early morning temperature. 
You had left him a few weeks ago now — completely blindsided him when you sat him down in his living room and broke another crack into his heart. At that point, he didn’t think it was possible to feel any more fragmented than he did for the last twenty years, but you quickly became another piece of his heart destroyed by his actions. It had to have been something he did, what it was he doesn’t have a clue. But with the way you cared for him, loved him for that fleeting time, he would have never chosen to give that up and he couldn’t see a reason why you would either.
He had to know.
It was keeping him up at night — that and his nightmares that seem to have never ceased. Around here, he doesn’t have his knockout combination of pills and alcohol to keep his ghosts at bay, so he’s faced with them every evening, creeping in along with the midnight.
You would help him, talk him through, remind him of the good in him, even though he never fully believed you.
He misses you.
He loves you.
Crossing the aisle again after slipping out of the stable of his horse, he takes a breath before leaning his arms onto the walled gate that separates the two of you. Breaking the fragile silence that floated in the air for the last few minutes, Joel speaks lowly despite you two being the only ones around.
“Need any help with the horses?”
More silence, the thud of the leather saddle being thrown over Shimmer’s back clapping in the stale air. 
He persists.
“Now I know you probably don’t wanna hear anything from me, peach, but I just gotta ask you — what happened? To us. I’ve been wracking my brain to try to figure it out, but—but I gotta admit, darlin’, I thought things were alright. That we were starting a peaceful life together.”
He lifts his arms off of the gate, standing up straight as he waves one arm out in a gesture toward his house — the house that you used to spend every single night in, the pieces of you strewn throughout. Flowers on the kitchen table, dog-eared books on the couch, clothes thrown onto the floor and into his hamper, your favorite lavender soap from the apothecary withering away in his shower marking the time you two were together. It sits untouched now, still as full as the last time you used it, another reminder of your absence.
“But then, just out of the blue, you were gone. You took just five whole minutes to neatly pack up the loose ends of us, talkin’ to me as you grabbed all your things from my house, wiping the presence of you completely. And when you left me standin’ in the hall, you left me with it, that guilt. And all I could do was just stand there with all this love that I needed to give to you, watching you walk away without any goddamn clue as to why you were leaving. It wasn’t fucking fair.”
Joel crosses the threshold of the stall, standing only a few feet away from you as his frustrations begin to fully air, slithering out of him with venom laced behind his tone. He doesn’t want to feel this angry, this upset. But this hurt in his chest hasn’t been felt for years and it’s killing him, squeezing everything in him out.
“And now,” he nearly growls out, “Now I hear around town you got some other man around for you. That you got over us so quickly, found someone new to spend your time with. Did I really mean that little? To be able to tidy up real quick and move on?”
A laugh barks out at that — he can see it on your face how ridiculous you think whatever he said, something he said in all that was. It only fuels the fire inside of him, boiling up to his ears and over to the point he must have steam coming out of him.
What the fuck was so funny?
Here he was, being honest about his feelings and you were laughing.
The steel toe of one of his boots knocks against the wooden walls as he kicks it gently, turned away as he starts to listen to you open the floodgates. Your hands pause their work, turning away from the toasted brown horse to face him fully. Hands on your hips and head tilted to one side, your stare burns the back of his neck as he stands away.
“Really, Joel? There’s nothing you can understand about why I might have left you?” Your eyebrows furrow with your own fury, deep creases that he has only seen from concern for him, his wellbeing, and Ellie’s. Anger is a new look on you, and it isn’t one he is feeling fond of causing for you. That storm of guilt rumbles inside of him; another reason to hate himself for making you feel something you rarely do, making you into something you’re not — bitter.
“Also, I don’t really think you’ve got a right to be upset with me and bringing up that stupid shit bein’ said around town. I left the bar with one guy, one time. The rumor mill snatched up that story from the few people that saw us leave. Didn’t even go home with him cause I couldn’t stop seeing you like a fucking ghost. I left and you are still consuming my brain. I still wonder every day if you’re okay; if you’re still even here.”
