#david nagle
welcometomymaddness · 2 years
YouTubers’ Hero Academia — The Irish Lads #5
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<]The final Lad. I don’t know why I made Nogla have the most links to his channel but here we are. It might be to do with how similar a bunch of the images would look to my brain. Guess what? Made using naepyonnn’s bnha student maker!}>
His quirk is Glutton.
A specific version gigantification quirks. The more he eats, the more he grows. A side effect of the quirk is that he constantly has an appetite since a lot of energy is used in making him grow. People aren’t sure if Daithi is naturally over 6’ or if his height is due to his quirk.
Wants to be a hero for the fame and recognition from others.
Friends with Brian from before hero school.
Brian and Daithi have each others’ backs to the end, despite ragging on one another a lot; they’re arguably closer than Daniel & Kevin. Their little squad were the ones who gave him his nickname, Nogla, which he now uses more often than his real name. Their group all wanted to be heroes for fame, money, shits & giggles, etc.
Doesn’t think before he speaks, often leading to confrontations and unfavourable situations — in other words, he’s been diagnosed with foot-in-mouth disease and it’s terminal.
His mouth says things before his brain can process his thoughts. His slurred speech isn’t a great help. It makes him hard to decipher and makes it seem as though he says things he really didn’t.
Kind but still prone to bursts of rage.
He gets frustrated when people don’t understand what he’s saying, whether he’s saying it or not. He is also easy to wind up, a fact duly noted by his friends.
Power: 4/5
Speed: 2/5
Technique: 1/5
Intelligence: 3/5
Cooperativeness: 3/5
Nogla, as he asks to be called, is a wonder to behold. How he isn’t dead yet — either from his pure lack of technique or from his constant fights with peers — is one of the things keeping me up at night. The best theory I have is that his friends in the third year are protecting him without his knowledge.
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nofatclips · 1 year
Baby Proof, a short film by David Blood and David Maddox
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garadinervi · 2 years
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Grapevine. Magdalena Suarez Frimkess, Michael Frimkess, John Mason, Ron Nagle, Peter Shire, Curated by Ricky Swallow, Photography by Fredrik Nilsen, Design by Sinisa Mackovic & Robert Milne, Rainoff, Amsterdam / David Kordansky Gallery, New York, NY, 2014 [Exhibition: David Kordansky Gallery, New York, NY, July 13 – August 17, 2013] [BOOKS@RET]
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mozart2006 · 8 months
Staatsoper Stuttgart - Die Frau ohne Schatten
Foto ©Matthias Baus Die Neuproduktion von Die Frau ohne Schatten, mit der die Staatsoper Stuttgart die Spielzeit 2023/24 eröffnete, war ursprünglich vor drei Jahren geplant Continue reading Untitled
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apas-95 · 10 months
“American officials are worried that Ukraine’s adjustments will race through precious ammunition supplies, which could benefit President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and disadvantage Ukraine in a war of attrition. But Ukrainian commanders decided the pivot reduced casualties and preserved their frontline fighting force.
“American officials say they fear that Ukraine has become casualty averse, one reason it has been cautious about pressing ahead with the counteroffensive. Almost any big push against dug-in Russian defenders protected by minefields would result in huge numbers of losses.” …
In an article published Thursday titled “U.S. intelligence says Ukraine will fail to meet offensive’s key goal,” The Washington Post cited anonymous “U.S. and Western officials” to report that the massive losses Ukraine has been suffering in this counteroffensive had been “anticipated” in war games ahead of time, but that they had “envisioned Kyiv accepting the casualties as the cost of piercing through Russia’s main defensive line.” …
In an article published last month titled “U.S. Cluster Munitions Arrive in Ukraine, but Impact on Battlefield Remains Unclear,” The New York Times reported unnamed senior US officials had “privately expressed frustration” that Ukrainian commanders “fearing increased casualties among their ranks” were switching to artillery barrages, “rather than sticking with the Western tactics and pressing harder to breach the Russian defenses.”
“Why don’t they come and do it themselves?” a former Ukrainian defense minister told The New York Times in response to the American criticism.
The Wall Street Journal reported that unnamed western military officials “knew Kyiv didn’t have all the training or weapons” needed to dislodge Russia, but that they had “hoped Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness would carry the day” anyway. …
In the same article, The Wall Street Journal cited a US Army War College professor named John Nagle admitting that the US itself would never attempt the kind of counteroffensive it’s been pushing Ukrainians into attempting.
“America would never attempt to defeat a prepared defense without air superiority, but they [Ukrainians] don’t have air superiority,” Nagl said, adding, “It’s impossible to overstate how important air superiority is for fighting a ground fight at a reasonable cost in casualties.” …
Last month The Washington Post’s David Ignatius wrote an article explaining why westerners shouldn’t “feel gloomy” about how things are going in Ukraine, writing the following about how much this war is doing to benefit US interests overseas:
“Meanwhile, for the United States and its NATO allies, these 18 months of war have been a strategic windfall, at relatively low cost (other than for the Ukrainians). The West’s most reckless antagonist has been rocked. NATO has grown much stronger with the additions of Sweden and Finland. Germany has weaned itself from dependence on Russian energy and, in many ways, rediscovered its sense of values. NATO squabbles make headlines, but overall, this has been a triumphal summer for the alliance.”
“Other than for the Ukrainians” he says, as a parenthetical aside.
