aftgficlibrary · 10 months
Hi! I just found this page and was wondering if there are fics from Andrew's pov when he finds out what happened to Neil and what the "thank you, you were amazing" really meant.
i found some!
What died didn't stay dead. by freshtaylorswiftduck (T | 11,065 | 3/3)
Neil Josten is dead. Neil Josten was never even a real person.  Thank you. You were amazing. And now Andrew Minyard was left with a pair of keys and nothing else.
choke by reaching_my_summit (T | 1,413 | 1/1)
"thank you. you were amazing." then he was gone. --- or, the riot from andrew's point of view.
You Were Amazing by shewhoisntnamed44 (G | 755 | 1/1)
"Thank you. You were amazing." These words rang in Andrew's head. They were like a bell, constantly reminding him of his own stupidity. His inability to guess the implication of these five words. How had he not seen it? Neil hadn't looked that sad in months.
you were amazing. by rosesau (Not Rated | 5,271 | 1/1)
“Thank you. You were amazing.” Why was there such finality in those words? Like he was thanking Andrew for more than the game? Andrew knows every breath Neil took was at least half a lie, concealed hints of the truth laced with every other word. So why did this sound like the most honest thing he’d ever said?
Amazing by reneewvlkers (M | 4,892 | 1/1)
Andrew can be patient. His knuckles are red, and with that familiar pain comes a wave of calm. He has no control over this situation and that’s nothing new. Neil Josten is a force of nature; utterly unpredictable and infuriating.  But he knows one thing. Neil would not leave if he had a choice. He would come back to Exy, to the Foxes, to this godforsaken bus if he had to limp the whole way. And Andrew will be right here when he does.
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aftg-sunsetz · 2 years
You know what I always think about. Neil learned German in three years. In the books he said that he spent three years in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and my German ass is like ???? So here are my thoughts about that. Yes, Germany’s and Austria’s mother tongue is German but Switzerland? It depends on the region because Switzerland has a German, Italian and French region and even if it’s the German, most Swiss speak “Schweizerdeutsch” (swiss german) which most native German speakers don’t understand or only partly (me included). ((Though, I have to add that Swiss’ speak Swiss german but they also speak “Hochdeutsch” (high german) which is the German you would learn in school)) AND the Austrians have a really heavy dialect which is also really hard to understand, even for native speakers. Also we have in Germany about 30+ dialects and I just imagine Neil speaking with a wild mix of everything. But now, here comes the worst.
Stuttgart is in Baden Württemberg (on of our states) and they speak SWABIAN (Schwäbisch) {If you are interested/curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpEimFXYqTs&ab_channel=EasyGerman it has English subtitles.
That means that at least Erik speaks Schwäbisch. And I can only imagine the confusion Andrew and Aaron had when they met him, told him that they can speak German and Erik started to talk in his dialect.
And since Neil was in these three countries he probably spent most of his time in the South of Germany which means he probably has a wild mix of Schwäbisch, Baverian and High German. Which also means he understand every single word Erik says and Nicky is really jealous because he still has problems with that. I also want to add that Neil is so fucking smart that he could learn a language like German in three years with probably so many different dialects thrown at him
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mantikora09 · 2 years
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AU «Лисий дом» (где Ваймак усыновил близнецов Миньярд еще малышами, а Нил с десяти лет живет у своего дяди-копа, потому что они с матерью попали в аварию и она умерла) Стюарт не удивился, когда вернувшись с очередного дежурства, застукал тренера Ваймака на своей кухне. Дэвид с хрустом разгрызал острые куриные крылья, некультурно облизывая пальцы, запивал их холодным пивом и смотрел запись очередного матча по экси на мобильнике. — Опять прячешься от детей? — Они приготовили на ужин веганские стейки, Стью. Как вообще стейк можно сделать веганским?! — Поэтому ты решил сбежать сюда, по пути заглянув в «Бургер Кинг»? — в голосе Хартфорда отчётливо слышалась насмешка. — Взрослое решение, ничего