That whips his head over his shoulder, the fracturing of his heart felt even deeper, a cut to his bones from your words. He never knew that you knew — what he had tried years ago. Admittedly, the thought crossed his mind again once, and only once. It quickly dissipated when you stepped into his room, your tender smile eager to tell him about your day. He loved listening to you, being a sounding board and an observer. How could he ever give that up? How could he ever hurt you?
Apparently, he didn’t need to wonder anymore. He did that without even realizing it.
Mouth agape as you continue, crease between his brows shadowed as he takes a step closer to you, the pull of your red-hot rage driving him nearer to your molten center. It was the one way to feel your warmth again, even if it was more like burning at that point.
“I can’t believe that you would even give that gossip a second thought. Must be grasping at straws there. But I guess that proves my point, the reason that I left.”
You turn away to handle the animal again, shaking your head wildly and rolling your eyes at yourself. His own frustrations bubble again, another step closer as he walks around your shoulder to your field of vision. A head tilt of his own, a nonchalant shrug.
“And how do you figure that, darlin’? Please, enlighten me,” his words cut into the air, attempting to antagonize you in a subconscious effort to keep you talking, to keep you around.
“God, that’s so fucking rich coming from you, Joel. Wanting explanations, wanting me to open up so you can understand. That’s why I left. I tried so hard to get you to open up to me, to let me in, and to be even the smallest bit vulnerable. I wanted you to show me that you trusted me. When I met you before you left with Ellie, things felt different. And when you came back, you had been getting more and more closed off the longer we were spending time together. I don’t know what happened out there if something happened between you and Ellie, and I don’t need all the details, but I needed something. And I gave you so many chances — second, third, hundredth chances to give me something that could show me you trust me or could even grow to trust me, but that didn’t come. All I wanted was to help you, Joel. I care about you so much. I loved you. But it didn’t seem like you felt the same. Never told me you felt the same.”
A step away from him, arms around your chest to protect your heart — from him? From breaking again? He didn’t know you needed the words; he tried to show you through his actions, his touch, the care he took of you. Words never came easy to him, actions did.
“And now, you’re being this fucking alpha, masculine man stomping in here and talkin’ to me about how you hear I was with some guy. Actin’ like I’m just trying to make you jealous like he was some understudy or rebound. Well, nothing happened like I said, so you can wipe off the face that looks like you’re gonna go get your knuckles bloody for me.”
The crease in his brow resolves, the sour twist of his lips relaxing as he drops his head in shame. You were right, always right. He would knock the lights out of the guy if you said one more word — if you said that you had moved on for real.
“All of it, still being around you and being reminded of you all the time, it feels like I’m trying to balance again on breaking branches. And every time I see you around, in person or in my head like a shadow following me around, those eyes — your stupid brown eyes pleading with me, they just add insult to injury.”
“I wanted to help you, Joel, to just be there to help you mend, even a little bit. But you never gave me a chance.”
A sigh slips from his lips, barely audible. You turn away as he steps toward you, tender eyes and gentle touch resting on your shoulder. When you don’t recoil, one of his rough, work-worn hands grabs your chin between his thumb and index finger, turning your head to meet his eyes as he quietly speaks, lower than the whole conversation has been.
“I never knew that is what you were worried about, darlin’. I’m fine, there wasn’t anything that happened between Ellie and I ‘cept that ambush at the hospital that I told you about. I didn’t think I was actin’ any differently than before.”
A scoff, shaking your head out of his grasp and pushing your hands against his chest to separate. You slip away, crossing the stall to grab more gear to dress the horse in.
“You are unbelievable.”
Now he’s really getting annoyed.
“What? What is so unbelievable?” His voice booms, echoing a bit in the empty horse barn, biting back his tongue as you close your eyes tightly. He opens his mouth to apologize for raising his voice, but your raised hand stops him.