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theculturedmarxist · 11 months
In a new article titled “Ukraine’s Lack of Weaponry and Training Risks Stalemate in Fight With Russia,” The Wall Street Journal’s Daniel Michaels reports that western officials knew Ukrainian forces didn’t have the weapons and training necessary to succeed in their highly touted counteroffensive which was launched last month.
Michaels writes:
“When Ukraine launched its big counteroffensive this spring, Western military officials knew Kyiv didn’t have all the training or weapons — from shells to warplanes — that it needed to dislodge Russian forces. But they hoped Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness would carry the day. “They haven’t. Deep and deadly minefields, extensive fortifications and Russian air power have combined to largely block significant advances by Ukrainian troops. Instead, the campaign risks descending into a stalemate with the potential to burn through lives and equipment without a major shift in momentum.”
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The claim that western officials had sincerely believed Ukrainian forces might be able to overcome their glaring deficits through sheer pluck and ticker is undermined later in the same article by a war pundit who says the US would never attempt such a counteroffensive without first controlling the skies, which Ukraine doesn’t have the ability to do:
“America would never attempt to defeat a prepared defense without air superiority, but they [Ukrainians] don’t have air superiority,” the U.S. Army War College’s John Nagl told WSJ. “It’s impossible to overstate how important air superiority is for fighting a ground fight at a reasonable cost in casualties.”
Antiwar’s Dave DeCamp writes the following on the latest WSJ revelation:
“Leading up to the Ukrainian counteroffensive, which was launched in June, the Discord leaks and media reports revealed that the US did not believe Ukraine could regain much territory from Russia. But the Biden administration pushed for the assault anyway, as it rejected the idea of a pause in fighting.”
So the empire is still knowingly throwing Ukrainian lives into the meat grinder of an unwinnable proxy war, even as western officials tell the public that this war is about saving Ukrainian lives and handing Putin a crushing defeat whenever they’re on camera.
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This attitude from the empire is not a new development. Last October The Washington Post reported that “Privately, U.S. officials say neither Russia nor Ukraine is capable of winning the war outright, but they have ruled out the idea of pushing or even nudging Ukraine to the negotiating table.”
Now why might that be? Why would the western empire be so comfortable encouraging Ukrainians to keep fighting when it knows they can’t win?
We find our answer in another Washington Post article titled “The West feels gloomy about Ukraine. Here’s why it shouldn’t.”, authored last week by virulent empire propagandist David Ignatius. In his eagerness to frame the floundering counteroffensive in a positive light for his American audience, Ignatius let slip an inconvenient truth:
“Meanwhile, for the United States and its NATO allies, these 18 months of war have been a strategic windfall, at relatively low cost (other than for the Ukrainians). The West’s most reckless antagonist has been rocked. NATO has grown much stronger with the additions of Sweden and Finland. Germany has weaned itself from dependence on Russian energy and, in many ways, rediscovered its sense of values. NATO squabbles make headlines, but overall, this has been a triumphal summer for the alliance.”
Anyone who believes this proxy war is about helping Ukrainians should be made to read that paragraph over and over again until it sinks in. The admission that the US-centralized power structure benefits immensely from this proxy conflict is revealing enough, but that parenthetical “other than for the Ukrainians” aside really drives it home. It reads as though it was added as an afterthought, like “Oh yeah it’s actually kind of rough on the Ukrainians though — if you consider them to be people.”
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The claim that this war is about helping Ukrainians has been further undermined by another new Washington Post report that Ukraine is now more riddled with land mines than any other nation on earth, and that US-supplied cluster munitions are only making the land more deadly.
That’s right kids! We’re turning Ukraine into an uninhabitable wasteland of death and dismemberment to save the Ukrainians.
We should probably talk more about the fact that the US empire is loudly promoting the goal of achieving peace in Ukraine by defeating Russia while quietly acknowledging that this goal is impossible. This is like accelerating toward a brick wall and pretending it’s an open road.
The narrative that Russia can be beaten by ramping up proxy warfare against it makes sense if you believe Russia can be militarily defeated in Ukraine, but the US empire does not believe that Russia can be militarily defeated in Ukraine. It knows that continuing this war is only going to perpetuate the death and devastation.
“Beat Putin’s ass and make him withdraw” sounds cool and is egoically gratifying, and it’s become the mainstream answer to the problem of the war in Ukraine, but nobody promoting that answer can address the fact that the ones driving this proxy war believe it’s impossible. In fact, all evidence we’re seeing suggests that the US is not trying to deliver Putin a crushing defeat in Ukraine and force him to withdraw, but is rather trying to create another long and costly military quagmire for Moscow, as western cold warriors have done repeatedly in instances like Afghanistan and Syria.
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Wanting to weaken Russia and wanting to save lives and establish peace in Ukraine are two completely different goals, so different that in practice they wind up being largely contradictory. Drawing Moscow into a bloody quagmire means many more people dying in a war that drags on for years, with all the immense human suffering that that entails.
The US does not want peace in Ukraine, it wants to overextend Russia, shore up military and energy dominance over Europe, expand its war machine and enrich the military-industrial complex. That’s why it knowingly provoked this war. It’s posing as Ukraine’s savior while being clearly invested in Ukraine’s destruction.
It is not legitimate to support this proxy war without squarely addressing this massive contradiction using hard facts and robust argumentation. Nobody ever has.