не скажешь. — Ой, завались! Зато сегодня вечером ты нормально поужинаешь, а не этой своей китайской едой. — Ваймак вытер перепачканные птичьим жиром пальцы о салфетку, — Пиво я тоже купил на двоих. Остановившись возле холодильника, Стюарт лопатками почувствовал любопытный взгляд. На сером металле уже скопилось достаточно стикеров для заметок с одним и тем же вопросом, заданным разными словами: «Когда барбекю с тренером?». Честно говоря, Хартфорд сам был виноват в пристальном внимании коллег. Не стоило приезжать на еженедельное совещание в мятой футболке и кожанке. Хотя нет, проблемы начались позже, когда на осуждающие взгляды Стюарт нервно прошипел: «Хватит пялиться, в доме тренера не было костюма и галстука!». Именно с того дня появился флэшмоб «Барбекю с тренером». Сначала он просто выкидывал бумаж��и с просьбами, но их поступало только больше. Пришлось забирать их домой, а так как в первую очередь Стюарт всегда забегал на кухню — стикеры копились на дверце холодильника. Ваймак не мог их не заметить. — Письма от поклонников? — Дэвид задал вопрос нарочито небрежно, но лукавый прищур выдавал интерес. — От коллег, в основном. Несколько — от начальства. Ребятам из лаборатории тоже интересны подробности моей личной жизни. Они воспринимают это как новую загадку. Что-то в духе «Угадай, с кем спит офицер Хартфорд». — И никто до сих пор не навесил на тебя жучок и не поставил прослушку на телефон? Стюарт рассмеялся. — Ты насмотрелся полицейских сериалов! Тем более, всегда интереснее самому прийти к разгадке. Ну знаешь, честными путями. Ваймак лишь качает головой, бурча «Мальчишки!», да цепляет новое крыло из картонного ведëрка. Их странные отношения сейчас проходили стадию «притирания друг к другу». У подростков это называется «букетно-конфетным» периодом, только вот и Дэвид и Стюарт были слишком потрепанными жизнью для сопливой романтики. Им требовалось иное. Надёжность. Комфорт. Уверенность в партнере. Двум взрослым людям не так уж просто согласовать между собой приобретенные в течении всей жизни привычки, страхи и черты характера. Именно поэтому они не торопились съезжаться, хоть Ваймак и расстался с Эбби, сделав выбор в пользу Хартфорда. — На следующих выходных? Или через неделю? Стюарт едва пивом не подавился — предложение застало его врасплох. Умом он понимал, что не получится вечно скрывать роман с тренером от остального мира, но маленький мальчик в его душе, запуганный отцом, эгоистично желал оставить себе этот сладкий, порочный секрет. — Через неделю, если мы раскроем дело о пропаже Энтони Холлуэла. Будет им премия гамбургерами. — А с тобой опасно иметь дело, маленький засранец! Стюарт улыбнулся, уворачиваясь от попытки Дэвида ущипнуть его за бок, как одного из своих сыновей. Ужасные методы воспитания! С наигранным аппетитом вгрызся в хрустящее куриное крыло, только сейчас вспомив, что последний раз ел ещё утром. Проклятая работа! — Останешься на ночь? — Разумеется. Эндрю меня голыми руками придушит, если узнаёт, на что я променял эти чертовы недостейки.
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poetic-gays · 4 years
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I'm just going to leave this here.
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lillys18 · 3 years
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Neil le sacó canas verdes a Wymack. #kathyferdinand #rikomoryama #davidwymack #theravenking #thefoxholecourt #theking'smen #thekingmen #neiljosten #aftgmemes #allforthegame #Allforthegameespañol #aftg #aftgespañol #allforthegamememes https://www.instagram.com/p/CS0TJGHMLQq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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excelsior-and-exy · 3 years
what I think sometimes forget about Kevin is just how talented he is. When he was in college playing for the ravens he was not only starting striker for them but also a Pro team ( Baltimore wild-cats) and U.S. FUCKING Court all as a young college student like that's INSANE
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cuppachaotic · 4 years
Before I had to social distance and people asked me why I don’t go outside and suggest I interact and play some sports:
me: ...Don’t you think I would be if exy existed?
them: what’ s ex-
me: well exy is a sport played on a soccer-sized court that has walls and ceilings made of plexiglass. It is an evolved sort of lacrosse with the violence of ice hockey. A team consists of six players, each of which has a racket-
them: oh no no no I get it now. I see why.