“It’s obvious you are not fine, Joel, and you can’t even admit it now after I’ve told you that all I wanted was for you to be open. You can stop running. Slow down. Live. You don’t have to keep punishing yourself in silence.”
He scoffs and shakes his head, looking away as he works his jaw back and forth before he turns to you again, “I couldn’t read your mind! All this time, I never learned to read your mind. I can’t read Ellie’s mind — I can’t figure it out with either of you. Two of the most important people, two of the handful of people that I am still around for, have distanced themselves from me and I can’t seem to pull myself together to figure it out. I feel like I’m drowning out here on my own and I’m not even being thrown a fucking life raft. You never gave me time to turn things around, you never gave me a warning sign of what was goin’ on.”
The tightness in your shoulders falls, curling you smaller into yourself, and there goes another crack in his heart. Broken like old pavement when the Earth shifts, takes destroying it all to rebuild it.
Tired. You look so tired, and he aches with the thought that he’s exhausted you, even away. What is he going to do if he is open with you? Isn’t he going to be more of a burden?
No, he wouldn’t let himself. He would be honest with you. But there is no expectation that he could be fixed, that you could shoulder any of this weight he’s carried for twenty years. It’s lighter to him now, endurance built to keep himself under it without getting crushed.
“Joel…I gave so many signs. I checked in with you every day, I asked you directly how you were doing. A lot of the time, after long days, you’d be so short with me. Either annoyed or just brushing me off and changing the subject. So when asking you didn’t work, I tried to open up more myself to try to get you to feel comfortable talking to me about anything. You would just listen and move on. Nothing inspired you to give me even a little sliver of yourself, of your heart. I closed myself off more and more cause it felt like I was prying with someone who couldn’t even care less about me. You didn’t even notice that we didn’t touch, we didn’t kiss, we were barely intimate with each other in those last few weeks — we completely drifted, Joel. I tried to give you so many signs before I couldn’t take it anymore. You didn’t even see the signs.”
Thoughts and memories rewind in his head like an old tape, picking up patterns in himself and in you that he has been too blind to see. All he wanted was to move on, sweep it under the rug and live whatever life he could with you, with Ellie.
“I’m sorry, peach. I am so sorry. I swear on my fucking grave that I had no idea this was all happening for you — I was too in my own head. My heart is hurtin’ so much without you around; knowing I did something to push you away. And hearing what you were holdin’ in ‘cause I was bein’ too closed, too selfish to see what was wrong? It is destroyin’ me. I’m sorry, sweetheart. I really am.”
No response is given to him. He watches as you bend your arms, lifting them to press the backs against your eyes. They turn and run over your face, an ache in him to reach his own out to pull yours away, replace them with his own to hold your beautiful face again. When he speaks up again, he sounds like a child — soft, pleading for the punishment to end.
“Could you ever, I don’t know how to ask this really, but could you ever give me another chance? Would you?”
His eyes are glossing over, vision blurring slightly at the edges as you meet his gaze. A deep, exhausted sigh rolls from your chest, head shaking back and forth as your stare leaves him, running a million yards away somewhere.
“I—God, I don’t know, Joel. It felt like I was just there to give you comfort when you wanted it, when you thought you needed it, and that was it. That was my purpose to you. That you didn’t even want to try to open up, to build trust or anything between us. Things would really have to change for me to feel ready to try again.”
Another step brings him a foot away from you, the itch in his fingers too much to ignore anymore as he guides his hand up, caressing your cheek and brushing his thumb along the line of the high bone there.
“Sweetheart, honey, I’ll be better. If you give me another chance, I’m gonna do better by you. Gonna try more. I promise, peach. I’m not gonna fuck this up.”
Eyes flutter shut under his touch, the weight of your head falling into his gentle care a bit heavier.
When they open again, he can see resolve has been built. A defensive wall put back up after leaning in too much into the temptation of jumping back into the deep end.
“Can I have some time to think about it?”
Selfishly, he wishes you would just jump, dive into his waters with him so you can offer him a lifeline.