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myslodsiewniav · 8 months
Było - i jest nadal - ze mną wczoraj źle. Wydaje mi się, że dopiero dzisiejsza perspektywa pozwala mi na to spojrzeć bardziej realnie. Bardzo mną ten opóźniony o miesiąc okres wstrząsnął.
Poprzedniej nocy nie mogłam spać, a dziś spałam tak słaba i tak spowolniona jakbym w letarg zapadła. Dopiero po śniadaniu, w pracy, zaczęły do mnie wracać fragmenty snów i fakt, że od 5:30 do 7:40 próbowałam się obudzić przesuwanym o 10 min alarmem i chociaż byłam przebudzona, to w jakimś takim stanie nieprzytomności nie miałam siły wstać. Wszystko docierało do mnie jak spod wody. Byłam nieprzytomna i czułam się winna, że to "tylko okres", a ja przeżywam go jak chorobę.
Tym czasem chyba miałam serio-serio poważny krwotok i sprawiłam masę krwi.
Dopiero około 10 rano, sklejając kolejne fragmenty snów i rozumiejąc co moja świadomość prawdopodobnie analizowała załapałam, że takie szalone, intensywne, barwne, bogate w wydarzenia powodujące strach, skoki emocji, przebudzenia z zaskoczenia, ale też męczące, bolesne i połączone z dreszczami, z zimnymi potami sny są bardziej charakterystyczne dla objawów wysokiej gorączki - przynajmniej u mnie tak to się objawia: organizm jednocześnie potrzebuje snu tak rozpaczliwie, że nie pozwala w pełni na wybudzenie, a zarazem produkuje we śnie obrazy tak niepokojące, że trudno pozostać w śnie i wypocząć.
Śniło mi się, że okradziono mnie. Dwa razy. Podczas jednej nocy. Raz na 1000zł, a potem na 780zł. I Bałam się jak ja teraz mam żyć?! Za co!?
Śniło mi się, że jestem z moim chłopakiem na jakiejś wycieczce, w pałacach o architekturze typowej dla klasycyzmu, romantyzującej styl Imperium Rzymskiego, a jednocześnie już ufikuśnionym gzymsami, arrasami i absurdalną ilością upiększeń (noszącą po prostu znamiona poprzedniej epoki baroku). Całowaliśmy pod pergolą z białymi różami. Rozmawiałam z nim o tym, że ma fryzurę jak David Beckham (wczoraj oglądałam w chorobie z pieskiem ten dokument o Beckhamach na Netflix).
Potem coś było, coś z szyciem, albo z uczestniczeniem w jakimś głośnym wydarzeniu i mam wrażenie, że to jakoś było związane z wycinaniem wykrojów garsonek. W grupie kobiet, przy wielkich stołach. Śledziłam kontury wykrojów tak, jak w dzieciństwie widywałam, że robiła to moja babcia: wąską, woskową kostką wiodłam po materiale, a potem cięłam grubą wełnę wzdłuż jasnej, woskowej (a może mydlanej?) linii. Obok mnie to samo robiła bardzo szczupła kobieta, z brązowymi włosami ułożonymi w fale typowymi dla lat 30, ubrana w gustowną garsonkę, z papierosem w ustach - to była moja babcia, Gertruda, ale młodsza niż mogłabym ją pamiętać. Taką ją znam tylko ze zdjęć. Młodszą. Ale ruchy, ich pewność i delikatność, milczenie i elegancja wpisaną w jej sylwetkę poznaję wszędzie. Tak różna od mojej mamy, a tak podobna. Zastygłam: w skupieniu obserwowałam ją. Nie rozmawiała z nikim, nie uczestniczyła w gwarnej rozmowie. W milczeniu i skupieniu pochylała się nad stołem, łączyła wycięte materiały, oceniała czy których element nie wymaga docięcia. Była fascynująca w pracy. Specjalistka skupiona na robocie... Miałam dreszcze i czułam się onieśmielona jej pewnością siebie, jej autorytetem. Wracały do mnie słowa kuzyna "babcię zawsze rozpoznałem z daleka - NIKT nie wyglądał jak ona, zawsze najlepiej ubrana i zawsze wyprostowana". Czułam się onieśmielona respektem jaki czułam wobec tej młodej kobiety, której życie się potoczyło tak bardzo inaczej niż by na to wskazywało jej urodzenie...
A potem okazało się, że ktoś ukradł moją torebkę. I szukałam tej torebki po ogrodach pałacowych, między tłumami ludzi i budkami z jedzeniem, pośród wrzawy i hałasu, w końcu ktoś mi ją zwrócił, jakiś ochroniarz eventu, prosił, abym zajrzała do środka i sprawdziła czy wszystko jest: nagle moja torebka była moim plecaczkiem (!), a w środku był kalendarz (który dopiero zamierzam kupić) oraz moja lustrzanka (która fizycznie nie mogłaby się zmieścić w środku, ale to był sen, więc się zmieściła, ach well, pieprzyć logikę), ale brakowało portfela - co jest o tyle dziwne, że TEGO portfela, który byłam przekonana, że brakuje nie używam od jakiś 25 lat i nie mam pojęcia czy on nadal w ogóle istnieje! Dostałam go na gwiazdkę jako dziecko, w podstawówce od cioci. Malutki, aksamitny, zielony portfel z haftowanym smokiem. Ale śnie WIEDZIAŁAM, że miałam w nim 1000zł. I że zaginął!