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livin-for-exy · 4 years
AFTG Quotes Based On A Conversation Between My Bio Teacher And Some Guys In My Class
nicky: but we already have so much work to do-
wymack: just study this weekend, you loser.
nicky: but..!
wymack: nope.
aaron: ha-
wymack: that goes for you too.
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therealtazer-blog · 4 years
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This made me laugh 😂 I love the way Wymack and his Foxes interact with each other. http://courtingmadness.blogspot.com/2014/08/all-smiles-and-no-one-remembers-our.html?m=1#more #tfc #thefoxholecourt #aftg #allforthegame #andrewminyard #davidwymack #coachwymack #palmettostatefoxes #norasakavic #extracontent https://www.instagram.com/p/B5d8QaHHjwn/?igshid=vweaxjdo08x2
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alluriels · 5 years
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guess who’s starting all for the game trilogy for the third time?
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dcadpoet-blog · 5 years
couch david wymack did not adopt several troubled kids to bravely have any fan art, I want him being kevin day's dad, i want him dealing with neil josten and i want the little uncontrollable side hugs TM dan wilds gives him after they win a game
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aftgficlibrary · 9 months
Hey! I was wondering if u could help me find some female Neil AU's, i really like genderbends and cant find any :))
there's not many out there, but here's what i found
She Kissed Me (All is Shattered) by Heartfulkings (T | Incomplete | 1/?)
The Exy world is full of vouyeristic fans who speculate about their favorite players nonstop. Unfortunately Drew and Nat, with their electric pasts and ambiguous relationship are perfect fodder for gossip sites and nosy reporters. When the paparazzi catch Kevin in public with the girls, Drew has to decide whether to play along with the public narrative, or to finally give into her possessive streak, making it known who Nat really belongs with.
kaleidoscope by decaflondonfog (M | 5,555 | 3/3)
Ever met a girl worth scratching the hood of your Maserati for? Andrew has.
dance for me by jemwrites (M | 16,028 | 4/4)
Neala gripped the barre. This would be her only chance to dance before her mother would hunt her down and killed her.  You stupid, stupid girl, her father murmured in her ear. She squeezed her eyes shut. All his hard work at keeping her safe, down the drain. Signing with Palmetto Dance meant performances, competitions, publicity. It was signing herself up for a shortened life.  Her pointe shoes complained with overuse as she rolled up onto them.  It didn’t matter if she died. This was the only thing that made her feel alive.
/Graphic Depictions of Violence
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aftg-sunsetz · 1 year
AFTG Playlist (in no particular order) PART 1
(I was bored so I decided to create a playlist for the AFTG series and their characters. From depression to calm to party etc. I will still write fitting scenes to it (if I have one). I’m always looking for songs to add to my AFTG playlist. Maybe you find a fitting gem
1. Run Boy Run - Woodkid (of course)
2. The Dreamer - Amigo the Devil (The King’s Men chapter 12 the scene between Neil and Andrew, (I read it in public with the song and almost had a breakdown))
3. Little Dark Age - MGMT (TKM after the kidnapping and Neil is on his way from the hospital to the hotel to meet the foxes)
4. Roslyn - Bon Iver (TKM page 353 Neil wants the answer to “This”)
5. You really got me - Oingo Boingo (while they get ready for Edens, especially in TFC)
6. What could have been - Sting (Neil gets kidnapped)
7. 9 Crimes - Damien Rice (either while this one specific scene in TRK (Thanksgiving by Nicky), or while Neil is on his way to the Nest and Andrew is at the psych ward)
8. I’m not human at all - Sleep Party People (TRK Neil gets back from the Nest and calls Wymack to get him from the airport)
9. Welcome to the Jungle - Novo Armor (the first roof scene between Neil and Andrew after he is off his medication)
10. Tear you apart - She wants Revenge (TFC the first time the monsters and Neil are at Edens)
11. Moon Song - Phoebe Bridgers (TKM after Neil got kidnapped and Andrew strangled Kevin, I just imagine him sitting there, staring off into the distance and grieving)
Ohne Dich - Rammstein
12. I hope that you think of me - Pity Party Girls Club (either the team on its way to a game or in TKM when the team takes the vacation after the kidnapping events)