“Of course, peach. You come ‘round whenever you wanna talk. I’m gonna be there for you. Whenever.”
His lips press to your hairline, large hand stroking at the back of your head before he pulls away and exits the stall, crossing over to lead Old Beardy out of the stables to mount for patrol.
With his back to you, he doesn’t see the shaky breath you take, composure crumbling as you lean your head against the leather saddle, teardrops littering the surface.
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taglist: @wannab-urs @atinylittlepain @bearsbeetsbeskar @serenaxpedro @casa-boiardi @rav3n-pascal22 @dinsdjrn @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @johnwatsn @amanitacowboy @leeeesahhh @isitmelookin4u @javiscigarette @mrsyixingunicorn10 @sugarspiceanthrax @orphanbird95 @space-cowboy-like-me @tuquoquebrute @rsquared31 @morning-star-joy @canseethebrushstrokes @atremises @sstarboy777 @undrthelights @butiknewyoudlinger @dayrdreaming @disassociation-daydreams @joelsversion @ginger-swag-rapunzel @mydailyhyperfixations @diamndx @mingiast @kdogreads @blxsphemy7 @marchai @littlevenicebitch69 @ghostofbrock @iwrotethissky @ladynightingale @jksprincess10 @swiftispunk @pr0ximamidnight @beskarandblasters @northernbluess
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David Miller, my beloved
I'll kill W*lliam and Kev!n for you <3
original below cut
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Walkerverse Character Tier List
Hello Walker Family! I'm here announcing the beginning of the Walkerverse Character Tier List series!
I've created a list of characters from Walker and Walker: Independence to put in a tier list ranking. I will be releasing a series of polls with all these characters (including pictures and brief reminders of their roles) to determine which Tier List ranking they get. Whichever option from S to F gets the most votes will become the official ranking of that character.
Here is the criteria I used to select the characters I'm putting in the poll series:
They must have a name on the imdb page
They must have a minimum of two appearances
I have to remember them, regardless of their appearance count
Single appearances that were special/memorable will also be included (ex: Uncle Willy, Minnie Jayne)
The rankings will be as follows:
S tier: Best character in the show, love them with all my heart, they can do literally nothing wrong
A tier: Beloved blorbo, one of my favorites, I'd want to be friends with them if they were real
B tier: I like them, but I have my critiques. A good character that I mostly enjoy
C tier: Mid character, not the biggest fan of them but I won't complain when they show up
D tier: I don't like them. I have many criticisms of their actions and personality. I may even dislike whole episodes because of them
F tier: Literally the worst character in the entire show. Hate them. Much dislike. I fastforward over them on rewatches.
I currently have pictures (for the poll and the complete tierlist that I will link when it is public) for 39 of the 120+ characters I put on the list, so that's where I will be starting. I will include the full list of all the characters from both shows below the cut along with the taglist.
The first poll will go up on Monday, September 23rd! Can't wait to see what you guys think!