I wpadłam w panikę. Serce biło mi jak głupie. Bałam się jak ja mam wrócić do domu!? Za co!? Ten event mnie przytłaczał, zapomiałam o babci, o moim chłopaku, czułam się taka zagubiona i bezbronna.
Potem jeszcze robiłam coś ceramicznego. Nie pamiętam. Tylko urywki wracają: jak wkładam ceramikę do pieca i jestem dzięki temu spokojna i szczęśliwa. Od pieca bije ciepło. Ja oglądam pod światło gotowe odlewy z porcelany - są tak piękne i delikatne, napawają mnie dumą i spokojem...
Potem chyba był fragment w którym było mi bardzo mrocznie, bezradnie, bardzo beznadziejnie i czułam olbrzymie poczucie winy, bezsilność, ból, samotność i przygniecenie: siostra mi wyrzucała przez telefon, że miałam robić grafiki na tablecie, a zamiast uczyć się tabletu choruję i martwię się brakiem pracy, stabilnością finansową i jeszcze do cholery chorym psem! Że ona przecież ma synka małego i zasiłek śmiesznej wysokości (wciąż to więcej niż ja dostaję), a znajduje czas na naukę! A ja zamiast tego wpadam w doła, wymyślam sobie ADHD i do tego depresję. Że muszę się wziąć w garść! A ja nie mam siły i czuję się jak najgorszy, nieporadny i nic nie warty człowiek na świecie...
Potem śniła mi się karta "Głupiec" z Wielkich Arkanów- tylko, że karta przedstawiała mnie. Myślałam o tym przed snem, by to narysować. A w nocy mi się to śniło - że ten rysunek, który wieczorem miałam przed oczami ożywa i że spadam w przepaść. Kilka razy pod rząd. I się oczywiście w tych momentach budziłam z tego snu. I zaczynałam w połowie kolejnego snu. I wracał ten "Głupiec" i wracał. A ja raz za razem spadałam... Budziłam się w swoim łóżku i nie miałam sił na wstanie, na strach, bo tak mnie bolało, bo docierało do mnie, że jest ciemna noc i że potrzebuję się wyspać.
Potem śniło mi się, że mam na sobie renesansową suknię. Tę, którą kiedyś nosiłam w ramach przedstawień szkolnych. Zrobiła ją ciocia dla swoich starszych córek - kiedyś one je nosiły, a ja je podziwiałam. To była piękna, bufiasta, pełna szczegółów, łososiowo-różowa suknia z aksamitu lub atłasu. Z wełnianą suknią pod spodem, którą ciocia przecudownie przetkała złotą (imitującą złoto) nicią w piękny wzór. Piękna rzecz. Czułam się w niej tak w tym śnie, jak się czułam mając 9 lat i pierwszy raz tę suknię na sobie: piękna i pewna siebie.
A potem tańczyłam w tej sukni... I to było przyjemne... a potem usiadłam we wnęce przy zamku, w moim rodzinnym mieście, odpaliłam na komórce kamerkę i rozmawiałam z moją młodszą siostrą: pokazywała mi do telefonu (tj. rozmawiałyśmy z wizją) swojego synka, mojego pieknęgo siostrzeńca. A ja się głaskałam po brzuchu wyznając jej, że ja też jestem w ciąży, tyle, że spożywczej i własnie rodzę - że wypływa ze mnie teraz potok krwi i nie mogę się doczekać kiedy to się skończy... I czułam jak w tym śnie nazwanie tego przynosi mnie spokój, ale jednocześnie nie mam siły dalej na rozmowę i zasypiam. Tak: śniło mi się, że jestem tak zmęczona i wykończona utratą krwi, że zasypiam we śnie. Śniło mi się, że jest mi przyjemnie zasypiać w środku dnia, czując na twarzy promienie gorącego słońca w ogrodach zamku w rodzinnym mieście. W tym śnie, jak zasnęłam, śniła mi się karta "Głupiec", jak dotychczas: spadałam i obudziłam się. Odkryłam, że mój chłopak w tym ogrodzie siedzi za mną, też w przebraniu, ale rycerza. Że mówi, żebym spała, że przecież tak źle się czuję i źle wyglądam, że muszę spać, że nie muszę się o nic martwić, że on bedzie czuwał jak śpię...
Nie wiem co było dalej.
Śniło mi się coś z yuoutuberami... że uczesnicze w ich publicznym linczu i szuję się zniesmaczona tym wszystkim.
Śniło mi się, że czuję się chujowo z wiedzą, że nie mam swojego mieszkania...
Śniło mi się, że ktoś próbuje otruć mojego pieska i pędzę z nią na pogotowie (nie pisałam o tym tutaj, ale w weekend dostaliśmy anonimowe pogróżki w stronę pieska i naszą. Jesteśmy tym bardzo przejęci).
Śniło mi się, że wymiotuje - jakbym odtwarzała w pamięci wydarzenia poprzedniej nocy.
Śniło mi się, że obozuję w górach, na innym kontynencie i jestem tym podekscytowana.
Śniło mi się, że wykłócam się z komisją wyborczą, że nie odnotowali, że nie chcę brać udziału w referendum.
Śniło mi się, że mój chłopak miał wypadek samochodowy i serce mi pękło... Płakałam... ale całe szczęście obudziłam się, bo akurat mnie przytulał przez sen. Sam - bezwiednie - mnie obudził i byłam taka za to wdzięczna.