13. Telephones - Vacations (pure vibes)
15. Mount Everst - Labrinth (while the Foxes play a game or while Neil antagonizes someone lmao)
16. Party up The Street - Miley Cyrus (big vibe)
17. Nutshell - Alice in Chains (that’s either a rooftop scene in TKM or the bus scenes on a way to a game, big feelings)
18. Fake Plastic Trees - Radiohead (maybe the shower scene in TKM or the Foxes sleeping in a room together :) )
19. God Complex - VIOLENT VIRA (either while Neil gets tortured at the Nest or in the car in TKM or at Baltimore)
20. Ptolemaea - Ethel Cain (Happy 19th Birthday, jr.) That’s literally my favorite fitting, not gonna lie
21. Freaks - Surf Curse (the foxes)
22. Money trees - Kendrick Lamar (Matt and Seth)
23. Swimming Pools - Kendrick Lamar (the Foxes walking into the stadium and playing a game (maybe against the Ravens?))
24. Me and your mama - Childish Gambino (while Allison and Seth have like an on and off montage)
25.Redbone - Childish Gambino (Neil and Andrew making out (remember the scene while Neil tried to study and Andrew was bored...))
26. God knows I’ve tried - Kelsy Karter & The Heroines (the foxes ->
“I've been smokin', drinkin', lyin', cheatin' I've overpromised, but underachieved And I usually ain't afraid of nothing But saying this out loud terrifies me I've been breakin' hearts, stealin' cars Takin' shit to walk on Mars To never say sorry don't mean I'm not sorry Baby, I'm sorry, oh, baby, I'm sorry I'm sorry for the pain I've caused For all the moments I've gone and lost Don't you know I've tried to be good? ”)
27. The Wisp Sings - Winter Aid (Neil in the plane on his way to the Nest)
28. Overcome - Skott (kinda a Kevin song)
29. Alligator Skin Boots - McCafferty (the conflict between Andrew and Aaron, especially an Aaron song) my second favorite fitting
30. The Night We Met -  Lord Huron (Neil leaving his belongings behind and the foxes, Andrew, Home and follows Lola)
31. Hey, Mickey - Baby Tate (Kevin when he is in public lmao or the first time he meets Neil in Millport, when he gets introduced)
32. Energy - Beyonce (that’s Nicky for sure)
33. That That (feat. SUGA of BTS) - Psy (the Trojans, maybe they start to get warmed up first and the Foxes watch them)
34. Y’all Want a Single - Korn (Neil when he has press duty lmao)
35. Afraid to Feel - LF SYSTEM (the Foxes training at the gym)
36. Move Like U Stole It - ZZ Ward (Dancing at Edens)
37. Stop it - FISHER (getting cracker dust and eating ice cream)
Songs fitting for:
Allison, Dan and Renee: - Rebel Girl - Bikini Kill (when they get introduced, especially fitting for Allison) - Violet - Hole  - Cherry Bomb - The Runaways (also, especially Allison (just love this girl)) - You call me a bitch like it’s a bad thing - Halestorm (Allison and Dan) - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Eurythymics (has a Dan vibe tbh) - transparentsoul - WILLOW (that’s a Renee song) - Mood 4 Ever - Beyonce 
Andrew: - This body means nothing to me - Shrimp - Mutter - Rammstein (Mother) - Was ich liebe - Rammstein (What I love) - Next to me - Imagine Dragons - Snuff - Slipknot - Medicine - Daughter
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poetic-gays · 4 years
Neil, going to late night practice with Kevin: *to Andrew* Why are you here? You're not even practicing.
Andrew: Why are any of us here?
Neil: I mean "why are you, Andrew Minyard, at this Exy stadium tonight?"
Andrew: *gay panic* So I can hit you with your racket until you're unconscious why the fuck else
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transgenderboobs · 5 years
prem i havent slept in 2 days and i just thought "what would prem be short for" and my mind said "premothy" so hello premothy
did u know i’ve been wondering since i picked this name what prem would be short for so thank u for answering for me 😩
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advluv4life · 5 years
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"Anyway, imagine I actually got through everything important I needed to say, because it's too late to finish now. The court's open. We're on with the usual drills, ones and threes. I say this every time because you make me say this every time: keep the balls on our goddamned side of the court, Andrew." #tfc #aftg #andrewminyard #davidwymack #exy https://www.instagram.com/p/BviZL8_Fu4JH9M3ge_BdSv5daQn3P-K3WziECQ0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1g41oia838t4g
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