@theladywyn, @jaredwalkertexasranger, @laf-outloud, @aborddelimpala, @mysterybeau, @sweet-sammy-kisses, @kickingitwithkirk, @rhl74, @peachparakeet, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @loveforwomenstuff, @low-soduimfreak, @ihavepointysticks, @waywardmaslow, @arte-mishuntress, @the-slythering-raven, @deeranger, @duo-kun, @inafieldofdaisies, @not-your-housekeeper98, @nancymcl, @sammysnaughtygirl
Cordell Walker
Liam Walker
Abeline Walker
Bonham Walker
Stella Walker
August Walker
Larry James
Trey Barnett
Geri Broussard
Cassie Perez
Micki Ramirez
Colton Davidson
Ben Perez
Dan Miller
Denise Davidson
Emily Walker
Gale Davidson
Stan Morrison
Clay Cooper
Clint West
Kelly James
Kevin Golden
Isabel Munoz
Trevor Strand
Detective David Luna
Julia Johnson
Hoyt Rawlins
Twyla Jean
Sadie Yoo
DJ James
Keesha Barnett
Carlos Mendoza
Officer Randall
Dr. Adriana Ramirez
Mercedes Ruiz
Miles Vyas
Coach Bobby
Principal Heaney
Byron Santos
Garrison (GM)
Nate Smith
Tessa Graves
Crystal West
Lana Jones
Tommy Adams
Jaxon Davis
Grant McLawson
Alma Munoz
Fenton Cole
Lorezno Munoz
Marv Davidson
Mr. Golden
Owen Campbell
Minnie Jayne
Becca Furgeson
Joanna Rawlins
Cole Tillman
Rebecca Tillman
Walker: Independence:
Abigail Walker
Hoyt Rawlins
Kate Carver
Tom Davidson
Lucia Reyes
Shane Davidson
Chief Taza
Francis Reyes
Luis Reyes
Ethan (Pinkerton Detective)
Salty Dog
Molly Sullivan
Anna Maria Reyes
Burlesque Dancers
Teresa Davidson
Otis Clay
Martha Sullivan
Liam Collins
Eli McDowd
Charlotte “Charlie” Collins
Gil Santiago
Stella Rawlins
Wordell Calker
Amos Acorn
Parker Briggs
Judge Parker
Kirby Smith
Andrew Jones
Judge Carter
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rinaforstars · 1 year
eurovision acts name meanings bc im bored
please correct me if im wrong
solo artists !
gustaph (stef caers) : crown in a fortress
andrew lambrou : strong and brilliant
reiley (rani peterson) : joyous song sung by the son of peter
alika milova : most beautiful happiness
käärijä (jere pöyhönen) : spear holding ruler
la zarra (fatima-zahra hafdi) : captivating independent flower
iru khechanovi : citizen with strength
victor vernicos : just conqueror
diljá pétursdóttir : born in heart of her parents, feeling
luke black (luka ivanović) : light of his father, ivan
noa kirel : motion on the wall of god
marco mengoni : of mars (mengoni was found at foundations of venice)
monika linkytė : advisor
parsha parfeni : pure admiration
mia nicolai : moon for the victor of the people
dion cooper : follower of dionysus, someone who makes wooden vessels
alessendra mele : charming defender of mankind
blanka : fair
mimicat (marisa mena) : of the sea, mena is a topographic name
theodor andrei : manly gift of god
remo forrer : dweller at the waterfall from rheims
blanca paloma : white dove
mae muller : may miller (yes, literally)
brunette (elen yeremyan) : torch that the lord exalts
loreen (lorine talhaoui) : laurel plant that bares fruit
albina kelmendi : white and merciful
groups/duos !
daniel estrin : star judged by god
simone dow : listen to the dark haired [girl]
ashley doodkorte : ash meadow (couldnt find doodkorte, but i did find he is like my 4th cousin)
alex canion : defender of humanity on a footpath
scott kay : pure man with a shield
teya & salena
teodora spiric : gods gift on a spire
selena-maria edbauer : hesitant moon and star of the sea
turalturan x
tural bağmanov : to be alive with creativity
turan bağmanov : dedicated to turan (the goddess of love in etruscan mythology), or the land of tur, creativity
let 3
zoran prodanović : to sell till dawn
damir martinović : one who gives peace and is the son of martin
dražen baljak : emotional beloved
matej zec : the rabbit is a gift of god
patricie fuxová : noblewoman
bára šůstková : innocent
olesya ochepovská : girl from the forest (they mean the same thing)
markéta vedralová : pearl
tereza čepková : playful harvester
tanita yanková : giant daughter of yanko
lord of the lost
chris harms : bearing christ’s army
class grenayde : peoples victory
gared dirge : rules by the spear, hymn of mourning
pi stoffers : swimming pool, bearer of christ
niklas kahl : bald person of victoy
sudden lights
andrejs zitmanis : brave
kārlis zitmanis : strong
mārtiņš zemītis : of mars, samogitian
kārlis vārtiņš : strong giver of roses
wild youth
david whelan : beloved & joyful
conor odonohoe : lover of hounds whom is brown haired
callum mcadam : dove, son of adam
ed porter : prosperous guardian of the gate
the busker
david meilak : beloved admirer
jean borg : god is gracious in a castle
sean meachen : god is gracious, meachen is topographic
piqued jacks
andrea lazzeretti : manly who has help from god
francesco bini : mosest free man
tommaso oliveri : twin olive
marco sgaramella : of mars
joker out
bojan cvjetićanin : battle on veliki cvjetnić
jure maček : farmer cat
kris guštin : follower and servant of christ
jan peteh : god is gracious, rock
nace jordan : fire is dissipating
jeffery kenny : peace & handsome
andrii hutsuliak : manly outlaw
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Some started called gay men achilleian as in emphasize the same term lesbians give on the term "Sapphic love" which doesn't make ANY SENSE.