Śniło mi się, że sprzedaję wszystkie rzeczy na Vinted - tj. że to co wystawiłam sprzedało się. Zupełnie wszystko! I dzięki temu nie muszę się martwić już kradzieżą tych 1000 i 780 zł.
Śniło mi się, że jestem eksmitowana na ulicę, bo nie stać mnie na kret na kupno mieszkania...
Śniło mi się, że mama mówi, że mnie nie kocha i to BOLI.
Śniło mi się, że uprawiam namiętny seks i czuję się tak, jakby dzięki temu moje poczucie winy (bo ostatnio w ogóle nie mam ochoty na seks) zelżało, jakbym tym jakoś "zadośćuczyniła" za wszystko co mam sobie do zarzucenia...
Śniło mi się, że urządzam mieszkanie na wynajem i czuję się tym zainspirowana tak zawodowo - czuję to jako wyzwanie, jako kreatywną, pochłaniającą mnie pracę, a zarazem czuję lęk: czy to mieszkanie na wynajem w ogóle przyniesie mi jakiś zysk? Czy nie powinnam uciekać stąd?
Śniło mi się, że jestem na jakichś warsztatach jogi w ciepłych krajach, że z grupą ćwiczę na macie nad morzem, w zieleni. I jestem taka... pełna ulgi...
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nodynasty4us · 1 year
If President Biden has his way, future memories of Iowa and New Hampshire are gone. Gone because a sitting president with a remarkably good record to run for re-election upon does not have the confidence to believe that, in a fair fight, he would be nominated again. This, even though right now he does not have a credible opponent. Instead of preserving an open process to obtain his party's endorsement, he wants to stack the deck, cut the cards, then deal them and declare a great victory.
Former Congressman and state party chair David Nagle (D - Iowa)
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ytacademy · 2 years
End of Year Exam Report
Name: Seán McLoughlin
Class: C-1
Alias: Spedicey
Written Exams - Pass, Distinction
Partnered Exam - Distinction
Crisis - Merit
Seán’s question exam was slightly disappointing as he had been doing well in mocks, though he by no means failed. His essay contained immaculate analysis and evaluation. This did raise concerns among staff, especially given his chosen subject. I will talk with Seán about this privately, any guardians present at his request.
Seán was partnered with Mark Fischbach (C-1) for a variety of reasons, the key one being testing their seriousness. They both completed the exam with an appropriate approach. They were dedicated to apprehending the villain yet kept a jovial attitude — this did cause Seán’s temporary capture but ultimately enabled them to succeed with the help of Hype and its hefty stores.
The crisis exam was a stressful event for all the students participating (understandably given it is a surprise exam that we try our best to make seem authentic). This severely limited Seán’s quirk initially; he worked alongside Daniel Condren of A-1 to boost morale before engaging in combat. There was an incident on his journey to the battle as he attempted to travel over rooftops. Hype seemingly didn’t activate for a jump and Seán fell 4 storeys. Thankfully he was assisted by David Nagle of B-1 and sustained no injuries.
Seán performed extremely well in his practical assessments. It is possible nerves got to him before the first written exam or some other factor played a part that wasn’t usually present. I am interested in the nature of the roof incident. He used reserves of Hype later when in battle, so why it didn’t activate is curious. Regardless, Seán will continue to achieve great things in his second year at Y.T.
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typingtess · 2 years
Tiptoeing through “The Body Stitchers” guest cast
Alicia Coppola as FBI Senior Special Agent Lisa Rand Rob Nagle as Albert “Al” Barrington/Plague Doctor Tobias Jelinek as Bobby Griffin/Wolf Matt Kelly as Justin Tucker/Clown All are back from “Monster”, that delightful Easter Sunday season nine episode.   Richard Gant as Raymond Hanna Back from “Game of Drones” two weeks ago.
Teya Patt as Cindy Ferguson/Faceless Mask Kerrie Blaisdell played this role in “Monster” so this is a change.
Patt is currently part of For All Mankind as Emma Jorgens.  She appeared in episodes of Weeds, Review, Fresh Off the Boat, Lost ‘n’ Found, Girlboss, Casual, Fear the Walking Dead, The Rookie and How to Get Away with Murder.
JD Cullum as FBI Forensic Psychologist Mark Collins Cullum was AAG/ASA John Redfield in Judging Amy and Lloyd in Grey’s Anatomy.
Appeared in episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Married with Children, Lois & Clark, Bodies of Evidence, Can’t Hurry Love, Campus Cops, Smart Guy, Sliders, Chicago Hope, NYPD Blue, LA Doctors, Sliders, Ladies Man, Dead Last, Frasier, 24, Charmed, ER, Medium, Weeds, Law & Order, Lie to Me, The Wizards of Waverly Place, Mad Men, The Event, The Newsroom, The Mentalist, Bones, Code Black, Aquarius and The Orville.  
Cullum is the son of actor John Cullum, who was Sen. Beau Carpenter in Madam Secretary, Big Mike in The Middle, Holling Vincoeur in Northern Exposure, one of the rotating defense attorneys turn judges in Law & Order SVU and David Greene in ER.
Derrick A. King as Michael Jeffries Was Luke Will in The Pre-Quarter Life Crisis and Rev. Isiah Johnston in The 4400.  King appeared in episodes of Betrayed, Solve, Call Your Mother and The Game.
Adrian Elizondo as Philip Guerrero Appeared in episodes of Shake It Up, Austin & Ally, Talents, Astrid Clover, Only Children and The Pet Psychic.