Firstly Sapphic comes from the Greek poet Sappho who lived on the Greek Island Lesbos and was famous for her romantic poems.
Achilles is just a character in a story by Homer written thousands of years ago mostly remembered for his complex character, his rage. His love for Patroclus may be for debate, but soulmate love is also platonic as it is romantic.
Achilles was never a gay icon before Miller's fiction book and the Iliad is a masterpiece of literature and his character is waaay more than his sexuality which also isn't labelled or certain either so why people are having a YA novel be the source material for his sexuality?
Interesting question.
I do not believe Miller to be responsible for the queering of Achilles. In fact, if you listen to interviews with her, her reasons for a queer interpretation are thoughtful and thorough. Namely, that a “bomb seems to go off” when Patroclus is killed. She believed his consequent actions to be most aligned with those of a grieving husband.
The novel’s earliest draft actually began as an academic essay after she directed Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida, which characterizes Patroclus as more effeminate than Homer’s representation. Miller’s narrator is more closely aligned with Shakespeare, actually.
If you go further back, you have other ancient Greeks commenting on and disputing not whether or not Achilles and Patroclus were having sex, but who topped.
Returning to the Iliad itself. I believe it is most accurate to say both men were bisexual. They live together in fairly close quarters. If they aren’t partners, they are at least comfortable performing sex acts in front of one another with their concubines. I would say that Miller’s version where they “rescue” the girls but never sleep with them is a bit far fetched. However, there is also some implication that the two men shared a bed. I’d ask yourself, if this were a man and a woman, would I be thinking this hard as to whether they were a couple? Probably not.
There is finally the issue of the word “philtatos” itself. The -tos suffix is superlative. There’s no way around the translation “most beloved.” I am dubious of Victorian scholars who were bent on inserting “comrade” or “companion” in there. I call censorship.
So yes, I think queer interpretation really is an interpretation and not a fetishized, contemporary theory.
However, I’d like to address your point of platonic love and it’s societal value. To the understanding of many, (actually, Aristotle) “philia” between two men was the most fulfilling relationship possible. This creates a bit of a confusing wrinkle in ancient literature, doesn’t it? Gilgamesh and Enkidu’s behavior certainly queer-codes in 2023, but they come from a context which de emphasized women and their capacity to relate to male partners. So sure, maybe Patroclus and Achilles are meant to be broing out this whole time mainly because Briseis is too stupid and too afflicted by wandering-womb to understand them. I guess that’s the book you could read.
Maybe you wish to shelf that criticism and what you saw was a rich friendship. To challenge my own point above about if they were a straight couple, we accept completely different behavior from two women. There’s no reason friends can’t share profound intimacy and physical affection without any sexual connotation. You can’t say the death of a dear friend isn’t big enough to serve as the poem’s crisis point. You’re right — especially considering that these boys were raised together and have been living together and at war together their whole lives. The same could be said of David and Jonathan, another popular queer speculation. A sexual relationship is not needed to validate such a bond.
I still think they were having sex. I am sorry to have nothing to cite but remember my own mother explaining a queer reading of the Iliad to me before The Song of Achilles was even published. I believe she was teaching the Aeneid at that time but doing some background research. She mentioned specifically reading that sex was normal and encouraged between specifically infantry and charioteers. The idea was that by forming a sexual/romantic bond, those men would be more effective as a team. The point being, this is nothing new.
I want to speak to your comparison to Sappho, because it is pertinent. The prose of The Song of Achilles is heavily inspired by Sappho’s style. Her intention with that particular project was to focus on the perspective of a sidelined character and give him an intimate, lyric voice. That was the point. For her purposes, Achilles is a sexual and romantic icon because of who is telling the story. Contrast even the openings, “Sing, muse of rage of Achilles,” to, “my father was a king, and the son of kings.” One is invoking Calliope to tell us an epic about an angry little man and the other sets the expectation that you’re going to get his life story. If you read this book, you will get a subjective one-to-one experience of Achilles as a primary love interest and sexual partner. If that’s not for you, I recommend Pat Barker’s work.
A fair question, and I don’t know the answer, would be when did guys start referring to themselves as Achillean? Personally, I don’t really care. I think other people should describe their sex lives how they like. Hypothetically, even if the term were responsive to Miller’s fiction, I still don’t care.
And here’s where we get to what I really have to say. The Homeric tradition is oral— no one really “wrote” the Iliad in accordance with modern standards of intellectual property. We carry that tradition today. Here is the part where I disagree with you: Achilles is not just a character in a book written by Homer thousands of years ago. He is ours. Fluid and thriving, part of culture. If the myths of Achilles continue another millennium, carried by tumblr girlies and esoteric gay men, then great. It’s as it should be. It’s how fiction works.
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lestatslestits · 8 months
Ok ill bite. What is broadchurch
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Broadchurch is a British crime drama that ran from 2013-2017, with a total of three seasons. It’s about police officers in an insular coastal town in England that gets completely rocked by the murder of a young boy named Danny Latimer. Anyone and everyone in town could be a suspect. Right around the same time, Detective Sergeant Ellie Miller gets looked over for a promotion. The job is given to Detective Inspector Alec Hardy, who has transferred to Broadchurch after some Trouble that took place at his old job (yes what happened does ultimately get explained). The murdered boy was also her son’s best friend, so she’s kind of having A Week. Murders get investigated while she and Alec (who are wildly different) come to terms with each other, and while Alec’s past comes back to haunt him.
It’s twisty as hell and goes in some interesting directions! The seasons build on each other to some degree (seasons one and two, especially, are very related).
Everyone should watch it because Alec Hardy is the guy of all time, the most pathetic dude who has ever lived. Very grumpy and sad. Ideal man tbh.
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He’s like if a wet cat were a guy. With lots and lots of secrets. And a Scottish accent.
Anything else is spoiler-y but it’s very emotional and good and I am obsessed with Alec and Ellie. I know it’s gonna sound like I’m overemphasizing how much Alec is a pathetic little weirdo (affectionate), but if anything I’m downplaying it. I would die for him.
Oh also there’s an American remake called Gracepoint that is not very good imo, and the whole entire cast is different except David Tennant is still there.
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(This is Emmett Carver. He’s like if Alec Hardy had a Tethered)
Also Skyler White Anna Gunn is on Gracepoint
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(Pictured above: Emmett and Ellie. Pictured below: Alec and Ellie. Olivia Colman my beloved.)
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(RIP to Anna Gunn but Broadchurch Ellie is superior in literally every way.)
Oh also Arthur Darvill is there as this little hipster-ass priest who I long to place in a terrarium and study like an insect.
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Anyways that’s basically all I’ve got, but it’s crucial that you know that Alec has these lil glasses that he wears sometimes and not a day passes that I don’t think about them.
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Anyways he’s my wife thanks for coming to my TedTalk
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