Antony Del Rio as Alexander Hughes Del Rio provides voices for many animated projects, including He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Rugrats, Star Wars Resistance, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power and many others.  He was Jeff Tobey in Bunheads and appeared in episodes of Rosewood, Major Crimes and Hannah Montana.
Written by:  Adam G. Key & Frank Military Adam George Key co-wrote "Monster" with Frank Military, "Searching" with Kyle Harimoto and “Land of Wolves” with Justin Kohlas..  Key also played LAPD Officer Harrison in four episodes in seasons 11 and 12.
Military wrote or co-wrote "Little Angels", "Deliverance", "Lockup", "The Job", "Greed", "Betrayal", "Crimeleon", "Vengeance", "Out of the Past" Part One, "Rude Awakenings" Part Two, season four’s finale "Descent", season five’s premiere "Ascension", "Allegiance", "Spoils of War", "Black Budget", "SEAL Hunter", "Rage", "Unspoken", "Unlocked Mind", "Revenge Deferred", "The Seventh Child", "Crazy Train", "Uncaged", "The Silo", "Monster", "Line in the Sand", season ten opener "To Live and Die in Mexico", "The Patton Project", "Better Angels", "False Flag", "A Bloody Brilliant Plan", "Code of Conduct" "Raising the Dead", "Through the Looking Glass", "Indentured" and “Down the Rabbit Hole”.  
Military also appeared as Donald Kessler in "Raising the Dead" and several other episodes in photos.
Directed by: Suzanne Saltz directed "Outside the Lines", "Murder of Crows", "Sundown" and “MWD”.
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sulliedsorrow · 2 months
what draws me to chuuya's work is this permeating sense of longing for what once was, and the underlying grief and fatigue accompanied with the realisation that it is forever lost. he didn't live very long, was only thirty when he died, but the trauma he experienced throughout his life aged him a lot, whether it was losing his brother at a young age, having his lover leave him for his best friend, the death of his father and then the death of his first son. and not to mention living through the first world war.
he is awake yet asleep, vital yet weary, but even in the depths of his despair there is an urge to carry on. consider the lines from these three poems
O expectation of mine, you old, dark air, Be gone from me, be gone! I entertain myself with nothing but my meager dreams
Poems of the Sheep
This earnest hope as well within that idleness Was maybe all that ever awed me
O but even then, but even then, I never thought I'd become that man who only dreams!
Exhaustion (III)
In other words, it's a problem of passion. You - if from the depths of your heart are furious, Then rage away!
The Call of Fate (III)[1]
they speak of vitality, of a bridling energy and desire to act, to be, to “suck the marrow out of life”[2]. he has dreams and ambitions and wants and believes that everything should be experienced and felt deeply. but it was always something out of reach, something that he could never touch. instead his lofty expectations became heavy, they became a burden, they became something that weighed him down. it’s hopelessly tragic and unbearably relatable.
some notes under the cut
[1] translation credits: Ry Beville, "Chūya Nakahara, Poems of the Goat, Bilingual Edition", (First Edition, Bright Wave Media, 2022). another translation of poems of the sheep (or sheep song) is by christian nagle and can be found here. it’s my favourite translation of the poem tbh.
[2] i’m borrowing this line from dead poet’s society, but it was originally said by philosopher henry david thoreau. the full quote goes
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life…
i think the message behind the quote, and of the movie in general, echoes the sentiment that chuuya often shares. it’s nothing short of a tragedy to live a life unfulfilled
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noloveforned · 3 months
back in town and ready for my usual friday night on wlur, from 8pm until midnight. tune in live or catch up with last week's show on mixcloud at your convenience!
no love for ned on wlur – march 1st, 2024 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label tori amos // in the springtime of his voodoo // boys for pele // atlantic nicholas krgovich // return // ducks // orindal ozean // scenic // ozean ep // numero group mary timony // untame the tiger // untame the tiger // merge sachet // the lodger // the seeing machine cassette // tenth court cheekface // plastic // it's sorted // (self-released) rip van winkle // prose kaiser // the grand rapids ep // splendid research david nance // mock the hours // david nance and mowed sound // third man the follies // bad habits // permanent present tense // feel it the reverend terry rice // pictures of you // the same cured hair as you- a tribute to the cure cassette // almost halloween time jordan martins // just a closer walk with thee // fogery nagles // astral spirits maxine funke // clear // clear 10" // disciples setting // zoetropics // shone a rainbow light on // paradise of bachelors fred anderson and hamid drake // for brother thompson // from the river to the ocean // thrill jockey ethnic heritage ensemble // impressions, part five // impressions // red kofi flexxx featuring anthony joseph // by now (accused of magic) // flowers in the dark // native rebel carlos niño, nate mercereau and idris ackamoor // lightning progression // free, dancing... // new dawn armand hammer featuring benjamin booker // doves // we buy diabetic test strips (expanded) // fat possum jid featuring ravyn lenae and eryn allen kane // lauder too // the forever story // dreamville x-cetra // idiotic // stardust // numero group pickle darling // the milkman of human kindness // the milkman of human kindness digital single // father/daughter puzzles y dragones // fantasía // recuerdos de puzzles y dragones // el genio equivocado yo la tengo // stockholm syndrome // i can hear the heart beating as one // matador david westlake // faithful to three lovers (bbc session) // d87 // optic nerve tsunami // bossa nova // matchbook 7" ep // simple machines
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ulkaralakbarova · 4 months
A thief makes a disturbing discovery in the house where he breaks in. Later, when he returns to the same house with his partner in crime, things are no longer how he expected. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Cale Erendreich: David Tennant Sean Falco: Robert Sheehan Katie: Kerry Condon Derek Sandoval: Carlito Olivero Riley Seabrook: Jacqueline Byers FBI Agent Olivia Fuller: Tracey Heggins Don Falco: Rob Nagle Patti Falco: Lorraine Bahr Rowan Falco: Jacob Resnikoff Nino: David Meyers Detective Wayne Banyon: Tony Doupe Helen Leyton: Lisa Brenner Jocelyn: Sofia Hasmik Officer Aguilar: Delpaneaux Wills Sabine: Hannah Barefoot Mitchell: Danny Bruno Young Cale: Austin Leo FBI Agent: Jared Q. Miller FBI Agent Driver: Lydia Reim FBI Supervisor: Brandon Boyce Female Cop: Dana Millican Girlfriend #1: Emily Kimball Horse Trainer: Sam Bangs Newscaster: Brenda Braxton Uniform Cop: David S. Hogan Valet: Alex Donnolo FBI Agent: Tim Bennett Umbrella Ped: Chris Ihlenfeldt Film Crew: Producer: Dean Devlin Original Music Composer: Joseph LoDuca Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Greg P. Russell Second Unit Director: Carsten H.W. Lorenz Property Master: John Pearson-Denning Makeup Artist: Eva Lohse Director of Photography: David Connell Art Direction: Michelle Jones Screenplay: Brandon Boyce Editor: Brian Gonosey Production Design: Nate Jones Extras Casting: Susan Funk Producer: Marc Roskin Costume Design: Critter Pierce Gaffer: Neil Holcomb Steadicam Operator: Gary L. Camp Extras Casting: Bill Marinella Second Unit Director of Photography: Matthew Moriarty Foley Artist: Jörg Klinkenberg Makeup Department Head: Christina Kortum Stunt Double: Tim Bennett Construction Coordinator: Dean G. Roberts Scenic Artist: Ellen Lepinski First Assistant Director: Gregory J. Pawlik Jr. Sound Editor: James Gallivan Dialect Coach: Mary McDonald-Lewis Script Supervisor: Andy Spletzer Co-Producer: Mark Franco Special Effects Coordinator: William Boggs Assistant Editor: Lana Wolverton Focus Puller: Bob Webeck Stunt Double: Daniel Locicero Stunt Double: Kym Stys Still Photographer: James N. Clark Key Grip: Art Bartels Assistant Production Coordinator: Naomi Yospe Casting Associate: Marin Hope Makeup Artist: Stephanie June Johnson Unit Production Manager: Brandon Lambdin First Assistant “C” Camera: Ronnie Dennis Assistant Property Master: Sean Fong Producer: Rachel Olschan Set Decoration: Benjamin Hayden Stunt Coordinator: Kent W. Luttrell Assistant Editor: Rick Chapman Sound Designer: Mark Hailstone Dolly Grip: Todd England Nicodemus Location Manager: Robert Warberg Boom Operator: Heidi DuBose Stunt Driver: Michelle Damis Utility Stunts: Lex Damis First Assistant “A” Camera: Kyril Cvetkov Hair Department Head: Autumn Sanders Production Accountant: Colleen Emry Hairstylist: Dusti Leon Stunt Driver: Ken Clark Second Assistant Director: Devan Linforth Script Coordinator: Kerry Glover Stunt Double: Anthony Oh Makeup Artist: Tammy Brant Second Second Assistant Director: Jesse Bellis Second Second Assistant Director: James McCoy Leadman: Jason Beveridge Construction Foreman: Jarred Decker Greensman: Rick Lepinski Set Designer: Jason Raines Foley Mixer: Jean-Marie Gilles Stunt Driver: Tommy Goodwin Stunt Double: James A. Smith Second Assistant Camera: Michael Crockett Second Assistant Camera: Madison Rowley Best Boy Grip: Brian Shotzbarger Best Boy Electrician: Jeremiah Skender Costume Supervisor: Alison Carlos Set Medic: Michael Fine Set Medic: Taylor Saxon Producer: Tony Malzone Movie Reviews: offscreenbabble: I did not enjoy the movie. The trailer looked really interesting and I really like David Tennant.The movie had some strange editing choices. It’s unintentionally funny but not a movie thats so bad its fun. To give you a quick spoiler free review it’s about a valet who tries to rob David Tennant’s place. When he is about to leave he sees a woman tied up. The rest of the movie is him trying to notify the police but it becomes a “Cat and Mouse” game between the valet and David Tennant. But increasingly gets silly and overall the stuff that is s...
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cyclone-rachel · 4 months
books read in December 2023 and January 2024:
Wayne Family Adventures vol. 1 by CRC Payne
Wild Spaces by S.L. Coney
Superman Smashes the Klan by Gene Luen Yang
Belichick and Brady by Michael Holley
Department of Mind-Blowing Theories by Tom Gauld
Woman World by Aminder Dhaliwal
Vern, Custodian of the Universe by Tyrell Waiters
Camp Zero by Michelle Min Sterling
Lone Women by Victor LaValle
Faux Paw by Jessica Kara
Joy Operations by Brian Michael Bendis
Junkwraith by Ellinor Richey
Kill All Normies by Angela Nagle
Pantheon by Hamish Steele
NFL Confidential by David Molk
Pod by Laline Paull
The Long Con vol. 1 by Dylan Meconis
Night Bus by Zuo Ma
Big Game by Mark Leibovich
Seven Kinds of People You Find in Bookshops by Shaun Bythell
Break Out by Joy Becker
Banned Book Club by Kim Hyun Sook
Layoverland by Gabby Noone
Rise of the Black Quarterback by Jason Reid
Of Thunder and Lightning by Kimberly Wang
Wayne Family Adventures vol. 2 by CRC Payne
Broken Faith by Mitch Weiss
Against Football by Steve Almond
Cosplayers by Dash Shaw
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theultimatefan · 5 months
Pabst Blue Ribbon Named ‘The Official Exclusive Beer Partner’ For SlamBall’s 2024 and 2025 Seasons
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SlamBall, the fast-paced, gravity-defying sport that combines elements of basketball, football, hockey and acrobatics co-founded by Mike Tollin and Mason Gordon, announced today that Pabst Blue Ribbon has been named “The Official Exclusive Beer Partner” for the worldwide 2024 and 2025 seasons. Pabst Blue Ribbon will become the title sponsor of the SlamBall Summer Series Dunk Contest and will work with SlamBall to build out special year-round consumer activations, with more details to be unveiled in the coming weeks.
“We are thrilled to expand our relationship with Pabst Blue Ribbon as our Official and Exclusive Beer Partner,” said Mason Gordon, SlamBall Co-founder. “SlamBall fans will see Pabst Blue Ribbon be featured in SlamBall programming across the ESPN platform, in exciting new social media initiatives and as the title sponsor of the Pabst Blue Ribbon Dunk Contest. As a young, emerging sport we couldn’t be more proud to have a comprehensive multi-year partnership with a brand that will be celebrating its 180th year.”
“SlamBall brings the energy, excitement, and disruption to sports with an attitude and independent spirit that parallels the Pabst Blue Ribbon brand through its 180 years,” said Josh Feingold – Senior Director of Marketing Partnerships of Pabst. “We only scratched the surface last season and are thrilled to be partnered with SlamBall moving forward.”
Dates and details for SlamBall: Series 7, which will be held this summer, as well as potential domestic and international touring events for early and mid 2024, are currently being finalized.
SlamBall returned last summer to rave reviews and record responses across every measurement tool. The numbers included massive social engagement which bested virtually any other live sports property during the period, solid numbers in its time slots on ESPN, quality attendance numbers and the attention of a global media audience. During the time period of the build up and relaunch of SlamBall, no other active professional sports league, whether a startup or established league, came close in engagement or growth across Twitter and Instagram, even during a MUCH shorter run and season than the others.
SlamBall’s return last May became official when a new Series A round of funding of $11 million was announced. Led by IA Sports Ventures and Eberg Capital, both of which are co-owners of the Miami Marlins, among other investments. Others include: David Blitzer and David Adelman, both of Harris Blitzer Sports & Entertainment; Fanatics founder Michael Rubin; VC investor Gary Vaynerchuk; NBA player Blake Griffin; Sacramento Kings investor Kevin Nagle; Lloyd Danzig of Sharp Alpha; Legends Growth Enterprises; Red Games CEO Brian Lovell; attorney Jesse Sharf, Accelerate Sports; and VC investor Eric Manlunas.
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tburghesblog · 5 months
Pachnący był to dzień. Jesienny już, ale słoneczny się trafił. Lekko skacowani, pamietam, wyskoczyliśmy z tego motelu spodziewając się zimnego wiatru. Zamiast było delikatnie głaszczące słońce z takim samym, nieśmiałym powiewem. Całkiem jak nie nad morzem.
Trochę głupio z tymi pustymi butelkami po winie, które wstydliwie schowaliśmy żeby wynieść w reklamówce. Bo w pokoju zostawić nie wypada. Tym bardziej, że rano przepraszałem właścicielkę za to, że głośno o drugiej było.
Zabrzęczały mocno, wrzucone do przydrożnego kosza.
Ludzie zaskoczeni pogodą, jak my. Porozpinani, bez czapek. Radość nie tylko na naszych twarzach.
Piasek nawet był ciepły. Ciepły w sam raz, nie to, co latem. Bez butów śmiało, tylko brzeg obmywany na lodowato, jak to w Bałtyku.
Szczęśliwi, na boso. Kłóciliśmy się o to, czyim chłopakiem jest David Bowie.
Położyłem się na piasek i obserwowalem jak patrzysz w morze. Taka uśmiechnięta, zaskoczona widokiem po latach. Zapytałaś, czy to źle będzie wyglądało, gdy się położysz koło mnie. Ależ.
Wtuliłaś się, oparłaś udem.
Boże, jaki byłem szczęśliwy w tym piasku.
I ta pani, która aż krzyknęła, gdy na ławce przy wyjściu spadła idealnie między nas średnia gałązka, rozczapirzona na końcu. Śmialiśmy się, ale widzieliśmy coś niezwykłego. Udałem, że wręczam Ci kwiat zaręczynowy. Wyjątkowy, fakt. Ale sam spadł z nieba. Kobieta się śmiała, Ty, lekko zawstydzona, przysiągłbym ze zarumieniona, też. Z nagle wyraźnie wzbudzoną czujnością, wynikającą z tych podłych doświadczeń, o których wspominałaś.
Gdybym wtedy powiedział, że Cię kocham, przyjęłabyś to?
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